Transcripts For WTKR NewsChannel 3 News At Noon 20160209 : c

Transcripts For WTKR NewsChannel 3 News At Noon 20160209

officer: driver, pull your vehicle over! love like ours won't never grow old... driver, turn off your vehicle and stay where you are. she's my pride and joy she's my sweet little baby driver! put your hands outside the vehicle where we can see them! [cocks gun] yh, i love lady she's long and lean you mess with her and you'll see a man get mean turn off the radio and reach your hands outside the window! she's my pride and joy hands! let me see your hands! i'm her little lover boy both hands, no [officers yelling] officer: call for an ambulance. officer down! officer down! reid: a popular theory among leading astrophysicists estimates that the hyper matter reactor would need about 10 to the 32nd jewels of energy to destroy a planet the size of earth. now, lucas said it took 19 years to build the first death star, right? but if you look at the new essential chronology, there's a testbed prototype for a super laser that sns-- where are you goin'? taking back the last 5 minutes of mlife. you can't go in there. don't you want to know about this guy? i do. got it all memorized-- his books, his bio. yeah, books have sold over a million copies. so? there's a million reasons not to come back, if you know what i'm sayin'. huh. taupe walls. that's a negative color. cold, distant. you know, emotionally, taupe is linked to loneliness and the desire to escape from the world. huh. maybe he doesn't want to be reminded of past victories. it's a new chapter r him. what happened to the moratorium on inter-team profiling, guys? come on, reid, team? i don't think this guy knows the meaning of the word. oh, i found something. looks like some type ofreligiousreligous art. original, maybe? definitely expensive. it's renaissance art. if that's original... is it? i don't know, it's kinda hard to tell. means he's into the classics. what else? uh, italian, strict catholic upbringing. probably believes in redption. well, i believe in a lot of things. catholic, yes. itian-american, 52 years. strict upbringing, not so much. now, the artwork, that's 15th century, original. cost more than my first house. and as for the wall color, it's just a base coat. painters will come in and finish tomorrow. now, if you're all finished, i think j.j. and hotch are ready for us. great falls, montana. over the past 14 months, 3 women have been reported missing. michelle lawford, jennifer hillbridge, and darcy cranwell. all young caucasian brunettes. after an extensive search, all were presumed dead by local authorities. so at least we know he has a type. and now there's a fourth woman, angela miller. this morning, she and her car went missing from a small grocery store while her husband and son were inside. this morning? montana's requesting our help? 40 minutes later, state troopers spotted angela miller's car on the highway. and when troopers tried to apprehend the driver, he blew himself up with a grenade, putting one of the troopers in the i.c.u. are they sure that she wasn't in the car with him? they went through the wreckage, and it appears she's still missing. caucasian, stocky, brown hair, moustache. early forties. he has a scar on the left side of his face. do you think angela miller's still alive? since the other missings were never found, we don't know, but he only had her for 40 minutes, so we have to assume she is. [woman screaming] lots of marketing going on in this aisle. fancy labels, slick designs; this one's got flowers on it, it's pretty. after the stach flu ravages my home, am i supposed to believe that an ocean breeze is gonna blow it away? no. please. i know what clean smells like, bleach. the same bleach that knocks down dysentery. and cleans up crime scenes. you want to spend 3 bucks on liquid doubt, be my guest. you want clean, get a cleaner with bleach in it. clorox means clean. (vo) with thousands of quality pre-owned vehicles... and exceptional customer service, head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... ah, a classic case of who dunnit? luckily, jay chews trident to help clean and protect his teeth, so he can claim his innocence with a convincing grin. that's it jay, theyl never know. trident. cherish your teeth. how do robots work? it takes all kinds of jobs. and the best place to find the job that's right for you indeed. how the world works. with the help of comfort keepers, i'm keeping my mom healthy! i'm keeping dad on schedule. i'm keeping my mom happy! comfort keepers in-home professional caregivers can provide meal planning andpreparation, health and wellness services and personal care services through custom care plans that can change as needs change, so your aging loved ones can stay happy and healthy in their own home. moved into this? make it look like this. let's check out our options. let's put our ideas to work. and stepnto a new favorite room. let's do this. buy vanities in-store and online today starting at just $139. the home depot. more saving. more doing. rossi: "an earthly kingdom cannot exist "without