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As everybody knows, second most popular term that women use to search when looking for someone online to meet. Tall . Motorcycle. Yeah. [laughter] all right. For real . For real. So women want a guy that is tall, dark and handsome thats the general rule. And rides a hog. And rides a motorcycle. Heres what they say, why is it the bad boy what is why . Is it justhe chaps . Number one guys with motorcycles ha a little extra umf. So do the chicks right . Yeah girls. [laughter] i like it. They say they have a little extra testosterone in a world of sensitive mi men is a good thin. Guys with motorcycles offer a guys with motorcycles thrive on the mostmpowered women feel girly. Love that. Just watch your ankles on those hot pipes. This morning we are talkingn veterans day and memorial day. A lot of people arent familiar. Memorial day is to honor those who have died serving our country or who have passed our passed military members. Thats why we go to the graves. Veterans day is to honor all who have cetera. Okay. I always wonder too what is the best way to honor someone who has served or currently serving i often will say somebody and say thank you. I think that is number one. Numberne. From the list ofhat they say and what you hear from vets, a lot of times just saying thank you is number one. Heres a couple other things people can do. Number two strike up a conversation. Ask them about it. Number three hire vets. Oh, yes. Give them jobs. Especially to families as well. A lot of families who lost people like hometown heros for kids. Remember theyre families too. And three volunteer get involved in a local organization that helps veterans in some s ofor way. A reminder thunder bay, machine shed and tons of lal restaurants are giving free meals to vets today. We posted a list on our facebook pageo just go to the Morning Blend tmj4 onacebook you can find a list of fs and what not t tmj4 posted. Usually all you bring some form of military id to show i served. Machine shed and thunder bay has a big thing too. Before we meet our veterans on two wheels letsake a look at our arts cameras plus picture of the day. We have a cutie pie here take a look. Viewer Sabrina Shane says this is her 1yearold son evans first time playing in the leaves. This picture t on a seasonaly warm autumn day at their home in milwaukee. 70 degrees. Absolutely. Isnt that so cute. Look at that red hair. I love that. That is adorable. Playing in the leaves. Soon its going to be snow right . Say it aint so. If there is someone special in your life youant w tee them on Television Make them our picture of the day its simple email their photo and sto to pictures themorningblend. Com. All right first up today, in honor of veterans day we invited special guysnd gals to join us the district one american leader riders are the mounted motorcycle color guard for the american legio in southeast wisconsin. Theytarted with Seven Members in 2004, and now have 100. We have a few here. I met several of them months ago it was thi summer i was so charmed i said you guys have to come back and we want to lrn more about your mission and find out more. Ease wcome all of these guys along with don alamo stone, john tinman baker, and weve micked up and ready to go. Great to see you guys. I love that you are here. You look great today. Thank you father your service all of you. Lets talk about what you guys do. I want to know probably from don how do you become a member . What are the riders first of all . We kind of gave a little information, but people probably see you in parades they have seen you with these guys here what exa are you and how do people become involved . First and foremost we have the american , we have the American Legion family, gee legionnaires and so the American Legion and legion auxillary. You have to have a motorcycle endorsement and a motorcycle of at least 500ccs. Hi buddy who is this guy . This is johnn johnny roscoe. Here. Be free buddy. I love it. I have to ask you guys about youricknames how did you get your nicknames . Im texan on my mommas side we are descended from someone that died at the alamo. This is our best nickname ever. Why is that . He had a heart transplant. Thats right. I remember that. And thats why you got the nickname tin man. Correct. How is that heart working . Better than t [laughter] doing well. Im doing great. How about you maverick a lot of people thought maybe it was a top gun reference. No i was called maverick in 1978 as a cb road handle for over the road truck driver. Thats how i got it. I liked the maverick tv show from times gone by. 104 on that good buddy i like that. Do all of you have a nickname. Everybodys nicknames . Fan phantom is our presiden. Pass the mic you can say it. There we go. We got rico over here which is our chaplain. My nickname is bulldog and that came from the john wayne movie the green beret because every time they would call him hey bulldog so i just decided i would be bulldog. Im tom this is my wife chris, my nickname is moggie. W i got it im not sure. Im the treasurer with this group. Awesome. I love it. My name is jim roscoe and my road name is jr, becau we already had a member named roscoe so, i couldnt use it. So you had to take the initials. I had to take the initials. In next one i got to hear the bob, jug head ty give you three seconds to ce up with a nickname thats what i came up with. Jug head