Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 5 20170516 : compar

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 5 20170516

sure you get to work on time. >> and looking live outside. we guarantee you will enjoy today's weather. sunny skies. blue skies, warm air. really couldn't ask for a better day. >> yeah we could if it were friday. >> yes, that would up the ante. >> definitely. good morning i'm maureen umeh. >> i'm holly morris. >> today is tuesday, may 16. >> michael thomas is talking about deploreious weather and erin como has traffic talking about safe surge. we mentioned at the top. headline today, what is it? >> warmer weather. warmer temperatures moving into the region. plenty of sunshine to go around. hotter tomorrow. full details on the forecast coming up. erin. >> will have the forecast. maureen you said it we will help you get around safer track surge 15 impacting the orange line. >> bomb shell development in the murder investigation of dnc staffer seth rich. >> one year after his death the family's private investigator link his work to the dnc. melanie alnwick has the la latest. good morning, mel. >> good morning this is interesting. because just this spring d.c. police and even seth rich's own family they were stre vocal in saying that there's no substance to these condition spirscy theories. now this private investigator who says he's working for the family has evidence that he talked to "fox5" about saying that his sources say there may be evidence on seth rich's laptop computer that show him having communications with wiki leaks before his death. seth rich was killed jewel 10 of 2016. it was a sunday night and he was on the phone with his girlfriend while walking home late from a bar near his place in d.c. blooming dale neighborhood. d.c. police heard the gunshots and went to the scene. rich was alive when they got limb to him. he died at the hospital. it was characterized as boched robbery taken. few days later things were dumped in wiki leaks and julian assangeth sparked much investigation rob wheeler believes there was a kuvrup and they were told to back down from the investigation. >> i have a source inside the police department that has looked at me straight in the eye and said, rod, we were told to stand down in this case an i can not share any information with you. that's highly inusual for a murder investigation. especially if a police department. again, i don't think it comes from the chief's office. but i do believe there is a correlations between the ma mayor's office and the dnc. now, rod wheeler is a former npd homicide detective. he will be on fox news channel this morning to reveal the new information in the report and promises to give that report to "fox5" after his appearance which of those contacts between seth rich and wiki leaks. live at d.c. police headquarters, melanie alnwick, "fox5 local news". >> thank you, 5:03 is the time. late nest disturbing revelation. denying reports that president trump revealed highly classified information lasts week during a closed door meeting with russia foreign secretary. "washington post" cited current and former u.s. officials that said president trmp shared details of an isis terror threat. rex tillerson and hr mc master denied the report saying president trump discussed nature of specific threats and did not discuss sources methods and military operations. >> the global sign area tack wannacry is under attack in u.s.. it affected hundreds of thousands of business, hospitals, university and individuals. it effectively freezes computers leaving users unable to access them return tun ft. user pays $300 in bit coin. no one has taken plame for sign area tack. but computer code as similar dies to a code us inked eye north korea. >> it's beyond anything we've seen before the level of infection on the amount of damage potentially. >> the hacking group released two various yaiings of the virus but it was caught before the variations could impact any computer systems. >> "fox5" we're tracking metro this morning. and we want to remind you about safe track surge 15 that starts today. this new surge shuts down five stations of orange line between new carl ton and stadium station. new carl ton, landover, cheverly, dean wood and minnesota avenue and those closures remain in place through june 15 and three shuttle buses run every 30 minutes between impacted stations. >> 5:05 is the time now i'm hoping it will be less windy today mike. it was really hold on to your hat kind of day yesterday. >> we had gust up over 30 yesterday. but we'll subthe wind for more heat today. if you're fine with warmer weather holly you've got. it winds lighter this afternoon. let's get to it. satellite and radar around the region. quiet. storms around the great lakes. stays far north. occasional cloud our way. primarily a sun-filled day coming your way tuesday afternoon. take a look at temperatures. we're cool in spots, 43 mannasas one of the cooler spots. culpeper 46. here d.c. ten degrees warmer. mostly by i river 48 gaithersburg and 48 annapolis. jack to start. later this morning once the sun gets in the sky we'll warm things up and you can get rid of the jacket. 