Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News At 425am 20130930 :

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News At 425am 20130930

derail president obama'siden healthcare reform. over the weekend, the houseuse passed a bill to avert a shutdown but included a one-year delay in parts of the healthcare we'll have much more on that shut dunn coming up in a few minutes. today is your last day to visit the national aquariumium in d.c. thes naig's oldest public aquarium is closing its doors. while there is hope for ae possible return to theo district down the road there is no guarantee. fox's lauren demarco explainsaro to what is happening to all the animals down there as well. >> reporter: just the small sunday snack of crickets for the al gators at d.c.'s national aquarium. they will be on their way to a brand new home and the staff doesn't want any upset stomaches on moving day. day the gators are heading to georgia but the majority of fish, reptiles and other animals here will be making the trip up i-95 to the national aquarium in baltimore. >> we've a truck we're going to make four runs per week.eek they're going to come down.own we're going to pack up an malz and bring them back up there. >> reporter: operations director david lynn said s eight squareium is beingg forced to shutdown because of necessary renovations to the t department of commercee building. >> the next phase cuts thets power to our facility. we can't stay here any longer. some options that potentially rerouteing power, but economically it wasn't a good idea. >> reporter: it's much smaller than its baltimore counterpart so the sea creatures have been wowing visitors for generations. it's moved location severalal times, but until now has remained in operation in d.c.since 1885. the aquarium moved here to to department of commerce building in 1932. self presidents have walked w these halls and most recently president obama's daughters visited on a trip with their girl scout troop. >> your favorite thing about today? >> i like seeing the dolphins. >> seeing the sharks and -- >> i got to see the snakes. >> alligator. >> reporter: for some families this was a first and last visit. >> we're planning on cominging here, when we saw it was the last day we thought we have to move quickly. >> sad because i want it to stay because it's fun here. >> reporter: a task force of board members is exploring the possibility of opening ag new and improved national aquarium in d.c.but if it i happen it is could take self years. >> it's all a matter of what we can come up with and what is feasible and what we cann afford at this point in time. >> reporter: in northwest washington, lauren demarco, fox 5 news. >> we still have plenty aheadhed this morning. your weather, traffic and all of your top stories. >> this is fox 5 morning news. >> good morning, 4:30 right now on this monday morning. a live being look at the t washington monument right there. all lit up in -- and beautiful for you, i'm sara system -- simmons, tucker here with the latest on the forecast. >> good morning.od >> how you doing? how was the weekend? the weekend was beautiful byauti the way. >> some clouds on saturday but yesterday was perfect. >> did you get rain? >> no rain this weekend, aken little bit of cloud cover coming through. now that i have my twitter page let me know when there not exactly happen with my weather forecast.wea >> there is multimultiplele ways to get a hold of you. >> doesn't matter where i am. you can find me. it, woulded out fine. 58 this morning at reagan national. 48 dulles and 51 at d.w.i.marshal. we're cool out there this morning, bus stop forecast, you want a jacket or a long sleeved shirt but we're going to warm up it. mid 70s later this afternoon. should be a lovely generally sunny. don't want to say it's going to be completely sunny. we do have cloudiness working through and a weak cold front, you see the lighter gray you see out to ohio that will get in here later today. no rain but it'll bring a little bit of cloud cover tor parts of the area. 76, generally sunny and another mild afternoon. >> love it. just now realizing, they'rere going to start talking withg them off. let's check in with steve. he is in for julia. >> good morning, we're going to start with the accident. this is on the ramp from southbound i. 97 on to route 32. it rooks like a tractor trailer involved and a possible fuel spill. so look for this now closing the ramp from southbound i. 97 to route 32 with authorities headed theres right now.t just happened a few minutes ago. we'll head over to aive look -- live look at 270. that is a very good rideod early this morning. no problems all wait down to 7 o. tuckerman lane it's the case c all the way down to the beltway. everything is oh, no delays right now. no early accidents or incidents on 95 or here on 395 right now. which is moving the way up from springfield to the 14th street bridge. hoar at the 14th street brimming you can see traffic moving nicely heading intoadin town from arlington into the center of town near new hampshire avenue where you see everything incident-freeent- moving well both sides of the beltway inner loop and outer loop. that is a look at your y traffic. >> thank you, steve.yo our bigu, story this morning m less than 24 hours now until the budget deadline. if democrats and republicans r did not reach a deal by midnight tonight a government shutdown will keep hundreds of thousands of federalal workers at home. we take a closer look at though will be directly impacted by this. >> reporter: the biggestgest impacts would be felt by federal workers here in washington, but the effects would ripple all across country. here is a look at what you can expect. if the shutdown happens, the nation's 401 national parksark would be shut down. you won't be able to apply a for a passport and applications in the worksork could be delay and first time home buyers can't apply for a mortgage or the process would be shut down but the shutdown sh would not affect social a security o medicare checksheck while post-offices woulds continue operating and activectv duty military would continue on their jobs. republicans aren't talking about the