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You were once way ahead. Whats happening . Oh, john, you know these polls go up, they go down. I stay pretty focused as i think we all should on what we have to do to build on the progress of the obama administration, but go even further thats why ive outlined a very significant agenda to raise wages and to take on the gun lobby and fob making america safe in every way that i can those are some of the differences that i have with my primary opponents, certainly very deep differences with all the republicans running. Dickerson this week another batch of emails were released by the state department. One of them is back and forth between you and a staffer about a secure fax that wont come through. You directed him to, quote, turn into nonpaper with no identifying heading and send nonsecure. Arent you ordering him to violate the laws on handling classified material there . No. Not at all. Just this week, that did not happen. It never would have happened because thats just not the way i treated classified information. Headings are not classification notices and so oftentimes were trying to get the best information we can. Obviously what im asking for is whatever can be transmitted, if it doesnt come through secure to be transmitted on the unclassified system. No, there is nothing to that like so much else that has been talked about in the last year. Dickerson so, in no instance what is striking about that particular email suggests you were very how do this process you knew the instructions how to get around the restrictions for sending classified information. So youre saying there was never an in tans, any other instance which you did that . No. And it wasnt sent. Where what is common practice, namely i need information, i have points to make i was looking for secure fax that could give me the whole picture. Oftentimes theres a lot of information that isnt at all classified. Whatever information can appropriately transmitted unclassified often was, thats true for every agency in the government and everybody does business with the government. But the important point here is, i had great confidence because i worked with Jake Sullivan for years. He is the most meticulous, careful person you could possibly do business with. And he knew exactly what was and wasnt appropriate. In fact the state department has said there was no transmission of any classified information. Its another effort by people looking for something tootle against the wall as you said in the beginning of the program to, see what sticks. But theres nothing there. Dickerson this one is a little different since fbi is investigating this specific classification was muddled with. Let me ask you about another email which you seem ex theres surprise that somebody emailed on nonstate Department Personal email. Which is what you were doing. Why was that a surprise to you . Well, i emailed two people on their government accounts because i knew that all of that would be part of the government system. Indeed the vast majority of all my emails are in the government system. Thats how i conducted the business. I was very clear about emailing anything having to do with business to people on their government accounts. Dickerson on gun control this week, youve been pretty tough on Bernie Sanders, specifically on the question of Legal Protection to gun manufacturers. He has now said that he would be interested in to changing the law to allow to go after gun manufacturers who act irresponsibly. Isnt that what you want . No. Thats not what i want. Thats not what the country i think he has been consistently refusing to say that he would vote to repeal this absolute immunity from any kind of responsibility or liability. Its the only industry in our country where we have given that kind of Carte Blanche to do whatever you want to do with no fear of legal consequences. You know, president obama and i and senator sanders were all in the senate at the same time. Two of us voted against what the nra says was the most important piece of legislation in 20 years for the gun lobby. Senator sanders voted with them, through this morning has been unwilling to join the president and me in saying that this should be repealed. That has to be the effort that we all are behind. And he often says, well, look, im from vermont and its different. Its not like being in new york city. Well, in fact the other senator with president obama and myself. I think that the excuses and efforts by senator sanders to avoid responsibility for this vote which the nra hailed as the most important in 0 years, points out a clear difference. Its a difference that democratic voters in our primary can take into account who is going to really stand up to the gun lobby, try to deal with the scourge of gun violence that takes 90 peoples lives a day. Im pretty clear on what i will do. And i support and will work hard to implement what the president has been advocating. Dickerson on senator sanders response this idea that he represents a state which there are lot of gun owners, you were a senator, arent you sympathetic to that . You said you represented wall street, thats what shaped your views on certain wall street policy you suggested that as president youd be different than did you as senator when you were representing state with a constituency. Why isnt it fair for bernie would be different than