was it. From the cartoon . I love it. Why do you do what you do . Talk about your mission. Our mission is wha the American Legions mission is us. American legion is supporting youth, community, veterans, and patriotism, and we get to wave flags which is something we love to do. Something we really love to do. And, we havone many thing in the 12 years we have been around. We have donated over 10,000 in the last two plus years to various veterans causes. And its something that we enjoy, i have a tshirt from the serving. Legion that says still oh, i love t thats what were all doing. Im part of our hometown auxillary. One of the things i benefited from w some of the scholarships and things legions do. I got a scholarship from legions college. I went to girls state. I know you have sent people to boys state. Those are important things you do in the community. Its really neat. In terms of riding bikes thats a unique thing you do as a group do you have to have a harley or because were in milwaukee, most of the guys have you can certainly be a member and you will be harassed. Nobody is going to be harassed for this beauty though. Talk about this. This is gorgeous whose is this mavericks . Its mine. Tell us about your bike here can iit on it . I had an idea went to p customs in waterford and jeff put my idea on the bike. This iseaiful. I love it. Yeah thats a great bike. A was said, you know, patriotism is something we want out and i take the bike it brings it forefront to the people. People seehat it is. And they start associating what you know how you guys stay shiny side up during parades i always wondered what does that mean who can explain that to me . You dont want your tires to be on top of you. Right okay. You dont want to flip over. Stay shiny side up it means youre okay. You are on your wheel. Phantom . The other half of that is rubber side [laughter] rubber side down, shiny side up. I got it. What is veterans day mean to you and what do you want people to do o this day . Veterans day to me, its a family thing. My grandpa was a world war i and world war ii veteran, silver star, three purple hearts. My dad was world war ii and korea. Im a vietnam era veteran. Posted a picture of my dad and grandpa from world war i on my facebook page. I love it. Remembrance of them. What about you tin man . Veterans day. Its veterans day is for every single veteran. For me, its a special day, i never had a group of people like this come together for somebody like me before. I was come from a big military family three years ago i got sick. There was a benefitor hometown and it was at the American Legion and all of these people here plus showed up. Donated to presented me with a check and the emotion that was involved, the feeling that was involved, one of the riders was trying to get me to become a rider for several years prior to that and when i seen what they just a brotherhood, a sisterhood, and um, its for everybody out there who served their country. So for me its very very personal. This group is um, very very close to me. I love you guys. I loved you all as soon as i met you. Im so glad you are all here. Thank you so much for your time. Thank you for our freedom. Thank you for your service. You can reach don the groups historian you can heres his address. There is also a phone number there if you wou like to find out more about the American Legion riders a group of 100 strong. Thank you again. We have so much more coming up on todays show in just a bit students who came to milwaukee all the way from japan. Well tell you about the Family Friendly event they are taking part in this weekend. Jay haas the golden ticket. Ryan about jk rowling. This scrapbook is given to veteran who is participate in the honor flights at no charge. After the break this morning, how you can help and wereoi toave other craft ideas for john, were giving you a raise. Thats fantastic but im gonna pass. Who says no to more . Are you ok . Time warner cable internet gives you more of what you and those little data hoggers want. Like ultrafast speeds up to 50 megs. Thats 8x faster than dsl. This Internet Speed is sick. Get 15 meg internet with no data cap starting at 39. 99 a month. Call now. Would rex pass up more beef stew . I dont thinso. This scrapbook helps veterans remember the day going to washton d. C. Were here with therese hennessy. Her store is polkadots and more. She also started the honor scrapbook which we talked about before on the show aut. Perfect timing to talk about it. This is an example of it right . This is exactly the album they get. This is beautiful. Talk us through it. Wve been to many, many flights now. A year ago i started with a lafayette, indiana flight. I do all of the milwaukee flights recently did appleton. Trying to get to as many homecomings as we can so we can hand deliver these albums. You can see they easily get pictures put in them. Thats your husband and son. Thats my husband. That was in appleton. Its really great, my 15yearold son was im like im not in milwaukee this weekend, i need somebody to do it he is your goal is to get one of these in the hands every vet that takes an honor flight right . It is my goal from here going forward. I would love to be able to go back and give one to every veteran, but i cant. You can purchase them online they are 30, but the profit goes to fund an album for another veteran. Is there a match today . There is a match today. Im going