Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News Sunday 20130120

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The inauguration ceremony officiated by chief justice john roberts. President obama will be surrounded by family, friends and staff, placing his hands on the Robertson Family bible, which was a gift family. First up, Vice President joe biden. Youre looking at a live picture of the naval observatory, where they are getting ready for the ceremony. He will be sworn in during a private ceremony in just a few minutes. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayer was chosen. Mr. Biden will take the oath using a family bible. Then of course tomorrow is the public inauguration. This is where crews are putting final touches on the National Mall. 800,000 people are expected to attend when the president takes the oath at noon tomorrow. The parade, of course, will follow. Then tomorrows ceremony after that, as well, as we said. Saturday turned out to be a great day to take in the festivities. But what about tomorrow . Lot of pressure on the Weather Department when it comes to this weekend. Lets take a look at the maps and start off with satellite radar composite. Not much to show you. Weve got a ridge of High Pressure that left us with fairly clear skies. A few clouds skirted in last night. Really not too much happening this morning either. We will see skies fairly pleasant into the course of this afternoon. Yesterdays highs, 54 at reagan. 54 at bwi thurgood marshall. 11 to 14 degrees above the seasonal average. So it was really a lot warmer than it should have been. Currently 42 degrees at annapolis, 41 at baltimore, 41 at dc, 36 at dulles, 42 at fredericksburg. We are starting off not too bad. Over the course of today, well see the sun come out, but the winds will be an issue. Gusty winds today, gusting up to about 35 miles per hour. And our high will be 48 degrees. As you prepare for your monday, heres a look at what you can expect. Mother nature is sweeping in a cold front. Thats going to give us mostly cloudy skies. It will be cold. Our low 40s is where were headed. 42, 40 degrees. Weve got a chance of seeing afternoon and evening scattered snow showers out there. Nothing that looks like its going to accumulate much, but definitely expect that theres a chance that we may see that. Bundle up. Well have wind chills, temperatures in the low 40s, but melanie, its going to feel like its in the low 30s. Standing around will be an issue with trying to stay warm. More details later. Back to you. Wear two of everything good advice. Oh, yeah. And they are getting ready in the Nations Capital for tomorrows inaugural ceremonies. Lots of activities today. As we mentioned, the official second term gets under way today. Festivities have been in full swing all weekend. Fox 5s Jennifer Davis has the details. Reporter the president s second term begins at noon today, as specified by the constitution. When he takes the oath in a simple white house ceremony, he will raise his right hand again on monday in a public ceremony at the capital, full of pomp and circumstance. Its really a testament to our democracy that we can have a very divided country, yet rally around the institution of the presidency. Reporter many took part in a kids concert saturday night. The president s supporters are streaming into the city as well. Kind of a magical democratic moment to be a part of. Reporter this weekend, there have been dress rehearsals along the parade route. Security is in place and the National Guard is gearing up. Smaller crowds are expected for the president s second inaugural, but excitement was high on the National Mall as part of national day of service. I am making a card for kids who are ill and im trying to make them feel better. Reporter donating time at a dc elementary school, the president and first lady stained a book case, reminding the country that monday is also about honoring a civil rights icon. As we think about not so much inauguration, but we think about the fact that this is dr. Kings birthday that were going to be celebrating. A number of music superstars are also in the Nations Capital to perform. The first of many performances, as we saw earlier, kicked off last night with the inaugural kids concert. Teens and tweens got to have ageappropriate fun at the Washington Convention center. A rock concert for military families and Dc Public School students. Usher kicked off the show, katy perry and nick cannon. Michelle obama wowed the young crowd. Im excited to see what the first lady will wear. It will be awesome. What about sasha and maliyah . Yeah. Mrs. Obama told military families that even though the wars in afghanistan and iraq are ending, support for those families is not. And it is the 57th president ial inauguration in our nations history. So how will this year sers money compare with those in the past . Joining me notice for history is American University professor dr. Alan lichtman. Good morning. My pleasure to be here. I was looking through this report. All these facts and firsts and president s. Yeah. Lofts bullet points here. Im wondering what you think the bullet points will be after this year. Well, i think the bullet point will be how can he top what happened four years ago . You know, 2 Million People came here. He was the first African American president ever nog rated, decades ahead of time really in terms of what experts thought was likely. So hes got to rise to the occasion and deliver a great inaugural address. The address, yes. Thats the key. And has anyone given any peeks yet as to what it might contain . No, but i think its got to contain kind of those great catch phrases that we remember from inaugurations past. We have nothing to fear but fear itself. Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. How can hen cans late goals for the second term in a vivid way that sticks in peoples memories. Also interesting this year, the actual oath of office is today, with a public ceremony tomorrow. Thats happened about seven or eight times in our history. After all, you know, Inauguration Day could fall on a sunday and the tradition going all the way back to the early republic is you dont have the celebration, parades, package industry packagen tri. You have the swearing in on sunday and the celebration the next day. He gets a double hit. The financial crisis, in terms of throughout president ial history, there were other inaugurations that were ushering in a crisis. Look at lincolns inauguration. He to sneak into the capital under the cover of darkness because there were fears of assassination plots. In his second inaugural, the war is still raging and guess who is there. John wilts booth and tries to break through the crowd and get to lincoln and hes restrained. That may have been his first attempt to assassinate lincoln. And of course Franklin Roosevelt inaugurated in 1933 at the depths of the Great Depression and yet hes still able to inspire and uplift the American People to expect something new and something better. Right, and ive heard a lot of people bantering this about. I mean, inaugurations arent cheap. They do cost money. We do raise some private funds. Lot of private funds through the inaugural committees, but were looking at maybe 50 million at least. And some people have said, look, this is a second term. Why do we need an inauguration . Dot swearing in and move on. I think thats wrong, wrong, wrong. The price we pay as taxpayers is a small one. Most of the money is raised privately. Look, we dont have kings and queens in america, right . Right. We dont have nobility. We have this one great tradition of the inauguration and the inaugural address, which George Washington started. Thats not in the constitution. Its the one time we come together and celebrate our democracy. Weve now had over 200 years of stable democracy and the peaceful transfer of power. That may seem trite, but at the time in the early republic, the idea of transferring power in a peaceful way was almost unknown. And its truly the american way. Dr. Lichtman, well have you back later in the show. Thanks for sticking around. My pleasure. Stay with fox 5 for complete coverage of tomorrows public inauguration. All day long, both on air and online, at myfoxdc. Com. We will broadcast the swearing in ceremony and the parade that follows. Coverage kicks off bright and early at 4 00 a. M. Ill see you there. Vice President Biden takes the oath of office in just a matter of minutes. Coming up when we return, live coverage of the private ceremony and more on tomorrows big celebration. And as we head to break, did you know the first inauguration in washington, dc was for Thomas Jefferson in 1801 . The first president to take office on a sunday was Woodrow Wilson in 1917. He was sworn in privately in the president s room in the u. S. Capitol. The first president to ride to and from his inauguration in an automobile was William Harding in 1921. Well be right back. . Crowds gathered in southwest dc on saturday to honor dr. Martin luther king, jr. This was the 35th year of the peace and freedom walk. It began in landsburg park, ending at shepherd park. The group walked across the Frederick Douglas bridge, recreating dr. Kings march from selma to montgomery, alabama. Today, a wreath will be laid at the National Mall. Childrens books were gathered yesterday for two local agencies that serve underprivileged families. Security, of course, will be enormous for tomorrows public inauguration. 42 agencies will monitor the districts from a multiagency command center, dubbed the macc. Metro is bringing in 150 transit officers from other cities to help move the crowds and park police will patrol the area between 4th and 14th streets, of course where people without tickets can gather and watch the jumbotron. There will also be staff monitoring social media. Well, if you look closely tomorrow, you may notice president obamas limo for the inaugural parade will have dcs taxation without preparation license plates. They will remain on his official vehicle throughout his term. Bill clinton was the last to use the taxation plates. Dc lawmakers say the white house decision is mostly symbolic, since many people across the country dont realize dc does not have a vote in congress. And now with more perspective on the president ial inauguration, with American University professor dr. Allen lichtman, as we are awaiting, of course, the swearingin of Vice President joe