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Zuckerberg announced in a late night post. We begin this morning with a look at todays eye opener. Your world in 90 seconds. If you are a dreamer, if youre a hispanic, if youre an undocumented alien, you better hide these are radically divisive choices. President elect trumps cabinet choices hit a nerve. Today, he meets another critic. He has neither the tre temperament nor the judgment to be president. Endorseme endorsement. Trump is a phony. Mike pence got boos on broadway at hamilton. Make your voice heard. President obama arriving in lima, peru, for his last final stop as president abroad. A nasty storm front pushing blizzard conditions from the dakotas to the northeast. . . 100 days 100 . Sharon jones has died of pancreatic cancer. Look at that in san jose. and that mattered. He took that shot to the head. D to come back. You not only came back, you got the winning goal. On cbs this morning saturday. For the first time in a decade, republicans will hold the house, the senate, and the white house. How did trump win . Was this the revenge the White Working Class voters . Did we anchor the volcano gods . I know we should have thrown taylor swift in there. I said that yeah. Welcome to the weekend, everyone we have a very special announcement this morning. We are so happy to welcome alex wagner as the new cohost of our show. Welcome im so excited to be here i could barely sleep last night we got a great first show for you this morning and for everyone. Later on, we are going to take you to poland. Dozens of artists are plugging away at one of the most ambitio ambitious feets in cinema. Every single frame is painted in the artists style and show you how they are pulling it off. Wild audiences for 25 years. Behind the Blue Man Group as they reach this impressive milestone. We catch up with the actor who has worked with everyone we begin this morning with our top story. President elect donald trump is close to making more choices for his cabinet. Cbs news has learned former new york city mayor Rudy Giuliani is the leading candidate for secretary of state. Steve mnuchin a former Goldman Sachs executive will be happened for treasury secretary and wilbur ross. This comes on the heels of weeks announcement of three picks to his National Security team. Weijia jiang is in our Washington Bureau with the latest. Good morning. Reporter good morning. All of the people the president elect has tapped in his latest round of picks have one thing in common. They all supported him early and staunchly, even when it was wildly unpopular. Yesterdays names in particular signal a sharp shift in the right in u. S. National security policy. Aside mr. Trump so far is campaign promises. President elect donald trump escaped new yorks fifth avenue on friday evening, moving his Transition Team to his golf club in bedminister, new jersey, for the weekend. Today, he plans to meet with retired marine general james madus under consideration for secretary of defense and former faux mitt romney, disappoint his previous efforts to knock out his campaign. Donald trump is a phony, a fraud his promises are as worthless as a reporter trumps transition has been criticized for being frenzied but Vice President elect mike Pence Insists its a smooth process. We got a great number of men and women with great qualifications. Reporter late this week, trump named three picks for key posts. Former military intelligence chief and retired army general Michael Flynn as his National Security adviser. A lifelong democrat who has lets get off the dime and call it like it is. Which is one more time . Which is islamic extremiextr reporter kansas congressman who was an opponent on the state departments handling of the benghazi terror attacks that killed four americans. And alabama senator Jeff Sessions accepted the nomination for attorney general. In 1986 his efforts to security a federal judgeship were derailed amid accusations of making racist comments while serving serving. My opinion is they have not. They may have taken positions that i consider to be adverse. Does that make then unamerican . No, sir, it does not. Does that make positions on america . No. Reporter sessions may have to soon revisit those to go through. The democrats wont be able to block any of mr. Trumps cabinet picks but they only have a slim oneseat republican majority. Alex . Weijia jiang in washington, thank you. Here in new york, Vice President elect mike pence attended last nights performance of the broadway hit music hamilton. But he did not get a warm reception from some of the audience when he took after the curtain call, actor Brandon Victor dixon who plays the thirds Vice President had a message for mike pence and the Trump Administration. We have a diverse america who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us. Defend us and uphold our alienable rights. Pence heard the speech from the aisle but had no comment. Tix dixon spoke after the show. We thought this was an important moment to Say Something and get in front of an individual we feel we have differences and make sure he hears and sees us. Early this morning, hamilton creator Lin Manuel Miranda tweeted the following. Pence flashed a smile and a wave as he left the theater. He was met with more boos, this time by a small group of protesters. One of Donald Trumps most controversial appointees say they will build a Political Movement leave republicans in charge of government for 50 years. He is trying to clear up assertions that he is a far right white nationalist. Incoming white house chief the hollywood reporter, quote, im not a nationalist, im a nationalist and economic nationalist. He added the globalist gutted the american working class and created a working class in asia. Bannon tells the publication, quote, darkness is good. Dick cheney . Darth vader, satan. That is power. Trumps appointment of steve bannon has drawn sharp criticism. Before joining trumps team he ran breitbart which is accused antisemitic. For more Mark Leibovich is joining us. It keeps getting more interesting, mark. What do we make of trumps choices and how he intends to govern . You bring me in to talk about darkness . What i way up on a saturday morning . This is sort of its never a great idea when your introduction to the American Public is a big picture of you darkness, you know . What was the third one . Darth vader. I think its probably i mean, the only really organizing principle around all of these first hires is that these are all people that donald trump is loyal to or feels like were loyal to him. So, i mean, i guess the easy answer is its just him wanting to surround himself with people who he is comfortable with or he wants to reward, or maybe the less reading its cronyism. I think little problematic. Do you feel there seem to be two emerging wings of the Trump Administration. One the more establishment wing helmed by Jared Kushner and another by steve bannon. Do you think the first round of picks are representative of either man having more of a say . I dont think so. I mean, the only winning right now that matters is the whim of as its almost kind of rag tag around whatever it is that donald trump decides his yum pul impulse is leading him that day. Two months before the administration begins is fascinating. Who knows how this is all going to work. What do you think the reaction in the senate is going to be to these appointments . That is the key question because they are the ones who have oversight. I imagine the daemocrats stickig together and against a lot of these of West Virginia and north dakota and more centrist. Will others try to assert power on their own. Do you think