Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News 5 20161216 :

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News 5 20161216

and 9:00 tomorrow morning. the area is shaded here for the winter weather advisory. just a trace of sleet. about a ten. of ice. when we have the freezing rain vorax that is where we'll see this and from midnight to about 9:00 on saturday, less than about a ten. inch in terms of ice accumulation here. after midnight it will start but become fairly steady to toward dawn tomorrow, and we look at seeing this actuallily actually changing into all rain until midday or later part of the morning hours, our temperatures will start to rise and it won't support the freezing rain or the sleet anymore. because that's why it's going to change to all rain, leaving slick conditions out there on bridges and overpasses and untreated roads to our far northwest is where they have winter storm watches in effect and they're looking at accumulation of snow in the higher elevations. so forecast tonight, cold, we are looking in the hours of seeing this all starting to kick in. temperature will be into the 20 for tonight. get prepared for that. and we will see some improvement in terms of our temperatures and our conditions once we get into the rest of the weekend. i'll have those details a little later on back to you. >> see you in a bit. as you head home to stay warm in your home, crews across the area will be working through the night to keep those roads safe. in dc, a full deployment will begin midnight and crews will work 12 hours, fox 5 was there as these trucks off of new york avenue were lined up and checked for mechanical issues, this is the first real weather situation for the district this weather season, tomorrow is not a workday but crews still plan to hit all the roads and neighborhoods. >> given the weather, given the temperatures and factor, we do not expect a lot of snow. lot of district residents shopping for christmas and we want to make sure that they are not dealing with slick or slippery roads >> crews have gun spreading the pretreatment solution on area roads. you may have seen it. they will switch over to a salt mixture once the bad weather begin, v dot are asking you to stay off the roads until 9:00 tomorrow. today is big at fox 5. we have teamed up to help a special little boy live out his dream, kaheem's wish was to be a super hero for day and help people. he's done just that. safering santa earlier today, national harbor who knew santa needed saving but kaheem did it. he took a boat ride made a stop at the capitol and captured the grinch. now he's gearing up for the final mission. >> it's been amazing and the kid so cute and let's all o he will >> his smile contagious >> let's take you to the museum where tony perkins is waiting for kaheem >> i'm coming to you live from the museum in northwest washington and indeed, we got kaheem's final mission. let me show you what's happening on the balcony, second floor, we got a big group of people. take a look that slap shot tied to slap sho dc united and two of the presidents from the nationals, they're all tied up. they've got to get untied so they can shield their teams on to victory and keep the city run, we need super kaheem to untie them. he's on his way now. he believe he's receiving a police escort to get here in time. in fact, we can see the lead motorcycle making its way. here's the trick, kaheem has to get up here as quickly as possible so the dc fire department has a truck here and a ladder were any bucket, this balcony and he's going to save the day. it is his final mission. we see super kaheem's vehicle pulling up now. he's with the police car. super kaheem making his way. we got custom and tucker downstairs. take it tell us what's happening. >> reporter: yeah. we're going to put this in he [cheers and applause] . >> reporter: custom and tucker and kevin are downstairs with kaheem. he's very excited. >> tony perkins, how are you doing, tony perkins? >> we're down here. how are you doing? do you remember us? >> yeah. >> reporter: all right. kaheem is here he's going to take it away right now. kaheem. we need you up there. >> we're setting him up to the rescue. >> reporter: here he comes, tony perkins. here he comes [cheers and applause] super kaheem. super kaheem. >> this is a dangerous maneuver [cheers and applause] we got firefighter doug and tom. he's going to get him off of the bucket [cheers and applause] there we got a tough joe biden. we got to free the mascot. the crowd is gathe super kaheem, how are you? are you ready to save the day? this is kenny, he's one of the mascots for the washington nationals. let me show you something, super kaheem. come here. he's tied up to abraham lincoln. there's stuck together. they're tied up. you have to free them so they can cheer their teams on. let me give a clue. i'm going to give you a clue. here. fly those ropes right there. try pulling those ropes. let's see if that does it. yeah [cheers and applause] . >> reporter: yes, yes. yes! ok. we got talent. and we've, yes! . we got santa, let's do it. let's get him unloose there. you have done i you have done it. kaheem scomplm >> reporter: good job, kaheem. say hello to everybody out here. readying to inside and get out of