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Residents brought out of the building here as firefighters frantically worked and ape word of the fire at 2 30 this morning it happened middle floor book side inside the apartment of the of the older gentleman and residents say they were awakened by neighboring banging on doors yelling fire and could hear alarm in the hallway. There was a lot of smoke and heat. 19 adults and two children were able to get out. And we deposit have time to grab shoes. Good news for the residents is that this damage was mostly contained inside this one apartment. Theres a little smoke damage in the hall. Heres how residents described the experience us to earlier. It was billowing out black smoke from front from front door and it was obviously pretty bad. The next time i opened the door there w out there and oh, i had to get out of there. 50 firefighters responded to the scene and quickly got fire under control. Red cross you can see is also here. Theyve provided enormous amounts of help to residents not just giving them water but those that needed to get to work were able through help of red cross and Fire Department to go down to nearby fire station and use showers there and residents have been able to go inside apartment to get a few belongings and those two children grabbed things and looked like think headed to the school bus. People are able to get what they need. They can stay out much of the day and good chance theyll be allowed back later this evening and the Investigation Continues back to you. Well you can call it deja vue day four metro safe track Program Second big day with rush hour and agency urging ride others to do what they do again this morning. First subject of track work is underway in Northern Virginia where trains are single tracking and many riders he experienced crowded trains yesterday and bob barnard is live at East Falls Church metro station with latest now. Stay and brace yourself. Day two may be pretty bad. Today may be worse than yesterday. Were here metro platform here at east false church. Not crazy crowded because orange and silver lines you see the trains here orange and silver went by and they were full waiting for another train is dennis here. Good morning. Hi. You said you were on the trains yesterday going to or coming home. What are you doing differently with your commute. Showing up earlier. Its only 7 right now. You can see its not bad. Not too many people and trying to leave a little earlier although it was worse on the way back yesterday. Coming home yesterday how so . Just well they we had to get off boss stop and were in east falls now. Platform and catch the train to continue destination. I got you. What time wow normally be here in the morning. Probably 7 30, 7 45 im a little earlier yeah. Youre taking the trains and shuttles out there available. Youre taking the train coming home earlier. Thats correct yet in the morning yeah. Good luck. Thank you. Take care. As we look down here guys as the folks are waiting for trains i will tell you metro has Free Shuttle Service and buses from here east false church into boston and paul wheatfeld say theyve been hearing from a lot of people there was not as much hem on the platform as out here. This is paul late yesterday. We had a lot of people out there. So maybe during non peak times maybe we need a harder look at that. That may be some of the issues. Were learning on curves awell as customers. Well step up our game as w stepping up game today guys just second workday of this track work that will go on next march and this particular work on orange and silver line to next thursday guys brace you yourselves. Take them one at a time. Its clay shay. Hopefully each day learn more and big picture and safer for us all and better now right . Shoomer. Smoomer. Exactly. Got deliver. How are you doing tuck. More pictures . Oh, yeah im encouraging people to send in pictures or shout dwrouts recent graduates or twitter page tucker fox5. We have so many pictures. Coming up at 15. Super. Meanwhile weather looking good. Sunny any and bright at the white house and likely at your house as well. As we will be in the mid 80s this afternoon. Now 71 Reagan National and 68 dulles and bwi marshall 71. Sunshine to start the south and east thats colin. Leftover theres stream ago long the coast and north and west we have a weak cold front. Weak as far as will bring us a few showers this afternoon and strong and will bring us cooler and drier air tomorrow. In for a nice setup midweek. Later today i guess you can take umbrella and any shower activity we get should be quick moving and not amount to a whole lot. Were not expecting Severe Weather anything like that. Mid 80s and ill be back in a minute with shoutouts as well as nice looking 7 day forecast. Thats a win win rights there. Win win. Thanks tuck. Lets get update on commute. Heres erin. 7 06 not really win for the roads. Especially if you head out in maryland right now i want to show you a look at camera first. 270 volume is increasing as you make your way down towards topside of the beltway. Were crowded all through germantown and gaithersburg this morning and sunshine queue eliminatco it over for a look back at maps right now. Crash activity were dealing with problems coming in from baltimore, bw parkway southbound 100 clear and residual delays lingering 95 southbound not much bert because of crash involving car off the road 198 into trees there 29 packed up as well leading to topside of beltway and outer loop jammed 95 past coalsville and north 301 to clinton and for pennsylvania avenue slow richie marboro road 210 northbound slow reported at wash top and sutland parkway douglass bridge jammed delays from five as you cross bottom side of beltway inner loop and its 21 minute trip on inner loop as you make your way branch avenue across the bridg bridge. Factor in extra time there youll need. It aside from that wide view levy traffic 25 southbound north of 50 jammed all the way down past sylvania and 66 arlington this morning and West Falls Church. 395 jammed souvrj beltway and single tracking continues as bob showed us for safe track surge orange and silver lines. Steve and allison. Developing overnight, still no claim of responsibility after a deadly bombing in istanbul targeting bus carrying riot police. This happened during the morning rush at the buzz y interest section near istanbul. The bomb was placed inside a car parked opt side of the road and detonated as police was passing by. That blast killed nearly a dozen people. Developing back here in u. S. Tropical storm colin making land fall norm of tampa on monday. Its now crossed florida and off coast of georgia headed and skirting Virginia Beach and storm packed 50 mile an hour winds and georgia and carolinas due to see inches of rain today and flooding along the Florida Gulf Coast and several graduation hes graduation hes to be postponed. Hillary clinton apparently has zone if according to Associated Press count locked in enough delegates to secure the president ial nomination. Thats just opened this morning in the last day of state big primaries. Maureen has more from the campaign trail. Whether you like politics or not whatever. Shes made history. She has made history indeed. It may be over in one ind. On the brink of historic and unprecedented moment and still more work to do in california primary and contest in five other states. Hillary clinton was big crowd for final get out the vote push in california that may not even be necessary now. Historic unpress departmentsed moment. Associated press says clinton has enough pledge and Party Insider super delegates to win democratic domination and it was a long road for clinton. Kleeshly anxious to start campaigning. Sum pore are potters will see this as more evidence after i system run by insiders. What will be interesting with super delegates if their stay or con still insy has sanders and if they go to convention and support bernie if im bernie supporters im call into question what are you as a super delegate to tell me my all right. Theres still almost 700 delegates in place for democrats and clinton has enough support from super delegates to put he her over the edge whether winning or losing today. It could finally be over but dont count Bernie Sanders supporters or Bernie Sanders himself out. Its a force. Yes. I got caught up in one of the rallies once. Where with regoing. Its amazing. Definitely could. Thank you very much appreciate it. New questions about a mans death in police custody. Well show you the video his family says shows foul play. Later new details in read freddie gray case why a jury should not hear the case of the officer facing the most serious officers relatesed to grays death. 7 11 now. A little mack le month more to get you going in the mornin morning. Did we mention it was prince birthday. Yes. You promise . I promise you . Macklemore did sound good. Pictures . Back to school. No its graduates all kind of graduates. Thanks for sendsing them n lets get down to business ill do this as quickly as i could. Rockville high school and ali watson from tuesday ka roar ahigh school. Thank you guys. And elijah looking sharp sir. Look at all these grawlingt grawlingts. Thats a baby. My great niece ariana her kindergarten graduation. Love it. Imani counting from laurel high school. And june 2. A lot of and lots more. How many graduations did you have throughout life . I had a very small one grade. You does . Yes probably high school and college. Yes. Right . I did got have. I had high school and college that was it. I think hi a Cupcake Party i was first i grew newspaper maryland my Elementary School was first class to go from kindergarten to fifth grade. You were a trend setter. I only walked twice. When i went to grad school i think i dot my diploma. Yes. And didnt have. Its gotten big erin bigger. Yeah people like allison see more gives the commencement address. Nerve us to do that. Anyway. Im still waiting for my first invitation. Im kiingd you do not want me to give speeches. 