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Donald trump is gaining ground on Hillary Clinton even though he still faces an up hill battle. President of vote american. Te i want to start with this. Is. One recurring theme weve hearde from a lot of people is thatat neither one of these candidatesa are really reaching out or at o least talking about the millenial vote. Mi what issues appeal to Younger Voters . The future voters of tomorrow . Are any candidatesdae fitting that bill right now. No. No candidates are. And thank you im glad you asked that question. No cdi issues that directly affect millenials. Vote america now just hosted a town haul at baltimore criminall justice. One of the main issues that he we a hear about on a consistent basis, education, jobs, education reform, especiallyrefo with the recent events that aret happening in our nation. Look at the divide we have between community and police relations. Its horrible. They had a debate in st. Louis right in the heart basically in Community Relations and our criminal Justice Reform. M. These are the type of issues ous people are tired of. He know nobody wants to hear th back and forthhe and this entire process, this entire election has been all mud slander and nod he focused on the issues. I dont believe any of us can point to either candidate andd say, hi, we know what their first 100 days are going to be about. When necessity get into the white house their going to be a, b and c. None of us can do that. We he have the information that just came out from comey and the Clinton Emails and we have donald trump who is now sayingw that his numbers are tighteningn and he is closing in on Hillary Clinton. Right now with these last seven days left, what should they be talking about. Hillary clinton has tota be defending herself and donaldhe trump has to go onrs the offense right now because hes in a great position. Gr how can they talk about your first things first. Irst what the voters dont want to see the last seven days is drama going back and forth. Nd they need to discuss the millenial issues seven out of ten people surveyed dont trust Hillary Clinton and or think shi has some kind of ill intent. Aside from obviously the issue that people look at trump and obviously the email issues with secretary clinton there needs to be a conversation, there needs to beatio a demand in the next seven days. Who makes that demand, though in. You know, there are numbermbr russ organizations out there. Of course vote america now would love to, you know, host and we certainly welcome both candidates on issues of criminal Justice Reform and on education. But with seven days left, you know, i dont know that eithertr candidate is focused on that. Theyre focused on obviously electoral votes and getting to the swing dates that are going particular election. What is the solution then . If youre not going to get a chance to hear what you do, did any of the developments thatat happen in the last couple of days change your mind about who youred going to vote for . Did . Any of the things we heard about donald trump change your mind about who youre going to vote for . I am based on principals and vote america is about teaching young people about principal. Ao no matter who becomes president s of the United States we still we have these issues that he we this is why its going to be important when youre looking at congressional seats and senatesa seats and obviouslynd down to te state level it is important astt an nation that we come togethere and thats what were about coming together focusing oncusi national issues, whether trump elected or secretary clinton is elected. I would certainly encourage everybody to not just look at this, this is four years and lets wait around or be frustrated because a particular candidate that wins that you dou not want to win. In the actual issues which isich why we hosted and brought together the National Urban league. We had mr. Hogan with the coke industries. We brought all these peoplele together to talk about reform. I think this is such a critical aspect that people are gettingtg misconstrued by all the mud slinging. Its important, granted to bring uppers of important that mr. Comey did, what the fbi director did. People this is why people dont trust the white house. People in back in july, everybody is happy on the democratic side and now theyrer turning against them. This is why millenials arentnt enthusiasm youic. I think a lot of people aree feeling exactly the way youre feeling. This is an historic electionion crazy like we have never seen thank you. T i think ive been seeing a the look of the frustration. If you look at twitter, social media, people are echoing the same thing he said. Think about the decisivesive election in 2000 and how long that went on for. To think we came together. At least some of of us came together. Well see. We have a week to wait. So we are one day after Hillary Clinton blasted the fbi. The bureau release 129 documents investigation of bill clinton. The question is why now in fox5s Tom Fitzgerald out and about tonight. Nigh havent heard the name marke n ridge in a long time and here we are. Reporter you know we talkedd a lot about october surprises last month. St i dont think anybody was expecting a november surprise,re but that is what we got today. Let me walk you through what ist this is all about because some noon today a tweet went out from the fbi records vault. What was that tweet . Well, itl, was a link and it said william j. Clinton foundation and then you clicked on the link and then when you click on the link whatt that took you to was 129 pages of the fbis investigation back in 2001 of the probe into why bill clinton on his very last day in mark ridge. Now, think back, mark rich was a bigtime democratic donor. He was a bigtime donor to the clinton library. Ry. Mark rich was indicted in the early 0s, also, for tax evasion and fraud and violating a then ban on doing business with iraq. Left the country. He was a fugitive. Bill clinton pardoned him on the standpoint was h this. Why did this happen . Was there any corruption involved in this . Did bill clinton give thisis pardon because mark rich was giving money to the democraticri