Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 5 20170127 : compar

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 5 20170127

today is national chocolateho cake day so yes, we say eat itei for breakfast. >> man. >> 'cause that's how we roll. >> and i'me that trying to quit. >> really? life is too short. s >> i'll do it tomorrow.t >> eat cake. also known as friday january 27th. caitlin roth is in she's of course doing double duty. very happy that it's friday asrs well she is but she's going tog talk weather and trafficd coming up in a minute. minue. first let's get you to the let'h news. today tens of thousands willnds take part in the annual march for life rally.rally. the antiabortion march takes tae on new look this morning.ning. >> fox5's annie yu is live at the rally site with ath a preview. annie, good, >> reporter: hey, goodgoter: hed morning. well, this is the 44th year and this year vice presidentvice mike pence is expected too speak at the event and son so security is going to begoi advertisement the immediateent roads around the washingtonwasho monument closing off to track a and organizers tell us if youll expect airport-like security and so you willport have to get through screening. there are no tickets requiredreu and organizers got a permita for about 50,000 people sobout00 we're expecting tens ofting teno thousands to converge here onhe the national mall.onal m you can see that they areey re setting up now and we're just' hours away.s away. the event kicks off aroundff arn 11:45 with some music but thet t rally officially begins ategns t noon and, you know, this has, ts been obviously going on forono many decades and it's to mark k the anniversary of thethe landmark decision roe v. wade. e back in 1973 which legalleal abortion nationwide.tionide. since then it's touched off a of fierce debate.ebat this year participants sayrticiy it's extra special and they'rele hoping that things will bebe different with president trumpsp in. the pro life movement is movemes perhaps as close as it's ever er come to accomplishing some of its biggest goals and to namet a few you hgoave the federal ba on abortions after the unborne n can feel pavement defundingt planne appointing a pro life majoritya to the u.s. supreme court so aso lot happening and speakingspeakg again today vice presidentto mikeda pence. pce mr. pence will become the t first vice president tot vicpre address the largest pro life le rally in the world in person.per also expected to speak at thee convenient is kellyanne conway, one of president trump's top advisers and so aadd lot of participants aret of parr excited for this year'se event.v if you want to come out, no outn tickets are ar take a look at your screen.rcr again, it begins around 11:45,4, rally officially kicks off atllc noon and the march will begin bn at 1 o'clock where thousands tan will walk from here to capitolil hill and then end at the supreme court and as always,alw, for these events metro is yoursy best bet. test heree very latest here from northwest d.c., annie yu, u fox5 local news.n >> thanks annie.nks annie. 5:03 right now and the otherher big event in washington todayhig president trump hosting his h first foreign leader.leade theresa may is in town today toy convention in philadelphia.on id president trump will have aent private meetingtrum with mayh my before the two hold app jointp news conference at the white house. in philadelphia may praised president trump for ushering in a new american t etrra buta t strongly condemned his viewss vw on torture.t >> president trump's>> preside insistence that mexico will pay for a wall along its border with the united statesit has triggeredth the trump administration's first full on diplomatic dustup. dus yesterday mexico's presidents pt canceled a visit to washingtonsh scheduled for next week but later president trump seemedp se to indicate that decision wasat mutual. not long after tthhsat, mr. trump's spokesman floatedk the idea of a 20 percent taxntta on mexican imports to fund fund construction of the wall. wal ly. >> you think about what a tax, , a border tax on imports from fom countries like mexico that weice have a huge trade deficit fi does. that's really going to providerv the funding. fun >> now still ahead for theor t president this week another potential flash point, anlash pt executive order that began as the infamous muslim ban now aana sweeping series of measuresies s the president insists will will help defend america againstrica terrorism. >> that executive orde rde contains several keyains severay provisions a 30 day ban on most visa entries for nations which are hot beds terrorism,e 120 day moratorium onon admitting refugees into the u.s., and indefinite ban onanon refugees from syria and the government will implementplent extreme vetting for immigrantsis questionable nations.tionable n the council on american-islamic relationsrel insists though nothing has changed. chan >> make no mistake whatevertakev language is used muslims weslime believe are the sole targets of these orders.or >> president trump is alsodent o expected to sign anothergn aer executive order, that oneth titled ending unconstitutionalnl executive amnesty.ecutive am it was expected to target the te so-called dreamers executivexc that president obama signed in 2012. there is word presidentere is wn trump's order will not be a a wholesale repeal of thef he dreamers executive order.xecuve overhalt leadership of thethe department of state.ate. four and officials responsiblees for the department's dailyai operations with decades of of experience at the state are re out. in a statement actingactin department spokesman mark r toner wrote that the shakeupthat is that standard with everyh evy presidential transition.anition. however, former statee department officials describei the departures as abrupt and extraordinary.ary. >> ♪♪ >> ly. >> 5:06 is our time right now.ig little chilly out there thisout morning and i don't know ifand f the wind is going to be the is t same today caitlin but it wast w fierce yesterday >> i know it was howling. ho we had a wind advisory that advo was a bit underestimated.d it was incredibly windy, muchndh cooler and much colder outold there this morning.there this more like january bu mt it'st ts been awhile since it felt like january. morning temperatures 43 atte reagan national, 40 out at a dulles and bwi marshall 41.a in fact dulles yesterday hit a a record high low.low. that's how mild it was butasbut that's about to change beginning today. toy. 41 in baltimore, gaithersburg, 36 westminsteres line inerick, fledge 37 in 7 hagerstown we had wind justtownj about all night sustainedus at 10 to 20 miles an hour so that t makes it feel even cooler with h readings in the 30's. now, a few snow showers arew shs showing up on storm tracker trak radar towards our north andorthd west. not sure if any of this isof ths making it to the ground. g let me know please caitlinase in roth fox5. up towards hagerstown make it down the 81 corridor seeing a a few snow flurries out there.the 45 and breezy this afternoon afn so yes we'll still have thethe wind. i don't think it will be as s dramatic as yesterday but ittert will still feel pretty breezy.r look for a chilly weekendwend ahead. winter has concerned. c it's not going a we have a chance of snowave a c showers on monday and then thn again next wednesday.wedsday. that's a look all right r forecast. let's do some tr affic. somtr >> on-time traffic brought to bg you by toyota.oyota. visit buy a for fr special offers.of >> traffic has been fairlyeen fy quiet so far this morning but f closure of the morning. m this is southbound branch avenue in maryland.en we've got a crashue right theret here it is just south of camp c springs and it blocks allll southbound lanes at allentownaln road. this is closing branch avenue at allentown rooseveltent allentown road.southbound 295 re the 11th street bridge you're looking good this morninging gon within this part of thert of t district. we haven't had any other had any oer reported accidents or delays.del maryland commute so far somute o good coming in southbound onin 95. no problems as well southboundsd 29. outer loop top of the beltwayop 95 to top georgia avenue so fars smooth. into frederick county we go. o. delay free as you're coming out of frederick urbana down dwn through gaithersburggai germantown rockville 270 fine rc southbound and that will takelle you all the way to the spur.spu finally 66 eastbound is all inol the green as well.the gre that's a look at weather and traffic. traffic. more coming up at 5:15. wisdom. wisd >> 5:08 is the time.8 is the t coming up on fox5 president trump's nominee toe to lead the eps once againnce agai questioning the effort tort to clean up the chesapeake bay. >> virginia lawmakers expandma the list of people who theyple h believe should be allowed tolowo use one form of medicalmedical marijuana. >> we're going break right nowor with a live lookig outsideoude across the d.c. region.regon. you see the flags blowing ins b the wind.the wi it's chilly out there. thre. >>tty shy shot. >> yeah. time right now 5:09, the, he temperature 44. back in a moment. >> ♪♪ >> ♪♪ >> we are back at 5:10. w happening right now in fairfaxe county an noinvestigation intowt why a car slaigmatmedio into a la nigight. this happened just beforeus 10:00t p.m. in the 7600 block bk of clifton road in fairfaxfairfx station. one person was killed. was kil another person taken to theon te orange president donaldan trump's nominee to lead the epa defendingeg a pls nomiawsut called the chesapeake bay cleanup plan federaledeal overreach. scott pruitt also questionedq whether the plan has made a difference in the bay's health and said he would not commitnotc to defending it against anyt ny future legal challenges. nonetheless pruitt says he'll s' enforce the plan because itecit was upheld by a federalfedel appeals court. >> in arkansas the governor signed into law a ban on a common second trimester second r abortion it prohibits dilation andbits dn evacuation which abortionabortin right supporters contend ison the safest and most com procedure used in secondin trimester abortions.abortions the ban is expected to be challenged in courtly.leng >> a religious freedom bill b has passed a virginia house hose committee amid objections from lgbt avenue casement the avenuet legislation will t protectrote virginia religiousvirginia relis organizations that refuse totion take pars t in same-sexsame-se marriage. the bill says no religiouselius organization can be penalizede by the government.overnm same sex advocates call thehe bill unnecessary and say itnneci could lead to discrimination.crn >> the virginia senate hasnatehs approved a bill expanding thepat number of ailments which cants h be treated with marijuana the measure allows people with cancer hiv crohn's 16 multiplemu sclerosis to have access toto marijuana oils which with a.m. written prescription.itte under the current lawn it's i only available to patientsat with severe he help z thehelp ze measure still needs approvalr from the house of >> coming up on fox5 news, a a small european countryc nuisance plans to stop usingplan all fossil fuels. u >> new research suggests we res have a long way to go toea long ensureto that our young girlsyo grow u secure women. >> as we head to beco ak lelook again ain across the d.c. region on aon a friday morning.rning. 