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Vansville Elementary School in i beltzville closed due too heating issues in the the building. They done have any heat and you cant do that in thesehe cold temperatures folks. Fks gap rhett county marylandett schools on a 2000 hourco delay. Y also grant county schools in West Virginia youre on a twirgiohour dnielay because ofe extreme cold. Cold. Lets get right to tucker to barnes for the latest on latt whats happening outside h today. Ap morning. Good coldest temperatures eve had so far this fall season. Ratuson. Temperatures overnight falling g back into the teens even tns e flirting with some record lows out at dulles early this early morning. Its most al good newsood ne forecast today in that itsay i not going to be quite asto b blustery and cold as yesterday s although were still going to to be below freezing. Rein make sure you wear lots ofs layers. Dulles 16, bwi marshallshal 16 degrees. 16 d obviously those are very coldosy temperatures and there isatur still a bites of a breeze giving us wind chill in the Single Digits early this morning. All right. On the horizonar hlyere little littl sunshine to start your day. R d then were going to cloud up. You probably herbert about this wintry mix on the way. Thats going to hold off until after midnight tonight butbl iyi want to give you a heads up. Possibilities coming up momentarily but today with w that warm front approachingpphig temperatures will approach 30. R. It will be a dry afternoon butot a cold day. There you go 31 your daytime high. Not as windy as yesterday. Rday theres your good news. Again momentarily well talk tal Winter Weather advisories weaths winter storm watches for tomorrow morning. Or s alltotomorr those details on yor weekend forecast coming up. Up. A family of four displacedis in the freezing cold after after their home was seriouslyerio damaged in an overnight fire. Ir Melanie Alnwick joins you jou live from Silver Spring with si more. Good morning, mel. Ningme reporter hey, goodeporte morning, guys and you can seeuy now that the sun is startingansn to come up how literally theallt entire back of that houset hous there has just been burnedbeen b out. It was a two alarm fire, ite, starter around 1 oclock in the morning. Around inside were wokene ken up by a smoke alarm so thatso the odod news. We also have some video hereer to show you of just how crazy it looked when firefightersrefi were putting out those lastas little responder the waterhe wat just gushing out from them t rooftops just turning the white with ice. Ofwh the cold theolct weather here. Now, those four people did get t t t safely. Thats good news. The two adults and the two children. But again, the weather making mk it very difficult here. Here. They had to call out a second alarm. Thats because they just need ne extra firefighters when yourehn dealing with cold weather liked this, you they have to rotate fire personnel more quickly. Y. They sometimes need extraimeed equipment because things mights freeze up and not work the way y they want to. Always tough to battle fires fis here. Re we talked to montgomery countynt fire and rescue about this h is not the only fire they were r on yesterday. There was a chimney fire also fs somewhere in bethesda. Wh just about precautions people pl should take since this cold weather seems to bring on moree fires. Fi certainly we hope folkshoolks have checked their systemsck make sure theyre oedperating properly, keep clutter awaylutty from any kind of heat source,t r keep any combustibles away away from any heat source. Sour create that circle of safety around anything that is source and just kind of focus on what youre doing. Dn if youre cooking, you know,now, dont leave food unattended. Ende thats the number one cause of u fire really. Rll reporter and so just,us you know, one of the things they were saying is people getee distracted, they get busy,they s theyre talking with folks, fol thawas got a lot of thingsgot going on but really just bea ut veryju, very careful because fires this time of year can beeb so, so devastating. Evastati just wanted to show you guysouus quickly also just the effect here on the road. Oa these roads in hampshire hampshi greens where the fire trucksre were with all that t water. Ater just take a look at how these he roads are looking right now. Ow its obviously only localizingg affecting just the people in this particular neighborhoodoo but just pretty crazy stuffra out here, guys. Uy back to you. Mel thanks very much. Much. Also this morning letsor head down to charles countyy where police are searching foror this man eric white after he h set fire to his home yesterdayey while his wife and children chi were inside. The 40yearold now facing f several charges inpolice are asking you if you have seenou i him or you know where he is please call thef sou k Marshals Office or maryland state police. Pic well the man accused off walking into comet pingpongingg with a gun will be back in i court today after beinger b indicted by a federal grandal jury yesterday. Last night we heard from theju restaurants owner james alfontes for the first time for since the december incident in t a fox5 exclusive. Its a pack of lies andnd its dangerous. Angero what happens is this person pso was inspired to drive acrosscros four state lines with anesh an Assault Rifle and enter a Family Friendly restaurant atana 3 oclock in the afternoon onnoo a sunday. Y. So, you can imagine the fear. Right. Ight. That must have been felt by v these people and this is real consequences. Equences my staff lives in fear. Ea my staff are the brave vestravev people ive ever met and we met are trying to make sure theyhe stay safe and do their job. Imagine somebody coming tooming your workplace with an Assault Rifle. Rifl thats megyn kelly with theh exclusive on fox news. New edgar welch is facing a maximum of 35 yea for driving from northm rt carolina to self investigate online conspiracy theoriesirtheo claiming high level democratsems were running a child trafficking ring out of the local pizzeria. Izzeri five minutes past the hour. Lets check in with tucker wittu barnes right now. Es rht n how long do you think the batteries are going to last onao those lights. I think until next week christmas. Stmas. Probably that. Ba i would hope so. S elves are working. Flashing lights definitelylid with a flare. With we have the business of news so we thought i at woveul e disrespectful to have ours on. O big teams. Well get to them. The we have them. T meanwhile its the big day. Ay versrs weather. Cold temperature. W thats the big story. Coldigs 19 in washington, lots ofots teens locally. Lal just want to show you thatt to regionally look at binghamton bn this morning, 4 degrees, yeah. Thats balmy. Thats balm not too bad. B seventy seven detroit. Nty we are going to be cold today. Y upper went to about 30. Lots of layers. I guess the good news is lessess wind than yesterday but it but t wont be a balmy day by any means and were going to cloud o up pretty qu it will be a mostly cloudyostlyy afternoon. Should remain dry around hereder later today. If you have evening plans havpl tonight, if youre going out for dinner, youre going to be fine. Youre going to be nice and dry. When does the dangerousdoes uff come in. N. Ill tell you. ll ll y after about probably 2, 3y 2, 3 oclock in the morning. Ning. Okay. So, your morning tomorrow tor morning about 6 oclock and and 10 oclock could be touch and c go. We have a Winter Weather advisory an winter storm watchnt issued for the region. The primary concern herede f is icing. So not snow accumulations butnst ing. G. Total snow accumulationsulio likely less than an inch but b there could be a tenth of an inch of glaze on some of theazem roadways. Remember its very cold this morning so anything we get outnh there early tomorrow morning moi could cause some icing issue. Just keep that in mind if youifu have to be traveling tomorrowomo morning. Youre in good shape today. How many people know this i like to get my party on atn 2 00go aod. Mpeop. Ge st myometimm i wont be doing that. Tha be indoors thats all. Sll dont try to drive. Y to drive. Cut it off a little early. Okay. Okay. Yeah. 1 30 tonight al. A all right. You can do it one night. Sorry. One night. S hi good morning. I goo 7 07 and we have been tracking n breaking news on the outer ter loop out by 267 dulles toll road. Traffic once again moving allovl lanes had been blocked becausee of icybl conditions. Di vdot trucks out there trying tin to clear all the lanes. Lanes right now traffic is flowing. We are still seeing backups bacs though so lets take a look atok our cameras right now. Now as you make your way out from georgetown pike towards 267 as s we get a look at those cameras s traffic is still very heavy. Were seeing a lot of backupsf again leading towards that that location so please keep thatpha in mind. Other than that were alsols seeing more problems across acrs the outer loop out by seven in tysons. Lets take a look at our mapsur if we cant get our cameras camr and show you theres also also tractortrailer crash thattrai were dealing with taking outin two right lanes on the outerlane loop out by seven. That is causing some more problems. This is a look atlo tophes ca bc kup backu right now as you make your wayey out from georgetown pike to t 267 where the outer loop was previously closed. Sed. Heavier than usual. Usual. Allow for about 30 extratra minutes. And now as we move to ourmoveo o maps, we do have otherth slowdowns like i mentioned,tied th that is causing a significantnia delay south of where those icy i conditions were. Er two right lanes blocked. Ght keep it to the left at seven and tysons. T werhee still s t ofa lo of slow moving traffic. Please use caution this morning with such coldinwith temperatures and the ice that ae we were dealing with this mayh m not be the only area impactedmpe by slick conditions. Ondion an earlier crash on 66 o66 eastbound cleared at 123. 23 delays remain all the way backac to 50 and then were alsols seeing some congestion by 28y as well on 66 eastbound. Tbnd northbound crash at surrats surs back up to 301 and branchnd bnc avenue inbound. We also have some delays onhaves the orange and blue lines. Ge an a look at metro next. Ex back to you. Were going talk about metro right now erin breecau gsi as they show it is taking safety seriously metro hasas discipline half of its track tra inspection team. Ection team. A number of them have been red. D. It all stems from the julyroh derailment at the east falls at church metro station. Urchetro now metro says certain workers e in the track departmenten falsified inspection records. Onr fox5s bob barnard live iniv i northwest with the latest. Late. I mean, te allegations, bob. Bob good morning. Morn reporter hey, goodepor morning and they are guys andd g were going to get to that in ta just a minute. M fires i want to tell you thent y other thing they mentionedg they last night the men metro gm paua wiedefeld and the boardhe b agreeing that late nightng t service now will be reduced onn the rails starting nextex summer. So if youre outta place like k do your replace chinatownhinaton during the week the rail t service ends a11 30he startingrt next summer for two years. So, Late Night Service to 11 30 during the week, 1 00ringt a. M. Friday and saturdays. Satus rail service will not begin on sundays until 8 00 a. M. Again, this starts next mmer. R. Just wanted to mention that t first. In terms of the fallout, yes, y, this was last summer out at outa east falls church, there was a a derailment there. T the rails apparently too wideoow for the trains to make a turnur there and because of that derailment which caused a big ag problem that morning, there, the have been heads rolling andng ad Paul Wiedefeld announcing them inspectors and two supervisorser have been fired for as you mentioned allegedly falsifyingan records. Six more firings or suspensions are pending. 