Transcripts For WSVN Channel 7 News At 6PM 20160314 : compar

Transcripts For WSVN Channel 7 News At 6PM 20160314

dadely drive in a south florida business district. the driver losing control and hitting a curk before snierk publix on north 17th street and east young circle in hollywood. it happened early this morning. the impact leaving a hole in the stoomplet 24-year-old david paula more died. his passenger and girlfriend 20-year-old ros rosm san na via rushed to the hospital. her sister hoping she makes a quick recovery. >> she lieksz her nerve fuel. she likes to play with them. she's really good with family. >> belkeys: crews towing the totaled cadillac and police working to determine if speed or alcohol may have plad a role. >> danielle: one person shot and killed in florida city. gunshots roingt along northwest 14th street and 8th avenue. police block offing the streets as they investigate. >> belkeys: four missing boaters found. the coast guard spotting the the man and their 26-foot bhoatd they went deep see sea fish yesterday but never returned last night. they set up a distress flair because they were out of rage to call for help. that vessle t/wed back to shore. >> daniell a look head at who may come out head for the republicans in the fightor florida. a poll released today shows donald trump has a very big lead. uth florida's junior senator trailing donald trump by double digits. >> belkeys: but marco rubio still confident he will win his home state. robbin has more from the plex. robbin. >> danielle: snoo it's been a busy day for campaigning. one looking to seal the deal and the others trying to stay in the hund hunt. and let's take a live look at the rally where marco rubio will be welcoming folks. he is dalg a home coming meet center in west miami. eagan is hoping to win florida and all it's 99 delegat. >> in florida where sarah palin campaigned for donald trump before her husband's serious accident forced her off the trail and back to las ca to north carolina and ohio and illinois. the republican candidates are in e final push for the possible undecided vote whoars c uld be swayed. the people illinois have been suffering under miss managed democratic policiesor a long, long time. people of illinois have paid a real price for the fail iewfers the far left democratstsnd it is rather striking that my leading come pet o tore for the nomination, donald trump has been one ofhe key funders of those democrats. >> reporter: and you might call it campaign 3.0. senator rubio focusing all his four stops take him from jacksonvilille to his home town of miami. >> tomorrow is the day we'll shock country and do what needs to be done. we're going to wint 99 delegeges here in fla. >> at the head of the republican pack as it's been for the exainl season, donald trump. he is blaming violence that erupted at the exainl events in chicago that lead several reases and kansas city on supporters def democrat bernie sanders. >> there's a lilt disruption but no violence, none whatsoever. >> i'll tell you, what we go and these things are so incredible. it's a movement and a love fes and we love each other and we're going to do so well. >> reporter: but trump is also shifting attention to ohio. one poll has him in a tie with republican voters there with john kay siefnlgt cruz and rubio trail themg. 2012 nominee romney joined kasich on the trail today. >> the math is real and i something can't get total numbebe thousand delegates yet to go. you'll see me pick up speed and momentum. i may go to the convention with more than any of them but mbe not enough to win. we'll see what happens. >> reporter: and take you live to west palm beach where fan supporters are gathered for mamao riewb riewfnlt again, he has been make his way from the panhandle on down south where he will have a r rly in west miami. this is at palm beach atlantic again in west palm beach. a prayer being said before rubio takes the stage and he has an event at fiu tomorrow night as well. he is really hoping he will be celebrate age massive florida win but florida's attorney general pam ndi has endorsed donald trump. billionaire will have a news conference in palm beach tomorrow hoping he spoils rubio 's plans. >> robbin simmons. 7 news. >> belkeys: all right robbin. and clinton has a lead in the continues his you fight. 7's alex de disea bra to is live in the newsplex to continue the corage. alex. >> reporter: belkeys hillary clinton and ber d sanders crisscrossing the midwest today as polls there show a tight race head of tomorrow's vote. >> we have to havea big vote tomorrow that can send a strong message that love, trurveghts hate. >> reporter: hillary clinton in illinois making a stop ate meeting of latino action sta advice. she is cooj democrats to unify around her presidential bid arguing the party must focus on the larger ththat. republican front runner donald trump. >> we have to do more to help small business. two nifortdz jobs will come fro small business, 2/3. >> and i want to help minority oandz and women owned small bis fles. >> reporter: clinton holding another stop at a union poll. polls are tightening in the midwest turn states thatote >> sanders campaigning in ohio. >> last tuesday we won in michigan in a state people said we couldn't win. >> and if you don't tell nirks let me mention towrks think we're going to win in ohio tomorrow. >> reporter: the vermont senator says he is confidence that i high turnout among low income working crass and young voters can deliver him a win in the buckeye state. >>e have going to move this country to having one of the highest raifts voter turnout, not one of the lowest. >> reporter: hillary clinton will watat results come in tomorrow at west palm beach county convention center. sanders flb arizona tomorrow ght. >> live in the newsplex. i'm alex diprato. 