Transcripts For WTMJ RightThisMinute 20161004 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WTMJ RightThisMinute 20161004

this is an incredibly dramatic video that comes from tajikistan from a toilet there to be specific. there's something wrapped up into a bundle that someone has thrown into the toilet, so these people are really going after it. they are using poles, long sticks, to retrieve this package. they are working want what's inside. you see that right there, they manage to pull it out. >> remarkably clean. >> i agree. >> coming from where you told us it was. >> prepare yourself to be incredibly shocked. >> that baby was carefully wrapped up. that child had to be put there on purpose. >> that is a newborn baby that had been dropped into this toilet. and it wasn't until they ripped it off that the baby was able to start crying. >> why would the mom feel like this was her only choice? there's so many people. >> exactly. >> the thing is, we don't know any details of it. it really is heart breaking. there's no justification. it's difficult to watch, but at the same time, it is incredible that these people acted so now it has a chance at life. it may seem a little early, but it's the time of year when you start to see some snow videos. this one back from 2013, and i know everybody's like, hey, show is all about "right this minute," why are you showing us videos from three years old? taking a huge jump at big sky resort in montana, stomps the landing. his bros are stoked behind the camera. let's watch it again in slow motion. here he comes, watch close. >> a ski? >> gopro camera, something like that? >> lost his gopro in 2013. how cool would it be if he could go back and find that camera? this is snow, meaning no snow. >> what did we find? >> we found my gopro! >> no way! >> right there. >> he found his camera. >> how cool would it be if it still worked? >> not only did it still work, it still had the footage. watch this. it's worth getting. >> your gut is sinking. >> three years, three days. >> i've got it. >> great day stubbing his nose at gravity, taking flight. got himself a pretty awesome li >> wahoo! >> everything is going just as it's supposed to, but what happens next definitely isn't part of the plan. >> uh-oh, that engine is not making much noise anymore. he's completely lost power. already past the runway, losing it. oh! >> yes, he's fine, but it took some substantial damage. as soon as he lost power, now you're not flying, you're falling. nowhere else to go apart from the wheatfield. be honest, i have to say, goes down, rolls over, cuts out. >> great video, really not a great deal. it's time to give away another ipad mini. >> yep, to enter you're going to need tuesday's buzz word, be at least 21 years old and a legal u.s. or canadian resident. >> "rtm" buzz word coming up in just a bit. >> stand by, everyone, for the normally a video with a koala, the koala would be the star, right? no, no, no, upstaged by that beautiful butterfly. that is willow, she lives in new south wales, australia, but as they are trying to photograph her, this butterfly had every intention to photo bomb to maximum cute effect. >> this is so much better than a picture of only the koala. >> normally the but the butterfly is like i'm going to show my wings off. >> pretty cool the koala is okay with it. >> they placed the butterfly on the tree and thought the koala in the background would be pretty and nice, but then the koala went over to the butterfly and the rest is history because they became fast friends. this curious rhino just woke up from a nap. this is a white rhino in south africa, but when he wakes up, he contraption? that would be a gopro camera that was put on the ground by a game ranger. >> trying to do a selfie, right? millennials today. >> i know, they can't stop with the selfie. >> like a millennial, plays with it for a little while, then like i'm out. walks away. a prankster decides to ask strangers to take his picture. >> let's just say the ladies didn't get angry. >> how a little transformatio >> i need a picture. >> and a stray dog's made her way on to the train. >> to give birth. >> see why this commute is a happy miracle. brought to you by -- target style. expect more, pay less. easy booger man. take mucinex dm. it'll take care of your cough. fine! i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... still not coughing. not fair you guys! waffles are my favorite! ah! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. there's a bazillion ways to top your kids' rice krispies. what's yours? ?a dash of fruit in their favorite color.? ?a bunch of pineapple 'cause hey it's summer!? ?bananas and berries 'cause the letter b rocks.? ?a little bit of yogurt?? ?sure! why not?? the fun never stops! how many ways can you snap, crackle, pop? olive garden now offers catering delivery. we make the food and deliver it to your door... so you can enjoy what's important. darien: why have the latest smartphone if you can't use it wherever you go? switch to u.s. cellular for our best plan yet: 7 gigs of data per line for only $49. to share more photos at your cabin or video chat at your secret fishing spot... we put towers in places the other guys don't. because u.s. cellular thinks you deserve