Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 5 20170307 : compar

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 5 20170307

good morning to you thank you for squoyping us i'm maureen umeh. >> i'm holly morris. >> today is tuesday, march 7. >> hike mike with the weatherhead line and airport erin has traffic with mike. >> we are tracking clouds and showers today later on this afternoon. temperatures warmer not again whole lot of sunshine. erin. >> worried those showers could put a damper on tuesday morning drive, any questions erin "fox5" d.c. on twitter an we'll keep you updated here throughout the morning. >> let's update you on news thank you both of you in the district police are searching for this missing man take a look at screen. 47-year-old tong dao on the 1800 block of malcolm x south east seen wearing blue jeepz, blarks shirt and plaque, blue and gray shoes and walks with a limp. he may number need of medication. if you see him call d.c. police. >> d.c. police are investigating several shootings involving paint balls. last night three people were hurt and one house was hit and the paint ball shootings happen areas. mainly if northwest. police say it appeared the paint balls were fired from a car. mix reaction by alexandra city schools requested day off. >> tomorrow is international women's day as well as planned day without a woman strike. the school says decision was one that took into considering the safety of students with under staffing and some people we spoke to say they understand the reason for the decision. >> if we don't take a stand for something important then who are we. >> i originally thought you don't have to come to school that day and you they cancelled altogether sfw and mom is okay with that. >> and as you can imagine lots of reaction on facebook pagement as a teen are i find this stupid and exciting to the children we teach. some kids get and this is not a day without women it's a day without common ses an decency. this does not represent me nor my beliefs. >> mixed reaction too overnight adds president trump signs another controversial immigration order this revised travel ban that affects several majority muslim countries. it bans immigrants from six can'tyes and this time iraq was removed. and the new order removes language seen to target muslims seems to target muslims and another change green card holders will not be at risk. >> and no system can be made completely infallible the american people can have high confidence we're identifying ways to improve the vetting process and thus keep terrorists from entering our country. >> new immigration order is improvement and claim it's discriminating and revised immigration order takes effect march >> d.c. justice for muslim coalition members will homes a rally against president trump. that happens at the u.s. border and customs office in the norm west. >> house republicans laid out their plan to repeal the affordable care act. >> as expected democrats are opposing long awaited bill. "fox5" melanie alnwick live on capitol hill with more on what all this means, hey, mel. >> good morning, guys, we had two different committees in house that put proposals forward and there will be a lot of debate over the the next few days in specific provisions a lot of people going to be liking to see if republicans are able to keep their promises of lowering the cost of healthcare without reducing cover ramming. this are some provisions from the affordable care act that are carried over in the gop legislation. people with preexisting conditions could still get insurance and children can still stay on their parents' health insurance plans until they turn 6 government would provide tax credits for people who want to buy their own health insurance and repeels those tax penalties that forced people to buy health insurance and reduces role of federal government. >> americans need relief. they sdvsh a new direction. that's why we're taking action to repeal and replace obamacare with healthcare shutions that can actually work for the american people. >> now, healthcare policy analysts that looked at that proposed legislation say in their opinion they believe this is going to mean fewer people will have health insurance coverage and democrats on capitol hill are the ones now charging republicans with trying to jam life khawpinging legislation through congress. >> they don't want folks to see if until the very last minute just rush it through. i don't plame them. it's going to be very hard for republicans to be proud of this plan. >> so tomorrow is when the voting on different parts of the legislation to come up with one final pack am. i can tell you that over in the senate there are senate republicans who say they're prepared to make changes to those bills if necessary. live on capitol hill i'm melanie alnwick, "fox5 local news". >> thank, mel. >> 5:06 now we're in a mild 48 degrees and i have to be pretty mild today right but might be wet as well. >> wild and mild and wet later this afternoon. you need the umbrella. grab it as you head out the door. later this afternoon and later this morning we could see showers rolling through. maybe even rumble of thunder before it's all said and done. no severe weather expected. let's get over to it satellite and radar you see the two waves headed our what you. one right in our media area right now kind of months onlying showers across the region. and we will probably get a little