Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 5 20170419 : compar

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 5 20170419

i'm holly morris. >> either wisdom martin. >> today is wednesday, april 19, erin como talking about traffic and first michael thomas talking weather. >> cooler today and still relatively speaking mild this afternoon. dodgeing a couple showers. we'll show you where those are now on radar in a minute. >> i recommend a light jacket throughout the door today and impact afeinging low down. >> wheel check back with you both. all eyes on georgia this morning in special congressional election that will now go to a runoff. the vote failed to produce outright whip were democrat john osoff just missing 50% mark to take the seat. the fact he did so well is seen by many as a rebuke of president trump. osoff will face karen handle in the runoff in june and one of them will replace tom price now health and human services secretary. mr. trump took to twitter early this morning with his take on the special election tweeted despite major outside money ke 11 republican candidates big r win with runoff in gorge a glad to be of help. >>. >> george h.w. bush was admitted with a mild cough which turned out to be a mild case of pneumonia. the pneumonia is treated and revolved and he's in good spirits and will stay in the hospital to regain his strength. >> 5:02 now let's get to a story developing overnight. montgomery koutsy couple at the center of controversy over online prank videos involving children. this morning they're out with new video and it is revealing. >> the couple has been accused of what many say is abuse of children and all for laughs. annie yu in the newsroom in morning with top story and these latest developments, annie. >> was dom and holly you tub channel is called daddy o 5 and it's known for daily b and pranks and features this familiar live 7. these are the parents. heather and michael martin and basically they're under fire for pulling harsh pranks on their young son and posting them or posted ript individual yoxt earlier they posted new video this is it addressing public concerns saying the situation has gone too far and has really placed their family in real danger. and that they wanted to all stop. family was blasted for this recent video. take a look 3457y viewers accusing them avenue xloyting kids and posting pranks on online. this is recent video basically was a joke on young son kody. you see him get distraught which leaves him crying histerklism the mom describes beginning of this video kody previously spilled ink on family carpet and to prank them they said they would stage another spill using disappearing inken placing blame on them in this pro f fanty laced tirade and it is hard to watch and many had a hard time watching it and it was riddled negative feedback accusing family of abusing kids and parents of abusing kids and viewers actually contracted our newsroom directly saying they should -- they think cps should step n the family basically issued this statement saying in part "we deeply apologize for your feelings of concern we do not condone child abuse in any w way, shape or form" and yesterday youtube removed the video stating policy on harassment and bullying and they say this has put their family in danger. >> the videos are fake. they're fake they're over exaggerated some videos are scripted. some -- i mean they're played out. the kids ideas -- i would rather lose my youtube channel and revenue than lose my children family. right now we are under severe attack by all kinds of media. >> the family also says in this same video they actually plan to make more videos but that they would change up their style app we reached out to both cps and montgomery county as well as maryland both declined comment antefamily said in a video that they were investigated and cleared of all charges and accusations and we also want to mention that you know this is as you mentioned holly in the previous hit that it is really questioning what people are willing to do for those views and even revenue this this case. as you know utube land you can make money off videos. family says they will pro teed to make videos and they'll change style of videos back to you. >> i have a quick question when fake or scimented are they claiming the child knew about it and acting. >> they don't go into specific. they did mention that before. now they're coming out and saying, look, we admit that these are fake videos sometime the kids are in on it sometimes suggest jongz and sometimes scimentd and use key words in video if you look on the bottom here the show more section you can use those key words for when people look for these types of videos. so they're now admitting that this is all false which is something that they did not before. >> all right. appy. thank you so much. 5:06 is the time rye now. >> let's go to michael thomas and talk about weather. >> wisdom, we have a decent day on top and we'll deal with clouds and showers and cooler air kind of moving into the region for a someday though. if you miss warm temps in 0s they're coming back tomorrow. storm tracker radar showing showers scattered about mostly along i 66 and basically i 270 south of there where you find shower activity this morning. it's trying to move east across here metro d.c. here. maybe a couple of light sprinkles or raindrops hitting whipped shield as you hit the early morning drive. grab umbrella you need this it morning. 354 most 50s and 40s up to 65. again few showers from time to time. that's the forecast over to erin airport for a check of traffic. >> 5:07 now taking a live look outside 66 as you make your way from 234 sutly trod 28. volume picking up and we're not seeing delays because of coneston and crash free westbound quiet through gainsville this morning. as we move things over traffic is moving along lon without any problems as you head out on 395 by shillington circle. and to the 14 street bridge look going a quick look at maps and showing you safe track. free shuttle service replaces that and no yellow rush plus service. >> coming up on "fox news morning" ncaa returns to tarheel state. >> and montgomery county lawmakers approve new money to keep religous centers safe. look across the region. 5:07. 50 is the temp. back in a ♪ ♪ mmm! [ keys clack ] [ slurps ] make it iced, then make it happen with flavors like butter pecan or new coconut creme pie. it's america's iced coffee, whenever, wherever. america runs on dunkin'. it's america's iced coffee, whenever, wherever. >> developing frez nox the alleged killer in custody. police identify him as korey mohammed. he told them he hated white people and posted similar comments on social media. all the victims were white m men. >> it in unclear ft. mcdonald's employee who spotted and held facebook killer steve chenevey inz will get the 50,000 reward for providing location now. police were on the manhunt for stevens who allegedly killed a man and posted video online. mcdonald's employees recognized stevens and called police. he led police on a chase before killing hillself. >> ncaa and north carolina. they announced it's one of the states that host the basketball tournament games from 20 19 to 202 2. ncaa says north carolina did enough with refeel of house bill 2 to be able to host cham peepship events again. the state last out on a number of sporting events last year because of the bathroom bill. >> united airlines on damage control. no airline e fired for draging a passenger off a plane later this month and oscar nunez apologizing for this incident. he says the company will have more to say later this month after finishing a review of policies on over booked fl flight. meantime the passenger and lawyers are taking steps towards a lawsuit of united and city of chicago. >> alabama is set to become the next state to allow executions by nitro again gas. alabama senate voted to add it to the bill. nitro again gas was never used but mississippi and oklahoma allow it. >> jewish schools and institutions in montgomery county will soon receive additional money to beef up their security. country council approved a resolution to provide funding of 225,000. this is in response to a bomb threats made earlier this year that targeted charles e smith in rockville. council approved an amendment to the resolution which allows other organizations or fake groups to receive county fund physical they want to beef up security. >> coming up on "fox news morning" adeed as apologizes for questionable email congratulating runners notice boston marathon. >> malaysia airlines is trying to find ways to keep planes and passengers safe. >> let's go to break now. take a live look out across the d.c. region. 5:11 is the time. 53 degrees. ♪ >> i want money, lots and lots of money♪ >> we all want to be rich. >> we are wealthy in many ways. maybe not the ways we want to, >> i want to be rich♪ . >> we're back at 5:13 with top stories. congressional election in georgia will go to a runoff. the race to is down to karen handle and john osoff. he did so well in traditional republican stronghold. he narrowly missed 50% mark to win the seat outright. >> former president george h.w. bush will stay at houston hospital a little while lo longer. the 41 president was admitted friday with a persistent cough that was later diagnosed as mild case of pneumonia. back in january mr. bush spent 16 days in the hospital for pneumonia. >> u.s. navy submarines is getting a makeover. redesigning them to accommodate women. every submarine in u.s. fleet was designed with hight and strength of men. they lifted the ban in 2010 starting with officers. 