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Miles from desmoines. Desmoin officers responded to report ofo shots fired at 70th street and aurora avenue. Ve that is where an Police Officerr was discovered shot dead inead patrol car. Ar more officers from urban dale and desmoines saturated theatede area. At 1 26am at meryl hey road and sheraton drive a little waystle from there, right, desmoines dmo officer was also found shot inht his or her patrol car. Car police are calling the killingsg ambush style attack. Aac were told that suspectct but Nothing Police are ready toy share with the public yet. Police press officers were veryr emotional during an early e morning press conference. Theres always danger ifdang youre a Police Officer. These guys were gunned down gunn sitting in their car doingaroi nothing wrong. G wrong theres somebody out there shooting Police Officers. We hope he find him beforee anybody else gets hurt. H we dont want anybody in the Int Community to get hurt. Hurt police in the area are hahnrh high alert doubling up onn for the police departmentar because just back in march, they lost two officers who were wer killed by a drunk driver who crashed into them. Hem so again very early on in the investigation. Inve we hope to get some more videoid and police will update us againa in a few more hours. Ou back to you guys. Hopefully well get morell gt details in a little bit. Eit hoping for more information inmi the deadly bus crash that happened yesterday in baltimore. Still waiting on the name of tht ctctims. Survivor and recording equipmeng will help to explain why that schoolbus crashed into the i commuter bus killing six people and injuring 10 more yesterdaynd morning right about this time. Am the national transportationo safety board is leading that investigation. Police say the schoolbus driverr rear ended that ford mustang you saw a minute ago with the heavya damage before hitting a wall ofl the cemetery and then crashedra right into the commuter bus. New this morning from f overseas, a new report on the doomed Malaysian Airlines flight like anyone was actually flyingn that plane when it crashed intoi the ocean. E o the australia transport safetyaf bureau came up with the theoryor because of the portion of theonf flaps were in at the time thee e position they were in at the ine time. Its burlingtonbristol 2. 5 years sips the crash killing ofo one on board. No one is sure what caused it. Happening now new details ous this morning about a suspect ina a Sexual Assault case inn stafford county. Ouy. Police now saying he left a clue behind at the crime seen his shirt. Victim said after she and ther h suspect got into a car crash, she was ended the man pulled hed out of car and into the ditch oo the side of the road where heroe raped her. Rape if you have any information on either the shirt or yoe uan cans there a sketch of the victim onc the right side of the screen, you are asked to contacrctee poc in the district, a father ft under arrest after his threeyearold son took a loadea gun to school. Ool. D. C. Police say Security Guardyg was checking the toddlerss Elementary School in southeastoa yesterday morning when he foundn a loaded semi automatic pistolis this father Anthony Childs faces multiple charges includingnc carrying a pistol without a license. . . Happening today, major legal announce many set tg o cumrtoy l to the deadly gas explosion and fire at the flower branchwer bra apartments in Silver Spring. The blast back in augustn killed seven people. Ppl it injured dozens more. Fox5s bob barnard is live in Silver Spring with the details i this morning. Ng bob . Reporter hey, allison andis you can see behind me thee behit building still shattered, stilll the way it was after thatha explosion in the midnight hourgh of august 10th this summer. Um what well find out is later on this morning at a law officeffic down near capitol hill in thehe district casa a group that advocates for the latin americai community on behalf of thef of families that lot of loved ones and lost their homes here areesr going to announce a major lawsuit against the ownerwn building. They want justice for thesee foe families, 84 families made homeless. As you mentioned seven peopleen killed including two childrentic and basically skas which wch advocates for these families which led a protest march herear in Early September over to thero Property Managers officee basically saying that they wanty justice for these families andis not just for the familiar whosh lived here, but for low incomee families and latin americanrin families all around the washington, d. C. Area. Who they say are made to live ie harsh conditions. Dition it was a gas leak that led toed the explosion and fire here andh so well find out little bite bt later on this morning the newsgw conference at 10 00 oclock thi morning in d. C. Announcing this major lawsuit. It guys . 7 05 right now. 5 right tuck is with us for a look at the forecast. Going feel like springtime,inim summertime, choose your season. O maybe late summer. Maye upper 70s. Losing two minutes and 11 and a weekend, right. Enht. Big change coming up soon. I was going to mention it. Gi more on that coming up, but lets focus on tngn thodayat fir 55 still dark out there. Sun not up until 7 36 in the rning. G. Next week at this time it willat be an hour early. Humidity 93 . Ty3 . We do have clouds across the acs area and along with it generalll mild temperatures most of the mf area in the low to mid 50s. 0s probably jacket here early. Arly but by afternoon back in too short sleeves maybe shorts foryr you with daytime highs in the it mid to upper 70s with wit very mild later tonight andlated again tomorrow. So weve got aai nice midweek wr up to look forward to. Wa t let me mention as well it willtl be dry this afternoon. No nice and dry this afternoon. On. So no rain chances. Hanc doesnt arrive until tomorrow. Lr enjoy the day. Enjoy t day enjoy beautiful day. Day all right. Lunch outside, erin. Alln. Yes, invite because you can c count me in. Me in. Sure. All right. Moving on to traffic, 7 00 sykes right now. You can see the 295 northbound 5 nortound is still jam packed from theom t ramps from the inner loop and la two crashes that we had. H one by malcolm x avenue and oneo by lavatory road just clearedled delays have no eased. Eas 30 minutes from the beltway too 11th street bridge. B plan for that. Forward our cameras earlierar crash over the 14th streettr bridge cleared but look at that mess. Ss this is out by washingtonhito boulevard. 395 northbound delays are fromrm edsall road to the 14th street bridge. So crowded and speeds under und 10 miles per hour. Hour. You need about 35 extra minutes from the beltway to the bridge. I well forward our cameras onceao 270 south also slow roll now ro crashes to report. Or but from urbana down to the spuu very heavy traffic. Tff northbound side looks a littleei heavier than usual as well. L. Well keep updated oh and thathd one and take lock at metro were dealing with safetrack work work affecting the red line next bacb to you. Want to get to the latest on the campaign trail. Tra. Six days to go until theys tgo u election. Elec Hillary Clinton trying tog t counter a late surge from donalo trump as the two are almost evee in an average of national pollsl meantime fbi tries to speed s through a renewed investigationn email use. Se. Foxs doug luzader has more nown from capitol hill. Reporter fbi is hil workingg almost a around the clocking ton through thousands of clinton insider emails it seem unlikely, though, that were, tu going to have any solid answerss by election day. . . Reporter Hillary Clintonter back to the issue that her her campaign thinks will put her h over the edge in these final da. S. Mobilizing women against donaldl trump. Ump. He calls women ugly, disgusting, nasty, all bo he calls women pigs. B boo raped bodies on a scale from rates bodies on a scalee from one to 10. Ne 1 clinton having to forgive thi positive messaging in this homee stretch to fend off arisingrisi donald trump. Dona and the renewed fbi investigation into her emailai use. E. She wanted to end on sort ofo a give the voter something about me pitch. It she cant. Sh shes trying to deflect awayefly from the fbi. Reporter clinton also campaigning in arizona today. Od hoping to flip that state forter democrats. And her campaign is relying oneo the millions of early voters ver across the country who may haveh already given her an edge before the polls tightened. Tightened donald trump in wisconsin hopinp to chip away at any clinto lead. This is a good time to make an Important Public Service announcement. You can change your vote to vote donald trump. Well make America Great again. N okay. Reporter hes right. Handfu voters the option to changeo cng their minds and although theh t deadline to do so in minnesota passed yesterday, in wisconsin s voters still have a chance to go back and forth multiple times. Im the rule is very quirky. Yuirk do you have to go and do it intn person. But they can change their mindhi up to three times. Ee t reporter its not clearot ce how many people would actuallyly go through that effort. Eor trump meantime spending a lot oo time today in florida. Florida that is a must win state for him. In washington, doug luzader, fox news. Stories this morning in the mnig district d. C. Police need your y help finding two suspects wantee for this armed robbery. Now this goes back two weeks. We friday, october 21st 2600 block of p street northwest. There is a 10,000 reward up for grabs to help police make an hpo arrest. Tragedy in maryland. M a toddler is dead after being bg injured during a hayride inde i hagerstown over the weekend. Kend the threeyearold fell from tht side of a wagon and was run over by one of the whees. Pronounced dead there. The Officials Say he was from westet virginia and the incident has been deemed an accident. Update speaking on theing deadly halloween hayride h accident in mississippi. In miss we now know it was a mother anda her two Young Children who were killed when the trailer theyhey were riding in was hit by aidinn pickup truck. W pick it happened monday nightmondayig halloween night. The children eight years old ans two years old six other peopleeo were hurt. New images out of oklahoma h of shootout with police thate tt shows officers pursuing michael vanc, jr. Before opening fire of him as he crouched in front of a stolen pickup truck during thegt pursuit a trooper actually firef at vance through his own own windshield. Windsh he was wanted for the murders oo his two relatives as well as the shooting of two Police Officersr and multiple carjackings last week. Week well, italy having moreor problems there the countryntry dealing with more after shocks t following a powerful earthquakee over the weekend. Teeke the latest happening yesterday a 4. 