any chance the senate gives away to the filibuster to clear the road for Donald Trumps appointments . Absolutely. I think recent criticism for whoever in the party is charge in terms of shortterm have advantages across the board. This might be a time to do that. That would be a radical departure of senate protocol. It would. Well, put in place by harry reid. The Republican Senate is probably as nervous about they are not more as. A different kind of nervous about the president elect, the Incoming Administration as the democrats are. We are going to see how they react. A whole bunch of rogue republican senators potentially that showe during the campaign. The question is are they actually going to come around . What do you make of mitt romneys visit to the big apple . I think we are all stunned by it. I still think its a little bit of a long shot he will actually take a job. I think at the very least, sort of a win win. He is reaching out to his former adversaries. I still would be very surprised if it led to a job. He did take a cab from the airport. He did. He was in line, too very interesting. And romney is known to be a hamilton fan as well. Thank you, Mark Leibovich. Welcome. Thank you. Donald trump has reached a 25 Million Dollar settlement to end three lawsuits accusing his Trump University of having been a fraud. Anna werner reports. Reporter throughout the campaign, donald trump vowed never to reach a deal in a lawsuit brought against Trump University. I could have settled it. I think pretty easily. I dont like settling ca twitter that Trump University had a 98 approval rating. In infomercials he promised quality. I didnt want to put my name on anything having to do with education unless it was going to be the best. Reporter but some former students sued saying they paid tens of thousands of dollars believing they would become successful in real estate, but were misled. Gary smith paid 35,000. I thought he was, like, you know, kind of a topnotch guru of sorts. You know . Court documents a former Events Manager karine summer wrote some showed up who were homeless and could not afford the seminars but said trump representatives told them, its okay, just max out your credit card. His la his lawyers had also said many students who attended the program over its fiveyear existence gave it a thumbs up and those who failed had themselves to blame. But friday the students attorney, patrick coughlin, declared victory for most. We have the majority of the studen students that will receive at least 50 or maybe up to 100 of a return. Mr. Trumps attorneys said we have no doubt that trump would have prevailed but resolving the case lets the president elect devote his time to important issues facing the country. In a latenight post facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has responded to president democracy. Pzuckerberg says its a pretty crazy idea that fake news affected the president ial election. Hes come up with a plan that calls for stronger detection of fake news. It calls for thirdparty verification and warnings to flag stories that have been labeled as false. Zuckerberg also wants to raise the quality of related articles and disrupt the economics of fake news. The facebook plan would also listen to journalists to understand their ct systems. Well have more about what to do about fake news in the next half hour. President obama is in peru this morning to attend the 21nation asiapacific economic summit and to reassure the groups leaders that the u. S. Will be fine when donald trump succeeds him. Mr. Obama arrived in lima, the capital, last night. Its the third stop of a threenation visit. The president is expected to hold a town hall with young people and meet for the final Global Leaders have expressed concern following the election of donald trump. Mr. Obama is due back at the white house on monday. The Northern Plains are digging out from the first major snowstorm of the season. Snow plows are working to restore blacktop with more than a foot on the ground in parts of the dakotas, wisconsin and minnesota. Strong winds and whiteout conditions are blamed for hundreds of crashes and spinouts. Meteorologist ed curran out of wbbm tv is tracking the s ed, good morning. Well, good morning, alex. Here is what were watching. This is the comfort thats moving to the east here dragging in cold air and causing the snow youre looking at. Here as this cold air comes over the warm Lake Michigan waters and the other great lakes, it creates lakeeffect snow. Thats why we have Winter Weather advisories and winter storm warnings up here in michigan. Off lakes erie and ontario we have lake effect snow warnings. Plus. Down to the south freeze warnings an a fire weather warning where its very dry and very windy. How cold does it get out here . Yesterday in cleveland they had a record high 74. Today only 42 degrees. Tomorrow in new york its your turn, 62 degrees for today, tomorrow just 45. Anthony. Oh, ed, i dont like that, but thank you. Meteorologist ed curran of our chicago station wbbm tv, thanks. At the vatican this morning pope francis elevated 17 bishops to cardinals, including three americans. Seth doane is outside st. Peters basilica where the ceremony took place. Seth, good morning. Reporter good morning. Cardinals are informal advisers to the pope but their most Important Role is to elect the next pontiff. Elevating cardinals to their post is a significant moment within the Catholic Church and comes with all of the pageantry you might imagine. Magnificent backdrop as the socalled princes of the church were crowned this morning with their signature cardinalcolored skull caps. Among them, those three americans, including indianapolis archbishop joseph tobin who was just appointed to newark, new jersey. He had clashed with indiana governor, now Vice President elect mike pence over helping refugees and migrants resettle in the u. S. Another now cardinal is tweeted a picture of his gift to the pope, a cubs hat, following their world series win. The third is former bishop of dallas, kevin ferrell, who learned he had been made cardinal as he watched the pope live on tv. I did not honestly think that there would be more than one american on the list. And then the pope named you. About five names later, he i hear that correct . You were surprised . I was very surprised. I was shocked reporter ferrell had just arrived in rome to take on a new job, running the Vatican Department in the lay tee of life. How significant is it to have three americans being made cardinal . Well, its significant in that it shows the holy fathers love for the people of the United States. Reporter greg burke is the director of the office. We asked him if it was a political statement to choose these cardinals. What you cant see is the new american cardinals are very concerned about the same issues the pope is concerned with. One of those is immigration. Reporter this morning the pope spoke of polarization and exclusion in todays world and how, quote, wounds grow deeper amid growing animosity. Alex. Seth doane outside st. Thanks for that. Time to show you some of this mornings headlines. The Reuters News Agency reports the renewed heavy bombing offensive in syria since tuesday has knocked out all of the hospitals in rebelheld eastern aleppo. The statement from a rebel group said men, women and children in the city were left with no lifesaving options, but a Monitoring Group contradicts the report saying some hospitals are open, though people are too frightened to use them because of the hea the New York Times reports the World Health Organization is raising eyebrows by declaring the spread of the zika virus is no longer a Global Health