Transcripts For WSOC World News Now 20160215 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For WSOC World News Now 20160215

we're early! the presidents day sale. from classic to contemporary, havertys. flown on an incident of sexual harassment involving peyton manning during his time at the university of tennessee years ago. now, during the incident which happened in allegedly assaulted a female athletic trainer while she was assessing the extent of an injury that he was dealing with. the incident was settled the following year but the case is mentioned in a newly filed lawsuit in which six women claimed the university will a systemic disregard for women claiming sexual harassment. lawfully in the situations outlined in the case. dozens of people at a new hampshire ski resort are spending the night safe on the ground after a harrowing few hours suspended mid-air. they were board the two-tram cars at cannon mountain that became stuck 40 feet in the air. after about three hours, they were able to rappel down to the ground. there was no panic, just concern. >> it was a bit harrowing especially to be lowered from the floor of the tram on a cable. >> an 8-month-old baby was among the first eevacuatiated. the temperatures in franconia was minus 4 during the mid afternoon emergency but there were no injuries. >> but there is bitter cold there in new hampshire. and the rest of the northeast over night. bostonians awoke to the coldest morning yesterday in nearly 60 years. 6-0. 9 degrees below zero. commuter and trasity rail service was disare upped. airport because of cold weather problems with ground equipment. further west, heavy snow in the chicago area and it's continuing this morning into the commute. hundreds of flights were canceled or delayed and traffic snarled on area who is. strong winds hampering vissent as the storm system moves east. it's expected to turp intoitis. we're going to get more now from paul williams at accuweather. good morning. >> good morning to you, as well. you've heard the phrase hot mess. this is going to be a cold mess for the deep south. we're looking for significant icing to happen throughout charlottesville over towards asheville with dangerous travel expected in the area you see highlighted along with power outages. we go to the deep south where we're expecting flash flooding with torrential downpours from nashville towards atlanta towards jackson and reaching as far as south as new orleans. there's a sequel to this thing. it's going to reach up towards the northeast by the time we get foo tuesday. of flash flooding and heavy downpours with severe weather expected down in the deep south. it's going to reach all the way up towards richmond and eventually slide its way up to boston. >> thanks. we're going to warm things up right now and calm things down with what is definitely one of the more unique ways love birds were celebrating valentine's day. >> this can't be real. white casal? come on now. >> cas sass blanko. >> apparently for the 25th year in the row, the home of the slider put on its valentine's day dinner. some strawns were decked out for the occasion. there were tablecloths, balloons, flowers. you get the idea. hose who made reservations were served by waiters and waitresses. for some, it's a tradition. >> we've been coming seven or eight years. we go to a nice restaurant either the day before or the day after. and we always come to white house castle on valentine's day. >> in addition to the usual special menu items include sriracha shrimp nibblers and, of course, there were some special des sers, as well. >> so the two the vegetarians on set. >> yeah, it's always a problem when we do segments with meat. tommy will kindly step in. tommy says you're a big connoisseur of white castle. >> yeah, here you go. >> get another one. >> jack? >> no, i'm good. thank you though. >> deb? >> i'm good. i'm driving. > these are all cold. nobody heated them. >> there's some warm one. >> they're good cold, scott's saying upstairs in control. >> you want to try a cold one too, tommy? >> how did you get so hooked. >> i got hooked back in high school. love them. >> so that's what you guys did? >> you didn't go to the malt shop? >> malt and white castle together. >> you get the malt at the white castle. it's a good tradition. >> jack, i love them. sriracha a try. >> voila. coming up "the mix" a perfect gesture for the day after valentine's day. what you can do with your ex-'s old stuff. >> a health alert about the artificial turf on athletic fields. the young athletes at risk and how the feds are cracking down. >> and later, predicting earthquakes using your smartphone. the app that could warn others miles away about a dangerous jolt. >> and remember, you can find us on facebook come on over, tommy. this is your fourth one. >> this is like his fifth. they go down so quickly and easily. human coronavirus... hepati- >>c virus. there are a lot of different kinds of yucky germs. but not all disinfecting wipes... are approved to kill the same number of them. lysol wipes are approved to kill more than clorox. don't pick just any wipe. this cold and flu season lysol that. everyone loves the way dark clothes make them feel. and no one wants that feeling to fade. that's why