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Steve. Ev the defendant edward nero onearo of the baltimore policehe b officers said he wanted theai judge to hear this. D he wanted to take eto the emotie out of it. No jury. No j things will get started rightgee away at 9 9 30 this morningisori opening arguments in court. In u we have videotape of nero of arriving in court. That is was early this week for Pretrial Motion hearing. Ia this is expected to last fivet days. Days. There will be no jury. Hes one of three bicyclethree Police Officers who made theeroa original arrest of freddie of fr gray back on april 12th off last year. Ear. At issue, did those officers off have that probable cause toha make the arrest in the firstin f place and leading to the Reckless Endangerment charge cha they cuffed and shackled grayled but they did not put him in a seat belt when they put him inen the police t van. V freddie gray died of a spinal aa cord injury a week later. Ek ler the Second Degree assaultegree s charge fence edward here in row is because prosecutors sayrs 33 werent justified making the they werent justifiedti therefore they shouldnt have put their hands on freddie gray. The legality of a knife found on gray can cannot be arguedrg according to the judge. J prosecutors say it was legal w l and therefore their arrest was unjustified. Un the judge is going to see some m of the cell phone videos thats t people who were watching the arrest took but hes not goingsg to hear the audio and in then t audio to take the emotion outtit of it, you can hear freddiefred gray screaming and people whoeol are watching this shouting, the judge himself ruled helled see the video he will not hear a the audio on that video and again guys people in this community would have preferredul a jury trial ajury by freddiede grays peers by the officers peers but the officer himself he made the decision i dont wante there. I want the judge to rule inoin this case. This Barry Williams who oversaw the s previous case, the hung juryg case of officer williamil porter, that ended inded december, guys. Guy well, and the officer hasffih that right to have a nonjury trial, so the officerfficer exercis you mentioned, bob, that thethae fact that it will be a bench wib trial, a trial just before the judge not sitting well perhapslp with some members in the t community but what does that say about future trials now because we still have severalti more officers who havell notaven gone to trial. Tri might this be settinget precedent then for others toor o follow that path of not goingtoi before a jury . J reporter i think it will depend on the verdict that t judge Barry Williams renters. Hes going to be the judge on all of these cases. Ces. There will be no hung jury. Ur he will have a verdict. Di and he knows everything. Rything. Even though in this trialhis trl there are some limitationsatio that hes placed on himself, him the evidence he can hear oran h see or that can be arguedcan ae before him, he knowsws everything so, thereshe questions as to whether he cantr block out other facts that are not presenter in there each individual trial with a jury tri there is a chance that theylley be stalemated. Tale there will be a difference ofa e opinion and that could work in r the favor of the officers. Offs. William porter and the others,eo hell be retried, the other officers will be tried during d the course o year, guys. All right, inbound interestio see what porter does when he goes back to trial. Tori lot of eyes on baltimore nowti in the very near future. Utur lets bring it back to d. C. Right now. N the Good Samaritan gunned down outside Montgomery Mall onnt friday will be laid to restaid t today. Friends and family gatheredand d last flight for a visitationfor in gaithersburg to remember reme malcolm winnfel. M winnfel he was shot and killed byled Eulalio Tordil while helping apa woman that tordil was tryingas t to carjack. Jack. Tordil also killed his estranged wife and anotherged no person in that twodayay shooting rampage. Rampage this morning a plea tois help the famil my of gladys ogl tordil with funeral costs. They want her body transportedda back to her homeland in thed ine philippines for burial. Pi it will cost between 8,000 8, and 10,000. 00 the migrant heritagegr commission has set up a donation account. Theyre also working to getsoki gladys sister a visa to comea c to the u. S. To handle herdl estate. Metro news. Today the board will be discussing new orders from the n federal government tewo make mak urgent repairs. Federal transit F Administration says this work must get done before s metros o forward. How will this impact our ts im commute . Fox5s melaniemelanie alnwick is live at theive at ballston station with more. Mel, good morning. G reporter good morning,d steve and allison and its i hard to know exactly when this s new work is going get unders go way but we should be cleare that this is not somethingomethg that is brand new or unknown unk previous to metro or to the t federal transit administration. Strati. These three work areas have been on prior track plans and,an yes, also included in thatd in t safe track plan it really iseas just sort of reprioritizingitizn federal transit administrationsi saying these are the areast you need to do first. Do fst. Yes, here at ballston to east t falls church is one of them. The if you were to take the safee tf track plan and say that thats going to be done fix you would be talking about 23 days here of continuous single tracking,i, major impacts on commuters. Ommu. Lets take a look at the list ls that fta gave to metroetro yesterday in its letter saying that the red line betweenet Medical Center and van ness we talked about the orange andte silver lines at ballston andllon then the potomac avenuevenu stations to what it called thele d and g junction on the blueon e orange and silver lines, thatth is basically where the orangera line splits off from theits offr silver and blue in between thehe minnesota avenue and thehe benning road station from stadiumarmory. Mory we know weve seen somew problems there in the last fewhe days as well. W now, fta issued this order ineri a letter wednesday tosd t immediately reduce the risk ofsk passengers and employeesnd empls noting that from april 23rd toi may 10, in just the span of 18f days there have been 15 whatha the feds call safety events,ve nine of those with smoke and sma fire. The work will include cleaning track beds fixing drainage andaa sealing cracks as well asks as l replacing parts of the third t i rail and the traction powern pow system. Wmata Board Chairman jack evans briefed the metropolitan council of government on thenm severity of the problemsem yesterday. Yeerday. So again were hoping today hopy that we might get a little bitge more of a timet line on when w theyll start these repairs before they get to there safehe steve and allison all along a what we were told last weekk was a draft plan hoping toing have the plan finalized by mayz 16. Now we know that is going toat o be pushed back while they work to get these three segments done first. Metro also saying that theyrett not waiting to make some otherth safety repairs. Epai theyre going to replacere goio immediately all of thef the porcelain insulators andors underground stations puttingut sealing sleeves on all the underground cable connectorsonor and speed restrictions have h gone into place in certain core underground stationsgrounds where power has been aen a problem. Prm. Live in ballston, im melanien,i alnwick. Back to you. Ck t mel, thanks very much. An okay, it is 7 07 right now. Lets get to the weather and the wardrobe change time. Cha as we are bringing a little bit of the surf to the studio. My last shirt i was out in ot the ocean swimming. Yeah. Got wet. So i decided to change up ang little bit. Yes. I like it. I like it. There shirt says. You might like erins likeri outfit just wait. St wt. That shirt says july. Shirt heres the deal. Her trying to bring some sunshineson to you because i cant in iant there forecast day after dayeray after day after day it rainsay r and its cloudy and gloomy. A little bit freeing. L i feel great. It i feel great. All right. Ig its fox5 decided today is our o beach day and were going to gng have fun no matter what. So, yes, as we get into the inte afternoon hours, weve gotot more cloud cover and more conditions which are conducive n to some rain showers, steve. Sve what do you think . At do you thi i think that you need to embrace your surf mentality and relax a little bit evenn though your computer is actingg up. Up its definitely having a time. Heres a quick look at yourat yu current thats what itt looks like outside steve. Keut thats why were having beachavn day here. Its overcast foggy misty, 58 degrees. Mr. Clouds in the forecast today. To a couple light showers developt this afternoon. Th i want to be honest with you,oni were trying to get some drier d air in here. Her we might get a little sunshine this afternoon in spots buteron keep that umbrella handy. Aandy cant rule out the possibilityoi me. Of a shower or storm withrm temperature in the low 70s. 70. More showers tomorrow and even n on saturday. D on s ill have those details on thelo weekend in just a minute. A little closer than hawaiicl ocean city maryland liveos live picture. Theres a little sand for you this morning. All right. Getting ready for a little bit of a beach day there. Fhee little breeze outer there bye or the boardwalk. The boardwalk im going enjoy our localur beaches more this summer. Hium folks out on a bicycle thisii morning right behind allison. Erin como im lookingn co forward to your next wardrobearb change. Chan lets see. Lesee hello. Cute as a button. To little cape action for the beach. I love it. Some white jean shorts, short little red tank top to get ino the fourth of july spirit. T. I spent every summer down inmeri ocean city maryland when i wasal a kid. I miss that boardwalk. Ss tt bo want to go on that ferris wheel. Wheel. Not loving the traffic. Ving not a beach day on the roads if youre heading out aroundingu the area. The area a crash in fredericksburg actually two crashes 95 crashes5 outflushed side causinglush slowdowns, one at three, oneone at 17. 1 then delays continue through thu stafford and they alsoaffo continue as you make your wayyo through dalu e all the way to wy the springfie 395 north stall on the 14th street bridge cleared butridgea delays remain really heavyy hea from the bottom of the beltwayt all the way through the 14ththro street bridge. Ri thats because of congestionecau can. This crash 295 south atou a benning road did clear but we be have typical congestion aroundga the district and also a downed tree. That is on 41st street ateet a military road. Ry it is blocking there part ofki your ride. Take 42nd or 39th to get t g around it. I bw parkway south is slow 197 sl top powder mill road. Beltway 95 southbound slowy maryland. We got you covered. You c metro is on time. That adds to our beach days to fun. O back to you guys. O still developing thisll deveh morning two more pieces in thes missing Malaysian Airline flight 370 believed to be 370 be found. Fo it was found in the indianian ocean. A total of five pieces ofs of debris have been located nowed n since that jet vanished backk in 2014. In 2 exactly why it crashedt cra though still a still a mystery. E donald trump making his wayui to washington today whereod hell sit down with house wit h Speaker Paul Ryan and other o gop leadership talking aboutki a unifying the Republican Party. Ar to build a closenor alliancellia with gop officials but he saysff if they dont want to supporto him, then he will trudgege forward as he has and keepee winning all the time. Tim his words. Later this hour hia reporter r with roll call will join us. L cl well talk live about what weuta can expect from donald trumpsru trip to capitol hill. Meantime. Time the gop frontrunner being hammered from both sides aboutbs his hesitance to release hiselae tax returns. X retur Hillary Clinton is claiming clam that trump wont release his his tax returns because theres a bombshell in them. The mitt romney suggested trump is s hiding a bombshell of unusualal size in the documents. The trump told the associatedssocted press that he doesnt plan to