Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News Saturday 20160305 :

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News Saturday 20160305

first though a live look lk outside on this saturdayat morning march fifth.if march is a very volatile monthin when it comes to the weather. wa this week will be no exception. we had snow showers yesterday ye morning, we can even see a few a tonight but we will see thatha warmup as we head through the next seven days. day morning temperatures very chilly. you need the winter coat.inter it feels like winter. like winte yesterday was very cold ands ved we're seeing temperatures mainly in the 30's outside.'s o. 32 gaithersburg, 36 in i manassas, 35 in washington andnn 28 out in cambridge on thege on eastern shore. shore all across the northeasteast temperatures mainly in thees m 20's and the 30's. only 14 up there in binghamton, new york, 30 offork, the coast of north carolina in hatteras. hatteras. look at the snow showers at moving across eastern ohio into western pennsylvania. that's a cold front that willd h bring a miatx of rain and snow w showers late tonight intolaon early sunday morning but ining b don't think it's going to bebe impacting our weekend very wee much mainly because it will it fall during the overnighturinovr hours. here's what we'rlo for your weekend outlook. outlok it is is c that incoming storm system isms very weak but it brings in angsn few showers late tonight,ight, early sunday morning so if you m are up early walking the dog dog tomorrow morning, going out mort for a morning run you will seeis probably some of those showersss especially south and east but at then clouds will give way toay some more sunshine prettyy quickly tomorrow.y t here's the forecast for today. t very chilly and cloudy.loudy. we only hit 46 degrees as agrs high temperature later today,ert back to 44 at 5 o'clock. 5'c those mixed showers don't don arrive until after sunset. sun 46 in washington but 48 in culpeper, 47 in winchester. wche it's chilly today but it isut i mainly dry.inly d those showers are later tonight and that will be raind mixed with some snow, veryw,ery little accumulation expected.xpc we'll see those overnight lowvew temperatures in the mid 30'satur and we'll show you that warmupst in your seven-day forecast butr you got to wait for it.ort. that's coming up at about 7:15.7: annie. >> thanks so much caitlin.nks meantime the man at the a center of that disturbing distu child porn scandal in princen pn georges county faced a judge yesterday. yest deonte carraway pleaded notway guilty to federal chargesed inside a greenbelt courtroom. fox5's tom fitzgerald waszgald there as one mother saw carraway and heard his hrd response to the heinous charges. >> reporter: tonight deonter: tt carraway has been arraigned ond 13 federal charges of child of exploitation to produce childdu pornography both state and federal prosecutors sayl pr carraway has admitted to making cell phone videos ofeo o his alleged victims engagingagin in sex act with them and then t engaging children to engage in sex acts with each other but wia in court todaych deonte carraway admitted to nothing.hing. this 19 minute hearing was theng first time we heard w from deonte carraway speak in open court. his only response to the judge j when asked questions if he understood the charges was yes, sir. sir he says this about 10 times. te. now, this federal case fedal cas involves 13 charges includingncu 11 of carraway's alleged victims.vict however, in all, investigatorsno been identified and moree charges may be pending. pendi the scene inside the courtroom t was understandably tense.y the rows were filled withh parents, many seeing carrawayiny for the first time since hise ss arrest one month ago. m the mother of one alleged aed victim who asked us not to use e her name talked about her aut strong emotions before walking in that courtroom today.m >> he done a lot of damage.age. again, i don't even know what wa to say but he -- he done a loto of damage.of dam this is my first time seeingg him. i don't know how i'm going to react, you know. k i don't know what i want to t see. se i'm just glad he's locked away a and he's not hurting theseng babies anymore. >> reporter: that motherte thatr said she spoke out because she s thinks it's important that the victims are heard in this case c as well. w deonte carraway effectively eec faces a life sentence intence prison if he is convicted ofcted these charges. charges. he's being held on bond. so far no trial date has been set. in greenbelt, maryland, tomrylam fitzgerald, fox5 local news. n >> class was disrupted at several northern virginia high schools investor after bomb aftb threats were phoned in.werehone several schools were evacuated u and first responders combeds co through the schools lookinghoolo for anything dangerous. dangero in the end none of the threats t were found to be seven schools received thels red threatening phone calls cal including herndon high school s and stone bridge high a full lift of impactedmp schools is on our web site at a d.c. high schoolhigh basketball player isbasketll p recovering this morning afterhi he was shot near hiss home in i northeast on thursday night. kavon montgomery plays for the undefeat h.d. woodson. woo warriors.wa after leading his team totea victory last night he was shotes in the back in a parking lotot near 54th street northeast nor near his home in clay terrace.ea his mother is grateful he'lle'll be >> all i know i came from work, i got a phone call saidl s my son been and the boy told me come and get your child and they said my son was with somebody, theyot was fussing and arguing. arg >> the bullet only grazed therah teen. he's expected to be okayy thankfully. police say he didn't see thedn't shooter and doesn't know whoesnw pulled the trigger.ed therigg and just this past week at least three people have been ha attacked by wild animals in i fairfax county. c a raccoon tested positive for rabies. the raccoon snuck into the s home and bit the man.nd bhe m the man was able to captureto c the animal and it testedd positive for the disease. t two other people were bittene by foxes in the great falls g area by river bend park onen wednesday morning.wednesday signs are now visible aroundd the park warning visitors of possible rabid wildlife in the r area.abhe coming up we've got your campaign 2016 roundup and6 rndup we've got you covered from who m dropped out overnight and whoigw is heading to the polls todayols and of course caitlin rothli will have another look at youroy forecast for today. stay with us. fox5 news morning will beg right back. >> ♪ welcome aboard my starship. ahoy, mateys! it's full of things i love... like me brave crew... and my fellow space adventures and free of things i don't. like aliens. just like eye patches. and when it's time to refuel, i eat chex cereal. it's full of stuff we pirates need. no artificial flavors, and it's gluten-free. excelsior! eat up, me hearties! keep it down! i'm exploring the galaxy. arrrr, that's not even a real spaceship. >> ♪ >> welcome back. now to some of the headlinesof coming out of the race for the white house this morning. mor dr. benn carson officiallyiciay announced he's ending his campaign for the republicanep presidential nomination. nomat >> but even -- even though i tug might be leaving the t campaign -- you know, there'sre a lot of people who love me. me. they just won't vote for me for but it's okay. it's not a problem.roem you know, i will stillti continue to be heavily heavi involved, you know, and trying to save our nation. >> dr. carson made thee t announcement last night at theta conservative political actionict conference at the national at n harbor in he says he made the decision dec after his poor showing in showig super tuesday voting.ot and trump was scheduled to last minute.lastinute. instead he's out last night at a stop in stop i louisiana more than a dozen protestors from the blackhe lives matter movement interrupted donald trump'sd rally.lly. trump once again took theook the opportunity to criticize mitt ci romney apparently in retaliation for a scathingatio speech romney gave blastinge bls trump. take a listen. lte >> and you know when you have guys like romney that have nomny idea how to win then he gets get up and he's upset, he's upset ut because when he sees thise se t happening he never had itad it happening with him and then hen gave up in the last month. lason he just gave up.av it was a race that should haveov been won.been remember that. and he gave up and now hee comes on and he's not looking lg at me, he's looking at all of us, okay. oka we have had one of the one of te greatest things politically toly happen in many, many decades. millions of people are going out to vote that never gave a damn before.e. >> and happening todayningod caucuses will be held in nebraska along with a primary in louisiana. on sunday, maine holds a caucus for democrats while w republicans duke it out in aoutn primary in puerto rico.ertoic early voting begins iny votg florida today. hillary clinton donald trump and marco rubio have been hitting the campaign flailpaign south florida ahead of the state's primary on march 15th. . meantime locally formerormer mayor vincent gray will kickic off his campaign today.od gray is running for his old ward seven seat city council and he says he's runnings he run because he believes the current seat holder yvetterve alexander isn't do a good enough job. j that kicks off at 1 o'clock today. all right. let's check in with caitlinhai now and it's kind of chilly outside. ou >> yes. >> but there is a reward thatha i'm much looking forward to.rdo. >> yes, really warm weather, probably our first 70's of the0 season headed our way this thi week. ek. awesome, yes, exactly. exaly >> love it. >> i know, it's a real taste ite of spring and i past week we had a couple mild days.da. really just seemed to reenergized. >> but it snowed yesterday. >> it may snow a little bitsnow tonight. this is the push and pull of the season so here's what wha we're expecting as we go ase through the rest of theest t weekend. let's start by recapping theng snow totals yesterday.s yestay many of you especially in southern maryland woke up to m several inches on thear ground.n the thing about march snow isnow as soon as it falls and sticks k it melts and we saw thatelts through the day ash the temperatures got into the 40's. they will again today and theai snow wiln l be a distant memoryr by a couple days from now.m now less than a half inch at reagan, dulles over an inch. damascus maryland two and a marw half, vienna virginia two andatw the further south you wentouen into -- south and east intoo southern maryland we saw someyln of those higher snow totals. tal outside right now clouds around, snow showers back, ow ss towards our west.towards ou this is the incoming coldominco front that will bring us a will mixed bag of some showers latee tonight.tonight. rain and snow is possible bute t we're talking about very lightei accumulations and we're also wee talking about during theinthe overnight period. full.full. but it is reinforcing thatt chilly air that's been int's b place over the past coupleou days. 35 in washington, 32 in baltimore, 32 in gaithersburg,tb 32 winchester and 31 in culpeper. it is winter jacket weather and it will probably be thate way through the rest of thehe afternoon. i don't think we see too much sunshine.hine. clouds are zipping on throughout ahead of this frontas by about 5 o'clock you start to see that some rain showers west of 81 here in the the mountains. that will reach us after dark. 8:00 p.m. they're just jus starting to move into thate intt montgomery county, loudonmery c county and fairfax county andouy then by about the overnight orn hours here we are 1:00 a.m. area you see a few snow showers showe just north of the district. dis. rain showers, too. shors, so we'll call for both during bu the overnight h this really is temperatureemra dependent. by the time we hit day break b sunday she's hours to have she moved to the eastern shore,hete portions of delaware and southoh jersey so by the time we wakewe up tomorrow morning i don'tningd think we'll even see anything ag falling. it's like it never happened and then the clouds will giveile way to sunshine.un this will be sunday which actually looks to be a loe pretty nice still on the crisp side but cspd looking fairly decent.airly a taste of spring follows whatwh will be a chilly early march weekend.week why? well, we've got highot h pressure moving off shore andinf in a place that we usually see it sit during the summerhe sum months pumping in the heat and humidity. in march it's much moreuch mor bearable than july.brable than we get a nice southwesterlyth flow which pushes temperature into the 60's and 70's acrosscr the eastern seaboard back inton the very warm, high above average. noabt really talking record territory but close enough with high temperatures in the 70's. so, if you love the mild t mil weather and you have beenu bee anxious for spring it isin coming your way this week. w here's the forecast, though.ho back to today, chilly breezellye out of the northwest behind behn this front, 46 degrees, mostlytl cloudy and chilly. and and look at this seven-day forecast. we are jumping and jumping quickly. 46 for today. tod 50 with clouds to sun on sunday.sunday. then into the 60's on monday.y. 70's on tuesday.ue in fact, mid 70's on wednesday. could be some upper 70's s around the area. a dare i say close to 80 degrees s so t and then we've got someot s showers for thursday andrs friday but it looks like it like stays mild and there are signs s we could stay mild into thed following week of march, too.ek, so, a very springlike weekingl w ahead. ahea got to get through a chillyhr a weekend, though.eken that's your seven-dayv-day forecast.. now let's go back to annie he. h >> all right, thanks so much caitlin. up next it's the story n t that has everyone talk. l.a. police are testing a testi knife that was reportedlyeportey recovered on the property once o owned by o.j. simpson.neby o the latest twist in this case te raises a lot of questions. of q more on the stunning discoveryie up next. nt. plus is there a biggerr mystery that locking the iphone of one of san bernadino killers will solve.ilo they say it could lead to another terrorist. we'll have those details straight ahead. when it comes to the things you love, you want more. love romance? get lost in every embrace. into sports? follow every pitch, every play and every win. change the way you experience tv with x1 from xfinity. then your eyes may see it, differently.ave allergies. only flonase is approved to relieve both your itchy, watery eyes and congestion. no other nasal allergy spray can say that. complete allergy relief or incomplete. let your eyes decide. flonase changes everything. >> ♪ >> welcome back.>> it could be a stunning newe development in the o.j.t in the. simpson murder case.dere. more than 20 years after simpson's ex-wife an friend-we n were stabbed to death theth l.a.p.d. is testing a knifetingi that was allegedly found on simpson's what happened to the weapon tea used in the killings has beenilg a mystery for decades but authorities also stress there t authenticity of this story has y not been confirmed.. fox's jonathan hunt has the >>ta reporter: one more twist in the extraordinary saga of sag o.j. simpson possibly a major development, possible alble a complete irrelevance.rrev the l.a.p.d. will only confirmon that it is in possession of a of knife allegedly found 18 years8a ago or more o where o.j. simpson lived at livd the time of the murders of his ex-wife nicole brown simpson and her friend ronald goldman. l >> it has been submitted to our lab.b. they are going to study it and examine it for all forensics including dna and hair and h samples. >> reporter: captain nyman n said the l.a.p.d. got theot knife within the last monthast o from a retired l.a.p.d. officer.offi that officer apparently saysarey he was working off duty security near oj's former homeme around the time the new owners had it demolished in 1998.d in 1 he claims it was handled toas him by a construction workerr who said it was found buried b on the ground. g but instead of turning it over to the l.a.p.d., the retiredet officer simply kept it. >> i was really surprised. surpr i would think that an l.a.p.d..d officer, if this story is s is accurate as we're being told, would know that any time you tie are -- you come into contact c with evidence, that you and shall submit that to investigators. >> reporter: to twor: to important legal points here.ant first, the investigationnvestitn remains opened because no oneedn has been ever been convicted. equally important o.j. simpsonnt can not be tried again because b of the law of double jeopardy. a in los angeles, jonathanonat hunter fox news.nt fox >> now to the ongoing battle b between apple and the feds. f a california prosecutor saystors information on the phone couldne help lead authorities to a potential third suspect in thedu san bernadino attacks that killed 14 people. p san bernadino police say all a the evidence points to two t shooters but two 911 calls from that day report threeepor perpetrators during thepe d shooting. this comes as the show down between appls e and the fedshe f continue and apple is refusingsn to create software to unlock u one of the shooter'se f th iphones.iphones a senator from utah saystoou the people of flint, michiganhia do not need federal reporter: senator mike lee says michigan l has enough money in their the ongoing water crisis there. it would take millions of dollarsil to fix the city's lead contaminated water pipes.amin senators reached a tentativech n deal last month to give state s $220 million in aid but it's being held up by senator lee.. dozens of lawmakers held in flint -- were rather in flintr i yesterday to visit familiesy tos who have been affeitcted by thee water crisis. c and researchers are> anrese finding more evidence that theha zika virus causes a serious ser birth defect. fox's karen mchugh has the details from new york.y >> reporter: zeka is spread s by mosquitos and in most m people causes no more than mild illness but it may beness linked to serious birtherious b defects causing concern for cce pregnant women. now a lab study is providing pro experimental evidence thental virus can infect and harm embryonic cells that help form m the brain. >> there's an indication because the cells are generating daughter cells to populate the brain that meanshe there's a potential link. in our infection there's a increase in the cells. >> reporter: these findingste do notr: prove zeka causes aa cs condition in which a baby is whb born way small head and a a brain that hasn't developedas properly. the study authors are urgingrgin quick further research to findo out more. m >> as a scientist we can be involved in society and make soa contributions right awayntri because in general our research takes decades to have impact on society. in this case it could be veryse fast. oqureporter: the mos iquit that carries the virus could arrive in continental unitedin states as early as april or aprl may. the obama administration istrato calling on lawmakers could approve its emergency request for nearly $2 billion toon t combat zeka. >> it's important for congresspo not to be asleep at the switch t when we have a significant i'mna mering >> reporter: the white house the also announcing plans for a summit next month helpingth state officials learn how tofise control the spread of zeka and treat infections.nfti in new york, caron mchugh, fox >> meanwhile nasa astronaut scott kelly is stillis readjusting to being back on bec earth. kelly returned from thelly retu international space station onen wednesday after a 340 day mission that set a u.s. u.s. record. record. so what did a year in space do d to his body? kelly says his s muscles and joints ache, hise, s skin burns and he can't sink aaa basketball shot and that 2-inches he gained height he says he lost it almost as soonms as he stood on solid ground.n l experts say astronauts getuts gt tall interspace because the bece spine expands in the absence a of gravity.of g coming up we are taking ap e closer look at the alarminglarmn rise in the sale of a drugg called fentanyl.lled the dea says it's leading toeang more and more lethal overdose overdoses. we spoke sew toke a family who t lost a loved one to the drug. oe we'll have their story tir s straight ahead. caitlin will be back with b another look at today's t weather. stay with us. fox5 news morning saturday will be right back. i do everything on the internet. but it's kind of slow. my friends said i should get fios because it's the fastest... i just downloaded 600 photos in 60 seconds. that's seriously better. 