Transcripts For WRC Today 20170324 :

Transcripts For WRC Today 20170324

and if the glass slipper fits. the 11 ceded xavier extends the cinderella lineup setting the arizona wild cats in the sweet 16. kansas cruises, gonzaga, oregon surviving nail-biters. all eyes now on tonight's game to see who will round out the elite eight today. friday, march 24th, 2017. zmoos nbc news this is today with matt lauer and savannah guthrie, live from studio 1 a in rockefeller plaza. >> and good morning, everybody. welcome to today on a friday morning. we have carson pitching in once again this sweet 16. >> sorry. >> soul crushing. arizona wild cats go down. happy for >> the wild cats took a bad shot. they only needed two. >> we're going to get to the games in a moment as we work through our grief. there's a lot to talk about in politics, drama unfolding in washington this morning over the republican's health care plan. after failing to negotiate more support, president trump is now drawing the line in the sand, telling house republicans they must vote and pass this bill today or he will leave obamacare in place. >> it's a big gamble for the president. he doesn't appear to have the votes in hand. as of right now, more than 30 republicans are either against or leaning against the bill. >> we're going to walk you through all of this this morning. let's start with peter alexander at the white house for us. peter, good morning. >> savannah, good morning to you. it's going to be a dramatic day here in washington frankly for house republicans. today is the moment of truth for one of mr. trump's big campaign promises, repeal and replacement of obamacare. after sweeteners, it's time to vote, president trump says. if the bill goes down, he's moving on. this morning with the republican health care bill in crisis, president trump the self-proclaimed deal maker is threatening to walk away from the table. >> the president has made a very strong case. >> reporter: but it may be too late. overnight a desperate effort to resuscitate the bill. >> for 7 1/2 years we have been promising the american people we will repeal and replace this broken law because it's collapsing and it's failing families and tomorrow we're proceeding. >> reporter: the house speaker's first statement punctuating a first 24 hours with evaporating public ran support forcing a stinging delay of the vote to repeal and replace obamacare. the president last night dispatching top advisors including strategist steve bannon to capitol hill. >> i feel great. >> reporter: delivering an ultimatum to house republicans. vote today or obamacare stays. mr. trump's budget director warning the room the president is de republicans are split. >> are you still a no? do you think it's going to pass tomorrow? >> i have no idea. >> this will be a one and done up or down with a down, we're done. >> reporter: the mood grim, a far cry from the morning. president trump getting a standing ovation from the conservative freedom caucus. mr. trump offering a compromise that would have cutback essential health benefits which under obamacare require insurers to cover maternity leave, mental health care and emergency room visits among other things. >> we have a great bill and i think we have a very good chance. >> reporter: but back on the hill it may not be enough. >> i am still a no at this time. i'm desperately trying to get to yes. >> with all the freedom caucus they are really trying to get to yes. >> reporter: among the sticking points coverage for preexisting conditions and kids under 26 staying on the parns' plan. mr. trump won't budge on either. late thursday a source saying if the bill doesn't pass it wouldn't be on trump. breaking their promises to their constituents. across the aisle, house minority leader nancy pelosi already laying any failure squarely at trump's feet. >> lucky there, donald trump. you may be a great negotiator. lucky for bringing this up on a day when clearly you're not ready. >> reporter: the congressional budget office, the nonpartisan score keepers here in washington, may not be making it any easier for republicans. they just released their estimate of the cost of the most recent revision to the bill at least the most recent we know, reporting it would do less to reduce the deficit and like the original plan, they would estimate it would still leave 14 million fewer americans with health insurance by next year. savannah, carson? >> peter alexander, thank you. a lot of moving pieces here. let's get to chuck todd who is in washington for us. chuck, good morning. okay, so, the president issues this ultimatum saying this my last best final offer. if you don't take it today, you're going to have obamacare forever. first of all, is that a real work? >> look, i think it is a real threat. because i don't think the president is as committed to repealing and replacing obamacare as rub cans have been over the last six years. this is not what he's wanted to do first. we've heard him complain about how much time this is taking. and here's the thing. i think a reality check at the white house, all of the struggle to negotiate in the house and it hasn't even begun, the hard part of actually passing health care which is negotiating with the different factions in the senate. i think this is a white house saying, you know what, we don't want to say we want this to go down today, but if it goes down, wash your hands and move on because i think they sort of see nothing but brick walls in front of them when it comes to trying to figure out a replacement for obamacare. >> chuck, you're in congress. you're weighing two options. you're going to be a team player or you have to actually think about how this new bill is going to play in your hometown. what is the tipping point either way? >> i think it's a tough decision. you have to sit here and worry about the threat thma trump blames you for not being able to repeal and replace obamacare. you own that broken promise. at the same time, do you risk voting for a bill that may never see the light of day whether it goes to the senate, may not be a bill that the president eventually supports in the long run? and i think that's particularly these conservative members. you know, they weren't born yesterday. they know that some of the deals being cut today to get their vote may be thrown aside when they move to the senate. so, i think there is a trust deficit here between the house republicans in the white house and i don't know if they can bridge it by 5:00 today. >> isn't the question at the end of the day, who is more popular, who is going to have more juice in those districts, the members of congress or donald trump? >> well, here's the split problem, savannah. on one hand you're looking at a guy with 37% approval. on the other hand, 80 to 85% of republicans do like this president. so, if you're member and your constituents love trump, maybe you have no choice but to go with him which is what president trump is gambling on. on the other hand if you're from a swing district, do you want the baggage that comes with president trump right now? so, that is what moderates are staring at, that 37% and those conservatives are looking at the 85% among republicans. >> chuck, do you think there is any regret on behalf of the president or the white house they tackled health care first? >> 100%, a thousand percent. this was the rookie error. you don't make your first big piece of legislation taking things away. you be the goody. give things away. president obama did stimulus. president bush did tax cuts. this president is desperate to do tax cuts and infrastructure. had he led with that and punted health care a year, it's complicated. the public, his supporters would have given him time on this. now they're rushing this through. the irony is they don't know remember that criticism that used to ride the democrats over and over again, now the republicans are finding themselves because they created a sense of urgency for no reason. >> so interesting, chuck. we don't know what this day will hold. >> no, we don't. it will be wild. >> who knows what will happen by sunday when meet there ces on. yavcafoiaovno jerry bro on sunday's meet the press. thank you. >> arizona. >> i know. >> there is another battle heating up on capitol hill. the showdown on president trump's supreme court pick, democrats trying to force the hand of republicans by vowing to block the nomination. nbc's kristen welker has more on that this morning. hi, kristen. >> reporter: hi, carson, good morning to you. with republicans firmly in control of the senate, judge neil gorsuch will likely be confirm. it's just a question of how at this point. democrats plan to filibuster gorsuch setting up a big fight that could change how the senate does business. >> good morning, your honor. >> good morning. nominee neil gorsuch and the future of the supreme court are both up in the air this morning. >> i am humbled. i am honored every day i come to work. i've been humbled and honored to be here with you. >> reporter: despite sailing through his confirmation hearing relatively unscathed, senate democrats still upset to give president obama's supreme court pick a hearing vow to block with a filibuster, the move announced by chuck schumer. >> after careful deliberation, i concluded that i cannot support judge neil gorsuch's nomination to the supreme court. my vote will be no, and i urge my colleagues to do the same. >> reporter: while there are enough republican votes to confirm gorsuch by a simple majority, senate rules require a super majority of 60 votes to end a filibuster. majority leader mitch mcconnell has threatened to use the so-called nuclear option, a maneuver that allows senators to change the rules in order to confirmgo votes. the problem is it is not a one-time exception. and could set a new precedent in