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Pretty scary for most of us. Of course. Its one of the biggest decisions youll make as a teenager, but it doesnt have to be the hardest. You have a list of the top five mistakes teens make. So lets start with number five. You say that its not smart to pick a school simply because someone we know went there. Yes. Parents, relatives, and friends often encourage us to go to the schools that they went to, cause they had a great time. Just because they had a wonderful experience doesnt mean that you will, too. Whats a good fit for one person isnt necessarily a good fit for another. Doesnt being a legacy help you to get in . No. Being a legacy is just a factor on your application. It does not guarantee admission. Okay. So, whats the next thing to avoid basing your School Decisions on . The social life. Just because a school has great parties, beaches, or skiing does not mean its the place for you. Youre there for to learn, not for an extended vacation. You need to make sure that the school offers the academics that be successful. Moving on to number three. Sports. Just like with social life, just because a school has a great sports team doesnt make it a deciding factor. Having good sports brings a lot more to the college experience. But unless youre playing on that team, its just a bonus. I guess bragging rights that your school makes the final four is not the best reason to apply there. Whats the next mistake to avoid . Yes. Impressing your family or friends is not a great reason to choose a school. Theyll be more impressed with what you do with your time and how you thrive. If you fail out, they wont be impressed at all. Right. Impress them with your accomplishments. So this brings us to your numberone reason to steer clear of when deciding where to apply for college. The harder a school is to get into doesnt necessarily mean its the best education for you. College rankings are based on a variety of different factors, and each one is compiled differently. You need to make sure that the school offers the academics that it doesnt matter what the sweatshirt says. If youre not happy, you wont be successful. You need to be engaged on all levels in order to thrive at college. Great advice. Thank you. Thank you, and good luck. As with any important decision, do your research. Of course, talk to those whose opinions you value. Your parents and the School Guidance counselor are a good start. But you might want to also check out this website. Its called ratemyprofessors. Com. Its filled with reviews of the faculty, as well as reviews of the schools themselves, all written by the students. Just make sure that as you weigh your options, you keep focused on the important priorities. But that doesnt mean college cant be fun. Just not too much fun. Its been said that if you snooze, you lose. Well, that may or may not be true when it comes to hitting the Snooze Button on your alarm clock. School, there are pros and cons. First, the con. After hitting the Snooze Button, the remaining sleep youll get is probably not as restful as the extra uninterrupted sleep you would have gotten had you just set your alarm for the later time. Got that . Okay. Now the pro. Snoozing for a few minutes after the alarm goes off can help you wake up gradually, rather than just being jerked awake. Depending on how you like to wake up, you need to choose whether to snooze or not to snooze. Helping patients to heal with ill have the story. For many of us, pets are an important part of the family. But well meet a young girl who probably owes her life to a furry friend. Scott tells us about the organization that makes this possible. Would you like to say hi to clarabelle . Meet the Healthcare Providers they give and give and give some more. Along with their owners, these are called pet partners. They are part of an organization that trains humans and their pets to visit the sick, the elderly, and disabled. The animals have an innate sense of knowing when someone needs comfort. A little girl named jordan needed more than comfort when she was 5 years old. My leg was really hurting one night, and then i had to go in the ambulance to the hospital. A rare bone disease was causing unbearable pain. My daughter wouldnt let me touch her. She wouldnt let her father touch her, paramedics touch her. Even after surgery, jordan was miserable. With a device drilled into her bone, she refused to get out of bed or even eat. My daughter was dying. And then came a miracle the pet partner team of janelle and jenna. And when we saw jenna, me and mommy, we were like, why is there a dog in the hospital . And when jenna came in my room, she just did tricks for me, and then she came up on the bed and then cuddled on this horse. The bond was immediate, and so was the effect on jordan. After that cuddle, she agreed to a bargain. If she would eat, she could take jenna for a walk. And so i ate some of my lunch, and i got out of bed, and i walked the dog. Jordan was still hooked up to her medicine. But the little girl and the loving dog took a walk all around the hospital hallway a journey back to life. Of death, and that dog helped bring her back. Jenna that was two years ago. Heres a happy reunion. Hi, jenna stories like this one are happening all the time, all around the country. Pet partners teams inspire smiles at all kinds of Healthcare Facilities at group homes for people with learning challenges. At veterans hospitals. Even at schools and libraries. To sleep, perchance to dream. Sherman the pig helps kids learn to read. Pet partners has helped me build more confidence in my reading out loud. And kids can be on the other side of the leash, as well. Teens with pets who pass the training are welcome to become volunteers. Healthcare