80 female officers and 50 enlisted women are now serving owe on subs and numbers are expected to claim. >> maryland governor larry hogan signed a number of bills aimed to make it easier to prosecute rain cases and among 211 bills hogan signed into law was no means no bill legislation eliminates requirement that victims prove they tried physically resist they're sale ants. >> quarter past the hour rights now. live look outside. it's 53 degrees on this hump day. and hm, not bad of a day on tap, right, mike. >> not too bad every now and then we have to pay our taxes so spoke pe. we had a beautiful day of sunshine and paying our taxes today, clouds, umbrella as you head out the door. >> let's get to it. headline for the day, cloudsy and cooler wednesday afternoon. keep that in mind. temperatures outside now on the cooler side. 50 mannasas. 54 in washington and westminster 50. looks like we have gotten into the 40s excepts for eastern shore and cambridge 456789 still cooler feel in atmosphre and that's thanks to clouds and showers moving in west to east this morning along i 1 and i 66 through prince william fauquier and loudoun moving to fairfax and western portions of disdistrict here. very, very light showers and something you probably need umbrella for as you get the kids off to school this morning. these should last a few showers here before we work our way in the afternoon. they become more and more scattered about. satellite and radar showing no real organization to any of this. basically a weak piece of energy moving through and on shore flow coming in. high pressure pulling east whipped off the ocean and again with boundary moving through kind of draw a line straight up from this area of low pressure you see south. air is flowing up and over and the upward moving air gives us showers. cooler air around again for the daytime hours today. but if you miss the warmth wait until we get to tomorrow. warmer air back into the picture. 65 we'll reach today in d.c.. i'll say if you live north and west of town to frederick maryland cumberland maryland they could break into sun later this afternoon and temperatures could get closer to 7 0. we'll keep loud around and maybe early shower. we work later and later into the evening showers we dry out and get patchy fog as well. lows tonight 58 degrees. "fox5" 7 day forecast headed back to the 8 0 tomorrow with scattered thunderstorms around the region. very warm, 8 4 friday scatter showers. sunday would be a soaker. let's look at the forecast over to erin airport for traffic. good morning to you erin i missed you. >> i missed you too you were celebrating your birthday, wrment you. >> that's in june. >> i jumped gun and got excited. all right, mike i know you are taking vacation for birthday. any way we'll move to drive times. 95 dale city to the beltway. all green, all g no problem. 66 inbound and outer loop as you make your way through college park looking good a 12 minute ride. these are drive times we like to see before the 5:30 half hour. if you get worry about rushing to roads. we'll keep you updated if the changes. safe track surge 14 this is the only thing slowing down metro commute now. no trains on green line between prince george and shuttle service will replace the shut down as we forward maps. you can see no yellow rush plus. use blue or yellow for that one. keep in mind college park, university of maryland and green belt patients are closed and that's why you need the shuttle service. watch for crowded parking conditions. it's running normally in other segments. as you look to maps traffic is looking nice right now and all this green represents drive times we showed you. no issues through buoy and riverdale park. if you happen to have early morning flight this wednesday morning nothing slows you down on way to bwi, reagan national or dulles. looking nice as airports as well. if you have any questions for your commute we want to keep you moving and keep you moving safely this wednesday morning. back to you guys. >> thanks, eri time any. here are the stories you're engaging with most. >> malaysia air becomes the favorites airlines tracked by satellite. this makes it easier got i the aircraft to be located. microsoft former ce oxt launched a new web site to cop sol date 30 years of government data online. web site analyses government spending and revenue in hopes to make it easier to understand. the web site is usa >> adidas apologize are for customers toe email they sent out it said congrats you survived the boston marathon. they were reminded about the real survivors of the boston marathon bombing. >> this travel pillow may be the answer. it has a sling to caidle y yourself to sleep. it's called the dream sling. not on sale yet. it buy this summer. >> okay. >> i might be interested in that. >> really? >> i have a hard time sleeping on the plane. >> it looks like you've been hurt. >> well a new study suggestions employers should get rid of eight hour days. >> wait until they -- >> 345eubging employees work sivrm hours a day could save companies money in the long term. now, experts say working less hours would mean they would be healthier and take fewer sick days. >> i'm all for the shorter workday. all for t i wanted to make sure that was -- >> we vote yes. >> alternative. >> yes. >> coming up on "fox news morning" ikea is considering expanding into a new line of business. >> and two big names in the world of dessert foods introducing new sugary sweet treat. >> a live look across the d.c. region. time 5:20. temperature 5 >> eye he ais looking to selling swedish meatballs and their dishes. >> kxts fc want to give chick-fil-a a competition by improving taste of chicken sandwiches they hope by bread egg them in the store it will make them better. right now the sandwiches are shipped to stores breaded that's similar to how rivals chick-fil-a and popeyes already prepare their chicken. >> audi is giving us a look at car of the future. this is etron plug in car five will be sold in china over the next five years. part of a push to boost sales of electric battery and plug in hybrids. they hope the car will be on the road in the united states by 2020. >> frap in the morning. un corn frappuccino full of bright colors, whipped cream. rainbow sprinkles mean coffee. takes mix of fruity and sour and changes colors and flavors with the stir of the straw. have to move fast if you want to try. it it will only be available until sunday. are you in? >> no, i'm up for trying anything. >> how about this frappuccinos are not your thing? fly ice cream taco. >> absolutely. >> ben and jerseys announce aid fak owe coming to scoop shots for limited time and now it's waffle like taco shell filled with ben and jerrys ice cream and cookies and crumbled up carmel, fudge drizls the whole nine yards you can get it starting thursday. >> i love everything about that. >> and you should get them both. >> oh, my god. >> right? >> that would be enough sugar for a month. >> but it would be good. how about good in the weather department michael thomas. >> how about not bad in the weather department. >> okay. >> it could be worse in the weather department. >> there you go. >> we'll put it that way. >> look at the positive side of things. stormtracker radar showing what's not good and shower activity pushing in to the west across portions of northern virginia. most of maryland dry now. this pushes off east and it will see how much of this moisture works across d.c. and maryland this morning. temperatures outside 54 reagan national and dulles 51 and bwi 50. cooler start. certainly jacket weather and grab up umbrella in case you need to throughout day today. afternoon planner 111:00 showers around. 58. chance of showers just about all day today. no it's not a washout and not everybody will see them. i'm going to stress that point here. 2:00 in the city, 61 by 5:00, 64 degrees. as for highs today depends where you live. down to the south of town you get socked in with clouds and better leonardtown, fredericksburg. temperatures in the 50s today. 55 in d.c.. off norm and west sun later today and temperatures much closer to 70 degrees. all right that's a check of of the forecast. erin como with traffic. >> 5:26 we have construction that we're seeing slowing us down. behind me this is outer loop the headlights coming towards us. no construction there and heavier traffic. however the upper loop look at that you can see the arrow and bright lane right shoulder blocked and that's slowing down inner loop. please give yourself extra time as you head to the beltway out by 270 spur. you see construction there upper loop and heavier volume outer loop. we'll switch to maps. good news you make your way 20 southbound we're delay free 70 down to bement way. no slow downs. 355 best alternate. quiet problem free in olney and as i make your way fredericksburg to aquia harbor to virginia you can see all green all good on route 1 is cruising and no slow down through fred fredericksburg or stafford. net row on time except for safe track. questions erin fox d.c. on twitter. holly and wisdom. >> coming up on "fox news morning" head of homeland squarety department is depending recent tactical changes used by agency. >> and and i comment meditation practice could be a good way to deal with depression. >> as we go to break a live look across the d.c. region. we're at 5:27, 53 degrees on this wednesday morning. "fox news morning" is what you're watching and we'll be right back. don't go anywhere >> "fox 5 news morning" back at 5:30 now. if you just wake up here are things people talk about today. montgomery county couple at the center of controversial online prank videos involving their children. they're out with new video this morning though and in it they reveal all the videos they post are fake and sc scripted. critics claim the couple is emotionally abusing kids for youtube clips. >> special election in george agoes to a runoff. the race for tom price is down to republican karen handle and john osoff. >> and former president g h.w. bush is back in houston hospital. 