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They let people in at 10 300 because it was so cold outside o and so many people were lined up. Traffic causing major headaches though and it only got worse as the eveningaffic tg progressed. Congestion didnt ease upio inside either. In fact somen h. Waited in line for hours just ht to get to where they werewhere t going inside thehe resort. Rt. Association its is it i better this morning . Whats wha the scene this morning, annie . Nn reporter hey, goodey, good morning to you allison. Allison. Good morning, everybody. Or well, i canni tell you willyou l right now that were still sll seeing that mixed crowd of of people. We determined folks trying toed test their f luck on thoseho machines and table games. But everyone t seems to be ino e pretty good spirits. Ty gooir the drinks are definitelyinit flowing. Weve also got people showing si up now at this early hour to sort of check it out and gambling in isnt for everybody but as we have been rebuporting this is trulyt as aa destination aplace where youhe can come to dine, to see some amazing shows and headliners and brenda and joseph farmerh fm join me now from morning sidengd maryland prince georges pe ge county. Been living there for 27 because youve really watchedy c this, you know, grow from fro beginning to end. E what do you think about it . You i think itsit wonderful iti a beautiful place. The scenery what it has to offer restaurants shops, this is an array of things. Tngs. Its wonderful. Onderf reporter you came thisth morning to check it out and a you were just strolling through. Did you make your way into the casino yet or you no. N we walked through thelkhrou casino. Reporter impressed. Ter i impressed. Reporter this is a one poin Rushern Baker of course the the county exec says hes pleasedas with it going to bring a lot l of money into maryland butand also Governor Hogan sayingin its going to trickle intockle o virginia and d. C. So what do you guys think about it being bg residents of maryland . Maran we are very excited aboutxcit it. It its positive. It will h poselp the schools ouo and the community, the prince ti georges county communities son it will really help us hp us financially for the state of o maryland. Reporter g enjoy reporter y yourselves. All right. Association you know, young, yesterday everythingveryg went fine. The only hiccup were hearinge a about is this video on social media, some of you may haveay h seen it. We know weve run into someto s people that saw it asmall asll fight broke out inside thee th casino. We spoke to the mgm officials here and they tell us it was a w small fight, no major injuriesne and their Security Team wasam able to come in and escortt those involved outside. Outsi other than that, you know,no they have security around the t clock. Its a 24 hour casino and they tell us they have their ownthr Security Team as well asl Prince Georges Countynce officers here on site. You. I know officers are busy oute by there on the roads thisds thi morning directing traffic. G tra how is it looking now . Now . Reporter its lookingng certainly much better than it did yesterday asmuch b people we lined up here to get into the parking lot. Ot but certainly there was a lotasa of trouble especially on the t overflow roads. 200 Police Officers from Prince Georges County on handhd to direct the traffic flow around. Youre looking right now as we go around theng r perimeter roaa here but you can see where especially if you look at somef of the video fromyo yesterday,td too. To its the overflow roads withoadt the Major Concerns forts fort washington, temple hills, forest heights, oxon hill roadoh foril sure, three intersectionst there and we know at one points yesterday three exits on the outer loop of the beltway h oad tuto be closedlos because traffic on the wilsonn h bridge was at a standstill andsa that was at 11 48 p. M. P some people saying it was was taking them 30 minutes to getet across the Wilson Bridge. You can see that the traffic t only into prince georgesin county but also intolso i alexandria Northern Virginia no as well. Now, Prince Georges Countyy police have said theyre really going take haav look at this first 72 hours, these first three days of Opening Weekend and then get a sense of whether they need to maked te any changes to their trafficir c management plan. Ma what youre looking at rightat r here is the new twitter handletl at nh travel tips. Ips. That is National Harbor travelrl tips. Thats going to give youtips realtime information frommationm National Harbor and from their r Traffic Control center. Cen routes in and out. Ut following that rather thaner t sometimes following your gpsfoln directions which doesnttions wc always have the up to date information. Aaa midatlantic also lookingki at traffic around here very closely. El were on monument drive rightnue now. Now. This is sort of a cut throughutt here where a lot of peoplere come to get onto the beltway and you can a it maongine when u do have traffic trying to get into the facility as well as wes traffic trying to get onto the t beltway, how that can stack up. What a beautiful view i have to mention that. I love this advantage pointsoi here but again, aaa midatlantic really watching watn this closely. Cloly theyre concerned about theco increase in traffic ever sncincs National Harbor started to grow, theyre saying it could get 12 million visitor as year e adding another 70,000 cars a0 cr week definitely could have acoua negative impact on the neighborhood so something that everyone will be watching so chg very, very closely but this morning, looking pretty good so far. Back to you guys in the studio i thanks very much. Tha all right. Lets talk about thatha traffic because i sat in it i for two hours. Hou he was a crankosaurus. Osaus. Almost woke up with myost woi girlfriend on the wayth almost s crashed my car and took me and m hour and a half to get in the parking garage but high a great time once i got there. Tr greater. It was all worth it once i got there. Run inall wo washington. Hingto steve have i complained you to m once about this experience. Was he cranky last nightut. G on another level. L on another level. Ev. Come on tuck. Uck. 27 in gaithersburg. 7 in g hey ayour wind chills, thiss,hi is the real story. L winds out of the north andorth west about 15 to 20s. A it is going to be a vboery coldd day today. Tod bitter cold this morning. C at least by ourold standards. And later today wind chillsd ch only will be in the upper 20s p to about 30 so make sure you are dressed appropriately. Priate should be plenty of sun. S it will be a dry friday. Frida daytime highs about 40 but 40 again wind chills will be in the low 30s and it will bee cold again tonight and a cold well talk about the weekend abo and next week. A lot of cold around for the next couplole weed arks. You were just sitting inere t the car like an old man in theae front seat being grumpy therumpe whole way there. Ill show you theole wa text. L later. Oh, okay. H, oka erin got some too. I got an emoji with theith t eyes looking up because i bse didnt know what to say. At to spriggs road in Prince William north of minnieville road r motorcycle and dump truckcle ank crashed. Because of that keep it to dale boulevard. Dalays in that area. Of t arent also breaking news inkinw your way out connecticut avenue by well erode. Ede a crash closing the southboundi lanes. Use the service road to getse around that. Rvicar lets forward our maps. Ur we have other problems in the t area in adelphi New Hampshire he avenue northbound also a crashsh at adelphi road so leadingeadi towards the beltway youll hitwh an atypical slow do youw y remember once up get to the gett beltway outer loop jams fromter 95 over to georgia with abouthbo a 20s minute slowdown. Forwarding our maps again inner loop from an earlier crash a disabled after littleert river turnpike. Urike. That crash youre in for a bigog delay with speeds underpeeds unr 10 miles per hour. Es perour. 395 northbound starting to jamto up as well and then aside from the safe track work right nowriw with continuous singleous single tracking between west falls b and East Falls Church metro isee looking really niles rightlet now. All earlier red line problemsem did clear up and keep in mindind if youre headed out to mgm starting to see things pick ups across the Wilson Bridge as wilr wellid as 210 inbound towards ts the beltway. Back to you guys. Uy it is sentencing day forgay f the anker tire family after crashing into them on riverve road back in february. He pled guilty in august to t vehicular manslaughter ther mang 20yearold was driving ass dris fast as 115 miles an hour on hon river road in bethesda. Hit the brakes but crashed cra into another vehicle. Noth vehic. The impact killed a couple and their 18yearold son. S now the couples daughteraughte survived this horrific crash. Ch support for d. C. Pizza parlor p targeted by gunman over a fakeak online news story. The four day stand with comet events set to begin today. Od comes near al week after aeeaft North Carolina man fired shots d and pointed a gun at an employee claim it was responsewe to a fake news article that aict alleged the restaurant was ae front for a child sexex trafficking ring. Ing. Police however say thosehose claims are not true. Yesterday his did he First Defense team said they stillyti need more time to prepair. Foxdoug luzader has moreer h this morning from capitolas hill. Hill. Reporter a lot of blanks are now filling in as far as trumps cabinet isr allin conc. Beyond Vice President mike pence though all of these positions still have to beice th confirmed by the senate andnd battles. Battles. . . In reporter donald trump in iowa last night continuingontinn what he calls his thank youhanku tour talking about the administration that is nowt ow taking shape. Hape. Were in the process of putting together one of the t great cabinets that has everer been assembled in the history of our nation. N do you like it so far everybody . [cheers and applause]and apause] reporter trumps cabinet can picks so far have that t hardened c wondered where thenderedhere president elect really stands. A two of the most recentof ones may really up the ante with democrats in t rea cllongr. Oklahoma attorney generaly Gen Scott Pruitt to head the the environmental protectionnm agency and foren ltaabor secrety fast food exec andy puzder. Puze pruitt has been an outspoken epa critic even joining otherngr attorneys general in suing theut agent z trump supporter newter w gingrich says that shouldnthodn matter. It is nonsense to suggestgg that opposing epa regulationsulo that are stupid means youretupi dirty water. Wa reporter but the reporter Democratic Party is b energizedd by those kinds of o environmental battles. Bales dont forget theres a lothe of important money in the democratic camp from tom styrety among others that flows in theie Democratic Party based onatic p Environmental Issues so those kinds of people will really be arguing to take a stand onn scott pruitt. Pru reporter andy puzder as a labor secretary is a little l more complicated. Mo as ceo of fast food chains hardys and carls junior he opposed hikes in the minimum wage but has also supportedppor the expanded use of immigrant labor. Labo could be one of those odddd picks that annoys bothys b sidessism republicans wontm have much rreoopum to sparem top theyll only have 51 or 52 seats in the senate next year y just a bear majority but thanks to rule changes made by democrats, all you need is isd i a simple majority in the senate now to confirm cabinet cn picks n washington, Doug Luzader Fox news. Ews. News from afghanistanstan overnight did he first for an unannounced visity ash nt meeting with the president of afghanistan. Gh ash carter will deliver a preholiday pep talk to u. S. Troops thisay pep his last trooo afghanistan thats planned before that handing offer his jobt hand to his successor. Ceor holiday shoppers. Holiday. Big time retailers accused ofcco fake advertisements. Can you believe that. E th yeah. Are the mark downs really aar gok od deal. Od d well keep an eye on mgm m National Harbor all morning m the first full day offirst ll business. 