impacts of a shutdown but their democratic opponents certainly are. >> 800,000 federal workers will be the victims of this republican shutdown strategy but even more important it hurts our economy. we're just starting a recovery. >> as these americans curtail shopping, plan vacations orcati meals out with their families veterans benefits including pension payments and disability pay will be disrupted. loan guarantees for small business, farmers and rajers will old -- ranchers willers halt. >> the smithsonian museum in white house and white housete and congressional offices. off the impacts would be felt tuesday morning unless someme bargain is struck in the meantime. in washington. was steve sen tany, fox news. >> it has been 17 years since the last federal government shutdown. former president clinton wasnt in office at the time. yesterday mr. clinton talked about how this battle is different from the one he one went through with republicans. >> we didn't give away the store. they didn't ask us to give away the store.e it was' more like we got out here on the edge, meets give us something -- please givese us a face-saving way to walk back. we didn't stop negotiating. when we passed the budget bill bill there is no opportunity for that in this for usm. we don't have enough >>ug the american federation of government employees is is telling its members to report r to work as usually today. that includes everyone from maintenance to nurses to engineers. union representatives say the possibility of a shutdown is unacceptable and union members say it's hard not knowing what to expect. >> very frustrated. it's aggravating. i don't think uncertainty isy good for anybody. >> impacting services, impacting morale, you are impacting -- how do you know you are going to pay your mortgage next week? >> a government shutdown is a major possibility give theve fact that the house approved a bill to keep payingng soldiers in the event the government runs out of money. police in it fair fax county want to know if alcohol was a facture in a crash. the crash happened yesterday ye morning on the parkway north of brattic road. police say a man driving a mazda was killed when his car hit another car head-on. the couple in the other car was rushed to the hospital where the woman delivered the baby and the baby is in serious condition. traffic is moving smoothly onhly the bay bridge this morning but that was not the case last night. take a look at this. traffic was brought to a stand stihl for two hours after a fire broke out under the westbound span of the bridge. e fireres say th started in an area that was under construction. fortunately there were no injuries during there. engineers have finished inspecting but there is no word on what caused the fire. washington national's manager david johnson bid his final farewell to arizona in his fainl giem as a major leaguer. take a being look at it. the top of the 6th tied at one. then in the bottom of the 8th tied at 2 a.j.pollock with a grounder off the pitcher. the throw to first not in time. the gnats fall to d. backs 3-2 in the series finale in the final game of davy johnson's managerial career. >> that is enough for him. i'm not dropping off the face of the earth. i amie a still going to be around so i meet even see you guys who knows. anyway nice seeing you guys. good-bye. >> let's talk red skins. another poor start for the skins. first quarters raiders led by 7. , skins out of their fieldield goal then came a game changer, flynn would get picked off by the rookie. in the third quarter robert griffin the third hit pierre garsson for a five-yard touch don. the skins pull one out here winning 24-14 and are 1-33 heading into the biweek. preventing accidents. one group says too many people are hurt by vehicleseh that are backing up. how they're pushing for a change. but first syrian president assad vows to abide by the regulations about chemical weapons. too big. too small. too soft. too tasty. [ both laugh ] [ male announcer ] introducing progresso's new creamy alfredo soup. inspired by perfection. [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant >> welcome back, 4:40 on this monday morning, to the latest on the crisis in syria.syri the u.n. has adopted a resolution in hopes of stripping syrian president's regime ace of its chemicalch weapons. assad claims his regime will abide by this resolution. fox's marion rafferty has more. >> reporter: while the u.n.he security council has adopted a resolution to rid syria of its chemical weapons, some speculate whether the syrianan president will follow throughw t on his obligation.liga and wonder how other regimes will respond. >> so the syrians will probably cheat on any agreements. the russians won't help to enforce it. it. there are tough days ahead. >> reporter: assad says heys vows to abide by the resolution to rid his country of its estimated 1,000 tons of chemical arsenal by 2014. he adds the government agrees to join the internationaltion convention that out laws such arms. >> we join the internationaltern agreement for preventing the use and acquirement of chemical weapons so we have to comply. we have to come ply with ever e treat. >> reporter: the securityhe s council also paying closeing attention to syria's humanitarian more than 100,000 have been killed and some 2 million other syrians have fled during the two and a half-year-old civil war. some opted to lift in neighboring countries. other south shelter in ruins inside >>si the kids haven't been to school for two or three years. >> we never thought we'd have to rif with our families tolies look for a place to be safe. >> reporter: ann international team is t expected to arrive in syriasyr on tuesday to begin dismantling the country's chemical weapons stockpiles. in new york marion rafferty, fox news. helping you get a good night's rest. the test some doctors arector using to keep you off sleeping aids. the olympic torch is on the move. we're going to tell you about its journey around the world. >> i'll have all the details on your wok week. weatherwise looking good andod we have your traffic after the break. [ female announcer ] made just a little sweeter... because all these whole grains aren't