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Hesston say the gunman firstmani carjacked someone, then as somnn they started a shooting spreeote leaving behind as many as fives crime scenes. Crsc his ultimate target the place t where he worked, a company that makes lawnmower parts. Er now, inside that building heuild slot a total of 15 people killing three of. They a responding officer shotes and killed the suspect who waspo armed with an assault style rifle. Your husband doing becausean you were able to talk to him. D. Yeah, i was able to talk toak him. He said hes okay. S o he did say somebody next to him got shot. Oh, my god. G oh, my god. G this morning 10 of the t injured remain in critical condition. Sparks fly at the gop debate the final one before super tuesday. Insuper tuesday. A brawl from the start asl from marco rubio and ted cruz went c after donald trump. Mp but it was rubio who had thead most heated exchanges with wh trump. Here are the two candidates onn immigration an if he builds the wall the t way he builds trump to yourtr hell be using illegal um illegu grant labor to do it. T. Such a cute sound bite. Its not a sound bite itsbie a factor. A go online and google it. Donald trump polish workers. Wks youll see it. The south korea thing about the trade war understanderd because the ties and thend t clothes you make are made inyo mexico and china. U xico and chi youll be starting a trade war r against your own ties and own suits. You know what, 33 dee value their can current see. Can curr then make them in america. Tn you dont think aboutnkbo business. Make them in america. Ame ted cruz attacked trumpmp questioning his conservative credentials. John kasich and dr. Bennndr. B carson still think they canhey c make a come back on tuesday. Tsy as for the democrats theyreoc looking ahead to tomorrows toms South Carolina primary. A primar. Hillary clinton banking onclinto winning big in that state. Hat s. Bernie sanders is focusing on tuesdays contest holding adi rally in virginia. Clinton will visit virginia ona monday. The trans do something to stop the sp violent attacks. Attac annie yu live at lenfantent plaza with more on the plans p to keep people safe there. Re good morning, annie. M good morning, steve andg, and allison. Alson. Yeah, this is promising newsngew for a lot of passengers whoer have been worried about theirute safety while riding metro. Metro gm saying hey, weve w listened to your concerns andyo were going to do something som about it and were going make gm some major changes. Chang i mean just this past week we had the 17yearold girl on wednesday during that bighat b storm, she was walking out ofng the potomac avenue metro m station when she was whee wa approached by five attackersttke who used a stun gun on her. They stole her money and they left her barefoot in that i tha torrential rainfall and also ans earlier this week a man wasisee shot other green line, his body later found on the anacostia platform and policendl did make an arrest, two teenswot in connection with that shooting. Both will be charged withl be c assault with intender to kill. Il the Violent Crimes haveme have passengers on edge so idea off stepping up security of courseys welcome news for many of its i riders and metro police chief ron pavlik says s hundreds of patrol officers will be on those buses trainsseb and stations to keepto kp passengers safe. Enge take a listen to their plan. P the first thing is were w outsourcing our revenueeven protection operation. Peration. Right now we have a large contingent of Police Officerscef that protect or safeguard our revenue operation over in o alexandria virginia. Vgi woar outsourcing that to a private security firme secu providing the same level ofthe security but obviously notusly n using Police Officers to doce o that. This will free up 17 officers. 11 would be freed uplde fr immediately. Imme and the following six in the next 60 days. 6 d reporter so, thoseho changes coming soon, something s to look forward to. Metro gm Paul Wiedefeld sayslday that every passenger deservesesr to be able to travel withoutut any fear and hes going to do td everything he can to make thatc happen. Thats the very latest here inte southwest. Sohwest. Back to you in the studio. O you annie thanks very much. 6 05 right now tucker barnes. Whats going on. Returned. Mp just for a little bit. Eit for today. It will remain cool today. But we have a nice lookingice weekend to look forward to. Rdo. Awesome. You guys look amazing inmazii your orange ties. Ur you got any big plans. Lans yeah. Y oh, yeah. Yeah. Excellent. Ill dish later. I love to hear labout it. Much of the area getting closeeg to freezing. Fez below freezing in gaithersburg, 30 degrees, 32 frederick, 38 this morning inthi quantico. Tico. Leonardtown good morning 34 degrees for you. Y here are your winds still ndsl thats not terribly impressivems but theyre still blowing at about 15 to 20 out and there the winds will return today. Yesterday we had gusts over 30. We could see winds gusting 25,ig 30 Miles Per Hour a little later today. T what are you laughing at . Re y that map looks liket map something i learned in healthn h class way back in middle school. Oh, really . Uhhuh. You can share in a minute. Ha theres a loorek at ourt satellite and radar. Well have a few clouds around today. As High Pressure builds inessu conditions will get better and better for the weekend soheeeke today remains chilly. Only 42 degrees. 