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President ial debate in las deben vegas hit hard on the issuess focusing on Hillary Clinton cnt and Donald Trumps most mos important differences. Ifference. What im saying is that itt will tell you at the time. Ill keep in you suspensism donald trump refuses to sayoay hell concede if he loses the el. Ction. What he said tonight ists part of his whole effort toffor blame somebody else. Reporter Trumps Campaign says they are just trying to prevent voter rep sayd were going fob watching goi making sure we have honest andng fair e fwele h reporter democrats sayter d this moment defined theedhe debate. Deba all the headlines tomorrowomw are going to be about how heouth wont concede if he doesnte feel like the election goesionos the way it all to go u trumpu tp went after the clinton cli foundation for taking money mey from countries with w questionable human rightsht records. Its a criminal enterprise. E. I would be happy to comparey what we do with the trumpe foundodation w which titook mony from other people and bought a 6foot portrait of donald. I mean who does that. Ho d reporter trump tried toter turn t the immigration debate db against clinton. Linton people. Lae obamant wa deported people so as hes is unburdening himself ofselff things that are not helpfulnohep for him in the general election. Reporter analysts say trumps efforts may any other have been enough to sorwayter fy voters. He didnt change thee th dynamics. They both played to their bases. Reporter this is the home stretch the candidates have less than threeorte weteeks before election day. In las vegas caroline shively,ve fox news. X n a lot of things trending ontn social media from the debateia f this morning. Here to talk about thoseto th moments are holly morris. Mors. Shes joining us good morning to both of you. Morn one of the biggest things stng people tweeted about, thereut, r were two words actually sorryor the script is changing before br my eyes theres a lot ofot things people tweeted about. Abo i think two words donald trumpdp used really exploded on socialsi media though and those were bigly and hombre. Dictionary searches for those t a word. Wor according to Donald Trumpsg to son the word is being mistaken a for the phrase big league andead another thing that is trendingrn is when clinton mocks trumpksru for saying the emmys are are rigged. Takeri a listen. Lte there was even a time when he he didnt get an emmy hemm for his tv Program Three years in a he row and he started tweeting that the emmys were w rigged. Should have gotten it. This is a mindset. Thisuld ha ihis s its funny but its also reallily troubling. Ubng and finally, as before befor donald trump dominated theated e twitter universe with 59 percent of the conversation back to summer time is whatum it feels like. 7 degrs. Y we had 87 degrees. Me its very warm out thism out th morning. One more day, steve, ste it didnt feel that hot h yesterday. It didnt really. Dnlly. Well, it was one of our warmest temperatures this latea in october in history. Is does seem like it. In history . Isto in recorded history, weather history. Tory hundred plus years. Undr im just being dramatic. 69 degrees at reagan national. A. These temperatures are more mor similar to what we would seewe for daytime highs. Hhs 68 dulles. 68 bwi marshall is 66 degrees6 degs this morning. Weve had a sprinkle or twor tw and west of pittsburgh. Tsrg theres a frontal system up there that will drop down inn in our region as we get into thentt overnight hours tomorrow. S tomo. The bottom line on today, tod partly sunny, one more day mor d with temperatures in the lowrasw 80s. I dont think well be as warm as yesterday, probablyk we 83,3, 84 degrees and then a big cool o down along with some rain forom the day on friday. Da 83 this afternoon. Ernoon mentioned the early shower andnd a pleasant and dry afternoon. Ern youll want to stay tuned for the weekend forecast. Weve got winds to looke we temperatures. That sounds like catchingke h up on some stuff on my dvr. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Oh, i dont have the time. Thee. Aww. But sounds like a good dayndi forke a it. Inday day. Good morning. G you guys look beautiful. Eaut. I know. I feel like,. You look regal, the queen thq and her court. R court i hate whats going on behind he me. Outer loop as you make yourou way across the wilson bridgeri is jammed. Is jme parked from telegraph roadaph all local lanes right now onighn the outer loop are blocked. Blke one right lane on the through th lanes blocked as well. Cked keep it to the through lanes thn and give yourself some extraeex time to get through that area. Again basically parked on the outer loop. Inner loop dealing with someom rubber neck delays. Day please be prepared for that as a well. Well show you what elseshel youre facing for your morning i commute this friday eve. Y eve. Aside from that crash again aga rubber neck delays on thes inner loop picking up. Ng p. Well show you look ink frederick where we have a bige e slow down right now southboundnn youre dealing with about a 15 1 minute delay once you pass 80 p things do start to open up. Up. And aside from that we had earlier construction on bww parkway north and southbound. Th. Southbound delays havendays dissipated outside the beltway w in beltzville but inside thehe beltway bw parkway northbound jams from 410 as you get towards the inner loop and outer loop there. 50 inbound through cheverlyhe jams to kenilworth. Enilworth. Delays on 66. 