28 of metros 60 rail inspectors are facing someg som sort of discipline. Isciin here now general manager wiedefeld speaking to theg to t metro board about this on thursday. Thsday. What it says is we are extremely serious about getting to the root of all theol issues and when we find issues, we do what is necessary to correct them. Ct were not pushing things aside. Were not taking the easy way. Y reporter now again, thehe Union Representing those railail workers who have been fired bee speaking out at the metro met Board Meeting yesterday asterd well saying that theyrehere claiming they werent properly e trained to do the inspectionspet and work on those records. Rail Workers Union representative. Esentati thats what theyrehas wh alleging. If you talk to any of them the youll mind what theyve doned h is not natecessarily falsification in their mind, m in their mind. Now, ive talked to them. To t were doing our own o own investigation. Were trying to find out whatt is this falsification that that wmata is talking about. If its legitimatee falsification you wont hear aea peep out of me. Out reporter now, we wil ole wl hear much more from metro general manager Paul Wiedefeldle in our next hour guys. Hell be joining us live at live 8 00 a. M. Here in theheren district. Looking forward to gettingti those answers. Wers thanks bob. Still to come thisstill omeh morning, facebook rolling out a new plan to stop the spreadaco of those fake news stories. First today is nationalatio ugly christmas sweater day andnd if you are celebrating we want w to see your pictures. Re steve, you make that lookt loo cute. Plus that little dog is reallyel cute but thank thank you everybody who is sending them in. Ing n. If youre celebrating rating there was his foo fighters sweater. Swea look at Justin Stuart ourua planning producer and his best friend. 7 15. Whew. If its going to be cold and wind chills of zero might get some its g chill beautiful sunriseun action. Day two right. Ay twoight postcard. Postca pretty to be honest. Preto b does the cold make it the the sky more beautiful. If i guess thats in the eye of the beholder but ill tellehl you what with less water idenssr the atmosphere you can see farther,. Drier conditions. Onti drier conditions. Rier con pr very pretty. Speaking of pretty. Uhhuh. Nice. Can people see the actual. Ople s oh, yes, you can seeee t it. Follow the lights flashing. S fls ill let you wear it later. Tr do you promise. Mise yeah. Im not going to let him notg wear it. Oi lets go to the forecast. T 19 now in washington. Wasngto we are looking at still singlein digit wind chills. Digind chills. Much of the areas in the lower w teens so please lots of layers s whoever be ready for a cold day today. Day look how much of north americanr is experiencing really cold cold temperatures. T l at all those negative numbers off to the northth andod west. St minus nine this morning in international falls, mine fal, nurse 12 in my favorite placeort swan river. You get the idea he ere. Here. Boston is 4 degrees so lots an lots to talk about here. Here. Theres going to be a big winter storm thats taking thata shape and well get a bige and piece of that late tonight g early tomorrow morning as warmer air slips n looks like sl well have a wintry mix breakin out. This will be after midnight. Mih probably after 2, 3 oclock ini the morning well get a wintry r mix across the area. Are its not going to last for astor terribly long period of timef but there could be just enoughth and with just enough cold aird a in place we could have somee coe travel issues tomorrowomro morning. Ing. Tomorrow morning. To how much snow are wemo talking t about . I think less than ansshn inch. I think the primary threat thr here is sleet and freezingrein ra. N. There could be some icy spots so tomorrow morning. Heres my a mdvice. Ydv just wait it ot, if you can. An. 11 oclock in the morninglock in temperatures get above freezing and anything thatgsmps falling will be just rain byainb tomorrow afternoon. Mo so you get arr free passow to sleep in tomorrow. I give you a free pass. You ap all right. A r unless you got to go tot to g work then im sorry. Unless you have a poms pom exhibition in seneca valley. V is it outdoors. Odo can you delay it just a you couple hours. No. Is it outdos. Okay, well youre good n thkay, wl en. Th i really dont like thee e older i get i dont like otik drive in any sort of icef ice because it just doesnt seem don worth it. Anyway, thats just me. Hopefully temperatures jump up in a hurrary. Ture speaking of driving heresvs erin with a look at yourou commute. Cout unfortunately driversnfor dealing with icy conditions on the outer loop today. Outer loop by 267th i athlle oul had been blocked. Bck everything has reopened. Eopened. Vdot was out there clearing the ice. Just use caution. Use cau new crash eastbound seven at sen Baron Cameron avenue. Ve the right lane blocked sorigh thats causing big delays ont ab seven as you head throughough reston this morning. His mog. Aside from that 66 eastbound eas an earlier crash cleared at a 123 but we do have residualredul delays back to 50 and then 66he for the most part looking l better than usual from 234 to 28. Ill let you know about thatt volume. Southbound 295 jams up from 50 f down to the 11th streettr bridge. We do have reports of a crashf a by benning road in the mix. Thex 50 inbound towards 295 in95 cheverly very heavy traffic there. Northbound branch nbr avenue at surrats road werere dealing way crash backed upd all the way to in brandywine. Rayw southbound southbound baltimorewashington parkway eaerliewar crash that had all lanes blocked before 100 itfore did clear off to the shoulderule but delays are still really real heavy back to before i195 king down from the capitol ofitl capital beltway to theayo t baltimore beltway. Orbelt metro a train malfunction at stadiumarmory earlier this morning. Residual delays should clear on the blue and orange but delat theyre still in place to vienna and fran cone today. This is the area of the outerth loop out before 267 where allhee lanes had previously beenously b block. We had a second crash in tysons outer loop by seven. Ev were backed up to georgetownetw pike. Things are clearing but still s slow traffic coming out of glen echo on t outer loop. Lp. Give yourself extra time to get towards 66. 6. Typical delays on the inner day loop from the springfieldld interchange through 66 asha well. 95 in stafford is backingng u ap bit. Bit. Back to you guys. G facebook stepping up its battle back against fake news. Ae the social networkial neork announced yesterday it willced e work wst outlets to flag questionableiobl stories. Holly joins us to talk tal about the specifics of thepecife social media giants new battleal m plan. Le P Mark Zuckerberg said herbsaie didnt really think that fake ta news was a big percentage ofcenf what is posted. He said it was only likeik 1 percent but when you consider the amount of stuff t n thatst posted on facebooknaceb 1 percent is actually a lot. So, facebooks goal now is to t focus on the worst of theworsof worst offenders and theyre going to do that by partneringpi up with outside Fact Checkers cr owe to help sort honest newstew reports from made up storiesp s that particularly play to partil peoples passions and preconceived notions. Notns so, what kind of stories aretoes we talking about here . Unproven cancer curesoven c celebrity hoaxes backyard bigkyb foot sightings and fakend fak political stories which have drawn attention because of the possibilitnty that theyio swayea the u. S. President ials. Preside election. Now to mention you know what we saw happementnio an t comet m pingpong right here in d. C. Herc so, heres the plan. Facebook is making it easier eas for users to report fake news nw when they see it. I story as fake, facebook willace then pass it on to a third thi party Fact Checkinging organization. Ga now there are currently five Fact Checking organizationsaniz that facebook is nah workingk w with abc news the associatedocte press fact check. Org polit politofacts. Below the headline tpohere wille be a red label that says thasa disputed on it and then theren will be another tab that youab u can click on to find out whynd o it was disputed. D. Now, at that point people havetp hoice. Ce. They can decide if they wanty wn to share the story withry w friends anyway or they cannot. No now, if they do choose to share it, it will get another warning. Wa so, anyway, in a new study s just out yesterday the pewhe Research Center found nearly ady quarter of americans say they have shared a made up news n story either knowingly or unknowingly. Owin the take away here is Mark Zuckerberg has been adamantberg about the fact that face hbookck would not be in the censorshipei business. Thats why they have thiss third party doing the why fact t checking. Checki its not facebook. You can still post whatevern st you want andpost w really the os is still on the Facebook User to inquire about it beingeing fake. So, you decide if you thinkif its going to make amake a difference. At least its another layer, holly, give us us something to think about. Th thanks sinog much. President barack obamaesid vowing to take action against russia foro take allegedly meddd in u. S. The u. S. Election. Ct plus Hillary Clinton also h responding overnight. Today is nationalillarespon l christmas sweater day andr y were get something greatsomethr pictures from some of our fantastic viewers here of. Rs heo heres another one. Use fox5 ugly sweater and a well share throughout theououtt morning. my hero zero by lemonheads zero really can be a hero. Get zero down, zero deposit, zero due at signing, and zero first months payment on select volkswagen models. Right now at the volkswagen sign then drive event. Welcome back. Bitter cold out there to start your morning. D ounight lows back in the low teenacs,k in eve ln 12 degrees t dulles this morning. Lles this mi lets get right to tnghe numbere as we are going to gradually gdu warm up into the upper 20 and 2n low 30s this afternoon. Afternn 13 in washington. Wind chill hanging out at in c eighhi hant. Pleasantly mild or md balmy out this morning. This mori make sure youre ready for aor a cold one today as temperatures a are just not going to get a chance to warm up a whole lot. He lots happening here in the atmosphere. Appe we got a developing storminstor system out into colorado ando thats going to push over the t eat t lakes. Its going to drive a warm front into our area overnightvet tonight and into tomorrow andor period of a wintry mix aroundron here overnight tonight and ton early tomorrow morning. Mor because of that we have both wintry weather advisories ands winter storm watches issued sto for therm region. Eg the primary concern aroundrnroun here locally is not snow sw accumulation its some icinge ii that may take place. Just keep in mind tomorrowind morning the first couple hourse of your morning thefire could bb some icing issues on the roads t if you got to get outer there. Et i think by early afternoon aer everybody should be looking atlg just some light rain showersho or even dry conditionsdritio tomorrow. Plenty more weatherher momentarily. Mome lets do traffic now with w erin. 7 26. Tucker. Tuck skyfox behind me. Sk by seven at tractortrailer crash hasrtrair cleared and because they werecae able vdot tyo get icy conditions out by 267 cleared cd all lanes opened traffic fromrom georgetown pike down