biden, you and i were talking about the Vice President ial swearing in, usually dont really make much history. Thats right. It was Franklin Roosevelts Vice President who said the Vice President see is not worth a warm bucket of spit. Can we say that on a sunday morning show i think we can. The Vice President see has actually become more important in recent years than it was back in the years of Franklin Roosevelt. Probably the most influential Vice President in all of American History was george w. Bushs Vice President , dick cheney. Okay. Were going to go right now to the swearingin of Vice President joe biden. We saw a little cutin there briefly as we were waiting for them to get set and get ready. I know hell be doing this at the naval observatory. Special re. P on this sunday, the or20th january, we are about to watch history. Good morning to you from the fox news World Headquarters in new york, im bill hemmer. In a matter of moments, the Vice President joe biden takes the oath of office, beginning his second term. It wont last long. At the naval observe taker in washington, dc, supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayer will preside over the swearing in. You see about 100 guests in attendance, including mr. Bidens family, who will stand behind him. And the bible he uses is significant. Our fox news senior White House Affairs correspondent is on the grounds there. Wendell, good morning to you, as we get ready for this swearing in. Reporter the bible has been in the biden family since the late 1800s. Justice sotomayer, the first hispanic to serve on the Supreme Court will be the first to swear in the Vice President. It appears the ceremony being held early because the justice has a book signing in new york at noon. The constitution doesnt stipulate the time for his ceremony as it does for the president. The president will take the oath of office today at noon in a simple ceremony here at the white house. And then hell do it all again in front of the capitol tomorrow, with about 800,000 people and a big parade. One columnist likened it to a couple getting married in city hall and then reenacting the ceremony for guests. The constitution requires the oath to be taken by the president at noon on january 20th, but by tradition, the big ceremony isnt held on a sunday. Here comes the Vice President. [ applause ] [ applause ] t. The Vice President has asked that we bless this occasion with prayer. And so let us pray. The prophet micah pro claims, you have been told, o mortal, what is good, and what the lord requires of you, only to do justice and to love goodness and to walk humbly with your god. Gracious god, at this moment in our history, we ask your blessing on your servant joseph, as he renews his sacred pledge to his country. Amid all the complexities of our world, a world so beautiful, but also broken give him a share of wisdom so he can know what is good and give him the courage to always do what is right. Walk close by him so he can do justice and work tirelessly for a more just and gentle world and empower him to be a voice for those without a voice, for those on the margins, so easily overlooked, for you will judge us all by how we care for the at least among us. Give him humility and with the gift of faith given to him by his church and his family, help him to always know of your presence. Lord, protect our president and our Vice President and their families in their service to us all. Finally, we thank you for the blessings of peace and of liberty. We honor the sacrifices of so many in our military in our Foreign Service and civil service, safeguard these blessings daily, and we renew our pledge as citizens to join them in that noble labor to always work for the common good. And so help us to set aside self interest and to meet one another on the Common Ground to which you call us. You, generous god, have given us so much and we humbly offer these gifts for the good of others and for your greater glory. Amen. Mr. Vice president , are you ready, sir . I am. Please place your hand on the bible and raise your right hand and repeat after me. I, joseph r biden, jr. , do solemnly swear. I, joseph r biden, jr. Do solemnly swear. That i will support and defend the constitution of the United States. That i will support and defend the constitution of the United States. Against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Against all enemies, foreign and domestic. That i will bear true faith and allegiance to the same. That i will bear truth, faith and allegiance to the same. That i take this obligation freely. That i take this obligation freely. Without any reservation or purpose of evasion. Without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion. And that i will well and faithfully discharge that i will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which i am about to enter. The duties of the office on which im about to enter. So help me god. So help me god. Congratulations. Thank you, your honor. [ applause ] an honor. Congratulations. Thank you so much. [ applause ] reporter long with his wife jill by his side, we told you it was brief and indeed it was. The oath, only about 80 words in length. Sonia sotomayer, quite an honor. Only four times