there's woolite darks. it's free of harsh ingredients, keeping dark clothes looking like new for 30 washes so your love for dark clothes will never fade. woolite darks. like new falselash drama mascara get 400% bigger volume. and new stayluscious lipstick. color and moisture that last all day. the new queen collection is crowned jill and kate use the same dishwasher. same detergent. but only jill ends up with wet, spotty glasses. kate adds finish jet-dry with five power actions so all that's left is the shine. for better results, use finish jet-dry. so how ya doing?enough pressure in here for ya? ugh. my sinuses are killing me. yeah...just wait 'til we hit ten thousand feet. i'm gonna take mucinex sinus-max. too late, we're about to take off. these dissolve fast. they're new liquid gels. and you're coming with me... wait, what?! you realize i have gold status? do i still get the miles? new mucinex sinus-max liquid gels. dissolves fast to unleash max strength medicine. start the relief. ditch the misery. tt2watu# s4 bt@qop< tt2watu# s4 "a@q_\x tt2watu# s4 bm@qtwt tt4watu# s4 " dztq 0 t tt4watu# s4 " entq @$4 tt4watu# s4 " gzt& y#l tt4watu# s4 " hnt& i- tt4watu# s4 " iztq #dx tt4watu# s4 " jntq 148 tt4watu# s4 " lzt& )yd this was awesome. many pple who know a good slam-dunk contest when they see it, they say saturday night's nba all-star slam-dunk contest was epic. the best ever. zack levine of the minnesota timberwolves timberwolves, that's zack right there, what do you think of that? and aaron gordon of the orlando magic needed two extra dunks to finally decide the winner in the end, they had to pick someone and it was him. but i'm saying it was really really tight. it was the second straight dunk con territory visit for zack there. last night in toronto, kobe bryant was the guest of honor at the league''g all-star game. defense in this one was a complete after thought if at all. the final score was laughable as the west all-stars came out the winners taking it 196-173. russell westbrook scores 31 points in his second straight all-star mvp performance. like the harlem globetrotters playing there. from the lardwood to the turf it a certain type of artificial turf on which millions of american children play is raising red flags. >> several federal agencies are looking into the safety of the crumb rubber fields made of a possible carcinogenic material. here's abc's marci gonzalez. >> reporter: a major step towards answering a crucial question for athletes across the country. could the fields they play on be a hard to their health. espn's e 60 series addressing the growing concern last november. >> all these kids that are playing because they love it, i want them to be safe. i want to know the truth. tell me. is it good or is it bad for us? >> reporter: three federal agencies are now looking into turf caused crumb rubber could contain dangerous carcinogens. several lawmakers raising the issue worried about the effect of the turf made from groundup used tires. athletes say during a game those little black pellets are unavoidable. >> they get in our sores, our eyes. they're everywhere. we eat them. >> it is used at more than 10,000 athletic facility nationwide from school playgrounds to public parks even stadiums where the women's world cup was played. >> there are some serious health concerns. what's in those little rubber pellets, i don't know. i think it's irresponsible. >> concerns like those prompting this high school in washington to make a costly last minute decision to switch to a different type of turf. >> because nobody is sure what or how serious it is. >> reporter: the epa, cdc and consumer product of safety commission now investigating government's best and brightest scientists are working to identify what is in recycled tire crumb and if it is harmful. marci gonzalez, abc news, new york. terrifying. it's in some of the parks i think my kids play at coming up in our next half hour, disturbing questions about a popular social media app. does snapchat encourage reckless speeding? >> first the app that could millions of lives in an earthquake. how my shake could one day turn millions of smartphones into on "world news now." earthquakes are nearly impossible to predict. >> but a new app could be used to warn people miles away that an earthquake is imminent. katy utis has the story. >> reporter: designed in across the world, developers of the my shake app await data from the earthquakes. >> we're jittery, too. >> lewis schreier is working with uc berkeley's seismological lab to turn your mobile phone into a quake sensor. >> the accelerometer in the phone been record the ground shaking, send that data to our system and we can use that data to understand the physics of the process underneath us, how the buildings around us respond to these quakes and we have more data than we have from the networks. >> i might have 1,000 sensors. here in california alone, there may be 16 million smartphones. >> data sent to the lab will be compared to official usgs seismic readings. once it's been thoroughly tested and deeped accurate it could develop into an early warning system especially morn pore places like nepal. so it becomes vital for somebody in a country for which there is no early warning system. >> reporter: the my shake app is free to download for android users. not vet yet available on iphones. in berkeley, katy utis, abc 7 news. >> this could be part of a global network to alert people across the world when there's an impending network. >> many are saying it turns your phone into a pocket sized is size mom ter. coming up, the good will gesture by good will for valentine's day. >> and dating by smell, that's in the mix next. approaching medicareeligibility? 