emergency. The agency says it is not downgrading the importance of zika, but it says the potentially deadly mosquitoborne virus linked to causing birth defects remains ongoing. Some Health Experts fear the change may derail funding efforts for a southeast cornzik witch reports a cyber attack at Michigan State University May have compromised a database containing 400,000 records. The data breach was revealed when a hacker sent an email to the university in an attempt to extort money. The database contained names and Social Security numbers for all employees of the school since 1970 and all the students from the last 25 years. Michigan state says its confirmed that only 449 records were accessed. The Washington Post reports on a rather explain side effect of global warming. Meteorologists are struggling to pinpoint why with melting temperatures under way in the north pole, siberia is shivering with temperatures 60 degrees below normal. One forecaster says, quote, even by siberian standards, the cold has been pretty incredible. Those are high standards. And National Geographic has word of another mystery. Here it is. Hikers discovered two moose, encased in eight inches of ice along the bering sea in alaska this month. Scientists are struggling to explain what appears to be a frozen battle. Theories are fighting over territory or going headtohead over a lover. I should not laugh, this is a tragic love story. Its very sad. It probably did happen a long time ago. I also learned that the plural of moose is moose. Thats the takeaway. Coming up, the new controversy on campus. We will look at the fight over socalled sanctuary schools and we will talk to demonstrators students. And a blob of bubbles spills out onto city streets. Find out what caused this frothy mess. Youre watching cbs this people in South Carolina treated to an island of foam. The foam is a chemical fire retardant and stretched an entire city block. Some onlookers jumped in not irritation. Officials expect the rain to wash it all away this weekend. Quite a sight. That is my childhood dream come true. A near impossible feat for a feature film. Coming up we will show how these artist are painting every frame for the life of vincent van go. On their big anniversary, we go inside the Blue Man Group to we will be right back. This is cbs this morning . There are growing concerns this morning over how Donald Trumps white house will treat undocumented immigrants who came here as children. Thousands of demonstrators at more than 80 colleges and universities have signed petitions and walked out in support of undocumented classmates. Tony dokoupil is at harvard where students are calling for a sanctuary campus. They rallied in big schools. And tiny colleges. But the focus was the same undocumented students like harvard freshman rosa vasquez. How does it feel to be at harvard . Feels great. Reporter the california teen cried tears of joy when she got into harvard. Congratulations youre going to harvard oh, my god reporter now she is afraid in a Trump Presidency she wont be allowed to stay. Im afraid for friends. Im afraid for thousands of undocumented students across the country. Reporter donald trump won the white house with a message of opportunity for americans first. I want the children t to be dreamers. Reporter in an interview with lesley stahl on 60 minutes last week he pledged deportation for millions of convicted criminal immigrants but left all others, including students, in a long suspense. After the border is secured and after everything gets normalized, we are going to make a determination on the people that youre talking about who are terrific people. The concerns are very well placed. Reporter terry works for the American Council on education, a but at this point, there are simply concerns that we dont have any evidence that the Trump Administration will do anything in this area. Reporter but as long as the president elect policy remains uncertain, students like rosa plan to fight. I am as american as everybody else. Like ive grown up here, i have all of the values and pursued the american dream. Reporter we contacted the trump Transition Team for clarity on its policy toward undocumented students and the under president obamas policies. But the suspense continues. Foe cbs this morning saturday, tony dokoupil, cambridge, massachusetts. On monday, president obama bestows the medal of freedom on some of the worlds most famous stars and two women who made strides in the world of up next, medical news in our morning rounds, including good news for people who take the popular drug celebrex for arthritis pain. Doctors jon lapook and tara narula on new guidelines for using statin drugs for loring youre watching cbs this morning saturday. Its holiday time, and no fruit is as versatile as our ocean spray cranberries, which is why were declaring it the unofficial official fruit of the holidays. The figs gonna be so bummed. [ chuckles ] just press clean and let roomba from irobot help with your everyday messes. Roomba navigates your entire home. Which means your floors are always clean. You and roomba, from irobot. Better. Together. Remember 2007 . Smartphones . O m g ten years later, nothings really changed. Its time to snap out of it. Hello moto. Snap on a jbl speaker. Put a 70 . Screen on a wall. Get a 10x optical zoom. The new moto z with motomods. Buy one moto z droid, get one 50 off. Only on verizon. Oh, look. Another antiwrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. Neutrogena . Rapid wrinkle repair works. In one week. With the. Fastest retinol formula. To visibly reduce wrinkles. . At walgreens, youre free free to seize the savings ollar copays on select plans to rewards points on all prescriptions, its easy to save big at walgreens. . Just stop by walgreens. . Then sit back and enjoy the savings. . Time for morning rounds are chief medical correspondent dr. Jon lapook and dr. Tara narula. Celebrex for people suffering from arthritis, this Prescription Drug can play an Important Role in their lives and a new Study Suggests that risk than similar drugs. The new Research Published in the new england journal of medicine concluded that celebrex is just as safe for your heart as rival drugs like ibuprofen and naproxen. Reporter mary kay is a respiratory therapist and takes celebr celebrex. Its my hands and shoulders and elbows and back. Ive had back have had such severe arthritis. Reporter celebrex is a similar mechanism to vioxx which was pulled from the market in 2004 because of increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Were you concerned . Vioxx is causing heart problems. What will secelebrex . The same group. I was concerned. Something in the back of your mind going is it okay to take this everyday. Made requirements. People were given celebrex and ibuprofen or thnaproxen and mord for stroke effects. I thought that it would probably tilt against celebrex. Reporter what actually happened . Everybody was wrong, including me. Its pretty clear that it was not wo little bit toward being on the better side. Reporter the study also found a lower risk of gastrointestinal complications in celebrex compared to the other two. It was taking a drug under a cloud of suspicion after vioxx was withdrawn and it lifts that cloud and it lets us now think about this in different ways. So interesting. You both reported on this, on 30 were lost to followup. They werent able to to the dose as they were other medications which could limit the interpretations. The patients were not as high risk as we would have hoped in the sense only 20 had cardiovascular disease. We dont know which patients during the trial were on aspirin or not and whether that influenced