Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News 5 20170227 :

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News 5 20170227

performed alongside other well known rappers like wale and there was another part to this. a rumor that was going through the community at the time his girlfriend may have been involved and caught fire on social media and prince george county police did everything they could to nong that down as untrue. >> prince george county police have arrested two and charged them in connection to the fatal shooting. according to investigators brooks was outside the apartment complex on parkway terrace drive when five men approached with guns announceing a robbery. it's unclear at this time why but at least two of the then fired their weapons hitting brooks multiple times. and investigators believed the men may have been drawn to a party at the apartment with mengs on social media. and police say they were able to connect brewer and watkins to the crime because one of the teens was wearing a court-ordered bracelet which indicate head was there. and the other person was arrested in the district and in possession of a handgun that was forensically linked to the crime scene. three others were also involved and so far not been able to charge them with the crime. late this afternoon, we caught up with brooks brother aaron doddson. first listen to doddson's reaction to the arrest and then the police have to say about what they're looking for as far as the three other men. >> be happy justice is served all along. but now that justice is served we got who did. it we got who did it. we cannot bring my brother back at the end of the day justice was served he was the name. d.c. for young kids coming up now. he want todd get out of d.c. and maybe something happen to himself. there was music, little kids knew who he was from 5 years old all the way up to 35 years old. are they knew who douglass brooks aka dirty swipey was. >> we believe these two gentlemen were on the scene there to rob this party and then that's when the shooting occurred. and we still have three individuals that we think are also responsible for the shooting that we have not identified at this point and so certainly we're asking the public if they have more information on the three other suspects that they can please call us. >> now, in my conversation with aaron doddson he told me there was belief and he believes also that those men who shot his brother certainly knew who they were shoot when this took place. now as far as forensic evidence that ties one of these men to the crime it's lullly what we understand is that there was shell casing found at the scene at least one shell casing that was then put in to a softwar program that matched up another shell casing from the gun that was recovered frl one of these defendant's when they were arrested. so that's what we understand is the evidence in this case. at least part of the evidence. live in southeast, paul wagner, "fox5 local news". >> now to an update on a story you saw first here on "fox5". police in montgomery county are searching for a missing teenager who was cousin of another girl found murdered earlier this month. >> 18-year-old angelica was last seen leaving work 9:00 last night and she is cousin of don maurice reyes and the body was found in springfield earlier this month. ten people were charged in connection with the the murder and police say it was gang related. reyes's mother is worried her niece may number danger and an gelic awas last seen saturday night and you're looking at surveillance on "fox5". leaving work at the wok express this was just the third time she ever showed up for work. she came in was textsing on her phone and 9:00 walked out out sxlaition. police believe she may be in the new jersey area. they need anyone with information to give them a call. >> meanwhile tonight detectives in fairfax need help finding two teens missing from falls church area. 17-year-old evan mendez and 14-year-old sergio trominio missing on september 1 triminio was reported missing october 4. he was missing since late september. detectives believe the missing teens know each other and may be affiliated with gangs. police asking anyone with information to give them a call. >> now to the districts, police released new video of two suspects wanted for armed robbery. and investigators believe the men are responsible for two different robberies that happened back on february 17 and police say the men first pulled a gun and demanded from the money from the register at avondale coffee shop and then they continued to the dollar tree on northeast and robbed that business as well. and a reward of up to 10,000 dollars is offered for information leading to arrest and conviction of the suspects. >> and we're also learn about a scare at a z.c. high school. officials are telling us a 16-year-old students brought a loaded handgun to wilson nice northwest this evening and one parent we spoke with said she got a text alert from the school principal explaining what happened and the situation was under control the incident did not impact the school day and no one was hurt. police responded to the school and that student was arrested. >> it's a disturbing pattern we have seen in recent weeks and months bomb threats to jewish community center and vandalism aat jewish cemeteries across the region. someone called in a bomb threat to jewish schools in rockville and they responded at the same time a school in fairfax got a bomb threat. no devices were found at either location. these called in to day schools across the country today. >> we're starting a busy week for president trump. tomorrow he'll add drs a joint section of condition gress for the first time. he's expected to sign the immigration executive order later next week. >> ronica cleary is live outside the white house with more on this, hey, ronica. >> hey, jim, sarah, well, in today's press briefing we got a taste of what to expect in tomorrow's remarks. this is first time president trump willing addressing a joint section of congress. the way that sean spicer sxlaipd it he said he will "chart a vision forward" that's the kind expect. as to whether or not he will defend executive orders on immigration. no. what he will do is focus on immigration and importance that he places on that during his presidency. and one reporter brought up the fact that at president trump's inauguration dozens of democrats chose to boycott the inauguration. what kind of reception is he expecting for tomorrow's remarks. take a listen. >> i hope a very robust and applause-filled reception. the peach, as i mentioned, breaks down a lot of barriers that traditionally have been political barriers in terms of disagreement and we affirm the president's desire to unit the country and shared common grounds and i think the things he's talking about increasing support to military and veterans, helping children get an education, those are things that hopefully we can all come together and thi american value regardless of party. >> and well as for the executive order on immigration we were expecting a new executive order last week as you know it did not happen. so look ago head to this week some reports say we can expect it this wednesday and well during the briefing today, news broke that a request from the justice department to put the court case over the first executive order on hold was rejected. now, spacer was asked if this changed -- if this would change the administration's decision to still push forward and why hold ton that first executive order if the second one was being developed to address the concerns of the court. now, you know, spicer joked that obviously he could not comment on that immediately if it broken within the same of press conference. but he did basically address why they are still focused on the first executive order and pushing forward with that. take a listen. >> because i think he's right -- i mean because we were right the first time. and question of proving a point it's that the manner in which it was done in the first place was what we believe and continue to believe was the right way to address this problem and while the second executive order attempt to address the court's concerns that they made the goal is to obviously maintain the way we did it the first time because we believe that the law is very clear about giving presidency authority he needs to employee tekt the country. >> and well you heard spicer in that sound say "we were right the first time" now they are still expected to release that second executive order. but do you agree with what the press secretary had to say in today's briefing? you know i love to hear from you. you can find me on facebook and twitter at ronica cleary. reporting liver at the white house, ronica cleary, "fox5 local news". >> and right now at 5 it was sentencing day for a mom who cover up ape murder she commit. >> and details in court why she committed that horrible crime. >> and the american academy of pediatrics updating guidelines on treating teen sex assault patients. new protocol doctors must follow. >> and remembering a local officer killed in the line of duty one year ago today. we'll have more on that coming up. hi, sue. >> hi, jim, sarah, happy moay to you i know it's gray out there and in fact badly needed light sprinkles and showers passing to the south. and mainly it whim lightly affect the southern suburbs this evening and more chances for showers in the forecast though, we have more heat even a little bit of a snow flurry activity and we'll give a first look of a forecast coming up when "fox5 local news" at 5 returns ♪ for all those pokers, prodders, shuckers and sniffers, [ inhales ] all giant produce is triple checked. farm, crate, and store. we're focusing on fresh... you don't have to guess. >> in prince william county police officers gathered at a private sayre moan dwroy remember an officer killed in the line of adulty. ashley gwen don was responding when she was killed in a shooting one year going today. 