41 president was admitted friday with persistent cough that turned out to be be pneumonia. >> live look outside now. overnight cool down right now despite the chill in air we're expecting mild day. good morning i'm wisdom ma martin. >> i'm holly morris. >> jumping the gun there. so excited to be here with you all this wednesday, april 19. >> michael thomas and erin como talking weather and traffic. michael thomas you status off. >> looking at more clouds than yesterday that's for s sure. couple showers there as well. we'll let you know how long they stick arounds nay bit. erin. >> right now it's quiet drive in southern maryland and we have construction in upper loop by 270 spur. we'll take a live look at that next and help you get around it. >> jeff sessions leading -- leaving nothing to imagination when it comes to u.s. potetialcy on drugg tra trafficking and border protection policies. >> they met yesterday and on agenda cracking down on gangs and sanctuary cities. >> melanie alnwick live from the department of justice with >> wisdom and holly, speaking to the organized crime council sessions said there are 10,000 ms 13 members actively working in 40 u.s. states to recruit and funnel resources back to el salvador. now this was meeting held tuesday with sessions and senior officials from other law enforcement agencies. they vowed to crack down on drug trafficking even gang violence. sessions blamed some of the problem in part on on borders and years of lax immigration enforcement and turning to criminal organizations like ms 13. sessions issued a stern warning say "if you're in a gang, we'll find you." >> let me state this clearly, under president trump the justice department has zero toll raps for gang violence. transnational criminal organizations like ms 13 represent threats to american safety. these organizations enrich themselves by pedaling poison in our communities and trafficking children for sexual sxoyttation and inflicting horrific violence in the communities where they operate. ms 13 has become a symbol of this plague that spread across this country and into our communities. >> now sessions also blasted sanctuary cities saying they are part of the problem here. and you may recall in january president trump signed executive order threatening in part to withhold federal funds from those so-called sanctuary cities that don't cooperate with deportation orders. live outside the justice department i'm melanie aln alnwick, "fox5 local news". >> mel, thank you. 5:33 is the time now. new this morning president trump raised 107 million for inaugural festivities double the previous record set by eight years ago. trum's inaugural committee doesn't have to disclose how the money is sent spent. >> president trump signed justify order changing a controversial visa program. the order is dubbed buy american, hire american. part of the order tightens waivers and exceptions companies us to to get around using american made goods and target h 1 visa program to be only to goych high skilled workers. the program hurts american jobs by bringing in cheaper workers. >> head of homeland security is defending abcs his office is taking toy protect americans! secretary john kelly khenkd members of congress, critical of trump administration approach tomorrow grace enforcement. secretary kelly says those lawmakers need to either change laws or "shut up." >> they take the form of drug car tells or international gangs like business dealings and violent practices and the sophisticated networks move anythin and everything across borders including human be beings. and we have set out to stop that movement. >> kelly is promising a border crackdown on violence and i will legal drugs like marijuana. >> 5:35 is the time now. let's see i have got any red on you have your red on. >> canadian blue today. >> not supporting d.c. teams today. >> my jerseys are downstairs. >> $a big d.c. sports day, nats playing and caps in playoffs and wizards endplayoffs. >> this is must-win for caps today. >> if they don't win that's trouble. >> they're going to win i feel like they'll win. >> i hope so. >> where's that ding, diping, ding, ding. >> it's over there don't you worry. >> i hope that's not ringing bell for defeat. >> don't lose again not another heartbreaker. >> 54. current numb with holly. 50 mannasas 51 dulles 50 west mipster and showery start for some. checking out satellite and radar. shower activity west of town. for now don't be shocked if we got a little bit of light rain hitting your whipped shield as you get off to work here in just about the next half hour or so here in washington. your two-day forecast in, d.c. today, cloudy, certainly much cloudier than yesterday, 65 degrees with a few showers scattered about even into the afternoon hours. tomorrow, much, much warmer, look at that temperatures up into the 80s. 82. with popup thunderstorms in the afternoon. all right. let's check the forecast over to erin airport for traffic now. >> 5:36 and construction causing problems on beltway. you can see upper loop that's where we have the arrows set up and cones. this is out by 270 spur. upper loop keep left. volume light however. notice headlights on outer loop even though construction free on outer loop we have heavier volume your way towards say legion bridge. extra time needed there. rest of major crash free. back to you holly and wisdom. >> coming up on "fox news morning" where you live could play a huge role in overall health of your sinuses. >> and studying the zika virus. babies still need to be monitored. >> 53 is the tempp. back in a moment. mmm! [ keys clack ] [ slurps ] make it iced, then make it happen with flavors like butter pecan or new coconut creme pie. it's america's iced coffee, whenever, wherever. america runs on dunkin'. hey allergy muddlers are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool? try zyrtec® it's starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. >> 5:40 now two studies suggest the zika virus may cause a new study for new newborns. cdc said zika could trigger cases of epilepsy in infants. they looked at 40 babies in brazil with possible zika infection and half suffered seizures and babies in columbia and venezuela may have life long vision im impairment. they showed damage to retinas and optic nerves after exposed to zika through their pregnant mothers. there's a any drug test opened lab nice fight breast cancer. dritish scientists tested t that. they're hoping to dch a drug sustainable for humans. >> ne pollution may be linked to chronic nasal lukes. researchers exposed mice to polluted and fillederd air over a four month period.. the mice exposed to pollution had more inflammation and higher con step traitions of chemical that causes immune response than others breathing fillederd air. researchers suggest findings may be femor are at a higher risk of sinus problems if in high risk areas. >> san francisco based company looked at yoga for treatment of depression. people in the study say the exercise helps them stay centered and takes mind off their problems. >> 5:41 now coming up on "fox news morning" a painting removed from capitol building won't be returning any time soon. >> and few features from facebook could make life more complicated as we ad look across the d.c. region on this hump day, 19 minute before the hour right now. 53 degrees. michael talks more about the weather forecast on the area side and erin updates traffic. "fox news morning" back after this this is the silverado special edition. oh, did i say there's only one special edition? because, actually there's five. woman: ooohh!! uh! man 2: hooooly mackerel. man 3: wow. man 4: nice. strength and style. which one's your favourite? come home with me! make a strong decision. find your tag and get 16% below msrp on select silverado 1500 pickups in stock. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. find new roads >> bases were township out and nationals shawn kelley well he appeared to strike out chase darno. that led to nats celebration. everyone assumed the game was over right even the broadcast network signed off. yeah. done. well, two minutes later, the teams returned to the field. because after a challenge review the home plate umpire ruled strike to be foul tip. so the batter would get a second chance to help the braves but on the next pitch oh, jason werth had a few words there. strikes out again and this time counts. so nats win, nats win, nats win. >> very strange. >> weird hu? >> stranger things happened. >> that looks like a pos postcard. >> d.c. at night. >> or early, early morning. >> or chilly. >> it's chilly out there this morning. >> little on the cooler side. morning♪ >> nobody is going to tell me i can't♪ >> there you go. >> all right. >> the way they come back from a little break. >> there you go. >> i see you try to reel us in with a dramatic pause. >> i see what you did there. >> did it work. >> no. >> darn maybe tomorrow. >> cooler today and few showers around as well. moving west of town. we'll get radar in a second you miss warmth it's back tomorrow. only 60s today and 0s back by tomorrow afternoon. and we'll be humid with some thunderstorms popping up as well. like early summer day coming your way for thursday. rain chances do stick around through the weekend and especially sunday now looks like it may end up on the w wetter side of things. temperatures right now you see this on shore flow. that's going to keep us on the cool side today, 54 now. which is not bad. and again it will hold temperatures down this afternoon with clouds. look at surge of warmth to west. southerly winds. lexington 63, chicago 67. we'll number that air mass as we work into the day tomorrow. that will provide warm spark thursday and friday. this morning area of low pressure stuck here over the caroline as, throw in moi moisture. disorganized. still moisture in our direction. high pressure north again providing on shore flow. low pressure employed lift and result is of course a couple of showers out there. so cooler day headed your way with more cloud cover. more so than yesterday. we won't have 70s around like we did yesterday around with cat showers scattered about. by 11:00 a chance of showers. they get less and less as we work further and further through the day. 58 by 11 and 2:00, 6 1. 