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Happening today, president to trump will meet with canadiancaa Prime Minister justin trudeausi for the first time. R the fitime. The two will take part in a a round table discussion about women in the workforce. Rkforce. First daughter Ivanka Trumpa had a role in organize thisganis round table and following the round table trudeau will meet with legislative leaders on the hill. Ll. Allegations michael flynnc spoke about sanctions againstint russia with the Russian Ambassador before president re pr trump took o the top White White House adviser seemed to sideemed step that question thisis weekend. President trump is reportedlyep troubled by the controversytro but it is unclear if he will wil take any disciplinary actionacin against flynn. President trump is that refusing to back down on hidesns immigration order. Rdr. The president and his his administration is consideringtis issuing a new executive order or to replace the extreme vettingrt order signed late last month. On. Now the president s senior policy advisers stephan millerhr discussed the move themove the administration is considering. Sg meanwhile democrats aree democre standing their ground in order. Of course the pr esident has has the authority to impose moderate necessary reasoncess sensible restrictionsstriions including putting in place new vetting procedures to protecto c this country. Ountry. That was delegated to him explicitly by congress and n adheres to him under his hi article two powers under the the u. S. Constitution. Onstitution. We all want america to be be safer. I can tell you that his hs executive order if implementedpe would make us less safe. S safe its not just my views. Viws. Ive talked to leaders fromrs fm around the world who tell usell that it would be used as a recruitment for terrorist organizations. Senate minority leadermin Chuck Schumer says the executive order failed to address self radicalized lonecae wolves what he called major maj source of terror attacks hereach in the United States and united around the world. Ld happening today tthe houseae oversight and governmentvernment Reform Committee will healedl meeting over d. C. sover d. Cs controversial death withh w dignity act of 2016 a bill bll thats quickly moving through core law which was passed in d. C. To allow terminwaallys ill peoe to end their life. Heirife. Representative jason which of pets from utah is the chairmanha of the u. S. House oversightrsigt committee which could dismantle the law. Law hes been facing backlash hereh for inserting congress into in d. C. Politics. Ol and death with dignitygnity advocates will have their voices heard today. Es theyll h be at the rayburnayrn Office Building where thehere te House Oversight committee is cos meeting at 5 30. 5 0. Several prominent names willme be there including dandy yazan whose wife brittany maynardittar made headlines after she moved e to oregon where she had ae hada choice in her death. Ea. And people who thinkink representative Jason Chaffetz should stop meddling in d. C. In. Politics. Po a rally kicks off at 5 00 nearn could you think capitol streeti and c street in northwest. Rally goerers will thatet contiu on to the hands off d. C. Meeting at the atlasas Performance Center on h street in northeast. That meeting will outline what h pr northwest congress have proposed and howhw estht at will impact d. C. Residents. Esints. That starts at 6 30 tonight. Tog. Also in the news today,ews t, millions of gallons of sewagesee has spilled into the potomaco river from prince georgesom county. P this happened last thursday. Tu Officials Say it could takes sa more than ay week before it iss fix fundamental. Fun right now wssc is diverting the water into drainage basinsly. Coming up on 4 35 on this5 o monday morning, lets get tos o mike thomas talking aboutg about these really gusty winds that w are whipping around the area. An good morning, miked th. E , good morning to youmood maureen. Mo yeah, very, very gusty winds win and weve already had reports rs of damage coming in around the region pretty widespreadwidspred actually with some of these winds coming in and thesethese winds are bringing in somein colder air. Reagan national is at 42. T 42. Dulles 38. Bwi 37 this hour but here aree those wind chills. Hills. Again, it feels any 10 to 15 degrees colder. Colder. Feels like the teens thiseens morning in hagerstown despiteags the air temperature being inuren the 30, frederick feels likes ke 22 degrees for you, 34 here in d. C. , annapolis 