Transcripts For WTKR NewsChannel 3 News At 11 20160206 : com

Transcripts For WTKR NewsChannel 3 News At 11 20160206

[ siren wails in distance ] mmm. what is it? is this a fingernail? slivered almonds -- that's what that is. we don't have almonds. well, then, that's weird. [ muffled ] oh, my g. go. go. clean this up.pack your bags. one more night. i'll be gone by morning. you won't even know that i'm here. okay? look, i'm cleaning. [ thud ] -- captions by vitac -- i said, hey-o, let's go every day, i wake up to the same thing time to stop living the dream, dream i need caffeine. alex: we can't make coffee. the power's still out. hey, is there actual coffee in coffee cake? gimme some of, some of that fun, fun i say, oh, oh, oh, oh-oh oh i thought he was leaving. i said, hey-o, let's go so did i. luke, what are you still doing here? the key to battling the extreme heat, girlie, is do nothing. mm. that's your specialty. and a good morning to you, as well, chuckles. you're back at work. you should be looking for your own place. oh, i will, believe me. as soon as i get my first paycheck, i'm out of here. and take those crotch peas with you. "record-breaking temperatures expected to continue all week. no word on when this blackout is going to end." my phone, please. okay. okay, the a.c. has conked out at western gen. all e.r. patients are being rerouted. rerouted to hope zion. we got to go, alex. hey, who can i get a ride to work? you're not dressed. it'll take me like five seconds. gotta go. hey, mom, dad, remember, be the heat. shut up. whoa-oh shut up. oh, oh i ed to -- oh, i'm sorry. [ cellphone vibrates ] hello, melanda. okay, i understand. it's not ideal. i just -- life at the top. i don't miss it. all right, well, i wilbe up there very shortly. um, i need you to lead a trauma team today. okay. no, i was talking to alex. o...kay. zach's pulled three graveyards in a row. you've led the team before. i have. not under these circumstances, she hasn't. this is a blackout, which means more mvcs, which means more traumas. i can handle it. [ cellphone vibrates ] i'm sorry, i have to... hello. e.r. gonna be jumping. be the heat. see ya. see ya. got an mvc on the way. one minute out. hello, gentlemen. hey. good. he made you trauma leader. he did. do you want to go home, get some rest? um, you know, i'm a divorced guy no, i think at least there's a minibar. amen to that. all right, team, listen up. the heat isn't doing us any favors, but if we all stick together, work togeth-- [ siren wails ] and there it is. she lost control of her convertible. airbag facial trauma. gcs is 12. bp is trending down. bonnie, can you hear me? jackie? [ monitor beeping ] i'm gonna do a f.a.s.t. reid, hand over the wand. you're team leader. right. okay, s.a.t.s? 85. air entry? yes. charlie, what do you see? got swelling in her left arm and no distal pulse. looks like compartment syndrome. yeah, she's gonna need a fasciotomy or she's gonna lose the arm. okay, reycraft, talk to me. free fluid in the f.a.s.t. she's bleeding internally. let's get her to an o.r. right away. charlie and reycraft, i want you both working at the same time. go. and get her cross-matched for 6 units of packed cells. come on. yeah. you're team leader. run the show. don't be the show. easier said than done. [ siren wails ] you ready for the next one? sighs ] do i have a choice? [ police radio chatter ] this is beth brady, mid-30s. i'm guessing, narcotics overdose. rooming-house neighbor found her groggy with dilated pupils. to bed 4. jackson, .1 milligrams of naloxone. okay, let's run a tox screen and urinalysis. [ gasping ] welcome back. beth, can you tell us what you took? i'm gonna get her some activated charcoal just in case. i'll grab a barf bucket. man: 1...2...3. [ sighs ] thought your station was across town. heat wave's got all the hospitals jammed. your e.r.'got the most beds, so you get the overload. [ sighs ] perfect. got it? yeah. hey, so, uh, how long will it be until my o.d. gets admitted? [ sighs ] i have no idea. it's a full house. right. i need to get back on the road. can you just do me a solid and admit her, please? we have got a system here, luke. i need a doctor!! find a bed for me. [ indistinct conversations ] let's get him on the floor. hey, do you need so help? just lay him down. here we go. how did this happen? [ breathlessly ] i found him -- found him in the pool in my condo. he was floating facedown. i tried cpr. okay, how long has he been unconscious? i don't know. somebody get me a crash cart! luke! bed's here. help me out here. [ police radio chatter ] okay, here you go. he's not gonna die, is he? not if i can help it. 