71 washington and 66 west min ter and 66 frederick and mid 80s today. Warm and steamy out there one more di and cooler drayer air gets in tonight. Leftovers of colin which is still bringing another around of heavy rain to carolina coast and we could get a shower this afternoon. It will be quick moving and get rid of steam and heat and look at daytime highs tomorrow only in 70s. Wednesday, thursday, friday looks fabulous and weekend now looks fantastic. All graition graduations in next couple days. Gorgeous. Any great level . Roads and erin como. Cameras. Yeah, its a party. Sun glare. Its the right studio right. Perhaps you are traffic. Traffic abacked up right now tucker is only seeing moves theyre just as entertaining as hopefully music you list into on outer loop because your back surprise as you make your way to coalsdale road. Switch over to maps. Other delays and crashes and inner loop braddock dealing with big delay and crash blocking shoulder upper side of upper loop and 21 minute drive across the wilson bridge. You need a lot of extra time to get through that area. Aside from that like i mentioned crash blocking shoulder braddock jammed that annandale and crash activity were dealing with a crash 35 east there sometime. Look at freeway east and westbound jammed. Crash Near National airport. Big heads up if you have an Early Morning flight at Reagan National. Things on way to dulles typical dulles access road as we move safe track Additional Trains every days. A woman looking for justice after her husband died in police custody. Her husband is samuel shields and his widow is sharing fox5 video with last moments alive. Melanie that individual joe hard to watch. Hard to look at and hard to listen to. Sam ult shields was arrested in dispute offer a 2 bus fare. His family says the video only adds to their questions about its june 17, 2014 video recorded by Prince George county corrections officer inside county jail you can hear 49yearold shields legal yelling murder as officers try to get him to put on a jumpsui jumpsuit. Explaining what is going on saying shields is being combative and threatened with pepper stray. His attorney said he was sprayed. The widow says in the video released to fox5 legislate night she obtained it from the county pursuant to lawsuit she alleges her husband was beaten to death by correction officers wheel he suffered schizophrenic episode. Suddenly officers ask for help and quick. Shields was fuld perfect the room unresponsive. Nearly 30 minute officers and emts provided cpr and ultimately shields died. I felt they had no remorse in their heart for anybody and if this type of thing goes on in jail all the time. I mean justice for samuel shields Facebook Page friend say he was aspiring reggae artist. He suffered from asthma and schizophrenia. Steve and allison tough story app the lawsuit continues. Frederick county a deadly atv accident under investigation and police say the man behind wheel of atv crossed over center line of michael mill road in bucky town and hit a car head on. The passenger on that atv 2 21yearold chris monday died at the scene. Atv driver is in Critical Condition two. Them vehicle woman and 12yearold son war type hospital and their injuries non lifethreatening officials believe speed was factor no charge where filed against atv driver. 7 20 Fairfax County man charged in death of girlfriend 2yearold daughter will be back in court for preliminary hearing. Desean fields left that little girl in hot back in april. Fields says he forgot she was there. He faces neglect and up voluntary manslaughter charges. Ntsb will neat discuss probable cause of deadly plane crash that happened inside a home. Marie gymle and two small children died after a small plane crashed into the neighborhood and that caused the home go go up in flames. They were not at home at the time of the engs dents. Coming up tensions heating up between United States and japan over behavior of some military members and what sailor theres are no long area loued to do. And growing outrage after a judge sentence as i former college swim to just 6 months of jail for sexual assault. What some are now calling for. Cincinnati zoo plans to reopen gore ail exhibit with a higher barrier installed after a boy got into exhibit and dragged by 400 pound fwor ill a. That gorilla was eventually killed and that opens after prosecutors say the 3yearold boys mother will not face any criminal charges. And in order to get the boy out of the exhibit safely again that gorilla was shot. Backlash for a judge who issued particularly lenient sentence nor former stanford swimmer convicted of rain. Many people are calling for a judge aaron percent i can to be removed from the bench after sentencing brock turn to six months in jail. Turn area salted her behind a trash bin outside Fraternity House in january 2015. U. S. Navy is banning Alcohol Consumption for nearly 18,000 sailors in japan. This comes after a dangerous incidents over the weekend. An american sailor was areged for driving drunk and injuring two people. Several japanese officials want the u. S. Based presence in okinawa reduced they say its link toynd crease in crime. Buzz feed is dropping out of a deal of the National Committee and say trump is to ame. They describe offensive comments made by trump about women and immigrants. The deal was signed before trump became the presumetive nominee. Buzz feed says decision will not affect coverage of the campaign. 7 25 right now. Tucker has been sharing epic graduation love them theyre pouring in. Keep them coming. Meanwhile sunny and bright. And and really refreshing round of weather midweek. Well cool did down more importantly dry out the atmosphere. Current conditions. Liver shot for you and again sun up 5 43 in the morning 71 washington and relative humidity 90 . Indz wind out of the south, south west. Moisture from colin which is remnants off to south and east. That will scott out to sea and not impact us directly. What will impact us cold front activity back into West Virginia that s mountains this afternoon. Were likely to see a few showers around here and cooler and drier air powers in tonight and nice out here breeze tomorrow 73, 77 thursday, friday, saturday, weekend, all looking great right now. Thats weather update. More more traffic with erin right now. 7 26 and breaking news for you out of columbia a crashen closure avoid 29 southbound side between john hopkins road and 216. Big crash scene there traffic detoured 95 southbound. Huge delays as you make your way down from baltimore. Crash activity cleared bw parkway and residual glaze lingering and still a scene blocking shoulder car went off the road and hit a tree. As you can see big delays 95 bw parkway and 29 as you make your way baltimore tobility way a lot of extra time this morning. 270 south backed up and outer loop jammed 95 to georgia. Look at Virginia Drive times and metro next. Steve and allison. Still ahead this morning battle between a viewer and local restaurant that makes you think twice before you post something negative. And new information about the officer facing serious charges related to death freddie glai baltimore. Who will preside over the trial and how it may affect the outcome on the other side of the break. Welcome back. Of course were keeping an eye on safetrackwe metro rolling oug new safety plan causing some s delays of course but folks seeme to be managing okay. O thats bob barnards shot fromro ballston, virginia. Irgini hell join us at the top of the hour with the latest. Meantime, this thursday inrs baltimore officer caesar goodsos will go on trial for the deathae of freddie gray. Gy. The 46yearold is facing the fe most serious charges related to grays death. Goodson water driver of the t police van in which prosecutorsr say gray suffered a fatal spinas cord injury. Njur yesterday goodson waived hisda right to a juryy trial andnd decided to put his hands of a judge instead, andted that judge is the same one who o did acquit officer edward nero n last month. St month joining us now with more amounta scott bold den criminal defensee attorney and legal commentator g morning. Rn gallons to see you scott. S to s good morning. Oo great seeing you as well. T seeig so why would he opt for a for bench trial instead of a jury ar trial at the last minute . He me switched his mind. Changed his mind here. Mier Police Officer nero went witw bench trial, and over the coursc of several years, weve seenee Police Officers who have operata odd for bench trials because ita takes the emotion, it takes the uncertainty of putting your future, hes facing 30 years in0 the hands of a jury that may or may not have anx unnecessary any towards the police. Here, the judge in this case iss demonstrated that he can look a the facts, he can apply the law, and render a decision that isn a without any emotion whatsoever a in acquitting Police Officer nero, and so while this case ise different and every case sits on its own facts, goodson in thisnt case has decided that his fate is better in the hands of thehe judge than it is with a jury. J but this case is very is different. Why . Sure. Because goodson is the driver. Ri what did he know and when did hh know it . All he had to do wasas drive freddie gray to theto the hospital, and we have a, we hav different set of facts here. Fach at least thats what makes this the most distinctively differene from case than from the other cases with his leagues. Earlier going back to officer porter, he was the first officef to stand trial here, he saidaid pretty damaging things with twi regard to this officer. Oic tell us how damaging it might be. Well, what did he know andd e when did he know it . Porter in this case indicatet in a verbal recording unrecordee conversation with one of hisnef colleagues as well as in his testimony that, one, that goodson its his prisoner hesone controls wherever that prisonerp goes in that vehicle. Le but secondly, and perhaps more importantly, that he advisedadse goodson that the prisoner was distress freddie gray was in distress he couldnt breathe ane so forth and so on. O interestingly, the judge has has said that that statement, thatnt was not recorded, is too unreliable to be admitted, zone as a result, the prosecution inn this case has got to figure outt how to get evidence in that t Police Officer goodson knew thaa freddie gray was in in distresss if he didnt know and theres nn evidence to say that he knew, then you could expect acquittal in this case. Let me ask you, any chancenc that porter can go back on then stand or once youve gone on the stand, is that it . Might he get that give that testimony. Ti prosecution will certainlytin call porter and also call theal coroner. Corone interestingly the coroner basedb her decision on this being ang homicide in part based on whatna she was told that porter hader indicated to goodson that inha fact the prisoner was in w distress. It will be a really interestingi case to watch. Ch this will be different, and if they cant connect knowledge, kl what did he know and when did hd know it in connection to freddie thats going to be derminativeee in how the judge rules. R i promise you that. Scott, if this officerer goodson who does face the most m serious charges is acquitted acq like you said if they key piecep doesnt fall into play for theoe prosecution, what does that mean for the other whos face lesser charges . Charges . Well, the prosecution is zero for two thats not really good. G if you cant prove the lesser ts charges of reckless endangerme endangerment, assault and misconduct in office,er and youd cant prove the most important or the largest greatest ofres the charges of depraised heart h and manslaughter the other thret Police Officers and the chargeha that is theyre facing doesntoe look good for the prosecution. Ru ive always said this casese proving criminal negligence is really difficult. Fficult. The civil case is really with wt Civil Justice the best justicesi they have multi million dolar d settlement and maybe this is thi what plays out, maybe this is ti what the best out come is. E cant say that but it probableta last question and quickly officer goodson the only one non to speak with investigators. Bad idea . Smart idea. Ide smart idea and this is why. W before the judge it wont beon held against him. Fascinating. Fasci well see you plan to come in tt see what happens with this one. I think this one is the most pivotal would you say in this t entire thing. Hi. Absolutely. Olutel. Super important. Iorta scott bolden thank you very much. Tucker, over to you. Tuer, over u thank you allison. Lets get to it. Warm and humid start to your h day. Mid 80s this afternoon and guesd what, we got refreshing dry air on the way later this afternoonr to tonight. Tig very very nice around hereder midweek. Eek. Thats a live look atats satellite radar. Te south and east leftovers of trof carpal colin along the coast. C bringing clouds to lower easterw shore and our focus is north anh west with a cold front whichnt will bring us a few scatteredca showers this afternoon. No widely scattered showers this ts afternoon and then that driert air works in tonight. Tonight. All right. The red arrows you see thats t the wind field and you can seeas that push out of the south there along with colin. Alon 71 now in washington. Washing notice the 50s in det 56 in detroit. Etroit. 