release the documents until november. Lets take a little breakke from talking trump now. Hillary clinton is aki using heg voice to sound off in support so of d. C. State hood. In an oped for the washington n informer, clinton says then sayt nations capitol is denied a i voice in its own democracy. Emoy her stateme c before d. C. s primary. Prima how about some baseball a news. Bows. Nats fans who went to the parkwp last night witnessed baseball bb history. Pitcher max scherzer tied a Major League Record for most fom strikeouts in a game. In a ge. Struck out 20 batters in the nine inning game in a threetwo win over his formererf team the detroit tigers. S. Shares that record with onlyreco three other men in history,istoy Roger Clemens kerry wood and randy johnson. Johns congratulations to maxratulation scherzer. Thats the good news for the gos nats. The bad bryce harper gets apeg one game suspension and fine f for hisout burst. Hes appealing so hell h continue to play until that untt appeal process plays itself tsel out. Also were going hear fromom the caps today for the last time this season. Ti they will speak with the mediamh after they clean out their t lockers in arlington. Supposed to get down thereget de around 9 00 slob done cleaningee them out by 11 00 thishis morning. Concerned parents pressne d. C. Public School Officials for information about the quality of Drinking Water in there schoolsd. Atoo. Did they get the want though. Could a new grading system s in Montgomery County mean easyns as for students . Well explain how it works. Z1zqjz vo for dominion, part of delivering Affordable Energy includes supporting those in our community who need help. Our Energyshare Program does just that, assisting with bill pay and providing free, energysaving upgrades. Its more than helping customers, its helping neighbors. Stand by me z1zqjz thats my favorite part when they do that little, youu know beach boys, of course. Classic, right. Weve got our own beach boyur in studio today. Beach boy barns. Ch b thats right. Tucker and erin really doingll d their best to usher in somee dry warm and sunny weather. Such memorable scenes. Sunglasses on. Se on. Yes, were bringing ring there are the memorable scenes. Let me see. Yes. A lg me ago. Ago so tame today compared to t doesnt it. t it. We try to bring summer time toe you and sunshine. Sunine. Love that tucker. L send us your songov request. T were open to any reasonable song you may request. Ue folks are asking for me toreo give you hugs theyre so happy. Happ we only got 39 days untilil summer. I know in springtime wegtime typically can be a little l moody but this is all out ut right, somebody is in a bad mood. This is all out tough to a take with 15 dllays straight of rain. Rain miami is in the mid to upper 70s, key west currently 78 degrees, 74 in tampa. Ampa beaches look great down there. Uhhuh. Saw a live cam so again our beaches will look good thisk gos weekend at least on sunday. Lea currently were 58 degrees. 57 up in boston. Heres, its not funny. Funny heres the thing. He new york reand boston are enjoying nice weather while we unfortunately just the midatlantic are stuck in thisk s pattern with this frontalhi system that wont kind of fall o apart and more of the samehe s today. Well have a lot of clouds. L generally cloudyot conditions. On a few showers out there this afternoon. Might be a little sun withsu w temperatures warming into theari low 70s. If we get that sunshine well get into the low 70s. 0 tomorrow rain showersow rain sh thunderstorms with a coldto front but we warm itrm up. T u saturday the first half of the l day is good. Da g second half of the day more showers. Sh sunday sunshine and beaowutifulf sunday is our day to resto rs and enjoy. Eoy cause we might get e we mg get out your shirt getr shire ready to put your toes in the sand. All up here right. Celebrating. Get into beach drinks. H dri tucker has on his boardis shorts. Sh erin has on you know nown i feel uncomfortable. I didnt mean to do that. Hey erin. Got your beach towel. Towel im sorry. Coming over to the loft. To okay. Come hang out. Theres an empty beach claireeac fochair. I need somebody to hango i hope you have good tunes tod continue your ride into workour because we have big delays. Dely a downed tree taking out aing ou portion northwest section of the o t district out by military road. Take 42nd or 39th to get t around that one. A new crash as well inbound suitland parkway at forestville road. E jammed to four. Notice the inner loop slower loo across the wilson bridge. He wil. Come on over tucker. Ucker. Got the beach ball. B throw that to me. That was a good one. Gd thanks i got it. Ks all right, g want to help me hep with the traffic . With theraffic absolutely not. Autel no, no, you take care of business. Sine livingston road fourin inbound ritchie marlboro togshil dower house branch avenue northbound three oh toh to surratts. 301 northbound cedarvillertd to five. Motto is get an early start. An youre going to need it. Reoing big problems in fredericksburgcr virginia. Two crashes on the shouldern one at three, one at 17. Delays continue through daleou tty up to the bottom of theto beltway. Make sure you get an earlyyou start. Start. Metro is on time. O on i havent had one metro delayely all morning. L morning. Fantastic. All right, guys. I just discovered a new drink down at the r cab banab florida. You should come. C does it have an umbrella in h it . I feeavl like we need somem music. Musi back to you guys. K uy have fun. Were back to the news. E backo h theyre going keep the the party going in the loft. Well get you up to speed in Montgomery County where Public School students will get a new grading system. Gr its going to start this fall. Ha b students will be especiallywl excited to hear that the new thw system does eliminate finalnatef exam. We told you about that. Whats new now is yosome otheroh changes coming as well. W including a new point scale toca calculate students grades. Stud fox5s annie yu joins us j with everything you need tone t know about this big change. Igha good morning. Reporter hey, goodte morning, allison and steve. Te. Yes, some big changesng happening this coming schoolgch year for high School Students only. On i think there are about 25 or o so high schools in montgomerygoy county. County. Montgomery county being one of u the Largest School systems inyss the country. Coun so, the big changes as you mentioned, no final exams as well as this new gradingding system. Sy again taking place this coming fall. Now, Winston Churchill highstoni school in potomac is one ofone those schools that will seewill the change happening and the new grading system will use point scale system. Int ale so, basically the grades are going to be calculated by averaging the marking perioder grades. So, lets say if a studentssay gets an a the First Quarter inui english and then a b for the second quarter, the students se semester course grade would beou an a. Rs thats what its going to wha average out to be. Ere out to b if you get an a First Quarter qa and lets say a d next quarterut you would end up way b. So, you see that upward trendsdn there putting those students snt in an upward position. Better overall gpas always a good thing. Hi beneficial for collegene adfimissions but those fence t this chang against this chane are concerned about gradencer inflation as well as notell asot preparing our students for there reality of college once youge o get to college you know therew h are no upward trends. Nd it is what it is, rider. Right. Ight. Allison i know you have girls in the Montgomery County School System. Im sure you have an opinion on this as well. On t back to you. Back t i dodge im tryin im trying to formulate. Formul. My high school is extremely exte rigorous and im interested int how it will add to the overallrl Mental Health or well being oflg the kids cause theyre under u so much stress but it doestoe seem like its going to becomeee a lot easier to get those as a or bs. Let me think about it. Thanks annie reporter we knowie your girls are straigh rt at a students and they have nothing n to worry about. To from your mouth to godsyourh ear. Thank you so much annie. Coming up a deadly coming explosion now ruled a u criminaa affect. What authorities have revealed andhu and the reward they issued. Issu high speed chase across two states. Well tell you how this one ended. Time now is each s21. It took three years but now we know that this deadly deadl explosion at a fertilizer fertii plants in west texas was deliberately set. The blast killed 15 people, 12e1 of them were firefighters. Efight destroyed fire hundred homes knocked out entire quadrant ofdt a town. Own. After hundreds of interviews over years examining witness photos and forensic testing investigators determined that d the fire there sparked thatrkeda explosion was indeed arson. Arsn so far investigators have not hv named any suspects but they b have issued a 50,000 reward red for information that leads tos an railroad rest. Railroad an arrest. Rr high speed chase fromha f massachusetts to New Hampshirenm ended with what appears to be to officers beating a suspect on his head te the video taken by a fox newsox helicopter shows the momentt when the suspect climbs out of his pickup truck and lays down on the ground. Gro the chase covered more than 100 miles there george0 zimmerman back in themi headlines this morning for auctions offer the gun that he used toerma fatally shoot trayva martin in 2013. 2013. The auction begins in just aion few hours at 11 oclock thiscloh morning. In an exclusive interview withew fox news zimmerman explained why hes choosing to sell thathn weapon. Weap going into hiding, not publicizing the shale, notizsh putting this up for auctionp foa isnt going to insulate me from these radicals. Adals. What ive decided to do is nots cower. Co im a free american and i can do what i like with mymy possessions. Sions. Back in 2013, zimmerman wasrs found not guilty of second of co degree murder and manslaughtersu in the death of thehe 17yearold. After the trial he got his gun back. Now hes selling it. Hes s bidding will start at 5,000 7 25. 25. Hey tuck. Hey be careful. Cef are those sharks. Sharks in the water. Rk be careful. O go swimming but iing t got to wait for that to passass by dont i. Be careful. Ceful whats a boy to do . Is that a whale or a shark. Ra apparently its a whale. Ahae oh, youre okay. O 33 wont hurt you. Tou think its okay if i put myut toes in the water. Es just be careful, tuck. Beautiful music. Eaut so peaceful. Cel. Were trying to bring the sunny beach to you today. U t that is beautiful. That is beau let me get out of the way. Ti. Maybe that will make it nicer. Weve had gloomy weather foroomf two weeks straight. We were trying to get the fun to e back in the forecast and wereca might get a little bit laterbitt this afternoon. This 58 now at Reagan National. Nio 57 dulles. Bwi marshall 56. Is this music like beach cley spa. I had no idea. I no a lot of cloud cover and fog clo out there early. Out get a little sun today. Sun tod we have th showers in the forecast thisin t afternoon. Be ready for that. And then more of that tomorrow o with a cold front and again a a saturday afternoon. Sunday looks great though but again well have rain showers saturday afternoon. Turd thats a look at weather. Erin back it your roads. R r you inspired me i took off my shoes. Now i lost about 4inches. Nc be careful. Be care the sand is hot. It is a little bit hot. Ittleo love this music. S music hone you take the playlistthe with you on the road. R its gloomy but brighten it upni with the right playlist. Plais i love it. I youll need good music to get through. 