33-year-old he staff sergeant ronald hamilton is facing capital murder charges he is facing charges he shot and killed his wife and fired on officers killing gwynedd. >> night officer gwen den was killed and spoke to her family of how the officer is being remembered one >> in the days leading up to the one year anniversary of ashley guindon's untimely he death in the line of duty her family spent time watching footage from the funeral services. >> there were hundreds and hundreds ever procedures from all over the country at the funeral. it was quite a site. >> as officer guindon's aunts and uncles looked back they say it gained them a new family the prince william county employment. >> it's bun one big family. we lost a family member and so did they. that was the whole thing. she was part of their family. >> the shoot ago infected many lives and the tragedy has become the glue bonding them together. >> having to deal with ashley's death and then having also to deal with two injured officers and one of them to of dave mc allen we keep looking after him and we keep looking at jessie and jess writey has returned back to work. dave has not, yet. so, we do things to make sure that they're okay. we keep looking after mrs. guindon. she's now part of our family. >> it's been so hard for sharon anyway that to relive what happened that night is way too painful for her. >> they say she's incredibly grateful for all the support she's received from the prince william county communicate six the officer guindon memorial fund for example raised more than $50,000 and mrs. guindon donated the nongood causes and has more plans for the future. >> her whole goal is to provide funding for you know body armorment as well. that's a situation where should was shot and the bullet went under the body armour it went through and came out the back. she's lookinto this money to hopefully device a piece of body armour. >> m fatally and police force are holing a private memorial to honor the 28-year-old police officer this week and planning more public events during police week in may. ashley's mom and aunt plan to cycle with the pristine willi county team in the law enforcement united ride. >> it's a 250 mile freeze chesapeake virginia to washington d.c. good for now, rather than foing us us on sadness. >> that was good. that was good. >> the family focuses on the positive. >> so ash is our happiness right now. >> ash is part of a litter of pups that operation pause for homes named after fallen officers. >> and was named the night that ashley was killed. >> just two days before officer gwen din was shot t happy dog was quawld gwendon. they new she had to have her and their pet a daily reminder of the woman that gave her life and service to the community. >> everybody is proud of what ashley had done and you know i don't think she would have done anifferently. >> alexandra limone, "fox5 local news". >> wow i cannot even imagine what that family has been through over the past years. >> we cannot forget the visuals. >> we should point out ronald hamilton trial is set to start in july. >> after more than 6 years opt job prince george county fire chief has retired. chief ashore is the second longest fire theif chief in the country. he announced retirement last month and officially retired over the weekend. firefighters at bwi thorough good gave him a special sendoff as he he took off to retirement home in florida. ben barksdale will chief on march 1. >> well deserved there no doubt about that. >> absolutely. >> let's get a look at weather out there. another nice day. >> yeah, let's get to sue with a look at the forecast for the right of the week. >> imjim, sarah, great, we need to fasten seatbelts again. we will have a roller coaster week and i wanted to start by saying are you ready to say good-bye to february. i don't think eye i am. it's been an interesting month and now it it looks like it goes down as warmest february we ever had in d.c. with average temperature of 47.4. of course today's hall choicer to where we should be 50. we had a lot of clouds today and couple sprinkles to the south and you know what tomorrow we're back to the warm stuff again and even by wednesday we may be looking at upper 70s and strong thunderstorms. so, here we go. march is going to pickup where february left-off. here's a check of temperatures at 5:00. we're still at 54 in the district and 56 for and 5 frederick and wiingt westminster and temperatures around the region we have quite a bit of cloud cover. february has been incredibly dry. we've had third of an inch of rain and now we're in moderate drought. we have a chance for showers in the forecast and that's good news we need it. what with he have out there is super light it won't put a dent in it. we need to pick up on rainfall because the brush fire threat continues to grow there's a couple light showers pushing across charles country and central virginia and maybe we get burned in d.c. but only a might have chance. there's a better chance late tomorrow night that we could see a couple more showers and then thunderstorms and some could be strong on wednesday. 51 degrees. lot of clouds, maybe a vivrpingle. best chance south of d.c.. and by 9:00 we're cloudy at 49. and by 11:00 so, we are saying good-bye to february tomorrow on another warm note and what are you to expect? it's going out like a lamb. which means march is coming in like a lamb but maybe with a twist and few thunderstorms as well. caitlin will have more on that with the 7 day forecast in a few minute, jim, sarah. >> all right. thank you, sue. right now at 5bg it's a story everyone was talking about today and you see it last night. >> if not you saw it today for sure. >> take a look. sorry, no there's a mistake. "moonlight ha" you guys won best picture. >> it's not a joke he says. how in the world did this happen? and who is responsible for the mix-up? >> not steve harvey. but he is weighing in and what he says about how oscars handled it compared todd how miss universal responded when he crowned the wrong winner. >> and if you thought that was the only goof the other big mistake that has hollywood puzzled. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 150 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. i'm sorry, no, there's a mistake. moonlight you won best picture this is not a joke. the " moonlight" the won best picture. >> with kimmel staptding there it was like no way this was put it was. the snafu "la la land" producers were giving acceptance when an accountant rushed the nech on stage. >> what happened? warren paid yen a fate dunn away had envelope forbe best actress. the accountant preachiously there are two sets. >> one held on each side of the stage as backup. jimmy kimmel made a joke blaming the screw up on steve harvey who you may recall accidentally announced the wrongp winger of 12015 universe contest. >> which you saw on "fox5". >> today harvey poked fun back saying good morning everybody went to sleep early last night what did i miss. >> he also talked about oscars miss takes on radio today and told warren beaty and why not fae dunn away. harvey had praise for the people in charm of the oscars. >> the people associated with the miss universe contest could not resist crimeing in saying have your people call our people, we know what to do. >> that was a mistake. the inmem or yum segment showed a woman still alive janet patterson who died in 015 was supposed to be honored. her name is right, job right, that is not her that's australian producer jan chapman. she tweeted out she's alive and well and was friends with late patterson and said it was a horrible >> totally overshadowed by snafu at the end of the night. >> i was watching last night after he got off the airy went back and watched end of oscars and heard the commotion bike what is going on and i think everybody was wondering who would tweet about it first, steve harvey or president trump. >> he deposit sweet at all during the oscars. >> we'll never forget that oscar. >> a mother who shot and killed her 17-year-old son inside their clinton home in court today. >> and minnesota police officer enters plea in the controversial shooting death of filland owe castillo. first tom fitzgerald. >> candidate donald trump used to talk about how he was master of art of the deal. can he make a deal on fixing obamacare. we'll find out in 24 hours when he gives first address to congress. coming right up. we'll tell what you the president is going to >> let's take a look at other top stories tonight. fire investigators in prince george county are still trying to figure out what sparked a house fire in largo. the flames broke out this morning in the basements of a home along marjorie drive an you can see smoke coming from the top story of the house. and fortunately, no one was hurt and the