Transcripts For WSOC Eyewitness News Sunday 20160214 : compa

Transcripts For WSOC Eyewitness News Sunday 20160214

and local officials are taking. >> reporter: i'm still waiting to hear back from cms to see which schools will be closed or delayed. this view from charlotte hawthorne bridge shows smooth sailing along u.s. 74 but early monday forecasters warn that view could change. >> we don't get out unless we have to. >> reporter: officials with state and local d.o.t. suggest other drivers do the same. meanwhile crews have started brining roads in the foothills and city streets with plans to take on the interstate sunday morning. this mountain of salt showcases just some of their supply already this season state crews put down up to 10,000 tons. >> in the last few years we've had some extremes. so we are used to it. >> safety first. lakeisha bennett she will be ready. >> we have people that can't drive on the roads and don't care about anything else especially safety. >> reporter: they will decide when to call in city crews sunday night or monday morning. when they do they expect to call a condition b. that means 32 trucks, 64 crew members, 16 routes, and 12 hour shifts. >> we will wake up on monday and see what we see i think. >> reporter: state officials didn't want to react too quickly and put brine on roads where the rain will wash it away. so now that it's much closer they will start with the interstate this morning. dashawn brown channel 9 eyewitness news. >> this intense storm is sweeping the midwest and the northeast expected to impact 100 million people. new york city could break a 100- year-old record with and washington, d.c. there is a winter storm watch. of course you can stay on top of this storm's movement as it gets closer to charlotte right on your phone. download the wsoc tv weather app. it is free for android and apple devices. a couple and their dog safely got out of their east charlotte home after a fire. charlotte fire says it began around 12:30 on parson street. right now you are looking at that home. we spoke with the homeowner who says it began as an electrical fire in the basement. she says it quickly moved to a back bedroom. >> i'm very shaken up. and i'm very nervous, but i know god is by my side. i never had this happen to me and i hope it never happens to anybody else. >> crews had that fire out arriving on the scene. 6:04 right now. leaders across the u.s. are mourning the the loss of the country's longest serving member of the supreme antonin scalia. president obama ordered flags to be flown at half staff. they will remain that way until he is interred. president obama reflected. >> justice scalia dedicated his life to the corner stone of democracy. the rule of law. tonight we honor his extraordinary service to our nation and remember one of the towering legal figures of our time. >> eyewitness news anchor liz foster reports that he was a man of law and believes the constitution should be enforced just as the men who wrote it would have done. antonin scalia was found dead of apparent natural causes at a resort in west texas. scalia was the longest serving justice on the current united states supreme court. nominated by president ronald reagan in 1986. >> getting nominated to the supreme court is a culmination of a dream, of course. and i'm greatly honored. >> reporter: he was confirmed unanimously by the senate and became the first italian- american member of the court. he became an anchor of judicial conservatism. fiercely at odds with judicial activism. >> the sheer force of his personality, he for three decades led the conservative movement in american law to >> reporter: chief justice john roberts issued a statement calling his late colleague an extraordinary individual and jurist. antonin scalia leaves behind a wife and nine children. he was 79. >> that was liz foster reporting. north carolina governor pat mccrory released this statement regarding justice scalia's passing. he was an unapologetic defender of the constitution who's intellect will be missed. right thousand there is two north carolina cases working their way up to the court. scalia's passing could directly impact the outof those cases. meanwhile in washington gop leader mitch mcconnell has already said president obama should not choose scalia's successor. he believes the next president should do it. but last night the president successor in due time. leaders are taking steps to prepare for a possible session to redraw congressional maps before next months primary. there will be several public hearings across the state starting tomorrow and committee meeting tuesday to discuss public feedback. you can see 12 right there on your screen. it includes part of the charlotte area. the court said the current lines were made based on race. charlotte-mecklenburg police need your help to catch an armed bank robber who held up a south charlotte bank yesterday morning. officers say this man walked into pnc bank in south charlotte. he handed a note to a teller demanding money. investigators say he ran off with the cash and detectives say that same man robbed this fifth third bank on pineville mathews road the morning of january 28th. similar situation. he was armed, slipped a teller a note, and then took off. take a good look at his photo. if you know who this man is, you are asked to call police. following last nights gop debate in south carolina dr. ben carson will be in fort mill. at 11:00 this morning he will attend morning star ministries for a speaking event. he will attend a private lunch and meet with supporters and volunteers. the debate comes days before the south carolina primaries. it started with a moment of silence for the late justice scalia. they were asked how they would go about selecting his replacement and kasich said the next president should be the one to choose a successor. the debate then turned foreign policy. >> we should have never been in iraq. we have destabilized the middle east. >> while donald trump was brother was building a security apparatus to keep us safe. >> it got very heated. donald trump was then booed when he criticized george w. bush's leadership during and after the september 11th terror attacks. kasich wrapped up the debate saying this is just crazy. this is just nuts. it is crunch time for those republican candidates. south carolina residents are also seeing more political signs and getting phone calls encouraging them to vote. many of the candidates have events planned in the state all this week and despite trump's lead in the polls, the south carolina primary will be key for all candidates. >> it will be interesting to see who captures the evangelical vote and get close to trump. >> the republican primary is february 20th while the democratic primary is the 27th. the north carolina primary is register to vote is this friday. that is just 25 days before the primary. early voting begins march 3rd and runs through the 12th. this is the first election where a photo id will be required to vote. your time is 6:10. we are taking a live look outside from our lake norman cam. we have a few clouds in the sky there. we are also starting off very, very cold. meteorologist vicki graf has an update on this cold forecast from severe weather center 9. >> certainly another cold start to the day. the difference is we have clouds hanging over head. temperatures just updated we are in the lower 20s. we will keep the clouds around by 9:00. still low 20s. and we are going to struggle to warm up today. highs getting into the mid 30s. we are dry right now. clouds continuing to increase from the west. but i am tracking this piece of the winter storm. this is heading our way and that will continue to bring us clouds as we go throughout the day. later this evening the for snow and that will approach the charlotte area as we head through the over night hours. ly advance future cast -- i will advance future cast for you coming up. a former fair chief accused of stealing money from his church and a fund for child burn victims is going to be in court tomorrow. the fbi began investigating bill fortenberry last year when they noticed discrepancies in the bank account. he also stole from a men's ministry. indictments says the embezzlement goes back five years. many cms parents are still fighting the controversial student reassignment project. >> heat is back on in a northeast charlotte neighborhood. after a contractor hit a gas line friday. >> we were thinking we were long with no heat. >> the reason construction could shut off heat to more families across charlotte this winter. >> but first a change in the date on your iphone could cause serious problems. why scrolling all new this morning changing the date on your iphone could cause it to crash. it is not clear why the crash happens when you change the date to january 1st, 1970 but cnn investigated the cause and believes that it found a possible explanation. saying that january 1st, 1970 is unix time began counting every second. cnn says your phone may think date or before zero. apple has not responded to the