60 in pittsburgh that air movesm in tonight, and we are in forn some very very nice weatherice around here. H keep an umbrella handy i guess. Quickmoving shower thisick afternoon. Much of the area doesnt getoest much of anything. Ch of anyth 85 your daytime high with 70si7 expected tomorrow. Ill have the seven day andve dy weve got another round ofound graduation pictures. Uation pic thank you everybody for sendingo them in coming up in just aju minute. Lets do more traffic with erin steve has an epic graduationu picture i hope tucker can sharen with us. 7 36. Breaking news out of baltimore,o crash involving an overturned oe tractor trailer 95 southboundthd after 895. After 895. You are taking a look at thetako backup it extends for several fs miles leading towards thatds t accident location. Nt loc again, involving a tractor a trr trailer thats overturned and aa least one lane blocked. Bck lets take look at our map. Ourm as you head down from baltimorel that is not the only thingy slowing us down this morning. Mr we have that crash after 895. Er5 then another one on 29 south. Th. Its closing all lanes after Johns Hopkins road. R so thats a big problem you neen to detour. Ou 95 southbound approaching 198hig there was an earlier crash whera car went off the road into the still seeing significant delayst there. Bw parkway not much betterh bete because we had earlier crash that was taking out some laneses as you pass 100. S 100 a lot of problems cupping fromup baltimore towards the bell way. Give yourself a lot of extraf time to get around that one. T update for you from metro as meo well breaking news were gettint in. Residual delays to shady grovedy on the red line that is in i in addition to the single trackingn were dealing with for the first safetrack surge between eastackg falls churche and balls stop to morning on the orange and silve line causing delays. More delays on our roads asas well. Inner loop bottom side of theto beltway from branch avenue branc across the wilson bridge itside going to take you 21 minutes. Mt that is just because of o congestion slowing us down. D once you pass the springfieldprf interchange were slow throughlh annandale a crash blocking theig shoulder at braddock road uneven pavement by the tidal basin. Bas the right lane is getting byti independence avenue at 17thce a street southwest. Thwest. Delays there. There suitland parkway inbound jamsam south capitol to the doug lawsg bridge a lot of heavy traffic ac well on 66. Making your way from gainsvillei falls church and arlington. In give yourself a lot of extraf ea time. A lot of folks are avoid the avo orange and cellarer line todayre and hitting the roads comingg inbound into the district. Distc back to you steve and allison. Stiff still to come stephph curry skipping the olympicmp games. Well tell you why the mvp will not be flaying rio and later l this morning a pain free diet. What foods to eat to get riffedr aches in your joints and your muscles. Thats all coming up at 7 38. 73 more graduation shout outs, too. Professional mixed martial artists who got his start ontart youtube has died. Die kim bow slice passed away in cars springs florida. Gs flo his real name is kevin fergusonu he had been hospitalized earliei in the day for undisclosedcl reason. Reon no foul play is suspect. His last knight fight was in wn february. In the fight for the stanleg cup, the Pittsburgh Penguins onu step closer to clinching titlent they beat the sharks threeone o in game four yesterday on san joses ice. Ce game five will be back inac i pittsburgh on thursday. Nba finals resume tomorrowes night. Steph curry and warriors holding two games to none lead and a a chance to sweep in cleveland but even if curry wins second ring g he will not be looking to addad any olympic gold to thed tohe collection. Mvp says he will skip thel sp olympics in rio this year. Has nothing to do witness zikanz virus. Virus. Curry says his recent ankle andd knee injuries are a factor heree hell instead focus on healing a for next season. R xt season. But he did add that he will misl th country on the world stage. Still to come, a war of w o words between local restaurant r an yelp reviewer. Reviewer. Hall tell you what happened inw our tuesday talkers. Tale and a live look outside onuti this tuesday morning. Well have weather and trafficea and more of your graduation pictures next. Urese vo for dominion, part of delivering Affordable Energy includes supporting those in our community who need help. Our Energyshare Program does just that, assisting with bill pay and providing free, energysaving upgrades. Its more than helping customers, its helping neighbors. Stand by me we are back now. 7 44. Were joining you from the loftf right now because we want t you know whats coming up oningu good day d. C. Heres the guest list fromtro 9 00 to 11 00. T 1 actress Julianne Moore will join us live. Usive. She stars in the new romanticani comedy called maggies plangiep actual until theaters right noww also r and b group 4ey theey future has a new single out. Theyll perform for us live anda boxer jessica lane has moved tov d. C. Now where she is training n for the olympics. Shes going to share her journen to rio with us and talk aboutala the impact muhammed ali had onad her live. He all that maybe a boxing lesson s as welcoming up on good day d. C. I heard rumor more one ofor suss suiting up. Su sui i heard the same as well. Wel i dont believe its any of ofyf us presently on the couch. E co i hope its not me. Somebody in training rightint now. Yes. Y i encourage people to send is your graduation pictures. Kindergarten, eighth grade, i ge dont know what graduation itt i is. Were so proud of all of youl u getting amazing number of volumv of pictures. Picture are we going to show somehowm now. Lets do it. Lets it. Happy graduation send them on in. In i cant read that one. Cant reae too far away from the. Tv. Too far away from that one. Just its a band. B there we go. Thats the school. s t school. Im not sure what school thatt o is. Congratulations. All right. There we go. North point high school,ch congratulations. Latis. Yeah, cedric, good job. J where is our music . Saint augustine university. Nive love it. Whoop whoop. Look at all these great smiles. Smiles. Maya barton you go girl. G you know what i love too see Montgomery Blair highla h school. All the parents who are involved, too, the proudth looko on their faces. The grandparents, yes. Fantastic. Ti Public School in d. C. , d. C. Nc is representing. Ntg. Love it. Le it. Sane charles high school. Hool. Umhmm. Congratulations to everyone. Yeah. Aww. You got a lot, didnt you tuck. List season im trying to gei to everybody i can. Can. I literal vol probably a hundred now. Now. Theyre coming in. re cong i rolling right through them. Gh wait a minute. This is the last one. This is very special i graduatit because thats our very own erin that is . Tt in the blue in the front. Uen shes the none blew in thehew front. In the blue. I hey pretty girl. L. Thats her. After herth graduation mom m drove them down to the beach fob the picture. Ure thats so awesome. Wesome eighth grade. Ighth ade. Thats awesome. laughter . Keep the pictures coming in. I we love them. Ove the sad thing is when erinhee took that picture we were all working here. E she was it was 1998. 99 i love it, though. Houg i want to give erin is big i shout out, because since shes s come shes become like my m consultant on all things teenaged girls because, you know,. ,. She relates. Because this no, not erin. Erin erin allison, no, no new york ci city. Im serious. Because you know sometimes as a mom you dont see the perspective. Cte. Exactly. Erin joining us here on the morning show you really helped e me. Thank you. Hank y. I love you. You i lof i let your daughter borrow myor gown. Sidney borrowed erins gownnw for a formal thing. T its wonderful. Deul i would like to be a teenager again if that counts forntsor anything. Queue the graduation music. Ds i want to walk to graduationduat music. Lets do the weather. Weaer i got to keep it moving here. Inr uv index very high. Igh. Just about as high it will get there with just 10 or 15 minutes in the sun youll start to burnb your skin. Sn. Protect yourself later today. Od well be bright and sunny forunf the first part of the day. Rt ofd 71 now in washington. High todays in the mid 80s. 8 its warm, its sticky out there again this afternoon up ahead oo our next front rain showers youe see south and east thats that leftover the colin along the the carolina coast and then northhen and west weve got just a few f clouds and the possibility wely kick up a shower or sprinklepr with our next front. Ur nexfron thats this afternoon atno 4 00 oclock. Oc so just be ready for quickmoving shower. Ho the front that moves throughes u means business, drier air moving in tonight, cooler air tomorrowr check out your seven dayven d forecast. 70s around here wednesday,ere w thursday and friday and intond n your weekend looks fantastic. Ic great seven day stretch. Trch perfect graduation weather. Love it. Lets check in with erin sovi how the commute is going so far. Seven cool 49 00. I need you to do walk laterkat today. Or the march. The mar can you march u mar like for graduation. Yeah. Y work on it. Very formal. Metro update for you. Y train malfunction outside farragut residual delays on thee red line to shady grove. Safetrack surge one big east big East Falls Church to ballston. Trains everyone eight minutes. S theyre running additional addio trains between ballston and neww carrollton. Were still seeing very crowdedd conditions you may want toouay w consider metro bus or drivingrii but keep in mind a lot of huge g delays in have a have right now. 28 northbound manassas drive tot braddock road red zone. Ze 66 eastbound the beltway too fairfax drive inside the beltway super jammed up. Med up. Youre also really slow througho West Falls Church throughh throg centreville. Centrevi through manassas 95 north dale5h city to 123. 123. South of that point in staffordr huge problems coming in to the e district from baltimore today. 