8 mountainous region not far where the larger sixpoint over six magnitude quake hit on sundayn n more than 30,000 people nowpl nw homeless because of the damage g from the quakes this week. See in the wake of tragedy, a, a glimmer of hope. A dog pulled alive from the rubble 24 hours after the quakea hit. Hit. Rescuers first saw his paw p sticking out from the debris before freeing him. There he is. S. His little face right there. He drink something water a little doing just fine. In good news there. Yes. Y absolutely rightes. Hope frank sis make aopfran controversial announcement whenc it comes to women and thean the Catholic Church. Olichurc one rule he says will never nevr change. Star buck brewing upewi u controversy with its latest cupc design. For the life of me i dont see whats wrong with it but wellib talk about it. It. Why its receiving mixed reviews this morning. Dunkins sweet black pepper bacon sandwich is back with twice the crispy, caramelized peppered bacon. Experience a breakfast sandwich made for bacon lovers. America runs on dunkin. . . . You cant ask for better . Tr than a game seven thats whatta youll get tonight witness world series. It will end tonight of the somebody will be happy,end somd will be not so happy. Hap big win for the cubs last night on the road. Roa as they force the game sevene se tonight. It will be right here on fox5. First pitch 80 00 8 00 p. M. Very exciting. Xcit yes, it is. Game seven championship. Hi. I have no invested interester in either time im excited for r great game seven. Sen horse in race, dog in a fight, bird in a tree. Continue. Cnu thats it . That was it . Okay. Oka somebody who hasnt won in atn n least 60 years will win. Il thats pretty cool. S prty c you got to root for the cubs, dont you. If you dont have team, don, you have to root for the cubs. The indians havent won in 66 years. Ye the cubs havent won in a w in hundred years. Re years. It either way. Either way i think it story. How about you, cubs . . Cubs. Cub okay. Fair enough. Lets do the forecast. Wouldnt it kind of fun to seeee them wait another 108 years. Yes no, because we wont see it. E youre right pow that. Pow 55 now in washington. Ngn. 45 up in binghamton. Am mile temperatures for everybodyy pittsburgh 60 degrees thisgh 6 morning. Detroit 57. Oi theyre looking at 72 for daytime high in cleveland today. They are going to get rainng tta tonight with cold front but it i wont get into after the game. A. Fingers crossed there. S d see that rain shower activity a we are featuring mid to upper 70s today. The big question mark is howrk w much of the cloudiness that we have out there early will we burn off. Off the thinking well turnell tn gradually partly sunny this thi afternoon and that will allowill our temperatures to warm up but today, tonight, tomorrow up trow ahead of the cold front well wl have temperatures 15 pluss 15 ps degrees above normal. Ee if we hit that 79s tomorrow, ta will be 1 degree short of record temperatures that go back to 1974. Theres your weekend forecast aa we cooler conditions but very pleasant, very nice saturday any sunday to look forward to and dont forget to turn the clocks back an hour this weekend. Yay so much happening. O i like thatmuch. So much happening. Lets check in with erin andi get a look at your commute. Mute so many problems. Ems suitland parkway outsidesi pennsylvania avenue big crash. Ra also route nine inbound the eastbound side is closed due too a crash at Hamilton Station sti several miles as you try to geto down towards seven. Ds so watch out for that one. T one as we go ahead and forward our maps map to our tweets in the district big problem dupontt circle. Police letting us theres a closure between massachusettsch avenue and New Hampshire avenuee northwest on the interio circle. Use caution. And you know what Dupont Circle c look like this time of morning. M give yourself extra time to geto around the area. Aroua. As we check in with bw parkwayky theres crash on the southbounds side of 32 delays are all the ae way back to 100 very heavy heavy and then the southbound delays continue all the way downhe dow through green belt as you try tu get to the beltway. 95 southbound may be a better bet for you keep in mind frominr the icc to the beltway basically parked and outer loop exams from bw parkway over toga good with d 30 minute delay. E d back to you guys. 7 17 right now. Transit strike up intre up in philadelphia continues thisphiac morning bringing a halt tonga ht transportation in that city. At. Buses, trollies, subways shut st down yesterday after thefter the Transportation Company septa and the Workers Union failed to t septa says the two sides are making steady progress and moree talks are expected today. Ay more than 400,000 people use the citys public transportationio every day. Volkswagen buy backs areageb underway about 475,000 owners of diesel vw and audis will now bw able to sell their cars back to the automaker. Ak owners can also get between 5100 and 10,000 in cash. Cas the buy backs come after federal judge signed off on 15 billionl settlement after vw a cheating on auto emission. Emiso if you plan on flying foringr thanksgiving you are going tongy have lots and lots of comoupanya between november 18th and thendt 25th, more than 2 million m people are expected to make t their way through airports evere day. Thats 50,000 more per day thann last year. Speaking of the holidays if you thought the controversy over starbucks cup designs would beod left behind in 2015 and move anv beyond it in 2016, we didnt. Why . I dont know. The coffee chain unveiled a nw cup design yesterday yet againei customers and online outrage. Holly morris is here to tell us us was it like 3 million angry g customers. I think it was probably more likewa three but yous know we j need something to talk about. Bo of course, in the essence of researching the story i had toad go to starbucks. Right . Ri do what you must do. O what i had to do it. Ad to do it. I had to do it. Starbucks rolled out its holiday hand crafted beverages in somens new hardware. Ar Fan Favorites like the chestnut praline latte which i highly latte and peppermint mochaha returned to stores yesterday ana being served in a new green staa buck cup this one right here. R it was created as a symbol of unity timed witness upcomingessn president ial election. Ct thats right. Annual holidayay red cups that were used tom us theres just a special designcin that features mosaic of morere than 100 people drawn in onen oe continuous stroke. Which is pretty amazing. The new coffee cups created tedo represent the connection that is other and i can tell you that ii actually says that on the doorho at least the starbucks i went wn into. In im trying to turn it for you. U show the front. It said remember to be good todt each other. Now customers have accuseded starbucks of trying brain wash s them with the design. Esig please. Pase. Holly, please. Whats the complaint here . They criticizede co the compa for acknowledging even the election. I think its tollly ridiculous. L i think its ridiculous obviously this comes on the o to last year 2015 when they did have their usual red cups red cp remember they removed all signs of christmas. Exactly. Xa so then obviously people ofcp the Christian Faith were veryer upset about that. That. That was a big brew haha and now brew haha. Haha. See what oy did there. I do. I do. Theyre just trying to say sy remember, people, were all inli this together. Isnt were in this together. Lets be nice to each other. Righe t . And i think its faino say theres lot of hate eye outu that right now. Let me say sometthhing. Etng this is a lesson to all of us. You cannot please everybody. T u cant win. I love the cup. The c i love the thought of unity. Uty you know what i love . Whata in the cup. In the cup. How about that. I care pour about h whats iw this cup than it do whats on the cup. You might be cynicism alertst here you might be buying intoto the greatest marketing ploy of o all time. Allim oh, my gosh. Gh they did brain wash me. See they could have put fewew people in there. Here love one another. This just in. T i was all right in the cult. Cul right. Thanks holly. Because i need the coffee. Thanks holly isnt yourellys welcome. Its a mess. N check of your top stories itx including a shocking find insidd one preschoolers backpack that landed his dad behind bars. S six days until the election. N the race tight than ever but whw wins may come down to one to on Certain Group of voters. V and well talk about whom that t may be at 7 30. . . We are back now at 7 24 witt look at half hour. Lf this hour. Two Police Officers shot toho death in iowa. Shootings happened in urban dald just west of the capitol of of desmoines. Sm it happened around 1 00 this morning. Morn officers responding to reports of gesunpofire found one of the officers shot. S 30 minutes later police discovee the second officer shot. Police Officials Say the the officers appear to be ther to victims of an ambush since both were shot while sitting in theit patrol cars. Overseas in china, tragedy dead after an explosion at a a coalmine it happened in thed ine southwestern part of thathwes country. Te 35 miners apparently weree working inside when the gas t explosion happened. Explosion han two of the victims made it oute of the danger zone. R z local officials ordered smallerr mines in that region tockin than temporarily shut down t as officials launch anaunch an investigation into the blast. At in the district the fatheria is undert arrest after his threeyearold son took a loaded pistol to school in his backpack. D. C. Police say Security Guard rd was checking that toddlersers backpack yesterday morning atnig mow ton Elementary School in southeast washington when heingn found a loaded semi automaticic pistol. Today we expect to learn the names of those ke illed exinpe t deadly bus crash that happened just about this time yesterdayrd in baltimore. Six people died when thehe schoolbus slam not commuter bus investigators are trying toe figure out what caused that tha schoolbus driver to loseo l control. Co police say he first rear ended a vehicle, then hit a wall and ana fence of the cemetery beforeore crashing into the marylandarand transit bus you can see how extensive that damage is. S. No children were on board therde . . All right. Ight. My turn. My we got mild temperatures to looo forward today. This thisool out early morning. Reagan National Checking in at 55 degrees. Degre dulles 54. Up in Baltimore Bwi Marshall non 50. 50 cloud cover to start your day. Im hoping we in the weather w community are hoping well burnn that off and turn partly sunny s this afternoon and with thathat sunshine we should really warm things up into the mid to upperr 70s later today. So were featuring justng for november the second ofond course unseasonably warmy wm temperatures good 15 degrees oro so above normal later this this afternoon. Te very warm tonight. Ht mild overnight. Ld oight lows about 60. 0. Well do near 80 tomorrow and then cold front tomorrowow afternoon will bring somernoo showers and cooler wean therwi r the weekend. End turn those clocks back, erin, turning them back. K an extra hour of sleep meansa for parties on saturday night. Yeaeah. I really am planning oning o watching movie saturday night ot my couch. Me, too. E, t just sounded fun to celebrata come down from baltimore toretie the district southbound 29 aun29 crash is blocking two right twog lanes south of 70. Of huge delays on 70 in bothh directions and 29 southbound sth from 70 on down. Ow suitland parkway inbound a crasc at pennsylvania. So some heavy delays leading ong pennsylvania towards the beltwaw in prince georges county. Ount once you get inside the beltwayw suitland parkway jams up as yous mack your way to sank capitolapl route nine is due to crash at Hamilton Station road. R more traffic in a few. N a fe back to you week we should know who the necc president of the united statesou is. Ni do you really think well know that close. Lose well know what the votes ara from tuesday. But in the final days until t the election, polls show hillarr clinton and donald trump in a a virtual tie. L t up next, why this election may actually all come down to a particular group of voters. Ot oh, look. Another antiwrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. Neutrogena . Rapid wrinkle repair works. In one week. With the. Fastest retinol formula available. Its clinically proven to work fine lines and. Even deep wrinkles. One week . That definitely works rapid wrinkle repair. And for dark spots, rapid tone repair. Neutrogena . . . All the talk these days about that Beautiful House rightk th e the white house, and the a t election leading up to it, off course, meantime nice looking li day out there. Tuck says it will warm up nicely on this wednesday. Ednesday. Right now at 7 30, though, withh less than week until electionctn day, donald trump and hillary hy clinton neck and neck in theck c polls. Lls. However, one poll does showho