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[ monitor beeping ] is he gonna be okay? he needs a chest x-ray to make sure hisungs are clear, but he's stable for now. looks like you hit your head pretty hard. ah. yeah, i kind of knocked it on the ladder when i was dragging him out of the pool. well, i'd like to have a look at it, okay? here -- you should probably have a c.t. scan before you go. [ sighs ] can you tell me your name? uh, graham kennedy. and your friend's name? he's not my friend. he's just a bum. i see him every day outside my building, begging for change. [ sighs ] you having trouble breathing? aw, i'm just -- just a little winded from carrying him. you carried him? yeah, 12 blocks. 911 wasn't answering. i couldn't get a cab. so... smile, mr. kennedy. [ sighing ] yeah. her liver's intact. uh...spleen, too. well, she's bleeding from somewhere. put a stitch in it. i will if you find it. suction. [ suction gurgles ] there it is. she's got a tear in her inferior vena cava. 3-0 prolene? make it a 4-0. how's the arm? um, good. muscle bellies are loose. no digital swelling. [ monitor beeps ] and cvp is sky-high. i'm having trouble oxygenating. reycraft? it's not me. my sutures are tight. blood around the heart? yeah. could be a bleed in her aorta, but i'd need to do an echo to confirm. whoa. is that me? dude, am i dead? [ gasps ] um, we can't wait. somebody page dr. bell, please. okay, well, the o.r.s are full. we need to free up some beds for the post-op patients. and how many beds will that give me? four, max. that's not enough. joel, i know you're under a ton of pressure, so i say this with love and the utmost respe. if you need more beds, you're gonna have to pull them out of your -- good morning. don't worry, i'm not gonna sneak into the o.r. i know that i'm suspended. shouldn't you be studying for your boards? well, i figured i could study here, where the a.c. is pumping, or in my boiling-hot apartment. oh, well, since you're here, why don't you lend a hand and check in on your favorite post-op patient? happy to. [ monitor beeping ] maggie: morning, roddy. good morning, maggie may. you and your rod stewart. oh, come on, you have to respect any man who can achieve superstardom with that hair... and that mole. flash cards. how's the studying going? if by "studying," you mean staring at my flash cards with fear and dread... well, then flash-card me. let me quiz you. okay. come on. you know it helps. all right, question one -- don't overthink it. just blurt out the first answer that comes to your mind. do an iron stain of a bone-marrow aspirate. okay, second answer that comes to mind. liver-biopsy specimen. there you go, dr. lin, huh? kickin' ass, takin' names. okay, one of those? we're od with that. yeah? you think the leg's gonna be okay? yep, edges look good. tissue's pink and healthy. keep healing like this, you'll be good as new in a couple months. ooh, nice. okay, good. i got a mustang fastback '67 waiting at home for me. oh, yeah, yeah. put it together with my own hands, too. you do know they sell cars that are already put together, right? no, when you get your hands in there, you learn how something works, what it can do, how far you can push it. mm. my dad used to say the same thing about becoming a surgeon, which is the one thing i won't be when i fail my boards. okay, all right, well, then, next question. um, ooh, "why does a patient with," uh, uh, "the nec--" necrotizing fasciitis. too ch potassium in the blood. dialysis is the only way to get rid of it all. there you go. speaking of which, it's about that time. want me to walk you down? walk? i'm gonna walk? really? let's jog. yeah. oh, oh, tease, taunt. nice. dawn: okay, it's a torn aorta. i'm trying to locate the hole. suction? i'm woing on it. [ suction gurgles ] all right, we're gonna have to go on pump to fix this. let's go on circulatory arrest. you want to freeze and flatline her? yeah. kill her to save her life. puher in a hypothermic state, stop her heart, drain her blood. gives me a clear view of the tear, gives her a shot at living. could work, but... could also cause brain damage if we don't work fast enoh. also, we don't have a perfusionist. wh? larry's kid has heatstroke. he's at home with her. you got to be kidding me. yeah. no, this