claims. new this morning a north carolina law that tried to strip job protections from teachers is being attacked. the state supreme court will hear arguments tomorrow on whether the 2013 law violated the constitutional right of veteran teachers by gutting job protections they earned. groups representing other public employees and retirees says their benefits are at stake unless the supreme court sticks to the principal. our partners at the statesville record and landmark say the iredell charter academy plans to open its doors to students for the 2016-2017 school year. the charter school will provide cambridge university approved curriculum instead of a state issued curriculum. it will begin with grades k- 6th before adding 7th and 8th graders over the next few a group of students from tennessee filed a gender discrimination lawsuit. six women say they were sexually discriminated against after reporting a rape by student athletes. a legal analyst says the alleged victims will have to prove the culture of indifference. >> that creates this environment on campus that is hostile toward women and therefore treats women who are victims of sexual assault differently than it treats everybody else. >> a spokesperson from the district attorneys office says they declined to prosecute for several reasons but would not comment further. the accusations of an unsafe environment are false. grub properties plans to retail space at park road and abby place. within the same half mile stretch they will vote on 265 new apartments over near woodlawn and park. a developer recently submitted a petition to build 74 town homes at mockingbird and park. we told you yesterday morning some neighbors are worried about an increase in traffic on an already busy road. your time is 6:17. starting off very cold. much colder than yesterday. >> that is right. and that cold air, that is part of the pieces of the puzzle that will impact us with this winter storm on the way. we do have winter storm watches and warnings in place for areas shaded in pink. those are the winter storm warnings. that is going to be the threat for heavy snowfall totals in the mountains. in the charlotte area, a mix of a little bit of snow with ice. maybe you guilty some of these alerts yesterday-- maybe you got some of these alerts i know i did. we're in the teens and low 20s in some spots. at least we are not battling with the strong winds this morning. that was making windchill values below zero in the mountains yesterday. one thing is the cold air in place. another thing and i don't usually show this but this is dew points. that measures the content of moisture in the atmosphere. these are very low. you might have noticed you have been putting a little bit more lotion on your hands, chap stick on your lips. that is because the air is so dry. that will bring back some of the totals for snow and ice that we see tomorrow. and i'll have that coming up for you in a moment. but right now we are starting the day off with cloudy skies. we are dry for now. the thing is we have all of this dry air in place. as this storm system starts to approach, it will fall apart a little bit. not as much moisture to work with. as a result we will not see as much snow or ice going through the day tomorrow. we are not going to warm up a whole lot. midday upper 20s. going through the afternoon we will not see is as much sunshine as we had yesterday. today we will be in the mid 30s. a little bit of a breeze but not as much as yesterday. your neighborhood forecast for mooresville we are going to see increasing clouds and temperatures struggling to warm up. highs in the mid 30s to bundle up. if you have plans for valentine's day this evening, it will be cloudy and cooler. upper 20s by 9:00. to time this out for you on future cast. tomorrow, we are going to see the clouds building in. tonight, we do have the potential for some snow first in the mountain. as we head toward 3:00, 4:00, that is the threat for snow snow flurries in charlotte. not enough to really add up to a whole lot but enough to cause problems on the roads and going through the afternoon this but you will notice this isn't very heavy rain. so we aren't going to see very heavy snow or ice totals going through the day tomorrow, but enough we could see some problems on the roadways. up to 1-3 three inches along the i-40 corridor. the heaviest snowfall totals in the mountains. as far as ice, not as much as yesterday. less than .01. we hate to see that ice building up. but still with any changes to the forecast, make sure you are aware of them by downloading our wsoc tv weather app. tomorrow cloudy and cooler and then it switches over to rain. look at these temperatures later this week. mid to upper 50s. looking to next weekend we could see 60s. >> i know people are really focused on what might be a messy drive in the morning. to see if we could see school closures. >> keep you posted on all of it. thank you. your time is 6:21. scammers sent two billion fake e-mails to people last year. channel 9 consumer advisor clark howard explain what is you need to look for before you open your next e-mail. >> reporter: a day never goes by that in my e-mail there is an e-mail from someone trying to scam me, trying to take over my computer, trying to convince me i need to send them money or contact them. you have to be careful with whatever e-mail you receive. any time somebody is approaching you with urgency and you don't know who they are, odds are they are trying to rip you off. one of the security companies recently guessed that two billion fake solicitations were sent out just last year. someone you don't know, what i usually do is delete the thing without ever opening it up and never open attachments from people you don't know. i'm clark howard. >> and clark has more advice to help you put more money in your pocket. you can find it all on parents are frustrated with the controversial cms student reassignment project. at 6:45 the biggest concern for many parents and why board members argue they are jumping the gun. >> the heat is back on after a gas main was cut friday impacting hundreds of people. at 6:30 the reason these disruptions may continue happening across charlotte. >> but first the head start in next the alarming nextpuffs knows hard on your nosethere's the endless runny noses. and of course, the biting cold of snow day play. that's why puffs is soft. puffs plus lotion tissues... ...are gentle on skin. they help soothe irritation bylocking in moisture better. so you can get out and enjoy winter a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. here, try puffs soft 6:25 right now. next week kannapolis school officials are asking parents of prek-6th grade students to discuss a magnet program at gw carver elementary. parents can hear information on the district's new grade configuration starting in august of 2017. the meeting is on february 22nd from 6:00 to 8:00. it's at the district's central office building. the rock hill school board is looking to move the head start because of a new alarming inspection report. our partners at the hearld say the building has a leaky roof and potential issues with fire safety and fresh air ventilation. several board members say they are shocked by this report. it lists nearly $5 million worth of renovations needed in the next five to ten years. up to $1 million to use it for the next 6-18 months. vicki we are tracking big changes coming our way. starting off with really cold temperatures this morning. >> it's been cold all weekend and it will stay cold today. in fact, colder than it was yesterday. yesterday we made it to 41. we won't make it out of the 30s today and that is thanks to clouds building in. the cold air will set the stage for wintery weather tomorrow. we have winter storm watches and warnings in place. charlotte will be upgraded to a winter storm warning by this time tomorrow. >> so a really cold valentine's day. i certainly hope it's a good one but it will be clear for most of the day. that is the good news. thank you, vicki. 