Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 430 20171211 : comp

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 430 20171211

and asked people to remember his love of art and commitment to others. now, we can tell you again that montgomery county police say that there's still going to be an autopsy here. the medical examiner yet has not ruled on the manner and cause of death. this has been a very difficult month for walt whitman high school here. another teen died earlier toward the end of november and so this is yet another tragedy for this school. the principal said of course that there will be additional counselors on hand to help students work through their emotions. live in bethesda, i'm melanie alnwick, fox5 local news. >> mel, thank you. 4:31 is our time right now. happening today, a number of women who have come forward with accusation center city of sexual assault against president trump will come together today to demand a congressional investigation. at least 16 women have accused mr. trump of sexual misconduct. in just a few hours these women before hold a news conference demanding accountability. two democratic senators also called for the president's resignation. the growing calls for the president to step a time when several politicians announce their departure this month because of sexual harassment scandals and many more are under investigation by congressional committees. last week democrats john conyers and al franken announced there had departure followed by republican trent franks. lawmakers on the hill say that's just the beginning. >> as i've heard reports that as many as 30 or 40 members of the house and senate may face allegation of sexual harassment. >> i'm hearing those same rumors. the numbers grow reach week. i don't know what the truth is. >> the house and senate have approved anti-harassment training for members and staffers and now they're looking at the 22-year-old law that govern veterans how harm and the reported. all eyes on the alabama senate election. the race is still too close to call. republican roy moore is in a dead heat with democrat doug jones. moore was once the clear frontrunner until allegations surfaced about a month ago that he made sexual advances on teenaged girls when he was a deputy district attorney in his 30's. weekend trying to drum up last minute support. moore was absent from the campaign trail but does plan to hold a rally tonight with former trump chief strategist steve bannon. >> time right now is 4:33. the tax reform effort continues on capitol hill as lawmakers work to combine the house and senate versions of the bill. now among the issues that need to be reconciled the size of the corporate tax cut and whether to include a repeal of the ebb pair individual mandate. there could be a possible snag because republican senator susan collins who reminded leaders that her support is not a given. >> swayed until the final version of the bill is brought before us before i make a final decision on whether or not to support it. there are major differences between the house and senate bills and i don't know where the bill is going to come out. >> now, among the issues that need to be reconciled the size of the corporate tax cut and also whether to appro repeal of the obamacare individual mandate. 4:33 is the time right now. that means it's time to talk football. recollection getting ready for the off season and the nfl draft. on sunday the skins were officially eliminated from the playoff contention with their loss to the chargers. final score was 30 to 13. this was the team's second straight loss on sixth defeat in their last eight games. this thing wasn't even close. quarterback philip rivers of the charges threw for more than 300-yard and two touchdowns. kick kick threw just one touchdown pass and had one interception. >> philadelphia eagles quarterback carson wentz is likely done for the season. he tore the acl in his left knee while scoring on a running play during sunday's game with the rams. the eagles did win the game and clinched the nfc east division title. wentz will undergo an mri to confirm the diagnosis. up until this point he was considered a leading m.v.p. candidate. tough break for him. hone him a speedy recovery. >> you don't have to eagles fan to root for him. >> you're sitting here with two eagles fans. >> traffic, weather. >> also in sports -- >> i know, right. >> good morning. >> he just shut us down. >> i was watching that game. all that snow fell during the course that of game. >> i'm amazed at how people can play in that, amazed and it doesn't even seem to faze them. >> i guess they have good padding for when you fall. >> they're not the only one who enjoyed. we enjoyed the snow. >> conversational snow. >> absolutely. we had our first snowfall of the season on saturday. that's long gong. chilly in its wake. 36 degrees out there this morning, 29 in manassas, 31 out at dulles. and temperatures will be in the mid 30's for next couple of hours before the sun comes out and that will warm us into the 40's later on today. so, 33 to begin in gaithersburg, 34 in westminster. a lot of that snow did melt with the sunshine yesterday and it will b today. current wind chills while not too far off from our temperatures because the winds are fairly light. still shows some readings in the 20's. feels like 23 in frederick, 24 fredericksburg -- martinsburg excuse me, 23 in winchester and we have some departing snow flurries moving across parts of southeast pennsylvania, really haven't seen much here in the district but there have been reports of flurries in northern virginia as that clips on by. 45 degrees mix of sun and clouds. not too cool. erin back to you. >> 4:36 clarksburg has a new crash alert. this is northbound 270 after 121. caution there. we have a slight slowdown building southbound side still quiet. we don't have enough volume to cause any major slowdowns yet. on the bottom side of the beltway we are in great shape through oxon hill inner loop and outer loop look good. 295 problem free in both directions. not seeing any issues as you head through bowie this morning. 