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Letter is it says that he is having Health Difficulties hes had for year, investigation was on the minds of many. Inside both chambers of house and senate, there was no public mention today of the scandal, an investigation that is so far caught in its web, two liquor store owners, can a county liquor board commissioner, the director of the liquor board and a former member of the house of delegates. In the lobby of the statehouse before the session began, we asked larry hogan about the investigation. I said were outraged and discussed by some of these allegations. Obviously, its a 30month investigation. We cooperated with but its been led by us attorney rod rosen stein he did he re did an excellent job. We will not tolerate corruption in the Prince Georges County or in the the governor said he did not know the names of the elected officials still under investigation. Derrick davis who has served Prince Georges County in the house since 1995 had this to say. Its heartbreaking when someone violates the trust. For the rest of us, we keep continuing to work hard to honor that oath, that we made and do good work,. Reporter William Campos used money as a slush fund and took kickbacks for spearing the funds to unknown location, county executive said his office has protocols in place for oversight of grant funds which is different than the county council. We have a committee and we make sure sure these are legitimate and were giving taxpayer dollars to and theyre doing things in the community to help us. I certainly think t beginning of the council looking at that process, i think they will. Reporter prosecutors revealed the fbi had the director of the liquor board under wire tap surveillance for two and a half years. I did reach out to the county council and the spokesperson for the council today to ask if theyre look at the way theyre handling these grants but i did not hear back. By the time we came on the air, a little bit more about Michael Vaughn now, when you read the affidavits in this case, there are a couple of different references that appear to point to mr. Vaughn as being involved. Again, we have not heard from him. He is not said anything about this investigation, he has not been named publicly other than today, he resigned. Live at the statehouse in annapolis Paul Wagner Fox 5 local news. Total fabrication, utter nonsense, a disgrace, the words president elect used to denounce those stories right now that unverified document placed online claims details about russias effort to influence the 2016 election and the Trump Campaign it also campaigns allegations against the president elect. That he described today as sick and phony. Fox 5 Tom Fitzgerald is live in northwest. He didnt waste time addressing this either. Reporter remember, sarah and jim, just 24 hours ago, we were waiting for what was going to be the first trump News Conference in nearly six months. The focus was going to be on how donald trump was going to extricate himself from businesses like the trump hotel in washington. But that focus quickly changed last night, folks, that is when an online news site published a 35 page unconfirmed unverified document chock full of all sorts of scandal accumulations. These aleg russian government was trying to blackmail the president elect. Its phony stuff. The it didnt happen and it was gotten by opponents of ours, as you know because you reported it and so did men other people. It was a group of opponents got together, sick people, and they put that crap together. Reporter now, trump first comments on this came earlier this morning, when he went on twitter and said that these were people that were out to get him and were trying to sully his president ial election. I told many people be you dont want to see yourself on television, not just russia all over. Does anyone believe that story, im also very much of a germ fobe, by the way. Reporter took aim at the media, buzz feed. Com which published this unverified document and cnn. Calling buzz feed. Com a piece of garbage. As for cnn when one of these reporters tried to ask a question in the News Conference, the president elect refused to take his question. Since youre talking our news organization, can you give us a chance your organization youre attacking our news organization. Reporter can you give us a chance to ask a question, sir . Quiet. Reporter can you say categorically, dont be rude. Reporter fireworks up at the press conference today. Now, about the trump hotel and how donald trump is going to run his business from here on in, this is what he said. He is turning the company over to his two he wouldest sons, and eric. His daughter will be leaving the business altogether. Another executive in the Trump Organization is said to make sure now that president elect will have no further ethical violations in connection to being president and his business. Trump says he will have all of this in place by Inauguration Day and as we know, that is a week from friday. Live at the Trump International hotel in dc, Tom Fitzgerald fox 5 local news. Unusual protest on capitol hill today, demonstrators takes to try to streets in dinosaur costumes. Well show it to you. President elect donald trump rex