95 southbound after 895 overturned tractor trailer til causing delays. Els 29 south closed aft Johns Hopkins and 95 south approachinc 198 earlier crash scene blockink the shoulder. Be prepared for thoseth issues. I back to you guys on the couch. U it is tuesday that means ouo own sarah fraser is joining usog to chat. laughter . Because you gave me somee inspiration. Ir i was not aware of. O. Thats hilarious. Hil. Love you sarah. Ou sah oh, god. All right. Sarah is here. S he were chatting about some of thf hottest trending stories and dod you snort when you laugh ont eny social media . First up what happens when you post a negative review online . The results cann be pretty ugly. Gly oh, my god how do we even sae this story without ho well leave that one up toone you. Break it down. Riverside grill story down is georgetown on the waterfront ist getting out of control. Ontr long story short a yell per putr out a bad review about them. This was a couple of daysoupd ago. Last week. Eek. Yelp and says, youre not beingg really honest with what wh happened. And goes on to 11 that msc had an accident in her pants, numbem two accident at the bar. Ditches her under wear in the bathroom and comes back and b keeps drinking so bad in fact fc they had to reroute customersuse around the situation. Ittion. Okay . Then a couple days ago 99 riverside comes out and saysay sorry we false accused you of doing this. Dog it was another patron. Atron. How do you overcome these falsee accusations. Tis what do you do . Do yo do . Bottom line this person whosn feels they were identified,d, right . Msc. Right. R so shes basically theres some question feeling shamed. S feeling shamed. All over like a lot of read it feeds locally. Feeds basically people are say emma ii being recognized because her yelp picture shows half of her f face and so people are putting i two and two together and saying she went to theing bathroom in her pants. Right. What do you do . Would you d y two two my thing is this. My things ill be, you k tnow, completelyl honest here. If this happened to me, and i was falsely, you know, basicallc ridiculed and embarrassed and id wasnt me, i would be so angry that i would seek whatever it it legal action for defamation or o what have you. Eou something has to happen ann apology after the fact just would not be enough for me. And thats just that is trulu how i would feel about that. Utha so angry. Ngry the only problem you face with that is that right now i dont know maybe 5 of the population knows about thisut ti story. If you you were hoping that. But if you take that to thet course of legal action now its all going to be out there and justto build and build and now a everybody will know thats you. Heres the issue with yelpuet any way. Weve talked about this before. B like the Business Owners are like one person can go on with a personal vendetta. Tta. This system is flawed any way. N. It is. So then for i know it i ko wasnt the ownership there justs wept on and said something thatt was unsubstantiated and then t people chimed in on it. Op c i mean can you imagine what isht more embarrassing than someone m to say that you went to the bathroom in your pants becauseau you were so drunk and then you y continued to come out and drinki i mean thats high degree of youd be infuriated. Iad no doubt about it. Emma c who posted the bad bad yelp review about 96 riverside was about a drink dispute. Ispu the manager just like takes it i to the next level by then th talking about it. Alking about i agree with you. Ith yo gosh, why they took it personally n whw did they take it there. Ithe they took it personally. Ok i. Sorry this happened, come on in, dont let this, you know, k dissuade you from coming back. Bring your friends. Friends. Lot us prove it to you,ou whatever, to do that was extre extremely perm and i wouldel really have a problem with it. Thats how i feel about it. Y eet its very interesting. Eresng theres no word and 96 riverside has apologized. Pogized. Theyve been in touch with emmaa trying to work it out without without taking legal action. Something. I would need something. Omhi i would say give me a nice n bar stool right outside a prime spot every saturday night. Da just put the drinks my way. Ay youre going to go back we got a minute to do another one. E. If you got free drinks, you, know you would. Know you would i wouldnt find that embarrassing. I would own it. Weve all been there. ve are you kiddalingl. Beu kiding youre a different breed myfb friend. The number two is we haves like 40 seconds. 0 sec get to another one because thesb are so good. Okay. Ka price water house cooper isteop doing away with all dress codes. Good. D. Zero dress code in the code t workplace. A good idea or not. Short shorts and tank tops. Theyll leave it up to thep employee. Empl without repercussion. Ut repeo good idea or bad. G for this type of business iti will be okay i would think. Hi dont you think . t you think its not like le i feel like this is alcohollc in the workplace when workplaces go, yeah, you can drink they know for the most part most off their th theyre not going to. Not employees will be responsib responsible. I agree. Its a great idea. We are going more casual. Dress i think its a good ideatoi. I think the more comfortablef you feel the more energized you are. Then youre going to want to t work harder, be in thatin t environment more. Rot more. Settle into what you reallyto want to dress like therefore youll be your true self and s then youre going to youre not wearing the outfih or the what do you call it uniform . The uniform. U there you go. Weve covered it all today. laughter . Ter yes, we have. He. Tucker barnes barne do you have any graduationhag pictures you want to share witht tucker. Absolutely not, no. Oh, me . Oh, no, sarah. Sah. I dont care about yours. t b im wanted to see sarahs. O seeh sarah you got one. One ill fine one. Ill fine o maybe i can find one, yes. As far as dressing, listen, i believe strongly that people l my brother er yes. His idea of new clothes is 2 years old. Years you dont want to allow that. Oh, well, that. Ha in the office. Ithe of yeah. I dont know. I got a feeling theyll be okay at prig ce water what is it . Price water house cooper. Atec theyll be okay. Oka here are i dont currentre numbers. Mb 74 in washington. 74 in wa winds South Southwest at sicks. S roll tough humidity 79 . We are looking mid 80s today. Sunshine. Weak as far as it will onlyy bring us a sprinkle or showerinr this afternoon strong as theres much cooler and drier air to tho north and west which will rushlr in tonight. Open the windows, ws turn off the airconditionerdion around here. Look at the seven day forecast. S 85 today. Only 73 cool and breezy bez tomorrow. Mo beautiful weather. Thank you for all yourrou graduation pictures they keep k rolling, pouring in, and well d do another round of them nexthex hour. Nice looking seven day forecastt all right. Ig hi. Speaking of nice, erin andofn her graduation picture. Pture so cute. Steves better. We have to show steve fromste f college. He has an epic mullet. Ul i dont mean to steal thelhe thunder. Thunr. laughter . Thats out of the bag now. T g it was the best photo ivee ever seen. I like it. I any way, moving over to traffic because 7 56 if youre come frof baltimore we have huge problemsp right now. Now 95 south all lanes blocked aftea 895 with an overturned tractorrr trailer. Tr detour there. Re. Earlier closure on 29, 29 reopened on the southbound sideh the shoulder is blocked afterft Johns Hopkins and 95 south approaching 198 we have a c into a tree still there. Tre earlier crash bw parkway by one hen dread did clear. Ead di cle that is still seeing residual ra delays. Coming from baltimore to thethe beltway, give yourself ton ofuro extra time. Extime and steve, i didnt under sell l it. Its a great picture. Reictu back to you guys. Ba thank you erin. Tha you coming up 8 00 oclock, hillarya clinton locked down enoughown eh delegates to secure thetes toecr democratic nomination. At well see what that means foricr todays primaries. Later is it better forit bet couples to sleep in separate set beds . The Fox Medical Teamal tm joins us live with those detai details. Princes birthday today. S bi happy birthday, prince. Prin. We miss you. Every wonder what Nature Valley is made of . Thats what were made of. No artificial colors. No artificial flavors. No artificial sweeteners. Nature valley granola bars. And now introducing delicious biscuits with Almond Butter or peanut butter. Ti see vanilla specks. A little crushed vanilla bean. Breyers has fresh cream, sugar and milk. Breyers natural vanilla. Milk and fresh cream. And only sustainably farmed vanilla. Heres my ice cream dance. Ever spin on your head . Yeah. Once. Breyers. The good vanilla. Were proud to announce that our milk and cream come from cows not treated with artificial growth hormones. This is fox5 news morning. Right now at 8 00, a live 0l look outside. Outde its tuesday, june 7th, 2016. 2 weather and traffic on the 5sn5 at 8 05. Good tuesday everybody. Im allison seymour. Smo im instead of chenevey. Ey metro riders being patient asata they start of safetrac safe getr for a second day. Onday. It kicked off on saturday this is day two of rush hour commutee and riders getting the hang of the big changes. Fox5s bob barnard is live inn ballston now. Onow i said they were getting theettg hang of it. Ha are rider riders indeed gettingu to this . Good morning. D morning reporter good morning, goor, allison and steve. Al mixed reviews this morning. Morg some saying today is worse thann yesterday. St some saying to here on the upper level here, you can maybe see and hear there station manager has got bull bul horn directing people in the the different ways to go. Lets spin around herere and wew show you that down here on the track the to your left is tht track that is single tracking. K i dont know if you can seekn through the tunnel there. H theres some red lights. S some l this is as far as it goes so tho people waiting on the platform r here on the left the trains will be coming from the city stoppinn here and turning around and a going back in and taking theseit people with them. Wit on the right here, is the line l that is coming in from East Falls Church and continuing onto into the city. Into the cit so you can basically get onet o trains on either side of thehe platform but most people aret pl coming over to these to thiss platform because these trains tn will off load and be fairly fai empty. We want to show you video tape p of us riding in earlier from f East Falls Church on a train a t that was crowded, yes, soo theyre warning people, trainss are going to be crowded. Rowded its going to be slow going. Oi theyre coming everyone eightont minutes or so. And they do have a bus bridge. I metro buses from church into ballston here andnnd then you can hop train not manym people that we saw this morningi taking the bus and looking outoo the window of the train you cany see the track work being doneeie right alongside our inboundur train and also i66 this was at about 7 15 this morning lookingi fine. Fine here at ballston we spoke to spe couple of metro riders to see how their day is going. The delay is much more todayy than it was yesterday, but i waw in Northern Virginia yesterdayas morning, so i was closer to work. Work taking longer though today. Hd taking much longer today. G im waiting for the silver orver orange just to get to East Falls Church. Chch mainly the orange line. Ine im trying to adjust. Dj getting up a little bit earlier. I have to get off sometime toim get my son. Son so just trying to adjust. Us reporter how you what ithati this morning. It was an easy ride in. Aside no problems. Reporter okay. Okay. So were back live here. You trains that just pulled into tht station here is now going to g head back in and its not so n s crowded because it arrivedt aiv fairly empty. The trains that are coming in from beyond and heading towardnt our camera they are full both bh silver and orange line, guys, g