7 12. 7 12. Your path to retirement may not always be clear. But at t. Rowe price, we can help guide your retirement savings. So wherever your Retirement Journey takes you, we can help you reach your goals. T. Rowe price. While we wait for bitterle w cold temps to set in this weekend snow is falling in other parts of our country. E tf in o cou michigan three people p in a 40 car pileup nearp n nansing. In ohio 50 vehicles wereicles wr crash last night due to slick roads. Ro more snow is expected east ofof the Mississippi River over the next couple of days. D it is 7 15 right now. Ht n heres a look at the whitehehi house this morning. Ning. Flag is flying pretty good goo clip out there though thenh th means the wind is just crankedte up this morning with the air temps in the 20s in a lot of places. So weird. Look at all the trees in thealt front. Like suddenly theyre green one minutes and that theyre beautiful bright colors. Olor i noticed that last weekend. I was drivingt just like bear trees everywhere. Evywhere sky turned gray. Turnegray suddenly its glinted but feels like thenl hy olidays. That it does. D right . It does. D lets get to it. L lots to talk about. You guys lots chilly ocean right now. Ight snow up into oregon up inn seattle they had snow. S great lakes, lake effect snows have been kicking in. Been ckin thats showing you the wind thew flow there, the arrows you canau see there and we got strong northwest winds this morning. Int 31 in washington. Asng wind chills will be hanginghill out in the upper 20s and low 30s all day long for us todaysp our temperatures today wellodayl below normal. Ma not only here in washingtonin wg you guys mentioned all theed a trouble spots. Po look how much cold air is all the way down houstony ton thist morning in the upper 30s. 3 places like denver 6 degreesr 6g this morning casper minusper min nine. Steve you know where were whe w going. Go go offer to the yukon, old crow. Old crow still hanging outrot at minus 46. 4 same as yesterday. Esterd is that the coldest spot onoo this whole thing this ones period. Appears to be the coldeest spot in north america right now. Three Straight Days at minus 44 or below. Elow steve nice call. Swan river there is up toplinepp us in 15 this morning though. Ho. Hell mess around and take your job tuck. Thats pretty you. Get the idea here. Thade. Were going tap into that cold c several times in the next the n couple weeks and i think werehk going to keep temperaturesture well below normal around herearh for the foreseeable future. Ur all right. Look at all those lake effectal snows kicking in. Th lakes stisnll on the warmhe w side and you push the cold air snows into upstate new york, parts ofto m uichigan seeing eit to 12 and some cases 15 to cas 1 20s inches so pretty decentttyt stuff going on to our north. R n for us 42 today. 42 t it will feel much colder thancor that with the winds. That tomorrow is cold. S c we could end the weekend with ed a bit of a wintry mix sunday t anigh wt into monday. So watch the weekend forecast fs here with gwen. Gwe what did you say say . Hat diy . A little wintry mix. A i think the lit worst [laughter] liest chances of that will be north and west of the city. C ndest okay. Exotic a beautiful trip tori swan river. It did. So nice. N its minus 14 degrees. S minud the kind of weather i dontoi like. [laughter] right now as we take a live look this is aow a look at 66 as you pass 28. Some volume right there. Vol not terrible. Errie following like we were seeing sg yesterday but from 234 Prince William parkway 28 a littly ebul bit of stopandgo traffic westbound side picking up a bit towards gains vigil as wens forward our cameras inner loopnr all jammed up from springfieldpd interchange up to gallowsoal road. Little river turnpike. Ike. Youre if inn for about a 15 a minute slow down. Outer loop looking bnuetteter. Once you cross 95 and get toet o the springfield interchange inte 395 little bit of heavy volume l past duke street from the area a of edsall road up to the t pentagon just be prepared forred about 10 minutes of minutes stopandgo traffic. Traic that should add just a fewt a moments to your commute. Nts to this is 270 on the southboundoun side. Traffic looking good right right now. Just heavy from urbana down ton the spur. Pur. And yesterday anthony asked me what the spur s its the little hook at the end of 270 e when i say the spur thatspur what i mean. M northbound side lookingrthbound better. S several crashes on ours on o secondaries. Southbound connecticut avenuenda right now in aspen hill crashsh before randolph road closedd cld right now no lanes get buying. July to take the service roadcer around that one. Northbound 95 north of planknd5 road earlier tractortrailerraer crash fuel spill cleanup right i lane still blocked so youree backed up from u. S. 17 to. Three adding about 30 extra 3exr minutes to your commute. Our com. We have you covered. Cered pretty fro on time except for ec safe track. Steve and allison. Theres a giants swan right inst the main park in swan river a 30foot high swan. Why wouldnt there be. See whats in old crow. Hy wo. Coming down to the wire for w holiday shopping. I like it whhoen i leave you speechless this weekendch disturbing news to share. Bingew four Major Departmentdepartnt stores being sued foraying advertising to trick shoppersin into thinking youre getting atg big bargain for certain items. Bob is joining us flyerng bethesda. I got to be honest its not pretty to think that retailers do this but of courseou retailers whats the difference here . H reporter well, and its weli one of those things you look l at the price tags on an item ane and you figure okay, yeah,kay, y theyre playing with thela numbers here. Its basically buyer beware. Ber this is a case coming out off the city of los angeles. Aeles. The city has filed suit filed s against sears, macys j. C. Penneys and kohls. snd they call it false reference pricing and thats the allegation. Basically to compete with online retailers and so what wha price that you see was never the original price and thehe lawsuit cited two examples. E first of all here at sears s selling a kenmore washingas machine that was listed at at 1,179. 99 on sale for 999. 99 9 when it was according to thewaso lawsuit never sold for the higher thet ne price. Pri it was always sold for the lower fries price just under a thousand dollars. Secondth example cited comes from j. C. Penneys a maternity bathing suit topuit online on sale from the original price of of 46. It kept being marked down. The suit alleges it was never nv on sale for 46. The suit asking the question,tho is a bargain really a bargain ba and the interesting thing is both j. C. Penney and kohls kl were sued last year in 2015, a Class Action Lawsuit basicallyaw alleging the same thing. T both of those retailers retaile settled for millions off dollars and now here it is allegedly happening all over alo again but again, its just theju taking these four retailers too court. Co the Los Angeles Times first reporting this all fourour retailers told the times theyims had no comment about the allegations. Ga hm. All right. Its good to know when you look at those oopriced s whatpri youre really paying for song fr thanks bob. Anks b. We appreciate it. Ciat check out your sources. Ck o as the holidays app preach ae thieves are targetingti delivered packages left atred your door. This morning how police in onen on local county tracked down somedn of those stolen goods. N goods. Plus a d. C. Police officercec get Something National n attention for her work as a trailblazer in the transgender e community but a new reportor reveals disturbing details about her conduct, a fox5 exclusive is coming up. Ing u sing along with Furry Friends and stomp your feet to a sesame street beat sesame street live along when elmo makes music playing eaglebank arena december 1618 7 24. It was happy reunion last night in Howard County as Police Officers were actually able to retur hn maappynyin howe that had been stolen right offio of able to get those back to theact rightful owners. Police say an alert witness called 911 earlier this weekarlt reporting a box truck drivingng around the neighborhoodrhoo stealing packages, people peo driving it at least. Police tracked down there truck arrested two track men. M 77 packages found in the backd of of truck. In outrageous. Police able to get theme backab to where they need. Ee the worst thing is you dontou even know because you havent hv got 10 home to get the package. Youre like where is myre lik package. And it was delivered. S it was delivered and somebody took it. Found those people. Dont be caseund a grinch. Gric tuck just got moretu information for you about oldckb crow. Yeah. My goodness. Expecting how much could there be inul olds crow. Ol cro expecting lows of pushing minus 60. Thats some chilly air. Lly a i was about to talk about howow cold it is around here but doesnt really compare. Compare we are below freezing thisg morning. 31 in washington. Sun31 i is up and looking good t least were going get plentyleny of sunshine. Un check out your winds. Westnorthwest at 18 giving us a wind chill of just 19 and thats going to be the themengoe around here. Ar wind chill is going to be in i the 20s lows 30s for much ofm the day. Locally were looking at laker effect snows off to our north. U you can see those very impressive this morning andornia that flow will keep goingeep gog today so well keep the snows going off to our north andnd west. West. Well be looking at plenty of pf sunshine but a very cold day. Ldy arctic air mass in placenla across the midatlantic andatlaid that means temperatures atreat least 10 degrees below normal na for the next couple of days. Ays. 42 today. Tay that might be a littlee a little mitimistic. Maybe more like 39 or 40. O 40. 40 tomorrow. Omw. We may end the weekend sunday,un monday with a bit of a wintry wr mix by early monday morning somo just kind of keep an eye on the forecast this weekend asst well have to kind of monitor tt that. At that is a quick look at your seven day. Plenty of colder thon seven day. Day. Lets see how traffic is looking this morning. See meh. M. How you hanging in tucker . Ucr . Feeling rested for your friday. Id im exhausted. I arm ee you tired. I was out late last night. E. I know. All up past our bed times. Tim second cup of coffee and contemplating the third. Third. I have a feeling a lot of o people in the d. Are havingn tha similar experiences thisreexpern friday morning. C innelo branch avenue to the wilsonilso bridge with heavy volume. Avy vo. So if you are in that fact t fac waking up in prince georgesrge county, heading to mgm foror some Early Morning casinoo festivities or maybe justitie trying get to work watch for slow traffic on 210 inbounds t towards the beltway asffic on l through fort washington. H forthi five looking good. Ng good. Earlier crash in upperash in upr marlboro on four inbound didnbnd clear out by woodyard road. D northbound 395 edsall road to the 14th street bridge jams a bit on and off. Heaviest traffic from therom beltway to the area of seven ofn so watch for that through annandale. An 66. 95 is at speed but just aus little bit of increased volumee heading across the occoquan. Ccua south that are points inth fredericatksburg big backups byy plank road. Well take a look there next. A loote. Nd steve. Really exciting big gameame coming up this week. Countsdown to the army navythe game still hadi navy veteran going to join us live to had tat about the special meaningl mni behind the coin. Very special coin used for thehe pregame town many coin tosstown this year and well show it to you. Md weto lift. Cant wait to hear that story. Or plus american heroer aviation icon former u. S. Senator next to pour in for the late john lan glenn. 