towardsnar tysons looking so much betterh t on the outer loop. L little bit quieter than usualhal pretty well beautiful shot sho from skyfox. S lets show you a look at some ae of our cameras in the area. Seeing some lighter volumer than usual except for if you as you head towards duke street you can see a loteel of brake lights ahead heading hi past the pentagon to the 14th th street bridge you need 15ee extra minutes. Extra mi more traffic in a few. N a few thanks very much. Last night the entire nba played with heavy hearts andeart they were honoring legendaryegen sports broadcaster craig cra sager. Sager made a name for himself with his colorful wardrobe. Ardrb after a long battle withe w cancer he passed awaycancer yesterday. In milwaukee the bucks and the bulls both wore sager strongtrg warmups. Rmups. Theres the golden state gameth you see the coach with the colorful tie andgoe golden thst players with the warmups under their jackets playing tributeckt with as moment of joy. T j id like all of you to o to join me in an applause fore r a great man and a life wellwell lived. Ve thank you. [cheers and applause] steph curry joining in. I several players expressed their condolence on twitter. Er. Sagers son tweeted his dads ds saying time is plim see howe you live your life. L well live your life. Well be right back. Love that thats pretty it. Sure s definitely cold enouge for snow. It. Fo it. Bout Liberty Mountain just north of frederick. Ed i mean really 45 minutes fromes the northern suburbs of d. C. Its a treasure in our backyard. Take snow day was the was campaign. Ca i love that. Love tha right. Take a snow day. Its open as of this morningi 9 00 oclock this morning. Orning it will be the grand opening off Liberty Mountain 2016 and not my favorite conditions to be on the slopes to be honest bought windn chill when youre on the liftsif it bites. Are you a big skier . Kier i enjoy a day out on theutn slopes, yeah. Slop yeah. Ll rll right. Enjoy and support our local o businesses. I love that. Lets get to our top storieso now at 7 31. 3 overnight in Silver Springpr family of four forced out in thn bitter cold after a fire igniten and caused serious damage too their home. R home. Smoke alarm woke the family fil early this morning and they andt attempted to fight the flames oo their own before leaving that lt home. Thankfully no one was hurt. Ur family of terrence sterlingli now filed a 50 million wrongful lawsuit with the same law officc that repped fred day gray Brian Trainor and his partnerhin were in violation in the moments leading up to sterling deathrln investigators say officers y of trainer shot sterling afterin ar sterling crash his motorcycle cy into the side of the officerscf cruiser last september iner in northwest. Witnesses say sterling could nos avoid that cruiser because it pull right into histeat c pruatt a grand jury convened toco investigate the shooting lastshs month. No word when a decision will beb handed down. Own former prince georges count executive jack johnson has beene released from federal prisonri where he had been serving time t after pleading guilty toy corruption charges back in 2011. Johnson will serve rest of hisrh sentence at a residentialiden facility in baltimore before his release this summer. The story made national nat headlines when johnson and his a wife arrested during fbi stink s Leslie Johnson was caught tryinn to hide thousands of dollars byb flushing it down the toilet andi stuffing the money into hero under garments. Ment she served a year over a year in isison. Breaking overseas conflict g reports out of syria c earlierar state run television reported rp evacuations in aleppo had put on hold after rebels opened fire at a convoy in a crossing point aia short time la a statement claiming all womennl and children had been taken out of the eastern aleppoen the evacuation has been quote quo unquote completed. Ed. Back here president obamade vowing retaliation against agast russia over the president ialsida election hacking. Tion hacking. This comes as the white house and thes as president elect area in a heated he can change over the russian involvement which w could also go all the way to the russian president. Foxs doug luzader followingr the developments. Doug, they seem to be changing n til the time. Whats the latest. Whats the l reporter good morning. Ter . Cold war all over again. Ain. Were very likely to hear from m president obama on this subjectc later today about whether russia did in fact meddle in our o election last month and this isi creating even some more tensionn between the administration and president elect trump. So much for budding for bdi relationship between president we obama and president elect trumpu has hit a rough patch over russia with president obamarent suggesting to npr russia wouldsw face consequences for alleged meddling in last monthson election after hison aft his administration specificallyca claimed russian president psi vladimir putin. We need to take action and we will at a time and place of ourf own choosing. Ilno d president will no doubt drive that point home later l today what is expected to be hih final press conference of theoft year. But thus far its been his spoken josh earnest ramping upni the rhetoric on trump saying the president elect encouragedtelec russian email hacks. Tmail hack mr. Trump obviously knew thaa russia was engaged in maliciousc cyber activity that was helpingi him and hurting secretary clintons campaign. N reporter that drew a swift t rue bucc to trump who held ad a rally last night in pennsylvania. Although foolish guy josh he jh were nest i dont know if hesio talking to president obama. Boo having the right presspre secretary is so important. Tant because he is so bad the way hey delivers the message. Vers tessae reporter he wept a step a s further on twitter asking ifingi russia or some other entity wass hacking why did the white houseu say wait so long to act. T why did theo y on hillary lost . Lost . Republican members of the of electoral election this messagea is for you. F you meantime with the electoralor college vote happening onni on monday, a group opposing trump t is now running a video with acts urging republican election tours to defy voters and cast theirast own ballots against trump. But heres the thing aboutng that. With that group is saying toayig these republican lectors is dont necessarily vote forly vor Hillary Clinton just vote forcl someone other than trump if that were to happen, neither clinton for trauma wop reach 270 electoral votes which means this thing would be kick over into o the house of representativesativ obviously controlled byntrolledy republicans and they woulds antw presumably vote for trump. Steve and allison. Doug luzader very complicated indeed. In we appreciate i. 7 7 35. A Tucker Barnes has a check on our forecast. Tucker, the ugly Christmas Chris sweater wearing barnes. S yeah, but im getting sometie good reviews for this sweater. We its great. I love it. T of thethe spirit of the holiday. The lights light up lightt no doubt about it. Are they flashing rnoight no. Theyre flashing. Fshing. One of a kind. Lets do the forecast. We got lotsts to talk about weather wise. W we are looking at daytime highsh in the up we are 20s. 2 right now were in the teens. Ee wind chills still hanging out i the single digit. 19 at Reagan National. 16 dulles. B were i marshall 16. L cold friday. Y. Upper 20s low 30s cloud cover wr saw it in the live shot a momenm ago quickly moving in from thegr west a mostly cloudy day for usr today. It should remain dry throughmain your afternoon and if you gotf g evening plans to be out ande oud about youre in good shape ashaa far as dry conditions but aftert midnight i think probably aftery two, 3 00 oclock in the mornine we are going to have this wintrr mix around here through tomorrow morning and that could cause cau some icing issues out there. The primary threat here is not n so much snow accumulation, itsi freezing rain and sleet, andet,a again we can have a glaze on glo those roadways tomorrow morningr the good news with tomorrowsor forecast our eventual daytimeay highs are going to be in the bet that falls early as sleet or o freezing rain should transitions to rain pretty quickly. 31 today. Tod. Winds becoming out of the southe here at five to 10. To 1 winds will be lighter than yesterday thats good news. All right. Day th l we d ro havige Winter Weather wr advisory and winter storm watcht posted for the region ill showw that to you in just a fewu in je minutes. Lets do traffic now with erin. 7 37, tucker, somebody isody opened the door to bring some be equipment in and it is so coldd inside im telling you two pairp of socks, boots, a big jacket, scarf a hat, gloves it is really chilly out today and if youref taking metro and walking to the metro stops, definitely want tot wear warm clothes much disabledb train at landover because of b that single tracking on thengont orange line between new n carrollton and cheverly watch wt for delays in both directions. On well keep up it dad on thatn t one. For the rest of your fridayf urf morning commute, as you hit the road, friday mornings deserves s three clacks mission points. Acks from 95 over to georgia on thean outer loop we are seeing someins heavier traffic about a 10t 1 minute slow down. Not terrible right now. Right nw you can see a lot of green still on the dmv aroun rather a crash on sevenen eastbound at baron cam couldntd avenue. Delays starting after 286 leading through reston somethint to keep in mind and then 66he eastbound even though crash at 123 cleared delays heavy back to fief team keep updated on metrom and the roads. The ds keep it to fox5. 5 were back in just a few. Few. Stronger is blasting her tumors. Without risking her bones. Stronger is less pain, new hope, more fight. Its doing everything in your power, and everything in ours. We want them to grow up stronger. And with your support, they will. Make a gift today at childrensnational. Org givenow the d. C. Department ofeparen transportation released new appp that it hopes will make findingg parking easier. Eie the app is called quiet simplyim park d. C. Users have to just type in theie destination address and the appa will show where they are mostths likely to find parking nearby. Ey the app uses data existing parking meters as well as wl sensors on the ground to locaten the open spots. To now right now its only o available in chinatown and pennn quarter they but they say thaty stst for now. Hopefully theyll be able to t expand the services later. Lat shining laser lights on to n homes is a big holiday trend. Something the cool display itsts adds a little sparkle to thele e season but the faa says thatha sparkle could cause problems ifs pointed to the sky. S they say it could distract dtr airplane pilots. Ots Officials Say six aircraft were struck by lasers in a span of sf six hours on wednesday morning g in boston. In bn. Faa said those strikes wereiker under investigation and theynd t wouldnt comment on theuldnt also last year, lasers beamingei from homes in dallas, texas, and sacramento, california. Jd power out with list ofiso airports rising to the challenge in the latest satisfactionisct report. Report Reagan National airport moved up this year. This now ranked ninth but thats uptu from 15th last year doingr doing better job. Bett way to go. D. C. A better than most score. Bwi also on the list coming inng at number 15. 