95 northbound crash blockingd the shoulder at three and 17 as you pass throughs thro fredericksburg trying to geto into stafford really slowy s traffic 95 northbound. Bound. Same story through dale citygh d to the bottom of the beltway. Want to show you a live lookou v outside. Outsid 66 on the eastbound side out by sudly road dealing with dealh Police Activity and reallyctiv heavy traffic. Its blocking the lefte Left Shoulder even though all lanesls are opened you can see just j how slow things are moving as a you pass by there point. Re poi give yourself extra timee trying to get towards tar arlington. Arli metro is on time. N i like the fact that im tt barefoot at work. Lots of good things happeningng today on beach day. Y on back to you steve and allison. U still to come this morningme theres a huge meeting todayeetd on the hill between donaldill be trump and speaker of the house paul ryan. Rn. Will they get along . Will they get anything accomplished. Weve got the five things you can expect from their meeting next. Thank you. Ordering chinese food is a very predictable experience. I order b14. I get b14. No surprises. Buying business internet, on the other hand, can be a roller coaster White Knuckle thrill ride. Youre promised one speed. But do you consistently get it . You do with comcast business. Its reliable. Just like kung pao fish. Thank you, ping. Reliably fast internet starts at 59. 95 a month. Comcast business. Built for business. Back now at 7 30. Bacnow big dogs up on the hill. T as a matter of fact thats wherf its all going short. Rt. Rnc headquarters on capitol hill that meeting will be taking tak place in just little bit. Littl. Donald trump sitting down with w house Speaker Paul Ryan to talkk about unifying the republicanhei party. The presumptive nominee trying to build a closer alliance withe gop officials. Off ryan has said he is not ready ta throw his support behind trump but trump says the meeting willl help them get to know each oth other. Pauis i dont know paul well a and i think part of the meeting we have get to know. Kno he knew everybody else i theyr governors, their senators. Senat i am a businessman, and i thinki we want to get to know each knoe other. Trump will also meet with tht chairman of the rnc and senatee majority leader mitch mcconnellc after this meeting. Thiseeti so what can we expect from the meeting today. Oday joining us Lindsay Mcpherson house leadership reporter forr role call g to see you this morning. Good morning. D rnin i know you have specifics as far as what you can expect. T. Paint with Broad Strokes as far as this meeting of these twoinot leaders coming together. Toget it seems theres a little littl contentiousness before we getorw going here. Going h the big meeting there area two meetings paul ryan is havinv with donald trump. Wi first he has a meeting with theh trump and rnc chairman priebus. I after that he and the other o House Republican leaders willrsw meet separately with trauma topm talk about their house the h republican agenda theyve been crafting and some of the idea policy ideas that are a part off that. Th ryan last week d on tv that hes not ready too support donald trump, which if f were somebody in his postureos its a big deal. Right. You outline some things youme t expect to come out of this. O ut one of them is candor. Can what do you mean by that . Donald trump im sure youveu seen him speak on a number off occasions with quite brashnessbh and not afraid to say what het means and what hes feeling ineg the moment. Paul ryan as you see speaking on tv is a little more poisedd behind closed doors members says to us frequently that heshat h really frank with them and he lays out like it is and hes not afraid to be candid. An you mentioned they wont be alone and in fact there will beb a moderator in the house. He hou tell us about it. Well, in the two meetingsee there are other people presentre which i think partially iss because of their differenceirif agreements currently i thinken its helpful to havets somebodyb who already said priebus has nominee. Nomi thats his job as the party pty chairman his job to really getly paul ryan and donald trump onmp the same page hell really moderate that. And then some of the other House Republican leaders kevinin mccarthy for example havemp already said theyre willing toe support the nominee. I think their presence will alsl be helpful. Ul one things thats interestins when it comes to paul ryan iauly unmentioned it right out of thet gate he made headlines last week when he said he wasnt ready tod throw the support in yet. N y but also when he came to the t position that hes now in, he outlined conditions and said iai will only do this if thiss if t happens, if this happens. If thp will he take the same approach h do you think with donald trump . A i think so. I think he already has by sayinn hes not ready. When he he actually said no dont want to be speaker after after Kevin Mccarthy dropped ouo and slowly work his way upay toward that yes. Yes so i think what hes doing now. N im not ready. Rea he can get to the yes but hese also giving himself room to get to know hes going to probablyy lay out number of conditions coi that donald trump needs to getot to in order for him to supporth he has been very reluctantnt leader all through this in fact paul ryan has and called on thee carpet by very vocal politiciana sarah palin. So want to get to that if wet have time, too. E, too but also donald trump said tod t have laughed when he heard thatd he wasnt ready to throw his his support behind him. So we can expect a possible ossi threat, can we expect if yout iy dont support me, ill do this i any way . What do you mean by m expect a threat . Tea well, in the past, a couple c months ago trauma happen saidhai paul ryan would pay a big priceg if they get along and worknd together and hes been a littlee more calm as hes talked aboutka this ahead of the meeting sayins they need to get to know each tw other and actually paul ryans a statements on that front. N thatf when you get behind closed doord i cant imagine things get as ga little heated hes not going tog Say Something like that again. A like he said in the newshe n conference. Co the goal here is unification to fine that common ground. Roun can that happen even if its i baby steps can that help as fars as the party g and the goals everybody seems to be coming with. I think there couldnt babyo steps today. I think there some issues donald trump attack plan tax plan. Paul ripe is a big proponent ofo tax reform. M National Security has been a big issue. Is i think they have common groundd there. I think they can hit on those h points a little during thets a meeting and if they can findan f anything they grow on those wilo be the things well hear froml r them publicly afterward. Afterwa last word, do you have ard, sense of what the leadershiphip really thinks about drum . Weve seen the rnc chairman and housec speaker notha be on unified pagp here. Is it as disjointed as it seemsi to the public right now . Yes, i mean theyre notyre saying so publicly but obviouslv donald trump wasnt there firstf choice candidate and they cant most people in ae position of leadership like paue ryan and especially him becauseu he has to chair the convention o need to remain neutral and not endorse. Rs he said hes going to ban musl muslims from entering theimfrom country paul ryan called him oum on there. On right. I think they just dont agre with everything he said. Rythinhs hes not their first choice bute now hes the one left so theyt have to get on board or trump not changing coursengig either. If he doesnt get the support s hell keep trudging on and doind his things as well. Thin all eyes up on the hilda. He thanks for joining us thisning s morning. G. Thanks lindsey. Linds check in with our residenturd beach boy Tucker Barnes got the cooler ready to go as we try to get sunshine amidst this hazehi this morning. Or were generating the sunshinh right here. Ri there it is. All right. All r 58 now in washington. Hing hey we got calm winds out theree we got drizzle and fog again aga thats why were trying to t generate the sunshine here todae as weve got unfortunately more of the same in the forecast. Amir you know what, we might wer trying get drier air in heren from the north we might get mht little sunshine this afternoon a but you want to keep thekeephe umbrella handy. Andy. I could promise we wont get fef showers later this afternoon asa well. Big picture cold f the west. Well deal with that tomorrow so additional showers maybeonal s thunderstorms in the forecastrm friday and even on saturday. Show you the seven day coming ug but 73 today with a shower a sho developing again there might be a little bit of sunshine peeksus or few periods of sunshine. Dsf n all right. Thats the latest. He les steve, come join me in thein weather sent. Ive got the beverages. Eres. Erin has got traffic. Tffic tag me in. Take over. Ove good music got beach ball. Here, catch. Ch oh, my goodness. Es i was ready for that one. Tt o its a real party in here now. Grab the good music youll need it as you head out on the roadsr metro has not in any delays alll morning as you make your way ouy in the district downed tree, tr, 41st street shut down military r road northwest. Th keep it to 42nd or 39th to get around that one. T o here we are southeast southwestt freeway Memorial Bridgeial bri southwest. A crash there. A ash really big delays 395 inbound from the beltway across thes 14th street bridge from rosslyn into georgetown the keyy bridge is backed up. Nothing agent typical there. Cale spur a lot of heavy stop and goo traffic. Tr delays continue in forestvillevi inbound crash suitland parkwayar at forestville road jammed backd to four and then we also have hv more delays as you make your wae out in fredericksburg. Sb two crashes on the shoulder oneo at three, one at 17 on 95 9 northbound. Keep it here to the fox5 beach a party thursday. Rty thurs its friday eve. Were celebrating in style. Sty. Z1zqkz z1zqkz giving you some startling st new statistics now ab homeless pop laying. Lay new survey finds d. C. Has seen e 14 increase in homeless peopleo in the past year alone. While almost every other part op the region saw reductions. Ruct. The number of homeless familiesa in d. C. Also soared to more thaa 30 over the last year. Thats more than the number of o homeless single another adults. Logan circle residents and resid Business Owners coming togetherg with the police chief to talkicl about ways to combat crime in i that area during the meeting mee chief lanier talked about theabu current state of crime in the in city. Ci 75 of the homicide cases this s year have been closed withh arrests. This morning, parents in, ps d. C. Are upset because they say nobody told them that the watert in their Childrens School tested 600 times higher than the acceptable level of lead. Ea parents of students whoents attend pain elementary schooly s asked to meet with school andood city officials they want to talo about how theyre resolve thiset problem. Right now the city is in theth midst of 30day testing period of all 113 d. C. Schools for lead levels. Leve parents are wondering why thend city just didnt install waterlt d. C. Officials also workings to help prevent hate crimes cris against members of the lgbt community. Co the Mayors Office hostedice h Community Meeting on tuesday onu night the goal teso provide proi lesbian, bisexual and transgender people with information and resources toand stay safe. Afe. In 2014 there were 70 hatee0 crimes reported in d. C. 29 of those victims wereicti w targeted because of their sexuax orientation. An additional 15 were targetedge based on their gender identity. Still to come 8 00 oclock0 this morning a family claims fac their childs shoes sparked a sd fire in their car. What happened . Well hear from them and well see what theee wt damage was. Da first, though, our own Keviv Mccarthy is among hollywoodod biggest celebrities in the souts of france. Hell join us live from the t canness Film Festival next. Val n look, i know youre a cow and all. And you may not know what im talking about, but, uh. The yogurt made from your milk, is delicious. Mmmm, yoplait. Just about an hour awayaboutn little more than an hour awayth from big meetingho up on capitot hill. Hill paul ryan will meet with donaldt trump. Rice preibus will also be theret for that meeting. Meeti you can see the media camden ouu gop headquarters rnc building bd and well get update for youor y throughout the morning. Orning that meeting scheduled forched around 9 00 oclock this ts morning. All righty. Llhty. I am joneses for summertimeime attitude. Tude n. Amen. For that lets go to tucker tuc barnes. Allison, im trying to find a spot. The beach is really crowded. Cro theres no room at all. S no root i got my favorite olaf towel ole right here. Right the waves are gnarly thisna kind of big, steve. Of big, st i think thats more your surfinr weather than mine. E hang on. N. I guess ill just put myut towel down right here for an ghe little relaxing later. Lat all right. All ht. Soon enough. E i feel relaxed now. Ed n lets do the forecast. Tdo t we are trying to bring the the sunshine to you today becauseyeu for weeks and weeks we have we v delivered nothing but clouds anu rain showers. In shors so were trying to make up top you today with fox5 beach day. We got beach theme going todayoy and hopefully youve got a beach theme in your heart if nothing else, because thats what wevew been dealing with. Be 15 days now with consecutiventi streak here going of rainfall r across the area 16 dulles. Bwi marshall 15. Fingers crossed we dont do it i theres chance we get showers this afternoon. Is aernoon 58 in washington. To gaithersburg 55 degrees. 