7 27. 7 stronger is rebuilding a newborns heart. And restoring a fathers faith. Stronger is being a typical kid. Despite a rare disorder. Stronger is seeking answers and not giving up until you find them. Because we dont just want kids to grow up. We want them to grow up stronger. With your support, we can find more answers faster. . . Much calmer scene right nown at least. East it is 7 29. 79. Youre watching fox5 news new morning, of course. Cours grand it is filled to capacity p was checking it out. T i wasnt there last night but b checking it out on twitter andtr all the other social media networks. Tw. They had to stop people from coming in and thats a greats ae sign for the economy aroundroun these parts in my opinion. Opio. Live look there at the mgm National Harbor. Arbo i cant wait to go and see it se for myself. Lets take a look though att top stories. Sries. News this morning at 7 30 we begin overseas six people areea dead and three others wounded ii egypts capitol after aner out of town to the great pyramids. Py Officials Say the blast targeted Security Forces but havent said what caused the explosion. South koreas first womanom president has been impeached. Eah the Parliament Vote dad to impeach the president and nowndn the countrys constitutionaliona court ruled on whether she musts permanently step down. Step d if shes formally unseated, sewell must hold a president ial election within 60 dates of dato days. Funeral range. Range astronaut and senator john glenn passed away in columbus yesterday. Er he was 95 yearsda old. Earsld hell be buried at arlingtonrlit national cemetery. Er glenn last returned to space in 1998 at the tender age of 77. 7 it is amazing. 7 31. 31. Time for fox5 exclusive. Si as fox5 uncovered disturbingturn information about dc policecic officer that has not been madene public until now. Sergeant Jessica Hawkins recognized for paving the wayora for so many like her serve forvr the past two years o t as a trance jent woman. Nt woman. Also become the face of the lgbb lay yea son unit. Fox fox learned of abuse andbusd tort and unbecoming conduct. Marina with the exclusive details. Ive accomplished a lot in my life. Shes been called a a trailblazer. Ai she was born billy but is now jessica, sergeant jessicatessi hawkins much her coming outs a transgender woman has been bee outlets. Nbc news put out this story as a woman who was helping buildng bi trust and easing fear in theea e district. Strict. These documents obtained by fox5 show a different side to thee to leader of the lgbt and transgender lee say yea son unit. It allegations the department foune to be quote extremely disturblyb allegations that were firstons w brought to the attention of hirn ups back in june and that were initially only part of ann admist but then were sent to the offict of the attorney general foral review. And just seven weeks ago, mpds internal Affairs Bureau founduod the majority of the allegationso were sustained. To separate complaint nantztz wrote Sergeant Hawkins badad judgment allowed her to takeake interns as to her unit outniu drinking with other mpds at fed dee as well known lgbt bar in wilmington. On one admitted to having a fake ae idea and showing it to sergeantn hawkins who laughed at it. The allegations also saidaid Sergeant Hawkins showed the interns is quote homemade video of her having sex with four menn while she was inn tock indicated. Both allegations hawkins admitdm washington, d. C. True in anc. E a interview conducted with wh internal affairs where the tenoe was anything but serious. Us hawkins told investigators shegs pulled out her cell phone and told her interns quote if youer want to waist itsns right and admitted to showing others a picture of bleep hawkins in that very interview also admitted too buying alcohol while on duty and drinking the store bought vodkao inside an mpd facility amongst others while they were on duty. Only one problem. Blem. How do you tell your employerr y who is a masculine culine her reputation among d. C. Lgbt Community Came intoame in question because of her role in the unit. To concerns from transgenderer citizens over others. Officers claimed her role was undermined amongst her peerseers after her predecessor and nowow chairman of the d. C. Police fop Sergeant Matthew mall insighted tensions between her and the Gay Community after mall left the te unit on bad terms. Erms. D. C. Police released thisd t statement which reads in itsts entire following misconductisnt allegations sergeant jessicas st hawkins was the focus of a investigation. That investigation has concluded and the findings currently withr the mpds disciplinary reviewie vision. They will review and determine i an appropriate penalty. Throughout investigationti Sergeant Hawkins remained in her current assignment season stilli widely considered a valuable mpd team member in our special liaison division. Ion 17 georgetown students tooks over the office of the universitys president to demann unfair labor practices its factories in vietnam. Am. The Washington Post reports the universitys Licensing Agreement with nike is set to end on december 31. 7 35 right now. Ht now. How is our wind chill out theree this morning, tuck. Currently 19 degrees. Grees. Ooh. This is a serious cold weveo been talking ausbout. King about it arrived overnight. Rnht going to be with us all day today. Toda tonight your weekend forecastast featuring chilly temperatures aa well lets look at the numbers m as, yeah, arctic blast first ono the season Reagan National these are temperatures. 31 degrees. Dulles and up and up bwi marshall 28 is the current theue temperature. Tempature all right. Ig wind chills steve asked about them ill deliver. Er 19 the current wind chill in washington. Wash 20 in gaithersburg. Urg 17 dulles. E. 21 leonardtown. Fredericksburg 21. Rg1. Manassas, yes, thank you i justt got a tweet your numbers haveav dropped out. O. Try to get those returns as soos as possible. Pos but you get the idea here. Er cold for everybody this morningi at about 15 to 20. 0. Locally were looking att sunshine today. Hine tay. Daytime highs only about 40 butt wind chills in the upper 20s and w 30s. S. You can see that cold air beingi pushed across the great lakes ls causing lake effect snow there. E pretty impressive early e satellite picture. Okay. Ay 42 for us. Forus. Gusting cold out there and agaia wind chills in the low 30s. Plenty more weather coming up u and state tuned in a couple a minutes i have special guestpe youll want to see it. Ll w do you . Do yo yes. Yes i dont know who your guest. Neither do i. [ laughter ] thats why youll want to see it. It laugughter ] tucker very well prepared,re, erin. In as always. Just like you were preparedee for that art contest other day d when you out pained me. Ned me. Oh, yes. The angel on your tree that won. Won. Repost those pictures. Hose pture any way not bitter. B outer loop crash two left lanesl blocked before ritchie marlboro. Heavier traffic back to four pennsylvania avenue. Avenu inner loop delays start to pickk up right by branch of a leadinga towards the Wilson Bridge. Lson g 210, 414. 210, 414 oxon hill road, things are a starting to pick up down byown y National Harbor. Tional h you can see that yellow on 210 1 and again the inner loop thatss just your usual morning flowni. Own. 295 northbound from the beltwayb towards the 11th street bridgetg a touch of stop and go traffic. C southbound connecticut avenuecta theres a crash before randolph road. It was closed they are lettingtl traffic through in one lane but seeing very big delays buildingd southbound connecticut avenue. If youre heading out in aspen p hill pick another secondary toot get around that one. Northbound 395 edsall road to the 14 street bridge somee congestion there bot. Bot to beltway towards seven. 95 northbound traffic dealing with about 20 minute slow downlw south at that point inintn fredericksburg big problemsksbuo here. Bl earlier tractor Trailer Crash aa fuel spill right lane blocked. B so from u. S. 17 all the way to w plank road, youre in for abouto a 30 minute below slow down. Slw could hop off and take route 1. 1 give yourself extra time througg fredericksburg this morning getting into stafford. Tafford. Aside from that sprigs roadprs d north of miniville roadoa motorcycle versus dump truck big take dale boulevard to getevard around that scene. That ene. Metro on time except for for safetrack surge 11. Ill let you know if that tt changes. Allison and steve. Damascus hornets looking to extend their 27game winning wni streak d they do it . Coming upu the winner of last night ofs 33 title game. That is impressive on any l. Vel. Amazing. Are hackers targeting your y holiday packages. Kage fake emails you need to keep ap eye out for so that you dontout get scammed. Mmed. . . Phone calls from the skies could be on the horizons. From the department of transportation proposed new regulations this t week that would allow passengerr to make in flight phone calls c using wifi. Using wii but the new regulations arent winning over many flightli attendants who say the callsheal passengers. I wouldnt think passengers would like it either if somebodb sitting next to you. Next to you let me not put my opinion in i this. Th. Delta, southwest and alaskalaska airlines now say they have no n plans to ever allow phone calls. Okay. O heres a warning for christmasar shoppers right now who use theoe internet to buy presents thisshi season. Lets face the thats just about everybody any more. Ev reright. Beware of the scam emailss because experts say there isre influx this year of fishinghi emails pretending to be package out this season. Soou youll get something, youho know, might say hey your packagc is on the way but if you clickoi the link you could get dangerous malware or ransom wear some of them say things like, we cannot deliver your parcel in theln the subject line. Sut li which is common. Commo you city a lot. Right. O intg to trick users int thinking theyre from legitimatt shipping company like fed ex orr upsf youre concerned email mal be fake, dont click onck o anything. Call the company directly but also look at the address that ta that email is coming from. Ominf go and make sure it is at fed ex or at ups whatever the officialo you know, email website is forf that company. Thatpany. What i learned is, click the address like youre returning g dont open whats down and oftet youll see its not going back c to ups or dhl or what have you. U its going back to fed ex e packages at allison. Com. C just be careful. Desperate parents searching forr most coveted Christmas Gifts are hatch malls will be able this ae weekend and next week. Ekend and a limit of two per customer at t target. Rg so thats the hot news. Tht n if theyre available, thenabe you can check that off the off t christmas list. Malist. Countdown is on to theno Army Navy Game. Ge. Coming up next the specialpe meaning behind the very speciale coin that will be used duringdu the pregame coins to. Coin the actual coin. Coi first though holiday messagee from local Service Member mbe overseas. . . Senior airman cody pool from 791 is the Security Forces squadron north dakota. Dak i want to wish my family and and friends back in maryland and minnesota happy holidays and one yeah, so moms got this cold. Hashtag stuffy nose. Hashtag no sleep. I got it. Hashtag mouthbreather. Yep. Weve got a mouthbreather. Well, just put on a breathe right strip and. Pow it instantly opens your nose up to 38 more than Cold Medicine alone. So you can breathe. And sleep. Shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers. 7 00 frick right now. Welcome back. A ltlitched studios a little bit. Hi, tuck. Hi, ck. Hi. Whole family together. Le famg very nice. Chrering around the christmasee tr lets just say this guy that you are about to see s has a rather unique talent. Here it is. I . . Yeah. Y and guess what . Wha hes good, though. Houg hes talented. Alented. Hes not only that. S only t hes a winner. He won finlands got talent. Yeah, did he. Hand farting. Christmas tunes. Tunes. He wouldnt little over 30,000 for this performance johnoh lennons merry christmas. Hristm he said his heart was pounding d and his legs were shaking theng entire time that he was handd farting. G [ laughter ] he didnt want to miss a ms note. Right. He put out a harpist, a ventriloquist an whole choirholc with this hand fart. S ha fart. [ laughter ] for the shows top honor. On i like to hear erin every time i say hand farting the champion hand fatter. D if his hasnt got too sweatye i feel like anybody can donyy that. T oh, no, thats skill. S you made me cry allison. Better than regular farringtn to christmas music. Allison se says hand fart even just cant an hand fartherring. Over to you. I wonder h how the harpist the hpi feels with the serious music. Exactly. Ctly or an entire choir. Lost to hand fart er. Rt back to traffic. To traic. Nothing will beat that for me. 50 inbound crash before landoveo road jammed to 410. 