red cross is now assisting the two adults and three children who are displaced by that fire. >> and fairfax county, virginia man was arrested for allegedly biting a man's face and threatening him with anti-muslim insults. robin gear is charged with bias relate add tack and police say he was involved in a parking lot fight back in november tyson corner center an we don't know if the victim frame was muslim and that man suffered minor injuries in the attack. >> it and prince kornl county woman appeared in court today, anjali chase is facing first degree murder crg of teenage son christopher. the pair got into argument over foul language and video games in their clinton home last thursday and things got physical and chase grabbed a gun and shot her son in the chest. he later died at the hospital. chase sake held without bond and is due back in court march 23. >> "fox5" in montgomery -- or excuse me prince george county where a mother from montgomery country pled guilty to poisoning her child and tried to cover it up was sentenced in afternoon. a judge sensed her to 50 years if it prison. he she admitted last year she killed 5-year-old son daniel by forcing him to swallow lethal amount of cold med and i staged a crash and set her vehicle on fire to cover up the poydz oning. >> this crime is a treatment against nature. it's unspeakable and it was evil. and the facts of almost too horrific to contemplate that this young child was forceably fed medication tie point of death. >> mccarthy said the crime was made worse by the fact it was a mother trying to cover up murder of her own son. let it implode. that is the plan president trump was considering to deal with rising cost of affordable care act. instead the president says he will fixing with the goal of making it affordable. in more than 2 4 hours for now. president heads to capitol hill for first address to congress to outline the plans. tom, surprising things here is some major democrats are stepping forward to say they're not looking to block the president but to help him. what's going on here? >> yeah, sarah, a lot of ways there's 'much different tone we're hearing right now. it's no secret president trump campaigned in 2016 obamacare disaster and today at the white house he met with large group executives and even warned he believes in 2017. premium hikes will be catastrophic while politically democrats >> i actually told the republicans that if we did nothing just do nothing for two--year period let obamacare totally implode which it's doing now anyway that would be from a political standpoint the best thing we can do. let it implode and people will come begging. democrats will come begging to do something to help them out of the jam. once we start doing it we sort of inherit the problem and takeover the problem that becomes hours ours. it's the right things to do for the american people. >> and now, president trump went on to say that obamacare premiums in many place country increased by 100% and even brought out arizona as a place where premiums have gone up 1%. still he says move forward he wants to get to work on this with congress and he hopes to lay out some of these plans tomorrow night here on capitol whil he deliveries the speech and now for his part he made these remarks coming right after a meeting with the national governor's association which was attended by governor terri mcauliffe who happens to be the chairman of ng that. year and this morning governor mcauliffe told "fox5 news morning" that virginia is particularly concerned because unlike maryland and d.c., virginia never set up own health insurance exchange. the governor is concerned the commonwealth would be out $200 million and thousands of virginiaians could lose healthcare still governor mcauliffe said this morning he's willing to work i given him assurances he will be pleased with what the plan is. >> he was encouraging to me. he said stay tuned. so i i think we'll make prog guess to that. the key we're not taking money away from 134-g to hurt people. we need everybody to be lifted up and need to delivery want a healthcare system where people are treated individually and not like they're some number on a board. so of course the big question everybody is asking right now is, when is this all going happen? all right. so the speech from what we are told one of the first things republicans will two after is individual mandate and that is the portion that forces you to buy insurance plan or pay a penalty to the irs. white house says right now 20 million americans chose tone pay tat penalty rather than get one of these obamacare plans. we are also being told that the now probably in mid-march. is because the white house needs to get this down on paper and understand what the cost associated with this fix is going to be before they move on to their larger issue. and that is going to be tax reform. they need to get the obamacare fix in place before they can move on, jim, and sarah, to this larger portion which is the main promise of fixing the kax code in the united states. we're live on the hill tonight, tom fitzgerald, "fox5 local news". >> like other members of congress maryland senator ben cardon is waiting to see what the president he's to say in the speech. maryland public school of policy said he is concerned about the direction president trump is taking across the country and lashed out on president's immigration moves. >> that was a muslim ban. the president wanted a muslim ban. he said it during the campaign that he told his lawyers figure out a way to legally give me a muslim ban and they used president obama characterization of seven states not for president but obama chose those seven states and he did not prevent people from coming to this country as the president did and proceed in the dark. >> carson is ranking democrat on the committee and he talked about climate change and tax reform and government spending. >> parents and students and teachers back today at the d.c. elementary school that was shut down because of bed bug infestation. >> bob barnard takes us back to school. >> reporter: the doors to savoy elementary school reopened a little after 8:00 this morning. >> some parents telling us they're happy to be back accepting aurns shies the budding is cleared of bedbugs and rodents. >> i hope -- it's old. i hope they don't come back. if it does i mean hey they just got to do what they have to do. >> reporter: d.c.p.s. officials hosted on house for the community giving us a tour of the building ande' has been scrubbed and floors look shiny and clean and floor in the main lonnie is brand new and all rugs and other item that could harbor bedbugs were replaced. >> we've also cleaned out any spaces and sealed up any areas that were of concern. we worked with city agencies to address some of the broader community concerns in the neighborhood such as areas immediately adjacent to the building. >> jamar brooks bringing son tyrique back to save" says he's not convinced all is well. >> they have a huge rat run around here. huge rat they cannot catch. >> for three weeks these families were taking kids to a different school three miles south of here. whiled in the building cleaning crews were brought in to do a thorough extermination. some teachers telling us they complained about the infestation weeks before anything was done about it. >> clearly there was a breakdown in communication here. a high level of concern so of abund apps of caution we took coordinate fairy measures. >> of course since we first started reporting on the issues we've learned other d.c. ps campuses and battling the same thing. minor elementary school in northeast brought in exterminator and never had to close the doors or send students wrestle. >> we're going to make sure we have high level of vigilance here at savoy and routine cleaning all our schools to make sure there's no more disruptions to student learning. >> good morning ladies. >> southeast, bob barnard, "fox5 local news" >> right now at 5:00 minnesota police officer who shot filando castillo while his girlfriend streamed it live entered a plea today. >> and surprising way your morning cup of joe is impacting the way you age. >> hey, indicates lynn. >> i don't care what it is i'm drinking it every morning. i can not. i don't know what might look 20 years older from it next week it does not matter. guys let's take a live look outside with satellite and radar showing showers out. there cloudy and cool monday. most this rain stays out of the district and we have showers in the forecast for tomorrow strong storms by wednesday. why strong storms? we're forecasting a major warm-up. take a lack at another week of incredibly mild temperature headed your way coming up next in the "fox5" 7 day forecast just how far does weathertech go to protect your vehicle? i'm on it. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ weathertech. made right, in america >> and welcome took, minnesota police officer was pleaded not getty in the controversial shooting death of philando castillo. he was charge was manslaughter and dangerous discharge of a firearm. prosecutors say yanez shot castillo during a traffic stop after he told the officer he was armed. castillo the car and authorities later discovered until permit to carry a would and the trial is test to begin in may. >> a philadelphia judge ruled out of county juror write will be slebted for bill cosby sexual assault trial. it comes after the defense to move the trial due to publicity. according to judge the jury will be isolated during the proceedings. cosby's trial will begin in june. >> american academy of pediatrics is surprise dating guidelines on treating teen sex assault patient. doctor's group says pediatricians should be comfortable with treating and screening for sex assault and should know where to send ten pictures for more help if they need it. this is first time the guidelines are updated since 2008 full recommendations are updated in the "journal of pediatrics". >> new research out suggesting that you regular coffee drinkers maying slowing down the aging process. scientists tracked 100 people for more than a decade and found older people inflammation reported drinking more caffeinated beverages. previous studies have shown coffees affect on inhibiting alzheimer's and parkinsons as well as decreasing likelihood of certain cancers. >> we're good. >> we're good. >> we're all good. >> really good. >> and i've got a cup right back here. so you know i better get drinking. >> that's just a bone us. ways not going to quit anyway look at all those health benefits. jim, sarah, looking live at the washington monument and a better look inside. >> no. >> this lamb is so cute. >> it's giant. >> he looks like a large baby lamb. i know you were not expecting it. why would i put up a picture of lamb. >> gyros. >> oh, >> oh, >> let's bet peta on the phone. >> february going out like a lamb. >> i won the contest. >> yes, sarah as words were coming >> thanks for my greek heritage. >> that lamb is adorable. sue showed it. you will see it the rest of the week and today and tomorrow february 28, february, going out like a lamb and looks like march will be beginning like a lion and not in the way you think. severe weather is actually expected and severe warm is what we had on saturday. and tornado could be firmed by the national weather service yesterday in charles country march maryland saturday afternoon and ef 1 with winds up to 90 miles an hour and that was 125 yards wide con the ground for 11 minutes and i know because i was on facebook live covering these storms for you and all you guys in waldorf giving us reports of wind damage and shingles blown off roofs and trees down it's all for the reason there was a tornado and there was a warning that went along with it 3:30 in the afternoon and thankfully though no injuries or fate tallties. we have more severe weather on top for wednesday and a heads up that looks like busy afternoon. not busy now a few showers across southern maryland and decent batch of stretch as cross charles county and back to spotsylvania and stafford county i don't think the showers make it much further north than where they are nouvrment it's cloudy and cold temperatures in the 50s. tomorrow we'll be significantly warmer. so first comes warm-up and then comes threat for severe thunderstorms which is in ohio valley and southeast tomorrow. warm front moves north ward tomorrow we start off sun academy and clouds increase and that warmth will really increase. expect high temperatures in 60s for us and then into central vir vr you are probably well into the 70s. now here's tuesday morning 7 "action news" i stopped clock sunshine by noon cloudy and by the time we get to sunset 6, 7 p.m. showers move in and nothing strong about these just rain showers. maybe a rumble of thunder. as these showers roll through that will set the stage for more warm air to ride in out ahead of a cold front which will prove to be a very warm tuesday. close to record, record high is 80 setback in 1976 i believe. i'll have to double che t anyway here we are a.m. wednesday morning look at the squall line. severe weather expected. any time late afternoon through the dinner time hours until 7 p.m. that's typically our time for severe weather in the spring summer months and february behaved much more like spring and summer. that's why we have another day which is actually first day of march where we're already out looked for the slight risk of severe weather our whole area wednesday afternoon and evening as colder air mass approaches some building warmth. 68 tomorrow, 77 wednesday, up believe annual. fine in the morning to go out golfing and isn't kids get out of school heads up you have strong storms headed your way and in fact thursday and friday flurries back in the forecast for friday. march starting out volatile an looks hike things calm down by the weekend, 50s saturday and nice and warmer 4 on sunday. that's a look at the 7 day forecast. "fox5" will be right back after this for all those pokers, prodders, shuckers and sniffers, [ inhales ] all giant produce is triple checked. farm, crate, and store. we're focusing on fresh... you don't have to guess. my giant. stronger is rebuilding a newborn's heart... and restoring a father's faith. it's standing tall after one surgery... not six. stronger is being a typical kid... despite a rare disorder. stronger is finding it earlier... and coming home sooner. stronger is seeking answers... and not giving up, until you find them. because we don't just want your kids to grow up. we want them to grow up stronger. >> today football is taking center stage. d.c. united became soccer first dynasty winning three of four mls titles as the league progressed more teams moved from calfer us in nfl stadiums to soccer stadiums. united keptic kicking it around in rfk. finally wait is over a groundbreaking ceremony for audi field which united will call home in 2018. muriel bowser joined united mascot tall on and team head coach and players for the momentous occasion. owner jason levy came aboard in 2012 he said he might need a meshety to get through all the red tape to build. he did it with the cooperation. then the photo shop digging into the dirt construction for the field to be completed in 14 months. >> we've got a lot of excitement ahead of of us. and we've got a wonderful ride ahead. after 1 years this franchise is finally going to have its own home and own stadium and own cathedral for soccer. >> all d.c. united soccer fans bring the drums and bring the goal scoring beer throwing and bring the best atmosphere in mls to the new home audi field. >> to fans out there anybody? any fans here? [ cheers and applause ]. >> to me you deserve this stadium more than anyone. it will be a great joy of my life to make you watch audi field be one of the best atmospheres in the country. >> you heard that throw beer so throw it. >> barack obama won't be the only president to ride off into the sunset 2017 nats today president william howard call of is retiring from the president race alternate's park and everyone said block up traffic in the no day surprise like most elderly people do when they retire and enjoy hoover and cool yaj west palm beach. the plan is to go with the original four faces. >> we know benefits of napping. so do boston red sox they're revealing a nap room for players this season. the room sleeps four comfortably outfitted were custom smreep gear beds and if this works for the sox expect players for nap rooms at a ballpark near you soon. >> i don't know if d.c. united stadium has a nap room. >> it's time to build. >> they have 14 months. we'll see if they get it done it is a quick turn owe round. >> it looked like a little boy's bedroom. >> pillow fights. >> sleep yovs. >> great. >> up next d.c. parking meter >> what you need pay in which popular d.c. neighborhoods when we come back fios is not cable. we're wired differently. in the last 10 years, we have received 6 times more awards than cable, including the jd power award for highest customer satisfaction r the fourth year in a row. only fios has the fastest internet, on the most awarded network. get this amazing offer: 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good, only fios can. z25eiz z16fz y25eiy y16fy >> today there are new parking meter rates. >> this impacts parking on sheets from third to 11 and e street 8. it will fraink from $1.50 to $3.25 depend on time of day and whether weekday or saturday. >> good thing they take credit cards that's the important thing. >> thanks for being with us. >> fox local news at 6 starts right now. >> this is "fox5 local news" at 6. >> we begin tonight with developing story out of montgomery county. a missing teen could be the latest tie to gang violence in our area. good to have you with us tonight i'm tony perkins. >> i'm shawn yancy. >> "fox5" obtained exclusive video of the last time that teenage wars seen. this shows 18-year-old angelica saturday night and her cousin was found dead earlier this month in northern virginia and a frantic search is underway to find her. they have very few leads. her cousin de mar is revis disappeared back in december and her body was found earlier this month. ten people are charged with her murder and police say it was gang relied and reyes's mother is concerned her niece may number danger. angelica was seen on this type last saturday leaving work 9 p.m. the owner tells "fox5" this is the third time she had shown up for work. came in texting on phone and about 9 p.m. walked out without any explanation. police believe she may machine the new jersey area. they are asking anyone with nvls to give them a call. >> meanwhile we're continuing to follow a developing story out of prince george county. police say they arrested two teens in connection with murder of douglass brooks. brooks was up d

