Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News 630 20160909 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News 630 20160909

you see donald trump was there too. ronica, this is really about donald trump. he was not the evangelical choice but he won the evangelicals in the primary and that's one of the reasons he's a gop nominee. >> when i was here today, i was brought back to before the iowa race. donald trump released this to video on the web where he held up a bible he said his mother gave him. he read something that she had written to him. trying to appeal to that evangelical base and lost iowa to ted cruz. he needs to appeal to those evangelical voters and it was interesting in his remarks. he flatly said to the people in the audience that i need you to show up and vote. i need you to be there for me. and you know, at first he sort of called out everyone in the audience and said i know unvote in 2012 and people got a little defensive but he said no know that, as a group, you didn't vote and if you want to win this thing, you need to be there for me. in this continuing appeal, you know, starting back from before iowa where he shared that bible. at today's event, he shared a bible verse with the audience saying this was his favorite and what he feels the country needs right now. listen to this. >> we're all equal. we all come from the same creator. if we remember that simple fact, then our future is truly limitless. there is nothing we as americans can't do. there's a bible cal reverse i've often read and i want to repeat it again because i think it is so important to what we're trying to a our country, it's from john chapter 4, no one has ever seen god but if we love one another, god lives in us and his love is made complete in us. >> reporter: there you go. also, i just noticed a little bit before, that fox tweeted out a fox poll that says 72 percent of white evangelicals view trump favorably. certainly, i'm sure donald trump is hoping to get the number up even more >> what's striking is, i think about 2004 when it was john kerry versus george w. bush, one of the reasons the evangelical vote was so important was because of the same sex marriage in so many different faiths. that's no longer a factor. i think the fact that you have donald trump as the lone man standing, there's really not a traditionally farther candidate that's going to worou him. >> i wanted to ask you, talked a little bit earlier ronica about how they traditionally invite presidential candidates to this summit. did they extend one to hillary clinton and if not, did they talk about her >> she was invited. of course, she did come up. jim, to your point, it was interesting rick san torum, he was one of them, and it was interesting. he said the perfect candidate was me and i'm not in this race anymore so let's rally around the candidate you have. that was a theme that you fell today. michelle boxman spoke. a handful of speakers. they were saying sort of this is our candidate, let's believe in him and let's rally behind him. if you the relationship with the evangelical voters and donald trump, you certainly got a feel for that and a feel for that transition and the effort of the speakers today to say let's get on board and support the gop nominee >> you and i both covered politics in pennsylvania of i covered it during the time of rick san torum. here's the thing, he's always been a man of his stance. he has not waivered >> hillary didn't show up >> no, it is usually filled with conservative speakers >> mike pence speaking tomorrow. >> yes, and i'll be there. >> ronica, we appreciate it. >> thanks. >> she works -- she's the hardest working woman in television. democrat senator has advice for hillary clinton, be more open, show your soul, focus on the economy and talk about blue collar jobs >> she tried to do that recently new york. you may know them on facebook. i don't know if you follow that. it's very interesting. she talked about the pressure that women face throughout their lives >> not everyone agreed with the comments, including ryan who tweeted -- and this rivers to her at the event the other night, the military summit in new york who tweeted he was angry and defensive the entire time with no smile and looked comfortable >> the clinton fired back saying that's just what taking the office of the president seriously looks like. joining us about clinton is democratic strategist peter finn. >> this is just, you know, i feel like this comes up over and over with women in power, where it's like smile, why don't you just smile? and it's frustrating for a woman, but hillary, this keeps coming up with her, this is nothing new for her. is it >> not at all. i worked for the women's campaign they used to say to women, look, you smile too much, you laugh too much. then you're not serious in touch. if you're too serious, then you look mad. you know, they won't get -- sadly they won't get held up to the same standards that men candidates -- male candidates do. but look, i think the for that matter is that hillary is viewed by the american people as the most experienced, capable candidate. if you look at some of these polls, she's looked upon as the most experienced candidate over donald trump by over 40 points. i mean, it's incredible. >> i have to ask you, does her response on humans of new york, does that help her or hurt her >> i think that there is no question that voting for president is the most personal vote anybody can cast. it's more personal, mayor, city are so high. they want to see their candidates. they want them to feel they know them. and to a certain extent, even though she's been in the public eye, they do want to see more of her personal side. i think you're going to go see that in debates. i think you're seeing it now. she's listening. she's going to do more of that >> the whole smile you look better think about it. carli fee recenta got it. but