4 issue of inside the beltway bel before cheverly. Youll hit that crash scene. 295 towards 50 jams and south oo 50 towards the 11th streettree bridge really heavy trafficvyra there. As we move over to the inner the loop jammed branch avenue to thn Wilson Bridge. Some heavy traffic there. 295 northbound jams leadingeang towards lavatory road. Ory you can see through morning sidd the outer loop jams earlier crash it was out betweenen pennsylvania and ritchieitch marlboro that added congestion as we move over to 6t eastbound slow a bit from sudlee road to route 28 but i would say 66 seeing much lighterh congestion than what we are that normally up against this time oe morning. Only about a 15 minute slow doww towards the beltway. 270 south very light volume vum enjoy this while it lastsla because usually i get to telluao was a park lot it is from urbanu down to the spur. So enjoy thothse conditions. Onti metro is on time accept for savs traffic surge 11. Sur 11. Thats your traffic. That ill get out of the way and let the one and only Tucker Barnes e take over. We got veriy very very cold temperatures moving whoa. G there you go. Moving in overnight. Currently up there incu washington. Rr lots of 20s henere off to the off the north and west. That arctic air that weve beenb talking about that air mass insi mace now. Look at beckly 17, 19 in combus. S. Wind chills are currently out of winds out of the north and west wind chills currently inre the teens and low 20s. 2 ill show the wind chills rightt now. 19 the current wind chill in washington. On 17 gaithersburg. Its going to be a ve cold day. D even with bright sunshine highs only only about 40. Be prepared here for very veryer chilly friday. Friy. Lots of sunshine. Sune lake effect snows still really kicking here as were getting the cold northwest winds overve the lakes still relatively warm, and about four to 8inchesinc expected upstate new york later today. That jet stream retreated or at least temporarily dipped down to the south thats allowing a lot of cold aithr iatn places hereh i do want to mention not only ol this weekly but into next weekew temperatures for most of theostt next seven days will be at ort o well below normal here. Mal h 30s to about 40 for our weekend, and another big blast of coldol air expected next week thats w kind of the middle and end of eo next week it may be even coldere daytime highs by next week may k not get out of the low to mid 30s. Be ready here for extended e period of cold. Theres your seven day forecast. 42 today. Sunday, monday time frame there could be a wintryfr mix right hr as we get warmer air trying togt filter ion so just kind of keep an eye onne the forecast this weekend aseeka thats our next possible troublb spot. All right. L rig. Im flipping the map. Map because i have very very special guest and it has everything toro do with this. One of the most excitidon wgitti Football Games of the year. Ll g come on in. Ames come on in. This is ronnie write. Ie wte how do you go today. Ow d nice to meet uglier niceo tt meet you tell us your title. T my name is Ronnie Wright im military affairs rep that covers maryland, delaware and all the t vicinities of d. C. D Army Navy Football game. Ootbl g its all about army navy. Ar. Great tradition goes back 100 years. Year 117 years. 1ea 117 years. 17 yea this year its up in baltimore. Correct. Cor correct. 3 00 in the afternoon, rightg 3 00 oclock in the afternoon the walk on will be started with academ y atwill noon. Oo big tradition and followed bylod game time. Te ive never been to a game. Navy games gut not the army nava game. Tell me about the excitement and how its different than otherntr Football Games. Es. Well, basically youre seeing the best of the best. E this is a rivalry that the record does not matter whatsrha going on in this game. Its coming with u. S. Military academy out of west point andnd the Us Naval Academy out of the annapolis. Po it doesnt matter if youreour ranked 25th in the nation or 100. 100. This is all about a game this is all about rivalry. All out all right. Ll rig in recent years, im from annapolis giving a shout out too the navy. Navy. The navy is kind of controlledte this game. G how about this year. Thir. On bit of a role the navy iss but key injuries that happened e think this is going to be athis really really tough game. Am it always is a tough game igh gm think this year is going to beoo tougher for both. Bo all right. All. You brought some coins along. A can we talk about the coins . Oins definitely. Definitel definitely. Definily this is the coin we use for the at the beginning of the game tomorrow. Rrow obviously army navy logo but l whats really special, um, is ui when you zoom in here, is the 75th anniversary of pearl pea harbor. Ha thats what its all about. Abo. A few days ago. But we just wa dnt to follow tht tradition usa a the 30,0000,00 employees there we just honoredr to be and privileged to be able to represent those that fought h in world war ii and pear harbor. Thats fantastic. T actl be actually at the gally me. Correct. This is the one that will bee used for the toss. Toss. Thats fantastic. Stic ill quickly give the forecast s and well guess who will win wii this game and we will be be guessing. Guessing. Nothing more it to. Nothg mo upper 30s here at game time. Tim it should be a lot of fun. Lot n winds will lighten up but breezes out of the north andheod west. All right. Alrig ronnie all right. Willho wing to tell me who win the game . Am ill say non biased we love all three of the academies. Es but steve and allison can geg involved. Invo get over here you guys. Guys. Were actually going to makek our picks from here. But you guys come overve here. Well go over there. Weov come on. We have props. Ro we have couple of hats. Coup we have an army hat. Have anh we have navy hat. You know ronnie i had the chanca in 2011 when the game ex field to go to the game. E. Awesome. Ive been going to football b games since i was a kid. S sinc it is to this day one of the t greatest football experiences ive ever ban partie of. Ban pa theres nothing like any other o football game. Ll i cant wait. Can ive never been. To see all the members of th milioftary in the stands, um, special guests were there. He its phenomenal. Nol with that said t sd as for the game this week,. E, go army i got my wager is on army. I have a ton of respect forpt the cadets at west point and fot everybody who has served in thee annapolis. Im going for navy this year. Vy. All right. Those are the picks. All t may the besthose t aeam win. M w everybody wins, right. Ns, right. Everybody wins. Verydy w okay. Okay. Ronnie, i hearnie, i president elect trump will bet r there, too. Yes, he ll there be security s will be tight. Ect. Make sure you get there early. Okay. Again its all about theuthe traditions before the game getss started. Ed you have the walk on with the academy at noon right after that the cadets from the air armya will be coming in. In. Its just all some pomp and a circumstance. Such a great experience. Thats what makes ih t speci the end of the game after thawtt all the fighting on the grid g ornithes listen to each othereao alma mater and thats what maket it special. Everybody comes together. Bo let me askdy a boring questii Tickets Still available or youo just go. Its going to be tough ongoin that. I think its sold out. Old d out. Something for your bucketbu list that you got to do. U to d give me your considered so ic can be there next year. Im done this now. S now need that for the game. Come on. E o give that one back. E bk. Thank you ronnie for comingoo in. Best wishes to everybody and who lets go to hoy school footballl big game maryland 3aaa title t game damascus and franklin fnk meeting once again. Ain franklin cut a second quarterd q fear 14zero diemas cuss defensf rule the day. Kobe star heim three interceptions one in the endonee zone one at the goal line. Net th damascus wins 1412. 112 second straight title. Tit ninth title in school history. R. Tonight maryland 4a orchard oha versus wyatt the defending state champs. Remember those names. Memberse n. Youll be seeing those in the to ars s to come. Holiday clas entire family for this weeks special fox free friday givey g away and this is tucker song h was jamming in my peripheral. Era you can win four tickets to seeo moscow ballets great russian nutcracker between december 21e and the 23 at the strathmore. E. Its a prize with a retail value of 224. 22 want to win go foxdc. Com contests between now w and 11 59 p. M. 59 p. M one winner selected by random rn drawing on december 12th. Complete rules available at fox5 dc. Com contests. S. Good luck. Oduc all righty. And weve got some g reat stufs coming up on this friday friy morning. Ahead on good day, pop singer rita aura joins us live about tt take over the hit show americai next top model. Mel other big names this morning, the okay go band and you know ko theyre hit viral one takene t videos, right . Theyre in theye loft with us at 10 00 a. M. And then tennesseeyearold drew d tillman became a viral sensatioi with her rendition of ade hello. Well shell be singing for usng ce a again. She sang hello again, steve anda getting news the christmashrisas spirit. Spir shes singing christmas musis for us. Its all ahead today on goodg day. Do yourself a favor google okay go videos and watch some oh them. They are amazing when it comes to videos used to be a big bb deal back in our day. Oh, yeah. Ea theyre taking it to anotherno vel. L. Erin. I really like they are videos as well. Ill check them out. Kel checo i cannot rate for rita ora. O so excited. Excit two lanes blocked dulles tolls l road that could cause delays. Keep an eye on that one. Northbound 95 there was an earlier c arashn ound a fuel spl happened hours and hours ago buo the right lane is still blockedk for that clean up. U as you make your way through fredericksburg delays areayare starting to ease from 17 tong t7 three congested with 15 minute slow down watch out for that t one. As you take look southboundbo connecticut avenue crash beforeb randolph road one lane is open. O watch for slow downs but traffic is easing still a heavy delayvy several miles lead to go that gt point. Keep at this time fox5 news morning. 8 00 oclock hour comingt up. Up. . Think of your fellow man. . . Lend him a helping hand. . . Put a little love in your heart. . . Take a good look around. . . And if youre lookin down, . . Put a little love in your heart. . avo the subaru share the love event is happening now and will have given ninety Million Dollars this is fox5 news morning. Good friday morning. M. Im al so seymour. O seyur im steve chenevey. He thanks for joining us thishi morning. 