tiller son, you got to admit, its funny to watch the visual but the message, a lot of people may not agree with it. The t rex costumes were a play on words in reference to his name, till to her son on the hill for his confirmation, the former eson faced scrutiny because of his business ties to russian president Vladimir Putin how are you goig recalibrate your priorities as secretary of state . Youre shareholders are the americans people first i have never lobby against sanctionses. To my knowledge, exxon never lobby against sanctions he also so you wanteded off in trade in china and isis, and who major issues if he is confirmed as secretary of state. Have you ever needed to use the bathroom and there simply was nowhere to go, that happens to a lot of people. Youre not alone and it is especially difficult for people who are homeless, one Dc Council Member has an idea to try to change. Matt ackland has more on this story. Matt . Reporter it has happened to us all, youre walking down the street. You got to go, so you got to a local business and you see this, oh, rest room. It happens but one Council Member brianna dough thinks this need to change, she thinks we either pay businesses to allow folks use public rest rooms or out here on the sidewalks well build small rest rooms. I want you to take a look at this. She referred us to this website. It is called portland lu. These are small rest rooms that can be built all over in the core of the city to give people, well, a place to go. She said she heard about this idea from a homeless Advocacy Group that said these are really needed especially for the homeless folks who live in the city. I spoke to one homeless resident today in china town, take a listen. Very essential to use the bathroom. Youre go into places, you have in order to get the code to go to the bathroom its getting bad to the bus drivers, have to back up and they have families as well as everybody else. Were not just speaking of homeless were talking about people that work every day that cant even afford to use the bathroom. Reporter this wont be a regulation on businesses. They wont be forced to open up their public rest rooms. Instead, the Council Member has an idea that will basically pay businesses like this one to let people come in and use the bathroom. Take a listen. This bill actually asked the task force to come up with an Incentive Program similar to what london has where the businesses receive a certain sensitive for opening their doors to the public and they would put a sign up that says, you know, you can go here or something clever like that. Reporter i should point out that the owner of this restaurant says the reason why he does restrict the use of the because theres an issue with Homeless People coming in sometimes and people just off the street. How much will this program cost . Its still not known at this point. Also, theres still a lot of talk of where these could be placed. Brianna dough said she believes probably the core of the city will be the best place where you have the most foot traffic but remember, this isnt the only the beginning stages, theres going to be a lot of talk about this as this legislation moves through the council. Live in adams morgan, matt ackland, fox 5 local news like the other woman said, it is for the homeless yes, but also just people that are out Walking Around that dont want to have to buy a snickers bar we see a lot of restaurants and bars pretty strict on that. Thanks. Straight ahead at 5 00, barack obama returned to his home town to cap off his presidency with a farewell address come chicago said he never did enough plaguing their city changes to the police force, the new way the patrol officers will b having a Faster Response time. Alex . Dc homeowners who lost everything because of tax lien sales get a payout in court. Ill explain can coming up. Up. Im sue palka, the weather center, a little bit of rain shower activity showing up, if youre heading out grab the umbrella, but you certainly wont need the heavy coat because its gotten nice and mild. Were still 56, 57 was the high well let you know whats made. It will not involve a heavy jacket when fox 5 local news at 5 00 comes right back. Theres never been a better time to come to Bass Pro Shops than right now. Bass pro shops is the place for big savings. Like savings of 25 on select under armour fleece and columbia outerwear. And save 30 on this mr. Heater big buddy heater. As ceo of exxonmobile. Rex tillerson put exxons interests before americas im not here to represent the us governments interest. Instead, tillerson sided with putin. With billions in russian oil deals. He opposed us sanctions on russia. For war crimes forced to pay hundreds of millions for toxic pollution. Putting profits ahead of our kids health. Tell your senators to reject rex tillerson. And protect american interests not corporate interests. Officials are announcing changes to the way the citys parole officers will be deployed. Each parole district will be divided into three different sectors. Captains will then report directly their district commanders. Both mayor Muriel Bowser and interim police chief Peter Newsham this will allow for Faster Response time and improve service we have an experienced but aging command