31, fredericksburg 37 degrees isbure what it feels like as you stepst out your door this morning. Mrn. Bundle it up and youllyol definitely need the windwi breaker this morning. Storm tracktory radar showingktw a couple flurries but imb pretty sure theyre notty s reaching theur ground. Grnd air massa little dried out. Drieo likely those are evaporatingp before they reach the surfaceure and by this afternoon its its bright sunny skies were sun expecting but again thoset agaie winds will continue throughout theu de athy. 43 degrees 8 00 a. M. A with a the winds all day long it will l feel cooler than that. All right, thats a check of c the weather. The we lets do some traffic now withi erin como. Omo 4 35 and with the heavy winds were waking up to to problems already as you make your way out in mcleancea limekiln road right now is closed at Reservoir Road rad downed power cables. Cables. Thats right near reservoirear r road. This is in Howard County right h next to 29 so watch for that th one as you head out in maryland this morning. Land t again, in mclean as wells well were dealing with problems inon the district in southeast 2701t7 bruce place heavy windse pl knocked a roof partially ofacftf an apartment building. Pa we have a transfrtormemer down d wires down so crews working hard out there. T great falls street we have awe a crew on the way to mcgarritygary road. Pole and wires down blockingng traffic. Traffic. Problems in an day. Day. Well check there next. Next any questions at erin fox5ti d. C. On twitter. On on twitr. Maureen and wisdom. Wisom. Department of educationtmen u facing criticism this morning after it miss spells the namena of a famous africanamerican. A. Beyonce proudly parading her baby bump during herh grammy performance last night. N. Heres a live look outside across on the d. C. As we bumpe out with a new song from beyonce called settled for you. Time right now 4 36. 6. Fox5 news morning back afteraftr this. Th fios is not cable. Were wired differently. So we wired the wagners house th 150 meg internet. Which means that in the time it takes mr. Wagner to pour a 20oz. Cup of coffee, tommy can download 40 songs, and jan can upload 180 photos. Get 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone for just 79. 99 per month for the first year. Cable cant offer speeds this fast at a price this good. Only fios can. Time to look at the stories o youre engaging with the moste s on social media. The Grammy Awards was a g huge night forra adele. A she swept the awards with fivewe wins but everyone talking about her big oop while shep was performing on the. N she was performing a georges pe michael tribute sirfnging the th song fast love. Ove they flubbed the intro and accidentally sang a swear wordg into the lyric. Stopped, stopped the songs sgs expressed her frustration withfs another expletive and then shee apologized and asked to startto ohio river valley this is thelei second greer a row shes hada rd problems during a grammya performance. Man. Next up beyonce publicallyby displayed her baby bump for b the First Time Since announcing she was pregnantpr with twins wearing a transparent shimmery gold sequin gone. The audience giving her aing he standing ovation at the end ed even though i know none of o them understood this actis ac because i didnt and if did that tweet me let me know what you saw. Tweewhat you the same day that the music c industry celebrated its best bst it also lost another star. Grammy Award Winning singer al jarreau passed away. Ed aw hes best known for his hitsit break agway and were in thisn i love going and of course onours the theme song to the popularlar 1980s tv show moonlighting. Onln al jarreau was 76 years old. As 7 white house sticking by itscs claims of election voterction vr fraud. During an interview with with George Stephanopoulos steventevn miller repeated president atedde trumps claim that thousandsclai of voters from massachusettsass were bussed in to vote vot illegally in new hampshire. When stephanopoulos asked a miller to provide evidence hehe said it was immediately knownimi that it was a atvery realyeal problem. So far on the white house hasousehas provided no evidence to back bck up these claims isnt that social media is in i wasntwasn uproar over a spelling error. Err if youre wondering why. Ering w. Heres why because it was madese by the United Statesby t department of educheati uon. The agency sent out a tw spend out a tribute to w. E. B. Dubois. The department sent out an an apology saying our deepestdee