42 gree make sure you g jacket ready. Youll feel like february andl e then springlike temperatures by sunday, monday, tuesday. Tue well look at that in just a at minute. Should be a dry day today. Thanks, tuck. All right, good news there. Go hi, erin. Good morning. Good its friday. And you look amazing. Zi maureen right that dress ist the everything. I love you. I credit the belt. Bel no. Nothing a little belt cant help. Lp you always look fabulous. Ful skyfox over college park ther cl beltway inner loop and outerin loop slow moving traffic. New mot tucker is making a face. Ac i cant tell if he likes or he r doesnt like the love fest love this morning. Give yourself extra time toelf t get through college park. P usual slow morning commuteng right now. You can see that trafficra crawling along. Well look at our maps. Ps. Breaking news as you make your way out suitland parkway onkway the inbound side of silver silr hill. Icc to the beltway 62 Miles Per Hour. Not a terrible ride but youyo may start to see some s som slowdowns as you head inbound id so watch out for that one asht n you head out on bw parkway and a 95 this morning. Orning take a look at the mall washington, d. C. You can see, d. Some red and yellow our secondaries starting to seeto se increased volume as folks makeok their way to work and busesnd bs are out and about. E out abou metro is on time if you wantou to consider taking metro thistao morning and 95 in virginia typical delays. Day youre up to 65 Miles Per Hour once you get out of dale city but a little congestionlitt through woodbridge. Thugh woodbr. Thats your look at traffic. Ic. Back to you, al on. Still ahead, plans for aplanr new gun store in arlington notgn sitting well with someith residents and it has to doo with its location. A live report is next. Next. Also the pentagon launching u a major cyber attack campaignign against eyes. Detailisis. Details after the break. Hi dad. Uh huh. Yeah. Sorry about that. Think about it there must be higher love down in the heart what do you think . And in the stars above hi ted, glad you could join us, we think youre going to like these numbers. Bring me a higher love i could rise above ohoh, ohoh, ohohohooh, oh hearts are made for sharing. Spread some sweetness with Dunkin Donuts cookie dough and brownie batter donuts. Heartshaped happiness too sweet not to share. America runs on dunkin. Out of state permit holdersst to legallyat carry in the carry commonwealth. The bill also prohibits peopletl subject to a protective ordere from carrying guns and it and requires police to be presentolc at gun shows for voluntary volta background checks. Grou meantime a new gun shop ismg opening in arlington. Ington its causing a stir among residents. Residents. It sits right near asi Daycare Center justts blocksuso weigh from elementary andle middle schools. Choo fox5s melanie alnwicklanie k live in arlington now withton nt more on how the residents areena taking action. Act mel, good morning. Me reporter good morning,r steve and allison. And this is a story that weve seen before in Arlington County but with a differenth a t gun shop, different owners. Oer still the same residents here say this gunhis n shot which you wouldnt known is coming in except for thisor t little tiny sticker here, they t say it really just doesnt fit in with the community, with comy the rest of the neighborhood. Bo but the shops owners say thataa they have every right to be b here on their web site theyithe say that nova armory wasarmo w founded with two guidingo gdi principles in mind promote the enjoyment of shooting sports spo regardless of age and tod provide customers with theith best possible service and and price. Pric so, they say theyve been in the business for 20 years, years that they are into some unique guns and those sorts of thingshe and that they will be good neighbors. Ighbors. But Community Members here,ser theyre pointing to the Daycare Center is across the t street and down the block alo little bit. Ttle bit theres also a natural market. Ar theres a yoga studio coming c in here as well so theyve started this petition onpeon o change. Org. Part of what it says is thatat in an era of ever gun violence it is unconscionable to locate a gunle shot anywhere in the vicinity of schools both private and bot public with Young Children in close proximity. Roxity its also worth noting that this whole complex isplexs literally just steps away from the front gate of fort meyer military base and arlington arlt itself has a very large l military community. Mili the gun shop here probably proba believes its going to be ablebl to do pretty decent businessin in this area but again, Arlington County says they cant regulate gun retaill shops any differently thanhan other businesses. He they did approve the occupancy p permit just yesterday and thet e owners say that they plan toth a open as soon as possible. Ossi live in arlington, im melanieg alnwick, fox5 local news. 6 11 now. Staying in virginia still picking up the pieces fromg wednesdays deadlyup tornado outbreak. Tbre in appomattox county it was an ef3 twister that damaged 100ag 1 homes, ki one of four deaths in the fou state. The tornado had winds of up to 165 Miles Per Hour. H it was on the ground for 13 miles. President obama heading to oa the Sunshine State to tout hisoi huge spending bill he signede back in 2009. Back now that recovery act pumped pue more than 760 billion in the economy to keep things afloat. Ee critics say taxpayers got toorst little in return. The department defensee wants to fight isis onde a new w front, online. Nlin the dod launched a newd campaign to erode thehe terrorists groups abilitys aby ia use social media and theoc internet to recruit fighters. Ig. Officials are preventing isis from distributing propagandaropa and videos. Id tom brady welcomeing a new edition to the family. Ioil next its the puppy he thats ta now a viral hit. Now a vi oh, boy. And a live look outside rightutr now as we head to break on bak this friday morning. Fridamorn were just about 20 minutesut0 m away from seeing some daylightyl today. Weather and traffic on the 5s coming up next. Head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone. Change your thinking about buying your next one. Theres a look outsideres right now. Ow its whats happening ing in frederick maryland. Fire at a recycling centera there. This happened afterre midnight. I you can see some of the damagehg there especially on the rightiar side of the scene butf th obviously the emergencyrgency vehicles are still there. He also seeing a few peeks in theeh clouds this morning, tucker. S rn how are we looking for today. T well have a nice sunrise. Un more sunshine today thanay t yesterday steve but a quiet a q and chilly friday. Ri well be very chilly aroundnd here today. Daytime highs only in the lowlyh below normal temperaturewise. Here are your cool are your Cool Temperatures. 