its just going to be slow going until next thursday. T people seem to be aware of itart and are just giving this ishi extra time. Extra e next thursday we just movedeo to another line. L in another area and we repeat r the process for the neck year. Developing 8 00 oclock thil morning, lets head to fairfaxrf cun tee. Tragic scene in northernn nor virginia apartment complexomex overnight fire left one mant m dead. Dead residents forced to fleeedfle their homes this happened in thh middle of the night. Some not even havinisg enough tt to grab shoes. Fox5s Jennifer Davis is live oe the scene now with the latest. T good morning. Reporter good morning,d guys. A family is grieving a trueina loss. This elderly man who were toldl used a wheelchair much of the time died during this fire. Neighbors saw firefighters bring him out those front doors and a try in vain to everyone else in the building, d though, was able to get out. You can take a look at somet video from earlier this morningg firefighters got the call here at 2 30 in the morning. Were in the 10,000 block of mose bee woods drive in fairfax city. City neighbors describe a chaoticotic scene not a lot of actual fire,r but a lot of smoke and a lot of heat. Heat. They were running up and down d banking on each others doors d yelling fire and the alarm was s going off in the hallways. Hal 19 adults and two children werew able to get out. Those children ran out bare foof didnt even have time to grab tg shoes. S. Heres what they and theirndhe mother told us. Im getting like really r scared and once i saw her cominm out i was thinking of callingf c her and so she told me to starta getting to get out of the house i was trying to grab some thingg i didnt have enough time. Very scared. Somebody said said fire, fire i go to because somebody died. Od so sad. Reporter 50 firefightersef responded to this scene. S sce they pulled the man from hismis bedroom and as we mentioned he has passed away. At this point, there is no causu of fire that theyre able toheye share with us. E residents were able to get backc into the building here juste brief toll grab some belonging. I red cross has been here all here morning long to help them. P the the hope is that they will be b allowed back in this evening. Ei they say damage really wasy w contained to that one mans man apartment. Apar it really didnt spread to thete others. But they still have work here tr do before they can let peopleeo back in permanently much back to you. Jennifer thanks. Happening today another stepy an forward in the effort to boost dcs minimum wage. Ag mayor Muriel Bowser willril announce a deal reached between her office, local leaders and ls labor advocates last week d. C. Council committee passedasse legislation will increase theree districts minute bum wage tobue 15 an hour by the year 2020. Busi the c chamber of commerce oppose this wage hike. E. Tropical storm colinical s l continues to churn off the t Atlantic Coast after hittingftei parts of in order. Oer sitting right now off the coastc of South Carolina. One to 3inches of rain are rn expected in coastal areas. As now this storm led to to significant flooding and even some tornadoes as it movesoves fluid moved through northernn florida on monday. On so tuck, will it be much damagem to South Carolina there as it te comes oh and in. Oh an mostly just a rain event. Ve localized flooding. D foding. They got pretty good rains theat last couple of weeks, of course, so i mean have to wait and see. Okay. O the good news t may not ease on up here. H the storm is moving prettyre quick. All in all it will be relativelv minor damage. Nor dama all right. Not terribly strong. Lets do weather. W were looking at temperaturestu that are going to be in the mid 80s now jumping to 74 the reagaa national. Na dull lotion is 72. Lotn is and up in baltimore, bwi marshall 74 degrees. 74 de yes, humidity is back early this morning. Mo we do have a threat of a couplel sprinkles or a shower thiswe t quick moving frontal system. Ys you kind of see it there out int West Virginia. V that had roll through mid coternoon and could it fire up shower. What its really going to do,ng, though, allow cooler and drier i air to get in here. Gher it will be absolutely beautifulb around here. In fact, ill give you accept ap day forecast because i know a lot of you running out the door. 85 today. 85 today look at tomorrow 73 way cool w c breeze out there. The get ready to let the windowsin open. En yes. Turn the air off. E airff it will be nice. Lle ni ill be back in just a minutn with the seven day again. Aga and more graduation pictures. Were doing graduationre d pictures. Having great time. Having great. Thank you everybody whose beeneb tweeting them to me just so manm of them we cant get them all il but get as much as we can. We c. And our cuteness factor. Urutn a lot happening at 8 15. 1 8 15 is big. Is big. Very busy time. Speaking of busy lets check ink the commute. The c hi, erin. , good morning. M i wish the roads looked close te as nice as tucker forecast. As right now to rattle off a few new accidents. Idts 95 northbound coming in from ifm virginia a crash by they springfield interchange. Eleventh street inbound by m inb street a crash on the freeway f with a crash as you pass by maim avenue in maryland, this is ayln big problem coming from f baltimore towards the bell wayy 95 south reopened after 895 oveo turned tractor trailer right rig lane blocked significant delays. 29 south shoulder shoulder blocr after Johns Hopkins thats withw another crash and 95 southou blocking the shoulder at 198 th1 scene a car went into tree. In t as you make your way on 29, 95, bw parkway youll hit big delayl from baltimore towards themoowar beltway. Give yourself a lot of extra time there. Me there. Crash in the left lane right now 270 north at the truck scalesrus and look at this southbound side as you make your way throughay r germantown stop and go traffic f 270 south to the spur as usualrs and then as you make your way yr out taking a look at our wide od view heavy delays 66 inbound ala the way through arlington thisii morning. Morn and bottom of the beltway jams j 295 north and southbound bothdot inbound routes jammed. More traffic in a few and welle take closer look at metro. Met steve and allison. Ison still to come, a close a clo encounter with a panther that was caught on tape. Caht on ta but the video is a little bit oo a twist. St and oj simpsons newly re well show it to you when weehen back in just 30 seconds. Second. In virginia today, a fairfai county man charged in the death of his girlfriend twosyearolr daughter will be back in court b for a preliminary hearing. Police say did you quon fieldsu left that car in hot car forot c seven hours back in april. A he said he simply forgot thattha she he faces child neglect andeg Involuntary Manslaughter charg charges. A Prince Georges countyprin woman looking for justice this morning after her husband died in police custody. Samuel shields died back inld 2014 and now his widow is sharing with fox5 video of his h last moments alive. Ve melanie is in studio now with wt more. Mel, i said it earlier just j really hard to watch that videot it i is. We have edited somes. Of it out, because it is somewhat disturbing. Distur samuel shields was arrested in i dispute over a 2 bus fairai almost 12 hours later he waser s pronounced dead. Nced the video recorded by a b corrections officer inside thest county jail was just obtained bd shields widow and her attorney. R its june 17th, 2014, more me than nine hours after samuel s shields was arrested, hes been handcuffed and pushed into the o strip search room so officersff can force him into a prisonn jumpsuit. Suit you can hear 49yearold shields yelling murder, officers, oicer occasionally address the camera saying shields is combative. C s cant see whats happening inside the room. M. Struck and stunned intotunned i submission and blasted withssio pepper spray. Pepp spray despite jail personnel knowing hes asthmatic. When they sprayed him again a even officer acknowledged thatnd he had health problems, um, with asthma or something with the spraying him and he just heart loud strikes. Sik yoesu hear him hollering murder. Murder murder urde reporter suddenly officersn asked for help and quick shieldi pulled from the room unresponsive for nearly 30earl minutes officers and emts e performed cpr but ultimately shields died. Ies on the justice for samuel sam shields Facebook Page, friendsen say he was an aspiring reggaespe artist his wife tells us that ha suffered from heart problems,em, asthma and schizophrenia. Hria the medical examiner ruled that shields died from natural n cautions. In the lawsuit against the l county and the officers, his wifes Attorney Says it was w clear samuel was having a Mental Health episode and he shouldd have been given medication. We reached out to the jail fora comment. So we havent heard back. Thank you so much, mel. Ve sol disturbing indeed. Coming up, we have a new mum shot for oj simpson, plus kevink joins us with the fox beat tod today. Political headlines, too and a live look outside rigalht nowo this tuesday morning. Looks like a nice start to theit day. 71 degrees right now. Ht n weather and traffic coming uptr next. Now that i work there, i value dothe food even more. I feed it to yoshi because there are no artificial colors, preservatives and its made with real chicken. Im so proud to make dog chow natural in davenport, iowa. Happy birthday, prince. Still rocbiking music living ong 58 today. 58 today. Tay 58 today. The purple one. O all right. He would be so happy we are honoring ng graduates. And cuteness. And and cuteness, yeah. C were doing cuteness. Ss graduate pictures coming up ingn just a minute. Love it. Our favorite time of day. Fox5 first five photo of the of day. We got a smiley. Mi we should play his the abouto full one on this one. This oneyearold joshua, jos everybody. Ever hey, joshua. In addition to smiling andiln looking super cute he blowing bubbles he lovesiv watching fox5. Watc fox5. He might be doing an epicc bubble below. Bubble below it look like hes saying heyy tucker. Hes cute. Little mickey mouse shirt. S love it. Lo i can play with him all day. D just let him show me all hise ah toys and and oh yeah. Oyea umhmm. Probably has a lot to say at this age. S this age probably has lot to say. S loy i think so, too. I can decipher every word of it. Could you. I speak baby talk. I know do you. I speak dog. I can talk to dogs. I dogn ta whisp im the baby whisperer. Wsper what are you, steve, a cat cat whisperer. Er you have four cats that meanm you love cats. You love cats. Any way an to send us your childshild picture go to our facebookook page,. Page,. Put all my secrets out theree today. Y. Go to our Facebook Page fox5 dc. Joshua we love your picture anda love your smile. Our sme. Thanks for sending it in. N. Hey, a passing shower today. Wer. That will be the worst of the wh forecast. Also be a very warm and humidum day back in the mid 80s much muh like yesterday. Rd not terrible but definitely warw and humid day weve got big changes in the form of cooler fc and drier air on the way later r tonight. The heavy rain you see off the coast that is colin or the or remnants of colin or parts oftso colin, and bringing heavy rain r to the outerbanks at this hour. Our focus on that little ribbonn of shower activity out in westui virginia. Vi theres a very weak cold front f out there that could bring a bri sprinkle or shower this or ho afternoon and then behind it, much cooler air will work on inn later tonight. Later night. The red you see thats the windd field. Around colin there but off to o the north and west detroit righg now 58 degrees. 