6:45. parents are still voicing their frustrations over the controversial cms student reassignment project. the big factor for many parents causing heated moments. >> but first the heat is is creek neighborhood after crews the st the heat is back on in a charlotte neighborhood after a contractor hit a gas line friday night. >> we weren't thinking we were going to have to go all night long with no heat. >> the step contractors are missing that is causing huge problems for families this winter. but first channel 9 is tracking a winter storm on its way to the charlotte area. vicki graf is using future cast to time out the snow, freezing rain, and rainen hitting the area -- and rain hitting the area over night. i'm brittney johnson. let's check in with meteorologist vicki graf. you have been watching this storm come through. temperatures setting the stage. >> and the cold air is in place. however we did have sunshine yesterday so it didn't make it feel as bad. we are starting the day off in the teens and low 20s. right foul the mountains 11 in jefferson and 14 in boone. the cold air is in place and we already have clouds moving in. we will stay dry today but i'm tracking this part of the winter storm. that is starting to approach. that will bring the mountains some snow later on today. here in charlotte, we won't see that until this time tomorrow morning. as we go throughout the day today, cloudy and cooler. so that cold air will be here before dawn tomorrow. we will keep the threat for a few snow flurries. the models are trending to not as much snow or ice either. by mid-morning it switches over to freezing rain and sleet and then by the afternoon more of a rain. coming uply take you through future cast to show you the storm arrives and how much rain and snow you will see in your neighborhood. americans are mourning the loss of one of the most controversial and iconic justices to ever serve on the nation's highest court. abc ray ramondi looks at his judicial legacy and the fight with who will be his replacement. >> reporter: he influenced a generation. >> reporter: scalia nominated by president ronald reagan in 1986 serving some 30 years on the bench. he will forever be remembered for his strict interpretation >> this is a tremendous blow to conservism. >> reporter: he died in his sleep of natural causes. this morning flags are flown at half staff outside the supreme court to honor scalia. this as a political battle brews over who will replace him. the president says he will fulfill his responsibility to replace him. >> i believe the president should not move forward and i think that we ought to let the next president of the united states decide. >> the president has a responsibility to nominate a new justice and the senate has a responsibility to vote. >> reporter: as the controversy continues as to exactly who will replace him, justice scalia leaves behind his wife maureen and nine children. he was 79 years old and died birthday. >> we continue to push for answers after a contractor installing google fiber cut a north charlotte gas line leaving hundreds of families in the bitter cold. and this is the second time in a week this has happened. a spokesperson told us the company called in workers from south carolina to help friday night. and tuesday we told you it happened in the mallard creek area and we are continuing to ask why these cuts keep happening. >> the largest cause of lines being hit is when they haven't called. >> that spokesperson could not say if that is what caused the breaks on tuesday or friday. but we are still pushing for answers from google fiber as to whether this contractor was with the same company or different company involved in tuesday's breaks. and we are asking if this particular line was marked and what is being done to prevent these breaks from happening in the future. 6:34 right now. a north carolina bar is closed for the next three weeks as to an under stage student. . that lead to a deadly crash on i-85 that killed three people from charlotte. chandler kania is charged with their deaths. police say he crossed into on coming traffic and slammed into their car. alicia harris, her six-year-old granddaughter and darla mcghee all died in that crash. residents living near amity hill road say that are often blocked by norfolk southern trains. those trains head to godfrey lumber company and neighbors say they sometimes block their road the only way in and out of their community for 20-45 minutes. county towns can share their thoughts on a plan to build 300 new homes. it would go on davidson concord road in davidson where there is 96 acres of open space. later on developers would add businesses on that corner of that road and robert walker drive. there will be an open house tomorrow from 4:00 to 7:00 in davidson's town hall board room. there you can review the plans, ask questions, and share your thoughts. global health officials and the u.s. government are mobilizing to battle the quickly spreading zika virus. officials in latin america, the u.s., and europe are determined to do better against the virus which is mosquito born. they are being challenged by a lack of knowledge about the disease that has spread to nearly three dozen countries. brazil's president says the zika virus outbreak will not compromise the upcoming olympic games in rio de janeiro. yesterday the companies workers mobilized to fight the virus. brazil's president says her country will have success in fighting the mosquitoes that carry the zika virus by the time the olympic games start in august. the gop debate in south carolina last night had some heated exchanges. at the top of the hour the defense candidate jeb bush put up against donald trump. >> cms parents are frustrated with the student reassignment plan that is trying to increase diversity. well next, the questions the parents still have for the board this morning and the next time they will get an opportunity to voice their concerns. >> winter storm watches and warnings have been issued for the area through monday evening. i'll take you through future cast to pinpoint how much snow neighborhood. [ female announcer ] most of the time it's easy to know which option is better. other times, not so much. so it's good to know that mazola corn oil has 4 times more cholesterol blocking plant sterols than olive oil. and a recent study found that it can help lower cholesterol 2 times more. take care of those you love and cook deliciously. good sunday morning it's 6:39. we are starting the day off with clouds hanging overhead. here's the view from our hd charlotte tower camera. it's another cold start to the day. not as windy as yesterday. we will struggle to warm up as we go through the afternoon yet again today. temperatures across the area in charlotte. 21 in ballantyne and 20 in monroe. going through the day today it will be cooler thanks to clouds. about 20 degrees cooler than average. changes are on the way. the clouds will build in later tonight and by 6:00 this evening starting to see some snow first arriving in the mountains. and then heading through the over night hours that is when we will see the potential for a few snow flurries and a little bit of sleet mixing in here in the charlotte area. the threat tracker for monday shows we have a low threat for snow but we are concerned with ice and heavy rain. snowfall may have killed several on this pennsylvania highway. at least 60 people were involved in a series of crashes yesterday. check out that pileup. drivers say it was a whiteout on interstate 78 near fredericksburg. three people died while at least 70 others were injured. the crashes shut down the interstate in both direction for several hours. officials in chester county say that 2016 is off to a over the last several weeks at least four people have died in crashes. our partners at the hearld say that is twice the number of people killed at the same time last year and it's one-fourth of the county's total traffic deaths from 2015. the most recent came monday when a woman was killed in a hit and run on i-77. the gop debate started out somber but it quickly turn into a heated exchange. at the top of the hour the fight jeb bush put up after donald trump criticized his brother. >> a salisbury toy collector is trying to solve a mystery after a photo album showed up at his store. next the clues the man is using to track down the family. >> but first parents are frustrated with cms board members over the school reassignment project. parents right now and why parents right now an good sunday morning. happy valentine's day. check out the view you are waking up to this morning. this is on our lake norman cam. the sun is rising beautifully there but it's not giving as much warmth this morning. we are starting off in the 20s even below that in some areas. more coming up in just a bit. many parents who have kids in charlotte-mecklenburg schools continue to fight against the school board's controversial student reassign review. this could shift their kids to another school. she said they looked at the student assignment policy every six years and also addressed rumors about massive changes to the districts busing systems. >> there are no major changes in the works for busing. >> but parents still don't understand why cms leaders haven't clearly said that busing changes are off the >> there was an opportunity on thursday to say very clearly we are not going to go back to busing and not do it and they didn't. so we have to be concerned. >> school board members will vote on goals for their plan later this month. and there will be a community forum tuesday night to discuss the cms student reassignment project. it begins at 6:30. it's at caramel baptist church in matthews. we checked over night and a lancaster man is still behind bars accused of stealing a woman's purse and hitting her multiple times in the face. police say he targeted a woman loading groceries into her car thursday at a walmart. he then stole her purse and knocked her to the ground. officers searched his home and found the victims cell phone. they are now checking whether he