Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 5 20160513 : compar

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 Morning News 5 20160513

order your child's school tol pick his side in thehe transgender bathroom debate.eb >> senate leaders may haveatader finally reached a funding dealui in the fight against the zikaik virus. fox news morning starts right now. >> and good morning to you. happy friday.y friday. >> say it again.>> >> i don't even care that it'srs friday the 13th.friday t it's a's welcome to fox5 news morning. mi i'm holly morris. >> i'm maureen umeh.reenme today is friday the 13th. 1 it's also national blameiona someone else day. erin, why did you do it. y >> i don't know were i did. >> whatever the problemou is oni the roads it's not your >> nope. >> we're blaming >> the good thing is the roads a aren't that terrible but when bw they get bad it's gary'sar fault. >> i've been taking the blameg b now let's see how many days inse a row.e >> you're always going to be to at >> like 27 days in a row i27 day think i've been taking theakin blame for listen, it does -- it gets at gs little bit better but we haveutv thunderstorms to get throughtorm before it's all said and dones d and then much cooler for thefor weekend. i don't know, maybe come think of it i don't know how kw much better it's going get around >> a major controversial move by the white house in theouthe battle over transgender bathroom >> the obama administrationisat telling public schools to letet transgender students use the t bathroom their chosen chon identity. fox5's melanie alnwick iswick i live from the department ofthdea education to explain. good morning,, mel. >> reporter: good morning,ter: yes, this came about afterme north carolina passed its controversial bathroom accessccs law and then there weree we dueling lawsuits between north carolina and the white house and public school districts had so many questions for thequs u.s. department of education. so, today the u.s. department. t education and the departmentde of justice making theirinth opinion clear, their answer isws that public schools must treat transgender students according r to their gender identity. ident here is what u.s. attorneyattoey general loretta lynch had to h t say about it.y "there is no room in ouroom n o schools for discrimination of any kind including discrimination againsttionga transgender students on ther includes bathrooms and lockeroc rooms according to theoms ac directive that will be sent to public school districts today.l it will be accompanied bydi a 25-page document of questions qt answers about bestut best presidential candidate tinsal ways to make c transgenderransnr students feel comfortable inl co the classroom and protect thepre privacy rights of all students e in bathrooms and locker rooms. the controversy has caughtau fire since north carolinainceara passed its law forcing law students to use the restroom rtr that corresponds with their the birth gender. as we know many performers and a some companies boycotted thees t state in protest and the obama o administration calls it a it civil rights issue.s i north carolina's governors vernr calls it a common sensens privacy issue and blasts the federal government'snmen involvement as a blatant government overreach.rr the letter from the u.s. the department of education to thete school districts is not dis intting new policy. it is simply reminding schools o of title nine which prevents pvt sex discrimination when it cana comes to public education and a any activities that get federal funding and that's interpretation is that title nine applies to aes t transgender students as well. much more on this throughoutthro the day on fox5 news morning. m for now, i'm melanie alnwick. back to >> and we want to get your get opinion on this so, hit us up on facioebook or twitter.twitter. we'd love to hear your y thoughts.. >> developing overnighteving fairfax county policeirx co searching for the driverg for dr responsible for a deadly hity ht and run in berks. a man stumbled into the road ino near the intersection of kapal k avenue and ship let boulevard. d he was struck and killed by a by person driving a dark colored sedan. >> death investigation under i way in prince william county.nvi police were called to brazil bra circle dale city just before jte 9 o'clock last night.o'st not a lot of information right now about the more than died. our crews are close to thatare o scene. we'll bring you updates as we u get them. a baltimore police officer charged with freddie gray'sth f death will be back in courturt today.da officer edward nero is charged with multiple misdemeanor charges. char a judge is heari instead of a jury. j prosecutors said officer nero on failed to follow protocol by unlawfullunlawfully arresting ga then failing to buckle gray's seat belt in the police van.inhl the defense claims officer nero didn't have much to do with gray's arrest nor hisis transport. we're still months awayst from the opening of the newilnih national museum ofeum of african-american history andamer >> but our cameras have gotteneo a sneak peek inside.ns the exhibits are not quite setue up but items have been movedbe m in. a lot of them document thedocunt role african-americans playedcas in american history and alsoy in the history of the entertainment industry.ndus >> you will notice that wehat talk about revolutionary war colonial north america. we talk about the antebellumum period.peod. we tell some of the familiarhe l and some of the new and somew a of that familiar we tell ine te new ways.w w so, we're excited for everyone n to see this. t >> the new museum opens to thee public on saturday september 24th. >> ♪ >> hey, listen we got a lotgo going on this morning.g s we start with the look at thehe visibility out there 'cause 'us some places they're up andth're they're down. dn. dulles has come down to a halfw a mile.a mile frederick is below 2 milesiles now. winchester you're back up u above 2 most everybody else really r doing pretty good but we havee h some low clouds, fog, littleog,e bit of drizzle out there inn spots and temperatures ares very mild this morning.this morg we're only talking lower 60's 