36 now good morningow fred gericksburg. Ic 38 in quantico. Aic 34 in leonardtown. Town. Notice the freezing freez temperatures just to ourerures j north. Baltimore is 32. 2. Gaithersburg frederick all att or below freezing. Freez Cool Temperatures to startto sta your day. Yo winds are not terrible thisribl morning but theyll be blackck blowing at times 15, 20, 25 Miles Per Hour so a breezyre day an chilly day with againh a highs only in the low 40s. Nine the current wind in washington. Washington. Maybe a flurry out there early r although im not hearing h reports of it. Please tweet me tucker fox5 if you get any flurries. Frr a little bit of cloud coveroud were waking up into. Well be in more more sunshinesn than yesterday. An kind of a part to mostly sunny l day. Its all about lake effect l snow as our winds race off the f lakes and High Pressure out to the west builds in and that delivers a cold one today withit those Cool Temperatures onlyratu in the0 tonight it will start to pushst off shore and by tomorrow andnd particularly by sunday well byu start to get what we callt we c return flow and that means a mns nice warmup so cool and breezyrz today and then as we get intoe i the weekend, we have fantastic weather to look forward to. Did i mention its friday . N it erin, everythings going myoi my way. 42 right now in washington washg this afternoon, 46 on o saturday. Rd check out your daytime highs h on sunday. 61 glorious degrees. Degre theres your setup. Setup that area of High Pressureghur gets east of us. As all right, its been a week of e bad weather and bad traffic. Trc you know what we need todayny for friday, you need a little al Frank Sinatra. Fransina oh, yeah. H, yea Frank Sinatra vibe, ae, little bit of smooth music. H m all right. Ll rig. Thats our theme for ther the day tucker. Thats what ive decided. Did suitland a crash on the inbound side suitland parkwayd w at silver hill road. L r watch out for that crash. Cra a little bit of volume leadingmg towards in location. In l 295 inbound both direction d center city dealing with somedel increased volume. Sed vo. Same story south capito you head across the douglasougls bridge. Montgomery county right now c when you get to the other side were seeing somoue increased volume on 95 college park tok t 270 down to 55 Miles Per Hour. Ou nothing atypical there top ofref the beltway outer loopbelt increasing and in fairfax 95 inr in virginia youre checking in about 32 Miles Per Hour. Typical congestion is just really causing some slowdowns this morning. Same situation in frederick, fri 270 southbound usual0 so congestion as you make yours way down through the truckhe t scales youre going to hit thit some stopandgo traffic. Topan metro is on time. Im keeping my fingers crosseds that we get a quiet fridayrida commute because i feel weveeel earned it this week and ideek a like to keep it that way if i i have any control over it. Contro my vote is with you erin. Firing back the battle btl between privacy versus vsu security. Next apples First Official response to the feds. Se t first though tom bradys bra new puppy gets the lion kingn kg treatment. The new video that he postedoste to facebook. Aww. Patri thats fluffy as circle ofcle life music plays in the background as this is happening. Awww. 6 21 right now time for ourri business beat. Gh apples First Official response to the feds. First though well check the. We enjoy doing that on days like that lauren. L reporter it will be a a phenomenal week for the stockck market. Dow up over 300 points this week, gained 200 of themined 20h yesterday. Its up more than a hundredmoret points right now. Ha the higher on the week. Stock futures up 90. They were up about 150 moments ago. I think this board is delayed to tell you t bhe truth becausec its looking a lot better thanet that right now and it reallyht n has been a time when were down for the year if your 401k is actively following the markets. Ma however, not as bad as it has been. Been the oil momentum keeps gaining, oil such three days in a row and thats one of the e bigger reasons why the stock the marked such as well. Educh if oil keeps gaining is that going to be a long time t before we start to see higher he gas prices. Pri reporter i love thathat question. Sorry. Reporter so, most oil oil people who follow the oil t markets say for about every 10 days that oil prices as a commodity move in oneen direction thats when it will start to trickle down to thele gas tank give or take. Gas tank. Okay. Reporter the issue for oil prices rider now is thatider were trading in such a small, such a tight range range soht rn the effect on the gas tank gas t isnt as noticeable becauseble c were not moving 10, were e moving a dollar or two here orer there. Thats good then because we can enjoy the low gas price surge at the same time so right now we should beght enjoying life. Reporter bravo he. R good. Lets talk about apple versus ao the feds right now and it seems like team apple is getting a lot of tech heavy watson it versus team feds. Fs reporter absolutely. Ep which is getting politicians and Government People on it. Great way to put it. At the w debate last night in texas you had rubio, you hadyou cruz kasich and carson coming out against apple taking the tg side of the government in its privacy versus security controversial case. L c and you have on the flip side, s you have those supporting suprt apple being, lets see, most of Silicon Valley microsoft facebook twitter, googlese parents alphabet, many of them will file a motion in supportn p of apple in its quest to fight the governments order torder unlock the iphone used by the is San Bernadino terrorists. But wouldnt all those people running for office justoe love