inequality of persons. "some must be free, some serfs, some rulers, some subjects." you know, i could have gotten you a coloring book at the airport. i'm creating a topographical map, weighing down and geocoding all key locations looking for algorithms. yeah. that's exactly what i thought you were doing. it's called a jeopardy surface. it's a way of narrowing down where the unsub could reside. and by default, where he may be stashing angela miller. you know, it says here the guy had a fully loaded gun, so we know he had options. why the grenade? he wants to be remembered. and he wanted to be sure to take as many cops with him as possle. he knows he's out gunned. so he waits. times it to the last second. boom! there are some very committed people in those parts. who love their fire power. almost as much as they hate us. militia. and they're heavily armed. yeah, but hand grenades? it's not uncommon for militia members to have military experience. oftentimes, they resent the structure and they get discharged, and they form their own paramilitary governments. dental records are on their way to garcia. prentiss and i will go meet the husband. i can walk the other abduction sights. everybody else, set up base, work on geographical profiles. establish contact with the locals, and tread carefully. they'll be watching us. he killed a 15-year police veteran. he died in i.c.u. a couple hours ago. sorry to hear that. so angela miller came out with the groceries while her husband took mark into the bathroom. he came out, she was gone, her and the car. unsub gets into the car, gun drawn, and tells her to drive. she knows her son's coming out any minute, so to keep him out of harm's way, she drives off. where did he come from? all the vehicles in the vicinity have been accounted for. well, if he's a local, he walked. well, these folks can rest easy knowing the bastard's dead. [vehicle approaching] uh, this is agent jareau with the f.b.i., and-- that's the third time i've been hung up on. try not ying f.b.i. who was that? contact for a local militia newsletter. yeah, drop the f.b.i. part. a woman is missing. you'd think these people uld want to help us. they do want to help. the missing woman, not us. [cell phone rings] go ahead, garcia. garcia: you were spot on, crime fighters . military records match. francis goehring, 42 years old. did a year in the army for bad conduct discharge. highlight of which was an arrest during a bar brawl in which three other people were hospitalized. he also appears in the federal database for...get this, aggressive militia groups. uh-huh. that's your federal government at work. we specialize in redundancy. rossi: you see a last known address? a compound just outside of town. it's coming your way. oh, he also has a wife that doesn't appear to live with him. diane marie goehring, lives in shelby a few hours away. have the state police bring in the wife. reid and i will goake friends with his neighbors. thanks, garcia. we need you to tell us what happened. the guy that took my wife... he took the other missing women, didn't he? he's a serial killer, that's why you're here? no, we're here to help you find your wife. you do believe she's alive? unless i have evidence to the contrary, i very much consider her to be alive. i wouldn't have called him in if i believed otherwise. what do you believe? i believe you spent all morning... going over a or in your head about the last time you saw her. those moments, those memories, we need to hear them all, in detail. how's that gonna help save her? well, in one of those moments, someone else may have been watching her, too. [horse nickers] what the hell do you want? can't you read? i'm not a salesman, i'm with the fbi. fbi? you're not serious. i could snap you like a twig. but then, he isn't alone. we're here because this was the address listed for francis goehring. i haven't seen him in months. we'd like to see his residence. francis goehring abducted 3 women. we're looking for a fourth. heook her while her husband and son were in a store. this isn't about us, it's about a woman from your community. i'll show you his place. piece of advice, pipe cleaner, way you're wearin' that gun... mostly just junk mail. catalogs for firearms... survival preparedness. he doesn't sleep here. postmarks are new. he probably just uses this address for mail. odd choice of reading material. uh, speaking of reading material, i've, uh, re all your books. thanks. um... one thing that always kind of struck me as odd is that you really just sort of glance over ruby ridge. i mean, you don't-- you don't have to tell me, i... this picture seems old. it's part of a past life. we need to find where his new life is. how's that map of yours coming along? i've got it narrowed down to about a 30 mile radius. well, hotch seems to think he was on foot. that's a long walk. rossi: hello. home movies. an earthly kingdom... cannot exist without the inequality of persons. martin luther understood the weak will always serve the strong. like me. he had dreams. and ideas. reid: it's funny, he uses the chair like is a throne