i would as a senator representing a state with a lot of gun owners . Well, you know, i think youve really mixed up two important issues here. Ive been consistent on gun lobby restrictions. In fact i supported the brady bill, senator sanders voted against it five times. So, there is a very clear difference. And when it comes to wall street, yes, i represented new york. I was proud to do so. And i took on wall street, im the person who came out against derivatives, im the person who came out calling for restrictions on ceo pay which thankfully got into the dodd frank bill. Im the person who went to wall street actually confronted them in 2007, i called them out on the role they were playing in the mortgage market. I do have a history of taking on what i consider to be the abuses that come from any industry, including wall street. And i will continue to do so as ive put forth about how we reign in to face what we did in 2008 has been judged as being more comprehensive. Tougher, more effective by barney frank, my friend ohio who leads the banking efforts in the senate and by paul krugman i have plan that will go after not just the big banks because dodd frank has given us the tools to do a lot of that. But to go after the socalled shadow bank can industry. I think im well prepared, i know what needs to be done, like nixon going to china, john. Dickerson let me ask you about a general election opponent you may face that is donald trump you got into a pretty ugly exchange you charged that he him with sexism then he put out Instagram Video of your husband and monica lewinsky, your reaction to that . Well, if he wants to engage in personal attacks from the past, thats his prerogative. So be it. Distinctions between where i stand and where he stands when it comes to equal pay for women. Raising the minimum wage which affects twothirds of the women who are the ones receiving the minimum wage. Protecting a womans right to make the most personal healthcare decisions, thats why im so proud to have the endorsement of the planned Parenthood Action Fund that i received today in New Hampshire, because im going to fight as hard as i can against any efforts to defund planned parenthood, something that he supports. There are very clear distinctions, he can say whatever he wants to about me. Let the voters judge that. I am not going to let him or any of the other republicans rip away the progress that women have made, its been too hard fought for and im going to stand up and make it clear theres a huge difference between us. Dickerson sect clinton what do you say to those in your own party who say that is discussion that have portion of your husbands career is fair game to talk about in an election. Well, its been fair game going back to the republicans for some years. Want to. That can be their choice as to how to run in this campaign. Didnt work before. It wont work again. Because it is what people are focused on not for the past but for the future. What are we going to do to get wages rising. What are we going to do to create more good jobs and keep rights. What are we going to do to make sure that the Supreme Court has people on it who will defend womens rights. Who will defend marriage equality. Who will defend voters rights. So, i cant run anybody elses campaign. They can say whatever they want, more power to them. I think its a dead end, blind alley for them, let them go. Im going to talk about the differences because i think thats what americans compare about. Dickerson im going were add dead end ourselves thanks fob being with us. Thanks, lets continue the conversation, john. Dickerson see you out there. We caught up with republican president ial candidate Chris Christie jed in columbia, South Carolina. We begin our conversation with executive action to expand background checks. Why isnt this leadership . Hes using every possible method he can to get what he wants. Youve talked a lot about leadership. Dictatorship is not leadership. Hes act can like a dictator and petulance child. What i mean in 2008 he came in with it all. Huge majority in the house. Filibuster proof majority in the senate. And republicans had 21 governors. Since that time 31 republican governors big majority in the house, majority in the senate, his policies have been rejected by the American People but he doesnt want to hear that. Dickerson gun control question, donald trump has suggested getting rid of gun free zones in schools and military bases would you agree with that . I think for the military, ive said this before for attacks earlier in tennessee. That it seems ridiculous that military folks can carry a weapon with them. Theyre trained to do it. The best trained people. I would certainly be in favor of carry weapons in those circumstances. On the Gun Free School zones they should be able to look on its own. Dickerson your record on assault weapons. When we last talked you said that originally you wanted to keep an assault weapons ban, those who wanted to get rid of it. In 2009 you were still supporter of the assault weapons ban that was after youd been a prosecutor. What i said at the time that i was not interested in debating or changing because i knew i couldnt new jerseys gun laws for democratic legislature. Of if i had my choice apply much more easily and received much more easily carry permit in our state. We should be a state to defend themselves. Dickerson within youre