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The turkish governmente pointing the finger at the terror group isis but no group i has actually claimeded responsibility. Sp at least 36 people wereeople killed, dozens more injured. Njur the attacks coincided with thee muslim holy period of perio ramadhan. Bring you back home to the e district it was a violent night across the city. D. C. Police investigatingestg four separate shootings, all happening within hours of each other. Othe sadly, one of them is now Homicide Investigation. De invesi fox5s annie yu is live ativ Police Headquarters inpo northwest with the latest. Li annie. Reporter hey, goodorter hed morning to you holly andg to maureen. Thats right, d. C. Policepic letting us know it was a very violent busy night for them. Ht t they responded to four shootings, one of them a homicide. De that one happening around 10 lit last night. Last nig thats when they got the 911he 9 calm at the 800 block of bladensburg road northeastsbg ro d. C. Police found a male victime vic suffering from gun shot woundsho and sadly he did not make it. Now, at this point d. C. Detectives telling us theyiv dont know what caused the shooting. No motive yet. Otiv and theyo not have a clear a description of the suspect. Heuse so, they are still lookin the shooter involved. Sh we just left the scene there the and they were still canvassing n the area near the cvs pharmacyha there on bleeds burg road. Bladensburg road. This happening after a meetingpe with community activists. They all teamed up in an effort to stop gun violence in the city specifically getting illegal guns off city streets. Theyre also calling for tougher gun control including expanded backgroniomunped n chec last nights meeting was both passionate, emotional ass leaders spoke with families ofil gun violence victims in thems i district to send an urgent message for tougher gun tou control. Take a listen. Take l without a national gunun safety law, you can have the strongest gun safety laws in the can country and they get immediately undermined by parts of the country thats ofnt dont have it. Don thats why this is a National Issue and not simply a local issue. Su reporter congresswomanongr Eleanor Holmes norton there. Re. Again, this incident, thishi shooting happeni after a renewed effort to get illegal guns off city streets. E cathy lanier, chief lanier lie says 22 percent of the illegal l guns in the district come fromoe maryland and 31 percent oftf guns in the district come fromtm virginia. Thats the very latest here her from d. C. Police headquarterspoh in northwest d. C. , annie yu, yu, fox5 local news. Ns. A george washingtonrge w University Law professor iss calling for Baltimore States attorney Marilyn Mosby to be min disbarred over the prosecutionru of six officers in the death oft of freddiehe gray. Baltimore sun reports theun p professor has filed a fil complaint against mosby int agtb which he says she violated vio ethics rules and mosby never had the proper evidence tode charge the officers. Mosby says she is barred by a gag order from commenting onom the complaint. Also in baltimore a court has ruled that the manled at t suspected of killing k 16yearold felicia barns inn december 2010 can beer 2 prosecuted for a third time in t her killing. Michael m. Barns two prior tw trials were declared miss trials before a judge cleared him of all charges. Itsot barns lawyers plan to appealtoa that ruling. A new member of virginiasgi republican state central ctr committee apologizing for posting antimuslimim antiimmigrant rhetoric on his twitter and facebook. Feb freddie berg goes elected inoeed may called islam a death cultdt organized by satan and a labeled muhammad ali a racist rc black supreme mist. Is berg goes later deleted the posts which were condemned byhe the committee. After serving for five years Kaya Henderson is stepping down. She fired hundreds of teacherss and under hendersones test scores have approved butpro the achievement gap betweenmentt white and black students hasstus remained high. Her last day on the job iss october 1st. Ber chief of schools john davis will serve as interim i chancellor. Be sure to stay with fox5. 5 henderson and mayor murielayor r bowser will join us today atjoio 9 00 a. M. M theyll discuss why theeyl chancellor is stepping down and what it could mean for youor and your children. If you have any questions for the chancellor or the mayor tweet us ae tce fox5 d. C. Planning on using uber usinr before you catch you were next c flight starting tomorrow that t four dollars airport fee you pay will be here to stay. Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority is issuingss a permit to the ride sharingit company to mak te the surchargee permanent despite criticism from uber itself. The company is just as frustrated as its passengers pag it transports claiming that the fee will hurt their their business because customers will start to choose too traditional cabs which come with just at three dollarse do service fee over them. Uber says the shore trip increases the price. Pri hello. Whats going on. Enjoying the weather. Er. Yeah. Bonus weather. All bonus weather for june. We are loving it. By the way, its almostly. S can you believe it . C right. R tomorrow. T didnt karen say seems like the weeks are longer but theekso months are jusf yes, right. Yes, r i dont know whats goingont on but july already. But j you never heard that of. Er ha they said that about a parenting, days are short. Karen is our floor directorlo by the way. He w there she is. She is. Wave to the camera karen. En theyre getting kind of your you silhouette. Shes right there. Theresri karen. Karen. Say hi. H going to the desk or the wall. Pointer. P she keeps us all where kps u were supposed to be and to bend sometimes we listen to her. Mostly sunny. This is the Holiday Weekend here. Here forecast. Mostly sunny on saturday. Temperature of about 86 degrees or so. There will be some clouds onn sunday. Ay a temperature of 84 degrees there. There. Depending on how much sunshineon we do end up with on sunday. Sun and fourth of july, here it h is, typical in typical t fourth of july