the result. From my point of view, sks the it came about because they tend to cause fewer ulcers. From my point of view thats a good thing. We need to emphasize we are not talking a person who these are people taking moderately high doses every day because they had arthritis. Moving on. Lets talk about statins. Millions of americans take these cholesterol loring drugs to combat heart disease. The American Heart Association ran ranks cardio vas large for strokes. The fda estimates every day more these diseases. Updated rems fcommendations thi week. Statins are pretty bad in this country and used to lower cholesterol and very effective they come in different types. The way that they work is by basically decreasing the production of cholesterol in the body by the liver and increasing the receptors in the liver that pull out the bad cholesterol. They also have some other effects antiinflammatory and other effects as well. What is the task recommending . In 2008 they t screening and now talking about who should be treated. Basically, if you are a 40 to 75 and you have a risk factor being hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes or you smoke, then you have your doctor calculate what is called a ten year risk score. What that is is basically your risk of having a heart attack or stroke over the next ten years and we do that with a formula or an equation. If that risk score is greater than 10 there is benefit according to these recommendations for lower modern a benefit but albeit less. Those over 76 we dont have enough data to support one way or another whether statins are helpful. Jon, so this class of drugs has proven to be fairly safe but what is the potential side effects . There is no free lunch. You have to have respect for all of these medications. Aches and pains is common and can cause damage to the muscles and interaction with certain drugs and liver en level and slightly increase risk of diabetes and people have some problems with memory. Any time you take any medicine, if it can happen, its fa pharmacological can help, you need to be aware. Thank you both. Thanks for your time. Up next, did fake news on the internet help donald trump win the presidency . Impact on american democracy and the ethics of reporting the news. We will dive into that ahead. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. . Rooms come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. With eight times more fragrance control, the air wick . Scented oil warmer lets you dial up or down for the perfect amount of fragrance. No matter the size of the room. Air wick . Home is in the air. Uh, you asked to see me, coffee . Yeah, listen, sugar, were, uh. Lettin you go. Wait, what . People love sweet taste. Thats true, but sweet aint enough anymore. Its that splenda naturals gal, isnt it . Yeah. I knew it look, not only is she sweet, shes got natural stevia, no bitter aftertaste, and of course, zero calories. Ohh, not the calories again. Sugar, youre full of calories. I know ugh so all the partners agree . Even iced tea . Especially iced tea. Goodbye, sugar. Whats going on here . Im val, the orange money retirement squirrel from voya. Were putting away acorns. You know, to show the importance of saving for the future. So youre sort of like a Spokes Person . More of a spokes metaphor. Get organized at voya. Com. Just like mom, 6 00 every night. Hey guys, im home of course no one said it had to be cooked. Campbells one dish recipes, designed around one pan and your schedule. chuckle . come on, dad. . . They tell me im wrong . . To want to stand alongside my, my love . . Whoa, talkin bout my love . . Talkin bout my, my love . You ready, dad . . Whoaooh . Particularly in social media where so many people are getting their information and sound bites and snippets off their phones. If question cant discriminate between serious arguments and propaganda, then we have ob week calling the growing problem of fake news on the internet a threat to democracy. Its been hard to miss websites or social media posts that push made up often lured stories to draw in readers and possibly mislead voters. Some of the people who create these posts are boasting about it. Like one Facebook User who actually claims to have put donald trump in the white house even as facebooks own mark joining us to hash this out more is dan acker mman and jeff jarv. Welcome to the program. The president says the proliferation of these sites makes common conversation almost impossible. To what degree do you think this is going to prompt a review in terms of how some of these social media sites make their money and where they take their information from . The social media sites are used off of engagement technologically driven and they havent had to deal with whether something is real or not real or true or not real. They are looking to engage their users. Now they say there are consequences to that. They are going to have to figure out a way to remain relevant to people and not have a disservice to their business interests. Jeff, where do you think the responsibility lies here in terms of policing this, if it can be policed . I dont want to see facebook and google become the sensors of the cops to the world. Yes. Its not their job to decide not but they do have a role, their responsibility. We as users as a responsibility too. Before you pass something on do you know what that is about . I think what we need to do is inform the users better. Before you post something you might want to say the New York Times or buzzfeed looked into that and if you want to make fun of it that is your free speech right to do. But we need to inform users better and i think we need to revive more information to them. Dan, its not just social the New York Times is reporting on chat box which helps circulate and spread misinformation and otherwise confuse folks, right . Interesting. One of the big growth areas in terms of technology is figuring out how chat box can do that. The way we want to do is Customer Service or people are using that technology now to create these conversations and almost gum up the works with fake news and fake conversation rather than what we should be chfg is real conversations. Doing to deal with this or what can they do . I think they are trying to get rid of some of the worst accounts and twitter as well. I just put up in a post this morning that talks about 15 ways that we think we can improve the way this works. That includes us in the media. The problem is we have abandoned this notion of social media. We say, look, you have to come to our site and watch our show or read our story. So a site like which isnt always fake but ofn they get 300 million impressions a week. Why isnt the New York Times or cbs so people can pass this around in their conversations with truth and journalism and facts . Was there you know, we hear certain sites that propelled misinformation about Hillary Clinton more than donald trump. Was there a symmetry in terms of fake news leading up to the 2016 election . I think there was and a ideology cal motivation. They put up fake ads and get paid based on the traffic they you want to get the fake news get the most engagement and most shares you think in your Market Research is going to do the best for people. And that is how these companies are tackling this. They are tackling it as a technology and money problem by saying we are going to cut off the ads to these fake news site its. Who are these companies . A lot of it individual guys fake news and slap ads on them. If it made more sense to put your more stories about cooking and flowers, they would do that but they found out fake news is where the money is. Thank you both. A brave new world. Thanks for your time. Coming up, some big stars are about to receive the medal of freedom from president obama. But you have probably never heard of two of the most important and influential women on the list. We will tell you about them. Announcer this portion sponsored by farmers insurance. [burke] hot dog. Seen it. Covered it. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. . We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum . Anyo w ows how it feels to see your numbers go up, despite your best efforts. But what if you could turn things around . What if you could. Love your numbers . Discover oncedaily invokana . Its the 1 prescribed sglt2 inhibitor that works to lower a1c. A pill taken just once in the morning, invokana . Is used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugar roven to be more effective at lowering a1c than januvia. Invokana . Works around the clock by reducing the amount of sugar allowed back into the body, and sending some sugar out through the process of urination. And while its not for lowering systolic Blood Pressure or weight loss, it may help you with both. Invokana . Can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak, upon standing. Kidney problems, genital yeast infections, changes in urination, high potassium, increases in cholesterol, risk of bone fracture, or urinary tract infections, possibly serious. Serious side effects may include ketoacidosis, which can be life threatening. Stop taking and call your doctor right away if you experience symptoms. Or if you experience symptoms of allergic reaction such as rash, swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. Or kidney problems or are on dialysis. Tell your doctor about any medical conditions and medications you take. Using invokana . With a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. Its time to turn things around. Lower your blood sugar with invokana . Imagine loving your numbers. Theres only one invokana . Ask your doctor about it by name. Boost its about moving forward not back. Its looking up not down. Its feeling up thinking up living up. Its being in motion. In body in spirit in the now. With 26 vitamins and minerals and 10 grams of protein. All in 3 delicious flavors. Its choosing to go in one direction. Up. Boost. Be up for it. On monday, president obama will award 21 americans with the highest civilian honor, the president ial medal this years list of recipients is filled with stars. . Reporter including household names like bruce springsteen, michael jordan. Last night a super moon. Reporter ellen degeneres. And diana ross. Two of this years honorees are women whose technological contributions shaped the world of computers anticourse of the nation. Margaret hamilton came up with a first astronauts on the moon. The software she wrote for apollo 11 anticipated headed off the problems that the astronauts encountered when landing on the lunar surface. Grace hopkinss contributions came later. She left her job as a professor to join the Naval Reserve where she helped program the harvard mach one, one of the erls computers would lead the development of programming code still widely used in business and government computers. Hopper remind on active duty in the navy long past the mandatory retirement age and earning the rank of rear admiral before finally retiring at the age of 79. After her death in 1992, the navy named one of its fleets in memory of her. In a 1983 interview with 60 minutes morley safer, hopper very rich person. Ive already received the highest award ill ever receive, no matter how long i live, no matter how many more jobs i may have and that has been a privilege and the responsibility of serving very proudly in the United States navy. I love when we talk about women and science and math and engineering. A good thing. So great and two really extraordinary women. Grace hopper came up with the phrase a bug in the among the many other accomplishments. Thank you, grace hopper. So much to thank her for. They never speak and they are a shade of blue headtofoot. They are the Blue Man Group, of course. They are entertained tens of millions of people around the globe for 25 years now. Later, we will take you behind the scenes of their long running success. For some of you, your local news is next. Around. Youre watching cbs this welcome to cbs this morning saturday. Im anthony mason. Im alex wagner. Coming up this half hour, inside a new film about vincent 64,000 handmade painting. Norman lloyd, we are with him as he celebrates his 102nd birthday. Behind the scenes with the Blue Man Group who have been delighting audiences for 25 years. Donald trump is at his new Jersey Golf Club this weekend and meeting with candidates to fill the cabinet of his Incoming Administration. Of his biggest critics mitt romney. The next batch of appointments is expected early next week. Cbs news has learned the leading candidate for secretary of state is Rudy Giuliani and Steve Mnuchin is a favorite to be the next treasury secretary. And wilbur ross has the inside track for the commerce secretary job. Vice president elect mike pence made an appearance on broadway he was greeted by boos and cheers as he took his seat before the performance of the musical hamilton. After the show, pence got a lecture from a cast member about the incendiary remarks that donald trump made during the president ial campaign. We truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our American Values and to work on behalf of all of us. Pence was greeted with more boos from protesters as he left the theater. The Vice President elect will be nation. We have some very sad news to report this morning. Grammy nominated sole singer extraordinaire sharon jones has died. . . 100 days 100 nights . From the first notes you heard, you could feel the force of 411 sharon jones. Born in augusta, georgia, and raised on gospel, jones began performing working as a corrections officer at rikers island. At an early meeting with a Company Executive nearly made her quit as she told us in 2010. You need to maybe lose weight and you dont have the look we are looking for. He literally came out and said those things. I was too fat, too black, too short. Reporter it wasnt until many year later that brooklyns 46yearold jones would release her debut record with the dap kings. . . Got a thing on my mind children behind it . Reporter but it was her third album, 100 days 100 nights that would catapult her career at the age of 50. . . Ive been away too long . Reporter in 2013 her was sidelined by a cancer diagnosis. After surgery and chemo which took her hair, jones who refused to wear a wig fought to return to the stage. Her battle was depicted in this years documentary miss sharon jones. She came back Even Stronger with a Grammy Nominated give them what they want which is exactly what she did on this broadcast white house lawn. When her health forced her to cancel, the president sent this moat. Michelle and i hope you have a speedy recovery and that we have a chance to see you perform in the future. What a show he would have seen. . . To my happiness . Ive seen a lot of places ive been things . . Im still here hey . She was surrounded by her family, by her loved ones and her band when she died. What a phenomenal life she was. She was booked to be here in four weeks. I cant believe she is not going to be with us. She was discovered with lou field in the beginning. The music world has one less great soldier. Up next, norman lloyd was born a few months after the start of world war 1 i. He is said to be the oldest working actor in hollywood. That is coming up. Youre watching carbon monoxide. Or fill a big order or expand your office