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month as mh our temperatures go back and bk forth transitionsying from winter to spring.wint t it's only 14 in binghamton new york, 28 new york city, 24 cit 2 boston very chilly.hi 31 in pittsburgh, 32 out inn columbus ohio and out by columbus they're seeing somere m snow showers right now.. here's the next cold frontcold t which is bringing just snow tono eastern portions of ohiof o moving into western pennsylvania. it's a very quick moving pretty light and weak storm weam system that is going to comeom by during the overnight hours tonight into sunday, bring us bg a mix of rain and snow showersho but then it will quickly clearlc out by sunday morning. morni so, it's really like it will w never happen.pen. here's why. this afternoon we're waitingaiti on that incoming storm system.te we see a little bit of of sunshine but i think there's a t lot of cloud cover out there.he temperatures are only in theureo 40's. 40's it will be dry but it will but l feel very chilly.hill here's that low pressure's t system bringing a mixed bag ofga showers by about this evening. probably after dark for theark t washington area, maybe our western suburbs seeing some rain mixed snow showers early but most of the colder air up towards our north will see the s snow showers in pennsylvaniaen scattered mix here in washington, rain showerson towards our south and east. and then they're outso probablya by about day break tomorroworw morning. so sunday afternoon highno high pressure is moving in.moving we'll probably see a lot more lm sun in the afternoon and it'sndi still cool although weir we'llw' at least try to get toryget 50 degrees, that's for sunday.un here's your weekend forecast. fc 46 for today.od some late showers expected butse that's mainly in the overnight hours. hour 50 degrees there on sundaynda with clouds giving way to some s sunshine. looks really nice. seven-day forecast, watch these temperatures jump prettyut remarkable as we go from thes wh 40's with snow showers in thewee forecast today up to the 70's next week. 62 monday, that signals the beginning of the warming trend t well into the 70's tuesday and wednesday. this is warm. and then 70 on thursday shows the mild air sticks aroundticks just about all week long. wk lo. we have that chance of showers o thursday and friday but enjoy ej thes headed our way.he just got to get through aot to o chilly start to the that's your seven-day yse forecast. annie. ♪> ♪ >> well, happening todayl, a-virginia marine is getting a new lease on life. in 2014 brandon burns was paralyzed in iraq.ra today wounded warrior isou teaming up with helmets toheet hard hats to complete a well w deserving house renovationio project for the woundedfoe wound marine. our fox5's megan dice liveiv in stafford virginia thisir morning with all of theing withl details. good morning, megan., meg >> reporter: hey, good, morning annie and good morningdg to all of you.ou i tell you this is why i lovehy doing this job is stories likeik this. we're talking about local marine brandon burns.ndon b he came under fire in fallujahja in iraq in 2004 and it paralyzed him. joining me are lisa and robertob and they'll explain a little lil bit more about the program. pro tell me about helmets to hard tr hats. ts >> it's a nonprofit npr america's building trade uniondi created in an effort to help expedite the placement of service members into construction. >> reporter: placed aboutte 20,000 veterans ir:n jobs sinces inception?ce >> yes. we've been around for -- this -h is our 13th year and we colorolr the threshold of placingflaci 20,000 veterans and it's the the best job that you could have. cu >> reporter: i bet, i bet. bet,b we love our veterans.eter okay. so, tell me a little bit aboutai how you got connected to to project today. >> so, the wounded warriorarri project they gave us a calle usa and said that they have aav a veteran that needs some helpomel with their house so i reached ra out to our local trade unionsran and now we have about 20bout 20 people showing up to work onhonu the house. >> reporter: athnd this is all at no charge to brandon, whichn is amazing what are you going to be doingod today. >> we're going to be doingng toi some electrical work, some s carpentry and then we're also ta going to do some other things, you know, in the house, maybe some insulation. insulat just a lot of different projects. >> reporter: you and i were talking earlierou and you said s there was only -- he just wanted a few things done and wait, wait, we can do a lot, cn more. tell me a little bit aboutit a what happened.wh >> so, what happened -- yout ha know what it's like when you get construction people innstr your house. we came and did a survey and as we were going through thenghu house we saw a lot of other of r projects that we could do soha we added on probably three or four more projects. >> reporter: we're talkingr:e're about kitchen knobs, insulation, shelving breakfastsi bar. you guys are doing a lot. l how long is this going to take today. >> we can probably get it doneay by tomorrow. we'll come dan we'll be heree tomorrow and we should have the house back to him byck t tomorrow afternoon.ft >> reporter: this ister:s is amazing. construction set to begin in sei about a little less than an than hour right now.ur r >> exactly. >> reporter: and a 24 hour is this possible? this >> yes. i mean, with the building build trades union, yes.a >> reporter: okay. o >> we can do it. >> reporter: this is repor amazing. good luck to you.go we will be here for all of thee action as it gets started inside and again loving projects like this.ojec we're going to send it back to you annie and we'll be back at 8 o'clock. >> great stuff. p > coming up at 7 o'clock>> this morning we're going take w' a closer look at another twistnh in the heroin and opioid opi epidemic in the area.idem the alarming rise in the sale t of another drug calledal fentanyl. the dea says it's leading toeadi more and more lethal overdosesle and the problem is users haveav no idea that's what they'rere getting. gettin we'll have that story comingha up next. t. it's time to get out and explore. look beyond the expected. hidden among the trees. there's a special place. where getting away... brings us so much closer. spring into fun and save $50 busch gardens williamsburg. a whole other world awaits. >> ♪ >> welcome back. authorities are on high alertar after a recent spike in heroin r overdoses. and now there's another drug d on the scene and it's evens more deadly. law enforcement blames an increase of lethal overdoses ove of fentanyl is significantlynyli more powerful than heroin. fox5's laura evans has what h wt you need to know.o >> a friend one last time or celebrating -- >> reporter: this is the club no one wants to belongts to, mother who's have lost children to a drug overdose mostly heroin cases here butn at least two of these moms says autopsies revealed it wasn't was heroin as they suspected, itpe, was fentanyl.was fean >> i'm a nurse. i knew it was surgically surgicy anesthesia but i had not heardib anything about that being usedeg in place of heroin or being bng mixed with heroin and now i hear about it all the >> reporter: nancy rufneror was involved in her son danny's life.if she says he was creative and a artistic active and loved super heroes funny and loving.ov >> i was a pta president whendee my kids were growing up atwi u their school. th for the most part a stay at sy home mom. ho you know, thinking i was doingis the right thing.e right thin never in my life did i ever d ir believe anything like thishi would happen to me.happ >> reporter: danny did wellor in school but after graduatingta from the university of maryland, things changed. changd he had a job lined up but up never completed the online credentialing.ed the theyen suspected he wascteds depressed. >> my husband had found some syringes in the basement. >> reporter: they tried getting help butor the downwardw spiral was too fast.sp on june 14th, 2015 danny20 d injected his fatal dose. fat >> we were completely blownn away when we found out it was fender until. >> reporter: fentanyl use isr: skyrocketing in d.c., maryland and vir according to the dea theea number of lethal overdoses hasrs tripled in the past three years >> this is pure poison. t it'shi deadly. and -- and when you take it,akei even the smallest amount, it ami can kill you. kil >> reporter: it's so deadlyeadl it's dangerous for even the investigators combing throughor evidence at an overdose scenesoe and scene. >> so touching the powder is poe enough to just absorb into the --the >> into the skin.>> i it's transdermal, yes.dermal, >> reporter: and it can kill ana you. >> and it can kill you rightou on the spot.on >> reporter: and followingollowi an overdose, users will flockl to the dealer who provided pro that deadly dose in search ofof the most potent stuff. fentanyl is cheap to cheap to manufacture it's often made in chinana shipped through mexico and nowto dealers are making more moneye byma disguising it as oxycodoneo percocet or oxycontin which typically sell for more money.e. it's he's is he to get onlinein or on the >> it's like playing russianng r roulette. they don't know what they'reat e they know that it's potent andpe that's what they want. they wa >> r has been a drug addiction treatment specialist forsp decades. she says the problem has reached a fevered pitch.he >> we've seen more and more people coming in forople treatment, they're younger and younger. you can do everything andg and suddenly find yourself askingela what happened? hap >> reporter: jimena ryan rya lost her son casey to a drug d overdose. >> when i got the autopsy andgo they said it was 100 percenter fentanyl i knew carries will i no idea what he was ktaking.ast >> never in my wildest dreamsilm did i think anything like thisae would happen. twoul >> reporter: in washington,shin, laura evans fox5 local news.ew >> the drug treatmentnt counselor we interviewed said parents need to stay on theirne kids keep up with the latesthe l information and know thatation n there is help out there.ere the schools are gettingole ge involved in keeping parentspi p informed. coming up this morning, up he's known for his voice and acting career and now hisis humor. find out what happens whenwhen morgan freeman reads the lyrics to a justin bieber song s >> might be better than justin bieber's song annie. looking forward to a generallyen nice weekend. we do have some snowo have m showers out towards our west. w that will move through later tonight if it's a little cootle cold for you major warmup inaj the cards.or your full forecast is coming i m up next when fox5 news morningsi returns. returns. (all with worry-free ownership. colors in your neighborhood... head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the shift your thinking about buying your next one. >> ♪ >> welcome back.>> okay, so everyone was sayingonei yesterday is this the last last snowfall.snowfa >> i know. i think it was. >> yay!>> yay! >> we love you caitlin. >> i love you too, annie.. i have to cap that withit something. there might be a few showers tonight, a few snowflakes butew you might sleep through them.le however, once that's out ofepthf here i think we're done. d >> i really think we're done. wd >> that is great news.t >> it is. you know, it's been a long winter. it felt like we had, its not not like we had storm after stormtom but we had a very big one. b o >> it's been a rollercoasterlert ride with a lot of ups and ups d downs and you know the drill.hel winter cold brings our moods a o little down and then you got the snow. >> yeah, and then --hen >> tease us with the warmer tare temperatures.. >> earlier this week was aer tse tease but it was so nice. i totally felt reinvigoratednvid with the warmer weather thatmer came through earlier this week for sure.sur annie you're so right. r but we have a cool weekend w ahead following that is when isn think we warm up and there'she signs in the long ranges in forecast that we stay on the so that takes us through a good chunk of march. c i think we're in the clear.'re . i don't really see any snowno chances much beyond what's coming through tonight. throu temperatures outside right now n still very wintry for surety fo it's cold. it's you need the winter jacket, the gloves early this bundle up the kids forsor anything early 35 in washington, 32 in baltimore,alte 32 gaithersburg, 36 dulles and e 34 in winchester and with wit limited sunshine today it'snsne' going to feel pretty cool. c satellite and radar, clouds c around right now here's some snow showers outom in the mountains of weste ounta virginia, western pennsylvaniaya and into eastern ohio. ohi very weak storm system but itstm will swing through laterhrou tonight and probably bring ang few snow showers, a few rain showers. sh everything will be very light wl and probably out of here by of y day break br we'll time it out for you here h with your fox most of today like i said is sd just d clouds around, yes, but we'll w wait on any precipitationcitati until later tonight.r tig here's 6 o'clock. you see he some rain showersinhs we have the of 81.we all of this is very light.ight probably won't even need thed he umbrella much but by 8 o'clock here's some rain showersho moving into montgomery county,nt looks like these showers swingho through during the overnightring hours. here's too 2:00 a.m.'s yes, you can see some snow and a rain showers over d.c.r.c but it is 2:00 a.m. a.m. so, some of you may see themay t if you're out late tonight, tong some of you will not. ou wi by early tomorrow morning 9:00 a.m. clouds to start.o sta rain showers moved off towardsff our we'll see clearing quicklyui through tomorrow afternoon. afto probably more sunshine tomorrow and a couple ofouple degrees warmer will makeill make sunday feel like the warmerke tr day for sure.foure. a taste of spring as we go into next week. next week. we started seeing signs ofeeing this earlier this past weekpastw and we are still on track forn k a really nice warmup. wr high pressure off towards theofe east going to pump in themp in e southerly flow which will help l temperatures rise into thees 60's and then into the 70's 7 and each day through the weekhew it's going to be a prettyre decent jump and there arehere signs that we stay mild justilds about all week.abou this is by wednesday when itn it looks like the peek of the p really warm air comes temperatures well into thel into 70's.70. not there just quite yet andnd we've got a ways to go judgingud by today's 46 degrees, mostly cloudy and, o chilly with those rain andhose i snow showers coming throughinghr late tonight.. 50 degrees with some sunshine in the afternoon tomorrow. tor that should be really nice. still kind of crisp but then ofs the realp warmup begins on monday, 62 beautiful,, beautiful weather becauser along with the nice warmupmup we've got a lot of sunshine. s look at these numbers. 72 on tuesday, 76 on wednesday.we that will be the day to watch t to see how high thoseh t temperatures climb really intoea the 70's.th70's 70 on thursday. thu with that chance of showersho and we've got another chancethea of showers 66 on friday butday t generally the whole week looksks really n and notice that warming trendsmt as i walk back to the couch.he . we'll give it to you one more time. well into the 70's there by tuesday. so, spring lovers and who isn't one, that one is toone i your, right, annie.t, aie >> love it.>> thank you caitlin.thca >> you're so welcome. wco back to stories this morning.hig the trailer for the all femaleel ghost busters remake is out.ut. >> it's being criticized forzedr racial stereotyping and the brilliant scientists but its black character leslie jones is a street wise new york city subway worker. people took twitter to voicevoic their concerns.eir ncer one post said i feel some kindlk of way. everyone is a brilliant scientist. >> hollywood films need to diversify. >> i'm excited to check outit this movie. s t, yeank it's great, yeah.ed >> and with -- it's melissa mccarthy. >> show funny. >> a virginia man has an incredible story. he was waiting for his car tongf be repaired and while he wasd dh waiting, lift the end to this, o he won 2.5 million do.lion how is that for taking yourt foa car to get an oil change.ha john johns is his name ofhis am arlington went to get coffee cof at a nearby convenience store while his car was in the shop.i. he also bought a scratch off ticket at the time and he hit ht the >> wow. >> unbelievable. u so johns chose to take home the lump sum which is aboutbo 1.3 million before >> my gosh. >> unbelievable. good for him.go you know, it's just a mundaneusn day, you're going to take yourtu car in, you never think so thino many times when you buy thosehe that you're going to win especially that much moneyn .. >> wow. congratulations to him. >> yes, congratulations. >> all right, well, he's beenlle the voice of god, played thelad president and even won ann oscar.r. >> now morgan freeman is lending his voice to anothervoia popular project a dramaticti reading of justin timberlake -- i wish it wasish w justin timberlake, justin bieber's breakup song. b take a listen to this. t >> my momma didn't like you. and she likes everyone. and i never liked to admit that i was wrong. wro and i've been so caught up inn my job, didn't see what wasas going on but now i know i'm better sleeping on my own.wn 'cause if you like t w look that much, oh, baby, youab should go and love yourself.ouel >> the legendary actor agreedct to play along recitingg bieber's love yourself duringelg a vanity fair very serious. serus >> he had no idea that was aa th justin bieber song the way he talked so montone.o montone that's's hil >> still ahead learning the dos and don'ts of dogd do training. we'll have the pro joining us pi next and instead of teachingin fido some new tricks he'scks h going teach us. this is interesting. is interest look, he's looking at us rightst now. stick around for this.. >> ♪ ♪ >> hey, everybody accounts, ev kevin mccarthy i'm here withhy your movie reviews including "zootopia." it was co-directed by jared bush.bu byron howard directed tangle one of my favorite disney dis films in recent years. "zootopia" tells the story of judy hop who is a rookie bunny y who is a fox as they try to uncover a major crime conspiracy in the city. cit judy hop is voiced by jenniferei good win and nick wild voiced ve by jason bateman.atan the character is jason bateman.n. their chemistry together is absolutely fantastic. and it has a balance of beingng hilarious and very heart felthe and reminding you of the pixar formula where you have an element great for kids andnd jokes great far adults.fardu the scene you're seeing right now is the sloth scene.lothne this scene is in my opinion my n one of the fun jest scenes the f disney has ever had.un hver they're trying to go to theo the dpv, they're really, in a big rush and sloths running theni t the dmv. it's a very funny sequence. seqe kristen wiig has a cameo in camo that sequence as s getting back to the balance ofhe being for kids and adults one a of the duties of this movie is e there are so many referencesmanr for the adult audiencelyudnc there's a breaking bad sequence in the film andn e fi breaking bad is my favorite tvor show of all time.ime. seeing that placed in disneyednd movie was very cool. lots of pop culture referencesen and i feel like the 3-d reallye didn't do much for me.h r if you're going with your wit yr whole family do in the wastely n the extra money on the 3-d the ticket.tick. i gave 84 and a half out of five. it's very funny and very well vw do. i love jennifer goodwin and jason bateman's moving to whiskey tango foxey tn trot from the directors of crazy stupid love one of myove f favorite comedies in recent years. it stars tina fey margo robbiegi based on a true story loosely about kim barker. in the film they change herher flame to kim baker becauseto kir they did fictionalize a lot of o elements and tina fey playslays his this character who is a correspondent in afghanistannden specifically around the time a period of 2003 to 2006 and the film itself is more of a drama than a com dean you'd ben surprised by that consideringone lauren michaels produced theic movie froham snl. s robert car lock who wrote for snl and 30 rock wrote the there are very funny parts. funp i feel like the trailers leadild you to believe it's more of aie' it's more of am drama and has serious subject matter 678 tina fey and margo robbie arebi good in the film.m. i think the movie does reallyea hit a lot of different dfe elements. when you walk out of it youalk u don't know was this a comhis a d.c., was this a drama but it at really does hit you inn multiple ways. i think they did a really good g job with the film. f it seems very big budget.udget. there's some action sequences se in the film as well.ilm w i gave them a three and a half a out of advertisement it's entertaining and worth seeing. w my biggest problem was that ita was a little too long at times but three and a half out ofd a o five for. that for my review of londonon has fallen visit my facebook page. i'm kevin mccarthy, fox news. that's not fair, he should give you your rollerblades back. anddddd, she's back. storm coming? a very dangerous cheese storm. so you have 20 more bags. mhm. my yoga instructor calls it the death spiral. i call it living the dream. american express presents the blue cash everyday card with no annual fee. cash back on purchases. see you tomorrow. backed by the service and security of american express. >> welcome back. if anyone is planning onn adding a new dog to the family this is for you. joining us is brian baler thehe author of embracing the wildhe in your dog. >> thank you fore joining usni with captain from he's so precious.precious. >> he's so loving and so brian you say it's importantmpor for dog owners to think of thi their dogs as domestic wolveseso instead of just pets.stea can you elaborate on that.abora. >> it is important becausentec here in america we view ourur dogs fur coats.coat any time you do that you'reat y going expect that animal to behave like a little and that leads us down a road ar in which we don't have answersas for why they do what they doo and it causes problems. pbl 10 to know good dog for doing for d something good or bad dog forog doing something bad youet y literally have about a secondutn and a half after the behavior bh if you really want them tont th understand that. t just associate the reward oroc t the punishment.unisen a lot of times people come home and find out their dog has chewed up their favoritee pair of shoes. shoes. >> happened to me many >> or the phone cord. p cor and then they punish them andnd then they wonder why a couplehyl weeks later after thister ter t continues that their dog ist thg fearful of them and is now hiding which reinforces thatceat behavior because they come home and they -- say he's acting guilty he knows he kws chewed up my stuff.chew no, he didn't.nohe d your arrival at home has become a predicter to thereer punishment that's going to occur. occur. i think i'm pointing out them pi obvious but it's not soit'sot obvious here.ous h we just need to keep in mindn mn that we own an animal, wenil, don't a dog, we don't own a a little person. p really important.really importa >> if we came home to badad behavior what should we do then?en >> recognize the fact the dogze has done the behavior, maybe prevent it. in other words th you can do to the dog at that time mom tent, you cthan't showo to him, you cannot talk to himim or scold him that they'reim t going to now the next day go, i don't think i'll chew onl ch that phone cord again because i got in trouble yesterday.ested a child could do that and tt that's where we stray off theayo path but a young dog canan can't. there's really nothing you canhn do at that men next day go hm maybe you'll be in your crate today when i go to work, maybe you'll be inaybel the laundry room, maybeoo m outside, something of thathif ta sort. >> when i was little and wewas brought a puppy home we taught t him the five basic commandsic cs like sit, stay, come, youe, know, that sort of thing. thi is that really where you start s when you get a new puppy. puppy >> it is. for example, if i tell him tell down and i tell him to staym there, that's my way off deactivating him and it'sndt' really nice to be able to do >> yes. >> because even though --n thoh >> he does it well. >> even though he lovers youou guys and you guys have beenghuye petting him not everyone wantsve that. i go to a lot of people's peopl homes and because i'm a a professional they just turnn their dogs loose on me and and they're jumping on me andne they some point you want to be ablete to say hey, have people admireed your dog from a distance and go wow that's a nice dog youe dy have over there. over there. it's really nice. stays are great. g all those basic cues to beue able to walk and not be pulledd by your today, not jump on me. m come to me when i call you. ial that's a life saving behavior really neat to have. neat to h >> thank you brian. tha we have to leave it nkthere. lee the book is available in all ina book stores online as well.el thank you so much. such. >> thank you. y >> that does it for us here ateo 7:00 but there's much more muche ahead at 8 o'clock. o'clock stick with us.stick >> that's a great picture oft po you there, brian.ere,ri >> thanks.