healthy unless you actually eat them ♪ multigrain cheerios. also available in delicious peanut butter. healthy never tasted so sweet. we'll take something tasty and healthy. ♪ must be the honey! ♪ there's a party going on in your cereal bowl ♪ ♪ o's can help lower cholesterol ♪ ♪ oh why does it taste so great? ♪ ♪ hey! must be the honey! [ daughter ] hi mom. hey honey, the trip's greatat, very relaxing. are you sure you can't make it? but you come every year! you could be playing bingo right now! woooo! and there's movie night -- you love movies! [ laughs ] sorry honey, can't hear you -- bad connection. love you! [ laughs ] ♪ [ male announcer ] bold flavors for the bold hearted -- progresso heart healthy soup. [ female announcer ] it balances you... [ water crashing ] fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley... delicious granola bars made with the best ingredients in nature. nature valley. nature at its most delicious. >> welcome back, the olympic torch began its long journey around the glob ahead of the 2014 games in so so so so sochi. alex ovechkin was the first russian to run with the torch. it'll be carried neerls 50,000 miles including a trip to space. the latest space mission isiss under way. there is a more powerful version of its falcon rocket. the unmanned rocket will ro place a canadian science satellite into orbit alonglon with five smaller research pay the submission a test run for the company. it hopes to be able to sendend astronauts to the i.s.s. after a six-day delay the cigna space craft finallyinal docked with the international space station. more that be 1,000 pounds of cargo will be unloaded off of it today. the company was i a warded a a contract of almost $2 billion to supply the i. s. s. eight more supply missions are set to take place through t the year 2014. >> space channel here. c >> i know, we have a lot of space news.spac a lot of the privatehe companies that are involved t with it,ha you know. >> this -- >> huge change. >> space stations or space program is differently.ogr >> i can't do space weatherth but i can on planet earth. ear we look good today. a little cool to the start but later this afternoon mid-70s. >> nearly gorgeous day. >> yes, yes. in fact we're going -- why- are we having so much nicenice weather? >> don't question it.ue just go with it. it [laughter.] >> you know. >> there you go. y >> reagan national hit 77. dulles and marshall were in we the mid 70s there. 74, where we should be forld this time of year and we'll be here again today, but actually we have a warming trend over the next several days. we'll be up in the 80s for 80 much of the week. not going to be terribly hot t but warmer than it was' this weekend. 58 this morning in washington. 56 in anap police.ce. let me mention right now, i have my doubts that you were 34 degrees in culpepperlpep looking at the rest of the area temperatures. 46 out in within chester so -- winchester, temperaturesr, are cool. not sure in the 30s but certainly cool to start the morning. we'll warm up it and kids ki going to be outside here, we he are going to have cool conditions. cloud cover, might be a little fog developing outud c tt the west and that will be the b worst of the forecast. it is' not going to be a perfectly sunny day. we have period where we're we going to get cloudiness butudin we should remain dry. we have a cold front out here ou but it's going to bump in a big area of high pressure parked along the atlantic. same area of high pressure of that we've been talking about t for the better part of the week. as it rolls in we're really see it fall apart. no real organized convective the woir' going to be betweenete systems today and for us, that means nice. 76 today. generally nice conditions. nice afternoon but it'll be dry. wind out of the south at about 5. partly cloudy and cool. here is wampletsing trend. notice the try trend tr continues as well. back in the 80s tomorrow. perhaps some showers with a cold front by second half of saturday. saturday night into earlyay sunday. n maybe some shower activity. that is the way. that is the weather forecast. let's go to steve with the t roads this morning, good morning. >> good morning, tucker,tuck we're going to take a look atlo the accident scene. this is an accident. now we're hearing it's two tractor trailers on the rampthe from southbound i. 97 to route 32 involving a potential fuel spill.pill one of the tractor trailersctor lost his load in the roadway so it's a mess. the ramp from southbound 97ound to route 32 is closed. 97 is open on 32. you can't get between them from southbound 97 on to southbound 32. that ramp is closed. that could be quite a while. we'll head over to the beltway. a good ride. headlights heading towardsward you. the outer loop, college park, no problems there. we'll head over to virginia on to 66 and manassas wide open. no problems, no delays. no incidents. a little farther in on 66 before you get to beltway problem-free. maryland route 50 at route 202 as you head throughro landover heading into int chevrolety and into town we're new york avenue at platensburg road.nsbu very light volume to show you so down at that is a look at your fox 5 ontime traffic. >> thank you, we hear about these accidents far too often. blind spots to blame for crashes when drivers arere b u back over accidents causes nearly 300 the deaths a here and activist are suing the sui department of transportationorta demanding it ep acts a safety regulation already passed by congress. fox's brian explains.ri >> reporter: onean of thoseof parents who filed the lawsuit against the department ofent transportation on wednesday is sueson from new york.or in 2005 she hit and injured i her three-year-old daughter d kate while backing out of her drive. >> i hit her with the car, was able to hear her screams and found what i thought maybe someone elses childhild lying on the drive. she was bleeding from head to toavment she was screaming and asking me why i hit her hit with the car. i said, kate, i didn't seedn't you. i didn't know urn there. it was' that simple. i didn't see her. >> reporter: luckily kate ka suffered no life-threatening lif injuries but the incidentnt changed itself