party and giving money to his president ial library. The fbi investigated this in 2001 to 2005. They did not file any charges in this case. However, today out of the blue they release 129 pages, a lot ot them ill tell you shawn and jim were redacted. Th we couldnt quite see exactlyte what it was they were talkingki about. But the gist of it, it was this, back in 2001, fbi had reason to investigate whether or not corruption was involved in the giving of that pardon to mark rich. And then here we are a week after the Clinton Campaign went bisecretary clinton over the fbi director revealing that he was tipping the investigation intoti Hillary Clintonson private eml classified information on this to now come in today completely unannounced on november 1, ave week out property election. Ec well the client objection to thb form camp was not happy about h this at all. We went and talked to somebodyo who is a respect foreprosecutor. Her name is deborah heinz. Nz she has very clear opinions on this. She is a supporter of hillaryppr clinton. This is what she had to say about her viewpoint of what was going on here with the releaseee of this information today. Underlying basis for doing it whatsoever and to do it in in essence seven days or seven days from election, a president ial election, a most important and probably the history of this country its just absurd. Youll remember back over the summer democrats were singingng the fbi directors praises after he announced that he was not going to file charges in the Hillary Clinton email case and thats all turned pail right now. The Clinton Campaign spokesperson brian falon todaydy tweeted there was no basis for this release today without somee kind of deadline that was loom. He wanted to know openly whether or not the fbi was going to be releasing any documents related to Donald Trumps housing history with africanamericans r in the 1970s. You know, in a lot of ways this is a mystery. Ster right. A big mystery. A we asked b for clarificationf this. Mark rich has been dea right. So where this came from, why this came out tonight is unknown in this building. One more thing, whatss interesting is this twitter account, this fbi records vault, okay, it didnt put a single tweet for a year. R. Two daysing a it sent out a tweet heres on information on donald i trumps account. Ou they didnt use this account foa about a year. They post out about 10 or 15 tweets and then this one. Last year and then all of a United States sen theytes reactivate that account. It raised a lot of questions for sure. Its not over. Lets talk about open enrollment for the affordable t care act for what am people call obamacare. More than a Million People will have to pick another insurance carrier because their current one is exiting the exchanges. Ronica cleary, this is one of the president s signature accomplishments. Ac it really is, as you said today, mike pence, Donald Trumpo about all the reasons that theyy feel that obamacare should be repealed and replaced. Ced. Now they spoke about something that really hit the news about a week ago, these rising premiums that people know to expect and when donald trump spoke he told a little bit s about what they w might expect from a lump healthcare plan. If we dont repeal and replace obamacare we will destroyoy Health Savings accounts, a nationwide Insurance Market mar where you can purchase across state lines and letting states manage medicaid dollars, so much better. We will create quality, reliable, affordable healthcare in a free market where parents can make the healthcare decisions that they really want to make for their families. It will be a much better healthcare at a much expensive cost. Expe so in response to this i spoke with courtney glass, shes a maryland woman. She says that her life was savee because of the Affordable Care act. Her mother was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and d later with uterine cancer which ultimately took her life. Glass father is a prostateate cancer survivor and hes currently batting bladder cancer. Because of this family historyry her doctor suggest that she take the brac1 and 2 tests. They basically will inform the person about their cancer risks. They would have informed an Insurance Company basicallyical about a preexisting condition. She was told that she would hav had to pay for the tests and keep the results a secretcret present her Insurance Company. N. Listen to her tell her story. The Affordable Care act allow me to have these surgeries and allowed me to live. E. In 2008 when i was jene testing he i was told that it was before the affordable t care act was in place and i was told that i would need to do it under an assumed name, need to pay out of pocket and never let my Insurance Company know that i did it because it would be considered a prexesing condition and preclude me from not only having Insurance Coverage forr the prophylactic surgeries, but also preclude me from havinging insurance for the rest of my life. So i spoke with glass about concerns people have. She actually acknowledged andwld said that there are problems are with it, but she said from her experience and opinion it wouldo be bettepir to improve upon thep Current System than just repeall and replace it. So thats of course one womanss story and experience with the Affordable Care account. Sure. We always love to hear from the viewers. E do you think it would be better to he repeal and replace or do o you think its better to work with what weve got because clinton says her plan does need to yes thing hes ever seen. No one is saying it should beld kept the way it is, but itself he a question do we get rid od it or do we improve it. Lets switch gears and talk a little bit a about thend foreca. Chilly today, but were changing for tomorrow. Hey, sue palka. We cant hear you, sue. E. Were going to come back to sue. Normally when somebody looks out normally well come backm to the weather, but i can tell you this, if you luke today, top is going to be better. Were going to take a closer look at whether or not it can. Also keep the tweets coming. Use the 5 6 30 and well be right back. By the thousands, plus even more that just dropped. All these low prices what are you trying to do, get me to feed the whole neighborhood . No. Just trying to save you a whole lot of . Bread. . [ laughter ] thousands of blue tags, thousands of low prices. The world series, what a night. Great. Welcome back. 5 6 30. Some people say the trump brand has been taken a about it of a hit. The Trump International hotel in downtown d. C. Was hit withh protests even before it began, even before it opened up. The question is can trump recover if he doesnt win the presidency . Live wire Media Relations and chris asues owe is here with us. Thanks for joining us. Happy to be here. Weve seen p hits the at the hit local hotels, hits at some ofme the other hotels around the country, the lower priced brandd or the renaming of the brands. As whats your take on this. Trump controls over 500 Companies Across the globe. 