8 00 a. M. This friday morning december 9th. 00 a. Mcembh heres whats on the fox5 news5w morning menu. It was a grand night at mgm m National Harbor. Bo big turn out last huge turn out actually. Actll what do people have to say about the dmvs newest attraction. Rac. Were catching up from some folks who may have been outo ma there all night long. Such ay berige crowdal oute jammed up traffic last night asa you might imagine a live reportp on if it will impact your yr morning commute and if yourendu heading out that this weekend we what should you expect. Heads up for shoppers therese are several stores this holidayy season facing a lawsuit now forr tricking you into thinking youre getting a big bargain bga well tell which you of thosehie stores are on the list. L first though a live look loo outside. Ts. Baby, it is cold out there. The be sure to bundle up. Construction crews out there, of course, breaking ground on the mgm back in april of 2014. 24. Over the last two years weve we watched as the massive casino cn and hotel took shape on the on t banks of the potomac. Massive project is going toog have an Immediate Impact on thee area for business, to traffic. C start with melanie alnwick. Shes there taking a look howkow making their way home perhapsps from the big night because now n were dealing with morning commute traffic as well. Reporter yeah, we actuallyel did see some people who were wer leaving and having to walk across the major roads here because when they tried tori arrive here last night theighthe parking lots were full and solnd one of the things that we we definitely saw that was impacting the area was full parking lot, Tanger Outlets andd also the oxon hill park and ridd lot, too. T,oo. People who were going to mgmgm National Harbor last night. Ight probably will not be that muchtm of a problem Going Forward fwa certainly this is a very big Opening Weekend. Nd. Right now, traffic very doing very well around National Harbor monument drive, mgm nationalionl drive. Dr the major roads even oxon hill road which is expected to take e brunt of a lot of impact here,er not too bad this morning. Orni. Weve seen a lot of police opole officers stayinged around thedhe area. The intersections just to keepee tra but its definitely somethingomi that Prince Georges Countyorget officials, prince georges georg county police and mgm nationall harbor Traffic Control will be looking at over the next 72 7 hours as how did thing go . Are there any change that is theyhai need to make to traffic know plans . They are asking people l to please follow their specific twitter handle for nationalatiol harbor traffic it is at nh traffic tips. Ips. This is real time traffic data on a play by play basis. Bas. Theyre really monitoring andnd managing traffic real time soe s one of the suggestions is for people to definitely follow the directions on scene. Follow that twitter handle donn necessarily just go based on tht direction that is your gps is gi giving you. Triple mid atlantic also kind of monitoring traffic as well because theyre saying that inn the last several years in the last decade imagine we never had anything over here at national n harbor and now we have significant traff the amount of traffic on theff beltway even at these intersections has increased more than 20 now once you add mgmgm grand into it as well. Well. So it is going to be a problem. Theyre definitely monitoringorn the neighborhoods, livingston road is also another one they te expect could have some troublemo but so far this morning it doese not seem that morning traffic is necessarily the problem. Roblem it is mostly going to be thoseee traffic impacts you would expect saturday. So people just need to be aware that that will be where youreer going to get a lot of the problems i know a lot of peopleo experienced that last night with 30 minute weights sometimes to try to get over tighthe wilson o bridge and that was at midnight. So definitely a lot of interests in this first weekend and welll go inside now to annie yu to ses about those people who are evene some arriving this morning annin just maybe take a little fridayi fun day. D were meeting a lot of peopleple that, um, either took the dayk d off or had some extra time thist morning and decided to stop byty this Early Morning to see ifee f its living up to the hype. He h. So far everyone is very pleased with it. Everyone saying how beautiful it is, mel torque piggyback off tht traffic, i mean the linings werw backed up for miles last night,t and so i know traffic was a bigb issue a lot of peoplef ppl complaining about that. Out t this morning, when we pulled up, right in front of us, rights,ig here, is the main entrance, and this is maryland sixth casinoaso last night they had over 5,00000 people show up for the grand gra opening night. Ight. They hully open the doors at 10 30 originally they werenallyy supposed to open at w 11 00 butt many showed up and they were the bracing the cold and so mgm m officials decided to open uppenu early. Ea the garages were filled up. U so some folks had to park off sight. Si one lady told us she even had td park at the Tanger Outlets andnd then walk up in the evening hours. So weve met people who arrived at all hours. Hou there are people who came in asa early as 9 00 oclock last nighg who waited for hours to get in. They are still going at this hour. Ur some who got here ateret 1 00 oclock in the morning. Ck i they had no problems getting ini or parking they tell us, but gambling isnt for everyone, and so we do see those folks comingc in just to check things out. Ut a lot of people telling us, you know, were curious about the food. Food. One lady that i just spoke to t at 10 30 and she wanted to trydt that. A lot of people truly excited ed about the shopping, the dining n and the big headliners expectedd we know boys two men is justsust around the corner on december 15th. Back to you in the studio. Tudi annie, thanks. Tha thank you. I know youre excited foryou bruno mars. Theheck out the theater last night. Er l ght. Ka okay. Its pretty intimate. Ate did you get me tickets . Icke no. No. I didnt get you tickets isnt t what in the world . Die tell you about my driveye down there last night. T. Yes, tucker, many times. Man. I dont like to think abouteo you as being a cranky pants. Nky. It was rough. [ laughter ]er ] lets do the forecast. O the a all right. Tucker did you all see ll he doesnt like to be caged in. Did you see Jerome Bettiserot there last nights. Laight i think i just saw him in the video. Steve, how could you missow d that. If i would have seen him i uld ha. Ave talk to him. I told you that was him in h the video. Good eyes, allison. Allison thank you. Nk Reagan National 31. Bii marshall 29. Cold is here to stay as windssin low 20s thats your wind chillic in d. C. 8 00 oclock in thek he morning. G. 21 degrees. Es this just in. Bettis was in the high rollerse room. Thats why you boys didnt seesn him. I did. Rollerol in the high room to watch how that other oth half play. P he tapped me on the shoulder to ask where it was. Onwas. Tucker was being a crankyy sawyer russ. Er as you park the car. I dont think he would let m park his car. Wo satellite radar. Thats lake effect snows kickink off to the north and west. And well have a few clouds t afternoon. Otherwise, sunny, bright but cold. Co 42 might be a little optimistic more like 40 with a wind chilldi in the 30s and 20s. 2 i think literal whole we were there at 7 00, 8 00 oclock0 oc there were Something Like 5,0000 people that were there. The that room that he was inhe wn looked pretty you can getan g elbow room. W he was in secret place you guysy didnt know about. Erin g morning. N were not nearly at that notl y level. [ laughter ]hter did you see football playerye Jerome Bettis last night. Nig no i didnt. Dt. I unfortunately didnt get the exclusive room. Oom but i will tell you it wasl u fun down there. Wnhere didnt matter what part of the mgm you were in it was a great e time, right, tucker. Tr. Yeah. Once i got there, it was awesome. It was the beltway and the parking experience that left aea little to be desired. Es now you have some sympathy hs for my job. For every day i have people tellingl me how theyre stuck in trafficn and i got to feel for that yesterday. Y so lets take look at theook att problem spots f youre takingtag the red line start off with o wt metro earlier problem at tacomac because of that shady grovehadye christa delays. The outer loop top side of theop beltway typical t congestion 959 over to georgia as you make youk way out right now on the in your opinion through objection zencto hill youre a little slow. 28 southbound theres a crash. its blocking twcro lanes of the dulles toll road that is causinu big delays back into sterling. To be prepared for that 1f yourefr headed to the dulles airportirrt this morning, 66 eastboundastbou traffic moving much better justt little slow from sudley to t route 28 and jammed throughro fairfax on the inbound side thee as you make your way out in your opinion we have delays throughat annandale. Stop and go traffic towards thet freeway east and westbound wtbou backing up somebody congestionsn building on the key bridge asy s well as the 11th street street idgege. Overall, traffic if youre tff heading out in Prince Georges County across the Wilson Bridgeg so many better heading to mgm tm right now than what tucker was dealing with yesterday with ardt lot of other frustrated driverse i was one of them. Onof t steve was one of them. But, again, tucker take the cakk for a frustrated driver of thert day. Da back to you guys. Backo yo he won the award. He thanks erin. Ks eri. This morning were getting a look inside the conditions intin the oakland warehouse before b that devastating fire that leftf residents of that facility. Shelly mack sharing video shehe said shows the cramped tight and dangerous conditions. She also claims the buildingthii manager ignored her letters lte about the unsafe conditions. Residents displaced by thoso massive wildfires down inown tennessee have started returning home after several weeks away. 14 people died in the fires, fi, thousands of structures wereture damaged or destroyeds. Or destro. The flames ripped across thehe eastern part of tepp 10 tp investigator arrested andnd deadly fires. News this morning,ning, prosecutors in South Carolina say they plan to play accused oo charleston shooter dylan roofs recorded confession during hisiu Death Penalty trial today. T this comes just one day after jurors were shown star 360 3 photographs of the crime scenere in the churchs fellowship hall. Overseas now, south koreass female president has beenn impeached. Imac the Parliament Vote dad to impeach her and now the Country Constitutional Court rules onn whether shell p to step down. Ow shes formally if shes formally unseated sewell, coreoe must core most hold a a president ial election within 600 days. Da small parting gift fromting m president obama to federalt employees. He order add pay raise for payae civilian Agency Workers of twopoint 1 for the next fiscal year. Ye equals of that Defense Department employees. Es the Senate Approved the defense bill to give dod more money. It. For the first b americaeingn tot the earth. Mercury seven astronaut and senator john glenn passed awayaa in columbus, ohio, yesterday. Es. He was 95 years old. While we dont know the specifii yet, we dough no glenn will bewe buried at Arlington National nat cemetery. Ce he served in world war ii and korea before joining the spacece program. Ram glenn last returned to space ine 1998 at the age of 77. Aboard the space shuttle. Hard to imagine, right. , rht shoppers beware. Ewar stores accused of trickingrickig cu a scandal surrounding russiai athletes who participated in the olympic games. Games they are in the hot seat orr theyre on the hot seat again an for apparently not playing fair. 8 11. 