Transcripts For WTKR NewsChannel 3 News This Morning 2016021

Transcripts For WTKR NewsChannel 3 News This Morning 20160219

Kinds interpretations of the bible, which leaves people confused as to what it really means. Now, christ does not speak in conflicting or contradictory terms, or that would just confuse us all, so what is the problem . And why is it people cant understand how christ speaks to us . He does speak directly and personally, he says, to his church. But how does christ speak to us . I want to show you that today, how he does that, and why its so important that we understand because if we dont grasp that, how he speaks to us, were going to be deceived, and god does say that many people are going to be name of christ and all that, but they dont let him speak to them with his message, in most cases, in many cases. So what is the solution to that . And what do we need to learn about how christ speaks to us . How does he do that . Want to show you what it says in hebrews 1 and verses 1 and 2. God, who at sundry times and in [different] manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, 2 hath in these last days spoken unto us by his son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; so you have a different situation here. In the Old Testament god says he spoke throh the prophets in speaking to us by his son, by jesus christ. Now, that means hes directly speaking to usthat is, christ. And if you go back youll see that in the very fst century christ built his church and established it and said it would never die, and he would always speak through it, through someone like he spoke through peter as the leader at that time. But he would always speak tough a man and reveal his truth to a man, but you have to be awfully careful about that because christ also said its a curse if you follow a man. So we have to be extremely careful. But he also adds there thathrist is he has in the future. And it also says he created the worlds, so god is emphasizing that to try to get us to realize and see how important this message is. Its coming from the creator of the worlds, the whole universe and hes going to be heir to all things under the father, and that makes this very important. If you realize what hes saying in this context, we have to really be moved and stirred and be struck with a certain amount of fear of missing the lesson here that hes trying to teach us. All of us should be paying very close attention. Notice conflict i have for you, and for them at laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh; so paul wrote to the laodiceans of the First Century. Now, there are also laodiceans in the last century, and laodiceans are the same in any age wherever they may be. But those laodiceans, really, in the First Century were just a type of the ldiceans in this end time. But i want you to notice what happened to those people, gods own church, gods own people, and show you a terrible tragedy that struck them in the First Century and does the very same thing in this last century, in the last days of god, in the age of man where were about to enter into the Wonderful World mention one expression here. This vain philosophy there is after the rudiments of the world, and that means, if you look it up, todays English Version translates that expression as ring spirits of the universe. Thayers lexicon defines after the rudiments of the world to invade of evils coming into existence among men and beginning to exert their power. So these are gods own people turning away from god, and they are being ruled by these evil spirits of the universe. Gods own people allowed that to happen in this end time and in the First Century. Verse 18 says let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and but this is really referring to fallen angels or demons, and gods own people actually got into the worshipping of demons, these people who actually had christ directly speaking to them in the past. Now, how is that for a turning away from god into absolutely the most patheticlifestyle that you could imagine spiritually . And it says there in verse 18 that a man is intruding into those things which he [has] seen, it should read, so theres a man inside the church that satan, the devil was using to mislead all these people, mislead all of them. But how did that happen . Why were these people so easily deceived . Did they becomdeceived . Ninetyfive percent of them are deceived in this endimegods own people, it says in your bible verse 19,eres the problem and not holding the he, from which all the body by joints and bands having nourisent ministered, and knit together, increaseth with the increase of god. So they just simply did not hold onto the head. Now, christ is the head of the spiritual body. Hes the head, so if you dont hold onto the head, hes not going to be speaking to you you speak thugh the head and its christ speaking always if you understand this spiritually; its never a man. The man is only an instrument, and its all means you wont listen to a man that does teach you what god says. You wont even listen to a peter or someone whom god chooses to deliver his message, so its a big problem. Notice ephesians 3 and verse 4. Verse 4 of ephesians 3 whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of christ 5 which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is n revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the spirit; so god says here that this is somewhat like peter being chosen over the First Century church, and christ revealed his truth to him after he ascended to heaven. So if you look in the bible, then, it says that god reveals his truth only a little further down, the same chapter, that ere are many false prophets and false apostles, so we have to be deadly serious about proving all things and knowing what were doing spiritually according to the bible. God speaks only to his very elect, and he says that they cannot be deceived. Now, you can reach a point in your spiritual life, god says, where you cannot be deceived. Now, that shows that you are really hearing the voice of god, and that youre hearing what he says to us through a man that he uses. He doesnt come down here and personally appear to us, but you do hear his voicethat