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Faces up to 45 years inn prison. Chaos outside a nar adams morgan rackg up shares ons social media. Take a look at this. Viewer posted this video on fox5s Facebook Page showing shg Police Officers gettinglice physical to control a rowdyrowd crowd. But the incident began beforeegr cameras actually startedtart rolling. It happened early sundayy sda morning. Police say a Security Officer so was trying to subdue onedue suspect when another man came over and shoved an officer andar then assaulted several others. E. Witnesses say things escalated quickly. Maybe 50 cops came rushing around and before i know i kno looked to the left it was a cop that had his gun pointed towards two guys that was facing. D. C. Police say two men ancea woman were arrested for resisting officers andstoffi assaulting them. Asti the incident is still under investigation. The michigan man accused ofga killing six people and pple wounding two others in ao othera shooting spree is expected toprt appearance today. Police still do not know what motivated 45yearold jason 45d dalton to carry out saturdays nearly seven hours long attack. Police say it appears he chosee his victims at random openingm o fire outside an apartmentrtn complex, a car dealership anrsh restaurant around the city of kalamazoo. O. This was so random. R if this was gang violence,g theres ways and interventionsvs and things to work on there. He when a random individualndiv decides to be evil, i dont evid know how you how you stop that. Dalton worked as a ubern wor drive. A michigan tv station reports he even picked up a fare in between the shootings. Police say he had no priorio criminal record and is marrieder with two children. Wi two chi the Supreme Court will beupre back in session today but will w return with a vacant seat. Acant the justices will hear oral heal arguments in two cases without w their colleague, the late antonin scalia. Sca president obama says he nominate scalias successorceor very soon but senate but sen republicans continue to sayntino theyll block any potential replacement. Acen protestors will gather iness cities across the country inry support of apple in itsts dispute with the fbi. With the bureau obtained courtd cou order asking apple to make it easier to unlock an encryptedany iphone used by a gunman in i decembers deadly san ddl bernadino shootings. Berno sh apple is concerned that doing so would weaken smartphone Smart Security for everybody. Ery theyre scheduled for tuesdayort outside apple stores acrossrero the country and outside the fbi headquarters inheadquar washington, d. C. Time to go ahead and get aea check of the fork testimony you knoforecast, game. Im goinga thank you profusely for saturday. That was nice wasnt it. Was rain came a little bit a lit early on sunday so it tooko it k most of the day away in termsays of being a nice day but day but temperatures were not badot b yesterday. Er it did manage up into the 50so5 for most lo any time youre in the 50s in february, whether its rain organize not its got to be bonus, right . 46 degrees in town. It is not too chilly. Y. Frederick is 36. 3 dulles 41. Es1. So, you can see there, thats t not februarylike, either. Ither. Thats more indicative of some e february highs to be perfectly e honest with you. Clouds overnight have keptav ket temperatures up just a littlep l bit but clouds are beginning bin to break up in places. I think the best way to way describe clouds today would beul sun and clouds as we trend into the afternoon and latter ar part of the afternoon we probably become mostly cloudy late today. Tod it will be dry, though. L be so, well begin to dry out to do some of that rain that we hadha yesterday around the area. Everythings just weter especially with all theci meallting snow as well. Ell. Manassas 52. Culpeper 52. Er here in town im thinkingin about 54 degrees or so. S a little cooler perhaps for for the southern tier. Leonardtown, fredericksburg simply because i think down thin there its going to be hard to t get as much sunshine as weree w central areas and back out to ot the northwestern suburbs. Ubbs so, there is the deal. Were tracking the next stormt m coming across. A heads up on that. That. Right now, though, lets get ag heads up on your traffic. Tff caitlin is in this morning for erin. Er hey, kaitlyn. Hey,aitl gary, good morning. 