staff and we need to identify the future leaders this police department, this model provides us with an opportunity to better mentor and assess officer performance and helps us to identify the future leaders of reporter mayor Muriel Bowser also discussed crime for 2016, while Violent Crimes was down there were 135 homicides last year making it the second highest of the last decade. The dc government will pay out to homeowners who lost their home because of tax lien sales and foreclosures many were elderly and sick and had owed only a few hundred dollars in taxes, alexandria limon with more. Reporter homeowners like Benny Coleman is a veteran who owned this northeast dc home about 20 years. But one day, he came home, and got evicted by federal marshals. After that, sadly he, lived on his front porch for months and it was all because he owed less than 200 in taxes its basically the constitutional principle is outrageous. In and do something legitimate, collect a tax and collect some things about above there and take everything. Bill 56 son calls the settlement a happy ending for homeowners who lost their houses through the dc tax lien Sales Program but the journey to get here was anything but what the law was imposing on them was when you fail to pay your tax, as part of the tack collection system, they were collecting the tax, they were collecting fees, they were collecting interest, but they were also taking and keeping all the home equity a 2013 Washington Post investigation found about 500 homes were lost through these tax lien sales and foreclosures since 2005 and about a third of the people who lost the homes owed less than 1,000. The Legal Council for the elderly also said many were older and sick. Helping them avoid tax sale foreclosure, we came to see that the system was unfair, so we started talking about trying to fix the system. Reporter in 2014, the dc law was changed to now limits when liens can be sold to investors and more gives equity back to homeowners after taxes and fees are paid. The mayor still has to sign off on this settlement. There are 21 people who took part in this suit and they could also get up to 65 of the value of their homes reimbursed through the settlement. Reporting live in northeast dc, Alexandra Limon fox 5 local news. I got to tell you, today this made my day. Temperaturewise i dont have a long walk to work but i walked today. The last couple days i was driving. It was so darn cold. 11 30 lets see if sue palka, if you can keep this weather around because this is not too bad. How about if we improve on it tomorrow . Even better. We got up believe, today. I want to doublecheck, 57 unbelievable change from yesterday. We can do maybe ten degrees warmer tomorrow. Whoa feel a lot more like mid october as we head for the mid 60s. Tonight were dealing with a little bit of rain, you can see it behind me, not a lot. The good news is this will not require any kind of freezing rain advisory like we had last night when as little bit of light rain coming through we had a few places below 32 degrees, nobody is below 32 now and ill put this in motion and you can see the heaviest rain definitely tracking a little bit farther west where you see those yellows and darker greens, but were going to keep these showers around for the next few hours, tight end look like they will last much beyond midnight. Its kind of a quick hit and you can see them moving on. A light drink washes away some of that salt all over the place, and here are the high temperatures today, 57 for reagan and dulles well above average, which is 43. Bwi 56, a re and kind of nice to get you running wind wasnt out of control. Temperatures right now, have dropped a little bit as theyre like to do when it rains, 50 is where we are rig now, of course, the sun is down. Winchester 46, culpeper 48 and cumberland at 43. In a few of these spots there was a tiny bit of light icing last night. Even a twohour delay for Frederick County public schools, that will not be the case tonight. Were quite a bit warmer than 24 hours ago, from some seven to 16, even 18 degrees warmer than yesterday at this time and your evening planner, mostly temperatures in the 40s, and upper 40s at that. We will have those showers light showers off and on between now and 11 00 and just, a little winter coming for your thursday, well look at the sevenday forecast as well as the weekend, a threeday weekend many of you. Well talk about that a little bit later. Jim and sarah . One could argue a group of bandits are stealing for sports they run in, h counter, one after the other, then another, look how many of these guys are, what police say they got away with too. Another criminal decided to take a different route into establishment, went through the roof. Netflix users be where, the ploy scammers are through using and how easy it is to be tricked. Ked. Z27mkz z16fz y27mky y16fy tlaurn demarco is live with the latest on this one. Lauren . Reporter i want to show you where im standing, this is water street underneath the white horse freeway, you got the boat allows behind me. As we walk over here, we got to the entrance to the capitol trail which is a popular area with joggers, biker, georgetown waterfront down the street. About 3 00 p. M. , u. S. Park police