woman forever. now a safety advocate for kids and she is sh part of a group suing the d.tovment for not issuing a safety rule passed by by congress in 2008 which requires now cars to have improved rear view visibility specifically with rear view cameras by 12011. more than two years and four delays later, the d.o.t. has yet to issue the safety rules. >> congress directed theirec department of transportation to issue a regular -- regulation so there is a standard for all drivers, not, just those who request afford to ad a camera, everyoneer should be able to seea, whenen they're backing up. safety shouldn't be on option. >> 292 people a year arere killed by cars backing up. 18,000 are injured.ju 44% of the deaths are kids k under the age of five. f the d.o.t. declined too. comment to us. the lawsuit asks the t department of transportation to issue the rule within 90 days. in new york, brian yanes, foxs, news. >> are you counting shown at night? glasses of warm milk aren't mi helping you to get shut-eye?ey doctoring figure out what is i keeping you up at night. find out how it works afterork the break.reak time now 4:52. [ laughter ] he loves me. he loves me not. he loves me. he loves me not. ♪ he loves me! that's right. [ mom ] warm and flaky in 15, everyone loves pillsbury grands! [ girl ] make dinner pop! so i should probably get the last roll... yeah but i practiced my bassoon. [ mom ] and i listened. [ brother ] i can do this. [ imitates robot ] everyone deserves ooey, gooey, pillsbury cinnamon rolls. make the weekend pop. everyone deserves ooey, gooey, pillsbury cinnamon rolls. [ mom ] in my family, so we just look for this g.. 'cause general mills makes over 40 yummy flavors that are 130 calories or less per serving. and they're packed with vitamins and minerals. from lucky charms to cheerios. over 40 cereals. 130 calories or less. [ laughs ] ♪ [ female announcer ] hey ladies. you love it. you've got to have it. cinnamon toast crunch, 'cause that cinnamon and sugar is so irresistible. everybody craves those crazy squares.® >> welcome back.>> since there has been a recent increase in americans relying on prescription sleeping pills, researchers in had california are researching peoples' sleep cycles, fox's dominic has the latest on a new technology to help peopleple get a good night's sleep. >> reporter: they call it a sleep profiler. >> what it consists of is some electrodes resms phil west brooke is a a sleep disorder expert who helped design the monitor. m it records multiple body signals. >> the snoring, pulse rate and the head movements can be used to identify little brief physiological arousals orals what we call autonomic nervous system arousals in conjunction with the brain wave ariewls. >> reporter: that gives anives idea of how dpragmentedted someone's sleep is. >>le many people wake up intermittently but string together all the little wake ups and think they were awake continuously because we think that that is a sleep dismemory. >> reporter: here is the next h step in sleep technology. a.b.m.sleep mask. if heats the eye area to drop off faster and cancels outut noise, it eases blue lights to ensure the user wakes up alert. the u.s. nursery helped fund it and it wanted to avoid the groggy effect of combat sleep meds on solder. >> if your base is being attacked you need to be able to wake up and fight back immediately. you don't have the times to be dwrogyve or the times to bee trying to figure out what isis going on. you have to get up, be ready to go and go fight. >> reporter: the mask is still being develop and it could be one day used to help truck drivers or those who need chrystal alertness. the sleep profiler is prescribed by your doctor. all you have to do is go to advanced brain to startri with this. th as for pills, cognitive behavior therapy is making great grounds in thesing people with insomnia. >> tick tock, a government shutdown looms and there is little hope congress willpe c strike a deal to keepo hundreds of thousands ofh people on the job. melanie joins us live to break town what needs to -- down what needs to happen. you l. and these are the ones you'll love on a school night. pillsbury crescent dogs. with just a few ingredients, you have an easy dinner. pillsbury crescents. make dinner pop! [ pop ] [ hans ] toaster strudel! [ angelic music plays ] don't overthink it. [ hans ] warm, flakey, gooey. toaster strudel! we'e'll take something tasty and healthy. ♪ ♪ if you wanna go and fly with me ♪ ♪ it's buzz the bee on your tv ♪ ♪ oh how did i get this way? ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ there's a party going on in your cereal bowl ♪ ♪ o's can help lower cholesterol ♪ ♪ oh why does it taste so great? ♪ ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good for me around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of craving something that i can't have ♪ ♪ turn around barbara ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ try new fiber one cinnamon coffee cake. >> this is fox 5 morning news. >> good morning, everyone,, coming up here on 5:00, a a live look over washington, d.c. . this morning another fall-like day out there. we're enjoying it. we couldn't complain aboutmpla this weather that we've been having. areer said people are starting to question why are we having such nice weather. i said don't question it. >> good morning, i'm sara system soms. >> i'm alison. i'm in complete agreement but b we feel like maybe we don't deserve it or switz going tog be bad. i've sthaid. >> there are people, yes.eo >> we'repl going to pay.o >> yeah. >> switz going to get us -- switz going to get -- winter is going to get us back. sunshine expected. and all in all, nice forecast. a nice dry pattern. if anything we could use the rain as we've been rather dry for the past month. >> we have. >> 59 this morning in washington. 57 new york city. out to the west, we have a 61. we have a warm-up in store. today, last few days mid up toker 07's but back to the 80s for much of the week. >> return of the 80s, so we'll have sunshine and ashin return of the 80s, there

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Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News At 425am 20130930 :

