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Sunshine is out here on this mothers day. Perfect timing, we get Better Weather back after gloomy few few day, its chilly out there. 44 at dulles, 47 at bwi. We got sunshine and crisp morning as we had a cool few days and its still cool out there right now, widespread as we take a look at some other neighborhoods, 46 in gaithersburg, you got 45 out in quantico and 44 in fredericksberg, 43 in leonardtown of is or is not tracker radar showing left over sprinkle to Montgomery County top side of the belt way there. Even though it will be nice and sunny, there could be tray clouds around later even a sprinkle as we take a look at aware that is, southeast Montgomery County moving into northern Prince Georges County. A tiny shoufrm heres your the morning hours, temperatures jump quickly, it will be warmer afternoon, its also going to be windy. So if you got lunch or dinner plans later, youll be battling the wind. 77 for high, gusts over 25 miles an hour at times, it will be cooler north and west low 70s to upper 70s in the district as well as parts of northern virginia. Much warmer in the days ahead r very mild sevenday forecast is still coming up. 7 02. Interviews are interviewed way for the new fbi director, eight have been interviewed so far a decision could come as soon as this week, the questions are continuing over the firing of james comey while republicans and democrats remain divided. Foxes Ellison Barer has the latest. Reporter the Trump Administration is working to put the controversy surrounding the abrupt firing of fbi director james comey behind them, handful people interviews, among them alice fisher, andrew mccabe, john core nonof texas. Henry hudson, a u. S. District judge from virginia. Francis townson who served as Homeland Security advisor to George W Bush. We need a director has apolitical, has no political ambitions or aspirations in come in and stand up for the fbi. If theres one danger that the fbi faces is political interference. Reporter lawmakers remain divided over comeys firing with some coming to President Trumps defense while others call for a special prosecutor to investigate alleged russian ties to the president s 2016 election campaign. The firing took place just one day before the Russian Foreign minute to center was host to do the white house, President Trump addressed the press aboard shifting focus from the controversy to the candidates being considered to replace comey. I think the process will put almost all of them are very well known, theyve been vetted over their lifetime. Essentially. But very well known, highly respected really talented people. Sources tell fox news there are as many as 12 candidates being considered for comeys old job, President Trump says a decision could come as early as this week, Justice Department Allison Barber fox news. Developing overnight, u. S. Pacific command is confirming north korea launched another ballistic missile. Officials in south korea say the missile threw more than 430 miles, it has been two weeks since north koreas last missile attempt. This comes as u. S. Japanese and European Forces are gathered in the pacific for drills. The white house says north korea has been a long. Police are investigating a triple shooting over the weekend. A man and two women were injured, and were told the man has lifethreatening injuries but the women are expected to recover. Lease spent yesterday searching for evidence, so far no arrests. And the question a number of guest staying at the Extended Stay Hotel and are asking anyone who may have Additional Information do give them call. Police in arlington are looking for this man, they say he attacked a woman inside her own apartment. It happened last sunday. And once the suspect got inside the building he knocked on doors claiming to be a maintenance man, when one woman opened her door he force his way in and sexual assaulted her. They were able to get way but police have the Surveillance Video and they hope it will help bring him in. A man continuance in Prince Georges County this mo in 2014 is on the run. He did not show up and pleaded guilty back in march to five counts of vehicular manslaughter and driving under the influence. We spoke to the sister and is surprised. Now you have to feel like maybe the system has failed you, because you the system to right any wrong, and i guess what were left to do is wait. Kelly was ability to stay out of jail because he was on a gps monitoring device, the minority was removed at some point but officials still do not know how that happened 7 06. The search underway for 13yearold sean well done last seen along the 200 block of k street on may 10th. Wearing green sweatpants and a black and whit s shoes. Youre asked to call dc police. Time is 7 06. Its been a big weekend for bryce harper signed one of the biggest deals in baseball he rocks the baseball diamond yesterday, coming up, were going to show you all the action in this mornings sports. Have you ever told a lie . We all have. Never. Thats a lie. Well sit down with an expert on communication and hell tell us why lying can be harmful. Heres a live look of the white house on sunday morning, stay with us. Well be right back. Well be right back. Time is 8 09. The Washington Wizards headed to game seven, taking on the Boston Celtics in boston. Winner will face off against the Cleveland Cavaliers and labron james. Good luck. Abdul now, the nationals beat the phillies last night 64. Check out Bryce Harpers play of the day. A walk off home run. Dashed out to center. See you later. Nice day bryce harper outfielder bryce harper, the team resigned him one more year, the deal is reportedly worth more than 21 million and includes a bonus if he wins the National League awards. Of he can become a again today a double header. He wished everything a happy mothers day. 7 10. Heres local events going on day two of the bethesda find arts festival. Artists will be showing and selling original painting and photographs, glass work, woodwork and more, live music and some of the best of the restaurants. And this evening, members of the Crofton Community will get together. This event kicks off at 6 30 and people will spread messages of kindness and tolerance, and it will be written in chalk. In response to a noose found hanging outside a middle school thursday. Theres a protest planned outside the federal communications chairmans home in arlington. Theyre protesting the policy, they Net Neutrality would limit internet freedom. The initial vote later this week. Thousands of bicyclists will be hitting the street for the Second Annual 20mile bike ride. A load of roads in dc and parts of arlington will be closed during the ride. Of lots was going on yesterday too with the National Police week raised, all those events downtown was a mess, continues to be this weekend. Not a good day to be biking, of course, because of the rain that we had just most of yesterday and caitlin things have turn around quite nicely. As we take a live look, were seeing the sunshine which we havent seen in quite some time. I believe since wednesday was last time we had a sunny day. Really much improved here for our mothers day, which is great. Its a little chilly out there right now, but we will see improving conditions, so it will be warmer, windy, if youre lighting the grill later, tom, we just want to be a little careful you already know im not lighting the grill, because the offer was made, washed we do tonight . Go out to did you . For mom spares her from having to eat my cooking you did have breakfast in bed before you came into work. There were crumbs all over that bed. From a certain perspective, yes. Do you have something nice planned brunch. We get together with the moms in our family, that will be fun. Whatever you have planned you can be outside at least for a little bit. Because finally we got dry weather out there. And actually yesterday, here in washington, the rain really came to an end quickly in the morning, however, it was cloudy, chilly and breezy, felt like late fall, certainly not the middle of spring, a sunny mothers day is the good news, as we go into the forecast, its cool, 50 washington, 50 annapolis, 47 baltimore, 46 i gaithersburg, 44 westminster, well see the temperatures jump quickly. 