5 i really like the musical underscore while im doingmoi weather. Adds a little flavor it to. Ort manassas 57 and dulles as well mist and drizzle to start youroo morning. Lots of clouds across the regioe no measurable rain at the momenm although later this afternoon ao would not be at all surprised im sure you wouldnt be at thii point if we see a few showers kick up and you know what, werw trying to get little bit drier r air in here its a possibility i we get a little sunshine laterel today. To maybe we can all wish for that. A this cold front will bring usrig more showers in the potential for thunderstorms tomorrow. Tom. Want to talk weekend forecast. C i know everybody wants to dry ty out. I think saturday starts dry but by afternoon yet another frontal system approaches the area thatt will give us clouds with a w threat of some showers andwersnd thunderstorms around by late second half of saturday andurdan saturday night. We will get that front east ofaf us and sunday i think is trial a the nice day we get the dryhe dy things out and clear thing out o for day. It will be cool with highs inign the 60s but after the deluge an the clouds and gloom weve hadom around here for two weeks it will be a nice break. Bre. Theres yourself day forecast. Af generally cloudy today. 73 degrees. 73egre erin you look so comfort why dont you do traffic from fo your beach seat. Would that be lazy. Ha l thats totally appropriate. Lets do it. Lets make it happen. Hpe lets move over to thes m traffic maps. Fic its so calm and its terriblesi because i have such bad news for everyone. Ne traffic is really jammed downedw tree did clear so 41st street1sr is open at military roady roa southeast southwest freeway f eastbound however memorialhor ml bridge southwest a crash. Cra jam pack on 395 inbound from tht beltway to the 14th street str bridge. Brid no buono really bad trafficadraf there. Take a look at the beltway through mclean inner loop isnner backed up and tysons lot off heavy traffic by leesburg pikeup the inner loop across the wilsoo bridge. Brge we are all stacked up 50 inbounu inside the beltway 39595 southbound looking good. Ngood. 295 southbound from 50 on down w not such a hot look there. He get early start grab beach tunes i think it will really make thie 16th straight day of rain feel a little bit better. Et suitland parkway inbound crash at forestville road jammed tomed four and also look at all those slow zones branch of anchf inbound by surveillance rat. Four by ritchie marlboro you know the drill. Kn heavy slow roll there. 210 swan creek to Livingston Al back up. Makes me want to have a melodicd tone to my voice when i report r bad traffic. Ff. Fredericksburg these two crashee did clear 95 southbound. Thbod. Three and 17 but traffic isra still very heavy all the way the through stafford. Taor metro is on time. N te lets end on a high note. E. Tucker, are you enjoying your y little rest over there . Tre got to be honest the sun t s feels so good. Any song requests you canqutu tweet us im at erin fox5 d. C. Allison and steve, fifty fivefii just beach over here in the loft. Im loving every second. Inse i feel like we need a bufferd af from relaxation to real news. Perhaps we just got thatha buffer. Lets head oversees to another wonderful community. Ty. Kevin mccarthy is in cannes fa fans. The future festival isture f happening. The only thing that gets kevintv more excited are hanging outgi with some of his favoriteis fav people. Look at the sunny skies. Heuny hey, kev. Hey, k good morning steve andrnin alliso how you guys doing today. Oing ty not as good as you, kev. Ev not anywhere close. Clo this background is pretty amazing. Amazing. That is definitely real. Is that is not a cgi or fake background behind me i just satj down with Justin Timberlake anda Anna Kendrick and it was ans a incredible interview. Inter i believe we have a little l photograph now im not going tot give anything away here but in this photograph youre seeingee Justin Timberlake and Anna A Kendrick are watching a veryery special video that was createdae by fox5. Thats all im going to say. To all i can say is that he very v very much liked it to a point oi he said he was almost crying. Lmc thats all im going to say. O very very cool moment. So well have a little more of m that coming up today in the eight and then well debut the actual video in the 10 00 a. M. Hour of this morning with the reaction that he had while w watching it. Hing make sure you stay tuned to that and the reason why interviewedni timberlake im here in cannesne for his new movie called trollso now the movie trolls comes outc in november. Works stars him and annaa kendrick. We have video of that. E vio of now, yesterday i was at a footage presentation of the movie and then justin timberlakl and Anna Kendrick came out and did a surprise performance off Cindy Laupers true colors. Ol check this out. I see your true colors shining through. Ough true colors. I see your true colors thatss why i love you. Y so dont be afraid let themm show, your true colors, truee colors amazing moment. Funny we were all sitting therel watching footage of the ml ovie and Jeffrey Katzenberg one ofgno the heads of dream works Works Animation was showing us the us clips of the movie and he goes g you know what we can show youha the whole movie but we haveeav something that or something can possibly i match that and justin timberlakk and Anna Kendrick came out didod that amazing song that. G t song is actually featured in the film as well which is why theysw did the cover of Cindy Laupers music. By the way i got to mention reaa fast. Before i walked in that theaterr yesterday, this is the coolestle thing that ever happened to me e im in the middle of cannes, i, in the south of france, and two fox5 viewers a mother an daughter stop me on the street and said, we watch you every day. They said we love allison, we, love steve, we love everybody and it was the most random thing ever because the motherss daughter younger daughter who w wasnt there actually has a filf shes working on here at canness and she wouldnt something atetg sun dance. Nce. So three generations in thatio family are basically here ine in cannes it was very very cool col moment. Nt they love the show. But how random is that to run into fox5 fan in the middle of france while im here for theore festival one of the coolest experiences. Very nice people and theyreople from upper marlboro, maryland. ,l ever met. So cool. You have to find theirave daughter now, kevin and get the scoop on the film. Hem. Steve, im already ahead of d you buddy. U b ive got their email addressl s and im going to work on gettint interview with the daughter here if i can find her because shese working on movie here in francef so if shes not too busy illy l try and get the interview. If not well do it when she gets back to d. C. The dmv doing it big. He d we love that. Try to enjoy yourself, okay . I love you guys. Love you, too. More little bit of sneak peee of what jt was looking at that a involves all of us. 8 30. 30. 8 30. Yes. You got to stay tune. Big premier at 10 00 oclockk on good day. Well see Justin Timberlakes reaction to the little surpriset we had for him. Cant wait. Antai man, is it beautiful there. Nice to say celebrate a birthdab that is exactly what our fox5 facebook fan of the day is doing today. To it is charita cookie whiting ana today she is celebrating her birthday and thats a great looo right there on a nice sunny day. Washington monument in thegt mom background. Hope you have a fantastic day today. Da if youd like to be tomorrows o fan of the day go to our fox5 Facebook Page and leave a comment underneath this wonderful birthday photo. Pho how about this for birthdayy treat . Take it away tuckerucker barnes. Rnes warm thoughts from tucker frr barnes. Ocean city behind you. Ndou exactly. Exactl i just had a box of popsicles delivered. Devered. Thats my jam. S my jam. Allison, heres your song. Now its summertime. S mmer i got popsicles for you. Y. Awesome. Awe thank you. Absolutely beautiful out he here. Okay. Hmm. Did i mention we had beachadeach drinks earlier . Er laughter . That be the theme of theme ot morning. Got to make the show a fun one. N lets go. Ts g we got 59 degrees i dont caretc what the forecast says itss i sunny everywhere else. Herels 59 in washington. Ashingto 57 dulles. Bwi marshall 56. Shall all right. How about low 70s today . You t know what, we may see some peekk or periods of sunshine if we doe tweet me later well all a celebrate. E ahh oh low had a state ofte mind. I got to be honest we cantot rule out the possibility of ali shower late this afternoon. Aftn be prepared for that. T take an umbrella just likeike yesterday. Er parts of area had pretty goodyoo showers. Well see those develop a littlt later. Even the traffic especially have tropics have pop upp showers. Absolute, youre right. Olut i got to tell you the sanderu over there is a little warm. Le r i know. Know all right. Ht saturday afternoon another rounr of showers. Of s but sunday looks beautiful anduf the first half of saturday if u think were in pretty good shapd as well. Perfect. Per couldnt be better. Bte oh, wait, yes, it could. Ou heres erin. Heres eri i have not had one of thesehe popsicles since i was a kid i think my tongue and teeth areth bright red. Brht r you know this is 100 worth it. I look how your colorol coordinated with it. Ted with it. And i have brain freeze. N frz i prefer the cherry flavor. R. Tucker matches his pobb sickle quite nicely this morni morning. The pop of orange. We color coordinated. Rdated cheers. Ee boop. I love the celebration guysb have this is the kind of dayysis were having here on fox5 t. Cape. Life is good. Oh, my goodness i want to gos i back to ocean city, maryland so bad. Ba i know. So many good memories there. O now youre even closer orloso maybe not from philly. 3. 5 hours from philly. Pll same distance. Unfortunately youre notnate getting anywhere any time soonn if youre driving around town. Dw beltway dealing with a lot oftho delays. We also have slow traffic downiw tree did clear 41st streetee reopen. Open. Southeast southwest freeway att Memorial Bridge southwest aoutht crash. 295 jammed from 50 on down fromw the bottom of the beltway youtwu jam on the northbound side pastt lavatory road. Va road. 50 inbound look at that slowk a zone as you head past 295. 2 new york avenue by bladensburgbn road is slow. I s i like the fact i havent that one metro delay to report all morning long. Morn ill keep my fingers crossed ono that one. Aside from that, gw parkwayar southbound by 123 really slowmoving traffic across the r key bridge. Y brid. 395 jammed across the 14t 14th street bridge. Et we got you covered. Youovered. Dont worry, more beach party ay well. Allison and steve, i can tellant youre in the mood for sunshine. Absolutely. Bring it every day. G thanks, guys. T still to come 8 00 oclockha this morning icotme may seem mae harmless to check your emaill when youre hanging outwit kidsk but it could hurt them in thehet future. Why . Well check in with with t the Fox Medical Team. Tea theyll explain. Theyll explain. Do you have any old apple products stashed away in drawer somewhere in the original orina wrapping . Well tell you ou dont ruin it al. On you must know it. Dont get your hopes up. Well tell you how much they mhh could fetch. Were back in the 8 00 oclocktk right after this. Look, i know youre a cow and all. And you may not know what im talking about, but, uh. The yogurt made from your milk, is delicious. Mmmm, yoplait. This is fox5 news morning. Right now at 8 00, a live0,l look at ocean city, maryland, on no its not. Thats the beltway. Belay there it is. Lets look at happier hpi pictures. Es live look at ocean city,k ce maryland, on this thursday may 12th 2016. 