break late morning early afternoon. and then you see a stronger line well back out to the west. by the time it gets here it will be you will not have take daytime heating ander jury for for a lot of storms and isolated thunder here and there. late, late this evening into the overnight hours. stormtracker radar showing closer to home radar active i aen outta to the west of d.c. now and east ward and raindrops before the morning commute is ted and done. reagan national 48 this power and 1 4 above where we were yesterday an dulles 4 and bwi 46. up to 67 today and not a lot of sunshine. app we will have to dodge showers from time to time. all right let's check the forecast and head to erin como with i alook at traffic. >> on time traffic brought to you by for special officers. >> 5:07 now we're taking a look at 66 eastbound this is out by 12. we had earlier construction blocking the right lane that cleared and you can he sigh a little slow down lingering and it should get back to normal soon as you head to gainsville and mannasas and traffic at speed and a past earlier construction zone. things looking good sutly road. problem free there. 95 by prince william parkway and also still in the clear and not seeing slow downs 270 southbound frederick to spur. we move over to maps now and show you what else you're up against this morning the beltway is nice and quiet through college park and metro on time except for safe track surge 13 any questions erin fox d.c. twitter holly and maureen. >> coming up on "fox news morning" products we used for years proving to being harmful for our sex lives. >> and fire moves across the states in south, southwest growing with wildfires. >> a live look across the d.c. region. it's 5:08 now. 48 degrees. more fox news morning after the break >> m coulds a day after north korea tested four ballistic missiles into the ocean at swap an. plans to deploy the high altitude defense system by the end of this year angered not only north korea but china with the powerfulry air are dar as security threat. they plan top ha operational by end of year. >> other news this morning casey anthony is speaking out about her case. she's the florida woman that was infamously acquitted of murder of her caylee. she doesn't know how the last hours of her life unfolded it's the first she talked about the case since trial. her responses were at turns revealing bizarre and contradictory and raised more questions than answers about a case that captivated nation. >> to your undering how did she die. >> i don't know. >> something about drowning possibly. >> everyone else has their theories i don't know. >> so your parents had her. >> my dad did. >> and nvlt thing you know. >> she's missing and. >> right? >> how did it play? >> i did what i was told. i don't remember too much of what happened. >> well anthony served thee for lying to police. and works for private detective on her defense team. >> firefighters in multiple states deal with dry, wundy conditions feeling brush and wild limb fires from parts of kansas down through sections of florida in oklahoma wund gusting up to 45 miles an hour yesterday causing flames to spread quickly burping hundreds of acres, meantime parts of south florida were hit hard. >> you had limited rainfall the past several months and our drought index is up there and you put the high winds in it really causes a possible disaster situation. officials say large amounts of smoke are also adding to the danger and hep in kansas the governor declared a state of emergency. >> well things we use to help us stay clean may be responsible for killing sex drives and now people are pushing to ban the dangerous chemical responsible known as trycolson used in tooth paste, deowed rantd and soap decreases test together ron in men and hormones in women. >> 5:11 is the time coming up on "fox news morning" a new poll suggestions majority of country whants special prosecutors to probe the ties to russia. >> and it took a while for bogout career comes to an end. >> it is bogout isn't it. >> 48 degrees in the emtemperature right now. >> was there any penalties. >> "fox5 news morning" is back after dunkin's full-bodied, cold brew coffee. takes 12 hours to steep... and almost no time to sip. keep on with ultra smooth taste, now available with a sweet and salted kick. america runs on dunkin'. z25eiz z16fz y25eiy y16fy sxwrv a new ban from immigration authorities foreign nationals and current green card holders will not be impack pacted. >> house republicans rolled out their plan to repeal and replace the affordable care act the draft laejlation improves sxamded tax credit and health savings accounts and reduces spend oing tax subsidies and medicade. they're expected to introduce the bill later this week. >> mixed reaction by alexandria city public schools to cancel classes tomorrow because it says hundreds of staff members requested day off. tomorrow sipt fashional women's day as well as planned day without a woman strike. the school says the decision is not political. quarter past the hour few on tuesday morning. everybody is getting up and going and it's dry for now. but it appears as if that will change. >> yeah, depends where you live. if you live west this morning it's already raining and here in d.c. rain will be moving in within here. warmer today. if you did not enjoy yesterday it was typical of what we expect early march temperatures mid 50s for highs. warmer than that this afternoon with high temps aetch proving 70. that price is shower activity this morning and another chance later this afternoon. and temperatures outside right now actually much warmer to start the day here. we were 34 this time yesterday and we're currently 4. 