4 g35. Yeah, lets check your roadslet around the area real quick here. Here. 270 south you guys are fine f moving from frederick countyckoy into montgomery county. To mon youre okay all the way from f 70 to the truck scales. Ca very early on a monday morningdr and were not seeing too manyin issues just quite yet as we we head towards the inner loop inhp Prince Georges County, no geo problems there. T taking a look at the beltway b as a whole also looks pretty good. Od so, the only issue on theuen beltway is road work at thisorkt hour and this will be up in u montgomery county. Ery both the inner loop and outer or loops have right lanee righ closures. This is between university andtv New Hampshire avenue. Ve lets check our cameras and wead can show you those delays del right there. There and i mean theres not a lot. T a this is both this is a look at the overnight road work ond o both the inner loop and outererl loops and hopefully theyll bele picking up soon. Pickin well keep you posed otherwise seeing minor delaysay along with those closures. Clos. Thats a look at traffic. A lk t thats all we got so far. Ot so well have another update coming up at 4 45. 45. Right now lets send it to holly. Holly. Thanks caitlin. Heads up for metro riders. E. Track work will impact serviceve on the orange blue and silverve lines. Lines. Work will start between the smithsonian and Federal Center stations. Stat. Orange and blue stations will single track. T after 8 oclock silver liner trains will only run between bet ballston and the reston easteste station. Again, this is for tonight andot tomorrow beginning at 8 00 p. M. On the orange, silver and d blue lines. Ines. Up coming up we are hittinging the campaign trail where the field of president ial hopefulsiu continues to get smaller. Et smal later were going to finder out why this yea wrs daytona d 500 is one for the recordfoth books. Well be right back. You may remember earlieray r this month d. C. Mayor murielor e bowser shared details about where she planned to put put Homeless Centers throughoutoughu the city to replace d. C. General. Tonights meeting is set for 6 30 at the activity church. Chu jeb bush dropped out ofed the race this weekend. Ke he suspended his campaign campan saturday night after a poor poo showing in the South Carolina ca primary. The one time frontrunner wasruer never able to bounce back from his early stumbles. Smb bush came in sixth place in p iowa and fourth place in New Hampshire. As for the republican for ta candidates still innndates contention, it is on to on to nevada. Da. Frontrunner donald trump isr do coming up a victory in southsouh carolina heading intodi int tuesdays caucus but us viewsuts on immigration have alienated the states hispanic voterispacr whose are expected to turn outpn in record numbers. Nbe his republican rivalsrepubl could end up benefiting fromro latino republicans weary of trump. The democratic candidatescr are heading to South Carolina. L the map suggests Bernie Sanders got a big has a big hill to climb in South Carolina with just a week to go phil the voting thereoting Hillary Clinton leads sanders se by 24 points. Oi much of that is based on her strength with africanamericanh voters who makeaf up 55 percentt of the electorate but sandersutn has been t roads among black voters and insists his policies are a natural fit with them. He the primary is going to beng t held on saturday. On sa 35,000 for a lock of hair. H ill give you a better deal than that. Ha plus viral moments at thera white house. The visitor that is everyoneto is talking about after we talkrt traffic and weather. Ea gary. Hey, its a bright moon outtu this morning. This gouaches, too. Few clouds. Few cl but were going toou warm upar u again today. Today another february day in the 50s. How about that . Full forecast coming up. Listen, if you were anywhere near the internetea this weekend, you may have noticed the Hashtag Obama and kids was trending. Tnd so cute. So featured photos of president pr obama having fun with kids during a black History Month m moment month event rather butatu it started with this photohiot youre looking at right here. Hr this is Clark Reynolds andlds thats president oba clark and his mother nicole nic have from alexandria,m alxand virginia. The picture was taken by white h house photographer pete susan and quickly went viral andickl then suddenly several peopley started sharing their favoriteae pictures of the president with t little kids using obama and kids. I loved it. [laughter] white house visitor ever. 106yearold virginia mclauren fulfilled her dream f of visiting the white houseul and meeting theg th president. I this video of her meeting was posted to the white house Facebook Page. Fa she did a dance with theith the fiercely lady. The president asked her aboutd a the secrets to still dancing at 106 and she simply repliedimd just keep moving. Oving. My goodness. I love that. T she is so excited. Look at that. Tha is she still dancing . Dan showing the first lady and ad the president moves rightoves there. Had i on says everything. Another was asked what was her secret and she said keep breathing. It was a mixed bag thisa weekend. Hopefully this week. See as holly did remember saturday, just rememberst saturday. I do. It was mid 60s. But even when the rain stopped it wasnt bad. No. N it was great. Re saturday spoiled it. Atur two ways to look atoo a yesterday. Yest the rain came in a little atl early but it got out a little at quicker as opposed to waiting wg and then coming in later inn the day. Yeah. Y all good. Allergies. I got that problem, too. Ha something int the building this morning. Rng. Ive been sneezing. In its pollen. The pollen is already outut after saturday. 