7 news. >> belkeys: well for everything you need to know about the race for the white house. and on line and through our voice your choice app. >> danielle: and also tonight an upscale south florida community is on edge. a woman simply walking in one neighborhood wk the victim of an alarming attack. 7's ana keil is live on the scene in coral gables. ann. >> reporter: well, corral gaiblesz police are looking for a man they say sexually assaulted a woman here on granada boulevard. as you can see it's a high traffic area. at the time of the crime not so around 6:45 in the morning. as they stip patrols this in this yairks they are asking for the public's help snoot victim telling coral gables police she was i this area heading south when a man grabbed hernd sexually assaulted her and stole the woman's b bongings. >> actually battered. probably this person was with problems. >> reporter: the suspect has beenescribed as a 35-year-old latin male way medium complexion between 5'8, to 5-foot ten. brown hair bald wh brish eyebrows he was wearing blue jeans and blue and yell sneakers. >> yesterday i came out to put garbage in the trash hall and a saw two under cover ver detectives there. >> reporter: this man says he walked out of his home and stumbled on the crime scene sunday morning shortly after the woman reported the assault. police now urging residents in the area to beware of their surroundings and report suspicious vehicles and people. >> i'm always vigilant and always looking around. but i'm sorry to hear things have been happening. >> i wish the best for this lady. may have been driving a white suv or van and even though they are following up on some leads, thth are asking for your help. if you saw anything, if you have any information for police, call miami-dade crime stoppers, that number 305-471-tips. remember, you can remain a none nows anonymous and you maybe eligible for a cash reward. >> reporting live in coral gables. ann key. 7 news. >> belkeysall right ann, thank you. and a turkeyanal az used as a radio to cool the water that powers the nuclear reaction tompletz but the radio reactor try sem that was found in the water was also found i i biscayne bay. levels found to be 215 times higher than normal when they were sampled in dececber and january. still far below what experts consider dangerous. fpl's president says despite >> i think the most important thing to understand is that fpl is not doing anything that will negatively impact the drink wawg ter. no environmental impact right now. i would have no problem drink water. pretty salty. drinking water right out of biscayne bay. >> they come up with certain solutions we think may work with you we fleed to analyze it and make sure it does woror county cited fpl back in october for violating water quality standards based on too much salt in the water. more violations could be coming in the next few weeks. if the company found they committed any additional infractions. >> danielle: coming up next from the newsplex. a father missing just after a day y ewnt ter. well torks nightadly that search is over jievment a passenger train unable to stient tracks. the engineer says he may know why. >> danielle: and water sniewg a street. at least one driver getting a bad break. >> belkeys: downtown streets an ultrabig crowd set to take south florida by storm. >> well, get ready for a wild wiek here in sth florida. a music and massive crowd. >> belkeys: 7's jessica holly shows us some of the prepsz. >> >> reporter: it's that time, downtown miami getting set for tens of thousands of ultramusic fes fans the electronic music celebrationow in the 16th 16th year. >> as the fectival grew up, downtown miami grew up at the same time. >> reporter: and i it has evolved this. is the second year tickets are sold to only those 18 and older. >> as the festival became bigger and got more pop you larks i thought it was right thing to do. >> reporter: the sign says it sold out two months ago. 165,000 tickets sold representing 87ountries. >> and it's a huge boom to the economy and downtown miami. >> the festival growing every year and it has had it's share of growing paifnltz last year a ticket holder was found dead from a drug overdose. d two years ago a security guard was critically injured when she was trampled by gate crashers. >> near yeer ultrawill have 350 o of it's own officers working the event and 350 mie police officers in the areas well. >>? sm on foot and some on bikes and some undercover capacity. >> reporter: looking for activity like drug use. and they have an on site wearness campaign the biggest thing is creating wearness. if you notice you'll see signage ash the event that clearly says you know drug use is not tolerated. >> reporter: one more thi, the police lk beout looking for o dpen ders. jessica holly. live in miami. 