50 by the sandy point plaza you can see you're quiet in both directions to and from annapolis. anqu that's your traffic, wisdom and maureen. >> 4:36 is the time. coming up on fox5 news morning the latest "star wars" film pays tribute to carrie fisher. >> a number of high profile lawmakers make santa's naughty list on "saturday night live." >> going to break at 4:37 with a live look outside at the washington monument after a snowy weekend. we're going to see how cold it's going to get today and moving forward. back in a moment. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ >> ♪ >> welcome back. it is time right now to see what's hot on social media maureen and first up this morning, a first for the virtual currency bitcoin because you can now place bets on bitcoin, the first futures exchange is now up and running letting traders speculate on the rise and fall on the crypto currency. trading haults designed to cool volatility. >> i still want someone to explain to me what bit coins are. just anybody. where was roy moore this weekend? no one seems to know. the politician made himself scares leading up to tomorrow's special election. moore's absence from the spotlight might work in his favor. he's been able to dodge tough questions about sexual allegations that he pursued relationships with teenagers allegations he's denied. moore will join forces with steve bannon tonight for a rally on the eve of the election. >> over the weekend "saturday night live" poked fun at the ongoing sexual assault allegations making headlines these days with a naughty santa skit. keenan thompson played santa. he struggled through a slew of questions from children. in that skit one little girl says she's learned a lot from going in on the news that if you admit you did something wrong, you get in trouble but if you deny, deny it, you get to keep your job. so it's -- >> oh, man. >> kids are learning. >> yeah, unfortunately they're learn, not good modern era of baseball commit elected pitche jack morris and short stop allen trammel to the baseball hall of fame. sorry mr. trammel. morris is 62. he played for the mlb for 18 years for the detroit tryingers minnesota twins. the two baseball greats will be enshrined in cooperstown this summer. >> latest installment in the "star wars" franchise has premiered in los angeles over the weekend. "the last jedi" is the final movie carrie fisher appeared in before she died last year at the age of 60. there's also a tribute to the late actress at the end of the film. after the credit roll the screen reads in loving memory of our princess, carrie fisher. coming up, police searching for the gunman who held up a d.c. hardware store. >> fox5 has learned new information about a deadly accident along i-270. >> heading to break a live look across the this monday morning. it's 4:41 and it is 35 degrees. we're back with more news, weather and traffic after the break. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ well, here's to first dates! you look amazing. when your v-neck looks more like a u-neck... that's when you know, it's half-washed. add downy to keep your collars from stretching. unlike detergent alone, downy conditions to smooth and... ...strengthen fibers. so, next time don't half-wash it. downy and it's done. what do you think? yeah, was i the only one hearing the angelic music? i'm serious, i never know what to get him. just tell me you got him fios too. sigh. mrs. layne, fios is a 100% fiber-optic network. that, plus this sick console, he'll be like whaaaaaattt. your new tech is best on the 100% fiber optic network. so get fios. now just $79.99 per month with a 2-year price guarantee with a 2-year agreement. walt >> here is a look to the stories we're following for accused president trump of sexual misconduct will speak out. the women will unite at a news conference call for a congressional investigation of the president's actions. president has said the voters spoke when they elected him president. >> new evacuation orders over the weekend in santa barbara county as the wildfires continue to burn with the thomas fire growing 15,000 homes and businesses are in harm's way. a handful of fires covering more than 270,000 acres continues to rage across the state. thousands of firefighters are working to combat the flames. >> it's over now for the redskins. attention turning to the off season after a loss to the l.a. chargers yesterday. the team's playoff chances are gone, done, by, see ya'. redskins quarterback kirk cousins threw just one touchdown pass had one