201 lets think warm thoughts rightt here. Soon that will be crowded withew folks. Thats right. Weather and traffic coming up on the 5s at 8 05. 8 will little breezy out theret a little stroll along the boardwalk. Thanks for joining us thisin morning. G im steve chenevey. Im allison seymour. First stll up in just 90 minutesut the Second Police officer charged in connection with theoe death of freddie gray will be in court. Co now his trial will be a bench bh trial that means no jury. Ury. A judge will decide his fate ant judge only. O the officer asked for it to tha be way, and there could be aoule verdict in less than week. Wee bob barnard outside life lif outside of the courthouse inhoe baltimore. Ba bob, this trial is a littlel isl different, right, because its more about grays arrest, not nt his death . Reporter thats right. R the officer charged with secondd degree assault, misconduct inndc office and Reckless Endangerment edward nero, 30 years old, onlyy three years on the force at thee time of the arrest, was one ofao the bicycle officers who made md the initial contact with freddie gray. Ay and prosecutors say it wast w unlawful arrest, hence, the takt down the arrest was a second s degree assault. The Reckless Endangerment chargg comes from the fact that they handcuffed and shackled freddiee gray but they didnt strap himp in or seat belt him into the nt police van, and theres edwarddr nero as he was coming to court c earlier this week for pretrialtl hearing. Hearin so, yes, theres no manslaughtee or Second Degree murder charge a against this officer. Icer. Its more what led to the arrest, was the arrest itself is lawful, was there an assault because the arrest was not n lawful and thats the heart ofet the matter here and it is at i bench trial. Al jud ruling on officer neros guilt or innocence a jury of his peere of freddie grays peers will nol be deciding this officers fatet and as you mentioned this ishis only expected to take five days. Theyll gel get under way at 9 30 this morning we may learn l more about the actual arrest,rr, what led to it. I freddie gray had a knife on him that prosecutors say was legal. L therefore, the arrest was unjustified. Well see how this all plays out before the judge who, again, iss commanding this trial from the t bench. No jury involved. Thank you, bob. Reporter you bet. Now to metro. Todays metro board will discuss new orders from the nfa. N Officials Say metro must mus complete urgent repairs to three critical locations before they r can move ahead with save track. Those locations are on the red, bl lets head to capitol hill right now. Ri live picture from the republicai National Committee building. Uiln that is where donald trump willw be in less than an hour now torw sit down with House Speaker pauu ryan and some other gop leaderse that meeting said to happenoap right around 9 00 oclock thiss morning. Mo donald trump trying to buildto i closer alliance with gop with officials but says if they dony want to support him, he willeil quote trudge forward and keepee wiping. Have coverage for thatfo coming up on d. C. Nats fans witnessed history. O he did it against his former team. Team. Wisdom jones us with thatneuw story. Mr. Wisdom. Let me ask you a questionask before i get started. I gettart have you ever broken up with uit someone and said the next time t they see you theyre going to to wish they had your back, ill i make them wish they had me backb little revenge. Evenge. Little revenge. Reveng allison says no. O. laughter . laughr thats happened a lot of us. F all right. The reason im asking this is because it was a big night on bn the mound for max scherzer. Sche he tied the major League Strike out record while facing hisg his former team. M. Detroit tigers. Trtige scherzer struck out 20 battersat and tossed a six hitter in thehe nats threetwo win. W. Now he now joins Roger Clemens, cary wood and ran dee johnson js who have all done the same thi thing. Heres washer sorry had to sayrr after the game. I think it was about theout eighth upping when i punch the out somebody and they said that was i wasnt witness. I that was the first time i hearwi the number so i knew i had shots going after the 19 and 20. And 2 i just went out and had to goado through tough tough hitters with mickey and jd and victor and all those guys over there. The those guys are unbelievable. Ieva they gave me a heck of a time tonight but to be able to do ito against them, man, its a feather in the cap. Athe see what im talk budget todg be able to do it against them it a feather in the cap because iec used to play with them. O ay lets talk about this. T bryce harper hes been suspendee by Major League Baseball for his outburst after he was ejected et this week as a fine that willhaw come with this as well. S w he is appealing playing while this process goesg through and one other note todad well hear from the washingtonto caps for the last time thise thi season. Theyre going to speak to theg k media after they clean out their lockers and then coat they areta ice plex. How did that go. Owid and get ready ready for nextx year. Back to this whole baseballel thing with bryce harper. Brycar come on. You cant do that. Can its clear. Its cle docket that. You cant get kicked out and come back out and cuss the refef out. Were you surprised by theyou suspension then. Su no. No. You were not. Y the suspension wasnt for thn outburst. Ur the suspension was once o youre kicked out of a game you cant come back into the game. Kt youre done. Ou youre supposed to go away. D aw. He came back out. Thanks, wis. Great for max scherzer. Home come fog zimmerman hemermae through a good game. Ro he got a standing ovation whentw he came up to the plate. Plate that was very cool. At wasy very classy. Very cl noticing a trend with eachac top of the hour off wardrobeardr change. Ch i try to, yes. I how many of these hawaiian hw shirts might one man have. Nean h youll have to wait and see. S if i stay in the beach drinks you may see s no shirt at all. Ir all youre right. Y knowing you we might not seee anything. Anything exactly. You got to do what you got ta do. Exactly. When its hot and sunny. Ot sn were bringing the sun and s beach to you obviously mother mr nature is not bringing it to ust any time soon. Shes not cooperating. Ti shes not. Ss not. It feels so peaceful. Fu sure does. S i just want am in totallyly different frame of mind now. T e i feel like it will be all okaya lets do the weather. Weath cloud cover, gray skies andnd drizzle across the area. Upper 50s right now winds north northeast at three with i knowhi youre not ready for this. But cloud cover, some drizzleri and some showers in the forecast today. Da and temperatures in the low 70s. As long as we know there iswi only 39 days till straight upait summer. Summer. Right. And youre bringing this with us i didnt notice you dontd have on any shoes. Ve on any sh youre all in on this. In t i took the shoes off. Shoes o i understand. Erstand got my toes in the sand. E sa he loses one thing everys onn hour. By the time we get to 11 1 m sunshine today but keep an keepn umbrella handy a few showersew around this afternoon as well. Al 73. All right. All right. Erin is playing along as well and shes keeping up the beachga theme and the mood and all the fun as the Party Continues intii the lot of this morning. S mor. Thats right. I feel like i just want to do a little hula dance right now. Ow little sundress on need a maxixi some flipflops i cant with my lift my high enough to eug show you and a palm tree next tx meme lets see if we can get see this on in. Full on party out in the loft. L tucker come on in. Empty beach chair for you. Cha sneak and allison if you canf u sneak away from the news, joinoi the music and you want to takeo this music on the roadway you because nasty around town. Ow Pete Piringer tweeting out from Montgomery County theres fog ig the area. Rea. Low beams take it slow. Tlo kind of a drizzly nasty start to this thursday morning. Ning friday eve. Id eve. Exactly why were beach partyiny it. So give yourself time across the inner loop, across the wilsonilo bridge. 395 all backed up from them 14th street bridge actuallyll from the beltway to the 14thtwah street bridge. Bdge. And in addition to that thishi at Memorial Bridge southwest. We that is causing issues and we dd have metro delay right now. Ow earlier off loaded train at knot mad because of that delays to dy shady grove. No other alerts for the rest ofs the your five metro lines. L tucker walked in. Tu walked in. Come on in. Aside from that ouch . The sand is too hot. Inbound crash cleared onlear o suitland parkway. Suland par im feeling relaxed right now ill grab a glass of juice forff the morning. The back to you maybe. Ck t apple juice. How does that sound . . Summertime beverage. E bever i love the palm tree. E. Its a nice touch. Very tropical. Very tpical. Coming up, big news for studentt in one local school district. Isr theyre getting a new grading system. Not everybody is happy about it. And we have some questions, tooo well explain. Well and later, are these childrens shoes dangerous . A a family tells us what happenedape after leaving them in the car cr overnight. Ght. Wow well explain that picture. 8 08. Well, theyre the beltway. Th well alternate between the good images of sunshineey somewhere e to get you out of this rain ifsr you know with the images ofthe o reality right now in the d. C. Ind area which is more cloud coverrd and the roads out there. Out t theres the beltway. El want to get to montgomery coun county. Big talker. Big talker. The School System changing themt way that it grades students andt looks like a win for the kids tk especially at the end of thend t semester. This is all part of thehis School System getting rid of final exams. Exa wisdom is here ready to weigh wh in. First lets go out to annie yu shes outside Churchill High School in potomac to share a a lesson how this new gradingw grg system will work. Sy good morning. Reporter hey g morning to mo you, steve and allison. Teve all thats right. s right. This new system is on a point scale system, and already thedyt chatter is building upchter throughout the morning here at t wins stop Churchill High Schools this is one of many montgomerymo county high schools that areighc going to start seeing this change implemented starting thii fall as this new school yearoola begins. So basically no final exams anda a new grading system in place. P this is a point scale system s which means that the grades aree calculated by averaging the two quarter grades. If you look at this grading grag table from superintendent larry bowers you get an a the first gt quarter in english an d the next quarter. R you would end up with b for that semester and you can see that st how the point system would workd based off of this table here. So it actually puts the students in upward trend and a better bet overall gpa always good thing gd and beneficial for college c admissions, of course, but thoso against this change are are concerned about gra and the fact that studentsde arent going to be getting the real experience especially asiaa they prepare for college, and,l, you know, just being out here oh weve had some parents stop by,p some students stop by, and thatt seems to be mixed emotions. Emon you have overall a lot more chatter about final exams being eliminated. Elimin a lot of students and parents sa think that final exams should so have been something that stayeds in place because it sort ofr motivates the student and alsona to prove that you know the material at the end of thefhe semester. Me as far as the new grading systee goes, they feel as though, youou know, emotions are split on thii but definitely a lot of peoplefp sounding off and i know you allu have an opinion on this back in the studio and you two are two sounding off. Yes, and i looked at the grades and the