83 later this afternoon. with warmer temperatures moving in. believe it or not we're talking about 90 s and summetime coming our way by the time we get to tomorrow afternoon. record breaking heat. in a few minute. that's a look at weather let's head to erin for a look at traffic. >> on time traffic brought to you by toyota. >> 5:07 now if you take metro big adjustments for orange line this is first day we get used to safe track surge 15 no. train service between new carl ton and stadium armory on orange line. limited free shuttle service running every 30 minutes. make sure i plan ahead. you may want to consider taking metro bus. keep in mind following five stations closed new carl ton, land land-over, cheverly, dean w wood, minnesota avenue. now, also the orange line in addition to the orange line silver line trains running every 12 minutes between res tin and armory. to get you around orange line delays free express shuttle buses available for blue line between following stations minnesota avenue to stadium armory. cheverly to morgan boulevard and landover and new carl ton to morgan blvrd. express shuttle to the blue line could save you time this morning. any questions@faern fox d.c. twitter i want to help you answer questions as you get ready to the safer track surge. any questions @erinfoxdc on twitter. >> and space x celebrating first launch as military state department. >> and accusing syria of torturing and murdering government opponents and covering it up. >> and more news, weather traffic coming up. >> back now, 5:09 developing in south korea. announce thement fat the country new president will visit the white house next month. he will meet with president trump in late june. though no specific dates were given acht announcement comes as new concerns over north korea new nuclear capability. they successfully test aid new missile analysts could believe could reach alaska when perfected. >> the state department accusing syria of carrying out mass executions that add up to 50ri state department officials say syrian military is hiding bodies by burning them in large crematorium. these are pictures where it's allegedly happening set to be opponents to the syrian government. more than 400,000 people were killed since civil war sta started. >> a fifth journalist killed in mexico this year. he was killed yesterday. he is reported extensively on drug trafficking in the country. the state prosecutor says his department will provide more protection for journalists. 40 consider killed in mexico since 1992. >> today ntsb and investigators will be at the site of deadly plane crash in new jersey outside of new york city te te rboro airport. it damminged three industrial buildings. there were strong winds in the area around the time of crash. >> startling news when it co new study finds road accidents are biggest killers of teenagers around the world including car crashes and pedestrian and bicycle accidents. most road deaths involve boys between 10 and 19. study also found sue tide to be the third leading cause of death. >> space x successfully launched a falcon nine rock fret cape an after ral it's carrying biggest satellite to date. size of a double duckier bus and will provide broad band to commercial pilots, ship captains and military. >> that's amazing. >> carrying something sides of double deck egg bus. >> amazing. >> coming up, a former member of one direction open up about his sexuality. >> a police officer has a close call with fet nal. >> and a live look across the d.c. reeming dwlon tuesday morning. 55 degrees. cool this morning. we'll warm up nicely in fact some may call it hot. michael thomas will talk more about it on the other side. you're watching "fox 5 news morning". time 5:14. if are you just waking up here are some top stories. five stations on orange line will be closed for the next month. morethon in a moment. >> trump administration l looking to do away with affordable care act that created online insurance for small bismarck et cetera. they would go online to apply for tax credits. it's first to implementing a executive order to ease regulatory burdens ever healthcare law. >> and investigating shooting sdaeming of jordan edwards shot by roy oliver a texas police officer. the car was speeding towards tim saevrl. the body camera footage shows the car drive ago way from him. >> reinstating north carolina voter i.z. law. that ruling struck down the law that required voters to