to personally match each donation to the honor scrapbook. Org and so i hope, i know there is going on right now especially for veterans day and lots of things to donate to, but its a wonderful cause. The honor scrapbook. Org. She will personally match any donation today. Its a wonderful thing for them to have that memory and pass thatown to famil members as well. What else should we talk about . I love it when you are here. We have so much going on. Is that the kit the little tin down there . No. This is actually like maybe youre not a pap crafter, but u bake goods or make candies so you can like have these ur goodies intains t p that is such a great idea. I know. S you itantly look thatc. [laughter] everyboan c make a cookie. Its perfect. For like you do nuts or whatever you got this is cool too. This is a big monthly planner. Im obsessed with these. Iave this one right here that molly is holding the weekly. We have talked about it before. I think there is nothing more satisfying than erasing verses crossing something off erasing something off your to do list. I love dry era. Thas cool. I got to have it just to get that little dry eraser. Absolutely. Thats a full month one. They have c you can pin seen one like that before. Super great. Oh, my gosh, planners are extremely popular right now and travelers, so if you travel like blank journal so you can write where you have been, what you have done, some of the calendars are just kind of a do it yourself. People who love planners they know like that bullet planner is just like this where you put them altogether and write it all out. Its a huge thing rig princippinterest. You have fun things to customize with charms. Yo au ve couple fun events too. In november, the 19th and 20th you have this one of a kind scrapbook show. We talked about it before in madison. Its a huge event right . Ery big i will be there with a ministore. There are probably 25 to 30 other vendors. Its a really Good Shopping opportunity. Bit and do a lot of shows people always tell me my store closed, or i have no place to shop. Madison the 19th and 20. And we do free and make takes all day and have cider and cookies and do a class project down on the end by tiffany. Is that the trees . Yeah the little trees. Doing that project. Correct. Fun calendars and planners a great time to get in and personalize some gifts for somebody. You have a great offer for Morning Blend viewers i know a lot of our vwers take advantage of this. The first 20 people to visit your store and mention the Morning Blend that you are here today, any will get a free 5 gift card. No better time to come and visit. I love these you come up with so many of these. This is a stamp. Ine small sizes smaller. How you come up with those i dont know. People are sending me stuff all the time because they know i do that. Its a great part of the job. Thats fun. Dont forget to mention the Morning Blend when you visit polkadots and more. On bayview road in football fields with neglectry lated to trains. Well tell, but this International Event fun for the up next faye is here with her all Time Favoritelfriend my moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis made a simple trip to the Grocery Store anything but sple. So i had an important conversaith tion w derma. He explained that humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. In clinical trials, most adults taking humira were clear or almost clear, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening Heart Failure before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, d if anouve or have flulike sym. B, are proneinfectns, dont start humira if you have an infection. Ask about humira, welcome back to the Morning Blend where it is a fayes fashion friday. Our favorite fashionista faye wetzel is here to help you sta checking things off yr list. Were going to show you her all Time Favorite girlfriend gif on t tab. Welcome backat to see you. Thank you very much. I l your sweat. You have to look closely. C you get a shot. It is a little hold ove fro you know and im a scorpio its all about the skull i love it. Look what tiff is wearing. I love this piece. You got to go model it. Give me a runway. This is the first thing that tiffany said is i love it is it expensive. I said its 119. I think that is the flamer valur value of the season. I agree. Yoop you can put thatrve your pajamas and youre readyo t go. They hav music for her to t. O oh. What is y favorite of all time are you rea . Im ready. This is f. Thesere great. Glamour icecraper. [laughter] this is 2its you put your hand in. Actually my whole staff g these last year for christmas you, we laughed, but they work. They are fun. I just think its great. So whether its a girlfriend gift, whether its a stocking stuffer, whether it is motherinlaw . Motherinlaw. Right. T santa or somebody said elephant. I love this piece. I think its amazing. What do theyt . 