football fashionw have some showers, a threat of o thunderstorms, too. Temperatures will be lower to mid 80s. Still queill some questionsur about fourth of july. Foth o how much rain well have, how h, much cloud cover were going vrg theres going to be kind of ainf front in the area and rightnd r along the front theres goings to be the possibility of waves of energy coming along a that front so that may bringrons us some clouds and some andome showers. But ill say this. The guidance this morning, then, modeling was holding off on some of that until late in the day on july the fourth. F whereas yesterday it was kind of all day long. So, lets see if that trendse will continue and hopefullyti get a little better for us forrr the holiday. The pretty good today. Pretty goo a few showers andwers and thunderstorms possible around. A theyre way out to the westhe w and to the south this evening. Hg tomorrow morning well watchornl for showers, too. Too. Then more showers and thunderstorms tomorrowun afternoon. So, you can see that tomorrow definitely looks unsettled with thon se showers and thunderstorms out there. Unrs heres the sevenday forecast. Oc look real quick. Qui almost 90 tomorrow even withn w thunderstorms. Rstos. Holiday weekend not bad. Ot bad erin como coming in this morning. Ontime traffic brought to to you by about the at a. You visit buy a toyota. Com forota. Co special offers. Gary is wearing my favorite r tie today. Love that color. T my wife bought this for me. She has great taste. At tas right now taking a le look live at the beltway inner loop andp outer loop by maryland 201d 201 moving along fine. Mo a li up on the outer loop. Oo s a you make your way through t greenbelt through montgomeryel county Silver Spring bethesdat e youre in great say. Y. Little bit of light volume. Yo bure problem free on your secondaries through bethesda Silver Spring. Were not seeing any problemsbl in rockville this morning or gaithersburg so if you have anb Early Morning flight traffic on 95 northbound and baltimorewashington parkway northbound also right now in the clear. Lets move it over and take a look a ilook at our maps. 270, the morning commute on 70 and 270 through frederick isredk quiet. All green on our map. Same story as you get into theee district. Metro right now on time exceptie for the safe track workor slowing down the orange silver and blue line. Tan back to you. Ba thanks erin. Get the brooms out. Th the nats finished a three game series sweep of the new yorkhe k mets and it was all thanks to i the arm of max scherzer. Erze first inning scherzer gets Yoenis Cespedes out on strike strikes. Later he catches reed rivera looking. Ok the nats bats were also on fire. Bottom two, Daniel Murphy hitsph a solo homer to right. Ig onezero nats. Onzero in the eighth inning murphying h does it again, this one a tworun shot his 14th of the year. Nats win four to two. R to the orioles in san diego showing their dominance. In fourth inning we go, jonathan shoot a double. D jones scores. Orioles lead onezip. Next up if you. Y if you love manny machado. Ac shes on it. S hits a hard line drive. Bring in chute for the score. Coe two batters later, mark trumbo b blasts his 23rd of the season. O theyll go on to more homers. More homers. Birds won 12 to six. Rdwon it is their sixth straight win. Uhhuh. Admit it, you love when we do do what was that that cespede cespedes. Cespedes. I got it. Coming up fox news mornings morni part of our region named the nam most patriotic place in thela i country. Coun makes sense, right. Ak sense,h the pentagon is slowly slowl revealing its new policy regarding transgenderedransnder members of the armed forces. S rm as we head to break a live bl look across the region. R the time right now is 5 10. 50. We want you to push yourself you out of bed, push yourself toel watch more of fox news n morning. Weve got more sports for you. O that alone should bring young y back, right . We hope. Double down on your candy and coffee cravings with dunkins new heath and almond joy candy bar flavored iced coffees. America runs on dunkin. This morning 250 isis militants dead after a series of u. Sde. Airstrikes thatstrikes happened outside of fallujah. Fa the air strike came aftere af iraqi and u. S. Officialsls declared the city liberatedibat from isis. Is. U. S. Secretary of defensearye says this is a small victoryll in defeating isis but more but work is ahead. He soon there could be newld b n policies that will allow aow transgender people to serve toer openly in the u. S. Military. Ilit right now more than 10,000n 10,0 transgender people are currently enlisted in thed inhe military according to theng tth Williams Institute at ucla lawte only a couple are able to serve openly. Tomorrow the state departmentta is expected to make ann announcement on the policy changes. Ange details are unclear at thisunclh time. With fourth of july around od the corner virginia has beengine named the most patrioticriic state. The study looked at each e States Military and civic a civ engagement such as voting and volunteering. Ee virginia is followed byolwed alaska South Carolina coloradotc and georgia. Arand ge new jersey was found to be atout the least patriotic state. 5 12 right now. Ht n coming up, the Senate Passes asa last minute bill to bail out toa puerto rico. Pu and this morning andrew luck is the richest player ine h nfl history. L histry. As we head to break though tg lets take a live look across a the d. C. Region. Eg time right now 5 12, 67 degrees. Degrees its a beautiful thursday. Huy. Yeah, it. Glad youre with us. Fox5 news morning back rightd ba after this. We are back with breakinge ba news from afghanistan where 30 trainee policemen are deadli after a suicide bomber attacked their bus near the nea capitol of kabul. The taliban claims claim responsibility for the attack at in email. In em the officers were heading toeant kabul for leave when they were target. Ta the Senate Passed thed bipartisan rescue bill bl yesterday. Three weeks ago the houses ago h backed proposal to offer aid oer to the u. S. Territory which is 70 billion in debt. In deb the vote comes two days before the island owes a