show photo i.d. before they could vote. game 7 of eastern conference semi-finals wizards at cel celtics. bradley beal he'll best game of career. unfor the 259ly the wizards failed to have any defense and thus stopped boston offense. celtics win 115-105 moving ton face the calvs. >> same story sdivrp week. >> weren't we talking about a game 7 disappointment last week. >> we'll move on to something more pleasant. michael thomas talking about a day that will pretty much day that will pretty much be a-okay. >> i like a day starts cool and warms up in the afternoon. i think that's perfection this time year. yesterday was close to per perfect. dulles 75. bwi 74. right around where we should be middle 07s. up and beyond that later today and well up and beyond it as we head to wednesday and thursday. 56 the daytime or current temperature here in wash washington. gaithersburg 48, mannasas 43. 46 dulles. all temperatures will be f fasting to rise when once we get the sun up in the skixt very little going on. trying to cross the mountains. most fade away. we could get one or two. if that's the only problem we're talking about it will gabe day in d.c.. 70s and 80s here d.c. sur surrounding suburbs and points southward. as we head to you tomorrow jet stream takes job off north. high pressure settles o we're talking about 0s. fist heat wave in d.c. is three oregon more days of 90 degree temperatures in a row. we have that wednesday, thursday, friday, 90 could be a record in d.c. and 93 thursday as well and friday cloud cover bubbling down 19 degrees. maybe thunderstorms in the afternoon as well. heat index 93 to 97 as well. get ac ready. you don't have it on yet, you'll have to turn it nonthe next few days. lots of sunshine. warmer temperatures than yesterday. tonight you know the humidity creeping back to the picture. mostly clear skies, 67 for an overnight low. the 7 day forecast showing us heat and sunshine. thursday, 93, friday 91. we head into the weekend and cool it down a bit. 70s back saturday and sunday as well. that's a look at forecast. erin is back and lack at roads >> 5:17 breaking news on roads. huge problems on outer loop down by branch avenue this is active tractor-trailer fire. you can seat flames there obstructed by the a smoke coming in the air billowing up. traffic still getting by in the left lanes but it's causing backup. keep windows rolled up this morning. emergency responders respond to the scene and active tractor-trailer fire outer loop branch avenue and caution inner loop as well side of smoke billowing into the air. we'll keep you updated on the breaks news. watch for delays to go once we get fire on this location. we'll look at metro. let's see if we can forward maps. safe track surge 15 in place no service between orange line limited shuttle service closer look at that next. questions erin fox d.c. on twitter >> 5:18 is the time now. let's look at the realtime news trackerer social media. >> health officials discussing sending ebola vax each to coming owe. last year the vax each was deemed high hi effective. let's go to an ohio police officer after a fatal overdose of fentanyl off his shirt. he pointed out there's a white substance on his shirt. an hour later he passed out. fenlt nal synthetic opiate is 15 to 500 times through morphine. meanwhile ncaa is trying to promote diversity they have a mraej schools can sign when it comes to more diversity harry. township schools decided not to sawp a pledge. notre dame and boston college. >> former. spn anchor sarah walsh says she had a miss carriage during the sports center covering university of alabama. during commercial break her husband texted her. she was laid off by espn last month. >> singer harry styles opening up about sexuality. he never felt the need to label his sexuality and everybody should be who he wanted to be. in 20 13 he shot down rumors he was bisexual. there's rumors of who he is dating. back to you maureen and hol. >> i coming up. more bad news for wells fargo. >> one of the most popular beer brands arou introducing new non alcoholic sglertion heading to break with a live look across the d.c. region. 