5. Dulles international sitting att number 20 on the satisfaction st list but still above average score. Number one airport in theer one country going to Portland International airport when ithen comes to satisfaction. Atisctio and last on the list is new yor city laguardia. Rd. Probably the easiest why getst y into manhattan. An so we still use it. Iluse you do what you got to go. Christmas just over week awaa now. Just barely over a week away. Holiday shipping deadlines to remind you about. Ahh ahh as for holiday shoppingin insider insight into something i lot of us want to know about. Wb. Well tell you. Wishing my family in maryland ad happy holidays. Olidays. Sing along with Furry Friends and stomp your feet to a sesame street beat eet live elmo makes music clap along when elmo makes music playing eaglebank arena this weekend only tickets on sale now through ticketmaster we have breaking news cominge out of Prince Georges Countyak. Metro train at the landover ldo station had to be evacuatedn had there was a fire under the car as that train was at then at t platform. Were told everybody got offdy f safely. They put the fire out. The fireo but another metro issue coming wig the general manager of theft metro. Another think we can ask him about at the top of the hour. Th. We look forward to. W after e that big show on good dd d. C. Today. First of all well have ugly uy sweater. Te yes, we will. Well talk about our favorita gifts to get ton give. On all right. And then grammy award winninn r and b singer song writer songi author producer record exec allc that good stuff faith evans wilw be with us. Well find out why faith is in town. I cant wait. Wait. Thats so cool. Shell do a little karaoke wih us. Oh, really . Rll oh, yeah. Oh,eah i cant wait to watch that. Ch if youre up and watching wch faith i hope you knew that. K see on good day. On good please still come. Ce shell fine out the same timt we do. Do. This is what weve beens is wwaiting for today though the b day finally here it will be very special for all of us here at ua fox5. Fo it is all for this sweetsw little boy kaheem, and we are partnering with make a wish midd atlantic for its season ofson wishes campaign. Amig hes just five years old. Rs o but hes a fighter. Aer hes got lke current until treatment. Treatme he wants to be a super hero alla he wants to do is to help people. So today we are working witharek make a wishin tgo make his wisho helping others come true. E t were going to enlist the helphl of local firefighters and policd officers. Were going to have livelive coverage all morning longngon beginning at 8 00 a. M. A. M. So not long now wisdom, tucker, kevin, will all have veryy special roles in this big daylei and you can also help keep tract on our Facebook Page. E its excite fog everybody. I know tucker is excited about a it he gets to have a front row t seat for all the fun today. Oday. Cant wait, yeah. Eah. In fact i got my cape ready to a go apparently we got a super a r hero in the city for the day. All right. All right. Winter headlines, cold air its in place. La i just want to give you headsoua up. Wintry mix around here lateere tonight, early tomorrow morningg likely to start as light snow. S i think most of it wont get int here until after midnight. Eridni if you have plans this afternoor ton night dont stress aboutes this too much. Th too m but by tomorrow morning, perhapa light snow accumulations moreore concerned with the glaze of icef across parts of th remember very cold, very coldy l this morning and the pavementsts are going to be accordingly coll and anything that falls will gel a chance to ice up here. Changing to rain by late l tomorrow morning. Rrow morni so anything we get really theeay real issues are going to beng te tomorrow morning between id sas 4 00 in the morning maybe nine,n 10 00 oclock in the morning mog when we could have icing issuess 19 now in washington. Asng very cold out there thisut thers morning. 14 gaithersburg look at dulles 16 degrees. 18 good morning leonard quantico, 18 fresbur dericksburg yuderi guys are 17 looking at single sn digit wind chills out there. Tre winds out of the north atth a 10 miles an hour current wind cd chill in washington eight. Ig look at dulles 5 degrees. Es. Four in hagerstown. Erstow very very cold temperatures. S developing storm system outrm st across the Rocky Mountain states and corresponding warm front fro kind of see it draped across tht great lakes this is what willhat push into our region later ler tonight and thats likely toly bring us a period of winterin weather. I do want to give you a heads uu a Winter Weather advisory nowory for the city and foreclose inse areas off to the north and west storm watch. Atch not primarily concerned withied concerned about icing takingak place overnight tonight andoniga early tomorrow morning. Or. So you future cast quickly g qui ape e here. There we are 2 00 oclock in tht morning. Light snow right after midnighth and then looks like that icing issue or icing issues could takk place by six, 7 00 oclock tomorrow morning. To light rainn to maybe get clearing skies or or plain old cloudy skies tomorrowo afternoon most of your weekend w were not going to be dealingeai with a wintry mix. Tomorrow morning early there could be some issues. Ssues look at the warm temperatures. Ra 60 by sunday. Isnt that amazing . Highigh temperatures in the 20s today. 60 by sunday. All right. Ll rig i love that sweater on you. Y glocks. I like yours as well. Youre just saying l tikhat. A no you look very charming,han dapper, handsome. Dse. Enough good words . En yeah many. Yeah many and youre sparkling. Nd your unfortunately tracking breakingr news steve and allison told you. Earlier fire reported under a ur metro train at platform level impacting thing out in land ovee that disabled train mark bradyy letting us know all thell t passengers aboard were safelyel evacuated however delays on thee everything is under control. Onol single tracking between new carr toll and cheverly please watchls for delays there. Extra caution at that landoverte station if you see policen you presence that is why and the and fire depth as well. Th a well. Moving from metro to look at you are roads friday morning, outerr loop 95 to georgia about a 10ut1 minute slow down. W other than that, i would say for this friday morning traffic flow is much lighter around the dmv t even inside the beltway thanelta what we normally see. New crash eastbound 29 it blockt the left lane at monument drivee caution there. Notice how 66 still has stop anp go traffic. Go just a little bit of light lig volume from 234 through tou centreville and then again fromf 50 towards the beltway. He belay all in all only about 15 minutet delay from 234 to arlington aint which is much better than wen usually see on 66. Eastbound seven a crash at baror cameron right lane block. Lo so watch for slow downs comingns out of reston from about 286 abo down to that crash location. Ocat heres a closer look at 66 itsi just light volume like i mentioned 95 northbound lookingn dpretty good through dale citye across the occoquan inbound from 50 just slight delays throughig cheverly. Well keep a close eye on that c metro situation out in landovero back to you, steve. Te heres something thatsrest really cool for folks. Ally cl fo get ready to make music for elmo at says see street live oneeet viewer can win four tickets too see sesame street live elmoe makes music december 18th the eagle bank a ren in a. The prize has approximate retaii value of 72 provided by v star entertainment. T go to fox5 dc. Com our Facebook Page starting now through 10 59am for your chancea to win. Toin. One lucky winner will bell b selected by random drawing onng december 16th. 1h all entrants you got to be 18 or older. Complete rules and online entryy available at fox5. Com contests. Theres only one not smiling in that picture. Shat you cut the bare out of the cture. E. Cant cut bird out of the bi picture. Christmas just over a week ak away and Holiday Shipping isin heating up. Folks rushing to get last minutt gifts to friends fan ale cross the country. Today is the last day thatha you coul expect your package to get thert by the big day. If you are using fed ex get gt those gifts wrapped up and do ii fast. Fa once again, electronics at thect top of many peoples holiday hid wish lists this year but whileui the tech business is booming tht industry still navigatingatin massive growth. Rowth. Competition and customer ctome service. Service. Lauren simonetti with foxox Business Network joins us live i from a best buy in secaucus, new jersey. Jersey. Interesting lauren. You went straight to the topinto get insight into this and it seems like tech has been a big g holiday gift. T tech is always evolving always y changing much whats happening now . Reporter do you remember back in the day people used tod go into the best buy stores ands play with all the gadgets, leave without them. Them. They use the store as a showroor and then bought the gadgets onao amazon. Com. Sure. That is not happening any more. Is nny the c eo came into best buy in such an understatement he has boosted the stock price 330 . 30 we sat down together. Ogr. Take listen. We turn the company around an the way we did it by refocusingg on the Customer First we took wt price of the table prices on competitors and matched pricesre and april invested in theilnves customer experience. Cuxp i cant help but notice ass soon as you walk in the storen e apple is right there. T. Yes. You cant miss it. Thats right. Aredusously apple product ysu hot seller. T see great products. Reat products. Customers love it and we havee the assortment and the expertisi to help the customers with. Wit did you know that you could gett a 32inch tv for 100. Can you make money selling ag tv that cheap . He yes, we can. Yes, we c how can . Ow c well, because this is our own brand. How many tvs do you have inv your home. Om i have two. Thats it. Yes. Ceo of best buy only has has 2tvs in his home. E. They are amazing tvs. Are amt lookv at this. This is the best picture quality. The percentage of yourntage r overall sales that are comingom the web is how much. Mh we do eight out of our 10 10 revenue from the site. He site. You expect that to grow too w how much. Last two quarters onlinee business grew 24 . 24 . Were gaining market shareket s online and in the stores. The es amazon is selling nes classis to prime now customers in certain cities guaranteeing two hour delivery. Er how do you compete with that . Within 15 minutes of u. S. Population you can get nes classic edition at best buy. Estb there you go. Nintendo n ez classic edition im assuming you guysoug might want one. T want you can get them. Et t i know. K not yet. Not yet you can in store at best buy on tuesday or you can be my friends. Weve been friends bi forever. You like that . Iou thought we were best bes wanted this for a long time. A i got i was starbucks giftucg card last year. Ast ye its fair. sair. Its an even trade. Thats right. Ha you knowt what, steve, this iss all yours. Yours isnt sorry, allison. Nsorr thats okay. Tts he wanted it. Allison i can give you this. What is that . You will like this. S this is a will he nova laptopap that folds in half. H i need a new laptop. Its call the yoga itsa it pretty cool. Pretty cool. That is cool. This was on his shopping lisl as well. You used to go on best buyes and cd central with racks and ra racks of cds they cleared thata space out for the most part to t put in the hightech, higher end items it looks like. Ik right. R a lot of higher end items, andta the ability to be so aggressivev in your pricing you can get you force customers to come in c and leave with something. Hi its a challenge these daysse especially when youre payingyo for almost 1500 expensive storeo like this one. Like you know it. T im surprised only 11 of onlinl business right now but growing. Im surprised lauren knows ms totally need a laptop. Y ne shes the best. Hes t thanks, lauren. 