5bg, 64. highs today could be warmer up toward the moup tanz. 68 martinsburg and hagerstown and mid 60s south and east of town. probably getting stuck in 50s today thank to cloud and better of shower threat down. there quick lk forecast. 63 by 7:00. watching for patchy fog. i'm mentioning warm-up. thursday, 82. friday, 4. again we'll have to have showers and storms in the afternoon. okay let's check the forecast and erin como is back with traffic. >> 4 p.m. do you think i get afternoon run in outside. >> i think you'll be fine. >> good to know. >> right now moving to traffic a new crash 5 northbound by 123 blocking left shoulder and lane. there volume heavy and dale city to 123 a bit of slow d down. not causing major delays but that could change as we switch to the road. construction to be aware of. this is topside of belt away. inner loop flashing arrow there. rights lane, right shoulder blocked by 270 spur causing attach brakes and outer loop heavier volume coming offer 270 making your way to leemon bridge and few extra moments there as well a side from those areas congestion picking bound side on bay bridge. traffic getting by. watch for delays. inbound bay bridge looking nice right now. 50s quiet. metro on time except for safe track. we'll be back. actually no it's not end of hour. back to you guys. >> we'll take it. thanks, erin, former george washington employee will be in court. jessie morton worked at gw consulting on a program on extremism. his hire was controversial because of his ties to terrorism. he no longer works for university. he was arrested on drug and prostitution charges in december. >> d.c. appeals court looking into whether police needed warrants to track devices to use cellphone. for years they used cell site simulators. but they should have search warrants for simulators. they're weighing legality of >> and controversial painting which once hunged in the u.s. capitol. federal judge blocked efforts to bring the painting back. artwork shows a pig in police uniform aiming gun at black wolf created by missouri student that won art contest. student and congressman representedtive william sued the architect of the capitol saying it violated their rights. lawyers for students and clay say they will likely appeal. >> ten minute before the hour let's look at stories you're engaging most with this morning social media with realtime news tracker. >> u.s. military says it intercepted two russian bombers in airspace off alaska coast and pentagon says it was safe and professional. they flew within 100 miles of code yack island. they escorted the russian b bombers twelve minutes and thenhehey threw back to ru >> and convictions dismissed. drug convictions were tainted by a former state lab chemist. >> and nypd says it's now investigating death of judge found in hudson as suspicious. at first they thought she committed suicide. >> with stroke of pen iowa became one of the friendlyest for gun owners. under the bill it allows citizens to use deadly force if they believe their lives are threat end and if wail lou them to sue government officials if they think gun free zones violated second amendment rightsing. >> real or fake the in-camera app will make it hard tore tell what's real. it uses superior artificial intelligence and recognizes ob jetion and simulates them. , for instance, if you took a pictures of your coffee mug at breakfast you c second so it looks like you're not eating breakfast alone. or taking a picture of the ocean and whipped surfer cuts out that view. >> weren't they the same trying to -- >> right in middle of road both sides. new changes coming to city of charlotteville wanting to sell the robert e. lee statue in the park. they're accepting bids. it cannot be used to promote hurtful ideology and the buyer will be responsible for paying for any damage to the park or statue during its removal. >> thibl is one time when justice trumps historical preservation just like we allow tearing down a home positioning a danger to the neighborhood should allow removal of a statue. >> it could be put on hold because the city is involved in a lawsuit over legal rights to remove the statue. >> yesterday adds a day of apology and act of contrition by the policy. the school is atoping for its role inen slavement of women and children and sale of slaves to pay debts. >> we cannot hide from this truth or bury this truth, ignore this truth, we lay this truth bare in sourfull apology and communal reconing. >> some descendents credit georgetown student body for getting the university to atone for its since. >> contracted employees for reagan national and dulles airport will join jerry conically to announce results it's first of kind policy to ensure contractors pay workers living wage. after two year campaign those employees could see hourly rages increase from $7.25 to $12 plt 75. >> also happening today larry hogan announces plans to ease congestion on i 270. governor hogan ged indicated money to fund the i 270 innovative congestion management project and it will reveal the winning design team. the project is a waste of money some say and will not relieve congestion. >> alexandria residents got to chance to voice their opinions on improvement on route 1. they up signature road expansion is necessary to accommodate futurep rapid bus transit system in fairfax. if approved the road expansion could affects 2 0 0 pro properties♪ i just came to say hello♪ >> six minutes before the hour and right now we the facebook fan ever the day patrice and curbin they love it and have been watching for years. >> curbin loves, loves, lo loves, allison see more and she hopes allison will give him a shout-out. thank you for youtube great look chance to be fanive the day post it for this styling profile. >> the chances are quite high allison will give a shout-out. tune in i bet you get your wish. >> we'll get it, shower activity coming through this morning. don't let it ruin your day. later this afternoon this looks like a line of showers this morning. we'll break up and become more and more isolated. shower chances remained throughout the day and won't be overly wet day and not a soaker. so far this morning most tracking up to northern virginia pushing to portions of montgomery country and gaithersburg in d.c.. and starting to see rain washington. take that into account this morning as you start the morning commute. it's not so heavy i think it will cause commute issues though it's still light. before school maybe kids need umbrella as they get off to school. can't rule out a few showers into the afternoon. the later go the more and more isolated they'll become. quick look at "fox5" accuweather 7-day forecast. 80s back tomorrow and couple of thunderstorms in the afternoon and weekend looks like it could be on wet site especially on sunday. let's check the forecast. >> a5:56 now volume increasing surrounding crash in virginia this is out in 5 northbound, 12. little jammed dale city to crash point. we see they have first responders there waiting to get that towed. we'll let you know if causes more than a five minute delay. switching to maps now. earlier construction on the beltway by 270 on upper loop cleared. we're still tracking outbound 50 crash on bay bridge question the looking g keep it to "fox 5 news morning" now we'll head to in the middle of a storm destiny struck. did may imagine april showers bringing her fashionable, flowers at such a sunny price? never but that's the beauty of a store full of surprises. you never know what you're gonna find, but you know you're gonna love it. >> montger facing backlash and death threats after profanity was post on utube. a political test for the president overseas as well this morning. >> that's pretty. how about a live look outside. wednesday morning. april 19 weather and traffic coming up on the fives and 6 6:05. dramatic on wednesday. good morning i'm allison seymour. >> i'm steve chenevey. >> welcome to morning morning. >> first up at 6 this morning a wake-up call for reps overnight in sdwrorj aa special congressional election goes to runoff after democrat osloffful a little short to win outright. he will face karen handle that beat out ten other gop candidate. that district in georgia has been a stronghold republican which makes the performance more surprising

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Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 5 20170419 :