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performed alongside other well known rappers like wale and there was another part to this. a rumor that was going through the community at the time his girlfriend may have been involved and caught fire on social media and prince george county police did everything they could to nong that down as untrue. >> prince george county police have arrested two and charged them in connection to the fatal shooting. according to investigators brooks was outside the apartment complex on parkway terrace drive when five men approached with guns announceing a robbery. it's unclear at this time why but at least two of the then fired their weapons hitting brooks multiple times. and investigators believed the men may have been drawn to a party at the apartment with mengs on social media. and police say they were able to connect brewer and watkins to the crime because one of the teens was wearing a court-ordered bracelet which indicate head was there. and the other person was arrested in the district and in possession of a handgun that was forensically linked to the crime scene. three others were also involved and so far not been able to charge them with the crime. late this afternoon, we caught up with brooks brother aaron doddson. first listen to doddson's reaction to the arrest and then the police have to say about what they're looking for as far as the three other men. >> be happy justice is served all along. but now that justice is served we got who did. it we got who did it. we cannot bring my brother back at the end of the day justice was served he was the name. d.c. for young kids coming up now. he want todd get out of d.c. and maybe something happen to himself. there was music, little kids knew who he was from 5 years old all the way up to 35 years old. are they knew who douglass brooks aka dirty swipey was. >> we believe these two gentlemen were on the scene there to rob this party and then that's when the shooting occurred. and we still have three individuals that we think are also responsible for the shooting that we have not identified at this point and so certainly we're asking the public if they have more information on the three other suspects that they can please call us. >> now, in my conversation with aaron doddson he told me there was belief and he believes also that those men who shot his brother certainly knew who they were shoot when this took place. now as far as forensic evidence that ties one of these men to the crime it's lullly what we understand is that there was shell casing found at the scene at least one shell casing that was then put in to a softwar program that matched up another shell casing from the gun that was recovered frl one of these defendant's when they were arrested. so that's what we understand is the evidence in this case. at least part of the evidence. live in southeast, paul wagner, "fox5 local news". >> now to an update on a story you saw first here on "fox5". police in montgomery county are searching for a missing teenager who was cousin of another girl found murdered earlier this month. >> 18-year-old angelica was last seen leaving work 9:00 last night and she is cousin of don maurice reyes and the body was found in springfield earlier this month. ten people were charged in connection with the the murder and police say it was gang related. reyes's mother is worried her niece may number danger and an gelic awas last seen saturday night and you're looking at surveillance on "fox5". leaving work at the wok express this was just the third time she ever showed up for work. she came in was textsing on her phone and 9:00 walked out out sxlaition. police believe she may be in the new jersey area. they need anyone with information to give them a call. >> meanwhile tonight detectives in fairfax need help finding two teens missing from falls church area. 17-year-old evan mendez and 14-year-old sergio trominio missing on september 1 triminio was reported missing october 4. he was missing since late september. detectives believe the missing teens know each other and may be affiliated with gangs. police asking anyone with information to give them a call. >> now to the districts, police released new video of two suspects wanted for armed robbery. and investigators believe the men are responsible for two different robberies that happened back on february 17 and police say the men first pulled a gun and demanded from the money from the register at avondale coffee shop and then they continued to the dollar tree on northeast and robbed that business as well. and a reward of up to 10,000 dollars is offered for information leading to arrest and conviction of the suspects. >> and we're also learn about a scare at a z.c. high school. officials are telling us a 16-year-old students brought a loaded handgun to wilson nice northwest this evening and one parent we spoke with said she got a text alert from the school principal explaining what happened and the situation was under control the incident did not impact the school day and no one was hurt. police responded to the school and that student was arrested. >> it's a disturbing pattern we have seen in recent weeks and months bomb threats to jewish community center and vandalism aat jewish cemeteries across the region. someone called in a bomb threat to jewish schools in rockville and they responded at the same time a school in fairfax got a bomb threat. no devices were found at either location. these called in to day schools across the country today. >> we're starting a busy week for president trump. tomorrow he'll add drs a joint section of condition gress for the first time. he's expected to sign the immigration executive order later next week. >> ronica cleary is live outside the white house with more on this, hey, ronica. >> hey, jim, sarah, well, in today's press briefing we got a taste of what to expect in tomorrow's remarks. this is first time president trump willing addressing a joint section of congress. the way that sean spicer sxlaipd it he said he will "chart a vision forward" that's the kind expect. as to whether or not he will defend executive orders on immigration. no. what he will do is focus on immigration and importance that he places on that during his presidency. and one reporter brought up the fact that at president trump's inauguration dozens of democrats chose to boycott the inauguration. what kind of reception is he expecting for tomorrow's remarks. take a listen. >> i hope a very robust and applause-filled reception. the peach, as i mentioned, breaks down a lot of barriers that traditionally have been political barriers in terms of disagreement and we affirm the president's desire to unit the country and shared common grounds and i think the things he's talking about increasing support to military and veterans, helping children get an education, those are things that hopefully we can all come together and thi american value regardless of party. >> and well as for the executive order on immigration we were expecting a new executive order last week as you know it did not happen. so look ago head to this week some reports say we can expect it this wednesday and well during the briefing today, news broke that a request from the justice department to put the court case over the first executive order on hold was rejected. now, spacer was asked if this changed -- if this would change the administration's decision to still push forward and why hold ton that first executive order if the second one was being developed to address the concerns of the court. now, you know, spicer joked that obviously he could not comment on that immediately if it broken within the same of press conference. but he did basically address why they are still focused on the first executive order and pushing forward with that. take a listen. >> because i think he's right -- i mean because we were right the first time. and question of proving a point it's that the manner in which it was done in the first place was what we believe and continue to believe was the right way to address this problem and while the second executive order attempt to address the court's concerns that they made the goal is to obviously maintain the way we did it the first time because we believe that the law is very clear about giving presidency authority he needs to employee tekt the country. >> and well you heard spicer in that sound say "we were right the first time" now they are still expected to release that second executive order. but do you agree with what the press secretary had to say in today's briefing? you know i love to hear from you. you can find me on facebook and twitter at ronica cleary. reporting liver at the white house, ronica cleary, "fox5 local news". >> and right now at 5 it was sentencing day for a mom who cover up ape murder she commit. >> and details in court why she committed that horrible crime. >> and the american academy of pediatrics updating guidelines on treating teen sex assault patients. new protocol doctors must follow. >> and remembering a local officer killed in the line of duty one year ago today. we'll have more on that coming up. hi, sue. >> hi, jim, sarah, happy moay to you i know it's gray out there and in fact badly needed light sprinkles and showers passing to the south. and mainly it whim lightly affect the southern suburbs this evening and more chances for showers in the forecast though, we have more heat even a little bit of a snow flurry activity and we'll give a first look of a forecast coming up when "fox5 local news" at 5 returns ♪ for all those pokers, prodders, shuckers and sniffers, [ inhales ] all giant produce is triple checked. farm, crate, and store. we're focusing on fresh... you don't have to guess. >> in prince william county police officers gathered at a private sayre moan dwroy remember an officer killed in the line of adulty. ashley gwen don was responding when she was killed in a shooting one year going today. 