7 55. 55 we like tucker especially when e he dresses up for us like today if yeah. Lets do the forecast. [ laughter ] tucker yes. Thats twice that youve dont the howard dean yea today. Ay its nice, i like it. E it. Im not complaining. Omplning its my new thing. My new thi. [ laughter ] were looking at cam winds cw thats good news. Winds lighter. Clouds moving in very quicklyg u here. Quick heads up. Early tomorrow morning looksmorr like well have a wintry mixix around here, and that will for w the most part include sleet andt the potential for freezing rainr travel issues i think the worstw of it will be between 4 00 inenn the morning and eight,d ight 9 00 oclock in the morning. Mog by late morning, early afternoon well probably just be cloudye and look at your eventual ent daytime high tomorrow. Oor 52 degrees. Again if youll be traveling you early tomorrow morning, keep ana close eye on the forecast and ot the condition of the roadways. W all right. L right erin has a last look at trafficf this hour. Hou tucker 7 56 were starting sn you off with metro we did get word from metro officia smoking brakes was the cause ofu the metro train evacuation out in landover. An Prince Georges County marknty brady tweeting us the u information train safelyation a evacuated everyone off theerne o platform that are thatatform investigation. Invest right now singleig trackingtrain remaining in place on the orangg line between New Carrollton ando eveverly. Watch for delays in both directions. Rections we will certainly keep youp y updated on that situation, if, you do take the orange line l factor in time for those delaysl sip gel tracking between westwew falls and east falls surge for safetrack surge 11. Ge lighter volume than usual but it you a few trouble spots. Spo take a closer look as wes w continue. Keep it to fox5 news morning. Org z26i0z z17vz y26i0y y17vy this is fox5 news morning. Fx 5 good friday morning to you. U im allison seymour. Y im steve chenevey. m steve c thanks for joining us thihes t morning. It is 8 00 a. M. On this day and heres whats on the fox5 news morning menu. En first up a raging fire durinn a freezing cold night. Nht now one family is homeless justt days before christmas. Plus, heads roll at metro. Multiple employees disciplinein after this past summersmer derailment this morning we go go straight to the top for apps. Or. And we are all excited foritf this special day for our friend kaheem. Kaheem is just five years old. O he has leukemia and his wish for the day he wants to be a super hero and help safe others. Oer so in about 30 minutewe about to make his wish start to come true. First though live lookglivel outside on this friday morning. G on round two of this bitter coll weather lets check in with ourh in the Christmas Spirit tuckerr barnes. Its naturally christmas day. Ways not accomplish myy sweater is quite dapper. Dap not ugly enough. It backfired. Kf thats what happens when youre so dam handsome. Thats sweet, allison, thanka you. I was advertising less winder went just showed a live stihosio with windy conditions. Ditions. Lots of layers. Ts o put your christmas sweater onwen and the jacket and the rest of o it this morning. Ning temperatures overnight been in n the low to myight teens. Teens now up to 19 at Reagan Nationalo thats not much of improvement. Dulles 17. Bwi marshall 17. Clouds for, well cloud up heree pretty quick. Ty quick. Dry this afternoon you heard hrd about this wintry mix that willl get in here late tonight early tomorrow morning and winter win storm watch and Winter Weather h advisory has been issued for tht region this is for tomorrow so more on that coming up weree expecting, you know, primarilywp it will be icing issue more thaa a snow issue tomorrow morning. Og 31 today. Again no travel issues today but it will be cold lots of clothess if youll be outside. Outsi all right, guys. S. More weather momentarily. Enri back to you. Tuck, thanks very much. Ry mu. Want to check our topnt stories right no two ch 8 02. We have breaking news coming out of Prince Georges County. E geor metro train at the landoverandoe station that had to be evacuatet after a fire under the rail carr broke out into the rail car the train sat at the platform. M metro says it was a smoking i brakes that caused the issue. Ie all the passengers were able tot get off of that train safely saf right now the orange line is is single tracking between new car carrollton and cheverly as avey result. Well talk with the general l manager in just a couple ofouple minutes. Our other top story this hourthr overnight in Silver Spring avesg family of four forced out intout the bitter cold aft a firee ignited and caused serioussed s damage to their home. Eirom a smoke alarm woke the family fl overnight and they attempted too fight the flames on their ownes before leaving the home. Thankfully, nobody was hurt. The man accused of walking i into comet pingpong with a gun will be back in court todayrt after indicted by a federaled grand jury yesterday. Edgar Madison Welch facing a a mucks maam of 35 years inyen prison for driving from northm h carolina to self investigateeste online conspiracy theoriesheorie claiming high level dem weree running a child trafficking ring in that pizza shop. Hop a nanny accused of in theinhe death of a baby in princeprin georges county will appear aea before a judge. Fore that happens this morning. Ni she charged with murder andurded child abuse after police say shs force fed an eight month oldontd baby girl who died. Wh die the victims home surveillanceen system caught the whole thing on tape and showed the nannyanny napping before being woken up bb the baby crying. Ing in dc courtroom today tay preliminary hearing for hospitai employee accused of sexually abusing a patient. Atient police say 51 year old simon ofo waldorf assault add femaleeme patient at United Medical centec in southeast earlier this month. The hospital says it cannot cano comment on the accusations whilw still under investiga family of terrence sterlingi filed a 50 million wrongfulro death lawsuit with the same thee baltimore law office that that represented the family ofamily freddie gray. It alleges that officer brianici trainer and his partner were ini violation of multiple general gr orders in the moments leading up to sterlings death. Investigators say officerficer trainer who shot sterling aftert sterling crashed his motorcycle into the side of the officers cruiser last september in northwest witnesses say sterling couldnt avoid the cruiser because it pull right into avo s path. Pa. Grand jury convened tod ry c investigate the shooting laste l month. Nt no word when a decision willn w come down. Overseas in syria conflicting information nowmatin about the season fire in allennn poe and evacuation of civiliansl much russia says thoses tho evacuations are complete thes ae Syrian Government says she hadnm to be suspended becauseen ofse o renewed fighting. G syrian officials are accusing rebels breaking the terms of the cease fire deal. Ceas more than 3,000 people were wer bussed of eastern allen poeoe yesterday. Yesterday. Un says at least 50,000 morey ma. N. This morning a washingtonasg state Police Officer is fightini for his life after he was shotes in the head while responding too a call about another shooting. N this happen in the town of mount vernon about 60 miles from fro seattle. Tl. The officer 30 year veteran ofao the force. Underwent surgery overnight. Oven the suspect was arrested afterd an hours long standoff with officers. Today the nation will bethe saying goodbye to former us senator antrorse ninety threetyt naught john glenn he lies inen state at ohio capitol building. N public viewing for glenn is fori scheduled to last for eighteig hours starting today at noon. N glenn was the First American too orbit the earth. Orbit the eart he died last week at the age of 95. 8 05. On a8 friday, 19 degrees outeeo there. Yeah. Yea put your sweater on before youef head out. Ore y you need it. And light it up for the holidays. Lets do the forecast. Ast feeling cozy. Ozy. Yeah. Youre looking cute. Ure looki ng yeah. Feeling nice and christmas see s here. My christmas sweater on. Weater o 19 now in washington. Hingn. Obviously going to be anothere h cold one today. Oday or 31 in the city. City. You know, were still in thewel deep freeze here for 24 moreor hours hours. Hour theres your satellite radar. Sr clouds quickly increase. As Somebody Just tweeted me tuck tc they are tox five tweet me yourw pictures or your thoughts. Ug got beautiful picture of the sunrise this morning out in in gamble state park. Pk. Nice. Glorious out there. Out clouds will increase quickly. I think well keep it dry todayy but cold. Butold. And then overnight tonight,onig early tomorrow morning, weree going to be looking at primarily a wintry mix and by wintry mix i meet sleet and freezing raing ri will be primary concern aroundrd here. There could be light snowulbe l accumulations off to the northo and west but tomorrow morningss drive if youll be out on the on roads early i think between about 4 00 in the morning maybe 9 00 or 10 00 in the morning moi could be slick in spots. Slick t could be treacherous out thereue for parts of the area. Rts the a very cold this morning. Mni course the pavement getting getg cold, and anything that fallsths from the sky even if it falls aa rain may freeze on local areaala surfaces. Keep that in mine. Ke that 31 today. 31 tay more on that wintry event coming up. Up we have Winter Weather advisoryw area. Thanks, tucker. Hanks, ummhmm. Check in with erin get a looo whats happening on the roads this morning. Mor good morning. I feel so far from you guys thit morning. We are tracking a metro problemm dealing with smoking brakes atrt the landover station on an orange line train. Tra police and fire were able toe t evacuate the train. Acuate no reported injuries. S. The result is single trackingrak between New Carrollton andnd cheverly. Watch for delays in both directions on metrofor at this time. Time. Well certainly keep updated ifp youre heading out in northwest connecticut avenue northbound a crash at pliers mill road theoa left lane is blocked southboundh traffic getting hi bite on theee northbound. All lanes northbound had been blonortckhbed look at thek at e delays through kensington kensin heading to from wheaton glenmone much please watch for that onee and watch for residual delays aa well on other secondaries in the area. Area. Eastbound 29 crash blocking the left lane at crash monument drin in addition to that, southbound 295 jams up solid from south of 50 down towards the 11th t 1 street bridge. Et bri eleventh street bridge inbound slowmoving traffic and 50intraf inbound through cheverly fromlym about 410 to 295 is slow. W new york avenue past bladensburu remains heavy. Remains hea we have you covered. Over. Any questions for your commutesr at erin fox5 on dc on twitter. Wr steve and allison. Ison. Get you caught up on met on m tomorrow we are continuing toinu track metro this morning in an a move showing the transit agencye is taking safety overhaull seriously a number of employeess have recently been fired. Tly fr and thats just little bit of the disciplinary action all stemming from a july train fro derailment at east falls church. Fox5s bob barnard went right tt the top for the latest. Ates hes standing by at metro headquarters now with metro gm g Paul Wiedefeld. Ul wiede good morning, bob. Reporter good morning allison and steve. Steve well speak to mr. Wiedefeld ini just a moment. I want to take you back to julyl this was just outside the easthe Falls Church Metro station, and basically, a train derailederle right there heading into the station, and we understand that