I appreciate that, agent, but this hospital is on a strict bypass. What iswhats that . It means the hospital is closed. Were redirecting all emergencies to lenox hill. Shes not gonna make it to lenox hill. Im losing her shes crashing shes crashing im losing her. Please. Open it up. His is delta 2. I need immediate e. R. Attendance. What do you got . Bp 50 over 30, shes bradycardic with severe spinal iury. Get her in the bag. Get in the crash cart. [voices overlapping and distorting] [crash ok, can i get some help in here . Eat up, buddy. Youll get it this time. Yeah ok not too quick dont t go until i say so. I got you. Start strong with the Lasting Energy of 100 youre doing it whole grain quaker oats. And off you go. Searching for a great used car . Can you help . Start with the millions of used cars for sale at the new carfax. Com show me oneowner cars. Show me one owner cars with Service Records. Show me oneowner, Service Records and no accidents thats amazing. 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Theyre not gonna be in any government file and they wont have rap sheets. Hotch and kate are at st. Barclays hospital. How are they . Well, hotch is in the e. R. , kates in surgery. Morgans on his way down there now. The medias reporting this as a failed attack on 26 federal plaza. Well, its not. Theyre not the only ones. Homeland security feels the same way. Theyre wrong. They found nothing at any of the sites that you told them that these guys were targeting. Maybe this thing is over. Or maybe thats exactly what they want us to think. As soon as the bomb techs identify the device, i want to know about it. Of course. Can you get in tighter on the bomber . Here, in his hand. Hes using his cell phone. Joyner and hotch approach the van. Why not wait until they both get in . Gus he figured he was close enough. Wouldnt you wait until they were in it . So far these guys have accomplished nothing. Nothing . My partner was shotcooper . 8 innocent people were killed. 2 agents blown up. Not to mention emilys suicide by cop. Is that not enough . This isnt. Doc. Fbi. Hows Aaron Hotchner . Hes got acute acoustic trauma in his right ear, and i pulled shrapnel from his leg. Just lay down. Sir agent hotchner, lie down. Doctor, im all right. Hotch, stop it. Just calm down. Doc, i got it, ok . Morgan, wheres kate . Shes in surgery. Where are my clothes, please . Hotch, your go bag is on its way. Has anything happened since the first blast . Nothing. Sam . Hes dead. Morgan, the profiles wrong. Everythingeverything theyve done so far has appeared to be sothing its not. I dont follow. The seemingly random acts of murder, the attempt to hack into our Security Surveillance systems. The suicide by cop to make us all believe that it was over. Dont forget the death card telling us they know were watching. All diversions. To ensure our attention and analysis of any given situation would than incorrectly inform our profile. So the First Responders were not the real target . Hotch and kate were a diversion, too . Morgan. Hotch wants you guys over there now. What do we tell Homeland Security . Tell them if they love this city as much as you do to keep it locked down. Its about to get hit. Are you ok . Yeah. I just want to understand why im still alive. I think the idea was to maim, not to kill. Did you identify sam, the bomber . Garcia put sam and the other dead unsub into every know database. Nothing. We know how terror cells evolve. They learn from one caaign to the next. How to stay off radar like the london bombers. Yeah, but they, uh, they hit at 8 50 in the morning with a series of coordinated blasts aimed londons transportation system, and this cell targeted a lone suv where the only people on the street are 2 federal agents. Its not multiple targets, its one target. One target, one bomb. Garcia said the device was placed under kates suv. It was likely made using oxydizing agents, including chromates, peroxides, perchlorates, chlorates, and red mercury, imagine what a bomthe size of an oil drum could do. Yeah, but to make something that big, youd need a chemical engineer. Like the recently deceased dr. Azahari husin, asias mostwanted bombmaker . Authorities dubbed him the, uh, demolition man. Rossi he treated each bomb like a work of art. One wronmove. He becomes a victim of his own creation. Hell be more revered than all of the people who died as a result of his devices. Stop the bomber, stop the bomb. To do that, we need to know how they would deploy something that big. Hotch. Did you ever find sams cell phone . Did he call 911 . Yes. No. He dialed one number 6 times every few minutes. It was a disposable cell. Garcia tracked the number, but it went dead minutes after sam died. Whoever had it destroyed it. Theres only one reason that he stayed with us. To make sure the ambulance got to you. And in a city on lockdown, an ambulance with its siren blaring and lights on, its gonna make it through every roadblock virtually uncontested. This hospital is on a strict bypass. What iswhats that . It means the hospital is closed. And straight into a hospital with a bypass order on it. What . Secret service has a bypass on this hospital. Secret service . Who are they protecting . Thats who sam was calling, the paramedic on the ambulance. The ambulance which i drove in here. This hospital is their target. Why cant i buy this weird, shavedmeat sandwich with my phone . Why cant my battery last long enough to navigate me through these scary woods . Ugh. Eh, probably fine though. [lightning strike] why doesnt my phone work after i pour this expensive champagne all over it . How am i sposed to show people how rich and carefree i