6 earlier crash on nutley streett parkway past sudly road sooad s watch for that. At. Metro if you want to take t metro he were on time except ec safe track surge nine continuous single trackingg from vienna to west fallsienna o church. Any que wstions at erin fox5 en fo d. C. On twitter. D. C. O steve and allison. Allis a lot of progress being of made in iraq overnight in the fight to retake mosul from f isis fighters. A shooting near a Virginia University leaves one person dead. An update on that next. Oh, look. Another antiwrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. Neutrogena . Rapid wrinkle repair works. In one week. With the. Fastest retinol formula available. Its clinically proven to work fine lines and. Even deep wrinkles. One week . That definitely works rapid wrinkle repair. And for dark spots, rapid tone repair. Neutrogena . See whats possible. Omparing these two truck beds. Lets start over here with this aluminum bed. You put your toolbox up here. Whoa thats a big hole. That is unbelievable. Now lets check out the roll formed steel bed of the silverado. Same angle,same empty tool box. Took it way better. The steel held up. Its truck month make a strong decision. Find your tag and get over eleven thousand total value on this silverado all star. Silverado proved it is the toughest truck here. Checking the news overseas. In theres been a pause in fighting in aleppo tog athllera people there time to leave leave that city. C also this morning breaking brean news just north of that cityh ot in turkey. Tur turk curb jets reportedly hitorl more than a dozen syrian syr Kurdish Militia targetsia tar killing as many as 200 people. P. The United States considers the Kurdish Militia to be theh most effective force in theorcen fight against isis in syria. S i. In the push to free mosul fo kurdish iraqi and coalitionoali forces all moving in on the city from three separatesepa directions. This morning the kurds launched a large scale operation on villages. N villa the u. S. Military says theres e signs isis leaders have fled hav mosul but theres stillths sti thought to be about 5,000bout00 fighters standing boo toilg boot fight. New this morning and a little closer to new t home a h terrorizing scene near arring College Campus in virginia. Vir a triple shooting at an apartment complex near hamptonrn University Left one personeft or dead, another fighting to to survive. The scene. E s police got the call around 9 30 and believe this is an isolated incident. I theres no threats of ann active shooter. Ve shooter. Newly released police pol documents show new york giantses kicker josh brown admitted to abuse his exwife. Xwi the documents were part of browns final case file stemming from his arrest last l year for domestic violence. Le that champ was later droppedas l and browns exwife tolds exweo police he had been physically pi violent with her on more thann e 20 occasions. Ns also in the documents brown claimed to have been abusive molested as a young boy. Oy in a letter to friends twort years ago brown said he felt entitled and viewed himself as god and his wife as his slave. Is still ahead a little relief r for flyers if your luggage is delayed. Lets head outside as weet head to break on this thursdayi morning. Mo look at the wilson bridge. The w. Weather and traffic coming up . . Good morning. Mornin live look here in northwest nthe d. C. Were off to a rather warm rathr dare i say muggy start. Ta yeah, we got a little humidityey out there this morning as wellel as we are looking at one more day with temperatures featuring daytime highs in thehe 80s. Enjoy today. Jo today much cooler weather on the way w tomorrow. Thursday your big headline or yesterday well into the 80s set records at both dulles and s up in baltimore with recordh rer high temperatures well intoem the 80s. All right, here we go. Pe buras stop l ri forecast nice andt e mild out there early. Overnight lows upper 60s. Locally with daytime highsme again expect the to be about a 80 to 85. Warm conditions and most and m pornly dry out there for you a a little later today. Heres a look at our satelliteel and radar. What weve got going today,od little frontal system over usste right now. That will kind of move back on c top of us as a warm front. Ront thas showers out here locally earlyle this morning and then the mainnh event our frontal system ism still a good 24 hours away soo as we get into tomorrow, thero cooler air, which is north andoa west of this front, will start s to slide in and i think well have a lot of showers a irounn o tomorrow for the day on for tay friday. Particularly friday afternoon. Fo and then the cooler air willr w really start to work in friday a night. Night. Winds will pick up and were pic going to be in for a very aer blustery conditions aroundonar here friday night and saturday y and much cooler air as well as l than what weve had aroundad a here this week. Wk. I mentioned the 80s out there t today. Its still kind of summery. Ummey as our frontal system is able il to drop down into the region reg later tomorrow well see the chances for showers increase. Re id plan on rain showersplan around here for the day tomoound hrrow. Again there could be a quick shower early thiers morning. E og heres your seven day. Res we go from 83 today, erin, to 59 on saturday with a veryy chilly breeze and a lot ofnd a l clouds around here during the day on saturday. Surda whew. Fall weather. Weath i finding food in my pocket . P . What is this. T is there food in yours th pocket. Something. Were you at a party last night. E you t like a mint or something. A 83mi today. Tod all right. All r i would strongly advises asis your friend not to eat a random mint in your pocket. Oupok it gone to the dry cleaners. Lear crash blocking all local lanes over the wilson bridge. Rig keep it to the through laneshr to get through this big he b slow down this morning. Mor inner loop as well dealingll dei with rubber neck claims also a the right lane is blocked andlod that is because of some debrisei so we are basically parkedal there as you try to cross thes h bridge getting towards branchdsa avenue. Aven please be prepared for thesehese atypical delays. Day well switch it over to a look on 66. 