in that race with john in 2009, he said christie stands with the nra your pam campaign put out fact check called that a lie. Then your Campaign Said this, Chris Christie supports assault he opposes attempts to permit conceal and carry laws in new jersey. Hardly the nra position. That seems different. It is. Again, john, you learn about these things over time. I learned about this over tomb. In new jersey i have grown up in a culture in our state of very, very vigorous antigun laws. I travel the country as a governor ive learned great deal about this. My actions as governor of new jersey had been exactly where i think they need to be. These things involve Public Safety, im for Public Safety if the laws are going to make legislative and governors feel better they shouldnt be put in place and infringe second amend med rights its revolution over time, absolutely. Dickerson would you say you stand with the nra . I stand with anybody who believes in protecting the Second Amendment and protecting Public Safety whether its the nra or other organizations like new Jersey Pistol Club or others want to make sense between Public Safety and our Second Amendment rights. Dickerson just going back to that, you stand with the nra . Well, the fact is, that if the nra but on issues, you take them down issue by issue ill be able to answer. Im not going to say i stand with any particular with a blank check thats not what leadership is. Dickerson you are is ted cruz legally eligible to be president in your view . It appears to me he is. Dickerson you gave speech this week saying that you understand voters are angry, but that its time for them to pick a president that they shouldnt just pick somebody out of anger. Thats not what i said. I said anger alone is not solution to our nations problems. We have to channel thatting a beer a place where we pick someone who can actually fix the problems that are making us angry. And so part of the speech was calling our Republican Party to emphasizing our differences. That we need to bring ourselves together in order to beat Hillary Clinton. Every time we divide ourselves we make it easier for her to defeat our nominee. Dickerson show time is over but you put on pretty good show. Game time is on now. Now has to perform. Show time is a time where everybody gets to judge you and look and your prancing around the stage. Now its game time. Dickerson the competition has gotten tougher between you and some of your rivals. You said marco rubio trying to slime his way to the white house. When super pac running ad said, that you supported common core you once supported assault weapons ban that you donated to planned parenthood. Which one of those is wrong . I never donated to planned parenthood thats wrong. Secondly, for him to be trying to characterize my conservative record in that way is contrary to what marco said. Marco himself has said that i here is the thing, im not going to spend my time talking about marco rubio. If marco wants to think that this is guy who stood up, on debate, someone told you that by criticizing me it helps you. That same someone now talking to marco. Im not going to fall for. That you saw my response to marco. I talked about him, fact is focus on defeating Hillary Clinton. Im happy to stand by my record of having made decisions. Dickerson just on planned parenthood never donated or supported. No. J governor christie, thanks very much. Thanks, john. Dickerson clarification. Marco rubio has said chris kiss tee donated to planned parenthood but not part of the super pacs ad. Well be back in one minute with House Speaker paul ryan. You. Right down to your skin. Aveeno daily moisturizing lotion with 5 vital nutrients aveeno. Naturally beautiful results dickerson gathered in columbia, South Carolina, ryan. We sat down with the speaker afterwards to discuss that issue as well as the president s action on guns and his veto of a bill to repeal obamacare. Mr. Speaker, when president obama announced expanding background checks, he said, i respect the Second Amendment and gub ownership. Then you said, quote, he had never respected that right so do you think hes not telling the truth . I think hed like to go whole lot farther than he is going right now. Point number two, there isnt a loophole if you are in the business of buying and selling guns you have to have federal firearms license. License you have to do background checks. So, i think this is basically the president looking for an issue to exploit in some ways because these socalled solutions that hes talking about they would not have stopped any of these shootings. Dickerson did you think he respects the Second Amendment . , no i actually dont. I think he would like to go much fur that you are than what the second amountment allows. Republicans to offer an alternative to the president , one of the first things did you this year was offer that repeal. How is that an alternative . Its not. Thats why we had to come up with an alternative. Youre right about that. Dickerson will do you that . I dont know how far it will go given the fact that we have filibuster and guy named obama. But my goal is that we as republicans if we dont like these laws, dont like the direction the country is going, i think we have to be more than just opposition party. We have to be a proposition party. If we dont like this we ha to have show how well do things differently. We think obama