5:11 is the time.e. 44 degrees. it's windy out dress in layers 'cause you're ly going to feel the cold ter fox55 news morning back right afterrig this. >> ♪♪ >> 5:14 is our time right now and look atis o thurose flags te whipping in the wind. d. >> yeah. yeah. >> yeah. >> woo. makes me cold just looking at it. c it's a beaolutifud l shot though flags down at the washingtone wn monument this morning but thatgt says to me caitlin wearin w layers. layers >> absolutely. that says to me winter hashas returned right behind me.m yeah, it is back.. northwest origins of our cold od canadian air back in place and e it's not that it's crazy cold cl but we're just returning tournio normal. more like january. like jaary. we haven't had january like lke temperatures in quite someite se time and very mild this both yesterday and wednesdayedne high temperatures of 61.emperat. pretty incredible.ncred cooler than that. tat 41 baltimore, 44 an frederick a hagerstown. everyone still above freezingrezing so it's not overly cold. c tomorrow morning i think we'llmo all be at freezingrnin or belowe wind speeds brisk 10 to 15 to 20 miles an hour and reportsn hs of higher gusts even durings evr the overnight hours.t ho it was so incredibly windy widy yesterday afternoon gusts togust 50 miles an hour the district.n that's come down a bithoome a t overnight. it will get breezy again thisgas afternoon about the i don'toon think it will beab as gusty it t feels though with the windse wi like 37 in washington, 30shin, 0 gaithersburg and 29 in martinsburg yes mid-20's northin and west so it certainly feelscs colder. you need to break out thatut tha heavy winter coat yet again iet know it's been collecting dustol in the closet but it is time. ti satellite and radar look ato these lake effect snow showers c coming in with the force of in that colder air and even somewis light snow showers momakeing itt into extreme western managedrn m at least on radar aroundaround hagerstown maybe you guys areare there.ything tan for usxpo it's just partly cloul skies here in the district. all right, sohere icolder frid. the real cold air is still still back off towards the centralcent section of the country but thent cold front that came throughhroh yesterday and brought all thet e wind has since passed and in ann its wake we'll settle intoleint some much more january-like weather. high temperature in the 30'sper towards our north andth west fof this weekend and then in the the 40's probably here in and washington. so to recap for today,oda, 46 degrees for that highes for h temperature. ouds and sunshineand certainly cooler and still st those gusty afternoon winds wds where we could see some gusts over 25 miles an hour atles an t times. but i don't think we see a 50 miles an hour wind gust. ouri 32 degrees tonight, much colder, partly cloudy skies, pa andrt that wind will calm down.d not much to say, though, justh,t app couple clouds around.aru 45 on saturday.surday. 44 sunday temperatures mucheratm more normal. normal. monday 39 degrees with eventh en some light snow showers. snow se no big storms in the forecast fa but we have the opportunity hav for a little bit ofe light sno that's likely and then againy an even on wednesday i think thedat chance for some morning snoworn showers there before we rise to 47 degrees. es. 42 next thursday.u all right, that's a look atok at weather. 5:16 now. 5:16 now let's check the roads herea this morning on a friday made me it to the end of the week and ad the beltway itself so far wide i view looks great. gr caitlin roth fox5 tweetingtwng traffic and weather as it i pertains to you. accident blocks thepe two lefthe lanes on branch avenue ats on bv allentown road. last time i was on it wason it closed bit has reopened.eopened. it's just got those two leftho slanes blocked. again, this is just south of the beltway aroundhi s the camp springs area so use caution ifcf you are going southbound on branch avenue at allentownat aln road right elsewhere we haven't seen too many problem on the majors.robla our commute in the district strt route 50 inbound you're finend r and southbound 295 route visitro to the 11th street bridge justge a lot of green before we know ww that turns yellow and then rednd very quickly so there it looksto good. maryland is fine.maryla is fine. 95 if you're coming from theomi north as well as route one, 29 , and the bw parkway all smooth. m there on the top of the the tope beltway is fine. 270 has been okay.o it is still fairly early ofearyf course but delay free as free you're coming down from from frederick county and throughunth gaithersburg down to the spur. e and finally in northern nthern virginia we are also seeingso smooth conditions on 66 on6 eastbound. if you have an early flightean f and you're going westbound wesod towards dulles using thes dulles dulles toll road you're alsoou'o looking pretty good out therepr right now soet tyno traffic isss except for that one accidentcen on branch avenue.on that is a look at traffic.traff. wisdom and holly. >> 5:18 is the time right let's take a look at theat he stories that are trending thisei morning this friday morning onis social media with our frealtiml news tracker.ra >> first tup app climatest tup change conference planned forapr next month will go forward forwd without the federalthe feral government's approval thanksnt'h to former vice president alsidel gore. news of the revised conference o comes days after cdc canceledncd the summit and the lead up tod u the change in the white house ho add station. the meeting will now taketake place at a nonprofit centerproft and be a one day event insteadnd of three. >> next up, an underground pipeline that runs through leaked nearly 140,000 gallons140 frankford diesel fuel. the 12-inch leak was first was r spotted in a farm field infaieli iowa and is being called "significant.""s so far the leak has not leak reached the nearby creek or a wildlife protection area. aea. crews have been able to remove about 25,000 gallons of that ofh leaked diesel so far. >> meantime, in an historichisoc move, ireland may become theeld world's first country to fully divest from all fossil fuels.ful a landmark new bill could c enable the country to fully f divest its sovereign wealthweath fund. >> an international stem cellnac research team announced thech tn creation of the first human hu cells grown inside pig embryos. this could open a new frontierwf in research of mashups ofups of human and animal tissue.l tissu. the long term goal of theoal ofe research is to be able to harvest organs from animalso that could be used for humanuman transplants. now, future scientists say is si critical because 22 people per day die in the united statesin i while on wait lists for organs. >> fascinating. >> yes. >> finally a new study shows new stu that girls as you snhogws as six years old are less likely than boys to label people of their oh own gender as really researchers say their th experiment suggests genderggts n stereotypes about brain power po take root at a pivotal pointivoa in childhood around first grade and could profoundlyd proy influence academic and career cr choices and long afterwards.trd. all you six-year-old girls-old s watching this morning, you are smart. >> that's right.>> that't. >> you're intelligent.nt >> that's right. that's ght. positive thinking.t all right.all right. 5:20 is the time right now.w coming up on fox5 news morningso the trump administration cutstru back on healthcareeahcare advertisement. >> and a chinese firm buys ays a u.s. company which makes most ms of its profits fromfrom international money wires. >> as we head to break rightght now here's a live look outsideoe across the region.across the time is 5:20. 5:0. back after this.this >> ♪♪ >> ♪♪ did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that's 10 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 150 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. siness. built for business. >> ♪♪ >> back now at 5:23. 5:23. the trump administration isiniss pulling back on advertising to promote insurance sign-ups in the closing dsays of the 2017th enrollment season for okay for o change the health and human then services department says the dep government has pulledar about $5 million in ads as part ofs pr an effort to cut costs.osts. opponents of that decision say e it could keep young healthy people from getting into theng insurance pool which could cou drive up costs.costs. >> chinese company is lookingse to buy the comu.s. money transr company money gramco international. aroundl is valued atmp $880 million. money gram is now second only to western union among moneyern transfer providers.unansfer pro it has about 350,000 outlets oul and retailers post offices andid banks in nearly 200 countriesous and territories.r >> another massive mediave edia merger could be in the works. w wall street journal reportsrepo verizo with charter communications.ommu a deal between the two would create a huge company control access to home broad bandrn cable tv and mobile voice andvod data services.ser president trump has expressed skepticism about large media mergers on the campaign trail the president criticizedt at&t's proposal to buy time warner. >> facebook continuing itseb efforts to shutoo down fake news. the social media site issocialis updating the trending featurende highlights hot topics. t facebook says trending storiesa will no longer be tailored toa individual users and will instead and the regiond the reon specific. before facebook pickedfo trending stories basedre f on ww drew the most shares and thet sd comments. comments now it will contain topicstoics being covered by multipleltiple media outlets.ets. >> 5:24 is the time right now. . we have been talk about thisk ah all morning because it feels fes more like january than it has hs in previous p >> oh, yeah. we've gotten off pretty good. >> >> it is january 27th.u7th. >> right. we made it 27 days.da >> i know. >> it doesn't feel liken't feel january basically.jay ba say. >> yeah. >> i'm scared for what's going to happen inred february.feb >> are you? what, you think it's like doomsday in like february, weary paying for allrl these mild temperatures.emp >> that's right, yeah. that's ri >> but it could have happenedgh in january and it t,dt idnco'uls see it's still --- >> we're still winning is whatti you're saying. >> we're still winning.e' >> we're getting closer toreingo spring. >> i know, well, it's liket' well got that month over withmoh and we were okay so why can'thya we be okay this next month. mo february shockingly beginningegg next wednesday and what's most't noticeable is all the daylight t we've been getting.we'ven ge sunset closer to 5:30 p.m.,5: sunrise around seven somethingsh a.m. i have no idea. i i have to look that one up butuu it is after 7:00 a.m. hour.. ho you can tell. t i'm not you usually up at this hour.. bus stop forecasts pickup forecast much cold for thest muo little ones as yould f send them out to the bus than the past few. no only in the 30's tonly io 40's. chilly. winter jackets are need as j well as after school it's just asr sc i cool.ju we'll have that winds gustingstg over 20 miles an hour.miles anr. probably not as fierce assrc yesterday but withye temperatures in the 40's itatur will feel more lieske it's in li the 30' the actual air temperaturesemurs outside right now 43 washington 37 gains 36ai 36 westminster 39 frederick and 37 in we have a few flurries onflurrio storm tracker radar.r ra i'm not actually sure if this is making it to the grounde grod meaning is this even real buteab light snow at least around then hagerstown area where you seen e some of those y darker purples.u i think they're getting some so flurries as we zoom in rightrigt where 81 hits 68 and evenand maybe drifting down towardsn was i-70 a few flurries there.rrie winter cold is here to state. much more like january withanua that that chill into thechnt weekend. high temperatures in the 40' we'll ses ein 46 today inn washington. 44 at dulles, 45 in leonardtown. leonardtow 46 in fredericksburg.deric that's a look at weather.we let's do some traffic realicreal quick here. 5:26 right now on-time trafficfc friday morning commute alongommu the beltway looks good. god. let's zoom into one of ourto ono incidents earlier today.ay. earlier this morning. branch avenue justis m about 20t minutes ago word of a crash cr southbound on branch avenueue around camp springs atcamp sprin allentown road.allentown road. that's where you've got a's whe crash that'sre y blocking left lanes and delays ares and s building southbound on branchthh avenue from the beltway so bebe careful in that spot. use some caution k we haven'thav had any reported accidents or or delays into maryland and the district. >> coming up on fox5 news oming upn fo morning a x5youth group in town for the march for nlyoifeuth i attacked near a metro stop. stp >> and an employee at a local university already embroiledl in controversy is arrested andad charged with assault.ith >> go break now.