a 2 billiondollar debt payment. All right. Taking a live look outside onsio this thursday morning, 5 15 is s your time of it is a gorgeous, gorgeous morning. Orni i think youre going to likeng l the day gary mcgrady. Cgrady its nice. N some 50 out in the suburbs to start the day. D when that happens in june,happ that means you got lowouot l dewpoints. Wpoi uhhuh. So that means it gets means colder. Allig comfortable in the afternoon. T. Im all about comfort. Omfo it also chills the poolalso water, though when it gets g cold at night. Ht just briefly. Brie its all good. Ll g if youre younger than like 13nk you dont care. Nt ce. Yeah, i know, yeah. Yeah,now, what is it your lips are blue, teeth chattering, no i want to stay sa in. Thats exactly right. Ig better them than us. Right. Right. Its gorgeous out this morningly we just showed yous the shot. We temperatures are in the 50 andee the 60s. I here in town thwere middle 60. Im going to show you thatouha across the region and thisioand morning. 55 winchester. Chester. Thats great. Reat martinsburg 54. Thats kind of cool, too. Watch ou kt for that. T get out and get going, maybe, me youll want to start withtart w something to keep i was littlep bit warmer. Initially well warm upl quickly though. Quantico 65, annapolis ann scorches agorgeous at 65. 65. Clouds and passing storms ssingr here. Were going to be real good at a. A couple of clouds here ands hen there but really lots of sunshine. The dewpoints, the humidityoint, stays in check today. Now, it will cree bit going into the evening eve hours overnight tonight thingshi will change. Its going to be more like summer tomorrow and as we getw s there, youll notice thehe increase in the humidity. Umit more likely this evening and evi into the overnight, more soor than youll notice it today. T there could be a couple of showers, even a thunderstorm tht possible but thats going toha be late evening into the overnight. Erni for today just great. Ust gre looks like another nice daykee around here. Winds will eventually becomey b southeast at about five to 10 Miles Per Hour and as thathat happens, the winds will wl actually help to transport tnspo higher humidities into the h area, okay. Um otherwise, today gets up too about 85 degrees. 5 degrees. A couple of clouds. Lo loverlots ofsunshine. Super nice for the last day of june. 85 today, look tomorrow omoro late this evening ashower oro o thunderstorm possible. To shower or thunderstorm around or possible overnightth through the day tomorrow. Yor looks like we could start tomorrow with a shower, end upnp with some thunderstorms. Erstorm. High temperatures with enough sunshine will be upper 80s totu around saturday looks great. Looks gre. Mostly sunny and 86. Ny and a few clouds around here on sunday but it does look mostlyos dry for saturday and fornd f sunday. Su as we get into the january 4th intont january 4th not going to beot gi dry. Were going to have some hom showers and some thunderstormsnt and clouds keep us in the us in lower 80s. Hopefully the fireworks,ewks monday evening there, will been some sunday eveningin wont be compromised. Theres your forecast. Lets get a look at your traffic this morning. Erin como shes here withfio sh that. Plans for monday are so up in the air,or gary, justary, j depending on when the rainin hits the right now taking ag look 66 out by 234. Traffic is still moving alonging just fine. Were not seeing any of those tap of the brakes areas just yet from againstville through Manassas Centreville into arlington past the beltwayheeltw traffic is quiet right now. Ow well let you know becausewec volume definitely increasing ire on that that eastbound sideatasu when we goat those morningt slowdowns. Well look at our maps rightrht now. Now. Acrosstheboard in virginiahe all of our majors lookinbglookn good. Od 28 problem free. 267 is cruising along. Lo seven as you make your way out t in tysons looking good. Goo 95 from stafford on through as o you make your way past the occoquan in great shape sha towards the beltway. Bottom of the beltway quiet ase well and you can see dale city to 123, thats a perfect example, 4 miles in foures i minutes. Cant really do much better bete than that for a morning a mor commute. 395 same trend continuesre con edsall to king street 4 milesees takes you five minutes, justfivu about a minute slow downlow n there. Th volume increasing slight butg no delays assl you cross theou s 14th street bridge. Th strt br all area bridges memorial memor roosevelt key bridge 11th street looking great. No problems on sreuitlandtlan parkway inbound from naylorro street on in. Thats your look at track. Ra well take a look at metroet next. Xt maureen and holly. Maureen an lets take a quick look atak the stories youre equngaging en with most on social media this morning with our realtime newsis tracker. First up questions are up qu being raisedes about airportir security this week followingeow that deadly airport attack intt the, can key which came just cau months after a similar sil incident rocked brussels. De Security Officials now saying sy it is virtually impossible ua fully secure airports becausese their fundamental purpose isamen to move people and thate anth security checkpoints may actually be causing new vulnerabilites because longuse l lines and large gatherings ofhes people create open targets for attackers. Attack and he is back. Ac Michael Phelps securing a spothi in the summerng olympics afteria winning the 200meter 200m butterfly at the olympicly trials yesterday. Teay this will be Olympic Games number five for phelps makinge h him the first male swimmer towr compete in that many games. Gam phelps had said he wasadaid retiring after the 2012 summer games. Ga finally the nfl has a new highest paid player. Playe Indianapolis Colts quarterbackic andrew luck just secured a six a Year Contract worth about a 140 million which means hellow be taking home an average of 23. 3 million per season. Son. Luck said yesterday that he is thrilled. Yeah, id say. H, id s understatement of the year. Y all right. All righ coming up on fox5 news morningor a popular fast food restauranten is reporting a credit carddit c security problem. Pbl a seems to be growing despite d newes regulations from the fda. E as we head to break letset take a live look across theoss d. C. Region. 