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 5 20170419

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i'm holly morris. >> either wisdom martin. >> today is wednesday, april 19, erin como talking about traffic and first michael thomas talking weather. >> cooler today and still relatively speaking mild this afternoon. dodgeing a couple showers. we'll show you where those are now on radar in a minute. >> i recommend a light jacket throughout the door today and impact afeinging low down. >> wheel check back with you both. all eyes on georgia this morning in special congressional election that will now go to a runoff. the vote failed to produce outright whip were democrat john osoff just missing 50% mark to take the seat. the fact he did so well is seen by many as a rebuke of president trump. osoff will face karen handle in the runoff in june and one of them will replace tom price now health and human services secretary. mr. trump took to twitter early this morning with his take on the special election tweeted despite major outside money ke 11 republican candidates big r win with runoff in gorge a glad to be of help. >>. >> george h.w. bush was admitted with a mild cough which turned out to be a mild case of pneumonia. the pneumonia is treated and revolved and he's in good spirits and will stay in the hospital to regain his strength. >> 5:02 now let's get to a story developing overnight. montgomery koutsy couple at the center of controversy over online prank videos involving children. this morning they're out with new video and it is revealing. >> the couple has been accused of what many say is abuse of children and all for laughs. annie yu in the newsroom in morning with top story and these latest developments, annie. >> was dom and holly you tub channel is called daddy o 5 and it's known for daily b and pranks and features this familiar live 7. these are the parents. heather and michael martin and basically they're under fire for pulling harsh pranks on their young son and posting them or posted ript individual yoxt earlier they posted new video this is it addressing public concerns saying the situation has gone too far and has really placed their family in real danger. and that they wanted to all stop. family was blasted for this recent video. take a look 3457y viewers accusing them avenue xloyting kids and posting pranks on online. this is recent video basically was a joke on young son kody. you see him get distraught which leaves him crying histerklism the mom describes beginning of this video kody previously spilled ink on family carpet and to prank them they said they would stage another spill using disappearing inken placing blame on them in this pro f fanty laced tirade and it is hard to watch and many had a hard time watching it and it was riddled negative feedback accusing family of abusing kids and parents of abusing kids and viewers actually contracted our newsroom directly saying they should -- they think cps should step n the family basically issued this statement saying in part "we deeply apologize for your feelings of concern we do not condone child abuse in any w way, shape or form" and yesterday youtube removed the video stating policy on harassment and bullying and they say this has put their family in danger. >> the videos are fake. they're fake they're over exaggerated some videos are scripted. some -- i mean they're played out. the kids ideas -- i would rather lose my youtube channel and revenue than lose my children family. right now we are under severe attack by all kinds of media. >> the family also says in this same video they actually plan to make more videos but that they would change up their style app we reached out to both cps and montgomery county as well as maryland both declined comment antefamily said in a video that they were investigated and cleared of all charges and accusations and we also want to mention that you know this is as you mentioned holly in the previous hit that it is really questioning what people are willing to do for those views and even revenue this this case. as you know utube land you can make money off videos. family says they will pro teed to make videos and they'll change style of videos back to you. >> i have a quick question when fake or scimented are they claiming the child knew about it and acting. >> they don't go into specific. they did mention that before. now they're coming out and saying, look, we admit that these are fake videos sometime the kids are in on it sometimes suggest jongz and sometimes scimentd and use key words in video if you look on the bottom here the show more section you can use those key words for when people look for these types of videos. so they're now admitting that this is all false which is something that they did not before. >> all right. appy. thank you so much. 5:06 is the time rye now. >> let's go to michael thomas and talk about weather. >> wisdom, we have a decent day on top and we'll deal with clouds and showers and cooler air kind of moving into the region for a someday though. if you miss warm temps in 0s they're coming back tomorrow. storm tracker radar showing showers scattered about mostly along i 66 and basically i 270 south of there where you find shower activity this morning. it's trying to move east across here metro d.c. here. maybe a couple of light sprinkles or raindrops hitting whipped shield as you hit the early morning drive. grab umbrella you need this it morning. 354 most 50s and 40s up to 65. again few showers from time to time. that's the forecast over to erin airport for a check of traffic. >> 5:07 now taking a live look outside 66 as you make your way from 234 sutly trod 28. volume picking up and we're not seeing delays because of coneston and crash free westbound quiet through gainsville this morning. as we move things over traffic is moving along lon without any problems as you head out on 395 by shillington circle. and to the 14 street bridge look going a quick look at maps and showing you safe track. free shuttle service replaces that and no yellow rush plus service. >> coming up on "fox news morning" ncaa returns to tarheel state. >> and montgomery county lawmakers approve new money to keep religous centers safe. look across the region. 5:07. 50 is the temp. back in a ♪ ♪ mmm! [ keys clack ] [ slurps ] make it iced, then make it happen with flavors like butter pecan or new coconut creme pie. it's america's iced coffee, whenever, wherever. america runs on dunkin'. it's america's iced coffee, whenever, wherever. >> developing frez nox the alleged killer in custody. police identify him as korey mohammed. he told them he hated white people and posted similar comments on social media. all the victims were white m men. >> it in unclear ft. mcdonald's employee who spotted and held facebook killer steve chenevey inz will get the 50,000 reward for providing location now. police were on the manhunt for stevens who allegedly killed a man and posted video online. mcdonald's employees recognized stevens and called police. he led police on a chase before killing hillself. >> ncaa and north carolina. they announced it's one of the states that host the basketball tournament games from 20 19 to 202 2. ncaa says north carolina did enough with refeel of house bill 2 to be able to host cham peepship events again. the state last out on a number of sporting events last year because of the bathroom bill. >> united airlines on damage control. no airline e fired for draging a passenger off a plane later this month and oscar nunez apologizing for this incident. he says the company will have more to say later this month after finishing a review of policies on over booked fl flight. meantime the passenger and lawyers are taking steps towards a lawsuit of united and city of chicago. >> alabama is set to become the next state to allow executions by nitro again gas. alabama senate voted to add it to the bill. nitro again gas was never used but mississippi and oklahoma allow it. >> jewish schools and institutions in montgomery county will soon receive additional money to beef up their security. country council approved a resolution to provide funding of 225,000. this is in response to a bomb threats made earlier this year that targeted charles e smith in rockville. council approved an amendment to the resolution which allows other organizations or fake groups to receive county fund physical they want to beef up security. >> coming up on "fox news morning" adeed as apologizes for questionable email congratulating runners notice boston marathon. >> malaysia airlines is trying to find ways to keep planes and passengers safe. >> let's go to break now. take a live look out across the d.c. region. 5:11 is the time. 53 degrees. ♪ >> i want money, lots and lots of money♪ >> we all want to be rich. >> we are wealthy in many ways. maybe not the ways we want to, >> i want to be rich♪ . >> we're back at 5:13 with top stories. congressional election in georgia will go to a runoff. the race to is down to karen handle and john osoff. he did so well in traditional republican stronghold. he narrowly missed 50% mark to win the seat outright. >> former president george h.w. bush will stay at houston hospital a little while lo longer. the 41 president was admitted friday with a persistent cough that was later diagnosed as mild case of pneumonia. back in january mr. bush spent 16 days in the hospital for pneumonia. >> u.s. navy submarines is getting a makeover. redesigning them to accommodate women. every submarine in u.s. fleet was designed with hight and strength of men. they lifted the ban in 2010 starting with officers. 