>> >> thanks for joining us here. we'll be back at 8:00 a.m. >> ♪ >> this is fox5 news morning.ox >> welcome back to fox5 news morning on this saturday. sur cloudy skies out there if ski ot you're just waking it's also quite chilly as a well. good morning, i'm annie yu., i'i thanks for joining us.oining >> and i'm caitlin r good morning. morni >> hello. >> really chilly out there. thee it feels like winter is just isj back in full force, right? right >> yes, but it's not.. >> it's not. yeah, it will be brief but yes, we had some of those snow e showers yesterday.s yesterd you were out following thel snow. >> i was. i mean, we didn't it bad out out in prince william county.ou it was mostly wet.. it didn't stick because theecse pavement temperature wasn't tem cold enough. >> yeah. >> but there was a light dusting on trees and grassy andy areas and your cars butand yourt nothing too >> right.>> and it was briefly pretty a saw. this time of year the snow the w does not stick around veryer long so that's a good thingoodhi unless you wanted the snow to st stick around.stick we have some snow showers inme s the forecast for later tonightag and then i think that's it forso the winter.thnt outside right now certainlynoer does feel very wintry. wtr temperatures are in the 30's.re3 it is very cold. 35 in washington.ashi 33 in baltimore.timore 36 out at dulles and 34 in winchester.winc all across the northeast still i seeing these cool temperature.pu 18 in binghamton new york, 29to in new york city, 25 in boston, run in pittsburgh andinp 32 in columbus, ohio where outhe in ohio they're starting torting see some snow showers move srs through. well, actually they have been tb seeing some snow showers movewes through. now reaching westerntern pennsylvania, some of thelvan mountains in west virginia andid this is just a really quick q weak storm system moving sto through but it will swing by tonight i think just duringjus the overnight hours bring us ans chance of some rain showersin and some snow showers.ho so here's your weekend outlook k for it is isol you ee here early this morning.arly mainly clouds around today butty it will stay drive. here's that storm system thator will bring just those mixed m showers very briefly duringly d the overnight hours and then tomorrow for sunday i think wein clear out pretty quickly, see some more sunshine in theunsh afternoon.aftern it does remain cool but then a warmup is following right on rit the heels of what will be as ofa pretty chilly weekend. wke here's your forecast for theore weekend.week 46 today. tay watch for those late showerse se moving in from the westom thees probably after dark.ark. and then they swing out bying oy tomorrow morning.ow mning 50 degrees on sunday with sunshine in the afternoon. in looks beautiful.oks beauti wait until you see how high howg temperatures jump this week,ee got to wait for it.t wai your seven-day forecast isen-das still ahead. >> all right, thanks, caitlin. n today former mayor vincentin gray will kick off hisk f campaign. gray is running for his oldsld ward seven city council seat. he says he's running becausese he believers the current seatt holder yvette alexander isn'tndi doing good enough job.ough j gray held the position beforeefr class was disrupted ats diue several northern virginia highgh schools yesterday after bomb b threats were phoned in.ed several schools were evacuatedvu and first responders combeders through the schools lookinge for anythingsc dangerous. dangeo in the end none of the threatshs were found to be legitimate.egim seven schools received theve t threatening phone callsenin including herndon high school sh and stone bridge high schoole bg in ashburn, virginia. virgi the full list of impacted iac schools is on our web site at a d.c. high school dub schob player is recovering this is morning after he was shot nearne his home in northeast on thursday night. nht. kavon montgomery plays for the undefeated h.d. woodson warriors. after leading his team to ag hi playoff victory last night he ne was shot in the back in a parking lot near 54th streettrt northeast near his home inom clay ar terrace. trace his mother is grateful he'lle' be oka >> i came home from work and i got a phone call saying my son been and the boy told me come andnd get your child and they said my son was somebody, they was fussing and arguing. >> the bullet only grazed therat teaches expected to be okay thankfully. police say he didn't see the't e shooter and doesn't know whoands pulled the trigger. meanwhile the man at thet center of a child porn scandalal in prince georges county pledor not guilty in a green room -- ro greenbelt courtroom yesterday,cr excuse me. the federal case againstega deonte carraway includes 13lus charges covering 11 of hisf his in all, investigators say 17 victims have been identified.def many seats in the courtroomhe ct were occupied by family members of his alleged victimsic and they were extremelyly emotional when carraway wentra went before a judge.nt b he didn't say much besidesh besd pleading not guilty. gi right now he's locked up in an prince george's county jail cell. no trial date has been set.. and democraticocc presidential candidate hillaryal clinton's work related e-mails i from her private account arecc now public.ou the 52,000 plus pages details pe her tenure as secretary ofta of state but they fail to resolveol questions about how she and a her closest aides handled clasfi correspondence between clintonnn and her advisers friends anderfd political acquaintances offersfs no shocking revelations but it i does shed light on a management style she wouldment take. there's been a recent spikebe in heroin overdomes now authorities are worried aboutar a new drug. we'll tell you whate thist t deadly drug is coming up. up. time now 8:05. 8:0 we'll be right back. is that coffee? yea, it's nespresso. i want in. ♪ you're ready. ♪ get ready to experience a cup above. is that coffee? nespresso. what else? it's about taking a stand. for too long, wall street banks had their way. they crashed our economy. but democrat donna edwards won't take their money because she stands up for us. as a single mom, she knows the challenges our families face. she'll be our voice. tightening regulations on the big banks and fighting to keep dark money out of politics. democrat donna edwards, maryland's next senator. >> welcome back. time now 8:08. >> yes. and before we get to thee to the weather time to do some -- som-- you're laughing at me. this is our favorite part.r it's the cutest part of thepart it's your child's photos thathot we put on our facebook pageook g that we love to say.e to this is our fox5 first v meet madison. madis she is 11 months old.s o probably rocking the best hattat that i've seen in a long time.i. so cute.ut has a great smile for 11mile for months old and in three weekse e she will be turning one. >> wow.>> that's a major milestone. mileso >> that is. happy early birthday she gets up every morning toorng watch fox5 ton eat her breakfast.kfas her mom says she loves dancingan to the music that we play in pla the morning.e thank you for watching madison. we're so glad you enjoy that music which is variable. via for your child to be our nexturx fox5 first five just postust p their picture right underneathah madison's so c great smile there on this saturday morning.satu let's get to the forecast but first let's recap some of that snow from yesterday. yeste it wasn't much but it was enough to remind us that, yes, y it's still first couple of days of march mr and we've seen already a variety of weather. bwi two and a half inches ofhe snow accumulated there.ed t less than a half inch at reagan, just over a half inchal at dulles. dulle that was the daily snowfallwf record for march 4th.arch little bit more as we gote towards the south and east. and. two and a half in damascusass virginia. virg two and a half in viennaie virginia.rginia. highest amounts were down ifnts southern maryland.rn closing the books on thatthe bo snowfall. we do have some more m snowflakes in the forecast the courtesy of this cold front f back towards our west you canyou see it's bringing snow showersoo into western pennsylvania andyla west virginia. vgini doesn't look like it's going g to amount to much. muc it will come through late tonight, we'll probably see abla mix, not expecting any accumulation and it will bend ib out of here before you know it. in fact you might sleepight slep through the whole thing asth early tomorrow morning at this time we should see the last of t the showers moving out. all right, temperaturesem washington.ingt. 32 in gaithersburg.thsburg. 34 in annapolis and 36 in leonardtown, 36ardtn, 3 fredericksburg, 34 inic winchester. it's chilly for sure. sur most of today is very cool. c we have a lot of cloudsoflouds around. i don't think we see too much sm sunshine although it will be itb dry. dry. here's the first hint of some showers moving in by sick p.m. and you can see those are rainri showers. sh but you can also see out to seet the higher elevations of thehe mountains by 9 p.m., thatha starts to mix and if there areth any accumulations, it would beie far out towards our west in the mountains there, maybe the ski resorts. hey, great ski weekend and it si might be one of the last too hit the slopes with the warmerhw weather headed our way.ouay stopping at 2:00 a.m. you canyou see the snow showers rightht over washington but also raino r showers with it.erth i so, it is during the overnightvn and by day break tomorrow theoro rain showers have moved off movd towards our east.towa we should see a decent a sunshine by tomorrowrow afternoon.ten. okay, then our attention turnstt to the big warmup. war have you heard about it? we h are looking at significantleay warmer temperatures arrivinging monday and then peeking onin o wednesday where we' midatlantic, well into theanti 70's i think here in d.c. d so the forecast for today, tod 46 degrees an light wind, w mostly cloudy and chilly. cloan look at these temperatures t jump as we head to yourd to you seven-day forecast.oras we definitely start wintry, winr 46 degrees with those lateat mixed showers. clouds to sun on sunday andday a still cool, 50 degrees.0 degree but then we're into the 60's0' on monday, 70's by tuesday. tay mid to possibly upper 70's in0' the area on wednesday.edneay we stay mild through the rest ts of the week and monday, tuesday, wednesday i know it's ' not technically the best partesr of the week but the weather is just fantastic 'cause we'vest got the sunshine along with it. and just some more clouds bylos the end of the doesn't look like we get tooeeto cold any time soon, though t that's a look at your you seven-day now back to annie.nn >> thanks caitlin.has c authorities on high alerts a after a recent spike in heroinnn overdoses. otw there's another drug onan the scene and it's even moree an deadly.. law enforcement blames an increase of lethal overdoses on fender until. it's significantly moreig powerful than heroin fox5's laura evans has whatas you need to know. >> friend one last time.t this is the club no one wantsans to belong mothers who have lost childreno to a drug overdose, mostly mos heroin cases here but at least l two of these moms says autopsies revealed it wasn't its heroin as they suspected, itpee was fender until.fender until >> i'm a flurries. i knew it was a surgical anesthesia but i hadst not heard anything about thatyth being used in place of heroin oo or being mixed with heroin andia now i hear about it all the time. >> reporter: nancy rougher was involved in her sonvolvn danny's life.nn l she said he was active andcte loved super heroes funny andny a loving. >> i was a pta president whenrei my kids were growing up atng upa their school.l. for the most part a stay at home you know, thinking i was doingsg the right thing.ght ing. never in my life did i ever didi believe anything like thisik would happen to me. >> reporter: danny did well dand in school but after graduating u from the university of maryland, things changed. c never completed the on line credentialing.edentialin she suspected he wased h depressed. >> my husband had found some som syringes in the basement. >> reporter: they tried getting help but the downward dw spiral was too fast.spir on june 14th, 2015, danny d injectioned his fatal d >> we were completely blown away when we found out it wasas fentanyl. fe >> reporter: fentanyl use isntr: sk fyrocketing in d.c. marylandg and virginia. i according to the dea the the number lethal overdoses hasas tripled in the past three years. >> this is pure poison.his it's deadly. and -- and when you take it,youa even the smallest amount, itmot, can kill you.l you. >> reporter: it's so deadlyter: it's dangerous for even the investigators combing through evidence at an overdose scene.rc >> so touching the powder ishinp enough to just absorb into thebe skin. >> into the skin. i it's transdermalnt, yes. >> and it can kill you.l you. >> and it can kill you rightou r on the spot.on the >> reporter: and followinglowing an overdose, users will flockl f to the d that deadly dose in search ofof the most potent stuff.ff. fentanyl is cheap to manufacture ill his italy.s itay it's often made in china c shipped through mexico.rough xi. dealers are making more money's easy to get on line or oo the >> it's like playing russianng roulette. they don't know what they're they know that it's potent andpt that's what they want. w >> reporter: beth cane davidson has been a drugon has b addiction treatment specialistne for she says the problem has reached a fevered pitch.a veredh >> we see more and more peopler coming in for treatment.reatnt they're younger and younger. yor >> you can do everything and suddenly find yourself asking ak what happened?appe >> reporter: jimena lost her son casey to >> never in my wildest dreamsste did i think something likehink s this would happen. h >> reporter: laura evansapr:aura fox5 local news.ew >> the drug treatmentment counselor we interviewed said i parents need to stay on their t kids keep up wo ith the latestat information and know that there is help out there. theelp schools are getting involved ioe as well and keeping parentsarts there's informational meeting planned at shady grove middleroe school in montgomery county onmt tuesday night at 7 o'clock.. now to the race to theace te white house. dr. ben carson official announced he's ending hisndg campaign for the nomination.omi. >> i did the math.>> i i looked at the delegate counts. coun i looked at the statements it th looked at the requirements andt i realized that it simplyy wasn't going to >> dr. carson made the announcement last night at the conservative political action conference at the nationalence harbor in maryland.harb he says he made the decision after his poor showing in showig super tuesday vong. meanwhile donald trump wasdp but pulled out last instead he spending his time campaigning. last night at a stop inig louisiana more thahtn a dozenozn protestor from the black lives matter movement interruptedemene trump's rally.trum trump once again took thehe opportunity to criticize mitt romney. take a listen.iste >> and you know when you haveno guys like romney that have nomn ideaey how to win, that was a w choke artist and then he getse up and he's upset, he's upset because when he sees this this happening, he never had itad i happening with and then he gave up in thee uin last month.on. he just gave up. it was a race that should havesv been won. remember that.rember tha and he gave up and now he h comes on and he's not looking l at me, he's looking at all off us, okay. o we have had one of thene othe greatest things politically toil happen in many, many decades. millions of people are going gng out to vote that never gave a damn before. befe >> and early voting begins inini hillary clinton donald trump and marco rubio have beenruo han hitting the campaign trail in tn south florida ahead of theof the state's primary on march 15th. 1 and happening today, tod caucuses will be held inl eld kansas, ken can ken, maine and nebraska along with a primaryiti in louisiana.isiana and on sunday, maine holds a caucus for democrats whilele republicans duke it out in aan primary in puerto rico. ric and fox5 teaming up with uph the for an in depth ind look at the race.okthe the's editor in chiefhi bob cusack will join ronica joia cleary and fox5's tom and f5's fitzgerald this sunday to talkut about the candidates, theirtes,r campaigns and of course thes an latest debe. join them here live on fox5 or5 streaming on fox5 d.c. this t sunday at 8:30 a.m. 8:3 coming up we'll tell youllou about one church that ishurch tt giving back to the homeless homs one at a time. we'll be right back. ight back. it's time to get out and explore. look beyond the expected. hidden among the trees. there's a special place. where getting away... brings us so much closer. spring into fun and save $50 with an all-inclusive ticket. busch gardens williamsburg. a whole other world awaits. at enterprise, we guarantee it. next vehicle purchase? head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales nyone... change your thinking about buying your next one. [001:20:06;00] >> ♪ >> not weather just yet but we have two very special guests,spc a local church is taking theirta ministry services to theceto t streets and the goal is to i help those that are strugglingug in pov here to talk more about their latest endeavors are reverendred terrence good morning and reverend russell saint s bernard from read temple ame ame church. good morning. >> good morning. good morn >> thanks for having us.s >> of course. we hear about these kinds of acts happening in thepening in e community and there's always ad story tied to why.o why people are stepping up andgp doing this what is your story?atyour story >> well, about 10 months agout s we actually launched in our i o d.c. location and when we cameam to d.c. we knew we were coming c not only to have service once o sunday in the city but weut wanted to serve the city. and so we launched our brown bag outreach program and we've w been able to impact hundreds hdr of lives through it and we're w grateful we have theve opportunity to serve the t cityc >> and reverend russ, how does s it work? so, what's in the the bags and how do you do theo t distributing >> we have leaders who today t at 9:30 are showing up atng up a 9 o'clock at the howard andoward there's going to be ane assembly line so there's turkey and cheese, there'shere's water, there's fruit, there'she a snack. a lot of times we don't just give them fruit but there's cookies and stuff like thatd f i and then depending onn weather they have hand warmers e but the goal is just to reach r and literally be what christhat said for us to be the handsan and the feet and so for to us t reach those who are lesses fortunate but understandingan that there's no real's nreal difference between us and and consistently serving theerng t homeless. >> not only are you affectingufc lives and making a differenceife but you're also inspiringo people as well to do the same s and come out and help. is this open to anyone thateha wants to just help out? o? >> so, we invite anyone toe come out and to help.o h our goal really is to make ane a impact on d.c. and anyone who can lend their influence or hands to be a part of that wertt certainly welcome them to the i'm a d.c. resident and so i live in days. i can't go to the grocery store or to the gym or to my office without seeing someoneom who stands in need ofeed o resources and so this is our sts way of giving back and i think i anyone who lives in d.c. will understand the importance ofnd t the effort. >> this is great. i love it. i canhi see the passion in youro eyes and let's talk about theabt church real quick before wee leave.e. you have three locations nowocao which is very exciting.xc what is service like? >> so, we're -- we're -- >> i want to know.>> it >> we're one church in three locations.locations. our church is 52 years old.. our dr. washington has been theren e for 30 years. y our executive minister is a minister of our north this is our reach d.c. church cc is 10 months old and so we have worship every sunday at the howard theater and it's progressive worship s we are just excited about how god hasoh hoped this new door for us to t do ministry in the city.try thc >> great stuff. and of course reverend saint bernard the youth ministries,yo you've got the young ones. youn. >> yeah. >> of course the door isurse always open there.ways what time is service. >> services are every sundayy at 10:00 a.m. at the howard.owar we start praise and worship atr 10:50.0. it's a very time focused foc service so you won't be ine in there forever. fev but we use the howard theaterd a to turn that space, claw ace, aw nightclub the night before, b into a worship sanctuary. sancty >> great. all right. thank you to the both of you.he again, that is kicking off today, the brown bag service project at the howard theater. e there you have the address ondd it kicks off at 9:30 open topent anyone who wants to come out o and help put together the bags and of course distribute themrs touching many lives in the dmv. >> we would love to come back in a couple months. a we've made a c big hairy h audacious goal for to us reach r 5,000 homeless and for to us tou reach that we read an article at recently that said there was sds something like 11,000 homeless m in the dmv area and 60 percent c of that was -- was in the district itself. itself. >> right. >> so, we really want to be aly part o wf the change in that. t so we would love to come back bc and give an update in a coupleou months to see how god has allowed us to make a dent int i that number. n >> look at you plugging a future event. ent thank you to the both of you.h y >> thank you. >> coming up, a woundedou warrior is getting a new lease l on life. we'll tell you about a very special endeavor that willl en give his home a makeover. h plus, caitlinom is back witw another look at today'sok a tods weather and of course that alld important work week preview. prw stay with us.stawith fox5 news morning on this t saturday.tu we'll be then your eyes may see it, differently.ave allergies. only flonase is approved to relieve both your itchy, watery eyes and congestion. no other nasal allergy spray can say that. complete allergy relief or incomplete. let your eyes decide. flonase changes everything. after trying brookside chocolate, people talk about it online. love at first taste. i would liquefy it and bathe in it. curse you, brookside! nefarious? are we still talking about chocolate? brookside. talk about delicious. >> ♪ >> welcome back.