Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 5 20160621 : compar

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 5 20160621

gun lobbyists set the bills were restrictive and democrats attacked the republicans plans as too weak. >> i'm mortified by today's vote but not surprised by it. we learned in the months after sandy hook the nra has a vice like grip on this place even when 90% of american public wants change. >> the proposals needed 60 votes to move forward. >> right now a vigil is being held for the or land owe shooting victims outside of the national rifle association headquarters in fairfax. >> organizers slept there overnight to honor victims of the shooting. they're also calling for a ban on assault rifles and the group is expected to stay there until nra employees arrive. that vigil start around midnight. we now know word for word what was said during 911 call omar mateen made when he killed dozensens of land owe club. during the conversation, he pledged allegiance to the leader of the islamic state. at fist the justice department deposit want to release the name he pledged allegiance too so it would not give extremists a platform for prop gand a. >> a woman was sexually assaulted in her home 2 a.m. sunday on north fourth street boston park police believe the suspect crawled into ground floor apartment in on window and attacked the woman if her bedroom. she was able to escape to a bam room and the suspect took off. >> during the attack she was very brave. she saw an opportunity for her to separate herself from the male. she did so by going into the bathroom and locking the door and took her ipad with her and yelled for help. i heard that he came in through the window. you don't really expect that of a sexual assault. i don't know it's pretty -- it have happened here. >> there are not any surveillance cameras at the complex the victim says she was not able to get a good look at the man's face. >> chilling moments in donald trump rally in las vegas over the weekend a british man arrested for attempting to grab a police officer's gun. he wanted to kill trumpi. michael steven stanford approached a police officer at the campaign stop day. yesterday he was charged with an act of violence on restricted ground. 5:30 is the time now. let's go to erin for the road. >> 5:03 we'll start you with metro this is second weekday morning russia infected by safe track surge two it's shutting down a portion of metro commute for the orpth blue and silver lines between eastern market, beping road and minnesota even though rail service shuttle buses are running every five to ten minutes and expect crowded conditions and keep in mind since shuttle buses are dealing with traffic you're up against the typical morning rush in the morning. metro geared up for service at five and orange, blue and silver shuttle service available and no train service potomac and stadium armory stations are also closed and shuttle bus services stop there as well now. arlington cemetery to roz land. no service available on the blue line, d.c., maryland or ross land as far as metro is concerned use yellow line la front plaza that is running all day. plan ahead. reach out to me on twitter@erin fox d.c. if you keep to metro and having pains and leaving early and getting early start. we heard from commuters yesterday that said she added an hour to morning commute. if you look for alternate and that's along the normal route increase metro bus service. fairfax connector and arlington rapid transit as far as metro rail services that transit related and take uber lift they have full services that are cheaper because you share rides. zipcar. tap toll bike share, car to go and telecommute the most appeal physical that's possible. if you have to get to work i would consider picking alternate and giving yourself extra time. as you make your way on the road switching from metro crash 95 northbound at the icc and my pest advice to you keep it left as you head out the beltway trying to get to bwi. also baltimore washington parkway 'great alternate if you want to bypass that accident scream. no problems route 1 through beltsville and baltimore washington parkway through laurel and quiet now no typical morning congestion poyrd mill road yet. looking at 50 annapolis or buoy problem free 301 to beltway 8 miles in 8 minutes that what the is we want to see from d secondarys look going as well no. issues on washington 210 looking good on northbound sid side. same story branch avenue and pennsylvania avenue inbound do do youer house. 66, look at that. twelve minute to get 11 miles from the prince william parkway toe fairfax county parkway to september areville and wide on through west falls church in arlington. i'll let you know when things pop that show us down on the roads or if we get metro delays. now, mike i heard that there could be rain this morning. what do we need to know. >> just a little bit of rain here and there in spots. i'll take bets on how long that stays twelve minutes on i 66. there i'll give it an hour before it sglubl generous i would say a half hour. >> half hour? >> yeah. >> i take it back. erin is right there could be a shower or two this morning. big concerns later this afternoon with thunderstorms. today is first full day of summer. we brought in summer officially yesterday. 6:35 . we kicked off summer solstice. yesterday felt like summer 91 in d. scrks, 89 dulles. 91 mutety low today and not the case today. already feeling it as you step outside. more moisture in the air. 6 degrees this hour in washington and 77 quantico and martinsburg and cumberland in the upper 70s. 79. hagerstown 78. baltimore 75 this morning. satellite and radar a few more clouds out there kind of a mix of clouds and clear skies to start the day and then we have showers slighting through west virginia. we'll see how many of those hold together and they should break up a bit as they come across and still isolated shower here or there as we head through the course of the morning hours. again mainly this afternoon is bigger concern. we have a cold front coming our way and showers and storms could be strong to severe. we'll keep an eye on all that. 89 for the high temperature this afternoon. it will be hot and sticky. 88 quanitco and 87 leonardtown and 85 for annapolis. all right that's a look at forecast. more details in your way in a bit. more even and holly. >> coming up on "fox" news morning new information from the government sponsored hacking in china dropped significantly. >> popular actress removed from a train on streper after a mid flight outburst. >> a live look across the d.c. region today is national selfie day. we want to see yourselfyes of you watching "fox5". plus #"fox5" selfie. time now 5:08 up? (whispering): mom said i could have a midnight snack. (whispering): well, i say it's late, and you need to go to bed. (whispering): why? (whispering): because i am the boss. (whispering): you're not the boss, mom's the boss. (whispering): well, technically, we are co-bosses. (whispering): technically, mom's the boss. mmmm. shhh. mmmm... yoplait. jvr >> a new report shows chinese hacking has gone down. although less threats china is suck null compromising corporate networks. president obama and china president have worked together to reach sign area agreement it states neether government will knowingly support cyber enabled theft for gain. >> two new york police officers in trouble with the law that they took more than $100,000 in bribes including free flight and prostitutes in exchange for a private police force for local businessmen. deputy inspect for james grant and michael harrington were charged with conspiracy to commit services wire fraud. several other officers were allegedly involved. u.s. supreme court reject ago peel from illinois smokers yesterday. there's a $10 billion class action lawsuit filed against philip morris. many say the tobacco company was misleading with cigarette labels they said lights and low tar were not propertyerch the company stopped using labels in 2010. >> california lawmakers working to put finishing touches on 2 million drar plant for a city to have permanent shelters. comes as california homeless population reaches record eyes. there's more than 115,000 hom homeless californiaians and lawmakers consider the measure later this week. >> top leaders in virginia in the district are pushing for more funding to repier the crumbling memorial bridge. yesterday lawmakers toured the bridge with links to d.c.. transportation officials say the bridge could shut down by 2021 unless it receives a 250 million overhaul. >> we just took a sobering tour of america's most iconic bridg bridge. this bridge is evaluated as most vulnerable bridge in the whole federal system. >> you're talking about rust on the major beams that hold up the bridge and some rust is even at the point where a beam will join top provide structural support. >> the bridge was expected to have a life span of 75 years when it was built. it's now 84 years old. >> coming up on "fox" morning no criminal charges will be filed in the jim matt death of georgia team. >> and be glad all we see it temps in the low 9 0s. most western states deal with triple digit record breaking temperatures. >> as we head to break a live look today is national selfie day. we want to see yourselfyes. you're watching fox news morning. post them online using #"fox5" selfie. we'll be back after this. ♪ time now 5:14 this is a vigil outside fairfax. code pink and other organizations are calling for a ban on assault rifles. 