trump recently taking the lead. D at the news but it may all comee down to those undecided voterss and joining us with the latest t on the race and how the numberse are shifting in the final days, Daniel Litman a reporter with political and its coauthor of political playbook. Ybook. Welcome. We thanks for having me. Me lets talk first well lookt at a poll about these uwendecidd voters. S this is a real game changer this time around especially. Yes. Its 15 . So this close. Lo yes. This leck is taken ataken year and a half. Hf. Right. People still havent decided, and so i think its kind of af a both houses they feel like theye still need to, f yourere republican you want to vote forr hillary but you just cant getan yourself to it, then you willil decide like last minute and ifni youre a person who wants toantt vote for trump but all the things that he says m second guess yourself, then youo will probably decide late. Eat almost like a psychologicalologl thing. Th right. Even people who already castalrt those early ballots are thinkini can i change my vote after the fbi news . This is a craz cycle. It is. It but i dont think that manynt y people will change their vote. Ch good right. An its hard enough to h to go he polls once. Po thats true. That is true. All right. S lets talk about, first of all, the fbi coming out and saying sn that they have to look at thesee today that theyre looking intoi president bill clinton some of his correspondence after and afr release or an Early Release of a prisoner. Oner so this close to the election,lo are you seeing a shift in voterv whos may have been leaninging towards Hillary Clinton . . A little bit. But i think Hillary Clintonslin team in brooklyn theyre pretty confident theyll win this. Win. Okay. Oka but this news makes them h makes their voters and supporters think to themselves that this election is not in th bag and so they want theirt thei supporters on edge a little bitt no democrats would go to theo tt polls. Were looking at political poll that shows the numbers herr after the fbi news 46 for clinton. 43 for trump. Trump did you expect these numbers . Rs yeah, just an interestinge poll we did. What i would point out to ouro o viewers is that that poll did pi not really change and so we hadd announcement. Unceme okay. And it was still three pointt but what we did see was republicans who were never goini to vote for clinton in the first place they said it made theme te less likely to vote for hillarya but thats not bad news. If you make your opponent supporters think less of you of that doesnt affect you. Okay. Lets take look at another ah poll this one conducted by 538. Com. Com. And it shows the same numbers here. But clinton up by about fourou points as well. Ell. Yes. Thats kind of the geniuses att 538 which is websites thatt aggregates polls doesnt their own polls. Ol what i would point out about aut that is that the lead has not changed for hillary much, and a you know, theres been so manyy early voters like more than tha 20 Million People have votedhavd early. Rl right. And so clinton had built in n lead there even if the polls pos she had banged all of thosef ths millions of votes she may stilli win on election day. Election d. You know theres a lot of talkw athbout rigged electionse from the trump camp but when you take look at the electoral votet and the numbers here arc lot oft clinton supporters say, well, trump cant win because of thisi lets look at the numbers you nu see a bigger gap here. Clinton with 304 electoral votet and trump with 232. What a voter to make of that . . Does our vote really count . Cnt it does. Does. It counts more if youre swingeg state obviously. People in d. C. That was their votes dont matter as much but its still si important to go out to the polls because you want to express youy opinion of democracy but alsolso the Electoral College the map we just saw it indicates that its still very close but clinton has lot of offices in the swing states in these battle groundsds and trump has organized lessed s hes more about the enthusiasmm of his speeches and less about getting people to the polls. Ople very interesting. Resti all right Daniel Litman islitma coauthor of political weighal wi playbook and a reporter foror political. Thank you. Thank you. Tucker barnes, over to you. Rn eser t . . Thank you allison. T guess what . We got 70s,hank yes back in the 70s to look forwarda to today and tomorrow and then t another cool down for the the weekend but lets talk aboutk at what we can expect thiscaexpe afternoon. 55 now in washington. Washito look at those mild temperatures. Pittsburgh 60 to start your day. I dont know why anybody anybo starting their day in pittsburgu there. We go. We g 54 in new york city. Yoity. 52 up in bosto we are looking at a southwestout flow here later today. And thats going allow all temperatures to surge into the mid to upper 70s. 7 i do want to mention cloud covev out there early. Ar. Were hoping to burn that offt f today but honestly this time ofm year it takes a little time toio burn off. Burn off low clouds and fog. Nd. Partly sunny this afternoon wefe should remain dry. The green out towards chic shoc our frontal system that willil bring us rain showers after of f tomorrow afternoon. Afternoon. More on that coming up momentarily. 77 this afternoon. 77 thirnoon. Enjoy a beautiful day. Y a auti im just in a good mood. Oo my dress has pockets. Ocke traffic is bad. Afis b i had some more coffee. The usual. Ua its all good. I right now traffic is bad,bad however, come untiling inn virginia. Inia 66 eastbound by 234 you can seee brake lights stop and go traffit from manassas throughou centreville as you get inside ge the beltway more stop gone traffic through falls church inc arlington this morning so giveoe yourself extra time. Xtime. Hate what im seeing 295 on thee northbound side. No from the beltway as you make mak your way to the 11th street s bridge really heavy traffic youu need 30 extra minutes coming ofn the el and outer loop dealing withr heavy traffic on thoseloop offm as well from earlier crashes. Ras same story on 395. 3 this is a look at the camera byb washington boulevard where its pretty nasty youre park. P you can see earlier crashrash blocking the right shoulder theg there. The vehicle blinkers on andnkond coming up from the beltway at a the 14th street bridge itsbr about a 35 minute delay. Day earlier crash cleared by the t 14th street bridge. Ri as we forward our cameras onceac again heres a look at theathe beltway by the legion bridge. Bg inner loop sluggish traffic us f try get up from old dominionomin towards the bridge. B coming off the 270 spur. And take look top side of theofe beltway. Way. Typical slow zone passed newne hampshire avenue. Outer loop from just before 95mr to georgia. About 25 minute delay withit congestion and 270 southboundtho also dealing with slowmovingloi traffic from 70 down to the spuu youre just dealing with stop s and go conditions. Dion as you can see you get closer t the spur you park up in some areas through gaithersburg andsd down through rockville give yourself 45 extra minutes to get done that stretch of 270. Ohat st move oh ver for lock at our maps right now. Ri some on the prob th you need to be aware of. Dulles toll road eastbound theres a crash after wheelie we Avenue Center lane blockedcked causing some delays. D as youre heading down fromm baltimore, southbound 29 a crash blocks two right lanes. Heavy traffic on 70 heavy heavy traffic on 29. 9. Allow extra time there. There. We got you covered this morningi more traffic in a few. Traff in back to you. Erin thanks. Tha thanks his controversialeral photo booth selfie how his wifef gets the last laugh. Lgh pope francis Standing Firm on a years old rule in the Catholic Church. Time right now 7 38. Were back in less than three dunkins sweet black pepper bacon sandwich is back with twice the crispy, caramelized peppered bacon. Experience a breakfast sandwich made for bacon lovers. America runs on dunkin. Im afraid youre suffering from fobo. Fobo . Fobo. Fobo. Fear of better options. Cure fobo with black friday savings now. At hhgregg. 7 40. Bill cosby due back in courtby d today. His attorneys are trying yet again to get the Andrea Constand case thrown out. O learn ifearnn expecteey thed t a judge will allow jurors too find out that he admitted he regularly bought quaaludes forgh women he want tossed sex with. T yesterday lawyers in the sexuale assault case argued whether aer 2005 civil proceeding should bep admirocessible in his upcomingig criminal trial. Al the judge will also determine ie the jury will hear from 13 other accusers. Pope francis has announced that the Catholic Church is bann on female priests will standnd forever. Ve. The pontiff made the declaration in response to a woman reporterr asking whether he thought womenw would one day serve as catholico priests and bishops. Is he then referenced a a proclamation made by pope johno paul ii back in 1994 in which he becoming priests was not ever going to be up for dough bait. Ai early voting has become succ a big 10 this election. Le so much so that even google isge paying attention to it. Google trends announcednnnc yesterday searches for they arch question, where do i vote earlyy have reached alltime high up 32 from september to october. The top five counties looking l for early voting over the last l 24 hours are all in parts of texas. Now the top five States Fortas f early vote searches are carolina, texas and here in heri washington, d. C. There are three states left youf can vote early and change yournr vote how do i change my early vote another top trending google search. All right. Understand it. Ders Justin Timberlake wife w definitely not letting theti singer off the hook for hisis voting selfie that he took he t earlier this month. R thisonth the actress posted thised collage to her instagram jokingg she waited until she got home to snap a pick commemorating her early vote. Y and she did it a way from the t ballot box. Ox this pick. You havent seen her lately. L shes been a fulltime move mommy. Dropped up for halloween. Rules prohibit selfies in voting booths. Booths we talk bout undecided voter inr this leck. There are those who say they ma not vote at all. 15 undecided. Ided. Very high this close to thegt election. That includes one of our own right here at fox5. Cludes af weoxl5. L talk to that person nn whos feeling the frustration many of you are feeling as well. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. We guarantee to make switching easier. Well show up on time. Youre right on time. As promised, to install fios and set up the wifi that janet, jamie, jenny, jemma and jasmine need on their birthday. Thank you. For all their new devices. You want a piece of cake . Switching to fios is easier than ever. Now get 100 meg internet, plus tv and phone for just 69. 99 per month online. Hurry, this is the final week to get our best offer ever. Only from fios. Northern virginia, on the issues, Barbara Comstock and donald trump are the same. Comstock and trump promote deportation and reject any comprehensive Immigration Reform. Both oppose background checks that keep guns from suspected terrorists. And comstocktrump were prepared to shut down the government time for Luann Bennett comprehensive Immigration Reform now. Common sense gun safety laws. Bennett tells congress do your job. Im Luann Bennett and i approve this message. 