Causing such a big backup thisch morning. Erin como is going to help usngt out this morning. Orni not the way you want to starto a a friday. Rida i keep telling myself its its friday. Friday. Get through this and hopefullynp were okay. Oka absolutely. If you havent left the houset u yet leave early if you travelyo in Montgomery County. Tgco the traffic youre seeingc youe getting by on the outer loopby right now is just those folks os that had been stuck in thehe backup for over an hour since s this crash happened between wisconsin and this point atpot connecticut right now. You can see traffic completelyoy stopped for the most part. Art. Tractortrailer crash happenedpe on the outer loop and thend tractortrailer crossed the median and it spilled overer onto the inner loop. Theres a hazmat situation because of the overturnedhertur tractortrailer. Were not confirmed how manynf other vehicles yet have beenav involved in this crash. Lved in c we do know serious injuries iur are involved and theres a huge investigation under way. Gar my best advice to you if youre traveling on the outern loop lets take a look at oura o maps youll want to exit at to i colesville road. Svle r things are backed up at a standstill from that point ont o through and then in addition ai to that as you make your way out on the inner loop exit at ea old georgetown roaow one lane is getting by howeverer on the right side, you saw you s that right shoulder getting byd on the inner loop. Try to ease that backup. That now aside from that 270270 southbound is just overflowingtw with traffic towards the spur tr right now. Folks cant get on thecat ge beltway. Theyre going have to continue onto 355. Some alternates for you. You can take randolph road. That run rs parallel to thele t beltway p north of the beltwayhb or underneath the beltway beltw south of the beltway take eastwest highway but wellhw bt start to see a ton of traffic ta on our secondaries as folks f are exiting at colesville andvi old georgetown road. Gewn r as tucker got stuck in there t backup coming to work this morning, a lot of frustratedrad drivers. This is not just affecting the beltway backing thanks up itsap also affecting several secondaries throughout Montgomery County. Mont we do have Team Coverage thisagh morning. Morning. Melanie alnwick is out there. Utt what are you seeing are you see trafficwise in addition ton ad the beltway backup . B reporter hey, good h morning, erin. Yeah, i got to tell you it did not take very long forong gridlock to set in on all ofnll those secondary roads. Dary roa we were heading our way up 32 out the fatal accident thereentt earlier this morning when we whw heard about this one, turned, te around and it was really it rea trying to figure out by b looking at our traffic appsffics and trying to figure out which w way do we go because everyau side road we looked at quickly started to red line and back up. You can see right here we arere able to see just on the otherheo side of the beltway here, so s looks like weve pinpointedinpoe where exactly the location of of the tractortrailer overturning is and then over here you can see this is beach drive. Dr this is one of those pointse where people would try to makela a little cut through to getroug either over to connecticutonnecc avenue, old georgetown road, those areas and it is justt complete everyone on theone brakes trying to get throughrygo here and think about how early e it is this morning. So, after we are done with youiy guys here, we are going to go tg and try to figure out some o s work arounds and see what that h is like for us. R i did talk with briefly b state police and they just described it as debris andnd stuff all over the beltway. Bely it is going to be quite an extended closure this morning tr and maryland state highwayighway administration is now puttingwug out alerts to drivers telling tg everyone to please prepare for an extended morning commute. Cmu you could be stuck in this forhf quite some time. T and so and again, good advice from erin as well thatela go ahead and plan your plan y alternate routes before you leave the house this morningus cause you are going to be inngo it for quite some time. Uite s back to you guys. Ba all right, good advice. Dv not what people want to hear toh but be prepared. Ppa also in the district nine months after the brutal murderur of three family members andembea their housekeeper the man accused that of crime will bel arraigned. Arraigned. A grand jury indicted darnndic winter of 20 felony charges. Rg those charges include firstnclue degree murder