is, and how deadly decepti it can become. False ministers are always hating anybody that god would use to deliver his message, just like the political campaignsthey just keep hammering away with all the negative statements they can come up with to try to turn people away from a certain politician. Its the way its done in this world, but its also done spiritually, god says. The same kind of a campaign happens spiritually. Now, thats why you have to prove all where hes talking to his Laodicean Church in this end time, and notice what he says in verse 20 behold, i stand at the door, and knock if any man hear my voice, now, gods voice is there, and hes knocking, and he there, and hes speaking himself, but hes not doing it, he didnt come down here and personally do it, but that is his voice and his message that is being heard, and its his knock. If any man hear my voice, and open the door, i will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. So christ yearns to knock and get this message across, and he speaks to his people whove turned awayhe loves them and wants them to change their ways, but they are deceived. They kid themselves that they are listening to him, but they are not and he cant come in and enjoy a spiritual meal with them because they wont invite him in, they wont open the door and let him in, and christ is not going to force his way in on anybody. We have to volunteer to open our minds to god and submit to his government, his authority. But he says, if any man, any man, will just hear my voice, thats the key. Any man can do it, but its not a mans voice he says if any man hear my voice through an apostle or spiritually. Thats what this is all about. The laodiceans today dont receive any new revelation. Now, thats the greatest possible tragedy. And id say, that we can challenge you with this test. We have over 50 books and booklets that have new revelation from god in this church. As god speaks to his people he often does it through new revelation because he has to keep adding to the message until the Second Coming of jesus christ. And he keeps revealing more and more to them. And so this is something you can prove. Weve got the booklets. Herbert of books and booklets which we still use today because god gave him all kinds of new revelation. But hes not giving any to the laodiceans today, that lukewarm group of people that are gods own people, but theyve turned away from him, and god can no longer do his work through them. But hes making appeal, hes knocking on the door and trying to get them to see where theyve gone wrong and get them to hear his voice, to let christ speak to them but they dont choose to do that at this time. Now, this is a profound calling that god has given us. Ii peter 1, verse 19 through 21. We have also a more sure, or certain, word of prophecy; well, now, this has a Real Foundation here, whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that arise in your hearts 20 knowing th first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. Nobody can interpret it, nobody not a person on this earth can interpret the bible. Did you know that . It takes god to do it he has to provide the new revelation and speak to his church that way, and then to the world through his church. It goes on to say, 21 for the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man but holy men of god spake as they were moved by the holy [spirit]. See, the word sure there means trustworthy or faithful. I mean this is something you can really build on, its a strong foundation, a more sure word of sand, and it never stands because its not based on the very word of the living god but when you talk about gods prophecy, which is onethird of the bible, he says you should understand it so you have a sure and a certain word of prophecy and you know this is gods voice speaking, and you understand it, and you prove it to yourself. Its refefring to someone like a pillar or someone thats really a foundational type of spiritual example. Onethird of your bible is prophecy, and ninety percent of it is for today, so we have to understand prophecy and have a certain certainty about it and know what were talking about, and not just be guessing about, well, i hope this is right or its in this book and god has revealed it to us, its going to happenevery time every time but where is that happening . Through whom . And where . Where is it happening . God says it would be out there in this end time, and he would be proclaiming this, and christ would be speaking to us the creator of the universe and the angels and mankind would be speaking to us and hed be speaking to us a lot more here just before his Second Coming than any other time on this earth, and that is the time were living in right now. But how many people really understand that . I personally prophets, the former prophets, and all kinds of other books that have prophecy, and god has given revelation to me for some, around fifty books and booklets, and that you can prove. Certainly its not a boast because you can prove it; its just the truth. Its the truth of god that we need for our salvation and for our protection in this evil world. But do you, do you have that certainty or that sureness about your belief . And is your faith strong like that . Is it based on the word of god . Is it christs faith living in you, as it says in galatians 2 and verse 20 . Strong faith is built proving all things, it out and doing what you believe, as well. If you dont step out and apply it, well, its of no value. Revelation means light, and that is the motif or the theme throughout the book of revelation. Thats the revelation, it says inwell, let me just read that to you. The revelation of jesus christ, which god gave unto him, to shew to his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signifd it by his angel unto his servant john [revation 1, verse 1] so this is the revelation of jesus christ, the ole book of revelation is the revelation of jesus christ that god e father gave to him, and how many people understand the book of revelation, though . How many people really understand it . Not paraphrase it to you, but its about the candlesticks or the seven lamps, it should read. Once god reveals this tos, it gives us light