[richard] a thousand people win every day at h r block. You can still win. Get in on this. Its refund season. Eat up, buddy. Youll geit this time. Yeah ok not too quick dont let go until i say so. I got you. Start strong with the Lasting Energy of 100 youre doing it wow. College already yeah we gotta go for all the truth that you made me see for all the truth that you made me see i love you. For all the joy u brought to my life i love you too daddy. Youre the one who saw me through through it all and thanks. For, everything. You were my strength when i was weak hey, boss, just got off the phone with esmies mom. Shes not there, but she went to go parker meet her brother . Jules exactly. Jules no location though. Were looking into joaquin now. Good luck, man. I know her. Who . Esmie vargas. Call them. Ed what do you knowbout her . Miguel i cant help. Raf yes, you can. If she makes the wrong move now she wont live through this. And what happens to me . Nobody needs to know about this, miguel. Raf i can see that you care about her, man. Now is your chance to protect her. I should have before. door lock clicks, esmie gasps in fear miel i was one of her kidnappers. Shhh, shhh, shhh, shhh, shhh. scuffing of approaching footsteps gang member speaks in spanish panting what . Gang member ayuda me. Esmie what . What . No gang member ayuda me esmie no nooo gang member speaks in spanish esmie shrieking cracking sound i did not help him, but i did not stop. It was not supposed to be this way. The first three times no problem. We grabbed them, the company pays. Easy money. But this time. sighs no, no, no, no, no. I tried to help the only way i could think of. shushes esmie its me. Im sorry. This will be over soon, i promise. You will be free again. I dont know. Mira me. I promise you. speaking spanish this is my sun, keep it close. You are not alone. Be strong. You will be free. door creaks closed it was a wooden carving like this. Ed uncle comment its made of ironwood. Its very, very strong. I thought it would help. Ed it still might. phone rings thats him. Parker hold on. Sam, can you trace it . I can get it started. Sam, ill be there in two seconds. Just dont answer yet. I gotta pick up this call. Theyre either gonna cut him or worse. Okay, just keep him on the line, all right . You know how to do that . Yeah. Terran. This is your last chance to get hamilton back unharmed. Martin yeah, thank you. Look, we obviously wanna cooperate. Joaquin you have to make the police understand. I understand. 30 minutes. Under the clock at union station. Last chance. Martin yeah, uh, okay. Listen, how do i know my guys alive . I need to know that hes alive and, uh. And that hes in one piece. Youll have your proof. Spike its somewhere in t waterfront. Im sending everybody a map right now. Were looking at a sixblock radius our kidnappersomewhere in there. Lets go. Ill make some calls en route. Jules . Engines runng. Ed we cant let this guy get to union station. Theres too many bystanders. We need to button this up now. Parker these arent professionals. Theyll be quick panic and overreact. Boss, miguel salizar, hes one of the guys who kidnapped her in mexico. The guy right there . What he say . Raf long story. Ed fill you in on the way. If its esmie vargas, this changes everything. Not just about money anymore. Hamiltons training, you know, to reach out, uh, make a connection thats for instrumental kidnapping, parker if he does that to esmie, it could backfire. Not emotional. How volatile is she . Martin well, youve read the literature. Her reactions can run the gamut. Uh, shock, numbness. Yeah, impaired decisionmaking. Hostile attitude ward the world. Im not talking about generalities. Im talking about esmie, specifically. You didnt talk to her after she came back . Martin like a decompression interview . No. Not Everybody Needs it. Oh, come on, you dont believe that. No. No, i dont. But postcaptivity programs are expensive and hamilton was already furious at having to shell out 10grand to these guys. He didnt wanna do it again. And he washed his hands. Against my recommendation. Well, whatever esmie is dealing with. Shes doing it all on her own. phone beeps phone rings hamilton september 15th. Two oclock. Taken a minute ago. Please, pay them and end this. Spike . Find them. Gimme the phone. Ill see what i can do, boss. Sam Joaquin Vargas works for the citys Marine Maintenance Department ferries, freighters. Empty ship, ce remote location. Only if youre sure there isnt anybody on it. Sam the great lakes navigator cargo ship out of michigan, its been decommissioned for a week. Work doesnt start til monday. Theres a couple of ferries there that are the same, so could be any one of them. September 15th. Spike those are 1200 amp genies behind him. Theres two of them. Its a definitely a ship; you dont need that kind of power for a ferry. Well, cargo ships the target then. Spike, find us a location. Copy that. Just in case. Hey. Youre doing the right thing, letting me go. Its best for everybody if this just. This is all over. Over . I know