66 dealing with very heavyer h volume right now. Rightow 66 is backed up. This is out by 234 sudly road. R you can see some very heavyeryea traffic there from 234 prince4 e william parkway as you getrky as past this point youre in fore r about a 20, 25 minute delay. Westbound traffic a littlec ait heavier than what we typically c he see at that locat heading towards gainsville. To well take a look at our mapsatm rit now. W. Were dealing with otherwith oer typical slowdowns in the area. Aside from that you can seeee again that inner loop rubberbe neck delay picking up. Up. In clinton were seeing somegom slowdowns as you make your way on five northbound out by the 301 split and then again asd ths you get closer to the beltway. Ty well see if we can forwardor our maps and show you what y wha else youre up against thisgain morning. In Northern Maryland earlierrner con manstruction cleared on bw b parkway north and southboundouto between powder mill andtw president ial candidate upiden there on the northbound sideti n as well as unside the beltwayel on the southbound side of bww parkway as you head downn towards 50. S outer loop has that normalormal volume right now from 95 overm e to georgia. Eo. Its about a 15 minute delay. D. Volume increasing from the icc on 95 southbound down to the doo beltway and then 270 on theon t southbound side also dealingli with a lot of heavy volume asy m you make your way from 70 to t 80 its a solid red zone withit speeds under 10 miles per 1 hour. Give yourself about 30 extra0 e minutes to get from frederickck more stopandgo traffic sto starting to puck up by 109. Ng tu in addition to that metro is on time except safe track surge nine slowing down the orange linenine s with single wi tracking. Steve and allison. Thanks erin. Happening today a newing to Smartphone App will beil unveiled to help the districtist cut down on the number of days d students miss class. C the app is part of the show up w stand out Program Designed tod encourage middle schoolers tocht attend school every day. Every d in the district 20 percent ofpe Public School students miss att least 15 days of the school year and al i believe you goie u then you have the opportunity to win prizes et cetera anda a thats the incentive to geto g you to be at school. Chool. Incentive to say is so s important. Poant. Forget those annoyingg telemarketers americans arecansa being bombarded with roboit calls. A massive jump in the past the p year. Ye were going to tell you whating this is all about. S ab first good news when itt comes to your checked bag ychecg fees. What the white house wants airlines to start doing. He wine thatsst narext. Woman its 6 19. Sent me. Woman or me. Woman Barbara Comstock would overturn roe vs. Wade. Barbara comstock i think roe vs. Wade woman Barbara Comstock. Man too rightwing for northern virginia. Narrator House Majority pac woman Barbara Comstock is too rightwing. Woman Barbara Comstock is against marriage equality. Man she even voted to allow federal contractors to discriminate against gay employees. Woman Barbara Comstock. Too rightwing for northern virginia. Narrator House Majority pac is responsible for the content of this ad. Good morning. How are you. Reporter hi. Im wonderful. How are you. Im doing great. D cause you know why, ooine morem alarm. We got to get through today. Ougt how are we looking there onng te wall street. Reporter yes, we do. We have an up market. Futures up 20 points lookings at the dow. We did have the final f president ial debate 19 daysebatd before the election. Lectn. Not seeing too much movementuch obviously the election is the biggest and certainty. But we got corporate earnings. G watching price of oil. Il seems the same old on waltld o t street despite the fact major mj things are happening. Happeni investors not sure how to h respond yet. Ond so close to the election ict would imagine it will be shake e he key until we know somethinget rightism absolutely. Im reading these numbers on robo calls and how muc year and im trying to checkju to makmpe s iure i mdont haven extra number in here. Mber i h this is amazing. Amang whats behind the surge in robo calls . Calls reporter 2. 6 billion automated messages coming into i your phone in the month off september. That is more than 200 percentcet increase in the past year. 87 million calls a day wereay w more than a thousand every single second in the month of of september. Cruises, free hotels, these t robo calls are nonstop. Nst ive noticed them recently. Ren have you . You know, what i havent only because i really needknow o get rid of my land line line anyway. I just use my cell phonel really so the calls just come j through and the voicemail voicea picks it up but ill check it out, though. Houg reporter its annoying. Aoy its annoying imi hate the fact that its on my cellel phone. I dont get them on my cell c phone. Reporter i pick it u thinking it could be and its ai never. And it is a robo call. Okay. So, president obama trying to t ease the pain when it comes to o our delayed luggage. Okay. Okay so, the obama administrationat is trying to protectct passengers when it comes togersc the airlines and how much h m theyre charge you and the latest proposal is this. T when your bag that you paid tobt check that bag, when itss significantly delayed you cany a get your money back. K. However, we dont know yetet delay. Theyre making other proposals a as well. Asel the Industry Group thatroup that represents the airlines theyts y call this regulation regulat overregulation if you will. Gula theres no need to do this do because the airlines generallyel work with you anyway and some am of them of course dont even eve charge baggage fees. Char nonetheless