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News At 425am 20130930

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derail president obama'siden healthcare reform. over the weekend, the houseuse passed a bill to avert a shutdown but included a one-year delay in parts of the healthcare we'll have much more on that shut dunn coming up in a few minutes. today is your last day to visit the national aquariumium in d.c. thes naig's oldest public aquarium is closing its doors. while there is hope for ae possible return to theo district down the road there is no guarantee. fox's lauren demarco explainsaro to what is happening to all the animals down there as well. >> reporter: just the small sunday snack of crickets for the al gators at d.c.'s national aquarium. they will be on their way to a brand new home and the staff doesn't want any upset stomaches on moving day. day the gators are heading to georgia but the majority of fish, reptiles and other animals here will be making the trip up i-95 to the national aquarium in baltimore. >> we've a truck we're going to make four runs per week.eek they're going to come down.own we're going to pack up an malz and bring them back up there. >> reporter: operations director david lynn said s eight squareium is beingg forced to shutdown because of necessary renovations to the t department of commercee building. >> the next phase cuts thets power to our facility. we can't stay here any longer. some options that potentially rerouteing power, but economically it wasn't a good idea. >> reporter: it's much smaller than its baltimore counterpart so the sea creatures have been wowing visitors for generations. it's moved location severalal times, but until now has remained in operation in d.c.since 1885. the aquarium moved here to to department of commerce building in 1932. self presidents have walked w these halls and most recently president obama's daughters visited on a trip with their girl scout troop. >> your favorite thing about today? >> i like seeing the dolphins. >> seeing the sharks and -- >> i got to see the snakes. >> alligator. >> reporter: for some families this was a first and last visit. >> we're planning on cominging here, when we saw it was the last day we thought we have to move quickly. >> sad because i want it to stay because it's fun here. >> reporter: a task force of board members is exploring the possibility of opening ag new and improved national aquarium in d.c.but if it i happen it is could take self years. >> it's all a matter of what we can come up with and what is feasible and what we cann afford at this point in time. >> reporter: in northwest washington, lauren demarco, fox 5 news. >> we still have plenty aheadhed this morning. your weather, traffic and all of your top stories. >> this is fox 5 morning news. >> good morning, 4:30 right now on this monday morning. a live being look at the t washington monument right there. all lit up in -- and beautiful for you, i'm sara system -- simmons, tucker here with the latest on the forecast. >> good morning.od >> how you doing? how was the weekend? the weekend was beautiful byauti the way. >> some clouds on saturday but yesterday was perfect. >> did you get rain? >> no rain this weekend, aken little bit of cloud cover coming through. now that i have my twitter page let me know when there not exactly happen with my weather forecast.wea >> there is multimultiplele ways to get a hold of you. >> doesn't matter where i am. you can find me. it, woulded out fine. 58 this morning at reagan national. 48 dulles and 51 at d.w.i.marshal. we're cool out there this morning, bus stop forecast, you want a jacket or a long sleeved shirt but we're going to warm up it. mid 70s later this afternoon. should be a lovely generally sunny. don't want to say it's going to be completely sunny. we do have cloudiness working through and a weak cold front, you see the lighter gray you see out to ohio that will get in here later today. no rain but it'll bring a little bit of cloud cover tor parts of the area. 76, generally sunny and another mild afternoon. >> love it. just now realizing, they'rere going to start talking withg them off. let's check in with steve. he is in for julia. >> good morning, we're going to start with the accident. this is on the ramp from southbound i. 97 on to route 32. it rooks like a tractor trailer involved and a possible fuel spill. so look for this now closing the ramp from southbound i. 97 to route 32 with authorities headed theres right now.t just happened a few minutes ago. we'll head over to aive look -- live look at 270. that is a very good rideod early this morning. no problems all wait down to 7 o. tuckerman lane it's the case c all the way down to the beltway. everything is oh, no delays right now. no early accidents or incidents on 95 or here on 395 right now. which is moving the way up from springfield to the 14th street bridge. hoar at the 14th street brimming you can see traffic moving nicely heading intoadin town from arlington into the center of town near new hampshire avenue where you see everything incident-freeent- moving well both sides of the beltway inner loop and outer loop. that is a look at your y traffic. >> thank you, steve.yo our bigu, story this morning m less than 24 hours now until the budget deadline. if democrats and republicans r did not reach a deal by midnight tonight a government shutdown will keep hundreds of thousands of federalal workers at home. we take a closer look at though will be directly impacted by this. >> reporter: the biggestgest impacts would be felt by federal workers here in washington, but the effects would ripple all across country. here is a look at what you can expect. if the shutdown happens, the nation's 401 national parksark would be shut down. you won't be able to apply a for a passport and applications in the worksork could be delay and first time home buyers can't apply for a mortgage or the process would be shut down but the shutdown sh would not affect social a security o medicare checksheck while post-offices woulds continue operating and activectv duty military would continue on their jobs. republicans aren't talking about the impacts of a