here's the deal, hillary has run for office twice -- once from new york, for the u.s. senate. obviously, this is her second presidential -- you're right. it was twice. why hasn't she caught on to this yet? this is not her first rodeo >> i think -- she's caught on. it's just, you know, look, someone who's been in the public eye a long time. she's being criticized for a long time for things that seemed fairly minor. anybody who, you know, she's pretty thick skinned but this stuff gets tiresome. she like to say talk about the issues. she knows this stuff. when somebody like donald trump says she doesn't look presidential. what the heck does that mean? i mean, this guy -- he did it to carli fioria, and she took that out. like i know what donald trump means and so do american people when he talked about women. >> we were talking about about 2004, for example, one of the reasons george w. bush had a lot of success was there were polls that said he was the candidate most people wanted to have a beer with. it doesn't seem like we have that person filling the nicht this time around. >> i think on both sides. this isn't a beer swirling crowd. i have to say donald trump going to the value voters summit to me is kind of like, you know, the boston strangler giving advice come on. >> married several times. yeah. exactly. >> why hasn't she caught on yet? people gave her a hard time for wearing pant suits. she's sticking to her guns. she continues to wear the pant suits. to peter's point, she's wearing the thick skin. this is the life of a politician and a woman in the public eye >> it's totally true. my first started in this business, i worked for jerry ferraro. he says i'm wearing skirts, i'm not wearing pants. i'm not wearing these suits like men wear because that's -- i'm not comfortable with it. and some of her advisors were saying you got to dress like a man, and she said the heck with that, i'm not doing that t >> you know what's funny too, she wrote in humans of new york, she says, i can't yell too much. it comes across as too loud or too that. i'm convinced people in the front row are loving it. funny because howard dean went down for yelling too much. >> if you look at donald trump's convention speech, that was a screamer. you hear the cheers, naturally, like me, right now, my voice going up? i don't know. but it's tough to kind of modulate, you're speaking to the camera. you guys know that better than anybody. >> yes, we do, peter. thank you very much >> that's what you do for a living. >> that was a good conversation. >> thanks >> see you soon. >> the only thing hotter for the race in the white house continue to be, >> the weather, let's check in with gwen. gwen, is there any relief in sight? we were sweating out there today. >> there is relief in sight, as early as sunday we're going to get a little bit of relief. in the meantime, it's still warm, partly cloudy skies. by the time we hit into the 8:00. we're going to be in the the 80's, maybe 90's. tomorrow going to be pretty oppressive, 98 hot degrees, mostly sunny skies. we can break a record. we did that today at two of our airports. i wouldn't surprised tomorrow if that happens again. so in the meantime, folks, this is what we're talking about, fox 5 accu-weather seven-day forecast, 98 for your saturday. we got a cold front coming through, could spark maybe a slight shower or a little bit pop-up, isolated storm. we'll see. in the meantime, it will bring in cooler drier air from the northwest, that's going to suppress the humidity. temperatures in the beginning of the week, back to the 80's again. then we get into the low 90's all over again. seems like summer just doesn't want to leave. into 92. take a look at thursday. talk about what a difference a day makes. we're going to be into the 70's. upper 70's, of course. much cooler relatively speaking with a chae popping up. it will feel like fall. back to you. >> i got to love when 78 feels like fall. >> glorious. >> we're going to look at recent polls. >> new poll upcoming the debates. tell you about after at break, we're waiting for the tweets. what would you ask donald trump, hillary clinton, bill stein, mcmullin, anything, tweet us #5at630. z23woz z5yz y23woy y5yy this fall at dunkin' donuts, get lost in pumpkin with a $1.99 medium macchiato or latte from 12:00 to 6:00 p.m. sip in the season today. america runs on dunkin'. ♪ poppy brown coming back. latest poll numbers continue to show neither trump or clinton pulling ahead of the other >> new poll giving us an idea of what voters think what will happen when the debates get underway later this month. here to break it all down. july alley clark senior vice president. thank you for joining us. we're hearing a little over half of americans think going to beat trump in the debate. what's your take >> i'm not afraid i'm a little bit divergent to public opinion on this one. i think we have short term memories. if we cast our minds back to the primaries alone, trump did a pretty rough job on some of his competitors in the primary season, some of whom have not quite recovered from being beaten by trump in the debates and in the campaigns themselves. i would say that trump is a very effective debater. he certainly doesn't hold back. i doubt he would do so against clinton. clinton is very much a known entity to us as a populus as voters. we know she's a professional. we know she's a politician. we know she knows what she's doing. don't forget that donald trump has been on television i think longer than i've been alive. so, so he knows what he's doing. he knows he's not a novice. he to this particular political realm but he's not new to this game at all. i think we sort of under estimate him at our peril here. >> along those lines, he's gotten himself into trouble when he's free styling, he tried to go off the teleproperty thor rece recently. julia, are you with us >> i think that's not to be under