in American History has a woman had the honor of swearing in. At this point, the Vice President joe biden. The bible thats being used today is a part of the biden family, going back to 1893. And joe biden has used this bible to be sworn into office ever since he entered the senate back in his late twenties. Wendell, later well have another event today at the swearingin of the president around noon eastern time. As you stated earlier today, according to the u. S. Constitution, at noon. I hope some of you will still be here. Thank you very much reporter the president now speaking now. Its been an honor. A great honor. Thank you. Enjoy breakfast. [ applause ] ill be back. [ applause ] reporter justice sotomayer, taking the prudent precaution of actually having the oath of Office Written for her. You will remember the chief Justice Roberts did it from memory four years ago and he flubbed the oath of office, which required them to reenact the ceremony privately here at the white house. And because of the fact that they are doing a ceremony sunday and monday, barack obama will be the only president other than fdr to actually be sworn in four times. Of course fdr got four separate terms. Mr. Obama only gets two. The oath is short, 80 words in length, now it is breakfast time. Intriguing to hear what you said at the outset. Sonia sotomayer has a book signing and thats what dictated todays time, is that right . Reporter she does have a book signing in new york today at noon, according to the book store. We are still trying to get in touch with her office to confirm that thats why the ceremony was held this early. But she couldnt be in both places at once, bill and as i said, the constitution does not stipulate a time for the Vice President s swearing in, as it does for the president. The president must be sworn in at noon on the 20th of january. Well see you back there then, wendell, about three and a half hours from now. Thank you, sir, from the north lawn. Chris wallace is in our washington newsroom with a look there you have it, Vice President joe biden, now officially installed as Vice President for a second term. Well be right back with more on fox 5 morning news sunday. Droid dna auaugmentation initiated. Vision expanding to a 5inch 1080p hd display and camera. Touch acquiring nfc. Hearing evolving with beats audio. Wireless charging activated. Introducing droid dna by htc. Its not an upgrade to your phone. Its an upgrade to yourself. Welcome back to fox 5 morning news sunday. On this sunday, january 20th, of course, the second term of president obama and Vice President biden is now about to begin. Joining us once again with a little bit more perspective is professor dr. Alan lichtman. One of the things we were talking about is that, you know, to a certain extent in a president s second term, you would think there would be a certain amount of freedom. They dont have to worry about getting reelected, but youve written that sometimes second terms arent exactly kind to incumbents. Second terms have been tough. George w. Bush left with the economy melting down and lowest Approval Ratings practically in history for a president. Bill clinton was impeached. Richard nixon resigned his office. Dwight eisenhower faced the humiliation of sputnik and the u2 affair. That said, you can accomplish things in your second term. Franklin roosevelt got the fair labor standards act that gave us minimum wage and maximum hours. Ronald reagan had the big breakthroughs with the soviet union. But its tough. Heres where i think obama can accomplish something in the second term, despite the obstacle of a conservative represent significant obstacles. Very significant obstacles and daunting challenges. Change in america takes place usually when theres a great crisis like the Great Depression or a Major Movement from the grassroots, like the civil rights movement. He has got to get the American People behind his agenda. Its the only way hes going to be able to work magic with the congress. Congress is like wall street. It operates on fear and greed. So get the congress fearful by having the people behind you. And hes got to focus on the big things. Sure, you know, the fiscal cliff is important. But in the end, who really cares whether the very rich pay 36 or 39 . Rich care its not going to affect the country. What are some of the bigger challenges . Obviously the environment and catastrophic change. He did not touch that in the first term. And maybe humanitys first challenge. Another huge challenge, were becoming a nation of unequals and democracies dont thrive in that. Today, the distribution of income and wealth in america is where it was on the eve of the Great Depression in 1929. All the gains of the new deal in subsequent years have been wiped out. Youve got to have the creation of the kinds of jobs that give people a decent living. Youve got to fundamentally and totally repair the tax code. These are huge and daunting challenges, but great president s become great by meeting great challenges. You get the American People behind him, but obviously you need congress as well. Thats right. Very brief amount of time left. How does he get congress . Only by making them fearful of a tide of public opinion. Hes