6' across the entire area. fredericksburg is 67.7. clouds in place this trying to bring the warmer airmr up from the south.outh you see the showers back out o to the west of us. theest these will break up a little ail bit and it looks like they're t going to refire later on late ot this morning into earlytoar afternoon.oon. so here's the deal. look at it. i 66 this morning 8:00 a.m. justt drizzle.driz by lunchtime, we're going towegn have some showers and somendo thunderstorms around.roun temperatures with somee sunshine will begin to get upl g into the upperet 60's and the ad low 70's. late this afternoon, thenoonth storms -- a few storms stillrmss lingering around at 4 o'clock oc but most of it has pushed off to the east by then and we'll get some sunshine lateso day into the details on the weekend all coming up.toming right now, erin como standing sd by with your friday the 13th tht traffic. traf >> visit buy a for special offers. >> that's right, 5:07 just checking with all our camerasurm and our maps and so far so good. as you make your way out southus of the beltway 210 northbound traffic slowing livingstonto road to the beltway. bel pennsylvania avenue looking good.. suit happened parkway none ofpak the usual congestion kickingio in just yet and here's a look lo bw parkway on the southboundd side, you're clear 197 to 1 powder mill road. that's what we like to see aswe you make your way l out inut laurel towards the top of theop beltway montgomery countyy mo problem free in beltsville.tsvi looking good on 95 northbound nn and southbound. if you have an early morning eai flight to catch at bwi, bw parkway 95 northbound looking good right now.go same story as you make youryou way to reagan national andatio dulles this morning.dull traffic shouldn't be an issue.o' the beltway itself lookingtself good the et whether you're on the bottomyore or top side. 95 looking great as you cruise e past prince william parkway.wimk no issues to worry about aut there. you can see just a little bit ll of volume increasing on that ont northbound i'll let you know when when ithi starts to slow down yourow downo travel times. maureen and holly. hol >> to capitol hill now and the long awaited sitdown betweenwn e presumptive presidentialum nominee donald trump aptnd housu speaker paul ryan. r the men admit they have theirher differences but after meetingee yesterday the two said they are working towards coming together to unify the party.. ryan stopped short off endorsing the donald but says bs that may not be far off. former gop presidential pre candidate lindsey graham is softening his stance on thetancn gop frontrunner.go he caught up with trump on the t phone this week and called him funny and cordial. cor he praised a bill for asking insightful questions about security.secuty despite the praise graham sayspr he still will notai endorse trump. >> jasper spires was indictedird on first degree murder charges in the death of kevin d sutherland earlier this week w em faces life in prison if a william woman claimingiamo she was armed with a bombb caused officials at joint base andrews to lockdown the maine gate last night.gate las the woman came throught the visitor's center shortly after a 5:00 p.m. a bomb squad was called in and a determined that she actuallyhasc did not have a bomb.t have b she was taken into custody aod short time later.short ti authorities tell us the bombs t scare did not impact base operations. >> reports surfacing this surfat morning that congress hasthat reached a deal to advance a $1.1 billion measure sure tolion battle the zika virus. t the proposal is less than the $1.9 billion the presidentilli e initially requested but is expected to get sweeping support in a vote next week. the administration requestedst emergencyra funding to battlee zika back in february. f they were forced to tap more tar than $5 million of unspent unsnt ebola funds last month >> ♪ >> coming up on fox5 newsg morningup rumors are swirlingrel that itunes may undergo theergoe overhaul it has long >> and we may have seen then the last game in the long careeraree of future nba hall of famer f titim duncan. >> as we head to break here's hs a live look across the d.c..c. region. time now is 5:10. 5 we'll be right back after the break. stay with us. sip up an afternoon pick-me-up at dunkin'. come in for a medium freshly brewed hot or iced coffee for 99 cents from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. america runs on dunkin'. >> ♪ >> welcome back. i'm wisdom martin.m wi here are some of the other stories we've been following today. a tennessee girl who has been wn missing for more than a weekmo has been found. karley trent was removed from r her school by her uncle under u false pretenses according to investigators.ators. police say karley and her uncle were found in a remote area. the little girl's family saysils she's at the hospital being evaluated and is safe. saf a u.s. navy officer who miss navigated into iran andat gotten of his crew membersed captured at gunpoint on tv is rered. 10 navy sailors were held ine hn iran after drifting intoftg iranian waters in the whole incident sparked a diplomatic standoff between s the u.s. and iran. the sailors were detained in a top-secret iranian facilityet in for more than 16 hours beforen h they were released. apple denyi claims iting ait will stop selling music down mic streaming apple spokesperson says thoseont rumors aren't aretrue. the company is planning tola make changes to its servicests i in june. the oklahoma city thundery n they're going to the westerngote conference finals. f the thunder beat the spursd last night in game six.ix. kevin durant scored 37-point.7-o the thunder will now getunder ll beaten by the golden state warriors -- i mean the thunder u will play the golden statee warriors in the westerneste conference finals.ins. so there you go.reou could be the last game for tim duncan can. can. >> i know. >> put in a good one. >> silent assassin. assassi quiet but effective. effective. >> one of the good ones.the one >> yeah. yea >> thanks whiz. >> coming up, pretty soon you could wind up seeing sile s healtsilentteslas in place of te cruisers. >> go-go music on our mindsnur m this morning. hope we get you going. going g time now is 5:12 and it'ss still 63 degrees outside. outde fox news morning back afterack this. th >> ♪ ♪ stand by me vo: for dominion, part of delivering affordable energy includes supporting those in our community who need help. our energyshare program does just that, assisting with bill pay and providing free, energy-saving upgrades. it's more than helping customers, ♪ stand by me >> would be criminals beware.e m the l.a. police department d stepping up their game to catch a they're testing out the teslat a model s sedan and could add it to their patrol lineup.l leup. the price may be the onlybe tnl thing in the way.thg in the they retail for about $100,000 each.each yeah . >> [laughter]>> >> just a little bit. oh, boy. >> gary.