say somebody was targeted by two men with at least one gun. Two Armed Robbers, not sure exactly at this point what was stolen but were told that it happened right here in this area, as Police Continue to investigate, i can tell you that we also know friday evening, around 8 00 situation, just up the steps here on m street, were told that there was a similar thing there was somebody targeted by Armed Robbers in that case, three men who got away. People stem the street was blocked off. There were helicopters searching. We were talking with people walking through the area they say this is alarming not something they typically hear about right here. This is definitely some new for georgetown. I never heard about that coming down here. Like i said, during the summers, especially were up here all the time. Nice lip cliff up here you can see the water, i never heard too much about Armed Robbers or any type of violence, this the first time seeing police when i came down here and saw the police, i was like, this is something new over here. Reporter u. S. Park police are handling this investigation, same with the one on friday. They tell me theyre into whether theyre connected. Again, still just a few officers out here at the scene, investigating right now. Al, about two miles down canal road in this direction, one week ago, last wednesday, you may recall a story where there were several weapons found, weapons in a violin case and others in bag around fletchers about the house, Police Investigating that. They tell me at this point they dont believe theres any connection but it certainly has people here in the area talking with news just some unsettling news for neighbors living here at this time. Thats the latest in georgetown, back to you in the studio. If you seen the movie 12 years a slave. Usual familiar with the story. A free blackmon was abducted and sold into slavery. The pen where he was held prior to being sold is in the shadows of the capitol the slay pennway owned by william williams, and it was dedicated with a pair of plaques. It now houses building for the afraid. And the department of transportation. The william slay pennway long hidden from view. And it would be easy for us to want to hide this sites history, because it makes us comfortable. It starts conversations with might not want to have. It reminds us of some of the darkest times of the history of this nation. But its for that reason that we have to shine a light on this. The plaque are not only for past but work we still need to do. Details of a fatal stabbing at a mall. What investigators are saying theyre looking to the video of the Fort Lauderdale shooting wasn now somebody is in trouble for leaking it to them. Politician gave away an ar15 today. Weve heard about this was it in his words a scenario effort to raise awareness about Second Amendment rights outrage over a shoemaker whose boot leave a swastika in the footprints. Back after this. S. This is fox 5 local news at 5 00. A look at some of the other stories making headlines today. Police in Montgomery County are asking for your help in identifying persons of interest station by cutting that hole you saw in the roof. It happened yesterday at the wexpress gas station at takoma park. Once inside. The alarm went off and the suspects took off. Its not known exactly what they may have taken offer with. Dc want you to take a look at this, this is in the hopes of identifying four persons of interest tone is in connection with the robber. Surveillance video captured them jumping over the counter at a cvs in the one block of carol street northwest. They took several precipitation medications. The search continues for the person involved in a deadly stabbing inside Westfield Wheaton mall. He was one of two People Killed yesterday afternoon on the lower level of the mall. The other victim has not yet been identified by police. Investigators are checking to see if the attack was caught on surveillance cameras. Tonight to students at Howard High School city are set to remember their classmates. Shawn died from a self inflicted gunshot wound. He also shot her mother but survived. The vigil has been rescheduled, this is not happening tonight. Well keep you posted when it is. The man wanted in the Fatal Shooting of an Orlando Police officer remains on the run. Hundreds of deputies and officers are taking part in the massive manhunt for mar tease lloyd, Deborah Clayton was killed monday after approaching lloyd in a walmart parking lot. Investigators have set up a call center for tips and believe others may be helping lloyd hide out. A reward of 100,000 is being offered for information that leads to to an arrest. A sheriffs deputy has been suspended in connection with the investigation into leaked security footage from last weeks deadly airport shooting in Fort Lauderdale. Officials have identified the officer as Broward County Deputy Michael dingman. The video shows the gunman Esteban Santiago before pulling a gun from his waistband. Investigators are speaking with others who had security clearance to watch the footage. Thats why i leave tonight even more optimistic about this country than when we started. Because i know our work has not only helped so many americans. It has inspired so many