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Are you here for some informal discovery, jack, or to make an offer . So youre interested in a plea . Sure. Misdemeanor solicitation, and lets say a modest fine. Were willing to make a reasonable offer, not youre fishing for information because you have no evidence. Your client was the last person seen with the victim on the night of the murder. She lied to the police about getting into a cab with him. Her fingerprint was found at the crimecene. Not to mention a compelling motive. Id say thats a pretty good narrative for a jury, wouldnt you . If it were true. Try this narrative, jack. My client never met dillon until that night. Neveeven laid eyes on him. Tindell might be right. We have no direct evidence establishing a prior relationship between dillon and julia. What about the phone calls to hw . Theyre all to the general number. None to his cell phone or direct line. Who was paying her 9,500 a month rent . Im not sure where she was getting the money, but she was the one writing the checks. There must be some Financial Link between them. Closet thing i could find is this. Julia veloso owns 10,000 shares of vulcan, inc. Stock. Its a Microchip Company spun off from hw. How much is it worth . As of today, about 300,000. When did she purchase the shares . The day the company went public. At the ipo price. Talk to the investment banker that took the company public. gleacher it was a hot deal. First trade was 25 over the ipo price. So insiders made 25 right off the bat. With no risk. Good business, huh . How does someone get on the list . Have to be a friend of the company. Meaning what . Meaning someone with some juice puts your name on the list. Who at hw has juice . She calls all the shots. The insiders list is comprised of friends and family members. Theres no real science to it. Who put julia veloso on the list . Im the ceo of publicly traded company, mr. Mccoy. So as im sure you know, everything that i say, no matter how trivial it may seem, has legal and financial ramifications. Is that your way of saying youre not going to tell us . Its my way of saying you need to consult my attorney. We just want to know if dillon asked you to put her on the list, thats it. Speak to senior counsel, peter harris. The subpoenas pretty broad, mr. Mccoy. Broad . Id say its overreaching and abuse of power. The das office has no business sniffing around in halliganwebbs corporate affairs. mccoy the victim worked for this company. We need mr. Dillons emails, his phone records. And how is our companys internal investigation related to some hooker killing Charles Dillon . Its quite possible that the murderer is connected to dillons role thats crap and you know it. This is a fishing expedition. If mr. Harris prefers, wed be happy to procure the requested items pursuant to an indictment of the company for felony eavesdropping. The federal authorities are already investigating this. So are we. We convened a grand jury this morning. Judge, thats a bootstrap to get something that hes not entitled to. And a damn good one, mr. Harris. Halliganwebb will comply with the peoples subpoena. If you want to survive this congressional investigation, youd better come through. Im having a meeting tomorrow with the board about your severance package. Im thinking ten million sounds about right. Given the circumstances. No, we are under very tight scrutiny right now. That is not figure it out. I didnt have anything to do with this. You know that. Look, i dont give a damn. The feds like to flip up, not down. You know what . I think ill take my chances. And i know about your brazilian whore. Press is gonna love a story like that, dont you think . Heh i get hot just thinking about that. Fine. Ill have another word with our compensation consultant. See theres any flexibility in the numbers. You do that. How in the heck did you get that . Halliganwebbs new general counsel turned over everything in dillons office, including the surveillance tapes. Interesting fodder for page six, but what about for our trial . Dillon was threatening to give up weaver to the feds, tell the press about her lesbian relationship with an exprostitute. You think she was involved in the murder . Certainly she had the most to gain from his death. Well, that doesnt mean she killed him. She was paranoid enough to make sure nobody leaked any negative information about her company or her to the press or anyone. Weavers a tough ceo. Everybody knows that. Theres nothing wrong with it. Why dont we stop theorizing and start trying to find some proof samantha weaver was funneling 20,000 a month into her girlfriends interior design company. For how long . The last two years. Anything else . Her credit card receipts put her at an espresso bar two blocks from hw headquarters, and the barmaid picked out a photo of her and the woman she was with, julia veloso. So thats where weaver puts everything in motion. She knows where dillons headed that night. She tells julia to put on something sexy and do her thing. Think we can prove that . We can infer it. Heres the kicker. Samantha weaver purchased a smith wesson. 