the senate. republican senator lindsey graham, while reluctant to change the rules, said he would support the nuclear option. >> whatever it takes to get him on the court, i will do. >> reporter: back in january, president trump agreed. >> would you want mitch mcconnell to use the nuclear option? >> yes, i would. >> reporter: the white house hoping the extreme move won't be necessary. >> we call on senator schumer to follow democrats to abandon this attempt to block judge gorsuch from receiving a fair up or down vote that he and the american people have voted for. >> reporter: senate majority leader mitch mcconnell said he wants to get gorsuch confirmed before the senate takes its easter recess. that's in the first week of april. carson, savannah? >> kristen welker at the white house for us this morning. thanks, kristen. >> there are new developments in the dead dly terror attack in london. they have identified the suspect. this morning we are learning including a ut iah man who was london to celebrate his anniversary. bill neeley has the latest. bill, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. new raids, new arrests. extraordinary figures from british police. they say there were 3500 witnesses to the killing. many over there on the westminster bridge and they collected nearly 3,000 pieces of evidence. this is a massive investigation. one american still in the hospital, many others grieving. london silent, standing in tribute, a mayor and a city grieving as the fourth victim of terror died, a 75-year-old british man. this is the final photograph of the dead police officer taken by stacey martin from florida. >> he had a very kind of quiet reserve personality, but was joking and, you know, >> reporter: keith palmer was stabbed 40 minutes later. it has now emerged the killer was a muslim convert. >> named the dead terrorist khalid masood, he had aliases, we know his first name was adrian russell. >> reporter: he'd been jald for violence, but not for terrorism. >> he was once investigated by mi-5 in relation to concerns about violent extremism. >> reporter: prime minister may was filmed being rushed from parliament wednesday as shots rang out. making two more arrests overnight. more than 30 injured are still in the hospital, including the woman seen jumping in the river to escape masood's speeding car. american kirk cochran from utah was one of four killed. he and his wife melissa were on the last day of a european tour to celebrate 25 years of marriage. in utah their friends remembered kurt. >> kurt had such an up lifting way about him, you know, that made you feel good. >> reporter: there were many american survivors relieved to be alive. >> and a car comes out of nowhere and it just hit four to five innocent bystanders on the street. >> reporter: in london the search goes on. police on their knees. kathryn, duchess of cambridge on the verge of tears. westminster bridge and parliament have reopened. search is ongoing at five homes. london still on high alert. police say this morning that the core of their investigation is how khalid masood was radicalized. was it online on his own, was he helped by maybe, directed by others. that's why the searches and the raids go on. carson, savannah. >> bill neily for us in london, thank you. >> breaking overnight frightening moments for a family in southern california after a car was stolen with a one year old boy and his two-year old brother still inside. thankfully those boys were found safe this morning. cathedral city police say the car was stolen after their baby-sitter stepped out to do an errand. amber alert was issued and the search was on. the car and the boys were located in a neighboring town. they were in good condition. police are still looking for the suspect. >> new developments in a story we've been following for several months, on thursday israeli police arrested a 19-year-old man accused in a wave of bomb threats against u.s. jewish community centers. the suspect is jewish himself and holds dual israeli and american citizenship. police say he used advance technology to mask his identity when making those calls using a neighbor's to jewish facilities over 38 states forced repeated evacuations. he's now being prosecuted in israel, but american officials say he could be brought here to face charges in the u.s. as well. >> fright ming moments for a contract worker in south florida who was left dangling on the side of a building after a scaffolding collapsed. officials say the worker was doing exterior work between the 6th and eighth floors when the scaffold platform tipped. the man ended up hanging by his personal safety gear that was anchored to the top of the building. eventually rescue crews lowered the worker to safety to the ground he was taken to the hospital for further evaluation. now to march madness. sorry, savannah, the sweet 16, another night of exciting games. of course dramatic finishes. we'll start with the big upset, 111th seed xavier knocking off number two arizona. the wild cats miss a three-point attempt in the closing seconds and the must ka tiers hold on to wind 73 to 71. elsewhere, michigan's magical run is over after falling to oregon in the mail ducks took the lead with a minute to lead. the wolverines had a chance to win at the buzzer, but short. 69-68. and gonzaga punched their lead holding off west virginia. they had a chance to tie it up in the final seconds but they came up empty. the zags win 61-58. kansas moving ong after a blow-out win over purdue. >> roker is going to have a bit of a college scene. don't want to give it away. >> going to tell you more about that. but setting records across the country as we go. but in the meantime we're going to be setting some severe weather records unfortunately. look at this. wisconsin, heavy lightning and hail and a lot of damaging hail out there. we're going to be seeing more of that today. speaking of severe weather, this has been kratz i so far this year. we're off to the fastest start for tornadoes to this point in time for the year since 2008. normally we haveou so, we are really rocking and rolling as far as the tornadoes are concerned and we have more of a severe threat today. 8 million folks at risk from springfield, missouri to houston. lake charles, louisiana damaging winds and hail. and then for tomorrow it moves to the east, memphis, birmingham, new orleans, mobile, all looking at severe weather. could be damaging wind and hail as well. these storms pushed through today on into tomorrow and finally start to dissipate by the time we get into sunday. but again, we're going to be watching some of these storms developing overnight tonight which could be very frightening. we're going to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. >> good morning, everybody, i'm team 4 chuck bell. temperatures in the 30s. we're all above freezing around the city. there are pockets of subfreezing temperatures. hagerstown, there is a freezing rain advisory for those locations here until 9:00 this morning. as far as rain chances we do need the umbrella and warm coat this morning. radar shows light patch of rain coming towards the d.c. metro. might be cold and enough for icing across parts of the i-81 corridor. be careful for that. >> that is your latest weather. guys? >> thank you. coming up a high school thinks fast and saves a friend's life. we'll have that story. >> and could you imagine commuting to work in a flying car? this morning that fantasy could become reality sooner than ug think. >> jane, stop that thing, jane! just ahead, skip the exercise and take a hot bath instead. what could be the best fitness hack we've ever heard. >> sign me up. and the kickoff, roker with three storming into the madness. college students all across the country, but first check with your local news and weather. how did it become absent-mindedly to snacking? eating one after the next? we are a creamy cheese that still believes in savoring our food. the laughing cow. reinvent snacking. hi! hey! i've made plans for later in case this date doesn't go well. same here. wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? the citi double cash card does. earn 1% cash back when you buy, and 1% as you pay. double means double. no one's surprised tender pieces and crunchy bites ended up together. that's just what happens when cats call the shots. tasty textures cats gotta have. friskies. for cats. by cats. is this my car? ck. state farm knows that for every one of those moments... what? this is ridiculous! there's one of these... sam, i gotta go... is this my car? what? this is ridiculous! this can't be happening! this can't be happening! oh, it's happening sweetheart. oh, it's happening sweetheart. shut up! shut up! that's why state farm is there, what a day... with car insurance, for when things go wrong. but also here with car loans, to help life go right. state farm. what a day!! ahyou the law? we've had some complaints of... is that a fire? there's your payoff, deputy. git! velveeta shells & cheese. there's gold in them thar shells. i've got all the data i need tod learn the things i want to do. $22.50 per month for 4 lines. and now the offer everyone's been waiting for... for people with hearing loss, get iphone 7 on us. visit we believe in food that's anaturally beautiful,, fresh and nutritious. so there are no artificial colors, no artificial flavors, no artificial preservatives in any of the food we sell. we believe in real food. whole foods market. ♪ hey allergy muddlers are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool? try zyrtec® zyrtec® starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. stick with zyrtec®. muddle no more®. try rhinocort® allergy spray for powerful nasal allergy relief. >> announcer: this is a news 4 today news break. >> 7:26 is your time and happy friday to