americans. Obama back to his adopted hometown of chicago to cap off his presidency with a farewell address. Some chicagoans are pointing fingers saying he didnt do enough addressing the violence plaguing the city. They say more than 760 homicide, nearly 200 more than it saw the previous year. Chicago recorded more murders last year than new york and la combined. Shootings are up as well. The city reporting at least 1100 prior. One professor blasted the president saying chicagos troubles highlights social break down income inquality and gun violence issues that the president was elected to fix core steward is running for the republican nomination for governor of virginia he found a way to get publicity and attention by giving away an ar 15. Ronica cleary in wood bridge virginia with the story. Cory steward made headlines when he said hed be giving away one of these, an ar 15, he awarded it to rick thompson. Congratulations on winning. Was this about Second Amendment rights or was this just a publicity stunt it a stunt and its a stunt meant to call attention to the need for constitutional in the commonwealth of virginia and also a stunt to demonstrate that our Second Amendment rights dont make us less safe. They make us more and we need to expand maybe in his isnt that shocking. There is a politician in maryland who is doing something an ar 15 raffle. Michael huff. What does this do to for a politician . Does it put them in a box or expand their base . Its important that a leader, somebody who wants to be governor leads. If you dont necessarily look at the polls, you have to demonstrate we need constitutional in the commonwealth of virginia on ways we should be pushing for it. When people hear it at first theyre going to be whats that . Then they will hear about it and i hope to lead on the Second Amendment issue not follow behind poll. Reporter what do you thinking about politicians using guns to raise money and awareness . I love to hear from you, you can find me on facebook and twitter at ronica cleary, sending it back to you. Warning for netflix users, a new scam may be putting your personal information art risk. Several users have reported getting an email appears to be from netflix with a link sending them to a page very similar to the official log in page but its not. From there, update their personal and payment information. Once the info is put in, theyre redirected to the actual netflix home page p netflix says if you receive this email, do not click on it. Delete it immediately. Tonight announcing the recalling almost 800,000 additional vehicles because of defective passenger airbags. Brings the number of honda vehicles to over a million and add to the more than 100 million other vehicles recalled across the world. Made by japanese supplier takata, the airbags explode in a crash, and causing major 16 people have been killed and nearly 200 others injured. An online group are calling to stop buying l l bean product. After it was found he donated over 60,000 to a pro super trump. The group says they will stop the boycott if the company removes her from the board looks like the re president elect donald trump can keep the insults flying. She claims her reputation was trashed when trump tweeted she begged for a campaign job and called her a dummy. The tweets were aimed at republican, Public Relations consultant jerry dakobis, the judge said although the insults were hash, hes still protected by the freedom of speech. You run into a store to buy an outfit or shoes and you pick up the wrong size heres a mistake one customer did not secuming he was surprised to find to he had what appears to be swastikas on the soul. When he put them on he ended up leaving swastika footprints everywhere he went. Fortunately he says he before anybody else did. They were purchased on amazon. Com. Not what you want to be leaving behind in your track i dont know if they came up with an excuse or explained why. Rather than unfortunate im sure the boot company is looking into it. Keep it up with the kardashian case, details in the investigation into kims paris robbery. That glass of wine could be impacting your appetite in an unwanted way. Let me guess, makes you hungrier you should cut back for weight loss. Id rather take at the edge off. Thank you guys. It was fun today, look at those temperatures finally thawing out, we got thought upper 50s. We got rain moving into the washington area, this is just rain, it could cause issues for the evening commute. Youll need your umbrellas tonight. That moving out by tomorrow morning, ill show you what look forward to for thursday, thats ahead in your fox 5 sevenday forecast. Well be right back. We have details in the investigation into the kardashian robber. French investigators release a the drivers brother and more than a dozen others remain in custody, kardashian was robbed and tied up in october. Robbers took 100 million worth of jewelry an investigating judge may fly over to the u. S. To speak directly with with kardashian about the heist. Tuning into this song, power when you hit the gym, youre in good company. Most played workout songs on spotify right next to till i collapse and drakes jump man. Brianna and the weekend are other popular artists. Spotify says iceland, sweden