point system ande so i have a little bit morebit information. Info thanks, annie. , annie. Appreciate it. Wisdom martin is here with us w now. Now. Wisdom, now you dont have a a high schooler yet. S not yet. I have one and im about to o have two. Have okay. And im familiar with, you k the other grade it equals out tt what were familiar with. R w so in this system, an a and a dd would equal out to a b versus v what i would think would be a c. But there are also is a numberbe value system. Ste right. That comes and with your gpa. So i can see how if you had a high d and a really high a mayba it could equal out. But now it seems that thats t going to be an automatic b versus what the numbers are. Heres my issue with thisue h whole thing. When you start, you know,w, telling young people no matter t regardless of the age, hey, its you made this grade. Well take this out so you can c move your average up, what your gpa without this youll movel your gpa up. Gpa when you get what is it goini to be like when you get toget t college . Theyre not changingnn the standards in college. Why are we making life easierlie for young people much this ise s one example. Ex what is the end game fort is Montgomery County. Mo what is the end game . That what are you trying to doe because youre making lifere mgi easier. Ea so now you dont want to take a final scam. So then you want to change thehe school time so everybody can bec happy when they get up and u instead of going to bed on timen like we used to do back in thean old days. Right. And doing that now you wantnt to change the start times andt i not have these final tests and s everybody gets a trophy. What kind of society are we we creating here for these young yu people . Peop my issue is i think when youe think Montgomery County, youou think wonderful School System. Yeah. Yea for me it puts an asterisk br that now. Exactly. Thats my overall problem. Myo and so, you know, you have aou student who works hard and getss that a because its a straightti up a. Up yeah. And now is that a all its cracked up to be. B right. Because the College People knowo h they see this, montgomery monr county does their schools thisli way. That is the fear. Ea thats really not a high a. H thats just like an average orve whatever. What meantime the students at sa theyre not at home any more but theyre like wahoo. E w theyre having a party. Pay it looks like on paper if yop get a second d you can get a d with nh final exam and you get a b foror everything . Ev but my issue with the finalss i might have a little bit of af different issue because there be was so much so many pointsann assigned to that final. Right. And all the work might have been negated by a bad final, an, not everybody is a strong test g taker. Ta i didnt have a problem with the finals. With the grading system i am syi trying to make sure i get allet the information to give anive educated answer. Ucatedwe like wisdom said if you are u one of the ones going on togoint college youll be in finals. S colleges arent going adjustj to you when you get to college. L hot button issue. To let us know what you think about it on our social media. Edia much more coming up rightre after this. Afr th its 8 14. s stand by me vo for dominion, part of delivering Affordable Energy includes supporting those in our community who need help. Our Energyshare Program does just that, assisting with bill pay and providing free, energysaving upgrades. Its more than helping customers, its helping neighbors. Stand by me in margaritaville. Tavill sing it, tuck. Uck. Umhmm. Um sing it. All the help we can get. Were trying. G. Trying to bring island spiritndi here to the studio this morningg tuck, youre doing great job. Re. Were bringing the beach tor you and sun to you if i cant cn deliver it in the forecast. Or. Its a mental thing. S a definitely helps. Absolutely. A im getting nothing but niceut c feedback from everybody whobo w feels like its lifting them upp a little bit to start their day. I agree. Were trying. If Mother Nature will be funl with it. Maybe a little sun today. Tlea keep our fingers crossed. C. It looks more promising for thee weekend. Ekend. Super. Lets do cuteness much thisut always delivers sunshine andnd happiness. Haess. Hello. My sunglasses on i cant see. All right. All right. Photo of the day. This is av navia. Funk let us know. Navia. I know what she is isnow beautiful. Be cuteness. Super duper cuteness. Eness call it for what it is. T i look how cute she is and that beautiful smile and glasses. Lass shes two years old she loves see what her shirt h s says. I cant see it. I are you kitting me right meow. Kitten me i get it. I look how precious she is. We share something in commono she loves cupcakes unguys both t love beanie babies and takes hek beanie baby wherever she goes. Aww that is so cute. Adorable. Adorable to send us your childsnd us picture go to our Facebook Page fox5 d. C. And send us your picture and if theyre superup duper cute like that well put p them right on. Right o im sure they will. Ill those cheeks are everything. V thats a nice up lift tonicei today. Toda yes, it is. Clouds, fog, 59 to start ourt day. Look at new york, 63 degrees. Rs. Boston 61. 61. Boston and new york have been last couple of days. Couplof d while we continue to endure clouds and rain and fog and drizzle and the rest of it. D th more of that today. T might be were trying get drt air if here. We might gets peeks or periodspk of sunshine today. Unshe to do not put umbrella away as thee ever. Ever. possibility of a shower is bac in the forecast with instabiliti out there later today. Od a cold front tomorrow willorroww definitely bring us a round ofr showers and thunderstorms. Then saturday i think starts promising but ends with whata does it end with allison . Showers. Showers and storm. S sunday looksho great. G thats our beach day. The week afterwards i just i want to see the 5day with no n rain. It gets moody again. In im having a break down. Ing im going back to the beach. Take me with you. I think ervin already there. R i am i wish this traffic t behind me was beach like. Its not but we got goodt otg music. Musi we have fun beach wear. We havely pam trees. Re tucker is on his way to playla beach ball wi m heading out play nice tunes. Tus you need quite music. Light fog causing patches ofat o visibility issues around town. O. Use your low beams. 395 basically parked withh congestion northbound fromonortm alexandria on to the 14thto theh street bridge. 295 northbound from the bottommh of the beltway past lavatory lav road southbound side from 50 on in big delays there. Tre southeast southwest freeway fre eastbound still a crash memoriam bridge southwest. As you make your way out we havh slow traffic all over town an a crash seven eastbound atound a claiborne parkway caution inon i ashburn also seeing slow traffia all over the beltway. Eltway look at this red zones in i maryland, 95 southbound from tht icc to the bell way. 270 south 85 to the truck scalea and again all the way downai through Gaithersburg Ann d roc rockville. Jammed. 50 inbound dealing with slowh traffic new york avenue inboundb slow same story in virginia 95 northbound 66 inbound from 66 i centreville to manassas. Assas lots of slowmoving traffic. Tfc the beach bar is open. I o lets go. So buy guys. Have some for us. Or buy around. Arou experts are calling this ag th crushing blow to the pay day pay loan industry beginning onbinnio july 13th google will not lenders. Nd this after increased pressurere from consumer groups. R gros. The banning applies to lenders e with ads for loans due win 600 days. Google calls the industry bothyb decent full and harmful. There are other ads that areadst already banned on google ggl including ads for weapons, explosives, Tobacco Products ana hate speech. Air travel satisfaction hitl s10year high believe it or no. According to new survey though. Researchers say the satisfactiot about airline costs and feesnd e have improved significantly over 2015. Alaska airlines was the topth tp rated Traditional Airlines fornf the ninth straight year. Tea jet blue was the top rated lowal cost carrier for the 11th year y in a row. R. If you have a particular pti apple product from back in thean day youre going to have lot oft money come your way. You way check your drawers, check your o closets, the old ipods couldodu mean serious cash in your pock pocket. Some fetching absurd price tagsg heres the catch. A lot of them have to be in theb original packaging like never le opened. Originally sold for 349 back ic believe in 2003 or 2004 noww fetching as much as 90,000. Wow. First generation ipod earninr up to 20,000. ,000 but again the premium price isce being paid for ones that weret w never taken out of the originali packaging. Pristine. Oh well. Coming up a warning for parents why checking your email whilelw hanging out with your kids could hurt them in the future. He may seem harmless to check yourr email or, um, but is it . Welw definitely into that topic. Thatc kevin is in france in thee t south of france beautiful beachb scene there and he has a surprise for Justin Timberlake. E you dont want to miss this. Shi thats coming up next. P next. How about this . Tough to complain about the weather when you look at Something Like that. Three climbers reached thecl summit of mt. Im everest do your meaning the experience using tht hash tag everest no filter. Il this is just one snapshot fromto to lengthy trek. T two of the climbers are british. The third is from mexico. British Officials Say they are a the first foreigners to reachs t the summit in two years. A 29,000foot journey. If you google theres a websiteb that does one of those like like takes you up the path as is you were climbing everest. It will make you so dizzy. Dizzy right. Its amazing when what people have to do to get tg the summit. Um not straight up. Its a lot of back and forth and around. Ound. Excited thats not on my buck list. Im a more go to the beach and hang out. Thats on my bucket list. Cket ls exactly what were celebratea dag. Well try to bring the beachn to you and the sunshine, becausu thats what were dealing with. H current conditions. Dion hey, that looks familiar. L yeah. Ea fog, mist, little bit of bit drizzle out there early. T the e winds north northeast at three. Yeah. More of the same today. Thsame generally cloudy skies. Udy skie. Might be a few showers that pop up later this afternoon. Eron well try to warm it into thet o low 70s this afternoon. And there are some indications i we may get a little sunshine sun today and not so much in the way of measurable rain. Sue r were now at 15 days in a rove measurable rain across the area. Rain will definitely ruininitel tomorrow with frontal system anm then saturday afternoon andernod saturday evening with yetay eve another frontal system. Te but sunday right now if you wann to make weekend plans outdoors, going to the beach, sunday looky like the best day. 64 degrees with sunshine and gea a chance to dry severing so soggy. Before we head back into thet showers on tuesday. Ay you didnt hear that from me. Im in that state of mine. Mn this makes us feel better, bt tuck. Keep rocking the hawaiianawia shirts. I got to put more suntant mon lotion on. Tion o be careful. Be careful let me know if you need helph okay. Okay. 8 27. Lets check in with erin. Unfortunately metro delays d big heads up for if you take tht red line delays to shady grovese that is because of an earlierusa malfunction in gnome ma and thee as you make your way out cross o the orange, blue and silver s lines delays to largo town lgo center and New Carrollton earlier train malfunction atncta foggy bottom of the four out oft six lines dealing with delays. El check the schedule before youul head out. Head gloomy foggy day use low beams w take it slow. Take we have heavy traffic all arouno the district and some crashes as well we need to get to. To. Bw parkway north and southboundu top side above the beltway b dealing with stop and go traffic by powder mill outer loop jamslo past New Hampshire 295 inboundnb from the bottom of the beltwayay and 50 very slow traffic. Tff you jam across keep it to fox5 news morning. We have our beach party thursdas continuing and we got youeot you covered with your news, weatherh and traffic. Ffic