29. Thats great. Ats a great price point. I love this. O funny and awesome. Ts s awesome. For all of the great young girls on your list wonderful ear muffs in front, but they arent just any ear mus they are wir. Thesehe ugg earthey mfs repa. Emily who does my visual says she has a pair. And she sai the sound quality is aweso. Ioto i dont want to knythiocan over. Ook at this. Itom w you clug in and listen to your music. That is so cool. You have warm ears with you ar muffs how cool ist . Price too. These are fantastic. Weve been selling thoseike. These are your ugg blankets. You talk about it. I have bought these blankets my daughter absolutely loved it. Shes going to college in year an knowhes s she wont leave the house without her blanket. Takes it everywhere, watching tv, they are snuggley they wash up great they are a perfect size. Whlse can i say . They are not too hot, but really warm. And really really pretty and they are 99 thats a gre gift too. Probably the best gift i gave her lt year. Dont you have that hat . I have this hat. Thats another perennial best seller. We have them at every price point from faux fur to real fur. A lot of theme rabbit fur they didnt kill the rabbit to the top they just shave them or something. Or something okay. I love this one. Thats fantastic. Match my hair. Thats great. These are also our cathys mittens. We sell these every year. They are made from repurposed sweaters. Put your hand in those molly and you ll see there are gloves in there. Oh, yeah. So you have the warmth of a mitten, but the dexterity of a glove. I like that. How cute is that . We sell these like crazy every single year. We have packer ones of course, we have badger ones so these are great. So tiffany, if you get the stole, then molly gets the blanket because you are more the plaid campfirchic girl right. And she going to the badgers ghis weekend. E ch i still in i love that expression. I think campfire chic is hera to all because of you. It went viral with molly absolutely. Ooft too. This is great. This is wonderful. Leopan stop in you have all stores and more right. Dont forgethe eye mask thiss anotherreat girlfriend gift. Eye mask. I love eye masks i wear them maybe this is for you too. I wear them a lot. I thinking about you in one of these. Is maybe a little too early early to start crossing some of this offour lt and it takes the stress off. Why wait until the las minute with everything. Im like get out t whiskend and pick up some of this stuff for heres where can visit fayes, faye 123. Com. Thanks faye. Good to see you. Be loyal, shop local, peace on earth. Boom i love it. Thank you faye. Still ahead if you have 60 minutes weve got five treatments that will get you holiday ready. Up next these young japanese students beat out kids from 200 they won all expense paid trip to america. Well tell you about their prize winning project first it was gift certific. Then gift cards. Now, its wisconsin lotterys 15 holiday scratch game, unwrap the cash. Ironically elfthemed, this festivelyfun gift put a bunch of us into early retirement. Oldschool gifts cant compete welcome back to the Morning Blend. Trainfest is americas largest operating Railroad Model show and it is happening this weekend at State Fair Park. Geared towards all generations is your familys destination for all things train. We are here now with a very special group of people we have the trainfest chairman it is ken jaglinkski, along with students from a very special school in japan who won a nationwide model trainfest competition. You are going to meet them, it was designed and built to what they did is a miniature Model Railroad module. You can see it right there depicts the most iconic building peace memorial. We have these students were going to introduce them along with ken. Thank y much for being here. Brit youre here as an interpreter. Thank you for being here. Lets talk about trainfest. It is fair to say that the model train hobby is alive and thriving right . It is. This is our 45th year. We have a lot of new exhibitors at the show. Displays, layouts and facturs, and vendors and we also have those young gentleman wh thats fantastic. They won aery specific type of contest right . Yes it was over 200 high schools competing, they made modules, and they brought them allo one location wherehey had them judged and they won the whole banana. Nd then won an all expense paid trip to america. They will be at trainfest. Yes t trainfest. Saturday and sunday at 4 00. Their module will be part of another groups layout so people can come and see their module and they will be able to explain how they made it and what it means to them. That is fantastic. What is there, and were looking at it right now right . And the thing is we wanted them to bring it here to our studio, but its so fragile from what i understand its very difficult to transport. I understand that all of the little origami delicate and so they didn want to unpack it until it got to trainfest. I totally get that. Were going to talk about all of the activities you have going on as part of trainfest. First i want to talk to the students about being here and just how they feel about being in america and winning t contest. [speaking in a foreign language] so they have participated in the competition four different years previously and this is their first time winning first place. Thats [speaking in a foreign language] were they all part of making it designing it . [speaking in a foreign language] so there were 8 people total working on it. These four and four other at the scho who helped with it. How old arehe 15 to 16. They are young. First time in america . [speaking in a foreign language] yes. First time in america. At trainfest. How long did it take them to make this incredible model . [speaking in a foreign language] about 8 months. Wow. Thats incredible. It was worth it. Its fun to have them here i they were at my house last night we had dinner they came down