thats one of the white house proposals tos oopol protect passengers against gat im just going to call themall t myself right now the greedy rlrlines. Yeah. I would agree. Okay. Ree. Incentives sotis so that i mean, not that theyha are lax in gettng baggage where it should be bute maybe its incentive to makemake sure it gets there unless theyst get that little governmente govt check next to their name, you ny know. Reporter yeah. Orter to be more transparent aboutab how many bags are being miss handled. Righ t. Reporter how many are late, whatever the issue is eportewhat pevaying 25g 2 to check a bag, that baghaba should arrive when you do. Y that would be great. Tha all right lauren have a supert day. Well see you for friday,riday, whoop, whoop, morning. Who reporter op cant wait. W stayed up late last night withle the debate. I know. Dragging a little bit fromin staying up to watch that lastli night. And then right in the middle of it, i mustnd t add mit i lost about a good hourooou because i just fell asleep. Sl that was pretty much thet wa whole debate then cause its e was only 90 minutes. Mutes no, i watched the first 20het got up and tweeted thank youhany and good night when chris said that at the end. E oh, yeah. Exactly. Its tough on the schedule sd 678 you want to be engagedu wa with the whole thing and ihe t wried. Ho i tried i know. Got about 20 minutes in. Hello. Good morning. Good morning. Rnood mo direction it was going to go in. I think by number three we had a sense of what to expect. Ec they were all different. Dif. The second one was like yeah felt like you couldnt golike to sleep. Lets get to the forecast. Gt we are featuring one more day tm in the 80s. The 8 one more day in the 80s. 8 might be it for the 80s for 80 the rest of the season. Rest o thats okay. I mean, overdue. Ord is it. Yeah. Were spoiled. This has been a little bonus week. Whis haton currently inds out of the north and east at nta seven. Quick look at your radar. Across the area alittle warmtla front is being pushed back on o our area and as that lifts off to the north, we should seehouls partly sunny conditions today t and again low 80s. D all that rain you see out towards cleveland that is aevel frontal system that will pushlls in our area overnight andnd during the day tomorrow. We have plenty of showers inng r the forecast tomorrow and thes t here come the cooler ce th temperatures. Mp by friday night, blustery conditions, falling back into the 40s and 50s for the day on saturday. Sur might be a snowf whole Different Air mass m moving moving n from 83 today to 59 on saturday. Sur a big change. Enjoy the day. D thanks tuck. Check in with erin right now see he if weckre in enjoyn the commute this morning atornit 6 26. 26 we are not. E are n i just got a look at skyfox where you are just seeingust sen parked traffic across theos wilson bridge. Wilson bridg we have a crash blocking all of the the local lanes. An right now well see if we canf e move it over to a look since sin our camera is a little shaketleh he key, youre parked frome paro well try to get a look atook skyfox as well but this is ass look at the delay. Elay again from telegraph roadlegrapa across the bridge coming inhe b from virginia towardsards maryland, the bridge is justge s jam packed. Andhat try to avoid that take an alternate thisernate ths morning. Again, all local lanes blocked. One through lane blocked asroug well. Through lanes other than thatlae getting by. Lets see if we can take as selook a wt our maps. Ap thats not the only outer loopp problem were dealing with. Alin. We also have some debris takesak out a lane out by braddock road on the outer loop causing minor delays but again oncega oc its jam packed. Pac rubber neck delays across the inner loop from branch avenueopr all the way to tanhatch accidenn scene. Big mess there. Here. 95 also dealing with a crash c in stafford. Ord. Transition lane blocked out by b 17. 17 well have more flask a few. K aw allison. Al metro wants your feedback when it comes to a proposal tot adjust Late Night Service on the rails. Eai next we can sound off today. Sports news this morning. Mni jordan read for yourour washington redskins. Ins. The Cleveland Indians headedd is . . 6 30 on a thursday morning. Youre watching fox5 news thu nw morning. G. Live look there over the dmv. Tucker and erin will be along ag shortly with your weather andeaa traffic coming up on the 5s. P o5 good morning to you. Y first at 6 30, metro wants to ws hear from you. Its asking for feedback about its plans to adjust late night g service on the rails. Ice on the. With more now on this proposal. Good morning. Reporter good morning, allison. Tet wr know tha ith safeitsa track going on, metros hoursrou have been a little different,fee right, and the big question quen here for metro is once safe once track is done, what will the t normal schedule look like. Ok li. Well, metro says it needs more time on the tracks out of service in order forrder maintenance, in order to havee,o more inspections and also a quality control. Y ntro so, its asking customers tors t take a look at four proposalsroo a lot of people dont like any n of these proposals but letss go through. They ago proposals one and two t weve heard about these, these t would deal with earlier eli closings looking at mostly youtu see midnight on weekends andnd a then with some even earlier closings on sunday evenings. N se now, lets go to proposal propoa three, which is what morehich i people are talking about. Really right here youree yre looking at proposal number twotw as well. El fridays and saturdays so still l he preserving some of thatt late night but sacrificingri some of those hours on sundayn a and then proposal number four, keeps the 3 a. M. Opening or onig closing time we should say that a lot of people had come tm to rely