>> go break now. as we do live look across thek r d.c. region at 5:27, people ople getting up and going on a o a friday morning.ning. 44 degrees, very windy outiny ot there. it feels make sure you dress dress accordingly. fox5 news morning continuesrnin right after the break.rea >> ♪♪ >> ♪♪ >> an interesting president trump haspres surprisingly kind words forid mexico's president who refusedus to meet with him over the border wall feud.fe dip pat particulardip partil meeting. the president prepares for hisoi first official meeting with a a foreign head of abortion activist in townto for the 2017 march for life.r l. fox5 news morning starts right now. now. >> ♪♪ >> this is fox5 news >> good morning to to yo. thank you very much for joining us. . i'm wisdom martin.mar >> and i'm holly morris. >> caitlin roth is in talkingtag weather and traffic this wrapping up the week withng double duty. up le great for her. h. we'll talk to her in just a jusa moment. >> we'll get right to the newstt right now get you out the dooro with everything you need torytht know. let's check the top stories and we're going begiecnk th with big events in d.c. today. first, british prime minister theresa may meets withts w president trump at the white house. the leaders will meet in thetrue late morning.morn. then they're due hold a joint at news conference around one:00 n this afternoon.f prime minister may is alreadyaly talking about the newlking t th administration having to add add having addressed the gop gop retree. trumstrosed trump but strongly condemned hings views on torture of terror suspects.upects >> other big news event inent in washington today is the annualoy march for life. lif now it draws tens of thousandsos of antiabortion activists toivio the nation's capitol.capi >> today's rally and march mar takes on new significance signie though with the trumpough wit h thadministration taking actioc to restrict funding fordingfor abortion. fox5's annie yu is live atlie at the rally site with more.m good morning, annie. a >> reporter: hey, goodeporter:eo morning, holly andd wisdom.wi good morning, everybody.rybody. well, this is the 44th that this event is taking place. plac it's extra special to the pro po life activists gathering here. e vice president mike pence hasnt agreed to come out an md speak tottens of thousands people of peopleexpected to attend.tte. organizers say they havey have obtained a permit to hoste about 50,000 people.out 5000 that gives us a good number ofue how many people are expectedxped to come out here on theer grounds of the washington of th monument and we're just 30 minutes away from secretseet service closing down some of d the streets in the immediatee de area but if you look behind mehe work has been under way for a few hours.hour the media is out here ready to cover this. participants says extra special with president trumpanti in ovens the gains thedentvens i movement has made so far.ns tnt some say the hpraso mad life m is perhaps as close as it has ever come to accomplishingcom some of its biggest goals and also appointing a pro lifeo life majority to the supreme court.e a lot that they are lookinglookg your screen whether you'reeen we coming out today or not, thisod, is going to affect youfect you commute-wise.comm several roads shutting downuttin starting at 6 o'clock and atnd nine they'll be closing downg dn additional roads but the event e kicks off at 11:45 with music. u the rally begins at noon and and then at 1 o'clock, the, the thousands of folks will marchllr from here top capitol hill and then end at the u.s. streak building. there are no tickets required. if you choose to come out tic he of course organizers say metro is the best way and thehe transit agency says that theysas are adding additional trainstrai to accommodate those large l crowds. that's the very latest heretest from northwest d.c., annie yu fox5 local news. >> this morning more thanrninmoe 8,000 teens are expected to pack the eagle bank area 13 atar george mason university in in fairfax. they're in town for the 12th 12h annual life is very gooderyod rally. rally. now it kicks off this morningf h from 9:00 iuntil noon and and sponsored by the catholiccth diocese of arlington.rlingto the event aims to help teenstes reflect upon the meaning meaing life. the event is that sold out. >> meanwhile a youth ministry group in town for tomorrow'smors march for life rally says a group of about 20 teenstees attacked them near the congress heights metro stop in southeast.uthe they were head to assumptionsum catholic church where theyhurchh the group from texas says the he assault lasted for about 20bot 0 seconds leaving some of their members battered and bruised. >> past fractured, part of thet eye s the other adult leader what i've been told someld some concussion a little bit ofon lil memorye loss. l he remembers up to havingp to hg dinner that night and thenhen after that, details are a a little fuzzy on that.zy on that. >> the group has been staying at theee asn sumption catholicoh church for the past threeastree years. they say in light of the assault they'll reconsiderhey' their routine going forward.f >> president trump insistencense that mexico will pay for afor wall along its border with thehe administration's first full on diplomatic dustup. mexico's president hassident has canceled a visit to washingtonwi scheduled for last wee not long after that mr. trump's spokesman floatedflo the idea of a 20 percent taxnt t on mexican imports top fund fun construction of the wall. >> the trump administrationp adt overhaul leadership of therader department of staofte. of stt four officials responsible for the department's dailpyaily operations with decades ofdecadf experience at state level are a out.leve now in a statement actingtng department spokesman markma toner wrote that the shakeup is standarde th atwith everyevey presidential transition. transio however, former state department officials describeci the departures as abrupt and extraordinary. >>♪♪♪ >> 5:35 right now.r i know everybody is interestednr in the weather weekend so s let's get right to it,to it caitlin. >> all right, good morning,ightm holly and wisordniom,ng yes, fee much different out there thisre morning meaning it's colder. coe it's much more like winter andtn like januar it will be like this for the foreseeable future so bring inn those coats out of retirement.em you're going to need them thismi reagan national 43, bwi marshall it's still breezy sosos anti-mid-20's in some spotsome s and we'll stay gusty throughh this afternoon. how about that wind yesterday? t wow f gusts to about 50 miles 5 an hour here recorded in thehe district so very windy.o ve w i don't think it will be that many brisk today but stillsk tob we've got thatut chilly breeze.. 44 in annapolis, 36 westminster 37 frederick andicka martinsburg. these are air the wind is still out of thet oe west at about 10 to 15 top 22 miles an hour in mileou hagerstown, locally we've hadwed some higher gusts.g once we get into the day we'll see that that wind increase as s the sun comes out. ou association it feels like it's t in the mid-20's to the upper per 30's. 37 here in washington.whi that's what it feels we've got cloud cover.ver we've got some snow showers.sho some of which look like of h lo they're trying to make it tot to the ground in hagerstown.gers all these ingredients leading le to a recipe for much colder mucr weather. 42 by 10:00 a.m., a briska breeze and a high of 46 laterlar today with some sunshine. that's a look at weather.w let's check the roads here.her. early on this friday morning mo end of the week and thek and e weather is cold but other thanot delays. de friday morning commute lookinglc i'm tweeting weather muanteder d traffic at caitlin roth. no volume starting to build 95bd northbound dale city to theale e beltway. just normal voblume at this th hour. otherwise staying in northernorn virginia edsall road to theto 14th street bridge is still st quiet in and around theround t district and inside thee the beltway has been fine. fi. 66 eastbound is just someus light traffic volume from 234 f4 to route 28 again just so pretty normal.r and finally southbound branchthn avenue i just tweeted this buthu the crash has now clearedled south of camp it was right at allentown road. we had t wo left lanes blocked.eft now we don't so traffic resuming smoothly on branchhlybh avenue. that's a look at weather and e more coming up at 5:45. holly and wisdom. >> coming up nearly two dozenozn metro employees handed pink p slips and shown the door. do >> t.s.a. announces plans topl expand a program to help make me your next flight muchght smoother. >> as we head to break a live le look across the d.c. region.on. 5:37, the temperature israture i 44 degrees. back in a >> back now at 5:40. george washington universityhino made headlinen s last septemberp when it hired a former radicalized islamic extremistext to participate in a think tanktk to help experts studyudy are being recruited but jessie morton has been arrestedrreted accused of having illegallle drugs on him while meeting ainga prtitute.e. gw says morton is no longer providing consultant servicesrv and that the reason for his hs departure is unrelated to his work with the program on emism.ism. >> metro general manager paulna wiedefeld getting rid of bad b apples. cedthursday he announced nearly two dozen employees have beenem fired. wiedefeld said they falsifiedy d records related to the derailment of a silver line li train.ain. others were suspended or demoated. officials say operator error caused the doors to open on a yellow line train that wasn thaw away from the platform attform a reagan national airport onport n tuesday. >> good news for those of youwsf planning a w tinter gethose awa. t.s.a. is partnering with 11wi 1 additional airlines to offerlin t.s.a. precheck.t.s.a. pcheck. passengers enrolled in thein th program can get throughhrough security screening lanes inlanen less than five minutes.nut partnership includes both such ases aruba airlinesrlines emirates virgin atlantic andd spit.t. t.s.a. precheck is now offeredec by a totalk of 30 different ca carriers.rriers. it costs $17. $17. >> i'm a big fan. i'm a big f do it. >> you breeze right through.thr >> breeze right through.thro i'm telling >> wow. >> wow. >> best money ever 5:42 is our time. time. coming up a number of outerf ou loop neighbors will spend thed e weekend taking a dip brrr in the chesapeake day.e >> d.c. mayor bowser calls onyoo the d.c. council to permanently expand a programprom which employs hundreds of cityno residents. >> as we head to break a live le look across the d.c. region wei are at 5:42 right now and 44ees.rees. january 27th and it feels likesl january today. so make surear you dress d acingly.gly. fox5 news morning coming rightmg back. >> ♪♪ >> ♪♪ this is the silverado special edition. this is one gorgeous truck. oh, did i say there's only one special edition? because, actually there's 5. aaaahh!! ooohh!! uh! holy mackerel. wow. nice. strength and style. which one's your favorite? (laughter) come home with me! trade up to the silverado all star edition and get an average total value of eight thousand one hundred fifty dollars when you find your tag. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. sure, you could sit around all night iting for a pizza to be livered. t wouldn't making it yourselfall a lot more fun? it's baking season. warm up with pillsbury. protein. protein proteiny protein. proteiny protein? protein proteiny protein. at least 14 grams of protein. 100 calories. new greek 100 protein. from yoplait. >> ♪♪ >> 5:45 is the time right now. if it isn't chilly enoughhe t if you today perhaps the polar bear plunge challenge is right up your aleve this morningalev maryland state police aree are holding several plunges inges in advance of their 21st annuala polar bear plunge tomorrow. tom starting at 10:00 a.m. damam they'll take a chilly dip inhl the chesapeake bay to raisea money for that specialey for tha olympics.t >> let me get this a they're doingigh a predip before the actual dip.the actu dip. >> yes. >> they're choosing to do thisid twice. >> yes to jump in that water wtr twice. >> ooh. just give some money. >> yeah. i just have to write a check.ri. >> my goodness.d >> i couldn't -- no, i can't cat even take the water but i wasuts thinking coming out of theng ou water and the wind whippingwhi likes, oh, my >> too painful. painful takes your breath away i know.ho i've never done it. it >> neither have i.