80 female officers and 50 enlisted women are now serving owe on subs and numbers are expected to claim. >> maryland governor larry hogan signed a number of bills aimed to make it easier to prosecute rain cases and among 211 bills hogan signed into law was no means no bill legislation eliminates requirement that victims prove they tried physically resist they're sale ants. >> quarter past the hour rights now. live look outside. it's 53 degrees on this hump day. and hm, not bad of a day on tap, right, mike. >> not too bad every now and then we have to pay our taxes so spoke pe. we had a beautiful day of sunshine and paying our taxes today, clouds, umbrella as you head out the door. >> let's get to it. headline for the day, cloudsy and cooler wednesday afternoon. keep that in mind. temperatures outside now on the cooler side. 50 mannasas. 54 in washington and westminster 50. looks like we have gotten into the 40s excepts for eastern shore and cambridge 456789 still cooler feel in atmosphre and that's thanks to clouds and showers moving in west to east this morning along i 1 and i 66 through prince william fauquier and loudoun moving to fairfax and western portions of disdistrict here. very, very light showers and something you probably need umbrella for as you get the kids off to school this morning. these should last a few showers here before we work our way in the afternoon. they become more and more scattered about. satellite and radar showing no real organization to any of this. basically a weak piece of energy moving through and on shore flow coming in. high pressure pulling east whipped off the ocean and again with boundary moving through kind of draw a line straight up from this area of low pressure you see south. air is flowing up and over and the upward moving air gives us showers. cooler air around again for the daytime hours today. but if you miss the warmth wait until we get to tomorrow. warmer air back into the picture. 65 we'll reach today in d.c.. i'll say if you live north and west of town to frederick maryland cumberland maryland they could break into sun later this afternoon and temperatures could get closer to 7 0. we'll keep loud around and maybe early shower. we work later and later into the evening showers we dry out and get patchy fog as well. lows tonight 58 degrees. "fox5" 7 day forecast headed back to the 8 0 tomorrow with scattered thunderstorms around the region. very warm, 8 4 friday scatter showers. sunday would be a soaker. let's look at the forecast over to erin airport for traffic. good morning to you erin i missed you. >> i missed you too you were celebrating your birthday, wrment you. >> that's in june. >> i jumped gun and got excited. all right, mike i know you are taking vacation for birthday. any way we'll move to drive times. 95 dale city to the beltway. all green, all g no problem. 66 inbound and outer loop as you make your way through college park looking good a 12 minute ride. these are drive times we like to see before the 5:30 half hour. if you get worry about rushing to roads. we'll keep you updated if the changes. safe track surge 14 this is the only thing slowing down metro commute now. no trains on green line between prince george and shuttle service will replace the shut down as we forward maps. you can see no yellow rush plus. use blue or yellow for that one. keep in mind college park, university of maryland and green belt patients are closed and that's why you need the shuttle service. watch for crowded parking conditions. it's running normally in other segments. as you look to maps traffic is looking nice right now and all this green represents drive times we showed you. no issues through buoy and riverdale park. if you happen to have early morning flight this wednesday morning nothing slows you down on way to bwi, reagan national or dulles. looking nice as airports as well. if you have any questions for your commute we want to keep you moving and keep you moving safely this wednesday morning. back to you guys. >> thanks, eri time any. here are the stories you're engaging with most. >> malaysia air becomes the favorites airlines tracked by satellite. this makes it easier got i the aircraft to be located. microsoft former ce oxt launched a new web site to cop sol date 30 years of government data online. web site analyses government spending and revenue in hopes to make it easier to understand. the web site is usa >> adidas apologize are for customers toe email they sent out it said congrats you survived the boston marathon. they were reminded about the real survivors of the boston marathon bombing. >> this travel pillow may be the answer. it has a sling to caidle y yourself to sleep. it's called the dream sling. not on sale yet. it buy this summer. >> okay. >> i might be interested in that. >> really? >> i have a hard time sleeping on the plane. >> it looks like you've been hurt. >> well a new study suggestions employers should get rid of eight hour days. >> wait until they -- >> 345eubging employees work sivrm hours a day could save companies money in the long term. now, experts say working less hours would mean they would be healthier and take fewer sick days. >> i'm all for the shorter workday. all for t i wanted to make sure that was -- >> we vote yes. >> alternative. >> yes. >> coming up on "fox news morning" ikea is considering expanding into a new line of business. >> and two big names in the world of dessert foods introducing new sugary sweet treat. >> a live look across the d.c. region. time 5:20. temperature 5 >> eye he ais looking to selling swedish meatballs and their dishes. >> kxts fc want to give chick-fil-a a competition by improving taste of chicken sandwiches they hope by bread egg them in the store it will make them better. right now the sandwiches are shipped to stores breaded that's similar to how rivals chick-fil-a and popeyes already prepare their chicken. >> audi is giving us a look at car of the future. this is etron plug in car five will be sold in china over the next five years. part of a push to boost sales of electric battery and plug in hybrids. they hope the car will be on the road in the united states by 2020. >> frap in the morning. un corn frappuccino full of bright colors, whipped cream. rainbow sprinkles mean coffee. takes mix of fruity and sour and changes colors and flavors with the stir of the straw. have to move fast if you want to try. it it will only be available until sunday. are you in? >> no, i'm up for trying anything. >> how about this frappuccinos are not your thing? fly ice cream taco. >> absolutely. >> ben and jerseys announce aid fak owe coming to scoop shots for limited time and now it's waffle like taco shell filled with ben and jerrys ice cream and cookies and crumbled up carmel, fudge drizls the whole nine yards you can get it starting thursday. >> i love everything about that. >> and you should get them both. >> oh, my god. >> right? >> that would be enough sugar for a month. >> but it would be good. how about good in the weather department michael thomas. >> how about not bad in the weather department. >> okay. >> it could be worse in the weather department. >> there you go. >> we'll put it that way. >> look at the positive side of things. stormtracker radar showing what's not good and shower activity pushing in to the west across portions of northern virginia. most of maryland dry now. this pushes off east and it will see how much of this moisture works across d.c. and maryland this morning. temperatures outside 54 reagan national and dulles 51 and bwi 50. cooler start. certainly jacket weather and grab up umbrella in case you need to throughout day today. afternoon planner 111:00 showers around. 58. chance of showers just about all day today. no it's not a washout and not everybody will see them. i'm going to stress that point here. 2:00 in the city, 61 by 5:00, 64 degrees. as for highs today depends where you live. down to the south of town you get socked in with clouds and better leonardtown, fredericksburg. temperatures in the 50s today. 55 in d.c.. off norm and west sun later today and temperatures much closer to 70 degrees. all right that's a check of of the forecast. erin como with traffic. >> 5:26 we have construction that we're seeing slowing us down. behind me this is outer loop the headlights coming towards us. no construction there and heavier traffic. however the upper loop look at that you can see the arrow and bright lane right shoulder blocked and that's slowing down inner loop. please give yourself extra time as you head to the beltway out by 270 spur. you see construction there upper loop and heavier volume outer loop. we'll switch to maps. good news you make your way 20 southbound we're delay free 70 down to bement way. no slow downs. 355 best alternate. quiet problem free in olney and as i make your way fredericksburg to aquia harbor to virginia you can see all green all good on route 1 is cruising and no slow down through fred fredericksburg or stafford. net row on time except for safe track. questions erin fox d.c. on twitter. holly and wisdom. >> coming up on "fox news morning" head of homeland squarety department is depending recent tactical changes used by agency. >> and and i comment meditation practice could be a good way to deal with depression. >> as we go to break a live look across the d.c. region. we're at 5:27, 53 degrees on this wednesday morning. "fox news morning" is what you're watching and we'll be right back. don't go anywhere >> "fox 5 news morning" back at 5:30 now. if you just wake up here are things people talk about today. montgomery county couple at the center of controversial online prank videos involving their children. they're out with new video this morning though and in it they reveal all the videos they post are fake and sc scripted. critics claim the couple is emotionally abusing kids for youtube clips. >> special election in george agoes to a runoff. the race for tom price is down to republican karen handle and john osoff. >> and former president g h.w. bush is back in houston hospital. 