38 in houston in 1999. Is that enough for an arrest . And a search warrant. weaver these past few weeks have been trying, but we need to move forward and ignore the negative press. We owe that to the stockholders of this great company. green excuse us. Sorry to interrupt. Ill be right back. Im sure this is all a misunderstanding. This better be important. Oh, it is. We searched your residence. We couldnt find that. 38 you bought in houston. That gun is legally licensed. Fine, then tell us where it is. Well do a quick ballistics check, and maybe you can walk away from all this. Ahem. I want to speak to my lawyer immediately. I think thats a great idea, because youre under arrest for the murder of charles diln. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say may be used against you if youre going to say better ingredients. Better pizza. You better deliver. Which is why im introducing our new papas quality guarantee love your pizza, or get another one, absolutely free. Get any large pizza up to 5toppings for just 9. 99. Online only. What happened . How did you make this . What is this . How did you get up there . How did it go . What did you do . Honey, how did that happen . Wake up what . What . How . Asking the right questions. Thats caring. Cabrio washer with settings that simply ask what and how to get the perfect wash. Every day, care. Whirlpool for a limited time, get up to two hundred and fifty dollars back by mailin rebate at participating retailers. You have to be pretty damn ambitious to murder somebody over a job, dont you . Bitious . You should read her book. Making it in the corner office. 100 hour weeks, nonstonetworking. Cutthroat office politics. This wasnt just a job. This was her life. Her identity. Defense just filed a motion to suppress the videotaped conversation between dillon and weaver. Based on what . Attorneyclient privilege. The court of appeals position is quite clear. Corporate officers may rely on attorneyclient privilege to protect Confidential Communications with their corporate counsel. But the communication must be legal in nature. Predominantly legal, not exclusively. Mr. Dillon was attempting to extort the defendant. A legal document, a contract between employer and employee. Im not buying it, mr. Tepper. If dillon was giving legal advice, he was doing it with a gun pointed at ms. Weavers head. Well, its illegal to videotape someone without their consent. mccoy the fendant is the one who ordered the surveillance. If you spy on yourself and get caught, consent is implicit. The conversation took place in the mens room, your honor. The general business law doesnt allow much wiggle room for admitting evidence secretly recorded in the toilet. mccoy why should samantha weaver benefit from a law she intentionally broke in the first place . I admit its paradoxical, mr. Mccoy. But there are certain places cameras cant go. Im excluding the videotape. mccoy call tindell. Tell him we want to make a deal with julia veloso. A deal . We need someone to testify that dillon was extorting weaver. You really think shes credible . Shes no condoleezza rice, but shes all we got. Whats in it for me . A favorable plea bargain. I like to know all the terms before i enter into an arrangement. Unuh. No promises till after your testimony. I cant go along with that. I can speak for myself. If i do what you want, you promise to take care of me . This isnt about what i want, ms. Veloso. Were looking for the truth. Samantha asked me to kill this man for her. Your motive was just as strong as hers. Dillon was going to destroy her career. And she didnt have the courage to take care of the problem on her own. It seems to me the one thing samantha weaver does not lack is courage. Okay. Lets say she did want dillon dead. Because i proved my loyalty to her. She knew that her biggest secret was safe with me. E. How do i know what youre saying is really what happened . I guess you have to trust me. [exhales] Julia Samantha said that Charles Dillon was trying to get her in trouble with the law. Ruin her reputation, cost her lots of money. How . He was going to lie. Tell congress that it was samanthas idea to wiretap phones, spy on executives. He was also going to tell the press about us unless samantha paid him off. Paid him off . He was going to resign because of the wiretapping thing, but he wanted 10 million. A severance package. What else did the defendant tell you about Charles Dillon . That things would be better if he were dead. Samantha met me for coffee. She told me that dillon would be at the bar at the atlantique. Then she gave me a picture of him so id know what he looked like. Then what happened . She told me to go to her house and get a gun. A. 38 from her bedroom closet. And you agreed to go along with this . Samantha said if dillon got her fired, shed lose all her stock opons. It was everything she worked for. If i didnt help her keep it, shed end our arrangement. What did you do after you got the