7 45 right now. No need for the ominous 7 musc that cloud cover will be tough t to burn off today. Od will that keep theeep the temperatures lower. Tempes thats our big concern. Ncern. The sooner we burn off the clouds the higher thehe temperature will get. Mperate wi burn them off baby. Bab should be well into the 70st7 for just about everybody. Bo you guys have been out. I know steve is a leave peeper. E have you been out enjoyingnjn them. Th we talked were you that. Marveled at the glory. He g. Are we peak in d. C. C. Were peaking right now. Rign we are . Thats interesting it doesnn seem like were peaking. King when the cold front . . . My god, you know, this is jes jew on the beat. T. Is were this song. S i know what it is. I k you got to bring somethingno. Folks drop a dab, do the d te running man. Somebody dos thinking it wan awesome. It was you. It was annie dance factory. O it was and annie you. Y you want to show us what youu go lets go. S uhhuh. . . I like this, tuck. There it is. I who says Tucker Barnes in the coolest weatherman in town. Lets do the forecast. Ecast. . . . You did it. Im not fan of jew jew any way. W i apologize. Logize lets do fall colors. Ors. People who den like thosedeno starbucks cups were of a phonede by that. Hat. Samame people. Yeah. Same people. Eople lloyd thank you for sending indg that picture. At pic look at that picture from the fo plane. Isnt that gorgeous. S. Beautiful. Yeah. Yeah as long as hes outside. s oe invite to us a weeke picnic. Cnic hopefully he will. Beautiful picture zen us your ht piurctzeures. N al sop, yes, we are peaking aska we speak. If you get a chance today orod o tomorrow get out enjoy the t beautiful conditions out there e as temperatures mentioned shoull be in the 70 ace round hereer later today and tomorrow. Orro 55 to you in washington. Hiton. 52 leonardtown. Few 40s to the west and northor early this morning. Hagues down 49 and 46 in martinsburg. Sbur not really see the cloud coverur satellite radar. Ll but i want to important out this feature thats a cold front offf to the north and west and that a will put an end to our littleit mini heat wave well have todayd and tomorrow. But it wont arrive untilmoive u tomorrow afternoon. Eron so thats good news. N i also want to mention clevelane i think it will squeak out thatt game tonight before the rainai arrives probably after 10,ft 1 11 00 oclock tonight. Ht 70s for us today. Tay maybe an 80 tomorrow with a nice southwest flow. W. And then the cooler conditionsdn will settle in behind our frontal system for the day onn friday. Frid so enjoy next couple of days. D. Temperatures. Temperat quick reminder one more time tim were falling back this weekende late saturday early sunday turn those clocks back an hour. Great. Reat. Erin lets see some moves. I was just telling allison how much i love her outfit. Utt you want to see me dance . Dance theres no music. Eres us hit it. It it oh, my god. . . . . Tucker, i cant dance in this dress. Lets see it. I got nothing. No i. G you dont want to see my wane moves. Outer loop crash hope you have good music if youre travelirang on the wilson bridge. Ridg [ laughter ] show off. Eisenhower of a heavy traffic tf there inner loop really backed e up through objection zen hill. Ol 395 is park from the belt withit to the 14th street bridge. 395 northbound theres a crash a blocking the shoulder byde washington boulevard. Ouleva that is not helping anything. Nyn were seeing big problems on the inner loop up to 50. 5 66 volume continues to build 234 to 28. 8. Major issue this morning, dulles toll road a crash after wheeliee Avenue Center lane blocked block a crash at pennsylvania. Look at that backed up traffic f leading in towards the beltway l through prince georges county. Y bw parkway theres a crash at 33 delays passed 100. Heavy traffic 95 from the icc on the southbound side to the se to beltway and 270 south 45 minutee delay from 70 on down throughroh rockville and then in baltimore, 29 southbound a crash blockingln two right lanes moved over tor t one right lane. Le. 70 deal with a ton of showmoving traffic as well. W ill watch youtube videos works and my dance moves and welle steve and allison. On erin remind tucker the bossk is much whatting his moves like literally right over here for the past few months we have been telling you about or newave pop i still have a key card sarahah fraser gets those of us here ata fox5 to dish about some of our more personal stories. Shes going up to the tophe p now. Up until now you heard from lott of us you see on tv every day dy but this morning were goingoi behind the scenes hearing fromno our big boss the stations jennj mal manager patrick paolini. Aoni morning. Patrick i dont know about the big boss. Know g patrick im so gla d you stillou sti gave me a key card. Ugh. Are you regretting thatouegre decision . No, no new york city. Nnew how many days a week are youw allowed in the building . T bui well so far three. Thr. Okay. Good. Thats good. How about four . Four, all right. Nah any day you want. Wt look you were awesome enoughe to be on thissome podcast. Yes. Es. I do believe this is huge because you might believ the fit gm ever. Ever. Yeah. Of tv station to be on a podcast. Like i said on the stati podcast iodca might be the and this will be your last. S but no you were really cool youy talk about so many things. This. Yes. E ture oalk about the future of tv which i think for somebody sm who wants to get in this business or someone who is i already in the business you kiny of reveal where local tv is i headed you want to share a s little bit of what we talked tal about yes. Ab sure. Absolutely. Te. So, um, by the way, it was terrific. Rric. So it was a lot of fun, and i decided to do it because imausi asking everybody else to do it. I figured why not . Listen i li um, where our content we put ouo we do 60 hours of news a week aw and i think for the most partt t our couldnt 10 has to be i usee a word shareable. Le. Yes. Love that. We talked about that. At. Taeda i think when we look at ourt our segments and how we produce them and how we write them andhem deliver them, and the types of o stories that we choose, theye, t have to be stories that resonats with our audience, um, but both on air and digitally. Digitally we talked about how, you know, kind and im like why did i click on that story . Why do i fine thata story interesting. Esng we have to now take that to broadcast. Almost like the reverse. Originally we were tellingel everything from broadcastt putting it on plopping it on our digital platforms and now were really lock what resonates ones the digital platforms and trying to bring that back to television. We also get to talk a little et to e perour like personal life and a little bit about thee rumors. Rumo theres always been thiss ways controversy like are youy likery democrat, republican . I meanean i put a post out few weeksee ago, um, that i wasnt vetting in this election. No know. Which yeah. Have you changed your mind . . Well, let me say this. Thi i got a lot of feedback both online and from family, friendsn and so forth. So some people are actually all offended that i said up a goinga to vote. V right. So ive decided i am going to vote but not for one of the twoo candidates. Candidates as i said on the podcast, ive been very troubled by they t process, the ele candidates. I dont think either one is o worthy of thene presidency. Okay. So, um, but in terms of the rumors, i clarified fied lets take little listen totn this clip. Go ahead. Sure. Ure are you even voting . Well, all right, so i put out a post a few days ago that, um,u i wasnt voting, that thist this election is really beenn troubling to say the least both sides one more than another. Know, i said that. Tha i dont think either candidate a is worthy of the presidency. Y. So what i originally had saidadi was i wasnt going to vote. Ote. What i meant was, im not goingi to vote fort presidency. But after talking to some peoplo and getting somepl really goodyd feedback i might write in someone. It will not bone one of the twot current candidates. Um, okay so you talk more poo that in the podcast you also als give great advice for women inoi this business. For people just in general. Enerl in general. Al themselves. Emse theres that and then theresat some really c aoondl stuff abouy and i didnt realize you have 22 ttoos. S. I do. I know its a hidden thing. Thig so i did an interview a few, fe, bourke year ago and somebodyomod asked me the question what woull you not want your bosses to know when they hired you . Obviouslyey that was one of them. 22 tattoos. Irk change your name to tattoo t gm. Gm. 20 to 22. 2 that is crazy you talk aboutt kind of some of the tattoos that you have. Isnt yes. Isnt talk about some of the tattoosys yeah. Its really eally some of my hobbies. Obbi. Um, i didnt do any dishing on any of our talents. Ten they dont have to worry aboutor that. That i tried. Believe me, i tried. Lieve is he tried. She tried hard. Well play that clip next nex when we talk to you on good dayd but you were really really reall great. You were great. It was fun. I think people are going to love that. Y eopl i hope so. Ve that. So patrick, good follow up onwp social media. Hes never shy about hisbout h opinions whether it be anythingr from politics i to calls in nfl Football Games but becau big boss do you geyot a lot ofoo followers of people that just want to work for you . Forou thats a good question. Q very good question. Er i do actually. Y i get a lotdo a of if do youl back. Ba i do. I try to follow most people. Pp. Ill look at a few of their the posts and just see, you know,no theyre super controversial orsl some of the things they might be saying i really dont want on o on my feed, but for the most mt part i follow. Low i mean i only have a few thousand. Sand not bad. B. Its an interesting take onnt the election too especially witt it would be interesting to see s who the top write in person will be. Kasich voted for mccain. Right. Two days ago. Um i know who im going to writw in. Im not going to say it here. E. Anybody that works in this wi building. I thought about you, steve. T okay. But i decided toga allison. Yes. Fair enough. Ugh. Seymour for president isnt i i would vote for allison over my self as well. Asel i was hoping to get one vote. V. Sarah im holding out. Ng out you might get a vote. Et a v well see. Well see. Always good to see sarah andah a patrick thanks for joining usnig this morning as well. Well send things over tond thiv tucker. Tuck tucker he was watch your dance n moves earlier by the way. You mean admiring by danceria moves, steve. Teve thats what he meant to say. H thank you allison. Little known fact i have 22 tattoos two different girlsnr as well on my okay. On my arms. Ill show you later. N myat. Okay. I better be point. Oi 56 now in washington. Humidity 90 . Winds are calm. Winds e ca we are going to burn the cloudso off don mid to upper 70s laterer today. Y nice surge out of the south ando west here later thisf afternoon that front system wont get inwn here until later tomorrow torro afternoon. Af so until then, we are just going to be basking in unseasonablyeay warm temperatures. Upper 70s and then cooler cle weather gets in here behind a a frontal system late tomorrow. W. Cooler weekend. Ke dont forget well tush the t clocks back. Clocks back. Ill keep reminding you. G you erin, how are the dance moves . V you been practicing. Ing we have been practicing in bi the Traffic Office i will have e you know. Uno but im going to keep them for later. Later save them. For a rainy day. For a r i dont want to you put them to you dont need practice on twitter you can take tucker. Uc we all know that. That. Train malfunction residual delays on the orange blue andble silver line New Carrollton and a lore go. Steve just frowning in theowninh corner now. 95 northbound delays dale city to the beltway notate reasonabln but you can see that yellootw jj stop and go traffic as you makek your way towards mixing bowl. Gow still heavy traffic across the inner loop out of ox sell hillll and 395 super nasty from them t beltway to the 14th street strt bridge. About a 35 minute delay. Del we had earlier crashes. Street bridge extra time needede there as well. W justin our producer im talkingi to you i know thats your routee back to you steve. Steve. Say good morning to our fox55 fan of the day. Day today its kim gray. Hi, kim. , k. Hi