fair is failing, whether its premiums, restricted access, higher deductible, families losing insurance that they want and keep thats happening all across the country. People are hurting and we need to offer a solution. Yes, yes, this and many other issues we need to offer alternatives. Dickerson you want to help define Republican Party of the party wont they be the one who kind of is the face of the Republican Party . They will be the face in the fall. We dont have time to wait until the fall. I learned this in 2012 with milt myth romney if you wait until late summer roll out what you believe in what your agenda is its too late. Thats why were going to go early. One of the reasons we did this poverty summit today here in columbia, South Carolina, is we want to showcase our principles, our ideas, we want to show that we have better ideas for getting people out of poverty, root causes of poverty for getting opportunity restored in america. Dickerson also night i was at a donald trump rally in rock hill, South Carolina, there were 7,000 people. The crowd reaction was very loud on the following thing. Donald trumps opposition to the asian trade deal which you support. His opposition to last years budget at the end of the year budget which you support. His opposition to undocumented workers having any pathway to legal status or citizenship. Entitlement. Crowd didnt just clap politely. How does Republican Party get together when you have set of ideas that are totally opposite to those people. I think what we do as leaders, as we say who we are, what we believe, where we want to lead. And let the people decide. Thats the way i see this thing. I really think the country is in a bad path, a dangerous path. I think we can lose what so unique about our country. This american idea, the condition of your birth doesnt determine the outcome of your life. We belief in growth and prosperity and security. All those things are in real deep jeopardy. So, do i agree or disagree with various candidates on various issues, of course i do. Were individuals. But can we offer the country a really clear and compelling choice, its not divisive but inclusive, thats inspirational, thats pro growth. I think we can do that. Dickerson does the campaign this is primary season. Whats happen can right now are trying to distinguish themselves from the same party, from over same voters. Primaries inevitably have this kind of friction, once you get to the primary i think we unify conservative movement. We unify as a cause. We go out and we try to win converts. We try to get the country a clear choice. Dickerson will you support donald trump if he of course i will. Dickerson and ted cruz if hes the nominee . Youre here in South Carolina to deal with poverty and opportunity. There was time in is the 67 the ghettos. I traveled with jack kemp in 1996 when he went to all these hard hit neighborhoods. Why doesnt ha happen in campaigns any more . Ive been doing it the last three years. Dickerson president ial campaigns. Its really good question. I think we need to do that. Its a mistake thats been made. I think thats exactly right. We have got to go and compete votes of everybody in this country no matter who they are. And what i think weve had one party takes group of people for granted and another party has not paid attention to them. Thats exactly why were having this summit here, hosted by the Jack Kemp Foundation who is guy who taught me this about upper mobility, fighting poverty and restoring opportunity, so, yes, i think our president ial candidates need to do this. One thing i havent done like i wanted to in 2012. Dickerson the appreciate thursday kept from you doing it in 2012 do they still exist . Yes, resist that pressure. Typically what the consultants tell you, this is where our voters are, this is the counties that we have to maximize turn out go there. Then go there. You go there. You go there. This is national election. The stake of this election are highest in our generation. And Everybody Needs to be involved in this election, we need to go and compete for the hearts and minds of the votes of everybody no matter if we get 2 of the vote, we should be there better. Dickerson well have more on our conversation with the speaker in our next half hour. Oh really . When down a point, you serve an ace 5. 8 times more than other top players. You sound like a coach. I am not. But i can customize Training Programs based on biomarker data. Watson, thats pretty impressive. You might say i am the Serena Williams of cloudbased cognitive systems. Nah, i wouldnt go that far. Our cosmetics line was a hit. The orders were rushing in. I could feel our deadlines racing towards us. We didnt need a loan. We needed shortterm funding fast. Building 18 homes in 4 months . That was a leap. 