45 gaugeers uringz ben cumberland 41 and 42 martinsburg. look at the 50s south. leonardtown 52 and fredericksburg 55. that's not a bad start at all. satellite and radar around the region showing clouds and there's shower activity i mentioned right along i 81 and i 66 as well coming through northern virginia entering portions of loudoun own prince william and fauquier county in virginia and starting to push his way to the district here. light and not hitting the ground out there yet. sooner than later we will see raindrops hitting the windshield. making its way midwest and severe he weather with portions of the midwest as well. it will lose energy and not expecting severe weather in d.c.. can't rule out a nice rumble of thupd are late this evening. here's future cast at 8:30 this morning you see shower activity moving across the beltway and it gets out of here maybe breaking down to sun early afternoon. we warm things up it feels pleasant and here comes the next wave of showers in time for the evening commute looks like showers will be scattered about. we work into the overnight hours the actual cold front comes through and that is best chance of rumle of thunder around, 3:30 in the morning and from that point onward things get quiet. high pressure builds in down south that bulls in warmth down have the south as well. we work our way into wednesday and thursday. lots of sunshine. very warm, very dry. quick look at "fox5" accuweather day forecast. 60s next three days an down and winter is back this weekend and rain and/or snow saturday night into sunday. that's a look at forecast. erin como is back with a check of traffic this morning. >> 5:17 poinged on rails and roads starting you offer with new metro alert. blue line dealing with residual delays to largo and earlier malfunction to frank own can and safe track and blue line and yellow line impacted by phase one and huntington and vandoren street trains running every 24 minute and you normally take yellow president bush service no service there between franconia and green belt. give yourself extra time. you can car tool or take metro bus to get around that one. nice conditions around maryland, virginia and district. probe him free concernsing ton and gw parkway looking good he issue free on the key bridge and all area bridges memorial, roosevelt, wilson, american leemon in the clear. any questions erin fox d.c. twitter know if rain coming in cause is ponlt sdets on the roads. pack to you holly and maureen. >> 5:18 looking at stories i you're engaging with most. >> wisdom is back with what is hot on the web. >> first up a poll reveals two-thirds of americans support appointing a independent prosecutor to see whether or not president trulp advisor had ties with russia. the house and senate intelligence committees are also investigating. >> sad news from hollywood, robert osborne has died. he hosted four primetime movie whys every night 7 days a week. no word on cause of death. he was 84 years old. meanwhile nba player gogitz debut with calflers was offer before it started. he played less than a minute. off the court. >> next up the u.s. has fallen three shots in ranking of best countries in the world. u.s. is 7 switser land and canada and 75% lost respect for the united states leadership after the 2016 presidential election and finally marylanders are continuing to rake in the doe casinos generated 1.million dollars at the state six casinos. >> thank you, wiz, coming up on "fox news morning" the official twitter account of one of the military branches was target of hackers monday. >> we all enjoyed this warm winter weather, right, could lead to problems for farmers in the nation's northeast when it comes to harvest time that s heading to break. a live look across the d.c. region. 5:20 is the time and 48 degrees the temperature. more fox news morning after the break. >> back at 5:22 with apology from coastguard after the twitter account was hacked. yesterday a tweet on account featured invitation to meet up for sex. mid atlantic district says compromise happened yesterday morning and was corrected ten minutes later and profile photo was changed to a scanty clad woman. apology tweet was sent out a short time later. >> pro teching trump family is expensive and costing new york city quite a bit to secure trump tower day after day and increased patrols, barricade and traffic manageth at trulp tower add to more than $127,000 a day and that's when trump is not in town. that number up jp s to 308,000 a day when the president visits manhattan. costs are increasing by the way and so is pressure from local officials to service a full federal reimbursement. [000:23:59;00] responsibility of new york city taxpayers to foot the bill for president of the united states. that is a federal obligation. >> have we made progress glot we're con to continue taken to talks and i'm optimistic we'll get that funding. several lawmakers and nypd are still asking for additional funding. >> d.c. has plenty of hotels in hotel hive in foggy bottom sum lar to what you may find in new york city. average room size is 125 to 50 square feet and some rooms have buvrping beds and the hotel offers free it wifi and tvs and cocktail bar and room praise braces are reasonable starting around $160. >> not everyone is enjoying unseasab could have a negative impact on the maple syrup industry. they may tap too early in the season which leads to less sap being produced and lower sugar content. both lead to lower quality syrup. hopefully that doesn't affect national pap cake day. ihop is offering customers today a free short stack. all righty. 