burglary kidnapping extortion arson and n theft. Thef big news out of baltimore, maryland. Land the trials for those Six Police Officers charged in the been put on hold by marylandsy highest court. Ou the court of appeals is now deciding whether officer off William Porter can be forced to testify against otherin officers charged in the case. I. Porter went on trial last wen december, he was the first one but that case ended in a hungn n jury. Prosecutors say they plan toey t retry him. Im five past the hour righthe hu now. No lets get to tucker barnesuckers right now fresh off his tourf hu of the beltway. Eltw yeah. Lots of fun this morning. Mni the way things go. Its yeah. You just have to be patient. Nt. Im hoping that you hearg thr this on air, on radio on your phones, dont go to theto beltway. Be yeah, you think that being b in the News Business i wouldes know that ahead of time. Of t thats okay. Hat oka lessons learned. L this is a no judgment zone,et tuck. All right. You paid the price. Outh were okay. I appreciate that. Ciate at. Beautiful stars out there. Out t you got to see them. Tm. Oh, yeah. H,ea okay. Yeah, roll down the windowl e and relax cause youre not y going anywhere. Ing 28 in washington, 24 in annapolis. There. Teens north and west. Frederick is 19 degrees, 18 insi gaithersburg this morning soburg lots of cold air to start yoursy day. Had a few clouds try to move tom in here from the west and w well be kind of partly sunnylyy today. A little warmer thanr tha yesterday. 45. Were still on track for ouror o nice weekend start. Sta looks like saturday is thehe nicer of the two days withayit highs near 60 tomorrow. T today not a bad day. Most importantly if youref your hanging around, trying to find something to do on the beltwayel at 4 00 in the morning. 45 degrees. Egrees thanks, tuck. Uc uhhuh. U final farewell begins todaybs for the Supreme Court justice j ander school. Justice antonin scalia. Ia. Fox5 its megan dice joins dn us live. Your picture on twitter was twit very telling, just bouquetou there at the steps of the Supreme Court. Reporter yeah, itste yea actually way over there. Here. Its quite beautiful and good ao morning to you, guys. G scalia served as associates aoc justice of the Supreme Courtof t from 1986 to when he died in texas at thet te age of 79. F 79. He was appointed by ronald reagan. An now, take a look at this. K at t this is some of the eventss som there are happening over the next two days. Day a private ceremony will be held here at the Supreme Courtre from 9 30 tome 10 30. 30 after that a public viewingie will be open from 10 30 to 8 oclock tonight. Ock t the viewing will take place inn the great hall here at the u. S. Supreme court. Tomorrow saturday sur february 20th there will be ah l funeral mass for scalia at 11 00 that will take place atlaa the basilica of the national nao shrine of the immaculatee immace conception. Meantime the debate continueses about how to replace justiceceus scalia often called the calthe courts conservative heavyiv weight. We obama promised to nominate a successor soon. Esoo that person would be confirmedde by the senate but mitch mch mcconnell leader of theell leade republican majority says noity s one should be appointed until after the inauguration of theinu next president. Ne now, the president not attending the funeral tomorrow. The white house presswh secretary citing theit reasonn potential security detail foreto the president , extensive een security detail to disruptive. Sruptive were live at the supreme supme court, megan dice fox5 local5oc news. Still ahead a feudad a feud involving religion anding region politics. Poli donald trump is taking on plenty opponents but this time m may be his biggest one, he one,h takes on the pope. Pop that debate took center stagente at a town hall last night. Astigt were back with that after the t break. It is eight minutes past the hour. 6 09 right now. 6 as we take a look outside a l right now at the beltway andnd this problem is just itst going to be this way forway f hours. Thats the word were gettingeti from both Melanie Alnwick whowi is on the ground there neargrndn the scene of the beltway and the also what erin is telling us. Ng this is between wisconsin and connecticut avenues. Ec just a heads up. Yes, that is a vehicle acar on the median there and youre ay can see the tractortrailerra there has spilled its load its l that is covering the roadshe r there. So, its on the beltway again between wisconsin and connecticut and it is going to be a very slow go thiso is morning. In the race for the white house Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders taking a lot oe shots at each other as bothr a b remain in that heated race in nevada. The big headline on the republican sidon trump nowanon taking on thside, donald trumptp reporter its a tight race for the democratic racetic for president ahead of theent ah nevada caucus. Aucu Bernie Sanders pushing back against Hillary Clintonhoclinn w has accused the vermonthe ver senator of not supportingot supn president obama. Pres there is one of the two the t Democratic Candidates here who actually ran against barack obama. Am it wasnt me. Reporter the former secretary of state hasr taken criticism for sanders over herd support from wall street and other special interests. I have a number of differences with senatorh senatr sanders and weve been layingvg those out in the campaign andinc were going to continue to dotou that. Reporter meantimeepor republicans are fighting it out in southar carolina ahead of their primary as they try tothrt narrow down the field of fld candidates. Donald trump is now firingw fin back at the pope who said thatdh donald wasnt a christian andisn blasted trumps proposal for asa wall at the mexican border. An be and he also talked aboutalkea having a wall is not christianhi and hes got an awfully big b wall at the vatican. Vatic reporter when i say his competitor jeb bush is moreeb bs supportive of immigration he doesnt agree with the popes ts comments. I just dont think its appropriate to question donaldld trumps faith. He knows what his faith is. Fth. Reporter ohio governorte john kasich is gaining fameis gf for being the compassionate candidate after giving a hugafte at a rally to a supporter who had been dealing with a loss in his family. Am there are a lot of people are out there who are lonely andonea theyre looking for a place tof tell people about theirut i mean, could you believe that young man g m reporter the republican primary in South Carolina andouc the Democratic Caucus incric c nevada will both be held tomorrow. In new york patricia stark,a ar, fox news. We want to know your we wantt thoughts on the issueso. Es. Shot pope be weighing in on american politics and what diddh you think of trumps response . O comment on our fox5 d. C. 5. C Facebook Page or tweet us andwes let us know with the fox5d. C. 6 12. Still ahead how long you live l might depend on how much moneyn you have. Mu yo thats according to a neu w study. Seems like it might be commonghe sense to me but anyway wellanyw tell you about it when we come c back, take a closer look. R l as we take a look outsideutse right now, problems out thereem on the beltway. Elay. Just a messy ugly situation out there. Its going to take hours tors clean up is the estimate. Estimt this again between wisconsinns and connecticut avenues in ave Montgomery County so just ame heads up there. The weather and traffic on the 5sd coming up next. P n its 6 12. Live look at the beltway. A let me tell you something, if you if this is your commuteuc this morning, please right now g we hope that youre hearing us some way on your phone, on your over the air, avoidvoid this at all costs. Costs. This is going to take awhileg a to clean up. This is 495 between5etwe connecticut and wisconsin wcons avenues. A lot of folks traveling this,vt a lot of folks trying to getg an early start on the weekendn e going to work early or whatly ow have you, you are going goi nowhere if this is your route this morning and melaniening ann alnwick letting us know that knt some of the work arounds alsoo getting congested this it is 6 15. It 6 hopefully maybe the the bosshe s is a little lenient you canen get in there a little bit later but pointing out theting t debris all across both lanes l of the beltway there, one laneol trying to get by. Earlier erin said the cars t car trying to get by steve were w those that were waiting thoughng for up to an hour or more just sitting there when all of this s happened i presume. Just not a good scene. Cene axle and there the cab of that truck truck and there are injuries. Here j very serious injuries. Injie so, somebodys not coming home tonight when you weigh that against your frustration this f morning. Its going to take that obviously to a position where police can investiga pte any ana also cars can can rollanol through. Well check in with erin in ainr minute. Mi first though, tuck, it is, tuk,s friday morning. Yes. Try to embrace that best weab can. Allison i was in my early iny 20s when i left this morning. I now look alet me after waiting i through that. H t thats a good