a signal that works wherever you are. switch to u.s. cellular and get a whopping 7 gigs of data per line closed captioning provided by -- act? advanced kills 99% of these germs. act? advanced. cyclists. don't need to say anything else. nick's already making a face. i think they get a bad rap. i got a couple videos to prove it. everyone can see that motorcyclist, but as the white car starts moving up, bang, comes back down. fortunately wearing a helmet. cyclist's fault, nick? >> he blatantly hit him. >> this video is uploading. cyclists can be hard to see because of the shadows of the trees. >> if you can't see a cyclist in the middle of the lane right in front of you, you shouldn't be driving. clearly, you can't see. >> i agree with you. watch again in slow motion. what you're looking for is the tell tale stick in front of i don't see it until he makes contact. that person, in my opinion, wasn't even looking out the front of the vehicle if they were able to do that. we head to russia, where it's even worse. cyclists riding down the road until someone decides i'll take you out and you out, too. >> as frustrated as i get with cyclists, this is blatant. >> she did see them and she also targeted them. in fact, did it deliberately. >> targeted? >> i will back the video up from the beginning and you can see all started. look carefully right here, right there. see the arm was extended. a particular finger was also extended. because this cyclist flipped the bird, the driver decided it's time to use my vehicle as a weapon. going over reports i read from russia, the boyfriend apparently is a person who turns up later in the video pushing, shoving, throwing punches, getting in a fight. police no official complaint has been made, so no investigation and the police aren't getting involved. >> there's a little miracle happening inside this train in russia. >> oh, no. >> no way. >> oh, yes, that is exactly what you think is happening. yes, that dog is a stray. he's into this cart in this train to give birth. there's already one out. >> miracle. look, you can clearly see the people have given up their chairs to someone who's pregnant. never happens. >> they are being super creative, freaking out a bit because they don't know how to help, what do you do in this situation, they give it a space. >> what a strange spot for this dog to sneak out. to time it so the doors open to go inside, not be bothered by the movement of the train, all the other people. you know, secluded spot. >> yeah, maybe this was the best scenario for this dog when it started going into labor. there are different reports as to how many dogs she actually had, but she may have had as many as nine. >> whoa. >> authorities did take this train out of commission. they moved everybody out to a different car to give the dog space. they didn't want to disturb it. they wanted to let it do what it looking for homes for all of these puppies. they provided a phone number, so i'm hoping that they help. ladies, this is conor murphy, and he says he's going to go up to a bunch of women dressed like a nerd and get them to take his picture. >> yeah, this is the guy we had on the show recently on the love chats, started off super nerdy, then took his shirt went crazy. >> he's doing it again. let's just say the ladies didn't get angry. he asked the ladies, can you take a picture of me? he goes up to where he wants the picture taken and starts taking off his clothes. >> he is so huge. >> he is huge and quite tasty to look at. when he starts showing leg, a crowd of women starts forming, then jump in the picture with him. >> whoa. >> when he goes up to these two ladies, he can hardly get them to take a picture. women on the bench. watch their reaction. hat comes off, glasses, and the shirt. >> dang, girl. i'm going to enter my phone number in your phone while i'm at it. >> look at this photo they took together. oh, happiness. check these girls out. hey, let's take a picture in front of the ferrari. not one time in this video did a woman reject his offer to take his picture. this girl cracks me up. okay. i would be mad helping that guy out, even if i was late for something and make sure i'd use that powder so he doesn't have a shine, you know, make sure it's not too shiny. >> world's worst roommate. the worst next "right this minute." and still to come, nail polish girl giving her car a special paint job. >> not nail polish. >> yes, nail polish. it's all set and done. plus, there's still time to score an ipad mini. tuesday's buzz word for your there's nothing like snuggly softness. but the more love it gets, the more odor it gets. new snuggle plus super fresh. snuggly softness plus new odor eliminating technology. and it releases freshness. new snuggle plus super fresh. and it releases freshness. my trainer didn't believe me that trop50 could taste so good no. trop50. tastes so good you won't believe it has 50% fewer calories. pain strikes at the ne rv promotional consideration provided by -- desensitizes aggravated nerves with the max strength lidocaine available. new icy hot lidocaine. dry mouth can effect how your mouth feels and how you feel. discover act? dry mouth. things can happen, go wrong when you're going really fast. this guy here, he's in germany. high