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We dont think any other campaign really has announced that many precinct chairs, we think we may well be the most organized campaign in iowa. Thats somewhat unheralded if you watch the polls. Caucus is about turning your people out. We plan on getting lot of College Student out. Weve organized all the college campuses. Dickerson New York Times has headline on front page today republicans fears of the lasting split as Class Divisions erupt. Do you think theres something larger happening in the republican race thats not just a competition of candidates but that theres a real change going on in the republicans . Disconnect between many of the republicans in washington and the grass roots. I lectured my fellow congressmen and senator until 3 00 in the morning saying drive outside the beltway youll find that no republican really wants us to raise the debt ceiling without significant budgetary reform. We did the opposite. We raised the debt ceiling unspecified amount and we gave up on the budgetary caps. Not one republican outside the beltway supports that. Thats real disconnect if you see Republican Leadership working with president obama to raise the budget caps. But its because some on the right want more military spending or more welfare spending they both get together we raise both. As consequence we have 19 trillion debt. Dickerson way to fix that, that disconnect this youre talking about, it seems pretty bad . Term limits. Over in office if you had that all of a sudden people would be more enthused, i think thats why the republican electorate is looking for outsiders because theyre tired base you cannily of everybody in washington saying we cant do anything. We have the power of the purse were not using it. We control the house, senate, not using that power. Dickerson you mentioned that you said ted cruz is eligible for Prime Minister of canada but in all seriousness do you think hes not eligible to be president . The thing is all experts agree that he was naturally born in canada. So the legal question is, can you be naturally born in canada and also be considered to be a natural born american citizen. That hasnt been decided. Eligibility for president is constitutional not statutory no. Question if you were born in canada to your 34078 an american youre a citizen. But they use this unusual language in the constitution of natural born. I think it will be brought up. Congressman grey son from florida saying hes going to democrats will challenge it at the very least and i think have to be decided by the Supreme Court. Dickerson and what happens if its not. Is this are you saying voters should see this as impediment to ted cruz as being president . Gleeks ordinary, if he were the president , he would be the first president not born in the united states. So that alone would be extraordinary. People have to decide for their own minds whether it makes a difference where someone is born. Dickerson this week senate will bring up piece of legislation youre sponsoring on auditing the fed, what does that matter is a regular person . People talk about income and equality a lot. I think some income and equality related to fed policy. I also think our major recession in 2008 was caused by the fed by keeping Interest Rates below the market rate. The housing boom was stip mu late but then there was no reaction to slowing down housing boom by Interest Rates raising. Interest rates like the price of prices go up and down to give information back. If youre sending wrong information we get into these boom cycles then we have significant busts. During the bust Federal Reserve bought foreign banks, bought assets of foreign banks. I dont know whether we gave power to own foreign banks. They are still bailing out the banks to tens of billions of dollars, i want to know how theyre doing it, who theyre giving it to. What assets they hold, whether some are still troubled assets. Its oversight. Transparency. It passed in the house with every republican and democrats thats bipartisan. Were open for the same thing on tuesday in the senate. Dickerson your argument if Interest Rates are not reflective of the actual situation you have this bust that hurts regular folks. Yeah. What happens is, Interest Rates are kind of like insulin, you eat a big meal, insulin rises then comes down. Should be the same for the economy. As economy heats up theres more competition for the money, price slows the economy back down. But if you keep the price of money or interest too low keep getting the signal and economy rises without end but eventually it burst in very tragic way like it did in 2008. Dickerson good luck out there well be right back with our analysis from our political panel. cell phone rings where are you . Well the squirrels are back in the attic. Mom . Your dad wont call an exterminator. Can i call you back, mom . He says its personal this time. If youre a mom, you call at the worst time. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Where are you . Its very loud there. Heres a little healthy advice. Eat well, live well, and take of what makes you, you. Right down to your skin with Aveeno Aveeno daily moisturizing lotion with the goodness of active naturals oat and 5 vital nutrients for healthier looking skin in just one day. Healthy skin equals beautiful skin. And for shower softness, add the body wash, too dickerson were back, peggy noonan. Jamelle bouie cleave Political Correspondent and cbs news political analyst susan page usa todays Washington Bureau chief. Ed okeefe, covers politics for the washington post. Welcome to all of you susan i want to start with you. The latest in Iowa Republican side very tight between cruz and trump. How does it go from here . Cruz has narrow lead. Looks more narrow this morning, cruz has an organization there. And in other states. We dont know if trump has the kind of organization that historically has worked in bringing people out to go to the caucuses on cold winters night. This is a