7 news. >> belkeys: we continue to follow this story. live pictures of the rubio rally in palm beach. this is the senator speak all important primary for florida tomorrow along with several other states. but florida's junior senator has said he will win his home state tomorrow and tonight he is doing everything ectomake that happen. we'll have more on this cing up on 7 news at 6:30. >> danielle: also coming up, flooding. trapping a driver rescuers with a much need lift. >> phil: all right speak of voting tomorrow. it will be a hot one. especially in the afternoon. expecting a high of 87. if you're caught outside waiting in line to vote. please make sure you drink plenty of water. the entire forecast in a couple minutes. >> all right phil. i'm steve. coming up in sports. flying night against denver. although we think he l. now rmer dolphins olivia vernon ub stopped by extra last night and talked about his negotiations with the dphins. 7 sports straight ahead. >> now 7 weather with chief meteorologist phil ferro. >> phil: and good afternoon everybody. it ways warm dada here in south florida. fortauderdale 84. check out miami high of 86 degrees. typical high for this time of year is 80. tomorrow even warmer. 86 still at this hour miami. fort lauderdale with 80. 86 also in pembroke pines. key west a nice and comfortable 79 degrees. the winout of west at around 12 to 16 miles per hour. the humidity at a 50%. earlier today we did see a few showers making their way croos coastal broward and miami-dade counties. but tonight outside of a sprinkle, we are look pretty good. here's the big view. most of the weather happening on the northern half of the u.s. plenty of rain make it's way across the ohio river valley. a big win storm that impacted oregon andashington yesterday is now moving across the northern rockies with plenty of snow there. missouri, illinois, in the 70s tomorrow. a few showers across illinois n.60s in ohio. 80s in north carolina. 80s tomorrow. for us we're looking at highs between 85 and 87. the average high again 80 degrees. the record for tomorrow is 90 setback in 2008. again, i want to remind you if you get caught outside in line waiting to vote. make sure you have plenty of water handy to keep yourself hydrated. here's the forecast, no advisories,, the wind out of southwest. biscayne bay way light chop. winds also out of southwest. and becoming smooth. next high tide miami 1:36. 1:31 for new fort lauderdale. key largo 1:59 and 3:23 in key west. so for tonight clouds will continue to move out. still a chance for a wayward shower. over night lows will be in the 70s. now after midnight should clear out completely. there is a small chance for fog. now, most of the day today, the wind has within out of east southeast. that's going to drag in a lot of heat and humidity. calling for a hive 82 in the keys. 86 to 87 through broward and% miami-dade. popoibly warmer in the western suburbs. it will still be hot through thursday. couple of showers saturday and sunday and by the way, sunday, that is your first day of spring. that's your 7 on 7. 7 sports is next. >> time now for 7 sports with steve shapiro. >> dywane wade will try and play tonight at home against denver. wade missed saturday's ra loss to toronto with a bruised thigh. the heat went one and two inn the recent trip. they lost in over time in toronto. and the negative won four narrow and the heat play winners charlotte and cleveland later is week. >> our focus has to be just on denver, protect owrg home, playing very good basketball here. we understandhe week head but our focus has to be on tonight protecting home and getting the job done. heat highlights at 10:00. right after um was picked and seated third in the gairm last nies night, the team met with a sports psychologist and got a pep talk. >> um back for the 8th time. and only gentleman kerry is left from that een team. the canes should go as senior point gartd as angel rodriguez goes. >> mr. before brob probably it would have been a little pressure on me but not any more. i think our guys realize not just what i do or how i lead them. it's what we do and how we push each other. how we encourage each other. >> thursday night in providence against buffalo. former cane vernon guesting with me on sports extra. four years with the dolphins. went to um and american high school before. that vernon signed with the new york giants last week. five years, 85 million bucks. >> things just didn't workout. you know, honestly they tried to their best to make things work. we just knew that we had to take the next step forward and try something different. good guy. good luck to him. >> busy day in sports. the panthers in brooklyly to plate islanders. one point behind boston in the third division. and after beating philadelphia saturday may shootout. before that they had lost five out of six. 14 games left. >> and we went through a stretch where we were a little lax days cacaent not playing our