46 in new york, 47 in boston. 51 in pittsburgh, a little bit milder towards the west and warmer air will be on the move this week, Storm Tracker radar one little area of sprinkles moving through sections of Montgomery County, east of 270 and into Prince Georges County getting inside the beltway. We got enough clouds and possible moisture on the back side i wouldnt rule out a sprinkle or two later on this afternoon, it will kind of be that weather where its sunny but you got builtin clouds maybe you can get a shower out of some clouds this afternoon, theres a band of clouds and lights showers streaming through central pennsylvania. Otherwise, quiet. Theres a band of clouds moving through cleveland. The storm system wrapped up over new england, theres that heavy rain moving from boston into sections o maine and even parts of vermont mixed prescription cold enough for snow flakes, pretty unbelievable. That was a strong storm system that brought us the heavy rain friday into saturday. For the rest of this weekend, it is the sunny nice and breezy mothers day, lets watch the wind gusts increase, future wind shows by mid afternoon gusts over 20 miles an hour, gustier along the ridge tops, and gusts to 30 miles an hour at times. Monday breezy, so we just have that spring wind to deal with the next couple of days at least blue skies await for this afternoon. 77 remarkable started this morning at 47, well make a good jump with temperature, warmer and gusty, we keep things mild in the sevenday forecast. Taking a little bit, 80 tuesday, still on track for 90s wednesday and thursday, and that will be hot and humid on that you say with a chance of showers friday. Bit as we head to next weekend closer to normal by next satuday, 81 degrees. Enjoy your mothers day weather looks much improved. Annie and tom . Thank you so much. 7 16. Most us know lying can be hurtful or bad even telling a little white lie or a fbi can do serious damage to a relationship. Joining us to talk about this is steven gab knee. Of the ceo of the company, thank you for joining us. Youre really a specialist at this. Some people dont like to be told the truth it can make people unpopular if you say things true, how do you balance the fact that you want to develop a reputation with somebody honest but being able to with that can we handle the truth . The reason why i work with so many Different Companies and individuals is because the question they handle the truth . Yet, if we dont know the truth, we cant do anything about it. You cant fix a problem if somebody doesnt tell you and you cant use an idea if somebody doesnt share with you. The biggest problem is not what peope say its actually what they dont say to each other. The key is to get the and you said said. Theres four levels of open honest communication if youre on the receiving end, arent you finding that people actually end up respecting people that are truthful have you ever had somebody say, i want honest feedback. And you give them honest feedback and they flip out. Flip out for a second then i feel like we humans eventually over time realize, that feedback was it was real. Absolutely. And we start to respect that you just gave me really good feedback and it hurt me for a few minutes or a day ill work on it. I feel like we all have blind spots. Most successful people surround themselves by not people who will tell them yes but how they will say no. One way you can test to see how honest somebody not how many great things they tell you but how much constructive criticism they give you not they shouldnt say positive but that balance lets focus on that, i did not have a chance to read all for books. But i did go through some materials. One of the things i took away from it was that you had strategies how to deliver this news. You know, theres a right and a wrong way to tell people things sometimes and even if you are speak, blunt truths, theres a way you can do it where it will be received better and theres way you can do it that it will not be received so well. What can you do . You want to be a truth teller, how can you deliver this information and not be off putting at the honesty and brutality. I was doing a seminar and a lady came up and said im glad youre teaching honesty, people need to hear this. I tell people the truth, they dont like it. I tell people when theyre a jerk that theyre a jerk. Thats not honest. Thats brutality. Thats name calling. Heres the difference, fact based versus opinion based, its easy to share our opinions but are we willing to cite the facts . An example will be i noticed the report came in at 5 00 rather than 3 00, whats going on . What can we do to improve our relationship . Its mothers day and people have issues even at home and are they willing to get it resolved . We have to speak the truth, whats helpful is two major steps be one to make it fact based, not opinion, then ask, share what you want to move forward. Have you ever had Somebody Just be up front with you, quote quote and be giving constructive criticism but they wont give you ideas. Anybody can tear down somebody. The improve their lives . Years ago, i had a boss tell me dont just bring me the problem, bring me the solution. Absolutely thank you, steven gaffnee ceo of the steven gaff neiko. Well be back after the short break. Gaf [vo] one moment can change a life. Intelligent technology can help protect it. The allnew audi q5 is here. President trump head to host World Leaders at the white house we will pay tribute to those who served in the military, jackie has these and more ahead. Reporter sunday is mothers day to show appreciation for mom. Many will celebrate the day by sending cards, chocolates and other treats. Monday, President Trump is set to host the crown prince at the white house, the meeting between the two will serve as an opportunity to deepen cooperation with a key ally in the mideast. Fo former chelsea is expected to be railed from a prison, manning was sentenced in 2013 to 35 years in prison for stealin classified documents. Saturday americans will commemorate Armed Forces Day and it will be celebrated with parades. Saturday its the second leg of the u. S. Horse racing triple crown, the 142nd of the preakness will take at race course in baltimore. Thats a look at the look ahead. Jackie, fox news. New information on the massive cyber attack that affected computer. 22yearold researcher holted. They found a socalled kill switch and was able to prevent further infections, they say the hackers took advantage of a hole in Microsoft Windows operating system and the ransom wear attack affected several countries in an effort to try and france is inaugurating the new president. Mar cone arrived at the palace where he shook hands with his pres president president urged graduates to challenge the establishment, kevin cork has the details. Reporter glorious day here, nestled neatly in the Rolling Hills of the commonwealth of virginia. The site of the president s first commencement address at commander in chief. As you can imagine, he sort of did what most speakers do, he talked about congratulations for making it this far and kind of took a little shot here and there at the students. He even made fun of ambitious future schedule but i think what the president tried to do most of all what encourage the students here and there were thousands and thousands of them. To think about your life moving forward. You are the author of your personal narrative. Encouraging them most of all to be bold and themselves nothing is easier or more pathetic than being a critic. Because there are people that cant get the job done. But the future belongs to the dreamers. Not to the critics. Reporter in addition to saying congratulations to the great many students in attendance, by the way about 50,000 were in and around the stadium. He also tried to remind them to be thankful to the People Special in their lives, moms, of course, its mothers day on sunday, thankful to the veterans and tried to remind everyone to be confident, even if they carry yourself with dignity and pride, demand the best from yourself, and be totally unafraid to challenge, entrenched interest and failed power structures. Does that sound familiar by the way . The more people tell you its not possible, that it cant be done, the more you should be