5:20 and 55 degrees. more "fox5 news morning" after the break. in my future, i'm twice as likely to have a stroke. i'm at higher risk for depression. i'm 26% more likely to develop an irregular heartbeat. i have a 65% higher chance of developing diabetes. no matter who we are, these diseases can be managed or prevented when caught early on. because with better research, the right medicine, and with doctors who help keep me healthy to begin with, we will thrive. ♪♪ narrator: "the time is always right to do what is right. ralph northam. army doctor during the gulf war. volunteer director of a pediatric hospice. progressive democrat. in the senate, he passed the smoking ban in restaurants, stopped the transvaginal ultrasound anti-choice law, and stood up to the nra. as lieutenant governor, dr. northam is fighting to expand access to affordable healthcare. ralph northam believes in making progress every day. and he won't let donald trump stop us. >> 5:23. city of philadelphia saying wells fargo steered blacks and latinos to high risk loans which consult resulted in for closures t dates back to 2004. meanwhile the number of unauthorized accounts at wells fargo may be far more than originally thought. it may be 3.5 million unauthorized customer acc accounts. roughly 1.4 million previously reported. it appeared in a public filing in federal court in san francis owe by lawyers seek ago approval of $142 million settlement over the accounts. the new estimate is based on hypothetical scenario. >> finding diesel cars and buses are not as enviro environmentally friendly as we once thought they were. diesel automobiles tied to 30,000 early deaths this year and set to produce 4.5 million tons more oxygen nox i'd than supposed to. >> state of maryland studying human stem cells. they awarded more than 8 million to several projects that will explore how the cells can treat several illnesses including sickle cell and mag diabetes. johns hopkins and university of mar particular those set to receive money. >> heinekin will sell new 0.0 across russia and the they grew from 2010 to 2015. >> 5:25 is the time now and you may need a cool beverage. it will be warm. >> warming up to 80s. 90s on the way tomorrow. here comes heat in region. early this year. we didn't hit 0 once last may. we'll probably get that cool. bwi 50. many suburbs in the 40s. cool start. again quick to warm this up afternoon. very little going on plenty of sunshine once the sun gets so. then all up from there. planner from the day today, sun, sun and more sun, by 2 2:00, 79 and 5:00 into 80s we go and high today 83 in d.c.. let's check the forecast. erin is back with the breaking traffic news. >> tractor-trailer outside loopier near branch avenue, smoke is billowing into the air. as you can see there's increased police presence. trafficking getting by in left lanes and sloyly. causeing a backup. keep windows rolled up and we'll use caution. right lanes blocked with a fully engulfed tractor-trailer there. police fire presence as they work to get it under controlling. we'll let you know if there's reported injuries or vehicles involved in this. by now we're seeing delay built as you approach on the orte a side from that we have this line. in questions@erin fox zc on twitter. we'll look at that one. >> coming up, hillary clinton announces plans to try to move forward progressive agenda. >> and new study says most international thaters from the states are not getting proper immunizations before boarding planes. >> we 5:27, 55 this morning. she shapes up to be a very (counting for hide n' seek.) ready or not, here i come. ♪♪ making it a reality is the hard part. northrop grumman command and control systems always let you see the complete picture. and we're looking for a few dreamers to join us. >> today on "fox news mor morning". good season for a playoff let down. reacting to team's defensive failures that led to another playoff exit. >> murder mystery a private investigator reveals new information on murder of dnc worker seth rix afternoon classified information revealed. white house disputes published reports which accuse president trump of sharing state secrets with russia. "fox 5 news morning" starts right now. >> good morning to you thank you for joining us i'm wisdom martin. >> i'll holly morris. >> today is tuesday, may 16. >> airport airport is watching road and michael good morning, mike. >> sunshine in the forecast.le 80s on the way it and 90s our way tomorrow. details coming up erin. >> big adjustment s on the orange line outer loop at branch avenue a live look at that next. >> in the news this morning a "fox5" sdlusive a possible major development in the murder of seth rich. >> the city staffer was killed until d.c. nearly a year ago. they are saying it was a botched robbery. his death could be linked to his worth. >> what is interesting is seth rich's family has in the past dismissed conspiracy theories as comical. now, their private investigator that is working for the family he suggested there say lincoln seth rich's laptop showing he has been communicating with wiki leaks prior to his death. he was walking home from a bar near his no blooming dale in d.c.. he was on his phone with the -- the murder is characterized by d.c. police as chief robbery. wiki leaks jumped a huge that and the wiki leengz has fuld much we have heart from the private investigator. >> the fbi have not been cooperating as all. i believe the answer to solve thinks his on that be hain. >> but you have sours at the fbi saying there's information. >> for sure. >> that could liching. >> and that's confirmed. . >> rod, wheeler is a former d.c. homicide detectives. he'll have a report on that this morning and he's going to proyt us at 56780 live outside d.c. police headquarters, i'm melanie alnwick, "fox5 local news". 