41 president was admitted friday with persistent cough that turned out to be be pneumonia. >> live look outside now. overnight cool down right now despite the chill in air we're expecting mild day. good morning i'm wisdom ma martin. >> i'm holly morris. >> jumping the gun there. so excited to be here with you all this wednesday, april 19. >> michael thomas and erin como talking weather and traffic. michael thomas you status off. >> looking at more clouds than yesterday that's for s sure. couple showers there as well. we'll let you know how long they stick arounds nay bit. erin. >> right now it's quiet drive in southern maryland and we have construction in upper loop by 270 spur. we'll take a live look at that next and help you get around it. >> jeff sessions leading -- leaving nothing to imagination when it comes to u.s. potetialcy on drugg tra trafficking and border protection policies. >> they met yesterday and on agenda cracking down on gangs and sanctuary cities. >> melanie alnwick live from the department of justice with >> wisdom and holly, speaking to the organized crime council sessions said there are 10,000 ms 13 members actively working in 40 u.s. states to recruit and funnel resources back to el salvador. now this was meeting held tuesday with sessions and senior officials from other law enforcement agencies. they vowed to crack down on drug trafficking even gang violence. sessions blamed some of the problem in part on on borders and years of lax immigration enforcement and turning to criminal organizations like ms 13. sessions issued a stern warning say "if you're in a gang, we'll find you." >> let me state this clearly, under president trump the justice department has zero toll raps for gang violence. transnational criminal organizations like ms 13 represent threats to american safety. these organizations enrich themselves by pedaling poison in our communities and trafficking children for sexual sxoyttation and inflicting horrific violence in the communities where they operate. ms 13 has become a symbol of this plague that spread across this country and into our communities. >> now sessions also blasted sanctuary cities saying they are part of the problem here. and you may recall in january president trump signed executive order threatening in part to withhold federal funds from those so-called sanctuary cities that don't cooperate with deportation orders. live outside the justice department i'm melanie aln alnwick, "fox5 local news". >> mel, thank you. 5:33 is the time now. new this morning president trump raised 107 million for inaugural festivities double the previous record set by eight years ago. trum's inaugural committee doesn't have to disclose how the money is sent spent. >> president trump signed justify order changing a controversial visa program. the order is dubbed buy american, hire american. part of the order tightens waivers and exceptions companies us to to get around using american made goods and target h 1 visa program to be only to goych high skilled workers. the program hurts american jobs by bringing in cheaper workers. >> head of homeland security is defending abcs his office is taking toy protect americans! secretary john kelly khenkd members of congress, critical of trump administration approach tomorrow grace enforcement. secretary kelly says those lawmakers need to either change laws or "shut up." >> they take the form of drug car tells or international gangs like business dealings and violent practices and the sophisticated networks move anythin and everything across borders including human be beings. and we have set out to stop that movement. >> kelly is promising a border crackdown on violence and i will legal drugs like marijuana. >> 5:35 is the time now. let's see i have got any red on you have your red on. >> canadian blue today. >> not supporting d.c. teams today. >> my jerseys are downstairs. >> $a big d.c. sports day, nats playing and caps in playoffs and wizards endplayoffs. >> this is must-win for caps today. >> if they don't win that's trouble. >> they're going to win i feel like they'll win. >> i hope so. >> where's that ding, diping, ding, ding. >> it's over there don't you worry. >> i hope that's not ringing bell for defeat. >> don't lose again not another heartbreaker. >> 54. current numb with holly. 50 mannasas 51 dulles 50 west mipster and showery start for some. checking out satellite and radar. shower activity west of town. for now don't be shocked if we got a little bit of light rain hitting your whipped shield as you get off to work here in just about the next half hour or so here in washington. your two-day forecast in, d.c. today, cloudy, certainly much cloudier than yesterday, 65 degrees with a few showers scattered about even into the afternoon hours. tomorrow, much, much warmer, look at that temperatures up into the 80s. 82. with popup thunderstorms in the afternoon. all right. let's check the forecast over to erin airport for traffic now. >> 5:36 and construction causing problems on beltway. you can see upper loop that's where we have the arrows set up and cones. this is out by 270 spur. upper loop keep left. volume light however. notice headlights on outer loop even though construction free on outer loop we have heavier volume your way towards say legion bridge. extra time needed there. rest of major crash free. back to you holly and wisdom. >> coming up on "fox news morning" where you live could play a huge role in overall health of your sinuses. >> and studying the zika virus. babies still need to be monitored. >> 53 is the tempp. back in a moment. mmm! [ keys clack ] [ slurps ] make it iced, then make it happen with flavors like butter pecan or new coconut creme pie. it's america's iced coffee, whenever, wherever. america runs on dunkin'. hey allergy muddlers are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool? try zyrtec® it's starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. >> 5:40 now two studies suggest the zika virus may cause a new study for new newborns. cdc said zika could trigger cases of epilepsy in infants. they looked at 40 babies in brazil with possible zika infection and half suffered seizures and babies in columbia and venezuela may have life long vision im impairment. they showed damage to retinas and optic nerves after exposed to zika through their pregnant mothers. there's a any drug test opened lab nice fight breast cancer. dritish scientists tested t that. they're hoping to dch a drug sustainable for humans. >> ne pollution may be linked to chronic nasal lukes. researchers exposed mice to polluted and fillederd air over a four month period.. the mice exposed to pollution had more inflammation and higher con step traitions of chemical that causes immune response than others breathing fillederd air. researchers suggest findings may be femor are at a higher risk of sinus problems if in high risk areas. >> san francisco based company looked at yoga for treatment of depression. people in the study say the exercise helps them stay centered and takes mind off their problems. >> 5:41 now coming up on "fox news morning" a painting removed from capitol building won't be returning any time soon. >> and few features from facebook could make life more complicated as we ad look across the d.c. region on this hump day, 19 minute before the hour right now. 53 degrees. michael talks more about the weather forecast on the area side and erin updates traffic. "fox news morning" back after this this is the silverado special edition. oh, did i say there's only one special edition? because, actually there's five. woman: ooohh!! uh! man 2: hooooly mackerel. man 3: wow. man 4: nice. strength and style. which one's your favourite? come home with me! make a strong decision. find your tag and get 16% below msrp on select silverado 1500 pickups in stock. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. find new roads >> bases were township out and nationals shawn kelley well he appeared to strike out chase darno. that led to nats celebration. everyone assumed the game was over right even the broadcast network signed off. yeah. done. well, two minutes later, the teams returned to the field. because after a challenge review the home plate umpire ruled strike to be foul tip. so the batter would get a second chance to help the braves but on the next pitch oh, jason werth had a few words there. strikes out again and this time counts. so nats win, nats win, nats win. >> very strange. >> weird hu? >> stranger things happened. >> that looks like a pos postcard. >> d.c. at night. >> or early, early morning. >> or chilly. >> it's chilly out there this morning. >> little on the cooler side. morning♪ >> nobody is going to tell me i can't♪ >> there you go. >> all right. >> the way they come back from a little break. >> there you go. >> i see you try to reel us in with a dramatic pause. >> i see what you did there. >> did it work. >> no. >> darn maybe tomorrow. >> cooler today and few showers around as well. moving west of town. we'll get radar in a second you miss warmth it's back tomorrow. only 60s today and 0s back by tomorrow afternoon. and we'll be humid with some thunderstorms popping up as well. like early summer day coming your way for thursday. rain chances do stick around through the weekend and especially sunday now looks like it may end up on the w wetter side of things. temperatures right now you see this on shore flow. that's going to keep us on the cool side today, 54 now. which is not bad. and again it will hold temperatures down this afternoon with clouds. look at surge of warmth to west. southerly winds. lexington 63, chicago 67. we'll number that air mass as we work into the day tomorrow. that will provide warm spark thursday and friday. this morning area of low pressure stuck here over the caroline as, throw in moi moisture. disorganized. still moisture in our direction. high pressure north again providing on shore flow. low pressure employed lift and result is of course a couple of showers out there. so cooler day headed your way with more cloud cover. more so than yesterday. we won't have 70s around like we did yesterday around with cat showers scattered about. by 11:00 a chance of showers. they get less and less as we work further and further through the day. 58 by 11 and 2:00, 6 1. 5bg, 64. highs today could be warmer up toward the moup tanz. 68 martinsburg and hagerstown and mid 60s south and east of town. probably getting stuck in 50s today thank to cloud and better of shower threat down. there quick lk forecast. 63 by 7:00. watching for patchy fog. i'm mentioning warm-up. thursday, 82. friday, 4. again we'll have to have showers and storms in the afternoon. okay let's check the forecast and erin como is back with traffic. >> 4 p.m. do you think i get afternoon run in outside. >> i think you'll be fine. >> good to know. >> right now moving to traffic a new crash 5 northbound by 123 blocking left shoulder and lane. there volume heavy and dale city to 123 a bit of slow d down. not causing major delays but that could change as we switch to the road. construction to be aware of. this is topside of belt away. inner loop flashing arrow there. rights lane, right shoulder blocked by 270 spur causing attach brakes and outer loop heavier volume coming offer 270 making your way to leemon bridge and few extra moments there as well a side from those areas congestion picking bound side on bay bridge. traffic getting by. watch for delays. inbound bay bridge looking nice right now. 50s quiet. metro on time except for safe track. we'll be back. actually no it's not end of hour. back to you guys. >> we'll take it. thanks, erin, former george washington employee will be in court. jessie morton worked at gw consulting on a program on extremism. his hire was controversial because of his ties to terrorism. he no longer works for university. he was arrested on drug and prostitution charges in december. >> d.c. appeals court looking into whether police needed warrants to track devices to use cellphone. for years they used cell site simulators. but they should have search warrants for simulators. they're weighing legality of >> and controversial painting which once hunged in the u.s. capitol. federal judge blocked efforts to bring the painting back. artwork shows a pig in police uniform aiming gun at black wolf created by missouri student that won art contest. student and congressman representedtive william sued the architect of the capitol saying it violated their rights. lawyers for students and clay say they will likely appeal. >> ten minute before the hour let's look at stories you're engaging most with this morning social media with realtime news tracker. >> u.s. military says it intercepted two russian bombers in airspace off alaska coast and pentagon says it was safe and professional. they flew within 100 miles of code yack island. they escorted the russian b bombers twelve minutes and thenhehey threw back to ru >> and convictions dismissed. drug convictions were tainted by a former state lab chemist. >> and nypd says it's now investigating death of judge found in hudson as suspicious. at first they thought she committed suicide. >> with stroke of pen iowa became one of the friendlyest for gun owners. under the bill it allows citizens to use deadly force if they believe their lives are threat end and if wail lou them to sue government officials if they think gun free zones violated second amendment rightsing. >> real or fake the in-camera app will make it hard tore tell what's real. it uses superior artificial intelligence and recognizes ob jetion and simulates them. , for instance, if you took a pictures of your coffee mug at breakfast you c second so it looks like you're not eating breakfast alone. or taking a picture of the ocean and whipped surfer cuts out that view. >> weren't they the same trying to -- >> right in middle of road both sides. new changes coming to city of charlotteville wanting to sell the robert e. lee statue in the park. they're accepting bids. it cannot be used to promote hurtful ideology and the buyer will be responsible for paying for any damage to the park or statue during its removal. >> thibl is one time when justice trumps historical preservation just like we allow tearing down a home positioning a danger to the neighborhood should allow removal of a statue. >> it could be put on hold because the city is involved in a lawsuit over legal rights to remove the statue. >> yesterday adds a day of apology and act of contrition by the policy. the school is atoping for its role inen slavement of women and children and sale of slaves to pay debts. >> we cannot hide from this truth or bury this truth, ignore this truth, we lay this truth bare in sourfull apology and communal reconing. >> some descendents credit georgetown student body for getting the university to atone for its since. >> contracted employees for reagan national and dulles airport will join jerry conically to announce results it's first of kind policy to ensure contractors pay workers living wage. after two year campaign those employees could see hourly rages increase from $7.25 to $12 plt 75. >> also happening today larry hogan announces plans to ease congestion on i 270. governor hogan ged indicated money to fund the i 270 innovative congestion management project and it will reveal the winning design team. the project is a waste of money some say and will not relieve congestion. >> alexandria residents got to chance to voice their opinions on improvement on route 1. they up signature road expansion is necessary to accommodate futurep rapid bus transit system in fairfax. if approved the road expansion could affects 2 0 0 pro properties♪ i just came to say hello♪ >> six minutes before the hour and right now we the facebook fan ever the day patrice and curbin they love it and have been watching for years. >> curbin loves, loves, lo loves, allison see more and she hopes allison will give him a shout-out. thank you for youtube great look chance to be fanive the day post it for this styling profile. >> the chances are quite high allison will give a shout-out. tune in i bet you get your wish. >> we'll get it, shower activity coming through this morning. don't let it ruin your day. later this afternoon this looks like a line of showers this morning. we'll break up and become more and more isolated. shower chances remained throughout the day and won't be overly wet day and not a soaker. so far this morning most tracking up to northern virginia pushing to portions of montgomery country and gaithersburg in d.c.. and starting to see rain washington. take that into account this morning as you start the morning commute. it's not so heavy i think it will cause commute issues though it's still light. before school maybe kids need umbrella as they get off to school. can't rule out a few showers into the afternoon. the later go the more and more isolated they'll become. quick look at "fox5" accuweather 7-day forecast. 80s back tomorrow and couple of thunderstorms in the afternoon and weekend looks like it could be on wet site especially on sunday. let's check the forecast. >> a5:56 now volume increasing surrounding crash in virginia this is out in 5 northbound, 12. little jammed dale city to crash point. we see they have first responders there waiting to get that towed. we'll let you know if causes more than a five minute delay. switching to maps now. earlier construction on the beltway by 270 on upper loop cleared. we're still tracking outbound 50 crash on bay bridge question the looking g keep it to "fox 5 news morning" now we'll head to in the middle of a storm destiny struck. did may imagine april showers bringing her fashionable, flowers at such a sunny price? never but that's the beauty of a store full of surprises. you never know what you're gonna find, but you know you're gonna love it. >> montger facing backlash and death threats after profanity was post on utube. a political test for the president overseas as well this morning. >> that's pretty. how about a live look outside. wednesday morning. april 19 weather and traffic coming up on the fives and 6 6:05. dramatic on wednesday. good morning i'm allison seymour. >> i'm steve chenevey. >> welcome to morning morning. >> first up at 6 this morning a wake-up call for reps overnight in sdwrorj aa special congressional election goes to runoff after democrat osloffful a little short to win outright. he will face karen handle that beat out ten other gop candidate. that district in georgia has been a stronghold republican which makes the performance more surprising

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