game the best we could. now we realize it's play off time and turning on no. secret to success. just playing together and finding areas to find each other and get store scoring chances. >> hockey highlights at 10:00. the apple they say does not fall far from the tree. that's genetics nerey. >> and this is lebron james jr. he has more moves than exlax this kid. just 11 years old. took his talent to a tournament in birmingham alabama. junior schcoling the other kids and the other kids can play. wow. marlins off today. the lady canes find out tonight who and where they play in the i'm steve. theers belkeke and danielle snoo. >> belkeys: busy day in sports indeed. shapiro had to do some work. and i have broad shoulders. >> reporter: you look nice. >> belkeys: urn your keep. that's it for us at 6:00. i'm belkeys nerey. >> danielle: and i'm danielle nomplet don't go too far way. 7 news at 6:30 is just seconds away. >> this is 7 news at 6:30 a. >> lynn: tonight at 6:30 a car going out of control troll slamming into a southth florida market. >> good evening every one. the car inside the c at time. impact. >> danielle: and one of those people not make. it brandon beyer reports from hollywood. >> she likes her nve fuel. she likes to play with them. she's really good with family. >> ro sara duarte is describing was badly injured nay car wreck on young circle in hollywood early monday morning. the driver of the red clakd, 24-year-old david la miewr was not wearing his seat belt. they say the two were dpiergt two years. le miewr was dloan fro the car and died at the scene. >> once they reached the curb, it appears they went straight and lost control of the vehicle. family says rosm san na was at the hospital being treated for w- several broken bones. her boyfriend leaves behind a young son. not the first time we've seen him on the news. we met himim in november 2013 when he helped cops nab a robbery suspect at a shell gas station he worked at in miami miami gardens. i gave him the money and a said let me bag it for you. i said you shod double bag. it i'm just stalling you know and waiting for them to come eevment made headlines again monday morning after wrecking his car and losing his life.

Related Keywords

Miami , Florida , United States , New York , Alabama , North Carolina , Missouri , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Vermont , Cleveland , Ohio , Boston , Massachusetts , Illinois , Oregon , Toronto , Ontario , Canada , Michigan , Denver , Colorado , Charlotte , Pembroke Pines , Fort Lauderdale , Arizona , Florida City , Hollywood , California , Rockies , Canada General , West Miami , Chicago , American , Jessica Holly , Marco Rubio , Rosh Lowe , Brandon Beyer , Robbin Simmons , Sara Duarte , Sarah Palin , Steve Shapiro , David Paula , Hillary Clinton , John Kay , Lebron James Jr , Bernie Sanders ,

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Transcripts For WSVN Channel 7 News At 6PM 20160314 :

Transcripts For WSVN Channel 7 News At 6PM 20160314

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dadely drive in a south florida business district. the driver losing control and hitting a curk before snierk publix on north 17th street and east young circle in hollywood. it happened early this morning. the impact leaving a hole in the stoomplet 24-year-old david paula more died. his passenger and girlfriend 20-year-old ros rosm san na via rushed to the hospital. her sister hoping she makes a quick recovery. >> she lieksz her nerve fuel. she likes to play with them. she's really good with family. >> belkeys: crews towing the totaled cadillac and police working to determine if speed or alcohol may have plad a role. >> danielle: one person shot and killed in florida city. gunshots roingt along northwest 14th street and 8th avenue. police block offing the streets as they investigate. >> belkeys: four missing boaters found. the coast guard spotting the the man and their 26-foot bhoatd they went deep see sea fish yesterday but never returned last night. they set up a distress flair because they were out of rage to call for help. that vessle t/wed back to shore. >> daniell a look head at who may come out head for the republicans in the fightor florida. a poll released today shows donald trump has a very big lead. uth florida's junior senator trailing donald trump by double digits. >> belkeys: but marco rubio still confident he will win his home state. robbin has more from the plex. robbin. >> danielle: snoo it's been a busy day for campaigning. one looking to seal the deal and the others trying to stay in the hund hunt. and let's take a live look at the rally where marco rubio will be welcoming folks. he is dalg a home coming meet center in west miami. eagan is hoping to win florida and all it's 99 delegat. >> in florida where sarah palin campaigned for donald trump before her husband's serious accident forced her off the trail and back to las ca to north carolina and ohio and illinois. the republican candidates are in e final push for the possible undecided vote whoars c uld be swayed. the people illinois have been suffering under miss managed democratic policiesor a long, long time. people of illinois have paid a real