5 21 is our time right now. Ow that will get you going. Oi ease on out the door on aoor on thursday. Th fox5 news morning back rightht after this. Garden party for her birthday. A fabulous so i mowed the lawn, put up all the decorations. I thought i got everything. Almost everything you know, 1 in 10 houses could get hit by a septic disaster, and a bill of up to 13,000. But for only 7 a month, ridx is scientifically proven to break down waste, helping you avoid a septic disaster. Ridx. The 1 brand used by septic professionals in their own tanks. If youve eaten at aaten at a noodles and company your information could beion compromised. Credit card information may have been stolen tianjin 31stnjs and june 2nd. Une d. 26 locations in maryland have been affected so checko che your credit cards. Ecigarettes have been seen an n uptick in sales in the past p four weeks sales have risenisen 12. 9 percent. Nt the jump in sales comes when con the fda is about to roll outl ot new regulations for those ecigarettes. Vaccine developed by thelo university of maryland. F marand. It help prevent u. S. Travelers s from getting the infection. Nfec it could be available byd beb this fall much researchersmuchrc hope the vaccine will be usede e globally to prevent millionsilon from getting cholera. Temporary library will be b coming to d. C. While thehile t Martin Luther king jr. Libraryry undergoes three years of renovations. No library is set to close next year. Ye while its closed people can check out their books at a temporary library located l along k street in northwest. Not they got to move everythingvn out. Every book. Oo oh can you imagine. Ou imagine. I wonder will it be a smaller version. Ler version. Thats a good question. Uestio well find out. Ind when is the last time you t went to the library, gary. Ary he have a Great Library myra neighborhood so probably o pry three, four months. Ons. Oh, okay. Oka Something Like that. Good. I guess. I mean within the year. Okay. How about that . Multiplepl book mobiles that would beil nice. The book mobile. K mo how about that. Uthat. There you go. Tre y ideas com Weather Center this morning. Ni. 66 degrees. Degre. Hey, the story this morningry t really the temperatures because in some t places out inn the suburbs, thats really rea what im talking about we went 50s out there this morning. Re t its very, very delightful. Elig yesterday afternoon was great. E not humid. And even yesterday evening as e the sun was setting, it was a, s little bit of a chill in the in air. If you were out in that breeze, a little cool. Era li coo 55 degrees winchester, 54 for martinsburg. Insbg. Fredericksburg 64. Er and leonardtown 61. Wn 6 here in town were middle 60se and holding right now. Right now we may drop another degree orego two. Manassas you made it down toit o the upper 50. You may get a little colder c than that before its all said s and done. Showers, storms to the southrmss of us. Late this evening there could be a shower or a thunderstorm move across overnight tonight. G well have them in them i t forecast for tomorrow wellorrow talk more about this holidayab weekend forecastou coming up inp just a bit. T. Right now, though, we got to wet get to traffic. Ffic thursday morning, erin como is here. Here yes, we do. Es 5 25 right now and traffic israi looking good in virginia but 95 once youp hit some slowdowns. Slows. 95 northbound dale city to 123 2 you jam up as you try to crossos the occoquan this morning. Morng youre looking at about a ten t minutes delay so please beo pl prepared for that. Simply because of can can congestion. I dont have any crashes to report there. Once you pass the occoquan you open upve threroughqu newington getting tt the springfield interchangeerch and things on 395 still looking pretty nice and quiet. Q volume is definitely pickingde up but edsallfi to king streetgr still just about a minuteut delay which is what we like tote z once you pass that point atint king street and get to thed gett 14th street bridge youret brid quiet. Freeway Downtown East andntown westbound by the third streetrds tunnel is cruising along and we dont have any problems onbln the 11th Street Bridge. Bridge. Ill let lung 270 by the truck scales starts to pop inop i maryland. Land back to you holly and maureen. Re coming up on fox5 newsupew morning a piece of rock andnd roll history which helpsch h contribute to the british invasion of the 1960s is going on the auction block. Blo a popular d. C. Radio host appears for his day in courtnout on assault charges. Charges. Lets take a live look te a across the d. C. Region on a on thursday. Thats a but i love that shot. I love this city. E this city look how gorgeous it is. Gous its a gorgeous day as well. 5 26 is our time. Our t we are back on the other side. You are watching fox5 news5 n morning. Oooh, i think i saw dessert but you just had a big lunch it wasnt that big. Steve hey come back here steven, stay strong whwhats that . You. You want me to eat you . Honey, he didnt say that he did very quietly. Yyou cant hear from back there dont fight your instincts with each for 150 calories or less, try our chocolatey brownies, tangy lemon bars and creamy cheescakes fiber one. Go on, have one. Keep on track with Dunkin Donuts fruit smoothies, made with lowfat yogurt and real fruit blended into feelgood flavors like new wildberry. American runs on dunkin. This is fox5 news morning. Good morning. Thank you for joining us im maureen umeh. Im holly morris. Ox wisdom is off today. T today is the last day of june. Its weve got gary in the weatherea center, erin in the traffic center. To update yog to update you of course in just au few minutes. T were going to start with the wh news developing news fromm turkey where police have arrested 13 people including ilu three foreign nationalse believed to be involved ino be e tuesdays deadly attacks onacks the ataturk airport. Apo were getting new images iges now from that attack. Fr you are seeing the moment that t three suicide bombers