36 degrees for gaithersburg. Erur now, so its not too chilly cll little cool north and west. W ill give that you but theres t no freezing temperatures out there. And again, here in town, were talking about february 22nd,rua little bit after lets seeles forks 46 in the morning andmoin its 46 degrees outside. Outsi aint nothing wrong with that. Binghamton new york is y i 27 degrees. Pittsburgh is 33. Columbus 32. Us 3 i know last week we wereas talking about a potentialenal storm this week that may behat able to bring us some snow ore w freezing rain. Its not going to happen. O hap looks like its going to be aine mild storm so were talking about rain and not today,ay, though. Today will be dry, kind of adr n mixture of clouds and sun,nd s temperature gets up to to 54 degrees or so and tomorrow, o even with showers out there, i i think were going to do lowerer 50s. 50s. So, mild. D. Actually mild the next fewext days around here before we gete colder towards the end of the e week. Clouds are pushing down to theow south. So so, we are clearing but i think most of the southern sth counties here will have a few aw clouds down to the south all all day long. G. So, sunnier here than it willani be, say, for fredericksur leonardtown, places throughlaceh southern maryland. Uthe as we progress through the tough day, again, the best way to w t say this is just kind of aust mixture of clouds and sun, a s rain definitely stays to the to south until tomorrow, okay. Ka tomorrow morning looks likeoo l showers will begin to come can c on up. On up. Rain is the way its looking. L could there be a little mixingix of a little bit of sleet or possibly some freezing rain rai tomorrow morning . Yes, there yt could be but its going to bes t well up into the northern andthn western suburbs and then out thu into western maryland. Mylan everybody else is going to be rain on and off tomorrow. Tor temperatures again will be in an the lower 50s. The as we get into wednesday, itsda, looks like well continue with this trend of wet weather andeaa by wednesday evening, a line of showers maybe an embedded ede thunderstorm but i think thetort best chance of that is goings to be farther to the south. He su so were just talking about a some good rain moving through. Gu once that comes throughhr wednesday evening and wednesday item we should startit to dry out. Em ur thursday, friday, sdsaturday, through the weekend as well. Heres the forecast for today. To cool this morning with somerng clouds and sun, 45. Sun 4 50 at noontime, clouds and sun. N. Get t 53 degrees at 4 oclock, clouds and sun. Clou and definitely nice for this timehim of year. Of y we will be a little cooler asooa we go into tomorrow at 43. 3. 58 with rain likely going intoo wednesday. So, close to 60 there. The and then we will cool off ass we head on into the weekend, wee 45 on friday. 40s at this point for theis weekend but right now the weekend is looking dry. T ry caitlin is in with a look atoo your traffic on this mondayhisoa morning. You got the call, hm, caitlin . L i did, yes, poor erin i e dont think shes feeling too well. Who could blame her. Uld blame monday morning, right. Ngight. Well start off with areas ofh f road work to show you here. Er morning commute takes you down d to Prince Georges County. Orge this is where weve got road r work eastbound silver hill road near Saint Barnabas roadr f youre in that area littlee bit more localized just right rt off 414 you might see road see d work there but were notutre seeing any delays because of da it. Now the beltway, this is wherere we have an area of road work row on both the inner loop andoo outer loops. This has both right lanesright e closed between university andenu New Hampshire. Re. Closed between those two those exits. And should be lifting shortly. Y once we get word, well let we you know but as we go to our our cameras were not seeing any sey delays building between theseld two areas. In obviously its earing so theo t beltway again between new n hampshire and georgia lookingial pretty good right