33-year-old he staff sergeant ronald hamilton is facing capital murder charges he is facing charges he shot and killed his wife and fired on officers killing gwynedd. >> night officer gwen den was killed and spoke to her family of how the officer is being remembered one >> in the days leading up to the one year anniversary of ashley guindon's untimely he death in the line of duty her family spent time watching footage from the funeral services. >> there were hundreds and hundreds ever procedures from all over the country at the funeral. it was quite a site. >> as officer guindon's aunts and uncles looked back they say it gained them a new family the prince william county employment. >> it's bun one big family. we lost a family member and so did they. that was the whole thing. she was part of their family. >> the shoot ago infected many lives and the tragedy has become the glue bonding them together. >> having to deal with ashley's death and then having also to deal with two injured officers and one of them to of dave mc allen we keep looking after him and we keep looking at jessie and jess writey has returned back to work. dave has not, yet. so, we do things to make sure that they're okay. we keep looking after mrs. guindon. she's now part of our family. >> it's been so hard for sharon anyway that to relive what happened that night is way too painful for her. >> they say she's incredibly grateful for all the support she's received from the prince william county communicate six the officer guindon memorial fund for example raised more than $50,000 and mrs. guindon donated the nongood causes and has more plans for the future. >> her whole goal is to provide funding for you know body armorment as well. that's a situation where should was shot and the bullet went under the body armour it went through and came out the back. she's lookinto this money to hopefully device a piece of body armour. >> m fatally and police force are holing a private memorial to honor the 28-year-old police officer this week and planning more public events during police week in may. ashley's mom and aunt plan to cycle with the pristine willi county team in the law enforcement united ride. >> it's a 250 mile freeze chesapeake virginia to washington d.c. good for now, rather than foing us us on sadness. >> that was good. that was good. >> the family focuses on the positive. >> so ash is our happiness right now. >> ash is part of a litter of pups that operation pause for homes named after fallen officers. >> and was named the night that ashley was killed. >> just two days before officer gwen din was shot t happy dog was quawld gwendon. they new she had to have her and their pet a daily reminder of the woman that gave her life and service to the community. >> everybody is proud of what ashley had done and you know i don't think she would have done anifferently. >> alexandra limone, "fox5 local news". >> wow i cannot even imagine what that family has been through over the past years. >> we cannot forget the visuals. >> we should point out ronald hamilton trial is set to start in july. >> after more than 6 years opt job prince george county fire chief has retired. chief ashore is the second longest fire theif chief in the country. he announced retirement last month and officially retired over the weekend. firefighters at bwi thorough good gave him a special sendoff as he he took off to retirement home in florida. ben barksdale will chief on march 1. >> well deserved there no doubt about that. >> absolutely. >> let's get a look at weather out there. another nice day. >> yeah, let's get to sue with a look at the forecast for the right of the week. >> imjim, sarah, great, we need to fasten seatbelts again. we will have a roller coaster week and i wanted to start by saying are you ready to say good-bye to february. i don't think eye i am. it's been an interesting month and now it it looks like it goes down as warmest february we ever had in d.c. with average temperature of 47.4. of course today's hall choicer to where we should be 50. we had a lot of clouds today and couple sprinkles to the south and you know what tomorrow we're back to the warm stuff again and even by wednesday we may be looking at upper 70s and strong thunderstorms. so, here we go. march is going to pickup where february left-off. here's a check of temperatures at 5:00. we're still at 54 in the district and 56 for and 5 frederick and wiingt westminster and temperatures around the region we have quite a bit of cloud cover. february has been incredibly dry. we've had third of an inch of rain and now we're in moderate drought. we have a chance for showers in the forecast and that's good news we need it. what with he have out there is super light it won't put a dent in it. we need to pick up on rainfall because the brush fire threat continues to grow there's a couple light showers pushing across charles country and central virginia and maybe we get burned in d.c. but only a might have chance. there's a better chance late tomorrow night that we could see a couple more showers and then thunderstorms and some could be strong on wednesday. 51 degrees. lot of clouds, maybe a vivrpingle. best chance south of d.c.. and by 9:00 we're cloudy at 49. and by 11:00 so, we are saying good-bye to february tomorrow on another warm note and what are you to expect? it's going out like a lamb. which means march is coming in like a lamb but maybe with a twist and few thunderstorms as well. caitlin will have more on that with the 7 day forecast in a few minute, jim, sarah. >> all right. thank you, sue. right now at 5bg it's a story everyone was talking about today and you see it last night. >> if not you saw it today for sure. >> take a look. sorry, no there's a mistake. "moonlight ha" you guys won best picture. >> it's not a joke he says. how in the world did this happen? and who is responsible for the mix-up? >> not steve harvey. but he is weighing in and what he says about how oscars handled it compared todd how miss universal responded when he crowned the wrong winner. >> and if you thought that was the only goof the other big mistake that has hollywood puzzled. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 150 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. i'm sorry, no, there's a mistake. moonlight you won best picture this is not a joke. the " moonlight" the won best picture. >> with kimmel staptding there it was like no way this was put it was. the snafu "la la land" producers were giving acceptance when an accountant rushed the nech on stage. >> what happened? warren paid yen a fate dunn away had envelope forbe best actress. the accountant preachiously there are two sets. >> one held on each side of the stage as backup. jimmy kimmel made a joke blaming the screw up on steve harvey who you may recall accidentally announced the wrongp winger of 12015 universe contest. >> which you saw on "fox5". >> today harvey poked fun back saying good morning everybody went to sleep early last night what did i miss. >> he also talked about oscars miss takes on radio today and told warren beaty and why not fae dunn away. harvey had praise for the people in charm of the oscars. >> the people associated with the miss universe contest could not resist crimeing in saying have your people call our people, we know what to do. >> that was a mistake. the inmem or yum segment showed a woman still alive janet patterson who died in 015 was supposed to be honored. her name is right, job right, that is not her that's australian producer jan chapman. she tweeted out she's alive and well and was friends with late patterson and said it was a horrible >> totally overshadowed by snafu at the end of the night. >> i was watching last night after he got off the airy went back and watched end of oscars and heard the commotion bike what is going on and i think everybody was wondering who would tweet about it first, steve harvey or president trump. >> he deposit sweet at all during the oscars. >> we'll never forget that oscar. >> a mother who shot and killed her 17-year-old son inside their clinton home in court today. >> and minnesota police officer enters plea in the controversial shooting death of filland owe castillo. first tom fitzgerald. >> candidate donald trump used to talk about how he was master of art of the deal. can he make a deal on fixing obamacare. we'll find out in 24 hours when he gives first address to congress. coming right up. we'll tell what you the president is going to >> let's take a look at other top stories tonight. fire investigators in prince george county are still trying to figure out what sparked a house fire in largo. the flames broke out this morning in the basements of a home along marjorie drive an you can see smoke coming from the top story of the house. and fortunately, no one was hurt and the red cross is now assisting the two adults and three children who are displaced by that fire. >> and