gun . I went tthe atlantique. I saw dillon. I flirted with him. Then what . We went back to his apartment. I pretended i was going to have sex with him. I tied him up. What did you do with samantha weavers gun after you shot him . I threw it away in a garbage can near my apartment. Nothing further. In exchange for your testimony, the prosecution has offered you a favorable deal, correct . They told me to telthe truth. The truth, or whatevers necessary to convict samantha weaver . Objection judge mason sustained. You plead guilty to a prostitution charge four years ago, correct . I dont do that anymore. Right. Now youre a legitimate kept woman. You have a wealthy girlfriend, a 9,500 a month apartment. Yes. Thats not bad. No, its not bad. Do you like having someone pay your bills for you . Me . No, i have too much selfrespect for that. Your honor, please. Next question, mr. Tepper. You had the key to samantha weavers brownstone and the password for her Security System . Yes. And you knew she had a gun . Yes. Isnt it a fact that you killed Charles Dillon on your own because you were worried that you might have to move out of your swanky apartment and go back to working the streets like a regular old whore . Objection withdrawn. Nothing further. How would you describe yourself, samantha . Im driven, controlling, aggressive, insensitive. Any positive qualities . Im sure there are a few, but i dont dwell on them. Hmm. Did you ever tell julia veloso about your problems at work . Every once in a while. It was more functional. Sexual . Yes. Did you ever mention the name Charles Dillon to her . I vented a few times about charles role in the eavdropping matter. How he put the company at risk. I had also mentioned that he was trying to pressure me into supporting an unreasonable severance plan. What do you mean by pressure you . Well, he threatened to tell the press about my relationship with julia. He also threatened to lie to congress and the u. S. Attorneys office about me. How did julia react to that . She was upset. Enraged, actually. She thought that if i was gonna go broke she was gonna end up on the streets again. I tried to calm her down, assure her that that wasnt the case, but i dont think shreally believed me. Did you ever tell julia to kill Charles Dillon . No. No, of course not. Nothing further. If you were indicted in the eavesdropping scandal, wouldve been terminated, correct . Yes. Youd lose one million shares of stock, currently valued at 75 million . Correct. So it was just a stroke of good luck that your girlfriend murdered the one man who could cost you your job and 75 million . Is that what youre saying . Im saying its a tragedy. A tragedy engineered by you . I had nothing to do with it. mccoy so julia just killed Charles Dillon on her own . Risked life in prison to protect you. She was trying to protect herself. She thought that if i were fired i wouldnt support her anymore. You purchased a. 38 caliber handgun in 1999. The same model used to kill Charles Dillon. Yes, but there are probably thousands, maybe millions of. 38s out there. But your. 38 is currently missing. I threw it away a few years ago after watching a pbs documentary on handguns. So where did julia get the exact same type of gun, ms. Weaver . I have no idea. mccoy her testimony that she used your gun was a lie . weaver yes. I am a businesswoman, mr. Mccoy, not a criminal. I solve problems through negotiation and compromi. Even when someone has wronged you . As a young female ceo, i have been the victim of false press reports, negative rumors, failed coup attempts. And i never take them personally, never. I dont react emotionally. Or try to exact revenge. That only plays into the hands of the men that are trying to take me down. You solve disputes peacefully. Is that what youre saying . Im pragmatic, mr. Mccoy, not vindictive. She doth protest a little too much. About what . About not being vindictive. Youre saying youre gonna call rebuttal witnesses prove she is . I intend to prove otherwise. How . By calling every male disgruntled employee and asking them to testify that samantha weaver is the devil . Whats wrong with that . It has nothing to do with the merits of this case. She made character an issue, connie, not me. Character or persona . Whats the difference . Look, i know shes tough, but maybe its a choice. A management style shes adopted to motivate the men working underneath her. Of maybe shes just a sociopath who murdered her general counsel because he was gonna ruin her life. The facts cut both ways, jack. Is it so hard to believe that a hooker from the slums of rio killed someone she thought was trying to ruin her life of luxury . Whats hard to believe is a ruthless ceo having absolutely nothing to do with a murder she had everything to gain from. Okay, then focus on her motivation. Or is her reputation for being hardass relevant just because shes a woman . Man or woman, its relevant because she misrepsented herself to the jury. I gave an anonymous interview to the wall street journal three months ago. Told the