big advantage to ted cruz whatever this poll shows. Might be that he brings out all kinds of people but do they do the work. Thats right. Its proved to be hard in the past m. Times worked for barack obama he turned out lot of new voters in the democratic caucuses in 2008. Its tough. Dickerson a lot of talk about third place why might that be important . One of those establishment or middle of the road republicans. That person hopes to take that win or that third place showing in iowa and vault into better position in New Hampshire where you have now according to this poll this morning 44 of New Hampshire republicans are choosing between five of these established guys, rubio, christie, kasich, bush, sorry, four. So many losing count. But in New Hampshire the dynamic is so much more tighter because you have these three governors especially jeb bush, Chris Christie, john kasich in circular firing squad inside the larger circular firing squad because only one of them is going to be able to auto marge from New Hampshire make the let me continue on. Dickerson ill get to that punching match. It was getting worse this week. Jamelle, the cruztrump friendship, whatever it was. Int operations has gone away. They are now donald trump brought up whether hes eligible. What do you make . This is trump going back to his greatest hits of the attacks on politics he does not like or trust. He sort of brought out the birther question with barack obama in 2011 hes trying that again. The difference here, i dont think cruz needs to do much to respond because im not sure how much actual Republican Voters are taking this seriously. I think cruz well liked enough among, especially conservative republican and evangelicals, come on guys, this is nonsense, its fine. Where distrusted, there these accusations that the idea that he is not eligible, that coalesces with bunch of other mistrust and anger to really go further. Dickerson im going to ask you about competition that is going on in the republican ranks right now. You have donald trump and ted cruz you have these establishment characters. I want to put something up that is chairman of the Republican Party said about donald trump. And is he said im not one of those people that think donald trump cant win a general election. I actually think theres a huge cross over appeal there to people that are disengaged politically. This is significant because saying, might be okay if hes the nominee. Hes saying donald trump will be the destruction of the party. How does this get sorted out . Were going to see it sorted out over the next very few weeks if trump does well in iowa, cruz wins maybe trump exceeds expectations or possibly trump wins f. Trump wins in New Hampshire, if trump starts to look like, wow, this could really happen. The establishment of the party is going to be forced either to come to terms or to make sounds. That of course will be interesting. What would they do about trump. My sense of republicans on the ground is that more and more of them are at least getting used to the idea of the serious possibility of trump. Thats some progress for him. Dickerson jamelle, this is not just backing a person, theres something going on mind trump in New York Times has story today which they quote someone who says the Republicans Party has never done anything for working man like me. For years. Mr. Trump something at one of the rallies. This election is the first in my life where we can change what it means to be a republican. Its interesting i think theres a way in which the previous establishment republican say trump will detroy the party they are both right. They think trump is appealing to disaffected white workers who believe the Republican Party is not really spoken to their economic issues. And trump is showing a path how you get those people to the polls. Some combination of economic populism. Thats the case, trump becomes the nominee, then traditional republicanism that you see from bush and christie and kay i can, that is kasich that means its dying, its viability is limited as political movement. I dont understand how if trump plays by the rules, gets nominated by winning primaries, or any other establishment republican says hes not legitimate republican nominee. Something that involves one of the guests that you had on your show. That is paul ryan. I wonder if what you might see happening is establishment republican say trump is the nominee, talk about paul ryan. Lets talk about what congress is going to do. You remember what happened in 1996 when Establishment Republicans decided that bob dole was going to lose and new england start making deals with democratic president bill clinton it was harmful for dole but decided he was going to lose that election they tried to go in different direction to save the party. I just wonder if we might see that happen this time. Dickerson either way its poverty. This summit he was holding in South Carolina yesterday, because i think it does potentially remind the rest of the party that what trump is doing is appealing to these lower income americans. 