one o whef pen tophelee and about in the city late at la night and also some restaurant t workers as well but then lookbuk at the sunday schedule there. Really curtailing sundaysunda service from noon until 11 00 p. M. So not being able to ride r me then. Metro is also consideringis aco perhaps addingns some late nighn bus service to try to fill theih gap. Theyre also going to let you y know that mayor bowser hast ma sent a letter to metro gm paulmu wiedefeld saying that lateat Night Service is essential to to restaurants and businesses andb workers and the mayor also als noted that there are other bigeb time transit systems s throughout the country he thatet needless time on the tracks tra and shes asking questionsuest about that as well so we also as know city council is inncin curtailments. Cu there will be a rally at 5 00 a p. M. For people that are against this pro pole proposal. Pr you can weigh in. Opyoin donald trump campaigning in battleground state ohio freshter off the debate last night. De heba and Hillary Clinton squaring off for the final time last night. The president ial nomin oeefftis clashed on a variety of issues includin vgar abortion, the secd amendment, foreign policy,olicy, trade and the i am on record as sayings san that he we need to put more money into Social Securityto trust fund. Thats s part of my commitmentommitm to raise taxes on the wealthy. My Social Security payrolll contribution will go up asp a will donalds assuming heg h cant figure out how to get to t out of it but what he we want wt to do is to replenish the. He such a nasty woman. Wan now both candidates will wil both will be in new york city speaking at the alfred e smithth Memorial Foundation dinner. Inne this gala has a history of hosting major partyajorar president ial candidates. Steve. Lets get to the morning get line this morning al. Good news for redskins fans. Tn. Jordan read is back on the practice field after suffering g a concussion. Ncussi thats him in the yellow y noncontact jersey. Nconta jer jay gruden hopes to increase his workload. Rkload. Hell see an independentdependet doctor on read admitted when he got theot concussion october 9th he octobh didnt tell anybody and keptep playing despite what he called c a pretty bad headache. Che. As for what his coaches and and teammates are thinking aboutut his situation. Theyre like my family. Famy. They concerned about my c health. Onceheal they dont want me to go outgo there if im not ready and ready thats what they keep tellingeyi me. They know i want to get outi ntt there and they just telling meem take my time. Burgundy and gold take on the lions in detroit on sundayua theres sure to be another aer close game for the redskins redk six games this year decide did they won three of those. All six lions games have beene n decided by seven points or less. Baseball playoffs now. Ball a lets start with the latestart game. Out in l. A. Dodgers and cubs. Cubs wok up last night. Up nigt series tied at two games a piece. Pi cubs ended a 21 inning innin scoreless drought. Sc game fiveor today. T game six shifts back toack t saturday on chicago. Chicago. The winner will play the Cleveland Indians who beat the t blue jays to clinical th First American League Pennant since 1997. E 1997. If they win the world series sie it will be their first winin since 1948. Team getting love for athletests and celebrities. Lebron james tweeted this nowitt world series here weed come. C congrats boys rally together. E drew carey took to socialar media with this most the dressing room at theey twith prs right so happy again rally together. Indians world series. The star of the gamedians rooke ryan merit making just hisust h second career start. Rt zero walks into the fourth inning. Inning. Whats trendingying thising th morning though is what hisgh iwt fans did to thank him. He they stumbled upon his online target wedding registry s and started buying him gifts g for he and his soon to besoon e bride. Nice touch for the fans rightht there. Thats cute. S cute coming off the naiboff the ni championship. Its been a rough couple decades. It is weird to think about app city where footbeirdall is e number three sport in town. So were rooting forr cleveland. We dont know who theyre going to be playing. T knto bay ginood night cleveland. If its the cubs, then itst tough cause the cubs have a hundred year curse on them. Yearm keep it going. I see what youre saying. Ayg. Let it be historic. Isri give somebody else a chance. My moms cousin played in their 1954 is world series game. My dad grew up there, too. Too were rooting for clevelandne then. Why not. Thats what were doing. S wh steves mothers cousin. S cou he oaks your mothersoaks yos cousin. Thats much closer. In 1954. Thatsin95 lets do the forecast. As im going with cleveland. Cleveland. Yeah. I guess i can go with cleveland. And. Theyre in the central. Listen. You still play in the eastlae steve. Im old school. S how about the weather. Lets see if i can get that right. I down in washington thisf morning. Were going to be low 80s this afternoon. Ing we gotthis clouds out there aftr and a sprinkle. Prine. Both of those will fad into partly sunny conditionsy this afternoon and low 80s. Su w all the rain you see north and a west up towards cleveland willvw not get in here until duringil g the day time hours tomorrow. To. That frontal system means smean business, though. Busi much cooler air for ther r the weekend. Ill have those details comingg up. Up. 82 degrees this afternoon. Es should be a dry day. Steve get out and go for you tou run because you wont want toon go running on saturday whenyhe its 59 degrees with a 30 Miles Per Hour wind. Er hou i went yesterday like 3 30. 