apologies for the earlier typo. Did they spell that wrong,atg too . Oh, okay. 4 41. Coming up on fox5 news morningmg black Church Parishioners in bethesda protest a development. Woo were heading to break with a live look across thedees d. C. Region. T region. Man, it is really gusty outsty t there. Looking still at this ths shot but believe me yourey going to need to hang ontohan your hats when you head out. Youre looking to a song by rihanna called should we. W more fox5 news morning newsing after the break. E brea. I lost my sight when i was 14 years old. So i really navigate the world by touch. When dove asked me to try out this body wash. I was excited that it was foam. It was so light and soft. Not sticky. Discover the feeling of new dove shower foam. This is fox5 news morning. M good morning to you. Good n heres ain live look outside. Ou most of you you heard the windt howling last night. Niht. Man and its going going continues as most of our region will that remain under ur a high wind warning. Waning. Trees and wires down. Down at least one d. C. Departmentdept building has roof damage. Ildings good morning to you. To yo. Thank you for joining us. Us im maureen umeh. Umeh. And im wisdom martin. And erin como is going t io talko about the roads but first mikeie thomas hes going to talko k about those strong winds thatint knocked out power and left a lot of damage. Yeah. And theyre going toyre goio continue throughout the dayin today soue twe have about 12 mo hours where well have to deal l with these winds before theybefe subside and calm down. E and cald could be still more downed done trees and the powered lines. And take caution as you head outad on the roads today. On the roa watch out fodsr those branches n and everything thats beenever blowing around overnight. Ve lets get to it. Strong winds of course is the wn big story dsda onf co anywhere e there in the orange those areane locations where high windhigh w warnings are and in effectre ane until 6 00 p. M. Tonight. M. Ton. Those are locations that haveh the best shot of seeing windsngi gusting up and over 58 milesove an hour. An hour. And gusts outside right noww arent to those levels but we t have some strong winds out somew there. Th gaithersburg gusting to 40,0, baltimore 47 this hour. Hur. Hagerstown 46. 46. Here in the district 28 milesst an hour which isnt bad for badr now but expect that to gethat tt higher the day. 47 degrees your highegrees high temperature. Well focus on the rest of the t seven day coming up in aboutin 10 minutes. All right, that quick lookic at the forecast. Erin como has got a quick lookuk at traffic this morning. This m. 4 46 and a lot of problems ps from those heavy winds. Southeast section of the district 2701 bruce placeri because of the heavy winds we have wires downct, e rofoo tf da an transformer down. Down caution around that area n southeast 4660 martin lutheras4i king jr. Of a 30foot wallfootl reportedly fallen on multiple vehicles. We have a crew checking that out as well in the die a strict. Moving over to mclean rightight now more problems on greatlems t falls street. Falls s a pole and wires down from the heavy winds. Wn in Annandale Annandale road isna also closed this morning atis ma valley crest boulevard with as tree and wires down so a lot so of issues as you wake up this morning. In clifton several downedl downe trees blocking yates road henderson and cleftd to. When metro picks up this is the first week day impacted byp safe track. No service between rosslyn andn and pentagon. Pent Shuttle Service isag limited. Any questions at erin fox5esti d. C. On twitter. Maureen and wisdom. Omaureen and the high winds causingwindssi thousands of Power Outages inutn our region. Most of them in northern nortrn virginia. Right now dominion iss reporting more than 17,000than 0 customers without power. Powe pepco reporting about 1600ab0 people in the dark and bg e bg e customers also without power with the company reportithingp more than 3,000 outages. Ou erin como just reported onord some of the roads closed inclsed the area because of the treeseae and the power lines down. Down. Were also hearing ofaringo buildings damaged in thatam washington, d. C. Fox5s Melanie Alnwick isie alns going to check all of this outho and were going to get an get an update from her. M man was shot and killedkilled outside of ferebee hopebee p Elementary School in southeastrs just before 10 30 last night. 