58 degree 63 in pittsburgh. And guess what, thats headed ii our direct. How about that for a seven day. 85 today. Today not much rain shower activityiv the next seven days and look att the cool and comfortable comable conditions wednesday, thursday,a friday look fantastic. Taic his in the 70s to about 80 about overnight lows in the 50s. 50s. Have we said where were sip s tripping on friday. Da anna toss tia on friday. Ri i hope its the most epic on ever. I hope it is. Gorgeous weather, too. Oo. I have no doubt. Doubt i heard rumors eard rs well be there. This is the team. T well all be there that will be there. Here. Erin como, im sorry you sry wont be there. Tre maybe we can try to change thate good morning. Goodorni yes. If not take lot of pictures forc me and i will stalk your twitter account throughout the morning. You know it. 8 17 look at all the accountc behind me. Start you off in maryland. 15 at mon chester road a crash 270 north in the truck scales. Ca 270 south delays passed thethe truck gaithersburg. Gum spring road at 50 inri virginia a crash. 395 north this is causing bigsi delays in pentagon area passedas washington boulevard a crash. Ch youre jammed from the bottom oo the beltway on 395 all the wayhe to the 14th street bridge. E. 295 in the district theres a crash southbound after easternrn avenue. Avenue. 66 eastbound from virginiaound theres a crash after 50. 5 95 northbound at 610 theres a crash. Crash 95 northbound out by they the springfield enter change theres also a crash. Also in the district Second Street aa e street northwest a crash. A a lot of problems accidents and delays. De metro also dealing with red line delays to shady grove and theny single tracking orange andnge ad silver because of the safetrack work. East falls to ballston. Llston. Back to you guys. Oj simpson smiling, why . Its a mug shot. Shot this was released by Nevada Department of corrections yesterday. Now, simpson is not been pictured in mug shot since july of 2013. 01 official says this is just toust make sure their records arere updat okay. Hes colonelly serving a 33g3 year sentence for armed robberyb and we were wondering perhaps ha was charged with something else. Doesnt look that wage lookswage like they are updating mug shots for their records. Ords. All right. Definite kevin is here right now with the box beat. Hello. Ll good morning allison andrnin steve. In honor of this birthday isthyi prince day in minnesota. Nesota the governor made theade t declaration yesterday the proclamation minnesota yanns are encouraged to wear purple onur prince day in honor of thef t purpose pep ones enduring legacy. Prince died april 21 and also as dance party will be plannednn today at the rock and roll hallr of fame in cleveland in princes honor. Nor he would have been 58 years old today. Toy moving on now. John oliver this story has beene all over the web yesterday. Rd aired sunday night on hbo. Bo this video is incredible. Rebl the host of last weeks tonightn is getting rid of medical debtab for nearly 9,000 people as partr of a story about debtboutebt collecting. The show sets up its for around 50 and acquiredd nearly 15 million of out of o statute medical debt thats wayt said on the show from hospitalsi in texas the show only had to pay less than 60,000 for the accounts and he was sent theentt names, addresses and Social Security numbers for around 90 00 people. Pple. Then oliver announced all of aeo sudden the debts were forgivenee and oliver said the previous tvt give away record ever was Oprah Winfreys car give away worth 8 million but it seems likemsik hes taking the lead with about 14. 9 million. 9 he calls it quote the largestst onetime give away in televisioo history. Hi he tweeted a lingot to the stors yesterday and said, your move,o, oprah. So very very cool. John oliver. Li very awesome. Verysome. Finally just before the san joss sharks and Pittsburgh Penguins p game last night, this happened. Watch this. James head field and kirk cac from metal will he casm theye cy played at the stanley cup finall the crowd ear rupped in cheersde several times throughout thethuo show. Sh metallica opened the doors tooos the locker room before the gameg very very cool. C i just saw them live theyivt were incredible. Fantastic. Sounds great. First concert i ever went w toughie metallica i was 12 years old, 1977. 1 i saw them at verizon centern a couple years ago. Ea always a good show. Thanks, kev. K. 8 21 right now. A panther gets extra clothes too a visitor and another day ofd ay wild animal news here on thit is now wild kingdom. Animals being animals. Animas animals being animals brougho to you us by you, whatever. E any way its caught on video. Not what it seems. Seems well explain. L Hillary Clinton making history. Hi now the presumptive democraticea nominee. No what does it mean for the big primaries today. Od a couple of big ones, new jersen and california. Anifornia. Find out when we come back. Bk. Its 8 21. Double down on your candy and coffee cravings with dunkins new heath and almond joy candy bar flavored iced coffees. America runs on dunkin. Vo for dominion, part of delivering Affordable Energy includes supporting those in our community who need help. Assisting with bill pay and providing free, energysaving upgrades. Its more than helping customers, its helping neighbors. Stand by me 8 24. Another Close Encounter with aos big cat this time the video doed have a twist. Closer, closer. C the man is actually the owner of a wild animal sanctuary. Hes big old playful thing. He has his back turned thened panther sneaks up on him and uim pounces at him but instead of if attacking he starts playing. Then the owner kisses theisses panther on the nose and pets it as if, l you go. Hes like oh, dad. D just like big old giant house gt cat. Do not try this anywhere. Thats such an awesome aso animal. Beautiful animal. Eautiful a if i could have four catsd ha hike that, al. Tha now i think theyre dating. Yt total dollar it. Ollart. Taking it a little too far. Ew. I can hear laughter a mile away. Caught that video off before ite gets weird. Er. Er. Hello. H all right. I guess im doing weather againa 74 now in washington. Hi were doing temps in the mid 808 today before the then we got ang cool down tonight and dry air a gets in here overnight tonight. It will be beautiful. It will bet open the windows. Ifop the win safe on that airconditioning next few days. Next 74 now in washington. Ashingto what is ssw. Wt is South Southwest. Outhwest South Southwest the winds. Ous my goodness. M rain is off the carolinaina coast. As thats colin. That that had romaine out to sea and get pushed into the central andl northern atlantic over the nextv couple of days. Couple were focused on weak cold frono actually doing the pushing. Pusi and you can see the light rainan showers out into West Virginia we can get a scattered shower this afternoon and cooler drier air rushes in behind itd and we go from 85 today to 73 t tomorrow. Mo it will feel so nice. T i know with a nice breeze. E. Really going feel great oy round here. Great outdoor weather gat o tomorrow. Its not just one day, wednesday, thursday, friday. Thf really right into the weekend. Ed we are going to became up. U still no 90s. St its like the spring we never had. Ha you know what, in some wayswh it is. So enjoy it. Yeah. Ive got more graduationore grat pictures coming up in just an couple minutes. Uple m we awesome. Well look for those. E loo lets check in with erin in e the meantime. The few hours into the commute how e we looking. We l terrible. Erri thats why i was laughing sog hard during your last story madm me smile its been a rough aou morning, steve. Good. Happy to give you any relief. Ele i appreciate that one. Ha one right now, problems froms f baltimore coming down tour the beltway 95 south an overturnedvt tractor trailer blocking thelocn right lane. T 95 south approaching 198 car ofr the road into the trees still al scene there. Were seeing heavy traffic on 2a because of an earlier crash and bw parkway typical stop and gopd traffic as you make your wayr down passed powder mill. Pol. Letgo over and forward our maps show p was else you are up against this morning. Morn look at all of these crash locations. In the district Second Street ar e street northwest 95 north at 610 and staffed for coming inaf from virginia. Ginia 95 north another crash bite bit springfield interchange. Er 66 after 50. 15 at mon chester road. R gum springer at 50 a crash. 395 by washington boulevard anna accident. And 295 south after eastern. Eae heavy traffic. Tra give yourself plenty of extra o time and if youre taking metrot red line delays because of anels earlier malfunction at gallery e place. In addition to the singleion toe tracking on the orange and on tn silver lines because ofecse safetrack out by east falls andd ballston. Ll back to you guys. Primary day in sick states se and while Hillary Clinton may b the presumptive nominee, there, is still a reason for voter tosr head to the polls. Ll well tell you how todaystos primaries could still impact th election. El thats coming up next. Its 8 27. How good . 162 likes. Did i get any retweets on those green beans . Honey, your rump roast just broke the internet as it should. Life is family mealtime and everything you need to make it picture perfect. Now be sure to tag your mother because she needs more followers. Ok. The roast looks good dad. How good . 162 likes. Did i get any retweets on those green beans . Yep and theyre blowing up on instagram. Honey, your rump roast just broke the internet as it should. Life is family mealtime and everything you need to make it picture perfect. Now be sure to tag your mother because she needs more followers. Ok. Beautiful look at the white house this morning. 