>>ei >> no, no, no.o, no, n. >> look at that. tat. crazy idea. i would never do thy at. tha >> crazy talk. crazy talk >> but it is something thathinga has become very popular.oar >> there's a lot of people's a that do, yeah and they do thatoh raise money for an amazingamazig cause. use. >> uh-huh. >> you know what, yesterdayyest being around 60 degrees wass as probably one of the better times to ever do it one but stl water temperatures 40, i mean -- - >> do they have a hot tubhottub plunge. i would sign up for that isn'tt that yeah, a jacuzzi plunge.plu >> i would definitely beould dee there. would be a lot colder -- it'ser going to be a lot colder fordero the second dip by the way.ndip today is much colder so let's do some weather here. here. winter has returned out there. it feels like it.kei it is chilly, it is breezy and shockingly we even have somehave snow showers in the forecast.c not lo even those flurries that isse fh much more like january than tan we've become accustomed . yesterday was also a high ofgh 61 just like wednesday.nesd right now 43 in washington, 37 gaithersburg, 40 at dulles and 34 in winchester. all these t34emperatures are iem above freezing so it's not t like it's arctic cold outdt there but you can see someome chillier readings just backjust towards our north and westrth at where the colder air hasir s settled in. i. 30 for binghamton andnd lexington the front that came through ushering in the coldercd air is producing some snowomesnw showers right now mainly offy o towards our north and west inn extreme western maryland.and. shockingly even though thesegh e are just some light snowlig showers that may or may not bene coating the ground out thereere around hagerstown garrettrret county schools have calder.ave l they're not going school todayhy in garrett county because ofty the snow out there along 81 81 route 71 and all those local l roads. if it comes down hard enough e even though the ground hasou been so warm you can still st have some slippery conditions.n. so, snow showers there look frederick county and if they thy hold together maybe a littleher bit closer to the district.o th. the bigger story the return of the cold air. a. not crazy cold but enough thatet temperatures return to normal in the 40's here in thee in the washington area up towards philadelphia pennsylvania only in the 30's. penin the 3. and chilly breeze will that continue for today. for tod. not as windy as yesterday butdat still gusty in the afternoon, 46 degrees.46 tomorrow saturday 45, mostly, my cloudy but also chilly.c seven-day forecastn-day oreca temperatures stay right aroundyh normal with some light snowliht showers possible on monday.onay. again on wednesday nothing nthig that looks major but just ar bua chance to see some we stay chilly even as we headee into the end of next week, thursday, 42 degrees.2 d by the way, february beginningeg on wednesday there so could bec a much different month.month we'll see. all right, that's a look at weather. let's do some traffic here somef early on a friday morning ifmorg you're just about to head outadu the door we're looking at somea volume here.vo this is 95 and northbound.tboun. right behind me buildingbui volume after the purple heart bridge. idge. so, a little blurry but seeutsee headlights coming at you you that's where some of those delays arehere starting to stack up. up. back to ouri be maps we've got fairly okay friday morningy morg commute. comm caitlin roth fox5 on twitter.wi. the beltway itself looks good.o let's zoom into some more specific spotss.oific spo. maryland commute outer loop 95l5 the baltimore-washington parkway all smooth. also, 270 has been very quietv this morning. you are delay starting to see a little bitle i of volume building just buildint outside of frederick urbanaurbna down through clarksburg.ksburg. you break through of it as youi head towards montgomery county. light traffic volume 234 route 28. another check of traffic atc voe 5:55. wisdom.sdom. >> leaders of several majorral r cities across the country gearing up for a fight withup the president over t fhore sanctuary cities debate.deba d.c. is among the cities whichec do not go after undocumentedndod immigrants for violatingoating federal immigration laws.igr ani estimated 25,000 illegalal immigrants live in days.i the head of the mayor's latinoro affairs department says people are worried.orried. >> it's a feeling of being beg scared because it's uncertainty but we are --e -- we're getting calls and so people don't know what's goingwg to happen or how it's going to happen. >> mayor bowser says lawyersow are reviewing the executiveseece order to determine exactly e what it means for the city.cit d.c. law does not allow policepe to ask residents their immigration status. happening today, faithay, ft legislative and political leaders will hoatldive a rallya the lawyers fall annapolis to support immigrants and muslimsml who they say are under assaultsa by the new trump add station.mpt now the rally begins ation. 9:30 and will be attended bynded y members of the aclu of of maryland council on american-islamic relationsrelais united for justice and others. . >> today beginning at noon non d.c. residents can beginbegin signing up for the summer youth employment program.ment po 14 to 24 are eligible.i mayor bowser temporarilymporariy expanded the program to include district residents upidn to the age today the mayor hm call onor al council to makee limit permanent. the program provides six weeks w of employment and training.tra >> let's take a look at the stories you're alreadyies you'ry engaging with on social mediaon this morning. s >> first up, president donald trump's key strategist describing the mainstream t media as "the opposition party." rty." he says news organizationsg have been humiliated by theiry h failure top anticipate mr. trump's election victory. vt >> the company behind keystoneie xl pipeline has submitted asubma new application to the u.s.e u. department of state.rtment osta. the application by transtion bys canada comes after u.s. u.s. president donald trump signedmp an order earliersi this week too expedite the project.project. mr. trump has directed thected e state department and otherpartma agencies to makend a decision within six days of a final application. >> the russian born wife ofnussi thefe of california man pled onn yesterday to federalderal immi convicted in an immigration fraud scheme linked to the a 2015 pasture left 14 gled in len hawaii a new billion dollarolar class if i'm homelessness as a chronic medical conditionial which would require insuranced e companies then to cover treatments related to thequanien condition.eled one of those ttreo atments coud include housing whichhih proponents of the bill sayil could be covered by hawaii had the high left ratet e of homelessness with 53wit 53 homeless people for everyeve 10,000 residents.ents >> finally talk about a historic place to reach a childhood milestone. ivanka trump posted an video to her youngest son theodorethe crawling for the first time onrh the floor of the white house. he shouldly movese of the alongt carpet when trump stoops down on cuddle her little one and set ot him up to go for another time.e. 35-year-old mother of 3's video has been viewed onenwed on instagram over 1m times. >> a lot of milestones in thef next four years.mi >> yeah.le placea very special placext. >> quite a memory. quite a all r might.t. 5:52 is the time right now. nw. country star willie nelson ne dims the spotlight on two ofoof his upcoming show due to histo s illness. the 83-year-old was scheduleded take center stay in las vegasr y but he's not per ifn orming due severe cold.ld meantime a publicist for theciso singer says he plans to playo the remaining three shows athowa the venetian resort on thesor strip next week.strip ne week. >> tmz reporting that actress ac mischa barton has beena hospitalized for ar mental evaluation. and neighborseig were very concerned about herceh after the actress was hanginghag over her backyard fence in fencn west hollywood and rambling ramg about her mother being a witch, the world shattering and ziggy star she was only wey aring al dressl shirt and a tie at the time.tim eight years ago barton was w placed on an involuntaryvo psychiatric holdly.atric hold. >> turning to the world ofthe wf college basketball unlessball you've been under a rock you do know that duke doesn't lookdk quite like duke this ye earlier this week coach k heldke a team meeting at his house. ho. now he told the team they're t no longer allowed to enter the h locker room or to even wear duke basketball gear.ball gea coach k is on leave recoveringog from back surgery.urg the punishment is a reactione to the teama's poor duke is just two and three since coach k left.le. >> an iconic d.c. restauranttrat removed the famous muralmou that's been on the side of itsds building for five years. yea ben's chili bowl painted over the faces of chuck brown donny simpson barack obama and billil cosby. cosby. now it's a white wall with the words new year, new miles perews hour. the ali family says it's time for a change andmily s not becab of the controversy surroundingug sex assault allegationslleg against bill cosby. >> absolutely i'm just wondering -- i'm i'm thinking we're not the united nations we're just ben's chili bowl. bowl. >> the whole country appears to be changes.h let's put up new faces up facesp there and let's see moste ost importantly what the communitywt wants up there.nts up there. >> the d.c. landmark is. landmak allowing people to leave theirhr wall. you can go to their web site and vote on who should be be featured on the next memorial. >> ♪♪ >> mural. memorial might be a strong word. i think it's just going to be mg a mural.'s jt go 5:54 is our time now. no let's take a look at our at facebook fan of the day say sa good morning to ija wallace.alc. she says she's one of fox's f biggest fans.bigg >> she has been watching since a teen. she says from 6:00 a.m.een to o good day d.c. we are on her tvrv because it's like hanging out ot with some good friends.rinds. she adds it's only fox5 in her r house. there you go. there you go we appreciate that.. are if you would like to be fan ofea the day, just post your picture below this gorgeouss picture. >> is that i like how the flower halo matches hertche lipstick. >> it's the details. s the des. >> looking good.ooki thanks for watching.atc we appreciate it. i five minutes from the hour.utes let's check in with caitlin fitn and talk weekend weather. weatr. >> yeah, good morning to happy friday.rn weekendt a chillyin so, the mild weather we havethee been enjoying so much long muchg gone and we even have someven ha snow showers out there this theh morning. storm tracker radar showingshog band arcing north and west ofstf us from about western marylandrd down through i-81 towardstw front royal and even garrettd er county closing schools up clo there insi extreme western w maryland because the snow iseca making it to the ground.rou. hagerstown cumberlandumberland frostburg those normal coldormal spots so if you're travelingra up i-70 maybe you see that.t. frederick maybe even gettinggetg in on the snowflake game, too,no so let me know wfif you're y seeing any of that and we'll w'l see if those flurries driftur down towards montgomery tow county. all right, winter hass returned. passed.asshas chilly and breezy for this ths weekend. week temperatures are back into thete 30's and the 40's. 4 let's show that that seven-day forecast first.foreca 45 saturday, 44 sunday.sunda light snow showers possibleossil next monday and wednesday.e that is a look at your seven-day checking the roads one last lst time before we hit the 6:00 the a.m. hour, volume is startingtag to build.b let's throw that banner u we can show you what we'reere looking at.g at. believe but this is i-66-66 eastbound. there we go.eaere you can see that disabledat disd vehicle it looks to beooks to be blocking the right-most lanet-ml right there.e. so, traffic squeezing aroundarod it but as volume builds we'ree e seeing some of those delays. de. full update on weather andea traffic at 6:05. 6 stay with us.stay withs. fox5 news morning will bernin right backg after this. >> ♪♪ >> this is fox5 news morning. f >> straight ahead at 6:0ox05 i has been a busy week so far ar for president donald trump andnr today will be no diumfferep nt.. he will host his first world wod leader at the white house.hous >> plus preparations are well under way for today's march's mr for life event on the nationalel mall ton kick things off thousands are gearing up toring attend a youth rally before the big march.march. >> live look outside on thisides friday. we made it to friday morning, january 27th. a return7th. of winter.nter. weather and traffic coming upd f also on the 5s at 6:05. 6: good morning.rning. i'm allison seymour.allisose >> and i'm steve chenevey. chen. welcome to fox5 news first responder at 6:00 we6:0we have just learned the first official conversation will con take place between donaldnald trump and russian president vladimir putin.put kremlin confirmed they're setnfr tomed speak by phone tomorrow. the call will be the first time the two have wil spoken si putin congratulated donaldngra trump on his victory shortlyshoy after the

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Arkansas , United States , Chesapeake Bay , Maryland , Arlington , Texas , Camp Springs , China , California , Syria , Binghamton , Russia , Garrett County , Mexico , Congress Heights , District Of Columbia , Aruba , Iowa , Dale City , Virginia , Fredericksburg , Allentown , Pennsylvania , West Hollywood , Ireland , Frederick County , Greece , Baltimore , Leonardtown , Canada , Washington , Philadelphia , Martinsburg , Gaithersburg , Kremlin , Moskva , Clarksburg , United Kingdom , Capitol Hill , Hawaii , Montgomery County , America , Canadian , Chinese , Mexican , Russian , Greek , British , American , Theresa May , Caitlin Roth , Caitlin Roth Fox , Roe V Wade , Jessie Morton , Holly Morris , Bwi Marshall , Jay Ba , Fannie Yu , Willie Nelson , Virgin Atlantic , Vladimir Putin , Scott Pruitt , Roth Fox , George Washington , Martin Mar , Frederick Urbana , Frederick A Hagerstown , Allison Seymour , Annie Yu Fox , Wallace Alc , Germantown Rockville ,