reporter i thought Senior Management was doing a satisfactory job, but made some questionable disions. Was that article the precipitant for the illegal eavesdropping . Samantha was outraged that the anonymous source, me, used the word satisfactory rather than spectacular. What did she do when she found out you were the source . She called me into her office. She fired me. And then she told she was going to destroy my career. mccoy are you currently employed . No. Every time i get close to a new job, samantha puts the kibo on it. tepper you started at hw three years before samantha weaver, correct . Yes. Yeah, i believe so. And yet shes been your boss for the past five years, and made three times the money you did. That bother you . Well, sure. Why . Because shes a woman . No, because shes manipulative and selfish. Is that why you leaked confidential information to the wall street journal . I gave an anonymous interview. Thats it. I didnt disclose trade secrets. Its against Company Policy to communicate with the press in any way without the authorization of the ceo, correct . Yes. So let me get this straight. You betrayed your boss and the company you worked for, and youre complaining that you got fired . Nothing further. holton i wasnt disrespectful. I just said i thought her financial projections were a little too aggressive. Then what happened . She fired me. For disagreeing with her . She didnt say that was the reason, but that was the reason. What did she say in your exit interview . Which was true. I was working at home two days a week, but i was still putting in my 70 hours. Why were you working from home . My wife had breast cancer. She was undergoing some pretty intense chemo. And the defendant was aware of this . Yes. And she fired you anyway . Yes. I, uh, begged her for another chance, but it was a waste of time. She said that my ceer at hw was over, and that no one makes her look bad in front of the board of directors, no one. Nothing further. Its not easy for a woman to become ceo of a fortune 500 company at the age of 35. You make lots of enemies. You bruise lots of egos. Thats just the way it is. Whats your point . I had nothing to dowith Charles Dillons death. Right, youre lover acted on her own. I know thats hard for you to believe, mr. Mccoy, but its true. Julia had a tough a very tough upbringing. Clearly theres still a lot of anger there, especially toward men. What do you want, ms. Weaver . A plea bargain. You just testified you were innocent. weave i am, but i make my decisions based on numbers, facts, perceived risk, d i am guessing that juries dont like overachieving women who fire men whose wives are dying of cancer. Murder two, 15 to life. Man two, 5 to 15. Forget it. weaver why would i kill someone over a halfassed federal eavesdropping indictment . Or becse someone was threatening to out me . Im a very wealthy woman. The rest of her life. Eh. You are just like everyone else. You think that i am guilty because i am a woman who has power. No. Ms. Weaver, i think youre guilty for the same reason you bugged your corporate headquarters. Youre a person with power who couldnt bear to lose it. Have you reached a verdict . foreperson we have, your honor. We find the defendant, samantha weaver, guilty of murder in the second degree. [judge pounds vel] night. Ask me how i sleep at night. How do you sleep at night . male announcer in the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups the police who investigate crime and the district attorneys who prosecute the offenders. These are their stories. You wanna explain to her this aint the four seasons . I swear, she hits that button again, shes gonna feel a whole new source of pain. Hurry her son michael hes on the floor. [panting and groaning] hes not breathing i dont know what happened. Hehe just collapsed. I dontcome on, hurry michael, baby, please talk to me come on, baby. Please, talk to me. Help him help him maam, i need to look at him. Please, please, give me space. Code blue code blue four benson 322 get a crash cart now michael, talk to me man let the nurses do their job, okay . ashley oh, my god. Breathe, michael, breathe breathe he said that his head hurt and then he just collapsed. Oh, my god, hes dying man its okay, let the nurse do her job. ashley michael, please, breathe, breathe dr. Havens his name is michael jones. Just the two of them in the room when he died . No, her publicist was there as well. Hes waiting to talk to you. So what makes you think foul play . Well, theres no obvious trauma. But he was fine one minute and dead the next. That happened to my uncle harry. They called it a heart attack. A 19yearold kid . Its not likely. dr. Havens as soon as we pronounced, we got everybody out. Nothings been touched in the room either. cassady is that blood coming out of his moh . dr. Havens pulmonary edema. His lungs filled up as he was dying. That can happen with a poisoning . Absolutely. Wheres his mother now . Down the hall. Sedated. Shes in a pretty bad way

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