estimated. i think he did get himself into hot water when he speaks off the cuff. i don't think that's always a deal breaker. i think some find it engaging and charming. i'm assuming he's preparing vvery strongly clinton is >> back in 2008, people were talking about the obama mccaine debates but seemed like joe biden and sarah palin were getting the attention. do you see any buzz around those debates after coming off trump clinton debates >> i think what's interesting about this election, a lot of people don't necessarily feel they know who trump is as a presidential candidate. so that sort of -- that oxygen and that air space that was taken up, you're right, by sarah palin in the vice presidential debates. the american elect tore writ still wants to know how he functions in this two of you of arena. this is the first time he's addressing the public as a presidential candidate in a presidential manner. i don't think presidential debates are going to be nearly as focused upon this time around. trump himself and of course the trump clinton challenge here is going to occupy all the available oxygen. people have an appetite to learn more about donald trump. let's not forget, he's not really of the republican party. of course he's the republican candidate but he didn't evolve from within the party. for that reason, many to whom he must appeal during the addicts don't necessary rely feel like he has a finger on him and who he is as a political leader and this debate is an opportunity for him to give them that information. >> let me ask you quickly. historically, how much do we see these poll numbers change in the two months leading up to the election? how much will we see them change now? >> normally, i say the debates actually don't matter that much. not everybody likes to hear, they don't typically change the outcome. we see a bump here or there. game changer because, as i said, the election tore writ is still going over their opinion as trump the presidential candidate. they could absolutely change the course of the election in a way that typically the presidential debates don't. >> i got to tell you, you know what numbers will spark up? the viewership will be large. >> we're going to crown our washington winner of the week. >> with every winner there must be a loser as well, we'll have our winner with the dc downer when 5 at 6:30 returns. hey how's it going, hotcakes? hotcakes. this place has hotcakes. so why aren't they selling like hotcakes? with comcast business internet and wifi pro, they could be. just add a customized message to your wifi pro splash page and you'll reach your customers where their eyes are already - on their devices. order up. it's more than just wifi, it can help grow your business. you don't see that every day. introducing wifi pro, wifi that helps grow your business. comcast business. built for business. he said time it's time to pick the winners and downers >> my pick for the washington winner, web md. think about everybody who's analyzing hillary clinton, every move, kind of, ruby giuliani, newton gingrich. any time they see her do something out of the ordinary, you guarantee they're putting them into web md. they have to be through the roof. >> i'm sure they're looking for every symptom. i'm surprised you didn't pick the new iphone >> i was just showing some of the new features. i have a little >> i'm intrigued. >> demo from the ios 10. >> we'll see how it works after first week. >> my pick for this week's dc downer, kim jong-un young. >> why >> look at this picture. so the test. the nuclear missile tests and then he bans sarcasm. there are certain phrases in you can't be sarcastic. he's a loser. >> that's not sarcastic. i think that's a good call on that count too. and the glasses are not flattering on him. i say that as a larger man myself. >> there you have it. coming up we're going to head out to rockville town square. >> and check in with tony perkins and mike thomas and do a little friday night live action. >> little dancing action there >> there is a courthouse out there. >> there is indeed when we come back at fox at 6:30 s s. rockville town square, tony and mike been out all night, they've been eating, headlined by >> you stuffed. >> and drunk. >> pretty stuffed but i saved room for dessert >> we've had a great time. ruthy and the wranglers, rockville town square, thank you to everybody for having us out here this evening >> everybody has been so great, the crowd has been great, the food has been fantastic. >> these wonderful people have said come sit with us >> we're crashing the party. >> that's what we're going to do. thank you so much. back to you guys. we're going to spend the rest of the night here. we'll see you later >> making friends wherever they go. >> they sure are. that does it for us. >> hope you had a good time. >> you were very hospitalible. >> we're going to be back here monday 6:30 wrapping up, which will be an >> the redskins kickoff at 10:00. >> have a great night. from 12:00 to 6:00 p.m. sip in the season today. america runs on dunkin'. did he did he ferry did he have ferry >> today on tmz --. >> big night last night. he got busted and iggy azalea drove nick young to drink. >> what is the best way to get over a broken heart? >> is he over her by the way? >> he was actually on a date. >> whoa. >> i don't think going out with somebody proves you are over the person before. >> no but having a baby with another woman kind of helps. > desiigner was arrested for allegedly pointing and waving a gun at another car. also, he was arrested because they searched the car and found a bunch of oxycontin. four other guys in the car. >> when i met snoop dogg there was like a skinny, younger, white guy who carries the marijuana --. >> the white guy is the fall guy the cops go, hey. don't you do this again. you have a lot to live for, young man. then they le

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