Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 430 20160720 : comp

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 430 20160720

facebook live 10:45 a.m. and 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. each day this week and catch our new show 5@630 hosted by shawn yancy and jim lokay every day after "fox5 local news" at 6. >> shootings of police and black men in texas, minnesota, and louisiana smind a spotlight on racial tension between minorities communities and law enforcement officers. . >> and xhup think members and police about establishing trust ape figuring outweighs to reduce gun violence. this is video of -- we were going to show you video of last night's town hall meeting in silver spring. tonight that town hall meeting starts 7 p.m. at the up county regional service center in germantown. >> meantime in rockville 500 black ministers and paris parishnerves will get together to pray for fallen officers mount calvary baptist church and they'll offer prayers for gop nominee trump and for republicans attending the rnc to get serious about passing gun control laws passing violence against police and citizens. . >> lines were part of metro first surm. >> now it's time to focus on the other side of the tracks. east falls metro station melanie we've been through this a couple times with better sections of the tracks. what do riders need to know this time around. . >> and for these riders they've been through this safe track surge and first one east falls church on one side of the tracks and now it's happening on the other side of the track tracks. they should be -- i don't want to say used to it but they know the know the drill. it's the same as it was first time continuous single tracking between boston and east falls church trains every 18 minutes on orange line and silver line. and it is definitely going to be as we said before crowded platforms and trains and they're encouraging people to telecommute. the good thing is for maintenance crews they know what they have ahead of them. during surge one they replaced 2,000 deteriorated wooden rail ties and 3100 linear feet of what they call rail infrastructure renewed. whatever they did on that bed that was done and we know there was work not completed surge one that had to do with power system. metro says it's coming back during surge five now to go back and take that work to the next level, too, so all of that should be done during this surge five arlington county throwing in extra subtle buses to supplement what metro has going on. metro will bus bridge people as well for free during safe track period.. it will go until the end of the month but hopefully that should be the last time that these orange and silver riders have to deal with this back to you guys. >> thanks for the update now. perhaps you woke up in middle of the night, or not. >> or not. >> but di and do you too, maybe, to the sounds of whipping winds, booming thunder and flashes of lightning followed by pounding rains that moved throughout dmv. >> storms left behind quite a mess in operations. ankle lee is live in challenge park how bad is it out there. >> certainly interesting night and the aftermath is still all around us. weesh near the university of maryland campus route 1 beach wood road a busy road. especially rush hour in the morning. as you can see most of this roadway is utility trucks in the road and trying to get a huge mess cleaned up. as you can see above here an entire treep toppled leaning into roadway and it's actually leaning being held up now by utility lines thrown across the roadway here. so, drivers will want to avoid this area right now as they try to get this cleaned up and it will take a little while especially because this branch is leaning on utility lines. one lane of traffic is each direction is on. come rush hour traffic this will be a mess that this is still going on a void this are area. also we've even? this area several downed utility lines. they are very, very hard to se see. it is very dark out here and very easy to run into with your car. you will want to be careful about that. that seems to be a reoccurring issue around the region here. downed trees and downed utility lines and he saw that when they came in work this morning all blamed on strong gusts of wind upo night and also because of the storm we heard that a tree fell on top of a home off pierce drive in montgomery county and we're told there was significant damage to the house uninhabitable at this point luckily no injuries and lightning guys last night a home in bethesda may have also been hit by lightning and montgomery fire is on the scene investigating that as we speak and as we have seen flooding throughout the area as well this morning especially exit ramps off highways and drivers want to be careful. we have a flood watch in effect until 8:30 this morning and still seeing large pools of water on the roadway and they're working on this tree off route 1 beach wood road. drivers in the area try to avoid. it watch for pools of water on the roadway and downed power lines. or utility lines. live near university of maryland. "fox5 local news". >> i heard stories of it being fierce last night. >> i have to admit it was unnerving i was not expecting something that ferocious in the middle of the nighting. >> it doesn't ishlly happen ho hoply that's not something typical around here. 10:30, 11:00 at night we lost daytime heating and drier air spilling into the region and things popped last night. wisdom can't plame you for not seeing it mainly was a storm down here in washington and not so much north around the frederick area where you live. there's your radar. you can see the storm at the beginning of the loop that's a six hour loop there lots of lightning came through d.c. last night and lots of rain. check out your rainfall estimate. 