price for the fail iewfers the far left democratstsnd it is rather striking that my leading come pet o tore for the nomination, donald trump has been one ofhe key funders of those democrats. >> reporter: and you might call it campaign 3.0. senator rubio focusing all his four stops take him from jacksonvilille to his home town of miami. >> tomorrow is the day we'll shock country and do what needs to be done. we're going to wint 99 delegeges here in fla. >> at the head of the republican pack as it's been for the exainl season, donald trump. he is blaming violence that erupted at the exainl events in chicago that lead several reases and kansas city on supporters def democrat bernie sanders. >> there's a lilt disruption but no violence, none whatsoever. >> i'll tell you, what we go and these things are so incredible. it's a movement and a love fes and we love each other and we're going to do so well. >> reporter: but trump is also shifting attention to ohio. one poll has him in a tie with republican voters there with john kay siefnlgt cruz and rubio trail themg. 2012 nominee romney joined kasich on the trail today. >> the math is real and i something can't get total numbebe thousand delegates yet to go. you'll see me pick up speed and momentum. i may go to the convention with more than any of them but mbe not enough to win. we'll see what happens. >> reporter: and take you live to west palm beach where fan supporters are gathered for mamao riewb riewfnlt again, he has been make his way from the panhandle on down south where he will have a r rly in west miami. this is at palm beach atlantic again in west palm beach. a prayer being said before rubio takes the stage and he has an event at fiu tomorrow night as well. he is really hoping he will be celebrate age massive florida win but florida's attorney general pam ndi has endorsed donald trump. billionaire will have a news conference in palm beach tomorrow hoping he spoils rubio 's plans. >> robbin simmons. 7 news. >> belkeys: all right robbin. and clinton has a lead in the continues his you fight. 7's alex de disea bra to is live in the newsplex to continue the corage. alex. >> reporter: belkeys hillary clinton and ber d sanders crisscrossing the midwest today as polls there show a tight race head of tomorrow's vote. >> we have to havea big vote tomorrow that can send a strong message that love, trurveghts hate. >> reporter: hillary clinton in illinois making a stop ate meeting of latino action sta advice. she is cooj democrats to unify around her presidential bid arguing the party must focus on the larger ththat. republican front runner donald trump. >> we have to do more to help small business. two nifortdz jobs will come fro small business, 2/3. >> and i want to help minority oandz and women owned small bis fles. >> reporter: clinton holding another stop at a union poll. polls are tightening in the midwest turn states thatote >> sanders campaigning in ohio. >> last tuesday we won in michigan in a state people said we couldn't win. >> and if you don't tell nirks let me mention towrks think we're going to win in ohio tomorrow. >> reporter: the vermont senator says he is confidence that i high turnout among low income working crass and young voters can deliver him a win in the buckeye state. >>e have going to move this country to having one of the highest raifts voter turnout, not one of the lowest. >> reporter: hillary clinton will watat results come in tomorrow at west palm beach county convention center. sanders flb arizona tomorrow ght. >> live in the newsplex. i'm alex diprato. 7 news. >> belkeys: well for everything you need to know about the race for the white house. and on line and through our voice your choice app. >> danielle: and also tonight an upscale south florida community is on edge. a woman simply walking in one neighborhood wk the victim of an alarming attack. 7's ana keil is live on the scene in coral gables. ann. >> reporter: well, corral gaiblesz police are looking for a man they say sexually assaulted a woman here on granada boulevard. as you can see it's a high traffic area. at the time of the crime not so around 6:45 in the morning. as they stip patrols this in this yairks they are asking for the public's help snoot victim telling coral gables police she was i this area heading south when a man grabbed hernd sexually assaulted her and stole the woman's b bongings. >> actually battered. probably this person was with problems. >> reporter: the suspect has beenescribed as a 35-year-old latin male way medium complexion between 5'8, to 5-foot ten. brown hair bald wh brish eyebrows he was wearing blue jeans and blue and yell sneakers. >> yesterday i came out to put garbage in the trash hall and a saw two under cover ver detectives there. >> reporter: this man says he walked out of his home and stumbled on the crime scene sunday morning shortly after the woman reported the assault. police now urging residents in the area to beware of their surroundings and report suspicious vehicles and people. >> i'm always vigilant and always looking around. but i'm sorry to hear things have been happening. >> i wish the best for this lady. may have been driving a white suv or van and even