blewbers e themselves up after opening fire at the international terminal. Terminal. The turkish governmente pointing the fintuger at the terror group isis. No one has officially claimed responsibility. Security analysts say isis very rarely acceptsely ac responsible for attacks itttacks carries out in majority muslimtm countries. Co the death toll of that attack ac now standing at 42. Ng at 4 first at 5 30 a plea to end e gun violence in the district. Ds families of gun violence vle victims meeting with city leaders calling for tougherfor gun control. The meeting taking placein hours before a silent night in n the city with Police Investigating four separate shootings overnight. Oo f5 at Police Headquarters withic more. Good morning, annie. H od reporter high, goodhioo morning to you maureen and and holly. Ho thats right, d. C. Police la pic very busy violent night. Nht they tell us responded to fouro shooting, one a homicide. , ona o police were still canvassingg the area looking for theng for e shooter. That was in the 800 block of bladensburg road northeast. Orth. Then tells they got the callls around 10 30 last night for a adult male victim there on the t scene. Sc he did not make it sadly and they are still searching forrc f the shooter and a cause is unknown at this time. Tim they also tell us they tone the have a clear description of the suspect but the othert the three shootings were told wert that the victims are all expected to be okay and that ana they were shot with nonlifethreatening injuries. Nje meanwhile as you mentioned alloa these shootings happening justns hours after d. C. Police alonge a with congresswoman eleanoran Holmes Norton and community activists, they all teamed up in an effort to stop gun violence in the city,ity, specifically getting illegalll guns off city streets and tougher gun control includingcol expanded background checks andec in addition to sending an sendi urgent message for tougher gun r control leaders met with d. C. Families of gun violence. Guviol it got very passionate andnd emotional. Nal. They also spoke with a motherwit who lost her only daughterte when she was gunned down along a with two others along southlo sh capitol street in southeastouea d. C. Back in 2010. In 2 take a listen to the mother. Ot thats a memory that will tha haunt me for the rest of myy life. Life without a national gun gun safety law, you can have the strongest gun safety laws iny ln the country and they get immediately undermined bymid parts of the country that t dont have it. Thats why this is a nationalhin issue and not simply a local l issue. Reporter now, d. C. Ter now,d police. C chief cathy lanierr tells us that 33 percent or o 31 percent, excuse me, of guns in d. C. Come from virginia. Meanwhile 22 percent come from maryland. La and so that information comingmn out of last nights meeting. Tin. Again, hours later, a veryy violent night in the city. C thats the very latest here from Police Headquarters in h northwest d. C. , annie yu fox5u local news. N to prince georges countyin now and a formecer school aide was indicted yesterday on 270n 0 charges of child sexual abuse and child porn. Deonte carraway remains behind b bars without bond. Out b today prince georges countys ct states attorney angela also als brooks gave details about some of the clamps. La sexual child abuse of a minor, 23 counts, 40 counts of first degree sex offense. Offene there are 41 counts of seconds n degree sex offense, 44 counts44t of third degree sex offense, ofn 66 counts of allowing child pornography and 56 counts of possessing child pornography. Nop and that was yesterday that the states attorney aor officers says 20 of the o children involved have beennvole identified. A former montgomery countyrt Court Commissioner faces up top 10 years in prison after beingei convicted of trying to have t sex with a minor. Daniel reed used the datingat app grinder to meet who he t thought was a teenagero back in october. That teenager was an Undercover Police detectiveic posing as a 15yearold boye. When they made plans to meeto in germantown officers were waiting to arrest reed. Tee hes scheduled to be sentenceded in august. Ust. Happening today, the host of a popular d. C. Area radio r show will appear in court. Ou peter deebler also known as as kane is as owe accused of assaulting his estranged wife natasha back in may when she says the host grabbed her lifted her off the ground anduna threw her into the wall. Wal after serving d. C. s Public Schools for more than five years chancellor kayalor k henderson is stepping down. Ow henderson focused oned on education reform policies. Pic she fired hun based in part on standardizednde test results and under hernd uer test scores have improved butha the achievement gap between white and black students hask us remained high. Mained h her last day on the job is october 1st. October 1st. Chief of schools John Davis Joh will serve as interim int chancellor and we want to makent sure you join us later todayat on good day d. C. Chancellor henderson and d. C. D mayor Muriel Bowser joining useb live at 9 00 a. M. M. They will discuss why the chancellor is stepping downg d and what it could mean for younr and your child. And if you have any questions forann the chancellor or the mayoray tweet us at fox5 d. C. 5 35 is our time right nowgh and for those of you justtust getting up, gary has had some sm excellent news for you, right,, gary. Yes. And you know, tucker barneskntu just came in and he confirmed for me its gorgeous outside. Ot awesome. Okay. Love it when the day starts on a gorgeous step. Sp. Sunshine coming up. S temperatures are in some caseses kind of cool, kind of chilly. Hil a lot of 50s out out there in e the suburbs. Frederick is 55 degrees. Gr its 66 in town. Ow suburbsly i want to show youy iu the forecast for the day. Re get right to it. I dont want to bury the lead. E. Lots of sunshine today, of especially to start the day. Sty a few clouds later on this o afternoon. Later on well be up to about ao 84, 85 for a high. Ig youll feel a little bit moreit humidity. Not much. Not just a little bit more. E bitore. And as we get into the latter tr part of the evening hours,rs 8 oclock, 9 oclock,lock 10 oclock, theres a chance for a shower, maybe a thunderstorm. Th should not be a big deal. Overnight tonight thereshere another chance of aa thunderstorm. Th we start tomorrow morning withrt a few showers. Hors tomorrow afternoon with a few thunderstorms. Heres the weekend. s t weekend. At least the first part of the e Holiday Weekend. 