to have tim cookss support . Im just saying. Say theres a lot out there. A lot ot reporter thats a very v valid point. Speaking of money lets talk right now about this whhtole issue of do we slop mor online, do we shop more in retail stores, how does one doe affect the other and in someths cases hurt the other. O reporter walmart is mar cutting about a hundred jobs. Jb on top of the hundreds ofs stores its closing on top of hundreds of jobs it announcednnu that it was cutting late last le year so a hundred more. Ore. Theyre in the headquarters atra walmart in arkansas and the reason is so, you can argue that their headquarters in arkansas deal with thel wi technology in the stores buts bt their headquarters in silicon s valley deal with their e the commerce. They have some overlap betweenat those technology departments, so theyre cutting the excesshes which unfortunately would bely about a hundred jobs. Lauren you a tellingren you allison the other day i wentot into a bank this week. W there were eight employees andgs zero customers. Tomers im starting to worry thatry like we are just going to gng become a culture of shut insns soon because nobody goes out to do anything anymore. Anymo reporter do you findsep sometimes, yeah u i live in i manhattan so everythings s you know i have to walk down haw the block and instead of going f to the corner ill go on myo on phone and order what i need and then waiter two days for wta it to get there instead ofad walking five steps to thefive corner. Right. Reporter and what you just said i think about this, i sayr i how lazy. L i . Why am i doing this. This. Its convenient. Reporter yeah. Some day its going to be all of us in our homes none home businesses to go visit. Bu any way thats down the road. R reporter i agree. Ee have a great weekend. E it is friday lets not forgetotf there. Reporter you, too. Byebye lauren. Reporter byebye. Eporte bye 6 25. 6 all righty. Good morning. Good morning. Good morn hey tuck. Hey. Cold. Got cold overnight. Vernht overnight lows below freezing, e were in the mid 30s here bute the winds and wind chillnd w making it feel like 20s soke 2 make sure the kids as theyreye running off to their friday festivities at school. Ies its a half day in h Montgomery County. Al is it . Know. Nooumo that means shorter periodsan which means a great day. Me which also means thoughme theyll be all hanging out afterwards. Afterwards yeah. At oh, yeah . 35 now in washington. Shon dulles 32. Bwi marshall excuse me,xcusem dulles 35, bwi marshall 32. Hey, lake effect snow off to our north and west. Ou we have a fewr clouds here. Lour we are going to remain breezyy today and quite chilly. High temperatures will only bepa in the low he 40s but were w still looking at a nice, nice nc warmup for the weekend. The mid 40s tomorrow with lessh les wind. Wind. Sunday, monday, tuesday, tueay wednesday 60 or better. Betr. Nice. All right. Look at that. Lk at wow. Well be in full bloom. Ful. Ill be mowing my lawn by thela end of next week. End spring is trying to sprung. R everybody is in a great a g mood next week, erin, justn, jus think about that, sunshine, sunn feeling the spring in the air. Doing a Little Spring dance. Dae. Put the bronzer on my legs, getting rid of this winter pale. Er. Mootoo you too tucker. Tuc yeah. 66 eastbound lorton to theunn capital beltway 30 miles peray 3 hour. Give yourself extra time totra get through that area 66 east is also slow thisw morning as you move in through centreville. Revi aside from that in montgomeryomt county were getting reports on the outer loop the ramp top o northbound New Hampshireew avenue of a large pothole that may be causing some problemse pm so please slow down. Lo you definitely dont want to wt start this beautiful fridayut avenue witulh a flat a advertisement aside from thatt typical congestion outer loop ct through New Hampshire as youw hr make your way through the 270 spur. Inbound suitland at silverund hill theres a crash. A cra 295 out by eastern avenuenu heavy traffic. Traff inbound key bridge and 14the a street bridge increased volumeem as well. Metro is on time right now. Ht nw i like to hear he that. Ar h back to you guys. Back to you gu. Thank you so much erin. En. We do that appreciate it. O thati coming up next you canp nexc jump on d. C. s new streetcars sr this weekend, yes, you heardy me right much details are next. Next. Left lane check in with thenc sports junkies. Steph curry on fire. He finally sets that nbath record. What was it . Well find out next. Indeed thank goodness it isan friday morning and were so happy that youre with us atni 6 30. 6 30. Welcome back to fox5 news5ew morning. Well have weather and traffic f on the 5s at 6 35. 6 developing overnight four people including the gunmanludig dead in a workplace shootingceho in the state of kansas. K more than a dozen others were hurt. The sheriff says a man drove mad through town shooting at people just at random and then e went inside the excel e Industries Building where he he worked and killed people. The Company Makes lawnmower products. Prod also developing overnightevl locally now a recycling centerlc in maryland goes up in flames. Do this is a live picture of the aftermath. Te it happened just after midnight on rykes ford road in frederick. So far no injuries have been reported. Repo d. C. Streetcars willarwill finally begin passengerse service tomorrow. E t this comes after more than a aem decade of planning,la construction and testing. Tes the streetcar will travele re along h street and benningnd b road. The service will begin after a a brief ceremony later today steve. All right, time for the r morning line. The nfl combine is thismbe is weekend. Weekend. First lets talk about stephle curry and what he is doing in dg the nba. Th check in with the sports junkies 106. 7 f. M. The fan. The whats up guys. Whats happening. Hey. Curry hit 10 3pointers. 