15 of the country is in poverty right now. Smart for Republican Party to talk aboutivity. When theyre trying to undo Food Stamp Program all these other things that happens every time but i think youre right. By everything washington based republicans, congress, working on these things. Either they can find way to score points or at least working on policy decisions while trump is running around the country. Whats so interesting about this year is that mrs. Clinton, on the democratic side, establishment. Leader on the republican side is rebuke to the establishment. The establishment using this sloppily in a broadway, is going to have to figure out what to do about this. Do we just roll with this . Suppose trump brings lot of independence and democrats in New Hampshire, maybe later in virginia. Some of the Republican Party is in the position of happily letting new people in except they dont like the guy that are coming in. Its really its complicated and strange year. Dickerson one more complexity, charles is quoted as saying the things im passionate about i think this country he criticized donald trump. Thats another part of the establishment with big checkbook. I think that quote gets to the core dill policemen ma here in terms like ideological factions. The kind of reaganesque conservatism that has been dominant in the party since reagan is being directly challenged by trump. Viable Electoral Coalition if trump can assemble it. Im not sure by going paul ryan in washington that is a fix because you have not just both republicans you have paul ryan representing fundamentally different kind ever conservatism that trump would be representing. And some of the independence and democrats trump seems to be drawing in a little bit have reagan democrat feel to them. Do you know what i mean . They are catholic, working class, this is a big jumble. I think this year we found our dickerson the democrats quickly. Susan, tightening, what do you think from Hillary Clinton is she more worried about new email revelations or that Bernie Sanders. I think more word reabout Bernie Sanders. Who would have thought when Bernie Sanders announced that three weeks out from iowa it would be margin of error race in iowa and New Hampshire. You know, Hillary Clinton has 20 point lead nationwide. But, man, the momentum can really shift, weve seen that before. If Bernie Sanders managed to win iowa and New Hampshire then Hillary Clinton goes south shes in good position. To her support of African American voters. This is a kind of thing that could reinforce some of the concerns some democrats have about Hillary Clintons appeal. This is going to be fun, too. Dickerson i think what is most interesting that she still refuses to take on trump f. She has been paying attention to the republican race at all in the last few months she should know jeb bush is probably the best example of that. He let it wallow for too long, we know where he is now. I just think that if these attacks continue on bill clintons character whether or not she was associated with it or allowed it to fester that could be vulnerability for her. Many kelp crate can voters down the line will see that as potential weakness. I agree. That settles it. Dickerson well end the show early. Youve solved it all. Take on donald trump means that these questions of the past are going to be in the news, he knows how to fight tough and at street level is it wise for her to take him on these questions . First of all im surprised that she was surprised that he took her on. She went at him, youre a sexist, he said, im a sectionist, look what youve done to women. Hes famous for also he said, you, too, enabling, being part hes famous from giving you a hard fight. You do have to answer him sternly and definitively one of the things well find out in the coming week is whether ted cruz can really put to bed this rather mischievous issue about whether or not hes a u. S. Citizen, which cruz which trump brought forward because cruz is dickerson where she shows the republicans says who is one candidate who can stop them. Shes running on electability. Is that her root to the nomination or attack on gun control that shes made on sanders . I think combination of the two is going to be best positioned. At least in state like iowa. Which is our democrats are more liberal than democrats nationally. Strong bernie challenge, surprisingly strong bernie challenge is the best thing that can happen. Part of clintons problem is perception that this is going to be coronation. And we can already see these sort of riffs between bernie starters and dmc and bernie wins iowa, if bernie wins New Hampshire then we have this drawn out tough race for the nomination, clinton wins, that in itself convey legitimacy. Best thing that can happen if she wins. If she wins. Injured well have to end it there. Thanks to all of you. Well be right back with more of dickerson were back with speaker paul ryan. Who hosted a conversation about poverty with republican president ial candidates yesterday. Let me ask you philosophical question, Hubert Humphrey used to say the strength of the American Economy is best judged by the weakness of any section or any person or any part. Do you agree with that . Yeah, i think theres something to that. Im not a big Hubert Humphrey fan. Another democrat jack kennedy rising tide lifts all boats. Thats true, with poverty were finding deep and persistent chronic poverty. We have over 50 years in the war on poverty. Had 80 new programs. 