5:25 the time. what kind of weather will we enjoy " short stack. >> good morning to stay inside and heat. clouds and showers moving in from the west currently. as we make our way to the morning rush hours hitting the windshield in d.c.. let's hit the temperatures outside. 48 degrees in reagan national. not too tear ebl considering with were in the 30s. >> here are showers or stormtracker radar showing us showers to the west and it's light south and west of d.c. and main steadier reigns out to the i 81 corridor and that's moving here to the east. we should see that here within the next few hours. 56 degrees. showers around still at 10 a.m. and i think by 1:00 we get breaks in clouds and sun. it will be breezy today. winds gutting up and over 0 from time to time. >> that's a check of the forecast let's head toe ernest to erin como for traffic. >> residual delays to largo and single tracking between braddock road and huntington vandoren street on blue and yellow lines and also no yellow rush plus service between franconia springfield and green belt and we look outside and see rails and traffic on the beltway look going topside 95 to georgia avenue and at speed outer loop and upper loop good thipingz in bethesda looking nice on secondarys 270 wide on shady grove road and no issues 70 to truck scales and urbana and 66 moving along lon okay during earlier construction zone eastbound side 123. any questions erin fox d.c. on twitter back to you. >> thanks, erin, coming up on fox news morning the international company is combating a severe drought in east africa. >> starting today you can once again tour one of the country's most famous homes. >> as we head to break a live look across the d.c. region this early tuesday morning. we're at 5:27 now and 48 degrees. before you head out don't forget to grab your umbrella and wear a rain jacket. michael thomas promise it's will be wet today. we'll be rights back announcer: while everyone discusses the future of health care, 18 million americans are already choosing it.... with medicare advantage: a proven public-private partnership, where health outcomes are valued over volume. where early intervention and management of chronic conditions is leading to better outcomes. and costs are more predictable and affordable. why do so many seniors choose medicare advantage? maybe because with age comes wisdom. reaction pouring in after president trump signed an order impacting several muslim country aendz long awaited republican plan to repeal and re place the affordable care act and starting today, you can once again visit the nation's most famous residence. fox news morning starts right now. >> good morning to you thank you for joining us i'm wisdom martin. >> i'm holly morris. >> today is tuesday, march 7. it is also national pancake day. >> oh, wow. >> are we celra >> somebody needs to order up pancakes. until the meantime let's talk to erin como and michael thomas about weather and traffic. >> wisdom, we're tracking showers across the rimingon today. but believe it or not we'll be warmer than yesterday, highs near 70. watch for those winds though it will be gusting this afternoon. erin. >> right now that rain could definitely impact roads and i'm concerned about metro additional blue line delays to largo. we'll take a closer look at that with the next look at traffic. 5:1 developing story hooping in the district. police are serving for this missing man take a good look at juror screen. 47-year-old tong dao was seen march 5, 800 block malcolm x in south east wearing blue jeans and black shirt and black, blue and green shoes he walks with a limp and may be in need of medication. if you have seen him you're asked to call d.c. police. >> overnight several shootings involving paint balls three it happened in four daivrn areas mainly northwest. it appears the paint balls were fired from a car. . let's go to politics now. house returns have unveiled their plan to repeal and replace the afford able care act. >> what does this mean for millions of americans. "fox5" melanie alnwick live on capitol hill with the details, mel. >> well, guys, some of the points of contention are tax credits essentially government checks and proposal to base amount of tax credits on age rather than income. that is a big change. now there are going to be several hard looks at proposals over the next few days. and some of the provisions in the affordable care act are still in the gop legislation. that includes people with preexisting conditions and can still get health insurance and children can stay on parents health insurance plans until they turn 26. the government as i mentioned would provide tax credit for insurance and appeal tax penalties put in place to help people forced into getting coverage and experts looking at the language in the bills saying their opinion it looks like fewer people will likely have ak tes to hel edge insurance and democrats are accusing republicans to jam through this for some people could be life changing legislation trying to jam it through