is connected to other recent purse snatchings. we are starting off in the 20s but really this is is just the beginning. setting the stage for the winter storm. it will get even colder today than yesterday. yesterday we had sunshine. it didn't feel that bad when you were standing in the sun. it was chilly. today will be even colder. that is thanks to clouds already starting to move in. this is kind of one part of that storm that is heading this way and you can already see wintery weather across the midwest. we will see the threat for wintery weather early monday morning. right now we are dry on live early warning doppler 9. we do have clouds moving in. and the mountains could see snow as we go lout the-- go throughout the afternoon. you can already see snow thanks to they had snow flurries yesterday but there is more on the way. as we go throughout the day today you will notice future cast continues to bring more clouds through. that will hold our temperatures only in the mid 30s. by 6:00, 7:00 this evening, some snow arrives in the mountains. this will be the first part of it and will more on the way tomorrow. as we told you temperatures are cold. we're in the teens and low 20s right now. 11 in jefferson. no matter where you are you need the layers, the hats, the mittens, and the scarves. it's a cold start. so if you do have valentine's plans, maybe brunch, grab the jacket as we go throughout the afternoon cloudy and by 8:00 cooler. so if you have plans for dinner this evening, again, you will need the layers. we'll be in the upper 20s. neighborhood forecast for chester, we will see some sunshine early on but struggling to warm up with highs in the 30s. this is about 20 degrees cooler than where we should be this time of year. as we head toward the over night hours, it will be cloudy. some snow still continuing in the mountains. by around 4:00, 5:00 tomorrow morning maybe you are just starting to wake up, we could see a few snow flurries here in charlotte. the latest future cast brings a little bit more of that wintery mix. a little bit of sleet and freezing rain early in the morning. this will not add up to a whole lot. as we head toward mid-morning, that threat for wintery mix area shaded in pink. that is snow mixed in with freezing rain and sleet. the mountains will see snow but the difference between the models today verses this time yesterday keeps us a little bit more dry. so some of this might not even reach the surface. thiamines not as much ice, not -- that means not as much ice, not as much snow either. by tomorrow evening, we see this switching over to rain as warmer air arrives. we could see heavier rain as we head toward monday night and early tuesday. definitely big changes on the way. as far as how much snow we will see, this changes from this time yesterday. not as much snow in charlotte. further south maybe no snow at all. we expect 4-5 inches of snow through monday afternoon. as far as how much ice we see this is good news. less than .01 inches in some spots but we are concerned because of the timing of this, this is when people are heading out to work and kids heading out to the bus stop still that threat for wintery mix could cause problems on the roads. monday afternoon as it switches over to rain, not as many problems but you still want to take it slow. five-day forecast today cloudy and cool. for valentine's day you will need to warm up. tomorrow wintery mix. switching to rain by the afternoon. lingering showers tuesday. mid to upper 50s and next weekend mid 60s. >> the suspect in a shooting of three college students in last night. police say that one student was killed in a shooting at daytona beach. two were injured including one critically. lamont shot them after a fight at a party. he is facing murder and attempted murder charges. 6:50 right now. a salisbury toy collector needs your help solving a mystery after this photo album showed up at his flee market store. these pictures date back to the 30s and 40s. the collector told eyewitness news anchor stephanie maxwell he is on a mission to find the relatives of the people in the pictures. >> reporter: as soon as he gets a collection of collectible toys, he is sorting them to make sure they get noticed at his booth. he remembers when this arrived but at the time he didn't think much of it. >> we had it front and center. >> reporter: a center piece for he thought it was a blank book or a plaque until a month ago. >> there was a postcard falling out of it. >> reporter: it's a handmade photo album with pictures dating back to the 30s and 40s. this is a picture of the 567 battalion from world war ii. expert told him this car with the north carolina tag is from the same time frame. on the back of some of these moments a few names. andy scogen. >> there is a woman that showed up multiple times in a lot of pictures. >> reporter: johnson used those clues to start researching trying to get the pictures to family members. >> i couldn't see just taking this and making it a piece of merchandise. it's a piece of history. >> reporter: but he keeps hitting a dead end. he made calls and sent facebook messages but no one had any leads. north carolina does not keep records on car tags this old while researching the 567th battalion. johnson told me he won't stop until he solves this mist write because he -- solves this mystery because he knows a once tight knit family cherished this album. gop debate turned into a heated debate. at the top of the hour the exchange between jeb bush and donald trump that left people cheering and booing. >> the 2016 nascar season is under way with a qualifying daytona. oks for da your buddy ron once said he could install your ceiling fan. he couldn't. and that one time ron said another chili dog was a good idea. yeah, it wasn't. so when ron said you'd never afford a john deeretractor, you knew better. now ron does too. the e series. legendary john deere quality. unexpected low price. it hasn't been quite the year that coach invisioned for the reigning national champs. this one so good we got to skip to the finish. 15 seconds to go virginia instead of the shot it's the pass down low who goes over his shoulder for the basket. are you kidding me? it's 62-61 virginia. cavaliers thinking they will pull out hair first win since 1995 but you may want to pinch yourself. five seconds to go duke with a chance for the win. grayson allen dribbling to the middle decides to pull up and hang in the air. the buzzard beater for allen. tony bennett cannot believe it. blue devils big winners 63-62 the final. brandon lead duke in scoring with 25 points. allen finishes with 15. the niners lead by braxton 19 points. charlotte barrett 14 three pointers in the win. now in the atlantic 10 play heartbreaker 60-59. patriots forward jenkins had a tip in for the win with just a second to go. hard to believe but the nascar season is upon us. kyle bush may not have liked how his car ran at daytona on saturday, however, after all it was just a practice session. last year daytona 500 winner joey logano had the fastest time on the track. dale earnhardt junior lead the morning session. qualifying begins at 1:00 p.m.. >> i feel pretty comfortable with it. i think hopefully we have tricks in the bag to find a few tents for qualifying. we'll see what we can catch up to him. so you have been tracking a winter storm warning that could turn to a watch. >> we will be up grated to a warning later today. cool today. so if you have valentine's day brunch or dinner, you will need the layers but that cold air will help bring that wintery mix tomorrow. we'l channel 9 is tracking a winter storm on the way. right now we are waking up to clear skies. right now we are under a winter storm watch and we are tracking the system that is bringing snow, freezing rain, and rain to charlotte. good morning, happy valentine's day i'm brittney johnson. we are starting off cold this morning. vicki graf has been tracking this storm. she has a look at what we are going through right now. >> i did get new information over night. this will impact how much snow and ice we will see tomorrow. we have the cold air in place right now. we're in the teens, low 20s. jefferson. if you are heading out early, grab the layers. this is just the first part of it. this is already starting to bring us an increase in clouds. that will keep temperatures cooler today. now as that system continues to get closer, it is going to bring us a threat for a wintery mix early monday morning. not as much snow as we were originally anticipating and that is all thanks to dry air in place. that apart. we still have the potential for ice in the form of freezing rain and sleet early monday. a short window for that but then it switches over to heavy rain by the afternoon. i will take you through the latest future cast data to show you when this system arrives and how much snow and ice you can see in your neighborhood. >> thank you vicki. in a few hours d.o.t. crews say they will continue pretreating charlotte roads ahead of tomorrow's storm. dashawn brown has the steps that d.o.t.