3oit we did the wizards media contest. To get 10 3pointer attempts would you need . Atou the media day they allowed us ad to shoot at college range. Lege for me to hit 10 nba 3pointers i think i wouldters i need to shoot for three hours. S im being dead serious. Thats unguarded. Do you think you could dou th out of a hundred shoot 10 percent or would you need more than that . More tthat no. Nba. More than a hundred. Nba shot is deep. E thats a long one, steve. S the amazing thing about tng a curry is unlike players of the t past, like there have beene b great shooters, you can gootersy back to specialists like craigig Hodges Dale Ellis or larryis o bird a lot of those guys areot spot up shooters. Hoot curry does it off the dribble. I you can see in the highlights hes not just ajust threepoint assassin. Assas he can take it to the basketas score end side or dish. He can pass. He made a great lefthandedea pass out there to green if the e corner. Corner. So good and so close sieve butve what curry is doing from behind the arc this year, year, 47 percent clip is absurd. S abs and the wizards could haveave draftd stop it. Stop it. How many times do you sayany it. Just torturing us. Rtur trust me every time i see him play it haunts me. Nt i could get past that. T pasthat. I just need to at some point. Poi the next time you guys have six hours to kill i will takellt you on in a hundred shots from behind the arc and well see arl who hits the most. M ill put my money on jason. J lets take jason out of the equation and then well focus wl on the rest of us. Of then its a crap shoot. Right. I know this. Against you and cakes im ces betting on you. [laughter]aughr] appreciate the support. Probably better than you too, steve. Steve i dont know if you know thiskn i have five professional aba points playing for the maryland night hawks back innd the day including a three. Ncli there. Then everybody is going to betby on you and then that helps metel then as the underdog. Nderdo this is Bulletin Board material now. Mate n steph curry 51 points lastn flight only one free throw. Thr that was awesome. Awe do you guys watch the nfl combine. Co do you geek oumbt in front ofon the tv and get wowed by how by high people are jumping andng stuff. Stuff. I kind of do. Kin i used to it more like 10, le 15 years ago. Go but ill occasionally checkheck in. In. The 40 times i mean all mean these guys are pretty fasttt f especially the receivers and running backs but i like watching the quarterbacks workrk out. Those are the guys im intrigued by jared golf and this kid out of north dakota d state. If you inn youre a skins man you want to see what the line backers do. Thats a real area of need. L ar you want to see what those tho guys, the big studs from alabama do, robinson, read. N, ra is that where you lookingoo for the first two rounds for the skins. Absolutely and i think that follows with scot scot mccloughans blueprint. Usually some of the big big uglies the guys inside or linein backers, Something Like that, that seems to be kind of where that people are suggestingeopl that the redskins might go early on and no seems to be receiver, though. Its pretty much commonh c knowledge that the redskinsdge need a big receiver. Ed they may not do that in the first or second round but i bet by the third or fourth ofo theyre going to start reallyeal looking in that area. Let me ask you real quick m since were talking about the draft and going after the big bg guys in the draft theres a the lot of guys free agentwise,w the running back from tampa. T do you see the skins goingou s after one of those guys are orro are we okay with matt jones. T jn i think were okay withnk wro matt jones. Matt i think they want to add a somebody. Theyre not going to add somebody like 30 plus. Ike 30 i think they changed their philosophy. Osop a guy like forte that name that would have been intriguing ahave couple years ago to the to Decision Makers but i thinkaker theyre really focusing on the draft. Scot mccloughan wants to build this team with youngyoung players. I dont think theyll go forteo route. I think mccloughan willughan look for a running back if the fourth or fifth type area of a the draft. I dont think hell spend thein first or seconds roundk pick c you guys have to stop right p now because youre actuallyctua sounding like youre sense thats the way youhe w build a team. Ila team. Thats because he listensst to us. [laughter]aughte right. R. Guys, have a fantastic weekend. Well talk to you again on monday morning. Mor see you steve. You got it. G the gongs at 106. 7 f. M. The. E fan. I like that strategy buildy b from within. Om wit yesterday there was a big a controversy because these the quarterback jared golf g apparently his hands are too art small. Only 9inches across and most nfl quarterbacks that are veryy successful have at least nine lt and a half inch. Nch. So just throw out everything hes done in hisng ho college career. Car a player like steph curry proves all that kind of nonsense wrong. Exactly. E exactly. Meanwhile, we got cold. C but its friday. Itsrida but its friday. Frida the browns have the numberrom two pick. Tw theyre looking at atheyr quarterback. They to me would be a teame a that would look at that andld lo say lets go with the other theh guy. Actually it was their coachls that commented on it. See there, we go. Y cause you know browns haveu such a great history ofkn gat hs drafting. All right, 35 in washington, whi 34 in annapolis, 34 in leonardtown. Leonardtown. Yeah, so i just got tweeted bywd my friend tyler who is out in in western maryland and he showedd some snow on the ground. They got School Delays out there. Yeah, they do ascnd thats at lake effect snows at this hour. S you can still see a few flakes a out there at this hour. Hi were not going to get anyr. Oft that here. You might see a flurry along a with some cloud cover earlyd ver but we do remain cool and breezy today with daytime highs only in the low forties ls heres your sunrise forecast. Nre sunrise up at 6 45 and5 temperatures out there again in the low to mid 30s here aser youre running out the door toor walk the dog and head off to off school but again, 42 