you. and good morning. >> in the news this morning, new into our newsroom now, two adults and three children are in the hospital right now because of this fire in prince william county. this is ramrod road. a viewer sent us this video. this house enveloped in flames here. prince william said there were four people in the home. they didn't say how badly they were hurt. >> a little girl was killed in a domestic shooting. of the shooting suspect was also found dead. this all happened on west dale court overnight. teenager and woman are in critical condition right now. now let's check your traffic th traffic. good morning. >> big problem in charles county. right now shot down going to be closed some time. three people med evac'd out of here because of this horrible crash because of the rollover and they had to cut the roof off of that suv. northbound route 1 on 95, because of a crash, outer loop allen town, georgia debris in the roadway. guys? >> thank you, melissa. we'll take a quick break now. your forecast is next. stay with us. good morning. we're keeping a close eye on the area for rain in the shan endough a valley. there is an opportunity for a little freezing rain up there between win chess they are, mar tinz burg and hagerstown. future weather carries a chance or light rain, all rain and no freezing in the metro. down through the d.c. area and the capital beltway, in and out hopefully before lunchtime is sunshine by very late today, afternoon highs in the low 60s. today, mid 70s tomorrow. >> chuck, thank you. local update in 25 minutes. >> now back to the today show after this short break. [ cheers and applause ] tinz bu >> friday morning it's the 24th of march, 2017. that's a good crowd. weekend crowd spending time with us this morning. the heart of manhattan, heart of spring break. we'll say hello in a couple minutes. >> looking forward to that. first a check of the headlines this morning. it's a tense morning on capitol hill where the house is set to finally vote on republican plans to replace obamacare. thursday's scheduled vote was called off after last-minute negotiations. president trump failed to win support for the controversial bill. during the late night meeting, the budget director said if it is not passed today obamacare will remain in place. >> officials say a new round of rage t attack in london led to two more significant arrests overnight. at least nine people have now been taken into custody. the attacker who was killed by police has been identified now as 52-year-old khalid ma sued. police say he was not the subject of any current terror investigation. n wisconsin is being hailed as a hero after he saved a choking classmate. and it's all caught on camera. ian brown was eating lunch when his friend, will, began motioning he was checking. friends thought he was joking. but when will's face began chicking color, he had to jump into reaction. >> you're going to be alive to tell about it. >> he had the training. no one else did. i'm lucky he was there at the time. >> brown credits the training he received in the youth police training program. this morning, the fcc is taking new steps to confront s biggest source of complaints, angeles with that story. >> reporter: those phone calls don't just come at the worst time, they seem to come all the time. if it's your cell phone or land line, americans are losing millions of dollars. now, the fcc is taking action. 2.4 billion robocalls are made every month. >> hello. i have a message concerning important personal business. >> reporter: and more than ever, they're coming from a number that looks legit. now, the government is hoping to cut the cord on phone scams that are costing americans millions of dollars in fraud. >> there's another robocall. >> reporter: the fcc calls it spoofing. anne marie calls it infuriating. >> it is intrusive. i want to answer my phone calls because i am running a business. >> reporter: the architect who works from home gets upwards of eight robocalls a day. including one while we were there. >> where did you get this number from? >> reporter: the crooks ask you security number, bank account or credit card information. >> the reason of this call is to inform you that irs is filing lawsuit against you. >> reporter: the irs estimates phone scammers posing as tax collectors use robocalls to defraud americans out of $26 million since 2013. now, the fcc wants to give your phone company the power to pull the plug. >> it's been called the scourge of civilization. we wanted to enable phone companies to easily block calls that seem to be coming from a number that you might recognize. >> reporter: with more than one in ten u.s. adults the victim of a phone scam, the proposed policy is a call for change many have been waiting for. >> call immediately on our department number. >> reporter: because even if you haven't lost your money, you've likely lost something just as valuable, your time. this morning, many major phone an to allow them to block the callers from fraudulent numbers. the agency hopes it will cut down on the phone calls you receive. the proposal could be finalized later this year. back to you guys. >> miguel almaguer, thank you very much. we have a little check of the weather? >> a little winter hanging around. just a little bit. please stop it some more. from lymon to denver, almagu temperatures are feeling like the upper 20s still. now, one area we are watching is farther north and west of the district. martinsburg, winchester, hagerstown where we could see areas of ice, so freezing rain advisory here. that's right, where you see the pink, 81, that is all moving into the area. that area may be seeing freezing rain. we'll keep the showers in the forecast. the first half of the day today. high temperatures later on, 63, tomorrow we're in the mid 60s. sunday 70s. at the weather channel. >> al, thanks. coming up, the surprising way one desperate dad got his newborn to stop crying. first, are we on the verge of flying cars? the major advances that are pushing that dream closer to reality. you may be surprised how close. ♪(music plays) ♪ heigh ho! ♪ heigh ho! ♪ heigh ho! ♪ heigh ho! ♪ heigh ho! heigh ho! it's off to work we go ♪ ♪ heigh ho! heigh ho! ♪ ♪ heigh ho! heigh ho! ♪ ♪ heigh ho! heigh ho! it's off to work we go ♪ ♪ heigh ho! heigh ho! hey, what's up man? 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[ pilot ] it's about to get juicy. whoo! i feel so aliii... it takes guts. [ female announcer ] starburst. unexplainably juicy. lergies with nasal congestion? find fast relief behind the counter with claritin-d. [ upbeat music ] strut past that aisle for the allergy relief that starts working in as little as 30 minutes and contains the best oral decongestant. live claritin clear, with claritin-d. how do you become america's best-selling brand? you make it detect what they don't. stop, stop, stop! sorry. you make it sense what's coming. watch, watch, watch! mom. relax! i'm relaxed. you make it for 16-year olds... and the parents who worry about them. you saw him, right? going further to help make drivers, better drivers. don't freak out on me. that's ford. and that's how you become america's best-selling brand. ♪ back, now. 7:40, with our special series we're calling around the world. and this morning, flying cars. >> keir simmons is here with a look at where things stand with that exactly. good morning, keir. >> reporter: entrepreneurs from california to the netherlands are looking for ways to get you to work, whether it's beating traffic jams or for the joy of it. we've been dreaming about flying cars for decades. and it seems that dream may soon become a reality. one day, you may be flying to work in one of these. ♪ the sky's the limit say flying car designers, stuff of science fiction. here in the netherlands, the first flying car could fly out of the garage, unfold its rotor and take to the air in under a year. it's still a prototype, right? >> it is. we proved with this vehicle that the technologies work. and that we can certify within regulati regulations. >> reporter: flying car designers face tough regulations on the road and in the air. but the power v. will get the green light. it is a gyroplane, capable of playing for four hours. >> we put two engines in that you use for flying. if one fails, you have 50% of your power. >> reporter: it's also a sports car that goes 100 miles per hour. it's snug. a bit like getting into a racing car. >> you have the normal car controls. >> indicators. wind screen wipers. >> the usual things for pilots. important switch. the fly/drive switch. as simple as that. the latest model, sleek italian styling. this is an exclusive first look. >> it is. this is the wind tunnel model. >> reporter: this is what the real thing is going to look like? >> kre. >> reporter: at a price, the first series of the power v. will cost about $6,000. but prospective buyers are training for their license. and in is lisimulator, i'm tryi a flying xl ining commute for m. >> are you feeling nervous? >> reporter: confident. were you inspired by "the jetsons"? "star wars"? "back to the future"? "blade runner"? >> all of them. when technology is making it possible, those things come. >> reporter: uber has signaled interest in autonomous flying vehicles. and in dubai, drone pods are promised for this summer. rather than depart from an airfield, these vehicles will take off vertically. and i met a man who knows how that feels. >> it's the ultimate buzz. everybody thinks about flying and the dream of being able to jump off of the roof of your house. this makes it possible. >> reporter: the jet pack looks like something out of a bond movie and uses the same technology as airliners. it can fly up to 18,000 feet. there's no chance i am going to put a pack of fuel on my back. >> right. >> reporter: it's not as scary as