absolutely determined to prove them wrong. Making it a point to thanking all the veterans, there were thousands of them, the president also gave a very special shout out to former Buffalo Bills quarterback jim kelly a twotime cancer survivor whose daughter graduated at liberty in 2017, a day she wont soon forget nor will the many thousands here. I said that was president bush, that looked a lot like President Trump dont worry. Time now 7 27 coming up. We were excited a couple minutes down the line shes like wait, i got too many feet. A colorado family welcomes three new members to their families. Identical, the touching story coming up at 7 00. Inside the president s decision to fire his fbi chief. Well draw down into james comeys dismissal and whats next for the russia vwith mark warner and republican senator mike lee, plus President Trump tweets a warning to comey, their conversations may have been taped. Well ask our panel about mr. Trumps refusal to deny hes got office. All this week on Fox News Sunday. Live look on this sunday morning, 7 tluvenlt temperatures similar to yesterday but conditions different birds are chirping this morning. I can there. Feels like weve been hebe. 50 degrees outside. Theres cloud cover and well be in and out of the sun most of the afternoon, clouds will come and go, maybe a sprinkle or two, otherwise much improved, winds light out of the south right now, 44 in martinsberg, 44 at dulles, chilly 50 in frederick, 50 in washington, 47 in baltimore, 50 in annapolis, these temperatures will jump quickly. Well be in the 70s. On the back side of the storm system, we got a couple of streaks of clouds and moisture for showers in central pennsylvania kind of close to the washington area, heres the actual storm system bringing a pouring rain from boston up into portions of new england, wet snowflakes mixing in vermont, you can see the patch of clouds district, few sprinkles across Prince Georges County, again even up towards baltimore. Well show mix of sun and clouds as we go through mothers day, well have gusting wind out of the northwest and that always kind of allows that colder air to form some clouds despite the sunshine, so with that spring wind it will feel cooler clear skies tonight. Monday itself looks really sunny. Heres your mothers day, forecast, whatever your plan, brunch this morning, you need a jacket, by 11 00 a. M. , were into the 60s despite being a little cool well be in the 70s in the afternoon. Winds gusting hard grilling outside dinner could be tough with the wind gusts. Otherwise, its a beautiful evening, 77 degrees, nice sunset. Thats what it looks like for your mothers day. High temperatures low to upper 70s across the area. 72 in martinsberg, 76 in manassas, 73 in annapolis, but where we barely climbed out of the 50s. Overnight low chilly tonight with High Pressure overhead, 40s to low 50s. Cool beginning to monday morning, monday itself, 75, sunny and very pleasant, and then we begin warming trend 80, 90 on tap for wednesday and thursday, hot and humid, 92, we stay warm as we head through the rest of the week 86 with a chance of showers on friday, looking different than this past weekend, sun and clouds 81 temperatures back to normal. Thats a look at your sevenday forecast. Annie and tom. A look at some top story, the race to find james comeys replacement is on with the Trump Administration working as fast as possible to put the sudden abrupt firing behind them. A number met at the Justice Department to interview for the big job. As many as 12 people are expected in total to interview for the top overnight, u. S. Pacific commander is confirming north korea launched another ballistic missile. Military Officials Say the missile flew more than 430 miles, two weeks since north koreas last launch attempt as u. S. Japanese are gathered in the officials for drills. North korea has been a flagrant menace for far too long. Britains National Cyber Security Center is hailing the cyber researcher who discovered a kill switch that stopped the attack, the ransom wear attack xrip he willed Computer Systems in an effort to extort money, the researchers actions may have saved companies and governments and millions of dollars and before u. S. Were more widely affected. 22 years old i was playing video games at 22 i was starting my first year here at fox time is 7 35. Still ahead at 7 00. Three is certainly a crowd. Just in time for mothers day. A colorado family welcoming three healthy identical triplets we can got the story coming up after this break, stick with us. Tick with us. Our story begins more than 60 years ago inside an abandoned chicken coop. Where our founder discovered a retired teacher living. No home. No healthcare. So she said no to this injustice, and yes to transforming lives. Its this drive, this compassion, that inspired aarp. Today, we empower people to choose how they live as they age. We advocate for health and financial security. We strengthen communities everywhere. We are aarp. Creating real possibilities. 7 39, not one but three of a kind arrived in time for mothers day. Fox reports. Reporter they say good things come in threes 10 47, 10 48, 10 49. Reporter they would have to agree. The new parents say they feel like they just hit the jackpot. Saw twins right away and we were excited and then couple minutes down the line, shes like, wait. Ive got too many feet looking further anatomies, theres more than one. Reporter three more amazing facts, conceived naturally. No invitro fertileation, second theyre identical and third they shared one placenta. Thats very rare, and so rare that its really hard to find numbers on how often that happens when i told dad he should go to los angeles. Because these odds are really amazing. Reporter mom was able to carry to 35 weeks and the babies are doing great we were in the right place at the right time with the right group of people helping us and that made a huge difference. Reporter they will get girls be independent and they say their different personalities are already showing little tonight in a anna bell is spun key one i do have pets at home and we did celebrate mothers day for our dogs. Reporter now they have three more reasons to celebrate. With all the dinners and gifts and flowers, thats what mothers day is really all about, charlie brown, to see those babies there, theyre just adorable. Thats so wonderful, and like we were talking about how she carried them till 35 week, thats remarkable. A lot of time, you know, you see those kids in those conditions, they look fantastic. They look great congratulationses to the family big night for Melissa Mccarthy last night. You know whats coming. Of saturday night live was at it. She revised her role as sean spicy spice r i dont think i can do this anymore, mr. Trump. Theyre saying youre going t sean, come on, i would never do that, she doesnt have your special spice, salt and pepper. Little bit of sugar. It was a crisis after the press core got under his skin about Sarah Huckabee sanders taking over his spot at the podium. Spice r takes his podium to trump power and convinces him not to fire him. They put Melissa Mccarthy on the podium. There was a little clip in there they basically went through the new york unannounced and drove her through the streets of new york and had new yorkers just i saw the video doing double takes about what the heck was going on . Why was sean spicer on a mobile podium . Probably not the strangest thing theyve seen in manhattan thats time 7 42. A local girls dream came through. Thanks to an annual day of service in northern virginia. Not even mothers day to dampen their spiriting up. Its been since wednesday for the sunshine, perfect timing. We do have wind, in the forecast for today, little bit breezy, but much warmer then warming trend through the rest of the week, the 90s is in still in the forecast when fox 5 news morning returns after this. If youre going to San Francisco you need to know the words to the iconic song. It marks the 50th anniversary of the summer of love. United Airlines Airline employees decked out hip pie out fits with flowers in their hair and passengers had the opportunity to take selfies of wax figures of jerry garcia and jimmy hendricks. 