>> time now 8:27. we're taking a live look outside and if you're just y're waking up, it's cloudy skiesy se out there and a little chilly. but the good news is it'sews is going to warm up. u >> yeah, really warm up iwa u mean, a major change as we goe g and like soaring into >> you know that makes usar very, very enoxcw ited. excit everyone ready for this rea for warmup.rm >> it is spring fever thispr week. we are talking 70's in the coming days but taking a live l look outside it looks veryery wintry and it feels veryls vy wintry. it's cold just like it was yesterday.yester winter jackets needed earlyacke this morning as we're only ins the 30's.s. 35 washington, 37 in manassas, s 37 in fredericksburg, 34 in4 i cambridge and 34 in stevensville on the eastern shore. shor temperatures not going to risent too much. probably about 10 degrees or so. we are probably staying mainlyai cloudy today. today so without a lot of sunshinesh not expecting too much warmingai out there. satellite and radar s just sathowing some clouds hereh snow showers back across theoss mountains in west virginia,irgi western pennsylvania andylvani d eastern ohio.hi this is a very quick movingckovn and fairly weak storm system,rms really just a cold front thatrot will come through late tonight t into early tomorrow morningrow bring us a couple of showers she but as quickly as it comess through it's gone and this might be our last chance to t see any flakes this year. i mean we're going to warm upoig this week and there are signs that the next couple of weekst o we stay pretty mild and thenil d you're talking almost throughosh the month of so this weekend though weug still have that one finalhat on chance for a couple ofe o showers, that's late tonights ln and it will probably be ably ba mixed bag with the snowh the sno showers off towards the north, h rain showers down towards our dw south and east and this iss after dark tonight andight probably scooting out by thecoou time we hit day break tomorrow morning. high pressure builds rightssur back in sunday afternoon, plenty of sunshine. it is nicendty and cool but ioou think it will feel a littlel bit warmer tomorrow afternoon ao with more sun and temperatures just a couple of degreeses warmer. wa so here's what we're expecting e for today. r 46 in washington for the high temperature.temperatur 44 out at dulles and 42 in annapolis. overnight low temperatureslo with those mixed showers in the mid to upper 30's. ixwe'll have that seven-daysen- forecast still ahead. annie.. >> ♪>> >> well, here is a look ater your top stories this former virginia governor bob mcdonell'sap heard next in 2014 a jury convictedcted mcdonell and his wife for wif f doing favors for a wealthyrs foa vitamin executive in exchange ea for more than $165,000 in,00 i gifts and loans. mcdonell and federaleder prosecutors offered competing ce arguments over whether thents former governor was convictedvid based on an overly broad definition of bribery. supreme court is expected tot issue a decision by the end of june. ju and a bill moving forwardinr in virginia's general assembly s seeks to protect bicyclistsprt b from drivers who fling open their car doors.thei the bill would create a 50-dollar fine opening a carng r door when it's not reasonably safe to do s it will face a vote in thea ve n house. now to the battle between bb apple and the feds. t f a california prosecutor sayspros information on the phone couldot help lead authorities to a potential third suspect in thetr san bernadind o attack that killed 14 people. police say all the evidence evie point to two shooters but twowo 911 calls made that day reportep three perpetrators during the te shooting. this comes as the slow downs thd continue and app spell a spe refusing to create software toto unlock one of the shooter's of iphones. the matter will play out wiy before a judge. a j happening today a virginiayi march 15 getting a new lease n l on life. in 2014 brandon burns was bns paralyzed in iraq. today wounded warrior is keeping up with companies. megan dice is live in staffordnf with the details.with the detai. >> reporter: hey, megan has the work begun. >> reporter: the>> construction has started it's just a flurry ofus construction inside the house te which is super, super exciting.exci lights being put in there and joining me now is brandy withwi the wounded warrior project. pjt we're also going to talk to rob from helmets to hard hats. h tell me about brandon's story. o >> i met brandon because i gotei a phone call and they said iai have a marine in nor'easter it'e started out with a fence andth d we got the fence taken careen c of. by the time i turned around and came out to meet the the family, found a few other things, called team rubiconm ric said hey can you guys help, they said there's littlere's lie things that we cannot do,hat you're going have to callng h somebody else.avmebo and i said okay, got hooked upou with helmets to hard hats.d they came out immediatelyt dia after and said we're on it, wen, can do this, we've got it. so, wounded warrior projectro said if you guys can donate d your time and effort and labor, we will get theet materials done. so, we picked up thekeup t materials, made a few phoneew p calls and these guys came out o and have poured their hearts into it and team rubicon is is coming out to help finish upinis the fencing and stuff that they're able to do so it'so it's been a blessing to have them ha and i know brandon and his family are very thankful fornkfu everything that's going on. tha' >> reporter: brandon hisrand family right now in baltimore bi on a vacation and then you'llou give the house back to them tomorrow. so, this is a 24-hourhour construction project.ject rob, with helmets to hard hats tell me what's going on here.oin >> what you're looking at now is there electricians from local 26 changing outl 26 c we've already changed out aread light here and then we one more light and then behinded you you can see that the carpenters from d.c., they're., actually going to be putting p up shelving for storage and s we're going to do storageto below and then we also have --av we're doing a chimney cap chimny right now, we're doing more m shelving in the back storageto area so we have a volunteereer out front doing -- raking up rip the yard so we got a lot going i on. >> reporter: amazing. wow. wow. this has been an awesomeasn an project. the family will be back herebe b tomorrow around 1 o'clock see their finished house but it'sut looking good so far. they got these lights up within the past 20 they're working fast out here. h back to you annie.nn >> thanks so much megan. meg to see art in d.c. many. m typically head to museums right. but coming up we'll tell you tey about a space that caters toate local and nonlocal artists art coming up.ming u we'll be right back. it's time to get out and explore. look beyond the expected. hidden among the trees. there's a special place. where getting away... brings us so much closer. spring into fun and save $50 with an all-inclusive ticket. burg. a whole other world awaits. (voand exceptional customerity pre-ownservice,les... head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... flip your thinking about buying your next one. >> ♪ >> welcome back. on good hope road in southeast there's a very special place where the arts come alive. anacostia art center is thetter home of four art galleries anlen gem for artists local andocal a nonlocal to share their work thw with the community. community. here to talk about the centerlka is terrence nicholson thence nih cultural program's coordinator r for the center as well as artist aziz. the exhibit is called frenchlefr doors. >> yes. >> that's interesting.t's what's that about. >> well, i had the to go to my son center me when i was whea care taking for my father.r. and when i went there, i was really astound by the doors t d because they're huge, they're colorful, they're ornate and just opulent. opulent there was an under current there. i wasn't sure what that was.ur in this series i explore that under current and it's -- itt'-- came out of a nexus of the opulance and that underce current. people have to come out seen.t . >> yeah, you were clearly werler inspired by the french doors d in paris. >> oh, definitely.efinel >> when did this sort fo start did you begin painting. paintin. >> painting? all my life.ntin >> we're going to take it g back. >> all my life.oi >> it started as a young y child. >> and do you have a specialty y or do you just kind of take t whatever inspires you. inspiyou. >> well, i was trained as aas t printmaker, so i combine printbp making and painting and then i collage so i have quite a, you o knowy you know, gathering ofri things that i do there.he >> okay. now, this is reallyhis iseall i see that you were actuallyer y one of the founders of blackck artists of d.c. d tell us a little bit abouteit a that. >> well, it's a wonderful organization that providesrovi support and information to artists of color because so many times they're left out of the -- the norm, the nm, mainstream, yes. so, that's primari what itprim does and they've actually supported and over 3030 exhibitions have gone on in the d.c. area and beyond b because of the work and carol dyson is presentlynt the president of it and she'snde doing a fabulous job.s j >> right. r how can people get involved ordo learn more about that?n abo >> well, they can go online to >> okay.>> o and it's actually really centers like anacostia artia centers that open the doors totd all artists, local, nonlocal nlo and it's also more than just thu artwork. i'm intrigued. >> absolutely.>>ut this year especially we'reespece really we have a really robust rus schedule of events and programming coming march the eighth we kick off the eclectic tuesdays series which will start with artistrtis crystals bacon and for 13 weeks, we will have every e tuesday evening performances, spoken word, theater, improv. we have five small businesseslls including retail, physicall, phi therapy, artist exchange and a wonderful cafe which is doing very well and so on tuesdays tsd also startin have t'ai chi >> you got a lot going on. t can you a handle all of this?hi >> we're excited. eit we really take pride in havingag progressive programming and ingd work very closely with our director, kate davis, and we really are fortunate to have this sort of leadership.earshi dwayne gaudia is the ceo of arts development and he lets us really expand on our creativity and so we'll see wll what develops.what dev >> that's great. it's a great center in ourn our community. before we let you guys go, aziza people can can check outck french doors the exhibit the starting later this month.ngater >> yes, march 25th and it runsun through may 13th. >> okay. and it's of course at the anacostia arts center. cente >> yes. y >> there you go.>> the information on our scenes, e our screen but you are on theth scene. thank you so much to the both tb of you. >> thank you. >> coming up a two-year-old>> ty girl called 911 with award a robe emergency. we're going to tell you whatto she needed help with coming up next. >> ♪ >> >> annie as we take a live l look outside, a gray chilly wintry today but major changes g ahead in the seven-day sev forecast.forecast. our first signs of spring ands f i think you're really going torl like it. stay tuned. your seven-day forecast isen-dor coming up after this. >> ♪ an emergency of the cuteste kind a2-year-old calling 911li because she needed help putting on her pants but as as fox's rebecca atkins reportsep the deputy who responded saidon the call made her day.e her d >> you're a deputy sheriff. she >> reporter: two-year-old t little girl named aliyah wasliy very happy to see greenville gri county deputy martha lohnes. they sang and sat togetherg where the deputy was yesterday e responding to a call.ding ta ca >> her grandfather answeredns the door and she just comes coms running up to the front with w half a pander leg on and the other one is like falling >> reporter: marsha and herr: m partner showed up at aliyah's aa front door because she called 911. >> 911. >> hello. >> hello. granville county 911. >> she wanted mell to help do d her shoes and then she wanted wd me to hug her and hold her and h it just -- i just kept sayingt s it made my day it was just the highlight ofht f my day because she was so w s >> reporter: her fatheror cents her a messteage about what happened. >> she said i answered theaied door and aliyah comes running up and the cops help her putp hp her pants on so i startedtart laughing. >> reporter: aliyah'sorter:liya grandfather was watching her at the time and had no idead hae she had called anyone let alone 911.11 >> she brought the phone to mehe and i thought somebody had called. called so, when i answered it nobodyobd was there.. and when i hung up, 911 called1l me back. >> reporter: he said she was watching cartoons. her mom says the fact that aliyah dialed 911 was a surprise. >> i showed it to her but i h b didn't know that she reallyy knew what she was doing. >> reporter: and althoughter: a aliyah made and call for helpfoh for a nonemergency, thency, responding officer was offic thankful she made a new friend i out of the accident. aen >> such hard things we have tohi do all day long to have ag t little girl running up to the front door ask me to help her put on her pants it was theants highlight of my day and ight of loved it.lod i >> very nice. okay. how is the weather lookinghw for us here? >> well, this weekend is stillns kind of chilly and eh.h. it's not terrible but it's not fabulous.lous. however, the really nicellyic warmup headed this way over wayo the week.the week. i mean, it's just going to bego such a difference. difre dunn like how it was milderw ite earlier this week?see >> i loved it.>> i >> it was like --like - >> such a nice little break. >> it was such a nice breaksuchc and it's like everyone comeeverc out of their homes, out of our hibernating shells when itatin starts to warm up and you feel u so much better about life orr at least i do. and we should see that again a this week annie.knn really warm.really warm. but for now it's a coolit's c weekend so don't put away those winter clothes just yet.ut you're probably going to need them through today. temperatures own the in thees oi 30's outside right now and rht w we'll probably only rise intoy the mid 40's later thisat t afternoon. 35 in washington, 33 iningt, 33 baltimore, 34 in gaithersburgerb and 35 down in culpeper.pepe we saw the snow showersho yesterday morning.yestmo a reminder it's still marcharch and it's still winter andinte guess what? here's some moreomm back towards our west as a quick pretty weak is going deliver some snow showers to thew mountains today. tay good ski weekend and i don't wee think we'll have too many leftve of them by the t way. w but i think this will onlyl onl bring a couple of mixed showers during the overnightdu hours for us here in theri dmv.v we'll show that for you just yoj clouds around today, not mucht c sunshine.. showers towards our west after dark. and then it will be a mix ofwi some rain and snow showersrs swinging through during the thr overnight hours.overnight ho we'll stop the clock at 3 a.m. m if you're out at 3 a.m. you might notice it.ghtice otherwise, probably not.bay n and then by early tomorrowomorro morning, 10:00 a.m., notice not the showers are largely gonelyon and we should clear out andhoul see a decent amount of amoun sunshine through sundaynehrou afternoon so that's great.t's g. all right, here's the well w advertised warmup headed oured e way. beginning on monday monda temperatures jumping into thenge 60's thanks to high pressure prr off shore and then we're well wl into the 70's through wednesday.we pretty remarkable.prettyarkabl so again for today, 46 degrees, mostly cloudy and, o chilly. ch let's show that you seven-dayu y forecast.focast and watch those temperaturesturs jump. ju 50 tomorrow. 62 monday.y. 72 we'll still have some cool c mornings falling back into theli 40'sng but then look atook a wednesday morning starting at just 51 hitting 76.itti 7 70 there on thursday with ahuda chance for some more showerse se that arrive thursday intorsy i friday but it real does stayes y mild. could continue to stay mild through next weekeuend. all right, that's you wereu were final look at the seven-day at forecast. now here's annie. >> ♪ >> in today's health watchs hetw researchers are finding moree f evidence that the zika virus v causes a serious birth defect. fox's caron mchugh has the details from new york.. looks like we're having issues with that hopefully we'll get it backk up.up. meantime time for to your facebook fan of the day. f this morning we say hello marie baresh callow.h clow. there she is with hershe ish beautiful family. family. today is her birthday. birthda happy birthday mary.rthd mary. you look she says she loves fox5 and lovx has been watching for more than 20 years.ea to be our next facebook fan of n the day post your picture pictu underneath mary's beautifulut photo. awesome. all right.ig in today's fox beat, some sadad news from the country musicusic world. joe see feek of the country music husband and wife duo joey and lori died.iied. fighting the disease for d nearly two years her husbandba rory kept fans up to date onoat his wife's condition through t his blog and when the cancer c spread to her colon in october, joey informed fansinfod she was stopping treatment andoe entered hoses space later in lan november.nove rory blogged earlier today tod writing "my wife's greatest dream came drew today. drew tod she is in heaven. meanwhile charlie sheen'sili e finally can caught up witht up him. he's trying to lower the child support he pays to ex-wife brook mueller. currently he pays around aro $55,000 a month.onth. his income has droppeded significantly.ic he hasn't said how much childhi support he can pay. in my -- zero are let's see here. h have mercy. sorry about that. tha john stamos may be off theff market. my goodness. he revealed on the view v yesterday he's dating ay he's mystery woman.eryom while discussing his current cut tour with the beach boys hethe says while he was on stage he se grabbed his phone to face time t this girl he was ding. he didn't say who he was dating but we're surere sure inquiring minds want to know.ndt yes. we want to know. all right, looks like l we've got that story for you foy again. researchers are finding moree evidence that the zika virus v causes a serious birth defectthf and our fox's caron mchugh hash the details from new y >> reporter: zeka is spreadpr by mosquitos and in most m people causes no more than cau mild illness but it may be linked to serious birthious bir defects causing concern for conf pregnant now a lab study is providingrovi experimental evidence the edenc virus can infect and harm embryonic cells that help form f the brain. >> there's an indication because the cells are generating daughter cells to populate the brain that means b there's a potential link n our r study we slow that after after infection there's an increase is in the cell. c >> reporter: these findings do not prove zeka causes auses condition in which a baby isch b born with a small head and a a brain that hasn't developedas properly. the study authors are urging u quick further research to findd out more. mor >> as a scientist we have been involved in society and maybetyy contributions right awayri because inbu general researcheac takes decades to have impactmp on society. in this case it could be very i fast. >> reporter: the mosquitoter: that carries the virus could arrive in the continental united states as early asta april or may. the obama administration is approve its emergency requestrgn for nearly $2 billion to combat sea isle ka. >> it's important for cans im congress not to be asleep at ase the switch.the swit >> reporter: the white houser: t announcing plans for a summit am next month helping statepi s officials learn how to control the spread of the zika virus and treat infections.nfection in new york, caron mchugh, fox f >> coming up fresh offer of oer his tour d.c. native rapper rap chaz french joining us in then loft. we'll talk about his latestes album and how he's gettingng noticed by big names in the music industry including d.c. own's wale. time now is 8:52 it's time to get out and explore. hidden among the trees. there's a special place. where getting away... brings us so much closer. spring into fun and save $50 with an all-inclusive ticket. busch gardens williamsburg. a whole other world awaits. >> ♪ >> oh, you are listening toteni chaz french. he has fans remembering thebeng words in his album titledum titd these things take time.e th the dmv native is making his mark in the hip hop world andhil he joins us in the loft to talk about his new along bum alg here we go right there blowingli up for you right here.ere. who are these people. >> that's my beautiful beaut daughter and there is my son lcaka little chaz. >> how old are they. >> she's two and he's nine months. >> you're a daddy. y >> yes, i'm proud. >> you're grinding away.grng a you just got off tour. o t about to go on tour again.tour a tell us a little bit about yourself. >> well, chaz french oncel, c again from the d.c. area grew up in pg county and just finding my mark in this musics m industry its been a journey. j it's been fun and it's beens worth it and i'm excited forxcir the future. f >> have you always beenave alwae rapping and in the hip hope h h world. >> yes, i've been doing music bo since i was about seven.en i started off playing thelang te drums in church.drums in c >> okay. >> and then i remember i goter g in trouble one day when i wass like eight or nine and ir ninend couldn't go outside so i just is started writing music. mus it wasn't that good as it ist tt now but, you know, it got me g m to this point. p >> so, everyone wants to knowe k how does a career get launchedhd like this. this. you're getting noticed by some e really big names. nam of course wale. we had wale in here severaler times and he's making his owng n name. you're good friends with him. >> yes. >> was that the connectiont that ultimately made it or -- >> actually, a friend of mine oe introduced me to my manageran dray and his partner raheemah devaughn. we have an independent music group called 368. that's who i was signed to. i >> i see. >> it was really about timeallyt and building my team and t my aa listening to them and themnd what i shouldn't do, how mucho,w time we should take to work onor this project, you know and just different outlets pretty much. >> so, what does this albumhat sort of talk about? what's the vibe? >> it's drops on the 15thop piggybacking off my first my fit project which dropped about aic year ago a as well happy belated. bela it's letting people knowenow whatever you want to do its a rapper a cook a artistrtist whatever it is, it's a process'a and you have to trust yourselfsu and you have to trust peopleust around you and you have to hav t understand the whole, youhole know, aspect of being patientate pretty much. >> okay. before we let you go, your next adventure.dventu >> i'm doing south byth b southwest.southw >> nice. >> march 15th it's in texas in t and the first event is hosteded by wale and a couple other coupt natives. >> in d.c. >> no, it's a an event thrownntw by event d.c. event d >> you guys need to come gs ne you're local people.eo what's wrong.what's wrong >> i just did a show with wale at the fill more for newl ore year's. >> come back.>>ome >> always. >> thank you for this. tnk y thanks for joining (all with worry-free ownership. colors in your neighborhood... head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... shift your thinking about buying your next one. - it may not always be obvious, but a careless 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Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News Saturday 20160305 :

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News Saturday 20160305