49 hearts were made to honor those killed in orlando. >> it's still hot in call call 114 degrees and temperatures expected to yesterday they were so high rescuers could not land a helicopter to rescue hikers with heat related injuries they had to walk up the trail and bing the hikers back down. they were taken to the hospital. no word yet on how those hikers are doing. quarter past five. we're at 75 degrees. looks pretty calm and clear out there. but maybe you can feel the humidity already. am i on the right track, mike. >> you're on the right track. did you see the strawberry moon on your way in this morning. >> as far as you know i did. >> that's what it is called. >> i heard it was out there. >> it's out there. it's in place this morning. holly is absolutely right. you feel more humidity out there and there's a little more cloud cover in places here and there. humidity does return today. if it's not already out there it will continue to get worse as we head through the course of this afternoon. mix of clouds and sun coming your way today. clouds eight times, sun as time. one of those days in the d.c. we're watching for popup storms a few on the strong to severe side more details on that in a minute and wettest day this week. if there's a day maybe you don't want to be outside that will be thursday. that's our best chance for rain all week. satellite and radar here there's that mix of clouds and clear skies. strawberry moon out there somewhere. sun will be rising here in about oh, 5:16, 20 minutes or so and bye-bye to the moon there. and there are storms popping up over the mountains of west virginia we'll see if a couple hold together and slide across northern portions of virginia here over the next couple of hours or two. but they are expected to break up a bit. future cast will show you that in a minute here. cold front is draped off to the north. that's the energy that will provide the spark for showers and storms later today. current look outside. apparently dark. i lost my camera shot there. 76 degrees in washington. humidity at 64%. that number is starting to creep up. it's not 40 and 50% we were dealing with the last several eventually turn out of west in is warm direction for us around here. there's future cast at 9:00. you can see future cast broke those showers up in a few clouds around the region and later this afternoon, 11, 12:00 today there's the first around of thunderstorms around 1. popping a few more into the afternoon and early evening hours. there's a few more around 6:00 then and some of these storms have gusty wind and large hail. that's something we are watching for. he's your "fox5" forecast. upper 80s. near 90s. scatter thunderstorms. dry tomorrow. back into the fire on thursday with thunderstorms very likely and some of those could be severe as well. all right. that's a look at weather. airport erin has selfie stick out. >> i do. but i'm also busy, mike, we still have bet going 66 eastbound is still quiet in center littleville. >> keep me posted. morning commute we have crash activity 95 north topside of the beltway and icc. blocking part of the right lan lane. keep it to left. as you can see taking a look at map traffic is flowing freely past that scene and volume light enough not causing any big sdlaiz. if you want to avoid that scene take baltimore, washington parkway instead. that is looking good on north and southbound side already. things on outer loop problem free georgia to 270 south drive time and speeds exactly what they should be. we'll hop outside for a live look and show you closer to the spur how things shape up. little volume increasing through gaithersburg as you make your way down towards father hurley boulevard and again getting beltway. as you can see traffic flowing. that's what we like to see. alternate 355 is still quiet right now. little traffic waking up. we'll switch it back to maps and show you what else you are up against this morning. gw parkway from the beltway to 14 street bridge look going and inside the beltway toe po mack cab up, john claire, barton, river road quiet right now and wisdom martin head friendship heights in bethesda. looking at metro and how safe track through is affecting our morning ride next. back to you, maureen and holly. >> 5:19 stories you're engaging with on social media the realtime use tracker. >> hillary clinton ramping up here running mate search. short list reportedly improves virginia senator tim okay and massachusetts senator elizabeth warren and rival bernie sand certifies not on that list. associated press says clinton's aids are in the midst of gathe gathererring more personal information and setting up interviews with the candidates candidates'. >> department of justice will not file charges in death of georgia teenager whose body was found rolled up in a gym matt. while they believe their son was purposely killed there is no evidence to support that claim. >> "selma" blair was removed from a plane following mid flight outburst. tmz says she was drinking wine in first class when she put something in the glass. passengers say she then began crying and claiming that she was beaten and abused by unnamed man. she is best nope for roles in the cowboy movies and cool intentions. >> fox news morning, 8500 gallons of sewage poured into a popular lake in maryland. >> secretary ever state kery and angelina jolie bring ago tension to flight of refugees. >> there's that strawberry moon michael thomas was talking about the last time it happened was 70 years ago where it happened first full day of summer. today is national selfie day. remind you take yourselfyes and accepted it us to as you watch "fox5". that would be better. put them online using #"fox5" selfie. time now 5:20. "fox5 news morning" back after sip up an afternoon pick-me-up at dunkin'. come in for a medium freshly brewed hot or iced coffee for 99 cents from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. america runs on dunkin'. >> nearly 8500 gal opens of uage spilled into the waters of deep creek in maryland two separate occurred one happened last friday and second past sunday. >> friday spill was true of heavy rain causing a break in 6" sewer line and sunday spill was caused by leaking service line. in thes to avoid the water have been posted. >> and calling all job seekers mgm national harbor wants to offer you the deal of a lifetime. they're looking to hire more than 3600 people to work at the 1.3 million casino resort. over 700 positions involve manning table game. dealer school classes start july 1 other position these want to fill retail, gardening, security and food service. >> and honoring world refugee day in dmv. secretary of state john kery and actress angelina jolie attend aid dinner lasts night. all dulles muslim sew so ity gather today she is high commissioner for ref usgee special ep joyxt u.s. provided more than $5 billion top 2 million refugees that lost homes due to fighting in syria. >> bottom line is that today world refugee day, we need to understand that there are 65 million people who with r displaced from their homes. if you put them altogether in one place, one country, that would make up the 22nd largest country in the world. united states has given assistance to many other refugee around the globe. looks like cars may be headed for the friendly skies. on sunday the teragia transition was issued exception from faa as light sport aircraft so. what exactly does all that mean. >> good question. >> it means the government is one step closer to legalizing flying car industry expects them to be available to customers in the next decade. >> is it really a flying car other airplane. >> maybe just semantics. >> now you can be the pilot which makes you feel safer in the sky. >> that's scary you want people that are driving now everyone getting fly are car. >> absolutely not. they need to finish the auto driving cars first. >> and learning how to get on to the circle. people needed to drive and learn to get on to the circle first before they can fly a car. >> i totally agree. absolutely. >> let's take a look at weather around the region. wait for the days when we don't need erin como no offense saying hey people are crashing all over the place before we can move on to flying cars. there's temperatures right now. 76 degrees in washington. 77 quantico and 72 dulles and 72 frederick and 73 this morning in westminster and 75 baltimore. mild, start to the day here. hultty starting to creep back and radar getting busy over west virginia. deal with showers this morning and couple showers and thunderstorms may move over i 81 in the next couple hours here. but, for the most part, here d.c., we should keep it dry during the morning. threat for shower in. most of us stay dry morning hours and afternoon as we head into the mid to upper 80s. that's a threat for storms some of which could be strong coming back into the forecast. that's the weather. erin you may be doing sky traffic eventually. >> you know, i have no problem with that irk mirk, i like it i don't mind going up in the chopper evenlyer. just throwing it out there. a new crash that could cause slow downs 295 southbound backed up anyway and right now crash before eastern avenue blocking lane keeping in touch with d.c. police traffic and we'll let you know when it clears out of the way. right now and a delay to start to grow near that accident scream. we're continuing to track another crash norm of beltway 95 northbound ramp icc and part of right lane blocked deep to the left. beltway past that scene no major slow doupz. we'll check in with safe track surge two and how that's affecting orpth, blue and silver line next. holly, maureen. >> coming up next a mother is angry and says her 7-year-old was left all alone on the school bus after the final drop-off. >> and maker of a popular gun says they did nothing wrong after named in multiple sglawts as we head to break a live look across the d.c. region. gets you going on a tuesday. guess what it's national selfly day. we want to see the selfies you're taking. especially if you can take a selfie as you watch "fox5". post them own line using #"fox5" selfy. time now 5:27 "fox5 news morning" back after this 6 morning" back after this 6 >> sevrpt anti gun organizations hold a rally in northern virginia. >> and controversial ruling from the supreme court may have just erased your fourth amendment right. the ruling also led to a fiery accident being argument from sonian soto meier. >> and small boy is left alone on a school bus for more than an hour. "fox5 news morning" starts right now. >> good mor joining us i'm maureen umeh. >> i'm holly morris. >> today is tuesday, june 21. wisdom martin enjoying day offer. as it gary mcgrady. michael thomas