2017 ms. Usa competition kicks off. Hopefuls have all 50 states and the District Of Columbia will compete on state. Usa 2016 is the First Military member to win the title. Make sure you catch it tonight. Live from the report and casino in los angeles at 7 00 p. M. Right here on fox 5. I will be tuning in. Do you watch those i do i like the interview portion when theyre on the spot theres something nice about the fact of the tradition, these things go back a long way. Especially some of the other ones continues tonight right here on fox. How are you . Good morning speak, of good things that we like to see in addition to the weather, we have this morning, a lot of people might be going out today. I know we had a terrible day yesterday. Yes. Ground might be a little the muddy fields out there finally the sun has returned. Take a live view to have the had a lot of cloud cover, rain, soaking, beginning thursday lasting through yesterday morning. Then the sunshine is back, thats great. Mothers day forecast starting off chilly, we had cold temperatures to go along with this wet, 50 degrees at you reagan national. 44 at dulles, 47 at bwi. Elsewhere. Temperatures in the 40s to low 50s, 50 here in annapolis, 47 in baltimore, 44 martinsberg, 42 winchester, 49 manassas 50 frederick. Its cool but well warm up quickly with the sun coming out. On back side of the storm system, clouds and showers up in central pennsylvania, heres the actual storm system that moved out yesterday morning, heavy soaking rain to parts of new england, and unfortunately its going to be gloomy forecast for places like boston up through maine into vermont hampshire. Mostly sunshine but clouds will start to build with the cold air and you can squeeze a sprinkle or two out. But overall it is sunny, dry, much nicer mothers day forecast, breezy we got northwest winds, that will be gusting over 20 miles an hour behind the storm system thats exited our area. Now, placed over new england, future wind gusts into the afternoon, well start to see some of those gusts over 20 miles an hour, keep in mind if youre out. Dinner outdoors for mothers day, might be battling wind and that will be the same as we close out. Monday morning breezy. It will stay breezy and temperatures will be similar today, mid 70s. This is what it looks like, 70 on a gusty northwest wind, sun unclouds, warmer and windy and much better compared to yesterday. Sunny and nice for tomorrow, 75, so very pleasant start to the work week. 80 on tuesday. Well rest of the week. 90s are in that forecast. 90 on wednesday and 92 thursday, humid as well. The nice break weve had from air conditioning, well need it first half of may so cool and wet but were going to turn things around and see sunny dry weather, chance of showers by friday, 81 as we head to next weekend. Again, different weather, dress different for the second half of this week. Im ready to get out of the clouds. Its mothers day, and so, were treating our viewers to some personal private photos. Caitlin, i think youre up first. This is a photo, thats my mom on the right and one of my sisters on the left looks like my other sister you all three of you look like you could be sisters. I do have another sister who wasnt in this photo. When the four of us line up, theres me and my mom you definitely inherited your moms genes, youre beautiful as you are do you have proof this woman is your mother . Can we get her on skype and see your birth certificate. My photo, im taking way back. This is a typical annie fashion, thats a purple. My mom had a permit in the 80s too. Mom i think you should go book to this style in 2017. Well wrap this up norma de angelo before she became a fitzgerald. This is her High School Graduation. I loved more and more these old pictures of mom, and it strikes me when i look at this how identical she is to my niece chelsea. Those are fun to see going back to the older photos are so much fun. Theyre fantastic. Try the perm come back. Of course we want to see your photos of your mothers, weve been enjoying them quite a bit. Post them on social media. Use the fox 5 mom so we can see them well take a look some of them right now looks like. You can see them on your screen rotating through some of the wonderful photos weve had from you guys, fox 5 moms. We love seeing them, keep them coming. [vo] one moment can change a life. Intelligent technology can help protect it. The allnew audi q5 is here. Brody logan warming story. Reporter volunteers from the Williams Group and the Rock Solid Foundation worked through the rain and mud to build a sanctuary to smile for one little girl a little rape compared to what shes going through is nothing they come together to build a backyard play set to iz zy. Her backyard playground was supposed to be a surprise but she knew something was up she had to know what was going on, initially we told her we were building tomato boxes then seen the green slide all the peaking in the world didnt prepare her for what was waiting when she going to home. Children just want to play. I wanted them to forget about cancer a little bit and play and be an eight or 11yearold and she took off and well be in the rain rest of the day. Reporter redskins star ryan ker began. You would thought it was sunny and 72 out weather doesnt stop and cancer doesnt stop because of the rain and the volunteers didnt stop its just it will be life changing for iz zy. As she goes through her treatment. Everybody who had a hand gets to leave their mark gets to write a name and message on the playground itself. Rock solid wants to make sure the messages they leave are not well wishes or reminder of had he illness. Messages will be what this will encourage for iz zy. Encouragement, playfulness and fun. If she doesnt feel good, she can go back inside. Come back again, this will be here forever, and for me to look out and see this, i just see love everywhere. Reporter brody logan falls church. Fox 5 local news. Welcome to fox 5 news morning on sunday, i. Annie yu im tom fitzgerald. Its sunday may 14. Happy mothers day to all of you. Happy mothers day annie, caitlin roth has a much sunnier outlook. Gloomy few days now the sunshine which is back as we take a live look at the white house with the sun shining over it. Finally dry weather awaits and warmer weather too, its been a chilly few days, temperatures not climbing out of the 50s. Well get back to normal. It is still cool morning, 53 at reagan national, 50 at dulles, 50 at bwi. Were seeing 40s and 50s show up, a lot of 40s last hour, but quickly warming with the benefits of that sunshine and well be into the 70s later on this afternoon. Storm tracker radar are dry, we should see a few more clouds later this afternoon and i cant rule out a sprinkle but overall it will be a really nice day. By 11 00 a. M. , temperatures into the 60, cool through the morning but you can be outside comfortably in the mid afternoon, it is a little windy later. Well have gusts over 25 miles an hour at times, that will make that 77 degrees feel cooler but improved from yesterday. Sunny and really nice mothers day, temperatures around the area should hit from the low 70s west to the mid 70s down in central virginia. We got a warm week ahead. Ready for summer. Ill have the sevenday forecast coming up. Interviews underway for the new fbi director, eight people have been interviewed so far. A decision to as soon as this week as decisions about this firing are still being asked. Republicans and democrats remaining this morning on opposite sides on the president s decision, barer has the latest. Reporter the Trump Administration is working to put the controversy surrounding the abrupt firing of fbi director james comey behind them. A handful of people had interviews at the Justice Department today for the top job at the fbi. Former assistant attorney general alice fisher. Acting fbi director andrew mccabe, john core non of texas Michael Garcia from new york, Henry Houston a district judge from virginia. Francis townson who played as Homeland Security advisor of George W Bush and congressman from michigan mike rogers we need a director that is apolitical, no political ambitions, aspirations that will come in and if theres one thing that the fbi thinks is political interference some coming to President Trumps defense while others call for a investigate alleged russian ties to the 2016 election campaign. The