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Transcripts For WSOC Eyewitness News Sunday 20160214 :

Transcripts For WSOC Eyewitness News Sunday 20160214

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and local officials are taking. >> reporter: i'm still waiting to hear back from cms to see which schools will be closed or delayed. this view from charlotte hawthorne bridge shows smooth sailing along u.s. 74 but early monday forecasters warn that view could change. >> we don't get out unless we have to. >> reporter: officials with state and local d.o.t. suggest other drivers do the same. meanwhile crews have started brining roads in the foothills and city streets with plans to take on the interstate sunday morning. this mountain of salt showcases just some of their supply already this season state crews put down up to 10,000 tons. >> in the last few years we've had some extremes. so we are used to it. >> safety first. lakeisha bennett she will be ready. >> we have people that can't drive on the roads and don't care about anything else especially safety. >> reporter: they will decide when to call in city crews sunday night or monday morning. when they do they expect to call a condition b. that means 32 trucks, 64 crew members, 16 routes, and 12 hour shifts. >> we will wake up on monday and see what we see i think. >> reporter: state officials didn't want to react too quickly and put brine on roads where the rain will wash it away. so now that it's much closer they will start with the interstate this morning. dashawn brown channel 9 eyewitness news. >> this intense storm is sweeping the midwest and the northeast expected to impact 100 million people. new york city could break a 100- year-old record with and washington, d.c. there is a winter storm watch. of course you can stay on top of this storm's movement as it gets closer to charlotte right on your phone. download the wsoc tv weather app. it is free for android and apple devices. a couple and their dog safely got out of their east charlotte home after a fire. charlotte fire says it began around 12:30 on parson street. right now you are looking at that home. we spoke with the homeowner who says it began as an electrical fire in the basement. she says it quickly moved to a back bedroom. >> i'm very shaken up. and i'm very nervous, but i know god is by my side. i never had this happen to me and i hope it never happens to anybody else. >> crews had that fire out arriving on the scene. 6:04 right now. leaders across the u.s. are mourning the the loss of the country's longest serving member of the supreme antonin scalia. president obama ordered flags to be flown at half staff. they will remain that way until he is interred. president obama reflected. >> justice scalia dedicated his life to the corner stone of democracy. the rule of law. tonight we honor his extraordinary service to our nation and remember one of the towering legal figures of our time. >> eyewitness news anchor liz foster reports that he was a man of law and believes the constitution should be enforced just as the men who wrote it would have done. antonin scalia was found dead of apparent natural causes at a resort in west texas. scalia was the longest serving justice on the current united states supreme court. nominated by president ronald reagan in 1986. >> getting nominated to the supreme court is a culmination of a dream, of course. and i'm greatly honored. >> reporter: he was confirmed unanimously by the senate and became the first italian- american member of the court. he became an anchor of judicial conservatism. fiercely at odds with judicial activism. >> the sheer force of his personality, he for three decades led the conservative movement in american law to >> reporter: chief justice john roberts issued a statement calling his late colleague an extraordinary individual and jurist. antonin scalia leaves behind a wife and nine children. he was 79. >> that was liz foster reporting. north carolina governor pat mccrory released this statement regarding justice scalia's passing. he was an unapologetic defender of the constitution who's intellect will be missed. right thousand there is two north carolina cases working their way up to the court. scalia's passing could directly impact the outof those cases. meanwhile in washington gop leader mitch mcconnell has already said president obama should not choose scalia's successor. he believes the next president should do it. but last night the president successor in due time. leaders are taking steps to prepare for a possible session to redraw congressional maps before next months primary. there will be several public hearings across the state starting tomorrow and committee meeting tuesday to discuss public feedback. you can see 12 right there on your screen. it includes part of the charlotte area. the court said the current lines were made based on race. charlotte-mecklenburg police need your help to catch an armed bank robber who held up a south charlotte bank yesterday morning. officers say this man walked into pnc bank in south charlotte. he handed a note to a teller demanding money. investigators say he ran off with the cash and detectives say that same man robbed this fifth third bank on pineville mathews road the morning of january 28th. similar situation. he was armed, slipped a teller a note, and then took off. take a good look at his photo. if you know who this man is, you are asked to call police. following last nights gop debate in south carolina dr. ben carson will be in fort mill. at 11:00 this morning he will attend morning star ministries for a speaking event. he will attend a private lunch and meet with supporters and volunteers. the debate comes days before the south carolina primaries. it started with a moment of silence for the late justice scalia. they were asked how they would go about selecting his replacement and kasich said the next president should be the one to choose a successor. the debate then turned foreign policy. >> we should have never been in iraq. we have destabilized the middle east. >> while donald trump was brother was building a security apparatus to keep us safe. >> it got very heated. donald trump was then booed when he criticized george w. bush's leadership during and after the september 11th terror attacks. kasich wrapped up the debate saying this is just crazy. this is just nuts. it is crunch time for those republican candidates. south carolina residents are also seeing more political signs and getting phone calls encouraging them to vote. many of the candidates have events planned in the state all this week and despite trump's lead in the polls, the south carolina primary will be key for all candidates. >> it will be interesting to see who captures the evangelical vote and get close to trump. >> the republican primary is february 20th while the democratic primary is the 27th. the north carolina primary is register to vote is this friday. that is just 25 days before the primary. early voting begins march 3rd and runs through the 12th. this is the first election where a photo id will be required to vote. your time is 6:10. we are taking a live look outside from our lake norman cam. we have a few clouds in the sky there. we are also starting off very, very cold. meteorologist vicki graf has an update on this cold forecast from severe weather center 9. >> certainly another cold start to the day. the difference is we have clouds hanging over head. temperatures just updated we are in the lower 20s. we will keep the clouds around by 9:00. still low 20s. and we are going to struggle to warm up today. highs getting into the mid 30s. we are dry right now. clouds continuing to increase from the west. but i am tracking this piece of the winter storm. this is heading our way and that will continue to bring us clouds as we go throughout the day. later this evening the for snow and that will approach the charlotte area as we head through the over night hours. ly advance future cast -- i will advance future cast for you coming up. a former fair chief accused of stealing money from his church and a fund for child burn victims is going to be in court tomorrow. the fbi began investigating bill fortenberry last year when they noticed discrepancies in the bank account. he also stole from a men's ministry. indictments says the embezzlement goes back five years. many cms parents are still fighting the controversial student reassignment project. >> heat is back on in a northeast charlotte neighborhood. after a contractor hit a gas line friday. >> we were thinking we were long with no heat. >> the reason construction could shut off heat to more families across charlotte this winter. >> but first a change in the date on your iphone could cause serious problems. why scrolling all new this morning changing the date on your iphone could cause it to crash. it is not clear why the crash happens when you change the date to january 1st, 1970 but cnn investigated the cause and believes that it found a possible explanation. saying that january 1st, 1970 is unix time began counting every second. cnn says your phone may