holding down the for the in warm center there. erin, of course, has everything you need to know with traffic. we'll talk both in a minute. >> we now know word for word what was said during a 911 car omar mateen said during a orlando club shooting. >> fbi released transcripts that mateen had during the shooting. he pledge add leather answer to leader of isis. at first they did not want to release the full transcript and give isis a public platform. looking live now and vinl i held for orlando shooting victims outside the national rifle sor yaishtion headquarters in fairfax. code pink and other organizations are call for a ban on assault riflelees. >> in north carolina hundreds gathered to mourn the orlando victims. naacp held a rally to honor 49 victims in the shooting and nine people gunned down in south carolina church. norm carolina has become epicenter for national discussion on lgbt rights after pass is a law dictating which bathrooms transgender people can use. >> arlington, police say a woman was severally assaulted at knifepoint inside her home. happened 2 a.m. sunday on north fourth street boston park. suspect crawled into the ground floor apartment through on window. victim was able to escape to a bathroom and the suspect took off. anyone with information is asked to contact police. >> happening today appeals hearing for once prominent d.c. rabbi georgetown rabbi bernard was sentenced to 6 1/2 years for seekly recording 150 women while they took a ritual badge. hearing is 9:30. >> d.c. mom wants answers after 7-year-old son was left on a school bus more than an hour. 7-year-old antonio better was alone on a bus and found wander physical a parking lot. she believes it was done on purpose. >> now to latest on phase two of metro safe track program shaping up to be a tale of good news, bad news. >> already again rating some result and bad news no one inside for riders facing long delays. melanie alnwick is live at the beping road station now with more, mel. >> reporter: good morning and it does appear as we said probably as good as could be expected which means definitely held up to metro promise of very crowded conditions not only on the rails but also on the shuttle buses here at minnesota avenue. these are the kind of shuttle buses they're bringing in every ten minute because there is no rail service. so everybody who wants to get to eastern avenue and other portions of metro rail system has to get on one of these buses. good news also yesterday is that metro said there was a 6 reduction in the number of passengers along this line. and that went a long way towards helping some of the crowded conditions. shuttle buses they were told would not be able toe duplicate train it was long uncomfortable commutes for so many and many told us it added at least an hour to their day. now, the closure of station as long the elevated track coming out of eastern market is necessary to deal with main takenence. it was mandated by the federal transit administration yesterday general manager paul wheatfeld tweeted picture of some repair work and a lot of repair work on the third rails on cables and third rail covers cleaning up debris that sort of things. metro has already said that there was a lot of crowding conditions on the platforms during other portions of original orange and silver lines. mostly this is happen when trains were at capit those peek rush hours. i would say if we learned anything at all from watching these last few searches go early or go late you'll have an easier time of it. also very important want to let you know metro says it completed installation of brand new ceiling on all cable connectors. this is important. it finished process of under ground stations and plans to finish process also above ground stations by the end of summer. those improper ceilings one of the factors that caused that deadly accident at le front applause a important working done here. everybody dealing with this understands that and appreciate it. for more on your work around let's go to erin como. thank you, melanie. 5:35 now and that was really good advice to get an early start or wait out the morning rush. because when there's less traffic on the roads there's shuttle buses that can move quicker and take more trips. now if you want to leave during the great alternates for you. increased metro bus service to take metro bus and aavoid the rails and marked trains from ar ling top rapid transit and dash in alexandria and let's see if we can forward maps. shared services for you you you beener lift full options zipcar and capital bike share if you want to get exercise on your way to work and skip the gym in afternoon. aside from that we're tacking a few accident on roads including one 25 southbound after eastern we'll check in there next. mike let's see how potential rain could impact us. >> good news it looks like most around d.c. dry for morning commute. however later this afternoon and possibly evening commute could be a different story. let's get right to ray davrment there's a cold front off north marching its way southward as it does so it will kickoff more on the ways of showers own storms. some west virginia now they look like they break up as they head out of the mountains in a bit. temperatures warm, mid to upper 70s around the region out there to start the day. how about theo you head to the pool later this afternoon enjoy summertime and watch for thunderstorms. temperatures later today in the upper 80s. that's a look at the forecast. holly, mature each up to you. >> coming up the federal government involves investigation into young actors death why when we return. >> a new study suggestions the number of children that suffer concussions is actually higher than we have been led toe believe. as you head to brak a live look across the d.c. region or maybe not. okay. >> maybe we'll show this because it's national take a selfie someday. we want to see your selfie. send it to us #"fox5" selfie. >> you can take one with allison and tucker we will get up foe on that. >> we're back after this♪ ♪ double down on your candy and coffee cravings heath and almond joy candy bar flavored iced coffees. america runs on dunkin'. >> the makinger of ar 15 rifle used in sandy hook massacre challenges families lawsuits claiming it is not up to the court or injury to decide who can own weapons of that kind. family sued bush master firearms saying the assault rifle you this never have been told because it had no civilian purpose. at am lanza used that gun to shot and kill 20 students and 6 teexers. >> close toss 20 million my sawvr from concussions every year when you combine information. es estimate range between 1 and 1.9 million concussions happening mopping children 18 and younger and more than 55 5500,000 are not seen in emergency room. some experts say even these numbers are too low and do not reflect the real number. findings were reported in "journal of pediatrics". >> auto maker fiat chrysler may be on the hook for death of "star trek" antoine yelchen he was found crushed between his home security grate and jeep grabbed cherokee. his vehicle was part of voluntary recall to fix the car gear shifter cited for confusing drivers over whether the car is in park or neutral. it is working with police in conducting its own investigation into the accident. coming up on "fox5 news morning" drake managed to do something no other male musical artist has done in a decade. >> girl scott cookies entering unchartered territory in a new deal with pillsburgee. >> across the dmv this morning let us give you a mi is indeed national selfie day. we want to see selfies of you watching "fox5" if you k post them online and use the #"fox5" selfie. later this morning tucker and allison will be hitting road and now it all makes sense to take selfies with you. they'll be in the area around the fountain in downtown silver spring elsworth drive between georgia and fenton. drive by, say hi, take a selfy. we're at 76 right now. fox news morning "fox5 news morning" back after this woman: i have a masurprise for you.are you? man: you have a surprise for me? narrator: at dominion, 1 in 5 new hires is a veteran. and when they're away, they miss out on a lot. but they won't miss out on financial support. because we cover any difference between their military pay and their dominion salary, and continue benefits for them and their families. why do we do it? because our vets sacrifice enough. "dominion. depend on us for more than energy." >> a live look at vigil held for orlando shooting victims outside the national rifle association headquarters fairfax. code pink and other anti gun organizations are calling for ban on assault rifles, 49 heart were made to honor those killed in orlando.owe >> quarter to 6 is the time right now. look at that sky out there. sun coming up. >> it's beautiful. >> heat seeping in. >> uh-huh, humidity creeping back on in. >> yeah my hair felt that already. >> one of those days. >> we had three wonderful days saturday, sundays, monday, even monday was fantastic. look at sunrise, gorgeous out there this morning. almost perfect start to the day except for humidity creeping back inment relative humidity up to 64. creeping its way back up into the aftern minimum of clouds and sun out there to start the day. 76 degrees current number. warm start to the day as you get out and start things. happy summertime in montgomery county i believe they wrapped up school yesterday. fairfax county still in until thursday. happening in kids. we're watching showers spilling out of mountains of west virginia and should fall apart and can't rule out one or two along the i 66 corridor the next couple hours. last stuff this morning. later this afternoon cold front sags southward we can run into trouble with stronger showers and thunderstorms. early to mid afternoon. here's a look what is going on. cold front sweeping down to warm, humid air nass place. that's always recipe for thunderstorms this time of yea year. high pressure briefly taking control between. we'll have a lot of sun to start the day. maybe clouds to end the day tomorrow. we'll be warm. not as humid as today. here's a look at future cast if you plan your afternoon today. by 9:00, mix and clouds and sun out there. time we get to lunchtime hour few nor clouds and threatf storms really starts to fire. here we are 1:00 couple scattered storms again some could be on the strong side and keep that chance of storms going right to early evening hours there's evening commute at 6:00. we'll still be dodging showers or storms. especially from d.c. down to the south. now, we're not in the clear once we get through today's severe weather. we have another risk on thursday. area of low pressure ride the frontal system right through the region and we are already out looked for slight risk of severe weather on that day. couple things to watch this afternoon and again thursday. 