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Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 5 20170127 :

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 5 20170127

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today is national chocolateho cake day so yes, we say eat itei for breakfast. >> man. >> 'cause that's how we roll. >> and i'me that trying to quit. >> really? life is too short. s >> i'll do it tomorrow.t >> eat cake. also known as friday january 27th. caitlin roth is in she's of course doing double duty. very happy that it's friday asrs well she is but she's going tog talk weather and trafficd coming up in a minute. minue. first let's get you to the let'h news. today tens of thousands willnds take part in the annual march for life rally.rally. the antiabortion march takes tae on new look this morning.ning. >> fox5's annie yu is live at the rally site with ath a preview. annie, good, >> reporter: hey, goodgoter: hed morning. well, this is the 44th year and this year vice presidentvice mike pence is expected too speak at the event and son so security is going to begoi advertisement the immediateent roads around the washingtonwasho monument closing off to track a and organizers tell us if youll expect airport-like security and so you willport have to get through screening. there are no tickets requiredreu and organizers got a permita for about 50,000 people sobout00 we're expecting tens ofting teno thousands to converge here onhe the national mall.onal m you can see that they areey re setting up now and we're just' hours away.s away. the event kicks off aroundff arn 11:45 with some music but thet t rally officially begins ategns t noon and, you know, this has, ts been obviously going on forono many decades and it's to mark k the anniversary of thethe landmark decision roe v. wade. e back in 1973 which legalleal abortion nationwide.tionide. since then it's touched off a of fierce debate.ebat this year participants sayrticiy it's extra special and they'rele hoping that things will bebe different with president trumpsp in. the pro life movement is movemes perhaps as close as it's ever er come to accomplishing some of its biggest goals and to namet a few you hgoave the federal ba on abortions after the unborne n can feel pavement defundingt planne appointing a pro life majoritya to the u.s. supreme court so aso lot happening and speakingspeakg again today vice presidentto mikeda pence. pce mr. pence will become the t first vice president tot vicpre address the largest pro life le rally in the world in person.per also expected to speak at thee convenient is kellyanne conway, one of president trump's top advisers and so aadd lot of participants aret of parr excited for this year'se event.v if you want to come out, no outn tickets are ar take a look at your screen.rcr again, it begins around 11:45,4, rally officially kicks off atllc noon and the march will begin bn at 1 o'clock where thousands tan will walk from here to capitolil hill and then end at the supreme court and as always,alw, for these events metro is yoursy best bet. test heree very latest here from northwest d.c., annie yu, u fox5 local news.n >> thanks annie.nks annie. 5:03 right now and the otherher big event in washington todayhig president trump hosting his h first foreign leader.leade theresa may is in town today toy convention in philadelphia.on id president trump will have aent private meetingtrum with mayh my before the two hold app jointp news conference at the white house. in philadelphia may praised president trump for ushering in a new american t etrra buta t strongly condemned his viewss vw on torture.t >> president trump's>> preside insistence that mexico will pay for a wall along its border with the united statesit has triggeredth the trump administration's first full on diplomatic dustup. dus yesterday mexico's presidents pt canceled a visit to washingtonsh scheduled for next week but later president trump seemedp se to indicate that decision wasat mutual. not long after tthhsat, mr. trump's spokesman floatedk the idea of a 20 percent taxntta on mexican imports to fund fund construction of the wall. wal ly. >> you think about what a tax, , a border tax on imports from fom countries like mexico that weice have a huge trade deficit fi does. that's really going to providerv the funding. fun >> now still ahead for theor t president this week another potential flash point, anlash pt executive order that began as the infamous muslim ban now aana sweeping series of measuresies s the president insists will will help defend america againstrica terrorism. >> that executive orde rde contains several keyains severay provisions a 30 day ban on most visa entries for nations which are hot beds terrorism,e 120 day moratorium onon admitting refugees into the u.s., and indefinite ban onanon refugees from syria and the government will implementplent extreme vetting for immigrantsis questionable nations.tionable n the council on american-islamic relationsrel insists though nothing has changed. chan >> make no mistake whatevertakev language is used muslims weslime believe are the sole targets of these orders.or >> president trump is alsodent o expected to sign anothergn aer executive order, that oneth titled ending unconstitutionalnl executive amnesty.ecutive am it was expected to target the te so-called dreamers executivexc that president obama signed in 2012. there is word presidentere is wn trump's order will not be a a wholesale repeal of thef he dreamers executive order.xecuve overhalt leadership of thethe department of state.ate. four and officials responsiblees for the department's dailyai operations with decades of of experience at the state are re out. in a statement actingactin department spokesman mark r toner wrote that the shakeupthat is that standard with everyh evy presidential transition.anition. however, former statee department officials describei the departures as abrupt and extraordinary.ary. >> ♪♪ >> ly. >> 5:06 is our time right now.ig little chilly out there thisout morning and i don't know ifand f the wind is going to be the is t same today caitlin but it wast w fierce yesterday >> i know it was howling. ho we had a wind advisory that advo was a bit underestimated.d it was incredibly windy, muchndh cooler and much colder outold there this morning.there this more like january bu mt it'st ts been awhile since it felt like january. morning temperatures 43 atte reagan national, 40 out at a dulles and bwi marshall 41.a in fact dulles yesterday hit a a record high low.low. that's how mild it was butasbut that's about to change beginning today. toy. 41 in baltimore, gaithersburg, 36 westminsteres line inerick, fledge 37 in 7 hagerstown we had wind justtownj about all night sustainedus at 10 to 20 miles an hour so that t makes it feel even cooler with h readings in the 30's. now, a few snow showers arew shs showing up on storm tracker trak radar towards our north andorthd west. not sure if any of this isof ths making it to the ground. g let me know please caitlinase in roth fox5. up towards hagerstown make it down the 81 corridor seeing a a few snow flurries out there.the 45 and breezy this afternoon afn so yes we'll still have thethe wind. i don't think it will be as s dramatic as yesterday but ittert will still feel pretty breezy.r look for a chilly weekendwend ahead. winter has concerned. c it's not going a we have a chance of snowave a c showers on monday and then thn again next wednesday.wedsday. that's a look all right r forecast. let's do some tr affic. somtr >> on-time traffic brought to bg you by toyota.oyota. visit buy a for fr special offers.of >> traffic has been fairlyeen fy quiet so far this morning but f closure of the morning. m this is southbound branch avenue in maryland.en we've got a crashue right theret here it is just south of camp c springs and it blocks allll southbound lanes at allentownaln road. this is closing branch avenue at allentown rooseveltent allentown road.southbound 295 re the 11th street bridge you're looking good this morninging gon within this part of thert of t district. we haven't had any other had any oer reported accidents or delays.del maryland commute so far somute o good coming in southbound onin 95. no problems as well southboundsd 29. outer loop top of the beltwayop 95 to top georgia avenue so fars smooth. into frederick county we go. o. delay free as you're coming out of frederick urbana down dwn through gaithersburggai germantown rockville 270 fine rc southbound and that will takelle you all the way to the spur.spu finally 66 eastbound is all inol the green as well.the gre that's a look at weather and traffic. traffic. more coming up at 5:15. wisdom. wisd >> 5:08 is the time.8 is the t coming up on fox5 president trump's nominee toe to lead the eps once againnce agai questioning the effort tort to clean up the chesapeake bay. >> virginia lawmakers expandma the list of people who theyple h believe should be allowed tolowo use one form of medicalmedical marijuana. >> we're going break right nowor with a live lookig outsideoude across the d.c. region.regon. you see the flags blowing ins b the wind.the wi it's chilly out there. thre. >>tty shy shot. >> yeah. time right now 5:09, the, he temperature 44. back in a moment. >> ♪♪ >> ♪♪ >> we are back at 5:10. w happening right now in fairfaxe county an noinvestigation intowt why a car slaigmatmedio into a la nigight. this happened just beforeus 10:00t p.m. in the 7600 block bk of clifton road in fairfaxfairfx station. one person was killed. was kil another person taken to theon te orange president donaldan trump's nominee to lead the epa defendingeg a pls nomiawsut called the chesapeake bay cleanup plan federaledeal overreach. scott pruitt also questionedq whether the plan has made a difference in the bay's health and said he would not commitnotc to defending it against anyt ny future legal challenges. nonetheless pruitt says he'll s' enforce the plan because itecit was upheld by a federalfedel appeals court. >> in arkansas the governor signed into law a ban on a common second trimester second r abortion it prohibits dilation andbits dn evacuation which abortionabortin right supporters contend ison the safest and most com procedure used in secondin trimester abortions.abortions the ban is expected to be challenged in courtly.leng >> a religious freedom bill b has passed a virginia house hose committee amid objections from lgbt avenue casement the avenuet legislation will t protectrote virginia religiousvirginia relis organizations that refuse totion take pars t in same-sexsame-se marriage. the bill says no religiouselius organization can be penalizede by the government.overnm same sex advocates call thehe bill unnecessary and say itnneci could lead to discrimination.crn >> the virginia senate hasnatehs approved a bill expanding thepat number of ailments which cants h be treated with marijuana the measure allows people with cancer hiv crohn's 16 multiplemu sclerosis to have access toto marijuana oils which with a.m. written prescription.itte under the current lawn it's i only available to patientsat with severe he help z thehelp ze measure still needs approvalr from the house of >> coming up on fox5 news, a a small european countryc nuisance plans to stop usingplan all fossil fuels. u >> new research suggests we res have a long way to go toea long ensureto that our young girlsyo grow u secure women. >> as we head to beco ak lelook again ain across the d.c. region on aon a friday morning.rning. 