firing took place one day before the Russian Foreign minister was host to do the white house. President trump addressed the press saturday morning shifting focus from the controversy to the candidates being considered to replace comey i think the process is going quickly. All all of them are very well noticeable theyve been vetted over their lifetime essentially but wellknown, highly respected, talented people and thats what we want for the fbi. Reporter sources tell fox 5 news theres as many as he 12 being being considered, a decision to come as early as this week, at the Justice Department, Allison Barber fox news u. S. Pacific command is confirming north korea has in fact launched another missile, two weeks since north koreas last Missile Launch attempt. That test comes as u. S. Japanese and European Forces are gathered in the pacific for drills, white house says north korea has been a flagrant menace far too long. Police are investigating a triple shooting that happened at a hotel in alexandria over the weekend. Man and two women were injured in the shooting, the man has lifethreatening injuries but the two women expected to recover. Police spent yesterday searching for evidence, so far no arrests have been made. They question a number of guests at the Extended Stay Hotel and are asking anyone who may have Additional Information about this case to give them a call. Happening now, police in arlington are still looking for this man, they say he attacked a woman inside her apartment. It happened last sunday is the atrium condo building, and once suspect got inside the building, he knocked on doors claims to be a maintenance a man, one woman opened her door, forced his way in and sexual assaulted police have the video they hope will help bring him in. A manhunt continues in Prince Georges County, theres man accused of killing five people in 2014 while driving under the influence. He is on the run still. Kenneth kelly did not show up for sentencing hearing on friday, he plead guilty in march to five counts of vehicular manslaughter and driving under the influence. We spoke with the victims sister who says shes not only surprised but has Big Questions how kelly was able to disappear now you feel the system failed you because you depend on is it your testimony to right any wrong, and i guess now all were left to do is way. Kelly was able to stay out of jail because he was wearing a gps monitor but it was removed at some point last week. Officials say they still do not know how. Search is missing 13yearold boy. Sean well done was last seen in the 200 block of k street in southwest dc on may 10th. He was wearing green sweatpants, a black and white sweater and white on a green and pink tennis shoes. Time is 8 07. We got more news, including the president giving his put first commencement speech as commander in chief. The story straight ahead at 8 00. 8 10, new information on the massive cyber attack that affect computer networks, Security Officials in britain are applauding a 22yearold researcher for helping halt the global ransom wear attack. The anonymous cyber specialist found a kill switch and was able to prevent further infection, the hacker took advantage of a hole in microsoft operating system and they attacked hospital and Computer Systems in several countries in an effort to try and extort money. Happenings right now, france is inaugurating its new president , emmanuel mar cone, he arrived at the president ial palace the predecessor. President trump addressing graduates at Liberty University. His first commencement address at president they urged graduates to challenge the establishment, kevin cork has the details. Reporter glorious day here on the campus of Liberty University nestled meeting in the Rolling Hills of the commonwealth of virginia. The site of the president s first commencement address as commander in chief. As you can imagine, he sort of did what most Commencement Speakers do, he talked about congratulations for making it this far and kind of took a little, you know, shot here and there. The students and their way ward lives, he made fun of libertys Football Team there and their ambitious future schedule. I believe what the president tried to do mostly was encourage the students here and there were thousands and thousands of them to think about your life moving forward. You are the author of your personal encouraging them most of all to be bold and to be themselves. Nothing is easier or more pathetic than being a critic because theyre people that cant get the job done. But the future belongs to the dreamers. Not to the critics. Reporter in addition to saying congratulations, by the way, about 50,000 were in or around the statement, he tried to remind them to be thankful for the people especially. Mom, of course its mothers day day, thankful for the veterans and tried to remind everyone to be confident, even if they call you the outsider. Carry yourself with dignity and pride, demand the best from yourself and be totally unafraid to challenge entrenched interest and failed power structures. Does that sound way . The more people tell you its not possible, that it cant be done, te more you should be absolutely determined to prove them wrong. Reporter in addition to making eight point to say thanks to all the veterans who graduated at liberty, there were thousands of them. The president also gave a very special shoutout to former Buffalo Bills quarterback jim kelly a twotime cancer survivor whose daughter graduated with the class at liberty in 2017day she dont soon forget nor will the many thousands. Kevin cork, fox news. I was a little disappointed the president didnt put on the cap and gown. Kind of wanted to see that. Time 8 13, coming up twins right away and we were really excited and then couple minutes down the line, shes like wait. Ive got just in time for mothers day, a colorado family welcoming through new members, all identical and all adorable. Coming up at 8 00. This week on Fox News Sunday inside the president s decision to fire his fbi chief. Well draw down into james comeys dismissal and whats next for the russia investigation. With mark warner, the top democrat on the Senate Intelligence committee. And republican senator mike lee. Plus President Trump tweets a warning to comey, their conversations may have been taped. Well ask our sunday panel about mr. Trumps refusal to deny hes got a recording device in the oval office. All this week on Fox News Sunday. Sunday. Time is 8 17, heres a live look outside. Temperature is 53. Blue skies, and as advertised by caitlin roth it will be beautiful. The 2017 miss usa kicks off tonight. Hopefuls from all 50 states and the District Of Columbia will compete on stage. Miss usa 2016 is the first active military member to win the title. She stopped by fox 5 many times, make sure you catch who will be crowned miss usa los angeles. Of course, at 7 00 right here on fox 5. Always a fun show to watch. It is, its my guilty pleasure i love all the beauty contests. Probably cause i couldnt have been in one i like to watch them walk so confidently in these high heels and just gowns that are like go on for days. I love it its our super bowl. Let us have it. Beautiful weather, finally returning to the area, we got sunshine over the white house right now if you take a live look outside on this mothers day morning, sunday, may 14th and finally feeling more like may. So the sun returned, were saying goodbye to the gloomy weather that plagued us since thursday, soaking rain with inches across the area from thursday through yesterday morning. Now, clouds have part giving way to a much better scene out there. 