8 30 right now. 74 degrees. Lots of sunshine out there. Re the unanswered question, whoionw will call that home in january . N Hillary Clinton making historyno becoming the first woman to evee within the president ialntial nomination of a major politicalc party in the United States astae the Associated Press and other d news outlets say she has securec enough delegates to make her tht presumptive nominee of the party. She touched on the news at auche Campaign Rally last night. Nig here it is. I got to to the news, we are in the brini of a historic, historicric unprecedented moment, but we but still have work to do, dont we . Yes clintons rival bernies rivr sanders however still holdingho out hope and all this comes asss several states including california head to the pollshe s today. New jersey, too. Thats big one. Joining us now Jonathan Swanaths National Political reporter at the hill. Good morning, jonathan good to g see you. Good morning. The question is with Associated Press and otherhe atr outlets basically making this mg announcement last note on the on eve of huge primaries today, t does that mean voters will say l well this is all done, i dont i needing to cast my vote now if n was going to for somebody elseye or even for her, does it makeake difference . Er it could have a difference ia not the way she wants. W so what it could actually do isi clinton voters might say, oh, o, well, i dont need to turn up u now, i can stay home. E. Sanders voters might have thehe opposite reaction because he hae this whole narrative going which is the system is rig, is against us, the media tryingt to call it and hes whipped thet up into this ladder of rage. O so you can see the hoards of sanders voters going to the g polls and clinton voters stayint home. I actually dont think it willl have that dramatic effect but ic think if it does have an effect could it go in that direction. Yes. Lets talk about that right now. As Bernie Sanders has said, her going to stay in this races because he wants to see now if n the socalled super delegates dg who pledged their votes might bb convinced to change them beforeb the end of july. Now, sanders supporters alsopo say, look, why is she countingou these votes because theyre notn officially votes yet. Does the pledge count as as a steadfast vote from superm s delegate or a chance they couldu change their minds between nowie and july . . Theres two answers to thataw one is the technical answer, ans yes, technically super delegatet can change their mind. M theyre allowed to. Ow but the second answer to thato t theres a Party Insiders thesest are elected officials. Offic some of these people have 20av year long relationships with thh clinton theyre favors owed. S there are promises made. M and you have to be a pretty brave Party Insider to say, you know what, Hillary Clinton, imi going to throw my my lot in witn Bernie Sanders. This is someone who reallyea doesnt care much about their ae political career and politicallp future if they make thatolre ifh decision. Thats exactly the complaintm Bernie Sanders has about theanda entire process. Rocess yes. Yes. Its just too inside baseba baseball. Although when you look at the popular vote beforehe todays results in, Hillary Clinton witw 3 million vote lead right now. Iw i guess it would be tough to argue too much inside baseballib if she has the popular vote ande the delegates. The delegate its ironic, you have a, u ha candidate Bernie Sanders whos s populous candidate who is ares a saying we are the candidate off people on every metric hillaryry clinton is beat him. Popular vote, pledged delegatest super delegates. What hes ironic argument arm hes making ill be behind in the peoples vote but i want the Party Insiders to then t to flip it back around. Ro yeah yeah. Eah yeah. She doesnt need a strong vicepresident ialpr candidate to winter nominationin shes doing that on her own. Wn what type of person does she gos with a lot of names thrown out w there. E weve heard corey booker a lotka close to us here in virginia tia cane has been thrown around a lot. What type of person is sheype r looking for if not a name. Theres a lot of calculationn win the clinton camp. What are the groups that we neee to appeal to. One of her big weaknesses withst white men, men in general realll down on clinton. So that would lend to a sort off tim cane type of selection maybe a safe more middle of the road r candidate. Candidate. Tim cane looks quiteooks conservative compared to Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, hes very much a fiscally moderateere democrat. Right. The other side of it is, am i just this unexciting candidate a and i node to energy the baseyas then you might see Elizabeth Warren type of candidacy whereiy you get a bit of a fire breathet who can go around the country cu and stir everyone up and get eep everyone excited. Ne eited. So when it cometo general election now in novemben it looks like now it will bel Hillary Clinton versus donald dn trump. Will this be the nasty yesterdas campaign weve ever seen for president . Close to i would have to sayo its very hard to you evene see it now in the interviews. Ntw i mean, i think john pedeski tht Clinton Campaign was on one of the sunday shows this week andsk he was asked about Donald Trumpt and he doesnt d say this in soi many words but effectively thelt retort is, hes worse than wewe are. Like, you know, what about youry emails. Ma what about Donald Trumps Trump University . Sort of, you know, rests to the bottom. M i think well see more of that. F continuous back and forth. Orh Jonathan Swan thanks for joining us as always with the we hill. Well send it over to tuckernd k barnes and get lock at ouret lor forecast and soon to be more graduation photos. Graduation pictures comingiot up, steve. Ev meanwhile lets do weather. Eathr were looking sunny, bright,t, warm, humid today. Tod mid 80s for daytime highs with s really refreshing forecast fec cooler and drier air getting inr here tonight. 74 now national. Al everybody in the 70s in theod 8 00 oclock hour. Oclo that rain you see south and east thats colin, and still bringing heavy rain to the outerbanks. Utr were focused on a ribbon of thin cloudiness off to the westt out in West Virginia bringing ag sprinkle or shower out there. Te we might get a sprinkle aroundeo here a quick moving shower andwe then cooler and drier air air filters in. S i ill be back in just a minutesta with the seven day forecast. Eca. Youll love it. Today mid 80s with a mid afternoon shower possibility p then getting breezy and cooler o tonight. Night all right. Ll r plenty more weather in just a minute. Lets do traffic with erin. 8 36 tucker. T you have happy sunshine,ine, graduation pictures. Icture i have lots of accidents and new 1270 south this is affecting afc local lanes approaching fallsls road. You can see through rockville aa steady wall of very slowmovingn traffic. Affi red zone indicating speedsg s sipping un10 miles an hour. Thats not the only problem we have. Lets see if we can forward our maps and show i was lookfo at 9 on the southbound side. E. Crash activity after overturn tractor trailers. T previously all lanes were blocke many this will cause huge slow s downs from d. C. To baltimoremo today. Day. Bw parkway typical stop and gono traffic. Lets forward our maps and showa what else youre up against. Aa. Several accidents, still causinl delays throughout the area. 15 and montgomery dresser road. R gum spring road at 50 out inn virginia. Rginia Second Street at e street str northwest a crash and then 295 2 at eastern look how back up 295 is south and northbound withun congestion in addition to thatht crash scene. Crash s 95 at 610 in staffed forward ana 95 by the springfield interchange a crash. C safetrack work single trackingrk orange and silver lines delays d there and that is between east n malls church and ballston. Rcando back to you steve and allison. Ls still to come one local higl School Graduate has never donee this one thing throughout hisout entire 13 years of school. Amazing. Well tell was it is comingel up. Mi amazing. And later going to bed atg to b different times can lead tond problems in your marriage. The Fox Medical Team joins us through bad sharing issues. Do you sleep in separate beds . B well see. Good question. Hey. I believe thats wale on thate n track. 8 40. 8 d. C. s own wale. Nice look over the dmv rightmv now. No going to be a nice day. 74 degrees on a tuesdayay morning. Morning. Io the Education Department ist out with new data on publicc schools. Sco student absences and the raciall divide in our classrooms. S. The report finds 6. 5 students nationwide were absent duringdu the 201314 school year. Now that means more than one out of 10 students missed at least l three full weeks of school. Ch the report also found thatha during the same school year, nearly 2. 8 Million Students were suspended. Those numbers are down from 2011 but race is still playing rollyr here in these numbers. Numrs. Black students are four timestsr more likely to be suspended as s their white counterparts. Talking about never missingi a day. Amazing student. Tudent big shout out to a recent high h school grad from winchester whor just received his diploma with a pretty stellar record. Tray shine believe it or note did not miss one day of school o from kindergarten through senior year. Yar all right. A right can you imagine . He garagedd from Mill Brook High School wito a gpak of 4. 028. Go ahead y is awesome. Awe it runs in the family becausc trays dad tony also neverlso nr missed a day of school when he w was a student set the bar high. H all right. His brother only missed onein day of school and it was because of strep throat. Trep you cant go. You c you might, you know no infect somebody else. Nft so infect other kids. Infect ote tray will go to school atwill Potomac State University in wes virginia to study criminal crina justice. What an amazing feat. Ng f and its probably like once youo get on that role,. You dont want to break it. B you take pride in yourselves and you dont want to break it. Lets call tray the iron man ofo education. Ucion we did it for one year yr straight and we he going to to t fast food place. D pla they gave us a little trophy. Tlt my senior year in high schooo at bcc i was late almost every y day. Day it doesnt surprise me onee bit. I drove and i cannot get outt of the house on time. Im things do not change. Hiha i had detention. Do not follow what i i did. Did be on time. Nime. Because it will stick with you throughout life. Ho oh, my gosh, im chronic leee late. Late. I do hate it. I do hate do you wake up each mor with muscle pain . Well telllll you it might have to do with the way you eat. Wayou details on the pain free dietree coming up. And every party must come toe an end. The playboy mansion about to geg brand new owner. Er who bought this legendary home and what will they do with it . 8 43. 8 43. Al because yesterday i drove past High School Graduation wenten needed to give all of ourur graduates not just high schoolhs but any kind of graduate. E college to kindergarten. N a great big shout out. Ut out weve been getting pictures alle morning. Mo thank you for sending themsendie inform lets do another round. Hello. Yeah. Eah. With her son sean. Sn. Bowie high, congratulationsat to victoria. Congratulations. I was at i spoke at her graduation. I remember victoria and her her little sister trinity. Trity do you. Dyou her little sister. Elijah. Lija. Trinity on the left. T do you remember elijah. Yoremb okay. No, because that one is quarrell Elementary School. Quarrels elementary. Y. Love these pictures. Keep them coming in. Ep tm co what a great one. Saint al bans right up the roada big smiles. Heres tori. Ori garaged from maryland two weeks ago. Sky Land High School out in front royal we love theseove t pictures. Keep them coming. In governor Thomas School in frederick, maryland. D. Congrats. Lock at the beautiful smiles. Charles flowers, 2016. , 2 big group there. Groupre yes, we do. Its a pre k1, tuck. Mr. Dylan at his pre k graduation. Time for fill lon to go to r kindergarten. Thats right. T saint augustine, my grand ir wont get personal but i love le you saint augustine. Raleigh, north carolina. Northa. Here the last one devonon garaging from north point highth school. School. Thank you everybody for sending them in. Er we love your pictures. E yo we love your smiles. S. Go forth and conquer. Keep them coming in. Oming i well tried to one more round at 9 30. Pre k right through college. L i love it isnt we got to give everybody a shout out. Dy st working hard all year. Weather is working hard to coolo us down. Wait until you see the forecast. Seven day will be great. 