the cold? let's go. you've done a great job, kaheem. yes. we're going to go inside. we've got something for you. let's go right around the corner here. we're going to go this way. are you ready? let's go down this way. >> reporter: you have done a fantastic job have you enjoyed today? have you had a good time? we got some things now, man. we're at the museum. and because you saved these guys at the museum, they wanted to give you one of their mass scott. how do you like that? how do you like that? ? we got something very special for you. i want you to turn around so everybody can see. was you done such a great job. yep, he's done such a great job and been such a great super hero, this is you. that is you. your own action figure at the super hero. that is super kaheem. how about that? this is that's your face. that's your costume and that's for you. ok? do you want to hold that up so everyone can see? is mom here? you're so proud of your boy. how do you feel? can you talk? it's ok. you got a great boy. you got a great boy. >> thank you. >> kaheem, you have saved dc. you have saved dc. congratulations. orange line [cheers and applause] . >> reporter: we're going to send it back to you guys, we'll have more coming up in a bit. >> you made it when you have your own act figure >> there's a lot of good in this world? all of firefighters, the people that planned this, the people here, make a wish, everybody. >> pitched in >> makes you feel good about life and people out there. what a wonderful day. >> coming up next, in other news, new questions about the trump hotel if the district >> can the president-elect legally own and operate operate the hotel once he takes office? the lease how it could be challenged >> we're taking your calls, your make a wish, our make a wish phone bank open until 7:00. 202-895-3307. donate money or airline to make a wish to help dreams of kids like kaheem come true. you can log on that to kaheem save to give as well. we'll be right back. k. new questions about the trump hotel and whether the president-elect can legally continue to own and manage it. >> democrats say it language on the lease is clear or is it? . >> reporter: i'm here today >> a little over a year where donald trump announced his run for president, he sent what's been described as worded letter to the general services administration threatening to pull out of the deal for the old post office unless he got his way. if tsa officials were, according to internal documents we secured. they were so rattled by trump posturing that they had to convene an internal meetings. they were quite concerned. they were frankly intimidated. >> reporter: carl misineo who is suing the government in hopes of learning terms of the deal wonders this >> as soon as he is presidency. he assumes. the land as well as the tenants, he is on both sides negotiating. hose gsa officials were so intimidated and in their own words by donald trump the businessman going to be able to negotiate fair terms in the public interest when he's, in fact, not only the pres but their boss. >> reporter: this week, four house democrats sent this letter to the gsa administrator asking how the gsa was going to address the issue, writing, mr. trump will be in breach of the lease agreement the moment he take office unless he fully di vests himself of all financial interest in the lease for the hotel. a lease that says no elected official may benefit from it. however, in a statement the gsa says it does not have a position that the lease provision requires the president-elect to divest of his financial interests. in a word, they want to wait to see what mr. trump will do with his businesses and there's more. the foreign businessman and dignitaries have already shown interest in staying there. >> this isn't a new issue. when the framers wrote the constitution, when they enacted the constitution in 1789, they enact add provision of the constitution in article 1 section 9. which prohibits prohibits any type of benefit flowing from a foreign government to government official. >> reporter: if donald trump doesn't divest himself of this property by january 20th when he becomes president by law, he cannot be sued. so it may then be up to the general services administration, which would then be under the oversight of the trump administration or the republican controlled congress. paul wagner fox 5 local news fox 5. president obama held his final news conference of his presidency this afternoon. >> he suggested vladamir puten knew about the e-mail hackings russia allegedly carried out that disrupted the presidential race. we get the latest from fox's joel waldman. >> reporter: president obama holding his traditional end of year press conference before heading to hawaii for christmas. it comes as a white house and president-elect trump are in a involvement in the 2016 election. >> based on uniform intelligence assessment, the russians were responsible for hacking the dnc. it shouldn't be a part is an issue >> the president touting his boom care, something his predecessor mr. trump repeatedly threatened to repeal and replace. >> if they find obamacare in the law, our business vetted more than 15 million new job. >> reporter: moving on to the economy specifically cutting the nation's deficit >> last year the poverty rate fell at the fastest rate in almost 50 years. while the median household income grew at the fastest rate on record. we done all this while cutting our deficits by nearly 2 thirsty. >> reporter: mr. obama always what he considers some of his other foreign achievements >> we've insured arraigned cannot obtain a nuclear weapon with we opened up a new chapter would have cuba >> also reflecting unresolved issues including the going to go crisis in syria >> for years we worked to stop the civil war in syria, it has been one of the hardest issue >> president obama has less than 45 days in office before handing the reigns over to donald trump, joel waldman, fox news. a navy veteran gets an early christmas present >> he won a brand new truck. how it's helping him with his post military career coming up. if you've been watching, we have been following along all day as 5-year-old kaheem lived his super hero dreams, he's made multiple rescues, even captured the grinch. you can help make a wish do even more of these special days for other children. the phone bank, is open 7:00. all you need to do to talk to these wonderful people, 202-895-3307 or log on to kaheem saves we'll be back in a moment. make sure you make that call. . take a look look at what troy davis got hiring our hero program. it's a fully loaded 2016 semi truck valid $170,000, he served as a jet engine mechanic as the navy and currently living in michigan. he will now own and operate his own tractor-trailer. >> it's very humbling. it's very honorable to be here d event. i mean, it's really going to change my life for the better. jerk we cannot do enough for our veterans, they've given so much for our country and there's so much continue to give. so dedicated and professional. we need to honor them every chance we get david son was selected over two other veterans who are truckers, the transition trucking award mission recognizes veterans who have made a successful transition from military service into the trucking industry. >> more good news. love it >> we're going to take you back live to the museum for more of super kaheem's big day >> he has been around town making rescues and living his dream to be a super hire. also, take a look. these folks from make a wish midatlantic they need your help, busy on the phones but please call, they want to hear from you, we need the donations, they're open until 7:00. there's the number on your screen, or go to kaheem saves donate there as well. we're back in a moment. from afghanistan want to say happy holidays to friends and family back in annapolis. i love you guys, hope you guy have a great holiday. we teamed up with make a wish midatlantic to make kaheem's super hero dream comes true. he has been all over rescuing people left and right. tony perkins is live at the museum. we were watch on tv. it was amazing from this vantage point. must have been better from where you're standing >> it was one of the most amazing things i have ever been part of. one of the most emotional things. all the folks who turned out for this and who worked on this and put this together, and little kaheem, who has been a trooper all day long, has been so into it, and enjoyed it. his mom was so touched, she couldn't talk when we tried to talktory. it has been a long day with them tucker kevin are all here, it started early this morning, custom >> we met him at the hotel. we surprised him at the hotel. bright and early. it was cold outside. we ran outside, got on the fire truck, came to the wait a minute. >> first of all, who did he run into his biggest hero spider man, bat. am i correct wolf rene, he said your claws are fake. he drank the possession. he then went in and changed into his custom, then we were off. till the next mission, which i believe was you. off and running i met him down at national harbor. and a great big thank you to not only make a wish, montgomery county fire department, prince george's county fire department. it was amaze, council was out there. national harbor, i never seen such a big crowd in known degree temperature. he's been a big fan -- he fanned everywhere. capitol. guy. so. we inned up in front of the ended up in front of a wheel. it was magical. he took care of what he had to right backing him. it was great moment. >> he's been doing tasks all day to try and save all these different elements of washington, dc and you and i and custom we're in the u.s. capitol earlier. >> we were in speaker ryan's office with the president had been and found this flag that was on the u.s. capitol. i met him over that the national theater where he actually apprehended the grinch and he put a net around him and when he did it. he saved christmas. saving dc all day. >> reporter: it rests up here at the museum, his final task was untimed. the team mascot was here. he untied them. i thought, going to have to show him how to do it. it went right in, held the rope >> he was fully sprinting. massive plan we're going to do this and -- as soon as he gets out of the car, he take off like a -- literally quiet. he didn't need any of our help, he does everything himself. the super potion worked >> it was a magical day. thank you for the retweets and the support, don't forget to, you can still donate to make a