8 14. Our favorite time of the morning. Time cuteness. You know it. Friday cfautenesvos. We got iten. Hello hello there. I spy santa . . I hope im getting thisti right. Its layla. Lay la. Slightly different spellingyi than im used to. Th. La. Fox5 first five photo of the the day. Day. This is layla and she is a greag big oneyearold. Eard. Hello, layla. Lo, l what cutie. T e [ laughter ] her aunt tete very own holly met our very own holly morris at a coffee shop. Sho in case you were wonderingdei where they met they said theirae good morning to the wholehole familiarly. Look at that face. Lk at a adorable face. Fears little top knot andtopd baby hair is popping. Isoppi i know you dont understand t any of that. T. Shes a sweetie pie. Shes got on the coolestoo little santa nighty ever. Those one cease areeasere everything. Yup. Y merry christmas. Christmas we love it. It to send us your childs picturee go to our facebook page. Fox5 d. C. And s her aunt says she has great bigb personality that bright tensehab everyones day. I can tell. Can t look at that big smile. Mi super cute. Uper lets get to the forecast. Thats Perfect Outfit to wearo and then you put your jacket ont top of it and stay warm today. Y its. 31 now in washington. To binghamton making an binton appearance. Ar binghamton 22 this morning. 22 in pittsburgh. Everybody cold blow normalblow r temperatures here across the mi atlantic today. Well be in the upper t 30s perhaps few low 40s thishi afternoon. Very brisk northwest winds. St wn i dont think they got out ofin the 20s late thisthink th aftern we keep it cold all weekendll we long. Long. We may even end the weekend wayw little wintry mix around hereund sunday night into early monday. So back to work and schooloo monday morning. Theern eye on the Weather Forecast this weekend. May be a little few icing issues north and west by monday mog. Ing. Okay . . God bless you. You i tried to hold it in, erin. I i do apologize. It doesnt count because it wasnt on camera. Wa never mind. Sn nev min its like it never happened. Appe steve, bless thank you. Ou. Control yourself, steve. Sorry. Sorry right now, earlier trainer tn malfunction at tacoma red line residual delays to shady grove. G aside from safetrack surge 11ure continuous single tracking onck the orange and silver liner l between west and east fallst f church watch for crowded for cwd conditions even during rush houh trains only running every 20runy minutes. Nu it could cause crowdedouldause c conditions on the blue line as well. As for the overview of yourf y friday morning commute, outer or loop delays 95 to georgia 15 minutes. Minutes. From the icc down to the beltway southbound two lanes are blockek at the dulles toll road look ata that traffic back up for several miles from sterling down towards dulles toll road allow for extra time there. There. Dulles toll road delaying with a delay towards 28 as well. This crash cleared north of miniville road involving anv motorcycle and dump truck and an closing that intersection. N. Delays. Dela always take dale boulevard keepe in mind traffic moving muchg er ter there. 95 northbound residual delays dy due to earlier crash. Ra they had fuel spill the rightthr lane was blocked thats seentse still seeing a little bit of a a residual delay left only aboutbo five to seven minutes. M not terrible there. He if youre headed out by mgm m National Harbor headed to thed e casino to join annie and mel who are there having fun or trying i get to work in the area ofk in f Prince Georges County or georgn alexandria inner loop jams the m usual spot through oxon hillil passed 295 and the wilsonil bridge. Back to you guys. President elect donald trumu gearing up for his third thank s you rally this thi week. Week. Taking his message to michigan g this time. Th hell be there tonight. Onht iowa. He called Governor Terry bran b instead to the stage tod officially announce him as hiss choice to be the next us Us Ambassador to china. The stop also featured protests though trump dismissed them by y saying theyre on our side. Thee they just dont know it yet. Yet in the meantime donald trump also said to nominate fast foodo executive andy buzz they are ass his labor secretary. Ry as president elect Donald Trumpr a pouncing his picks to be partt of his administration makingn mn time to speak with chris wallaca as well. Ell. Chris wallace is making time tot speak with us as he talks abouta good morning, chris. , hris. How are you. Pretty excited. Pretty exci im headed to trump tower tomorrow morning got going to gi sit down with thedo wit president elect for his first hf sit down extensive interview ini since right after the election. T then were going to get on trumu force one and fly to baltimore for the Army Navy Game which ish in a sense unofficial debut as the commander in chief and wel be there taking behind the scenes all day and of course ofr well have it all on fox news television. On. What day that will be. We actually jhaustt da had the f who are going to have the coinhe for the Army Navy Game which has great tribute to pearl harbor o the actual coin theyre going to use for the coins to at the beginning of the game. Giing of so have a great time as you go o to the game. To t lets talk about the interviewni first, though. Whats at the top of thes at question list for donald trump . A i cant tell you, but youut u know, the problem is, because hh has not done a formal sit down extensive interview since thein one with 60 minutes that firstts weekend after the election, all of his cabinet picks, all of the intervention with privatehri companies, all of the questionsn about whether or not hes goingg to keep a stake in his businessn and even im sure you saw todayy maybe in the apprentice ases executive producer, none ofon o thats been talked about withabt him. Ive got a ton of stuff. Stu and frankly the real challenge n is what am i not going to askngo him because i got so much stuff. No doubt about it. Ubt out you can go all day literally ana then some. Some. Heres something i findething interesting chris and iming chn this. I was talking with a top a Top Republican leader yesterday. Lea i talk with Top Democrats in the past. They seem to be on the page with the unknowing of donald trump. Mp they dont know from one day too the next which donald trump wilw appear and they look at that asa the challenge moving forward now in dealing with congress versusr the administration. Oh, i think and that isnd actually its funny you should y say that, i think well call tht show the donald trump way,ay because he is doing things differently than any president elect in my memory, ii my lifetime, guess this is going to be theo way he does business. I mean hes sort of set outet o markers with Foreign Countries and Foreign Policy the call witt president of taiwan. Hes intervening wide individual companies about leaving americaa hes made some very controversial appointments doiap his cabinet. Et it is going to be the trump wayw and i guess we got to get used e to it, and, you know, i must say somebody who has coveredov washington for almost 40 years,s its very exciting. Xcitin ive never seen anything likeeeh this before. This befor its funny. E. Itfunn ive only been here for 13 yeara i was talking to somebody last s night and saying the same thingg regardless of where you are on the position or the scale of orl politics, its history, its something thats different andaa somebody who gets a chance tohoe cover this, i tt is monumentalen because we dont know yet what w is going to happen. Is goi let me ask you this quickly thik though. As change comes in weve seenmes the twitter posts. Posts weve seen the taking to sociall media. Mea in your 40 years of experience c covering politics, how do you h think that might change thing tg moving forward if donald trump u primary outlet. T. Weve seen this withve seeis president obama. I mean he got very active on social media. Al med he had a twitter posting and hea had the white house dot gov. Dog it was headed in that directionn frankly a lot of it simply go around the press. But you know hes going to carrr it to an greater degree thandeea weve seen before. ve chris, have a fantastic round robin journey from here to newe york to baltimore back to here h again. Sounds like a great weekend. Well see you sundayike mornini b you bet. Us Surgeon General calling g out a Public Health threat foret our teenagers and even youngerog than that. Th tha middle school. Well tell yleou about this latt concern next. N n we should mention chrisis wallaces show right here on heo fox5 9 00 oclock sundayun morning. Holiday message from local l Service Member overseas. . . Seen senior, wish mike wishk familiar until maryland a happym holidays. Holidays. . Think of your fellow man. . . Lend him a helping hand. . . Put a little love in your heart. . . Put a little love in your heart. . . Put a little love in your heart. . . In your heart. . avo the subaru share the love event is happening now and will have given ninety Million Dollars to help real people like these. Cmon in, pop pop happy birthday i survived a heart attack. Im doing all i can to keep from having another one. And im taking brilinta. I take brilinta with a baby aspirin. No more than one hundred milligrams as it affects how well it works. Brilinta helps keep my platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. Brilinta reduced the chance of another heart attack. Or dying from one. It worked better than plavix. Dont stop taking brilinta without talking to your doctor since stopping it too soon increases your risk of clots in your stent, heart attack, stroke, and even death. Brilinta may cause bruising or bleeding more easily, or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. Dont take brilinta if you have bleeding, a history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. Tell your doctor about bleeding, new or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery, and all medicines you take. Talk to your doctor about brilinta. Im doing all i can. That includes brilinta. If you cant afford your medication, . . U. S. Surgeon general calling ecigarettes an mirroring p Health Threat especially are for teenagers. Ags. He says theres need for moreorr research into the Health Effects of vaping but says ecigs arene harmless and too many teens are using them. Them. Theres now a new concern thatha this could lead teenagers tonagt become addicted to nicotine. New this morning nine morein russian olympic med liftsed lts implicate beside a report thatot adds more detail to claims that 1,000 russian athletesthles participated in a massive statee sponsored doping program from fm 2037 to 2014. 014. The report claims russiasussis going so far to call the dopingg a quote institutional conspiracy. Its getting deep. All right. Its 8 26. Time for another check ofnotherk weather. Hey, tuck. Good morning. G cold temperatures. Theyre here to stay. O stay. Looking forward here to the weekend. Week were going to have plenty ofntf sunshine but were going to have very very cold temperatures. Ratu 31 now in washington. Hington. Not much of a warmup early thisi morning and real story look at the wind chill. 21 degrees winds out of the wess northwest at about 15. 1 breezes all day today. All da make sure you layers if youll be working wori outdoors or spending anyg any extended out there. Tre lots of lake effect snow to ourt north and west. North d w well be in for par toll mostlyl sunny conditions a dry afternoon for us. And a nice start to the weekendd but a very very chilly start tot the weekend. Thweekend. Saturday looks good. Turday highs about 40. Ab 4 well cloud up on sunday and byy sunday night and early monday there could be a brief period of some wintry mix around beforee transitions to rain on monday. Oa but the real theme for the nextx week or two will be cold air. Dir next week. So you know make sure theur furnace is working properly anda you have the right clothes fortr the next couple of weeks. Lets get to erin and get a a check on traffic right now. 8 27. 