one. Dne theres your bus stop your bu forecast t all right, its all t cold out there, too. Ut there, t. Make sure you are ready for aada cold start to your day withay w temperatures in the teens and i low 20s. W 20 heres your pickup foreca for the bus stop. Thbus stop. 18 to 30. To it will be a pleasant wilbe a pe afternoon but a cool one. N t a low to mid 40s here. S maybe mid 40s by midafternoonao a dry day. 28 now in washington. Ashing you can see those cold temperatures, 24 in annapolis,np off to the north and west you got 18 manassas, dulles,s, gaithersburg, frederick all inrk the teens this morning. Ning Hagerstown Martinsburg too,b as were off to a very chillyy l start. We had some cooler air arriverr yesterday and its really seteay upon us early this morning. Mori all right, weve got a littletl bit of cloudiness off to our west. Area of High Pressure thathighr will keep things dry today soods well go partly sunny today. Might be a flurry. A flu looks like were picking up ap flurry out to the west. O th wes. Were not expecting anything other than that. A nice start to our weekend too. Still featuring temperaturesuri around 60 tomorrow. Theres a bigger look. Fairly quiet weather patterner t for the time being. For well take it. Weltake whats going happen as we getapg into the weekend well startnd with our temp in the 60s soin o warm front tonight will comelom through with some cloudiness. Around 60 tomorrow and then ahe cold front saturday afternoon ar and an area of low pressurewss riding along it w some clouds and some showerome w activity i think by sunday. Thi most of the showers shoulds be d pretty light but well have a few showers around by sundayy afternoon. Af 45 today. Mix of sun and clouds. Loud well go cool. Winds five to 10 and here iss your sevenday forecast. 61 gorgeous glorious degrees tomorrow a few showers on few s sunday. Su were still on track for thatha possible winter event tuesday and wednesday. Right on the fence between the rainsnow line. Ra we have to watch it carefully. Ill be updating at tuckert tucr fox5 and then cool next week, around 40 by next tuesday andnd wednesday. Wedn im not the man of the hour. Erin is the traffic reporter of the hour. How is it looking . Looking we are just seeing such slow moving traffic t unfortunately you experiencedu e this yourself this morning,f thi tucker. Tucker right now skyfox over anw yfox extremely messy situation onuatn the beltway. Inner loop and outer loop shut l down between wisconsin and connecticut. Ti theyre forcing all traffic toa exit at wisconsin avenue ornue connecticut avenue. Ecen the traffic youre seeingafyo getting by with some of theso of inner loop and outer loop cars s that were stuck in that backup c as allison mentioned they told morning. Rn tons of debris, overturnedd semi that crash happened onapne the outer loop spilled onto the inner loop and its goingopa to be several hours for thes fo investigation and clean upbefore theyre able toeo reopen that really busylly stretch of road. Have patience. Nce. We have options for you to getyg around this but if you haventoh left already, leave early or o try to wait out the morning mor rush. Lets switch it over right now as we take a look at that debris a and that cab of theb of semi right there. Randolphandolp road north of the beltway, youeu can take that or the icc. Cc. Inside the beltway 410elay 4 eastwest highway. T hig. Just anticipate that those routes are going to be veryoingv backed up. Ba seeing a lot of extra traffictra on wisconsin and connecticutne this morning. Ng. Through Silver Spring bethesda in Montgomery County youreery o just going see a lot of very lov slow moving traffic. Ing. If youre headed to nih just jus be prepared. Paed. Youll see atypical slowcal s moving traffic. That is not the only crashl c this morning. Th mor were seeing backed up trafficn on 270 southbound, the spurhepur leading towards the beltway. El 270 southbound a crash after aft middlebrook road. Br road. More crash activity on theshivit beltway. Inner loop at 66 the left laneee blocked in loop at the Eisenhower Eisen connector dealing with a bigr de crash and just quickly want tolt mention inbound new york i avenue closed right now wayt now crash. Traffic has to turn onto new oo jersey to get around that one. Ho we got you covered. Cover it is a messy friday morning. Back to you guys. Ys thanks, erin. The latest Celebrity Newsri in prime time. People magazine is close toazin inking a deal for a weekly tv we show. Sh well have those details next. Lx first though lets take a look at Harlem Globetrott