apparently some of the railsls were wider than the train couldu handle. Wider an have been, and as a result of o that derailment last summer,r four track inspectors and two to supervisors have been fired for allegedly falsifying records. Six more firings or suspension are pending. Ding. In all 28 of metros 60 rail inspectors are facing some formm of discipline because of that particular situation and what a has come from thend investigatin of that derail. Hat d as you mentioned joining us is metro general manager paull wiedefeld celebrating your firsi year here with metro. Erwith thanks for joining us. U sure, bob. Sure, bob nice to see you again. You a thank you. Thank you for having us if into your headquarters. Uarters. What can you tell our viewersel about whenl you hear falsifyinn records . What did thesehe employees allegedly do . Sure. Sure. As you recall, right after thata event we were doing ann investigation, and shortlyly thereafter i asked the police tt take over a portion of thatonf t investigation because some ofse the statements we were getting and that has led ttso w basicaly the actions i took that wevetee been taking the last few days. S up as you mentioned theres 28r2 individuals right now that wer still working through what wer going to do there. And it just its reflection unfortunately of years and yeara of culture that has been createt here were going to stop. Reporter did the t investigation of that derailment find records and what have youhe had been falsified or were records falsified after that aft derailment to try to cover up that derailly . Erai no, this is, again, this is sort of systemic and over yearsr there maybe wasnt the focus fus that should have been on it, and some of the reports were justwes not changing and thats just not realistic. Things should be changed out ina ngthe system. Ste so we went back. B we look at three years of of history. We didnt go back much more thaa that. At we had enough there just tous t basically look at, you know, y k what was being reported. Eporte what were the actual conditions. We look at data, fact. Fact. And then based on that we knewek that things were not correct, and we took the actions wens we needed to take. Which by the is a terrible time obviously for anyone this time of season to t lose their lived hoot but it isi totally unacceptable for me f m whether its a manager, whetherh its a front line person itersot doesnt matter. Its about the safety odof thehe individuals and safety of our o customers and thats the wayants its going to be, and and unfortunately thats what has th be done sometimes. Metim Something Like that could lic affect moral but what do you say to the riders your customers oho my gosh, there are people out pl there supposedly doing the inspections and theyre playing with the books . You raised two issues. Isss. One on the moral. I think its actually moral booster, because i think ithi it again reflects all our employees use the system. E the syste you know, they want to be safeef just as a customer does. Oe so i think that i think thehi vast majority of our employees p get that. T the same way with the customerss for the customers what they wt should understand is that we are onop o of this. We will continue to be oninueo e toughies that. That. We have entire new managementagt team in here, we have a new new approach. Apprch. And again, being very well received. Rece theres still some things we toe weed out and well continues to do that. Welldo i want you to hear, yesterdad at the Board Meeting here, jackie jeter who represents thee rail workers, the union Union President , had this to say about the allegations of falsifyingfyn records by some of her unionnion members. Mb lets listen. Thats what they arey ar alleging, and if you talk to any of them, you will find that what they have done is not necessarily falsification in i their mind. M in their mind. Mind. Now, ive talked to them. Tm. Were doing our own investigation. Ig were trying to find out what ii this falsification that wmua iss talking about. Ut if its legit falsification youu wont hear a peep out of me. Reporter but she was saying, they werent maybe surer of what they were supposed to bp doing. Ing. What whats your reaction . Eactn . Again, you know, my positiont is that if anyone sees something thats not right, they need to t raise their hand. And, you know, the track workerw track every day. Day we inspect the entire systeme sm twice a week. We walk the system. E ste and thats what thesehe individuals do. O. And they know they know theow width between the rails. Ails. Its fairly straight forward. Wa they know the conditions of thee ties. Theyre looking at the spikes. Spike those are things that, upping,p, thats pretty straight forward to do. To do. And so i feel fine what we found unfortunately is what we found. U reporter okay. Ep o i know we have to go. G i do want to ask this lasts l question. If you hear half of your rail inspectors are facing facin disciplinary act up to t termination how do you inspectho your tracks then. W yorack sure. Were using other people that weve had a lot of people havege track experience that moved onto to other things. Otherhing were using outside consultantsn and looking at technology. Theres a lot of video and lases Type Technology that we want tot introduce to reduce the needs n for some and also step it up ata little bit. Tt all right. Ht. Mr. Wiedefeld thank you verynk u much. Thanks bob. Appreciate you being with us morning. A lot going on heree you is incg reduced hours of service next n summer for the next two years. Os rail side after 11 30 at nightig and on weekends up until 1am ana rail service not beginning on o sundays till 8am. Am. Thats for two years startingrtn neummeummer. Again, all part of this news new culture here to make thingsng better and get the work donek d that needs to be done. Needso be guys. Have to get used to the new hours, bob. Bob. Appreciate that. Thanks very much. Apanks vmu metro is putting safety as as priority when it comes to it ani a lot of riders are looking for. President obama vowingg retaliation against russia over the alleged election hacking. Well talk with Chris Wallace. Fox5 along with make a wishh mid atlantic granting a speciall wish for this little boy. Oy his name is kaheem and he has leukemia and hes in treatmenttm currently. Wants to be a super hero to help people. People. Today hes going to get his special powers. Ec you dont want to miss it. Mis stay with us. Delays on the orange line le single tracking between newen nw carrollton and cheverly after early earlier fire atire a landover just a littlet metro mt update for through. Hr all you need to know if that is your wayat in. In. Or home. Local lawmaker calling onali congress to delay the Electoral College vote plus president barack obama vowing retaliationa against russia over thehe president ial election hacking. G Chris Wallace host of fox newsow sunday joins us with more. Me. Chris, before we get to that ive got to know how your epic helicopter ride to thehe Army Navy Game with the president elect, how did alltew that go last week . O st w well, it wasnt a helicopter. It was trump force one. It was his custom designed 757 and all i can tell you its a pretty sweet ride. Ty swe [ laughter ]ughter ] okay. Now to the business now. The business end of it. F i you know lots of talk about what the electorate will do when its time to vote, and also, this nasty russian business of them e possibly meddling in ourn o ecection. Yeah, when you talk about tht lectors voting people may thinki they already voted on november 8th but as it wass it done by the founders in the constitution, the president pree doesnt become the president rese until the lectors we talk aboutk the electoral vote there are 538 of them and theyre a pouringed depending on who won in each eac state, and now youve got aouvg number of democratic lectors and one republican, one republicanec who are saying they dont wantat to vote u intelligence briefing about the hacking of the american ari political system by the russiani as hey sigh this is almost all l think 60 of the 61 who have signed a petition in this regart are democrats so theresohere certainly seems to be a sign a theyre trying to overturn orr under cut donald trump. Mp. Well be talking to two of those lectors on sunday were also wes going to be talking to a membera of congress from virginia don buyer who is saying that theyg should delay the vote. Ould its supposed to take place onao monday. Nd they should delay the vote until they get that intelligenceli briefing. I think thats very unlikelyely because among other things none of these election tours or very few of them have securityur clearance of all of this o t information is classified. Also have a member of the trump team who they feel that this iss all in and effort by democrats who interesting because trumt got so much heat for his refusas to say he would accept thecc t results of the collection nowcto they say its the democratsrats doing the same thing. We between get to your powero our hearts here in the dmv ass its known. The new head or the head of mgm because we now have little fanciness on the potomac. Ac well thats right. Rig we talked actually well run itn last week but of course all thet stuff happened with donald trump but jim mew ren the executive e whatever i forget his exactis e title of mgm resorts hes thees head guy. Chairman. Hairn. Ceo. Thats right. Chairman. Ceo. Ch 1. 4 billion into the mgm resort. We were there before the opening and ofe coursbee we have some o the stops since the opening. S si if you havent been out thereavt its a prett by cool place. Lace. I mean theres gambling im notn a big gambler but the casino iss literally bigger. R bigger footprint than the whitei house but there are also 15o 1 restaurants including brian, jose andres, and theyre goingyg to have Top Entertainment there everybody from cher and i knowha youre a big cher fan allison. S thats right. To bruno mars. M so its a pretty cool place an lot of reasons they thinkhey theyll get an average of 20,000 people a day at mgm. Gm we take you behind the scenes ue meet the guy who brought mgm tot the potomac. And why . Thats my bigsy question. I mean its like vegas, then us. No. He has very good answer. Good theyre not putting a billion without doing their mark Research Much he says its a huge tourist area. St are theres three airports. Rports washington never has a bad dayeb economically because were not as prone to the recessions thata go on in the rest of the country. And he said that, you know, people thinks will stay forlf an extra day to come out and visit. Vi the mgm resort out on thehe potomac. All right. We forward it to, chris,hris and see you on sunday. Sunday. You bet. 1. 4 bill will be paid off ii no time if not already. Already already found. Ound. December 16th have i that downit as a moment i can have helped to fill in Chris Wallaces memoryem on something vast knowledge. Hold on to that one. H iold thought you were dating te date of bruno mars concert. Cert cher book two weeks of showso here locally. Cal. Perhaps shell be a guest ine the loft. Wouldnt that be great. Ld b fancy. Okay. Thank you thats my cher. In case you thought i was having a mental break down. Dow. Facebook cracking down on fakenk news. Fine out how next. Imagine the hair was there. We first a holiday greeting from am local Service Member overseas. S. Cody pool from 791 is the p securityool forces squadron no dakota. I want to wish my family andmily friends back in maryland and inn minnesota happy holidays and one message from me, skull likings. Now i feel like were one bie happy familiarly. Yeah. Happ couldnt stand it any more. Dt finally the holidays are hay here. He you look great actually. Actua busting out in spirit. Ngn sp i like it. Maybe its me. Aybe i dont see the ugly if your sweaters. Eaters. You dont. Nor in yours mine says son of a nutcracker. On of a nua nutcracker. I think theres somethingtc more to that. Racker. The well let it go. L let it [ laughter ] were super jealous that tha yours lights up. P. I press this little button bo and it keeps lighting up. Ingp. Ancycy. I was m whats going on. M w lets do weather. O weather. 