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One in new york. Yor president obama has given russia until noon today to leave the compound. On thursday, when the newsnhe came out, president obama saidai all americans should be be alarmed by russias actions aio and in a bold step the white house hand down a set of punishments for russia targeting the spy agencies andgd diplomats that the u. S. Says thy were trying meddle in the i recent president ial election. Now the stasidete dntepartment n also kicking out 35 russian rsi diplomats and their families f from the embassy here as i i just mentioned and were toldred that they have 72 hours to hourt leave the country and the move also freezes their u. S. Assets t and blocks americans from doing business with russia. Rusi russia denies the hacking hki allegations but just now we we heard from the Russian Foreign minister proposing to expel 35 3 u. S. Diplomats in response totsp the sanctions over the allegeded election hacks and closing twono facilities in moscow in i response to the sanctions so aeo lot happening right now thisnint morning. Theres also been a lot ofalso b reaction over the news. Senators john mccain lindseyohn graham as well as the speaker of thewell h aouse, paul ryan, l called the sanctions long l overdocument we also spoke tot s one woman who lives here aer a Russian National and she believes the sanctions arens a senseless and part off political games. L games. Take a listen. Lte it seems to me quite mui strange because i think that american president is leaving li now so his actions like thisikes are really strange for russians. Reporter and in a statement yesterday, elect ele president elect donald trumpelec released this statement in part saying its time for our tr country to move on to bigger big and better things. Hing i will be meeting with leaders a of the intelligence communitymuy next week in order to be updated on the facts of this tuation. N. But again, all quiet thisuiet ts morning right outside thet tsid Russian Embassy. Embassy we are told by the director ofto Public Affairs that the ambassador may be speaking outao later this morning. R. Thats the very latest hereer from northwest, annie yu fox55 local news. Friends will hold a vigil for fr a d. C. Man killed in a policeinvolved shooting. 29yearold gerald hall wasld h shot by police on christmashrtm day. The vigil will be held at thee h site of the shooting on the the 3200 block of walnut street inei northeast tonight at 7 00 p. M. His family says today wouldod have been hauls 30th birthday. Birthday. D. C. Fire and ems responded d to a call for a unconsciousncono child on new york avenueonew yoe northeast. One month old christophernth d h conley jr. Was taken to the hospital in grave condition. Con he later died. Earlier this month the medical examiner found the cause of death blunt neck and headandead trauma. Trau conleys death was ruled a was a homicide. Police arrested his mother mot 26yearold deanna debrowconley in philadelphia. Di she now faces first degree dre murder charges. Haes. D. C. Police also arrestedlsod an 18yearold man foror allegedly attempting toemg to sexually assault a hotelel employee in northwest. West. Police say arent nest towes t Augustine Mendoza snuck into snk the grand hyatt washingtonhi hotel back in november armed aed with a knife and saw a womanom employee and attempted to get to hes been charged with assault u with intent to commit sexualse abuse while armed. Abus a taxi driver in criticaldriv coerndition after being shot att an apartment complex in anneplen arrundel county. Ounty. Skyfox was over the scene. As o happened just before 6 00 last night on benz drive in bdr annapolis. Police say the driver left theee scene before calling for help. E. At this point police dontpoin have a suspect or a motive. We have new videous thipectsi morning to show you after a a deadly hitandrun in the in e district. Distri a dark colored suv whichv w youll see shortly wasly was captured leaving the scene the s following the accidentowing the wednesday in northwest. Thwe Jacqueline Cole was walking inki the crosswalk along 14th street and parkwood place whenae she was hit by that dark that d colored suv. The driver took awesome cole was rushed to the hospital where she laterooed d tied fromr injuries. If you have any information about the call or thethe ca or driver car or the driver dve please call d. C. Police. C. Poli. More questions remain this morning over how the manestion m accused of murdering tricia trii mccauley managed to freely man walk the streets after so manyfo run in also with the law. Mccauley was a local yogaog teacher found dead in her carerc earlier this week after goingng police say the suspected killer Adrian Duane Johnson jns skipped Court Appearances andncd days before the murder failedmud to show uper to get a gps tracking device he had beene hee ordered to wear. Or well be talking with the deputy mayor for Public Safety t at 8 30 to try to get some some answers. Tucker barnes hey not a bad b way to end the year today not today but this weekend. Weee Colder Weather moves in. I did you flows that thisyou morning. Im in a rush this morning. Cold is cold to me. Fl rushd me. Yeah, yeah. Yea cold and breezy conditions,di thats the bottom line but maybe a flurry today. Ay ooh, ooh. Okay. Maybe a flurry. Lurr maybe. 38 this morning inorningn washington. Shin 34 out at dulles, bwi marshall 35 degrees. The wind is picked up. Wind chills generally in the 20s and low 30wis. Nds ge 30 there you go, winds out of thef west in the north and west atd t about 10 to 15. 