80 programs created since then at the federal level spending trillions of dollars but have stalemate on our hands. We have a safety net that tries to catch people from falling into poverty but we dont have one that helps get people out of poverty. Were actually treating the symptoms of poverty and perpetuating poverty we need to break that cycle. We need to go to the root causes of poverty measure success not based on input and efforts but on outcomes and results. Get people out of poverty. Dickerson that what you mean by reintegrated . Yes. Not to get into statistics, the rates are awful. We havent seen these since like the carter years. What that means is, ablebodied adults arent working or arent looking for work, theyre on the sidelines. Weve got to get them back into the economy. For two reasons. Us, the rest of the society we benefit from them sharing their talents they get their lives back together. That kind of injection of human rekay tift, of work, of energy, that helps everybody. That helps the economy. That lowers the crime rate, that lowers the drug rate. That helps get economy and society going. Yeah, thats what we should be pushing for. Dickerson you want folks to work, more work requirements for benefits. What progressives will say, lot of the poor have jobs and so what is required seems to help them keep the jobs, fair work schedule, paid sick leave. Medical leave to keep them in the job so that they can keep those jobs. I dont want too keep people in dead end jobs or jobs that keep them in poverty. I want people to be able to get the skills they need to get better jobs. I want people to have the ability to get on the escalator of upward mobility which is slowing down in america. We got to get them the skills they need. Thats not just a job that might be many different kinds ever problems that people are but if we think all the wisdoms in washington, if were telling our fellow citizens pay your taxes, government will fix poverty, washington got bureaucracy that will take care of this. Thats what weve been doing for 50 years. If we say, you, each and everyone ever us in America Needs to get involved. So that we can in our communities help a person, if we can remove those barriers that are making harder for people to rise. And get Economic Growth that is growing the economy everywhere. Then we can reignite the enthusiasm for the american idea. The american dream. Reconnect people it to. Instead of treating the symptoms of poverty so people can tolerate it more, lets get them out of poverty. I think what the left ends up doing they speak to people as if theyre stuck in their current station in life and government here to help them cope with it. We should reject that. We want to help people get out of the fix theyre in get on to a better life so that they can meet potential and flourish. There will be differences in peoples lives thats okay. Thats what free society has. Dickerson let me ask you about the phrase, takers you receive benefits, takers you letter apologized. I was wrong. Is. Dickerson its interesting you seem to be saying, be careful about the words you use. In the president ial campaign right now that would be called Political Correctness. I think i was wrong. When you do something that is wrong you should call to it. People who go on government streets tans, people on government benefits, sure, some people are going to exploit the system. Some people are choosing to just live on the dole not work because they prefer that. Thats a small percentage much it. Most people dont want to be poor. Most people dont want to be dependent. If we speak as if everybody is in this category thats wrong. So thats what i d. I was wrong to do that. So thats why i think we need to respect people for the ambitions and goals of the dreams that they actually have then help facilitate their access it to. I think Political Correctness has gone way overboard, thats the new thing in the campaign which i think is great. But lets just be accurate. Lets not be not have populism that is unattached from our principles. Dickerson well be right back. Hit. The orders were rushing in. I could feel our deadlines racing towards us. We didnt need a loan. We needed shortterm funding fast. Building 18 homes in 4 months . That was a leap. But i knew i could rely on American Express to help me buy those building materials. Amex helped me buy the inventory i needed. Our amex helped us fill the orders. Just like that. Another step on the journey. Will you be ready when growth presents itself . Dickerson thats it for us today. Thanks for watching. Until next week for face the nation. Im john dickerson. Captioning sponsored by cbs access. Wgbh. Org duty imposed by law. There is no duty for sean penn to have to inform authorities when he is going to go meet even with someone who is wanted by the law. If it were a reporter who got this interview, who got to go on a plane and even was blindfolded, which penn was not, and brought in the dead of night and got to get this interview . That reporter would have no duty to have to tell the authorities either. Lets talk about joaquin guzman. The issue of extradition came up before. Mexico resisted, did not want to send him back to the u. S. They seem more amenable to that now. Why is that and how might that process play out . They are more amenable now probably because theyre embarrassed about his escapes, and that is plural, that have happened in the past. And that it appears they wanted to try him to prove in mexico that they could keep him but they werent able to keep him now it seems from everything we

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