think date or before zero. apple has not responded to the claims. new this morning a north carolina law that tried to strip job protections from teachers is being attacked. the state supreme court will hear arguments tomorrow on whether the 2013 law violated the constitutional right of veteran teachers by gutting job protections they earned. groups representing other public employees and retirees says their benefits are at stake unless the supreme court sticks to the principal. our partners at the statesville record and landmark say the iredell charter academy plans to open its doors to students for the 2016-2017 school year. the charter school will provide cambridge university approved curriculum instead of a state issued curriculum. it will begin with grades k- 6th before adding 7th and 8th graders over the next few a group of students from tennessee filed a gender discrimination lawsuit. six women say they were sexually discriminated against after reporting a rape by student athletes. a legal analyst says the alleged victims will have to prove the culture of indifference. >> that creates this environment on campus that is hostile toward women and therefore treats women who are victims of sexual assault differently than it treats everybody else. >> a spokesperson from the district attorneys office says they declined to prosecute for several reasons but would not comment further. the accusations of an unsafe environment are false. grub properties plans to retail space at park road and abby place. within the same half mile stretch they will vote on 265 new apartments over near woodlawn and park. a developer recently submitted a petition to build 74 town homes at mockingbird and park. we told you yesterday morning some neighbors are worried about an increase in traffic on an already busy road. your time is 6:17. starting off very cold. much colder than yesterday. >> that is right. and that cold air, that is part of the pieces of the puzzle that will impact us with this winter storm on the way. we do have winter storm watches and warnings in place for areas shaded in pink. those are the winter storm warnings. that is going to be the threat for heavy snowfall totals in the mountains. in the charlotte area, a mix of a little bit of snow with ice. maybe you guilty some of these alerts yesterday-- maybe you got some of these alerts i know i did. we're in the teens and low 20s in some spots. at least we are not battling with the strong winds this morning. that was making windchill values below zero in the mountains yesterday. one thing is the cold air in place. another thing and i don't usually show this but this is dew points. that measures the content of moisture in the atmosphere. these are very low. you might have noticed you have been putting a little bit more lotion on your hands, chap stick on your lips. that is because the air is so dry. that will bring back some of the totals for snow and ice that we see tomorrow. and i'll have that coming up for you in a moment. but right now we are starting the day off with cloudy skies. we are dry for now. the thing is we have all of this dry air in place. as this storm system starts to approach, it will fall apart a little bit. not as much moisture to work with. as a result we will not see as much snow or ice going through the day tomorrow. we are not going to warm up a whole lot. midday upper 20s. going through the afternoon we will not see is as much sunshine as we had yesterday. today we will be in the mid 30s. a little bit of a breeze but not as much as yesterday. your neighborhood forecast for mooresville we are going to see increasing clouds and temperatures struggling to warm up. highs in the mid 30s to bundle up. if you have plans for valentine's day this evening, it will be cloudy and cooler. upper 20s by 9:00. to time this out for you on future cast. tomorrow, we are going to see the clouds building in. tonight, we do have the potential for some snow first in the mountain. as we head toward 3:00, 4:00, that is the threat for snow snow flurries in charlotte. not enough to really add up to a whole lot but enough to cause problems on the roads and going through the afternoon this but you will notice this isn't very heavy rain. so we aren't going to see very heavy snow or ice totals going through the day tomorrow, but enough we could see some problems on the roadways. up to 1-3 three inches along the i-40 corridor. the heaviest snowfall totals in the mountains. as far as ice, not as much as yesterday. less than .01. we hate to see that ice building up. but still with any changes to the forecast, make sure you are aware of them by downloading our wsoc tv weather app. tomorrow cloudy and cooler and then it switches over to rain. look at these temperatures later this week. mid to upper 50s. looking to next weekend we could see 60s. >> i know people are really focused on what might be a messy drive in the morning. to see if we could see school closures. >> keep you posted on all of it. thank you. your time is 6:21. scammers sent two billion fake e-mails to people last year. channel 9 consumer advisor clark howard explain what is you need to look for before you open your next e-mail. >> reporter: a day never goes by that in my e-mail there is an e-mail from someone trying to scam me, trying to take over my computer, trying to convince me i need to send them money or contact them. you have to be careful with whatever e-mail you receive. any time somebody is approaching you with urgency and you don't know who they are, odds are they are trying to rip you off. one of the security companies recently guessed that two billion fake solicitations were sent out just last year. someone you don't know, what i usually do is delete the thing without ever opening it up and never open attachments from people you don't know. i'm clark howard. >> and clark has more advice to help you put more money in your pocket. you can find it all on parents are frustrated with the controversial cms student reassignment project. at 6:45 the biggest concern for many parents and why board members argue they are jumping the gun. >> the heat is back on after a gas main was cut friday impacting hundreds of people. at 6:30 the reason these disruptions may continue happening across charlotte. >> but first the head start in next the alarming nextpuffs knows hard on your nosethere's the endless runny noses. and of course, the biting cold of snow day play. that's why puffs is soft. puffs plus lotion tissues... ...are gentle on skin. they help soothe irritation bylocking in moisture better. so you can get out and enjoy winter a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. here, try puffs soft 6:25 right now. next week kannapolis school officials are asking parents of prek-6th grade students to discuss a magnet program at gw carver elementary. parents can hear information on the district's new grade configuration starting in august of 2017. the meeting is on february 22nd from 6:00 to 8:00. it's at the district's central office building. the rock hill school board is looking to move the head start because of a new alarming inspection report. our partners at the hearld say the building has a leaky roof and potential issues with fire safety and fresh air ventilation. several board members say they are shocked by this report. it lists nearly $5 million worth of renovations needed in the next five to ten years. up to $1 million to use it for the next 6-18 months. vicki we are tracking big changes coming our way. starting off with really cold temperatures this morning. >> it's been cold all weekend and it will stay cold today. in fact, colder than it was yesterday. yesterday we made it to 41. we won't make it out of the 30s today and that is thanks to clouds building in. the cold air will set the stage for wintery weather tomorrow. we have winter storm watches and warnings in place. charlotte will be upgraded to a winter storm warning by this time tomorrow. >> so a really cold valentine's day. i certainly hope it's a good one but it will be clear for most of the day. that is the good news. thank you, vicki. 