8 we still have bad backed upku traffic around the area are including metro. Etro. Some delays on the red line. Residual delays shady grovedyro earlier malfunction at tacoma. C lets see if we can hop outsidee and show you how the roads are looking. Lookg. Aside from rode line delaysay outer loop top side of theop sid beltway by New Hampshire slow role about a 15 to 200 minute delay from 95 over to isi georgia. Inner loop looking good. Theres the Wilson Bridge muchlb quieter trihan dglae st night wt grand opening of the mgm kickede off at 11 00. Wilson bridge in your opiniono and outer loop light volume. Loov well keep up it update the oneo the roads around the area. A. While youre out shopping for Holiday Gifts you may see someom baainsns. Dont get too excited. Some stores are tricking customers into thinking theyve scored a deal when you really r up. Your path to retirement may not always be clear. But at t. Rowe price, we can help guide your retirement savings. So wherever your Retirement Journey takes you, we can help you reach your goals. Call us or your advisor t. Rowe price. Kisses deluxe chocolates. With a whole roasted hazelnut, delicate crisps and layers of rich, creamy chocolate, theyre twice the size of the kisses chocolates you love. Say more with kisses deluxe. You cant predict the market. With kisses deluxe. But through good times and bad. At t. Rowe price. Weve helped our investors stay confident for over 75 years. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. Welcome back. It is 8 30 on friday. It i8 30 cant say that enough. That enou. We made it through another weeke folks. Folks. Actually one step closer to christmas holiday. Oliday i know. Right around the corner. Torne see you at the ball. Ball. You know it. If youre planning to do holidal shopping or this weekend or anyr time really before christmas, cr you need to look at the price tp tags carefully at least foureasf Major Department stores. Re advertising to trick shoppersis into thinking that theyreing nh getting super big bargains. Fox5s bob barnard filling us ig on the details life from one ofn my favorite places, looks likekk Montgomery Mall hyped you. Yped y good morning. Reporter yeah, allison and steve, good morning. Mor it is. It is the city of longs. Angelel that is suing macys sears, sea kohls and jc pennies. Alleging this whole what theyre calling false reference pricingi basic toll compete with online o retailers and what theyre they saying is when you shop for listed as the original or the regular price that that was w never the original or regularr price and that the lower price e is really the top end price ande theyre doing that to kind of like an Advertising Marketing ploy. Pl the lawsuit filed just yesterday in the city of los angeles citeg two examples. O exames. The first one from sears. Mea they cite a kenmore washinging machine that was listed at was never sold for more than t that lower price. The second example is from j. C. Penneys which was a maternity bathing suit top. Sold online on sale for 31. 99 3 down from the original price of 46. And allegedly pennys keptnys p marking down that bathing suit. The lawsuit alleges that itth never was for sale for the original 46 price and the the lawsuit asking when is really a bargain. Now, what may surprise you is last year both pennys and and kohls selled class action a lawsuits for millions of dollard each alleging basically the same thing. And now at least according to ar the city of los angeles, theyre back at it again. Ain now, this was first reported in the los angeles time which w reached to all four of the fou t retailers and all four basicalll said no comment because of the pending litigation. I guess the bottom line duringbn beware. Wa no doubt about it. I you get in the habit of checking those prices multiple place tope get an idea what the range woule be. Bob, thank you very much. B, i do not like to be tri thac. You dont want to get rippedn off any time especially notiall around the holidays. Olids thanks, bob. Appreciate it. Ap youre rpright. You not around the holidaysre becaue every penny is accounted for. Ntf more to watch out when it comesc to holiday deals this timehisim having to do with popular social media sites. A sites secret santa gift he can changeg happen around for years havev been around for years, a new, aw twist could leave you hol the empty gift bag. Bag if you love a good bottle ofottl wine youre better off buying ii at the local store thanre t participating in one of these online scams. Ne sca the Better Business bureau warnw the holiday wine exchanges arere popping up on facebook and otheo social media. User will tag a dozen peoplee asking them to participate in a pyramid style exchange. Exchang. You send a bottle of wine to get someone on the list and in theory youll get from six to 36 as people blow you on thehe listened off their own bottles s of wine. Win problem is, by signing up top t participate, youre giving thein scammers your name and your homd address. Youre also going to be out thee money you spend on the wine you sent because postal officials and the Better Business bureauu say not only are such schemessce illegal, virtually no one who oe participates actually gets auala drop of wine. E. Even if you arent lured in byrd the promise of free wine, youou might fall holiday scam called the secret sister Gift Exchange. In this variation of the schemee youre tag on mail that asks yok to participate in a small act of kindsness by sending a 10 giftf to a secret sister or secret brother. Othe in return, you guessed it, youll receive up to three dozez gifts from strangers all overr the country. Country even if a Gift Exchange offere comes from a friend, dont fallt for it. For it. Some people innocently pass itai theyre scammer a waiting to wtg fleece both them and you. To avoid gets fleeced dont faln for these snow jobs either. Eit. Internet Security Company warnsw that twitter users are beingre b accept bogus promotions for fref i phones and other hightech hie items. First of all, no iphone has evee been free. Re so look, thats it. T. If you go to the link its site. Be leary of sites that offer to send a personalized letter frome santa to your child. Santa to yoh some of thoseil charge 50 buckss for a letter that never getsevet there. The. The scammer now has your credit card information. Holiday events eve or concerts you need to buyd tickets for. Tickets always use reputable ticket tice vendors but these days, who day, knows what it is. Knwhat i it used to be go to stand inn line at ticket master. As at the little window. Windo eaeah. May i help you . Y i want tickets for prince. E. Youve been here all night well give you tickets in 444 44 section. You gave me a good tip. T if you think your seat may have been sol twice get there early. Y if somebody is trying to sels it its only going to work for f the first person to get in theee venue. Hate scammers this time off year tucker remember you go to hechts and 12dollar ticket 11 in tick charges. Cha those were the days. Days. A different kind of exam, e eveve. Reagan national 31 degrees. Degr. Dulles and bwi marshall 29. L cold temperatures here to stay o for your friday and weekend ass our wind chills right now in thn teens and low 20s. Ens anlow feels like 21 right now inn washington. 18 gaithersburg. Ersb 25 in leonardtown. 32 in fredericksburg. Ks its going to be very blustery day today. Day make sure you got lots of layer if youll be working outdoors os taking the dog for a long walkgw this afternoon. Thisfter very impressive off to our nortr and we have. Well see clouds spill into ourn region this afternoon kind of a partly to mostly sunnyun afternoon. 42 that will be in the city. E it lots of area doesnt get aboveg the upper 30s later today. T wind chills in the upper 20s ana low 30s. W. Seven day. Well talk weekend and maybe a e little wintry mick out thereut e momentarily. Erin. Winter shake up. Right now 8 37 as for your roadr top side of the beltway look att that. Outer loop turning into ater parking lot by connecticutut avenue theres a crash between e connecticut and the 270 spur yo can see thats the backup. Bac so right now te were dealing with 95 to georgiao has connected to all of this. T so from 95 to the 270 spur you y need a good 35 extra minutes m have some patience try your luck on eastwest highway. Ighw inner loop looking much better. E take a look at our maps rightapt now. Other slow downs on the roads you can see tha tt slowing downw traffic as well on the 270 spur southbound leading tour the tout inner loop right now. 50 inbound through she have alge little slow. Tap of the brakes on the innerke loop through oxon hill and inned loop remains heavy from the hea springfield interchange up to ut gallows aside from that 28ha 2 one lane now dulles toll roadol but seeing big delays on 267 inbound because of that. E of t steve and allison. Llis some good news if you plan ta party on new years eve in the e dmv. Metro will stay open late. L well tell you how late next. One minute after midnight. Gh. Well see you next. Okay. Okay. Plus, phone calls from the skies . It could be in the b future were talking when youry on airplane. On airpl that story for you next. For yo. . [vo] is it a force of nature . Ere. Audi will cover your first months lease payment on select models. Sales event ends january 3rd. What you gone do . Lift up your head and keep moving or let the paranoia haunt you . Everybody lack confidence, everybody lack confidence i keep my feefifofum i keep my heart undone . [vo] is it a force of nature . Or a sales event . The season of audi sales event is here. Audi will cover your first months lease payment on select models. Back now 8 40. B my pictures from skyfox. Developing story coming out of f montgomery county. Fire smolders at incineratoriner plant for much of the night andn throughout the morning. On march bins burg road in in dickerson, maryland. An fire crews tell us they work tok put out the fire at a trash ara pile. Pile. 200 feet long by almost 100 feet so still smolders this morning. Thorning live pictures there from skyfox. As we track metro thisro t friday morning we have a littlet good news if you plan on y plan celebrating new years in the metro says rail service willcel stay open on new years eve until 3 00 a. M. A so give everybody a chance tonct get home. E. Those hours started in junen theyll continue until june 2010 they made the change to allowll time for much needed repair repi work. It would run on weekend schedule on christmas eve. Christmas day and the day after christmas. Phone calls from themhe friendly skies. Ly s well it could be on the horizon the department of transportatioo proposing new regulations thisni to make in flight phone callsal using wifi but the new regulations arent weighing ovet many flight attendants who sayny the calls could cause argumentsm between passengers who wants too hear a phone call. Right. So Delta Southwest and alaskk airlines now say they have noo plans to allow calls and imm talking ever. Er i think thats a good idea. I have no problem with that. Especially if youre trying t to sleep on your flight. Fli lets check in with wisdom and holly find out whats coming upu gone day d. C. We continue our Team Coverage of the grand opening of the mgm m casino at the National Harbor. Getting there a real problem. So well tell was you need to know before you go. Yogo also, life at 9a im talkingi with fox5s grant paulson as the redskins get ready to take on o the he guess this weekend its a must win situation for the for e burgundy and gold. Gold how many times have we said. E this is really a must win. A w lets put up that good day guese list. There it is. We are live with rita era taking top model and has role in the new 50 shades movie. Ov and live at the loft, videos get millions of views. Ok go is here and theyre goingg to perform. Toform. They are amazing. Azi. And her video also viral hit. Remember when little dreww tillman sang adeles hello . He . Shes here at 10 50 this morninr to get us in the holiday spiriti and she has a special treat for all good day d. C. Viewers. What way to end the week asks we often say because we starte the week big, w big and its big in between mucm its often imitated but never duplicated the iconic good day d. C. Just moments away. Looking forward it to. Kingt see in you a minute. E in y thank you. Okay. Ok our Kevin Mccarthy is fresh offf of his honeymoon so happy for him. Him. He is back. Hes in new york city. I hes going to join us nextn. Literally traveled from thefe other side of the world straight to work. Yeah. Eah had a chance to chat with one dupe applicator Kevin Mccarthy next. With ingredients like roasted hazelnuts and cocoa, nutella adds a smile to any morning. Stronger is blasting her tumors. Without risking her bones. Stronger is less pain, new hope, more fight. Its doing everything in your power, and everything in ours. Because we dont just want kids to grow up. We want them to grow up stronger. And with your support, they will. Well, hello. Hello. 