5:11 is the time.e. 44 degrees. it's windy out dress in layers 'cause you're ly going to feel the cold ter fox55 news morning back right afterrig this. >> ♪♪ >> 5:14 is our time right now and look atis o thurose flags te whipping in the wind. d. >> yeah. yeah. >> yeah. >> woo. makes me cold just looking at it. c it's a beaolutifud l shot though flags down at the washingtone wn monument this morning but thatgt says to me caitlin wearin w layers. layers >> absolutely. that says to me winter hashas returned right behind me.m yeah, it is back.. northwest origins of our cold od canadian air back in place and e it's not that it's crazy cold cl but we're just returning tournio normal. more like january. like jaary. we haven't had january like lke temperatures in quite someite se time and very mild this both yesterday and wednesdayedne high temperatures of 61.emperat. pretty incredible.ncred cooler than that. tat 41 baltimore, 44 an frederick a hagerstown. everyone still above freezingrezing so it's not overly cold. c tomorrow morning i think we'llmo all be at freezingrnin or belowe wind speeds brisk 10 to 15 to 20 miles an hour and reportsn hs of higher gusts even durings evr the overnight hours.t ho it was so incredibly windy widy yesterday afternoon gusts togust 50 miles an hour the district.n that's come down a bithoome a t overnight. it will get breezy again thisgas afternoon about the i don'toon think it will beab as gusty it t feels though with the windse wi like 37 in washington, 30shin, 0 gaithersburg and 29 in martinsburg yes mid-20's northin and west so it certainly feelscs colder. you need to break out thatut tha heavy winter coat yet again iet know it's been collecting dustol in the closet but it is time. ti satellite and radar look ato these lake effect snow showers c coming in with the force of in that colder air and even somewis light snow showers momakeing itt into extreme western managedrn m at least on radar aroundaround hagerstown maybe you guys areare there.ything tan for usxpo it's just partly cloul skies here in the district. all right, sohere icolder frid. the real cold air is still still back off towards the centralcent section of the country but thent cold front that came throughhroh yesterday and brought all thet e wind has since passed and in ann its wake we'll settle intoleint some much more january-like weather. high temperature in the 30'sper towards our north andth west fof this weekend and then in the the 40's probably here in and washington. so to recap for today,oda, 46 degrees for that highes for h temperature. ouds and sunshineand certainly cooler and still st those gusty afternoon winds wds where we could see some gusts over 25 miles an hour atles an t times. but i don't think we see a 50 miles an hour wind gust. ouri 32 degrees tonight, much colder, partly cloudy skies, pa andrt that wind will calm down.d not much to say, though, justh,t app couple clouds around.aru 45 on saturday.surday. 44 sunday temperatures mucheratm more normal. normal. monday 39 degrees with eventh en some light snow showers. snow se no big storms in the forecast fa but we have the opportunity hav for a little bit ofe light sno that's likely and then againy an even on wednesday i think thedat chance for some morning snoworn showers there before we rise to 47 degrees. es. 42 next thursday.u all right, that's a look atok at weather. 5:16 now. 5:16 now let's check the roads herea this morning on a friday made me it to the end of the week and ad the beltway itself so far wide i view looks great. gr caitlin roth fox5 tweetingtwng traffic and weather as it i pertains to you. accident blocks thepe two lefthe lanes on branch avenue ats on bv allentown road. last time i was on it wason it closed bit has reopened.eopened. it's just got those two leftho slanes blocked. again, this is just south of the beltway aroundhi s the camp springs area so use caution ifcf you are going southbound on branch avenue at allentownat aln road right elsewhere we haven't seen too many problem on the majors.robla our commute in the district strt route 50 inbound you're finend r and southbound 295 route visitro to the 11th street bridge justge a lot of green before we know ww that turns yellow and then rednd very quickly so there it looksto good. maryland is fine.maryla is fine. 95 if you're coming from theomi north as well as route one, 29 , and the bw parkway all smooth. m there on the top of the the tope beltway is fine. 270 has been okay.o it is still fairly early ofearyf course but delay free as free you're coming down from from frederick county and throughunth gaithersburg down to the spur. e and finally in northern nthern virginia we are also seeingso smooth conditions on 66 on6 eastbound. if you have an early flightean f and you're going westbound wesod towards dulles using thes dulles dulles toll road you're alsoou'o looking pretty good out therepr right now soet tyno traffic isss except for that one accidentcen on branch avenue.on that is a look at traffic.traff. wisdom and holly. >> 5:18 is the time right let's take a look at theat he stories that are trending thisei morning this friday morning onis social media with our frealtiml news tracker.ra >> first tup app climatest tup change conference planned forapr next month will go forward forwd without the federalthe feral government's approval thanksnt'h to former vice president alsidel gore. news of the revised conference o comes days after cdc canceledncd the summit and the lead up tod u the change in the white house ho add station. the meeting will now taketake place at a nonprofit centerproft and be a one day event insteadnd of three. >> next up, an underground pipeline that runs through leaked nearly 140,000 gallons140 frankford diesel fuel. the 12-inch leak was first was r spotted in a farm field infaieli iowa and is being called "significant.""s so far the leak has not leak reached the nearby creek or a wildlife protection area. aea. crews have been able to remove about 25,000 gallons of that ofh leaked diesel so far. >> meantime, in an historichisoc move, ireland may become theeld world's first country to fully divest from all fossil fuels.ful a landmark new bill could c enable the country to fully f divest its sovereign wealthweath fund. >> an international stem cellnac research team announced thech tn creation of the first human hu cells grown inside pig embryos. this could open a new frontierwf in research of mashups ofups of human and animal tissue.l tissu. the long term goal of theoal ofe research is to be able to harvest organs from animalso that could be used for humanuman transplants. now, future scientists say is si critical because 22 people per day die in the united statesin i while on wait lists for organs. >> fascinating. >> yes. >> finally a new study shows new stu that girls as you snhogws as six years old are less likely than boys to label people of their oh own gender as really researchers say their th experiment suggests genderggts n stereotypes about brain power po take root at a pivotal pointivoa in childhood around first grade and could profoundlyd proy influence academic and career cr choices and long afterwards.trd. all you six-year-old girls-old s watching this morning, you are smart. >> that's right.>> that't. >> you're intelligent.nt >> that's right. that's ght. positive thinking.t all right.all right. 5:20 is the time right now.w coming up on fox5 news morningso the trump administration cutstru back on healthcareeahcare advertisement. >> and a chinese firm buys ays a u.s. company which makes most ms of its profits fromfrom international money wires. >> as we head to break rightght now here's a live look outsideoe across the region.across the time is 5:20. 5:0. back after this.this >> ♪♪ >> ♪♪ did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that's 10 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 150 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. siness. built for business. >> ♪♪ >> back now at 5:23. 5:23. the trump administration isiniss pulling back on advertising to promote insurance sign-ups in the closing dsays of the 2017th enrollment season for okay for o change the health and human then services department says the dep government has pulledar about $5 million in ads as part ofs pr an effort to cut costs.osts. opponents of that decision say e it could keep young healthy people from getting into theng insurance pool which could cou drive up costs.costs. >> chinese company is lookingse to buy the comu.s. money transr company money gramco international. aroundl is valued atmp $880 million. money gram is now second only to western union among moneyern transfer providers.unansfer pro it has about 350,000 outlets oul and retailers post offices andid banks in nearly 200 countriesous and territories.r >> another massive mediave edia merger could be in the works. w wall street journal reportsrepo verizo with charter communications.ommu a deal between the two would create a huge company control access to home broad bandrn cable tv and mobile voice andvod data services.ser president trump has expressed skepticism about large media mergers on the campaign trail the president criticizedt at&t's proposal to buy time warner. >> facebook continuing itseb efforts to shutoo down fake news. the social media site issocialis updating the trending featurende highlights hot topics. t facebook says trending storiesa will no longer be tailored toa individual users and will instead and the regiond the reon specific. before facebook pickedfo trending stories basedre f on ww drew the most shares and thet sd comments. comments now it will contain topicstoics being covered by multipleltiple media outlets.ets. >> 5:24 is the time right now. . we have been talk about thisk ah all morning because it feels fes more like january than it has hs in previous p >> oh, yeah. we've gotten off pretty good. >> >> it is january 27th.u7th. >> right. we made it 27 days.da >> i know. >> it doesn't feel liken't feel january basically.jay ba say. >> yeah. >> i'm scared for what's going to happen inred february.feb >> are you? what, you think it's like doomsday in like february, weary paying for allrl these mild temperatures.emp >> that's right, yeah. that's ri >> but it could have happenedgh in january and it t,dt idnco'uls see it's still --- >> we're still winning is whatti you're saying. >> we're still winning.e' >> we're getting closer toreingo spring. >> i know, well, it's liket' well got that month over withmoh and we were okay so why can'thya we be okay this next month. mo february shockingly beginningegg next wednesday and what's most't noticeable is all the daylight t we've been getting.we'ven ge sunset closer to 5:30 p.m.,5: sunrise around seven somethingsh a.m. i have no idea. i i have to look that one up butuu it is after 7:00 a.m. hour.. ho you can tell. t i'm not you usually up at this hour.. bus stop forecasts pickup forecast much cold for thest muo little ones as yould f send them out to the bus than the past few. no only in the 30's tonly io 40's. chilly. winter jackets are need as j well as after school it's just asr sc i cool.ju we'll have that winds gustingstg over 20 miles an hour.miles anr. probably not as fierce assrc yesterday but withye temperatures in the 40's itatur will feel more lieske it's in li the 30' the actual air temperaturesemurs outside right now 43 washington 37 gains 36ai 36 westminster 39 frederick and 37 in we have a few flurries onflurrio storm tracker radar.r ra i'm not actually sure if this is making it to the grounde grod meaning is this even real buteab light snow at least around then hagerstown area where you seen e some of those y darker purples.u i think they're getting some so flurries as we zoom in rightrigt where 81 hits 68 and evenand maybe drifting down towardsn was i-70 a few flurries there.rrie winter cold is here to state. much more like january withanua that that chill into thechnt weekend. high temperatures in the 40' we'll ses ein 46 today inn washington. 44 at dulles, 45 in leonardtown. leonardtow 46 in fredericksburg.deric that's a look at weather.we let's do some traffic realicreal quick here. 5:26 right now on-time trafficfc friday morning commute alongommu the beltway looks good. god. let's zoom into one of ourto ono incidents earlier today.ay. earlier this morning. branch avenue justis m about 20t minutes ago word of a crash cr southbound on branch avenueue around camp springs atcamp sprin allentown road.allentown road. that's where you've got a's whe crash that'sre y blocking left lanes and delays ares and s building southbound on branchthh avenue from the beltway so bebe careful in that spot. use some caution k we haven'thav had any reported accidents or or delays into maryland and the district. >> coming up on fox5 news oming upn fo morning a x5youth group in town for the march for nlyoifeuth i attacked near a metro stop. stp >> and an employee at a local university already embroiledl in controversy is arrested andad charged with assault.ith >> go break now.