is part of my stand-up routine. how's my timing? we can't run a bypass without a perfusionist. okay, so, aside from the patient bleeding to death, does anyone se have an alternative? bonnie: [ scoffs ] but [chuckles] i have never had a rush like this. i'll run the pump. seriously? yeah, hell, why not? larry can do it. how hard can it be? [ cellphone buttons clicking ] hey, larry, it's charlie. yeah, how's the kid doing? good. listen, um, i'm going to use the pump to do a circ arrest with dr. bell. thinyou can talk me through it? pump is primed and circulated. i'll run it, you hook it up. reycraft: since you guys got it under control, i'm gonna go use my skills elsewher so...good luck. thank you. my body is buzzing. [ laughs ] i feel electric. [ laughs ] this is it, charlie. [ chuckles ] crikes, i'd give anything to feel like this forever. [ laughs ] [ sighs ] this had better work. let's get her hooked up. [ suction gurgling ] okay, if you will just put this around your neck, we will be with you as soon as we can. woman: okay. crazy from the heat. how's your mvc patient? charlie and dr. bell have it under control. all rit, then. page more junior residents. we need more bodies. so bossy. [ police radio chatter ] i have a body. what? before you say anything, my o.d. is stable. i was just with her. okay, then what do you want? well, since i'm stuck here until my o.d. gets admitted, maybe i can help. or i could just sit here and not use my advanced medical training. want to pass out triage tags? i do. green is for the walking wounded. yellow for the serious, red for "oh, my god, he's bleeding out," black for "don't bother." i do this for a living, too, girlie. alex: stay out of trouble. yes, ma'am. okay. so, your neck, right? [ monitor beeping ] victor: this looks like the organic salmon i bought last week. a.c.t. is 450 and climbing. okay, we're at 450, larry. turning pump sucker on. [ suction gurgling ] how's it look? like someone pulled out the stopper. a.c.t. is 480. okay, larry, our numbers are good i'm going on pump. [ pump gurgling ] [ beep ] the blood is being cooled and then fed back into her body. she should be one cold salmon. [ chuckles ] uh, internal temperature is 30.8 degrees. [ monitor beeps ] victor, how'd you cook that salmon? larry wants to know. cedar plank. cedar plank. [ beep ] yeah. [ beep ] uh, 30.4 degrees. 12.4 to go. this is taking forever. someone get dr. bell a magazine. [ beep ] hey, let me give you a hand with it. sure, thanks. roddy gray, this is joel goran our illustrious chief of surgery. how you doing? being pushed by the chief -- that's not too shabby. let me guess. you drive a classic bmw? actually, i did have a 635. oh, silver? it was gray. what, did she tell you that? oh, no, i've just been able to tell what kind of car people drive. that's impressive. what else can you tell about me? you make more money than i do. graham? hi, i'm gonna need you to put this around your neck. and your wait isn't going to be the shortest. there's a long line-up for the c.t. scanner. that's all right. i thought you might want to know, the guy you brought in -- i think he might have a couple of broken ribs. did -- did i break his -- no, no, you didn't. it's a common injury with cpr, but it's worth it. broken ribs, we can deal with. the not breathing, not so much. anyway, he's stable and sedated, so he's not in any pain. how long will he get to stay? because i think he was in the pool trying to cool down. we'll makeure he gets hydrated before we discharge him. and after that? we will call a social worker, see if we can find a shelter bed. yeah, guys like that, they don't like going to shelters. you know? unfortunately, no. i wish there was more i could do. you saved his life. that's pretty good for one day. we're out of triage tags i'll get you some in a second. okay. i should get back to work. or you could stay here in this lovely air-conditioned waiting om until i make sure that your head's okay. i'm just -- i'm a lawyer. days off make me nervous. i understand that, but if you could just hang out a little bit longer. okay. great. you know what they say about lawyers, right? it's like a pie-eating contest with a prize of more pie. that man carried a stranger 12 blocks. he can have as much pie as he wants. i don't think you're getting it. the piis a bad thing in the scenario. you understand? i understand what you mean, but i like pie. [ electricity poweri down, alarm beeping ] i thought we had