10 here in the city. Her looks like 12 in frederick, 15 in hager2 stinown. So, bottom line is breezy andezd Cool Conditions for your your friday. Frid but generally sunny. Sun well get some periods ofds o cloudiness. You might get a flur it. Look at the lake effect snows moving in from the north and wee stla akend theyrefrom slam the mountains out to the west and out there well talk about t some pretty good snows, maybe, y six to 10inches in thehe mountains out to our west. Wow. A winter storm warning outr thstorere. For us east of the mountainsntas were going to be partly sunnypy and chilly today with highshs about 40 or so this afternoon. So, make sure you have thate tha cool new jacket that santa sta brought you when you go outouo o later today. Egrees. Ees. Much colder. Much cr. Weekend forecast we got lots going on. G o redskins game, new years eve,se maybe some snow on the seven day . Will you share coming up atat 6 15. 6 15. If youll let me. I will do. F f course. Check in with erin get a of look at the roads thishis morning. Good morning. Qet ill quiet in terms of congestion but we have someon b crashes you need to be awareutea ofwa. Bw parkway southboundouthboun previously all lanes shut downhn coming down from the baltimoreae area out by i195. I95 that incident has moved to the shoulder. It was an earlier vehicler vehie fire. Fi to 695. Route one, 95 southbound much better bets to get towards thetg capital beltway. New crash on 270 southboundca by 370. And 95 northbound out by 610. 10 so watch for that coming up up from stafford. Taord. Well get those maps for you. Aside from that very light light volume as i mentioned. Congestion free on 50 inbound id through annapolis. Ugh an getting inside the beltway btw through cheverly youre quiet. Er through oxon hill inner loopnerp moving along fine. Movingng 395 looks good. Gd. 66 still wide opened. Coming from clef chase all ofhae our secondaries in good shaped s like wisconsin massachusettsuset connecticut. Gw parkway is problem free through alexandria. Ria. And the top of the beltway b looks good through collegeod t park. We are volume free there. Re metro right now is on time. T ill let you know if thatit changes. Well keep you updated on w aysed o to get around on new yearss eve. How do you like that. Ikat. Basically its a smilelymi face emoji. Emo can you make the smilelyhe si face for me . No. O. Im trying. Take it away. Wa i did it. D it let me see. Mine was the one with all thel h teeth that goes okay, bye. Thanks very much. If you want something sweethinge this new year. Theyre partnering with most post. Post. Well have more on theve m security preparations next. Tionx its a product that many man women use but two women arere suing the company and have a warning for women who use this i product thats on your screen. s that story coming up next. Ext. If it holds, a syrian ceasefire could lead to peace talks next month. If thire ceasefire agreemente co between the government andee got rebel groups started earlyed this morning. Ni. The truce was worked out byuce a russia and turkey and isan i supported by the rebel groups. P six years of war in syria have v left more than a quarter of auaf Million People dead andple d sparked a massive refugeessiv rf crisis all across europe. E here in the u. S. A texas a t woman is dead and two of herwo daughters were injured afterin falling from a colorado skiing lift. Fr the tragic accident happenedcide yesterday morning. Mor the mom and her churn fellrn nearly 20 feet from a four a person chair lift at ski granby ranch about an hour andah a half away from denver. En fans of debbie reynoldseyno gathered to pay tribute. Erib the legendary actress diedactred wednesday at the age of 84at tho just one day after the death of her daughter carrie fisher. Death was too much for his mother to bear. Bea one colorado lawmaker ismake concerned they shouldnt haveulh to pay a tax on them. Colorado is one of four statesus to place a tax on feminineem hygiene products. Giene produ a tax would evolve aroundlve whether the state could afford less revenue. The number of Police Officers killed in the line duty rose in 2016 accordi tngo reports from january 1stua through this past wednesday. Sday 135 officers lost their lives. V some died in traffic accidents but nearly half of them werelf shot to death and thats a 56 percent increase in i shooting deaths over the ove previous year. Of the 64 who were fatally shot, 21 were killed in ambush attacks. Security preps now under way. R a total of 65 garbage trucks t will be placed at differenttif intersections surroundingun times square for addeddd security. The trucks will be fillesed witt 15 tons of sand. And. There will be an army of officers also on hand close tode 7,000 officers in all. All and people in rio de iri janeiro getting ready for the ry annual Fireworks Show ahead of the new years evear eve lelebration. Millions of people expected toee led to the beaches to watch thet the show. Thow. City builders buildings buig installations and stages alongti the beachons front. Fro the ship deck where the fireworks will be set stuff save also being built. Ilt. The show in rio is the biggestgt celebration in the worldn in tod expected to last about 12 minutes so a lot of preps for 12 minutes but hey you can watch fireworks on the beach in the a bad day. Inutfire bad d. Not a bad day at all. A parents seem to be havings e a tough time with the popularop toy. First they say hatchimals hatch wouldnt latch. But now you will not beliewve bl what a parent says the toy is doing right now. A live look outside. 