it looks, says david. >> it's like riding a segment. you need to think, i want to go forward and you're going to fly forward. >> reporter: at his design center in california, he's working on an electric hybrid. >> one person or two people can get in, push a button and it will come into a vertical hover, fly them where they need to commuter runs it. >> reporter: never have to sit in traffic again. >> instead of that line of traffic there -- >> reporter: you have the whole of the sky. >> right. >> reporter: the cost for your personal electric quiet jet pack pod, around $100,000. it's like a commuting space race. >> it is. and this massive amounts of investment going into it right now. and it will be way that we commute and the way we move in the future. >> david said he plans to put the jet packs in adventure pods. you kiss good-bye to the kids. you put on your jet pack and take off. it's not going to be for everybody. >> i would love it. >> right? >> i was thinking the flying car, where do you pull over? flying. >> theirs has to be faster. i like this series, "around the world." you get to go to cool places. >> more to come. >> i would like to pitch a spas around the world series. >> noted. cambridge opening up. and dylan is in the orange room for carson, with the latest twist in the tom bra♪ hey allergy muddlers are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool? try zyrtec® zyrtec® starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. stick with zyrtec®. muddle no more®. try rhinocort® allergy spray for powerful nasal allergy relief. the dry skin culprit no a damaged moisture barrier. new moisture bomb from garnier skinactive. with antioxidant rich goji berry and pomegranate, it strengthens skin's moisture barrier. keep hydration where it belongs, in my skin. new moisture bomb. garnier skinactive. well this here's a load-bearing wall. we'll go ahead and rip that out. 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[ cheers and applause ] welcome back. carson has given over his beloved pressure, the orange room, to dylan this morning. >> good thing you have a spare key. >> she has the patriots story. >> excuse me. >> you got this. >> i finally got a good night sleep last night. calvin slept for eight hours. and tom brady's super bowl jerseys have been returned to boston. ceo rob stadium with the two jerseys that he wore in super bowl xlix and super bowl li. kraft issued this statement. collectively multiple agencies in the u.s. and mexico, worked together to achieve the stolen property. it's an example of the importance of teamwork and what can be accomplished when everyone works together. the jerseys were found in the home of mauriceo ortega. they said that ortega is the alleged thief. no charges or arrests have been made. not only the patriots celebrating the jersey's safe return. let's look at tweets. nice work, guys. and erin andrews tweeted, tom brady's jersey found and i can't find my car keys. the patriots celebration is far from over. the team is set to visit the white house next month, making them the first professional sports team to be greeted by trump. all is well in the world now. do you think they wash those jerseys? >> no. you want to preserve it. that will devalue it, greatly. >> i know would never wash it, dylan. >> for other reasons. >> that took a turn. okay. >> it really did. >> thanks, dylan. >> wow. so much for calvin sleepi ining night. coming up, we get you ready for al's next big rokerthon adventure. and monday's first step. brace yourself. jill managed to dig up spring stea [ ominou[ sniffs ] little girl: daddy! trapped by your unrelenting nasal allergies? [ meow ] [ sneezes ] try clarispray clarispray provides unsurpassed relief. it's 24 hour, non-drowsy and prescription strength. free yourself with clarispray, from the makers of claritin. you need to eat this special. ♪ ♪ i love it start your day with crunchy whole-grain flakes... and real strawberries. special k. eat special. feel special. wiback like it could used to? neutrogena hydro boost water gel. with hyaluronic acid it plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. for supple, hydrated skin. hydro boost. from neutrogena so i trust nature made vitamins. health and life. because they were the first to be verified by usp for quality and purity standards. nature made, the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. it can seem like triggers pop up everywhere. luckily there's powerful, 24-hour, non-drowsy claritin. it provides relief of symptoms that can be triggered by over 200 different allergens. live claritin clear. i bet you a buck hek catches this salt shaker.u. you're on. hey chuck! you owe me a buck. you can't always see what's coming... ...but when you choose unitedhealthcare, finding an in-network doctor is easy. unitedhealthcare game night is our daughter allie's favorite night. and knowing that her favorite general mills big g cereals are gluten-free, like honey nut cheerios, rice chex and lucky charms, she can enjoy it her way. lines?an develop fine lines what lines? the chapstick total hydration collection. our advanced skin care formulas instantly smooth and transform your lips. chapstick. put your lips first. allergy symptoms doctors recommend taking claritin every day distracting you? of your allergy season for continuous relief. claritin provides powerful, non-drowsy, 24-hour relief. for fewer interruptions from the amazing things you do every day. live claritin clear. every day. ♪ the best things in life they're free ♪ ♪ stars belong to everyone ♪ ♪ they cling there for you and for me ♪ ♪ flowers in spring ♪ the robins that sing ♪ the sunbeams that shine ♪ they're yours and their mine ♪ love can come to everyone ♪ >> announcer: this is a news 4 today news break. >> 7:56 is your time now. good morning to you. we'll get to the traffic for a look at the commute. good morning, melissa. >> good morning. a couple things happening right now. again in charles county we still have this problem. edge hill road and popes creek blocked because of the suv that rolled over. outer loop pennsylvania avenue, tractor-trailer on the right shoulder. sounds like the brakes are on fire. also seeing a delay in the inner loop as well. 95 northbound, route 1 i should say, still have the northbound lanes blocked, southbound lanes unaffected. >> thank you, melissa. we'll take a quick break and check your forecast next. stay with us. safety isn't a list of boxes to check. it's taking the best technologies out there and adapting them to work for you. the ultrasound that can see inside patients, can also detect early signs of corrosion at our refineries. high-tech military cameras that see through walls, can inspect our pipelines to prevent leaks. remote-controlled aircraft, can help us identify potential problems and stop them in their tracks. at bp, safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better. good morning, freezing rain advisory still up for washington county. this includes hagerstown, winchester till 9:00 a.m., and radar showing potential for that freezing rain shown in the pink, that's going to continue to move towards the district. starting to break up still a chance of showers before lunchtime. 38 degrees is the temperature currently in the district. martinsburg is a little bit above freezing otherwise a high temperature of 63 today. >> thank you, sheena. another local news update for you in 25 minutes. it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, trump's ultimatum. the president telling republicans to get onboard with his health plan today or obamacare stays. we're live at the white house. plus, return of rokerthon. [ cheers ] first, he set a world record by doing the weather for 34-straight hours. >> al, you are officially amazing. >> then, he delivered the forecast from all 50 states in just 1 week. >> it's going to make your heads go -- >> so, what's al got in store for rokerthon 3? we'll reveal his ambitious new plan. >> reunion. can't wait for our puppy with a purpose to reunite with his mom, dad and five sisters, all for a good cause today, friday, march 24th, 2017. ♪ >> green bay on the plaza. >> welcome from north carolina. watch the "today" show. >> married 45 years old. ♪ >> celebrating our ten-year anniversary at the "today" show. hi, boys. >> i'm celebrating my 16th birthday all the way from the bahamas. ♪ >> good morning, everybody. it's 8:00 on "today." it's friday. it's march 24th. it is a cold day out on our plaza. we have a lot of shining faces, as we say hello to a big, big spring break crowd. good morning. we're tak we're on tv right now, you know? click that selfie. we did it. and welcome back, everybody. what an awesome crowd. >> come on. >> i know. >> a huge crowd. exciting. >> i know. >> i feel like i'm back at mtv with this crowd at this time of the year. >> they're awesome. coming up today, the biggest spring steals grand finale you can imagine. what a week it's been. you're not going to believe the bargains we got for $5 or less. there's jill, she's ready. we're going to kick this off in with a great deal here in a minute. let's get a check of the morning's top stories. >> reporter: i'm kristen welker at the white house where it's do or die for the republican health care bill. after the initial vote was delayed, the president issuing an ultimatum. his message to republicans, he's done negotiating. vote for the bill or obamacare stays. president trump with mounting replace of obama care on life support. overnight, a promise to save it. >> we will repeal and replace this broken law baize it's collapsing and failing families. and tomorrow we're proceeding. >> reporter: the president sends his top advisers to capitol hill, to twist the arms of remaining holdouts. after meeting with the republican conference, his budget director said the president