backup power. we did. [ alarm continues beeping ] thanks. [ male announcer ] fedex has solutionto enable global commerce that can help your company grow steadily and quickly. great job. (mandarin) cut it out. >>see you tomorrow. mmmm....mmmm mmm mmm mmmm mmmm, yoplait [coughing] hey, pal. you gotta cough this winter? may i suggest... tough love, mentholyptus halls with big time cooling flavor. or soft love. milder flavored honey halls with real honey. tough love. soft love. get the love you love. skincare now becomes skinactive. new garnier skinactive introducing clearly brighter. a new active daily moisturizer to brighten dull skin. packed with antiidant vitamin c, e and active lha. it does more than moisturize, it actively smoothes, boosts riance and protects with spf 15. clinically proven. see brighter skin in just one week. new clearly brighter from garnier. skinactive. [richard] a thousand people win one thousand dollars. every day at h&r block. you can still win. come in! it's refund season. [ female announcer ] choices aren't always this easy. so it's good to know that mazola corn oil has 4 times more cholesterol blocking plant sterols than olive oil. and a recent study found that it can help lower cholesterol 2 times more. take care of those you love. mazola makes it better. never underestimate the power of energizer. our longeslasting energizer max ever. moaning ] okay, sir. just sitack, all right? just sit back here. all right. i need to get you some... [ sighs ] emergency lights are not great for the trauma bay, but we'll manage. this is so bad. the ventilators are dead. we're gonna have to bag every trauma that comes in here. yes, but the monitors and defibs are on battery backup, maybe we suld shut down the e.r., transfer patients. where to? every e.r. in the city is backed up. drink up. hydration is key. right. man: there was a small fire, and the backup generators are fried. we're working on getting everything back online. how long will it take? um, should be anytime now. okay, we have a dialysis patient here, so tell them to step on it. how are you doing, roddy? honestly? i'm not feeling so great. well, hang in there, sir. it shouldn't be too long. left? yeah. that's good. can someone get joel on the phone? [ pounding in distance ] find out what the hell is going on, please. the heater/cooler doesn't have backup power. yeah, i can see that. thank you. [ sighs ] she's still at 22 degrees, and we still have 4 to go. okay, well, we can still do the surgery. we just have to do it faster -- a lot faster. how are we gonna warm her back up with the power still off? i'd rather build that bridge right now, dawn. well, she's frozen, and her heart has stopped beating, so we can't exactly change horses midstream. [ monitor beeps ] if you're not up for it -- no, it's not that. i just, um... charlie, i got to say, this whole [chuckles] whatever this thing is, you know, kind of killing my buzz. you're just what? i'm just not sure we have a lot of time. [ indistinct conversations ] hey. scans came back from your drowning victim. check it out. wow. two badly heal arm fractures and a broken clavicle. these scans look like a rodeo rider's. mm-hmm. sorry to interrupt. beth's fishing out again. fishing out? it's a st. catharine's thing. means she's o.d.'ing. yes, i know. did she have any more drugs stashed on her? i'm a medic, not a cop. 2 milligrams of naloxone. no, stay. i already tried naloxone. it ain't gonna work this time. her pupils are pinned. beth? where did she get these drugs from? she's a junkie in a hospital. she probably stole a bottle of pill she's going into defib! let's get the crash cart over here! [ monitor beeping rapidly ] how about insulin? uh, jackson! [mutters] 70ccs. 70ccs of insulin, jackson. 70ccs of insulin? are you insane? i worked with a guy in ajax who would carry a syringe of insulin out with him every friday night. it'll work on an o.d., alex. luke, leave it. i'm not giving her three times the therapeutic dose unless i'm absolutely sure. out of the way! charge it to 200. [ defibrillator whines ] 200, charg. clear! alex, move. luke, what are you doing? you've got to clear. don't worry. what the... it's okay. [ beeping stops ] what did you just do? [ breathing rapiy ] [ gasping ] [ monitor beeping ] and we're back. you need to get back on the road now. push 1 amp of d50, 2 grams of calcium carbonate. let's evenut this insulin. wow. angry and quiet. that's the best kind -- we had a