89 right now. mix of clouds and sun. very humid, 89. take a look at "fox5" accuweather 7 day forecast. threat for storms thursday. 88 degrees. friday zip trip looks fantasti fantastic, 84 degrees and this weekend looks good as well. lots of sunshine on day. 86. with 90s returning by sunday. >> all right that's a check weather. erin como how is the bet doing. >> i think i'm whipping because we have a delay coming up and it's 5 >> i think i talked about traffic enough times a day. just kidding, all bet you on a thunderstorm i'll bet you win. crash activity 25 southbound just before eastern avenue there say lane blocked a little cop juston coming down 50 towards eastern and look at that long line of delay red zone speeds under about 15 miles an hour as you come in from chefly. be mindful of that. things on up after 295 another crash moved to shoulder this north of beltway 95 northbound in exit loans icc you still can exit to icc and we're not seeing any real delay. you can see plenty of green. there baltimore washington parkway on in both directions past powder mill road and as we look at 270 congestion coming from frederick to urbana to get to 70 to 109, 11 miles will take you 20 minutes. factor in extra ten minute. stop and go traffic through gaithersburg through rockville volume slowing things down a touch. in delays dale city 123 to 95 and staff sword south ever that 630 to 610 cop justed there as wel well. you can see delay centerville to prince william parkway to fairfax county parkway 5 minute delay now and sluggish through west falls church and arlingto arlington. i'll he keep you updated we'll look how surge two sim pacting metro riders next. back to you holly and maureen. >> a busy intersection had d.c. residents concerned about safety. steps away from dozens of homes near the h street corridor. three stop signs and traffic lights don't appear to be much to regulate traffic at this convoluted d.c. intersection. neighbors want officials to make changes. >> i think the main issue it here not a four way stop. you have a stop sign on this side but you have to really get into the middle of the road to see cars coming this way. >> they also report mu occurrences where cars almost hit strollers. neighbors say they tried to reach out to city and d dot about the issue and have yet to hear back. >> time ten minutes from the hour. here are the stories you're engaging with the most this morning on social media with realtime news tracker. >> supreme court giving police officers more power to stop and question people even if it's not clear they've done something wrong. the ruling steps from utah case where a man was found with drugs in his car after illegally stopped. justice klawrns thomas says because he had outstanding warrants for traffic violation illegal stops can be ignored and however all three women justices dissented on the decision and justice sot 'meyer said it does not encompass ideals of democracy. >> and weighing in on the assault rifle debate. a connecticut gun law paced in wake of sandyhook shooting that banz large capacity magazines. the court has not taken up a second ameantment case sincels. >> another sfood rahm great value bount full harvest and live part among the brand recalling frozen peas and mixed vehicleables over wisteria concerns. they were june 2015 to june 2 2016 the company is offering a full refund. >> if you bought a ticket through ticket master between 1999 and 2013 you could beel jill for free tickets following a class action lawsuit over ticket braces and email to 50 million eligible customers has been sent out. >> last night's nationals dodgers game was set up to be a prize fight. one corner the champion the dodgers clayton kershaw with 1 10-1 record and 1.5 era. >> in the other corner undefea undefeated 10-0 national stephen strasburg. this was a let down. because steven strous scratched from the roster due to back spasms. >> and reliever petit got first start since may 23 of last year mom and the rust showed up fortunately. justin turner hit one deep center over the wall. >> you can put it on the board. >> that's for the other team now that's the down side. it never really recovered. >> we don't want to put it on the board for the other team. >> we don't. okay. how about this one. jonathan scope and o's in texas taking on rangers scope sitting back after hitting 461 foot homer and j.j. hardy with a hearty shot to opposite field and scope sholing the wheels coming all the way around. after three run second upping for o's rangers came back led by former nats short stop ian dez montd. all the ranger needed oriole leading this one 4-3. >> whenever you hear maureen give sports highlights you probably heard hearsay. >> you can put it on the board. >> yes. >> many of you were sweeting me asking where it did it come from. here's the answer. >> that ball hit hard. stretch. you can put it on the board yes. back-to-back and it is. >> white sox announcer ken hock harld sop one hawkism for chicago white sox he's been saying this for years i remember hearing it as a kid never putting owe two and two together. a lot of people go online and put their version of put it on the board. >> this is histerkle. >> it was more few making you think you were crazy but you were not. >> that's right that's for you putting it on >> there you go. >> when you run out of stash of girl scout cookie us don't have to wait until next year to get fix. pillsburgee introducing new girl scout cookie up spird baking mixes. all part of new licensing deal with the girl kouts. they'll have thin minute and -- the bad news the mixes won't allow you to make homemade girl scout cookies. that would hurt sales. instead you can make brownies, mropdyes and cupcakes inspired bit cookie. >> okay. >> drake on top of the billboard charts with latest album view. rapper is first male artist to hold on to top spot for 7 consecutive weeks in more than 15 years. last male artist to spend more than 7 straight weeks was rapper m & m with his album marshall matters lt back in the summer of 2000. >> all right. congrats drake. >> and right now we're indeed going to say hello to faceb fap of the day. thaiz beautiful selfie there. and she's been eye "fox5" fan for more than 20 years. you look like you're only 21. >> gee thanks for the love nadine you look amazing. to be the next fap of the day go to "fox5" fashion book page and post your picture under beautiful nadine. >> i'm sad all viewers were missing michael thomas do the hot line bling. >> that was my favorite video of all time makes me feel like i can dance. >> show us the hot line bling. >> there you go. >> that's enough of that. >> and for the day today mix of clouds and sun as we head through the afternoon hours and later on this afternoon we have to watch for thunderstorms. some of these can pack a punch. strong to severe. gusty winds and large hail the main concern. those could last through evening commute. be prepared for that as you head home tonight. here's your forecast. 89 degrees today. tomorrow 87. drier we're right back to the fire on thursday. 88 degrees with thunderstorms likely. but we clear it out in time for weekend and just in time for zip trip as well. that's weather. airport erin. traffic. >> i want to give jr a shout-out he tweets me a picture of breakfast in the morning and now i want bacon and cheese only let bad. enjoy your breakfast. crash answering activity 295 southbound before eastern avenue a lane is blocked. we're also seeing big delays because of congestion on 50 inbounded in the beltway chefly to 5 drive time double 3 miles will take you 7 minutes. be prepared for nat one. moving it over to 270 delays picking up frederick to urbana and drive time doubled. we'll look live outside as we continue holly and maureen. >> all right. do you work a lot of over time. turns out a lot of people do and doe it for free. a closer look at america's obsession with ot. >> and time to book a flight to details about a golden girl themed cafe. >> oh, my gosh no. >> yes. >> thank you for being a friend. >> opening soon. >> and as we head to break a live look across the d.c. region. time now is 5:57. all right. (vo) you can check on them. you can worry about them. you can even choose a car for them. (mom) honey, are you ok? (child) i'm ok. (announcer vo) love. (mom) we're ok. (announcer vo) it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. >> straight ahead at 6 demanding the victims of the pulse night club massacre outside of nra headquarters northern virginia a peace vigil continues at this hour. protesters standing with orlando. . >> plus let's try this again second day now during the morning wrush metro riders packing patience a live report coming up for you. >> oh, my goodness. isn't that beautiful. live look outside on this tuesday morning it's june 21. this will be the first full day of summer. there is a chance though of severe storms today. weather and traffic on the fives at 6:05. stuping. good morning to you i'm allison seymour. >> i'm jim lobe yeah this is "fox5 news morning" had to get that right. >> well you know second day of the morning shift. >> let's get to what was developing overnight tore you a peace vigil honoring or land owe night club victims continues at this hour in fairfax county outside nra headquarters organizer from code pink are calling for ban on assault rifle