is done negotiating. some republicans trying to project confidence. >> we're going to win this. >> the plea is, within our membership to come together. it's hard to govern. we've been the opposition party for eight years. it's time to come together. this is our moment. >> reporter: there's more than 30 gop lawmakers who aren't ready to get onboard, like dan donovan. >> they have to represent the people in their district. i have to represent the people in my district. >> reporter: the political drama, capping a day of marathon meetings. president trump huddling with conservative lawmakers during the day. and getting a after offering a key con kegs, eliminating a regulation they oppose. but so far, his efforts have not been enough to get the bill over the finish line. a defeat would be a major blow to the president, who campaigned on being a dealmaker who would prioritize repealing and replacing obamacare. >> real change begins with immediately repealing and replacing obamacare. a disaster. >> reporter: as he fights to keep that promise, mounting questions about republican house intelligence committee chair devin nunes. nunes expressing regret after performing the president and the public, before telling his committee that trump transmission communications may have been incidentally scooped up by u.s. surveillance. >> the president needs to know these intelligence reports are out there. >> reporter: but thursday, nunes apologized to his colleagues behind closed doors and backtracked publicly. >> that was a judgment call on my part. at the end of the day, sometimes you make the right decision. sometimes you make the wrong one. flexing his muscles. telling "time" magazine i inherited a mess in so many ways. and i can't be doing so badly because i'm president and you're not. the president casting confidence throughout the day yesterday, even having some fun at this health care photo op, with truckers all while the vote was stalling on capitol hill, unbeknownst to him. senior administration officials say if the vote fails the president will point the finger at republicans and argue they failed to fulfill their promise to voters to repeal and replace obamacare. mr. trump is prepared to move on to other priorities. >> kristen welker at the white house. overseas, scotland yard announced new arrested in connection with the london terror attack. and we learned more about the american tourist who was killed. nbc chief global correspondent, bill neely, joins us from london. bill, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, savannah. police say they made two, new significant arrestsnd still searching five homes. and they've issued some extraordinary new figures. they say there were 3,500 witnesses, to the killings. many over there on westminster bridge. and they've collected nearly 3,000 pieces of evidence. so, a massive investigation. and the core of that investigation, is the question how was khalid masood radicalized? was it online on his own? or was he helped by, directed by others? a poignant photograph has emerged from outside parliament, taking by an american tourist, stacy martin. beside her, the british policeman, keith palmer, as you see there. perhaps his final photograph because he was stabbed and died around 40 minutes later. and still in the hospital, american tourist melissa do cochran. she was with her husband, kurt. kurt died. they were on a final full day of a europeanr their 25th wedding anniversary. one final note, there is a fourth innocent victim. a 75-year-old british man died of his injuries overnight. still grieving here and over there in utah. back to you. >> heart wrenching. bill, thank you very much. newly released video may explain what started a fire in an albuquerque parking lot. 60 vehicles were damaged or destroyed. the fire spread to the roof of a carport. security camera video shows someone setting off fireworks in the lot before the fire broke out. fortunately nobody was injured. police are looking for the person who had the fireworks. go to the orange room. a lot going on. >> babies crying. >> dylan? >> i'm okay over here. coming up, the thrilling conclusion of our week of spring steals. jill has managed to find bargains for $5 or less. but why wait? she's going to reveal one right now. >> today, it's all about smart shopping. i'm going to share tips on how to do it. tj maxx, some will retail for $20 and up. we got all of this stuff. shopping with my mom. $5 and under. and look at our cute model. modeling our clothes. >> how ahandsome is he? >> $5 and under. >> do you love it? >> he is smiling. >> it's so fun. the rest of our spring steals a little bit later, guys. >> thank you. also ahead, could hitting the hot tub be as good as hitting the treadmill? the best exercise news we've heard in forever, actually. >> fingers crossed on that story. and if you thought rokerthons 1 and 2 were exciting, just wait. al is ready to storm into the madness again. we're goin the moment you realie the only part of your lawn growing like weeds is the weeds. help you create the yard you want. all projects have a starting point. start with lowe's. hurry in and get 50% off scotts ez seed at the lowe's "refresh your outdoors event." ♪ ve been on i'm bushed! my feel alyea me too. excuse me...coming through! ride the gel wave of comfort with dr. scholls massaging gel insoles. they're proven to give you comfort. which helps you feel more energized ...all day long. i want what he has. ♪ hey allergy muddlers are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool? try zyrtec® zyrtec® starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. stick with zyrtec®. muddle no more®. try rhinocort® allergy spray for powerful nasal allergy relief. coming up, we wrap up spring steals. what can you get for $5 and less? savannah, look. so cute. >> i'll take it. i'll take it. >> that's cu my name is barbara and i make dog chow natural. now that i work there, i value the food even more. i feed it to yoshi because there are no artificial colors, preservatives and it's made with real chicken. is this my car? ck. state farm knows that for every one of those moments... what? this is ridiculous! there's one of these... sam, i gotta go... is this my car? what? this is ridiculous! this can't be happening! this can't be happening! oh, it's happening sweetheart. oh, it's happening sweetheart. shut up! shut up! that's why state farm is there, what a day... with car insurance, for when things go wrong. but also here with car loans, to help life go right. state farm. what a day!! [ cheers ] we're back. 8:12. time for "trending." let's do it. and "pop start." we bring in our friday "trending" with a quick game of would you rather. here it is. would you rather run a few strenuous miles on a treadmill or take a warm, relaxing bath? >> ding, ding. >> you can reap the same or just about the same benefits from exercise if you just soaked in the tub. >> i would say talk slower. >> i know. a study from the university of the u.k. has discovered you can. they compared cyclists and bathers. now, i will say, the exercisers did burn more calories. but those who took a hot bath also burned calories and ended up with low ee eer peak bloug >> yes. you can lay in the bath and burn calories. >> that's fantastic. >> in l.a. there's a place called shape house. people are going, and sweating, watching tv. >> in a bath? >> it's a nonexercise way of losing weight. you just sweat it out. >> will it work that way? or the steamer? >> we're on to something. >> we are, love it. trending on twitter, this sign at a duck pond with a title, thank you for not feeding us bread. explaining that makes ducks ill when you feed them ill. the photo was retweeted 107,000 times. the internet was shocked at the revolution. i grew up going to a duck pond with bread. >> what else do you feed them? >> is this new? >> i would like to settle the debate. let me use my lifeline, we have jeff corwin on skype right now. is bread bad for ducks? >> it is theer about ducks. bread is bad for ducks. you should not feed ducks at a duck pond. go there. watch them being wild. you touched on it perfectly. when you feed the ducks, it's pour nutrition, they gain weight. it affects your ability to fly. it desensitizes them. >> laying it on thick, jeff. >> what do ducks eat? >> ducks normally eat natural plants or instinects. they're migrating or finding foods. when you feed them, they think this is their source for a resource. this is their home. and also, they become too comfortable with people which makes them potentially in trouble with pets like dogs. or giving a kid a nip with their bill on the tip of the finger. >> pringles it is. >> no carbs for ducks. >> i would like to apologize for the 400,000 ducks i've fed bread to for 30 years. >> make way for ducklings. >> anybody scared of ducks? >> i >> swans on the other hand, vicious. >> revenge of ducks after give them a loaf of bread. >> having for a friend. i'm a little scared of ducks. a baby was crying. his dad came up with a great idea. how about i grab some dirty clothes and let the baby cuddle. look what happened. [ crying ] >> oh, mommy. >> yeah. >> smells so good. >> thank you, daddy. >> the cry factor for you and i, is off the charts. >> how cute is that? >> that's the experiment. take it away. bring it back in. >> the funny thing is, when dylan starts crying, we give her tom brady's jersey. it works like a charm. >> nothing wrong with it. time to put the "pop start" hat on. >> thanks to jeff corwin who we cut off there. i wanted to say good-bye to him. and we moved on. >> give him a loaf of bread. >> he got up e start with selena gomez. the 24-year-old singer and actress. she showed up at a high school. selena teamed up with coach and an organization called step up, that empowered young women from underresourced communities. selena