congress, wednesday, tomorrow, is the day the house committees begin voting on the particulars of the legislation. live on capitol hill i'm bell "fox5" loyal news. >> 5:33 now happening today orn general jeff seeings will meet with several rights leadersen including al sharpton replace criminal jess tuesday reform and federal id law. and happening today, white house tours well resume. the to investigators sense the obama family moved out and trump family moved in on inauguration day in january and request forself guided tour must be submitted through a member of congress. >> 5:4 is the time now and it's pretty mild. i know we need to talk about the day. it will be wet. i feel like the weekend is looming. i'm a little thevsh us about it. >> yeah it is looping but i tell you what it's to early way to early to talk about the weekend. yes i'm sure you saw on social modeia saying oh, my god it's going to be a dlizard to not so much. that's what happens with these things. sometimes it goes away or comes back. that's why it's too early we need until tomorrow afternoon or thursday morning. >> i'm not going worry until you tell me it's time to wore jury. >> enjoy national can page wars. >> winter wise it will feel >> and yet still the checks come. >> there you go good for you you're whipping. >> storm tracker radar here showing showers starting to inch closer to the d.c. region. coming into montgomery country now, frederick countsy par mar up to hagerstown as well seeing heavier reigns this morning and rather more steadier and lighter reigns along the i 81 corridor through i 66. temperatures outside this morning warmer start than yesterday and still on chilly side. 4 washington and 50 quantico and 55 fredericksburg not a bad start and lower 40s norm and west jacket weather as you start the day and grab umbrella you'll need. it showers this afternoon after we got through that and we'll start with early clouds tomorrow and we'll break newt lots of sunshine in the afternoon. georgous tomorrow, gorgeous thursday, enjoy is the spring weather while it lasts as mentioned winter feel at the very least will return this weekend. all right that's a check of the look at breaks. >> 5:35 now looking at rails first. we're doling with blue line delay now. residual delays to largo and earlier mall nuvrption frankonia. single tracking blue and yellow between pradic road and hunting ton vandoren trains running every 4 minutes and no yellow rush between frankonia and green belt. check your schedule ahead of time. and as we take a live look outside we'll show you how the roads are shaping up 66 eastbound as you approach 12 earlier overnight construction cleared an are you seeing a slow zone right now as you make your way to the beltway. give yourself five extra minutes to get throughout area. 95 dale city looking quiet. and you can see headlights coming northbound, southbound traffic at speed as well and we have congestion south of that point and stafford by courthouse road topside of the beltway thing picking up and not enough to cause slow downs in college 95 to georgia avenue you're relatively at speed. and keep in mind i about the truck scales volume increasing, any questions, erin fox d.c. on twitter, back to you. >> 5:36 or 5:37 rather is the time now. lawmakers debate whether or not women should wear high heels as part of a work uniform. >> debating that. >> guys are. >> and i'm interested in that story. ben carson gets dragged on social media after he comments on slavery and immigration. >> as we head to break a live look across the dmv at 5:37 temperature 48. we're back after ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> he was considered high threats to america and allies and also killed in the yemen air strike was district leader of al-quida and known sxrosive expert. >> crisis in somalia nearly 100 people died in a severe drought. this is on verge o full blown famine with five million people in need of assistance. thousands are been flooding in somalia capital in search of food. the human can tearian head quarter is expected to visit somalia in the next few days. >> a ban an mandatory high heels in the workplace coming after being petitioned by a woman who worked for price water house cooper in london. she says she was sent home without pay for wearing flats and her petition led to investigation into worth place dress code an a law pour gidz from discriminating against women. discriminatory dress codes are still common. >> wow. >> that's crazy to me. >> is that even -- >> wow. >> wow. >> no debate there right? >> yeah. >> 5:4 1st time. metro transit moving closer to higher fares and reduced service. >> one of the world's largest company is looking to buy its way to hollywood. >> as we look to break let's look across d.c. now. 5:41 is the time. 48 degrees. wet today. winter is coming back this weekend. it's a po pour he of weather. >> 5:44 is the too many now. you know what that means holly. >> the means the bop is going. >> head bop tuesday. >> did you see him he did a little sink pateed bop. not just back and form but the double. >> every now and then you have to throw the double in. >> you are taking it to the next level. >> one small step of time. >> bade steps it is. >> sometimes that's how you do it. roller coaster weather continues. we'll be spring next three days and then back down to winter to the weekend. march is season of up and downs. month of up and downs, that's what we have today. temperatures