there. T few more cars getting out there early on this monday ts m morning. Otherwise were not seeing any problems. Lems 4 49. Thats a look at traffic and a now lets send it back to maureen. Thank you caitlin. Hank y the death toll from a powerful cyclone on the islandsl of fiji now stands at 18. T 18. Officials say more than 6,000n 0 residents are staying in emergency shelters as much ofuc the island is still withoutit power. With winds clocking in at about 177 miles per hourt 177 m Authorities Say the cyclone thec was the strongest storm everver recorded in the southern hemisphere. Closer to home now Prince Georges County firefightersun say a faulty heating and airty conditioning system is to blame for a carbon monoxiden moe leak inside a church. I four people were sickened ate sn the refreshing spring churchingr of god in riverdale park. Par one person hospital. Ho. Crews with Washington Gas were w also called to the scene and and eventually fixed the leak. The l the state of virginia is holding dominion virginia virnia power responsible for an oil spill in the potomac riverac earlier this month. Thism the company has been given aan notice of violationy bytion virginia environmentalirntal regulators. It could lead to Civil Penalties corrective actionse at and reimbursement for cleanupup costs. Sts. Dominion has said it accepts responsible for the spill ande p blames a transformer failurefori for the release of around aro 13,000 gallons of mineral oil. Sr the company says more than t 95 percent of the oil, though,ho was recovered. 4 50 is your time. T lawyers are expected to to question the woman the centerhe of a now discredited Rolling Stone article about an allegedll gang rape at university of virginia. Its part avenue civil lawsuitil that was filed against rollingsr stone and the articles author. The article said jackie was w gang raped at a fraternityed ate house. House. Her claims were later be untrue. Rue. Jackies deposition is scheduled for april 5th. April. It was a photo punish for denny hamlin at the daytonana 500. Closest finish in race historyty as hamlin won by just a. 01 of o a second. A second the win marks the 35yearolds furs win at daytona. A. Joe gibbs earned his second victory. He needs one more to match his super bowl total. Al. Successful at everything it appears. Meet hassan hawthorne. H he was born without tibias. Tia he uses prosthetics to walk w but wrestles without anything ay on his legs. He capped an 40 and zero a season by winning the Alabama State championship. Hampio he plans to continue wrestling e in college. Good for him. Remarkable. Inspirational. On many people dream aboutreambt flying into space. Nto spa that dream is a step closer to reality. Reality. Virgin galactic hasgigala unveiled its new spaceshippacesh the Company Hopes it will one wn day take tourists to the edge e of space. An earlier version waseron was destroyed in a test flight fght sadly killing one of thellg onef pilots. Company leaders say theyy leadey worked very hard to get this get spaceship off the ground. Hero depends how detailed you go on the count but theres approximately 15,000 parts in i a spaceship and the majority mor of those parts weve actually built on site here at the spaceship company. Now, the spaceship can fly more than 60 miles off theles oe ground which is considered there boundaries of space. Ries of ace. Once it is operational theal spaceship will be capable ofaple carrying two pilots and up to up six passengers on board. Oa now, if youre interested itere will cost a little change. E chge the deposit of 250,000 is required. Full fare ticket. Ul probably not going to be riding on that any time soonno. No. Speaking of flying a first of its kind race is drawing is r people from all over the fro country to arizona its calledsl the phoenix race attractingrain drone enthusiasts to testtso their challengers square off to see whos drone makes it to theone finish line the fastest. Fte the frame itself s,ts theres so many differents m types of frames. F like everybody has their own tho style and personality and thatty really comes out in the drone. Uhhuh. Uhhu well, now that the first phoenix cup is in the books organizers say theyregany already planning t year two ofwo the drone races. Rac mark your calendar. Cal i never thought aboutut drones having personalities. Son. I know. No all right, well, in todays y fox beat dead pool is the topop movie for a second week a row. W the superhero film starring star Ryan Reynolds took in reynolds k 55 million at the box office this weekend. Wee kung fu panda number threeumbete came in second place. Risen debuted at number three nm and race the movie about jessie owens came in at number six. Si now tremember that auction we told you about a afghanistan for a lock of johnfh lennons hair . Are you ready. Y sold for 35,000. ,000 okay. Kay. The 4inch lock was savedas v from a trim the beatles starryea received on the set of a moviehs called how i won the war which i was released back in 1967. N also sold at the auction an aucn unused ticket from the bands b first u. S. Concert in the district in 1964. 