6:45. parents are still voicing their frustrations over the controversial cms student reassignment project. the big factor for many parents causing heated moments. >> but first the heat is is creek neighborhood after crews the st the heat is back on in a charlotte neighborhood after a contractor hit a gas line friday night. >> we weren't thinking we were going to have to go all night long with no heat. >> the step contractors are missing that is causing huge problems for families this winter. but first channel 9 is tracking a winter storm on its way to the charlotte area. vicki graf is using future cast to time out the snow, freezing rain, and rainen hitting the area -- and rain hitting the area over night. i'm brittney johnson. let's check in with meteorologist vicki graf. you have been watching this storm come through. temperatures setting the stage. >> and the cold air is in place. however we did have sunshine yesterday so it didn't make it feel as bad. we are starting the day off in the teens and low 20s. right foul the mountains 11 in jefferson and 14 in boone. the cold air is in place and we already have clouds moving in. we will stay dry today but i'm tracking this part of the winter storm. that is starting to approach. that will bring the mountains some snow later on today. here in charlotte, we won't see that until this time tomorrow morning. as we go throughout the day today, cloudy and cooler. so that cold air will be here before dawn tomorrow. we will keep the threat for a few snow flurries. the models are trending to not as much snow or ice either. by mid-morning it switches over to freezing rain and sleet and then by the afternoon more of a rain. coming uply take you through future cast to show you the storm arrives and how much rain and snow you will see in your neighborhood. americans are mourning the loss of one of the most controversial and iconic justices to ever serve on the nation's highest court. abc ray ramondi looks at his judicial legacy and the fight with who will be his replacement. >> reporter: he influenced a generation. >> reporter: scalia nominated by president ronald reagan in 1986 serving some 30 years on the bench. he will forever be remembered for his strict interpretation >> this is a tremendous blow to conservism. >> reporter: he died in his sleep of natural causes. this morning flags are flown at half staff outside the supreme court to honor scalia. this as a political battle brews over who will replace him. the president says he will fulfill his responsibility to replace him. >> i believe the president should not move forward and i think that we ought to let the next president of the united states decide. >> the president has a responsibility to nominate a new justice and the senate has a responsibility to vote. >> reporter: as the controversy continues as to exactly who will replace him, justice scalia leaves behind his wife maureen and nine children. he was 79 years old and died birthday. >> we continue to push for answers after a contractor installing google fiber cut a north charlotte gas line leaving hundreds of families in the bitter cold. and this is the second time in a week this has happened. a spokesperson told us the company called in workers from south carolina to help friday night. and tuesday we told you it happened in the mallard creek area and we are continuing to ask why these cuts keep happening. >> the largest cause of lines being hit is when they haven't called. >> that spokesperson could not say if that is what caused the breaks on tuesday or friday. but we are still pushing for answers from google fiber as to whether this contractor was with the same company or different company involved in tuesday's breaks. and we are asking if this particular line was marked and what is being done to prevent these breaks from happening in the future. 6:34 right now. a north carolina bar is closed for the next three weeks as to an under stage student. . that lead to a deadly crash on i-85 that killed three people from charlotte. chandler kania is charged with their deaths. police say he crossed into on coming traffic and slammed into their car. alicia harris, her six-year-old granddaughter and darla mcghee all died in that crash. residents living near amity hill road say that are often blocked by norfolk southern trains. those trains head to godfrey lumber company and neighbors say they sometimes block their road the only way in and out of their community for 20-45 minutes. county towns can share their thoughts on a plan to build 300 new homes. it would go on davidson concord road in davidson where there is 96 acres of open space. later on developers would add businesses on that corner of that road and robert walker drive. there will be an open house tomorrow from 4:00 to 7:00 in davidson's town hall board room. there you can review the plans, ask questions, and share your thoughts. global health officials and the u.s. government are mobilizing to battle the quickly spreading zika virus. officials in latin america, the u.s., and europe are determined to do better against the virus which is mosquito born. they are being challenged by a lack of knowledge about the disease that has spread to nearly three dozen countries. brazil's president says the zika virus outbreak will not compromise the upcoming olympic games in rio de janeiro. yesterday the companies workers mobilized to fight the virus. brazil's president says her country will have success in fighting the mosquitoes that carry the zika virus by the time the olympic games start in august. the gop debate in south carolina last night had some heated exchanges. at the top of the hour the defense candidate jeb bush put up against donald trump. >> cms parents are frustrated with the student reassignment plan that is trying to increase diversity. well next, the questions the parents still have for the board this morning and the next time they will get an opportunity to voice their concerns. >> winter storm watches and warnings have been issued for the area through monday evening. i'll take you through future cast to pinpoint how much snow neighborhood. [ female announcer ] most of the time it's easy to know which option is better. other times, not so much. so it's good to know that mazola corn oil has 4 times more cholesterol blocking plant sterols than olive oil. and a recent study found that it can help lower cholesterol 2 times more. take care of those you love and cook deliciously. good sunday morning it's 6:39. we are starting the day off with clouds hanging overhead. here's the view from our hd charlotte tower camera. it's another cold start to the day. not as windy as yesterday. we will struggle to warm up as we go through the afternoon yet again today. temperatures across the area in charlotte. 21 in ballantyne and 20 in monroe. going through the day today it will be cooler thanks to clouds. about 20 degrees cooler than average. changes are on the way. the clouds will build in later tonight and by 6:00 this evening starting to see some snow first arriving in the mountains. and then heading through the over night hours that is when we will see the potential for a few snow flurries and a little bit of sleet mixing in here in the charlotte area. the threat tracker for monday shows we have a low threat for snow but we are concerned with ice and heavy rain. snowfall may have killed several on this pennsylvania highway. at least 60 people were involved in a series of crashes yesterday. check out that pileup. drivers say it was a whiteout on interstate 78 near fredericksburg. three people died while at least 70 others were injured. the crashes shut down the interstate in both direction for several hours. officials in chester county say that 2016 is off to a over the last several weeks at least four people have died in crashes. our partners at the hearld say that is twice the number of people killed at the same time last year and it's one-fourth of the county's total traffic deaths from 2015. the most recent came monday when a woman was killed in a hit and run on i-77. the gop debate started out somber but it quickly turn into a heated exchange. at the top of the hour the fight jeb bush put up after donald trump criticized his brother. >> a salisbury toy collector is trying to solve a mystery after a photo album showed up at his store. next the clues the man is using to track down the family. >> but first parents are frustrated with cms board members over the school reassignment project. parents right now and why parents right now an good sunday morning. happy valentine's day. check out the view you are waking up to this morning. this is on our lake norman cam. the sun is rising beautifully there but it's not giving as much warmth this morning. we are starting off in the 20s even below that in some areas. more coming up in just a bit. many parents who have kids in charlotte-mecklenburg schools continue to fight against the school board's controversial student reassign review. this could shift their kids to another school. she said they looked at the student assignment policy every six years and also addressed rumors about massive changes to the districts busing systems. >> there are no major changes in the works for busing. >> but parents still don't understand why cms leaders haven't clearly said that busing changes are off the >> there was an opportunity on thursday to say very clearly we are not going to go back to busing and not do it and they didn't. so we have to be concerned. >> school board members will vote on goals for their plan later this month. and there will be a community forum tuesday night to discuss the cms student reassignment project. it begins at 6:30. it's at caramel baptist church in matthews. we checked over night and a lancaster man is still behind bars accused of stealing a woman's purse and hitting her multiple times in the face. police say he targeted a woman loading groceries into her car thursday at a walmart. he then stole her purse and knocked her to the ground. officers searched his home and found the victims cell phone. they are now checking whether he is connected to