3 it didnt feel that hot to me. E. Youre getting acclimated. Cce good morning. We have really bad traffic ona the wilson bridge. Bridg not a place you want to be. This is skyfox. Th you can see how heavy it is onh the inner loop and outer loop. Oa we have a big crash on theh on e outer loop. Its on the wilson bridge. Bridg all local lanes blocked. Locked. Just the shoulder is squeezing by. And one of the 32 throughe of lanes is t blocked. Ck keep it to the through lanes. Ghs lets take a look at ourk a o cameras to give you a betteryou look at that delay. Elay traffic again as you try cross o the wilson bridge is parkeds pad from the eisenhower avenuerve connector all the way acrossalt the bridge there. Just jam packed with se under 5 Miles Per Hour. 5 mis pe thats the view as far back as the eisenhower avenue avenue connector and they keepec growing. If youre heading out to the mitor xing bowl keep in mind yheadoudu might want to take 395 up. Up. Avoid crossing from virginia vir into maryland on the outerer loop. Lo inner loop dealing with a rubber neck delayloop d. Ay this is a look at the innerhe in loop rubber neck delays fromel branch avenue to the wilsonson bridge where you want to give ge yourself a ton of extra time coming from prince georges into alexandria this morning. Lets take a look at our maps right now. We have some other problemsndrio blems were dealing with. We e really heavy traffic as well l braddock road. Roa debris blocking the rightheight shoulder. 66 is basically parked theke entire stretch. Enti its about an hour delay from fo 234 to the beltway right now. Nw inside the beltway through throu West Falls Church heavy andls c you can see the 395 dhuelays ass traffic coming up from 95 iss avoiding that section of theon t beltway and continuing north. Th youre dealing with about a 30 a minute delay from the beltwaye to the 14th street bridge. Bdg youre heavy on the freeway by the third street tunnel. D strene take a look at that. Ke you can see a he theres red red lines all over the map. 295 southbound jams up. Hb this is a look youre parked from manassas mass through centerville with thent heaviest delay and then in Northern Maryland weer h davelea lot of heavy volume 95 southbound to the beltway. The outer loop from 95 over tobe georgia, 270 south jams as you make your way down past ther wa truck scale. Scale may want to take metro today. T. We have you covered on thatnha mess on the wilson bridge. Brie. Back to you guys. Hot on the web on this on b thursday morning includes details about a visit lastas block. A lot of celebrities reacting to last nights debate. Lot o kevin is back with that in back with whats trending on the the web on this thursday morning. First up a 62yearold woman up a girl gto a healthyon t in spain. Baby lena was born via csection october 10th. Ctob her mother is also a doctortherr and said if women are wellre wel later years they should not bes afraid to do t so. S they should just let natureature not their gynecologist decide. Id next up remember the fiat f that pope francis used duringd his visit here in the united thu states including right here inhe washington, d. C. One of them is for sale. F s the archdiocese of philadelphia is selling thesellg fiat it is one of two cars car provided for the pope inov for philly. The first was sold back int wasb january. It sold for 82,000. 82,0 the archdiocese is looking for a best offer. A be the money will benefitit catholic charities. Riti. Tine he knee homes popping up all over the city o detroit for a good reason. Food r the city has designated and a entire neighborhood to give g homeless and low income peoplee the opportunity to rent to owno 25re single familiar homes. Famih theyre small 250 to 40025 40 square feet will be built byll i the end of the year. Of ther. The project is completely comety funded though by privatended money. Ney. Al. All right. Kind of c aool. Llkind cool. I cant imagine where i would wu even put half of my clothes in h that house but i wish i couldi c have one. All right. Thanks so much, steve. Th coming up nextks janet jet jackson trending this morning th so well tell you what this ishs all about and a he reminderhe rm before we take you to the y break if you have a news tipif y please share it with us. Call 2028953000 or email your tip to fox5 tips at oh, look. Another antiwrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. Neutrogena . Rapid wrinkle repair works. In one week. With the. Fastest retinol formula available. One week . That definitely works rapid wrinkle repair. And for dark spots, rapid tone repair. Neutrogena . See whats possible. . . Welcome back everybody. It is, you know,me b 6 45ish. Is. That means its weather timeerim issuish. Remember a couple weeks agoao yeah. When do we change clocks. E oc good question. Queio i think its i think firstnkt week of november maybe. Ay spring forward ill find out. Fall back actually on thatckt one. Ually yeah, im going find out. Thank you, that would be tbe great. Speaking of daylight, today weda are under 11 hours of daylightft today. Sunrise at 7 23 and your sunset, i noticed it last night, 6 22. Sunday november 6th itr h s lis like. Okay. Ka at 2 in the morning. Right before election day. That sounds right. Okay. All right. Hey, lets do temperatures. Nice and mild out there. Likes f dalo nd ml out out early this morning. Orng feels like late summer. Ate summe 69 in washington, annapolis 69 degrees, 68 dulles 70 manassas 70 in want heant he company. Our is typical of what afternoon high temperaturesn hi should be this time of year. Ghi. So, obviously were runningunni well above normal. Mal. Had a sprinkle early this thi morning. We have a weak little front waving across the area. That will liftng t acro our norh cover but well turn partlyn rt sunny here a little later this l morning and then we should bee e nice and warm again thisin thi afternoon. Headed to the playground . Whydy not. T. Low 