you dont wanna hurt me. Its. Its just a business deal, i get it. Soon. Youll have your money. Be like this never happened. It wont be over soon. Isnt that what you want . Its never over. Im sorry, i dont. I dont understand. Ed start at the engine room, work our way up through the ship. Parker lets get him out safe. Direct to threat. You dont have any idea what you did to me. What i did . What have i ever done to you . Joaquin esmie. We gotta go. The police are here. No, no if we leave now, i have nothing. Well find a way. But if we dont go now. No, no this ends here. Ez, dont look at me now do you understand . Do you see . m sorry, i dont know who you are. stunned gasp whispered esmie. You dont know . No. Every wonder what were made of . No artificial colors, flavors, or sweeteners. Nature valley granola bars. Sears has the Largest Selection of new Serta Icomfort and beautyrest mattresses, up to 60 off. Plus, free delivery and up to 60 month financing available. Hes telling the truth. He is also telling the truth. I told you. Dreams matter at sears. The mattress shop. Where are you . Well the squirrels are back in the attic. Mom . Your dad wont call an exterminator. Can i call you back, mom . He says its personal this time. If youre a mom, you call at the worst time. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Where are you . Its very loud there. Are you taking a zumba class . Ah, a classic case of who dunnit . Luckily, jay chews trident to help clean and protect his teeth, so he can claim his innocence with a convincing grin. Thats it jay, theyll never know. Trident. Cherish your teeth. Meet tim mahoney. Tim thinks you need to be some sort of mastermind to do your own taxes. So we flew in mastermind george smoot to help him. Ok, what does it say there . It says, did you buy a home . Did you buy a home . Yes. Then press there. Intuit tbotax. Taxes done smarter. My name is esmeralda vargas. I worked for you and you abandoned me. Msvargas, i dont know what youre talking about. Joaquin ez, we gotta gnow ez, w esmie i was the fourth employee taken. The employee they mutilated to make you pay. I dont remember. I dont believe you esmie they took a piece of me and sent it to you hamilton i didnt handle the negotiations; i didnt know what was going on. Look at me you knew. Yes. In position. Raf in position. Esmie . For what . hamilt i couldnt keep paying them. Every week. Ed boss, we gotta go in now. Jules hey, boss. Why dont you let me take this, so i can build off of what ive already established. All righ take it. Tell me why i shouldnt do the same thing to you . esmie has knife in play. Esmi you could afford a few thousand dollars. Sam jules, buy me time to get down there. Hamilton when does it stop . Esmie what gives you the right to decide, huh . esmie, dont do this. No, let go let me go this man has no idea he has to feel it. He has to feel it esmie. gasps its jules. Jules callaghan from before. Remember . Listen, i want you to putown your knife so that we can talk. No. Seconds away. Boss, i have the shot. But we can help you deal with it. You dont have to hurt this man. Theres a better way. Esmie, i want you to put your knife down. Esmie, you gotta listen to her. This man has to pay for what he did to me. Spike boss . Esmie what he took from me in position. Jules this is not the answer. Esmie, drop your knife esmie no joaquin esmie no shrieking cries ed turn around. Turn around now. Jules its okay. Its okay. No, its not okay its never gonnbe okay. When i sleep, im back in that room and when im awake, every step take reminds me of what i lost. What this man took from me. I had know idea what they were gonna do to you. cries my life. My life. How do i get that back . All you can do is use every step to move forward. A friend tried to tell you that once. Remember this . Oh my god. Oh my god. sobbing Something Like this scars you, but you cant let it define you. Let me help. sobbing walk away things will not change hide your heart fake another day esmita unclear , mi corazon, mi mija. Esmie and daniela speaking in spanish daniela mi corazon, mi vida. Eighteen. Hamilton i want to meet every one of them, and try and make things right. Martin yes, sir. Ill set it up. Parker yeah, not for a whil right. I cant be, uh, in the middle of a pk waving a gun around. It sets a bad example. Bad example, yeah. Parker . Thanks for your help. That was a good takedown. Good talk. Whatre we gonna do . Parker thats good work today. Then again, what did i expect from the Law Enforcement professional of the year. What happens now, boss . Were not gonna leyou down. I have faith. We gotta move now, we gotta move fast, okay . Lets go. Its gonna be all right. Who are you . Were just leaving. Man no youre not. Who is he . Man 2 maybe hes a cop. Spike guys, eds been made. Parker just keep it verbal, eddie. Lowkey, just please, let her go. I said come with me, right now robyn ok, biggest cake ever, and yes, you can make the loot bags. Can it be a sleepover too . Robyn of course, you only turn ten once, we gotta do this right. Mom