53 it is cool. Weve had a chilly few days temperatures barely struggled out of the 50s since wednesday afternoon we had a nice day, well get back with the 70s back to normal later this afternoon, 55 annapolis, 50 in gaithersburg, low 50s along the mountains there, and we still have cloud cover and a couple of showers associated with the storm system that came through friday night through saturday morning, heres clouds and showers streaking through central parts of pennsylvania on the back side of that storm. Look at this storm, its your nor easter. Bringing heavy soaking rain, cold enough for wet snowflakes mixed in western maine chilly, unusually chilly storm system. Closer to home, we had a couple of showers through Montgomery County, Prince Georges County, up towards baltimore, a little bit of light rain not out of the question with some cloud cover that might come through this afternoon, possibly a sprinkle but we should go back to sunshine quickly. Heres the day, outside, sunshine drying out, it may be a little muddy for any kids games. Youll be battling the wind, gusty as well see wind gusts exceed 25 mines, future wind gusts shows stopping the clock at 5 00 p. M. Youll be battling the wind. Breezy through tonight and into monday morning, you can see 8 00 a. M. Wind gusts still close to 20 miles an hour. Spring winds to get us through first part of the work week but we got the blue can i behind it, 77 for that High Temperature back where we should be for mid may, sun and clouds, warmer and windy and the sevenday forecast shows a major warmup, were going to go see incredible difference from the weather that weve had the past couple days where you had to dress in long pants and jackets and boots and you need the umbrella, now youre going to be in full on summer mode by the middle of the week, we got 80 tuesday, how about 92 with humidity thursday, it will feel good, the weather exactly what were going to do. Chance of showers by friday next weekend looks much different. So 81 degrees. There it goes. We want to say happy mothers day to all the mothers including my mother, shes the one on the right. I know she looks like a sister. A lot of girls in my family. Shes fantastic. Look greats, this is from a few years ago, a reminder i dont have a picture with just her, have to do that today. Shes got a really rocking hairstyle, unlike my mother. That was the rocking hairstyle in the 80s. And i always tell her, mom you should rock the perm again. Thats annie in the middle there. Try and travel here. Coming to you from 1944, High School Graduation day, norma natalie de angelo from West New York new jersey, we wish happy there, both mothers and people going off to see mom today, we hope you all have a fantastic mothers day. We want you to send you our your photographs of your own mothers we can share that with everybody else with a fox 5 moms. Gina and larry and lee and gretta, tammy, sharon and her mom. So weve got all of these great photos coming in so we want you to send those into us on this mothers day. Take a break, well be right back fox 5 news morning continues after this. Noreaster [vo] one moment can change a life. Intelligent technology can help protect it. The allnew audi q5 is here. Good things come in threes. They kept coming and coming. Reporter they we dont have to agree, they feel like they hit the jackpo we thought twins right away and we were excited and a couple minutes down the line and shes like wait, i got too many feet shes pair of feet in there. More congratulations. How about panic three more amazing facts about these triplets . First they were conceived naturally. Second, they are identical. All have the same dna. And third, they shared one placenta. That is basically, you know, very rare. And so rare that its really hard to find numbers on how often that happens when i told dad he should go to los angeles because these odds are amazing. Reporter mom was able to carry to 35 weeks and babies are all doing great it was smooth sailing because we were in the right place at the right time with the right group of people helping us and that made a huge divides. Reporter they will get girls be independent and they say their different personalities are already showing. Tiny anna bell is the spun key one. This mothers day is extra special but for aci her first mothers day a little surreal, we did celebrate mothers day for the dog. Reporter now three more reasons to celebrate that is so wonderful. That does it for us at 7 00. Happy mother day to you and all of you out there i want to remind you coming up another addition of on the hill. Goodbye everybody. Vo at dominion, we have a long history of providing Reliable Energy and thatll never change. What is changing, is our name to dominion energy. Its a reflection of our commitment to Energy Innovation and renewable sources like solar, wind. And well continue to innovate, upgrade technology, protect our environment and serve our communities. Dominion energy. More than a new name, a new way of seeing energy. Its sunday, may 14th, 2017. Its always mothers day. Happy mothers day to you and to yours truly im not a mother but ill go with it. We thank you for joining us on the hill fox 5 the fallout continues in washington after an unexpected sudden firing of fbi director james comey. Now, mr. Trump is trying to turn the attention to potential candidates to fill comeys shoes, he spoke with foxs over the weekend. Were interviewing people. We have great candidates, well pick somebody whos outstanding. Democrats continue to criticize the president s actions, theyre calling for the timing of the president s actions. The truth is, the dismissal of director comey is part of a much longer pattern of this administrations interfering with or removing the people who are in a position to conduct an independent investigation of the president and his administration. Thats Chuck Schumer this week. Bob dole said the most dangerous place in washington is between Chuck Schumer and the television camera. Joining us here on fox 5 news on the hill are the white house correspond from the wall street journal and former council under attorney general janet reno who was liaison to the fbi at the ime. We thank both. You for coming in this week. Take a look at this list. Just about everybody who might have a drivers license in the dc area right now is being under consideration for fbi. You g mccabe whos in the job because hes deputy director, we heard all kinds of names, john pistol to roy kelly who runs the nypd. When we see these lists, how much is this messaging that we want to show that we have a very table of people were looking at this isnt a normal selection process, what we seen with some of those, others when there are multiple names floated out there, usually somebody from that group does end up getting the job. Youre right. Theres also a messaging aspect of whos me people whose miss steps, this is an unusual situation. I immediately thought back to the list released almost as a Campaign Promise to fill the Supreme Court roll. Hes not fulfilling a promise. What do you think though, shannon to bring you in about the conversation of whether or not this person is a politician . Theres real debate about bringing politics into the role, and many saying that that is not appropriate. Absolutely. I think this would be a politically sharp time to possibly choose one of the career people at the fbi. That could certainly establish more continuity, take the politics out. That would be the classic politically savvy thing to do. Thats not necessarily been the history one of the worst kept secret rank and file people, the fbi recoiled that Statement Last week that director former director comey was somehow unpopular in the fbi, ive spoken to employees who told me the polar opposite. How do they get somebody into the job who is an fbi person and they want somebody is to loyal to comey . Seems those two are at odds right now, how do you go into that job with any sense of independence if you know the person who preceded you was just fired an unprecedented move. Yes, bill clinton fired an fbi director, there was much different circumstance, there was bipartisan agreement on that from director sessions at that time. How do you hire somebody for this job, give him independence but at the same time proceed with these investigations that are already underway i think the fbi historically has a certain cloak of independence. I think when a candidate is picked they will feel a certain amount of confidence with that, that there is a certain degree of autonomy granted regardless of the political reality going on. But we keep hearing the white house wants this investigation that theyre not happy about this, this has been Going Forward with russia. The president himself tweeted at length about this. How do those two things exist in the same unit . Thats a tough call for any career person to turn down the opportunity to serve. At the same time, Deputy