and take on whatever comes next. Find out how American Express cards and services can help prepare you for growth at open. Com. Its holiday time, and no fruit is as versatile as our ocean spray cranberries, which is why were declaring it the unofficial official fruit of the holidays. The figs gonna be so bummed. Put some distance between you and temptation with meta appetite control. Clinically proven to help reduce hunger between meals. New, from metamucil, the 1 doctor recommended brand. . You make me feel so young. Norman lloyd is reputed to be the oldest working actor in hollywood. Over his career, he has worked with everyone from charlie chaplain and orson wells to Denzel Washington and amy schumer. Earlier this month, lloyd celebrated another birthday. Born in 1914, that now makes him 102. Ive worked in my business 36 years. I cant remember that far back reporter i was impressed with that number until i found out how long you had been in your business. Over 80 years. Reporter norman lloyd starred in his first broadway play in 1935. His first film in 1942. You made the cover of the journal of longevity. A few years ago none of these bums are the equal reporter he is still performing. They call you now the oldest living actor. Is that true . Reporter if it is true, what do you think of that title . I really dont relish it, because it infers that its age that is giving me some dimension and not to the scale of acting. What are aerobics . You got any . Yeah, ill be right there. Ill be right there. He is wearing a reporter lloyds most recent acting credit was in the amy schumer comedy trainwreck. He was 100 when he got the part after meeting the doctor for lunch. And when it was time to go, judd said, ed, ill walk you to your car. And i got into it. And started to drive and it hit me, he wanted to see if i could walk reporter thats not a test a lot of actors have to go through. No. That was my screen test reporter ha ha we know that soeday we are going to die. We just dont know when. Reporter lloyd may be most familiar to tv audiences as dr. Daniel auschlander on the 80s series st. Elsewhere. Im 72 now and dying of kansas city. Reporter his contract was for fourso you were supposed to die, but you didnt. No, because i i was i refused to the character caught on. Reporter much like Norman Lloyds career, which just keeps going. Born norman purmulat or in new jersey. Wells took him to hollywood to make a film in 1949 but the deal to new york. As a consequence, i was not in citizens kane. Now i look upon that as a great break. Reporter why . Because i fell into saboteur. Reporter he played the title character in the 1942 Alfred Hitchcock thriller and star in the directors climatic scene shot on a set recreating the statue of liberty. Do yoth that railing backwards . He didnt want to double. He didnt want to cut. He wanted to be right there as i backed up backwards over the railing i still remember the grip who was lying in the mattress to catch me so i wouldnt go off 40 feet. His name was scotty. Reporter it was the lloyd would also star in spell bound. What you got . Somewhat better doctor. Things seem a little less troublesome. Reporter then spent 18 years as the director and producer of Alfred Hitchcock presents. In 1952, lloyd would work with charlie chaplain, an extraordinary cast in the film limelight. That is the greatest call she ever issued. You have chaplain andte keaton on the same call sheet. Jesus you cant get greater in this Business Reporter lloyd and chaplain had first met on the tennis court in the 40s. Was he a good tennis player . Yes, but he had one severe limitation. He did not want to wear his glasses when he played so he wouldnt go to the net. Reporter you continued to play tennis until you were 100 . Is that right . I played tennis until i was reporter that will do it, i guess. That will do it. I said, ive been delivered a message reporter amongst all of the memorabilia on the walls of Norman Lloyds study are pictures of his wife peggy who died five years ago at age 98. Two days before she died, she said, how long have we been married . I said, 75 years. And she said, it should last. Reporter last week, in his los angeles neighborhood. Look at this wonderful thing i got reporter modern family star ed oneill threw a small party. This is beautiful. Reporter so celebrate an actor for whom the curtain will always be up. Id like to find a good part to play, but there are not many parts for a 102yearold man reporter but youre available . Beautifully put. But acting well, i never stop. Amazing just an amazing guy. How many actors have worked with Ingrid Bergman and amy schumer . An extraordinary career and still going and you know what . He can still act. 10 it. Amazing guy. Two kids and one in their 70s and one in their 60s. I need to know what he is eating for breakfast. We will take you behind the scene of the blue men group. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. Announcer this portion sponsored by toyota. Lets go places . . You dont own me . . Dont try to change me in any way . . Oh . . Thats all i ask of you . The new 2017 corolla with Toyota Safety sense standard. . You dont own me . Toyota. Lets go places. Hey there, hi. Why do people have eyebrows . Why do people put milk on cereal . Oh, are you reading why people put milk on cereal . Why does your tummy go grumbily, grumbily, grumbily . 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I do big time and so did new york this week. This city is the theater capital of america. Shows on and off broadway some and come all the time but for two and a half decade, the Blue Man Group had been a staple here in manhattan. According to the groups founders, these strange b tell us a lot about ourselves and our evolving times. Reporter two and a half miles south of new Yorks Broadway theater district, there is a show unlike anything else in town. For the last 25 years, three men painted in blue have been giving this eye popping mind bending performance using the unlikeliliest of props like marshmallows and pvc pipes to wow the crowd. Like this . We just love the sound of tubes when you hit them. . Actually it doesnt sound like a xylophone in a metal way. Reporter three founding members of the blue men group. When we started out, we were really speciinterested in kindi asking what is human. I didnt feel i had a drive. On the inside like i fit in just as much as a bald and blue guy. Reporter they started as street and Club Performers in the consumerdriven 1980s wen with the help of cofounder matt goldman, a singular character began to develop. We instinctively wanted blue man to be universal. We wanted it to feel like he was not from any particular nation or culture or race or anything. We didnt know we were creating a show actually, but what we the Marx Brothers did which is we were developing pieces that would later become the signature pieces in our show. Reporter at what point does it become viable and something that you realize youre going to be doing for a long time . Well, it was all kind of a series of accidents. We would do a performance that as a guest in someone elses show and the next thing they asked us to do a full show. We said we dont have that much material but see what we can do. At a certain po enough material to go it was a show, and we said, all right, lets do this. Reporter the idea of a silent trio of blue men performing tricks and culture confused some at first. What is it . What is it you do. Reporter as the founders chol told charlie rose in 1992. All of the Great Technology people were coming up with serves the people of people people in their apartments with vcrs. Our sensibility is getting together and