says yes mom says yes mom says yes man good morning. I didnt hear you leave this morning. Ah, blame the yen. Asian markets got us called in early. Im almost at the office. Hows your resume coming . Tim good. Done. Cover letters standing by. So what time you home tonight, should we wait for dinner . And i dont wanna make promises that i cant keep. doorbell dings girl ah. Okay, no problem. Amy ill get it ill keep it warm. Gotta go. Someones at the door. Okay, bye. I love you. Love you. gasps give me your phone. What . You wanna die today . Give me your phone assailant drive move now tires screech assailant i dont need to tell you. Robyn no mistakes, no alarms, and i dont know you. And im watching. Youve got 10 minutes. Hi, how are you . Good. Mrs. Engles, right . Yes. How are you . Uh, great. I need to, um. Cashut all my accounts, um, cash advances on the credit cards whatevers available, please. Oh, and um, i need to access my safety deposit box. My. My key. Okay. I just need to see your id. Uh, my id . Teller its a formality, im sorry. So the full remaining amounts in these accounts, in cash . Yes, please. Oh. Im afraid that your Checking Account has been overdrawn, but theres 2000 left on your credit limit, and 800 in your savings account. What about the, um. Registered Education Fund . Full 30,000 . Yeah. We, uh. We broke down, were sending her to private school. Its a great curriculum, but its not cheap. My daughters begging to go to st. Adpolphus, just because the uniforms look like. Harry potter. Teller mrs. Engles . Robyn yes. Is everything okay . Its fine. So, you intend to close your accounts today and withdraw the full value of your assets in cash . Robyn please. Teller okay. Can u just wait here a moment, please . Robyn yeah, i just. I dont have a lot of time. Ill. Ill be right back. Winnie uh huh. Yeah. Holdn. Boss parker yeah. Okay, so she didnt actually see a weapon . Ms. Forbes, im gonna put you through to Sergeant Greg parker. They flagged a client they believes under duress. Its not a gun call, but. Ms. Forbes, hi. Im greg parker with the Police Strategic response unit. Hester were not sure what were looking at, but we have a client making a large cash withdrawal inconsistent with her transaction patterns. Okay. Hester shes not armed herself, but shes visibly stressed, sweating, hands are unsteady, shes ar tears, and she keeps looking towards reception. My associate believes theres a man there who has her under duress. What makes her believe that . Sergeant, shes a regular customer. Theres clearly something wrong. Parker okay, were gonna play this safe. You stay on the line, get your teller to stall for time, but show full cooperation, all right . But make sure that both partys are unaware that theyve been flagged. Do you understand . Hester thank you, sergeant. Okay, re on our way. Hot call, winnie. Winnie copy that. sirens wail im sorry, there shouldnt be any problem at all. I just have to ask you a couple of questions, its routine. sirens wailing yeah. We had five robberies like this last year. Robbery by proxy. Guy targets a wealthy client, forces em to go into the bank and bring out the money. That way he doesnt have to put on a skimask and go in there yelling, this is a stickup. And if its a false alarm . I dont know, we could go do some shopping . sirens wailing teller and the service fees, were those reasonable in your op sorry, look, i just. I dont have a lot of time, i have an appointment. Teller sure. Francas keeping her talking. What should we do next . Get your client out of view of the reception area and let her know, discreetly, that help is on the way. And then inform security, but make sure the client is unaware. securitys phone rings franca ive printed off your statement, if youd like to take a look. sirens wail ed we need to get the other customers outta range without attracting attention. Winnie, patch me in to the manager too. Here you go. Okay, hester, hes what we need you to do. Were you thinking large bills . Large bills are fine. Hester customer surveys. Customer surveys. And i need to access my um security box, yes. You can follow me. Jules all right, hester sent us a profile on the victim. Robyn engles, married, mother, homeowner, currency trader. Good regular income. Low Bank Accounts though. Okay, the floor plans are in. Hester, can you situate the victim and the suspect for us . Hester mrs. Engles is stepping into the safety deposit booth. keys jingle franca mrs. Engles, the police are on their way. What . Everythings under control. Oh my god francas phone chimes ah, yes, shes here. Um, its the police for you. Hello . Jules mrs. Engles, this is officer jules callaghan. Yeah, im sorry, i dont understand why this is a matter for the police. Okay, were a minute away. Robyn no, just dont, please. I mean, its really, its not necessary, please. Jules okay, well, if thats e case then were all gonna go home and everythings gonna be just fine. Franca mrs. Engles, did somne force you to come in here today and take out this cash . Youre a minute away . Jules thats right