shutdown but their democratic opponents certainly are. >> 800,000 federal workers will be the victims of this republican shutdown strategy but even more important it hurts our economy. we're just starting a recovery. >> as these americans curtail shopping, plan vacations orcati meals out with their families veterans benefits including pension payments and disability pay will be disrupted. loan guarantees for small business, farmers and rajers will old -- ranchers willers halt. >> the smithsonian museum in white house and white housete and congressional offices. off the impacts would be felt tuesday morning unless someme bargain is struck in the meantime. in washington. was steve sen tany, fox news. >> it has been 17 years since the last federal government shutdown. former president clinton wasnt in office at the time. yesterday mr. clinton talked about how this battle is different from the one he one went through with republicans. >> we didn't give away the store. they didn't ask us to give away the store.e it was' more like we got out here on the edge, meets give us something -- please givese us a face-saving way to walk back. we didn't stop negotiating. when we passed the budget bill bill there is no opportunity for that in this for usm. we don't have enough >>ug the american federation of government employees is is telling its members to report r to work as usually today. that includes everyone from maintenance to nurses to engineers. union representatives say the possibility of a shutdown is unacceptable and union members say it's hard not knowing what to expect. >> very frustrated. it's aggravating. i don't think uncertainty isy good for anybody. >> impacting services, impacting morale, you are impacting -- how do you know you are going to pay your mortgage next week? >> a government shutdown is a major possibility give theve fact that the house approved a bill to keep payingng soldiers in the event the government runs out of money. police in it fair fax county want to know if alcohol was a facture in a crash. the crash happened yesterday ye morning on the parkway north of brattic road. police say a man driving a mazda was killed when his car hit another car head-on. the couple in the other car was rushed to the hospital where the woman delivered the baby and the baby is in serious condition. traffic is moving smoothly onhly the bay bridge this morning but that was not the case last night. take a look at this. traffic was brought to a stand stihl for two hours after a fire broke out under the westbound span of the bridge. e fireres say th started in an area that was under construction. fortunately there were no injuries during there. engineers have finished inspecting but there is no word on what caused the fire. washington national's manager david johnson bid his final farewell to arizona in his fainl giem as a major leaguer. take a being look at it. the top of the 6th tied at one. then in the bottom of the 8th tied at 2 a.j.pollock with a grounder off the pitcher. the throw to first not in time. the gnats fall to d. backs 3-2 in the series finale in the final game of davy johnson's managerial career. >> that is enough for him. i'm not dropping off the face of the earth. i amie a still going to be around so i meet even see you guys who knows. anyway nice seeing you guys. good-bye. >> let's talk red skins. another poor start for the skins. first quarters raiders led by 7. , skins out of their fieldield goal then came a game changer, flynn would get picked off by the rookie. in the third quarter robert griffin the third hit pierre garsson for a five-yard touch don. the skins pull one out here winning 24-14 and are 1-33 heading into the biweek. preventing accidents. one group says too many people are hurt by vehicleseh that are backing up. how they're pushing for a change. but first syrian president assad vows to abide by the regulations about chemical weapons. too big. too small. too soft. too tasty. [ both laugh ] [ male announcer ] introducing progresso's new creamy alfredo soup. inspired by perfection. [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant >> welcome back, 4:40 on this monday morning, to the latest on the crisis in syria.syri the u.n. has adopted a resolution in hopes of stripping syrian president's regime ace of its chemicalch weapons. assad claims his regime will abide by this resolution. fox's marion rafferty has more. >> reporter: while the u.n.he security council has adopted a resolution to rid syria of its chemical weapons, some speculate whether the syrianan president will follow throughw t on his obligation.liga and wonder how other regimes will respond. >> so the syrians will probably cheat on any agreements. the russians won't help to enforce it. it. there are tough days ahead. >> reporter: assad says heys vows to abide by the resolution to rid his country of its estimated 1,000 tons of chemical arsenal by 2014. he adds the government agrees to join the internationaltion convention that out laws such arms. >> we join the internationaltern agreement for preventing the use and acquirement of chemical weapons so we have to comply. we have to come ply with ever e treat. >> reporter: the securityhe s council also paying closeing attention to syria's humanitarian more than 100,000 have been killed and some 2 million other syrians have fled during the two and a half-year-old civil war. some opted to lift in neighboring countries. other south shelter in ruins inside >>si the kids haven't been to school for two or three years. >> we never thought we'd have to rif with our families tolies look for a place to be safe. >> reporter: ann international team is t expected to arrive in syriasyr on tuesday to begin dismantling the country's chemical weapons stockpiles. in new york marion rafferty, fox news. helping you get a good night's rest. the test some doctors arector using to keep you off sleeping aids. the olympic torch is on the move. we're going to tell you about its journey around the world. >> i'll have all the details on your wok week. weatherwise looking good andod we have your traffic after the break. [ female announcer ] made just a little sweeter... because all these whole grains aren't healthy