though they are following up on some leads, thth are asking for your help. if you saw anything, if you have any information for police, call miami-dade crime stoppers, that number 305-471-tips. remember, you can remain a none nows anonymous and you maybe eligible for a cash reward. >> reporting live in coral gables. ann key. 7 news. >> belkeysall right ann, thank you. and a turkeyanal az used as a radio to cool the water that powers the nuclear reaction tompletz but the radio reactor try sem that was found in the water was also found i i biscayne bay. levels found to be 215 times higher than normal when they were sampled in dececber and january. still far below what experts consider dangerous. fpl's president says despite >> i think the most important thing to understand is that fpl is not doing anything that will negatively impact the drink wawg ter. no environmental impact right now. i would have no problem drink water. pretty salty. drinking water right out of biscayne bay. >> they come up with certain solutions we think may work with you we fleed to analyze it and make sure it does woror county cited fpl back in october for violating water quality standards based on too much salt in the water. more violations could be coming in the next few weeks. if the company found they committed any additional infractions. >> danielle: coming up next from the newsplex. a father missing just after a day y ewnt ter. well torks nightadly that search is over jievment a passenger train unable to stient tracks. the engineer says he may know why. >> danielle: and water sniewg a street. at least one driver getting a bad break. >> belkeys: downtown streets an ultrabig crowd set to take south florida by storm. >> well, get ready for a wild wiek here in sth florida. a music and massive crowd. >> belkeys: 7's jessica holly shows us some of the prepsz. >> >> reporter: it's that time, downtown miami getting set for tens of thousands of ultramusic fes fans the electronic music celebrationow in the 16th 16th year. >> as the fectival grew up, downtown miami grew up at the same time. >> reporter: and i it has evolved this. is the second year tickets are sold to only those 18 and older. >> as the festival became bigger and got more pop you larks i thought it was right thing to do. >> reporter: the sign says it sold out two months ago. 165,000 tickets sold representing 87ountries. >> and it's a huge boom to the economy and downtown miami. >> the festival growing every year and it has had it's share of growing paifnltz last year a ticket holder was found dead from a drug overdose. d two years ago a security guard was critically injured when she was trampled by gate crashers. >> near yeer ultrawill have 350 o of it's own officers working the event and 350 mie police officers in the areas well. >>? sm on foot and some on bikes and some undercover capacity. >> reporter: looking for activity like drug use. and they have an on site wearness campaign the biggest thing is creating wearness. if you notice you'll see signage ash the event that clearly says you know drug use is not tolerated. >> reporter: one more thi, the police lk beout looking for o dpen ders. jessica holly. live in miami. 7 news. >> belkeys: we continue to follow this story. live pictures of the rubio rally in palm beach. this is the senator speak all important primary for florida tomorrow along with several other states. but florida's junior senator has said he will win his home state tomorrow and tonight he is doing everything ectomake that happen. we'll have more on this cing up on 7 news at 6:30. >> danielle: also coming up, flooding. trapping a driver rescuers with a much need lift. >> phil: all right speak of voting tomorrow. it will be a hot one. especially in the afternoon. expecting a high of 87. if you're caught outside waiting in line to vote. please make sure you drink plenty of water. the entire forecast in a couple minutes. >> all right phil. i'm steve. coming up in sports. flying night against denver. although we think he l. now rmer dolphins olivia vernon ub stopped by extra last night and talked about his negotiations with the dphins. 7 sports straight ahead. >> now 7 weather with chief meteorologist phil ferro. >> phil: and good afternoon everybody. it ways warm dada here in south florida. fortauderdale 84. check out miami high of 86 degrees. typical high for this time of year is 80. tomorrow even warmer. 86 still at this hour miami. fort lauderdale with 80. 86 also in pembroke pines. key west a nice and comfortable 79 degrees. the winout of west at around 12 to 16 miles per hour. the humidity at a 50%. earlier today we did see a few showers making their way croos coastal broward and miami-dade counties. but tonight outside of a sprinkle, we are look pretty good. here's the big view. most of the weather happening on the northern half of the u.s. plenty of rain make it's way across the ohio river valley. a big win storm that impacted oregon andashington yesterday is now moving across the northern rockies with plenty of snow there. missouri, illinois, in the 70s tomorrow. a few showers across illinois n.60s in ohio. 80s in north carolina. 