not going to do it by negotiations, by being nicer, by outreach, because there are such fundamental id logical differences between obama and the republican house. As, you know, harry truman was told when he tried to get america to really square off against the communist, the only way you are going to overcome american isolationism is scare them to death. All right. With a big stick, right no more mr. Nice guy. Well be right back in a few minutes. Oh, were going to go to gwen. I apologize. I didnt mean to skip you they all want to know about the weather tomorrow. I know, and youre covering a lot of Important Information there, great to hear from the professor. Temperatures will change. Sky conditions will change. Lets put things in perspective for you and show you whats happening. Right now, not a lot on our maps. Weve had a ridge of High Pressure giving us fairly clear skies. The sunshine will be sticking around as far as today is concerned. And the winds will be gusty, already starting to pick up in some of our neighborhood, as you can see. Were anticipating 35 mileper hour wind gusts for the course of this afternoon. And out to our far west, there is a wind advisory currently in effect. Heres a look at current temperatures. 41 at Reagan National. 41 at bwi thurgood marshall. And today, well see the gusty winds prevailing. Temperatures will be into the 40s, into the course of this afternoon. Things will change as we head through and into monday. Be prepared for that. We are talking about a day where were going to end up seeing cloudy skies and for inauguration, a chance of snow showers. Well have more details and be back after the break. Stay with us. R keys in the car, geicos emergency roadside assist is there 24 7. Oh dear, i got a flat tire. Hmmm. Uh. Yeah, can you find a take where its a bit more dramatic on that last line, yeah . Yeah i got it right here. Someone help me i have a flat tire well its good. Good for me. What do you think . Geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Were back with your look at whats upcoming, new and noteworthy. Its your capital rundown for the week of january 21st, 2013. Starting off monday, its Inauguration Day. President obama will take the oath of office for his second term, at 12 00 noon on the west front of the United States capital, followed by the inaugural parade down pennsylvania avenue. Tuesday, january 22nd, the president and Vice President will attend the inaugural National Prayer service. The program will feature prayer, readings, and musical performance. It starts at 10 30 a. M. At the Washington National cathedral. Wednesday, january 23rd, secretary of state Hillary Clinton will testify about last septembers terrorist attack on the u. S. Consulate in benghazi, libya. That takes place at the House Foreign Affairs Committee Room in 2172 of the Rayburn Office building. Thursday, january 24th, Senate Foreign Relations Committee will hold a confirmation hearing for secretary of state nominee john perry. That starts at 10 00 a. M. In the heart office building. And on friday, january 25th, georgetown Public Policy holds an inaugural conference on at risk children, youth and system reform. It will be held at 8 30 a. M. At the Georgetown University Conference Center here in washington. And thats your capital rundown for the week of january 21st, 2013. Find us on myfoxdc. Com and on twitter, capital rundown. See you next week. Coming up later in sports, the wizards go down to the wire in los angeles and the capitals kickoff the season in tampa. Well have the highlights later in sports. And rumors are swirling about a lady ga ga performance at one of the inaugural balls. Well have a little bit more on that. But as we head to break, more inauguration facts. The first inauguration known to have been photographed was for James Buchanan in 1857. James garfield was the first to view the parade from a stand built in front of the white house in 1881, and the first televised inaugural ceremony was for president truman in 1949.  well, beyonce and katy perry wont be the only big stars performing during inauguration festivities a person familiar with the events says lady ga ga will perform at tuesdays ball for white house staffers. The staff ball is typically a private affair. During president obamas last inauguration, jayz reportedly performed. Several comedians are joining forces for president obama through a new documentary film. Michael collier is a comedian who tells us what to expect from the upcoming project. Well, you know, i just wanted to show a love letter to our president because we love the accomplishments of mr. Obama, that he even won this thing the very first time. Thats how it started. But then as we start really looking at him closer, we realize how much we dug him and there was so many people who want to say things that werent flattering that we want to put together a documentary that was purely biased and say, we love you and were with you. We did a little childrens book. I didnt know that, okay. Childrens book goes right along with it. Wow. Shows all the stuff he went through, how everybody loved him at first, you know. Then soon as he got in, they tore the house in half. But look at him, pushing it back together right there. He says comedians including Anthony Anderson and others have taken part in the project. Well, it was months in the making. The caps finally kicked off the season. Well tell you who shined in the debut. Highlights, coming up in sports. Gwen . Weve got cold weather and some changes in terms of our sky conditions as we move through and into the historical day on monday. Ill have the details and your full forecast, coming up. Well be back. 