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Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 5 20160621

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gun lobbyists set the bills were restrictive and democrats attacked the republicans plans as too weak. >> i'm mortified by today's vote but not surprised by it. we learned in the months after sandy hook the nra has a vice like grip on this place even when 90% of american public wants change. >> the proposals needed 60 votes to move forward. >> right now a vigil is being held for the or land owe shooting victims outside of the national rifle association headquarters in fairfax. >> organizers slept there overnight to honor victims of the shooting. they're also calling for a ban on assault rifles and the group is expected to stay there until nra employees arrive. that vigil start around midnight. we now know word for word what was said during 911 call omar mateen made when he killed dozensens of land owe club. during the conversation, he pledged allegiance to the leader of the islamic state. at fist the justice department deposit want to release the name he pledged allegiance too so it would not give extremists a platform for prop gand a. >> a woman was sexually assaulted in her home 2 a.m. sunday on north fourth street boston park police believe the suspect crawled into ground floor apartment in on window and attacked the woman if her bedroom. she was able to escape to a bam room and the suspect took off. >> during the attack she was very brave. she saw an opportunity for her to separate herself from the male. she did so by going into the bathroom and locking the door and took her ipad with her and yelled for help. i heard that he came in through the window. you don't really expect that of a sexual assault. i don't know it's pretty -- it have happened here. >> there are not any surveillance cameras at the complex the victim says she was not able to get a good look at the man's face. >> chilling moments in donald trump rally in las vegas over the weekend a british man arrested for attempting to grab a police officer's gun. he wanted to kill trumpi. michael steven stanford approached a police officer at the campaign stop day. yesterday he was charged with an act of violence on restricted ground. 5:30 is the time now. let's go to erin for the road. >> 5:03 we'll start you with metro this is second weekday morning russia infected by safe track surge two it's shutting down a portion of metro commute for the orpth blue and silver lines between eastern market, beping road and minnesota even though rail service shuttle buses are running every five to ten minutes and expect crowded conditions and keep in mind since shuttle buses are dealing with traffic you're up against the typical morning rush in the morning. metro geared up for service at five and orange, blue and silver shuttle service available and no train service potomac and stadium armory stations are also closed and shuttle bus services stop there as well now. arlington cemetery to roz land. no service available on the blue line, d.c., maryland or ross land as far as metro is concerned use yellow line la front plaza that is running all day. plan ahead. reach out to me on twitter@erin fox d.c. if you keep to metro and having pains and leaving early and getting early start. we heard from commuters yesterday that said she added an hour to morning commute. if you look for alternate and that's along the normal route increase metro bus service. fairfax connector and arlington rapid transit as far as metro rail services that transit related and take uber lift they have full services that are cheaper because you share rides. zipcar. tap toll bike share, car to go and telecommute the most appeal physical that's possible. if you have to get to work i would consider picking alternate and giving yourself extra time. as you make your way on the road switching from metro crash 95 northbound at the icc and my pest advice to you keep it left as you head out the beltway trying to get to bwi. also baltimore washington parkway 'great alternate if you want to bypass that accident scream. no problems route 1 through beltsville and baltimore washington parkway through laurel and quiet now no typical morning congestion poyrd mill road yet. looking at 50 annapolis or buoy problem free 301 to beltway 8 miles in 8 minutes that what the is we want to see from d secondarys look going as well no. issues on washington 210 looking good on northbound sid side. same story branch avenue and pennsylvania avenue inbound do do youer house. 66, look at that. twelve minute to get 11 miles from the prince william parkway toe fairfax county parkway to september areville and wide on through west falls church in arlington. i'll let you know when things pop that show us down on the roads or if we get metro delays. now, mike i heard that there could be rain this morning. what do we need to know. >> just a little bit of rain here and there in spots. i'll take bets on how long that stays twelve minutes on i 66. there i'll give it an hour before it sglubl generous i would say a half hour. >> half hour? >> yeah. >> i take it back. erin is right there could be a shower or two this morning. big concerns later this afternoon with thunderstorms. today is first full day of summer. we brought in summer officially yesterday. 6:35 . we kicked off summer solstice. yesterday felt like summer 91 in d. scrks, 89 dulles. 91 mutety low today and not the case today. already feeling it as you step outside. more moisture in the air. 6 degrees this hour in washington and 77 quantico and martinsburg and cumberland in the upper 70s. 79. hagerstown 78. baltimore 75 this morning. satellite and radar a few more clouds out there kind of a mix of clouds and clear skies to start the day and then we have showers slighting through west virginia. we'll see how many of those hold together and they should break up a bit as they come across and still isolated shower here or there as we head through the course of the morning hours. again mainly this afternoon is bigger concern. we have a cold front coming our way and showers and storms could be strong to severe. we'll keep an eye on all that. 89 for the high temperature this afternoon. it will be hot and sticky. 88 quanitco and 87 leonardtown and 85 for annapolis. all right that's a look at forecast. more details in your way in a bit. more even and holly. >> coming up on "fox" news morning new information from the government sponsored hacking in china dropped significantly. >> popular actress removed from a train on streper after a mid flight outburst. >> a live look across the d.c. region today is national selfie day. we want to see yourselfyes of you watching "fox5". plus #"fox5" selfie. time now 5:08 up? (whispering): mom said i could have a midnight snack. (whispering): well, i say it's late, and you need to go to bed. (whispering): why? (whispering): because i am the boss. (whispering): you're not the boss, mom's the boss. (whispering): well, technically, we are co-bosses. (whispering): technically, mom's the boss. mmmm. shhh. mmmm... yoplait. jvr >> a new report shows chinese hacking has gone down. although less threats china is suck null compromising corporate networks. president obama and china president have worked together to reach sign area agreement it states neether government will knowingly support cyber enabled theft for gain. >> two new york police officers in trouble with the law that they took more than $100,000 in bribes including free flight and prostitutes in exchange for a private police force for local businessmen. deputy inspect for james grant and michael harrington were charged with conspiracy to commit services wire fraud. several other officers were allegedly involved. u.s. supreme court reject ago peel from illinois smokers yesterday. there's a $10 billion class action lawsuit filed against philip morris. many say the tobacco company was misleading with cigarette labels they said lights and low tar were not propertyerch the company stopped using labels in 2010. >> california lawmakers working to put finishing touches on 2 million drar plant for a city to have permanent shelters. comes as california homeless population reaches record eyes. there's more than 115,000 hom homeless californiaians and lawmakers consider the measure later this week. >> top leaders in virginia in the district are pushing for more funding to repier the crumbling memorial bridge. yesterday lawmakers toured the bridge with links to d.c.. transportation officials say the bridge could shut down by 2021 unless it receives a 250 million overhaul. >> we just took a sobering tour of america's most iconic bridg bridge. this bridge is evaluated as most vulnerable bridge in the whole federal system. >> you're talking about rust on the major beams that hold up the bridge and some rust is even at the point where a beam will join top provide structural support. >> the bridge was expected to have a life span of 75 years when it was built. it's now 84 years old. >> coming up on "fox" morning no criminal charges will be filed in the jim matt death of georgia team. >> and be glad all we see it temps in the low 9 0s. most western states deal with triple digit record breaking temperatures. >> as we head to break a live look today is national selfie day. we want to see yourselfyes. you're watching fox news morning. post them online using #"fox5" selfie. we'll be back after this. ♪ time now 5:14 this is a vigil outside fairfax. code pink and other organizations are calling for a ban on assault rifles. 