3.1" of rain fell in an hour and because of that we have a flood warning in effect for northwest areas of d.c. until 8:30 a.m. this morning reports here and lots of trees downed and flooding and hail the main concerns. today newspaper of that beautiful day. 87 degrees. a few passing clouds out. there that's the weather. erin has the roads. a, erin. >> beautiful right now flood watchs in effect 8:30 northwestern section of district and constantly keeping an eye on roads. safe track problem areas you need avoid surge five as melanie mentioned kicks in today and single tracking east falls church to boston and orange trains running every 18 minute and boston to new carlton ease the con investigateon and silver trains every 18 minutes after the rush hour at 10 system wide every train 20 minutes. plan for crowded platforms and trains you may want to consider metro bus or fairfax connector as alternate to get around. we'll keep an eye on this. it's the first day as folks ajust to the new pattern. any questions get me on twitte twitter. and tree down in the road avenue northbound beach road and as angelie mentioned flooding. back to you. wisdom and holly. >> redskins fans honor chief z. >> and twitter cracks down after the battle of racist tweets. >> as go outside. live look across the region. time 4:39, 70 degrees. back in a moment. >> stories you'reen gaming with most on social media. >> actor, writer, producer, comedian, gar yeah marshall pass aaway with comebly indications of pneumonia. he was i love lucy and dick van dyke and happy days, lavern and shirley and "mork and mindy" and pretty woman. >> redskins are mrourning this morning zena williams chief z passed away. williams was unofficial mascot for the team since 1978. fans gathered at redskins park for a vij toil remember his love for the team aevrp charity work as well for the pro football ultimate fan association. >> rest in peace. and days after they are movie debut ghost busters star leslie jones canceled her twitter act. jones was repeatedly harassed by racist and hates-filled posts before signing off for good saying "i feel like i'm in a personal hell" twitter responded to the incident by permanently banning some attackers including bright bart tech editor milo yanopis. >> coming up mayor muirial bowser is in cleveland campaig campaigning for d.c. statehoo statehood. >> and story of pokemon go accident this time involving a police cruiser. >> as we head to break, let's take a live look across the d.c. region. d.c. recovering from those big storms that came through last night. 4:43 is the time now. we're back after this >> straight aheaden "fox5 news morning" rendell gats across the us formally nominate donald trump to be the 2016 presidential candidate. >> live look outside this morning. enjoy today's cool temperatures while they last. we're about to go through another heat wave. good morning to you thank you for waking up with us. i'm holly morris, today is wednesday, july 20, so, there's mike. busy working and there's erin standing by ready to work. they're going to talk about it all. in a second. but first the question is, did you wake up in the middle of the night to sound of booming thunder and to the sound of booming thunder and flashing of lightning and pounding rains that moved through the dmv. >> and "fox5" angelee is here with the aftermath. last time we saw you there was a big tree behind you where you see traffic behind you. what's going on in college >> well, wisdom not much changed. take a look behind me route one at beach wood road near the university of maryland campus in college park and as you can see, roadway is still blocked. we have one lane on each direction of the roadway on and traffic getting by slowly. why is this? because if you take a look up here there's a completely downed tree that is leaning on some utility lines over the roadway here. so, they are letting traffic through here. but it will be quite a while before they get this cleaned up especially because it's cleaning on the lines. so drivers will want to avoid this area that is sherply a busy area during morning rush hour. now, we've seen downed trees all over the region this morning drive around. and we've also seen downed lines. downed utility lines strewn across the roadway. that's what you want to be careful of if you head out before the sun advises and plenty of flooding in our area and saw exit ramsps along 495 with schooling and flooding as well. again especially when it's tark out. drivers will want to avoid any sort of water on the roadway and any sort of area with trees and certainly keep an eye out for any downed utility lines that are strewn across the roadway. we'll get more on crazy weather last night and hopefully better weather today from "fox5" michael thomas what's going on. >> thanks. big storms last night. o. of course, you're covering problems with the trees and power lines. some water on the roadways as well. beach driver reporting rob perfect lemz this morning. we'll see whether or not that water subsides enough to on for the morning rush hour. portions of beach drive are closed and portions of district under eye flood warning until 8:30. good news the storm moved on. nice and clear out there now and clear skies all day and lots of bright sunshine. . check out the numbers towards the weekend, saturday and sunday. high az approach 1 0 0. it will be a hot one. be reepd. now a check of the erin has the roads. . >> we'll talk about this before we get to erin quickly. next phase of metro safe track begins today and impacts service opt orange and silver lines and single tracking east falsz and boston. >> workers are replacing old wooden rail ties and making other needed repairs on the outbound