86 degrees on saturday. Satda 84 on sunday with more clouds. S. Talk more about the july theul fourth forecast july the t fourth forecast, easy for meor m to say coming up in just aus bit. Right now we got to do d traffic. Erin como is in with that. H tha thanks gary. Y. 5 36 right now. N it will be my first fourth of o july d. C. And i cannot wait tont see the fireworks so myor fingers are crossed that rain holds off. E right now heres a live loo k at 395. At 3 going on the northbound sideorth past duke street. Tr traffic pretty light right now. No were not dealing with any of o that usual congestion just yet. Southbound side from the 14th street bridge down to the beltway is cruising as well. S s ill let you know if anyw if any crashes pop up or anythinging changes. An back to our maps. 95 northbound definitely jams from dale city to 123. D you need about 10 extra 1xt minutes to get through that little zone of interstate andatd then we also have a delay on deo five northbound 301 to surratts slowing so givewing s v yourself extra time there. Ther. 201 still looking very good. 210 in great shape. Ha back to you holly and maureen. E coming up fox news mornings a mountain biker killed by aledb bear while riding on a trail t in a national park. Lar another big name athlete is opting out of the 2016 olympicly games in rio. In rio. As we head to break, letsak take a live look across thecross d. C. Region. Reg another beautiful, beautiful scene. Scen it is 5 37 and it ist 66 degrees right now. Ow fox news morning back after this. Again again again again . Again again General Mills is removing artificial flavors and colors from our cereals. So you can love cereal. Again a 38yearold montana man8 is dead after beingye attacked by a grisly bear. R. The man was bike riding withidit another man when they cameam upon the bear. R. The bear knocked the man offed e his bike and the other rider fled for help. Fled f the mans body was found atas fd the scene but the bear had br moved on. Yet another athlete iset ano saying no to South African golfer leann pace is the first women golfer. Golf she said she was eager to eag represent her country but felt zika was too much a risk. She says my health and my future familys health must come first. Fir the song is credited withh bringing beatlemania to theaniat u. S. Shores. S the auction louse expects the ec drum set to attract buyer buyers and collectors from across the globe. G valued at 150,000. there are major changesng regarding the oscars. And if youre atm looks atmos like this, would you use it . Sei most of us probably won or o or would, rather. Would you . Doing so couldyou . Io open your bank account tok criminals. Cr as we head to break lets take a live look across d. C. Region. R time right now is 5 41 on this thursday. We are at 66 degrees. 66 gree might want a light jacket asht you head out this morning. Or its going to turn into a nicent beautiful summerlike day. Erke were back right after this. Hi welcome back at 5 44. 5 downed power lines and trees t in arizona. Arizo sieged and other materials canat beee hundreds of customers reportedly lost power. Ostow heavy rain and lightning wereer seen in the distance. Ta its a Volcanic View that vw you wont get to experiencee firsthand. This is video of the lava lakea of the summit at the kilaueailaa volcano in hawaii taken from a position closed to the public. The lava splattering was spl within the range of what would be considered normal. Sidered nma scary but beautiful. Uhhuh. Wow. Scary but beautiful. Right. And gary ar and gary. G thank you. Ou. Thats what made me which,hi can kell. Ca they dont know whaty theyre doing whendo they introduce me. You can stop they dont d know what theyre doing. Oing its okay. We own it. Okay. Big weekend plans, holidayay weekend coming in already julydl the fourth weekend. Nd wow. Saturday looks great. Gre sunday looks pretty good. Yood. Some clouds on sunday. Suny. Notice temperatures on little cooler on sundayun perhaps because of the clouds. I know were kind of fussingd og over one or 2 degrees here. Ere. It still looks like fourth offo july will be unsettled. So, now so you know the trend te from yesterday is looking a little bitte better. Yesterday it looked like we were going to be cloudy with ao lot of rain and someom thunderstorms. Today at least looking at it loa right now, its not really thehe best way to forecast by justt bt chasing the models each day it definitely looks like well beie unsettled on fourth of july. Uly. Sunshine perhaps with cloudsithd and then thunderstormsd then possible, all right. Hopefully the trend continues to get a little bit better, a b, little bit drier for theer for t fourth of july. 83 degrees is what were goingee with and again, right now rig n were just going have to say s theres going to be some to be s showers and thunderstormsand ths around hopefully for erin como m because its your first,r first, right. Yeah. It will be okay and youll be able to see all the fireworksok. You going to the mall. L. Georgetown waterfront. N wate. Yeah, but youre looking butk at. At. Yes. Guilty hope it all worksy out for you. Thank you gary. For a first t dulles 57 degrees, 55 for gaithersburg and 61 for 61 f baltimore. Baltimore. Listen, look how cool it is,s, nice and refreshing for pittsburgh at 56. 6. Columbus 52. Columbus 5 thats where the cool air massls is coming down. Is coming do we have 50s obviously out inlyi the suburbs. Su i just showed you. Binghamton is 54. Is 5 listen, whats going to ws go happen, later on today andnd this evening were going to get a returnng flow coming up. Og High Pressure is going to gng t drift off to the east. If thats going to swing tt he to t winds back to the south andthe a the southeast and that starts t to bring the humidity levels coming back up. So, this morning wereng w absolutely gorgeous. Abte a few clouds out there obviously but real nice. As we progress few more cloudseo in the afternoon. Eron youll start to feel thefeel t humidity a lib. L after 5 oclock thats when ithn becomes more noticeable. Notea ulcould be a shower orco thunderstorm at 5 00. 