kim. Ki shes been loyal fox5 viewerv for long time. And she just recently celebrated birthday number 50, al . A im telling you, 1966, babiee are the best. Kim, wants to send a special spl shout out to Tucker Barnes and says she lo d. C. We appreciate that. Thank you for watching and had he been be lated birthday, kim. Fox fuse mews morning continues this is fox5 news morning. Right now 8 00 oclock o live look outside. Wilson bridge traffic flowing fi nicely little sunshineine hopefully the clouds will, lowlw clouds will burn off soon and a well get some nice conditionsoi today. Tuck says clouds get out ofou o there shoot way up into the 70ss today. Isnt that nice, november 2nd. Exactly. Weather and traffic coming up on the 5s tra 8 00 sorry five. V good wednesday morning, im allison seymour. Mour. Im instead of scenery. Tead. Welcome to fox5 news morning. Mg get to breaking news overnight g in the midwest. St two Police Officers in iowa shoa to death ambush style thisle thi started at 10 00 6 00 a. M. In of desmoines iowa. Ow officers responded to report of shots fired and when they got gt that they found out it was a a Police Officer who had been shoo and killed inside his patrol car. 20 minutes later another officec also found shot in his or herr police car. Car police are still on the search c for the suspect. Today, we expect to learn l the names of those killed in in that deadly bus crash in baltimore. Six people died yesterdayie morning when a schoolbus slammem into an mta bus. Investigators are trying toe tri figure out what caused police say he first rear ended a mustang then hit a wall and a fence cemetery before crashingrn into the maryland transit bus. Is no children were on thehe schoolbus at the time. New today major legalregal announce many society cumry lated to the deadly gasdl gas explosion and fire at the flowee Branch Apartments back in Silver Spring back in august. Back ug the blast and fire killed sevenn people and injured dozens more. R dc law firm now teaming up with casa d maryland for that marand announcement that will happen survivors of the fire arehe fe a expected to be there. 8 01. In the district now a father is undefar arrest after his threeyearold son, three yearsa old, took a loaded gun tod gun school. Dc police say a Security Guard a was checking the toddlersckingh backe pack yesterday morning at moo ton Elementary School inooli southwest when he found a loaded semiautomatic pistol. To his father is Anthony Childs he faces multiple charges including carrying a pistol without ahouta license. New this morning a rash ofao commercial burglaries inaries now this dates back to last year talking about 13 break ins and a one person might be to blame fof l ofof them. Now police are releasing the ret Surveillance Video in the hope e that you can help them crack the case. Bob bernard live in silver s spring with more on the story, bob. Reporter this is georgiaeorg avenue. Avue a couple of them in this generar area. As you mentioned more than a dozen over the ctionourse of moe than a year, and montgomeryomer county Police Believe its thett same guy. One of the place that is wasas burglarized right here, thishi and then just this past august, that dry cleaners there was targeted the same guy accordinga to Montgomery County police andl here he is. This is a guy who apparently asa soon as he breaks in looks for the Surveillance Video camerases and alarm systems to disableab them but he has been caught ont camera. He is hit the stained glass pubp in wheaton, Dunkin Donuts botht in colesville and burtonsville, hangs tavern in bethesda. Napa auto parts in cloverly. Lov. This is a been captured, and believes thaa hes getting away with this anda not being caught on camera cer because, again, hes disable dis these alarm systems. Yste Montgomery County Police Offering amery 10,000 reward io know who this guy is. Its hard to see because he doee cover himself up looks like hes a burly call the crime solve wes 866411 tips. Ip theres a 10,000 reward. Rew you can remain anonymous and a again police putting theseng t videos out that because theyse again, guys. Hes serial burglar working i i was throughout Montgomery County. Odds are 13 times, that might be a 14th t cominimg up. P. Hopefully they catch him, bob,b thanks. By this time tomorrow willmi be one team left world seriesrlr champion. The Cleveland Indians or it wils be the o chicago cubs . Ub someone will celebrate thatht championship. We need a pet right here much m this is major event in americann history. St i agree. Ee last night the stars comingrm out for the big game. Am theres bill Murray Cleveland comedian price t drew cary earl err i dont know will he been i believe. One of the cubs biggest he bbes bill murray we saw first and lebron. Okay. In the first the indians down bn three and they just couldntt recover in the third addisonis russell with a grand slam tond m seal the deal. And tie the series at threet re games a piece. Piece its exciting. Ein it is exciting. Cubs fans reacting to the win with bolstered spirits hightsh this team. I was at a rooftop on friday. It was very sad. S now were very very happy. Happ. Once in a lifetime down three to one to come back like this, its absolutely amazing. Mazi i got my son an my wife here and one of my best friends for lifef and we all came and made thee t road trip we believe in our teaa and its just amazing. Amang were so happy to be here. Enthusiasm and down down down from cleve up yank fans who who thought they had i so heres what one disappointedn fan had to say. This game was a disaster fore us. It didnt help they dropped that fly ball. All. You know, went from there, wentn downhill, but hey, nair a good team. Te good pitchers. And we have all our bestures pitchers rested for tomorrowor night. So game seven cant ask for ask person that. Rshat. One run scores. Re fighting back tears rightg cr there. Well do it. It. T. Going to do 8 08 our coverage on the mightyt fox5 begins at 7 30. We it will be the 37th7th World Series Game seven. Sev not much better than gamen ge seven in any sport. Yay y as nats fans we know the disappointment of getting to the playoffs and not making it and further but the team has beenasn around for barely a decade, dec, little over decade imagine going 60, 80, 90, 100 plus years yea without championship. Well, were used to noto n winning championships here. Yes, tucker. He fear what is im going toi say. Y. Has not succeeded before. Good right. Ight im saying 100 consecutive years. Theyve been championships is the last couple of decades. Ecad its been awhile. Itbeen we havent celebrated the whole whole take that and multiply it by five or six or whatever itshate been for the cubs. T cub its been a long time. Weve suffered as far as cubu fans. Not by facts. It feels like it im sure. Okay. Y all right. Im excited for game seven. Sev cant wait to watch. Nt wait toc we got you steve. H. W we knoe w whagot your saying. Ay reagan 56. 6. 52 at bwi marshall. Shal we dont like it when hes angry. Dont go it tucker. Cloud cover out there early. Y burn the clouds off mid to uppep 70s this afternoon. Mid to upper 70 the more sun yoy get the warmer your temperatureu will get. Maybe few 80 ifs we can get britt afternoon of sunshine. Ine. Either way its dry later today enjoy a beautiful afternoon. Let me put it different way, al. Al how much how surly will be in another 90 years if we haventat wo can you imagine what illhal look like. Youll look like the crypthet keeper. Put a little nats cap on yourour head. Ad maybe i shall have phrasedas the that way. Ay. Erin, good morning. Thing got weird. Hing got wei. Now picture of tucker r steve does not like to be be misunderstood. Er i understand that. Understan we can make a mthateme of ste disapproval face. Face oh yeah and put different captions on for everything. In i may or may not approve of f that. That [ laughter ] messing on to traffic. This is look at 66 out by suddenly heavy traffic from manassas through centreville 454 minute delay from 234 to theohe beltway. Be forward our cameras. Oucameras. Things are not looking anyookina better as you make your way outo on 395 either. 395 dealing with super heavy traffic. Same story on 295. Ston 29 well see if we can switch ourur cameras. Ra delays there as well. El if not we can move over to ouroo maps and should you what elsehae were dealing with. Were dealin as wg ewi take look dupont circl still dealing with a crash andsa street c massachusetts avenue newtts anu hampshire avenue on theenn th Northwest Side of the circle so please use calling. Watch for extra heavy delays Dupont Circle backs up any waynw this time of morning. Largo bound silver train off loaded at Capitol South. As we take look at the blue linl as well we have speedwe havpeed restrictions so watch for delayl in both directions Near National airport on the blue and yellowhb lines and a train malfunction at Capitol South i just showed thao you tweet residual delays new silver. A lot of slowmoving trafficra especially across the inner lool across oxon hill. More traffic in a few. Tra back to you guys. Uys. Pope francis weighing in on the churchs controversial banan on women in the priesthood. Th and the effect of the deadlyl explosion in alabama stretchingn across the united states. Ste and hitting drivers at the pumps. Details next. Look outside right now weou shoot right down wisconsin background. See all the way across the river to rosslyn there. Here. Right third of your screen. See big developments in the fight tt retake mosul. Ul. Iraqi special services enteredct the city for the first time inof two yearsir. In the outskirts of mosul troopp continuing to door to doorr checking for traps and explosive devices left by the terror group. It far far from over expected tc last several more weeks. Theres new clue now in then mystery of the missing Malaysian Airlines flight. Plane disappeared two years oveo the indian ocean. N oce report releas australian officials suggestls g that no one was controllingontri flight mh370 when it spiraled id down into the sea. Downnto parts of the plane have beenaveb recovered but investigators havh yet to pinpoint the exactx location of the crash site. It it has been weeks now since Hurricane Matthew devastated tht caribbean island of haiti. And this morning even morenor heartbreaking news. This was the scene of an intense protest after a teenaged boy waw shot to death during clash withh distribution. Tion police got involved after theote victim along with other demonstrators tried to climb onn to a boat that had just arrivedv carrying supplies. A warm welcome today for tod three members of virginiasirgi urban search and rescue team. They spent three weeks in haiti assisting with efforts rescue efforts in the wake of thes in t hurricane. They provided Communications Equipment and conducted damage g assessments. Nt other team members also went too georgia and florida to assistfla with rescue efforts there. The deadly g alabama raising fear of anothero round of gas shortages and price increases here. Governor nathan deal has deah issue an exec tough order iner georgia waving regulations toatt forward gas to that tank and urged people not to gas flyas in atlanta. They hope to have that pipelinen back in service down by the b weekend. Weekend. Well see if that impacts folks up here in the northern part ofh the country. Thcountry. Women and the priesthood iti would like to see happen. Pen but pope francis reassuring thet the door is closed on thatha possibility. He says the churchs ban on ban women becoming priests iss forever and will never be changed. He then referenced aferenced a proclamation made boy Pope John Paul ii back in 1994 and in a which he wrote that the masterhe of women becoming priests was not ever going to be up for debate. Still ahead, a story youll l only see here on fox5. A teen brawl al tacked by hisdy classmate inside a school s but after its all over thee victim