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(sounds of birds whistling) music introducing new k-y touch gel cr me. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. (politely) wait, wait, wait! youcan't put it in like that...... you have to rinse it first. that's baked- on alfredo.baked-on? it's never gonna work. dish issues? trust your dishwasher with cascade platinum. it powers... ...through... your toughest stuck-on food. better an finish. cascade. choose to move freely. move free ultra has triple-action support for your joints, cartilage and bones in one tiny pill. move free ultra. get your move on. and now try move free night. the first and only 2-in-1 joint and sleep supplement. >> it's time for "the mix." valentine's day isn't quite over yet, the festivities around it. apparently you can donate your ex-'s stuff to good will. it's a program they're doing. this will go to help people who need jobs and training and community programs. it's really only available in sarasota, florida, and southern nevada. but if you go to give back, send a cardboard box on it and put all their stuff in that box. you ship it out, get rid of the bad memories and you have fresh karma for that next hot guy or gal coming in your life. >> you get rid of all their stuff, don't have to deal with it. >> like a memory eraser. >> for the dating world, you have tinder, hung, you have bumble, grinder, all of these different, not that i'm familiar with all of them. now this probably takes the cake. this is called smell dating. it's the first male odor dating service. >> what? >> so they send you a t-shirt. you wear the t-shirt for three days and three nights without deodorant. and then you return the shirt in an envelope and then they send you some like look swatches of other people's slirts. and you pick the one that you think smells the nicest that you like. match and voila. >> that's impressive. i wish they could do that for coworkers in the newsroom. >> what are you saying? >> i'm not saying anything about you. i'm just saying in general. it's the middle of the night. >> you might work harder knowing you enjoy the scent drifting your way. >> that's what it is. it's the white castle. they did do that "the bachelor." you can understand it. it costs about $25 and it's limited to 100 people. >> if i was single, i'd try it maybe you remember the guy who stuffed a whole bunch of colored balls in his home? do you remember this guy? his name is rommen at audio. he now guess weather stuffs in snow. this is like every kid's dream. he uses a little bit of hollywood snow will, resnow, surprise, guess what. we're snowed in, kids. literally. and look at it. indoors. >> winter wonderland. >> i'm 100% sure mama was not >> how did they clean it out? >> that's a good question. >> take a look at the world's biggest rubick cube. this took awhile for this guy to get it. it's 220 pounds. tony fisher wanted to set a world record with it with his massive rubik's cube. after he came together with the plan, he thinks it's probably about 20,000 times larger than a normal rubik's cube. >>d alert, this morning on "world news now," dangerous conditions from windchill warnings in the northeast to a snowstorm on the move from the midwest. today's icy predictions from accuweather. >> justice remembered. the conservative on the supreme court antonin scalia and his legacy. from his death in texas to the replace him. >> and new this half hour, could a former new york governor be in trouble again? >> why police are investigating elliot spitzer. what happened to his former girlfriend and what spitzer has to say about it. later, kanye west complains about money problems. is he really tens of millions of dollars in debt? the reaction in "the skinny" on this monday, february 15th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> we should say good morning on this holiday, on presidents' day. i'm kendis gibson. >> i'm reena ninan. our top story this half hour. the extreme weather. snow falling at times overnight in chicago after several inches yesterday. many drivers said they were only on the roads because it was valentine's day and there were quite a few accidents. >> hundreds of flights were canceled, too. it wasn't just the chicago area. we get some details right now from abc's phillip mena. >> reporter: white knuckle driving across the midwest. heavy snow bringing white out conditions outside indianapolis, injuring at least ten. pennsylvania's i-78 is back open after this massive pile-up saturday killing three and sending dozens to the hospital. that blast of arctic air sending temperatures plunging to lows not seen in years. >> it feels like a razor. >> reporter: new york city hitting minus 1 degree. the coldest day in new york city in 22 years. >> it's like whipping you in the back of the head. it hurts. i don't like it. it's like being on a roller coaster. >> reporter: boston even colder, 9 below but feeling like minus 36. for those braving the elements, it was brutal. 