this t afternoon. Af chilly afternoon. On beautiful weekend. Ee nice warmup. W well look at in it just at minute. I cant wait for the 60s next week. Going to be so nice. Erin ings already making lunchac plans for like every day nextkee week. We. Absolutely outsidede somewhere on 14th street. Ere on. Tell me where were going. E weeg done and on. D i cannot wait. I c i love this time of year. Yr. Its my favorite when it starts to get warmer. Inbound 395 right now i dont think im going to duke street to the 14th street t bridge down to 48 Miles Per Hour. Some increased volume on the v inner loop across the wilson thw bridge as well. Brge as we nothing atypical there. Fairfax county 66 on they o inbound side once you get intout centreville you can see that s a yellow line. Yellow youre going to really slow it down as you get inside thense beltway as well through tysons s corner were also seeing someg s increased volume on the innerluh loop. Montgomery county heres a bighe heads up for you. Head f were getting reports on theting outer loop the ramp to t northbound New Hampshire avenue of a large pothole. Pot that could definitely cause some flat tires so please use caution as you head by thatha area. We have reports that crews arert working at that location rightag now. Well keep you updated inep youd Montgomery County. Eryou the lester of your secondaries looking good. You can see that yellow line as you head out on the top ofp the beltway, the outer loop jams just a bit from new just hampshire as you head towardsrds georgia. So just be prepared for that usual slow down and in suitland right now Prince Georges County inbound suitland parkway at silver sil hill road we have an active act accident scene. Nt a little bit of caution as you head past that area. T thata. Aside from that 295 jamming upai were seeing some congestione on the freeway by c the 11th 1 street bridge. Ridge. And then out in fairfax letsaif take a look at virginia. Ginia. 95 looking pretty good rightoodi now. Just some stopandgo trafficst on route oneop northbound 95 t northbound as you head up from f stafford through the occoquand h making your way to the beltway. Lt allison back to you. Lison back u it will be a a rough, roughe week. Thanks so much erin. Ks s still ahead marijuana hasija been legal in the district now for a year but work remainsem when it comes to the sale of it in the city. Kevin mccarthy with histh oscar predictions. Reio the big show is on sunday. Un will he nominate the bear . Ear . Thats coming up in the fox beat. One year ago today marijuana became legal forne adults in the district todistrit smoke and grow he in theirand oh homes. Since then pot related arrestrr have dropped 85 percent in theie city and possession arrests arr fell from more than 18912014 to 32 last year. Y the issue moving forward money. This is Congress Continues toren prevent d. C. From coming upg u with its own rules and regulations for marijuana sales. D. C. Regulators set to votelo on a major merger betweenen Power Companies exelon and exeld pepco. In august the d. C. Public Publi Service commission rejectedon rc this deal saying it would not benefit customers. Tors thats when d. C. Mayor Muriel Bowser stepped in to negot a 78 million settlement thatha protects customers and guarantees jobs. Job heads up about a new dmv office in the district. N the str mayor bowser will attend a Ribbon Cutting ceremony fort Benning Ridge service center. Cen the new dmv replaces the penn p Branch Location that willoc close for good tomorrow. Tor a true story an thriller. Can this weekends new movies me knock dead pool from the number one spot at the box outhx of. Its movie review friday. Ri before we take tout breakut if you have a news tip sharenewr it with us. Call 2028953000 or email e your tip to fox5 tips at wttg. Com. Wttgom. Its 6 43 on a friday, 35 degrees. Back in a moment. vo you can pass down a subaru forester. dad shes all yours. vo but you get to keep the memories. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. Back now skyfox over the outer loop ramp to northboundsko new n hampshire. Ampshire huge pothole. Ho look at that. K at tha yeah, Montgomery County. Ery erin is going have moreav m details coming up. Mingp. Well, you know, tuck, iuck, guess this is just that time tim of year. Ea unfortunately, yeah, steve. E back and forth with allanwi that moisture. Oi get the freezinget te tmperatures, get the moisture, temperatures up nearmp 60 and yeah were off anderh we running. rru i hit a good one this morningng as well not a good one in ae i good way n a bad way. Ay. Theres your bus stopbus sto forecast. We are hey, were going to be chilly today no doubt aboutoo it. Morning lows here below h bel freezing for much of the area. Breezy conditions setting upng u and then after school look atero your daytime high only about 40 degrees. D 40 to 42 later today. T make sure everybody is dresseddd a 35 now in washington, 34 inin annapolis. Poli freezing temperatures makingratu their way into the north and thh west. West gaithersburg 32. 32 up in frederick. Rederick and in baltimore. Almore and winds theyve lightened up a little bit overnight butit theyll be back. It will be a breezy day today. Winds out of the o north andor west gusting at about 20 to 25 5 later this afternoon. This right now the wind nine here her in washington. Hing look at hagerstown 28, 13 in frederick, were 91 winchester. Is getting reports of a coupleou light snow flurries. Ght thank you tiffany. K yo she just let me know in martinsburg theyre getsburg something light snow flurries. Gh not enough to coat the ground. Tn not concerned about it but if you do see a flurry, tuckerke fox5 tweet me. Et m tweet me a picture of one ofe those flurries and ill put itl up ipu promise. Rose and otherwise were in for a decent day. Well get a little morett m sunshine than yesterday 678terd6 sun got up two minutes ago and well see more sun than t yesterday although we have some clouds out there early as r were getting some spill spi overhear from the lake effectm h snow thats really kicked inall here in the last couple hours. U what can you expect thist t weekend . High pressure off to r our west will stroll on acrossrs the region and then off to our o set us up for what we call c return flow get there wind outin of the south and south andouth d west and a nice warmup by the end of the weekend. 