does something thathing dy expecxpected. Not even his own mother. M time right now 8 12. Im afraid youre suffering from fobo. Fobo . Fobo. Fobo. Fear of better options. Cure fobo with black friday savings now. Up to 40 off, 24months special financing, and free delivery. That doesnt look like fulln peak to me. Were getting there. Really the next couple of days. Well get winds behind the front tomorrow, and youll be surprised how quickly theyre gone. My point get out enjoy. Umhmm. Ere gext co inside thes bbeelrrowtw, ay longer ikaf youred t cloheser e bay where the water temperatures are warmer change, though. A little more. A l theyve been a little mutitedtli year. I think so, too. Dont you. I ive been out empty outlyig areas and very bright andright d colorful. But here in the district it seems l iikn e th what were you doing in the in outlying areas. As driving around, al. Arod, a early christmas shopping. Its so funny film why do you question . Leaf peeper peepe im trying to get into thehe secret steve vault every now ana then. Then it like to know where i amowa every second. Is that wrong . No, its not wrong at all. A is. Steve if theres breaking news f th news if theres breaking news web have to join forces to get here. Lets do cuteness. Cutenes we got cuteness factor of ther e day. Y. And we aww. Its mini. Mini. So sweet. We that is cutest little picture ever. Time now for fox5 photo of the day. We got willow, everybody. Rydy i love that name. Eah. Eah. What great little costume. Me. Willow is going to be a great big two years old on valentines day. Day. Ven on valentines day aww how special. I know. Now should she expect and receive two gifts from her sweetheart . Of course. When shes older. F wn yes. Sh she should. Should im sure mickey will comee through. Th all the matters now mickey. Iy youre right. Ht. Mickey will deliver onkey wi valentines day. Valentin shes super cute. She that is adorable. Dorae she watches fox5 every day too see what the weather will be like andhe w she loves dancing t our music. She should walk with you. Lk w i can only imagine herimine dance little willow. Dance. Nce. I love the little gloves. S. Theyre cute. Go to fox five d. C. And sendd us your cuteness and we will put them on the air as soon as we a can. Yes. No gloves needed today. Ov nope. Es willow we love your picture. Re. Hopefully youre dancing to the site of yourself early this morning. Mo v now in washington. W in wto 45 up in binghamton. Ton weve just got mild air to lookl forward to today. The cloud cover thats out thert will be a player in our forecass here the sooner we can burn it r off the warmer the will get this afternoon. Eron were still optimistic well geg into the mid to upper 70s a little later. At so dry conditions expectedecd today. See the rain showers kind ofwe north and west of chicago, thata frontal system will wont get ii here until tomorrow afternoon. En so until then, temperatures 15 5 plus degrees above normal. Ormal few more days of it a cool downd this weekend nothing we cantt handle. Nice weekend weather, steve, for all your secretive peaking. Peaki hes hanging out with me. Its not in the exciting atia all. Unless erin is involved then things get is fun. Takes tight another level. He was dressed as some kind d of pumpkin thing. Tuck knew where i was. Was. I did know that. Wha tuck was dressed as a weatheh person. Pe tucker did not bring it on saturday night. Ayight what . Wha i wasnt loud much its a a long story isnt i was allison in wonderland even had a blondlo wig. Wig. She looked amazing. Heked were there pictures. Piures yes, there were pictures. Everybody dressed tucker. Cker tuck sixty four bad now. Sixt you going walk right iny the st like that. Hes sulking. 335 jammed past washington w boulevard to the 14th streetto bridge. Brid really slowmoving traffictraffc there. We have other big delays aroundn the area. D the area you need to be aware of. O re o look at this. Athis. South capitol this is suitland i parkway to south capitol werele still dealing with really heavya traffic. Affi move over to our maps right nowt because we have lot of slowf slo downs as you see based on thehe map the inner loop and outer ano from branch avenue, and bw parkway very delayed right now. We also have big delays as weelw showed you in the camera to thet 14th street bridge. 95 northbound delays dale city to the beltway. Theyre improving a littleto t. Same story 66 through 66 through centreville but still a lot ofb stop and go traffic. Dulles toll road eastbound a a crash after wheelie avenue stili blocking the center lane with lh big delays. And top side of the beltway youu can see 95 from north of the icc down to the beltway jams and then from before route 1 all the way over to georgia linking up 270 southbound theres a crash h by 370 and were also gettingtig reports of a crash in a cran gaithersburg. 355 southbound and because itsi blocking two lanes of traffic, f really heavy traffic and unfortunately 270 not a greatat alternative to get around that. T leave very early fromfm gaithersburg down to the beltwaw this morning as we take closerer look at that you can see how red things are from urbana down to t the. Its about 50 minute delay and again 355 dealing with thatha crash. This morning any questions onn your commute erin fox5 d. C. Allison . . . . 8 19 on this wednesday. Only on fox5 a lesson in forgiveness from teenager whoss classmate beat him so severely r he was left unconscious. Ious. The attack happened last springn at boyds rest boys restroomeo at wake Lake High School inool i waldorf. Waldor the judge sentenced the attackee and what happened in thed in t courtroom shocked everyone. Eryo. Sarah simmons talked with the te teenaged victim about his changa of heart reporter this was 16yearold Joshua Wilson in february. After he suffered a bfeeat down the boys bathroom at west lakee high. Gh. Today, hes making strides with the help of three doctors. But he still suffers lastingrs g effects from a severe concussion. Still having up inness on the g upce oe of my face off and on and slffee opn paralysis someti. Basically sometimes at night i cant move like i cant move or do anything for like a good g might have minutes. Migh so it came as surprise to joshuas mother and everyone in the courtroom Tuesday Morning when the judge asked joshua to speak and he had this to say. I dont want him to be takenk away from his family, you know,o ooh want to spend more time with family, do better in school ando stuff likend that, you know. Knw go to college and stuff. S to me young people going to jaii these days, you know, were wee still learning gradually and wew all learn from our mistakes. Iste repte started to have a change ofe a f heart over the past few months n and it was quite the surprise tt the defendant both families andd the judge. Basically, his mom bust out t in tears, you know, thanking mee and i started crying, too. Too he was just saying thank you. Apologizing for what he did. Did you know, he didnt know what ka was going through his head. Is ha reporter his mother sayshers she was still angry over thev t incident and wanted the boy to receive five years behind barsir for his crime. Me but her own son taught her a a proud mom for sure. Ur sarah simmons, fox5 local news. Amazing. The attacker received probationi and was ordered to attend angerr management classes and performrm community service. Servi the victims mother believes hes would have served some timeim behind bars had her son not not asked for his release. Latisha shared her feelingseengs about her sons ability toty forgive in a post on facebook. Ab you can find it on our website foxdc. Com. Man. Ma hopefully the attacker in thatt case, you know k will learn. L le realize that was a bad move m and now youre right makeses changes for the better. Et a second chance. Hes been given a second chance. Having trouble choosing a tre health care. Cheal some tips on getting the most mt out of your money as open enrollment season is here. Is he. Apple unveiling new emojis. J it could be the one of many thaa youve been waiting for. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. So we wired the wagners house th 100 meg internet. Which means in the time it takes mr. Wagner to pour a 20 oz. Cup of coffee, this is your last chance to get super fast 100meg internet, tv and phone for just 69. 99 per month online. This is your final week to get this great deal. Only from fios. Northern virginia, on the issues, Barbara Comstock and donald trump are the same. Comstock and trump promote deportation and reject any comprehensive Immigration Reform. Both oppose background checks that keep guns from epared to shut down the government just for politics. Time for Luann Bennett comprehensive Immigration Reform now. Common sense gun safety laws. Bennett tells congress do your job. Im Luann Bennett and i approve this message. . . Emoji a lot of people have been waiting for. Next Iphone Software update reported film have thet of p f acephon palme al emoji. I that youre seeing right thereeg on the screen. T other notable newcomers includec of a sad of cad dough for allugl the times you want to inn viednn me more guacamole. What does it mean. Does it me. No clue also one for peopleo taking a selfie. A sele if you want to emoji the selfiel emoji it and send it. End you can do selfie and oh me joee your selfie. No timeline when theyll the become available and earl i dont recall i said i wantedcall fingers crossed emoji. Emo i thought there was one. Ht ts and now we heard from some se folks on twitter pan until willw be in the next unveiling down the road. I hope so. Whats this mean . I cant believe it . Yeah. Like ahh. Like oy veigh. Oygh. Okay. Umhmm. Uhmm get ready im going to use to that a lot for my girls i thinki thats a good one. D o need cardboard, string and oatmeal. Oy veigh. And oatmeal. Random. Lets do the forecast an straw. Stw. Yes. Weve got cloud cover out coo there early but temperatures ars still expected to jump a good gd 20 degrees here later this hert afternoon. Af highs expected to be in the mid 70s. All about burning off the cloud cover. As long as the cloud coverudov lingers the lower ourlingers th weiss andre afternoon. Ernoon we wont get any rain today. Od rain showers north and west of o cleveland theyre expected toeye arrive in cleveland after theclf game tonightte. Gameight the game should get in, game number seven on time and weree just basking in the glory of ary couple more beautiful fall afternoons. Today and tomorrow. Day and to tomorrow looks like some showere in the afternoon and then coolee weather for the weekend. One morey minder clocks rollloc back an Hour Saturday night. Ay t i k know. It will be light earlier atliert least. Yeah. Yea right. Extra hour okay. Im for it. Im sleep wisely erin. Ri im here for it erin. me fo how about you . The old erini would have been like thankhaveek goodness an extra hour oftrhour partying on saturday night. Ight catch up on sleep. Leep the new improved post 30 erin is like i get an extra hour ofro eeeep. Umhmm. Trust me it gets even moret geto valuable as you continue on youn journey. Ur priorities change. Rior thats right. Y good bookd b for m and an hour of sleep. 8 27 right now. N. And we have big delays all overl the area. So lets move up to a look at the delays and then 355 at shads grove we have a crash and realla slow traffic Rockville Pike because two southbound lanes aru blocked you are backed up foror several miles. Il. I just got message from someoneo on facebook it took them over 4e minutes to go 2 miles and unfortunately 270 southbound nod a better bet because of all thel congestion. Get an early start as my motto t coming down from frederickrederk towards the beltway youll hit l all those problems inoblemn gaithersburg. As we take look at the top side of the beltway delays still to the spur really inner loopnel jams as welcoming off of 270. 