>> >> i would pay a hundred g thousand dollars to have noldlaa rain, gary. g >> i'm telling you, it's -- it' we're done. d we are done with this but unfortunately we're not donewenn with this. t we have showers this afternoon and some thunderstorms, too., t this morning we're starting stat off with drizzle.f with d can check out the ribus stop pickup time clouds drizzle.ri a couple places reduced red visibility with fog thislity morning. after sc and thunderstorms possible. we'll have some sunshine. ssh temperatures will be up intoures the 70's. here's the deal later today.teod in terms of our thunderstormndst risk, it's really just a neral thunderstorm risk.torm i'm not expecting anything tooig strong or severe.ev marginal risk to severe riskevee is really a little bit greater farther down to the south,the sh down towards the tidewateridew virginia and then farther down into eastern north carolina.thar this is futurecast at noon today. notice a couple of showers sho here. we're still stuck in cloudss but between about 11 o'clock1 oc this morning and 1 o'clock 1 o'c this morning that's when thesent thunderstorms will startdell blowing up and by 1:00 or 2 o'clock, they're off to the o east of us. if all of this comes togetherest the way we're forecasting it,t, western and northwesternweer regions probably won't even eve have any thunderstorms.eror maybe a shower or two shor or initially. looks like all thekell thunderstorm activity isrstorm a really right along i-95 and off to the east. e by as early as four, 5 o'clock, all of this is off i to the eastern shore.rn we're drying out.'re we got some sunshine.e s this evening really does look do pretty good. tomorro lots of sunshine.ts ofunsh as we progress into tomorrow tow afternoon, another line of l showers and thunderstorms willet come through. throu i think tomorrow'somro thunderstorms will bermwill b stronger, maybe even some som severe thunderstorms.erstorms we are outlooked tomorrow toorr be in a marginal risk whichl riw means we could have a fewwe c thunderstorms go severe.ev wind gusts 60 miles per hour or greater. g lots of heavy downpours outrs ot there. th some hail, too.soail, and as usual, cloud to groundtog lightning we have to watch outho for. this frontal system that'sront going to come through tomorrow o afternoon and to?morrowom evening, it really is going to t cool us down substantially asaly we get on into the weekend. wked look at the temperatures.s. 75 today.ay. 74 tomorrow.orro we're down in the 60's on i think some folks on sundayn sn will be only in the upper 50's ' and the winds will keep itl keei cool. here's erin como with a lookitha at your friday morning mni traffic. >> that's right, gary and right now we are tracking arire crash 70 eastbound if you'ref y waking up in frederick it's after you can see that long li red. re two lanes blocked. b one lane getting by. it's backed up to mon knack m k see boulevard. 270 south however moving alongon without any problems. problem we have volume building. bld this is in stafford 95ffor95 northbound 630 to 610. t 6 give yourself a few extraxt moments there. things byhings b prince william parkwayince starting to back a little congestion over thehe occoquan as well. w let's go outside for a liveliv look in town. things on constitution andion pennsylvania look look goodia l without any problems.prob all secondaries in the in district very light, not a lotnl of traffic cars around justund j yet. all metro commutes lookingtro good. no problems across all six a rails. i'll let you know like i said onnstitution, pennsylvaniati nice. everything is looking good outgd by capitol hill as well as byils the white we got you covered if and when e any of that changes with yourit traffic. any questions for your morningug commute at erin fox5 d.c. on would love to hear from you and help you venture out thiss morning.mog. back to you. >> time now is 5:18. 5 let's take a look at the stories you're engaging withaggh the most this morning onmost social media with our new realea news time tracker. tck first up looks like queen bey b and jay-z trying to makey-z things work. w after weeks of divorce and infidelity rumors following foli her release of that song lemonade and the video thing a source close to the coupleo thel told radar online the couple col really wants to work out their differences.feren federal officials lookingoo into whether genderin discrimination is keepingmina women out of the director'sof te chairs in hollywood. d in llyw the investigators are askingskin hollywood execs about hiringut h practices to determine whether h women are discriminatedim it is unclear what penalties pei might come as a result of this t probe and the agencies headingea the probe aren't obligated tobl share their findings. finally actress lupita lupit tune in go nyong'o is in talks y the love interest of the black panther. pant nyong'o's exact character is unknown at this time. ttime. ht right on. >> this is going to beo be fascinating because the way marvel did -- does theiroeshe movies is so incredibly fascinating as far asinas far as development of characters.of cc. >> yup. >> so, whatever they do withteve her i'm sure is going to be spectacular. >> for you superhero loversovers it's awesome.weme >> super awesome. [laughter] >> thanks, whiz. thank >> thanks, whiz.