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first though a live look lk outside on this saturdayat morning march fifth.if march is a very volatile monthin when it comes to the weather. wa this week will be no exception. we had snow showers yesterday ye morning, we can even see a few a tonight but we will see thatha warmup as we head through the next seven days. day morning temperatures very chilly. you need the winter coat.inter it feels like winter. like winte yesterday was very cold ands ved we're seeing temperatures mainly in the 30's outside.'s o. 32 gaithersburg, 36 in i manassas, 35 in washington andnn 28 out in cambridge on thege on eastern shore. shore all across the northeasteast temperatures mainly in thees m 20's and the 30's. only 14 up there in binghamton, new york, 30 offork, the coast of north carolina in hatteras. hatteras. look at the snow showers at moving across eastern ohio into western pennsylvania. that's a cold front that willd h bring a miatx of rain and snow w showers late tonight intolaon early sunday morning but ining b don't think it's going to bebe impacting our weekend very wee much mainly because it will it fall during the overnighturinovr hours. here's what we'rlo for your weekend outlook. outlok it is is c that incoming storm system isms very weak but it brings in angsn few showers late tonight,ight, early sunday morning so if you m are up early walking the dog dog tomorrow morning, going out mort for a morning run you will seeis probably some of those showersss especially south and east but at then clouds will give way toay some more sunshine prettyy quickly tomorrow.y t here's the forecast for today. t very chilly and cloudy.loudy. we only hit 46 degrees as agrs high temperature later today,ert back to 44 at 5 o'clock. 5'c those mixed showers don't don arrive until after sunset. sun 46 in washington but 48 in culpeper, 47 in winchester. wche it's chilly today but it isut i mainly dry.inly d those showers are later tonight and that will be raind mixed with some snow, veryw,ery little accumulation expected.xpc we'll see those overnight lowvew temperatures in the mid 30'satur and we'll show you that warmupst in your seven-day forecast butr you got to wait for it.ort. that's coming up at about 7:15.7: annie. >> thanks so much caitlin.nks meantime the man at the a center of that disturbing distu child porn scandal in princen pn georges county faced a judge yesterday. yest deonte carraway pleaded notway guilty to federal chargesed inside a greenbelt courtroom. fox5's tom fitzgerald waszgald there as one mother saw carraway and heard his hrd response to the heinous charges. >> reporter: tonight deonter: tt carraway has been arraigned ond 13 federal charges of child of exploitation to produce childdu pornography both state and federal prosecutors sayl pr carraway has admitted to making cell phone videos ofeo o his alleged victims engagingagin in sex act with them and then t engaging children to engage in sex acts with each other but wia in court todaych deonte carraway admitted to nothing.hing. this 19 minute hearing was theng first time we heard w from deonte carraway speak in open court. his only response to the judge j when asked questions if he understood the charges was yes, sir. sir he says this about 10 times. te. now, this federal case fedal cas involves 13 charges includingncu 11 of carraway's alleged victims.vict however, in all, investigatorsno been identified and moree charges may be pending. pendi the scene inside the courtroom t was understandably tense.y the rows were filled withh parents, many seeing carrawayiny for the first time since hise ss arrest one month ago. m the mother of one alleged aed victim who asked us not to use e her name talked about her aut strong emotions before walking in that courtroom today.m >> he done a lot of damage.age. again, i don't even know what wa to say but he -- he done a loto of damage.of dam this is my first time seeingg him. i don't know how i'm going to react, you know. k i don't know what i want to t see. se i'm just glad he's locked away a and he's not hurting theseng babies anymore. >> reporter: that motherte thatr said she spoke out because she s thinks it's important that the victims are heard in this case c as well. w deonte carraway effectively eec faces a life sentence intence prison if he is convicted ofcted these charges. charges. he's being held on bond. so far no trial date has been set. in greenbelt, maryland, tomrylam fitzgerald, fox5 local news. n >> class was disrupted at several northern virginia high schools investor after bomb aftb threats were phoned in.werehone several schools were evacuated u and first responders combeds co through the schools lookinghoolo for anything dangerous. dangero in the end none of the threats t were found to be seven schools received thels red threatening phone calls cal including herndon high school s and stone bridge high a full lift of impactedmp schools is on our web site at a d.c. high schoolhigh basketball player isbasketll p recovering this morning afterhi he was shot near hiss home in i northeast on thursday night. kavon montgomery plays for the undefeat h.d. woodson. woo warriors.wa after leading his team totea victory last night he was shotes in the back in a parking lotot near 54th street northeast nor near his home in clay terrace.ea his mother is grateful he'lle'll be >> all i know i came from work, i got a phone call saidl s my son been and the boy told me come and get your child and they said my son was with somebody, theyot was fussing and arguing. arg >> the bullet only grazed therah teen. he's expected to be okayy thankfully. police say he didn't see thedn't shooter and doesn't know whoesnw pulled the trigger.ed therigg and just this past week at least three people have been ha attacked by wild animals in i fairfax county. c a raccoon tested positive for rabies. the raccoon snuck into the s home and bit the man.nd bhe m the man was able to captureto c the animal and it testedd positive for the disease. t two other people were bittene by foxes in the great falls g area by river bend park onen wednesday morning.wednesday signs are now visible aroundd the park warning visitors of possible rabid wildlife in the r area.abhe coming up we've got your campaign 2016 roundup and6 rndup we've got you covered from who m dropped out overnight and whoigw is heading to the polls todayols and of course caitlin rothli will have another look at youroy forecast for today. stay with us. fox5 news morning will beg right back. >> ♪ welcome aboard my starship. ahoy, mateys! it's full of things i love... like me brave crew... and my fellow space adventures and free of things i don't. like aliens. just like eye patches. and when it's time to refuel, i eat chex cereal. it's full of stuff we pirates need. no artificial flavors, and it's gluten-free. excelsior! eat up, me hearties! keep it down! i'm exploring the galaxy. arrrr, that's not even a real spaceship. >> ♪ >> welcome back. now to some of the headlinesof coming out of the race for the white house this morning. mor dr. benn carson officiallyiciay announced he's ending his campaign for the republicanep presidential nomination. nomat >> but even -- even though i tug might be leaving the t campaign -- you know, there'sre a lot of people who love me. me. they just won't vote for me for but it's okay. it's not a problem.roem you know, i will stillti continue to be heavily heavi involved, you know, and trying to save our nation. >> dr. carson made thee t announcement last night at theta conservative political actionict conference at the national at n harbor in he says he made the decision dec after his poor showing in showig super tuesday voting.ot and trump was scheduled to last minute.lastinute. instead he's out last night at a stop in stop i louisiana more than a dozen protestors from the blackhe lives matter movement interrupted donald trump'sd rally.lly. trump once again took theook the opportunity to criticize mitt ci romney apparently in retaliation for a scathingatio speech romney gave blastinge bls trump. take a listen. lte >> and you know when you have guys like romney that have nomny idea how to win then he gets get up and he's upset, he's upset ut because when he sees thise se t happening he never had itad it happening with him and then hen gave up in the last month. lason he just gave up.av it was a race that should haveov been won.been remember that. and he gave up and now hee comes on and he's not looking lg at me, he's looking at all of us, okay. oka we have had one of the one of te greatest things politically toly happen in many, many decades. millions of people are going out to vote that never gave a damn before.e. >> and happening todayningod caucuses will be held in nebraska along with a primary in louisiana. on sunday, maine holds a caucus for democrats while w republicans duke it out in aoutn primary in puerto rico.ertoic early voting begins iny votg florida today. hillary clinton donald trump and marco rubio have been hitting the campaign flailpaign south florida ahead of the state's primary on march 15th. . meantime locally formerormer mayor vincent gray will kickic off his campaign today.od gray is running for his old ward seven seat city council and he says he's runnings he run because he believes the current seat holder yvetterve alexander isn't do a good enough job. j that kicks off at 1 o'clock today. all right. let's check in with caitlinhai now and it's kind of chilly outside. ou >> yes. >> but there is a reward thatha i'm much looking forward to.rdo. >> yes, really warm weather, probably our first 70's of the0 season headed our way this thi week. ek. awesome, yes, exactly. exaly >> love it. >> i know, it's a real taste ite of spring and i past week we had a couple mild days.da. really just seemed to reenergized. >> but it snowed yesterday. >> it may snow a little bitsnow tonight. this is the push and pull of the season so here's what wha we're expecting as we go ase through the rest of theest t weekend. let's start by recapping theng snow totals yesterday.s yestay many of you especially in southern maryland woke up to m several inches on thear ground.n the thing about march snow isnow as soon as it falls and sticks k it melts and we saw thatelts through the day ash the temperatures got into the 40's. they will again today and theai snow wiln l be a distant memoryr by a couple days from now.m now less than a half inch at reagan, dulles over an inch. damascus maryland two and a marw half, vienna virginia two andatw the further south you wentouen into -- south and east intoo southern maryland we saw someyln of those higher snow totals. tal outside right now clouds around, snow showers back, ow ss towards our west.towards ou this is the incoming coldominco front that will bring us a will mixed bag of some showers latee tonight.tonight. rain and snow is possible bute t we're talking about very lightei accumulations and we're also wee talking about during theinthe overnight period. full.full. but it is reinforcing thatt chilly air that's been int's b place over the past coupleou days. 35 in washington, 32 in baltimore, 32 in gaithersburg,tb 32 winchester and 31 in culpeper. it is winter jacket weather and it will probably be thate way through the rest of thehe afternoon. i don't think we see too much sunshine.hine. clouds are zipping on throughout ahead of this frontas by about 5 o'clock you start to see that some rain showers west of 81 here in the the mountains. that will reach us after dark. 8:00 p.m. they're just jus starting to move into thate intt montgomery county, loudonmery c county and fairfax county andouy then by about the overnight orn hours here we are 1:00 a.m. area you see a few snow showers showe just north of the district. dis. rain showers, too. shors, so we'll call for both during bu the overnight h this really is temperatureemra dependent. by the time we hit day break b sunday she's hours to have she moved to the eastern shore,hete portions of delaware and southoh jersey so by the time we wakewe up tomorrow morning i don'tningd think we'll even see anything ag falling. it's like it never happened and then the clouds will giveile way to sunshine.un this will be sunday which actually looks to be a loe pretty nice still on the crisp side but cspd looking fairly decent.airly a taste of spring follows whatwh will be a chilly early march weekend.week why? well, we've got highot h pressure moving off shore andinf in a place that we usually see it sit during the summerhe sum months pumping in the heat and humidity. in march it's much moreuch mor bearable than july.brable than we get a nice southwesterlyth flow which pushes temperature into the 60's and 70's acrosscr the eastern seaboard back inton the very warm, high above average. noabt really talking record territory but close enough with high temperatures in the 70's. so, if you love the mild t mil weather and you have beenu bee anxious for spring it isin coming your way this week. w here's the forecast, though.ho back to today, chilly breezellye out of the northwest behind behn this front, 46 degrees, mostlytl cloudy and chilly. and and look at this seven-day forecast. we are jumping and jumping quickly. 46 for today. tod 50 with clouds to sun on sunday.sunday. then into the 60's on monday.y. 70's on tuesday.ue in fact, mid 70's on wednesday. could be some upper 70's s around the area. a dare i say close to 80 degrees s so t and then we've got someot s showers for thursday andrs friday but it looks like it like stays mild and there are signs s we could stay mild into thed following week of march, too.ek, so, a very springlike weekingl w ahead. ahea got to get through a chillyhr a weekend, though.eken that's your seven-dayv-day forecast.. now let's go back to annie he. h >> all right, thanks so much caitlin. up next it's the story n t that has everyone talk. l.a. police are testing a testi knife that was reportedlyeportey recovered on the property once o owned by o.j. simpson.neby o the latest twist in this case te raises a lot of questions. of q more on the stunning discoveryie up next. nt. plus is there a biggerr mystery that locking the iphone of one of san bernadino killers will solve.ilo they say it could lead to another terrorist. we'll have those details straight ahead. when it comes to the things you love, you want more. love romance? get lost in every embrace. into sports? follow every pitch, every play and every win. change the way you experience tv with x1 from xfinity. then your eyes may see it, differently.ave allergies. only flonase is approved to relieve both your itchy, watery eyes and congestion. no other nasal allergy spray can say that. complete allergy relief or incomplete. let your eyes decide. flonase changes everything. >> ♪ >> welcome back.>> it could be a stunning newe development in the o.j.t in the. simpson murder case.dere. more than 20 years after simpson's ex-wife an friend-we n were stabbed to death theth l.a.p.d. is testing a knifetingi that was allegedly found on simpson's what happened to the weapon tea used in the killings has beenilg a mystery for decades but authorities also stress there t authenticity of this story has y not been confirmed.. fox's jonathan hunt has the >>ta reporter: one more twist in the extraordinary saga of sag o.j. simpson possibly a major development, possible alble a complete irrelevance.rrev the l.a.p.d. will only confirmon that it is in possession of a of knife allegedly found 18 years8a ago or more o where o.j. simpson lived at livd the time of the murders of his ex-wife nicole brown simpson and her friend ronald goldman. l >> it has been submitted to our lab.b. they are going to study it and examine it for all forensics including dna and hair and h samples. >> reporter: captain nyman n said the l.a.p.d. got theot knife within the last monthast o from a retired l.a.p.d. officer.offi that officer apparently saysarey he was working off duty security near oj's former homeme around the time the new owners had it demolished in 1998.d in 1 he claims it was handled toas him by a construction workerr who said it was found buried b on the ground. g but instead of turning it over to the l.a.p.d., the retiredet officer simply kept it. >> i was really surprised. surpr i would think that an l.a.p.d..d officer, if this story is s is accurate as we're being told, would know that any time you tie are -- you come into contact c with evidence, that you and shall submit that to investigators. >> reporter: to twor: to important legal points here.ant first, the investigationnvestitn remains opened because no oneedn has been ever been convicted. equally important o.j. simpsonnt can not be tried again because b of the law of double jeopardy. a in los angeles, jonathanonat hunter fox news.nt fox >> now to the ongoing battle b between apple and the feds. f a california prosecutor saystors information on the phone couldne help lead authorities to a potential third suspect in thedu san bernadino attacks that killed 14 people. p san bernadino police say all a the evidence points to two t shooters but two 911 calls from that day report threeepor perpetrators during thepe d shooting. this comes as the show down between appls e and the fedshe f continue and apple is refusingsn to create software to unlock u one of the shooter'se f th iphones.iphones a senator from utah saystoou the people of flint, michiganhia do not need federal reporter: senator mike lee says michigan l has enough money in their the ongoing water crisis there. it would take millions of dollarsil to fix the city's lead contaminated water pipes.amin senators reached a tentativech n deal last month to give state s $220 million in aid but it's being held up by senator lee.. dozens of lawmakers held in flint -- were rather in flintr i yesterday to visit familiesy tos who have been affeitcted by thee water crisis. c and researchers are> anrese finding more evidence that theha zika virus causes a serious ser birth defect. fox's karen mchugh has the details from new york.y >> reporter: zeka is spread s by mosquitos and in most m people causes no more than mild illness but it may beness linked to serious birtherious b defects causing concern for cce pregnant women. now a lab study is providing pro experimental evidence thental virus can infect and harm embryonic cells that help form m the brain. >> there's an indication because the cells are generating daughter cells to populate the brain that meanshe there's a potential link. in our infection there's a increase in the cells. >> reporter: these findingste do notr: prove zeka causes aa cs condition in which a baby is whb born way small head and a a brain that hasn't developedas properly. the study authors are urgingrgin quick further research to findo out more. m >> as a scientist we can be involved in society and make soa contributions right awayntri because in general our research takes decades to have impact on society. in this case it could be veryse fast. oqureporter: the mos iquit that carries the virus could arrive in continental unitedin states as early as april or aprl may. the obama administration istrato calling on lawmakers could approve its emergency request for nearly $2 billion toon t combat zeka. >> it's important for congresspo not to be asleep at the switch t when we have a significant i'mna mering >> reporter: the white house the also announcing plans for a summit next month helpingth state officials learn how tofise control the spread of zeka and treat infections.nfti in new york, caron mchugh, fox >> meanwhile nasa astronaut scott kelly is stillis readjusting to being back on bec earth. kelly returned from thelly retu international space station onen wednesday after a 340 day mission that set a u.s. u.s. record. record. so what did a year in space do d to his body? kelly says his s muscles and joints ache, hise, s skin burns and he can't sink aaa basketball shot and that 2-inches he gained height he says he lost it almost as soonms as he stood on solid ground.n l experts say astronauts getuts gt tall interspace because the bece spine expands in the absence a of gravity.of g coming up we are taking ap e closer look at the alarminglarmn rise in the sale of a drugg called fentanyl.lled the dea says it's leading toeang more and more lethal overdose overdoses. we spoke sew toke a family who t lost a loved one to the drug. oe we'll have their story tir s straight ahead. caitlin will be back with b another look at today's t weather. stay with us. fox5 news morning saturday will be right back. i do everything on the internet. but it's kind of slow. my friends said i should get fios because it's the fastest... i just downloaded 600 photos in 60 seconds. that's seriously better. 