and he's framing himself intentionally with a low angle to give him power and dominance in the frame. in feudal times, the lord lived on high ground to spot the invader. he had serfs to serve his kingdom. the lord never had to leave his castle. the serfs would bring him everything. they were the appendages of his will. there's 11 more tapes of this? first, i will build a compound, a kingdom. second, i will arm, protect and fortify my kingdom. third, i will keep women as serfs to serve my ever need. this is my right. as a man with free will in america, i will make my kingdom a reality. well, we know he's moved out of his house. my guess is that kingdom is the reality now. hey, he talks about keeping women to serve him. it's possible all these women are still alive. excuse me. goehring's wife is here. prentiss: thank you for coming to speak with us, mrs. goehng. did i have a choice? we need your help. if i don't have to be here, good-bye. um, is this you? that is you, isn't it? where did you get this? um, have you seen this woman? well, you probably saw these three women on the news as well, and we think they all share one thing in common. what? they all look like you. a pattern, a type. you and all of these womefit a type. when was the last time you saw your husband? i... i haven't seen him since we threw him out. we? the militia. they saw what-- what he did to me, and threw him out. what he did to you? francis killed himself yesterday. he's--he's dead? after being caught driving angela miller's car. can you think of anywhere your husband was sadistic. he hurt you, made you do horrible things. he treated you like a slave. did what he wanted, whenever he wanted. he did the same thing to those oer women, except they didn't have the militia to save them. francis said that his dream started with 9 acres. what's he talking about? my parents' land. when--when--when they died, he made me give it to him. hotch: where is it? hotch: sheriff, let me know when they've swept the house for explosives. in the meantime, check the perimeter. let's find her. tomm 2 men on the house. angela? angela? angela? angela! hotch! rossi! we got her. it's angela. she's gone. 2 exit wounds, upper torso. i promised her son we'd find her alive. what is it? she's still warm. look at the blood, it hasn't dried yet. this is recent. very recent. how is that possible? goehring didn't do this. what happened? how did you make this? what is this? how did you get up there? how did it go? what did you do? honey, how did that happen? wake up! what? what? how? asking the right questions. that's caring. and that's why whirlpool made their cabrio washer with settings to get the perfect wash. every day, care. whirlpool for a limited time, get up to two hundred and fifty dollars back by mail-in rebate at participating retailers. at safelite, we know how busy your life can be. oh no this mom didn't have time to worry about a cracked windshield. so she scheduled at and with safelite's exclusive "on my way text" she knew exactly when i'd be there. hi, steve with safelite. thanks for your text! i replaced her windshield... and she didn't miss a single shot giving you more time for what matters most. how'd ya do? we won! nice! that' another safelite advantage. thank you so much! not yet. not yet! pull the peach! mmmm, yoplait. you know what i love best about your style? you. at jared, we only sell one piece of jewelry... ...the pandora ring that celebrates her personal style. and it's waiting for you... jared. angela's been dead for no more than half an hour. e partner was just here. he can't have gotten far. we set up road blocks within a 40 mile radius. sheriff, somebody around here must know who goehring's partner is. we should try goehring's pals, the militia. maybe they can help. and i found 2 sets men's shoes of different sizes. we found fresh tire tracks. small pick-up truck. i know it doesn't narrow it down much, but let the troopers know they're looking for a man in a pick-up. if he's as prepared as goehring, he'll have a police scanner and a 2-way radio. we can tune into the state geological survey frequency. nobody ever listens to that. prentiss: hey, guys? there are 3 sectns of roses, different heights, different levels of maturity. 3 different women. these appear to be e most recently planted. the tags are still on them. guys... carrion beetles. prentiss: like in a cemetery. sheriff, let's get some shovels. we need to start digging. [country music playing] [sighs] this should be interesting. j.j., wait a minute. stay behind me. when we get inside, do not, whatever you do, i can handle myself. [indistinct chatter] we're looking for harris townsend. put your badge away. we know who you are. we're only here to talk to harris townsend. we heard he runs this bar. i do. talkin' isn't exactly what you boys are known for. we're investigating a missing woman-- bobby, be a gentleman. pull up a chair for the little lady. no, i prefer to stand. i'd prefer it if you both left my bar. but we have manners. glock 17. tactical, but european. [sighs] smith and wesson. pure american hardre.