19 in washington. Ashi wind chills are still in theill Single Digits 11 here in thehe city. Ci lots of layers. Ay make sure you bring yourbring r christmas sweater along with yo when you head out this morning. G well be cloudy and cold today. Upper 20s perhaps few getting ig the low 30s up side of the he forecast less wind than yesterday. Ye then lets focus on overnightrnt tonight and early saturdayy morning. Wintry mix on the way. The primary concern we in the weather world have that weret going to have an icing issueue early tomorrow morning for parts of the area. Rea very cold yesterday very coldy l this morning. Morni of course that will transfer too the ground temperatures and what looks to be a light rain eventnt will freeze on the surface andfa well probably have freez sleet and maybe light snowht sw accumulations north and west. W. Overnight tonight. Ight i think after probably one, one 2 00 oclock in the morning through maybe nine,ybe ne, 10 00 oclock tomorrow morning. I then it should transition too light rain. Ain. Ok. Y. Real quick. Re those are weather alerts. Are we wintater storm watch and winterr weather advisory for the areaa for after midnight. Ni good to know. All right. Big day. Day were going to have our big b reveal the exciting part of thef morning weve all been waitingag for. It is finally here. It its going to be very special il for all of us right here at hera fox5. It is all for this little fo angel kaheem and we are were partnering with make a wish midm atlantic for a season of wishes mpmpaign. Hes five years old. s fye hes fighting leukemia and hea e wants to be super hero. Today hes going to get thatt chance. An hes going put his super hero hr powers to work in just about twt minutes hes going to learn that his wish has been granted. Gra stay with us. Stay with us. Did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back . Say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. Comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet thats 10 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. Say hello to internet speeds up to 150 mbps. And add phone and tv for only 34. 90 more a month. Call today. Comcast business. Built for business. Great time of the morning it is. Thats kaheem all weengk weve been telling you about ourur special friend kaheem who is who five years old. Now, kaheem has leukemia. Kemia hes in treatment now. Not stopping that smile, though isnt it. I steve. Not at all. Were partnering with make ah mk wish mid atlantic for itst season of wishes campaign, andp, today is the day weve beenee waiting for. Waiting f we are going to help to special wish for kaheem. So kaheem could have anythinn in the world. Inhe wor right. Ight he chose to help others. Ther i love it. I love it he wants to be a super hero. R so right now, he is about to get his call to action. Ct lets take look. K kaheem, the super hero council and spiderman need youru help. Kaheem, please listen. Aslis kaheem, theres trouble in the city. Thee ci. Kaheem, the super heroer h council of america has called us. Us kaheem, firefighters arem,irf super hero friends and were an looking for a brave boy and we d know thats you. So kaheem, say hi to mr. Wisdoms gone outside and meet your firefighter friends. Kaheem, whats going on . How you doing young man . Dog young how are you. U. Look who that is. L thats batman, right . I . Understand thats one much your favorite. Thats one of your favorites. Yor look, batman i talk to batmano b this morning you see that rightt there. I talk to him this morning. Orng youre going to be a hero. Youll be a super hero and hero today. Da i brought friends along with mem from the fire department. Hi, kaheem. How are you. You want to go outside andside a get on the fire truck . Yay. Y come on lets go. Well hang out today. Lets go make this happen. N. Joke. Youre on tv. We know you like the tv picture, right . Lets go. Lets g come on. Lets go. Here we go. Hego mom is over here. Is over can i give you your firstours super hero hat . Hat . Thats a gift from us. U big day for you all right. Llt well go save some people. We going to meet the super heroo council. Coun lets go. Ts gogo. Lets walk. Lewalk. Lets go. T mom has got you. Yu. Come on. Look at all these peoplese po right here. [ cheers and applause ] and today is the big day. E bigay [ cheers and applause ] kaheem you excited . [ applause ] well go hang out. Ut does that sun like fun . F . Umhmm. You like fire trucks . Tru all right. N. Ts go make it happe all right . Here we go. Can my mom come too. Yes. You. Ou go with we got it set up so mom andnd your friend can go with you as well. Whats your favorite superavp hero . Spiderman. You like spiderman. You like the marvel you guys ri . Okay. All right. Okay. So look you see the big trucks k ov herere . Umhmm. You like the lights . All right. You l were going to make it happen. Okay . Okay . Its going to be a very big dag y. Very big day. Very big day you excited about your day . D all right. All right. Right. All for you buddy. You bdy. Going to be a lets go over this way. Come on. N well give you super powers. Very special trip. All right. Rht were going to get on the truck. K [ applause ] were going to take off hereh and check back in with you. Ill going to turn this off. Im going to turn this off. What do you think . Yeah . Heres whats going happen now we hope you stay withs wh ut i think its a little hard to hd hear because all the noise fromo the fire trucks. Everything thats happening. But kaheem wants to be super hero hes gotten the call toal t action from real heroes in our Community Like the firefighters and Police Officers and responders. Very cool. By e has a very busy day ahead ofda him. Him because he has to save a whole w bunch of people today. As a super hero. Er we want to you stay with us sta throughout the day today. Ug hes actually goingho tuto be on way here to the studio. So well all have a chance tohae meet kaheem and we can talk with him, and then hes going to be e whisked away to save the day fof so many, hit a lot of places inn d. C. D. We dont want to give all thet cretets away. Stay with us on air and online n on our social media pages throughout the day today. Hout te youll be a able to follo dw ala with kaheems wish day. His smile has not gone awayoa the whole time. E whe ti hes five years old. S o so thats little. Lite. Its a lot going on for him r right now. Ri hes a little kindergartner. N so, you know, but i think t hes getting everything thats happening because his little h face is just been lit up like tuckers christmas sweater all day when weve seen him thisim i morning. We can wait to meet him. An wai hes on the way ht ertoe to thee station as steve said, and agaid we are partnering with make a wish mid atlantic to help make kaheems super hero wish dayay come true. Rue. Cannot wait. Stay with us all w day. Day look at his little bag. Super cape. Ape. Website today theme saves ses d. C. Org you can fine out norut information and how you can hell out as well. Youre involved, too, tuck . . My mission is topsecret. Ec i cant give it away but im i going to be involved as well aaa little later this morning. All right. Right see the smile when he saw thesmn fire truck. He was like yay going to be exciting. Every little boy wants to li ride on fire truck. T and little girl. A lit et cetera gets to be hero. Real quick. Let me go to a map. Let me g i wano t to give you heads up mh winter wither advisory and winter storm watch for tomorrowo morning. Rning today upper 20s low 3 skies this is for tomorroworro morning. Could be icing issues this iss s not really going to be snoweno event more like a sleet andle freezing rain even just keep kep mind tomorrow morning thereni could be icing issues between be 4am and 10am tomorrow. Okay. Oka. More weather momentarily g t know. Check in with erin get a look a the roads. 8 37 right now f youre taking metro from earlierlier disable train dealing with smoking brakes train evacuated t at landover watch for residual d delays in both directions. Econ single tracking New Carrolltonro to cheverly. Rly let you know as soon as thes soh orange line gets back to normal. Later volume than we typically y see we have a crash on the outee loop dealing with slow trafficff back to the beltway as well as s crash on pennsylvania avenuevenu eastbound. So watch out for that one. Ch oot things are slowing down there. Re as you make from your beltway tt the Prince Georges County. Unty outer loop crash at 450 delaysel back to 50. To inner loop looking good. Lking d inner loop pretty quiet as yous make your way across the wilsonn bridge as well and as you make your way out connecticut Avenue Northwest northbound crash at per of extra congestion onio secondaries through kensingtonts as well ains Wheaton Glenmont mc nothing keep in mine as you head to forty one work this morning. G aside from that eastbound 29 crash blocking the left lane ata monument drive. Rive 66 pretty quiet this morning ini rms s of volume. Just a little bit of congestiono us a make your way after 28. Ft 2 closer to inside the beltway. Bw keep updated on your commute ana dont forget safetrack surge 111 impacting orange and silver with single tracking between east and west falls church. Hu any questions erin fox5 on itteter. Sneak peek of the lights that will bring in the new year in ie tisquareuare. W starbucks is out with neww holiday drink. Rink well tell all about it coming m up. Kaheem is on his way here to fox5 and he is in a fire truckeu ready to save the day. D so stay with us for more of kaheems special day all comingc up a little bit later. 8 38. 8 38. Afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. Headed to fox5 right now and you talk about having an excellentnt escort on the way. Eay i know. Look there you see where he is. I heres the deal. L. The fire truck on the why. W today is kaheems wish day. Y hes the super her row today. Od i think actually its thehe firefighters who are getting the escort from the super hero. O right. R how about that. Im pretty sure how it worksks today. Were happy to be a part of be o kaheems special coverage all morningor long make this five year oldsld dream true. True it will be lot of fun. Of look at him checking it it out. I like that Vantage Point much c hes in that seat of honor onorn the right look at what lookshatl like from the outside. Kem the o. So on the way here. The y her we cannot wait to meet him. H back to news now. New york city times square new w york city times square gearing up for the new years of courses crews unveil the number one anda number seven that will make up l the year 2017 that will light ut times square at midnight on on december 31. Total of 496led light bulbs will be used on the lights. Meantime, looking for fun way to kick off the new year. He new yea well why not ring in 2017 with pitbulls new years revolution. The show airs december 31stbe right here on the mighty fox5. 