z1zqkz z1zqkz 8 30. Trying to get you in the summerm spirit and get you into the i beach theme and Everything Else and get this fog, this haze, the this rain all this nasty weatheh out of the way and if we cant c do that, well, mentally welllll put in you a better place. R p studio. St tucker and erin having a beachga party this morning. Party Kevin Mccarthy is literally atil the beach in the south of fran france. The french riff vera the town of cannes, france. Ranc it is so stunning there, kevin,n good morning. Good morning, steve and s allison i have to be a littletle quiet. Can you who are me okay. U yes. We got you. Justin timberlake and Anna A Kendrick are pretty much in thet other room and the directors fof this movie called trolls in theo other room. Ot ive been kicked out of the of t other room i was in originallyny this morning now im kind ofninw trying to keep it down but yeahy i just spoke to justintin timberlake and Anna Kendrick ker amazinamazing interview we talko the new film trolls bet we knowk Justin Timberlake some of myso f favorite songs over the past p decade he has great great songs. His character in trol trolls is very very hes like an anti t troll. He doesnt sing. t sing. He doesnt dance. Dan he has very depressing look onk life, Anna Kendricks charactera is the opposite. Opposit very very happy, singing all the time. Time kind of the arc of wha i asked Justin Timberlake whichw of his songs that hes writtenei in his past speaks mostly toe to the cash he plays branch in then new movie trolls. Ro check that is out. Is there a song of yours from the past that you think speaks k the most to this characterracter besides the music in this film . S to my character branch . Rah . Yup. Yup ooh, of mine . In umhmm. M wow. Whats your most pessimistic song. Song i know right. Im trying to think. T i dont know, man. Maybe like what goes like around comes around or prey cryr me a river. Those are bum mers. Ers. Those are bum mers. Two bum mers of a song. Yeah, maybe Something Like that. Yeah. Yeah. Cry me a river. Justin timberlake and annaa kendrick just sat down with thet literally an hour ago. Our a im getting the interview moreew to you guys and obviously theree was a major surprise thatprise t happened in our interview asoure well. You guys have footage of tha correct . Co look cry me a river greatk cr song nonetheless even if heethe wants to cull it downer anothera new song out i think a lot of lt people will be the hit of theitf song. Song of the summer and we th wanteed to little. O lit something something. Ng so that you can show him hown much we love him. Mu we well give you a sneak peekk right now. I got this feeling inside my bones, it goes electric baby b when i turn it on, i was througu my city, all through my home, were flying up to the ceilingei when we in our zone i got that sunshine in my pocket youll have to wait until t u 10 00 oclock to see the wholeho thing. Th but there are only a few peoplel in the world who have seen theen video so far. Vide kevin you are one and who elsele has seen it this morning . Ni a little man named jt maybe. Yeah. Justin timberlake and annann kendrick have both watched the t video, and i will say right nown ill give you a little tease he said he was he almost crying basically. Al so thats all im going to say. Y now in the 10am hour youll havv the full video to show the show viewers and then im also going to send you this full reactioneo to it. Youll be able to watch his facc while hes watching the video vo and commenting on it. Gn i will just give you a littleite tease. Te he was very impressed with wit Tucker Barnes. Bar well just say that. At some point. P who isnt . Well have more on thate morn coming up. Ill be back in the 9a. 9a. Justin likes me, man. Me, man. More what im doing here inam cannes. Cannes. Very very cool. Ry very exciting. E it looks beautiful, too. Xcs it takes a big man to kevin k looks like hes in the witnessns protect program hes trying tost get the beautiful sunshine behind. So takes a big ma ton black kenn out his own face to show whatsa behind him. Thats right. Ts ri show off the real beauty. By. Im in the shadows i know yok have a whole summer themerheme happening this morning. No one wants to see this nerdyhd face. Ce. Everyone wants to see this wan amazing view behind me in this t room which by the way,ay incredible. Its incredible. All the actors are staying here. This is like way crazy, but imm down the street. laughter . But youre there. B pretty mazing view. Kev, thanks. Ev, thanks. Youre getting to share withn us. H kev, thanks so much. Hankso stay tuned 10 00 oclock thek big premier of the video thatvia apparently Justin Timberlaketim loves which is awesome. Weso we had a good time doing th that. All righty. Tuck kearse barnes, did you heaa you were the highlight of the ht video . That brings fear to me ime m not sure what part they edited. I well have to wait scene. T s i feel like i april havent t add new dance yesterday wence ya shouldnt go main stream. Nt mi you know what im saying. Ay were having a beach partych trying to bring sunshine to youu hmm. Co me on, wisdom. Get over here and join my beachh party. Y. 59 degrees right now in washington. Im feeling good. Im feing dulles 58. Bwi marshall 57 degrees. Hey, who cares what its like is outside . Its foggy, misty, m drizzle across the area. A youre in beach frame of mine in doesnt matter. Do who cares if we have shors afternoon. You know what, we might actualla get a little sun and notice thee warmer temperatures. Tures 73 do keep an umbrella handy. Llh we will have few showers maybe a thunderstorm later but again wee cant give you sun outside welw give it to you in here. N how is it looking, erin. Is it my turn. M ill get up from my beach chairr unfortunately at 8 36, hello. Hl i walk right in. In. Sunshine hidden behind thehi clouds but its still there. Hello. If youre taking metro red lined back to normal. O n delays because of earlierause or malfunction at gnome ma but for the orange, blue and silver lines delays to Largo Town Center and New Carrollton we we earlier malfunction at fog bee bottom. Bottom now because of that metro sweeting out New Carrollton and largo are that medicalted emergency was 10 minutes ago. A keep you posted. Ep y very slow traffic. Wra we have just kind of a wet nasty commute light fog use your lowou beams if you run into anyny visible problems. Em i am just loving this music. Relaxing traffic. Tr crash and delays in gaithersburg 270 south after clapper road. Ra jammed from frederick down andna then again towards the spur. Tons of stop and go traffic to t watch for as you try to get t through rockville make your way to the beltway. Ay in your opinion and outer loop jams in the, outer loop by New Hampshire, inner slow by the wilson bridge. Maryland commute 95 remains slow southbound northbound a bitbod heavy towards baltimore as well. 50 ribbed of inbound remains slow as you make your 410 to 201 much heads if you youre comingu in from annapolis youll hit the usual slow zones. On same story in virginia. Earlier fredericksburg crashes did clear but very heavy traffic as you lead into stafford andora again into dale city and thenhe again on 66. O get an early start. And back a great play list whilh like what were rock dag. Oc back to you guys. T cant beat that. Coming was that was that started a car fire . Could it have beenb a childs shoes. S sound bizarre but well take alt look at the damage coming up next. Stay with us. Were just about 20 minutes s away right now from the meterinf between paul ryan and donald trump. So yes, very busy place up on the hill this morni bng. Ning that meeting expected to happeno around 9 00. Well get you details as soon aa we find out more about that. Many parents by them for thm kids were talking about shoesbt that have the lights in themli they light up and theyre cool to look at. Kids love them. Kid one familiar until texas saysay those little flickering lights g turned into flames. Fla holly is back in studio to telll us what happened. Appe okay. Okay really frightening. Righ right. The pictures are reallyur a frightening when you see thisg n little burned shoe. Ned s ive never bought these before. R but im not going to. Going we did, yeah. Well w you made it out alive. It oute your kids did. R kids right. List zone to this story. S they bought their twoyearold son jake pirate light up shoes p from pay less. One friday night their son the n kicked off his shoes and he leff them in the car. Them i the next day, they opened the cardoon and immediately smelledl something burning. Somethg bu and right there on the floor flo there you see it, was the shoe s burnt to crisp much the parentsp say they saw wires sticking outi from a light bulb. B. They say there was nothing elseg in the car to start the fire. Im just glad that my son s wasnt wearing it at the time. Um, and if he been wearing it i dont know if he can h me my foot is hot, you know, ano i dont think he could take itae off by himself. F by i didnt know there was likel a little lithium battery in i there that could be flammable. Firefighters are investigating the cause of theah fire. Now, in the meantime pay less py has removed the shoes from its shelves. Sh it says in abundance of cautioni so it will be interesting to ses im assuming they will figurellf out exactly what caused the fire. Is it something that would havev happened if the kid was wearinga it or some chain that happenedtp because it was sitting in the te car the sun was shining on it . I i dont know. I do crazy scary story. Ary s no light up shoes for you haydey if youre watching. N i was looking behind you. Ng b what we do know that shoe righth there, holly, right there, ther, thats very frightening. Hten yeah. The pictures tell this story. Ti yes, they do. Holly, thank. Ly coming up it may seemup it my harmless to check your email oo facebook while hanging out withw your kids. Kid could it do harm to them in theh future . The Fox Medical Team m will join us live to explain. Xp they say maybe. Be were back in two minutes. M more summertime theme as well from tucker and erin. Live look there at thee lo republican National Committeeomi headquarters on new jersey of ao capitol hill. Hil theres a crowd there reporterss there some protesters there as well. Donald trump expected to meet with gop leadership this morninr paul ryan speaker of the the house and folks are anticipatinn that. That theyre i guess presuming hellh walk right in the front door. I dont know if theres a backe door but they arew we will of course have a full fl report on what is said betweende these two men and also the rnc chair later on fox5 this morni morning. No umbrellas right now. Right but eighths little dreary ou there. Th so brighten things little bit aa hes been doing all morning,orng Tucker Barnes and erin comoomo keeping the beach theme alivemea and well. Steve, i been exposed to thet sun for several hours and iours think i need some more suntan sa lotion. Lotion. I can help with this. Helwith we got you covered. T yocove got to reapply. Reapp put the hat on to save your y skin from the sun. Rom the sun its a beautiful day. Ay were chilling at the beach. Theh fox5 beach day. X5 b if its not going to be sunny tn outside well bring it in here. Tucker needs a hat too shades from the sun what better day toe let you borrow the shark hat. Ht i feel like its more like a dunce cap. Youre looking how embarrassing. Ng get out of the way. T the Reagan National iol how many days in a row of rain . 15. 15. Yes. If we do it today it will be 16. So sad. So m measurable rain today. Asur we got clouds and fog out theret early. 