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Mr. Biden took the oath using a family biefnlt. President obama will be sworn in during a private ceremony by noon today. It is mandated in the constitution that the president take the oath of office on january 20th. But of course the big festivities and public celebrations all scheduled for tomorrow. Big day. Lots of people in town as well. If you are joining us here in washington, dc, we hope youre tuning in. Gwen tolbart will tell you exactly what you need to know for tomorrow. Weve got changes in our forecast, so youll really have b to be prepared. Well put it all together for you. Meantime, lets take a live look outside of our sky conditions. You can see not too bad. Thats a little shot of the Capitol Building there. We have a few clouds, but not too bad. Some are very high level clouds, not even picked up on satellite radar composite. Overall, today is going to be a really pleasant day, except weve got gusty winds to talk about. So the weekend ends very much on a pleasant note. We also have a couple of cold fronts this were going to watch. Going to be changes in our weather. Arctic air is moving in as well. Big temperature drop is what that means. And winter precipitation is ahead in the forecast. Weve got a whole combination of things to talk about. Lets start with the highs yesterday. 54 degrees at Reagan National airport. 56 at dulles, 54 at bwi thurgood marshall. Temperatures well above the seasonal average for the day, so we really got a little bit of a treat in terms of, as far as the temperatures were concerned. This morning, starting out at 41 at dc, same at baltimore. 42 at annapolis. 45 to the south at fredericksburg this hour. 36 at dulles, 40 at martinsburg and 39 degrees for winchester. Well, there is an influx of cold air headed our way. Its all associated with a push of arctic air thats going to follow a frontal system. And you can see here to the north and to the west where these temperatures have already significantly dropped. And we are going to get that same kind of air heading its way across the midatlantic as we head through into the course of the next 24 hours or now. A little bit of lake effect know due to a clipper system moving close to the masondixon line, heading off to the northeast. For us, conditions pretty quiet right now. That is about to change. Today, were talking about a frontal system thats going to move through. Thats going to set us up mainly for some gusty winds. Ridge of High Pressure pulling out, frontal system moving in. Winds will be gusting up to 35 miles an hour. There is a wind advisory in effect until 1 00 today for allegheny, grant and mineral counties. Then a second frontal system is going to move through on monday. That frontal system ahead of it is going to provide us with a chance of some snow showers for the holiday, into the course of the afternoon and evening hours. So be prepared for that. On top of it is also going to bring us this arctic air mass. Were going to see a big, significant drop in our temperatures and our temperatures will plunge into the 30s. But its going to feel like its in the 20s in some areas, especially in the city, into the later part of the evening hours. But in the afternoon, it will feel like its only into the 30s, below 30s versus the upper 30s. 49 degrees for today, then. For tonight, 30 degrees. Heres a look at your inauguration forecast. Expect to see mostly cloudy skies, cold, low 40s. Chance of afternoon snow showers. Looks like they might start to kick in around the 2 00 hour or so, but weve got wind chills. Its actually going to feel like its only in the low 30s. If youre heading out for the evening to any of the balls, by the 7 00 hour, temperatures will drop to the 30s, either lower 30s, but its going to feel like its in the 20s. By midnight, in the teens. So bundle up. Wear plenty of layers. Pulling out the fur coats, right . I think so. Thanks, gwen. Moving on now to sports, adam oats behind the bench for the first time as the head coach of your washington capitals. First period against the lightning, joel ward, he gets the first goal of the season for dc to even up the game at 1 1. Then in the second period, ward is going to punch another goal with a nifty backhand to tie the game at 22. But his offensive explosion would not be enough. Tampa bay would go on to score three unanswered goals on braden. Caps lose the Season Opener 6 3. To the hardwood now, the wiz on the road in l. A. To face the clippers. This one would stay close the entire way. John wall had a big game. Jordan crawford feeds him the alleyoop for two of his team high 24 points. Then in the Fourth Quarter with l. A. Up by two, chris paul nails one from the threepoint range. There you go. Then he would add another big basket. Clippers