3. No word on the identity a suspect oar motive. Ferebee hope is that housing students from the closed closed elementary schoo go fund me pachge set up for a Montgomery County deacon seriously injured that are asl crash that may have beeny inh te caused beny a street race. He was trying to turn left onefn connecticut avenue in kensington when he was hithn schrat evening. Hr the man who hit him may havehm been raising another car butaisi so far no charges have beenharg described d. C. Policedesc searching for the suspects whoro shot a maryland man and stolen his car on division avenue in northeast. The shooter jumped into theshood victims car and drove off. Dro. The car was later found onr foud fire in maryland. Fire in maryla police alert for the car the throwed a chase of an unrelated car and the untimelyey evacuation of maryland livearyle casino where it was briefly b briefbelieved that the shooter e Community Members in bethesda protesting com planst redevelop a neighborhood inneign bethesda. Demonstrators want the county Planning Board torn table theleh west Bar Development project prt on river road. Riv members of the Macedonia Baptist Church say some 50h say0 years ago build percent laidper asphalt on what was anhat was an africanamerican graveyard. Ca members say they dont wanntamn any more construction on thestrt site without first checking chcn whether peoples remains are still therely. Th this is a Community Effort at this point. Oit. People of goodwill just reallyte dont like the fact that this multi billion dollar companyolla is trying to dishonor people poe who have who worked veryed y hard in their lifetime and whodo have now been discarded in in death and they rape under a a lay under a driveway. It is a no go arlington o county wants nothing to do nt with the proposed gondola overoo the Potomac River connectingnnen rosslyn with the estimated cost is anywhereae from 80 to 90 million do. Illion. Arlingtons county Board Chairman says its just not inst the countys future and right now arlington already a largeto number of transportationtran projects in thspe works. Orks. The project says they wouldys rather commitment which it commh projects. If you plan on being aloneyoo this valentinesn bein day hoot wants to offer you some food. Really . The biggest starsbis of music hit the red carpetr for the annual fashion show at the 59th annual Grammy Awards. Ad going to break with a live look across the dmv. E dmv were listening to katy perry singing chained to the rhythm. Fox5 news morning back in a moment. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. So we wired the wagners house th 150 meg internet. Which means that in the time it takes mr. Wagner to pour a 20oz. Cup of coffee, tommy can download 40 songs, and jan can upload 180 photos. 12 seconds. Thats the power of fiber optics. Get 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone for just 79. 99 per month for the first year. Cable cant offer speeds this fast at a price this good. Only fios can. New today, a new jerseyay three people arrested lastlast summer after they were found f with a stash of weapons inweapon their car. They were arrested near newe york city and told police theyto were on their way to help savelp a teenager from a new york yo drug ring. Ri that teen they were allegedlyegd trying to help died last monthat of a drug overdose. G ovose. The three under arrest have h pleaded not guilty to the weapons charges. S charges if youre going to be g flying solo this valentines day, hooters theyre there fortr you. You. The restaurant chain is chain is offering up free wings tor anyone who brings in a picture of an exboyfriend or girlfriend. Friend. Theyll shred the picturei while you enjoy your 10 free f wings. Last year more than 25,000n 2,00 people took hooters up on thatat offer. Ldlically just find any o picture take it in. It in. Yeah and theyre tear itre t up. Princes music is freely ise available to stream again. In 2015 all of princes musicmuc was pulled from every streaming service except tied today. Se after rvthice le gendary singersiner died his estate sued anded and claimed tidal didnt have exclusive his albums are now available on other services includingncing Spotify Google play and applee music. Hollywood rolling out theod e red carpet for last nightsigh 59th annual Grammy Awards. Aw it is the biggest night inght n music as you know. Adele was big winner takingakig home five grammys includinggram the big win for album and songdo of the year. R. Beyonce once again did not getoe the title that some say she is long overdue. Over she was up for nine awards but took home two grammys. Ome before the