unless you actually eat them ♪ multigrain cheerios. also available in delicious peanut butter. healthy never tasted so sweet. we'll take something tasty and healthy. ♪ must be the honey! ♪ there's a party going on in your cereal bowl ♪ ♪ o's can help lower cholesterol ♪ ♪ oh why does it taste so great? ♪ ♪ hey! must be the honey! [ daughter ] hi mom. hey honey, the trip's greatat, very relaxing. are you sure you can't make it? but you come every year! you could be playing bingo right now! woooo! and there's movie night -- you love movies! [ laughs ] sorry honey, can't hear you -- bad connection. love you! [ laughs ] ♪ [ male announcer ] bold flavors for the bold hearted -- progresso heart healthy soup. [ female announcer ] it balances you... [ water crashing ] fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley... delicious granola bars made with the best ingredients in nature. nature valley. nature at its most delicious. >> welcome back, the olympic torch began its long journey around the glob ahead of the 2014 games in so so so so sochi. alex ovechkin was the first russian to run with the torch. it'll be carried neerls 50,000 miles including a trip to space. the latest space mission isiss under way. there is a more powerful version of its falcon rocket. the unmanned rocket will ro place a canadian science satellite into orbit alonglon with five smaller research pay the submission a test run for the company. it hopes to be able to sendend astronauts to the i.s.s. after a six-day delay the cigna space craft finallyinal docked with the international space station. more that be 1,000 pounds of cargo will be unloaded off of it today. the company was i a warded a a contract of almost $2 billion to supply the i. s. s. eight more supply missions are set to take place through t the year 2014. >> space channel here. c >> i know, we have a lot of space news.spac a lot of the privatehe companies that are involved t with it,ha you know. >> this -- >> huge change. >> space stations or space program is differently.ogr >> i can't do space weatherth but i can on planet earth. ear we look good today. a little cool to the start but later this afternoon mid-70s. >> nearly gorgeous day. >> yes, yes. in fact we're going -- why- are we having so much nicenice weather? >> don't question it.ue just go with it. it [laughter.] >> you know. >> there you go. y >> reagan national hit 77. dulles and marshall were in we the mid 70s there. 74, where we should be forld this time of year and we'll be here again today, but actually we have a warming trend over the next several days. we'll be up in the 80s for 80 much of the week. not going to be terribly hot t but warmer than it was' this weekend. 58 this morning in washington. 56 in anap police.ce. let me mention right now, i have my doubts that you were 34 degrees in culpepperlpep looking at the rest of the area temperatures. 46 out in within chester so -- winchester, temperaturesr, are cool. not sure in the 30s but certainly cool to start the morning. we'll warm up it and kids ki going to be outside here, we he are going to have cool conditions. cloud cover, might be a little fog developing outud c tt the west and that will be the b worst of the forecast. it is' not going to be a perfectly sunny day. we have period where we're we going to get cloudiness butudin we should remain dry. we have a cold front out here ou but it's going to bump in a big area of high pressure parked along the atlantic. same area of high pressure of that we've been talking about t for the better part of the week. as it rolls in we're really see it fall apart. no real organized convective the woir' going to be betweenete systems today and for us, that means nice. 76 today. generally nice conditions. nice afternoon but it'll be dry. wind out of the south at about 5. partly cloudy and cool. here is wampletsing trend. notice the try trend tr continues as well. back in the 80s tomorrow. perhaps some showers with a cold front by second half of saturday. saturday night into earlyay sunday. n maybe some shower activity. that is the way. that is the weather forecast. let's go to steve with the t roads this morning, good morning. >> good morning, tucker,tuck we're going to take a look atlo the accident scene. this is an accident. now we're hearing it's two tractor trailers on the rampthe from southbound i. 97 to route 32 involving a potential fuel spill.pill one of the tractor trailersctor lost his load in the roadway so it's a mess. the ramp from southbound 97ound to route 32 is closed. 97 is open on 32. you can't get between them from southbound 97 on to southbound 32. that ramp is closed. that could be quite a while. we'll head over to the beltway. a good ride. headlights heading towardsward you. the outer loop, college park, no problems there. we'll head over to virginia on to 66 and manassas wide open. no problems, no delays. no incidents. a little farther in on 66 before you get to beltway problem-free. maryland route 50 at route 202 as you head throughro landover heading into int chevrolety and into town we're new york avenue at platensburg road.nsbu very light volume to show you so down at that is a look at your fox 5 ontime traffic. >> thank you, we hear about these accidents far too often. blind spots to blame for crashes when drivers arere b u back over accidents causes nearly 300 the deaths a here and activist are suing the sui department of transportationorta demanding it ep acts a safety regulation already passed by congress. fox's brian explains.ri >> reporter: onean of thoseof parents who filed the lawsuit against the department ofent transportation on wednesday is sueson from new york.or in 2005 she hit and injured i her three-year-old daughter d kate while backing out of her drive. >> i hit her with the car, was able to hear her screams and found what i thought maybe someone elses childhild lying on the drive. she was bleeding from head to toavment she was screaming and asking me why i hit her hit with the car. i said, kate, i didn't seedn't you. i didn't know urn there. it was' that simple. i didn't see her. >> reporter: luckily kate ka suffered no life-threatening lif injuries but the incidentnt changed itself woman