go on to beat the wizards 9487. Baseball fans are mourning the deaths of two legends of the game. Former Baltimore Orioles manager earl weaver passed away at the age of 82. The hall of famer died on a caribbean cruise associated with the team. The fiery manager led the orioles to four world series, winning one in 1970 during the 17 seasons there. Hall of Famer Sam Musial also passed away. He spent his entire 22year career with the st. Louis cardinals. Musial won seven nl batting titles and was a threetime mvp. He helped st. Louis capture three world series championships in the 1940s. Stan musial was 92 years old. The nfl, down to the final four. It is conference championship sunday. The ravens travel to massachusetts to face the patriots in a rematch of last years afc championship. Vegas has baltimore as the underdog. Game time at 6 30. The other matchups hit the 49ers and falcons in atlanta. San francisco is your favorite in this one. Catch all the action right here on fox 5. Kickoff is at 3 00 p. M. Winners head to super bowl xlvii in new orleans. In this mornings off the wall, of course it is all about todays big championship games. Dave ross has predictions on who will come out on top and head to the super bowl. Yeah, what about that music i like it. I like it. A little grooving and moving. Welcome to off the wall, everybody. Let me ask you a question, sir. Question away. We are down to the final four. Okay. In the show. Right. Known as the National Football league. Right. Two big games coming up on sunday to get to the big prized possession of the super bowl, lombardi trophy. Right. Who are 49ers and ravens didnt even ask the question youre taking too long get to the point, dave ross do you see the purple that i have on . These colors dont bleed thats right. Purple, baltimore ravens. Why, sir, do you think the ravens will be victorious in new england . First of all, because they are a local team. Thats number one. Second of all, because i dont like the patriots. You always talk about them on the band wagon. Patriots usually win. They lost the last two because they havent been able to cheat. Those are facts. Those are facts. Those are facts. They got caught with the video. Not able to cheat, therefore did not win the super bowl. They got caught. They have the videotape, destroyed the videotape. Since then, lost to the new york giants. If they win this year, are they cheating . First of all, got to get for it, because they will not because baltimore will beat them. The end. Youre wearing the purple tie. Im qoaght the facts. And you got a purple highlighter. Im just quoting the facts. Facts i love the purple people eater. I love where youre going. But its tom brady and all of his uggs and supermodel wife and it is the patriots on sunday moving on to the super bowl. What do they have to do with anything . Same thing with your logic and purple tie. All right. Makes since to me. Lets move to the 49ers 49ers are going to get it done. Love the city of atlanta. Also love the city of san francisco. You cant go back. I cant go back. Why will the niners beat the Atlanta Falcons . Bot 49ers defense is superior to the Atlanta Falcons offense. Atlanta struggled last week, probably should have lost that game in seattle, but they didnt. Right. They didnt lose. Thats the bottom line. They won the game. This week against a superior defense, the 49ers will be able to shut that atlanta offense down. Going with both harbaughs. The harbaugh bowl is who im going with. Let me tell you why i disagree. The whole fans of hotlanta will be loud and proud on sunday. They dont lose at the dome. They have got the best player on the field and that guy might be tony gonzalez. Hes going to the hall of fame. Okay, all right. Tight end. He will be a mismatch for that 49ers defense and they will make it two. Atlanta and new england . Atlanta and new england. And you have the other two guys. The harbaugh bowl this has been off the wall. Well see who is right and who is wrong. See you next week. Red for the 49ers. Purple and red. Youre crazy. Well, they had the ball gown, the tux and the coveted tickets to the president s inaugural ball. Still this, soldier and his wife almost had to miss the event of a lifetime until someone came to the rescue. Well have that story, when we come back. Could care less about my medals at this point. Meeting the president and being in that area is an insane honor. Hes one of only two minnesota soldiers invited to the inaugural ball. He earned a medal for Meritorious Service during his three tours in iraq and afghanistan, but he and his wife werent sure they could afford the trip to dc. After their story was broadcast, Sun Country Airlines offered to fly them here for free. Looks like his wife will get to wear her beautiful ball gown. They should be here sometime today. I understand they will be flying in today. Welcome. Awesome story. Lets take a look at our inauguration forecast. Weve got looking at temperatures that arent going to be too bad details for you, melanie. Of course well have complete coverage on air and online all day on my fox dc, as well as fox 5. Going to our weather maps, a quick look at our planner for

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