6 11. I really like that about bassett. You really can custom make your furniture exactly how you want. Its all about customization. The possibilities are endless. You can get exactly what you want. Yup. Eagle watch continuing in southwest florida where gle wa harrieutthwest orida and emmetg for their eggs to hatch. H two eggs theyre incubating. Heyc yesterday people noticed a crack in one of the eggs. One ofe oh, yeah. Theyre expected to hatchto any time between now and newme b years day. All right. All anxiously waiting that. Ting a mom trying get a little nap p in in the meantime. Ea shell need it. We wont bother her anymore. Mo well bother tucker. L bher hopefully theyre more they dependable than the hatchimalscm that dont open. t o and apparently they havethey potty mouths, too. Mooo oh, yeah. Youll hear it. Yll hear maybe the eaglets will have potty mouths. Potty th breezy and colds. Weve got already breezes outt r of the west and north and weseed at about 10 to 15 and wind win chill ill show you windou w chills here but bottom line ism a much colder day than the last couple days. T coue da daytime highs expected to bed tb only in the low 40s. Lo 38 in washington. To colder air still working in stig frhe whe west. 34 in 34 frederick. De 34 dulles, 32 winchester. Its only spot thats hit thett freezing mark. Ark. 34 in cumberland. Berlan and here are your wind chills again with winds out of thewitho st 10 0 to 15. Feels like 31 in washington, wao 25 up in gaithersburg, 28 in leonardtown, 38 this morning in fredericksburg. U get ide you get the idea here that its going to be a toa chilly day. Il satellite and radar, generally r clear overnight. R ovnight thats just a few clouds out there. Look at the lake effecto snows. Very, very impressivefect stretching all the way fromay fm southWest Virginia into partsrgi of new england this morning. Moi and our focus will be on oure o communities out to the westunit here out along thaies t alleghea front weve got winter stormter warnings. Were expecting upwards of five, eight, maybe 10inches 1 ofnow w out here. If youre traveling out herengut or going to ski resorts thati rt kind of thing, theyre goingy g to be loving it as theyree vin looking at, again, along alo ridges here snow with the lakeak effect snow. Locally were in good s hape shape later this afternoon and again a well be looking at partly in the lowkies 40s. Low 4 the ski report. I rept. I got some rare video footage fo of steve there on his snowboard. Snboar nice. Ice. Yeah. He is on the move. M at i is nice. He does look pretty good, goo doesnt gentlemen snowshoent ge looking at sticks 12inches, 1ih even ski liberty will get inskit on the actioy n with an inch ofc fresh snow there. Here everybody thats interested inen skiing a little bit of snow to look forward to. Loor liliday forecast. Clouds around new years eve. Temperature i want to justat point out thats around 40 aroun when you go out new years ever but it should be dry which isryi great news. Gr a quick look at that seven day. Weve scaled back the chances for rain a little bit on sunday which is great news. Just a showerscaledr raay w ohio temperatures in the low 50s0s for kickoff 4 25 25 redskinsgiants as the redskins roll into thekins rollo playoffs. Oh, good. Right . 6 16. We need to have a two dayneed rally for this guess what today is . Guess at tod friday. 2016. Last friday ofay oh, i hadnt thought about ih it that way. Wow. Ad 270 southbound a crash two crash left lanes blocked right by l 370. Because of that were backed upan aesllht b te he wayof to 14 use that caution there from prince orchard were seeing a delay. Delay. Skyfox headed to check outox that crash. The rest of your maryland commute looking good h heading e restding down towards the spur, thingsr,g moving along fine on 270. E o the outer loop looks good andd 95 from the icc to the beltwayhy is problem free. F heading out 95 northbound fromum fredericksburg to the aquiahequa harbor youre quiet but weoue qt have a tractortrailer crashraia in stafford at 610. Its blocking the shoulder so a tap of the brakes past thatrae location but the good news isd e its not causing any majorsing slowdowns this morning. As we make our way from dale d city to the beltway, trafficaf is looking really nice pastlly p the occoquan. Oq we dont have any majorwe don slowdowns there and then asthern you make your way out inouy ou Southern Maryland traffic iss flowing without any problems pro in clinton as well as brandywine and fort washington. Metro on time right now. Time ght i like what im seeing there. G t welke changes and well keep a closewe eye on that 270 southbound crash. Maureen. Urn. First they wouldnt h nowdnn this years hottest holiday hol toy coming under fire once unden again. This time the hatchimals aretche reportedly saying some pretty naughty words. I dont know if theyre reallyel saying anything or just makeg m something sounds that are a little suggestive. Going to have to write downwn what thats supposed to behas ss saying. Yi i dont understand. Me neither. I par parents say the toy is d swearingents s wayhe then its e asleep. Spin master who makes the toys responded saying hatchimals hatl speaks their own language madeam up of random sounds and theyndhe can assure you the hatchimal hil is not saying anythingg inappropriate. Okay. Two women suing a skin careoa company saint ives over its apricot scrub face wash. They use crushed walnuted w shells. They claimalnut the scrub is too harsh on the skin and causes anu acne and accelerated aging. Ging the determine. Kissinger a gadget knocking around Research Labs for the last few years aims to let customers kiss each other via k the network. Th its a brightly coloredcore smartphone holster with an hol inviting plastic pad attached a to the bottom. You lock lips with the pad andha then it transmits the sensation through an identical t holster and an id identicaldenc pad nest ling your partners pas phone wherever that may be. E the creators say thewher next s for the technology is to install a scent function so you can getnt the authentiche smell of the person you want w to smooch. This is weird. Beyond weird. Yeah. Im telling you this is going sideways very m t quickly. Quick were moving on. Twitter soon makingr soonin changes to how you tweet. Twe that story next. N prove you were never tooveouw young to newborn baby decked out in some buckeye gear. Uc all babies born at the medicaled 70 december 28 through december 31st had been wrapped in blankets saying beat clemson. 