5:33 now. we continue to follow late nest disturbing revelation. white whoution is denying published rortion claiming president trump revealed highly classified information during a closed door meeting with russia for the washington most quoted that president trump shared deals of an isis seartist. >> she said trump discussed nature of certain -- >> 6 months after presidential election and hillary clinton is jumping out to urge them to sign up for most the pros gregive version for the country earning nearly 66 million in the lost election. >> we want to remind i about safe track surge 15 which begins today. now this new surge will shut down five parts of the orange line between new carl ton and army stations. new carl ton, landover, ch chefly, dean wood and minnesota avenue and closure remains in place through june 14 30 minute between impact and the station. >> 5:34 now. back-to-back gorgeous day. >> maybe back-to-back to back. >> if you don't mind heat and humidity you may -- >> bring it. >> remember last year no 90 degrees days in nun or july. >> it was july, august, september we he 90 degree days. may, june, july, hot month wj. i never heard of august being cooled. >> you know we'll still have 80s just not like tlaingt year. 56 the number outside now. calm and cool wind not too much happening on satellite and radar. it will be a quiet day with lots of sunshine. and again we'll warm things up quickly as soon as the sun gets up in the possibly report heed 93 we break that in c.d. and tomorrow all right. that's a in with erin with traffic. >> breaking news jution a huge scene now on outer loop branch avenue. .rac tractor-trailer fire appears to be under control. working on hot spots and quite a bit of smoke belonging in the air there. left lane is getting by. traffic backed up all the way become to saint barnabus road. southbound ran. to branch avenue is closed now. you have to do a work around. again one lane calling by because no one knows what if you take outer side of beltway ear up against human delay with one rain o aside from that problemen the roads. this is the 23eu6r9 day. if you head out on metro, northeast, maryland, keep in mind no orange lanes between carl ton and new stadium. questions erin fox d. cn on twitter. >> new studies says international travelers from the state are not getting appropriate imunitions. any side as i break to we'll be back in a ♪ ♪ >> 207 minutes before 6:00 when it comes to travel ago broad americans are not doing what they can to protect themselves from measles, mumps and rubella. the study found prince william did not get the vaccine because they were not concern btd disease. experts say it's highly con taij us. tomatoes may fight stomach cancer. whole tomato extracts for their ability to various cap certifies. it could pave the way for no they compared that of esaying. >> a new study finds alcohol may have lessee infect on personality that you think. >> after drinking, majority said she felt more open a. agreeable and sxro verityed. researchers note a drunk personality verses sober one is all in our heads. that's interesting. don't you think you make bad decision when's you have a lot of alcohol in you. >> generally speaking. >> i heard people made bad too much. >> 19 minute before 6:00. trump administration is. >> a group of hackers attempting to extort money out of disney executives. >> u.s. capitol on a tuesday morning outside what is shaping up to a gorgeus day. 55 degrees the temperature n now. "fox news morning" coming right back. ri today we're gonna be comparing the roll-formed steel bed of the chevy silverado to the aluminum bed of this competitor's truck. awesome. yeah! first, let's check out the aluminum bed of this truck. wooooow!! holy moly. full on crack here. now let's check out the steel bed of the silverado. i'd expect more dents. current qualified lessees can get this silverado all star edition for around $249 a month. plus, find your tag and get an additional $1,500 lease cash on select silverado pickups in stock. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. ralph northam: being a pediatrician has taught me to listen carefully. i'm ralph northam, and when survivors of the virginia tech shooting asked me to support an assault weapons ban and close the gun show loophole, i took on the fight. i saw what those weapons can do now, i'm listening carefully to donald trump, and i think he's a narcissistic maniac. whatever you call him, we're not letting him bring his hate into virginia. >> back now at 5:44 with our two big issues for commuters this morning. take a look at screen. big mess outer loop beltway branch avenue a tractor-trailer fire. it's now out. but there's a lot of smoke and mess to cleanup. only one left lane is getting by there and the ramp to southbound branch avenue closed. outer loop delays stretched back to st. barnabus road. >> metro is the other issue. safe track surge 15 starting today and closes five stations on the orange line new carl ton to minnesota avenue. >> happy tuesday. >> hip hop you don't stop snet. >> that's my jam right there. >> my all time favorite. >> mike is trying to place it. >> let's give him a moment. >> i've heard today before. >> yeah, everybody knows this song. and see i am wonder mack and i like to to the black, to the white the red and the brown and the purple and yellow♪ >> each a close-up. [ laughter ]. >> actually i think we're showing our age. >> yeah. >> that was like the first rap song >> who is it. >> sugar hill gang. >> who is live in the loft with us not so long ago. >> i heard the song i don't know the group. >> well before your time. >> although i like your rendition it was great. >> it was almost before our time so long ago. nonetheless. >> i want to see that again. we have to play that on re replay. >> let's talk about the gorgeous day hawd headed our way. >> that was fantastic and today's weather will be fantastic. warmer, upper 70s yesterday afternoon and here headed to the mid to low 80s today and plenty of sunshine and no shortage of it in fact, sunny, bright, beautiful as we head into your day tomorrow building summertime talking 90s as we head into your day wednesday. humidity will be owe r on the rise the next couple days. temperatures outside right now. some in the 40s. look at mannasas, chilly, 42 to start. 46 dulles. gaithersburg 48. here in d.c. 56. baltimore 50 as well. 56 captain coand 46 in leopard town this morning. jacket weather to start nothing going on on satellite radar this system passes well north. went throw us anything except a couple sloudz there. high pressure down to south and there you have to. 70s to maryland/pennsylvania border. and 8 owes d.c. locally and points southward. again lots of sunshine. this will be a heat waiver we have coming our way, wedn wednesday, thursday, friday, arm high this time of year should be middle 70s. instead closer to 3 tomorrow. 93 on thursday as well. more clouds around friday, 91, maybe a thunderstorm to break the heat wave on friday. other thing you start to notice is hooutd l humidity ticking up. won't be that bad. middle 0s. by the time we get to tomorrow rather uncomfortable afternoon hours and dew points headed back to 60s. some are still far away, only 35 days until summer begins june 24 this is certainly an early preview. there it is, i wanted to break the heat if it was 70s by the weekend. >> erin is back with buzzier start to the day. >> unfortunately earlier tractor-trailer fire before they -- it looks like two left lanes outer branch to south avenue closed and that delay traffic through the scream. i would say now you need to give yourself 15 extra minute and if you need to typically exit southbound branch avenue take st. barnabus road. give yourself saturday xheerns we'll let you know when things are normal bottom of beltway branch avenue. we'll switch to maps. switching to safe track surge 15 first day lonth line in impacted. new trains. limited shudle vs five stations closed today. that could put a bamper on orange line commute. silver running every 12 minutes between rest inand the army. >> there are shuttle services free between orange and blue line right now to get you on minnesota avenue to stadium armory and dhevly toy morgan wlvd and keep you updated. questions at erin. >> eye security audit is being conducted after a skoou school security guard admitted to having sex with a 14-year-old eighth grade student. he turned himself in sunday night he works at colonel e brook lee middle school. the 14-year-old victim's mother admitted to calling police. she worked at rafael high low. >> "fox5" is following developing story from south carolina where an otherwise healthy teenager died from a calf each overdose. he collapsed and died in a high school classroom last month. had large mountain dew and energy and even his healthy heart conot take all the affect cheese chase. the suspect, david bows mp was a patient at jackson behavioral hemth hospital during the chase police say the suspects hit several vehicles including university ever miami shuttle bus. they arrested him a short time later. >> time 5:5 1 here are stories we're engaging with most. >> what's hot on the web. hi, mo. >> president trump reinstated anti- abortion law called the global gag rule and blocks u funding to go to planning such group. law