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month as mh our temperatures go back and bk forth transitionsying from winter to spring.wint t it's only 14 in binghamton new york, 28 new york city, 24 cit 2 boston very chilly.hi 31 in pittsburgh, 32 out inn columbus ohio and out by columbus they're seeing somere m snow showers right now.. here's the next cold frontcold t which is bringing just snow tono eastern portions of ohiof o moving into western pennsylvania. it's a very quick moving pretty light and weak storm weam system that is going to comeom by during the overnight hours tonight into sunday, bring us bg a mix of rain and snow showersho but then it will quickly clearlc out by sunday morning. morni so, it's really like it will w never happen.pen. here's why. this afternoon we're waitingaiti on that incoming storm system.te we see a little bit of of sunshine but i think there's a t lot of cloud cover out there.he temperatures are only in theureo 40's. 40's it will be dry but it will but l feel very chilly.hill here's that low pressure's t system bringing a mixed bag ofga showers by about this evening. probably after dark for theark t washington area, maybe our western suburbs seeing some rain mixed snow showers early but most of the colder air up towards our north will see the s snow showers in pennsylvaniaen scattered mix here in washington, rain showerson towards our south and east. and then they're outso probablya by about day break tomorroworw morning. so sunday afternoon highno high pressure is moving in.moving we'll probably see a lot more lm sun in the afternoon and it'sndi still cool although weir we'llw' at least try to get toryget 50 degrees, that's for sunday.un here's your weekend forecast. fc 46 for today.od some late showers expected butse that's mainly in the overnight hours. hour 50 degrees there on sundaynda with clouds giving way to some s sunshine. looks really nice. seven-day forecast, watch these temperatures jump prettyut remarkable as we go from thes wh 40's with snow showers in thewee forecast today up to the 70's next week. 62 monday, that signals the beginning of the warming trend t well into the 70's tuesday and wednesday. this is warm. and then 70 on thursday shows the mild air sticks aroundticks just about all week long. wk lo. we have that chance of showers o thursday and friday but enjoy ej thes headed our way.he just got to get through aot to o chilly start to the that's your seven-day yse forecast. annie. ♪> ♪ >> well, happening todayl, a-virginia marine is getting a new lease on life. in 2014 brandon burns was paralyzed in iraq.ra today wounded warrior isou teaming up with helmets toheet hard hats to complete a well w deserving house renovationio project for the woundedfoe wound marine. our fox5's megan dice liveiv in stafford virginia thisir morning with all of theing withl details. good morning, megan., meg >> reporter: hey, good, morning annie and good morningdg to all of you.ou i tell you this is why i lovehy doing this job is stories likeik this. we're talking about local marine brandon burns.ndon b he came under fire in fallujahja in iraq in 2004 and it paralyzed him. joining me are lisa and robertob and they'll explain a little lil bit more about the program. pro tell me about helmets to hard tr hats. ts >> it's a nonprofit npr america's building trade uniondi created in an effort to help expedite the placement of service members into construction. >> reporter: placed aboutte 20,000 veterans ir:n jobs sinces inception?ce >> yes. we've been around for -- this -h is our 13th year and we colorolr the threshold of placingflaci 20,000 veterans and it's the the best job that you could have. cu >> reporter: i bet, i bet. bet,b we love our veterans.eter okay. so, tell me a little bit aboutai how you got connected to to project today. >> so, the wounded warriorarri project they gave us a calle usa and said that they have aav a veteran that needs some helpomel with their house so i reached ra out to our local trade unionsran and now we have about 20bout 20 people showing up to work onhonu the house. >> reporter: athnd this is all at no charge to brandon, whichn is amazing what are you going to be doingod today. >> we're going to be doingng toi some electrical work, some s carpentry and then we're also ta going to do some other things, you know, in the house, maybe some insulation. insulat just a lot of different projects. >> reporter: you and i were talking earlierou and you said s there was only -- he just wanted a few things done and wait, wait, we can do a lot, cn more. tell me a little bit aboutit a what happened.wh >> so, what happened -- yout ha know what it's like when you get construction people innstr your house. we came and did a survey and as we were going through thenghu house we saw a lot of other of r projects that we could do soha we added on probably three or four more projects. >> reporter: we're talkingr:e're about kitchen knobs, insulation, shelving breakfastsi bar. you guys are doing a lot. l how long is this going to take today. >> we can probably get it doneay by tomorrow. we'll come dan we'll be heree tomorrow and we should have the house back to him byck t tomorrow afternoon.ft >> reporter: this ister:s is amazing. construction set to begin in sei about a little less than an than hour right now.ur r >> exactly. >> reporter: and a 24 hour is this possible? this >> yes. i mean, with the building build trades union, yes.a >> reporter: okay. o >> we can do it. >> reporter: this is repor amazing. good luck to you.go we will be here for all of thee action as it gets started inside and again loving projects like this.ojec we're going to send it back to you annie and we'll be back at 8 o'clock. >> great stuff. p > coming up at 7 o'clock>> this morning we're going take w' a closer look at another twistnh in the heroin and opioid opi epidemic in the area.idem the alarming rise in the sale t of another drug calledal fentanyl. the dea says it's leading toeadi more and more lethal overdosesle and the problem is users haveav no idea that's what they'rere getting. gettin we'll have that story comingha up next. t. it's time to get out and explore. look beyond the expected. hidden among the trees. there's a special place. where getting away... brings us so much closer. spring into fun and save $50 busch gardens williamsburg. a whole other world awaits. >> ♪ >> welcome back. authorities are on high alertar after a recent spike in heroin r overdoses. and now there's another drug d on the scene and it's evens more deadly. law enforcement blames an increase of lethal overdoses ove of fentanyl is significantlynyli more powerful than heroin. fox5's laura evans has what h wt you need to know.o >> a friend one last time or celebrating -- >> reporter: this is the club no one wants to belongts to, mother who's have lost children to a drug overdose mostly heroin cases here butn at least two of these moms says autopsies revealed it wasn't was heroin as they suspected, itpe, was fentanyl.was fean >> i'm a nurse. i knew it was surgically surgicy anesthesia but i had not heardib anything about that being usedeg in place of heroin or being bng mixed with heroin and now i hear about it all the >> reporter: nancy rufneror was involved in her son danny's life.if she says he was creative and a artistic active and loved super heroes funny and loving.ov >> i was a pta president whendee my kids were growing up atwi u their school. th for the most part a stay at sy home mom. ho you know, thinking i was doingis the right thing.e right thin never in my life did i ever d ir believe anything like thishi would happen to me.happ >> reporter: danny did wellor in school but after graduatingta from the university of maryland, things changed. changd he had a job lined up but up never completed the online credentialing.ed the theyen suspected he wascteds depressed. >> my husband had found some syringes in the basement. >> reporter: they tried getting help butor the downwardw spiral was too fast.sp on june 14th, 2015 danny20 d injected his fatal dose. fat >> we were completely blownn away when we found out it was fender until. >> reporter: fentanyl use isr: skyrocketing in d.c., maryland and vir according to the dea theea number of lethal overdoses hasrs tripled in the past three years >> this is pure poison. t it'shi deadly. and -- and when you take it,akei even the smallest amount, it ami can kill you. kil >> reporter: it's so deadlyeadl it's dangerous for even the investigators combing throughor evidence at an overdose scenesoe and scene. >> so touching the powder is poe enough to just absorb into the --the >> into the skin.>> i it's transdermal, yes.dermal, >> reporter: and it can kill ana you. >> and it can kill you rightou on the spot.on >> reporter: and followingollowi an overdose, users will flockl to the dealer who provided pro that deadly dose in search ofof the most potent stuff. fentanyl is cheap to cheap to manufacture it's often made in chinana shipped through mexico and nowto dealers are making more moneye byma disguising it as oxycodoneo percocet or oxycontin which typically sell for more money.e. it's he's is he to get onlinein or on the >> it's like playing russianng r roulette. they don't know what they'reat e they know that it's potent andpe that's what they want. they wa >> r has been a drug addiction treatment specialist forsp decades. she says the problem has reached a fevered pitch.he >> we've seen more and more people coming in forople treatment, they're younger and younger. you can do everything andg and suddenly find yourself askingela what happened? hap >> reporter: jimena ryan rya lost her son casey to a drug d overdose. >> when i got the autopsy andgo they said it was 100 percenter fentanyl i knew carries will i no idea what he was ktaking.ast >> never in my wildest dreamsilm did i think anything like thisae would happen. twoul >> reporter: in washington,shin, laura evans fox5 local news.ew >> the drug treatmentnt counselor we interviewed said parents need to stay on theirne kids keep up with the latesthe l information and know thatation n there is help out there.ere the schools are gettingole ge involved in keeping parentspi p informed. coming up this morning, up he's known for his voice and acting career and now hisis humor. find out what happens whenwhen morgan freeman reads the lyrics to a justin bieber song s >> might be better than justin bieber's song annie. looking forward to a generallyen nice weekend. we do have some snowo have m showers out towards our west. w that will move through later tonight if it's a little cootle cold for you major warmup inaj the cards.or your full forecast is coming i m up next when fox5 news morningsi returns. returns. (all with worry-free ownership. colors in your neighborhood... head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the shift your thinking about buying your next one. >> ♪ >> welcome back.>> okay, so everyone was sayingonei yesterday is this the last last snowfall.snowfa >> i know. i think it was. >> yay!>> yay! >> we love you caitlin. >> i love you too, annie.. i have to cap that withit something. there might be a few showers tonight, a few snowflakes butew you might sleep through them.le however, once that's out ofepthf here i think we're done. d >> i really think we're done. wd >> that is great news.t >> it is. you know, it's been a long winter. it felt like we had, its not not like we had storm after stormtom but we had a very big one. b o >> it's been a rollercoasterlert ride with a lot of ups and ups d downs and you know the drill.hel winter cold brings our moods a o little down and then you got the snow. >> yeah, and then --hen >> tease us with the warmer tare temperatures.. >> earlier this week was aer tse tease but it was so nice. i totally felt reinvigoratednvid with the warmer weather thatmer came through earlier this week for sure.sur annie you're so right. r but we have a cool weekend w ahead following that is when isn think we warm up and there'she signs in the long ranges in forecast that we stay on the so that takes us through a good chunk of march. c i think we're in the clear.'re . i don't really see any snowno chances much beyond what's coming through tonight. throu temperatures outside right now n still very wintry for surety fo it's cold. it's you need the winter jacket, the gloves early this bundle up the kids forsor anything early 35 in washington, 32 in baltimore,alte 32 gaithersburg, 36 dulles and e 34 in winchester and with wit limited sunshine today it'snsne' going to feel pretty cool. c satellite and radar, clouds c around right now here's some snow showers outom in the mountains of weste ounta virginia, western pennsylvaniaya and into eastern ohio. ohi very weak storm system but itstm will swing through laterhrou tonight and probably bring ang few snow showers, a few rain showers. sh everything will be very light wl and probably out of here by of y day break br we'll time it out for you here h with your fox most of today like i said is sd just d clouds around, yes, but we'll w wait on any precipitationcitati until later tonight.r tig here's 6 o'clock. you see he some rain showersinhs we have the of 81.we all of this is very light.ight probably won't even need thed he umbrella much but by 8 o'clock here's some rain showersho moving into montgomery county,nt looks like these showers swingho through during the overnightring hours. here's too 2:00 a.m.'s yes, you can see some snow and a rain showers over d.c.r.c but it is 2:00 a.m. a.m. so, some of you may see themay t if you're out late tonight, tong some of you will not. ou wi by early tomorrow morning 9:00 a.m. clouds to start.o sta rain showers moved off towardsff our we'll see clearing quicklyui through tomorrow afternoon. afto probably more sunshine tomorrow and a couple ofouple degrees warmer will makeill make sunday feel like the warmerke tr day for sure.foure. a taste of spring as we go into next week. next week. we started seeing signs ofeeing this earlier this past weekpastw and we are still on track forn k a really nice warmup. wr high pressure off towards theofe east going to pump in themp in e southerly flow which will help l temperatures rise into thees 60's and then into the 70's 7 and each day through the weekhew it's going to be a prettyre decent jump and there arehere signs that we stay mild justilds about all week.abou this is by wednesday when itn it looks like the peek of the p really warm air comes temperatures well into thel into 70's.70. not there just quite yet andnd we've got a ways to go judgingud by today's 46 degrees, mostly cloudy and, o chilly with those rain andhose i snow showers coming throughinghr late tonight.. 50 degrees with some sunshine in the afternoon tomorrow. tor that should be really nice. still kind of crisp but then ofs the realp warmup begins on monday, 62 beautiful,, beautiful weather becauser along with the nice warmupmup we've got a lot of sunshine. s look at these numbers. 72 on tuesday, 76 on wednesday.we that will be the day to watch t to see how high thoseh t temperatures climb really intoea the 70's.th70's 70 on thursday. thu with that chance of showersho and we've got another chancethea of showers 66 on friday butday t generally the whole week looksks really n and notice that warming trendsmt as i walk back to the couch.he . we'll give it to you one more time. well into the 70's there by tuesday. so, spring lovers and who isn't one, that one is toone i your, right, annie.t, aie >> love it.>> thank you caitlin.thca >> you're so welcome. wco back to stories this morning.hig the trailer for the all femaleel ghost busters remake is out.ut. >> it's being criticized forzedr racial stereotyping and the brilliant scientists but its black character leslie jones is a street wise new york city subway worker. people took twitter to voicevoic their concerns.eir ncer one post said i feel some kindlk of way. everyone is a brilliant scientist. >> hollywood films need to diversify. >> i'm excited to check outit this movie. s t, yeank it's great, yeah.ed >> and with -- it's melissa mccarthy. >> show funny. >> a virginia man has an incredible story. he was waiting for his car tongf be repaired and while he wasd dh waiting, lift the end to this, o he won 2.5 million do.lion how is that for taking yourt foa car to get an oil change.ha john johns is his name ofhis am arlington went to get coffee cof at a nearby convenience store while his car was in the shop.i. he also bought a scratch off ticket at the time and he hit ht the >> wow. >> unbelievable. u so johns chose to take home the lump sum which is aboutbo 1.3 million before >> my gosh. >> unbelievable. good for him.go you know, it's just a mundaneusn day, you're going to take yourtu car in, you never think so thino many times when you buy thosehe that you're going to win especially that much moneyn .. >> wow. congratulations to him. >> yes, congratulations. >> all right, well, he's beenlle the voice of god, played thelad president and even won ann oscar.r. >> now morgan freeman is lending his voice to anothervoia popular project a dramaticti reading of justin timberlake -- i wish it wasish w justin timberlake, justin bieber's breakup song. b take a listen to this. t >> my momma didn't like you. and she likes everyone. and i never liked to admit that i was wrong. wro and i've been so caught up inn my job, didn't see what wasas going on but now i know i'm better sleeping on my own.wn 'cause if you like t w look that much, oh, baby, youab should go and love yourself.ouel >> the legendary actor agreedct to play along recitingg bieber's love yourself duringelg a vanity fair very serious. serus >> he had no idea that was aa th justin bieber song the way he talked so montone.o montone that's's hil >> still ahead learning the dos and don'ts of dogd do training. we'll have the pro joining us pi next and instead of teachingin fido some new tricks he'scks h going teach us. this is interesting. is interest look, he's looking at us rightst now. stick around for this.. >> ♪ ♪ >> hey, everybody accounts, ev kevin mccarthy i'm here withhy your movie reviews including "zootopia." it was co-directed by jared bush.bu byron howard directed tangle one of my favorite disney dis films in recent years. "zootopia" tells the story of judy hop who is a rookie bunny y who is a fox as they try to uncover a major crime conspiracy in the city. cit judy hop is voiced by jenniferei good win and nick wild voiced ve by jason bateman.atan the character is jason bateman.n. their chemistry together is absolutely fantastic. and it has a balance of beingng hilarious and very heart felthe and reminding you of the pixar formula where you have an element great for kids andnd jokes great far adults.fardu the scene you're seeing right now is the sloth scene.lothne this scene is in my opinion my n one of the fun jest scenes the f disney has ever had.un hver they're trying to go to theo the dpv, they're really, in a big rush and sloths running theni t the dmv. it's a very funny sequence. seqe kristen wiig has a cameo in camo that sequence as s getting back to the balance ofhe being for kids and adults one a of the duties of this movie is e there are so many referencesmanr for the adult audiencelyudnc there's a breaking bad sequence in the film andn e fi breaking bad is my favorite tvor show of all time.ime. seeing that placed in disneyednd movie was very cool. lots of pop culture referencesen and i feel like the 3-d reallye didn't do much for me.h r if you're going with your wit yr whole family do in the wastely n the extra money on the 3-d the ticket.tick. i gave 84 and a half out of five. it's very funny and very well vw do. i love jennifer goodwin and jason bateman's moving to whiskey tango foxey tn trot from the directors of crazy stupid love one of myove f favorite comedies in recent years. it stars tina fey margo robbiegi based on a true story loosely about kim barker. in the film they change herher flame to kim baker becauseto kir they did fictionalize a lot of o elements and tina fey playslays his this character who is a correspondent in afghanistannden specifically around the time a period of 2003 to 2006 and the film itself is more of a drama than a com dean you'd ben surprised by that consideringone lauren michaels produced theic movie froham snl. s robert car lock who wrote for snl and 30 rock wrote the there are very funny parts. funp i feel like the trailers leadild you to believe it's more of aie' it's more of am drama and has serious subject matter 678 tina fey and margo robbie arebi good in the film.m. i think the movie does reallyea hit a lot of different dfe elements. when you walk out of it youalk u don't know was this a comhis a d.c., was this a drama but it at really does hit you inn multiple ways. i think they did a really good g job with the film. f it seems very big budget.udget. there's some action sequences se in the film as well.ilm w i gave them a three and a half a out of advertisement it's entertaining and worth seeing. w my biggest problem was that ita was a little too long at times but three and a half out ofd a o five for. that for my review of londonon has fallen visit my facebook page. i'm kevin mccarthy, fox news. that's not fair, he should give you your rollerblades back. anddddd, she's back. storm coming? a very dangerous cheese storm. so you have 20 more bags. mhm. my yoga instructor calls it the death spiral. i call it living the dream. american express presents the blue cash everyday card with no annual fee. cash back on purchases. see you tomorrow. backed by the service and security of american express. >> welcome back. if anyone is planning onn adding a new dog to the family this is for you. joining us is brian baler thehe author of embracing the wildhe in your dog. >> thank you fore joining usni with captain from he's so precious.precious. >> he's so loving and so brian you say it's importantmpor for dog owners to think of thi their dogs as domestic wolveseso instead of just pets.stea can you elaborate on that.abora. >> it is important becausentec here in america we view ourur dogs fur coats.coat any time you do that you'reat y going expect that animal to behave like a little and that leads us down a road ar in which we don't have answersas for why they do what they doo and it causes problems. pbl 10 to know good dog for doing for d something good or bad dog forog doing something bad youet y literally have about a secondutn and a half after the behavior bh if you really want them tont th understand that. t just associate the reward oroc t the punishment.unisen a lot of times people come home and find out their dog has chewed up their favoritee pair of shoes. shoes. >> happened to me many >> or the phone cord. p cor and then they punish them andnd then they wonder why a couplehyl weeks later after thister ter t continues that their dog ist thg fearful of them and is now hiding which reinforces thatceat behavior because they come home and they -- say he's acting guilty he knows he kws chewed up my stuff.chew no, he didn't.nohe d your arrival at home has become a predicter to thereer punishment that's going to occur. occur. i think i'm pointing out them pi obvious but it's not soit'sot obvious here.ous h we just need to keep in mindn mn that we own an animal, wenil, don't a dog, we don't own a a little person. p really important.really importa >> if we came home to badad behavior what should we do then?en >> recognize the fact the dogze has done the behavior, maybe prevent it. in other words th you can do to the dog at that time mom tent, you cthan't showo to him, you cannot talk to himim or scold him that they'reim t going to now the next day go, i don't think i'll chew onl ch that phone cord again because i got in trouble yesterday.ested a child could do that and tt that's where we stray off theayo path but a young dog canan can't. there's really nothing you canhn do at that men next day go hm maybe you'll be in your crate today when i go to work, maybe you'll be inaybel the laundry room, maybeoo m outside, something of thathif ta sort. >> when i was little and wewas brought a puppy home we taught t him the five basic commandsic cs like sit, stay, come, youe, know, that sort of thing. thi is that really where you start s when you get a new puppy. puppy >> it is. for example, if i tell him tell down and i tell him to staym there, that's my way off deactivating him and it'sndt' really nice to be able to do >> yes. >> because even though --n thoh >> he does it well. >> even though he lovers youou guys and you guys have beenghuye petting him not everyone wantsve that. i go to a lot of people's peopl homes and because i'm a a professional they just turnn their dogs loose on me and and they're jumping on me andne they some point you want to be ablete to say hey, have people admireed your dog from a distance and go wow that's a nice dog youe dy have over there. over there. it's really nice. stays are great. g all those basic cues to beue able to walk and not be pulledd by your today, not jump on me. m come to me when i call you. ial that's a life saving behavior really neat to have. neat to h >> thank you brian. tha we have to leave it nkthere. lee the book is available in all ina book stores online as well.el thank you so much. such. >> thank you. y >> that does it for us here ateo 7:00 but there's much more muche ahead at 8 o'clock. o'clock stick with us.stick >> that's a great picture oft po you there, brian.ere,ri >> thanks.