6 22 if youre one of the y people that tweets and youre like i wish i could change that but you cant you might be able toout tw soon. Eeish ou o plus maybe some things will bewl cheap inter2017. Joining us to discuss from fox f Business Network studios stu lauren simonetti. Hi. This is our last chat of 2016. 6 reporter a double yes too both of those story. Tory. Whats the question steve. Io. No question. Ur lastas this is o little get together of 2016. Of. Reporter oh. R lets have a party. A p reporter yes. Orter . The last time we speak. Sak i wish we could have a bigger be party preferably cause irefe could tell if you the dow hit but it might today, right. Reporter yeah, in the last hour of trading youorter ou typically see its end ofs ef the year, last hour of trading t a lot of rounding out of your portfolios. Li well see higher volume and we could see a major move to the te upside which would take us to t 20. 20 however, were not there justhej yet. This market this year really rey good. The average 401k might be up around 10 percent because theece s p is up 10 percent. Rct. Nasdaq up eight and a half a the dow up almost 14 percenten this year. Isr. We love it. We lov it. Oil prices up 46 percent. Perct. That means gas prices are up. Well, that is true but asut long as those 401ks go up go u investors will be happy as wella go into the newpp year. Year. This whole twitter thing is this kind of interesting because bau twitter has been kind ofeekind holding back on change butnge b they have seen a lot of change c on the market so theyre goingyi to have to do something atethi some point. Look,onalr look, donald trump is tweeter of the year. Ea. Yet twitter stock is down down 29 percent this year. Yea and yes, youre right, twitter t to get it to make money eveneyve though its got very popular users. And one suggestion is thes t ability to edit your tweets. Now, this is something thatha jack dorsey the ceo iss considering. However you have to think about how thatr you would workr oftentimes tweets are considered public record, right. So, itentfimered you pre change public record, there needs toee be some sort of notificationotio that this item was changed. If its for a typo, you know, k, no big deal but then wouldhen wo there be a notification thatati it was a typo that was fixed. Oftentimes people just delete po their tweets. Whenhewhat i dopl something is wrong. Ng. Right. Reporter but sometimester b it just needs an edit not a n deletion. De i hear you. Become the wikipediaed of social media if you makeou m the changes and then you haveav to say theres changes. Right. I like that. We have all this extra ext money this year from the 401ks01 going to 2017 what can we get a better value on. Reporter isnt this amazingeporte that everyday item and a lot them will cost less hopefully next year. Y beast is one of those items i it. Generic drugs, donald trump trup has said he wants to speed up u the pace of fda approvals forrof certain drugs that would helpatw bring down the price. Rice also next year we could see cheaper prices for cell phoneho data. Theres more unlimited plansed p out there. Competition is good. Taxes, come on, most of us u might see a tax cut in the new year and small used cars arear e going down in price because bau everybody wants the big cars c and the suvs. Its cyclical. When i was at the grocerythe gry store the other day my ramen r noodles still 25 cents a package which means theyvey gone up 0 percent since he wasch in college. Reporter thats scary for some reason. I dont know. Its a winwin. Ir roter probably because they can stillba sell sl the ramen that they sold when sh you were in college. Ollege the preservative game ise mei strong. Ng lauren have a happy new year. E see upa ha in 2017. N 2017 reporter you, too. Bye, guys. Happy new year. Mppy goodness. Ess. Very true. Ve 25 cents. Right. Its a bargain. Cant go wrong. Like taking i c a salt bath every time i get them igethe feel like im on chopped. Pped. We tried in college believeie me every variation you could yod think of, right. Right. Lets talk weather. Cooler. Breezy. Zy temperatures top out in thees ti low 40s today. S t 38 today in washington. Hi weve will a flurry or two off to the north and west earlytarly this morning and more thanni that in theng mountains. Ns. Look at that. Tha lake effect snows kicking int o on those strong northerly andrln northwesterly breezes and some m big snows in the mountains. S ine for us it will be m a partly sunny breezy and noticeably cooler day. Day. High temperatures wont get out of the low 40s. 40 42 for your daytime high. Hh. Going out tomorrow night . Have fun. Let me know where youree going, okay. Let me know where youre going. Go okay. Specifically. Let him know. Or just if youre going gng out. Thats very creepy. Well, you dont have to. No, you dont. Ont temperatures will be aroundsd 40 or so. Be warn i might show up. N up before. Befored i know. I k check in with erin. Withri good morning. Good morning. Good morning. Tucker is getting the inviteit on all the cool parties aroundtd the dmv. Dont forget about me maureen mn and steve. And all right, right now if youre e taking metro, we have an earlier train malfunction at metro center. Residual delays. Taking a look 270 southbound aba crash blocking the shoulder atr chopper road previouslyviousl blocking a few lanes moved moved over but were backed up fromd o germantown coming down to that location with some some stopandgo traffic. Relative eight lightertive congestion than usual. On thausu it should get back to normal shortly. Ill keep you posted. Kp yo things in college park lookingri good. Good. Tractortrailer crash blocks a shoulder ilenr stafford. 