professionals recognize how effective pet partners can be. In fact, the experts see a measurable difference in their patients. Visiting lowers their blood pressure. We know that it also decreases perceptions of pain, because it helps people to relax, and thats really, really important. It all goes to show you, love is good medicine. For teen kids news, im scott. Just how popular is twitter . In a single day, the number of words tweeted would fill a book. And not just an ordinary book, but a book with 10 million pages. Let me give you an idea of just how big a book that would be. Lets say you could read a page every 30 seconds. If you read nonstop day and night, it would take you more than two years to finish it. Go ahead. Impress your followers. Tweet that. Injuries happen. What you should do. We all should know what to do in a medical emergency. Thats why were bringing you american red cross. Sprains and strains are a pain. But a little first aid can go a long way. Lipica shah is an instructor for the american red cross. What is the difference between a sprain and a strain . A sprain is the stretching or tearing of ligaments at a joint. And a strain is the stretching or tearing of your muscles and tendons, so, just different body parts. So, what do we do . So, lets all get on the ground, because if you hurt your ankle, youd be on the ground. Regardless of whether its a sprain or a strain, we treat it the same way using the acronym rice r. I. C. E. That stands for rest, immobilize, cold, and elevate. Position that we found it. If its at an awkward angle, i want to leave it that way, cause straightening it out could cause the injury to be worse. Immobilize really only comes into play if i need to move cammie somewhere else, like if its unsafe where i am. I want to make sure that her injury isnt gonna move from its position while we are moving, so i might have to do something to keep it in place. Cold is really one of the most important things, and thats exactly what it sounds like. Take something cold an ice pack, a bag of frozen vegetables, anything to help reduce swelling. So, put a towel or some other material between her skin and the ice, and put the ice right over the injury site. And elevation. Elevation is another way to reduce swelling. But it should only be done if it wont cause more pain. So if i can, im very gently gonna lift up her foot. Can you grab that backpack right there . You can really use anything to elevate the injury, and gently place it back down. So, thats all you would do for r. I. C. E. Rest, immobilize, cold, elevate. Rice is good to know. But remember, even with relatively minor injuries, its important to get proper medical attention. For tkn, im alexa. Ever take a close look at your state flag . You should, because you might be surprised at how much you can learn from it. If you ask someone what state theyre from, and they hold up their hand like this, theyre from michigan. Heres detroit. The state is shaped like a mitten with a hat on it. Michigan is made up of two peninsulas, the lower and the upper, called the u. P. In english, the michigan motto means if you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you. A peninsula is a body of land surrounded on three sides by water. And michigan has an extensive there are the four great lakes. Theyrmichigan, huron, erie, and superior. And its right there on the flag, the latin for if you seek a pleasant peninsula, look around you. Youll also find lots of water. Michigan has more coastline than any state but alaska. This is actually how the missionaries and the fur trappers that settled the land first got there. Thats one of them on the shore in the center of the flag. Although hes holding a gun, hes waving a peaceful gesture, you might say. But then theres this word. Tuebor means i will defend and dates back to 1835, when tensions rose so high between the neighboring states michigan and ohio that they almost went to war. Theres more latin across the top. Youll recognize e pluribus unum, one from many, a salute to the diversity that helps make this country great. Oh, almost forgot. Move over, diagon alley. The Michigan Town of colon is home to the biggest maker of magical supplies. Elvis presley is one of the most famous and most successful musicians of all time. So you might be surprised to hear that when he took music in middle school, he barely passed, only getting a c. Theres a moral here. If you have a dream, dont let a few setbacks make you feel you cant accomplish that dream. Elvis was able to take that c and turn it into a k, as in king of rock n roll. Theres lots more ahead on teen kids news, so dont go well be right back. Throughout the year, we bring you videos from the website hooplaha. This weeks video is on a program that helps disabled teens do something they never ive never skied before, but it was a new challenge, and ive never done a snow sport. Ive always been an amputee. And i wasnt very sporty, so i used to get bullied a lot, which most people do, but, obviously, i was an easier target. Its different, because now im socializing with young disabled people. The experience of being with other people with similar disabilities i think makes them feel a lot more selfassured. You get here, and half the kids are missing a limb. And so it becomes from being a bit shy, its, right, lets get in the hot tub. Legs come off. Arms come off. Its just really important to have these programs so that people not only can get involved physically, but socially, emotionally. They can interact with their peers, do Recreational Activities with their peers and therapeutic, recreational setting. The confidence and the belief in themselves that they didnt have before is lifechanging. And for us as volunteers, the privilege of being part of that is