well first i want to you take a look that map and check out the whipped bashes. and cooling in warm are air and mild are air to the south. as a result this morning it's not 30s we had yesterday it's 48 in washington and look at rich mopped and then look at the 60s knoxville 6. warmer air in our our direction and we'll be near 70 later today and breezy. here's winds at 10 a.m. today and gusting up out of the south at about 24, 25 miles an hour and later this afternoon and evening, evening commute times winds gustsing up up and over 30 and as the front gets much, much closer as we make our way foot late night and early morning hours don't be stopped hear your windows rattles. we're tracking shower activity this morning especially those west of d.c. but it's progressing east ward here. as we work a our way through the next couple hours showers push their way into our neck of the wood. thunderstorms won't approach our region until the overnight hours without the daytime heing of sun. we're not expecting severe weather but a rumble of upped thiser as it rumbles on here tonight. service map is of course high pressure sitting off the coast and pulling in oral should low. upper 60s to near 70 this vrn and with the front happening west we will have periods of sure around here that will have to watch throughout the day today. make sure you grab that umbrella. although i think we see a period of sunshine early afternoon hours. so we'll look forward to that a little bit. 67 the daytime high today and mostly cloudy kiz and general theme with showers and mostly one way this morning and another wave possible around the reeming evening rush hour and one more during the overnight hours. 51 overnight tonight and not a bad night ahead and clouds and showers will remain in the forecast. your "fox5" accuweather 7-day forecast spring best two days of the week. wednesday, sunny and 65 during the afternoon hours and thursday near 70 once again with plenty of sunshine. friday, though, things change. showers maybe snow flake likely friday with colder air in temperatures drop all day long. saturday and sunday what we can gash tee it will be cold. what we don't know is whether or not we're looking at rain, snow or nothing. kind of stay tuned for that one. i don't think we'll know about exactly what that weekend system will be do until tomorrow night or thursday morning. let's check the forecast. airport erin is back with a look at traffic. >> 5:48 now and we're starting to see a slow down on 50 unbound as you make your way to chefly this morning. and take a look at that. you can see southbound 295 looking good and inbound 50 jammed from basically 202 to kenilworth and reports of a crash. we'll let you know when that causes additional delays. topside of beltway 95 over to georgia avenue at speed college park and 95 looking good on southbound side from the icc down to beltway. problem free baltimore washington parkway and route 1. if you have an early morning flight to catch track should not slow you down. getting outside the beltway dulles as well as reagan national 270 we have delays 70s to struck scales and frederick into urbana watch for that. southern maryland backing up on five branch avenue by 01 split brandywine and things slowing down pennsylvania avenue inbound. 66 eastbound from mannasas to beltway we're seeing green on the map. congestion growing as you make your way 234 to 28 and i'll let you know when he major slow slow downs pop up in virginia. so far so good dale city to the beltway and yellow through woodbridge and top of brakes there and we'll take a look at metro next. . 5:4-9d now let's talk to "fox5" sklus uv. we uncovered thousands of travel casts for two fairfax country school employees paid for by taxpayer moneys. app assistant prince pal michelle lidle and another principal were put on leave. the lidle gotta approval for three out of state trips in the past eight no. that's cost nearly $12,000. the school districts said in a statement that "all travel procedures were properly followed." >> metro transsit moving closer to raising fares and they said he's needed to avoid a major financial crisis is. during rail service over peak time goes up to $2.25 and bus faresp a quarter and weekly bus pass president main the same $17.50. to bus crowds are expected to be eliminated. >> law makers in considering a bill on funding equity on state historical black colleges and university and the bill would ensure the first historical black institutions receive sufficient funding to compete with the state's other four year public university. maryland hpcus have been pushing for federal fund are for awe long time school claims they are not getting nuvd funding or support. >> 5:50 is the time now. let's look at stories you're engaging with most on social media. >> good morning to both of you homeland security department is considering spraet iing children perfect parents caught crossing mexican borderel legally secretary john callly says this move is part of broader effort to diskurming familiar wills from making dangerous trek across mexico. >> fwiter having field day with twitter app ben carson first speech of house suspect he calls kids immigrant. >> the immigrants made the choice to come to america and in contrast come here against their will a.m. lost all opportunity. we continue to live with that legacy. two experiences should never be intert >> and park service released dozens of photographs of trump