95 northbound and 610. Nd 6 back to you. Back to yo thank you erin. Hank yrin. A local restaurant has aas mural that features every u. S. R. President from eisenhower tonhow president obama but theobambut restaurant says it will not not feature our next president. Pre were going to tell you whyhy next. Were going to have a little prefootball fun in the locker room. Oom. Redskins gearing up for the giants. In its win or go home. Its ts wi 6 27. Welcome back to fox5 news morning. Taking a live look outside on this friday morning. Me b l ohiv, mane , we haveis fmo madeo the end of another week andknd the end of the year. Y its looking good out there. He a little cooler than yesterdayte but hey, its december afterfter all, right. All, rig welcome back to fox5 newsck well talk about weather andlk a traffic on the 5s at 6 35. At 3 in the meantime lets take as look at our top stories this t hour. Ho first up 72 hours, that is howa long nearly three dozen d Russian Diplomats have toian leave the country. Die co. Its after the United States expelled them in response to the the alleged russian cybersir activity leading up to thep to t u. S. Election. Ctn. Russia says they willy w retaliate. In d. C. A man accused ofn a attempting to Sexual Assault ast Hotel Employee in northwest nth Center Arrest now. Nter aest after police used his metrosed m card to track him down. The 18yearold suspect who suso has not yet been named nowd faces charges for assault withit intender to commit first degree Sexual Assault while sex armeasd. Sa armed. And finally security prepsis for the new years ever celebration in new yorksthion w times square under way. A total of 65 garbage trucks trk will be placed at different intersections surrounding surun times square for addeddd security. The trucks will be filled with 15 tons of sand. Of s there also be an army ofy officers on hand close to 7,000 officers in all. And thats what youre getting g for your new years preps inpre over to wisdom marlktin in thein loft with some guests. G all r right. Time now for the morning line. I. Redskins in the playoffs pinch. Its a must win situation against the giants. Kinsfs if they want to get int ao th m post season. E seaso we got pregame fun. Dj flex ez street representing. Big time fans. S. Its a huge game. We know its a must winin situation so its like the ayoffsfs. Kickoff at 4 25 instead ofdf 1 oclock game. So, keys to the game will be tt at . T . Defense. Def. Defense. Seemed like we say that every year. Med i t does, right. You right, though. Tug i need our defense to playo y angry. Im waiting for kerrigan ri hes getting the sacks but iacks really need him to be angry be if we can put pressure on eli then that can openpe things up. Th we cant let odell run crazy. Cy and eli beckham versus josh norman. Sh nr lots of talking. Otof t if anything is going to happen its going to happen in the first half. H owe i dont expect odell to play the whole game a. Ay t because the giants have nothing playause for. F giants did say no matteroat who is on the field we stilld we got take care of our business bs regardless of who plays. Pys okay. So, having said that lets thate flip it back to offense. Offen keys to the game. Ke all right. Between the two q uarterbacks, weve got eli manning versust el kirk cousins. All right. Who is going have the biggestigge game. Me definitely going to be kirkbr cause hes got more to playe for. S right. Yeah. If he wants that check. Yeah. He better come through in this big game because last couple of big games hehe w r eallytterig g r hasnt been able to reallyea produce the way we need him todm so this one. Absolutely. He better get it. Absolutely. So its do or die time for di kirk cousins. Rk cousi no doubt. We already established thatba eli will turn the ball over. Ove we cant make eight all kirk thing. The run game didnt reallyea affect us last week. Ect you should be able to runhode all over the giants. Er the gia even throw they spent all thattl money for their defense itsr dt not that good. Goo allll right. Act of desperation. Raon between the two coaches, whoch, you going with as far as advantage on the coaching side d of theall. I have to say grudenay gde because i dont think that thet giants are going play play everybody. Wow. You think its going to be goi t half of the giants game. Of going to be like a preseason game. All right. Preseason game for all thei marbles. For the giants. Coaching advantage ez. Got to go with gruden. Ru we need to see it really seet rl happen. We have to leave everything on y the field because ifthin we dont then were on the couch. N t so most important part oftan this game there we talked we tae about the offense we talkednse e about the defense to me itses going to be can people kickpl kc field goals. Field weve seen some horrible fieldfi goal kicking this year. R. Hopeful that wont be an issueni but if it does come down to that, are we oi to do anything in regards toin r that special teams . Our kicker is horrible. Hri youre not feeling him. Feg h is he going to make itoing te after the season . Is he going g to be around. E around. I dont think so. He missed an i extra point, ei dude. Right, right. Rht, i hate for the game to comefh down to our kicker, please. R,le i think its going to comenge down, i think were going winhi bynk three. Three ill give my prediction early. I okay. I think it will come down to nk i a threepoint field goal. Lg washington is going to winngg and our kicker is going togo make it. He better do it. Hes going to please. All right fledge you got to call it. Who youht f got. I got skins 2821. 821 2821 skins. All right. Im going to go with, here we go, all right, washington versus versus again. Here we go again. All right. H so imere going to go im going to go 2831 in favoror of. I tell you later. You knew it was coming. Kw iw plus our proce me. She told me our time was up. P. Happy kwanzaa. Kwanz gentlemen thank you verytlem much. Happy new year to you. See you nexentery yearppy hope, hopefully. Y. Happy new year everybody. Rybo kicker right now i think 23rd in the league in fieldld goal accuracy out of 32. Lets go back to london. N. Look, i admit that there are a lot of missed kicks butsei since they moved the extrathey a point back and its not a gimme i like it because itcause does affect the game play. La next year im going to be so in this conversation. Rs skins win easily. S im going to go 2410. 