not being isolated. What it does for us is allows us to be an outsider in the mundane world. Its a familiar technique. A mermaid, a martian, a brother from another planet. . . . Reporter the show is constantly evolving to keep up with the types. While the earliest versions tackle information overload it now incorporates giant Smart Devices vying for your phenomenon of a global connection but yet the loss of the tribe. We are all about moving forward into the future and into, you know, innovation and all that but things from our past we need to bring with us. In aur show you notice a weird vibe with the weird modern stuff happening but its probably similar in our mind to being around the camp fire or in the cave, you know . Grooving because thats kind of in our dna. Reporter over the years the offbeat upstart became a part a appearing on shows like the simpsons. And recurring story line on arrested development. This is the kids from byebye birdie. . Reporter as its profile group, the Blue Man Group got bigger. The show would expand to seven locations around las vegas to berlin, which meant there needed to be more blue men able to perform. How did you go about casting other blue men . I dont think we could envision at first that other people can and should play the character. It was incredible infusion of energy for us. We stopped talking about our dp the there wasnt my version but it was the blue man. Blue man typically leave their hands by their side. Tryouts around the world. This was the first audition for a group we visited back in august. Okay, very good. Reporter andy and stephane have been training to be blue men for two months. How does it feel to be coming into this grup of performers . Its pretty special. I mean, its a long process. Its an eightweek process and kind of a graduate school kind of class and the character and the reporter stephane performed four years ago and now both performing in shows. There he is throwing marshmallows. At the end of the show you think that is my job. That is just fine. We need to find your individual route into this character. There is just hours and hours of discussion around the training because its a subtle thing. If someone is too quirky, too other or too funny, it doesnt work. But if someone is too dead, it doesnt have any life force, it and it loses its profundity. Its a very sophisticated kind of balancing act that gets to a very simple but very soulful performance. Reporter this week the Empire State Building paid homage to their blue empire for a night but phil and chris hope their spirit will be around for decades more to come. Our test is what do the 18yearolds and 22yearolds come to the show and we dont want it to be their parents show. We want it to be their show. You have to keep taking the picture like a snapshot. The change that happens, we can all see that in realtime. Its almost more interesting to kind of play around with what is going to remain the same, you know . We are betting on drumming by a camp fire. . Fun to see. They practiced that trick while they were waiters and poor way or the cater artists and the chef got a kick out of the trick and would throw food to them and that is the only way they could eat back then. Last month they released a book to celebrate their anniversary. I love this. In 25 years, how many blue men have there been . Believe it or not he says there is only about 70 in the group that have ever been. They come back and go away and do movies and do theater projects and art projects, then tribe. Great job. Who knew . 25 years what a concept yes. Jamie wax, thanks so much. Thank you. Coming up, a film like no other about an artist like no other. Vincent van gogh. Loving vincent is the first film made of entirely paintings brought to life based on van goghs own work and in a we begin this half hour with a unique film about a unique artist. Vincent van goe titled Loving Vincent ian tells a a 19th century dutch painter with entirely paintings in van gogh style. Well over 60,000 individual paintsings were created to make one and a half hours of film. Johnathan vigliotti has the story. Reporter one of send mas most ambitious new films is under production in a small studio in poland. With the stroke of a brush a the work of vincent van gogh. The final result . The first handpainted film ever made. We have definitely, without a doubt, invented the slowest form of film making ever devised in 120 years. Reporter hugh welshman is the films director and using letters vin by van gogh, he and his wife tell the story of van goghs Creative Genius and sudden death. Vincent van gogh was bother in the netherlands in 1853. He painted. At 37 years old after being released from a mental institution, he took his own life without any explanation. A man being absolutely calm to suedal in six weeks. Fictional interviews with the reallife characters and locations depicted in 150 of van goho goghs paintings. It began with a set and actors. Important man like van gogh. He intermediate with and we can look into the shots and cut it together like a live action film and project each frame individually on to convas. Reporter as the producer explains, a total of 120 artists recruited from all over the world turned those projections into oil on paintings. Youre not just filling in or overpainting a scene as you see it. Youre actually having to interpret a moving scene in the years ago. Reporter to be clear, every single frame of Loving Vincent is painted by hand, all 64,000 of them. The equivalent of 64,000 canvass. Shot four seconds. Yeah . 98 frames. He does a a quarter or a third of a second each day so like in 20 days just for that one shot of the car going through with the women. Reporter the entire 90minute film took four to make and while there is Computer Software that can create the illusion of a painting with a click of a mouse. Nice quiet. Reporter welshman say the computers could never replicate this kind of authenticity. Loving vincent is a painstaking tribute to van gogh, a moving exhibit of his work unlike any before. For cbs this morning saturday, johnathan vigliotti, can you imagine when they first come up with this idea and tried to on sell it . It is a phenomenal amount of work. 64,000 paintings, art imitating art. There you go. There you up next, the the dish. The chef spans the globe and an array of cuisines. Coming up we will hear his story. Youre watching cbs this morning saturday. I want my blood sugar to stay in control. Tresiba . Is a oncedaily, longacting insulin that lasts even longer than 24 hours. I want to trim my a1c. . Tresiba . Ready . Tresiba . Provides powerful a1c reduction. Releases slow and steady. Works like your bodys insulin. When my schedule changes. I want something that delivers. . Tresiba . Ready . I can take tresiba . Any time of day. So if i miss or delay a dose, i take it when i remember, as long as theres at least 8 hours between doses. Without refrigeration. Twice as long as lantus . , which lasts 4 weeks. Tresiba . Is used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. Dont use tresiba . To treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Dont share needles or insulin pens. Dont reuse needles. The most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause dizziness, sweating, confusion, and headache. Check your blood sugar. Low blood sugar can be serious and may be lifethreatening. And all your medical conditions. Taking tzds with insulins, like tresiba . , may cause serious side effects like heart failure. Your insulin dose shouldnt be changed without asking your doctor. Get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing. Fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. Ask