and saw my railroad and they got to run trains they had smiles ear to ear. What did they think of what you had set up in your house . Ask them. To be able to have Something Like that in your house, in your basement is like a dream methinthat they would never imagine is possible. And they thought it was amazing. That is so cool. I bet that is neat to be able to share that with them. Thats the whole part of the hobby. Showing other people what you can do, have them run trains in your layout, you know it was just so much fun. Thats really neat. And you know, what they mentioned they thought it would be difficult for some to be reminded of the suffering that happened a little more than 70 years ago, but their display of the park symbolizes peace and the message that students extended to the u. S. A. Which is so meaningful. I love that. Lets talk about trainfest and what you have going on this weekend. Engineer program where kids can come sign up,nd dal sever tasks and then they can get a and get dcounts at hobby shops. We have the mles riding train where they can ride the train arou t showroom floor. We have the make and takere the is two different projects one for younger kids, this one right here, and then station kit they can sign up and make at the show. And there is an activity zone and everything else. Yeah. There is 230,000 square feet we have the expo cte wisconsin products pavilion. We have trolleys that go between both buildings. It takes all day or more. I bet trains galore. The trainfest is happening from 9 00 to 5 00 saturday and sunday tomorrow and sunday at State Fair Park discounts available through midnight tonight if you go to trainfest. Com were super excited because caller number 9 this morning wins a train set as well as, this train set you see trainfests this weekend call us right now at 414 7994444. Take advantage of that. Greats to meet you all. Thank you so much. Appreciate it. Thank you very much. Good day. Up next, if you want to look refreshed for the holidays we have the best treatme that show results and they are all welcome back to the Morning Blend. For many the holiday sson means rush,ush, rush without leaving a lot of time for urself. O next guest has five great ways to help youook l and feel ur bes youe in o . . In under an hour. Dr. Deborah manjoneoins us from the wisconsin vein and medi spa with more on the treatments with noticeable results forhis holiday season. Good mning. W dont want to do a treatment and not get results. Thats right. These are the things you do w and they are all under an hour. Thats incredible. We have six orore we want to highlight. Starting w botox. I did this live on the show. Anniversary show in your office. Yeah. Five minute treatments really youre in and out, you will be the 15ines total if you want to do something and talk to anybody. Otherwise five minutes to get the botox done. Youre in and out you will see you get beautiful smoothing of your forehead, around your eyes its a great treatment fillersre a another thing people love. They always want the best stuff. Evody wants fillers to look natural. Thats what we strive to achieve. We want a natural look. We fill the mide first. Thats where we lose the volume. The cheeks just a little someg. Look not like yourself or like you have big apples in your cheeks w just want to restore volume and loss. Will you see a ten year younger difference immediately. Thats incredible. Its really really nice be able to do that. A hand filler too ts is relatively new right . That is relatively new, but been approved. Weve been doing it for several years. Its approved for the hands. It really just restores volume kind of leads those bigger veins we tend to see as we get older youthful. Th really is, an area that people notice on themselves too that bothers them to see their hands. Usually your neck or hands are the places that give away your age too. Thats a ten minute treatment. Mayo needling microneedling shows results. Its one of our most popular treatmts. It takes about 45 minutes t do, it allows products to penetrate more skin. You get softening of fine lines too right. You really do. Softening of fine lines. Everything gets improved on the surface the skin texture looks better and really they will only take one treatment to see improvement. What about aft this is one o, ight o o irregularities, freckles, skin damage, rosacea talk abouthat one day after picture peop wil say why does it look worse . Rises to the surface. Pigment thats when the light i gments first. Rbed in the darker that becomes darker rises to the surfe d flakes off overhe course of five days. Easi no down time procedureaun yose putakeup on immediately. The skin is left . Totally in tact. Probably just look a little tan for a day. [laughter] your freckles are just showing. There is great treatment too to get arms your waist your body in shape for the holidays cool sculpting first, and then sculpture. These are both treatments that now take 35 minutes as far sculpture. Ulpting 25 minutes per technology to destroy fat cells. You will destroy 25 of fat cells with that treatment. School sculpting is the freezing of fat. Very similar they both destroy fat. 25 with the treatment, the cool sculpting takes 35 minutes. The sculptture takes 25 minutes. We see true results lasting permanent results this is permanent fat destruction or longterm results well say. That person isy thin to begin with. Differen sizes. You