track. erin will join us with other things you'll be dealing with this morning. go ahead and pile on, erin. >> my goodness in addition to safe track surming five kicking in at 5 let do an overview of the dmv. downed trees and flooded conditions especially maryland side of things. northwest section of district. prince george country, beach wood road. one lane no each direction at route 1 clem park with angelee is and we have team coverage this morning use caution as awe head out. you see the downed trees and power lines there. north capital and third street flooding in the disstrict ther there. detour around that section and construction rock creek parkway both directions in addition to the working with the kennedy center and maryland commute is looking good and we have word that beach drive is in fact closed because of flooding as well as piney branch parkway. we're increasing our list. we'll keep you updated. any questions @erinfoxdc on twitter. >> and donald trump has been nominated as gop next presidential candidate. >> houdz the cop vengs hall the day was marked by tense demonstrations in the streets of cleveland and clashes with police. a number of protesters were carrying guns, tonight speakers including former opponent ted cruz and marco rubio will tell americans what the country will look like under donald trump and his party. >> she she trying to talk and advocate state rights. long term fighting to achieve statehood for the district. be interested in landing democratic or republican conventions in future presidential year. poll tetions run against washington usually in their campaign. >> well i think what you usually find that the paeringts pick states that they think are battle ground. and we want the convention any time it's ready to come. republicans or democrats are welcome to washington. >> the mayor says d.c. has facilities, hotels and political history to pull off a successful convention. incredible video out of baltimore a vehicle slammed into an unoccupied police cruiser, wow, have to watch there. what happened? the driver was apparently playing pokemon go. ta a listen. >> you okay? >> yes. >> what's your location --. >> police are working to determine charges for the no one fortunately was injured. >> wow. >> a lot going on there. you're not supposed to even have your phone driving. >> whether pokemon go or not, period.. >> 4:52 is the time. fox news, researchers believe they know why some of us have obsessive tendencies. >> speaking of pokemon. >> and maryland joins two other states in a lawsuit against volkswagen. >> a live look outside the region. time 4:52. temperature 71 degrees. back in a moment >> maryland is joining two other states in diseasele emissions cheating. defrauding customers and misleading regulators and covering up what they d new york and massachusetts are suing volkswagen. >> government is testing grocery delivery services for food stamp recipients of a pilot program will be tested thi fall if successful it will roll out nationwide. >> and a new study find a single brain receptor is responsible for obsessive, compulsive disorder. duke university officers bread mice that lacks a gene to help them communicate. they groomed themselves excessively when a certain chemical receptor were activated and then were injected with a deactivator and it stopped. they want to know ft. same principal plies to humans. >> 4:55. 71 degrees. best day of the week on top i understand is today, mike. >> absolutely right, holly, today is the day, sunny, bright, beautiful. storms from last night cleared up the humidity for us and feeling rather nice this morning. temperatures around the region if you step outside. 70. windows on. kind of morning. 64 gaithersburg and 68 frederick and 68 westminster and 71 annapolis and 71 quantico. nice. comfortable. humidity low one more day here and then heat and humidity returned as we head into the late -- latter part of the week. more details on that coming up in a bit. all right. that's a check of weather. erin has the roads. hey, erin. >> 4:56 as you wake up around the dmv flooding and downed trees. keep in mind majors like the beltway moving along long fine and you want to use caution on and off ramps and use extra caution as you make your way to secondarys. beach drive at piney branch parkway and detour around that section of the district tree down in the roadway prince george country and team coverage with anglee hemp field and route 1 both lanes on in both sgrexs and large tree on power lines they need to clear out of the way ape in addition flooding rhode island near north capitol and north east section of the district. let us know what you're seeing when you wake up. back to you, wisdom and holly. >> thanks coming up news morning" two troopers are relieved of duty and charged with assault for a beat ago rest captured on video. >> and fairfax putting transgender bathroom policy on hold. we'll tell you why. >> a quick look at today's stock futures. there you go. "fox5 news morning" back after this♪ straight ahead rendell gats across the u.s. formally nominate donald trump to be the 2016 presidential candidate. >> and a live look outside. enjoy the cool temperatures while they last. we're about to go through another heat wave after a busy night last nighting. >> good morning to you thank you for joining us i'm holly morris. >> today is wednesday, july 20. our team is in place. michael thomas, erin earth, we have weather and traffic in a moment. >> we'll talk news off the to. delegates at the republican national convention made official. trump nominated as gop next presidential can plate. it was trump's children that stole the show. they showed a different side of his father calling him friendl

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