150 firefighters battling this fire for hours in philadelphia. the water meant for the flames turning to ice encasing this car. in new hampshire, 40 people had to be rescued from a mountain tram. the temperature there? zero. a messy start to the week, but bringing with it relief from phillip mena, abc news, new boy, he looks cold. >> yeah, he does. >> that break phillip mentioned comes after snow, rain and ice. >> following a polar vortex so powerful you can see how the cold clear air blew all the clouds to sea in this picture that was tweeted out from astronaut scott kelly in space at the station up there. scott said, it even looks cold from up here. accuweather's paul williams is tracking all of this for us. paul? >> i appreciate that, kendis, reena. what we have here, ladies and gentlemen, is a storm that's going to turn ugly and stay that way. low pressure system will ride its way right into the northeast and it's going to start off as just snow but it's going to turn ugly as a wintry mix will takeover all the way back towards the tennessee valley region with a mix of freezing rain as well as sleet. this storm's not going to let up on monday and it's going to bring significant icing down towards the deep south. ugly, like i said, kendis, >> thank you, paul. >> and turning now to the death of supreme court justice antonin scalia. the body is believed to have arrived in virginia hours ago is, flown back from el paso on a private plane. scalia died of natural causes at a ranch in west texas while on a quail hunting trip. he was found dead in his room after missing breakfast and lunch. >> he was totally peaceful. he was a man who went to sleep and just didn't wake up. >> a texas official said scalia's doctor in washington told her he had been ill and came to his office both wednesday and thursday before the trip. this morning, justice scalia is being remembered as a brilliant legal mind with an incomparable sense of humor. a larger than life figure on the bench and off. and there are many fond memories from his political friends and foes alike. abc's terry moran takes a look at his legacy. >> reporter: for decades, jus take constitutional law back, back he would say to its original meaning. >> the constitution is not meant to facilitate change. it is meant to impede change. to make it difficult to change. >> reporter: on that score, perhaps scalia's greatest triumph, his ruling in 2008 that the second amendment guarantees an individual right to bear arms where he brushed aside concerns about gun violence in modern america. it is not the role of this court to pronounce the second amendment extinct he wrote. another victory, bush versus gore. the 2000 case that awarded george w. bush the presidency and divided the country -- >> i and my court owe no apology whatever for bush versus gore. we did the right thing so there. >> reporter: in dissent he was biting, caustic, clear. when the court upheld obamacare for the second time last year, scalia sneered, we should start calling this law scotus care and in oral argument, lawyers feared his pointed questions as when he court could create a right to gay marriage after 200 years of laws banning it. >> when did it become unconstitutional to exclude homosexual couples from marriage? when did the law become this? >> reporter: scalia loved a good argument but he made friends across the political and judicial spectrum most famously with liberal icon ruth bader ginsburg. >> we agree on a whole lot of stuff. >> ruth is really bad only on the knee jerk stuff. >> reporter: scalia's death leaves the court shorthanded and sharply divided 4-4 on huge issues like affirmative action and president obama's climate change policies. the stakes could not be higher specially since one of those four conservatives justice anthony kennedy swings to the liberal side unpredictably. terry moran, abc news, mexico city. >> thank you so much, terry. the political battle over the next supreme court justice began majority leader mitch mcconnell said the senate should not vote on the nomination till after the presidential election but president obama made it clear he intends to announce a nominee and that's become an issue on the campaign trail. >> this next election needs to a referendum on the court. we should not allow a lame duck president to essentially capture the supreme court in the waning months of his presidency. >> it is outrageous that republicans in the senate and on the campaign trail have already pledged to block any replacement that president obama nominates. >> and said to be on the short list to replace scalia, merrick garland, chief judge of the d.c. circuit court of appeals, circuit court judge jane kelly, circuit judge sri srinavasan and attorney general loretta lynch. >> eliot spitzer, the former governor is of new york is under investigation for assault. sources say a 25-year-old woman claims that spitzer tried to choke her at the plaza hotel in manhattan. romantic relationship for two years before she tried to break it off. spitzer resigned in 2008 after being involved in a prostitution scandal. >> police in britain are investigating a laser strike on a virgin atlantic flight that forced a flight to return to london. the plane was heading for new york. the pilot said the laser strike happened about seven miles from heathrow airport. the flight continued till it was just west of ireland. when it turned around and landed safely back in london. virgin says one of the pilots reported a medical issue apparently linked to the laser strike. passengers were put up for the night and will fly to new york today. >> new numbers show the skies in a bit safer in 2015. 