42 today. 42 today. Did i mention its friday . Its sunshine cooler and breezyezy winds north and west at 15 to a5 20 so a very breezy day. 46 tomorrow. Orro look at your warmup. Warmup. Sunday, monday, tuesday, tue wednesday, thats a streak. Tha yeah. Thats a streak of warmak o weather. R. 60 or better. R. So weve got springtimegtim temperatures on the horizon. Onz lets see if we have open roaded ways on the horizon with erin. Zi after all that snow andt ow rain and rough weather we hadeaw the past few weeks in weeks Montgomery County right nowy rit were dealing with a largein pothole on the ramp from thefrot outer loop to northbound newthbw hampshire avenue. Venu thats causing some slow causinw traffic leading to that ramp. G o lets take a look at skyfox sky and show you what youre up youp against. You can see its blocking thatlk right shoulder and right lane. Hn you want to keep it to thehe left. Dont want to start yourstt friday off way flat tire. Lat ti. Avoid that area. Av you can seeoi that white vanitva that went by a little tootlo close to that. Close keep it to the left and slownd down past that location or like that vehicle d theres d t your look at the beltway wherehe you can see traffic isic definitely slowing down a bit. It back to our maps now. Now aside from the slow down in Montgomery County and thatnt issue that were dealing withlig lets see if we can forward fora our maps and show you a look in fairfax county. Airfax count we have a crash 95 on the5 t northbound side inn springfield. Its at springfield franconiaona parkway. Parkway. That area gets really congested this time of morning. Mo solid slow from frrnom whartonmn towards the beltway. Once you get to the beltwayeltw youre moving along just fineg l the inner loop and outer loop between the springfield interchange and annandale. Annde in the District Northeast d. C. Or right now typical slow movingw i traffic as you head inbound inb 295 to the freeway down to 27 Miles Per Hour. R hou inbound new york at bladensburg slow traffic tra inbound suitland parkwayd slowing down and as you makend a your way towards south capitolal from suitland parkway officerd a the Douglas Bridge you hit that usual congestion. Stio metro right now on or close tost schedule. Keep in mind if youre taking vre were dealing way problem pm from a broken down freightfrei well take closer look there next. All the details on my twitter erin fox5 d. C. D. C very special night for one f military family. Y. The vaughn family got to meettoe Carrie Underwood before her concert at the Verizon Center last night. Thats not although. Otho the singer surprised them withmw a trip to new york in the t fall. Fall. Very cool. Its going to be a privaterivate concert aboard a carnival carnia cruise ship. Carnival is hosting the concerts for hundreds of Operation Home front military families including that familyy right there. Here theyre going to join us later this morning as well. Ng awell unfortunately not carrieri underwood but high a tough assignment last night because i had to go cover there story and hang out with her a little l bit. Talked about a whole bunch ofuno things allison including ilu american idol. Ando all right. All right. Sometimes people that were p on idol dont talk so muceohuc about their idol experience. Xpn. Thats why i love Carrie Underwood. Underw she was very humble abouty hu that and talked about what it meant to her all these yearsears later, 11 years ago. Ago amazing. When she was on there. E wa so anyway thats going to be be coming up and again the family sheamil honored is going to be joiningbi us on good day. Well talk with them as well. S l never seen you smile thatmile big before. Bi well, you know, shesw, pretty much top of my list al, t you know that. Ha thats closest well ever see get to nerd tears. D tears ive known steve since about abo 2007. I didnt know you couldt kn smile that big. His number one crush. Im a big fan. Ilm a b so that was a lot of fun last night. Ni but more coming up on goodd day. Da made me happy to see that picture because i know how much that left to you. To you you love her music. Usic. Her show was great. At your videos were were incredible. Edle. Youre looking super sharphap today. Academy awards today. Tod even though i think theyrehinke completely out of touch and out they have a problem witha prlemi diversity im still going to to watch the show. Watc the show is goh ing to beng t b interesting to watch. Watch two movies opening up thisphi weekend including eddie the eagle and triple nine. Eddie the eagle i absolutely loved this film. Good. Great. Listen i love a good under gr a dog story if its told well. W this is based 1988 Winter Olympics eddie thede eagle won the fans over. Ve he wasnt necessarily theri t winner. Winner. He wasnt very good at all. Exactly. Law only ski jumping forjumpr like a year before he even h started competing in the olympics but he is so much fun to watch. Watch if you dont know this story s essentially as a kid really rea wanted to be in the olympics o and stopped at nothing. It was a relentless story and lieu jack plans character chact plays his coach in the film i and its a wonderfully shot s well made film. Fil everything about it. Ng abo i that shot you just saw prior to that was hugh jackman doing the 90meter. Et thats a really cool slot tosl o see in the movie. Sein the i think it inspired me, made mae me feel good when i left the l theater. Oh good. Its such a great film and fn i really found myself really rel clearing. It got to a point where he e would do jumps and i would i w actually move in my chairn m chr trying to help him land. L i was like trying to help him h land in my chair. Cha thats