speed track that you can take your car out, but watch what happens when he's and laying it down. this guy lives up to his name, bmw going about 173 miles an hour when -- blew the doors off, quite literally. >> okay. >> where does it go? is it gone? >> about 173 miles an hour when -- >> this bmw has made had an impact prior to this incident. >> i'm going to jump onboard, i understand what's going on. they stripped it handle. just trying to reduce weight to get the best time possible. had it tied on. >> they lost a lot of weight. >> that guy got out of that incident unharmed. next guy can't say the same for. dirt bikes, wheelies. >> oh! >> he's like -- exactly. funky things on her youtube channel. today she's taking a car. >> nail polish? >> yes, nail polish. >> i can barely paint my nails, but a car? >> she is enlisting the help of her friends and they have a ton of nail polish set up. even paint the very nice white car behind her. >> are they using dpliter sparkles. >> i love cars with candy paint. if i could get a candy painted glitter nail polish car -- >> wait until you see the final product and see if you feel that way about it. >> paint it with the teeny tiny brushes. i would have dumped it all into a big bucket. >> combine it and use a brush you can get somewhere with. the little brushes, but they brought out sponges, rollers. >> also going to get the spray-on nail polish. >> now we're talking. >> yeah, thank you, spray tan nail polish inventors. >> they do actually cover the entire surface of the car. >> this is terrible. >> getting rid of this car? >> did they hate this person? >> no, this is their car. it functions, it works. >> like a they brought the stars in. looks cool from that side. >> it's definitely unique. look, they take it out for a ride. it's time to give away another ipad mini. older, and a legal u.s. or canadian resident. >> get over to, click win ipad. >> enter the buzz word on facebook, twitter, or both. you can enter on both every day. >> record. >> get over to, click on the win ipad button and enter tuesday's buzz word, record. r-e-c-o-r-d. >> later this week, bonus give away day, one receive a flat screen tv. >> there you go. there you go. >> a couple sets off on a zip line adventure, but there's a twist. >> hello, hello! look at me! >> why he's hoping this ride leads to forever. >> good to go, right, brittney? ready? >> brittney and what's your name? >> ian. >> beautiful sunny day in san diego. ian and his lady love adventure, so here they are about to zip line. >> brittney! hey! >> you hear him calling her name every so often, but she can't hear him. she's out in front of him. >> she's focusing on her adventure. >> it is fun to ride and quite the view, as well. she's just like a little kid. and here she comes. >> are you kidding? hello! hello! >> she's like wahoo! >> in case you missed it, ian there -- >> she doesn't know what's going on. she still hasn't read the sign. everybody's cheering. >> thank you. >> that was really fun. >> world's best zip liner, they love it. >> camera angle changes here. >> what! oh, my god! what? >> and he's happy as a lark. >> yes! >> lucky he was able to hold on to it. kind of thing -- >> speaking of holding on to, where is the ring? >> it's a carabiner. >> will you marry me? >> yes. >> he pops the question and she said yes. >> she said yes officially. >> that's beautiful. thanks for joining us. has lots quits.. the big name stepping out of the media spotlight in milwaukee. plus.. enjoy the sunshine while you can.. when our break from the rain comes to an end.i'm shannon sims.and i'm charles benson. live at now at 4 ... a long-time milwaukee broadcaster makes a huge announcement regarding his future in radio. we begin this afternoon with what could be called a broadcasting george mallet reports, legendary conservative radio voice charlie sykes is shortly after eleven this morning, charlie sykes made the announcement. after a quarter century on the air, the unshakable conservative broadcaster will leave his popular radio program at the end of the year.charlie sykes/620 wtmj radio host 11:10:20 it has been a pleasure and an honor to work here. it has been an extraordinary privledge to be part of all the momentus changes that have taken place in wisconsin over the last two decades. (:10)this constant in wisconsin conservatism allows he is troubled by so many of his fellow conservatives being willing to support donald trump. 12:19:55 to be honest with you, it makes it a bit easier to be able to say, look we need to step back, maybe sit down for a while ask, how did this happen? what went wrong with the conservative movement? what went wrong with the republican party? and obviously, this is a difficult situation because there are a lot of people who have listened to me for a very long time who are very, very unhappy with the fact that i'm not falling in line. but, i've never seen my role as carrying water for just the nominee.

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Montana , United States , Australia , Germany , Wisconsin , San Diego , California , Russia , Poland , Tajikistan , South Africa , Polish , Shannon Sims , Charlie Sykes , Charles Benson , Conor Murphy ,

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