was implemented by george w. bush and woman's reform bill has been drastically weakened by lane forcement groups and laejlation. the unanimously passed the texas senate which would retire a higher burden of proof for stopping and searching vehicles. earlier version of the bill required officers to undergo training. eye respected. hackers claim to have stolen up released disney movie ago he deposit say which quil m was pilot over to the caribbean. presidential dead mantel no tales. it was set to hit may 26. >> another spin-off. "game of thrones" author george r. r. martin says a fifth spin-off was in the works with hbo and says the shows is prequells instead of sequels. >> and timely if you lucky charms general mills givers away 10,000 boxes of marshmallow only. specifically marked boxes lucky charms hit stores across the u.s. d. each team con tapes a fou fourteen. >> a box full of marshmallow only storms. >> you won't believe this i never had a lucky charm be before. >> never. are you come usgliingt never had a lucky charm. it was reese crispy and. >> here's my think they were not my favorite but. >> are you okay? >> it's a right of passage. >> who are these people i'm doing the news with? >> that's funny. >> i'm bringing a box in tomorrow. >> i'm not. >> thanks, mo. >> country singer loretta lynn who sovrd a break this week she was moved from a hospital to a rehab facility n west they thavrpingd her fans from support several cop certificates due to the st stroke. >> roger federror the 18 major team champion posted it official he plans to spend getting time for gration and hardcore later this season. whimbleton, french open gips in saturday. >> pap asia can avoid. it is called the private suit and offers exclusive entrance unone-on-one security and mrun. lounges, is that supposed to be sweet. sdoynts know. when it's time to catch the flight celebs can get a price from the car mack to the lub area. >> so tell me how it is next time you fly in. >> i will do that. >> i know you're a remember. > >> if it costs more than 2. >> i mean you're not a member. >> se you in the regular life. >> all right. time 5:54 and that means face back fan of the day. today it's beverly, son tim because the three of them went ow for dinner for mother's day and when the bill game, tim surpriseded them and footed the bill. you go, tim. beverly adds she starts her morning with "fox5". we're glad you do. for your chance to be tom tomorrow's fan lever a comment and photo below estelle's picture. >> oh, yeah big. >> right. ght. all right. michael thomas your turn. >> all right. we have nice weather coming our way today. 80s in the forecast later this afternoon. if you've been waiting on warmer daernl it was not bad. today warmer. wait until tomorrow, heat moving in almost pool weather by the time we gets to wednesday in d.c.. before school, degrees. little cool start certainly will want the jacket as you get off to school. after school shorts and deshirt and weather in full force and to 80 d.c. sout southward. wait until tomorrow. we'll got a strong push of southerly warmth tomorrow afternoon. heading to the 90s in d.c.. record breaking day in washington. 7 day forecast after today we have three days of the 0s ab down to 70s through the weekends. next chance of rain friday with a few storms. >> that's right, mike, rough morning for commuters on the beltway. utter loop branch avenue. huge scene. luckily tractor-trailer fire is under control. just one lane getting by. folks coming up on left shoulder as well and they all merge into one lane. this causes huge delays parked back to st. barnabus road. southbound branch closed. we'll have more on this coming up fox news at 6. keep it here to "fox5" we'll be back with more. i need the phone that's where i happen to be... to be the one that rings. i need not to be missed phone calls... to not be missed. i need seamless handoff... canyon software. from reception, to landline, to mobile. i need one number... not two. i'm always moving forward... because i can't afford to get stuck in the past. comcast business. built for business. >> breaking news at 6. two big mess on the outer loop beltway branch avenue a. cleanup underway after a tractor-trailer fire. met vo other big issues. safe track surge 15 underway. five stations on orange line closed from new carl ton to minnesota avenue. >> plus exclusive new developments on the murder of staffer dnc rich. it's two weather and traffic coming up on the fives. at 6:05. >> let's get to that fire. still problems, erin. >> steve, allison, what impact just left lanes getting by left lane and shoulder. traffic stopped backing to st. barnabus road. a 20 minute delay there an exit ramp to southbound branch avenu also shut down. take southbound st. barna

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