49 hearts were made to honor those killed in orlando. >> it's still hot in call call 114 degrees and temperatures expected to yesterday they were so high rescuers could not land a helicopter to rescue hikers with heat related injuries they had to walk up the trail and bing the hikers back down. they were taken to the hospital. no word yet on how those hikers are doing. quarter past five. we're at 75 degrees. looks pretty calm and clear out there. but maybe you can feel the humidity already. am i on the right track, mike. >> you're on the right track. did you see the strawberry moon on your way in this morning. >> as far as you know i did. >> that's what it is called. >> i heard it was out there. >> it's out there. it's in place this morning. holly is absolutely right. you feel more humidity out there and there's a little more cloud cover in places here and there. humidity does return today. if it's not already out there it will continue to get worse as we head through the course of this afternoon. mix of clouds and sun coming your way today. clouds eight times, sun as time. one of those days in the d.c. we're watching for popup storms a few on the strong to severe side more details on that in a minute and wettest day this week. if there's a day maybe you don't want to be outside that will be thursday. that's our best chance for rain all week. satellite and radar here there's that mix of clouds and clear skies. strawberry moon out there somewhere. sun will be rising here in about oh, 5:16, 20 minutes or so and bye-bye to the moon there. and there are storms popping up over the mountains of west virginia we'll see if a couple hold together and slide across northern portions of virginia here over the next couple of hours or two. but they are expected to break up a bit. future cast will show you that in a minute here. cold front is draped off to the north. that's the energy that will provide the spark for showers and storms later today. current look outside. apparently dark. i lost my camera shot there. 76 degrees in washington. humidity at 64%. that number is starting to creep up. it's not 40 and 50% we were dealing with the last several eventually turn out of west in is warm direction for us around here. there's future cast at 9:00. you can see future cast broke those showers up in a few clouds around the region and later this afternoon, 11, 12:00 today there's the first around of thunderstorms around 1. popping a few more into the afternoon and early evening hours. there's a few more around 6:00 then and some of these storms have gusty wind and large hail. that's something we are watching for. he's your "fox5" forecast. upper 80s. near 90s. scatter thunderstorms. dry tomorrow. back into the fire on thursday with thunderstorms very likely and some of those could be severe as well. all right. that's a look at weather. airport erin has selfie stick out. >> i do. but i'm also busy, mike, we still have bet going 66 eastbound is still quiet in center littleville. >> keep me posted. morning commute we have crash activity 95 north topside of the beltway and icc. blocking part of the right lan lane. keep it to left. as you can see taking a look at map traffic is flowing freely past that scene and volume light enough not causing any big sdlaiz. if you want to avoid that scene take baltimore, washington parkway instead. that is looking good on north and southbound side already. things on outer loop problem free georgia to 270 south drive time and speeds exactly what they should be. we'll hop outside for a live look and show you closer to the spur how things shape up. little volume increasing through gaithersburg as you make your way down towards father hurley boulevard and again getting beltway. as you can see traffic flowing. that's what we like to see. alternate 355 is still quiet right now. little traffic waking up. we'll switch it back to maps and show you what else you are up against this morning. gw parkway from the beltway to 14 street bridge look going and inside the beltway toe po mack cab up, john claire, barton, river road quiet right now and wisdom martin head friendship heights in bethesda. looking at metro and how safe track through is affecting our morning ride next. back to you, maureen and holly. >> 5:19 stories you're engaging with on social media the realtime use tracker. >> hillary clinton ramping up here running mate search. short list reportedly improves virginia senator tim okay and massachusetts senator elizabeth warren and rival bernie sand certifies not on that list. associated press says clinton's aids are in the midst of gathe gathererring more personal information and setting up interviews with the candidates candidates'. >> department of justice will not file charges in death of georgia teenager whose body was found rolled up in a gym matt. while they believe their son was purposely killed there is no evidence to support that claim. >> "selma" blair was removed from a plane following mid flight outburst. tmz says she was drinking wine in first class when she put something in the glass. passengers say she then began crying and claiming that she was beaten and abused by unnamed man. she is best nope for roles in the cowboy movies and cool intentions. >> fox news morning, 8500 gallons of sewage poured into a popular lake in maryland. >> secretary ever state kery and angelina jolie bring ago tension to flight of refugees. >> there's that strawberry moon michael thomas was talking about the last time it happened was 70 years ago where it happened first full day of summer. today is national selfie day. remind you take yourselfyes and accepted it us to as you watch "fox5". that would be better. put them online using #"fox5" selfie. time now 5:20. "fox5 news morning" back after sip up an afternoon pick-me-up at dunkin'. come in for a medium freshly brewed hot or iced coffee for 99 cents from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. america runs on dunkin'. >> nearly 8500 gal opens of uage spilled into the waters of deep creek in maryland two separate occurred one happened last friday and second past sunday. >> friday spill was true of heavy rain causing a break in 6" sewer line and sunday spill was caused by leaking service line. in thes to avoid the water have been posted. >> and calling all job seekers mgm national harbor wants to offer you the deal of a lifetime. they're looking to hire more than 3600 people to work at the 1.3 million casino resort. over 700 positions involve manning table game. dealer school classes start july 1 other position these want to fill retail, gardening, security and food service. >> and honoring world refugee day in dmv. secretary of state john kery and actress angelina jolie attend aid dinner lasts night. all dulles muslim sew so ity gather today she is high commissioner for ref usgee special ep joyxt u.s. provided more than $5 billion top 2 million refugees that lost homes due to fighting in syria. >> bottom line is that today world refugee day, we need to understand that there are 65 million people who with r displaced from their homes. if you put them altogether in one place, one country, that would make up the 22nd largest country in the world. united states has given assistance to many other refugee around the globe. looks like cars may be headed for the friendly skies. on sunday the teragia transition was issued exception from faa as light sport aircraft so. what exactly does all that mean. >> good question. >> it means the government is one step closer to legalizing flying car industry expects them to be available to customers in the next decade. >> is it really a flying car other airplane. >> maybe just semantics. >> now you can be the pilot which makes you feel safer in the sky. >> that's scary you want people that are driving now everyone getting fly are car. >> absolutely not. they need to finish the auto driving cars first. >> and learning how to get on to the circle. people needed to drive and learn to get on to the circle first before they can fly a car. >> i totally agree. absolutely. >> let's take a look at weather around the region. wait for the days when we don't need erin como no offense saying hey people are crashing all over the place before we can move on to flying cars. there's temperatures right now. 76 degrees in washington. 77 quantico and 72 dulles and 72 frederick and 73 this morning in westminster and 75 baltimore. mild, start to the day here. hultty starting to creep back and radar getting busy over west virginia. deal with showers this morning and couple showers and thunderstorms may move over i 81 in the next couple hours here. but, for the most part, here d.c., we should keep it dry during the morning. threat for shower in. most of us stay dry morning hours and afternoon as we head into the mid to upper 80s. that's a threat for storms some of which could be strong coming back into the forecast. that's the weather. erin you may be doing sky traffic eventually. >> you know, i have no problem with that irk mirk, i like it i don't mind going up in the chopper evenlyer. just throwing it out there. a new crash that could cause slow downs 295 southbound backed up anyway and right now crash before eastern avenue blocking lane keeping in touch with d.c. police traffic and we'll let you know when it clears out of the way. right now and a delay to start to grow near that accident scream. we're continuing to track another crash norm of beltway 95 northbound ramp icc and part of right lane blocked deep to the left. beltway past that scene no major slow doupz. we'll check in with safe track surge two and how that's affecting orpth, blue and silver line next. holly, maureen. >> coming up next a mother is angry and says her 7-year-old was left all alone on the school bus after the final drop-off. >> and maker of a popular gun says they did nothing wrong after named in multiple sglawts as we head to break a live look across the d.c. region. gets you going on a tuesday. guess what it's national selfly day. we want to see the selfies you're taking. especially if you can take a selfie as you watch "fox5". post them own line using #"fox5" selfy. time now 5:27 "fox5 news morning" back after this 6 morning" back after this 6 >> sevrpt anti gun organizations hold a rally in northern virginia. >> and controversial ruling from the supreme court may have just erased your fourth amendment right. the ruling also led to a fiery accident being argument from sonian soto meier. >> and small boy is left alone on a school bus for more than an hour. "fox5 news morning" starts right now. >> good mor joining us i'm maureen umeh. >> i'm holly morris. >> today is tuesday, june 21. wisdom martin enjoying day offer. as it gary mcgrady. michael thomas holding down