136 people died in airline accidents last year, far less than 600 killed the year before but 374 people were killed in crashes of germanwings and russian metrojet planes last year. mexico's indians today and will celebrate an open air masses in chiapas in three native languages. yesterday onlookers cheered as pope francis passed by in a small white hard top fiat rather than an open air popemobile. president obama is in southern california this morning for a meeting of asian nations, the first time the u.s. hosted a meeting of the asian association of south east asian nations which does not include china. the u.s. will push the advantages of joining a pacific trade pact that doesn't include china and will also discuss the impact of isis in the region. >> if you live in nearly any of 40 big cities, maybe you came across a bunch of people running around in their underwear this broadcast weekend. it was for a good cause. >> it was for a good cause. they got in on it at the nation's capital. events like these are called cupid undie runs. obviously they're people running short course in their underwear after raising money for the >> in d.c., they shortened the course because of the cold. all of the events aimed to raise $5 million for the charity. reena told me just before we got on air that she did a surprise trip to d.c. >> i did. >> last minute trip to d.c. >> i did go to d.c. this weekend, you're right. >> we're going to having to scour that video. >> there's a reason i didn't tell you about it, kendis. >> exactly. i would have gone. >> coming up in "the skinny," the british version of the academy awards and the latest actor to criticize the oscars. >> also ahead, the high school boy who spent hundreds of girl at school. the couple who couldn't wait to celebrate their love at waffle house. it's our tribute it out valentine's day. >> first the app that can keep track of how fast a car is going and why it could be linked to horrifying crashes. who is speaking out about this does your carpet ever feel rough and dirty? don't avoid it, resolve it. our formula with a special conditioning ingredient, softens your carpet with every use. it's resolve, so you know it cleans and freshens. but it also softens. resolve. a carpet that welcomes you. and to clean pet messes, try resolve pet expert. this is mineral build up it collects leaving gross germ-ridden stains. clorox toilet bowl cleaner with bleach is no match for that. but lysol power toilet bowl cleaner eliminates mineral build-up effortlessly. so why choose anything other than lysol? there's moving... and there's moving with move free ultra. it has triple-action support for your joints, osteo-bi flex pills, it's all in one tiny pill. move free ultra. get your move on. it's the little things in lifethat make me smile.spending t t day with my niece. i don't use super poligrip forhold, because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces wouldget in between my dentures and my gum and it wasuncomfortable. even well fitting dentures letin food particles. just a few dabs ofsuper poligrip free is clinically proven to sealout more food particles so you're more comfortable andconfident while you eat. so it's not about keepingmy dentures in, it's about keeping the foodparticles out. (sounds of birds whistling) music introducing new k-y touch gel cr me. for massage and intimacy. every touch, gently intensified. a little touch is all it takes. k-y touch. your heart loves omega-3s. but there's a differencebetween the omega-3s in fish oil and those in megared krill oil. unlike fish oil, megared is easily absorbed by your body... ...which makes your heart, well, mega-happy. happier still, megared is proven to increase omega-3 levels in 30 days. megared. well, the daring rescue of an injured hiker in southern california mountains this weekend was all caught on camera. no one could reach him except a sheriff's department helicopter. the 6-year-old man had fallen down a 100-foot ice chute northeast of los angeles. there's no word on what caused the accident. >> new questions are being raised about a feature on one of the most popular social media apps and whether it led to a fatal crash. >> the miles per hour feature on snapchat allows users to record their speed but some say it encourages reckless speeding. here now is abc's eva pilgrim. >> one car involved and people are still trapped in the vehicle. >> reporter: three young women, their car, slamming into a tractor-trailer filled with herbicide, bursting into flames. philadelphia police, blaming speed. surveillance video showing the girls speeding by moments before the crash. abc affiliate wpvi now reporting