>> go break now. as we do live look across thek r d.c. region at 5:27, people ople getting up and going on a o a friday morning.ning. 44 degrees, very windy outiny ot there. it feels make sure you dress dress accordingly. fox5 news morning continuesrnin right after the break.rea >> ♪♪ >> ♪♪ >> an interesting president trump haspres surprisingly kind words forid mexico's president who refusedus to meet with him over the border wall feud.fe dip pat particulardip partil meeting. the president prepares for hisoi first official meeting with a a foreign head of abortion activist in townto for the 2017 march for life.r l. fox5 news morning starts right now. now. >> ♪♪ >> this is fox5 news >> good morning to to yo. thank you very much for joining us. . i'm wisdom martin.mar >> and i'm holly morris. >> caitlin roth is in talkingtag weather and traffic this wrapping up the week withng double duty. up le great for her. h. we'll talk to her in just a jusa moment. >> we'll get right to the newstt right now get you out the dooro with everything you need torytht know. let's check the top stories and we're going begiecnk th with big events in d.c. today. first, british prime minister theresa may meets withts w president trump at the white house. the leaders will meet in thetrue late morning.morn. then they're due hold a joint at news conference around one:00 n this afternoon.f prime minister may is alreadyaly talking about the newlking t th administration having to add add having addressed the gop gop retree. trumstrosed trump but strongly condemned hings views on torture of terror suspects.upects >> other big news event inent in washington today is the annualoy march for life. lif now it draws tens of thousandsos of antiabortion activists toivio the nation's capitol.capi >> today's rally and march mar takes on new significance signie though with the trumpough wit h thadministration taking actioc to restrict funding fordingfor abortion. fox5's annie yu is live atlie at the rally site with more.m good morning, annie. a >> reporter: hey, goodeporter:eo morning, holly andd wisdom.wi good morning, everybody.rybody. well, this is the 44th that this event is taking place. plac it's extra special to the pro po life activists gathering here. e vice president mike pence hasnt agreed to come out an md speak tottens of thousands people of peopleexpected to attend.tte. organizers say they havey have obtained a permit to hoste about 50,000 people.out 5000 that gives us a good number ofue how many people are expectedxped to come out here on theer grounds of the washington of th monument and we're just 30 minutes away from secretseet service closing down some of d the streets in the immediatee de area but if you look behind mehe work has been under way for a few hours.hour the media is out here ready to cover this. participants says extra special with president trumpanti in ovens the gains thedentvens i movement has made so far.ns tnt some say the hpraso mad life m is perhaps as close as it has ever come to accomplishingcom some of its biggest goals and also appointing a pro lifeo life majority to the supreme court.e a lot that they are lookinglookg your screen whether you'reeen we coming out today or not, thisod, is going to affect youfect you commute-wise.comm several roads shutting downuttin starting at 6 o'clock and atnd nine they'll be closing downg dn additional roads but the event e kicks off at 11:45 with music. u the rally begins at noon and and then at 1 o'clock, the, the thousands of folks will marchllr from here top capitol hill and then end at the u.s. streak building. there are no tickets required. if you choose to come out tic he of course organizers say metro is the best way and thehe transit agency says that theysas are adding additional trainstrai to accommodate those large l crowds. that's the very latest heretest from northwest d.c., annie yu fox5 local news. >> this morning more thanrninmoe 8,000 teens are expected to pack the eagle bank area 13 atar george mason university in in fairfax. they're in town for the 12th 12h annual life is very gooderyod rally. rally. now it kicks off this morningf h from 9:00 iuntil noon and and sponsored by the catholiccth diocese of arlington.rlingto the event aims to help teenstes reflect upon the meaning meaing life. the event is that sold out. >> meanwhile a youth ministry group in town for tomorrow'smors march for life rally says a group of about 20 teenstees attacked them near the congress heights metro stop in southeast.uthe they were head to assumptionsum catholic church where theyhurchh the group from texas says the he assault lasted for about 20bot 0 seconds leaving some of their members battered and bruised. >> past fractured, part of thet eye s the other adult leader what i've been told someld some concussion a little bit ofon lil memorye loss. l he remembers up to havingp to hg dinner that night and thenhen after that, details are a a little fuzzy on that.zy on that. >> the group has been staying at theee asn sumption catholicoh church for the past threeastree years. they say in light of the assault they'll reconsiderhey' their routine going forward.f >> president trump insistencense that mexico will pay for afor wall along its border with thehe administration's first full on diplomatic dustup. mexico's president hassident has canceled a visit to washingtonwi scheduled for last wee not long after that mr. trump's spokesman floatedflo the idea of a 20 percent taxnt t on mexican imports top fund fun construction of the wall. >> the trump administrationp adt overhaul leadership of therader department of staofte. of stt four officials responsible for the department's dailpyaily operations with decades ofdecadf experience at state level are a out.leve now in a statement actingtng department spokesman markma toner wrote that the shakeup is standarde th atwith everyevey presidential transition. transio however, former state department officials describeci the departures as abrupt and extraordinary. >>♪♪♪ >> 5:35 right now.r i know everybody is interestednr in the weather weekend so s let's get right to it,to it caitlin. >> all right, good morning,ightm holly and wisordniom,ng yes, fee much different out there thisre morning meaning it's colder. coe it's much more like winter andtn like januar it will be like this for the foreseeable future so bring inn those coats out of retirement.em you're going to need them thismi reagan national 43, bwi marshall it's still breezy sosos anti-mid-20's in some spotsome s and we'll stay gusty throughh this afternoon. how about that wind yesterday? t wow f gusts to about 50 miles 5 an hour here recorded in thehe district so very windy.o ve w i don't think it will be that many brisk today but stillsk tob we've got thatut chilly breeze.. 44 in annapolis, 36 westminster 37 frederick andicka martinsburg. these are air the wind is still out of thet oe west at about 10 to 15 top 22 miles an hour in mileou hagerstown, locally we've hadwed some higher gusts.g once we get into the day we'll see that that wind increase as s the sun comes out. ou association it feels like it's t in the mid-20's to the upper per 30's. 37 here in washington.whi that's what it feels we've got cloud cover.ver we've got some snow showers.sho some of which look like of h lo they're trying to make it tot to the ground in hagerstown.gers all these ingredients leading le to a recipe for much colder mucr weather. 42 by 10:00 a.m., a briska breeze and a high of 46 laterlar today with some sunshine. that's a look at weather.w let's check the roads here.her. early on this friday morning mo end of the week and thek and e weather is cold but other thanot delays. de friday morning commute lookinglc i'm tweeting weather muanteder d traffic at caitlin roth. no volume starting to build 95bd northbound dale city to theale e beltway. just normal voblume at this th hour. otherwise staying in northernorn virginia edsall road to theto 14th street bridge is still st quiet in and around theround t district and inside thee the beltway has been fine. fi. 66 eastbound is just someus light traffic volume from 234 f4 to route 28 again just so pretty normal.r and finally southbound branchthn avenue i just tweeted this buthu the crash has now clearedled south of camp it was right at allentown road. we had t wo left lanes blocked.eft now we don't so traffic resuming smoothly on branchhlybh avenue. that's a look at weather and e more coming up at 5:45. holly and wisdom. >> coming up nearly two dozenozn metro employees handed pink p slips and shown the door. do >> t.s.a. announces plans topl expand a program to help make me your next flight muchght smoother. >> as we head to break a live le look across the d.c. region.on. 5:37, the temperature israture i 44 degrees. back in a >> back now at 5:40. george washington universityhino made headlinen s last septemberp when it hired a former radicalized islamic extremistext to participate in a think tanktk to help experts studyudy are being recruited but jessie morton has been arrestedrreted accused of having illegallle drugs on him while meeting ainga prtitute.e. gw says morton is no longer providing consultant servicesrv and that the reason for his hs departure is unrelated to his work with the program on emism.ism. >> metro general manager paulna wiedefeld getting rid of bad b apples. cedthursday he announced nearly two dozen employees have beenem fired. wiedefeld said they falsifiedy d records related to the derailment of a silver line li train.ain. others were suspended or demoated. officials say operator error caused the doors to open on a yellow line train that wasn thaw away from the platform attform a reagan national airport onport n tuesday. >> good news for those of youwsf planning a w tinter gethose awa. t.s.a. is partnering with 11wi 1 additional airlines to offerlin t.s.a. precheck.t.s.a. pcheck. passengers enrolled in thein th program can get throughhrough security screening lanes inlanen less than five minutes.nut partnership includes both such ases aruba airlinesrlines emirates virgin atlantic andd spit.t. t.s.a. precheck is now offeredec by a totalk of 30 different ca carriers.rriers. it costs $17. $17. >> i'm a big fan. i'm a big f do it. >> you breeze right through.thr >> breeze right through.thro i'm telling >> wow. >> wow. >> best money ever 5:42 is our time. time. coming up a number of outerf ou loop neighbors will spend thed e weekend taking a dip brrr in the chesapeake day.e >> d.c. mayor bowser calls onyoo the d.c. council to permanently expand a programprom which employs hundreds of cityno residents. >> as we head to break a live le look across the d.c. region wei are at 5:42 right now and 44ees.rees. january 27th and it feels likesl january today. so make surear you dress d acingly.gly. fox5 news morning coming rightmg back. >> ♪♪ >> ♪♪ this is the silverado special edition. this is one gorgeous truck. oh, did i say there's only one special edition? because, actually there's 5. aaaahh!! ooohh!! uh! holy mackerel. wow. nice. strength and style. which one's your favorite? (laughter) come home with me! trade up to the silverado all star edition and get an average total value of eight thousand one hundred fifty dollars when you find your tag. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. sure, you could sit around all night iting for a pizza to be livered. t wouldn't making it yourselfall a lot more fun? it's baking season. warm up with pillsbury. protein. protein proteiny protein. proteiny protein? protein proteiny protein. at least 14 grams of protein. 100 calories. new greek 100 protein. from yoplait. >> ♪♪ >> 5:45 is the time right now. if it isn't chilly enoughhe t if you today perhaps the polar bear plunge challenge is right up your aleve this morningalev maryland state police aree are holding several plunges inges in advance of their 21st annuala polar bear plunge tomorrow. tom starting at 10:00 a.m. damam they'll take a chilly dip inhl the chesapeake bay to raisea money for that specialey for tha olympics.t >> let me get this a they're doingigh a predip before the actual dip.the actu dip. >> yes. >> they're choosing to do thisid twice. >> yes to jump in that water wtr twice. >> ooh. just give some money. >> yeah. i just have to write a check.ri. >> my goodness.d >> i couldn't -- no, i can't cat even take the water but i wasuts thinking coming out of theng ou water and the wind whippingwhi likes, oh, my >> too painful. painful takes your breath away i know.ho i've never done it. it >> neither have i.