80s with plenty ofyf sunshine. Frontal system north and west. Er that will get in here overnight really during theri te daytime hours tomorrow thats going to be our next best b chance for rain and along with t it much, much cooler air iss going to be filtering inteng in behind this. Were going to get veryy blustery around here friday fri night and saturday is going to o feel down right fall like withet daytime highs only in t there you go. Ere yoo. One more nice warm day. D frontal system doesnt get in here until tomorrow and againin well have rain showers and a then much, much cooler air. Air are you waving . Oh, youre y distracting me. Futurecast. Wish i could show you whatsld o going on behindu the scenes. Se thursday this is today this h is the scene i was wa distracted. Thursday now i cant talk. [laughter] in good shape this in aftegoodrnoon. Here comes your rain comour tomorrow mornings commutes cou the daytime hours tomorrow. Omoro friday night we could have hav heavy rain around perhaps phaps thunderstorms as well. Detorm quick look at that seven day. D tododay. Rain tomorrow and then 59 blustery degrees on saturday. Ur i might drive to pennsylvaniayl on saturday just to see a see snowflake. There could be one in the mountains. Could moun what . You want to goanto skiing. Im ready to go skiing. Havent been ineady to like 20s im a terrible skier. Ill go tubing. Ill lounge at the we have improvements buts b still leftover delays. D outer loop crash has all locallc lanes across the wilson bridge g blocked has moved over to thetot shoulder so all lanes opened. Starting to he see traffic start to flow a lot better on the outer loop. Low a ter l rubber neck delays still heavyty however so lets move over tove our cameras. Camer i want to show you how farow far back the delays go. Back t for the outer loop because of lo the earlier crash delays, tenden back to van dorn street. N stree. Youre doing with over an hourir delay. I would avoid the outer loop if possible. Possibl lets forward our cameras. Ameras the inner loop is parked fromfr br Prince Georges County because of the rubber neckges c delay i alexandria that is what youre e up against. Against if youre thinking about heading o on 95 to 395 to t avoid that outer loop andp inner loop disaster 395ter northbound dealing with about da a 30 minute delay from therom t bottom of the beltway to thethe 14th street bridge. 14thtreet brd and then the inbound freewayre is also really heavy so it so will save you some time but youre still going to be sll dealing with a a big delay. Elay. Watch out for extra traffic. Trc dealing w if youre thinking aboutngut taking metro he disabled train outside van dorn street blueeebe line unfortunately singlena tracking between franconia atena van dorn street so metrornet dealing with those slowdownsloww this morning. Taking a look at the outerhe loop we also have some debris di in the road near braddockradd roadblocking the shoulder. Ulde big delays through arlingtoningt on 66 inbound and right now route one southbound closedd because of a crash scene between poet road and lortonet r road youll have to detour detr around that. Aroundhat. The northbound side super side p heavy of 95 through woodbridgedg with a lot of heavy volume andnd crash at Fairfax County rkway. Y. Thats in the mix of the in thme already slow traffic so from f 234 Prince William parkway allkl the way to the that pointt point youre dealing with over anealig hour and 20 minute delay. Delay. And then as you can see delays y continue to the beltway and then again id avoid thevo wilson bridge still even e though all lanes are opened. Ned. Northern maryland we havewe delays building turning heavier on 95 southbound iccd i to the beltway. He btway 95 to georgia about a 20 a 2 minute delay as well. S w we got you covered this t morning. Lots of unfortunate traffic to get through. Back to you guys. Backo yo erin thank you very much. A new metrobuses service will help ease traffic andease a more efficiently get folks tool and from the National Harbor hao called mh2 and it goes intont service this sunday ahead ofhead the december grand opening ofnif the mgm National Harbor hotelot and cass he no, sir. Nosi the new bus service will run from huntingdon and kingin street metro stations to downtown National Harbor and the Gaylord Convention center. Ne heated debate over an historic graveyard in the ballston area of arlingtona rlit United Methodist church wanthodi to go forward with expandingxpai the church which means removing graves that are believed to belong to the ballbo family in which the ballstonwhil neighborhood is named after. But people in the community dont want to he remove the t graves calling them sacred. Hem. There will be a meetingwille a tonight at the church to crch to discuss what should be donebe d with that area. Wihat and also happening today what is known as the great shakeout. Millions of people nationwide including right here locallyf pp willri prat cticehe how to dropo cover and hold on in the eventve thats done every year inear i october set for this morning moi at 10 20 a. M. Time for the fox beat now b at 6 52 and kev is here with the fox beat. Fox at. Steve, allison goodteve, morning. Good morning. Last night i went goo and saw cia at the Verizon Center one ce of the greatest shows ivehov been to. Singing was uncredible, miguelem opened up for her. Up for h we had miguel in studio stu fore. E. Hes incredible as well. Wel but theres nothing more cinematic than her voice. He the reason i bring that up is up tickets i ran into the most amazing fox5 fans. Ans. I got taken behind the box office and they were w theyre the coolest people ever. It was Jackie Christie sandytied angie and jackie they watchy wch every single morning. Morning hi ladies. We see them when we go to the games. When i walked back they took me back and 33 showed me a picture of their wall ofi wact like people he they love ande a Tucker Barnes was sittingti right there on the wall. [laughter] right next to jamie youre on the jamie foxx levelie of celebrities mr. Tucker barnes. I thought it was really cool. They were super nice. It wassupe. Thank you for watching the show. Show theyve met everybody here. Last night one of the most m interesting things about theg tn debates recently is the tweetsht have come out on social media m and happens during the actual president ial debates. Ates last flight during the debate there was a line that donalda l trump saidod when where he called Hillary Clinton such a a nasty woman and social mediaiala went insane because theyse t started referencing this oldsld 1986 called nasty. 