>> >> coming up on fox news morning donald trump former butler made a controversialtrovi social media post about abo president obama. >> facebook unveils the new way it plans to deliver theeler news to you every t >> as we head to break here'sd a live look outside of thetoouef d.c. region. r yes, rain, rain, please go away. 5:20. we're rocking out to someom go-go music this morning. that's what's happening allhat' day tam more on good day d.c. dc when the junkyard band joinsardn us live in studio.e in sdi time now 5:20, 63 degrees.grees. fox5 news morning back after this. >> ♪ thank you. ordering chinese food is a very predictable experience. i order b14. i get b14. no surprises. buying business internet, on the other hand, can be a roller coaster white knuckle thrill ride. you're promised one speed. but do you consistently get it? you do with comcast business. it's reliable. just like kung pao fish. thank you, ping. reliably fast internet starts at $59.95 a month. comcast business. built for business. >> ♪ >> a top hezbollah military mil commander killed in syria.lled r >> he died in a large l explosion near damascusas airport according to theding t lebanon based extremist group.eo he's charged with leading the assassination of lebaneseof prime >> a judge will hear testimony on whether jimmy super fly stuca is mentally door stand he's charged with killing his mistress. >> a uber car with a familycar i inside stuck in a sinkhole inkhn san the souvenirly plunged intoly pt the sinkhole as it waited at aat traffic light. l the family inside was able tobl get out safely.afel the san francisco public utilities commission says thatis the road had collapse the because ofad a 141 year oldr sewer line that had broken underneath that area. >> scary. >> yikes. >> america's middle class isidel dwindling.dwindl the minority.ity. in 25 percent of metro areas. a >> this means both the higherig and lower classes are growing.. in 2000 the group made up ae u majority in 90 percent of metro areas.o a facebook letting users go behind the scenes after facingfc criticism that it is biasedis be when it comes to trendingg topics. early this week facebook was accused of intentionally leaving off conservative itemsei in its news items. facebook put up a link to a 28 a page document that outlines oli just how it's done. >> have i no doubt that they dou have guidelines on how it'show i done. that's not the story they werehe told.. they didn't write that down,ow people.peop we weren't born yesterday. y i mean, we were bornn relatively not long ago, gary,ar let's just keep it clear.le we're not that old. [laughter] >> nobody's accusing us ofngs o being old okay. 63 degrees in town. tow now we're 63.we're it's pretty mild out there in places this morning.. winchester's 59.9. that's where you've been buteen just about everybody elseveryboy lower 60's. leonardtown 61. annapolis 62 we have some low clouds. we have some drizzle. little bit of fog in places. pla i've seen some of the cameras around. traffic cameras not all thathat bad. it's just kind of drizzly and gloomy out this morning.morning. so, we do have rain back outac to the west of us. nothing for us now. these showers will weaken awilla bit and then refire up later on as some thunderstormserstor moving so, this morning at 8:00 a.m.t a we have drizzle, okay, 66 degrees. by lunchtime we'll have someeom showers and some thunderstormser beginning to build.ui just back out to the west of i-95 moving through. thrgh it looks better later on this oh afternoon into this evening thig because the thunderstorms and showers quickly move on off toff the east. eas full weekend forecast coming up right now.ow we got to get to uer the latest details on traffic.fc >> that's right, some breakingr, news from metro this morning. taking red line expect track problems at friendship frp heights. delays in both directions.both single tracking between friendship heights and van ness. the rest of your five rails on n time this t we'll let you know if that changes. taking a look up in frederick fe 70 eastbound two right lanes blocked at maryland that's with a crash scene.ce delays back to monokasiasi boulevard. volume is building in stafford a 95 north 630 to 610 in the610int usual let's go ahead and take a live l look outside. osi 66 at gallows road show youhow how your virginia commute iste shaping up. as you head from centrevilleenev towards arlington this morning you can see some headlightsme hg coming towards us.ards us. some increased volume but nothing out of the ordinaryout yet. and that's your look at traffic. ytr back to you,af holly. >> ♪>> morning north carolina'sarola' controversial bathroom lawtoo could mean the end of the acc tournament in the state. ste >> riding around in your cararoo on a sunny day could be cou b putting you and your skin in sni harm's way. ha >> as we led to break here's a s live look across the d.c..c. region. we are getting you going on angi friday and we need you. listen, hear our fun muse fun m psychiatric if you have a songc yoifu want to hear on the t morning news hit us up twitter facebook.ok showing on our facebook fiveeboi mention we'll have a little a lt potty talk ourself. what is that? fox5 newsew morning coming back rightk rig after this. ts. >> ♪  vo: for dominion, part of delivering affordable energy includes supporting those in our community who need help. our energyshare program does just that, assisting with bill pay and providing free, energy-saving upgrades. it's more than helping customers, it's helping neighbors. ♪ stand by me look, i know you're a cow and all. and you may not know what i'm talking about, but, uh. the yogurt made from your milk, is delicious. mmmm, yoplait. >> straight ahead, is president obama oversteppingob r e power of his office? today he plans to order yourou child's schools to pick his side in the transgender bathroom debate.eb ethics violations.on group of d.c. parents vialial ethics complaint against schools chancellor kaincello anderson. a former employee of donald trump is the subject of i a secret servicece investigation.statio fox news morning starts now. >> ♪ >> this is fox5 news morning.ori >> good morning to you. good welcome to fox5 news morning.ori i'm wisdom martin.n. >> i'm holly morris. today is friday the 13th.h. we've got good luck for you.k fy >> red line big delays because of a track problem outside friendship roads in gen so there's our silver gary. >> thanks a lot.