wish we got our phone bank set up until 7:00 p.m. continue to make these wishes come right now >> if you missing any, go to they're all calculated right there and you can follow the whole: he for you goes were dwaynes johnson >> make a wish we're going to go to talk with a couple of phone bank volunteers. part of the make a wish family explain how >> i'm a wish mom. my son was, granted his wish in 2015 he was an nba visit player and he got the wish while he was in treatment, so for us always say this was the intangible medical treatment for him. it mad and it's amazing what this organization does. and i know as i said, i always say that giving a wish to be part of the medical treatment, that's make that difference to the child and to the family. >> and when you see kaheem going through this today, >> it's amazing, such a sweet kid and i know that for day, his family and him can just forget about the medication and the other things they have to be enjoy the day. and it's wonderful to see him putting it on the screen, that's what motivates all of us to give back. that's why i'm volunteering. >> i know you got phone calls coming in. we want to take a time to talk to a wish kid veteran who's kind of been there and knows what the experience is like, we got britney here; correct? >> britney and tell me a little bit about what it's like to watch him going through his wish and how it reminds you of yours >> looked really happy and going to go out and have fun, it was really special. >> what was that like >> beaches, went to restaurants and those were really, really fun. >> it's something that obviously brings here to help out as well. >> what would you like people to know out there about donating >> i would say that currently make a wish have king wing, it's very important and you know, just have a good time. and also the hospital. every dollar counts: britney. continue to donate as well. until 7:00. 202 --. ♪ ♪ once again it's a good night stay inside until tomorrow morning, later in the morning: got the latest on our weather what we can we had the stream cold now we're going to get the winter precipitation. let's take a look at what's going on begin with our headline, another cold night with overnight lows in the 20's for most of our neighborhoods. we're talking a wintery mix overnight and icy conditions at your all going to be very aware of, slick spots, once we get into saturday before we start to see a warmup and we end up with rain across most of the entire area. lots going on here. let's and radar. we talked about the storm system creating lots of snow over the upper midwest. as well as to our south and southwest as well. not much happening on the east at this point. there is some well off to the northeast but a little bit happening along the coast line. >> here's a look at the current temperature, cold 27 at dc. 25 at baltimore this hour. chilly 25 at winchester, the same at dulles, 22 at mark the insideberg, and 27 at culpeper. winds fairly light but we still have windchills out there also and your overnight lows are expected to be into the 20's and with teens to the north and northwest, we have to watch as we get into tonight with the forecast. we're dealing with tonight frontal system that's moving in tonight into tomorrow a cold front with it we're going to end up seeing little bit of wintery mix it's going to be happening, that will eventually turn to rain. and so we're going to have pretty much of a soaker day, once we get into sunday, rainy conditions there as well. and a wet day but it will be much milder. we'll see a big difference temperature. what's happening with the first is storm system, that's going to track its way in from the west and we do have winter weather advisories and freezing rain advisories this kick in tonight and expire at 1:00 p.m. saturday. we're talking less than a ten 10th of inch of item and for the winter weather advisory ten. of an inch, close to the makes son dixon line is where we have a chance of seeing snowplow. we're talking a mixture of freezing rain, sleet and rain and by the time we get into saturday, we're going to go see this all changing into rain, tonight and tomorrow, this is the situation, freezing rain areas along the i95 corridor north closer to mason line. snow inch of accumulation. as i said once we get to midday by saturday, that's when we're going to go see the change over, if you recollect a little bit of a timeline for you on one of our models this is 4:00 in the morning, you can see what's happening out to our far northwest, where we will see snow in the higher elevations where we do have a winter weather warning. 