Attorney general rod rosen stein was picked because he was a career person at doj and he had impeccable credentials, somebody coming in at that perspective might have a difficult task that Rob Rosenstein was unhappy and considering leaving the job at some point because he doesnt like how given the excuse why they fired him. Our understanding he was dis interest stressed by that. The white house folk more on happened or the stepbystep details . Is it hypocrisy for the democrats to say now, that its an outrage for james comey to be fired when so many had problems with him or is it a fair point to bring up because of the Russian Investigation . Is it a fair criticism to say how did you all call for his firing when he had that announcement about Hillary Clintons investigation i think its fair point to be making and politically charge. I have to say that director comey brought some of this controversy upon himself its all point to do the white house. That is part of the conversation. The white house has a problem with this as well because while the president had a lot of fun the other day tweeting out a video of democrats, you know, laying way to james comey, you can make tha Donald J Trump saying worth things. Theres two sides of this coin, both have been muddied a little bit and the same video of candidate donald trump criticizing him and raising the question why didnt you wait until potentially people could at least come away with the impression there was an investigation into your campaign or to you that was making headway. Believe it or not there are other things on capitol hill which are not getting done because of the fact that we have been caught up in this hurricane. One of those things you might have heard about this, is healthcare. The house, as you know passed the healthcare bill after initially failing earlier this year. Now, the senate has it. Its in their hands. Were looking at what version of this this is going to be, whether or not theyre going to change that bill, come up with one of their own, a significant debate continues on this. You spoke to tim kaine about this this week. And i dont mean to make this partisan, but the idea that there are serious issues and problems with obama, mean have problems with it, i pointed that question to tim kaine and asked him about the james comey thing, he did have valid answers to both. Listen to what he said about issues with obama and the fact that we do need to resolve these issues however you see the best foot forward. Listen to this healthcare is most important thing in anybodys life. Why would you rush it . Why would you want to ignore what these people say . Why would you not allow amendments why would you want to push something through with one party involve . You got to give the issue the dignity and importance that it deserves. When he said why do we have to rush it that was the one thing that gave me pause. He is right. About the importance and significance of healthcare but the republicans have had an issue with the obamacare seven process take can both of these things are true, republicans have been debating this seven years, even though republicans had run on a specific aca repeal message, it was difficult for the house for awhile. There is stale debate that what they want to do instead of the aca now playing out on the senate side and took some time to play out on the house side too. Certainly democrats might remember what its like to pass healthcare bill on party lines, they remember that that was the way they could get it done because believe it was so important and they also know there was consider blowback for seven years and thats something republicans are aware of too now there was this conversation this week about whether or not you can do healthcare in the midst of this Mushroom Cloud that has become the james comey thing. You ordered administration. There are people at work, teams split up dedicated doing this all the time, or are we in a situation right now where were one subject, one issue at one time definitely people continuing to work on the substance that goes on in government. Thats something that people miss a lot. Which is when you talk about whos leading an investigation, rod rosen stein is not personally rolling up the sleeves and leaving the vthere are teams of people doing that work, that continues to go on. I dont know what time you go to bed to get up on sunday morning, i try to go to bed early, 10 40. Which is way too late but i get this alert about north korea on my phone. It beeps, its a press release from the white house because of a Missile Launch that took place, u. S. Pacific command confirming north korea launched another missile, south korea say it flew more than 230 miles, its been two weeks since the last launch attempt. The white house korea has been a flagrant menace far too long and in a statement from the press secretary are those real generals it called for all nations to implement far stronger sanctions against north korea. I kind of imagine this is the beginning of what well hear and that may be some of the conversation well turn away from james comey in the monday press briefing to think whats your take these are Different Agency dealing with it. Fortunately i think for many people at doj they dont deal with healthcare or north korea in quite the same way that the state department does. Whats interesting about the White House Press statement on this is that it focused on russia in some ways, perhaps in way other statements even from this one happened so much. This is really saying, as far as i can read it. The ball is in your court. So plenty of Different Things going on, peoples attention, the thing that occupies them can end up being a mushroom were almost out of time. Is this rhetoric seeing out of the white house in regards to stepping up their own responses . I think its primarily a policy, this is the coalition of campaign versus governments we thank you both for joining us on fox 5 news on the hill this morning. Appreciate it, coming up this mothers day were going to talk to two moms successfully mixing politics and mother hood and ill be there too. Coming up next. We recently had a heart attack. But we are not victims. We are survivors. We are survivors. We are survivors. And now we take brilinta. For people whove been hospitalized for a heart attack. We take brilinta with a baby aspirin. No more than one hundred milligrams. As it affects how well brilinta works. Brilinta helps keep platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. In a Clinical Study brilinta worked better than plavix®. Brilinta reduced the chance of another heart attack. Or dying from one. Dont stop taking brilinta without talking to your doctor,. 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Angela and arena thank you for joining us. Im a mom too, great day to celebrate. And working moms and obviously all types of moms are special and important, tell me a little bit how you manage to make being a mom work as and a political strategist, when there are when we read the numbers, women really arent represented equally, if you will. Is it, does that make it more of a challenge to be a mom in those roles numbers are dismal. I dont know that they will get better. Im energized with the election of a new president people are coming outlet and saying i want to make my voice heard because of the nature of these issues. Whats exciting from the womens march that took place in january, weve seen the momentum carried and its with various organizations on republican side, i can say that there are women who are just as energized about the issues of paid parental leave and workplace and parents, we will sees serious changes by the summertime from the Trump Administration too i dont strive for balance, i strive for harmony, i bring my children wisdom martin to different hearings, i bring them if theres a community event, the house. Its a matter of incorporate be your kids into your every day life. At first there might be stairs or grumblings but people get used to it. Reminds me of the young woman in italy where she brought her daughter to work and nursed her on the floor and this girl grown up in the house, in their house of representatives. Kellyanne conway has four children and i remember here say she thinks she can have it all