cantainlyave areas yowant to improve. Thk two weeks ago i showed my arms. Got to bring that up you had one arm treated one not. I canell t you how man people asked m about tha too. They were like hy smokes. Tha was at 4 weeks. Still time to see it before new years or christmas you can still get effects from these treatments. You are wearing the holiday attire where you arexposed this is going to make you feel and look better. Can you do in well under an hour. Some half the time 262 7469088 they do consults at no charge for your skin. Call to make an appointment medispa. Com. E at wi coming up for the holidays you will have great deals too. We have our 12 days of christmas starting december 1 that. Ther things going before right after thanksgiving, four days of sales. Still ahead the new almost christmas is coming out this weekend. Could it be another holiday . . [ music ] . . We are back with the nationally syndicated critic ryan jay who normally los weekends, but he cant wait for monday. Werg te goin tel you why. Its so true. Sorue. You got to wait to hear why. He will tell you in ainut m its getting him flustered. Lets breakdown theovs this weekend sgtain with arrival. Pg13. Astonishing. Really . Yes one of my Favorite Movies came out contact, thated cng in conta ji foster goes to outerpace s remy adams pys ltiniscruite dece i have seen clips of this. Wh is good about theingf this release . Ts we were sed fus on amera, but what i love a ter spe ms i makes us alize hownsignificant we are in the galaxy. The perspective of like earth that so muchr bigge than us. I just love that how right now its rlly great to have that perspective. What did you think about the cag . So good. Ami adams ie adams should get ar for this. Its kind of like d. C. Meeting marvel kind of fun. Okay. What about the eects because i feel like if you are dog somhing with aens you got to have pretty darn cool effects. They are awesome thats a pod. Fromuter space. And it just is really could actually happen or this might be what it would be like if we were contacted. We know there are aliens. Isnt it interesting whenever there are outer space movies or you look at splash with the mermaid how the government or the people all mess things up. This is da ribt derivative thaty too,ut it is also aut peace and and communicaon i just love it. I love t screen play too. I would le to talk more aut it i dont i would love for you to see it so wean revisitt and talk about this movie. It should get a bt picture nomination and made really really gre. The movie is arrival. Iteems like something that would make you want to talk. Exactly i want to see it again. Pg13. Almost christmas. Really is i how many more fridays we have . Sometimes well be driving downtown in summertime and i its always time. Coy listen to Christmas Music yearround. Almost christmas, between halloween and thanksgiving a little early, but still filled with holiday cer. Tell us about the movie who stands out in this . Monique is so good in this. I almost wish the wasre more of her in it. She not only steals snes, but tears them down, spits them out, rebuilds them shes amazing in this mie. Did you like theay it counts down totmas cis it is interesting it g like five day of christmas, four days of christmas it makes it feel a little episodic almost like it would work better as a tv series. Looks tv Series Energy wise. The family is universal i ink well all be able to identify with this family which is a good thing. It just is a little broad andtie funny, sad . Its a good d ramady. Overall its just you know, its a good holiday movie, but, predictable its a rental for this one. All right. How about a give away . Finding dory new on bluray and dvd next tuesday. We have that in celebration of it on my website im going to be giving away free digital downloads of it in addition to one lucky winner who is going to win hank here. We have this little teapot i dont know like a coffee pot. I love it there is a coffee pot in a kids movie. One lucky winner is going to get that, but i digital copies to give away. Can you tell us why you are so excited about monday . Its the harry potter prequel i have been waiting for. I may or may not be dressing up. [laughter] you know, it is going to be amazing. For sure going to be my Favorite Movie of the year right . If you want to join me for free at the advance screening monday november 14 at 7 00 p. M. Enter at my website. You go with him monday enjoy it with him you know he will be in a good mood for that movie night. Can you like ryan on facebook. Ryan jay reviews. Com. Great movie club. Thank you. Exciting. Exciting great to see you thanks for joining us today. Monday the 103rd annual Christmas Tree is being decorated by one of our very own. Coparenting through divorce. A psychologist and a lawyer here with professional advice. Entertaining in style for turkey day with david caruso have a great day everyone. Great weekend too. See you monday. Captioning provided by caption solutions, llc this morning on todays take freebie friday in full effect and you can win at home. Ryan phillippe stars in a new thriller. P us as cohost coming up right now. Announcer from nbc news, this is todays take live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Welcome to today on a friday morning, november 11th, 2016. Im al along with tamron and so thrilled to be joined by the

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