Related Keywords

United States , Montana , Italy , Italian , America , American , Michelle Lawford , Harris Townsend , Francis Goehring , Diane Marie Goehring , Angela Miller , Martin Luther , Stevie Ray Vaughan , Ruby Ridge ,

© 2024 Vimarsana
Transcripts For WTKR NewsChannel 3 News At Noon 20160209 :

Transcripts For WTKR NewsChannel 3 News At Noon 20160209

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officer: driver, pull your vehicle over! love like ours won't never grow old... driver, turn off your vehicle and stay where you are. she's my pride and joy she's my sweet little baby driver! put your hands outside the vehicle where we can see them! [cocks gun] yh, i love lady she's long and lean you mess with her and you'll see a man get mean turn off the radio and reach your hands outside the window! she's my pride and joy hands! let me see your hands! i'm her little lover boy both hands, no [officers yelling] officer: call for an ambulance. officer down! officer down! reid: a popular theory among leading astrophysicists estimates that the hyper matter reactor would need about 10 to the 32nd jewels of energy to destroy a planet the size of earth. now, lucas said it took 19 years to build the first death star, right? but if you look at the new essential chronology, there's a testbed prototype for a super laser that sns-- where are you goin'? taking back the last 5 minutes of mlife. you can't go in there. don't you want to know about this guy? i do. got it all memorized-- his books, his bio. yeah, books have sold over a million copies. so? there's a million reasons not to come back, if you know what i'm sayin'. huh. taupe walls. that's a negative color. cold, distant. you know, emotionally, taupe is linked to loneliness and the desire to escape from the world. huh. maybe he doesn't want to be reminded of past victories. it's a new chapter r him. what happened to the moratorium on inter-team profiling, guys? come on, reid, team? i don't think this guy knows the meaning of the word. oh, i found something. looks like some type ofreligiousreligous art. original, maybe? definitely expensive. it's renaissance art. if that's original... is it? i don't know, it's kinda hard to tell. means he's into the classics. what else? uh, italian, strict catholic upbringing. probably believes in redption. well, i believe in a lot of things. catholic, yes. itian-american, 52 years. strict upbringing, not so much. now, the artwork, that's 15th century, original. cost more than my first house. and as for the wall color, it's just a base coat. painters will come in and finish tomorrow. now, if you're all finished, i think j.j. and hotch are ready for us. great falls, montana. over the past 14 months, 3 women have been reported missing. michelle lawford, jennifer hillbridge, and darcy cranwell. all young caucasian brunettes. after an extensive search, all were presumed dead by local authorities. so at least we know he has a type. and now there's a fourth woman, angela miller. this morning, she and her car went missing from a small grocery store while her husband and son were inside. this morning? montana's requesting our help? 40 minutes later, state troopers spotted angela miller's car on the highway. and when troopers tried to apprehend the driver, he blew himself up with a grenade, putting one of the troopers in the i.c.u. are they sure that she wasn't in the car with him? they went through the wreckage, and it appears she's still missing. caucasian, stocky, brown hair, moustache. early forties. he has a scar on the left side of his face. do you think angela miller's still alive? since the other missings were never found, we don't know, but he only had her for 40 minutes, so we have to assume she is. [woman screaming] lots of marketing going on in this aisle. fancy labels, slick designs; this one's got flowers on it, it's pretty. after the stach flu ravages my home, am i supposed to believe that an ocean breeze is gonna blow it away? no. please. i know what clean smells like, bleach. the same bleach that knocks down dysentery. and cleans up crime scenes. you want to spend 3 bucks on liquid doubt, be my guest. you want clean, get a cleaner with bleach in it. clorox means clean. (vo) with thousands of quality pre-owned vehicles... and exceptional customer service, head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... ah, a classic case of who dunnit? luckily, jay chews trident to help clean and protect his teeth, so he can claim his innocence with a convincing grin. that's it jay, theyl never know. trident. cherish your teeth. how do robots work? it takes all kinds of jobs. and the best place to find the job that's right for you indeed. how the world works. with the help of comfort keepers, i'm keeping my mom healthy! i'm keeping dad on schedule. i'm keeping my mom happy! comfort keepers in-home professional caregivers can provide meal planning andpreparation, health and wellness services and personal care services through custom care plans that can change as needs change, so your aging loved ones can stay happy and healthy in their own home. moved into this? make it look like this. let's check out our options. let's put our ideas to work. and stepnto a new favorite room. let's do this. buy vanities in-store and online today starting