70 more traffic in few. Ew speed restrictions blue andt yellow line. Check in with them. Ith m. Allison and steve. Son an sounds good. Picking a hell care plan can beb really confusing. Youll need face palm for that. Well help you choose thehohe right plan for your family. Amil well help guide you. L help guie you have to choose. Yyohave thats right. Ts ght. Yeah. We wont tell was to do but t well give you options. Y opt dont try this at home much that is a bouncing fire ball theirel video as you might expect hasech to try that. Ry tha why would you do this . . Or even show peoplee because dont tried to this. Yeah. Dont do it. . . Great price on this boneless chicken yeah. We love low prices. No bones about it. [ laughter ] thousands of blue tags. Thousands of low prices. . . P is for permission to indulge. O is for out of this world. A is for access to everything, including the aisle. R is for reclining in tailormade bedding. And i, must be dreaming. S. So long, jet lag. Polaris, from united. This price is so low. Trying to make me eat my greens . No, just trying to ve you some green. Whaaat . northern virginia, on the issues, Barbara Comstock and donald trump are the same. Comstock and trump promote deportation and reject any comprehensive Immigration Reform. Both oppose background checks that keep guns from suspected terrorists. And comstocktrump were prepared to shut down the government just for politics. Time for Luann Bennett comprehensive Immigration Reform now. Common sense gun safety laws. Bennett tells congress do your job. Im Luann Bennett and i approve this message. 8 31. World series game seven tonight. Need bonus coverage on fox5. First pitch set forame cov 8 0t coverage starts at 7 00 oclock tonight you get a full hour of pregame and then first page pag 8 08 right here on fox5. 5. Game seven if you are a sports t importance avenue game seven ini any sport. An the person who loves pop culture like moi. Moi or competition. Ti. Or history baby. You probably wont be talkint about changing your health carer you should. You but you probably wont be itse open enrollment season in mostos workplaces do you stick withyoui your current benefits are you considering making changes . Fox consumer guru Steve Noviello says there is some double double checking youll needed to firstt so steve is live in dallas withs more on, and if you can explainn all of then you really are a guru. Good morning. Mng [ laughter ][ ill tell was ill give you y the stuff you actually need todt worry about and forget about the rest of the stuff. U bottom line most consumers sayms youre exactly right they feel overwhelmed by this idea of open enrollment especially this veryy busy time year. Imeea theyll spend more time te researching what kind of bigat b screen tv they want for christmas than they willn they l choosing Health Care Benefits for them and their family foreaf neck year. Am the bottomily for lin e is this. Are some changes coming and youu may leave great thing on the tho table or you may be completelypy unaware that some of the thingsi you depend on are going away. My question is, what do we do to pair down all of thesehe options so we know what workshar best for us . Reporter ill tell wasel was dont do. This is big mistake lostt consumers make. Me. Forget about all of the printedt materials that come to hr when h you think about printed brochure its got to be cure 88ed months its got to be formatted sent to the printer, printed, shipped sd back, distributed by the time ii gets to you, the information iss months and months old. Hs andths. Heres what i want you to do ifi nothing else. Ing make a list of all of the t doctors your family depends oneo all the medications your familym depends on and then call the 808 number to your provider or go to their website and just double check. Just make sure that your doctort will still be in network yourou medications are still covered. Ill till this as well i know aw lot of folks think its allt a health care plan. Pn. We dont do is look at the fulll cost of coverage, sure, maybee,y less money out of your paycheckh sounds like a nice thing, butngt when you go to the doctor doesrs it mean a hoyer deductible orr higher copay . So you reallyeal want to look at the total costos of health care particularly ifri youve got maybe young kids that are playing contact sports, right, and maybe theyre pronero to injuries. Iurie look, if youre going to beng to going to the doctor an awful lot maybe a higher cost or higherr h pay out of your check for the better idea so you can kind ofdf ease back on how often and how w much you have to pay every timem that you go to the doctor. Finally for when we hear aboutbt open enroll many season a lot of us think Health Insurance and a thats writ stops and starts, s, right . What i want you take a a double check at is liveve insurance, Disability Insurance, i know that things like one and a half times or two times myesy salary for my family god for bid something were to happen to me m sounds like lot of moneyoney going to go very far. Ar. Look what your employer isempl offering you. See if maybe you can beef that a. P. Its absolutely imperative thatt you do. Here something thatshing tts interesting according to theg ac council for disabilityit awareness, todays 20yearoldso have a one and four chance off experiencing some sort of disability before retirement. Ent i know that youre young andng a youre invincible and you thinkk everything is going to be greatb but you realely should even at a young age looking at Disability Insurance because youve got that retirement age and it just might come in handy. N hdy tips right now my face fan bake facebook. Com safety steve. Ve go back and look at it again. Steve, thank you very much. U good to see you. To you. Ou. When i was 20 i didnt evente have insurance. Ce. Right. It was a financial thing. A fa you had to cncutia corners. Orne. Terrible thing to do. Dont take my advice. Aic but you should research it aou little bit. Ld tt ill be looking. King. Maybe we can talk later. Wela comes to that. Hes very smart person evenn though he stretches on tv o sometimes and known primarily for his weather. His ather. But tucker is r youre he knows a lot were you lota of thing. I mean i know a lot of things. That doesnt mean im good at ao ean i lot of thingsean. Od at ahi when it comes to financeso fn youre very sharp. Ery sh. Thank you steve. Ste thats very sweet. Set i mostly just make thing up. G 56 in washington. Hingto 56 in new york. In ne york. Guess what . We are going to dod 70s around here later today. Tod mid 70s. Maybe a few upper 70s maybe an 80 degrees. 80 degre south and west. What . What . All about sunshine a little l later today. Ter today. All right. Heres your cold front off to the north and west. R colddes and that will bring an end to our little mini heat wavet w tomorrow afternoon. Er. But up until then, we are featuring very very comfortableo conditions. Ter 70s today those the cloud cover thatsha trying to recreate what wellt l look like this afternoon. Seven day momentarily. Ly last look at traffic here. Ff he. I hear youre going out. Ut i have plans. I havplans where you going. W. Well get in the holiday spirit. Without me, huh. Yeah. You want to come. You nt t im doing something fun withh wizards. Wirds. At least we both have h something fun to do. G n to Rockville Pike theres a crashra two southbound lanes block at shady grove. Y g heavy delays and 355 a lot of time hop off 270 when it looksts like a parking lot and take 3555 you are jam pack from urbana all the way down we have a crashsh blocking the shoulder by 370 ono 270 southbound as well. W lets take a live look outside at70. 0. And show against. You can see just a steady flowjw of heavy congestion. Coming from frederick down to do the spur you are up against a about a 50 minute ride. Give yourself extra time there. E well switch it over and show you another look right now. This is heover ther lo legion bg inner loop jams, outer looper l crash by river roadblocking the shoulder not causing any majorsj slow downs as we forward our cameras once again, also keep ip mind were seeing some slow slo traffic on the outer loop. Oo crawling along speeds under 10 miles an hour outer loophourl passed New Hampshire avenue. Vene delays stretch all the way backc the spur about 35 minute delay l right now simply because ofse congestion. Tion 95 southbound heavy from the icc to the outer loop. Oop and then look at this 295 camera kenilworth southbound from nortr of 50 all the way down pastt pennsylvania. Nn its just a steady flow of slow traffic. Fi the northbound side looking mucn better right now. Tter rht n earlier delays from the bottom m of the beltway in oxon hillil towards the 11th street bridgee have cleared. Cared be mindful we still have lot ofo congestion on the beltway as you make your way outer loop towardt 50 this morning. Through centreville. Rough centr. Back to you guys. Remember the scene from theho lion king famous the baby cub b held up in front of the pride. D. Simba. Check this out. Nba fanecs are using the lion kg cam to show pride for theirhe team. Thats the movie baby simba. Look at that sweet little baby. B remember to use both hands. S i like it so much. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. So we wired the wagners house th 100 meg internet. Jan can upload 120 photos. 12 seconds. Thats the power of fiber optics. This is your last chance to get super fast 100meg internet, tv and phone for just 69. 99 per month online. This is your final week to get this great deal. Only from fios. . . Know you have a dedicated advisor and team who understand where you come from. . . Know that together, you can establish a meaningful legacy with the guidance and support of your dedicated pnc Wealth Management . Team. . . Look at the nationallook at cathedral on the left. Th rosslyn, virginia on the right. You can see a little sliver the Potomac River in the uppere natf we have it all in one pictureicu right there. Tenley town. Ow what else can we spy in thishi photo . Big tower for communications. Have to bring the signal toil the masses when it comes toes television. Sion theres my friend judy. J hey, judy. Y heres something that youha definitely should not try at sho home i dont know why you wouldo think its a good idea but thisb guy did. Y did. For the likes. L. Yeah. This is man in serbia who is setting the basketball world on fire. Re. At least the basketball. Steve. I know you love the puns al. T as this viral video shows, icicky. He has gloves on. Glov o well get to the gloves in a second. Im sorry. Imorry hes dribbling a basketball that is in flames. La its on fire. He even dribbles the balle bl between his leg with his sweat t pants on that seem like they cah catch fire. His tshirt thats baggy it i looks like it could catch fire. R he is wearing protectivetect gloves perhaps his sweat pantsan and shirt are protective astiv well. We tricky has a following on sociac media he performs other stuntsr he does with basketballs. Keall lets leave it to tricky. Y yeah. 8 42 right now. Tough news for the redskin. Redn Trent Williams not playing in in game until december. Em is he hurt . No. No. The all pro left tackle t suspended for missing a drug a test. He will miss fourte games thehe packers, cowboys and thend the cardinals. Its trents second suspensionpo the first 12011 when he testeded positive for marijuana. Something fun or entertainingntn off the court. F the t you remember this scene. S sce . . From the lion king. Fm the nba phoenix suns asking k fans to hold up their cubs inubi air quotes like the famou movie. Vi yay y most of the youngsters dontd seem to mind. Seemmind. They like being the sent ofbeine attention even mascot gorillaila who got in on the act as wellsel which youll see in j second right there. Re. Mature cubs pan al little tootte big to lift over your head. But trying. Sweet. Swe dont kick daddy in the face. Aww. Daddy. Theres the mature one. Thats pretty funny. Res didnt quite make it. Uite make. Come on, dad, at least try. T we want to get on the b screen. Im sleepy time. The star of the show. Theres great message in lo king that i love. Le always remember who you are. A i think its a great messages i still want to see you pickp up tucker later. At next fox5 getting anti a exclusive behind the look first look behind the scenes. S. Umhmm. At this years ice exhibit atitt the Gaylord National. Natio im not picking up kevin he too tall. Al joins us with the latest les entertainment headlines coming n up in the fox beat. Ea a first behind the scenesinds look look behind the scenes. Exclusive. There it is. . . Welcome back everybody. Ryboy live look at the white house ono this bright and beautifuliful wednesday morning. Ng. Its 56 degrees. De going to climb much higher thann tat today. Tucker says. Sick days from election day. Your forecast coming up in just 10 seconds. Hey, guys im just standingg in front of my gates here. I want to show you myuys ront pe all right. You guys like. I do though. I i wish i wish. Lloyd thank you for sending inan this picture and pleasek tucker fox5 is my twitter account or at you can send it to my facebookk page. Pa send me your pictures and welle try to put some of these on ovee the next couple of days. Ouplof d this is out in planes. Plane peak colors over the next coupln of days as we are looking atkina warm temperatures the next few t chance later today or earlyodayr tomorrow get out enjoy thosenjot leaves they will not be with uss much longer this season. S all right. 