great. You cant help but come back. This trip means that i am able to ski. Like, its a place that i can actually ski, cause with an extensive list of disabilities like i have, its hard to be allowed to do a lot of stuff. So, for example, my school does a ski trip, but they would never be able to take me on it cause they dont have the equipment. They wouldnt feel comfortable doing it. So this trip is amazing for me. Theres nowhere in europe that does that what this does. We cant get closer to home, so we fly all the way from the u. K. To here just for this. We enjoy staying in winter park. We enjoy the holiday. But actually, the nscd is why were here. Each time youve come down by yourself, youve fallen once. Yeah. Now, if you saw that class of twolegged skiers over there. Theyre falling a lot. All of my instructors have been so nice, and theyve pushed me so that ive got everything out of the trip i could. They might be using a walker. They might be using crutches or canes. But the beauty about skiing is when you put on skis, you can just put your feet on the ground, let the skis slide along the snow, and glide down the hill and have the wind in their hair and really experience that thrill. I enjoy skiing now, and i want to do it again, definitely want to do it again. Only 27 players have ever hit 50 or more home runs in a single season. And of the first 16 times 50 or more home runs were hit in a single campaign, 15 of them were done by hall of famers. Some of those hall of famers jimmie foxx, and mickey mantle. And of the first 16 times 50 or more home runs were hit in a single season, the only person to not be in the hall of fame to do so was roger maris in 1961. That year, he broke babe ruths singleseason home run record with 61 home runs. Im matt for teen kids news. This Important Message is brought to you by the National Road safety foundation. [ tires screeching ] mom baby i love that were spending the weekend together. Oh, i know hey, why dont you turn off your phone and all your stuff . Oh, my internet is so slow when anyone else is using it. Did you like want to do i am doing something. Need more bandwidth for all your devices . Its good to be back. Switch to fios for 100 meg speed internet, tv and phone, now only 69. 99 per month online for 1 year. Switch to better. Switch to fios. Once again, were with sandi masori, americas top balloon expert. Shes showing us how to make balloon sculptures. So, i know that some of those sculptures you make are pretty complicated, like this one. Can you tell us about this . Well, this one, what makes this complicated this is a bow and arrow, in case you didnt recognize it. But what make it complicated is not so much the bow part, but its these double pinch twists on the arrow. So, these pinch twists are what we use to make teddybear ears and anytime we need to turn a corner or anything. But its not what i would necessarily teach as the first balloon lesson. Its something that, as you get more comfortable with balloons, really becomes something that youre gonna use a lot of. But in this case, its going to help us shoot the arrow. Oh, my gosh [ both laugh ] that really works i know. Those really fly. Thats why i love making these so much, because and the thing is, once you bring making for the rest of the party. Right. All right. So, what if youre kind of more of a beginner . Whats something easier to learn how to make . Well, lets make a balloon heart. A balloon heart is made out of one balloon. And instead of twisting it, were actually just kind of shaping it by training the balloon, if you will, by folding it. So, im gonna give you a balloon, and im gonna take a balloon. And the first thing that were going to do is were going to now, this balloon, its fully inflated, but ive given it a good burp you know, pbht let some air out so that its nice and squishy, right . So, the next thing that were gonna do is were gonna kind of push the air out of the tip there. And then were going to tie the two ends together, just like you are tying your shoelaces. And, you know, dont be afraid to stretch those pieces of balloons so that you can get them tied. All right. Its tied. Okay. So, now were gonna take it, and were going to flip it around. Okay. So that we have the bottom of it kind of facing us. Like, use our stomach and our other body parts to kind of brace it. And what were gonna do is were gonna bring it in. Youre going to squeeze all of the air out of it as youre bringing it in, especially the tip, the corner there, and then slowly let the air back into it. And this is gonna kind of train the balloon, and its gonna make it take that shape. And when you let go, itll be a heart. Its beautiful. Look at that. Yeah, its something thats guaranteed to make anybodys day. You can embellish hats by adding it to it. You can put animals inside of it, or you can just be a standalone. I mean, who doesnt like to, you know, get love . Yeah. [ chuckles ] so, these are not only cool to make. Knowing how to make even simple balloon sculptures is a smart way to make money. If you want more information, check out our website. For teen kids news, im emily. That wraps it up for this well see you again next week. Write to us at info teenkidsnews. Com. Heres a shoutout to p. R. Newswire for including teen kids news on their big new york city. Announcer this is anne gimenez ministries. From the rock church in virginia beach. And now here is anne gimenez. This is what i heard the spirit of the lord say to me, you are a carrier of the glory. You are a carrier of the glory of god. My, my, my, my. What a difference that makes. Excuse me. As we go into the marketplace, as we go about our daily business, as you whatever you do you know, going to school,

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