at just $139. the home depot. more saving. more doing. rossi: "an earthly kingdom cannot exist "without inequality of persons. "some must be free, some serfs, some rulers, some subjects." you know, i could have gotten you a coloring book at the airport. i'm creating a topographical map, weighing down and geocoding all key locations looking for algorithms. yeah. that's exactly what i thought you were doing. it's called a jeopardy surface. it's a way of narrowing down where the unsub could reside. and by default, where he may be stashing angela miller. you know, it says here the guy had a fully loaded gun, so we know he had options. why the grenade? he wants to be remembered. and he wanted to be sure to take as many cops with him as possle. he knows he's out gunned. so he waits. times it to the last second. boom! there are some very committed people in those parts. who love their fire power. almost as much as they hate us. militia. and they're heavily armed. yeah, but hand grenades? it's not uncommon for militia members to have military experience. oftentimes, they resent the structure and they get discharged, and they form their own paramilitary governments. dental records are on their way to garcia. prentiss and i will go meet the husband. i can walk the other abduction sights. everybody else, set up base, work on geographical profiles. establish contact with the locals, and tread carefully. they'll be watching us. he killed a 15-year police veteran. he died in i.c.u. a couple hours ago. sorry to hear that. so angela miller came out with the groceries while her husband took mark into the bathroom. he came out, she was gone, her and the car. unsub gets into the car, gun drawn, and tells her to drive. she knows her son's coming out any minute, so to keep him out of harm's way, she drives off. where did he come from? all the vehicles in the vicinity have been accounted for. well, if he's a local, he walked. well, these folks can rest easy knowing the bastard's dead. [vehicle approaching] uh, this is agent jareau with the f.b.i., and-- that's the third time i've been hung up on. try not ying f.b.i. who was that? contact for a local militia newsletter. yeah, drop the f.b.i. part. a woman is missing. you'd think these people uld want to help us. they do want to help. the missing woman, not us. [cell phone rings] go ahead, garcia. garcia: you were spot on, crime fighters . military records match. francis goehring, 42 years old. did a year in the army for bad conduct discharge. highlight of which was an arrest during a bar brawl in which three other people were hospitalized. he also appears in the federal database for...get this, aggressive militia groups. uh-huh. that's your federal government at work. we specialize in redundancy. rossi: you see a last known address? a compound just outside of town. it's coming your way. oh, he also has a wife that doesn't appear to live with him. diane marie goehring, lives in shelby a few hours away. have the state police bring in the wife. reid and i will goake friends with his neighbors. thanks, garcia. we need you to tell us what happened. the guy that took my wife... he took the other missing women, didn't he? he's a serial killer, that's why you're here? no, we're here to help you find your wife. you do believe she's alive? unless i have evidence to the contrary, i very much consider her to be alive. i wouldn't have called him in if i believed otherwise. what do you believe? i believe you spent all morning... going over a or in your head about the last time you saw her. those moments, those memories, we need to hear them all, in detail. how's that gonna help save her? well, in one of those moments, someone else may have been watching her, too. [horse nickers] what the hell do you want? can't you read? i'm not a salesman, i'm with the fbi. fbi? you're not serious. i could snap you like a twig. but then, he isn't alone. we're here because this was the address listed for francis goehring. i haven't seen him in months. we'd like to see his residence. francis goehring abducted 3 women. we're looking for a fourth. heook her while her husband and son were in a store. this isn't about us, it's about a woman from your community. i'll show you his place. piece of advice, pipe cleaner, way you're wearin' that gun... mostly just junk mail. catalogs for firearms... survival preparedness. he doesn't sleep here. postmarks are new. he probably just uses this address for mail. odd choice of reading material. uh, speaking of reading material, i've, uh, re all your books. thanks. um... one thing that always kind of struck me as odd is that you really just sort of glance over ruby ridge. i mean, you don't-- you don't have to tell me, i... this picture seems old. it's part of a past life. we need to find where his new life is. how's that map of yours coming along? i've got it narrowed down to about a 30 mile radius. well, hotch seems to think he was on foot. that's a long walk. rossi: hello. home movies. an earthly kingdom... cannot exist without the inequality of persons. martin luther understood the weak will always serve the strong. like me. he had dreams. and ideas. reid: it's funny, he uses the chair like is a throne and he's framing himself intentionally with a low angle to give him power and dominance