encouraged communities to dream big. sheinelle was there for all of the action. you can watch her interview with selena gomez monday, here on "today." >> and more coming up on "today's take" at 9:00. >> more at 9:00. now, to kate middleton. the duchess of cambridge opens up about motherhood, its challenges and insecurities in an effort to race awareness about mental health. she calls parenting the sheer overwhelming experience. >> becoming a mother has been a rewarding experience. however, at times it's also been a huge challenge. for many mothers, myself included, this can at times lead to a lack of confidence and >> kate encouraged parents to never be afraid to ask for help. >> sounds so much better when you have a british accent. >> it does. everything. going to start with "the voice." and end on "pop start." if i work my other show into this show, i do. that's a video with adam, blake, gwen and alicia keys doing "waterfalls." somebody else wants in on the next jam session. her name is ellen degeneres. check out ellen's latest video. ♪ the mother staring out of the window ♪ >> yeah. ♪ don't go chasing waterfalls >> girl. rock it. ♪ you make me want to shoop, shoop ♪ >> mashup there. very funny stuff. you can catch the next episode of "the voice" monday night here on nbc. that's your "pop start" for today. >> thanks >> and speaking of rain we have our own chance of rain racing into thd. mra dry in alfo rns lty. thawot loe pockets moly, y deaiinthug her shod iabt 00 mor a o hly a o2:thla l est. teauris cd 3 you' nd urt ull 63 y. 7mo68n nd wh chf inftk. r thon 3 is sponsoredy netjets, the worldwide leader in private aviation. >> al, i hope you enjoyed your vacation this week. it's about to end, big-time. rokerthon is back. let's remind everybody what happened here. for rokerthon one, al became a guinness world record holder. for delivering the weather live for 34 hours straight. i really thought we were going to lose you. okay? >> no netjets needed for that one. >> >> then, there was rokerthon 2, where you look it to the next level. >> you delivered the weather, all 50 states in just 1 week. you crossed the finish line just in the nick of time. >> how do you top it for rokerthon 3? >> honor of march madness, five college campuses, five days. we're going to stop at each one. and students will help set a new guinness world record. hundreds of colleges heeded our call to be part of rokerthon 3. we want to give you a taste where we might be storming into the madness. >> roker. rok roker. >> roker. >> let's go roker. >> al roker, i'm in love with you. >> and i am in love with all of you. the thousands of college students who took time-out of their busy studying schedules -- yeah, studying, that's it. to invite rokerthon to their campuses. >> hey, al. >> welcome to auburn university. >> welcome to uconn nation. >> welcome to kent state university. >> this is nichols college. >> university of nebraska at omaha. >> we want to -- >> see you at the court. >> usc wants al. >> we want you to come to rocky top. >> al, please come to carolina. >> we want you to come to murray state for rockerthon 3. >> come to kansas city. >> oh, what an incredible ass t assortment of world record ideas. >> we want you to be part of the largest crab feast. >> breaking the record for the largest robotics lesson ever. >> the most people on a 15-food wood pole. >> longest conga line on ice. >> the largest group of dressed like tigers. >> shooting free throws in a swimming pool. >> the largest toast of arnold palmers ever. >> please be my partner for a world record salsa dae. >> under a minute. >> in one minute. >> world's largest record for jam party. >> most people dress as harry potter in one place. >> some were a little offbeat. >> help us break the world record for most kilts put on in a minute. what better group to do it than the band without pants. >> and some ideas were delicious. >> we want you to join us and have the biggest group dancing holding cake in our hand. >> oh, cake. >> we want you to join us to break a world record for most people dressed as waffles in one location. >> ooh, waffles. all in all, a valiant effort was made to bring us to -- >> our neck of the woods. >> our neck of the woods. >> our neck of the woods. >> come over to our neck of the woods. >> how is the weather in our neck of the woods? >> potentially record breaking. ♪ ♪ al roker >> wow. beautiful. >> everybody said i had a big head. you see it a lot in there. to help us get around, our friends at netjets will be helping us out. chief pilot, captain don whipkey, who planned this year's route. >> good to see you, captain. >> we're not divulging where we're going. but how difficult was it plotting this route? it's in the midst where it can be severe weather. >> not nearly as difficult as the last time you did this. but yeah. we're going to keep you clear of all of the weather. our meteorologists have taken a look at the destinations. and everything looks good. bring your umbrella and your coat. going to be chilly. >> what happens if al comes up to the cockpit and says, i want to get some barbecue in tennessee? >> we will do it. he's in charge. >> this is fantastic. see you kids later. we're going to fiji. >> we can do being part of this? >> i am. absolutely. quite an honor for netjets and myself, as well. >> you teamed up with netflix and we'll be watching movies. it will be great. netjets, thank you so much. again, it's five days, five schools. hopefully five records. we're going to have clues about monday's first campus stop. we're heading hundreds of miles away. i can tell you, there's only one like it. it sees its fair share of wild weather. and its school colors, don't call them red and white. >> those are good clues. i have no idea. >> think of "today" show stunts with netjets. >> exactly. >> i'm going to need your car. >> we're assigning ourselves this morning. > >> we're so excited to get this trip under way. you can follow along, signing up for web alerts, on coming up next, jill's unbeli bucks and less. and two hollywood icons in studio. jane fonda and lily tomlin are here. looking forward to chatting >> announcer: this is a news 4 today news break. >> good morning, it'26n this frayh i'm aan lcis let's a onheoa wiel >> good in bigue nortnd 1t , l bck trese thah haarnd beforeiae,ron dowcle t cte la trng. outerp g . eastbounmbe madiso b bau o a c. >> wllooheas wheth wcok. swi there's work to be done. it's not going to be easy but there's grit inside of you. and if you need extra motivation the grad fund at strayer university can help push you forward. because up to your last year of classes could be on us. that's right. on us. today is the day. strayer university. let's get it, america. good morning, everybody. already some light rain, maybe pockets of briefly moderate rain. and i couldn't rule out one or two frozen rain drops/sleet pellets across the i-81 corridor. this is all racing in towards the city. it's all going to be light rain around town. our above freezing. i'm not worried about that. we're in the 30s. after lunchtime we should make it into the 60s today. >> chuck, thank you, latest news and weather, the nbc washington app. ♪ good morning, everybody. it's 8:30. it's a friday morning. great day, march 24th, 2017. we're kicking off the weekend in style, with a great crowd on our plaza. and it's like suddenly kind of warm. >> beautiful right now. >> the last half hour, it got warmer. >> i hope it stays like this. we have a great crowd, as you mentioned. coming up, our puppy with a purpose, charlie, is here. charlie is going to be reuniting with his family. and just like charlie, all of his siblings are training to be service dogs or guide dogs. you see there. we're going to introduce you to charlie and his gang. >> all of the arguing about which is cuter. jill is capping off our spring steals with the biggest bargains of all-time. $5 or less. when it comes to hollywood stars, they don't get much bigger than these two. jane fonda and lily tomlin. good friday morning. we do have the potential of seeing a couple icy spots far north and west close to hagerstown, winchester, a lot looks like it is changing over to rain. we still have the freezing rain advisory out for these areas, though. that does include washington county and again down 81. temperatures are looking above freezing. we're still cold, though, 38 degrees in the district, most of the rest of the area mid to upper 30tion. 63 by this afternoon. tomorrow 76, near 70 or sunday. >> we got a lot of people. we have to show a lot of people. that's what's going on around the country. check your weather anytime you need it. go to the weather channel on cable. now, let's go back inside. >> that's like rokerthon 3 al, thank you very much. we've reached the grand finale of our spring steals. all week, contributor jill martin has brought you unbeatable bargains. it began with deals $100 and under. dropping to 10 bucks. and going to go $5 or less. >> this was a challenge. this is about strategic shopping. this isn't about bargains out there. it's about taking time, packing your patience and going to the store. i want to start with owen's 4th birthday party. they're part of my family. say hi. >> hi, owen. >> and this is ansel, representing michigan. this is the dollar tree. if you're throwing a party over the summer, no need to spend a ton on paper goods. kids are eating off of them. you're going to throw them out. every piece here is $1. for $20, you can make a whole party. an you don't have to go to a huge party supply store. the games, the everything $1. really use the dollar stores. >> okay. >> stores like home goods, marsha marshall's tj maxx. they're discount department stores. they have strategic shoppers that will go in and make deals to get the lower price. that's why you can get these things. these