2410 i think so, too. Oo. Go. All right. Theres your forecast. If youre headed out toer theee game there will be some cloudss around. Around. Temperatures will be in theatur 40s. There may be a shower towards the end of the game but rightese now if yourey be aof t theai ga going to be hanging out thereute and celebrating i think fornk the mo kind of cloudy and cool. A coo all right. It is not cloudy this morning mi but it is cold. It icold 38 at Reagan National 35 up in3i baltimore. Im bw i marshall. Marshall. A lot of lake effect snows offak to our north and west. For us well be partly sunnye s and chillyunny today with lies s with highs inthe low 40s. 4 42 for us today. S. Well look at the seven day and a lot going on. Oi o this time of year weatherwisetw a lot going on. Yeah, yeah. H, all right. Check out traffic. K t traf the last workday of the year. Y last workday of the yeary ofr and i can tell you congestionio is really life. L we have a few problem areas. A f this is 270 on the southboundthn side. Side slow traffic moving towards crop erode. An earlier crash blocking twocko lanes did move over to thedid v shoulder but youreto backed upe from maryland 124 with some som heavy traffic once you pass yous crop erode and that crasht c scene wide opened towards thewad spur. Northbound side really quiet. Req lets take a look at our maps. Um we have a new metro delay foror you. Red line delays to shadyays grove. That just happened. We just got that report. Thatat r ri. Ers. Earlier train malfunction at metro center. Residuals delays on the orange silver and plume lets showet you what else youre uplse youu against in fairfax thiss morning 123 water main breakr me on the northbound side. One lane blocked. 66 eastbound is flowingnd is flg freely. Wide opened there without any delays. Seeing nice conditions through centreville. Nt if youre curious about how tobo get around the dmv new years ya eve we have the freed ride fre from miller light metrobus and meteorologist, david murphyolog metro rail line. Midnight to 3 oclock in theis Morning Service will be free tomorrow nightserv and then taxicab sober ride uber and lyft. Details about georgebo georg michaels death and hish and s struggles before his death. Dea local popular and expensive restaurant is drasticallyrasticl changing its prices. Ri details on that when we come back. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. That means incredibly fast 150 meg internet for the holidays. In the 3. 7 seconds it takes ry watson to beat the local sled jump record, fly, gary, fly. His friend can download 13 versions of the perfect song. His sister can live stream it. While his mom downloads how to set a dislocated shoulder. Get 150 meg internet, tv and phone for just 79. 99 per month online for the first year. Cable cant offer that. Only fios can. Were back at 6 41 with whats trending on the wreeb bnt this friday morning. Rni learning a bit more aboutebo singer George Michael in theeln months before he died. Ore heie according to tmz he was reclusive struggling with his wh weight in the months beforeths o his death. Pictures taken show the singer n gained a significant amount ofmo weight. Tmz reporting he was rarely rary seen out in the months beforehse his death. His ge sleep on Christmas Day from dayf heart failure. Next, a d. C. Restaurant that gained fame for its overner the top i price center city cen dropping the price of its tasting men for aunt hundredun dollars for seven courses. The price slashing is part ofsli an effort to cater to a wider audience. The menu clock in at about a thousand dollars if drinkf d orders were ordered. Mamas aisha announced ited wont feature a president si donald trump. Since 2009 the restaurant has featured every u. S. President from eisenhower to president r tt obama. The owners official position p on adding donald trump sayss its not in the budget. Hip hop group suing major sur retailers for a lot of money. My plus Kevin Mccarthy backy bac with his list of the best and bt worst movies in 2016. In 2 if you want to share a news tip with us 8953000 or email us your tip fox5 tips at wttg. Com. Ttco figure out the legendary hiphop group yet. No. You will. Z26i1z z17vz y26i1y y17vy vo a lifetime of your dogs nutritional needs. All in one. Purina one. Healthy energy, all in one. Strong muscles, all in one. And a taste he loves, all in one. Purina one smartblend is expertly blended. With 100 nutrition, 0 fillers, always real meat 1. Lifelong smart nutrition. Its all in one. Purina one. 6 45. Theres a look outside right now. Its a little on the chilly side. 38 degrees right now. A loight ll tucker was rightll,y weve kindk of been all over the place. Lace yeah. Yeah. Some days in the 60s, someyi days in the 30s. Ys ie 3 oh, flan the question ise que what lies ahead as we turn the t page on another year. R ye thing. Chilly the next couple daysco then we warm up nupear 60 earlyr next week and then could it be, signs of Winter Weather wea perhaps next week. K. Yes. Yes had to happen sometime,n ti right. Well, i mean ea january seems to be thems t t fine. January, february, prime time around here for the aroun Winter Weather. Hey, breezy and cold today. I mean, our actual temperature u will be in the low 40s but it will feel chillier than thatn t with the breezes at about 10 abt to 15 here. 5ere. So, as i said earlier makeak sure you wear that cool newl n jacket santa brought you. Y 38 in washington, 36 in quantico. 