interception. this was the team's second straight loss and sixth defeat in their last eight games. final score 30 to 13. >> have you been tweeted by people saying it was your fault. >> it's always my fault even though i never play a game or i play fault. >> spoken like a married man. [laughter] >> good morning to you. thanks for joining us. >> it is monday december 12th. we're watch and the roads with erin como and talking weather with caitlin roth. >> welcome. >> good to see you. >> happy monday. hope you all enjoyed the snow we had last saturday. >> it was actually beautiful. this is the perfect snow because it doesn't mess up the roads that much. >> its a saturday. >> and you can move on with your life. >> absolutely. you're driving by, nothing is bothering you, you're just looking at it outside your win dwindow. just a couple inches around the area but still that was an early first snowfall for us. we broke a daily snowfall record at not just reagan but dulles and bwi as well so starting the winter season off right with a little bit of snow and there may be a little snow later tonight. a clipper system coming in towards our north. otherwise it's a quiet and cool monday out at the bus stop it's cold. winter jackets needed with some sunshine. temperatures m 30's but after school with a mix of sun and clouds we'll be back to normal with high temperatures in the mid 40's. 36 right now in washington. 34 baltimore. 38 in annapolis. low to mid 30's north and west and it was a chilly sunday behind what came in -- behind that snow i guess you could say with the sunshine yesterday. some snow flurries moving off the south jersey coast. we are looking at cold december pattern. our next wave will arrive on wednesday. high temperatures only in the 30's. your seven day still ahead. erin over to you. >> i like that dress a lot caitlin. looks like snowflakes on it. >> it's my snow dress. >> perfect. we have a crash northbound 270. caution there. earlier delays dissipated. which leads me to believe it has cleared to the shoulder. this is kenilworth avenue at eastern avenue. very light southbound and northbound volume. let you know when that usual southbound delay from visit to the 11th street bridge starts to pop up. 95 northbound occoquan river bridge to the beltway at speed the same story the entire stretch from fredericksburg into stafford this morning. as you make your way out on 66 we're in the clear as well. the entire stretch of the beltway inner loop and outer loop look good. any questions at erin fox5 d.c. on twitter. we'll have a look at metro next since that capital improvement project did wrap up not impacting the red line anymore. back to you wisdom and maureen. >> ♪ >> time now is 4:48 and i'm melanie alnwick live in bethesda where a high school senior has been found dead after being reported missing over the weekend. his name is navid sepehri and he apparently disappeared after a fight out with friends. let's take you to the video after our crews arrived on scene last night. this is the 6500 block of laverock lane. this is near the bannockburn swim club. navid was last seen around 11:30 p.m. saturday. friends say he was walking with a group and somehow got separated from them. police have not yet confirmed that account. he was a 17-year-old walt whitman high school. in a letter sent to the community the principal said navid's death appears to be accidental and asked people to remember his love of art and commitment to others. there is still an autopsy to be performed by the medical examiner that would give us an actual manner and cause of death. meanwhile it's been a very difficult month here for students at walt whitman high school. another student died earlier toward the end of november and so they've been dealing with that and now add this on top of it. there will be extra grief counselors on hand for students today. live in bethesda, i'm melanie alnwick, fox5 local news. >> all right, mel thank you very much. 4:49 is the time right now. in the news this morning, new details about one of the victims killed in a friday night crash on i-270 in rockville. carlos wolf of gaithersburg was a supervisory special agent with the fbi he was heading southbound when he crashed his suv. maryland state deputy chief fire marshal sander cohen happened to be driving by and came to wolffs are aide. both men were standing on the killed them. >> police searching for two men who held a worker at gunpoint and robbed a store in petworth. happened on upshur street northwest before closing time two men enter the score in ski masks robbing the place of cash. d.c. police are offering a $10,000 reward for information that leads to an arrest. >> coming up on fox5 news morning a woman and her family are kicked off a plane after she decided to feed her child. >> and a piece of advice for football fans in jacksonville. throwing beer at a player after a game may not be the best thing to do. >> as if you need to tell people that but clearly you do because it happens. going to break at 4:50 with a live look outside over the washington, d.c. area. 35 is the temp. we're jamming this morning with our christmas music. i like that. back in a moment. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ >> ♪ >> time now 4:42. a houston woman is crying foul after she was kicked off a spirit airlines flight along with her two-year-old son and her elderly parents. here's what happened friday morning she boarded a flight to new york before the cabin door was closed, she started breastfeeding her baby. flight attend daunts told her to stop. she asked for a few minutes to finish. the crew asked her and her family to get off the plane. she was refunded but says she won't be flying spirit again. spirit airlines says the passenger was removed after refusing to comply with crew instructions. >> now let's go to the football field. seahawks of course jags. jags beat seattle. this happened at the end of the game when quentin jefferson was ejected things turned ugly as some fans started throwing beer and other at one points jefferson tried to go into the stands to confront that be stand. a lot of drama there. interesting to see what happens with that fan because security did go up in the stands. >> they better be glad he couldn't have scaled that wall. >> i know. >> okay. all right. they're calling it the snow apocalypse probably the worst conditions we've seen in a long time in an nfl game. this weekend's bills versus colts game. there were whiteout conditions with snow falling so hard before the game that at kickoff you couldn't even see the end zone. the scoreboard from the opposite side of course the play was ugly as well. bills win though 13 to seven to keep their playoff hopes alive. >> for the third time the animated family film coco took top honors boosting its domestic total to more than $135 million. "justice league" came in second with $9.5 million. the jewelry roberts drama wonder rounded out the top three with $8.5 million. >> ♪ >> and at 4:50 -- let's say with our mill dollar forecast. it's going to be, what, cold? >> not too bad actually for today, maureen. we are looking at a mix of some sunshine and clouds and temperatures at least closer to normal. it was very cold over the weekend thanks to that snow that fell. cold on saturday and then cold behind it yesterday. 2-inches at reagan national, dulles 4-inches and 2.8 at bwi. the snow fell all day long but it was white, wet, hard to accumulate and yet it still did. all three airports saw daily records broken. that's pretty remarkable and the fact we started off our winter season so early in december. mostly cloudy out there although we've had a few reports of flurries around the area. there's a little bit of light snow north and east. expect some sunshine later today. mix of sun and clouds, 45 degrees and not too cold. seven-day forecast shows we're milder again on tuesday. that's tomorrow. 48 degrees but a cold front will be moving through late day so it will turn windy and colder with a few light snow showers mainlyor expected tomorrow. much, much colder by wednesday. look at that. a fresh shot of arctic air, high of just 32. 37 on thursday. looks like we'll rebound a bit as we head into the weekend. that's the way it looks with your seven-day forecast. let's get a check of the roads. erin, good morning. >> hey, good morning. 4:56 right now caitlin this is a look outside in clarksburg 270 southbound side 70 to 121 that is in the clear. green zone there. northbound side an earlier crash reported by 121 cleared so traffic back to normal in both directions. as we look at the top side of the beltway outer loop wide opened. inner loop looks great, too. in fact the entire stretch of the beltway delay free. look at 95 and 295 outside 295 e beltway. nothing will slow you down on the way to bwi in terms of the road. dulles and reagan national all traffic looking good and quiet right now. across the wilson bridge quiet. no issues by national harbor. in southern maryland we're problem free in fort washington as well as brandywine and clinton. over the legion bridge, love what we're seeing there. gw parkway in the all metro rail lines currently on time. no more red line delays capitol improvement project wrapped up yesterday. i'll let you know if anything else pops up you need to be aware of. any questions at erin fox5 d.c. on twitter. >> coming up on fox5 news morning, a number of first responders from our region remain in puerto rico to help in the island's recovery process. >> local football fans are shaking their heads after the redskins are eliminated from the playoffs for a second straight year. >> heading to break, live look across the d.c. region right now. it's 4:57, 35 degrees. we're back with more after the break. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ >> ♪ >> this is fox5 news morning. >> today on fox5 news morning deaths investigation. police find the body of a a round of new questions. >> sexual assault accusations several women who say they were assaulted by president trump plan to speak out. >> looking live outside, all right, make sure you throw on a coat before you head out today. the cold air isn't going anywhere any time soon. okay. good morning to you. thank you for joining us. >> today is monday december 12th. we have a school closing to pass along to you this morning. the center of applied technology north in severn maryland will be closed today and it's all because of a water main break. >> the school says students who normally report to that building should report to their home school. let's bring in caitlin roth and erin como. they're talking w

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