>> showers and thunderstorms moveor through today. a couple of them could be strong. after they get out of heref ey g this evening looks o how about thatut e fover a chanc >> good news gary. gd news gar we appreciate it.pprecie i happening today the whiteenn house will take a bold new b action in the nationwide natione controversy over transgenderrs bathroom use. >> the obama administrationinisr will tell public schools theyy must let transgender students s use the bathroom of theirf chosen identity or face consequences.nsequenc fox5's melanie alnwick is live from the department oft education to explain. exp good morning, mel.od >> reporter: good morning,te yes, and this all came abouts ce of course after north aer n carolina's controversialtrov bathroom access law and then we have these dueling lawsuits between north carolina and the white house.ite hou and the public schoolubc districts apparently just bombarded the u.s. department of education with questions about whether they need to n follow this or not follow it. so many things are unclear.lear well, now it is clear. the u.s. department of education and the department dem of justice are saying that public schools must treat transgender students according c to their gender identity.iden now, this includes bathrooms and locker rooms according toort the directive that will bedire sent to public schools it will be accompanied by a 25cd page document of questions and answers about best practices and ways to make transgendergenr students feel comfortable inomfb the classroom and also to protect the privacy rights ofig all students.tu the controversy has caught caugh fire since north carolinaarolin passed its law forcingssed its f students to use the restroomtroo which corresponds with theirir birth gender.h many performers and some perfo companies boycotted the states t in protest and the obama o administration calls it a a civil rights issue. iss >> this is about the dignitye and the respect that we accord e our fellow citizens and thend laws that we as the people and as a country have enacted to protect them indeed to protecttp all of >> rep carolina's governor says that ss their law is common sense whenns it comes to privacy and really a blasts the federal governmenthef for really an overreach,ch, that's according to northrth carolina's governor. but again, the the administration is saying, lookal this isn't a new law we're l wee telling you about, this is title nine and that preventsrevt sex discrimination in allll public education settings. live at the u.s. department education, i'm melanieatio alnwick, fox5 local news. n >> north carolina's bathroom all could affect whether orld not the state hosts atlantic coast conference championshiphas events now the acc says memberee schools discussed the law thats some say discriminates against t the lgbt community during its spring meeting.springeeting. the acc says discrimination in any formulas noplace in highersn education and college athletics.hl >> 5:33 right now.:3 we've got an update on thehe breaking news in princeking newn william town. police are still on the sceneth of what they are calling ang death we're showing you this live picture.pict it's from brazil circle inircle dale city. c called there just before 9:00 9 last night. night not a lot of information about the person who died but dd b clearly as you can see there, se there's a lot of questions to qo be answered as investigator invo remain on that scene more than e nine hours hours >> the secret service has all h eyes on donald trump's butler. allegedly anthony senecal made online threats against president obama and the first family. the secret service plans tola conduct an investigation.uct >> busy summer travel season tra is starting to pick up and ifk d you're taking a trip soon youooo may already be dreading thoseg long t.s.a. lines.lo >> and you should know your you government is concerned about i this, too. the house senate committee is demanding answers.g anwe fox5's annie yu is live at live reagan national airport withna the latest on the t.s.a.he troubles we're talking about,kit long lines, bags missing,is whole lots of drama, annie. ann >> reporter: all that,>> repr: right. hey, happy travel season.easo look, it's 5:30 right now and i want you to get a look at a the lines here already forming dozens of folks here in line and they just opened upp additional lines due to the growing crowd here.rowd this isn't just a growingrowing problem in our region but at airports across the countryhe ct and you know what, quite frankly many travelers arevelers just sick and tired of theired e long security lines andneand apparently as you mentioned sood are lawmakers and so latero today secretary of homeland oho security jeh johnson will beil here along with the head ofh thd t.s.a. t.s.a. they'll talk about the busy hetk travel season safety and what aa they're doing to make sure sur passenger get on planes quicker.ker these comes after neffinger was grilled yesterday. he came face to face withfaceo e tough questions about theiobo current practices of t.s.a. t longer security lines are toes a be expected as mentioned buton couple that with a report that p t.s.a. gave one official off $90,000 in bonuses after overseeing failed screenings, si security screenings for banned weapons. that's rubbing lawmakers the rbg wrong way. wrong wa there we complaints from frustratedla people that they brought up inin the hearing as well.the there is some good news neffinger did say they havey h already taken some actions, they're going to be hiringo be r more people, they're going toreg retrain their folks and soei s they're taking these steps to ss improve the conditions buts again, later today in just a jus few hours you have those two the officials out here reallyeay tackling this issue. back to you in the studio. s >> thanks a lot annie. ann listen, we're dealing with a few spots with reduced red visibility this morning. this rn it's not too terribly bad buty we're keeping an eye on oi half mile at dulles. that's basically holding there. nothing has gotten any lower than last time we checked. ccked gaithersburg about a mile andrgo three-quarters so less thanarrss two. here in the city, though,city,ho we're 6 miles and again lookgaio at some of the traffic cameras around i don't see any problems. if that changes we'll let you know. pickup truck for the kiddos 60 to 65. we'll have drizzle too.l little fog in spots. after school there could be aha problem. a little bit of sunshine butit more importantly showers and some thunderstorms.nderstorms. temperatures will be 70 to 75 degrees.75eg after three or 4 o'clock toay we realological start to dryloc out. sun comes up in the eveningning hours. ho looks really nice around here. h so thunder today. temperatures making it up into m the lower toed mid 70's. 7 thunderstorms will move out byut about five or 6 o'clock. 