1986le old school. Sch not old school. S do, its old school. O, i its old school but its just fun flee tow hear that. Ha its 30 years old. The song says no, my firstt name aint baby, its janet, j miss jackson if youre nasty. Everyone kind of turned his quote into like a fun positive thing and played on thatd on tht social media. Ia that went absolutely crazy all a on social media. Socedia. So did the bad hombres. Theres a trending bad bad social media is really fun rf during the debate. At creative. I like to sit there and read my feed. I dont even watch whatnt en theyre saying. E i just read the feed because its so much fun. Last nightit datse night for Ashton Kutcher and mila kunis kn at the dodgers stadium announcing the home teamho tea starting lineup before game gam four of the nlcs, correct cor have. Yes. And against the cubs and they were gaallinst the decked dodgers gear with personalizedne jerseys that seemed to proved to who might be number one int be n they both had kutcher on the one back of their jersey. Jersey. She had one and she had number e two and that story wasry was trending on social media asci ma well. Not really a news story buttoryt kind of a fun cute story as to t he what was going on lastn last night at the game. T at t gam so, well have more coming upmig later on today and well we celebrate bill murray at 9 40 94 this morning. Ng looking forward to that. Fort thanks guys. Thanks kev. 6 55 right now. Now. Love kevs stories. Stori did you watch any of the games last night. I was at a cialast concert. Are front and center behindr bed every pitch. She has season ticketsereasoe there. Does she. Sh shes a big dodgers fan. Dodn there all the time. Obviously. Throws are primo seats. Rimo s when do they go back to bk to wrigley. Tonight. Theyll be there for thell b wee thekend. Old school like flip. Li lets do the weather. s sunrise got about a half hourr until its official but you b y can see we are already gettingti some light out there and itsrea going to be a beautiful day. Ul d another day with temperaturesit how about low to mid 80s. S. Got a big front off to our to north and west. That one means business but itit wont get in here untile unti overnight tonight really rea during the daytime hours tomorrow and expect rainxpect rn showers around here tomorrowou along with cooler temndperatures and then much, much cooler forr the weekend. Kend. 83 today. Tay 71 tomorrow with rain. Rin. And look at your weekendsnds forecast. Ca. 59 degrees on saturday. Ur i dont know, erin, you mightht need a sweater or jacket with wt that outfit by saturday. Ill be in f sloatrida onn saturday. Ahh. I anticipate coming back to some really nice fall weather. Right now skyfox over horriblefr delays on the outer loop and inner loop. This is across the wilson bridge. We previously had all localll lc lanes blocked. Right now just the shoulder shol blocked but residual delays day lingering back to the t springfield interchange on the outer loop across the bridge. Ri inner loop dealing with rubber neck delays from suitlandm parkway to the wilson bridge as well. Heavy, heavy t traffiche. Ffic. 395 northbound dealing with an w in flux of traffic as well as w folks try to get around thisunts slow down. Ow dn. Up against this morning assthiss well. Youre delayed from just south of the beltway to the 14thhe 1 street bridge. Etridge. We also have metro delays on de the blue line out by van dorny r street. Keep it to fox5. We got you covered this morning. Cozy up this fall with dunkins coffee and espresso flavors. Sip salty and sweet with our new salted caramel macchiato or drink in the season with the classic taste of pumpkin. America runs on dunkin. . . This is fox5 news morning. Ori ill keep you in suspense. Us what he said tonight isht is blame somebody else for hisbo es campaign. Right now at 7 oclockight nw Donald Trumps refusal to say to he would concede if he loses ifs the election, the big headline n out of last nights finals f president ial debate in las vegas but the drama doesnt doe end there. Well have reaction o from vegas ahead. Head a tragic end to the searchhe for a missing three month oldond baby. Ba his parents now charged in hisis horrific murder. Mur metro is asking for you tooro weigh in about plans to adjustlt Late Night Service on the rails so what are the latestte details in a live report. Ep first though its 7 oclock o on a thursday morning givingin you a live look outside. Utsi its october 20, 2016. 20, 201 well have weather and trafficer for you on the 5s at 7 05. 7 good morning to you, im you allison seymour. And im steve chenevey. I welcome to fox5 news morningm. Beautiful start to this thursday morning. Th 7 00 7 the top at lets get right to the to campaign trail. This morning donald trump and Hillary Clinton return to the road after aning dclinto showdon city last night. The two squaring off in the u third and final president ialnt debate and thats where we wre w find foxs doug luzader. Luzer

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