how really cool. Four and a half out of five. T o i love the way it was shot. I cant wait to see it. Waits pentagon 13. N is it a family film. Fil thirst some bad language. Angu i can see 11, 12yearoldss seeing it with their family. Fal worth seeing. H seein a movie not for kids triple tri nine. Im a big fan of the movie m called heat. Do you remember that in theemth 90s. Very similar to that. Imar to th the story line here is that hert you have a group of criminalsria and corrupt cops who plan toho t murder a Police Officer to try to distract while they take on a massive heist and as a massive cast. As Michael K Williams Woody Harrelson why sh i have heard morei about this then. Haout this the aaron paul from breaking bad woody lar reel son. Michael k williams is amazing a from the wire. Mackey, Clifton Collins jr. J very solid film with lots of intensity. Performances are amazing. My only problem with the film f is i wish the script wasipwa better. B i gave 84 out of five. Ive. Again not for kids whatsoever. Oe id choose eddie the eagle asiee the best movie. Mov do any of those big nameigame actors stand out in the film. If for sure. Or s honestly i think it was caseyass afflecks movie. Ov Casey Affleck is such an underrated. Obviously ben affleck gets aen lot of publicity but casey c affleck is a great actor. Oscars now or well wait for that. Speed rondo on three majore r categories. Ca best picture this year wills yea come down to three films thee revenant the big short or spotlight. Otlight. Im choosing revenant but do not under of the made ther of power of spotlight or the big t short this weekend. Eeke also my should win for that isht mad max fury road 10ryoa nominations for. F that it will not win beltwayway keep an eye out for. That best actor Leonardo Dicaprio no question. Prio no qus hes been nominated four timesrt prior in the acting category,g e never won an acting award forwad the academy awards. Wa i think it will be his year. Ear. If anyone surprised it could be Bryan Cranston for trumbo. Ru. Best actress we had bree lar be shouldnt studio on good dayg d. C. Couple mth we had no idea how big this big movie was going to be. B wracking up the awards. Wards. Shes amazing in the film. Il she plays a mon who raises a son in a room and shes inhes i there for seven years and she s actually kept herself in her in own apartment or apartment bypay herself for a month to get her h skin file prepare for the roleer and by the way tonight at 10 30 p. M. , i have a amazingma show with annie and alex. A we are doing an oscar specialpe at 10 30 p. M. Were going toreoi be joined by dicaprio stallonese everybody, brie larson so tunenn in. 10 30 p. M. Live basically theict entire show. S alex does we what we do foro our sister station inerta philadelphia and hanging outianh with you guys. Shell be on our show todayst at 10 40 so you can meet her here. He its oscar weekend. Its osc can you give us a goodwe oscar forecast tuck. St t kevin if i join you at if i n 10 30 and dont remember itember tomorrow does that count. Of course it does tucker. Lets do the fork. We got Cool Temperatures tol start your day. Testar overnight lows right around aun freezing bwi dulles, 36 at reagan national. A chilly day today. Oday winds north and west gustingus at times to 25 again. Gain. So, mix that in withn w temperatures in the low 40sn t4 and its going to feel like ae very chilly friday but itsut nothing but a good newsd new forecast as we get into the aweg weekend. Look at what happens by at what sunday, monday, tuesday and wednesday. Were going to top out nearr 60 degrees. Signs of spring will be everywhere. Lets see if we have signs of w good news on the roadways this morning. Morn awww. Ww let me go pick some flowerslo for you erin. Would you. Can we take a stroll on the beach. Absolutely. Spring weather right now. We need some calm musicso because things are picking upina around the area. 6 56. 6 56. Springfield lorton capitaln pitl beltway down to 31 miles pern t hour. We have a pothole top of theopf beltway, its the northbounde ramp to New Hampshire from the outer loop. Its blocking the rightig shoulder, right lane. Righan you can see skyfox is therekyfos and keep it to the left. L id advise slowing down. D you dont want to slam into that like that car just didth and getat a flat use caution. We got you covered. Got y well be right back. Keep it to fox5 news morning. 7 oclock hour. Ohoh, ohoh, ohohohooh, oh hearts are made for sharing. Spread some sweetness with Dunkin Donuts cookie dough and brownie batter donuts. Heartshaped happiness too sweet not to share. America runs on dunkin. This is fox5 news morning. Mg right now at 7 oclock alocka shooting rampage in a small s town in kansas leaves fours fo people dead including the gun tn plan. His ultimate target, his workplace. Rk the latest on thisla on t developing story coming up. Plus,. Nobody, you dont have the endorsement of one republican rn senator and you work with w these people. Ese senator cruz. Cru you should be ashamed yourself. The respect president ialespe candidates facing off for theac final time before superinme befr tuesday well break down lastt nights debate straight ahead. Metro making major changesha to keep riders safe. Id what you will soon see when you ride metro coming up in a live report. Report. First though live look outside. It is february 26th, 2016. 016. Yeah, nice looking start to the day, 7 oclock now. Ow weather and traffic coming up on the 5s at 7 05. 7 happy friday morningda everybody. Ev im allison seymour. Liymou and im steve chenevey. Im e we will can um to fox5 newsne m fox5 news morning. Morni Allegany County the mountain mot Ridge School District on a two t life hour delay. Elay. All the other Allegany Countyyy schools are on time n garrettar county all schools there willhew open three hours late this morning. In those are your delays out ine rte western part of the state. Yo we are following developing news now about that w deadly

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