the for the in warm center there. erin, of course, has everything you need to know with traffic. we'll talk both in a minute. >> we now know word for word what was said during a 911 car omar mateen said during a orlando club shooting. >> fbi released transcripts that mateen had during the shooting. he pledge add leather answer to leader of isis. at first they did not want to release the full transcript and give isis a public platform. looking live now and vinl i held for orlando shooting victims outside the national rifle sor yaishtion headquarters in fairfax. code pink and other organizations are call for a ban on assault riflelees. >> in north carolina hundreds gathered to mourn the orlando victims. naacp held a rally to honor 49 victims in the shooting and nine people gunned down in south carolina church. norm carolina has become epicenter for national discussion on lgbt rights after pass is a law dictating which bathrooms transgender people can use. >> arlington, police say a woman was severally assaulted at knifepoint inside her home. happened 2 a.m. sunday on north fourth street boston park. suspect crawled into the ground floor apartment through on window. victim was able to escape to a bathroom and the suspect took off. anyone with information is asked to contact police. >> happening today appeals hearing for once prominent d.c. rabbi georgetown rabbi bernard was sentenced to 6 1/2 years for seekly recording 150 women while they took a ritual badge. hearing is 9:30. >> d.c. mom wants answers after 7-year-old son was left on a school bus more than an hour. 7-year-old antonio better was alone on a bus and found wander physical a parking lot. she believes it was done on purpose. >> now to latest on phase two of metro safe track program shaping up to be a tale of good news, bad news. >> already again rating some result and bad news no one inside for riders facing long delays. melanie alnwick is live at the beping road station now with more, mel. >> reporter: good morning and it does appear as we said probably as good as could be expected which means definitely held up to metro promise of very crowded conditions not only on the rails but also on the shuttle buses here at minnesota avenue. these are the kind of shuttle buses they're bringing in every ten minute because there is no rail service. so everybody who wants to get to eastern avenue and other portions of metro rail system has to get on one of these buses. good news also yesterday is that metro said there was a 6 reduction in the number of passengers along this line. and that went a long way towards helping some of the crowded conditions. shuttle buses they were told would not be able toe duplicate train it was long uncomfortable commutes for so many and many told us it added at least an hour to their day. now, the closure of station as long the elevated track coming out of eastern market is necessary to deal with main takenence. it was mandated by the federal transit administration yesterday general manager paul wheatfeld tweeted picture of some repair work and a lot of repair work on the third rails on cables and third rail covers cleaning up debris that sort of things. metro has already said that there was a lot of crowding conditions on the platforms during other portions of original orange and silver lines. mostly this is happen when trains were at capit those peek rush hours. i would say if we learned anything at all from watching these last few searches go early or go late you'll have an easier time of it. also very important want to let you know metro says it completed installation of brand new ceiling on all cable connectors. this is important. it finished process of under ground stations and plans to finish process also above ground stations by the end of summer. those improper ceilings one of the factors that caused that deadly accident at le front applause a important working done here. everybody dealing with this understands that and appreciate it. for more on your work around let's go to erin como. thank you, melanie. 5:35 now and that was really good advice to get an early start or wait out the morning rush. because when there's less traffic on the roads there's shuttle buses that can move quicker and take more trips. now if you want to leave during the great alternates for you. increased metro bus service to take metro bus and aavoid the rails and marked trains from ar ling top rapid transit and dash in alexandria and let's see if we can forward maps. shared services for you you you beener lift full options zipcar and capital bike share if you want to get exercise on your way to work and skip the gym in afternoon. aside from that we're tacking a few accident on roads including one 25 southbound after eastern we'll check in there next. mike let's see how potential rain could impact us. >> good news it looks like most around d.c. dry for morning commute. however later this afternoon and possibly evening commute could be a different story. let's get right to ray davrment there's a cold front off north marching its way southward as it does so it will kickoff more on the ways of showers own storms. some west virginia now they look like they break up as they head out of the mountains in a bit. temperatures warm, mid to upper 70s around the region out there to start the day. how about theo you head to the pool later this afternoon enjoy summertime and watch for thunderstorms. temperatures later today in the upper 80s. that's a look at the forecast. holly, mature each up to you. >> coming up the federal government involves investigation into young actors death why when we return. >> a new study suggestions the number of children that suffer concussions is actually higher than we have been led toe believe. as you head to brak a live look across the d.c. region or maybe not. okay. >> maybe we'll show this because it's national take a selfie someday. we want to see your selfie. send it to us #"fox5" selfie. >> you can take one with allison and tucker we will get up foe on that. >> we're back after this♪ ♪ double down on your candy and coffee cravings heath and almond joy candy bar flavored iced coffees. america runs on dunkin'. >> the makinger of ar 15 rifle used in sandy hook massacre challenges families lawsuits claiming it is not up to the court or injury to decide who can own weapons of that kind. family sued bush master firearms saying the assault rifle you this never have been told because it had no civilian purpose. at am lanza used that gun to shot and kill 20 students and 6 teexers. >> close toss 20 million my sawvr from concussions every year when you combine information. es estimate range between 1 and 1.9 million concussions happening mopping children 18 and younger and more than 55 5500,000 are not seen in emergency room. some experts say even these numbers are too low and do not reflect the real number. findings were reported in "journal of pediatrics". >> auto maker fiat chrysler may be on the hook for death of "star trek" antoine yelchen he was found crushed between his home security grate and jeep grabbed cherokee. his vehicle was part of voluntary recall to fix the car gear shifter cited for confusing drivers over whether the car is in park or neutral. it is working with police in conducting its own investigation into the accident. coming up on "fox5 news morning" drake managed to do something no other male musical artist has done in a decade. >> girl scott cookies entering unchartered territory in a new deal with pillsburgee. >> across the dmv this morning let us give you a mi is indeed national selfie day. we want to see selfies of you watching "fox5" if you k post them online and use the #"fox5" selfie. later this morning tucker and allison will be hitting road and now it all makes sense to take selfies with you. they'll be in the area around the fountain in downtown silver spring elsworth drive between georgia and fenton. drive by, say hi, take a selfy. we're at 76 right now. fox news morning "fox5 news morning" back after this woman: i have a masurprise for you.are you? man: you have a surprise for me? narrator: at dominion, 1 in 5 new hires is a veteran. and when they're away, they miss out on a lot. but they won't miss out on financial support. because we cover any difference between their military pay and their dominion salary, and continue benefits for them and their families. why do we do it? because our vets sacrifice enough. "dominion. depend on us for more than energy." >> a live look at vigil held for orlando shooting victims outside the national rifle association headquarters fairfax. code pink and other anti gun organizations are calling for ban on assault rifles, 49 heart were made to honor those killed in orlando.owe >> quarter to 6 is the time right now. look at that sky out there. sun coming up. >> it's beautiful. >> heat seeping in. >> uh-huh, humidity creeping back on in. >> yeah my hair felt that already. >> one of those days. >> we had three wonderful days saturday, sundays, monday, even monday was fantastic. look at sunrise, gorgeous out there this morning. almost perfect start to the day except for humidity creeping back inment relative humidity up to 64. creeping its way back up into the aftern minimum of clouds and sun out there to start the day. 76 degrees current number. warm start to the day as you get out and start things. happy summertime in montgomery county i believe they wrapped up school yesterday. fairfax county still in until thursday. happening in kids. we're watching showers spilling out of mountains of west virginia and should fall apart and can't rule out one or two along the i 66 corridor the next couple hours. last stuff this morning. later this afternoon cold front sags southward we can run into trouble with stronger showers and thunderstorms. early to mid afternoon. here's a look what is going on. cold front sweeping down to warm, humid air nass place. that's always recipe for thunderstorms this time of yea year. high pressure briefly taking control between. we'll have a lot of sun to start the day. maybe clouds to end the day tomorrow. we'll be warm. not as humid as today. here's a look at future cast if you plan your afternoon today. by 9:00, mix and clouds and sun out there. time we get to lunchtime hour few nor clouds and threatf storms really starts to fire. here we are 1:00 couple scattered storms again some could be on the strong side and keep that chance of storms going right to early evening hours there's evening commute at 6:00. we'll still be dodging showers or storms. especially from d.c. down to the south. now, we're not in the clear once we get through today's severe weather. we have another risk on thursday. area of low pressure ride the frontal system right through the region and we are already out looked for slight risk of severe weather on that day. couple things to watch this afternoon and again thursday. 