other recent purse snatchings. we are starting off in the 20s but really this is is just the beginning. setting the stage for the winter storm. it will get even colder today than yesterday. yesterday we had sunshine. it didn't feel that bad when you were standing in the sun. it was chilly. today will be even colder. that is thanks to clouds already starting to move in. this is kind of one part of that storm that is heading this way and you can already see wintery weather across the midwest. we will see the threat for wintery weather early monday morning. right now we are dry on live early warning doppler 9. we do have clouds moving in. and the mountains could see snow as we go lout the-- go throughout the afternoon. you can already see snow thanks to they had snow flurries yesterday but there is more on the way. as we go throughout the day today you will notice future cast continues to bring more clouds through. that will hold our temperatures only in the mid 30s. by 6:00, 7:00 this evening, some snow arrives in the mountains. this will be the first part of it and will more on the way tomorrow. as we told you temperatures are cold. we're in the teens and low 20s right now. 11 in jefferson. no matter where you are you need the layers, the hats, the mittens, and the scarves. it's a cold start. so if you do have valentine's plans, maybe brunch, grab the jacket as we go throughout the afternoon cloudy and by 8:00 cooler. so if you have plans for dinner this evening, again, you will need the layers. we'll be in the upper 20s. neighborhood forecast for chester, we will see some sunshine early on but struggling to warm up with highs in the 30s. this is about 20 degrees cooler than where we should be this time of year. as we head toward the over night hours, it will be cloudy. some snow still continuing in the mountains. by around 4:00, 5:00 tomorrow morning maybe you are just starting to wake up, we could see a few snow flurries here in charlotte. the latest future cast brings a little bit more of that wintery mix. a little bit of sleet and freezing rain early in the morning. this will not add up to a whole lot. as we head toward mid-morning, that threat for wintery mix area shaded in pink. that is snow mixed in with freezing rain and sleet. the mountains will see snow but the difference between the models today verses this time yesterday keeps us a little bit more dry. so some of this might not even reach the surface. thiamines not as much ice, not -- that means not as much ice, not as much snow either. by tomorrow evening, we see this switching over to rain as warmer air arrives. we could see heavier rain as we head toward monday night and early tuesday. definitely big changes on the way. as far as how much snow we will see, this changes from this time yesterday. not as much snow in charlotte. further south maybe no snow at all. we expect 4-5 inches of snow through monday afternoon. as far as how much ice we see this is good news. less than .01 inches in some spots but we are concerned because of the timing of this, this is when people are heading out to work and kids heading out to the bus stop still that threat for wintery mix could cause problems on the roads. monday afternoon as it switches over to rain, not as many problems but you still want to take it slow. five-day forecast today cloudy and cool. for valentine's day you will need to warm up. tomorrow wintery mix. switching to rain by the afternoon. lingering showers tuesday. mid to upper 50s and next weekend mid 60s. >> the suspect in a shooting of three college students in last night. police say that one student was killed in a shooting at daytona beach. two were injured including one critically. lamont shot them after a fight at a party. he is facing murder and attempted murder charges. 6:50 right now. a salisbury toy collector needs your help solving a mystery after this photo album showed up at his flee market store. these pictures date back to the 30s and 40s. the collector told eyewitness news anchor stephanie maxwell he is on a mission to find the relatives of the people in the pictures. >> reporter: as soon as he gets a collection of collectible toys, he is sorting them to make sure they get noticed at his booth. he remembers when this arrived but at the time he didn't think much of it. >> we had it front and center. >> reporter: a center piece for he thought it was a blank book or a plaque until a month ago. >> there was a postcard falling out of it. >> reporter: it's a handmade photo album with pictures dating back to the 30s and 40s. this is a picture of the 567 battalion from world war ii. expert told him this car with the north carolina tag is from the same time frame. on the back of some of these moments a few names. andy scogen. >> there is a woman that showed up multiple times in a lot of pictures. >> reporter: johnson used those clues to start researching trying to get the pictures to family members. >> i couldn't see just taking this and making it a piece of merchandise. it's a piece of history. >> reporter: but he keeps hitting a dead end. he made calls and sent facebook messages but no one had any leads. north carolina does not keep records on car tags this old while researching the 567th battalion. johnson told me he won't stop until he solves this mist write because he -- solves this mystery because he knows a once tight knit family cherished this album. gop debate turned into a heated debate. at the top of the hour the exchange between jeb bush and donald trump that left people cheering and booing. >> the 2016 nascar season is under way with a qualifying daytona. oks for da your buddy ron once said he could install your ceiling fan. he couldn't. and that one time ron said another chili dog was a good idea. yeah, it wasn't. so when ron said you'd never afford a john deeretractor, you knew better. now ron does too. the e series. legendary john deere quality. unexpected low price. it hasn't been quite the year that coach invisioned for the reigning national champs. this one so good we got to skip to the finish. 15 seconds to go virginia instead of the shot it's the pass down low who goes over his shoulder for the basket. are you kidding me? it's 62-61 virginia. cavaliers thinking they will pull out hair first win since 1995 but you may want to pinch yourself. five seconds to go duke with a chance for the win. grayson allen dribbling to the middle decides to pull up and hang in the air. the buzzard beater for allen. tony bennett cannot believe it. blue devils big winners 63-62 the final. brandon lead duke in scoring with 25 points. allen finishes with 15. the niners lead by braxton 19 points. charlotte barrett 14 three pointers in the win. now in the atlantic 10 play heartbreaker 60-59. patriots forward jenkins had a tip in for the win with just a second to go. hard to believe but the nascar season is upon us. kyle bush may not have liked how his car ran at daytona on saturday, however, after all it was just a practice session. last year daytona 500 winner joey logano had the fastest time on the track. dale earnhardt junior lead the morning session. qualifying begins at 1:00 p.m.. >> i feel pretty comfortable with it. i think hopefully we have tricks in the bag to find a few tents for qualifying. we'll see what we can catch up to him. so you have been tracking a winter storm warning that could turn to a watch. >> we will be up grated to a warning later today. cool today. so if you have valentine's day brunch or dinner, you will need the layers but that cold air will help bring that wintery mix tomorrow. we'l channel 9 is tracking a winter storm on the way. right now we are waking up to clear skies. right now we are under a winter storm watch and we are tracking the system that is bringing snow, freezing rain, and rain to charlotte. good morning, happy valentine's day i'm brittney johnson. we are starting off cold this morning. vicki graf has been tracking this storm. she has a look at what we are going through right now. >> i did get new information over night. this will impact how much snow and ice we will see tomorrow. we have the cold air in place right now. we're in the teens, low 20s. jefferson. if you are heading out early, grab the layers. this is just the first part of it. this is already starting to bring us an increase in clouds. that will keep temperatures cooler today. now as that system continues to get closer, it is going to bring us a threat for a wintery mix early monday morning. not as much snow as we were originally anticipating and that is all thanks to dry air in place. that apart. we still have the potential for ice in the form of freezing rain and sleet early monday. a short window for that but then it switches over to heavy rain by the afternoon. i will take you through the latest future cast data to show you when this system arrives and how much snow and ice you can see in your neighborhood. >> thank you vicki. in a few hours d.o.t. crews say they will continue pretreating charlotte roads ahead of tomorrow's storm. dashawn brown has the steps that d.o.t.

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