investigators are looking into whether the popular app snapchat also played a role. gia was a passenger. her uncle believes it did. >> one of her friends had told me that she was snapchatting throughout the night. in the car they were showing their speed, how fast they were drive ag, what they were doing. >> reporter: he says his niece was using a special filter on snapchat which snaps, or records, their speed. a popular trend he believes encourages people to drive fast and share with friends online. >> the fact that that part of the app is on there seems irresponsible at some point. >> if that happened, it helped to kill my daughter. >> reporter: a snapchat spokesperson telling abc news they take distracted driving seriously, including a do not snap and drive warning message when this geofilter is first accessed. gia's family, now warning >> i'm not blaming this for the death of my niece, but i hope somebody gets something out of it and puts it down while they're in the car. >> reporter: gia's family is planning to subpoena her final snaps in hopes that it helps them find some closure. eva pilgrim, abc news, philadelphia. >> i had to idea. i didn't know this was a feature on snapchat at all. >> at least it's out there and parents will be more aware. apparently youtube had videos of kids clocking their speed and posting it. >> speeds of nearly 106 miles an hour. but even if they're not doing that, just don't have the phone while you're driving like that. coming up, the wilderness drama that won big at the baftas but lost out to docudramas right here at home. >> and kanye west says he's $53 million in debt. >> how is that possible? >> "the skinny" is next.y" is next.inny" is next.y" is next.tt0w!t.*(=! %4@-,2( tt0w!t.*(=! el@-&5d tt0w!t.*(=! ed@- 7 tt0w!t.*(=% )8h-@i\ tt0w!t.*(=% kzh-]& tt0w!t.*(=% n-h-(o, tt0w!t.*(=% 0ph-6(4 tt0w!t.*(=% s"h-&zt tt0w!t.*(=% ueh-%8$ tt0w!t.*(=% 7hh-9:p skinny, so skinny skinny, so skinny okay. time now for "the skinny." topping our headlines this morning, two more award bellwethers in the run-up to the oscars >> last night in london, of course, we had the baftas. this year the british film academy handed its highest honors to "the revenant" for best film, best actor, best director but stealing the show last night was rebel wilson white controversy here at home. >> i have never been invited to the oscars because as you know, they are racist. [ laughter ] but the baftas have diverse members. and that's what we all want to see in life, isn't it? diverse members. >> oh, she is so good. taking this year's best actress award, brie larson for her role as the kidnapped mother in "room." the oscars are right here on abc february 28th. >> yes, and here at home in the meantime, the writers guild awards. >> american screen writers named "spotlight" tom mccarthy's journalism drama about the boston globe's investigation of abuse in the catholic church as best original screen play. screen play. mr. robot took the prize for best new series. >> and speak of movies we're going to get a little tease of a trailer for the much anticipated >> just released last night. the teaser shows no sign of its main stars melissa mccarthy, kristen wiig and leslie jones. and kate mckinnon. >> it's chock full of what appears to be chaos in the streets of manhattan asking that all important question and now iconic question, how going to call. >> them. the full trailer set for release on march 3rd. the movie is set to hit theaters >> girl busters. >> good. next a startling announcement by kanye west. >> just days after the launch of both his new album and his new clothing line before an audience of thousands at new york's madison square garden, west tweeted out as he waited for his appearance on "saturday night live" that he's $53 million in personal debt. come on. >> kanye needs a payday loan. the twitterverse is skeptical about this. he claimed last year he was $60 million in debt trying to launch his clothing line. >> so it's not helping. many of his fans complaining on twitter about not wanting to have to buy a title subscription to hear his new album. and he's also said that he's going to actually drop prices on his clothing line because he realized that that was sort of one of the mistakes he made early on. if you're going to drop prices on your clothing line, maybe he will sell more. >> he did marry rich and went on and on and on on twitter overnight. he just took it hostage. it's your birthday, but can you please call me? i need a loan. >> what happened to for richer for poorer? >> jack says whatever happened. >> whatever happened to that. >> i don't think that works out all that well. >> it's only 53m il. >> finally, folks, just one day before the grammys, a personal gaga. >> yeah, the lady herself snapchatted the inking in progress on her left side of that iconic image of bowie's face from the cover of his "aladdin sean" album saying, "this was the image that changed my life." >> she'll perform a special tribute to bowie tomorrow night at the grammys. he died last month from cancer at the age of 69. looking forward to watching that. >> yes, but the bottom line, please send kanye a loan. >> go fund me now? what do you have, anything? 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