inauguration and released photos of president obama two inaugurations. they counter trump's claim up to 1.5 million. >> apple should be the next big name in show business. they're expanding original con tpt. sources revealed apple executives melt with para mounts pictures and soppy tv to prepare for something bigger. >> chance the rapper gaveing back to his community. he's donating 1 million to khiing khiing public schools at event he took aim at republican governor bruce rauner and said he will not commit to give kids chance. >> all right. >> thank you very much. >> 5:5 is the news this morning. two driver on board during the testing phase. it's made by french company that says the shuttle can move thoughts of employees around the vast campus and cut down on traffic on surrounding roads. >> these children can carry up to 20 so there's six sitting positions and six standing positions and can carry people -- >> if the pilot program is success the company says it could added to fleet operating 12 driverless cellos by end of year. >> mourning loss of robert osborne the 4-year-old passed away yesterday and he's best known as host of turner classic movies network and long time columnist for the hollywood reporter and official says he pass away following a long illness. >> new details on >> new details on bill paxton's cause of death. the certificate says he died from a stroke triingrd by heart valve of replacement surgery. paxton underwent surgery on valentine's day to correct an a ortic aneurysm complication as cos and he die philadelphia a stroke on february 25. he was 61 years old. he was best known for role in twister, tie tantic. tombstone and hbo series big love. >> 5:54 time for fan of the day. good morning, hey, hey to the fairmont high boys basketball team. they were all nominated by tina thomas whose nephew darren white plays for the team. that's a great picture, guys. >> fairmont heights won a big game against harvard degrace they're regional champs and have a big game friday against kent country as exfinty center. >> you can do it. >> awesome. >> all hail the champs. >> right. >> regional cham good luck in the game later on on firday weather-wise let's get you off to a big start. warmth returns later this afternoon with temps near 0 comes with a price and of course the price is shower activity we're seeing around the reelingon already. >> stormtracker starting to break up a little. light rain and drizal cross the region especially west of interstate 95. but all slowly pushing its way off to the east here. so each here in d.c. and poring portions off to the east of i 95 will be giving this later this morning as well. pickup time at the bus stop will leave scattered showers and drizzle in the forecast that's round one. breaking late morning early afternoon sun packs through a little and we warm up. 59 to 69 and second half of day right around evening commute hour we could get more showers back into our region. here's what we got. 6 7 the day tie i'm today. cold front rumbles through in the overnigh to worry about. by the time we get to tomorrow we start with few clouds, sun breaks out in the afternoon and we have two days of floorious spring weather. 67 and sunshine on thursday. then winter returns this weekend. lots of questions still on the weekend storm. give is a couple days to figure out exactly what that will do. >> all right that's a check of weather and let's do traffic now. erin como. >> thank you, michael thomas. 5:56 grab umbrella and have patience if it reigns. sprichklees of showers could head into the area. if you take the freeway a disabled vehicle westbound side m street. you can see that's causing delays from 295 northbound across 11 street bridge and also from the southbound side of 295 as well. and as we take a look at 50 inbound as you head out to riverdale look at the long line of red. you're completely jammed 202 kenilworth and reports of crash at kenilworth use caution and right now it's about a 15 minute delay and stand still traffic there and as you can see once you passe southbound shows congestion to 11 street. blue line delays from metro frerlier malfunction on safe track. i'll keep you moving during the 6:00 hour on "fox5" as dunkin's full-bodied, cold brew coffee. takes 12 hours to steep... and almost no time to sip. keep on with ultra smooth taste, now available with a sweet and salted kick. america runs on dunkin'. snv replacement plan for affordable care act is out each lawmakers on both sides this morning still republicans wasting plans through congress. >> a local school district canceling throw protests and und hundred reds of comments we received about this controversial decision. >> and first live welcome outside and during this tuesday morning march 7 and weather and traffic at 6:05. >> i'm allison seymour. >> i'm steve chenevey steve. >> fist uv at 6 a live look at capitol hill where the bat toll repeal the affordable care act is ak the up. >> republicans unvalid a plan to do just that. and but as sxkted it's met with opposition. >> melanie alnwick mel live on capitol hill with the details for thus morning, mel. >> good morning, steve, allison. we have two different committees to put proposals on paper the bill to be scrutinizes over the next few days to see if republicans were able to keep proms of lowering cost of health insurance without reducing coverage. >> the ways and means proposal

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