forever. now a safety advocate for kids and she is sh part of a group suing the d.tovment for not issuing a safety rule passed by by congress in 2008 which requires now cars to have improved rear view visibility specifically with rear view cameras by 12011. more than two years and four delays later, the d.o.t. has yet to issue the safety rules. >> congress directed theirec department of transportation to issue a regular -- regulation so there is a standard for all drivers, not, just those who request afford to ad a camera, everyoneer should be able to seea, whenen they're backing up. safety shouldn't be on option. >> 292 people a year arere killed by cars backing up. 18,000 are injured.ju 44% of the deaths are kids k under the age of five. f the d.o.t. declined too. comment to us. the lawsuit asks the t department of transportation to issue the rule within 90 days. in new york, brian yanes, foxs, news. >> are you counting shown at night? glasses of warm milk aren't mi helping you to get shut-eye?ey doctoring figure out what is i keeping you up at night. find out how it works afterork the break.reak time now 4:52. [ laughter ] he loves me. he loves me not. he loves me. he loves me not. ♪ he loves me! that's right. [ mom ] warm and flaky in 15, everyone loves pillsbury grands! [ girl ] make dinner pop! so i should probably get the last roll... yeah but i practiced my bassoon. [ mom ] and i listened. [ brother ] i can do this. [ imitates robot ] everyone deserves ooey, gooey, pillsbury cinnamon rolls. make the weekend pop. everyone deserves ooey, gooey, pillsbury cinnamon rolls. [ mom ] in my family, so we just look for this g.. 'cause general mills makes over 40 yummy flavors that are 130 calories or less per serving. and they're packed with vitamins and minerals. from lucky charms to cheerios. over 40 cereals. 130 calories or less. [ laughs ] ♪ [ female announcer ] hey ladies. you love it. you've got to have it. cinnamon toast crunch, 'cause that cinnamon and sugar is so irresistible. everybody craves those crazy squares.® >> welcome back.>> since there has been a recent increase in americans relying on prescription sleeping pills, researchers in had california are researching peoples' sleep cycles, fox's dominic has the latest on a new technology to help peopleple get a good night's sleep. >> reporter: they call it a sleep profiler. >> what it consists of is some electrodes resms phil west brooke is a a sleep disorder expert who helped design the monitor. m it records multiple body signals. >> the snoring, pulse rate and the head movements can be used to identify little brief physiological arousals orals what we call autonomic nervous system arousals in conjunction with the brain wave ariewls. >> reporter: that gives anives idea of how dpragmentedted someone's sleep is. >>le many people wake up intermittently but string together all the little wake ups and think they were awake continuously because we think that that is a sleep dismemory. >> reporter: here is the next h step in sleep technology. a.b.m.sleep mask. if heats the eye area to drop off faster and cancels outut noise, it eases blue lights to ensure the user wakes up alert. the u.s. nursery helped fund it and it wanted to avoid the groggy effect of combat sleep meds on solder. >> if your base is being attacked you need to be able to wake up and fight back immediately. you don't have the times to be dwrogyve or the times to bee trying to figure out what isis going on. you have to get up, be ready to go and go fight. >> reporter: the mask is still being develop and it could be one day used to help truck drivers or those who need chrystal alertness. the sleep profiler is prescribed by your doctor. all you have to do is go to advanced brain to startri with this. th as for pills, cognitive behavior therapy is making great grounds in thesing people with insomnia. >> tick tock, a government shutdown looms and there is little hope congress willpe c strike a deal to keepo hundreds of thousands ofh people on the job. melanie joins us live to break town what needs to -- down what needs to happen. you l. and these are the ones you'll love on a school night. pillsbury crescent dogs. with just a few ingredients, you have an easy dinner. pillsbury crescents. make dinner pop! [ pop ] [ hans ] toaster strudel! [ angelic music plays ] don't overthink it. [ hans ] warm, flakey, gooey. toaster strudel! we'e'll take something tasty and healthy. ♪ ♪ if you wanna go and fly with me ♪ ♪ it's buzz the bee on your tv ♪ ♪ oh how did i get this way? ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ there's a party going on in your cereal bowl ♪ ♪ o's can help lower cholesterol ♪ ♪ oh why does it taste so great? ♪ ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ hey! must be the honey! ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good for me around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of craving something that i can't have ♪ ♪ turn around barbara ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ try new fiber one cinnamon coffee cake. >> this is fox 5 morning news. >> good morning, everyone,, coming up here on 5:00, a a live look over washington, d.c. . this morning another fall-like day out there. we're enjoying it. we couldn't complain aboutmpla this weather that we've been having. areer said people are starting to question why are we having such nice weather. i said don't question it. >> good morning, i'm sara system soms. >> i'm alison. i'm in complete agreement but b we feel like maybe we don't deserve it or switz going tog be bad. i've sthaid. >> there are people, yes.eo >> we'repl going to pay.o >> yeah. >> switz going to get us -- switz going to get -- winter is going to get us back. sunshine expected. and all in all, nice forecast. a nice dry pattern. if anything we could use the rain as we've been rather dry for the past month. >> we have. >> 59 this morning in washington. 57 new york city. out to the west, we have a 61. we have a warm-up in store. today, last few days mid up toker 07's but back to the 80s for much of the week. >> return of the 80s, so we'll have sunshine and ashin return of the 80s, there

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