its a lamp in the world of darkness its a light that we need in our lives. The word revelation means to uncover, enlighten, or give light. But how many people get light out of revelation . How many people get real understanding out of it . How many people really hear christs voice from the book of revelation . Is to reveal what is to shortly come to pass. Thats prophecy, and he reveals it, and he uses a man as he did here; john wrote this. And as we thats always the way god does it. Notice revelation 10 and verse 1. And i saw other mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cud and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire 2 and he had in his hand a little book open and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth, 3 and cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices. Now, remember this is christ revealing this to us, this message from the father, and he says there would be a little book that would be revealed in this end time. That little book would have seven thunders or seven voices, the very voice of you and it will explain all that to you, but it has seven voices inside that little book, the very voice of god and we have to hear that voice to know what that little book is. What does it all mean . Its not about a man at all this is about the voice of god and its like a thunderous sound in other words, its something that rely ought to get our attention because its coming from out there whe the thunder comes from, the first heaven, but on out into the second and the third heavens, the very universe where gods throne is. Its coming from there its gods voice its a thunderous voice you can read isaiah 40 and verse 3 where it talks about just one voice, the voice, but where is it . And he goes on to talk about hes going to have to deliver that message in verse 9 to zion, which is that Laodicean Church thats turned away from god, and god says, no you go ahead and you deliver that message to them. And if you understand the way that should be worded there, its really quite clear. Let me just quickly read to you another scripture here, john 10 and verse 3 to him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice hear christs voice, not a mans voice, and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out. God calls his own sheep by name, and the sheep hear his voice. Where is that happening . Where is it happening on this earth . Notice verse 4 and when sheep follow him for they know his voice. They know the voice of god see, this is not about following a man; its about following god and he watches over and protects us like a shepherd over the eep who is there with them all the time to protect them from wolves and bears or whatever may be there. God protects you, he protects me, he protects all of us if we hear his voice, if we let him teach us and insuct us. Thats the key to all of this, and thats why we must learn it as quickly as we can. Until next week, this is gerald flurry, goodbye, friends. We have three free booklets to offer you today that will help with your understanding ofow christ speaks to us. Please request our three free booklets johns gospel the love of god, this free material will help you understand what your bible teaches about how christ is speaking today. Youll also see how a large portion of gods people have stopped listening to christ. All of this is occuring just before the Second Coming of Jessus Christ to this earth. Please request our three free booklets johns gospel the love of god, colossians First Century parallels, and the little book. Also, ask for a free subscription to our monthly newsmagazine the philadelphia trumpet. Dont miss our newest issue which gives much insight into the dangerous state of the us economy. This is an issue you cant afford to miss. Also, visit us online at thetrumpet. Com for daily columns and news update videos. There youll see our from the editor section which includes weekly webexclusive videos from key of david presentor gerald love of god, colossians First Century parallels, and the little book. Youll also be sent a free subscription to the trumpet magazine. All our literature is free and will be sent to you with no cost or obligation. Order your free announr the following is a paid announcement for the International Fellowship of eckstein these stones are the remnants of the First Century area right outside jerusalems holy temple. In fact, in this very spot where jews walked centuries ago, where jesus walked, where people entered and left the temple area. On this spot, the bridge that would carry people to and fro the temple area fell when the romans conquered the city and cracked this road that you see in front of you. This crack in a sense represents symbolically the crack of the jewish people, how the jewish people were but, we believe in the fulfillment of prophecy and i believe that were of incredible proportions. A day like ezekiel prophesized with the dry bones in which they wou come together and this is what were witnessing tod the miracle of the end gathering of the jewish people here in israel, and you can be a part of that. Announce isaiah, jeremiah, ezekiel, revelations. I bore you on wgs of eagles. Announcer jews of the former soviet union have always been one of historys most persecuted people suffering through stalin, hitler, and the holocaust and violent communist repression. Emigre it was very dangerous because of the kgb your judaism. Emigre they attempted to burn our house. They threw stones at our doors and they wrote on it death to the jews. Emigre every day on the bus they would yell at me, go home jew this is not your home emigre because i am a jew, someone took a knife and cut up the front door to our apartment. This is no place for my daughter. We are leaving this country. Announcer in 1989, the doors of the former soviet union finally opened. For most jews who had been denied jobs and forced into terrible poverty, there was still no hope of having the means to ever realize their eam of returning to their homeland. But thanks to the help of the Worldwide Jewish Community and programs like on wings of eagles, what was only a distant dream became a modernday miracle in the

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