5 0 heres futurecast way back out west. Well watch perhaps a couplerhae showers around southern maerryland. Well be dry here in the district. Di we progress into the latter evening and overnight. In there could be a possibilitybe a of a shower or storm passingrmsg through. Not everybody will. Look at tomorrow morning. Mor spots of rain and thunderstormnr activity so in places tomorrow m morning could be a bit of aco ao wet commute. Wet commute. More showers and thunderstormshd in the afternoon. Fternoon front will come through andough clear the area tomorrow nightorn and that brings in a nicericer saturday. Ay and a pretty nice sunday as a well. We this morning a few clouds to the south of us. Of us. Well have more clouds todayuds than what we had yesterday. Esrd but its still going to bengo super nice and the for the the t last day of june were talking l real comfortable. Rtle. 69 degrees this morning torni t start. Its a little cool out thereolut in spots. Maybe a light jacket required. I sunny at lunchtime, lunch 81 degrees. 85 for a high today. F and keep in mind later on thisns evening, possibly overnight, art shower or a thunderstorm could happen. Great looking weekend. We get into monday july 4th4th earlier erin i believe told i said january 4th, i dont know why, but anyway, obviouslybviouy its not january 4th. 4 heres erin. Herin. All i heard was have lunch h outside today, its perfectser weather. Yeah, and have lunch i mean, thats always a goods g and outside and enjoy the ene sunshine and the 80s. Right now traffic definitely slowing down 95 northboundrthbon from dale city across the occoquan youll need about 10 1 to 15 extra minutes. Min no crashes. No crash all lanes opened. L lanes opened. Just a sluggish commuteggiscommt because of the volume. Caus southbound side wide oe pened ao you make your way down towardsow stafford this morning. Lets go handy move over for our maps and show you someshow m other slowdowns in virginia. Vii we are also slow in staffordn sd 630 to 610 average speeds about 25 Miles Per Hour. Hou same story 66 eastboundeastbo passing sudly road and thenhen once you pass sudly road youre opening up looking pretty good through west falls s church in arlington. Rlgt 28 north manassas drivesa through new braddock sluggishk g as well. As w 395 in great shape. Hape. Towards the 14th street4th reet bridge, 11th Street Bridge is b quiet. Qu roosevelt bridge and memorial ml bridge looking good. Loo suitland parkway still opened sl f youre taking metro we haveweh a new metro alert for you. Or y blue and yellow lines single sin tracking between braddock roaddk and national airport. Irpo theres a track condition con outside national airport. Po delays in both directions a will not be Offering Service sei for surge three of safe tracksaa that starts on july 5th. Jy i have everything you need n know on twitter at erin fox5ox5 d. C. Back to you holly and maureen. M could the district beouldhe d getting a new name. Ne n its possible. Ts pole thats if the city wins itsin bid to become the 51st1st statement on monday a state s hood commission settled on thei name new columbia. Olum it was the name approved byve b voters back in 1982 as part of t an earlier campaign for state fs hood. House democrats are hoping to ride the wave ofem their t recent push for gun control gunl legislation each taking their message to homeea districts fors the july 4th congressional recess. Re in maryland, representativereset Chris Van Hollen toldlen reporters there will be nol o more business as usual in the house. Ho saying as long as congress a takes no action ons guno g violence, it implicates itselftl in the tragedy. Dy gaithersburg man discovers a skimming device just beforejur using an atm while abroad. A while in austria Benjamin Tedesco was about to withdrawita money from a samsung atm kiosk. At first glance it looked like l any other atm. Something didnt feel quitet fq right about it and yourende about to see why. Eehy he tugged on it arent it are poppeand itpopped off. Popped of. He took a video and posted itosd on youtube. Y its been viewed more than t 3 million times. Million times. Theres a little bit off glue residue right here. Er and then i realized that itit was actually a secondary son overlay device. Y dece. Now these skimmer devices ski are used to steal your banking information. He says he did notify policeotif about the device. Deve. 5 51 is the time. 5 taking a quick look at theck lat stories youre engaging within w most on social media morningci with our realtime news tracker. Tracker. Were going to begin in g virginia where riders on Busch Gardens rollercoaster had to be walked off the rided of yesterday after being stucky there for 35 minutes. Mut no go. No go. No riders were hurt. Rs we good news there during thee shut down. Ut d in Entertainment News therta academy has made good on itsdn i promises to increase following the oscars so whites e scandal by inducting its mosttss diverse class ever. S e the new class is 46 percent6 pen women and 41 Percent People ofee color. If all invitations are accepted the academy woulddemy d grow to 27 percent women overall and 11 Percent Peopleeo of color. Of a new restaurant opened ind petworth that will be serving breakfast 24 hours a day. Ay slims in petworth promises fun twist ons classicla favorites offering spiked milk m shakes and big breakfast meals reminiscent of diners past. The spot caters to vegans and vegetarians. Good news for all those t vegans vegetarians out there, right. Okay. Uber app has a new update thatea will track to see if your drivers are behaving badly. Bady the late of the update will beeb able to see if its driverss d are speeding or driving recklessly. It will also be able toll aba tell if the driver has their t phone in their hand. An right now the latest update is t in the now uber says it hopes to help l drivers become better at their job. Actress Scarlett Johanssonn making history. Shes named the higheste h grossing actress of all time. Johansen has starred in the avengers jungle book and hail caesar. Ar recently she spoke to cosmo to about the gender pay gap in hollywood. How much money would you shellh out for a bowl yourowl r favorite cereal . The kellogglo Company Plans to open an upscale cereal cafe in new inew yorks time square. Qu bowls of cereal will cost between 6. 