5. Wisdom already dvring. I assuming they recycle the twot and the zero every year. Ea i assume. Ume. Today is National Ugly chrisr nass sweater day and well bee honoring the day. If you are celebrati send us or ugly sweater photos hash tag fox5 ugly sweater. Hi cheryl. He weve gotten pictures from number of people so far. So far we had ours on earlier. Arlier thats a nice sweater as well. Little body builder santa. Thats cute. s c keep the pictures coming. Ing. We had ours on for second for ar sneak preview. Vi well put them back on goodd day. Lets check out with holly ck find out whats coming up at thi top of the hour. We got a lot going on on a friday on good day. D its going to be whole lot oflel fun much as you just saw live te event that is sure to warm youry heart on this friday. Friy we all need warming on this o t frigid friday, right . Join . J kaheem as he gets ready to savee dc the fiveyearold super heror will be live us with us any minute plus, heres something sm for you. Do you need tips for hostingos that Holiday Party . We have ale the must have that is will havev your guests saying how do you yu that . At 10a, wait for it, dmvd live in the loft the legendary faith shes coming into the studio soo stay right here because whatt local morning show can boat alla of this . Very exciting good day d. C. Just minutes away now. Isnt it always but b especially today with kaheem. Ahe he is special daal with ourl super hero kaheem. Ee looking for super show todayd just in time for the holidayd season james corden treating usu to a starstudded renditiontion during a classic christmas songn during a carpool karaoke. Kevin mccarthy saw the new t star wars movie. Ov youll go concert and buy a shshirt. Kevin went to the movie and waiw until you see what hes wearing. Hell join us with his review coming up in just a bit. All right. Ight this is kaheem on his way to the station. Theyre close al. Th they are. Eyr they are. Theyre getting close. Yre hes getting the ride in thet fire truck or hes using the fire truck as his super heroo vehicle. Yes tsave tve the day. He his special escort. Sct if you want to help out youut can go to the website you see ae the bottom of the screen kaheem saves d. C. Org. If you missed it earlier kaheemh this is his make a wish day partnering up with make a wishis mid atlantic to help kaheem. Ahm second whatever he wanted and he wanted to be a super hero anderd help others we are partneringtn him with real heroes and hellll take that hero stage to thege to super level. L Tucker Barnes is a big partit of it. Of it tucker y day . I cannot wait. Wai when i was kid kid wait a minute. W we got to get to you in 10 seconds. Thats right. Allison when i was a kid inh want the to be super weatherman. Look at you now. You made itbe s l stop evil with the forces ofo nature. Nature and where a light up Christmas Tree sweater. Sweater. That wasnt on the list,t steve. Wasn thats the way it work out. Wo. Cold air is in place tonight. Heres your headlines. Eain its all about overnight tonighn early tomorrow morning were w focused on right now. Focused looks like well get a period od light snow but concerned aboutro icing issues maybe a glaze of ge ice this would be early tomorror morning. Mog. Today youre fine. Yo to night youre fine. Nigour early tomorrow morning we canngc have a glaze of ice out therehee and then it will change to justt light rain by saturday lateday l morning early afternoon. Noon. Actually i think tomorrowomor afternoon we should be in for partial clearing. Here are the currenthere the temperatures. Ashington. Hingto lots of layers, yes, wear yourou ugly christmas sweater but weara layers on top of that as well. Sl 19 in leonardtown and 19 in 19 i fredericksburg as well. W cloud cover for us today. And this is a warm front bringing light snow showers off to the north and west anond wed be dealing with that later thist afternoon and tonight and thats where well get light preciprecp from overnight tonight earlyhtar tomorrow morning. As we start to wtoarm up thehe atmosphere. Winter weather advisory for the immediate Washington Area wintei storm watch to our north andnd west again light snowlightw accumulations but there could be nice glaze of ice on those t roadways by early tomorroww morning. Theres future cast. Theretu just clouds this afternoonfton thats at midnight tonight. Ioni want to point out early tomorror morning looks like that wintrytn mix across the area that will t give way to cloudy skiesy ski tomorrow afternoon. Listen, again, tomorrowain tomow afternoon youre in good shape. S allison has a Big Birthday Party tomorrow night. You got plans n afternoon aftno tomorrow, youll be fine. Rrow, look at your daytime high high 52 degrees. Theres your seven day. Getting cold again next week thk weekend nice warmup after a verr cold start to the day. Sta to th all right. Al a lot going on around am ion tv . Back to you guys. G you sure are tucker. Kaheem is almost. Almost. Y theyre here. Thats our back lot. Tha so youll get tto meet him n just a couple of minutes. Ies yes. Hes going he has super sr hero business to tend to first. T why am i excite the leak imk about to do something. Do somet its an im exciting morningg okay. Well check back in with kaheema in a couple of minutes ackndes welcome here to the fox5 studioi facebook is stepping up to up battle back against fake news fn stories. The social network announcingnnu yesterday it will work with Fact Checking outlets to flaglag questionable stories. Before somebody shares a fake f story theyll get a warning its accuracy has been deleted. Et Mark Zuckerberg denied fake newn was even a serious issue. I watched this video it i starts out with mariah carey. Everybody is involved and earlyr Christmas Gift particular jamesj corden a spe christmas carpool karaoke. This karaoke stars from the t past, adele, lady gaga, nick i dont know isnt that so, selene gomez belting out mariahs caryc spin on this anthem. All i want for christmas. Did they just kevin isin i with us now for a look at theoo fox beat too. T is this something they taped nen or or no. This was year in the works . From what i understand thestd exact same setting. Sti they recorded one song and welw play it for the holidays. Genius. Because thats the exact sams outfits they were wearing wheneg they did the show originally. Oi i think its great. I very very cool. Ery y coolco. You know what else is coolw you picked up as i told allisonl you went to the concert andce a brought a tshirt home with youu i keep forget how ridiculousc this looks until i see it on tht com rah. Co this is a full on o stan out or camouflaged withd everything i cant really tell. T im also wearing star warsar underwear. Just want to let you guy that. At. Tmi. I just wanted to let you guy know. Kn i dont care. Ar star wars rogue one opens uppe today in theaters it takes between episode three and four. U first star wars movie to comeo e out was 1977. T was97 that was episode four called a e new hope. H this takes place right beforehtf the events of that film. The rebels are stealing thealing plans for the death star whichri leads directly into episode fouf of star wars. Ars. Its a little bit confuse. Con it makes sense. It s se technically the eighth starhh wars movie. The action in this film ishis ls amazing you just saw donny hes 93 mammal. Cast is incredible. Of the second act i thought wasg a little bit slow some of thesof dialogue was a little bit forced at times no pun intended it does work overall as an action movie. Its a war film essentially. The third act is worth every single piece of your money. Oney to see in theaters. T i mentioned this earlier. Er i know i said Something Like this before. Theres a two mthinutise scene e this film that i i wanted tot go back and just watch faces react. React i mean that is the definition of nerd tears. Trs this scene in my opinion is the greatest seen this character has ever had in an entire star warss movie. Then its darth vader. Vad im in the telling you who in is. Is she gave us a clue f i see f now i want to watch for that tww minutes. Im not telling you what thel scene is. Li we know its not jar jar jar binks. Come on. It wont be one of the oness thats new. We never heard of before. Eabefo [ laughter ] [ that actor right there ben tn mendelson is amazing it opens uu today in theaters. Ater i do not recommend seeing it ini i max 3d digitally here i wouldo see it in 2d or dolby. Ol save some money. Im going to see it in 2d70millimeter i max thismeter weekend out in los angeles. I wont sleep all day saturday t want to see it again. A any way, four out of five forver that. That not as good as the force awakens definitely worth seeing if see youre star wars fan. Rs f. Highly rem it for action. You spent four minutes s foue speaking out about star wars. Ws p best picture of the year lala land. Aspiring actress who fall in f i love. Betitiful film. Let me just ask you this. Sk i we do this all the time when wew talk about why it becomes a critics darling or a hollywoodoy darling. Right. This like stories rove mansm and business and failed attempts in hollywood have been toldn t before. Be not like this. What makes this that gotoo lo 31yearold film maker whosk all right directing one of thecn greatest movies ive ever seen. S did he whiplash. Hipl i dont care about that. On i wanting to movie atnd b celow away. Aw it will. Why. Because of everything the se o modernizingodni the musical, the performancesrmn are phenomenal. Elma stone. Ryan gosling is really playingla the film. The john legend is in it. Its such a great film allll around. Arnd. Ive seen it three times. Tes look at the beautiful cinema cin gravy there i gave it five out e five number three of the year y hyped arrival and behind numberm one which is dead pool. Dead pool the best move voteovee year. You leave it all on the floor. I just love dead pool. Love d tnknks kev. Kev will sting around e has a very big role in todays speciai event. Im so excited. I our super hero is in thein t building. Here . Ere . Well meet kaheem in just aem minute. Also fruit cake you love it iitc get it for every year for theakt holidays. Long time zero tradition, right . [ laughter ] well be right back to tellat you all about fruit cake. Seriously. Risly. Really . Uhhuh. Really . Yeah. Im confused. Stronger is rebuilding a newborns heart. And restoring a fathers faith. Stronger is being a typical kid. Stronger is seeking answers and not giving up until you find them. Because we dont just want kids to grow up. We want them to grow up stronger. With your support, we can find more answers faster. Make a gift today at childrensnational. Org givenow make a gift today at childrensnational. Org givenow kisses deluxe chocolates. With a whole roasted hazelnut, delicate crisps and layers of rich, creamy chocolate, theyre twice the size of the kisses chocolates you love. Say more with kisses deluxe. We all know flute cake longon time holiday tradition for somes families. On the on theetting festivities. Fest instead of buying you fruit cakc i can get i was fruit cakeake cappucino. Ino. I love fruit cake. They have a fruit cake frap ce available only until sunday then drink starts with hazelnut cream frapuccino blended with drieded fruit and spiced with cinnamon topped with whipped cream, wippr caramel dots an sprinkle off macho. If i get it for you by sunday it will last till next week forr christmas. Chri thats funny. Tts back with a very special goog day coming up next. Ming up next. Straight ahead our firstur f chance for snow as a wintry mixy is moving not d. C. Region justij in time for the weekend. But first we have to deal withel temperatures in the teens. Ee the good news, more big changesg on the other side. Sid well have a live report. Pay back, president obama vowing to retaliation over russias alleged interference in the us elections and all ready touching off another battle witw the next commander in chief. A night of mourning f

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