but its really hard to have it all at the same time and i think thats something difficult for moms to maybe embrace, you are raised to think you can have it all. But is the balance, whats, i guess your advice to moms who maybe want to see themselves in roles one day or young women who want to be moms and somehow manage to be a republican strategist or political figure . I think its a matter of pushing through. Like i said harm mondayny means you cant balance it all. Not all at the same time. So its one of those will agree with kellyanne and its a matter of what can i do great today and what will become second best . And its a its not always going to be pretty or perfect. Sometimes my house is a mess. But my legislation is pushing through. Sometimes my house is great and i might not be able to make the event i id like to go. To push through and to know that youre enough. You may not feel perfect. People may talk about you. You may doubt yourself but youre enough for what you need and what your children need in this moment. Thats incredible advice because obviously shows how you got where you are and how youre thriving, because women can thrive in elected and nonelected roles. You dont always have to get out on the streets to do it with the accelerated pace of technology, its at our fingertips, we can write blog pieces on platforms theres moms rising. Org, theres a great outlet through which men can get engaged. Thinking back to the election and Hillary Clinton talking about breaking that biggest hardest glass ceiling, seeing a woman in the role of presidency, i got to believe we think were going to go see it in our lifetimes . I hope so, there are good qualified women out there that may not think so but will make a run and a difference on the American Public and show them that youre worth it a little different for you as a woman in office though. Do you think that you have a different type of hill or battle when seeking those positions as a woman, do people think that your potential or what you bring to the table is differen absolutely. When i was going to run and even now when im talking about running one of the first questions i hear, what about your five children and i counter with when was the last time you asked a man what is he there will be women that continually run both on the republican and democratic side, im part of a group of women on emerge where we train women to run office, that ceiling will crash and fall in our lifetime the conversation is always about how its hard for a woman to have it all or we cant have it all. Of i would argue that men dont have it all either and that parenthood is just a really difficult thing that we choose to bring into our lives. Its a wonderful beautiful thing but its difficult to be a working professional as well but if you wake up and decide that its worth it and its a commitment that you have, you somehow make it work, i told myself even when i came down here to take this job it would be difficult and i said you know what . Id rather let it crash and burn in an not try and ive been here over a year and you somehow surprise yourself. I think its important for women, Cheryl Sandberg said this, dont decide that you cant do it before you even try to do it. I think that. Absolutely. We as mothers know that compromise is everything in a give or take in the daily life. Routines we have with our children is huge. Im optimistic about women getting involved in politics, i believe well get more done because we have so much that we do as concensus builders and that will translate when we take it to the government. Absolutely. Angela quick you have to accept the mess. You have to accept that its not going to be pretty. I would say perfect done is better than perfect. Thank you so much for joining us today, happy mothers day to you both, happy mothers day to all the moms, next up, taking a look at the busy political week. First saturday night live, at it. Never missing an opportunity to poke fun at washingtons fox 5 on the hill. As you know sean is fulfilling his duty as an officer in the im pretty sure i can see him in those bush youre articulate and charming, where sean is bullish. Liar, liar, pants on fire. I put them out. Spicy is back, sarah is out. You diet. You exercise. And if you still need help lowering your blood sugar. This is jardiance. Along with diet and exercise. Jardiance lowers blood sugar and a1c in adults with type 2 diabetes. Jardiance is also the only type 2 diabetes treatment with heart proven to reduce the risk of cardiovascular death in adults with type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Jardiance can cause serious side effects, including dehydration. 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We got a lot of things to get through. As we look forward, we talked a lot about the fallout from the james comey firing, looking into next week, theres something going to happen tuesday on capitol hill. Senators from the Senate Intelligence committee will go into a secure room, it is part 219. You see it a lot on the news. That modern looking hearing room with the panelled walls, those fold down and becomes a secure briefing location, later on there will be a meeting in chairman has invited former fbi director james comey to address that now. Apparently comey said he will not appear on tuesday. He might. He might come out in public at some point. Were going to keep an eye on that. We might be hearing from james comey sooner President Trump said that maybe we would see the new fbi director nomination come out before he took his first trip abroad. He obviously has plans and premises, he has a handful of foreign leaders coming to the white house, just this reminder as we look ahead. Who would have ever predicted the firing of james comey when theres only so much we can anticipate in an Administration Like the one weve seen so far this one we know, whoever does get can nominated. The hearings are not something you will soon forget. The senate is starting to work on their version of that bill, whether or not it is very civil or thoughts version, whether it is something camille different. We do not know right now. But what we do know is lot of other events of the day have overtaken that debate up there right now. So well have to continue to see whether or not healthcare advances in the midst of this storm. We want to leave you with this thought. Milania trump, we dont get to hear from her that often. But she did take some time this week to address the military. Well leave you with this. God bless our troops and the courageous men and women who are also your sons and daughters. And god bless you, dear mothers for all that you sacrifice so that your children may keep this country safe. Have a happy mothers day on sunday. I really love to hear that, my husband and i werent married, i wasnt a mother at the time but i was with him when he was in the military when he deployed. Military spouses are extremely special, and its very nice to give them an extra bit of love. Trump. You might not like donald trump, you may disagree with him, shes been a great mother for that kid. Fox news sunday with Chris Wallace is next. Our story begins more than 60 years ago inside an abandoned chicken coop. Where our founder discovered a retired teacher living. No home. No healthcare. So she said no to this injustice, and yes to transforming lives. Its this drive, this compassion, today, we empower people to choose how they live as they age. We advocate for health and financial security. We strengthen communities everywhere. We are aarp. Creating real possibilities. [vo] one moment can change a life. Intelligent technology can help protect it. The allnew audi q5 is here. Chris im Chris Wallace, today the comey controversy. Inside the president s decision to fire his fbi chief. He wasnt doing a good job. He was not doing a good job. Mr. President , with all due respect youre making a big mistake. First question, the administration has to answer is why now . Chris we will go down into james comeys dismissal, how and why the president made the decision and whats next for the Russian Investigation. This hour we are joined by two key senators. First mark warner, a top democrat on the Senate Intelligence committee that is

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