50 and 7. 50. Nd youll be able to combineombi cereals like special k and frosted flakes with ingredients like pistachios and lemon zest. The cafe will open its doors i on the fourt fourth of july. Upscale cereal. Le cl. Really. No, i couldnt it. O, i c no. Circumstances dollars 50 for a bowl of cereal. Bof cere what kind of crazy talk isal that. Shes not eating anyatinany cereally. No, shes not. Ot. Miss teen u no longer have a swimsuit swiui portion of the program. P pageant officials call theofcial move an important cultural ctu shift in a celebration of women who lead active a purposeful lives. The 2016 miss teen u. S. A. U. S pageant will be held in vegas b on july 30th. Lets say hello to our to facebook fan of the day. Anf thed and today its mary hawkins. Mary says shes been a fox5 fan for more than 25 years. Ears. She says there are so manyary great things to say about fox5. She relies on us for accuraten r weather and traffic in theraff e morning and says she neverheev goes wrong by tuning into fox5of and telling us to keep up theupe amazing work and we say thank t you so much mary hawkins. Hki your outfit by the way on fleek. Where can we get it . Mary wt let us know. K ha hashtag fox5 d. C. 5 d. C feel like youre on vacation when you wear a skirter like that. Beautiful. Beau very nice. Very what to wear a sweater this morning, gary. Rng i know i went back in andi k got a jacket. Got jack yes. You did luckily it waslyts hanging up by the door but i b i mean, its cool. Itl. I mean, look at this. Frederick 55. Ick 55 westminster has come down into d the 50. They were holding in the loweril 60s for hours. Hrs theyre 59 degrees now. Manassas 59 degrees and holding. Culpeper so far hasnt quitearnt made it into the 50 but winut chester is chilly. 55 degrees. Martinsburg even cooler at 54 a and we have dropped here ine town to a comfortableomfoab 65 degrees. 65 deg really nice out there. Ally ne ou beckley is 55. Pittsburgh is 56. 6. Binghamton is 54. 54. And new york is 68 degrees8 dege this morning. Is just so you know, through thetht day today, it looks like were e going to have lots of sunshine. Su the chance is there for a shower or a thunderstorm latermt on this evening and during theug overnight. Tomorrow morning we may have a shower, too, and then tomorrow r afternoon some more showersmores and some thunderstormshust certainly a possibility. Tomorrow afternoon andon tomorrow evening well get thelt front through. Through so that clears things out ars little bit for the weekend. Ke 86 andry a few clouds around on sunday. A one last look at least for meor for july 4th, 83 degrees with some clouds, some showers ande a some thunderstorms. Orms. Heres erin como. Com right now, gary, 5 56 and 56 things are definitely pickingy i up around the area. A. Inbound traffic slow maryland mn in Fort Washington 210ashington northbound between palmer road a and livingston road. Living delay in brandywine five north from 301 to surratts road and ra 301 getting onto five oo northbound also jams just a bit. A well move things over and show you a look at some heavy ha volume. Vo inbound suitland parkway alabama avenue to south capitol street youre backedour up there as well on your y inbound route to the district. 295 still looking good on thed northbound side from the t beltway past laboratory road. But 295 inbound on the south t u bound side eastern to pennsylvania 3 miles will takelk you allege minutes. So make sure you leave earlyeavr if thats your typical route. Also inbound on 50 slowsn inside the beltway. Side t as we take a look 95 north you y jam dale city to 123 as you cross the occoquan. Ccua more traffic and take a look a l at metro as we continu keep it to fox5 news morning. Mg more weather and traffic andraic news coming right up. Up. vo you can check on them. You can worry about them. You can even choose a car for them. mom honey, are you ok . child im ok. announcer vo love. mom were ok. announcer vo its what makes a subaru, a subaru. Keep on track with Dunkin Donuts fruit smoothies, made with lowfat yogurt and real fruit blended into feelgood flavors like new wildberry. American runs on dunkin. Raids in istanbul one day i after an airportn attack there. Several people taken into can custody. Le what police found unside onee apartment where one of thenef t terrorists is believed to have v s the United States takingni out hundreds of isis militants n in the largest ever air strikege on a city. St the terror once controlled. Ontrl what does this mean for theoe fight Going Forward . Orward a live look outside on this i thursday june 30th, the lastthel day of the month. It is a beautiful start to the e morning. Actually a little bit cool. Oo might wants to grab a sweater. E weather and traffic on the 5s at 6 05. 6 0 good morning. Orng. Im maureen umeh in for allison. Im steve chenevey. Welcome to fox5 news morning. Ng off the top at 6 00 now it was w a violent night in the strictn e as police are investigatingesgag four separate shootings all ofe them happening within hours ofni each other. Ngeachther sadly, one of those is a a Homicide Investigation and and come on the heels of a plea to a End Gun Violence here in the the district. Fox5s annie yu live at livea Police Headquarters this morning with more for us. Us. Annie. An reporter . Hey, good morning steve andos maureen. Maureen. Yes, it was very busy. D. C. Police worked four word separate shootings in the shooth district, one of them ast homicide. That homicide happening at the t 800 block of bladensburg roadrga in northeast d. C. Orth. They got the call around 10 30 1 last night when they arrived arv

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