things retail for $20 to $50. i got everything here. shopping in the store. soaps for the home, napkins, plates. $5 and under. >> great deal. >> all from home goods. >> i thought the $5 under today, was going to be a small table where you found a few things. but you have a ton of stuff. >> thanks. this is from kmart. i went to kmart. i really wanted to find stuff to spruce up the kitchen. when new things come in, they have to make room for those new things. even things they just got in might be on clearance. this whole thing, $2.99 comes in this little bow. this is a great thing. candles. everything $5 and under. >> how much were the candles? >> 3.9. >> you wrap it up and it's a gift. sweatshirts was a big hit. i picked these up for $5 at kmart. old navy, tanks and ts today, $5. that one looks good. turquoise is your color. you can usually pay $20 or $30 on retail. >> they're so soft. >> $5 each. you can stack up on the colors for summer. >> great deal, jill. i don't know how you've done it all week. >> beauty. this is amazing. this is a bundle just for our "today" show viewers. retail at $13. everything in the set for $5. >> wow. >> plus free shipping. anything you need to spruce up your makeup closet. plus, what do you think of getting something for zero dollars? >> i'm not working weekends. today, we have dylan and al outside. and we're giving away 100 must-have lip pencils for zero dollar. >> you started with $100 deals and ending at zero. >> literally at zero. time to eat a pancake. >> it was so huge at, our top stories several days this week. so, i'm just going to direct you back there for any of these bargains, plus special web extra deals, go to and, jill, you killed it this week. >> thanks, everyone. coming up next, two icons for the price of one. jane fonda and lily tomlin are with us live in studio 1a. first, this is "today" on nbc. >> i think this is- - [ trbreast cancer are helped byof woplanned parenthood.r, jamie: one day, i found a lump on my right breast. so, i called planned parenthood and they got me in that day. within two and half weeks, i had a complete radical mastectomy. trump: one of the candidates, i won't mention names, said we're not gonna spend that kind of money on women's health issues. i am. jamie: had planned parenthood not have gotten me that appointment, i probably wouldn't be around. vo: president trump stand with survivors. protect planned parenthood. we're fonda and lily tomlin are back for the third season of their hit series, "grace and frankie." it's about two women who become roommates after their husbands leave them to be with one another. >> this season, grace and frankie are working on a new business venture. have a look. >> when does the money truck pull up? >> slow down. it doesn't matter that we know it's great. we have to have other women try it and give us feedback. we don't have a budget for focus groups. >> i can call a few of my friends. >> no. i know your friends. >> jane fonda, lily tomlin, good morning. >> good morning. >> normally, this would be the section of the interview where i say what is the premise of season three. what is the business venture? i can't think of a pg way to describe what you're selling. >> jane will have one. >> you have to have it be pg? >> it's a morning show. kids are eating their cereal right now, lily. >> they have probably gone to school already. at the end of season and my present is a vibrator. and grace has never used a vibrator before. and she ends up with carpel tunnel syndrome. and our families make fun of us. and we say we're going to go into business. the business we go into is making vibrators were older women. >> you're looking for money, right? looking to raise 75 grand for this business. >> yeah. >> is it happening? >> that's part of the process of season two. >> but the problem is, you see, grace is a real businesswoman. this one can't even add up her checkbook. she is into vaginal lubrication. i thought it was jam. she is raising the wrong subject. i want to push with the vibrators. the direction prints are large. we can see them, the buttons glow in the dark. >> we got it. >> and the tip of it moves easy so you don't have to wreck your wrist. >> we have only ourselves to blame here. >> we had an hour meeting about this. >> how can we take on this issue? >> it's good for your neck. you know. for back pain. >> sure. make soup. >> i have so many follow-up questions. i'm going to hold them. honestly, aside from the subject matter, it raises some serious issues because you're out there saying, older female population is a good market. and they still have sex lives. >> that's right. >> that's right. sometimes by themselves. and that's the whole point. >> we called the vibrator, menage a moi. >> what did you say? >> i said menage. >> tomato, tomato. let's call the whole thing off. >> i don't speak french as >> what do people say when they watch the show? >> they love it. it's just -- they really love it. and older women love it. their kids love it. we just saw al roker just stopped us and said, our 17-year-old daughter turned us on to your show. >> so to speak. when in rome. >> yeah. >> one of the things we love about it is we get to see a beautiful friendship between grace and frankie. and that part isn't acting because you have this awesome friendship. what's the dynamic? is it similar to what we see in the show or totally different? >> kind of what you just saw >> take the script, throw it up in the air and do the scene. >> corrects me. >> fortunately, we have a good time. and we are very, very different. so, you know, that part is reflected in the show. grace is really smart and organized. and she has her >> and i'm very intuitive, very artistic, very creative. just goes, you know, with the cosmic flow. >> lightning round. lily, what's something that people would be surprised to learn about jane? >> she uses her iphone sitting up erect. >> i have good posture. at least i know how to use an iphone. >> what do we not know about lily? >> i did a very neutral reference. >> you didn't go into the real stuff. well, everybody knows about lily. what's absolutely true is that she laughs a lot. if you throw something out serious. and she, her funny bone comes up with something that makes her laugh. >> like that. >> other people -- right. she laughs a lot. >> how is lily's training going? you said the last time you here, you had the same trainer. >> it's great for me. >> how is it going, lily? >> forget it. she dropped out after three days. >> no way. >> we have a little gym on the stage. we set up a gym that mary organized for the two of us. and guess who is the only one in there. >> guess which one is pulling those elastic thrust things. >> come a little closer. >> you take your physical being. >> she is so strong, this one. in real life, she is. very strong. >> the show is strong. the writing is strong. you're incredible. >> we just saw the -- through a third season, our screening. we laughed -- it was truly fu y funny. >> so good. >> you know what the best part of it is, women comes up to us and says it gives us hope. it makes us less afraid to get older. >> that's the best compliment. >> really. >> i go to this aerobics class and we have a move we jane. >> is it the doggy move? >> no. it's hard. they yell out, the jane. >> i don't do it anymore. >> i'm thinking about you all the time. >> you don't have to do the jane. jane doesn't do it anymore. >> ladies, thank you so much. >> glad to see you both. >> grace and frankie" season three on netflix. coming up next, a miracle in the mountains you do not want to miss. our feel-good friday story. that's coming up. first, this is "today" on nbc. all right. it's friday, that means feel-good friday. we're going to kick off the weekend the right way. >> this morning, joe fryer tells us to california santa cruz mountains, deep in the woods, where you never know what you might find. >> reporter: boulder creek is a the redwoods outnumber the population. >> it's a different pace from being in the city. >> reporter: and dan estrada hit the reset pbutton on his stressful life. did you know the woods would be this therapeutic for you? >> i had no idea. >> reporter: and he had no idea that on a recent hike, he would find something unexpected. >> i look over. and i see what i thought was a trash bag. and at second glance, i knew it was sage. that's when my heart sank. >> reporter: sage, a blind 12-year-old labrador retriever that belonged to dan's neighbors. eight days earlier, she had gone missing in the predator-infested woods, where hours of searching turned up nothing. then, tucked along a stream, dan spotted the dog's body, lying motionless. that's when sage lifted her head. >> i was like, praise gave her a hug. and petted her. she was happy. she lifted up her head, smiling. >> reporter: after losing seven pounds, she was weak. so, dan did what firemen do, he rescued sage, carrying the dog on his shoulders over rugged steep terrain. emerging to a crowd after news of the lob's discovery spread faster than a forest fire. >> i looked up. everybody with tears in their eyes crying. just finish the job. get her up here. and it was an awesome reunion. >> reporter: by now, you can probably imagine how sage's owners feel about dan. >> dan? i think dan's great. >> reporter: they offered $1,000 reward but dan declined, requesting the money go to an animal shelter and charity, instead. >> it caused a lot of us to do soul searching, as to not what separates us as americans but what brings us together. >> hi, sage. >> reporter: while she can't see, she can certainly feel the presence of the man who saved her life. >> before sage was just my neighbor. now, she's my friend. >> reporter: for "today" joe fryer, nbc news, boulder creek, california. >> feel-good friday. >> that makes you feel good. >> and