56 now in washington. N wasng 56 in annapolis little cool outl there with cloud cover. Ov 54 in leonardtown. Doing fours north and west haag town, comer land this morning 46 degrees. Rees not picking up clod cover c locally so well but we do have clouds out there again thisin ti morning were thinking wellhing burn those off a little latere today. Partly sunny this afternoon that will really allow our warmermer temperatures to move in. Es to want to mention this frontalro sy our little mini heat wave welll have today and tomorrow but andw until then our temperatures atue good 15 degrees or so above s ao normal. Cleveland writ about there. It ae should be in good shape today. Od as the rain will hold off untilt after the game tonight. Day they too will get the coldtc front later tonight. 70 todays. Ay a spot or two touches 80 if we i can get a lot of sunshine thisei afternoon. Very close to 80 degreesrylose d tomorrow up ahead oegf our front system if we can hit that 80t 8 that will tie a record that goee back to 1974. 197 showers this week. Anowthis High Pressure builds in and mucc cooler conditions expectedonditp around here by friday, saturdayt and sunday. Da so we do have cooler air muchirm more fall like around here fordr the weekend but beautiful weekul toned look forward. Frd to look at saturday and sundayun love this time of year. S of the clock gets turn back lateacl saturday early sunday. E . Eve . Yes. When youre at the club at al 2 00. Yes. It will then be one so youwi get an extrall t hour. R. Popping bottles. Ottles steep likes to pop bottles as the club. I know he does. Iw he d yes. Back to you. Uc weather news. Its actually 9 degrees in partt of prince georges county. National harbor 9 degrees. Es. Yes. Steve. Im just looking at you justn because youre looking at mekint funny. We might just be gettinge halloween right now bumit wghee heading straight to those frosto eighty three times. This morningei, fox5 is gettt an exclusive first look behindkn the scenes at this years ice exhibit. Hence the 9degree reference. Th it was very clevere 9. Y cler. I thought would it move aho little faster. Thats okay. Ug all right. The at the Gaylord National of t works to carve the spectacularpl sculptures just beginning. Binni joining us from the 9degree 9d tent rachel, public relationsio manager at the gaylord. Lo look, its always winter when its ice at the gaylord. Yeah it definitely is alwaysw winter during this time of yeara for us. U our ice arrived in the middle ol october and theyve been work away on newer at track thistraci year. Christmas around the world. Stma very e show and its 9 degrees in hereh as you alluded to. Alludo. So its very cold. Er so when people come outom november 19th we definitely deft recommend bundling up. Ndlingp rachel, i see the blocks of o ice behind you that have not yet been touched. Touched how much ice actually gets carved for this bi extravaganza . Exag yes. Sew so we actually right now have little over Million Poundsi when its all said and doned and well have 2 Million Pounds of ice. We brought in 12 different diffe ioio. We get these shipments that comt in and then the artist answer ir two different kinds of artisans we have builder that is stack i the blocks and we also havelso designers that are the ones whoo do all the intricate work of the attractions. So right now were standing inng one of the areas that people cal come to and see different diffe cultures and traditions represented from differentfr dif countries. Tr. So we have the netherlands, wers have the united states, state ethiopia, mexico, so theres loe and see. See its so awesome. Some i think we take it for granted g those of us who have been out bt there but for those who aree who watching maybe just moved to tht area, have kids now, that arere old enough to go you literally r walk in youve got the coat onn you guys give people coats thato go in and its a winter paradise all these sculptures made of icf and you can even slide down oreo can you still slide down the ice slide . There it is. Yes, thats definitely we, like to bring backtha every yeay theyre working in that room. Rm well give you sneak peek later in the show. Ee in bu tt yeah right now, youre ki of looking at santa claus artisan is working on him. So its a really a really amazing at track im amazed toet be able to be behind the scenest and so glad you guys got to comc out and see some of that thefha work in progress for when thehen enening. Rachel real quick, i knowhe its single digl it temperatureu whats in there. Here whats the longest youve been e able to stay and side becauseec this is part of your job . Yes. For me personally ive been inen here probably a little over anrn hour. Oh. That was little brutal. Thats frigid. Hat hat you know who will be joining heg is erin como will head downeaow there and well get another lool in. Ide. Rachel, thank you so very much. Good to see you and well seed s you and erin later on thiss morning. Hopefully erin bundles. Bun sounds good. Thank you very much. Th you too. Its a whole experience, too. Le expther stur stuff i never thought people wouldu pay money to freeze but but its so much fun. I very y pretty. Erin tell us about it later. In the meantime we want to check whats coming dawn on good day. Y hello. Hey, guys. Well continue to follow thecoie breaking news out of iowa. Two officers killed in ambushina style attacks. Acks. Fox5s mel 93 alnwick 93 alnk gathering the latest and wellsw have live report at the top of f the 9a. Also at 9a were live with w tmz who has new details aboutaia some disturbing calls involving basketball great scotty pippin. P world series showdown talk tl about nail biter. Who will win . Ab whaout t you ne know tonight about the final thn me seven. N. Listen to maureens voice after gam on good day at 10a weve got two exclusives you just saw onlw on fox5. 5. A preview of the national harbors popular holiday ice i exhibit erin as you heard is hrd getting ready to get there. Tre shes going to give us eve more. Plus h and m getting ready to at launch a brand new line. Fox5s fashionista paul whartona is here with your first look. Speaking of fashion, how doo they get these looks on empire . Well go behind the scenes. He se im looking forward that. Rd tha empire withdrawals weve had we because of the world series. Ths exactly. Were not done yet. He lot of he was awe lhe w member legendary reggae groupgao bob marley and the whalers whals Junior Marvin is here. Im listening. Isni trying beat all that. L t morning show imitates you. Te y the original og, good day d. C. ,c just minutes away. Ladies, thank you so much. S,u before we get there letse wt check in with Kevin Mccarthy fof beat time once again. Ime ce a hi, kev. Good to see you guys. S. Hello. Hlo. So little wayne trending thig morning he hadn night that aired on night live causing a lot of controversy iny regards to his comments. Me im actually going show you whaw he said because this is postedsp on the night line twitterer account. Ac i want to get your thoughts whet we come out of it lindsay daviss night line asking him what hisha thoughts were on black livese ok matter. Watch this. Whats your thought on blackb lives matter . At what is it . What, what dotw you mean . You the idea theres this t movement called black lives l matter thinking that the rest oo american didnt seem toidnt understand that. Detand tha that black lives matter. That you put a name on not a name, its not whatever, whatever. Its somebody got shot by police for bleep a reason. Young black rich bleep. Bep that dont let you know that america understand black bleepab matter these days, i dont knowd what it is. Wh that man white. Hi he filming me. Me. Im a bleep. A b i dont know what you mean. Ou ma dont come at me with that bleep now. Yeah. So what aryo that . Lil wayne might be on lil w something in that interview. Ayna i agree. T interv i understand yeah. Y i feel like its i feel like, you know, i think that hes on something. I think when he asked theth he h question hes saying its the t obvious and we shouldnt have th say it. Sa but its sort of an around the n way to answer the question. And uncomfort comfortable andco hard to watch. Hardo wa i hope hes okay. I ho hes getting a lot of he backlash on social media inn soa regards to some people are for a and against what hes saying bub fox5 d. C. On twitter. Ter wed love to hear your thoughtst also on good day d. C. C. One movie opening up this week is dr. Strange im saw it lasttn night. A lot of fox5 viewers were fview there. Th theyre very excited about thisc movie i didnt know much about c this story line but it has deepe connection to the marvel cinematic universe. Ve i spoke to the lead villain of the film mas mickleson he playsy hasnt nibble on the popular thp television show. Hes also in the up coming starr wars film rogue one, and he was guy who cried blood. Blood oh, okay. Ut thesked him abo connection between dr. Strange and star wars. Also, how did they get theyet t crying of the blood to takeo t place in casino royal. R watch this. This is totally nerdyly n question but i love the conceptt dr. Strange if he focuses on something he can end up inthing another area using dimensionalsl teway. Y. Yes. I just want to see somehow i want to see your character go t want to the rogue one movie somehow. Yeah. Would t would he do in there . Dr. Strange do in rogue one ifon you met your character . Hmm. H thats tricky. scky. But he would probably go thet got it all wrong so much easier to do this than build the death star. How did good they get the dit crying of the blood in casino royale. Roya what did they did . Hey did we tried different thing, yot know, we tried just put a drop p of blood in there. T fake blood and it didnt work. Nw it was killing my eye and nevern came out. Out so in the end of the day it was cgi. Cgi. That monday opens up frida dr. Strange. If you havent seen kaseen foe royale hes a amazing video. Kevins interview with vincev vaughn coming up on good day. C supo much more after the break a well. 0. At 90. E you at 9 0 fios is not cable. Were wired differently. We guarantee to make switching easier. We show up on time. Youre right on time. As promised, to install fios and set up the wifi that janet, jamie, jenny, jemma and jasmine need on their birthday. Thank you. 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