your doctor if youre tresiba . Ready. . Tresiba . Ready . Whats the best way to get two servings of veggies . V8 or a fancy juice store . Ready, go hi, juice universe . One large rutabaga, with eggplant. Done thats not fair. Glad i had a v8. Chef michael meness was born in cairo, egypt, and raised in seattle. He describes his mother as an incredible cook. As a young man, he managed a small french restaurant in his hometown. After culinary school, he honed in new york city. He know ons the mena group with more than two dozen restaurants in 11 cities including San Franciscos Award Winning restaurant and strip steak and bourbon steak and we are excited to welcome him to the dish. Good morning welcome. You brought us a lot of dishes. This is one of the classic dishes. Roasted prime rib and finishing smoking it with hay and goes great with bourbon. Its amazing the amount of flavor the beef will pick up from the hay in about a 30second, oneminute smoke. Tell us what else is on the table. Caramelized brussels sprouts. And uni and cauliflower. What is this . That is a nice smoky bourbon cocktail for you to go with the beef thank you for that i am a big fan of bourbon steak. Thank you. Ive heard great things about your restaurants across the country. Thank you. How do you establish an empire that large and what is the secret . Well, the secret is like any other business, right . Its all about great people. Its all about really surrounding yourself and i was fortunate that when i had my operating when i was pretty young. I was 23. We kind of all grew up together. This whole group of people. We have just been able to add just some amazing people that are really family and friends but we all Work Together and just great chefs and great house people and its what its all about. We mentioned you had your mom is a great cook. Your parents are both egyptians and immigrated to the United States when you were a kid. Yes. Is your mom and family where yeah. Every day is thanksgiving at my house. Middle eastern families you will eat for hours on end. The table is just full of food and everything happens at the table. The arguments start and then everybody is laughing. Its an event. As long as it ends in laughing is a good thing. Did any of the traditions and cultural culinary histories of egypt follow you in terms of the memories youve created in the u. S. . Yeah. The food i cook i really like bold flavored food like high acid and high sweet and high fat. Those type of flavors. I like that but its all about balanced food. But, lately, we have really been focusing more and more, myself and my group, we are at the point now where we really do want to do a concept that really takes that great food from the middle east and those spice and through the whole mediterranean and something we are working on right now. Did i read your whole desire no. Thats not true. It had a role . I really it absolutely did. I didnt understand. You know, i was young. I was 15 when i started cooking and by the time i was 17, i knew how much i loved it but this was before everybody was watching food network and i didnt really understand that you could make a career out of it. Then i saw this segment and it was jeremiah and a segment on i always wanted to live in San Francisco that kind of gave me the light bulb. You could do that . I could make it a career, until i asked my father he said youre going to college. Chef, as i hand you this plate to sign it as we do as a tradition, if you could share this meal with anyone past or present, who would it be . I would have to say, its the first person that really gave me an absolute understanding and gentleman who is a pastry chef and chef bory el and his name is jerry hayden and unfortunately passed away a year and a half ago so it would be him. Thank you for your time, chef. We are excited to tackle this. Thank you very much. For more, head to our website cbs this morning. Com. Up next a session with lee field and his band the expressions. Great stuff. N is depression more than sadness . . Its a tangle of multiple symptoms. . . Trintellix vortioxetine is a prescription medicine for depression. 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Its an easy way to give listerine . Total care to the total family. Listerine . Total care. One bottle, six benefits. Power to your mouth . Feel a cold sore coming on . Only abreva can heal it in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. It penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. Dont tough it out, . Starring in this mornings saturday session, one of the last and best men of soul still standing, lee fields. You would be hardpressed to find another artist like him these days. He has been making funky movie to his First Release in 1969. A great singer needs a great band. Since 2009 he has partnered with the expressions and made four albums together and the latest is lee fields and expressions with make the world. . . You better watch out if you want to survive listen to me or just step aside . . Keep your ideal we cant make the world better we need to come together . . Watch out for me i watch out for you know you got my back you know i got your back too . . United we stand divided we fall all loving one for all . . We cant make the world better if we come together i say we can make the world if we come together . . On the ground what they say the pressure so far away . . Its ideal hope and pray you live to see another day . . We can make the world better if we come together . . I said we can make the world better if we come together . . Come on yea, come on get down woo dont go away. We will be right back with more music from lee fields and the expressions youre watching cbs this morning saturday. Announcer saturday sessions are sponsored by blue buffalo. Its holiday time, and no fruit is as versatile as our ocean spray cranberries, which is why were declaring it the unofficial official fruit of the holidays. The figs gonna be so bummed. [ chuckles ] for holiday tips and recipes, go to oceanspray. Com. . 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When im with you the way you hold me so tight the way you the way that you do . . I dont mind thinking of you see i was just a sad an lonely man . Then you came and took my hand and now my prayers have been answered im so glad to be your man . . Let me thank you thank you thank you i want to thank you girl . . When im with you girl when im with you . . The way you hold me in your arms so tight the way that you do girl the way that you do . And grind because its all worth it because of you . . Ive been on the road for so long i dont want to be alone . . Then you appeared out of heaven and i want to thank you for making me strong . . Let me thank you thank you thank you i want to thank you . . You dont know what its like to be lonely how i feel . . It feels so good when somebody love you i said it feel so good when somebody shares . . Every night is a special night when im with you girl when im with . The way you hold me told me so tight the way that you do girl the way that you do . . Every night is a special night when im with you girl when im with you . Naator today on . Lucky dog, . A newlywed couple on the verge of growing their family. Dog. Rebecca in my mind, i was thinking a younger dog. Austin i think were open to a puppy. Rebecca yeah. Narrator but will buddys destructive habits impact this union for better or for worse . Brandon you both have a lot of expensive gear and clothing lying around the house. It sounds like a recipe for disaster. Brandon im brandon mcmillan, and ive dedicated my life to saving the lonely, unwanted dogs

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