fairfax county, virginia man was arrested for allegedly biting a man's face and threatening him with anti-muslim insults. robin gear is charged with bias relate add tack and police say he was involved in a parking lot fight back in november tyson corner center an we don't know if the victim frame was muslim and that man suffered minor injuries in the attack. >> it and prince kornl county woman appeared in court today, anjali chase is facing first degree murder crg of teenage son christopher. the pair got into argument over foul language and video games in their clinton home last thursday and things got physical and chase grabbed a gun and shot her son in the chest. he later died at the hospital. chase sake held without bond and is due back in court march 23. >> "fox5" in montgomery -- or excuse me prince george county where a mother from montgomery country pled guilty to poisoning her child and tried to cover it up was sentenced in afternoon. a judge sensed her to 50 years if it prison. he she admitted last year she killed 5-year-old son daniel by forcing him to swallow lethal amount of cold med and i staged a crash and set her vehicle on fire to cover up the poydz oning. >> this crime is a treatment against nature. it's unspeakable and it was evil. and the facts of almost too horrific to contemplate that this young child was forceably fed medication tie point of death. >> mccarthy said the crime was made worse by the fact it was a mother trying to cover up murder of her own son. let it implode. that is the plan president trump was considering to deal with rising cost of affordable care act. instead the president says he will fixing with the goal of making it affordable. in more than 2 4 hours for now. president heads to capitol hill for first address to congress to outline the plans. tom, surprising things here is some major democrats are stepping forward to say they're not looking to block the president but to help him. what's going on here? >> yeah, sarah, a lot of ways there's 'much different tone we're hearing right now. it's no secret president trump campaigned in 2016 obamacare disaster and today at the white house he met with large group executives and even warned he believes in 2017. premium hikes will be catastrophic while politically democrats >> i actually told the republicans that if we did nothing just do nothing for two--year period let obamacare totally implode which it's doing now anyway that would be from a political standpoint the best thing we can do. let it implode and people will come begging. democrats will come begging to do something to help them out of the jam. once we start doing it we sort of inherit the problem and takeover the problem that becomes hours ours. it's the right things to do for the american people. >> and now, president trump went on to say that obamacare premiums in many place country increased by 100% and even brought out arizona as a place where premiums have gone up 1%. still he says move forward he wants to get to work on this with congress and he hopes to lay out some of these plans tomorrow night here on capitol whil he deliveries the speech and now for his part he made these remarks coming right after a meeting with the national governor's association which was attended by governor terri mcauliffe who happens to be the chairman of ng that. year and this morning governor mcauliffe told "fox5 news morning" that virginia is particularly concerned because unlike maryland and d.c., virginia never set up own health insurance exchange. the governor is concerned the commonwealth would be out $200 million and thousands of virginiaians could lose healthcare still governor mcauliffe said this morning he's willing to work i given him assurances he will be pleased with what the plan is. >> he was encouraging to me. he said stay tuned. so i i think we'll make prog guess to that. the key we're not taking money away from 134-g to hurt people. we need everybody to be lifted up and need to delivery want a healthcare system where people are treated individually and not like they're some number on a board. so of course the big question everybody is asking right now is, when is this all going happen? all right. so the speech from what we are told one of the first things republicans will two after is individual mandate and that is the portion that forces you to buy insurance plan or pay a penalty to the irs. white house says right now 20 million americans chose tone pay tat penalty rather than get one of these obamacare plans. we are also being told that the now probably in mid-march. is because the white house needs to get this down on paper and understand what the cost associated with this fix is going to be before they move on to their larger issue. and that is going to be tax reform. they need to get the obamacare fix in place before they can move on, jim, and sarah, to this larger portion which is the main promise of fixing the kax code in the united states. we're live on the hill tonight, tom fitzgerald, "fox5 local news". >> like other members of congress maryland senator ben cardon is waiting to see what the president he's to say in the speech. maryland public school of policy said he is concerned about the direction president trump is taking across the country and lashed out on president's immigration moves. >> that was a muslim ban. the president wanted a muslim ban. he said it during the campaign that he told his lawyers figure out a way to legally give me a muslim ban and they used president obama characterization of seven states not for president but obama chose those seven states and he did not prevent people from coming to this country as the president did and proceed in the dark. >> carson is ranking democrat on the committee and he talked about climate change and tax reform and government spending. >> parents and students and teachers back today at the d.c. elementary school that was shut down because of bed bug infestation. >> bob barnard takes us back to school. >> reporter: the doors to savoy elementary school reopened a little after 8:00 this morning. >> some parents telling us they're happy to be back accepting aurns shies the budding is cleared of bedbugs and rodents. >> i hope -- it's old. i hope they don't come back. if it does i mean hey they just got to do what they have to do. >> reporter: d.c.p.s. officials hosted on house for the community giving us a tour of the building ande' has been scrubbed and floors look shiny and clean and floor in the main lonnie is brand new and all rugs and other item that could harbor bedbugs were replaced. >> we've also cleaned out any spaces and sealed up any areas that were of concern. we worked with city agencies to address some of the broader community concerns in the neighborhood such as areas immediately adjacent to the building. >> jamar brooks bringing son tyrique back to save" says he's not convinced all is well. >> they have a huge rat run around here. huge rat they cannot catch. >> for three weeks these families were taking kids to a different school three miles south of here. whiled in the building cleaning crews were brought in to do a thorough extermination. some teachers telling us they complained about the infestation weeks before anything was done about it. >> clearly there was a breakdown in communication here. a high level of concern so of abund apps of caution we took coordinate fairy measures. >> of course since we first started reporting on the issues we've learned other d.c. ps campuses and battling the same thing. minor elementary school in northeast brought in exterminator and never had to close the doors or send students wrestle. >> we're going to make sure we have high level of vigilance here at savoy and routine cleaning all our schools to make sure there's no more disruptions to student learning. >> good morning ladies. >> southeast, bob barnard, "fox5 local news" >> right now at 5:00 minnesota police officer who shot filando castillo while his girlfriend streamed it live entered a plea today. >> and surprising way your morning cup of joe is impacting the way you age. >> hey, indicates lynn. >> i don't care what it is i'm drinking it every morning. i can not. i don't know what might look 20 years older from it next week it does not matter. guys let's take a live look outside with satellite and radar showing showers out. there cloudy and cool monday. most this rain stays out of the district and we have showers in the forecast for tomorrow strong storms by wednesday. why strong storms? we're forecasting a major warm-up. take a lack at another week of incredibly mild temperature headed your way coming up next in the "fox5" 7 day forecast just how far does weathertech go to protect your vehicle? i'm on it. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ weathertech. made right, in america >> and welcome took, minnesota police officer was pleaded not getty in the controversial shooting death of philando castillo. he was charge was manslaughter and dangerous discharge of a firearm. prosecutors say yanez shot castillo during a traffic stop after he told the officer he was armed. castillo the car and authorities later discovered until permit to carry a would and the trial is test to begin in may. >> a philadelphia judge ruled out of county juror write will be slebted for bill cosby sexual assault trial. it comes after the defense to move the trial due to publicity. according to judge the jury will be isolated during the proceedings. cosby's trial will begin in june. >> american academy of pediatrics is surprise dating guidelines on treating teen sex assault patient. doctor's group says pediatricians should be comfortable with treating and screening for sex assault and should know where to send ten pictures for more help if they need it. this is first time the guidelines are updated since 2008 full recommendations are updated in the "journal of pediatrics". >> new research out suggesting that you regular coffee drinkers maying slowing down the aging process. scientists tracked 100 people for more than a decade and found older people inflammation reported drinking more caffeinated beverages. previous studies have shown coffees affect on inhibiting alzheimer's and parkinsons as well as decreasing likelihood of certain cancers. >> we're good. >> we're good. >> we're all good. >> really good. >> and i've got a cup right back here. so you know i better get drinking. >> that's just a bone us. ways not going to quit anyway look at all those health benefits. jim, sarah, looking live at the washington monument and a better look inside. >> no. >> this lamb is so cute. >> it's giant. >> he looks like a large baby lamb. i know you were not expecting it. why would i put up a picture of lamb. >> gyros. >> oh, >> oh, >> let's bet peta on the phone. >> february going out like a lamb. >> i won the contest. >> yes, sarah as words were coming >> thanks for my greek heritage. >> that lamb is adorable. sue showed it. you will see it the rest of the week and today and tomorrow february 28, february, going out like a lamb and looks like march will be beginning like a lion and not in the way you think. severe weather is actually expected and severe warm is what we had on saturday. and tornado could be firmed by the national weather service yesterday in charles country march maryland saturday afternoon and ef 1 with winds up to 90 miles an hour and that was 125 yards wide con the ground for 11 minutes and i know because i was on facebook live covering these storms for you and all you guys in waldorf giving us reports of wind damage and shingles blown off roofs and trees down it's all for the reason there was a tornado and there was a warning that went along with it 3:30 in the afternoon and thankfully though no injuries or fate tallties. we have more severe weather on top for wednesday and a heads up that looks like busy afternoon. not busy now a few showers across southern maryland and decent batch of stretch as cross charles county and back to spotsylvania and stafford county i don't think the showers make it much further north than where they are nouvrment it's cloudy and cold temperatures in the 50s. tomorrow we'll be significantly warmer. so first comes warm-up and then comes threat for severe thunderstorms which is in ohio valley and southeast tomorrow. warm front moves north ward tomorrow we start off sun academy and clouds increase and that warmth will really increase. expect high temperatures in 60s for us and then into central vir vr you are probably well into the 70s. now here's tuesday morning 7 "action news" i stopped clock sunshine by noon cloudy and by the time we get to sunset 6, 7 p.m. showers move in and nothing strong about these just rain showers. maybe a rumble of thunder. as these showers roll through that will set the stage for more warm air to ride in out ahead of a cold front which will prove to be a very warm tuesday. close to record, record high is 80 setback in 1976 i believe. i'll have to double che t anyway here we are a.m. wednesday morning look at the squall line. severe weather expected. any time late afternoon through the dinner time hours until 7 p.m. that's typically our time for severe weather in the spring summer months and february behaved much more like spring and summer. that's why we have another day which is actually first day of march where we're already out looked for the slight risk of severe weather our whole area wednesday afternoon and evening as colder air mass approaches some building warmth. 68 tomorrow, 77 wednesday, up believe annual. fine in the morning to go out golfing and isn't kids get out of school heads up you have strong storms headed your way and in fact thursday and friday flurries back in the forecast for friday. march starting out volatile an looks hike things calm down by the weekend, 50s saturday and nice and warmer 4 on sunday. that's a look at the 7 day forecast. "fox5" will be right back after this for all those pokers, prodders, shuckers and sniffers, [ inhales ] all giant produce is triple checked. farm, crate, and store. we're focusing on fresh... you don't have to guess. my giant. stronger is rebuilding a newborn's heart... and restoring a father's faith. it's standing tall after one surgery... not six. stronger is being a typical kid... despite a rare disorder. stronger is finding it earlier... and coming home sooner. stronger is seeking answers... and not giving up, until you find them. because we don't just want your kids to grow up. we want them to grow up stronger. >> today football is taking center stage. d.c. united became soccer first dynasty winning three of four mls titles as the league progressed more teams moved from calfer us in nfl stadiums to soccer stadiums. united keptic kicking it around in rfk. finally wait is over a groundbreaking ceremony for audi field which united will call home in 2018. muriel bowser joined united mascot tall on and team head coach and players for the momentous occasion. owner jason levy came aboard in 2012 he said he might need a meshety to get through all the red tape to build. he did it with the cooperation. then the photo shop digging into the dirt construction for the field to be completed in 14 months. >> we've got a lot of excitement ahead of of us. and we've got a wonderful ride ahead. after 1 years this franchise is finally going to have its own home and own stadium and own cathedral for soccer. >> all d.c. united soccer fans bring the drums and bring the goal scoring beer throwing and bring the best atmosphere in mls to the new home audi field. >> to fans out there anybody? any fans here? [ cheers and applause ]. >> to me you deserve this stadium more than anyone. it will be a great joy of my life to make you watch audi field be one of the best atmospheres in the country. >> you heard that throw beer so throw it. >> barack obama won't be the only president to ride off into the sunset 2017 nats today president william howard call of is retiring from the president race alternate's park and everyone said block up traffic in the no day surprise like most elderly people do when they retire and enjoy hoover and cool yaj west palm beach. the plan is to go with the original four faces. >> we know benefits of napping. so do boston red sox they're revealing a nap room for players this season. the room sleeps four comfortably outfitted were custom smreep gear beds and if this works for the sox expect players for nap rooms at a ballpark near you soon. >> i don't know if d.c. united stadium has a nap room. >> it's time to build. >> they have 14 months. we'll see if they get it done it is a quick turn owe round. >> it looked like a little boy's bedroom. >> pillow fights. >> sleep yovs. >> great. >> up next d.c. parking meter >> what you need pay in which popular d.c. neighborhoods when we come back fios is not cable. we're wired differently. in the last 10 years, we have received 6 times more awards than cable, including the jd power award for highest customer satisfaction r the fourth year in a row. only fios has the fastest internet, on the most awarded network. get this amazing offer: 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, cable can't offer internet speeds this fast at a price this good, only fios can. z25eiz z16fz y25eiy y16fy >> today there are new parking meter rates. >> this impacts parking on sheets from third to 11 and e street 8. it will fraink from $1.50 to $3.25 depend on time of day and whether weekday or saturday. >> good thing they take credit cards that's the important thing. >> thanks for being with us. >> fox local news at 6 starts right now. >> this is "fox5 local news" at 6. >> we begin tonight with developing story out of montgomery county. a missing teen could be the latest tie to gang violence in our area. good to have you with us tonight i'm tony perkins. >> i'm shawn yancy. >> "fox5" obtained exclusive video of the last time that teenage wars seen. this shows 18-year-old angelica saturday night and her cousin was found dead earlier this month in northern virginia and a frantic search is underway to find her. they have very few leads. her cousin de mar is revis disappeared back in december and her body was found earlier this month. ten people are charged with her murder and police say it was gang relied and reyes's mother is concerned her niece may number danger. angelica was seen on this type last saturday leaving work 9 p.m. the owner tells "fox5" this is the third time she had shown up for work. came in texting on phone and about 9 p.m. walked out without any explanation. police believe she may machine the new jersey area. they are asking anyone with nvls to give them a call. >> meanwhile we're continuing to follow a developing story out of prince george county. police say they arrested two teens in connection with murder of douglass brooks. brooks was up d

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