6 olo here's erin como with a lookh ao at your traffic on this friday f morning. hey, erin.he eri >> 5:37 right now gary. tracking breaking news alongewsa the red line. fire activity at the friendship heights station. hei we have a crew on the way.e right now track problems pro delays in both directionsirectin single tracking between friendship heights and vansh ness. anticipate dipelays. we'll take a look at thosetici e roads and how our delays intoayo the district and maryland areyle shaping up next. back to you in the studio. tyou >> coming up on fox news morning d.c. schools chancellor kaya henderson thedee subject of a ethics >> as we head to break a livere look outside across the dmv. time right now 5:37. it is 40 -- i was going say 40 y something degre i don't want to go backward. baw 63 degrees outside. osi fox news morning back afterk a this. >> ♪ >> ♪ bacon supreme omelet breakfast sandwich, loaded with peppers, onions, and potatoes and topped with two slices of cherrywood-smoked bacon and cheese all on a freshly baked croissant. america runs on dunkin'. thank you so much. did you say honey? hey, try some? mmm that is tasty. is it real? of course... are you? nope animated you know i'm always looking for real honey for honey nut cheerios well you've come to the right place. great, mind if i have another taste? not at all mmm you're all right bud? never better i don't know if he likes that. yeah part of the complete breakfast sip into summertime with dunkin's frozen coolatta. freeze up the flavors of summer with a blue raspberry or any other small frozen coolatta, for $1.99. america runs on dunkin'. >> ♪ >> good morning again everyone, i'm maureen umeh back with your health watch now at 5:40. researchers have foundry p gooep blows to the head may have -- hv may have c even if the hits aren't strongtr enough to cause a concussion. they say vision problems remain for about three weeksee w before returning to the front windshield of w your car most likely shieldselyd you from the sun's ultravioletll rays as you drive but the same m play not be true for side windows. only 14 percent of the cars offered a high side window protection.prection researchers believe this may m contribute to cataracts andarac skin cancer on the left sider on of people's faces.eoe's fac you should put on sunglassesunas and sunscreen to protect your y skin. even small injuries leave behind molecular footprintstp which add up to more lastingas damage and ultimately chronicchi pain. one in seven people in the u.s. suffer from chronic pain. i >> hm. >> maureen, we had some s chronic pain in the morning,pain don't we. i >> we do.>> w do. >> i'm blaming you guys. guy >> i'll accept it.cct >> all right.. >> wisd h >> read golden child.n cld >> 5:41 is the time.>>:41 coming up on fox news morning mr keeping you safe in the researchers in virginia hayirgi play have found a way to keepfo you safe from this natural phenomenon during your nextour n flight. >> as we led to break, though, g here's a live look across theoss d.c. region.egio oh, yeah. 5:42 is the time right now. n it is 63 degrees on thishi friday. we are indeed celebratingebti go-go music all day today. that's junkyard band. j they'll be live on good day d d.c. this morning. make sure you join us for.or. that we're live also rightalso after the break. stay with us. >> ♪ >> we're back now at 5:45. following some breaking newssomb if you're just waking upg here's what's happening rightppt now. on your screen a live pictureice from dale city virginia wherere there's an ongoing deathngea investigation on brazil court. police aren't saying muchaying h about the person who died they've been on the scene since 9 p.m. last night. las. >> super mild out there muggyd too a little bit of drizzleri and fog in spots, couple, cou visibilities reduced downitie below a mile.belo 63 degrees in the city.reesn th annapolis is 62.2. across the bay for salisburyaliy it's 57 degrees. new york city is 58.rk cy is binghamton is 59.s9. nothing too terribly troublingyb here but i want to show you this. this chicago is 50 which, look, l that's not a huge problem forrol them but it does show that there's colder air lurkingki back out there and it makes a ad run for us this weekend. weend today showers, thunderstormsndst possible.poss we're just kind of in thist kinn general risk off to the east of us we have h a marginal risk. farther to the south there's aoe slight risk of storms.ig s i think the threat for storms sm tomorrow here is a little bit le greater such that we couldr have strongesur storms maybe a couple go severe. seve. technically speaking tomorrowmo we're under a marginal risk upsk and down i-95 pretty much the whole area out in advance ofdvce this front. this is a real significant sigfi front for may. m there's colder air behind it bed so as all this comes through t tomorrow afternoon, tomorrowon,m evening, there could be some soe severe thunderstorms, really gusty winds, 60, 65 miles per5 e hour possible, some small hail and heavy downpours with cloudh to ground lightning strikes.gtr here's the forecast for thehefo weekend. temperature of about 74 degrees. drees showers and thunderstormsndst tomorrow.tomo 64 for a high on sunday.un sunday is going to be chilly. ci some spots north and west only o up into the upper 50's and when you factor in the wind, ft it's together to be a little goo cooler.. certainly some showers andsome storms. they get a little strongertron afternoon as they push to the pt east. look at this.ok ahi but also a they get to the east, we get drier air westir and northwest and then ithe filters through the entire eir area so sunshine later on thisn afternoon and this evening.d the it really looks like it'ss lik going to be a nice evening eve once the storms get out of here. here. tomorrow starts off real niceic and then we're dealing withit these thunderstorms comingoming through again kind of a mid toid late afternoon time frame withfm the thunderstorms tomorrow but in advance of that it looks really nice tomorrow and then an of course we cool off for the ft weekend. we here's the forecast for today. 