59 right now in washington. Wasi hey, well get in the low 70s think afternoon but generallyery cloudy skies. Ski this satellite picture nottu picking up the low clouds andud fog out there. Re no. Im hoping we burn some ofsoe that off and get a little sunshine in here later. Eat use your low beams. Bea. Good advice for drivers. Rs overall pattern can i getg another drink. Yeah. Thanks. Overall pattern keep thing the i way theyve been for the pastast couple of weeks with w occasional thank you. Occasional showers and sprinkler and drizzle out there today. Hey, frontal system tomorrowm tm will bring ugh definitely a round of showers andd thunderstorms and then again ono saturday. So heres the weekend set up. Seu mild and dry to start saturday. R it will start promising but unfortunately yet another frontr with music in the background iud just im loving everything abouti today. Im just row lagging. Another round of showers andhowd storms saturday afternoon withun that frontal system. Tem sunday looks great but it willil be cool. Be cool. Highs in the mid 60s i promise e chance with a breeze to drye tod thing out around here. H theres your seven day forecastf all going to be all right, erini good j. Theres a look at thehere forecast. Steve and allison, back to youku guys. Back to you guys. Bac my only question as we get aa look whats coming up good day d today if wisdom is playings plag lifeguard to tucker and erin. E well have to wait no, wen dontly we can get the answerhe right now. Ght dish wisdom. That would be a no. Okay. I didnt think so. Quick answer. Idcknswe quick answer. Quic. All right. All theres so much to stay tuned sn for this morning. S morning. We can barely contain it. Cant you tell. T you tell. First at 9 00 lot of news tow talk about. Ut freddie gray case finallyase fay picking up once again after a fivemonth wait. Ai live in baltimore as the newhe w trial begins, and we break downe the and tire case as well. Then grade change. Lots of controversy here. Co a local School System giving students the uppernt hand on the report card but is it babysitting them . Thats the . T question. Ques and then you cannot turn awaa from what will be an epic good g day at 10a. 1 oh, man. M you just saw sneak peek ofeef that fox5 take on Justin Timberlakes new song and trust me you will not want to miss this, and we actually showed ito to jt and got reaction from himm oman, i am missing i wasnt a part of this much this is awesome by the way guys. W g of course its thursday sour weve got ome and the sos band remember them, baby, you can dod it, do it, right. Okay. Ok theyre here, too. Theyre here,. Theyll sing much better than it even attempt it. Empt i thats it. Tts back to you guys. Bacto y looking forward to it. Okin all right, thanks sog much. H well, the investigation into princes death is now focused os the singers personal computer. Authorities have been combing through princes computer drived theyre looking for clues that t could lead them to who may have been prescribing himim prescription drugs. Tion drugs right now the focus on a doctoro who met with prince twice in the weeks before his death. Th hopefully they find a wholeaw bunch of unreleased good music m in there too much the matter off diverse in hollywood a federalal case. An attorney for says federal officials investigate wrackra theres sex bias in the movie and tv industry. Ius Government Agencies looking intt the hiring practices off hollywood statistics show womenw made up less than 7 of the directors of top movies lasts l year. Higher but not much about 14 . Health news now. Th neww. Scientists have developed a a brain scan that can spot alzheimers 15 years before the symptoms appear. R. Researchers can now find and measure the proteins that clump in the brain which cause theaust memory problems associated withh alzheimers. Mer Scientists Say early detect means more effective therapies i for preventing its onset. Preventing its onset. Talk about drinking a glass of f wire in benefits. Efits how about drinking a beer a dayd pan it can keep heart attack atk bay. Research hers say one beer caner reduce the risk of heartrt problems by 25 . Alcohol and other chemicals in the drink protect heart and hrta blood vessels researchers warnew against binge drinking because that is harmful to your health. T remember just one a day. Warning to parents during t play time with the little ones. You might want to think twiceo e about t texting while playing ww your child going on facebook, fo reading emails. Mai Fox Medical Teams deena and ill raise my hand. I know ive been guilty of it. F good morning. Reporter i know. Were raising our hands im m me hand is right up there with yours. Urs. This is an interesting study. Tu because it talks about the riskr of texting while playing withlaw your little one. Ite o we know were not supposed toupt text and drive this is a whole o new level. So if youre on your facebook, b if youre looking at your textsx and supposed to be playing with your kid, it can affect theirhe Attention Span. This is a new study from indiana university. It was interesting because theye put cameras mounted on the heada of parents and of the little lil ones, the toddlers, and divided this into three groups, child c led play time that is the littll one went and grabbed a toy and d then inter acted with their t parent. Those are the kids who had the e longest Attention Spans and that was operate mum thats what were looking for. E lo were trying to develop this int our children. Our dre then there was parent led playtp time where the parents grabbedtd the toys they were trying to bee very ambitious and prove to and these researchers what greatt g parents they were. Parethey were. Well in that case the kids paidi attention little bit but wandered looked away walk off. And the least amount oftf attention was paid to when parents were you know prettykn much distracted beside theire te technology, and were in lowow engage many parents we callal them. So theyre looking at theirir facebook, maybe their you know,k checking their text messages. Those were the kids that showedo the least amount of attention. Tn the shortest Attention Span andd guys in the long run over periods of days turns into i months turns into a couple ofple years thats like critical timem of development for these kids and were trying to developtryig these longer Attention Spans sps because evidence shows that thet longer the Attention Span is as young toddler the better the ouo comes are as the young student. Right. Right. On down the line. On do okay its a good reminder. I dont think any parent may beb some but arent maliciouslyalico ignoring their kids or just j trying to catch up and the kid d seems okay but really goodeall g reminder for the little one. Lets move on now to just spend time with them. H e exactly. Exact like we used to do before we hae the computer in our hand. Ur h lets talk about antibiotics new studies show some are justrs down right unnecessary. Reporter yeah, and this is i an ongoing study we have beenw talking about but it seems like doctors and parents, patientsatt perhaps little slow to keep up u with research but the latestrch Research Shows that about a abot third, this is from the cdc, at least a third of antibiotictibi prescriptions that are writtentt are unnecessary. Sary completely unnecessary. So that means theyre nothe helping you get better becauseec you probably have a virus whichs is not treated by an antibiotici and then secondly taking thosego antibiotics puts you at risk of developing resistant type of bug that wont be fought by anyty antibiotics so we talk to doctoc about this issue that keeps ones going and she said that its i oftentimes with young childrenng that are brought in by parentsar that theyre the ones gettings i these unnecessary antibiotics. Io heres what she had to say. Majority of things weng w actually see children forren weather its emergency room,cyoo urgent care, the pediatriciane office is actually viral. Antibiotics a anything for that virus inirus i itself. Itlf. Its an antibacterial and were dealing with a virus. G withir its more symptom management. Syp we try to bring down that fever and make the childdo feel better which gives the parentsts reassurance. Reporter yeah. So theres all kinds of otherer things that happen with antibiotics, too. Tibiot side effects in your body. The antibiotics are killing your good microbes in your system,ys and affecting your immune systes and thats why we got to take this stuff seriously and 30 of the time theyre now saying youu dont need toes antibiotics. Nti. So something to think about wheh you go to your doctor you take t your child and you just want tot walk away some kind ofnd prescription think about that. U. Right. R i hope everybody gets on board. D such a big business. Big bus i hope doctors listen to it as a well when you might not need itd deena, thanks. A, t lets leave it there. Ts leav see you next time. Yoxt t reporter thanks allison. On. 8 54. Before we get Tucker Barnesar lets head back to capitol hill. Rnc donald trump has arrived heu is inside and ampllison he did i use the front entr no. No all of the protesters were. Ts or the reporters. Threpo right. But we saw online if you followo on quitter numerous pictures ofo him arriving, getting out of tho cars, Walking Around the cornerc to the Side Entrance of rnc headquarters so there you go. O u big meeting scheduled to take tk place in about five minutes. M this is the scene out front of whats happening where there are protesters mixed in with the the media. So as soon as we find out fromof the folks who we have coveringen this and inside and outsideutsi well let you know what happenst because it is a huge dayug particularly for the Republican Party trying to find unificatioa on capitol hill this morning. Mg all righty. Lets get another check this thi hour. The last one with our surfing usa beach boy himself tucker tke barnes. I want to extend warm welcomw to all the president ialde candidates to come to our beachb party if youd like. L it would be great. Woul gre unification and sunshine. Catn in fact everybody is welcomeo to come to our beach party were trying to bring the sun out ifet its not in the forecast well bring the out here at fox5. Fox. 59 now in washington. Hi all right. Its mild. Well be in the low 70s laterat today. To we think well warm up theell p reason wee think well warm upau there mit sunshine today. Ay. Dont be fooled by it becausese the general pattern of low of clouds and fog and drizzle willl continue and there could be aree few showers later this afterno afternoon. Now day 15, today will be day 1d if we get it of measurable rainr out the Reagan National. Nio 73 today. Od definitely some rain tomorrowomr and saturday with some frontalro systems and i think sunday willw be a dry day and a mostly sunnyn day. Da it will be cool and breezy butet mostly sunny. Ny that is a look from here. Mer back to the beach with erin. How is it looking erin. 8 56 right now, tucker. Ker. Unfortunately still dealing witn metro delays. Days. Residual delays to largo towngon center and New Carrollton fortof the orange, blue and silverndil lines. Line earlier malfunction a malfunction at foggy bottom. Ot things back to normal on the ree line. Crash and delays earlier issuelr we were dealing with as you makm your way out past clopper road r cleared on 270. However, were still very heavyh traffic on the southbound side e of 270 as you head down towardss the spur. Th heavy traffic all over theer the district. 395 northbound jammed beltway tb the 14 s 295 from the bottom side of the beltway on through very slow. Lo same story southbound from 50 oo in. Youre slow across the inner loop from the wilson bridge ande then the inner loop throughpou annandale as well. Any questions on your commute at erin fox5 d. C. Well continue the beach party. R keep it to fox5 good day at 9at9 coming right up. Ht shark cast not working for me. Well work on that. Well be back in just a few. Straight ahead, put party first. Fst right now presumptive gop gop president ial nominee donaldee d trump is ming with house Speaker Paul Ryan. N. Can the defiant frontrunnerrorur within him over . . When it rains, it pours. And this time were actually not talking about washingtonshito gloomy weather. Were talking about metro. Thats because the transitra agency is facing more federal scrutiny and direct orders tos t make major fixes or else. Easy a . Montgomery county justy made big changes at the way it figures out grades. Gu and it could be good news foror some below average students. Sde well break down the changesha with which everyone might notot agree. Unreachable is that one. O. Later mad max strikes again. The nats ace now joining some elite company with laugh nights record tying performance on thee mound. How he is celebratin celebratine milestone. Good day at 9a starts now

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