6:00 in the morning on saturday, the pink is the wintery mix. then you're going to go see this starting to change over to rain once we get into the later part of your saturday as warmer air starts to filter in. won't be cold enough in terms of winter precipitation. for tonight, 27 degrees, the wintery mix in the overnight hours will be after midnight before it starts, freezing rain, icy changing to rain by time we get into the day tomorrow. temperatures really drastically changing sunday, warmer air kicks in and we get up to 60 for a rain event then on the back then we're down to the 30's and 20's again for overnight low, what a difference a day makes, we'll have details little later. back to you. super kaheem made his be debut. he captured the grinch. saved -- everyone that gets a presents on christmas day, you can thank kaheem. he's not the only super hero that's going to be in dc. cardinal panthers cam newton he celebrates every touchdown by doing a clark kent show off. josh normal fancies hobbles as before a man, he has a three-foot tall batman he keeps in his locker, his personal logo, is fashion to look like the cape crusaders, they're here today at practice, there was josh normal, the skins caped crusader showing off his soccer powers, and headcoach jay gruden tried to prove he does bottle flipping, that's not a good power. >> back to normal, phasing his former team in the panthers and that will bring added fire in the motion for this batman versus super man, something some of his current team mates know all about >> go out there and go along, let them see what they missed out on. it's the only advice i got for them. >> i know the carolina panthers come in here and i understand they had a dispute back and i stated on sports stuff like that but i understand he going to keep his head clear but i know a there and talk to him, i'm the whole week, he's a pro. he's not going to let nothing i say bother him >> bothering me the whole time. another factor freezing cold temperatures at fedex field, all week the skins have been practicing inside of the bubble and you see guys in long sleeves, pants, hoodies, inside the bubble, and so that makes people wonder for monday night going sleeves or no sleeves. >> you see linebackers with sleeves, it's not not -- he loses a little bit of credibility. louisiana boy wore sleeves, you got to give him crap, you know, sometimes it might get insane, we heard whispers. sit down and take a look at what you want to do, you sleeveless. is >> that was the case for this favorite, trying to find a pair of tom brady size uggs. he posted this. to which responded asking for investigation and he got it. a pair of uggs. i don't know if you >> maybe brady can, you know, is spot him some cash. they're ugh slippers three of them hidden all over boston, this guy was running so fast he >> are still here, give them a at all 202-895-3307. we'll be back in a moment. staff at st. luke's hospital of kansas city made special costumes for babies dressing them up as tiny little presents, the outfits were delivered to babies by santa himself and three volunteer photographers in the march of dimes moms of former nicu babies. >> we got more right here. now, to a heart warming holiday story for one started family, marine staff sergeant david rescott has been deployed and a off a surprise holiday homecoming, alexandria hoff was there and has the emotional reunion. >> ho ho ho. merry christmas i'm here to read you a story. >> a class full of first graders >> have all the children from virginia been good this year? well, mostly. answered the little old elf. listen closely to over word >>. >> reporter: do you want anything else for christmas >> i want my dad. >> reporter: why would you want your dad? where is your dad? >> kuwait. >> reporter: but the surprise he got was bigger than he could have imagined. >> he's in the army >> marine corp. >> reporter: i think i have a bit of christmas >> ok. >> reporter: piece by piece. assigned removed his glasses, hat, and beard. it was an emotional homecoming that jackson didn't expect for weeks. started alexandria hoff local news >> that will be best holiday ever for him. >> thanks for joining us at 5:00 fox 5 news at 6:00 coming up after the break >> we'll continue to follow super kaheem's venture, fox 5 and make a wish midatlantic stepped in to make him a super hero. make wish needs your help making dreams like this come true. to learn more, all you need to do is call and make a donation. call 202-895-3307. of our phone banking as you can see, hi there, everyone is open and here in the studio, you can log ton a special website to donate. that's kaheem saves >> back in a moment. ent. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ (my hero zero by lemonheads) zero really can be a hero. get zero down, zero deposit, zero due at signing, and zero first month's payment on select volkswagen models. right now at the volkswagen sign then drive event. 6:00. we're really braces ourselves for what we're to get. in meantime temperatures playing a major role. right now, 27 degrees at dc. 25 at gaithersburg, the same as baltimore, westminster at 25, and dulles 24 at martinsberg and 27 at culpeper. so windchills is significant also. it feels like it's in the teens, and single digits in many of our area, that's going to be the case in the overnight hours with the light winds, winter weather alerts, kicking until saturday in the morning hour, until 1:00 in the afternoon, actually. winter weather advisory and freezing rain advisories in effect that impact our immediate area, the freezing rain advisory until 9:00 a.m. saturday, less than a 10th of an inch of accumulation. as far as the winter weather advisory we're talking about a ten. on an of an inch. combination of sleet and freezing rain, but we're looking at the snow primarily being closer to the mason dixonli

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