are the most consumers of workout music. Way to go scanned u. S. Falls into 10th place, i like polka music. It gets you going. Youre kidding me. Why would i . I dont know, maybe i would be listening to that if i actually had been to the gym since the first of the year. If you havent had much of an appetite try drinking a glass of wine. Done Scientists Say having alcohol before dinner makes you hungrier by tricking your brain. Researchers say the alcoholic drinks activate certain neurons bringing a feeling of intense hunger, also caused by the brain. I love that woman, the video of the woman sitting down for a glass of wine because she will never live this down every time it runs on tv, youre drinking again. Ten years lot older than that. Drink nearly as much i think weve all known that i know. Unfortunately, weve done the Scientific Study a few times im down for trying it again. I know. Much warmer damage obviously. Big difference huge difference. Right, i know weve been in that deep freeze for the past couple days but finally, we really broke out of it earlier this morning when temperatures start sores into the 40s and vest 50s, 57 at arlington this afternoon, get close to 70 tomorrow, can you even believe were in the same week with the bitter windchills that ended the weekend and started us off on monday, monday morning we were 15 at the airport. At reagan national, i believe that was our low monday morning and then we could be close to 70 by thursday afternoon, remarkable. Lets get straight to your weather headlines before we talk about the warmth we have to talk about now through about midnight. Then we should see the rain gone by day break. It will feel like spring tomorrow, getting sunshine, much more wintery by weekend, well also throw in a mix of snow, rain, possible freezing rain and sleet. The whole bag for saturday. Pretty messy, weve had not so great saturday, this saturday will be another one. Radar right now, blast of showers moving in. The overall track is from southwest to northeast, graze the area with light rain showers, the steadier is off of the maryland pennsylvania border, Howard County into the baltimore as well as along the i 81 corridor. You guys are seeing a good area of rain, nothing in washington quite yet. That will fill in, evening showers will taper off. And along the 70 corridor, far north of that towards hagerstown westmi rain is. Thats where it will last longer, temperatures still at 50 in washington, 50 in gaithersburg, 46 westminster, 45 in stevensville 43 in quantico, 45 in winchester, across the northeast, were thawing out, 50 in columbus and 59 in lexington. Putting on our High Resolution model, time out the precipitation, good handle on the fact that west of us and north of us is the more ordering rainfall but by about 8 00, 9 00, that will be lifting into washington and baltimore, steadier rain if youll be out youll need the umbrella, theres the back edge crossing through the district about 10 00 p. M. I wouldnt be surprised if we get left over rain showers as it finally kicks off about 5 00, a. M. North and east could still see rain, by 7 00, 8 00 a. M. Fog thats a possibility but falling rain should be over. Any fog we do have is expected to burn off q normally it doesnt in the winter months but we have this nice surge of warm air moving in. And because of that, it will scour out the fog allow temperatures to can jump quickly we should make it into the 60s just about everywhere. We got substantial wind, so even though its milder tomorrow, it will feel nice out. We will have higher gusts especially west of town up to 30 miles an hour. Low temperatures tonight, not too far from where we are right now. 47 in washington. Pretty steady temperatures this evening into the Early Morning hours, then look at this, high temperatures 60s all across the board, 67 washington and frederick, 66 culpeper even annapolis 62, frederick, hagerstown, left over snow not after tomorrow, 61. 67 for tomorrow, not bad on friday, mostly a cloudy day, 57 degrees, but i think its one of those days whe feel colder later on in the day, cold front passes in the morning, that could be an early high temperature. Saturday, looks like this storm system is not a big storm system but overnight friday into saturday, will roll in and our low temperatures 32. We could start snow, transition to rain, not looking at a lot of accumulations but kind of a messy setup and not to mention a tricky hard forecast. Light mix will linger into sunday but that look as tad warmer. Martin luther king day, look at this right back into the mild temperatures well into the 50s as we head to tuesday and wednesday, hoping to hold on to that as we head toward inauguration next friday. Jim back to you. Thank you. Incredible video out of california showing crews coming to the rescue of people stranded by rising flood waters across part of the state. Making roads nearby totally impassable. Firefighters say theyre searching now for people trapped since inside their homes weve theyre still several in there. Its our home, the only one we got. Were losing our home looks like right now is your house under water yes, four feet deep. The river is expected to reach a high of 38 feet tonight which is more than six feet above flood