34ti frederick, 34 gaithersburgb yeah, most of the area here still above freezing but you factor in the winds that areds out of the north and west at nos about 15 and you get windetin chills that look like this and t i think well be hanging out hao with numbers that look like lik this later this afternoon aseron the winds will pick up. Currently feels like 28 in leonardtown, 26 up in 26 upn baltimore, 22 in hagerstown. St 25 in cumberland. Umbe let me mention cumberland andrln West Virginia here really starting to seat lake effect to snows kick in. There you go. Sery impressive sight there a ght he the rewinds are coming off the lake and its possible there ara few of these flurries looks like were trying to get oneo to sneak up towards hagerstown. A few of thesene faklu urrie s couldld sneak in our area later this ote afternoon so if you see a if yoe flurry tweet me a picture. More significant snows in thenia mountains out to the west. Ins theyre looking at upwards ofds five to 10 inches of snow of s along the allegheny front. Fro. Again, cool for us today. S toda. Well be cold tonight and then t we set up our first day of the t weekend in good shape withith some sunshine and some coolomool weather. There you go. The rpm model five toel fe 10 inches of snow out to the sno west. Headed out for new years eveeae were in good shape. Good shape its going to be cool. No, sir 40s when yous g go ouo 9, 10 oclock at night andight a when you return well be in rl the upper 30s but it should ish be dry for new years eves which is great. Re going to the redskins game sunday afternoon were in goodeo shape for that too. R that t looks like well hold the rain off. Hold the rain off until after the game but well h rave cain o with temps in the low 50s. S inw back near 60 early next week n k and then look out, much colderco air by the end of the week andkd maybe our first snow event of eo the year by the end of friday and saturday next week. K. Maybe our first snow event of 2017. Maybe i should say it like that. I could be standingding somewhere in snow boots withn o snow up to my knees or. Goodness gracious, no. Some flurries. Yes, somewhere in between. Soodnes okay, ill take it. I was just fishing around forme morethat o ikanfst fo. Isnf metro update earlier train malfunction at forest glen. G we have residual delays vienna Wiehle Reston on the orangeng silver and blue line. In metro issues this morning. Ni check the schedule before youfo head out on the rails. Ad out onh lets move over to our roads ros and take a live look outside. Ui this is 270 southbound wherehere things are getting back tongack normal. We had an earlier southbound oaoad. Move it back to our maps andbac show you what else youre up against on the roads as yout travel aroundon the dmv on thiss final friday morning commute 01 2016. Beltway super quiet in collegeng park and oxon hill problem p free in largo as well as a through tysons on the inneron loop and outer loop across theos American Legion bridge. 95 northbound quiet. Boun we are dealing with a water main break rightd deali now at mclane. 123 northbound one laneonlane blocked near lewinsville road. A traffic looking good on seven. En problem free on the way to oe wa dulles Reagan National as welln as bwi and if you need to get tt around tomorrow night dont forget metrobus and metro railer lines will be giving freeivinfre rides from midnight until 3 00tl in the morning to get you hometm safe. Sa you have the option to use use uber lyft 1800taxi tab. Or sober ride. S get a free ride from 10 0010 0 p. M. Until 6 00 a. M. Ntil 6 00 am we got you covered. Back to you guys. U another celebrity loss to ta long time general abo hospital actress Barbara Tarbuck died. D. She passed away at her home in M Los Angeles monday afteronday ae suffering from a rarem r degenerative brain disease. Ve b she was best known for herra role as lady jane jacks the mother of jasper jacks. She was 74 years old. Ars d. And the rap group run dmc d filed a 50 million lawsuitonit against several majorral r retailers including walmartt amazon and jet for trademarkmark infringement. Ge the suit says those retailers s have been selling productsct using its name for several years claiming theyve rakedy in more than 100 million in i revenue from it since the group was formed back in thes fc 1980s. So far those companies have thoa not commented on that suit. Hat all right. To go touple days before the 128th annualnnl tournament of roses in pasadena california. Calorni final preparations under way. Always a very prettyepar patarad professionals and volunteers vun putting the finishing touchesouh on the 40 floats that will 4 take part in the rose0 parade. Each float decorated withatedit thousands of flowers. Cue the music for Kevin Mccarthy. Hy i have a trivia question. E aa there you go. I know youre doing besturet and worst of 2016. O 201 heres my trivia question. M im going to try ty o stump himh of the top 20 highest grossingsg movies this year in 20 been. 20. Right. Okay. How many were either not animated, superhero or part of ofaer is reese. R is reese. How many were not. H how many wereow not animated, not superhero or part of a series. Ries top 20. Of the top 20 highest grossing films of the year. Of a three. Wrong. One. Which one. It was the revenant. Ent. Made after the book. And after that it came m out christmas of last year but the money id mate in 2016. 2 other than that you have to go a to number 21 which was centralel intelligence with your buddyur the rock. E r great movie. Great mov isnt that something. That says something abouthint hollywood. Ood. And which films make money. En but superhero films and fil a animated movies is the way ofhe thats whats bringing bng people to the theaters. Thats why im doing a topa five list and fox5 of my films s except for one of them is a superhero film you. O film y said its the wave of theof future. Tu is this sustainable. Stai for someone like me i thinke ihi im at my saturation point. Poi give me something different. I tell me a story, bring ell meelseo se to life. This seems like its become formulaic. Its important to talkt about those movies. Ov there are so many moviese so mmo coming out from theutm independent realm that arentate being made like Mel Gibson Gib made a movie called hacksawac ridge and he made a comment inmi an interview that my superherour doesnt wear spandex in thissp movie. Its a story about a guy who saved 75 lives. 