89 right now. mix of clouds and sun. very humid, 89. take a look at "fox5" accuweather 7 day forecast. threat for storms thursday. 88 degrees. friday zip trip looks fantasti fantastic, 84 degrees and this weekend looks good as well. lots of sunshine on day. 86. with 90s returning by sunday. >> all right that's a check weather. erin como how is the bet doing. >> i think i'm whipping because we have a delay coming up and it's 5 >> i think i talked about traffic enough times a day. just kidding, all bet you on a thunderstorm i'll bet you win. crash activity 25 southbound just before eastern avenue there say lane blocked a little cop juston coming down 50 towards eastern and look at that long line of delay red zone speeds under about 15 miles an hour as you come in from chefly. be mindful of that. things on up after 295 another crash moved to shoulder this north of beltway 95 northbound in exit loans icc you still can exit to icc and we're not seeing any real delay. you can see plenty of green. there baltimore washington parkway on in both directions past powder mill road and as we look at 270 congestion coming from frederick to urbana to get to 70 to 109, 11 miles will take you 20 minutes. factor in extra ten minute. stop and go traffic through gaithersburg through rockville volume slowing things down a touch. in delays dale city 123 to 95 and staff sword south ever that 630 to 610 cop justed there as wel well. you can see delay centerville to prince william parkway to fairfax county parkway 5 minute delay now and sluggish through west falls church and arlingto arlington. i'll he keep you updated we'll look how surge two sim pacting metro riders next. back to you holly and maureen. >> a busy intersection had d.c. residents concerned about safety. steps away from dozens of homes near the h street corridor. three stop signs and traffic lights don't appear to be much to regulate traffic at this convoluted d.c. intersection. neighbors want officials to make changes. >> i think the main issue it here not a four way stop. you have a stop sign on this side but you have to really get into the middle of the road to see cars coming this way. >> they also report mu occurrences where cars almost hit strollers. neighbors say they tried to reach out to city and d dot about the issue and have yet to hear back. >> time ten minutes from the hour. here are the stories you're engaging with the most this morning on social media with realtime news tracker. >> supreme court giving police officers more power to stop and question people even if it's not clear they've done something wrong. the ruling steps from utah case where a man was found with drugs in his car after illegally stopped. justice klawrns thomas says because he had outstanding warrants for traffic violation illegal stops can be ignored and however all three women justices dissented on the decision and justice sot 'meyer said it does not encompass ideals of democracy. >> and weighing in on the assault rifle debate. a connecticut gun law paced in wake of sandyhook shooting that banz large capacity magazines. the court has not taken up a second ameantment case sincels. >> another sfood rahm great value bount full harvest and live part among the brand recalling frozen peas and mixed vehicleables over wisteria concerns. they were june 2015 to june 2 2016 the company is offering a full refund. >> if you bought a ticket through ticket master between 1999 and 2013 you could beel jill for free tickets following a class action lawsuit over ticket braces and email to 50 million eligible customers has been sent out. >> last night's nationals dodgers game was set up to be a prize fight. one corner the champion the dodgers clayton kershaw with 1 10-1 record and 1.5 era. >> in the other corner undefea undefeated 10-0 national stephen strasburg. this was a let down. because steven strous scratched from the roster due to back spasms. >> and reliever petit got first start since may 23 of last year mom and the rust showed up fortunately. justin turner hit one deep center over the wall. >> you can put it on the board. >> that's for the other team now that's the down side. it never really recovered. >> we don't want to put it on the board for the other team. >> we don't. okay. how about this one. jonathan scope and o's in texas taking on rangers scope sitting back after hitting 461 foot homer and j.j. hardy with a hearty shot to opposite field and scope sholing the wheels coming all the way around. after three run second upping for o's rangers came back led by former nats short stop ian dez montd. all the ranger needed oriole leading this one 4-3. >> whenever you hear maureen give sports highlights you probably heard hearsay. >> you can put it on the board. >> yes. >> many of you were sweeting me asking where it did it come from. here's the answer. >> that ball hit hard. stretch. you can put it on the board yes. back-to-back and it is. >> white sox announcer ken hock harld sop one hawkism for chicago white sox he's been saying this for years i remember hearing it as a kid never putting owe two and two together. a lot of people go online and put their version of put it on the board. >> this is histerkle. >> it was more few making you think you were crazy but you were not. >> that's right that's for you putting it on >> there you go. >> when you run out of stash of girl scout cookie us don't have to wait until next year to get fix. pillsburgee introducing new girl scout cookie up spird baking mixes. all part of new licensing deal with the girl kouts. they'll have thin minute and -- the bad news the mixes won't allow you to make homemade girl scout cookies. that would hurt sales. instead you can make brownies, mropdyes and cupcakes inspired bit cookie. >> okay. >> drake on top of the billboard charts with latest album view. rapper is first male artist to hold on to top spot for 7 consecutive weeks in more than 15 years. last male artist to spend more than 7 straight weeks was rapper m & m with his album marshall matters lt back in the summer of 2000. >> all right. congrats drake. >> and right now we're indeed going to say hello to faceb fap of the day. thaiz beautiful selfie there. and she's been eye "fox5" fan for more than 20 years. you look like you're only 21. >> gee thanks for the love nadine you look amazing. to be the next fap of the day go to "fox5" fashion book page and post your picture under beautiful nadine. >> i'm sad all viewers were missing michael thomas do the hot line bling. >> that was my favorite video of all time makes me feel like i can dance. >> show us the hot line bling. >> there you go. >> that's enough of that. >> and for the day today mix of clouds and sun as we head through the afternoon hours and later on this afternoon we have to watch for thunderstorms. some of these can pack a punch. strong to severe. gusty winds and large hail the main concern. those could last through evening commute. be prepared for that as you head home tonight. here's your forecast. 89 degrees today. tomorrow 87. drier we're right back to the fire on thursday. 88 degrees with thunderstorms likely. but we clear it out in time for weekend and just in time for zip trip as well. that's weather. airport erin. traffic. >> i want to give jr a shout-out he tweets me a picture of breakfast in the morning and now i want bacon and cheese only let bad. enjoy your breakfast. crash answering activity 295 southbound before eastern avenue a lane is blocked. we're also seeing big delays because of congestion on 50 inbounded in the beltway chefly to 5 drive time double 3 miles will take you 7 minutes. be prepared for nat one. moving it over to 270 delays picking up frederick to urbana and drive time doubled. we'll look live outside as we continue holly and maureen. >> all right. do you work a lot of over time. turns out a lot of people do and doe it for free. a closer look at america's obsession with ot. >> and time to book a flight to details about a golden girl themed cafe. >> oh, my gosh no. >> yes. >> thank you for being a friend. >> opening soon. >> and as we head to break a live look across the d.c. region. time now is 5:57. all right. (vo) you can check on them. you can worry about them. you can even choose a car for them. (mom) honey, are you ok? (child) i'm ok. (announcer vo) love. (mom) we're ok. (announcer vo) it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. >> straight ahead at 6 demanding the victims of the pulse night club massacre outside of nra headquarters northern virginia a peace vigil continues at this hour. protesters standing with orlando. . >> plus let's try this again second day now during the morning wrush metro riders packing patience a live report coming up for you. >> oh, my goodness. isn't that beautiful. live look outside on this tuesday morning it's june 21. this will be the first full day of summer. there is a chance though of severe storms today. weather and traffic on the fives at 6:05. stuping. good morning to you i'm allison seymour. >> i'm jim lobe yeah this is "fox5 news morning" had to get that right. >> well you know second day of the morning shift. >> let's get to what was developing overnight tore you a peace vigil honoring or land owe night club victims continues at this hour in fairfax county outside nra headquarters organizer from code pink are calling for ban on assault rifle

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