show thetw red carpe was packed with bold fashion statements. Go hand in hand. O hand in this is always the mhaostn exciting red carpet. Ng its where music comes out to o shine. You have all of the different genres coming out. Out. Its not just pop and rock, ro, its r and b, country,couy, everybody coming together totheo show who they are and theey aren their music. Music. Well, this year the alisters went for more m subdued looks despite springtime floral and pops of fo color here and there. Ra summer tones, shades of whiteess and basic b olack men and womens getups withtupwh the ladies adding some major ma skin to the mix. Jlo doing it right. Lo d all right. Mike all thomas its been realll really windy all night long and its going to continue con throughout the day right. Ho not going anywhere. Ut t we had aotoing severe thunderstn warning issued overnight hererse in d. C. In d. C oh wow. North anortions north and west. The first one of the yeare of tr although you didnt hear ther t thunder and lightning it wasli because we had a group ofroup showers coming through with a lot of wind with it and yound u certainly have seen thenly havee effects of those winds or you yu will as you get out and abouto this morning because there areec a lot of treesa andus branchesrs down around the region o30 toeg 42 trees at the bus stop this sp morning for the kids. Rning for bundle them up. Kidsbundle the those winds are gom ing toup beb gusting all day long afterg aft school 40 to 49 degrees butees again well feel about five toto 15 degrees colder than thatt even with the winds being asbeia gusty as they are. Hey are. 47 your daytime high today. Today tomorrow big valentines dayiney who is the lucky guy or girl, hm . 52 degrees for a daytimeaym high tomorrow. Morrow. 50 on wednesday maybe a showera or two. We briefly get cold on thursday, 44 and then we start t going back up again. Aga friday 50 and the weekend w right now not looking so bad, looks like well spend it in the 60s and well be dry dry saturday and sunday. S lets do traffic with erin trafr como. Heavy winds causingeavy problems this monday morning. 4 56. Starting off with a look in witn Howard County maryland pmar limekiln road right now downedwe power cables near reservoirar rr road. From maryland into the district 2701 bruce place southeast at that locationt at were dealing with t hawires don roof damage and a transformeranr down at an apartment complex. Co. Making our way over tom ov southeast mlx jr. Avenue atvenut south capitol street at thatet t location reports of a 30foota 0 wall that fell on multiplemulipe vehicles so were checking outhc that breaking news as well. Akin as we take a look in virginiavi in mclean great falls streett at that location we have alo pole and wires downca at mcgarrity road and in viennain cedar lane and v park street ste downed tree and wires as well wl as an prosecutor will be nelms. Valley crest boulevard with astw tree and wires down. Ire you may be waking up top additional problems. Rob let us know what youre seeingig at erin fox5 d. C. D. C well trying to compile thele e list of all the issues. Issu again want to help you out. Ot. Were updating everything oneven twitter. Well take a look at metrome next. Back to you. Ewsnesing up on fox5 n morning, parts of the nationsns northeast dealing with aai second round of heavy wet snow fall thousands of california residents forced to leave l their homes over the threat oftf a broken a. M. Ken heading to break with ang live look across the d. C. The d region. Were listening to michaelael buble. This is his song i believe inbelieve you. Like it . Really mellow,ello right . 4 57 is the time of ae a Little Something to wake you tou up on this monday morning. O glad youre watching us. Our well be back with more fox5 f5 morning news after the break. Ek. This is fox5 news morning. Today on fox5 news fox5 morr high wind warning. Ar most if not all of you haveouhae spent the night listening tosteo the powerful winds whippings whg outside. And all of us will do the do same thing for most of today t as the warning is expected tocto last until this evening. Eni. Okay, good morning to you,ooo thank you for joining us ons this monday morning, im i maureen umeh. U and im wisdom martin. Wisdom today is monday february 13th. Rr erin como is talking abouting whats happening with the h roads but first we waappent to o over to mike thomas and talkoma about whats happening rights e now with the weather. Th. Right now its

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