80s tomorrow. for us we're looking at highs between 85 and 87. the average high again 80 degrees. the record for tomorrow is 90 setback in 2008. again, i want to remind you if you get caught outside in line waiting to vote. make sure you have plenty of water handy to keep yourself hydrated. here's the forecast, no advisories,, the wind out of southwest. biscayne bay way light chop. winds also out of southwest. and becoming smooth. next high tide miami 1:36. 1:31 for new fort lauderdale. key largo 1:59 and 3:23 in key west. so for tonight clouds will continue to move out. still a chance for a wayward shower. over night lows will be in the 70s. now after midnight should clear out completely. there is a small chance for fog. now, most of the day today, the wind has within out of east southeast. that's going to drag in a lot of heat and humidity. calling for a hive 82 in the keys. 86 to 87 through broward and% miami-dade. popoibly warmer in the western suburbs. it will still be hot through thursday. couple of showers saturday and sunday and by the way, sunday, that is your first day of spring. that's your 7 on 7. 7 sports is next. >> time now for 7 sports with steve shapiro. >> dywane wade will try and play tonight at home against denver. wade missed saturday's ra loss to toronto with a bruised thigh. the heat went one and two inn the recent trip. they lost in over time in toronto. and the negative won four narrow and the heat play winners charlotte and cleveland later is week. >> our focus has to be just on denver, protect owrg home, playing very good basketball here. we understandhe week head but our focus has to be on tonight protecting home and getting the job done. heat highlights at 10:00. right after um was picked and seated third in the gairm last nies night, the team met with a sports psychologist and got a pep talk. >> um back for the 8th time. and only gentleman kerry is left from that een team. the canes should go as senior point gartd as angel rodriguez goes. >> mr. before brob probably it would have been a little pressure on me but not any more. i think our guys realize not just what i do or how i lead them. it's what we do and how we push each other. how we encourage each other. >> thursday night in providence against buffalo. former cane vernon guesting with me on sports extra. four years with the dolphins. went to um and american high school before. that vernon signed with the new york giants last week. five years, 85 million bucks. >> things just didn't workout. you know, honestly they tried to their best to make things work. we just knew that we had to take the next step forward and try something different. good guy. good luck to him. >> busy day in sports. the panthers in brooklyly to plate islanders. one point behind boston in the third division. and after beating philadelphia saturday may shootout. before that they had lost five out of six. 14 games left. >> and we went through a stretch where we were a little lax days cacaent not playing our game the best we could. now we realize it's play off time and turning on no. secret to success. just playing together and finding areas to find each other and get store scoring chances. >> hockey highlights at 10:00. the apple they say does not fall far from the tree. that's genetics nerey. >> and this is lebron james jr. he has more moves than exlax this kid. just 11 years old. took his talent to a tournament in birmingham alabama. junior schcoling the other kids and the other kids can play. wow. marlins off today. the lady canes find out tonight who and where they play in the i'm steve. theers belkeke and danielle snoo. >> belkeys: busy day in sports indeed. shapiro had to do some work. and i have broad shoulders. >> reporter: you look nice. >> belkeys: urn your keep. that's it for us at 6:00. i'm belkeys nerey. >> danielle: and i'm danielle nomplet don't go too far way. 7 news at 6:30 is just seconds away. >> this is 7 news at 6:30 a. >> lynn: tonight at 6:30 a car going out of control troll slamming into a southth florida market. >> good evening every one. the car inside the c at time. impact. >> danielle: and one of those people not make. it brandon beyer reports from hollywood. >> she likes her nve fuel. she likes to play with them. she's really good with family. >> ro sara duarte is describing was badly injured nay car wreck on young circle in hollywood early monday morning. the driver of the red clakd, 24-year-old david la miewr was not wearing his seat belt. they say the two were dpiergt two years. le miewr was dloan fro the car and died at the scene. >> once they reached the curb, it appears they went straight and lost control of the vehicle. family says rosm san na was at the hospital being treated for w- several broken bones. her boyfriend leaves behind a young son. not the first time we've seen him on the news. we met himim in november 2013 when he helped cops nab a robbery suspect at a shell gas station he worked at in miami miami gardens. i gave him the money and a said let me bag it for you. i said you shod double bag. it i'm just stalling you know and waiting for them to come eevment made headlines again monday morning after wrecking his car and losing his life.

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