problem. i-i solved it. no, you could have killed her. but i didn't. i know what i'm doing. no, you don't, luke. actually, you have no idea what the hell you're doing. right. i'm the disaster. you're the genius. i forget that sometimes. i'm sorry. that's not what this is about. whatever you say. you know, it's a hard enough day without you flying in here like a bat out of hell, leaving me to clean up your messes. you need to leave right now. how's she doing? she's good. [ sighs ] he's bradycardic, and his radial pul is thready. yeah, his potassium levels must be through the roof. what are my numbers? uh, they'll be a lot better once we get you down to dialysis. [ cellphone ringing ] [ beep ] hey, gav, when are they getting us out of here? they're working on it. 20 milligrams albuterol, and 1 amp bicarbonate. are you okay? i'm fine, but my patient could use a little help. [ breathing heavily ] okay, how am i gonna get these drugs to you? tell him to get a -- gavin, go up to the fourth floor and try and pry open the elevator doors on the right-hand shaft, and drop the drugs down like that, okay? did you get that, yeahgot it. you rock. all right, roddy, um... i'm formulating a magnificent plan called [sighs] i'm gonna stand on your bed. hey, whatever you need, boss. all right. watch his leg. it's locked. [ hatch rattles ] do you have a hairpin? uh, no. it's probably a good thing. i wouldn't know what to do with it anyway. [ sighs ] think you can bust through that thing? i can give it a try. you know, i think i might just lie here joel? yeah, tell gavin not to bother. there's no way we're getting through that thing. (rustling sound effects, spooky music) did we put away all the food? define all... ahhhhhhhhh! 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[ monitor beeps ] bonnie: i don't know what it is. um, i kind of feel like -- like maybe i'm not supposed to be here. you know, like, uh [sighs] like maybe i'm missing something. [ sighs ] charlie, i'm kind of freaking out here. i have this feeling i forgot something. dawn? yes, distract the heart surgeon while she's working in the dark. i'm gonna do something a little odd here. i'm going to talk to the patient as though she could hear me. you know, there's rumors going around that you're getting really flaky. yeah, tell me about it. hey, bonnie, um, listen, the reason you're so cold is because we made you hypothermic. why? so that your brain cells would slow down enough that wcould fix your heart without giving you a stroke. i don't think that's what it is. [ monitor beeping ] i think i -- i kind of screwed up years of my life. i feel like i got this weight, like [sobs] right square on my chest. [ gasps ] i can't breathe. [ gasping ] dawn, i'm gonna step outside for five minutes. no, you're not. yep, got to go. carol, you watch the pump for me. if anything changes, page me. charlie! bonnie, i just want you to know you're gonnae okay. dr. bell has done this surgery many times before. i don't care. whatever you're doing to me, i want you to undo it, okay? because i was perfectly happy before all othis. you know, i-i went for a drive. yeah, and you crashed into a median and tore your heart open, which is exactly what we're trying to fix right now. no. no. i went and i-i-i gassed up the car, and i-i went for a drive with jackie and... where's jackie? i forgot about jackie. who's jackie? jackie's my girlfriend. she was in the car with me. uh, as far as i know, the paramedics brought you in alone. she's out there. i don't know. okay, well, you got to find out. you are my priority right now, okay? and in case you haven't noticed, you are a ghost, which -- which carries with it a number of problems. so, need to get back to your surgery before we run out of time. no. no! no! okay. it was -- it was my idea, okay? it was my idea to go for a drive in the middle of the night in the blackout. you know, drive down rosedale valley with the lights off and... [ groans ] i'm always the one that's, you know, forcing her to take these stupid risks. [ sighs ] jackie only did it because i asked her to, because she knew it would make me happy. you got to help me find her. please. [ sighs ] i really need you to help me find her. oh, my god. what if the woman that you loved was lying in a ditch somewhere,

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United States , America , Joel Goran , Graham Kennedy , Beth Brady ,

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