75 you have to look for them ako ttlele bit more. What did you like thishat die year. T im going through my top five to one and then im goingog to do the worst movie of theovit year as well. Ar a im also going say a couple cou films that are on my list that a im not going to show herere captain American Civil War batman versus superman. Ser fences one all great films thist year is my honorable mentionson list. Number five no question moonlight. This film floored me. Every center city specter ofnter the direction was incredible. Cto a young boy gn was rowing up ina poor neighborhood in miami. Now he is three separate partsar of his life. E. Its the young, then teenaged te and then that aspect rightect r there that you just saw on just screen and were just taken through this gentlemans life and it is ahis beautifully devastating story phenomenal score, shot well. W its going to be nominated forit best picture this year. Ea it currently has six golden gol globe nominations and itsns a s going to be a frontrunner forrur that best picture at the oscars thi bses year. S y its already won a big award. Award. Critics choice ward. W the gentleman on the right aliig will win the supporting actor award at the oscars this year. Thats my number five. Riv when they came to the loft powerful story you. Saw it. I wasnt able to see the whole thing. As it. Nt g forward to jannell monet. Jan m i think its the subject sub matter of a young black man struggling with his sexualityal in the inner city. It thats something thats not tt talked about very frequently. Bo i look forward to seeuting theie rest of it. It. No question. Number four sing street what a beautiful movie. This is a film that took me by y surprise. We had a crazy yeasur. If you wantzy y a big smile onin your face watch this moviee watm about a young boy who forms a wa band to impress a girl theyirl t likes. This is from a director of once john karen flee. Its available on netflix. Vaila if you want to stay home this ti weekend im telling you rightou now you will thank me later. Er. Its one of the best moviesne o ive seen ibenst years. Ea sing street watch it. Sing s music is amazing drive itt like you stole it which is oneh of the songs in the movie. Number three lala land. L best picture between lala a land and moonlight. Ht no question. No que these will be the two front runners. Nns. Nominated for seven goldenende globes. Globes. 31yearold filmmaker, number, m three of the year no question. Number two, with this movie. Mov mind blowing ending. Nd jeremy lin and amy adams to memt me this filmmaker one of the the best of the year. Number one, no question, no question deadpool. I saw deadpool nine times. L e ive seen deadpool nineol nie times. Wisdom hated every one of one these films. Deadpool i loved this movie t so much. So much. Its an amazing action filmil also a comedy a passion aassi project for ryan reynolds. Reyno on the budget scale comparedmp to superhero films this is low l budget then the make some ofthe the coolest changes. Nges to stretch the budget. I liked deadpool betterol than i liked arrival. Ril. Saw it nine times. Times. What did you any other liked th y year. Yo worst movie of the year, zoolander two. Zool hated that. And i dont hate anything. Nythin hate is a strong word. Wd. Thats a bad film. When you take that long in between, though. I loved zoolander one. Nd one just did not like zoolander zla two. Aking news. Its actually wisdom martins favorite film of the yearually y considering he has phenomenal taste in films so yeah that, i love wisdom. Hes over there. T with a can of something. S thats it. Tucker. Deadpool, hm. De no question. All right. Its actually not even a tion. Its the best itss aaclstus nominated for golden globe foror best musical comedy. Omed i saw the film and i dontndn know. Know you know its good. Y kno i havent seen it. I i got see it. H hey, meanwhile maybe goodaye weekend to watch some movies mov because its going to beuse chilly around here. Ere. Daytime highs today in the low 40s. 37 now in washington. Ashing winds out of the west here at 10. Check out your wind chill. 30 degrees. Deges. Lots of lake effect snows offkee to our north and west. W for us were looking at partlyry sunny breezy and cooll conditions today. T and a rather quiet weekendui all right. Ig im wrapping it. We got lots more fox news new morning coming up after the aert break. This is fox5 news morning. Org 7 oclock now the whitehe wte house slapping russia with sanctions for cyber attacksac putting pressure on donaldn ld trump to not let russia off o the hook. Ook. How will russia on. Sia a suspect wanted in ated in a violent attack at a posh d. C. H. C hotel behind bars. D bars. How police were able to tracko k him down. M well tell you the best wayl to get around townyo from uberbr to metro and a few more options well throw in asn a well. Live look outside on this ons friday december 30th 2016. 26. Last friday of the year. Year. Weather and traffic coming up u on the 5s at 7 05. 7 0 good morning to you im wisdomys martin in for allison seymour. Er and im steve chenevey. m s welcome to fox5 news morning. Mg so this morning the u. S. E u strikes back. The white house handed down aden sweeping set of punishment forho russia. Ssia fox5s annie yu live frome om the Russian Embassy with the the story. Annie. Reporter hey, goodeporter morning to you steve and h wisdom. Ey well, a numbeg r ofto the 35 t 5 diplomats and their familiesilie were asked to leave the country were given 72 hours too do

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