stage. It is a title most zoos would prefer not to have, the Oklahoma City zoo has been named the worse in the nation for elephant. After two elephants died from a contagious virus in recent months. Another elephant contracted the virus but is said to be doing ok. The zoo says they have purchased a new machine to test for the virus. Also plans to expand the elephant exhibit the next few months. One redskins quarter. A former headcoach was auditions and on the another career milestone, brody logan has more on that coming up in sports. Port afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. Jim moan biles and ally raise man are ditching the lee studios for bikinis. Arent we all please not all of us. Will be in Sports Illustrated swim suit edition. Photographer shot the photos and the roy cole inscripture garden. Look a little steamy there in her twopiece, the first ever by Sports Illustrated swim suit festival in february calm down, men and women everywhere. Wasnt she in the body issue too yes. She was in the body issue, she has taken more off. Take it off if you she made that joke, we might have to do a fox 5 sports swim suit edition why did this go on the screen . All right. Im here. So big tonight are we having issues with brodys microphone . He was standing by ready to go i thought they were doing at it, apparently were having technical issues. Its just me. Its a me issue. Lets focus on the caps. Big game tonight. When alex is a tied with his 544 goal, he said just means im getting old. As you can see from the pictures, playing 13 seasons in the n h l will age you but ov isnt slowing down even as his hair fades to gray. They have a chance to become the 84th player in the history to record 1,000 points in his career, including this in 2006 put him on the map. He now sits on 999 career points. Against the penguins would put ob in rare these milestones mean youve been in the league a long time. Even if he doesnt feel it 13 years and 1,000 points have him looking more like alex old his hair, he looks pretty old. No, i mean, that just shows, longevity of his career based on the statement lineup and performance consistently. Makes accomplishment hes in a way different place now than he was when 19, hes a different person. Little different player in some ways. But still productive. I dont feel old. When you get 1,000 points, youve been in the league a long time. Going to stay young. For hockey fans she traveled almost 3,000 miles from the northern reaches of british columbia. Sign three flights, 462 kill malcomb meters to meet him and he granted her request. Coming over for a hug. She reacted one of those old videos of fans swooning when you see the beatles. Heres what she thought of meeting her idol its good. His personality, he saw your sign and came over. You came, you know, almost 5,000 kill ometers to come here. Redskins might have to replace an offensive coordinator, redskins oc shawn mchave any has emerged as the top candidate. The top 15 in points scored. If he gets the job, mcvay will be the youngest in nfl history at 30 years old. Speaking of feeling one offensive coordinator possibly going, one defensive coming to ashburn. Fox 5 and other confirm headcoach bradley interviewed for the vacant defensive coordinator position today. Bradley was fired after doing the worst in nfl history but went to seattle ranked fourth in the league. Cindy crosby now looks like andy sandberg. You can look that up too. Still looks just perfectly fine. He looks good. Thanks for being with us fox 5 news at 6 00 starts after the break. Mom, i have to tell you something. Dad, one second i was driving and then the next. They just didnt stop and then. Im really sorry. I wrecked the subaru. I wrecked it. Youre ok. Thats all that matters. vo a lifetime commitment to getting them home safely. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. This is fox 5 local news at 6 00. Total fabrication. Not you, your organization utter nonsense, go ahead. Reporter sir mr. President elect hes asking a question, dont be rude disgrace. You are fake news. Sir, thats how president elect donald trump described the explosive stories surrounding him. The news at 6 00 starts now. The press conference in more than 100 days and the president elect did not hold back. It is good to have you with us, im shawn yancy, im jim lokay an unverified document on line claims details russias effort to influence the 2016 election and the Trump Campaign also contains unverified can scandal allegations against the president elect, today he described as sick and phony. Fox 5 Tom Fitzgerald live at the trump hometown. He didnt waste any time in talking about this . Reporter jim, this was an extraordinary exchange today. Remember, last night we were expecting this News Conference was going to be about the trump business. How is donald trump going to extricate himself from his many holdings like the trump hotel to in dc . Clearly, in the last 24 hours, that is not what has transpired. At the heart of this to News Conference today, questions over this document, this 35 page unverified, unconfirmed piece of paper, which contains scandal ous accumulations not only against donald trump but against his to

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