268 of them have his name on it. Today, if you separate thosee into three categories, the products, the hotels, the golf courses, today 40 percent of all voters said that they will notll buy his product 46 percent of all voters saider that he would not stay in his hotels and 63 percent of all voters said that they would notd play golf on his golf courses. Coming of age in the 830s and the trump brand sort of is synonymous with the 80s. For a newer generation you associate it with two things, the apprentice or politics. Is it dangerous to mix politics and business. He has spent his entire his brand and what hes seeing right now that may not always go so well. The night before the trim hotel opened d. C. His most trusted advisor his daughter made the announcement of changing, to c your point, the name of several hotels to and apartments to sig online retailer. To whats so interesting aboutout that. Hes trying to separate his name from the brands. Ds however, do you know what sion is. It the definition of sion is a decedent of an awrist could he accuratic or well i family. Hes keeping himself in the middle of the mix. X. I also understand are his children, ivanka trump is he taking a hit because of that in. I study brands for a living. I launch brands for a living. I was really surprised to see t the trump enterprise announce two weeks before the electiontin of one of the he most trusted brands in the portfolio. I think that was a huge branding mistake. Stak well the name sio isnt going to be used anymore because of the toyota car brand. Its fascinating to see this. Thats why i like having your perspective. Its fascinating. Thanks so much for coming in. My pleasure. President obama will soon have to give up his who he tuesday youll still be able to follow him on twitter. I was just checking twit herh you knowec what . Why is that. President obama when he finishes his term hes going to have to let go of the twitter handle. But hes not going to have to to followers. When he leaves his handle will be taken over to the next president. Esid theyll do the same thing with same thing with is instagramstag accounts. Theyre not following anyone and its just locked up right now just saying wait. A week from now thats going to change. I got to tell you, one combination you dont think much about, but man are they good, Fried Chicken and donuts. What. Go, shawn lets get some. Look at those. I always love to have a little fun. How about h one. H it already has a cult followingi fridayed chicken is addingding election donuts to its menu. This is a good combo. Its been working out for us. Tell me what you got here. These are our election doughnuts. Doug election donuts. E allle right. We have two donut flavors for the two candidates. Date here we have Donald Trumps dough number. Its based off its chocolate. He so the chocolate one is actually the bottom one. That one is for h hillary. Ry. Two of his Favorite Foods aree Cherry Vanilla its in the a food, but coca cola. Theres a cherry compote in e the middle. E. Its like a jamb. Mb. Its start, its sweat and then we have a Cherry Vanilla cokelac glaze on p tomorrow the coke really comes out and then we tom have some red spring also for a nice little crunch on there. I was thinking d for Donald Hillary really likes spicy foods. She actually its a pepper aer day. She says its good for herr immune system so we did a spicyy chocolate glaze. Glaz which is actually good for you guys. Its our healthy option. What else you got . When i come in and get a dozen, these are some of the ones we get . These are some of our october flavors. We we have the pumpkin pies, p chocolate tie latte and on of our every day donuts, vanillala glaze and our top sellers, ther, cream buy lay. Y tell us about the chicken. So we have our regular bone in Fried Chicken. Chris pickerring and moist inoit the center. And then we started doing carg ream barbequing. Star ratch a barbeque. Where can we find you. 1308g street northwest. And two blocks from the white house. Stop by and get your chicken and donuts. Well see you tonight after the world series. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. So we wired the wagners house th 100 meg internet. Which means in the time it takes mr. Wagner to pour a 20 oz. Cup of coffee, tommy can download 30 songs, and jan can upload 120 photos. Of fiber optics. This is your last chance to get super fast 100meg internet, tv and phone for just 69. 99 per month online. This is your final week to get this great deal. Harvey ok. Big night last night, halloween night. Mally mall went to the strip club with a monkey, did the video. Insane. It had the diaper on and everything and the monkey is making it rain all over the girl. You guys know i love strippers but if you ever find yourself dancing for a monkey, you seriously have to reevaluate your life. Huma abedin took her son new york city. We have not seen her since the email scandal. Youre huma but youre laying low but your kid wants to go trickortreating. You have to take your kid trickortreating. You know who wants to go trickortreating with anthony weiner. But dads on a list. Portia doubleday. From mr. Robot. She tells this terrifying story. I was ransomed to my family when i was supposed to be on a flight. Harvey i think there was something wonky about this story. Why would she make up a

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