>>ei >> no, no, no.o, no, n. >> look at that. tat. crazy idea. i would never do thy at. tha >> crazy talk. crazy talk >> but it is something thathinga has become very popular.oar >> there's a lot of people's a that do, yeah and they do thatoh raise money for an amazingamazig cause. use. >> uh-huh. >> you know what, yesterdayyest being around 60 degrees wass as probably one of the better times to ever do it one but stl water temperatures 40, i mean -- - >> do they have a hot tubhottub plunge. i would sign up for that isn'tt that yeah, a jacuzzi plunge.plu >> i would definitely beould dee there. would be a lot colder -- it'ser going to be a lot colder fordero the second dip by the way.ndip today is much colder so let's do some weather here. here. winter has returned out there. it feels like it.kei it is chilly, it is breezy and shockingly we even have somehave snow showers in the forecast.c not lo even those flurries that isse fh much more like january than tan we've become accustomed . yesterday was also a high ofgh 61 just like wednesday.nesd right now 43 in washington, 37 gaithersburg, 40 at dulles and 34 in winchester. all these t34emperatures are iem above freezing so it's not t like it's arctic cold outdt there but you can see someome chillier readings just backjust towards our north and westrth at where the colder air hasir s settled in. i. 30 for binghamton andnd lexington the front that came through ushering in the coldercd air is producing some snowomesnw showers right now mainly offy o towards our north and west inn extreme western maryland.and. shockingly even though thesegh e are just some light snowlig showers that may or may not bene coating the ground out thereere around hagerstown garrettrret county schools have calder.ave l they're not going school todayhy in garrett county because ofty the snow out there along 81 81 route 71 and all those local l roads. if it comes down hard enough e even though the ground hasou been so warm you can still st have some slippery conditions.n. so, snow showers there look frederick county and if they thy hold together maybe a littleher bit closer to the district.o th. the bigger story the return of the cold air. a. not crazy cold but enough thatet temperatures return to normal in the 40's here in thee in the washington area up towards philadelphia pennsylvania only in the 30's. penin the 3. and chilly breeze will that continue for today. for tod. not as windy as yesterday butdat still gusty in the afternoon, 46 degrees.46 tomorrow saturday 45, mostly, my cloudy but also chilly.c seven-day forecastn-day oreca temperatures stay right aroundyh normal with some light snowliht showers possible on monday.onay. again on wednesday nothing nthig that looks major but just ar bua chance to see some we stay chilly even as we headee into the end of next week, thursday, 42 degrees.2 d by the way, february beginningeg on wednesday there so could bec a much different month.month we'll see. all right, that's a look at weather. let's do some traffic here somef early on a friday morning ifmorg you're just about to head outadu the door we're looking at somea volume here.vo this is 95 and northbound.tboun. right behind me buildingbui volume after the purple heart bridge. idge. so, a little blurry but seeutsee headlights coming at you you that's where some of those delays arehere starting to stack up. up. back to ouri be maps we've got fairly okay friday morningy morg commute. comm caitlin roth fox5 on twitter.wi. the beltway itself looks good.o let's zoom into some more specific spotss.oific spo. maryland commute outer loop 95l5 the baltimore-washington parkway all smooth. also, 270 has been very quietv this morning. you are delay starting to see a little bitle i of volume building just buildint outside of frederick urbanaurbna down through clarksburg.ksburg. you break through of it as youi head towards montgomery county. light traffic volume 234 route 28. another check of traffic atc voe 5:55. wisdom.sdom. >> leaders of several majorral r cities across the country gearing up for a fight withup the president over t fhore sanctuary cities debate.deba d.c. is among the cities whichec do not go after undocumentedndod immigrants for violatingoating federal immigration laws.igr ani estimated 25,000 illegalal immigrants live in days.i the head of the mayor's latinoro affairs department says people are worried.orried. >> it's a feeling of being beg scared because it's uncertainty but we are --e -- we're getting calls and so people don't know what's goingwg to happen or how it's going to happen. >> mayor bowser says lawyersow are reviewing the executiveseece order to determine exactly e what it means for the city.cit d.c. law does not allow policepe to ask residents their immigration status. happening today, faithay, ft legislative and political leaders will hoatldive a rallya the lawyers fall annapolis to support immigrants and muslimsml who they say are under assaultsa by the new trump add station.mpt now the rally begins ation. 9:30 and will be attended bynded y members of the aclu of of maryland council on american-islamic relationsrelais united for justice and others. . >> today beginning at noon non d.c. residents can beginbegin signing up for the summer youth employment program.ment po 14 to 24 are eligible.i mayor bowser temporarilymporariy expanded the program to include district residents upidn to the age today the mayor hm call onor al council to makee limit permanent. the program provides six weeks w of employment and training.tra >> let's take a look at the stories you're alreadyies you'ry engaging with on social mediaon this morning. s >> first up, president donald trump's key strategist describing the mainstream t media as "the opposition party." rty." he says news organizationsg have been humiliated by theiry h failure top anticipate mr. trump's election victory. vt >> the company behind keystoneie xl pipeline has submitted asubma new application to the u.s.e u. department of state.rtment osta. the application by transtion bys canada comes after u.s. u.s. president donald trump signedmp an order earliersi this week too expedite the project.project. mr. trump has directed thected e state department and otherpartma agencies to makend a decision within six days of a final application. >> the russian born wife ofnussi thefe of california man pled onn yesterday to federalderal immi convicted in an immigration fraud scheme linked to the a 2015 pasture left 14 gled in len hawaii a new billion dollarolar class if i'm homelessness as a chronic medical conditionial which would require insuranced e companies then to cover treatments related to thequanien condition.eled one of those ttreo atments coud include housing whichhih proponents of the bill sayil could be covered by hawaii had the high left ratet e of homelessness with 53wit 53 homeless people for everyeve 10,000 residents.ents >> finally talk about a historic place to reach a childhood milestone. ivanka trump posted an video to her youngest son theodorethe crawling for the first time onrh the floor of the white house. he shouldly movese of the alongt carpet when trump stoops down on cuddle her little one and set ot him up to go for another time.e. 35-year-old mother of 3's video has been viewed onenwed on instagram over 1m times. >> a lot of milestones in thef next four years.mi >> yeah.le placea very special placext. >> quite a memory. quite a all r might.t. 5:52 is the time right now. nw. country star willie nelson ne dims the spotlight on two ofoof his upcoming show due to histo s illness. the 83-year-old was scheduleded take center stay in las vegasr y but he's not per ifn orming due severe cold.ld meantime a publicist for theciso singer says he plans to playo the remaining three shows athowa the venetian resort on thesor strip next week.strip ne week. >> tmz reporting that actress ac mischa barton has beena hospitalized for ar mental evaluation. and neighborseig were very concerned about herceh after the actress was hanginghag over her backyard fence in fencn west hollywood and rambling ramg about her mother being a witch, the world shattering and ziggy star she was only wey aring al dressl shirt and a tie at the time.tim eight years ago barton was w placed on an involuntaryvo psychiatric holdly.atric hold. >> turning to the world ofthe wf college basketball unlessball you've been under a rock you do know that duke doesn't lookdk quite like duke this ye earlier this week coach k heldke a team meeting at his house. ho. now he told the team they're t no longer allowed to enter the h locker room or to even wear duke basketball gear.ball gea coach k is on leave recoveringog from back surgery.urg the punishment is a reactione to the teama's poor duke is just two and three since coach k left.le. >> an iconic d.c. restauranttrat removed the famous muralmou that's been on the side of itsds building for five years. yea ben's chili bowl painted over the faces of chuck brown donny simpson barack obama and billil cosby. cosby. now it's a white wall with the words new year, new miles perews hour. the ali family says it's time for a change andmily s not becab of the controversy surroundingug sex assault allegationslleg against bill cosby. >> absolutely i'm just wondering -- i'm i'm thinking we're not the united nations we're just ben's chili bowl. bowl. >> the whole country appears to be changes.h let's put up new faces up facesp there and let's see moste ost importantly what the communitywt wants up there.nts up there. >> the d.c. landmark is. landmak allowing people to leave theirhr wall. you can go to their web site and vote on who should be be featured on the next memorial. >> ♪♪ >> mural. memorial might be a strong word. i think it's just going to be mg a mural.'s jt go 5:54 is our time now. no let's take a look at our at facebook fan of the day say sa good morning to ija wallace.alc. she says she's one of fox's f biggest fans.bigg >> she has been watching since a teen. she says from 6:00 a.m.een to o good day d.c. we are on her tvrv because it's like hanging out ot with some good friends.rinds. she adds it's only fox5 in her r house. there you go. there you go we appreciate that.. are if you would like to be fan ofea the day, just post your picture below this gorgeouss picture. >> is that i like how the flower halo matches hertche lipstick. >> it's the details. s the des. >> looking good.ooki thanks for watching.atc we appreciate it. i five minutes from the hour.utes let's check in with caitlin fitn and talk weekend weather. weatr. >> yeah, good morning to happy friday.rn weekendt a chillyin so, the mild weather we havethee been enjoying so much long muchg gone and we even have someven ha snow showers out there this theh morning. storm tracker radar showingshog band arcing north and west ofstf us from about western marylandrd down through i-81 towardstw front royal and even garrettd er county closing schools up clo there insi extreme western w maryland because the snow iseca making it to the ground.rou. hagerstown cumberlandumberland frostburg those normal coldormal spots so if you're travelingra up i-70 maybe you see that.t. frederick maybe even gettinggetg in on the snowflake game, too,no so let me know wfif you're y seeing any of that and we'll w'l see if those flurries driftur down towards montgomery tow county. all right, winter hass returned. passed.asshas chilly and breezy for this ths weekend. week temperatures are back into thete 30's and the 40's. 4 let's show that that seven-day forecast first.foreca 45 saturday, 44 sunday.sunda light snow showers possibleossil next monday and wednesday.e that is a look at your seven-day checking the roads one last lst time before we hit the 6:00 the a.m. hour, volume is startingtag to build.b let's throw that banner u we can show you what we'reere looking at.g at. believe but this is i-66-66 eastbound. there we go.eaere you can see that disabledat disd vehicle it looks to beooks to be blocking the right-most lanet-ml right there.e. so, traffic squeezing aroundarod it but as volume builds we'ree e seeing some of those delays. de. full update on weather andea traffic at 6:05. 6 stay with us.stay withs. fox5 news morning will bernin right backg after this. >> ♪♪ >> this is fox5 news morning. f >> straight ahead at 6:0ox05 i has been a busy week so far ar for president donald trump andnr today will be no diumfferep nt.. he will host his first world wod leader at the white house.hous >> plus preparations are well under way for today's march's mr for life event on the nationalel mall ton kick things off thousands are gearing up toring attend a youth rally before the big march.march. >> live look outside on thisides friday. we made it to friday morning, january 27th. a return7th. of winter.nter. weather and traffic coming upd f also on the 5s at 6:05. 6: good morning.rning. i'm allison seymour.allisose >> and i'm steve chenevey. chen. welcome to fox5 news first responder at 6:00 we6:0we have just learned the first official conversation will con take place between donaldnald trump and russian president vladimir putin.put kremlin confirmed they're setnfr tomed speak by phone tomorrow. the call will be the first time the two have wil spoken si putin congratulated donaldngra trump on his victory shortlyshoy after the

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