1 oh. I think thats cool. Hi that went fnkor 30,000. ,000 less than the lock of hair. Hm. Well,. I cant believe tony paidy p that. That. For both of them. F hes a huge beatles fan. Fan would you put the lock of of hair like what in a bottle and kind of stare at it . Its at little off. O what do you do with a lock of hair . Hai hm. Well, okay. How is that verified. Vif right. Dna. I guess you could do dna. Na thats right. True, true. No dna needed on gary on ga mcgrady. Ad hes the real mccoy. Wouldnt that be funny if n an extra lock. An extr you say it like its not possible. Lets say a brown beard, brod that would be a little creepy. E im sorry. Or heres where we are this where morning temperaturewise. Wtempr were in the mid 40s hereatur n town. To so that has dropped a littlepe bit since i came in. I we were at 47 at 3 a. M. And. Now were at 45. At association thso the temperaturt drops off. Manassas 41. Mana you can see everybody is above freezing. Ee now frederick gaithersburgsbg may you guys might be ablet b to get down to freezing. Rein right now youre just a little bit above that. Bit doesnt matter. Esntter. Were all dry this morning ands even if we get down to freezing a little bit ofeit wetness on the roads thatsds t not going to freeze because temperatures have been warmes the last couple days and roads h continue to be fairly warm asbea well. We have clouds in some places ia this morning. Its generally fair skies inki i other places. P the trend here looks like for fr a lot of these clouds to kind of push down to the south. Sth sou with still some clouds today,lod okay. Just keep that in mind. Eep here in town cloudy in spotsn so at times, sun and clouds,loud temperatures will be startingrt off in the middle to low 40s l and will end up in the lower thw to mid 50s for highs late hig this afternoon. A all that, of course, is above ie normal for this time of year. Y we are february after all. Here is caitlin roth this roth s morning with a look at your traffic. Tr ervin not here. Thank you so much, gary. Ch, yeah, looks great today. Great just before 5 00 a. M. , fairfaxaf county were fine as we get on 66, if thats where youre commute takes you eastbound tak moving well approaching thec the beltway and looking at areaatre roads in northern virginia,ir not seeing any problems ats this hour. H youre good to go in fairfax fai county heading into theding int district. Road work, this is in prince ipe georges county eastboundges silver hill road near saintneart barnabas road, watch for that wt there. Probably just causing minor delays, if any. Also minor delays on theor beltway. Weve got road work on bothk o b the inner loop and outer loops. Right lane closures between c avenue on bothlo sides. Id our cameras will show you the shot. Shot. Obviously before sunrise. Sunri you cant see too much but yous can see the headlights ande volume picking up with the t right lane closed and againgain thats between university andvet New Hampshire both ways on theot inner loop and outer loopnder l there. Thats a look at traffic. Traff much more coming unat the 5 00 a. M. Hour and for now, ill, i send it back to holly. Ol thanks caitlin. S caitlin. Lets get a quick check on o the stock market before we head to break. Re asian stocks and european eur stocks both up. B u u. S. Futures are also up thisop morning. Rnin 4 57 is our time. Were back right after this. This is fox5 news morning. An good monday morning to mog you. Live look outside yoright now. W we got some rain in thein forecast, probably not a surprise after yesterday. Ay but were going to talk moreor about weather and of course a of your monday morning commutern coming up in about five minutes. Te first though we say goodou morning to you, im holly i h morris alongside of wisdomngde i martin and maureen umeh. Ume thank you for joining us joig this morning. Or the search is on for thearch i suspect who broke into a homente and then sexually assaulted assa mom Fairfax County. Ou fox5s Melanie Alnwick is live in the mount vernon areanon of Fairfax County with thewi very latest on this story. His st melanie. Reporter good morning,r g guys. Yeah, so this apartment apart complex is just off of richmond highway. Hig a lot of busy traffic goes by here. He Fairfax County po

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