in the frame. in feudal times, the lord lived on high ground to spot the invader. he had serfs to serve his kingdom. the lord never had to leave his castle. the serfs would bring him everything. they were the appendages of his will. there's 11 more tapes of this? first, i will build a compound, a kingdom. second, i will arm, protect and fortify my kingdom. third, i will keep women as serfs to serve my ever need. this is my right. as a man with free will in america, i will make my kingdom a reality. well, we know he's moved out of his house. my guess is that kingdom is the reality now. hey, he talks about keeping women to serve him. it's possible all these women are still alive. excuse me. goehring's wife is here. prentiss: thank you for coming to speak with us, mrs. goehng. did i have a choice? we need your help. if i don't have to be here, good-bye. um, is this you? that is you, isn't it? where did you get this? um, have you seen this woman? well, you probably saw these three women on the news as well, and we think they all share one thing in common. what? they all look like you. a pattern, a type. you and all of these womefit a type. when was the last time you saw your husband? i... i haven't seen him since we threw him out. we? the militia. they saw what-- what he did to me, and threw him out. what he did to you? francis killed himself yesterday. he's--he's dead? after being caught driving angela miller's car. can you think of anywhere your husband was sadistic. he hurt you, made you do horrible things. he treated you like a slave. did what he wanted, whenever he wanted. he did the same thing to those oer women, except they didn't have the militia to save them. francis said that his dream started with 9 acres. what's he talking about? my parents' land. when--when--when they died, he made me give it to him. hotch: where is it? hotch: sheriff, let me know when they've swept the house for explosives. in the meantime, check the perimeter. let's find her. tomm 2 men on the house. angela? angela? angela? angela! hotch! rossi! we got her. it's angela. she's gone. 2 exit wounds, upper torso. i promised her son we'd find her alive. what is it? she's still warm. look at the blood, it hasn't dried yet. this is recent. very recent. how is that possible? goehring didn't do this. what happened? how did you make this? what is this? how did you get up there? how did it go? what did you do? honey, how did that happen? wake up! what? what? how? asking the right questions. that's caring. and that's why whirlpool made their cabrio washer with settings to get the perfect wash. every day, care. whirlpool for a limited time, get up to two hundred and fifty dollars back by mail-in rebate at participating retailers. at safelite, we know how busy your life can be. oh no this mom didn't have time to worry about a cracked windshield. so she scheduled at and with safelite's exclusive "on my way text" she knew exactly when i'd be there. hi, steve with safelite. thanks for your text! i replaced her windshield... and she didn't miss a single shot giving you more time for what matters most. how'd ya do? we won! nice! that' another safelite advantage. thank you so much! not yet. not yet! pull the peach! mmmm, yoplait. you know what i love best about your style? you. at jared, we only sell one piece of jewelry... ...the pandora ring that celebrates her personal style. and it's waiting for you... jared. angela's been dead for no more than half an hour. e partner was just here. he can't have gotten far. we set up road blocks within a 40 mile radius. sheriff, somebody around here must know who goehring's partner is. we should try goehring's pals, the militia. maybe they can help. and i found 2 sets men's shoes of different sizes. we found fresh tire tracks. small pick-up truck. i know it doesn't narrow it down much, but let the troopers know they're looking for a man in a pick-up. if he's as prepared as goehring, he'll have a police scanner and a 2-way radio. we can tune into the state geological survey frequency. nobody ever listens to that. prentiss: hey, guys? there are 3 sectns of roses, different heights, different levels of maturity. 3 different women. these appear to be e most recently planted. the tags are still on them. guys... carrion beetles. prentiss: like in a cemetery. sheriff, let's get some shovels. we need to start digging. [country music playing] [sighs] this should be interesting. j.j., wait a minute. stay behind me. when we get inside, do not, whatever you do, i can handle myself. [indistinct chatter] we're looking for harris townsend. put your badge away. we know who you are. we're only here to talk to harris townsend. we heard he runs this bar. i do. talkin' isn't exactly what you boys are known for. we're investigating a missing woman-- bobby, be a gentleman. pull up a chair for the little lady. no, i prefer to stand. i'd prefer it if you both left my bar. but we have manners. glock 17. tactical, but european. [sighs] smith and wesson. pure american hardre.

Related Keywords

United States , Montana , Italy , Italian , America , American , Michelle Lawford , Harris Townsend , Francis Goehring , Diane Marie Goehring , Angela Miller , Martin Luther , Stevie Ray Vaughan , Ruby Ridge ,

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