>> >> thanks for joining us here. we'll be back at 8:00 a.m. >> ♪ >> this is fox5 news morning.ox >> welcome back to fox5 news morning on this saturday. sur cloudy skies out there if ski ot you're just waking it's also quite chilly as a well. good morning, i'm annie yu., i'i thanks for joining us.oining >> and i'm caitlin r good morning. morni >> hello. >> really chilly out there. thee it feels like winter is just isj back in full force, right? right >> yes, but it's not.. >> it's not. yeah, it will be brief but yes, we had some of those snow e showers yesterday.s yesterd you were out following thel snow. >> i was. i mean, we didn't it bad out out in prince william county.ou it was mostly wet.. it didn't stick because theecse pavement temperature wasn't tem cold enough. >> yeah. >> but there was a light dusting on trees and grassy andy areas and your cars butand yourt nothing too >> right.>> and it was briefly pretty a saw. this time of year the snow the w does not stick around veryer long so that's a good thingoodhi unless you wanted the snow to st stick around.stick we have some snow showers inme s the forecast for later tonightag and then i think that's it forso the winter.thnt outside right now certainlynoer does feel very wintry. wtr temperatures are in the 30's.re3 it is very cold. 35 in washington.ashi 33 in baltimore.timore 36 out at dulles and 34 in winchester.winc all across the northeast still i seeing these cool temperature.pu 18 in binghamton new york, 29to in new york city, 25 in boston, run in pittsburgh andinp 32 in columbus, ohio where outhe in ohio they're starting torting see some snow showers move srs through. well, actually they have been tb seeing some snow showers movewes through. now reaching westerntern pennsylvania, some of thelvan mountains in west virginia andid this is just a really quick q weak storm system moving sto through but it will swing by tonight i think just duringjus the overnight hours bring us ans chance of some rain showersin and some snow showers.ho so here's your weekend outlook k for it is isol you ee here early this morning.arly mainly clouds around today butty it will stay drive. here's that storm system thator will bring just those mixed m showers very briefly duringly d the overnight hours and then tomorrow for sunday i think wein clear out pretty quickly, see some more sunshine in theunsh afternoon.aftern it does remain cool but then a warmup is following right on rit the heels of what will be as ofa pretty chilly weekend. wke here's your forecast for theore weekend.week 46 today. tay watch for those late showerse se moving in from the westom thees probably after dark.ark. and then they swing out bying oy tomorrow morning.ow mning 50 degrees on sunday with sunshine in the afternoon. in looks beautiful.oks beauti wait until you see how high howg temperatures jump this week,ee got to wait for it.t wai your seven-day forecast isen-das still ahead. >> all right, thanks, caitlin. n today former mayor vincentin gray will kick off hisk f campaign. gray is running for his oldsld ward seven city council seat. he says he's running becausese he believers the current seatt holder yvette alexander isn'tndi doing good enough job.ough j gray held the position beforeefr class was disrupted ats diue several northern virginia highgh schools yesterday after bomb b threats were phoned in.ed several schools were evacuatedvu and first responders combeders through the schools lookinge for anythingsc dangerous. dangeo in the end none of the threatshs were found to be legitimate.egim seven schools received theve t threatening phone callsenin including herndon high school sh and stone bridge high schoole bg in ashburn, virginia. virgi the full list of impacted iac schools is on our web site at a d.c. high school dub schob player is recovering this is morning after he was shot nearne his home in northeast on thursday night. nht. kavon montgomery plays for the undefeated h.d. woodson warriors. after leading his team to ag hi playoff victory last night he ne was shot in the back in a parking lot near 54th streettrt northeast near his home inom clay ar terrace. trace his mother is grateful he'lle' be oka >> i came home from work and i got a phone call saying my son been and the boy told me come andnd get your child and they said my son was somebody, they was fussing and arguing. >> the bullet only grazed therat teaches expected to be okay thankfully. police say he didn't see the't e shooter and doesn't know whoands pulled the trigger. meanwhile the man at thet center of a child porn scandalal in prince georges county pledor not guilty in a green room -- ro greenbelt courtroom yesterday,cr excuse me. the federal case againstega deonte carraway includes 13lus charges covering 11 of hisf his in all, investigators say 17 victims have been identified.def many seats in the courtroomhe ct were occupied by family members of his alleged victimsic and they were extremelyly emotional when carraway wentra went before a judge.nt b he didn't say much besidesh besd pleading not guilty. gi right now he's locked up in an prince george's county jail cell. no trial date has been set.. and democraticocc presidential candidate hillaryal clinton's work related e-mails i from her private account arecc now public.ou the 52,000 plus pages details pe her tenure as secretary ofta of state but they fail to resolveol questions about how she and a her closest aides handled clasfi correspondence between clintonnn and her advisers friends anderfd political acquaintances offersfs no shocking revelations but it i does shed light on a management style she wouldment take. there's been a recent spikebe in heroin overdomes now authorities are worried aboutar a new drug. we'll tell you whate thist t deadly drug is coming up. up. time now 8:05. 8:0 we'll be right back. is that coffee? yea, it's nespresso. i want in. ♪ you're ready. ♪ get ready to experience a cup above. is that coffee? nespresso. what else? it's about taking a stand. for too long, wall street banks had their way. they crashed our economy. but democrat donna edwards won't take their money because she stands up for us. as a single mom, she knows the challenges our families face. she'll be our voice. tightening regulations on the big banks and fighting to keep dark money out of politics. democrat donna edwards, maryland's next senator. >> welcome back. time now 8:08. >> yes. and before we get to thee to the weather time to do some -- som-- you're laughing at me. this is our favorite part.r it's the cutest part of thepart it's your child's photos thathot we put on our facebook pageook g that we love to say.e to this is our fox5 first v meet madison. madis she is 11 months old.s o probably rocking the best hattat that i've seen in a long time.i. so cute.ut has a great smile for 11mile for months old and in three weekse e she will be turning one. >> wow.>> that's a major milestone. mileso >> that is. happy early birthday she gets up every morning toorng watch fox5 ton eat her breakfast.kfas her mom says she loves dancingan to the music that we play in pla the morning.e thank you for watching madison. we're so glad you enjoy that music which is variable. via for your child to be our nexturx fox5 first five just postust p their picture right underneathah madison's so c great smile there on this saturday morning.satu let's get to the forecast but first let's recap some of that snow from yesterday. yeste it wasn't much but it was enough to remind us that, yes, y it's still first couple of days of march mr and we've seen already a variety of weather. bwi two and a half inches ofhe snow accumulated there.ed t less than a half inch at reagan, just over a half inchal at dulles. dulle that was the daily snowfallwf record for march 4th.arch little bit more as we gote towards the south and east. and. two and a half in damascusass virginia. virg two and a half in viennaie virginia.rginia. highest amounts were down ifnts southern maryland.rn closing the books on thatthe bo snowfall. we do have some more m snowflakes in the forecast the courtesy of this cold front f back towards our west you canyou see it's bringing snow showersoo into western pennsylvania andyla west virginia. vgini doesn't look like it's going g to amount to much. muc it will come through late tonight, we'll probably see abla mix, not expecting any accumulation and it will bend ib out of here before you know it. in fact you might sleepight slep through the whole thing asth early tomorrow morning at this time we should see the last of t the showers moving out. all right, temperaturesem washington.ingt. 32 in gaithersburg.thsburg. 34 in annapolis and 36 in leonardtown, 36ardtn, 3 fredericksburg, 34 inic winchester. it's chilly for sure. sur most of today is very cool. c we have a lot of cloudsoflouds around. i don't think we see too much sm sunshine although it will be itb dry. dry. here's the first hint of some showers moving in by sick p.m. and you can see those are rainri showers. sh but you can also see out to seet the higher elevations of thehe mountains by 9 p.m., thatha starts to mix and if there areth any accumulations, it would beie far out towards our west in the mountains there, maybe the ski resorts. hey, great ski weekend and it si might be one of the last too hit the slopes with the warmerhw weather headed our way.ouay stopping at 2:00 a.m. you canyou see the snow showers rightht over washington but also raino r showers with it.erth i so, it is during the overnightvn and by day break tomorrow theoro rain showers have moved off movd towards our east.towa we should see a decent a sunshine by tomorrowrow afternoon.ten. okay, then our attention turnstt to the big warmup. war have you heard about it? we h are looking at significantleay warmer temperatures arrivinging monday and then peeking onin o wednesday where we' midatlantic, well into theanti 70's i think here in d.c. d so the forecast for today, tod 46 degrees an light wind, w mostly cloudy and chilly. cloan look at these temperatures t jump as we head to yourd to you seven-day forecast.oras we definitely start wintry, winr 46 degrees with those lateat mixed showers. clouds to sun on sunday andday a still cool, 50 degrees.0 degree but then we're into the 60's0' on monday, 70's by tuesday. tay mid to possibly upper 70's in0' the area on wednesday.edneay we stay mild through the rest ts of the week and monday, tuesday, wednesday i know it's ' not technically the best partesr of the week but the weather is just fantastic 'cause we'vest got the sunshine along with it. and just some more clouds bylos the end of the doesn't look like we get tooeeto cold any time soon, though t that's a look at your you seven-day now back to annie.nn >> thanks caitlin.has c authorities on high alerts a after a recent spike in heroinnn overdoses. otw there's another drug onan the scene and it's even moree an deadly.. law enforcement blames an increase of lethal overdoses on fender until. it's significantly moreig powerful than heroin fox5's laura evans has whatas you need to know. >> friend one last time.t this is the club no one wantsans to belong mothers who have lost childreno to a drug overdose, mostly mos heroin cases here but at least l two of these moms says autopsies revealed it wasn't its heroin as they suspected, itpee was fender until.fender until >> i'm a flurries. i knew it was a surgical anesthesia but i hadst not heard anything about thatyth being used in place of heroin oo or being mixed with heroin andia now i hear about it all the time. >> reporter: nancy rougher was involved in her sonvolvn danny's life.nn l she said he was active andcte loved super heroes funny andny a loving. >> i was a pta president whenrei my kids were growing up atng upa their school.l. for the most part a stay at home you know, thinking i was doingsg the right thing.ght ing. never in my life did i ever didi believe anything like thisik would happen to me. >> reporter: danny did well dand in school but after graduating u from the university of maryland, things changed. c never completed the on line credentialing.edentialin she suspected he wased h depressed. >> my husband had found some som syringes in the basement. >> reporter: they tried getting help but the downward dw spiral was too fast.spir on june 14th, 2015, danny d injectioned his fatal d >> we were completely blown away when we found out it wasas fentanyl. fe >> reporter: fentanyl use isntr: sk fyrocketing in d.c. marylandg and virginia. i according to the dea the the number lethal overdoses hasas tripled in the past three years. >> this is pure poison.his it's deadly. and -- and when you take it,youa even the smallest amount, itmot, can kill you.l you. >> reporter: it's so deadlyter: it's dangerous for even the investigators combing through evidence at an overdose scene.rc >> so touching the powder ishinp enough to just absorb into thebe skin. >> into the skin. i it's transdermalnt, yes. >> and it can kill you.l you. >> and it can kill you rightou r on the spot.on the >> reporter: and followinglowing an overdose, users will flockl f to the d that deadly dose in search ofof the most potent stuff.ff. fentanyl is cheap to manufacture ill his italy.s itay it's often made in china c shipped through mexico.rough xi. dealers are making more money's easy to get on line or oo the >> it's like playing russianng roulette. they don't know what they're they know that it's potent andpt that's what they want. w >> reporter: beth cane davidson has been a drugon has b addiction treatment specialistne for she says the problem has reached a fevered pitch.a veredh >> we see more and more peopler coming in for treatment.reatnt they're younger and younger. yor >> you can do everything and suddenly find yourself asking ak what happened?appe >> reporter: jimena lost her son casey to >> never in my wildest dreamsste did i think something likehink s this would happen. h >> reporter: laura evansapr:aura fox5 local news.ew >> the drug treatmentment counselor we interviewed said i parents need to stay on their t kids keep up wo ith the latestat information and know that there is help out there. theelp schools are getting involved ioe as well and keeping parentsarts there's informational meeting planned at shady grove middleroe school in montgomery county onmt tuesday night at 7 o'clock.. now to the race to theace te white house. dr. ben carson official announced he's ending hisndg campaign for the nomination.omi. >> i did the math.>> i i looked at the delegate counts. coun i looked at the statements it th looked at the requirements andt i realized that it simplyy wasn't going to >> dr. carson made the announcement last night at the conservative political action conference at the nationalence harbor in maryland.harb he says he made the decision after his poor showing in showig super tuesday vong. meanwhile donald trump wasdp but pulled out last instead he spending his time campaigning. last night at a stop inig louisiana more thahtn a dozenozn protestor from the black lives matter movement interruptedemene trump's rally.trum trump once again took thehe opportunity to criticize mitt romney. take a listen.iste >> and you know when you haveno guys like romney that have nomn ideaey how to win, that was a w choke artist and then he getse up and he's upset, he's upset because when he sees this this happening, he never had itad i happening with and then he gave up in thee uin last month.on. he just gave up. it was a race that should havesv been won. remember that.rember tha and he gave up and now he h comes on and he's not looking l at me, he's looking at all off us, okay. o we have had one of thene othe greatest things politically toil happen in many, many decades. millions of people are going gng out to vote that never gave a damn before. befe >> and early voting begins inini hillary clinton donald trump and marco rubio have beenruo han hitting the campaign trail in tn south florida ahead of theof the state's primary on march 15th. 1 and happening today, tod caucuses will be held inl eld kansas, ken can ken, maine and nebraska along with a primaryiti in louisiana.isiana and on sunday, maine holds a caucus for democrats whilele republicans duke it out in aan primary in puerto rico. ric and fox5 teaming up with uph the for an in depth ind look at the race.okthe the's editor in chiefhi bob cusack will join ronica joia cleary and fox5's tom and f5's fitzgerald this sunday to talkut about the candidates, theirtes,r campaigns and of course thes an latest debe. join them here live on fox5 or5 streaming on fox5 d.c. this t sunday at 8:30 a.m. 8:3 coming up we'll tell youllou about one church that ishurch tt giving back to the homeless homs one at a time. we'll be right back. ight back. it's time to get out and explore. look beyond the expected. hidden among the trees. there's a special place. where getting away... brings us so much closer. spring into fun and save $50 with an all-inclusive ticket. busch gardens williamsburg. a whole other world awaits. at enterprise, we guarantee it. next vehicle purchase? head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales nyone... change your thinking about buying your next one. [001:20:06;00] >> ♪ >> not weather just yet but we have two very special guests,spc a local church is taking theirta ministry services to theceto t streets and the goal is to i help those that are strugglingug in pov here to talk more about their latest endeavors are reverendred terrence good morning and reverend russell saint s bernard from read temple ame ame church. good morning. >> good morning. good morn >> thanks for having us.s >> of course. we hear about these kinds of acts happening in thepening in e community and there's always ad story tied to why.o why people are stepping up andgp doing this what is your story?atyour story >> well, about 10 months agout s we actually launched in our i o d.c. location and when we cameam to d.c. we knew we were coming c not only to have service once o sunday in the city but weut wanted to serve the city. and so we launched our brown bag outreach program and we've w been able to impact hundreds hdr of lives through it and we're w grateful we have theve opportunity to serve the t cityc >> and reverend russ, how does s it work? so, what's in the the bags and how do you do theo t distributing >> we have leaders who today t at 9:30 are showing up atng up a 9 o'clock at the howard andoward there's going to be ane assembly line so there's turkey and cheese, there'shere's water, there's fruit, there'she a snack. a lot of times we don't just give them fruit but there's cookies and stuff like thatd f i and then depending onn weather they have hand warmers e but the goal is just to reach r and literally be what christhat said for us to be the handsan and the feet and so for to us t reach those who are lesses fortunate but understandingan that there's no real's nreal difference between us and and consistently serving theerng t homeless. >> not only are you affectingufc lives and making a differenceife but you're also inspiringo people as well to do the same s and come out and help. is this open to anyone thateha wants to just help out? o? >> so, we invite anyone toe come out and to help.o h our goal really is to make ane a impact on d.c. and anyone who can lend their influence or hands to be a part of that wertt certainly welcome them to the i'm a d.c. resident and so i live in days. i can't go to the grocery store or to the gym or to my office without seeing someoneom who stands in need ofeed o resources and so this is our sts way of giving back and i think i anyone who lives in d.c. will understand the importance ofnd t the effort. >> this is great. i love it. i canhi see the passion in youro eyes and let's talk about theabt church real quick before wee leave.e. you have three locations nowocao which is very exciting.xc what is service like? >> so, we're -- we're -- >> i want to know.>> it >> we're one church in three locations.locations. our church is 52 years old.. our dr. washington has been theren e for 30 years. y our executive minister is a minister of our north this is our reach d.c. church cc is 10 months old and so we have worship every sunday at the howard theater and it's progressive worship s we are just excited about how god hasoh hoped this new door for us to t do ministry in the city.try thc >> great stuff. and of course reverend saint bernard the youth ministries,yo you've got the young ones. youn. >> yeah. >> of course the door isurse always open there.ways what time is service. >> services are every sundayy at 10:00 a.m. at the howard.owar we start praise and worship atr 10:50.0. it's a very time focused foc service so you won't be ine in there forever. fev but we use the howard theaterd a to turn that space, claw ace, aw nightclub the night before, b into a worship sanctuary. sancty >> great. all right. thank you to the both of you.he again, that is kicking off today, the brown bag service project at the howard theater. e there you have the address ondd it kicks off at 9:30 open topent anyone who wants to come out o and help put together the bags and of course distribute themrs touching many lives in the dmv. >> we would love to come back in a couple months. a we've made a c big hairy h audacious goal for to us reach r 5,000 homeless and for to us tou reach that we read an article at recently that said there was sds something like 11,000 homeless m in the dmv area and 60 percent c of that was -- was in the district itself. itself. >> right. >> so, we really want to be aly part o wf the change in that. t so we would love to come back bc and give an update in a coupleou months to see how god has allowed us to make a dent int i that number. n >> look at you plugging a future event. ent thank you to the both of you.h y >> thank you. >> coming up, a woundedou warrior is getting a new lease l on life. we'll tell you about a very special endeavor that willl en give his home a makeover. h plus, caitlinom is back witw another look at today'sok a tods weather and of course that alld important work week preview. prw stay with us.stawith fox5 news morning on this t saturday.tu we'll be then your eyes may see it, differently.ave allergies. only flonase is approved to relieve both your itchy, watery eyes and congestion. no other nasal allergy spray can say that. complete allergy relief or incomplete. let your eyes decide. flonase changes everything. after trying brookside chocolate, people talk about it online. love at first taste. i would liquefy it and bathe in it. curse you, brookside! nefarious? are we still talking about chocolate? brookside. talk about delicious. >> ♪ >> welcome back.