am . Good question. Introducing the only waterresistant, fast, wirelesscharging,best camera having, memory expandable, pay almost anywhere, samsungalaxy s7 edge. The new, doeverything, galaxy s7 edge. We always were told we were german. We were in a german dance group. I wore lederhosen. So i just started poking around on ancestry. Then, i decided to have my dna tested through ancestry dna. It turns out im scottish. When i grow up, i want to be a teacher, a scientist, or maybe a dancer. But learning is hard when youre hungry. Thats why for years kelloggs has helped provide millions of breakfasts to kids who start School Without it. And with your help, tt watu `s9 pjx`zp j introducing new mccormick herb grinders. An exciting new way to release the fresher flavor and aroma of larger cut herbs like basil and oregano. From prep to plate, unleash the power of mccormick herb grinders. Hey. Who you got in here . Why is that information important to you . The ambulance i drove in here where it now . Theres a bomb in it. In the basement. Why . Its rigged. What . Its rigged to assassinate whoever it is youre protecting. You need to get them and everyone else out of here right now. We cant do that. Hes undergoing surgery as we speak. The paramedic i came in with do you have eyes on him . That a cell in his hands . Garcia, can you Remote Access the cell phone grid im in and jam all the frequencies . Yeah, i can, but only for a short period of time. Theres a bomb in the basement of this building. Im on it. Ok, we need to access and pinpoint the 3 closest cell towers to the location and then disrupt the satellite feeds to them and we need to do it fast. Here we go. Prentiss look, hes coming back. Hes gonna detonate the bomb manual if he has to. He went to find the ambulance. Where did morgan go . Lets head down. Alone . Call air charlie one. Move echo one tohe roof as soon as hes out of surgery. Airvac him out of here. Morgan . Yeah, baby. You sound stressed. Do i . Where are you . Not where i want to be right now. [shouting] [bodies fall] [fires] garcia, take this down f me. Fdny 108. Thats an ambulance. Are you ok . Yeah, im fine. Just track it for me. Hes going to the basement. Oh, my god. [beeping] garcia, how long can you keep jammg the cell phone lines . Uh, a few minutes, max. Why . cause im gonna have to get this ambulance out of here. Or you could just evacuate the building like everybody else. No. As soon as theirways a clear, this things going up. Going up . Oh, my god, thats like 3 minutes, cae thats when the satellite moves position. Come on. Garcia, listen to me. I need you to find area of town i can drive this thing, and you tell everybody, you hear me, everybody that im coming. Come on, babe. Do it go [engine starts] all right, talk to me, garcia. Ok. Head north. And floor it. Ill tell you where to turn. What was that . It was nothing. Just talk to me no no nooo aah noooo prentiss. How am i doing, garcia . Hows he doing . One minute, 50 seconds. Why does it always have to be you . Why do you always have to do this . Come on. Come on derek, you dont have much time. Please be smart about this. Signals coming back online 30 seconds to full coverage. Derek, drive to the opening and then get the hell out. Theresomething i really want you to know, garcia. 20 seconds. Save it. Just get out. No, no, no, im noquite there yet. 10. Morgan. 9. 8. Just listen to me. Morgan we just lost tracking. [siren] derek . Fbi. Garcia. [breathing hard] ll tell you what you are to me. Youre my godgiven solace. Woman, you promise me one thing. Whatever happens. Dont you ever stop talking to me. I cant right now cause im mad at you. Whats happening . Wheres the surgeon . We did all that we could. M telling yo re gonna get caught. Come o kid, were cops. Smoking in a hospital is a federal offse. Youre on your own, kid. I see the wife and kids came for a visit. Mmhmm. Gi me a break. I just got shot. Now im standing in front of a beautiful woman hiriculo garb th. I. And a catheter coected to my. Skididdibup. Couldve told me you were coming. Yeah, i wasnt going to and i. I thought id drop in. Oh. Im on my way to the airport n. Yeah. Um. Sorry to hear about agent joyner. And hotchner is he ok . Uhhe cant flyfor a little bit. His ea are. But hes gonna be fine. Um, sook, i brght this for you. For you and your family. Im told they are great seats. You didnt have to. I know. I wanted to. Cod just as easi goa plane toatch. Ke care, cooper. Oh, whoa. Whoa. Mets tickets . Most people assume im a yankees fa im not most people. [chuckles] nope. No, that girl is not. Thanks. Hey. Uh, uh, uh, uh. Got it. Im your ride. I thought agent davis was driving me. She was. I had her reassigned. Nyove sometng better to do . Than to annoy you fo3 hours . Hl, no. Give mthe keys not a chancehotc lets go. So did we ever find out who the secret service had in the hospital . Does it matter . Quantico has requested you transfer to run the new york office. Hotch; they havent even buried her yet. We are at war, things change. Dont i need yourrecommendation . You didnt give it, did you . Your actions. As incredibly brave as they were, were still the actions of an agent who doesnt truly trust anyone. Hotch; i did it for this team. My opinion doesnt matter. The job is yours if you want it. Hotch, your opinion matters to me. My life matters to me and i have and always will entrust you with it. Still want to drive . Previously, on criminal minds. [car alarm blaring] [muffled] hey, are you ok . Cooper hotchner, is he ok . He cant fly for a little bit. His ears are but hes gonna be fine. Captioning made possible by Touchstone Television and cbs, inc. [distant clattering]