8:00 a.m. we're talking about a 66, still some drizzle. drile thunder around by late morning, early afternoon.eron breezy in the afternoon. afterno i think the thunderstorms this afternoon and this evening primarily will be pushing offllb to the bay and farther to the t east so we get a little bit litl better there's your seven-dayere' forecast. you know, not bad this, d th weekend. ek cooler on sunday.olern s next week we get back into an unsettled pattern tuesday,ue here's erin. >> 5:47.>> 5 more breaking news with thewith red li taking a live look at friendship heights. there was an arcing insulatorg a at the friendship heightsp heig station. no reports of smoke or fire of inside the station. however, fire department wasde at that location making surepaok everything is safe. saf this is still going to causengoc delays however for your morning. let's go ahead and take a look d at our maps. friendship heights right noweigs single tracking between friendship heights and vanip hts ness. give you self extra time ifa ti you're take the red line you'll encounter crowded conditions from that single tracking. on 70 in frederick eastboundas two right lanes remain blockedle at maryland 144.44 class from monocacy boulevard.rd also in mad right now red zone 270 south 85 to the area of hyattstown and virginiaa backing up through staffordougha and dale city on 95le cy on northbound. we'll let you know when those 66 eastbound delays kick in asni well. back to you. to >> 5:48 right now.t n fixing metro's ongoing issues is a tall task but theta transit agency's new chief safety officer says he's upic for the >> patrick lavin has only been b on the job for a few days butut he's confident he can fixnt he i metro's issues.s he played a central role in rol fixing new york city's metro system after september 11th.h. he spoke out about some of thee biggest >> when i started the job in 1983 we were in such a stateh aa of disrepair we were derailinger a main line train every 28 days so you can imagine whatne w it would take to turn a system s like that around which we d-wmata is very good atgood a telling you what happened. hpe we need to work on the why. and it doesn't give you anyou value to place -- to have a blame game and what you need nd to to is dent fight resourcesrc you need, commit to gettinget those resources, implementmpme effective programs and that'sndt how you turn the tide. t >> the tide patrick lavin is swimming against at metro isins revenue is down 6 percent andnt ridership is down 5 percent. pct >> district leaders continueictd to work to become the 51st state.ate. the new state hood commission cs held its first meeting in firste northeast last night.rt the commission is co-hechairedce by d.c. mayor muriel bowserowser and council chairman phil mendelsohn. it's made up of residentssidets advocates and electedected officials. each group will meet regularly and hold public meetings tongs t update residents on their efforts.s. >> not a democratic republicanti issue. this issue in advancing state hood is going to take all americans democrats andan republicans, americans inican washington, d.c. and americansma in all 50 states. so it's very serious businessusn that we're talking about. >> plus, the commission unveiled a draft the d.c. council will first wilt have to approve that before itee could be put up for a vote inot november.november >> a group of parents filed an a ethics complaint against d.c.pli schools chancellor kaya henderson. the complaint came amid reports that she alasked contractor contractor its forra money to supportct a gala g honoring teachers. tea they sent a letter asking for an investigation.tigation. there is a possibilityis a i that d.c. may not be able toeo spend its local tax dollarsax without the approval of of house republicans areusrepu considering a bill which wouldwd do just that. north carolina representativeate mark med toes says lawmakers are working on the legislation n to clarify the requirements r forcing the city to submit itsti local budget to congress.on on saturday, september 24th, theth, smithsonian's national museum mu of african-american history-amei and culture will open to the public.public. >> yesterday we actually got a g sneak peek unside the t anticipated the exhibition is not yet installed but they're havingthen some items moved in. many of the document -- many of them i should say document d role african-americans playednsp in american history. history and also in the history of the entertainment industry. industr >> you will notice that we w talk about revolutionary warnarw colonial north america, weorrica talk about the antebellumeblu period but what's key is tell some of the familiar and some of the new and some ofe nee that familiar we tell in newnew ways.ways. so, we're excited for everyone y to see this.hi >> and again the new museum musu opens to the public on saturday, september 24th.tember. that will be exciting. w now for all you runnersalyo out there the marine corpse c half marathon weekend is first up, though, a two day healthy lifestyle expoes happening in fredericksburg that's today and tomorrow.oday r then the half marathon kickshon off on sunday.of about 10,000 runners from nearly every state and seven countries will lace up for the event.en >> all right.>> all r >> hard one i ran it.ard >> is that so. >> when i was young i ran it.ani >> when you were young.hen when you could recover he'sly. h >> when i could run.