>> time now 8:27. we're taking a live look outside and if you're just y're waking up, it's cloudy skiesy se out there and a little chilly. but the good news is it'sews is going to warm up. u >> yeah, really warm up iwa u mean, a major change as we goe g and like soaring into >> you know that makes usar very, very enoxcw ited. excit everyone ready for this rea for warmup.rm >> it is spring fever thispr week. we are talking 70's in the coming days but taking a live l look outside it looks veryery wintry and it feels veryls vy wintry. it's cold just like it was yesterday.yester winter jackets needed earlyacke this morning as we're only ins the 30's.s. 35 washington, 37 in manassas, s 37 in fredericksburg, 34 in4 i cambridge and 34 in stevensville on the eastern shore. shor temperatures not going to risent too much. probably about 10 degrees or so. we are probably staying mainlyai cloudy today. today so without a lot of sunshinesh not expecting too much warmingai out there. satellite and radar s just sathowing some clouds hereh snow showers back across theoss mountains in west virginia,irgi western pennsylvania andylvani d eastern ohio.hi this is a very quick movingckovn and fairly weak storm system,rms really just a cold front thatrot will come through late tonight t into early tomorrow morningrow bring us a couple of showers she but as quickly as it comess through it's gone and this might be our last chance to t see any flakes this year. i mean we're going to warm upoig this week and there are signs that the next couple of weekst o we stay pretty mild and thenil d you're talking almost throughosh the month of so this weekend though weug still have that one finalhat on chance for a couple ofe o showers, that's late tonights ln and it will probably be ably ba mixed bag with the snowh the sno showers off towards the north, h rain showers down towards our dw south and east and this iss after dark tonight andight probably scooting out by thecoou time we hit day break tomorrow morning. high pressure builds rightssur back in sunday afternoon, plenty of sunshine. it is nicendty and cool but ioou think it will feel a littlel bit warmer tomorrow afternoon ao with more sun and temperatures just a couple of degreeses warmer. wa so here's what we're expecting e for today. r 46 in washington for the high temperature.temperatur 44 out at dulles and 42 in annapolis. overnight low temperatureslo with those mixed showers in the mid to upper 30's. ixwe'll have that seven-daysen- forecast still ahead. annie.. >> ♪>> >> well, here is a look ater your top stories this former virginia governor bob mcdonell'sap heard next in 2014 a jury convictedcted mcdonell and his wife for wif f doing favors for a wealthyrs foa vitamin executive in exchange ea for more than $165,000 in,00 i gifts and loans. mcdonell and federaleder prosecutors offered competing ce arguments over whether thents former governor was convictedvid based on an overly broad definition of bribery. supreme court is expected tot issue a decision by the end of june. ju and a bill moving forwardinr in virginia's general assembly s seeks to protect bicyclistsprt b from drivers who fling open their car doors.thei the bill would create a 50-dollar fine opening a carng r door when it's not reasonably safe to do s it will face a vote in thea ve n house. now to the battle between bb apple and the feds. t f a california prosecutor sayspros information on the phone couldot help lead authorities to a potential third suspect in thetr san bernadind o attack that killed 14 people. police say all the evidence evie point to two shooters but twowo 911 calls made that day reportep three perpetrators during the te shooting. this comes as the slow downs thd continue and app spell a spe refusing to create software toto unlock one of the shooter's of iphones. the matter will play out wiy before a judge. a j happening today a virginiayi march 15 getting a new lease n l on life. in 2014 brandon burns was bns paralyzed in iraq. today wounded warrior is keeping up with companies. megan dice is live in staffordnf with the details.with the detai. >> reporter: hey, megan has the work begun. >> reporter: the>> construction has started it's just a flurry ofus construction inside the house te which is super, super exciting.exci lights being put in there and joining me now is brandy withwi the wounded warrior project. pjt we're also going to talk to rob from helmets to hard hats. h tell me about brandon's story. o >> i met brandon because i gotei a phone call and they said iai have a marine in nor'easter it'e started out with a fence andth d we got the fence taken careen c of. by the time i turned around and came out to meet the the family, found a few other things, called team rubiconm ric said hey can you guys help, they said there's littlere's lie things that we cannot do,hat you're going have to callng h somebody else.avmebo and i said okay, got hooked upou with helmets to hard hats.d they came out immediatelyt dia after and said we're on it, wen, can do this, we've got it. so, wounded warrior projectro said if you guys can donate d your time and effort and labor, we will get theet materials done. so, we picked up thekeup t materials, made a few phoneew p calls and these guys came out o and have poured their hearts into it and team rubicon is is coming out to help finish upinis the fencing and stuff that they're able to do so it'so it's been a blessing to have them ha and i know brandon and his family are very thankful fornkfu everything that's going on. tha' >> reporter: brandon hisrand family right now in baltimore bi on a vacation and then you'llou give the house back to them tomorrow. so, this is a 24-hourhour construction project.ject rob, with helmets to hard hats tell me what's going on here.oin >> what you're looking at now is there electricians from local 26 changing outl 26 c we've already changed out aread light here and then we one more light and then behinded you you can see that the carpenters from d.c., they're., actually going to be putting p up shelving for storage and s we're going to do storageto below and then we also have --av we're doing a chimney cap chimny right now, we're doing more m shelving in the back storageto area so we have a volunteereer out front doing -- raking up rip the yard so we got a lot going i on. >> reporter: amazing. wow. wow. this has been an awesomeasn an project. the family will be back herebe b tomorrow around 1 o'clock see their finished house but it'sut looking good so far. they got these lights up within the past 20 they're working fast out here. h back to you annie.nn >> thanks so much megan. meg to see art in d.c. many. m typically head to museums right. but coming up we'll tell you tey about a space that caters toate local and nonlocal artists art coming up.ming u we'll be right back. it's time to get out and explore. look beyond the expected. hidden among the trees. there's a special place. where getting away... brings us so much closer. spring into fun and save $50 with an all-inclusive ticket. burg. a whole other world awaits. (voand exceptional customerity pre-ownservice,les... head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... flip your thinking about buying your next one. >> ♪ >> welcome back. on good hope road in southeast there's a very special place where the arts come alive. anacostia art center is thetter home of four art galleries anlen gem for artists local andocal a nonlocal to share their work thw with the community. community. here to talk about the centerlka is terrence nicholson thence nih cultural program's coordinator r for the center as well as artist aziz. the exhibit is called frenchlefr doors. >> yes. >> that's interesting.t's what's that about. >> well, i had the to go to my son center me when i was whea care taking for my father.r. and when i went there, i was really astound by the doors t d because they're huge, they're colorful, they're ornate and just opulent. opulent there was an under current there. i wasn't sure what that was.ur in this series i explore that under current and it's -- itt'-- came out of a nexus of the opulance and that underce current. people have to come out seen.t . >> yeah, you were clearly werler inspired by the french doors d in paris. >> oh, definitely.efinel >> when did this sort fo start did you begin painting. paintin. >> painting? all my life.ntin >> we're going to take it g back. >> all my life.oi >> it started as a young y child. >> and do you have a specialty y or do you just kind of take t whatever inspires you. inspiyou. >> well, i was trained as aas t printmaker, so i combine printbp making and painting and then i collage so i have quite a, you o knowy you know, gathering ofri things that i do there.he >> okay. now, this is reallyhis iseall i see that you were actuallyer y one of the founders of blackck artists of d.c. d tell us a little bit abouteit a that. >> well, it's a wonderful organization that providesrovi support and information to artists of color because so many times they're left out of the -- the norm, the nm, mainstream, yes. so, that's primari what itprim does and they've actually supported and over 3030 exhibitions have gone on in the d.c. area and beyond b because of the work and carol dyson is presentlynt the president of it and she'snde doing a fabulous job.s j >> right. r how can people get involved ordo learn more about that?n abo >> well, they can go online to >> okay.>> o and it's actually really centers like anacostia artia centers that open the doors totd all artists, local, nonlocal nlo and it's also more than just thu artwork. i'm intrigued. >> absolutely.>>ut this year especially we'reespece really we have a really robust rus schedule of events and programming coming march the eighth we kick off the eclectic tuesdays series which will start with artistrtis crystals bacon and for 13 weeks, we will have every e tuesday evening performances, spoken word, theater, improv. we have five small businesseslls including retail, physicall, phi therapy, artist exchange and a wonderful cafe which is doing very well and so on tuesdays tsd also startin have t'ai chi >> you got a lot going on. t can you a handle all of this?hi >> we're excited. eit we really take pride in havingag progressive programming and ingd work very closely with our director, kate davis, and we really are fortunate to have this sort of leadership.earshi dwayne gaudia is the ceo of arts development and he lets us really expand on our creativity and so we'll see wll what develops.what dev >> that's great. it's a great center in ourn our community. before we let you guys go, aziza people can can check outck french doors the exhibit the starting later this month.ngater >> yes, march 25th and it runsun through may 13th. >> okay. and it's of course at the anacostia arts center. cente >> yes. y >> there you go.>> the information on our scenes, e our screen but you are on theth scene. thank you so much to the both tb of you. >> thank you. >> coming up a two-year-old>> ty girl called 911 with award a robe emergency. we're going to tell you whatto she needed help with coming up next. >> ♪ >> >> annie as we take a live l look outside, a gray chilly wintry today but major changes g ahead in the seven-day sev forecast.forecast. our first signs of spring ands f i think you're really going torl like it. stay tuned. your seven-day forecast isen-dor coming up after this. >> ♪ an emergency of the cuteste kind a2-year-old calling 911li because she needed help putting on her pants but as as fox's rebecca atkins reportsep the deputy who responded saidon the call made her day.e her d >> you're a deputy sheriff. she >> reporter: two-year-old t little girl named aliyah wasliy very happy to see greenville gri county deputy martha lohnes. they sang and sat togetherg where the deputy was yesterday e responding to a call.ding ta ca >> her grandfather answeredns the door and she just comes coms running up to the front with w half a pander leg on and the other one is like falling >> reporter: marsha and herr: m partner showed up at aliyah's aa front door because she called 911. >> 911. >> hello. >> hello. granville county 911. >> she wanted mell to help do d her shoes and then she wanted wd me to hug her and hold her and h it just -- i just kept sayingt s it made my day it was just the highlight ofht f my day because she was so w s >> reporter: her fatheror cents her a messteage about what happened. >> she said i answered theaied door and aliyah comes running up and the cops help her putp hp her pants on so i startedtart laughing. >> reporter: aliyah'sorter:liya grandfather was watching her at the time and had no idead hae she had called anyone let alone 911.11 >> she brought the phone to mehe and i thought somebody had called. called so, when i answered it nobodyobd was there.. and when i hung up, 911 called1l me back. >> reporter: he said she was watching cartoons. her mom says the fact that aliyah dialed 911 was a surprise. >> i showed it to her but i h b didn't know that she reallyy knew what she was doing. >> reporter: and althoughter: a aliyah made and call for helpfoh for a nonemergency, thency, responding officer was offic thankful she made a new friend i out of the accident. aen >> such hard things we have tohi do all day long to have ag t little girl running up to the front door ask me to help her put on her pants it was theants highlight of my day and ight of loved it.lod i >> very nice. okay. how is the weather lookinghw for us here? >> well, this weekend is stillns kind of chilly and eh.h. it's not terrible but it's not fabulous.lous. however, the really nicellyic warmup headed this way over wayo the week.the week. i mean, it's just going to bego such a difference. difre dunn like how it was milderw ite earlier this week?see >> i loved it.>> i >> it was like --like - >> such a nice little break. >> it was such a nice breaksuchc and it's like everyone comeeverc out of their homes, out of our hibernating shells when itatin starts to warm up and you feel u so much better about life orr at least i do. and we should see that again a this week annie.knn really warm.really warm. but for now it's a coolit's c weekend so don't put away those winter clothes just yet.ut you're probably going to need them through today. temperatures own the in thees oi 30's outside right now and rht w we'll probably only rise intoy the mid 40's later thisat t afternoon. 35 in washington, 33 iningt, 33 baltimore, 34 in gaithersburgerb and 35 down in culpeper.pepe we saw the snow showersho yesterday morning.yestmo a reminder it's still marcharch and it's still winter andinte guess what? here's some moreomm back towards our west as a quick pretty weak is going deliver some snow showers to thew mountains today. tay good ski weekend and i don't wee think we'll have too many leftve of them by the t way. w but i think this will onlyl onl bring a couple of mixed showers during the overnightdu hours for us here in theri dmv.v we'll show that for you just yoj clouds around today, not mucht c sunshine.. showers towards our west after dark. and then it will be a mix ofwi some rain and snow showersrs swinging through during the thr overnight hours.overnight ho we'll stop the clock at 3 a.m. m if you're out at 3 a.m. you might notice it.ghtice otherwise, probably not.bay n and then by early tomorrowomorro morning, 10:00 a.m., notice not the showers are largely gonelyon and we should clear out andhoul see a decent amount of amoun sunshine through sundaynehrou afternoon so that's great.t's g. all right, here's the well w advertised warmup headed oured e way. beginning on monday monda temperatures jumping into thenge 60's thanks to high pressure prr off shore and then we're well wl into the 70's through wednesday.we pretty remarkable.prettyarkabl so again for today, 46 degrees, mostly cloudy and, o chilly. ch let's show that you seven-dayu y forecast.focast and watch those temperaturesturs jump. ju 50 tomorrow. 62 monday.y. 72 we'll still have some cool c mornings falling back into theli 40'sng but then look atook a wednesday morning starting at just 51 hitting 76.itti 7 70 there on thursday with ahuda chance for some more showerse se that arrive thursday intorsy i friday but it real does stayes y mild. could continue to stay mild through next weekeuend. all right, that's you wereu were final look at the seven-day at forecast. now here's annie. >> ♪ >> in today's health watchs hetw researchers are finding moree f evidence that the zika virus v causes a serious birth defect. fox's caron mchugh has the details from new york.. looks like we're having issues with that hopefully we'll get it backk up.up. meantime time for to your facebook fan of the day. f this morning we say hello marie baresh callow.h clow. there she is with hershe ish beautiful family. family. today is her birthday. birthda happy birthday mary.rthd mary. you look she says she loves fox5 and lovx has been watching for more than 20 years.ea to be our next facebook fan of n the day post your picture pictu underneath mary's beautifulut photo. awesome. all right.ig in today's fox beat, some sadad news from the country musicusic world. joe see feek of the country music husband and wife duo joey and lori died.iied. fighting the disease for d nearly two years her husbandba rory kept fans up to date onoat his wife's condition through t his blog and when the cancer c spread to her colon in october, joey informed fansinfod she was stopping treatment andoe entered hoses space later in lan november.nove rory blogged earlier today tod writing "my wife's greatest dream came drew today. drew tod she is in heaven. meanwhile charlie sheen'sili e finally can caught up witht up him. he's trying to lower the child support he pays to ex-wife brook mueller. currently he pays around aro $55,000 a month.onth. his income has droppeded significantly.ic he hasn't said how much childhi support he can pay. in my -- zero are let's see here. h have mercy. sorry about that. tha john stamos may be off theff market. my goodness. he revealed on the view v yesterday he's dating ay he's mystery woman.eryom while discussing his current cut tour with the beach boys hethe says while he was on stage he se grabbed his phone to face time t this girl he was ding. he didn't say who he was dating but we're surere sure inquiring minds want to know.ndt yes. we want to know. all right, looks like l we've got that story for you foy again. researchers are finding moree evidence that the zika virus v causes a serious birth defectthf and our fox's caron mchugh hash the details from new y >> reporter: zeka is spreadpr by mosquitos and in most m people causes no more than cau mild illness but it may be linked to serious birthious bir defects causing concern for conf pregnant now a lab study is providingrovi experimental evidence the edenc virus can infect and harm embryonic cells that help form f the brain. >> there's an indication because the cells are generating daughter cells to populate the brain that means b there's a potential link n our r study we slow that after after infection there's an increase is in the cell. c >> reporter: these findings do not prove zeka causes auses condition in which a baby isch b born with a small head and a a brain that hasn't developedas properly. the study authors are urging u quick further research to findd out more. mor >> as a scientist we have been involved in society and maybetyy contributions right awayri because inbu general researcheac takes decades to have impactmp on society. in this case it could be very i fast. >> reporter: the mosquitoter: that carries the virus could arrive in the continental united states as early asta april or may. the obama administration is approve its emergency requestrgn for nearly $2 billion to combat sea isle ka. >> it's important for cans im congress not to be asleep at ase the switch.the swit >> reporter: the white houser: t announcing plans for a summit am next month helping statepi s officials learn how to control the spread of the zika virus and treat infections.nfection in new york, caron mchugh, fox f >> coming up fresh offer of oer his tour d.c. native rapper rap chaz french joining us in then loft. we'll talk about his latestes album and how he's gettingng noticed by big names in the music industry including d.c. own's wale. time now is 8:52 it's time to get out and explore. hidden among the trees. there's a special place. where getting away... brings us so much closer. spring into fun and save $50 with an all-inclusive ticket. busch gardens williamsburg. a whole other world awaits. >> ♪ >> oh, you are listening toteni chaz french. he has fans remembering thebeng words in his album titledum titd these things take time.e th the dmv native is making his mark in the hip hop world andhil he joins us in the loft to talk about his new along bum alg here we go right there blowingli up for you right here.ere. who are these people. >> that's my beautiful beaut daughter and there is my son lcaka little chaz. >> how old are they. >> she's two and he's nine months. >> you're a daddy. y >> yes, i'm proud. >> you're grinding away.grng a you just got off tour. o t about to go on tour again.tour a tell us a little bit about yourself. >> well, chaz french oncel, c again from the d.c. area grew up in pg county and just finding my mark in this musics m industry its been a journey. j it's been fun and it's beens worth it and i'm excited forxcir the future. f >> have you always beenave alwae rapping and in the hip hope h h world. >> yes, i've been doing music bo since i was about seven.en i started off playing thelang te drums in church.drums in c >> okay. >> and then i remember i goter g in trouble one day when i wass like eight or nine and ir ninend couldn't go outside so i just is started writing music. mus it wasn't that good as it ist tt now but, you know, it got me g m to this point. p >> so, everyone wants to knowe k how does a career get launchedhd like this. this. you're getting noticed by some e really big names. nam of course wale. we had wale in here severaler times and he's making his owng n name. you're good friends with him. >> yes. >> was that the connectiont that ultimately made it or -- >> actually, a friend of mine oe introduced me to my manageran dray and his partner raheemah devaughn. we have an independent music group called 368. that's who i was signed to. i >> i see. >> it was really about timeallyt and building my team and t my aa listening to them and themnd what i shouldn't do, how mucho,w time we should take to work onor this project, you know and just different outlets pretty much. >> so, what does this albumhat sort of talk about? what's the vibe? >> it's drops on the 15thop piggybacking off my first my fit project which dropped about aic year ago a as well happy belated. bela it's letting people knowenow whatever you want to do its a rapper a cook a artistrtist whatever it is, it's a process'a and you have to trust yourselfsu and you have to trust peopleust around you and you have to hav t understand the whole, youhole know, aspect of being patientate pretty much. >> okay. before we let you go, your next adventure.dventu >> i'm doing south byth b southwest.southw >> nice. >> march 15th it's in texas in t and the first event is hosteded by wale and a couple other coupt natives. >> in d.c. >> no, it's a an event thrownntw by event d.c. event d >> you guys need to come gs ne you're local people.eo what's wrong.what's wrong >> i just did a show with wale at the fill more for newl ore year's. >> come back.>>ome >> always. >> thank you for this. tnk y thanks for joining (all with worry-free ownership. colors in your neighborhood... head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... shift your thinking about buying your next one. - it may not always be obvious, but a careless 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(inspiring music) the health of our oceans, lakes, and rivers is in decline, and it's up to us to do what we can to restore these precious waters. that was quite a dive. join me, philippe cousteau, as we look at what's being done to save our environment on xploration awesome planet. (inspiring music) (guitar picking)

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