74 in washington. N. Later today maybe a shower theres really weak front seerot the little ribbon of cloudinessn in West Virginia. Virg that is a cold front that iss doing couple of thing, a,ng thats the rain you see off thet southeast coast out to sea. T ous thats good news. Ds and its also going to bring ini much cooler and drier air may am kick off a shower around hereund later this afternoon widely widl scattered and were notd wer n expecting any Severe Weather any thunderstorm activity just quici scattered shower this afternoonr theres bigger look and behindeh that front it looks nice and quiet. Ie but much cooler and drier air dr will start to settle in as we get into the nighttime hours. Ou all right. There it is high pressureh pre compliments of our friends fromf canada. Arctic high pressure. Hige. This time of year it delivers dr picture perfect weather. Th there you go. 85 today and look at wednesday, thursday, friday and into your weekend. Ween temperatures close to perfect. Lower humidity nice breeze opene the windows, keep it cool, our o zip trip friday morning in anacostia should be perfect. P come out and say hi to us. It will be great. I perfect wet. Perfec might be a little chilly in thet morning. 57 degrees. For one or two people, yes. R yeah. Y all right. One. He doesnt get cold. Do you dont. You like the cold. E the cold. I like it. You and i will be cold. Wil one, two. , thanks any who. Check in with wisdom andn wis maureen find out whats coming up on good day d. C. 10 minutes t away, guys. Aw, g good morning, guy. Uy good day d. C. All over the big t local stories as we continue toe follow the ripple effects of metros massive track work. W were live. Werlive. All new at 9a17yearold honor student murdered in her besomedd the maryland case now book best selling author. Dell quinton wilbur is here. Who is calling out donaldut trump for what he said aboutidbo judge, plus history for hillaryy lets put up that ever popularur good day guest list. Lis you know the hottest guests onlo on good day d. C. D thats right. You got that wis, we talk live k to oscar winner Julianne Moore o about her new film but we have m surprise for her. Surp okay. Surprise for her plus live ins the lot of popular r and b grouo for ey here to perform scootfo s over. Ov you know that song. Yo ill know it. U also live local amateur amaur female boxer jessica beauty lane. L shes here to talk about her abt cells to be olympic boxer and a the influence muhammed ali had d on her. Her what a show. Sho good day d. C. Just minutes away. Looking forward it to. It t. Thanks, guys. Guys a brand new breakfast foodsf is about to hit store shelvesree for the first time in 15 years. General mills is introduce agnew cereal. Its going to be called tiny toast. Toast. Interesting. In that cute, little tinye in buttered tiny toast it featurese tiny pieces of crunchy toasthy t covered with even tinier piecese of strawberry and blueberries. Es but heres the good part. Lauren simonetti shared with usu earlier in the business beats b its real stuff. L stf supposedly real tiny blueberrier and real tiny strawberries. Rrie new cereal one of only few available with real fruit and other natural flavors. La im guessing the price wills not be teeny tiny either. It no. No this definitely not. New owner for the famous playboy mansion in california. Hugh heffners home being sol tg door. Or billionaire named darrinn metropolis. Metropol that is an awesome name. Yes. The official price tag has not been confirmedic but multipe reports say the final offer came in at more than 100 million. 0 o the home was initially listedte for 200 million. 0 miio apparently, they did not get nog anywhere close to that in thet offer. Nice hundred Million Dollars diss coup as part of the dealhel heff gets to stay at the mansion for the rest of his live. Is after that the new owner plans p to merge his property with heffners for one massive esta estate. Oy manlayboy mansion could be the pool house. The pool house. Heres the thing. H so if youre already super dupep wealthy and right next doorext d perhaps he bought it and heffndf can live in it by himself for with whomever he needs to help o him. Or a bunch of ladies. Ad whatever he likes. Lik. Yeah. Yes. Okay. All right. A in health news youve heard thee saying you are what you eat y e maybe its more accurate youur feel what you eat. Depending on your diet that a feeling could be pain. P Fox Medical Teams here to tell us more about it. T. Im sure were eating the wrongo things, dr. Joe. R. J good morning. Ng. Good morning. This is comes from acoom rheumatologist after years ofea practice he found that inflammation increased with w certain foods decreased withecrt others no surprise those green g leaf vegetables high in vitaminv c are good for us. Cherries, blueberries and black berries as sal will sill lick l acid. Id they decrease inflammation andtd he talk about granny tea. Eccg which we find there can can also decrease inflammation and cayenne pepper we cayenne peppers cap saying used to helph treat pain as well. S l all of those things put togethet can help row duce inflammation and therefore can decrease dreas symptoms in people withe wh arthritis or inflammatoryinflam diseases. Foods to avoid i would imagine everything that we kinda of know is bad for us, yeah, he talked a lot aboutoo meats. S. Meats and processed meats. Mts things like whole milk, butter, he says theres inner llukini six which is a pro inflammatory. We know that all of those things affect our blood vessels, thatos can then in turn increase moree site tow coins and that canns a increase the inflammation sommao definitely he says that when heh watches patients that go on more of a plant based diet staying sa away from those red meats,ea substituting with things like te soy he does advocate for soy,oy also says legumes, beans thosens kind of of things also help andl whole grains, you know, again, the things that we all know area good for us. Yes. We see more and more sleep mp studies all the way a lot ofthe times it doesnt come down to t couple sleep studies but the question then begs, maybe ifgsy youre on different schedule, maybe on the same schedule youee sleep better sleeping apart. Gpat good idea or not . You know, it might be. B. I talk to a ph. D. Psychologist. Should try to sleep together ifg you can. Yo okay . Because its not maybe youre only time together thatt exclusive. Exive you dont have kids. Your not running around paying bills. Bill and also, its the bonding. So physiologically as we touch oxytocin goes up thats that tha bonding hormone so there arene s lots of reasons to try to stay s in the same bed. But sometimes the sleep is so disrupted youre tired the neckn day. We also know how important sleep is. If we dont get enough qualityui sleep it increases the risk of o obesity cardiovascular disease,e we also hearing brain healthraih very much tied into that. So there are times when coupless might need to sleep apart. However, if its snoring,noring something that can be fixed, yoo know, look into maybe a c pap cp machine if you need for yourr health as well. L white noise helps the otherhelp person sleep a little bitbit better. Beer but if you are spending timein away from each other, make surek you have a date night. Ig make sure that that intimacy iss preserved, and if you have h exclusive time with one anotherr slip pre slope of being a veryy awesome roommate instead of aina couple. Uple right. All about finding that balance. Dr. Joe, thank you. Ndr. Joe,n all right. K. 8 55 right now. Well check in with tucker tker barnes once again get a look a whats happening outside. H another nice day. Her ce d mid 70s right now. Ow mid 80s this afternoon. Aft a lot of sunshine early. But later today, cooler andoor drier air moving in. Ing wait until you see the seven dan forecast. Lets do numbers. Bers. 74 now at Reagan National. Niona its humid to start your mornini with that sunshine. Unsh little ribbon of cloudiness out there in West Virginia. E est might kick up a shower thishowei afternoon what its really goini to do is bring in cooler andoor drier air and we are in for just a delightful couple of dayshtfuo around here. 85 today. But look at your forecast by tomorrow. Rr. 73 degrees with cooler and a breezy conditions setting upettg thursday, friday noon ouroon weekend. Right now close to perfect forcr june standards with veryy comfortable air and nice dry aia mass in place. Pla that is a quick look at weatherw more coming up in just a minuten more graduation pictures nexts n hour, too. I could use cute graduationrn pictures tucker because traffict is a nightmare. Huge delays on 28 northboundortn between 66 and the dulles access road. You are just jam pack. St jam wall to wall traffic. But were not seeing any crashea to report its just a whole lotl of congestion. Io and then as you head out by thee airport, if youre making wayakw that dulles the greenway is bacs up as well. S well 66 inbound remains stacked, tood as you make your way through tou arlington this morning. Ngto lets take look right now atht r maps. Maps. We have other delays and crashes coming down from gaithersburg keep in mind 270 2 south in the local lanesoc lan approaching falls road a crashra really heavy traffic as you pasp through rockville making your way to spur past democracy docra boulevard. Other delays and other crasherrh scenes you need to be aware of. This crash involving overturnedt tractor trailer 95 south after 895. One lane blocked but still but s seeing residual delays leadingeg down and 95 south dealing with d huge delays. Look at all those crash scenes. E visit me on twitter at erin foxx d. C. Ill have the latest seconc street in the district dea with crash and for metro train malfunction cleared on the redca line but keep in mind still single tractor the rest of the week. Week East Falls Church to ballston orange and system very. Te allison and steve. Kanye west could get anotherh chance at a popup concert in cn new york but theres catch. Cch not really popup if its its planned. And theres a catch. A all right. Were learning what it takei to be an elite boxer from a local boxer training for the Olympic Games with twist as well. This song makes me want to go rrrr. Wawa was that again. Rrrr. One more time. Rrrr. Try micellar water want a dfrom garnier skinactive. The micelles attract dirt like a magnet to 1. Remove makeup 2. Cleanse and 3. Soothe. No harsh rubbing, no rinsing. Micellar water from garnier skinactive. Tto nourishing repair. New whole blends by garnier honey treasures haircare. With the essence of royal jelly and propolis. Nourishes deeply, for naturally beautiful, revived hair. New garnier whole blends honey treasures. Straight ahead Hillary Clinton making history. The first woman to clinch a major party pn residentwoialntia nomination. Nati. But with more primaries today, d her fight isnt over yet. Plus an Apartment Fire in fairfax cun tee takes a deadly l turn. Were live on the scene. Metros safetrack facing its second rush hour test. Local leaders say it will likely be worse than yesterday. Rd so was it as bad as they fearede or have riders gotten the message . Mess and later, more proof youofy should never turn your back on a jungle cat. Jungle c wait until you see what happenss next. Next good day at 9a starts right now

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