>> >> yeah, all right. weah, a rig today the pga tour is promoting a tour of a a different kind calledt operation shower.oper >> it's a charity sponsored byyn the pga tour that hosts babystsy showers for military moms to be and today they're throwing tr one at the gaylord hotel for 40 pregnant mothers.e. >> operation shower was found in there 2007 and o years it's hosted showers foros thousands ofte militaryit families. fa >> i've done those, too. h. yeah. >> amazing events.>> a >> right. >> if you own a subaru listenis up it's recalling more than 48,000 vehicles due to aeh steering issue that causescaus drivers to lose control. the recall affects 2015 through 2017 subaru outbackaru b vehicles and then 2016 throughhu 2017 subaru legacy vehicles.ehic a local college helpinglegel pilots keep you safe in thehe skies. >> researchers at the collegersa of william and mary discovered d a noise that makes birds avoidam certain areas.certaiea now, this is a crucial piececiae of technology for airportsogy fp where birds cause seriouser hazards to pilots and cost cos airlines as much as 937 billion in damages each i year. now the team at william andam mary found that their noise,se e eir new noise system reducesis the number of birds in any any single area by as much as 82 percent.82er >> the national park servicepari getting backlash for their newir marketing plan. the new plan will let big companies advertise in our nation's parks. that's not sitting well with sit many people who don't want wan parks turned into another place to pitch the latest shoe e or tech product.h pduct the national park serviceervi argues it needs the revenueev for maintenance projects.e proj. >> some new findings this n morning about emotionaltion eating.ea experts say using food as a a calming tool starts inta childhood.ildh they say children who are a given treats as a reward are more likely to become emotional eaters. if kids are bored on a long a road trip in a car and they'reye acting out and they're givenre food as a distractiontrti researchers say parents should s teach kids to eat when hungry hr and stop when they're full. good luck. l >> i was going say --- [laughter]r] >> right now i feel like aeel la really bad parent.en an endangered sumatran rhino gives birth ino s birth in indonesia. this is a huge success for thest international rhino foundation. the organization is trying toti save theon endangered species. . the foundation says the baby rhino was born yesterday and and is healthy and >> ♪ >> all right, let's say hellolo to our fox5 facebook fan of the day. er ma freeman look at that attitude.titude erma is celebrating her 47th birthday.birthday. >> happy birthday. she wakes up with fox5 and5 a even sees fox5 in her dreams. that might be a little >> might be a nightmare. nightma >> erma also says they love -- they would love to wake up to to us screaming happy birthday tott her this screaming happy birthday. bthda >> do it. do it >> happy birthday erma. erm >> happy birthday erma and a there is no way you are 47,7, girl. girl you look g for a chance to bencb tomorrow's fan of the day head f to oanur fox5 facebook page post a selfie and a comment rightme r underneath this beautiful birthday photo. photo >> ♪ >> ♪ >> all right, watch out thisight morning there's a couple ofg spots that the visibility is thb little bit less than here's the forecast for the for day. through the day parts we go.e ya 8:00 a.m. still clouds anduds a drizzle a little bit of fog out there, 60's.ere,0' by noontime, really is kind ofki a late morning, earlyng, rl afternoon we're going to have he showers and thunderstormsnd moving through.ou. temperatures will be upperatur 60's and low 70's. by later on today, 4, 5, 6 o'clock, most of the the thunderstorms have moved toov the bay and eastward.asar so we're drying out with some sunshine before it temperatures this afternoon will be up into the mid 70'sid0' with a little bit of a breezy ay condition, too. t quickly here's your forecast right through the weekend.. much, much cooler on sunday sun but we'll have to get throughhr more thunderstorms in advanceert of that on saturday. surda here's erin with a look at lk your traffic on this friday morning. >> 5:56 right now. 5:56 right n fire department has clearedas cd from the friendship heightsheig station. we had an earlier arcing arc insulator. however, we're still dealinge'ti with delays from that tracktra in both directions between friendship heights and vanship ness. we'll let you know if any if other metro rail lines get any y worry about.worry ab we'll take a look at youour a lu roads as we continue and keepe o it to fox5. that's your look at traffic. >> ♪ >> oh, yeah, you know, whath, finally it is friday. y we madelly it, folks.ol it's been a long week but wekut got through it together,rougog right. as we head to break there's aaka live look across the d.c. the d. region. the time now is 5:57.:5 we are at 63 degrees rightig now. fox5 news morning back right after this. >> ♪ >> this is fox5 news morning. mg >> straight ahead at 6:00 a direct order to all publicub schools from the commander-in-chief, the president taking on aa controversial issue addressingde the heated debate overeve transgender rights in school bathrooms.thro >> another headache for air travelers. commuter glitch leaves thousands of checked bags with nowhere to go this as t.s.a. officials get a grilling ong capitol hill. >> live look outside before o all that nastiness.tiss guess what? it's friday the 13th. 13 friday may 13th. may3th. weather and traffic on theic oth 5s at 6:05. 6 good morning to you, i'mou, allison seymour.liso >> and i'm steve chenevey. i'm welcome to fox5 news morning. mi you had me at friday. not shower about the 13th part. first up at 6:00 this morningis white house taking bold new action in the national nio controversy over transgender trr bathroom use.bath >> the obama administrationma am will tell public schools that st they must let transgenderransged students use the bathroom ofoomo their chosen identity orr they'll face the fox5's melanie alnwick iswick is live from the department of

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