6 46 right now. Wharit should we do. O lets go over to tucker. Lets make the people wait forif cold moved in and with itin t breezy. It looks like today well be our coldest setup so far this falll season here. Er getting into late fall, and and these numbers not butching a lon early this morning. Mni 31 in washington. Shington. 32 annapolis. 32 leonardtown. Eonardto look at your 20s hanging out out here. Re were approaching 9am in frederick 28 degrees. 8 gree 28 in hagerstown. Strong gusty win and west going to continue to ci give us these wip chills muchhic this is real story. Sto look what it feels like outside witness wind chill. Wi 21 in washington. Tnngto 18 in gaithersburg. Urg 22 in quantico. Leonardtown 25 degrees. 5 gr so very very cold day today. Daytime highs even with sunshine upper 30s perhaps few low 40s 4 out there later today. T. Look at the lake effect snow. No upstate new york looking anothea three to 6inches parts of michigan still getting heavy hea snows where theyve already seen upwards to a foot here. So very very cold air being air warm lakes off to the north anda west thats causing a lot oflo lake effect seventy three outse there. Ve we should be in for generally ie sunny conditions today. Ay tonight will be very cold and ca tomorrow should be good andhould well get some clouds aroundme a here by sunday as our next warmm front approaches but the real pattern here the real change ise towards the cold and things forf the neck several days with windw chills in the 20s and daytime highs more like 30s a few spots may touch 40 here over the nextx couple of days. Next week or two well get one o wee enforcing shot after anotheo of cold air so it will feel vere very chilly around hered h particularly bite end of nextit week. Our daytime highs may not get gt out of the low 30s. So its going to start to foal a lot like the holidays aroundayro here over the next couple ofoupe days. Od today. That will be very very chillyll breeze this afternoon again winn chills in the low 30s. Cold tonight overnight lows mid 20s mid to upper 20s in then city. Teens by tomorrow morning northi and west. Daytime high tomorrow only 40. Y. Time frame right here second half of sunday into monday thera may be a little frozen precipre north and west before it transitions to morning rain on monday then well see more coldl air by the end of next week and another couple chances for at least some wintertime pro sip around here by wednesday and again next weekend. Xt wnd so things will get moreet m interesting next week if youeeki like winter wet. Et i can you guys do. Uy d love it. Thanks tuck. Queue the music its movie review we havent done it for a longg time because Kevin Mccarthy hass been on his honeymoon. Eyon has been all over the world. Thd came straight back to work. Traveling, i dont know, threewe weeks straight to get back. Seems like it imstra sure. Ur went right to work. To wor he joins us from new york. Or hi, kev. We can see you g morning. Mo. We have missed you. I missed you guys very veryev much. I was 28 hour travel dayay yesterday. Yesterda technically i left from sidney australia flew to la and then in flew to d. C. Then i went to new a second. A s but one of the movies opening ug in theater todays movie calledc miss sloan starring jessicaesca chastain she play as lobbyist in washington, d. C. And sheinon, actually spent time here with her coach stars here inn washington you to talk aboutal a becoming a lobbyist. A i wanted to know what that process was like. Lik watch this. I live in d. C. Obviously. Its interesting you guys met with 11 lobbyists. 1 lobbyis how does that do you get to that . Do youdo personally is he it up or the movie city set it up for you. Y we had a bit of both. F i know jessica reached out to, upping. Upping im a control freak. Trreak yes. Im going to find my own. Yeah. I mean with the film thereth wasnt a lobbying firm that werm sort of the consultants and a lot of us that work we had a lobbying boot camp, you know, k where we got to ask all thehe be in washington at the sameasht time. Yeah. Y we had some meet that is werw combined which really helpful. P. We went to gabbie giffords gfo organization to talk to some tos people there about gun legislation. Fascinating. Movie opens up today. Oday its very heavily dc based filmf if youre interested in seeing how the lobbyist element is is portrayed definitely check itd i out. I gave a 3. 5 out of five. E. Also a very exciting trailer dr yeah, oh, yeah, allison i wai freaking out last night afterhtt traveling all that time, i was dead tired but the trailer came out i think around 11 30 or sors on Jimmy Kimmels show and i had to stay up just to see it because i love toll holland as spiderman. For people who dont know, this is this character this is t i taking place in the marvel cinematic universe the idea thei behind this is that it actuallya exists in the same world as thea avengers. Rs you were introduced to thisoh version of spiderman in captainn greatest action scenes ever thaa 17 minute airport sequence andqc now hes getting his own film. Weve seen toby maguire and Andrew Garfield but to me thiso is the best version off spiderman. Spid the trailer looks insane. E. I will say the little cgi heavyy for me im looking forward to fd seeing all the behind theehin scenes, the High School Part off Peter Parkers life. L the director is fantastic. Ic also has Michael Keaton playingg the villain in the movie imm really looking forward to theo t trailer drop last night on jimmy downey, jr. Is in there, too. Actually combining taking placep after captain america civil warw so im looking forward to thatoa that opens up in july of 2017. 7. Kev, i agree. Gr it looks a little cgi especialll the spiderman character in the trailer. Heres what i really want toreay know. Youve been away from us for tww weeks,ay f kevin. On your honeymoon travelingvi around the world. Or did you see any movies for thoso two weeks or did you completelyy abstain from the movie together because these planela rides again theyre 17, 18 houru in regards. Egds we were in new zealand and zeala australia but a lot of my honey knee moon was movie themed. Me we went to new zealand i wantede to see where the hobbit and lorl of rings were shot. Shot. It was incredible. Ble when we were in australia were t went to all the places that thee shot the great gatsby. Y. Incredible time. Ible it was the best trip of my life and just to be able to share sre that with my wife was amazing. I it was inc love it i do have to ask the a t movies you watch on the plane,le these were movies that you youty have seen before, right, becausu you yelled at me now for nowor watching movies on a plane ala because you said its not the te cinematic experience. What i had to do was i wa dont want to get too much into detail i vote for somethingom called the broadcast phonehone Critics Association im going tt the show this sunday its calltc the critics choice awards. Ward and im a Voting Member so i hai to catch up on some of the the screeners in order to vote so ii bunch of different films it was actually kind of prepping forref that more than just watching wat them for entertainment purposese i gotcha. Kevin still working on thisn th honey noon. Honey noon. Did you expect anything elsen i d did not. By the way im in new yorkm n and im sitting down in about a two hours here with taraji p. Henson as well as farrellll williams which i know ourno our producer meghan is flipping out about. Abou im from the 757. 7 i cannot wait to sit across frof him and just talk to him about the music, the genius that he creates for this new movie called Hidden Figures aboutn re incredible women who work behinb the scenes in massage it looks amazing. Movie is amazing. A a lot of Virginia Beach tmaak coming up. Mi u sure is. Well see you later. Er. 757. See you buddy. S you holiday classic this one the the whole family can enjoy. E it is this weeks special fox fx beat free friday give away youyo can win four tickets to see see moscow ballets great russian nutcracker. Between december 21 and december 23 at strathmore. 224. 2 go to fox5 did the com contestse between now and 11 59 p. M. And. A enter for a chance to win. O win so one winner will be selected c by random drawing onrawi o december 12th. 1h all entrants must be 18 or oldeo and complete rules are available at fox5 dc. Com contests. 8 55. 55 iconic video game making its jump from that nintendo consoleo to your iphone for the firstiphe time ever. Yay ask. Coming up well tell which tc you one. You live look outside. Its cold out. Tucker h nintendo on your iphone. Inte next week you can Start Playing super mario run on yndouk ryou p all you have to do is downloadd the app if you want to sneak ton peek go to the nearest applere a store and play the game. Ge tucker i wanted to get thehe new nebraska dough console it co has all the games built into iti 60 bucks. Bucks. Sol out like that. Like all right, steve. You on the waiting list. List. Youll get it. Ask santa. Askta were above freezing atere o Reagan National 33 degrees. Gree dulles 31 up in baltimore stille 29. 29 wind chills right now still ins the teens and low 20sri its gos to be a cold one today. Daytime highs i think strugglehs to 40. To and look at all that lake effece snows off to our north and wests we wont see that well see a wl few clouds this afternoon. No real theme cold temperatures. Pes these numbers about 10 degrees r below average right that was tha weekend. Cloud up on sunday. Maybe a little wintry mix toy m rain by early monday. Day. So start to feel a lot like thee holidays around here over theere at least weatherwise. Erwise erin, checking in before you gou away on your big trip. Ig ill be here for good day. Dont you worry. Do then i get to leave. For nashville. N little cold down there i hear,e, tuck. Tuck right now taking loo outside. Traffic on the top side of the beltway moving along a lot better. Be outer loop a crash byter lo a cy connecticut that cleared. At cle in your opinion by oxon hill is bit slow. Take a look at our maps. M a crash we were tracking 28ckin2 southbound dulles toll road moving over to one lane blocked big delays inbound dulles toll southbound. Keep it to good day at 9a. 9 were coming back in just a fewa taste the many sides of brookside. Smooth dark chocolate outside. Exotic fruit flavor inside. Brookside. . . Straight ahead, open for business. Mgm National Harbor opened lastl feeling lucky packed in. Acke in. Why the venue is getting rave reviews the traffic and parking. Old man winter moving in. I temperatures taking a tumble ane well have a look at the freezing seven day that could include snowflakes. Wfla conflict of interest. Nfli of the president elect says hell h stay on as executive producer of his hit reality show. Sho plus, the latest names added tod

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