charlie and his family were watching that. >> they were. >> they were feeling good about it. >> they were watching it very clo closely. and in fact, we're going to reunite charlie with his entire family. all here. mom, dad, and sissies. >> there's ozzie right there. >> the patriarch. first, this is "today" on nbc. welcome back. we're throwing a puppy party/family reunion right here, live in studio 1a this morning. charlie is here with his five sisters and their mom and dad. it's the first time they've been together since last summer. also with us, charlie's puppy trainer, olivia. along with some of the great folks from america's vet dogs. everybody, good morning. noise to see you. this is overwhelming for some of us, who see charlie every day, to realize he has such a big family. olivia, i've asked you a million questions about this. he doesn't realize this is his family. do you notice some warmth? >> i hate to be the one to rn i'll say, maybe he does recognize them all. >> beautiful. let's start with mocha. >> this is mocha. we have crema, kona, jackie, ozzie and quinta. ozzie and quinta are the proud parents. >> like charlie, everybody is going to be in the service business, these dogs? >> yeah. we have an interesting situation here. we have split. quinta and ozzie had six puppies. three are training to be service dogs for veterans. and three are training to be guide dogs for the blind. all of these dogs are working hard. >> give us an update on charlie. where is he in his progress? >> he is right on track. he's actually been working on one of the most requested service dog tasks. it's called retrieval. and would you like >> i would love one. if i can do anything to help, let me know. >> charlie, we're going to set this up, buddy. good boy. okay. >> no pressure with your five sisters watching, charlie. >> charlie, bring. you got it. good boy. right here. good. charlie, bring. yeah. one more. bring. perfect. >> good boy, charlie. >> good job. aren't you proud of your brother? they're so well behaved. charlie's tracking well. >> charlie's tracking well. his sisters, on track to be america's vet dogs puppies are following the same training curriculum. they're doing very well. >> where are they along with his? >> they're right on track. they're doing great. >> progress. are you mic'd? i'm not sure if you're mic'd. not at all. ozzie is the dad down there. qiuinta is the mom. and you think that she might recognize some of the kids here. >> correct. they spent six weeks together before they were weaned from their mother. potentially, she remembers their scent and personalities because she pespent so much time with them. >> does everybody go to central park now and continue to sniff each other and hang out? how does this work? >> maybe we'll have milk bones for all. >> good. a little family reunion. thank you. we appreciate the work you're doing, as well. thank you. charlie, nice work, buddy. go over to savannah. willie is here. a sneak peek at what's coming up on sunday? >> i'm happy to see dylan dreyer. and you won't be on sunday. >> why not? >> she needs more time to integrate herself into sunday "today." she's busy. and excused absence. what we do have, tracee ellis ross, the star of the show actress in a tv comedy. she is the daughter of diana ross. grew up in the spotlight and thriving in it herself. tracee ellis ross. what is coming up next hour? >> brooklyn decker, on "frankie and grace." and betty good morning to you. we want to get a look at your traffic. melissa, good morning. >> hi, a couple different problems around town. northbound route 1 again at 95, all lanes still blocked here because of that crash here this morning. edge hill road, in charles county, that is a bad crash from overnight we had chopper 4 over a little while ago. southbound 370, incident slowing things there. >> all right, thank you, melissa. we'll take a quick break and check your forecast when we come back. stay with us. good morning. we have rain moving through the area. now north and west of the district closer to hagerstown. we could have slides, temperatures mostly a brochl freezing. we'll see more of that rain approaching. the district should be in the d.c. area shortly. otherwise we could see those icy conditions north and west. temperatures in the 30s. >> jen a, thank you. get the news and weather any time in the nbc washington app. this morning on "today's take," actress and singer selena gomez. and the surprise that shocked her fans. are you feeling lucky? you could win our freebie friday giveaway. and from "grace and frankie," brooklyn decker is on-deck, coming up now. >> from nbc news, this is "tod's take." live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> it is a friday morning, march 24th, 2017. the gang's all here. this is terrific. >> yeah. >> is this a first? >> i think so. >> i haven't been here for three months. >> that's true. >> with you here as well, al. >> yes. we're listening to one of our somebody loves you. she's got a new song that she will be performing for us live. >> i know. welcome back. >> feeling good. >> you look like you've been at a spa. >> my son, nick -- nick goes to a private school. leila goes to public school. spring breaks are over. i took nick. nick and i went to the cayman islands. >> dad and son. >> the boys hanging out. >> the weather looks awful. >> on seven mile beach. had a great time. we just chilled out. in fact, nick chilled out. he fell asleep half the time on beach chairs. did some biking. had a lot of good food. and just chilled out. i keep looking at the pictures thinking, how could this have happened. >> he's the entire length of the lounge chair. >> off the lounge chair. >> he will remember this for the rest of his li this was our first night there. >> you sent this to me. it was the most relaxing thing to watch. i didn't fast forward it or anything. i just sat. >> just about a minute. >> and lived vicariously through you. >> just sit there. >> i was on broadway. there's taxis going back and forth. >> good times. >> do you feel rejuvenated? refreshed? >> i do. >> that's good. you have a big week coming up. >> we have rokerthon coming up. storming through the madness. we're going to five campuses, setting, hopefully, five world records. that's exciting. >> people are excited. >> i'm very excited. we're going to do that. you were busy. >> i was going to say, i had a whirlwind trip. my dad just sent me a text. i was in l.a. i was i l.a. yesterday, interviewing selena gomez. she is everywhere right now. i stepped off of the plane in los angeles and went to the bookstore. and immediately, magazine, rehab saved my life. this beautiful cover of "vogue." i have to tell you. i knew she was a huge ar, obviously. but i think i underestimated her impact. >> how many twitter followers? >> 114 million followers on instagram. more than anyone else in the world. >> how does she handle that fame? >> that's what i found intriguing. i walked in not knowing what to expect. her life is all over the front of magazines. she could not have been more delightful. and just warm and engaging. i asked her what upcoming projects she was feeling passionate about. here's what she had to say about that. >> i think right now, i'm actually enjoying finding moments for myself. whether i'm in the studio and i've been in the studio for a week straight and haven't said anything about it. i like having a little mystery to where i'm at. and i think that makes me feel very empowered. it makes me feel in control of where i'm at. i'm taking time to have a personal life. i'm enjoying mixin i've been straight work. now, just taking my time. i'm doing things that i love, that i'm passionate about, that i care about. traveling. it just makes me happy. >> it sounds like the music, perhaps, is on the way. talking about her time in the recording studio. selena gomez, she teamed up with coach and an organization called step up. it was so heartwarming. she surprised a group of high school girls. she went to a school before this. they went berserk. >> were there tears? >> i was sitting at the edge of the table and this girl goes, oh, my gosh. she's real. and she was so engaged. i'll tell you about our trip on monday. she talked about, the rehab stint happened. she talked about being in a good place now. how she remains being in that good place. and the love for the fans. i any they fuel her. it's a win-win relationship. >> i can't imagine. she has grown up in the public eye. >> in the spotlight. >> and to live has to be difficult. >> when you talk to her, she's been on the show before find she is fairly normal. she's so grounded. >> that's an awesome interview. we'll get it together and play it for you on monday. if you're a fan, you'll walk away, a man. >> that's terrific. a lot of people fans of this guy. 70 birthday tomorrow. elton john turns 70 years old. that's crazy. he is celebrating with a major gala in los angeles, featuring lady gaga, among other special guests. and some of the numbers. he has sold 215 million albums. 57 top 40 hits on the billboard charts. >> wow. >> again, you throw out the numbers. can you really conceptualize how huge that is. >> when we were talking about it this morning, what's your favorite elton john song? shoot. i don't know if i can pick one. starting to get calvin into it. "saturday night's all right." that's one of my favorites. >> yes. >> this is the 41st anniversary of that album. >> is it? >> we know what you would pick. >> hmm. >> this is genuine. you pick this song all the time. 19 74. s elton john's "philadelphia freedom." >> what is it with this song? >> i was a sophomore in college when it came out. it was a 5:40 song that just had strings and everything. >> didn't have to change it. >> exactly. >> you know what it is? elton john, a lot of his songs marks moments in time. i picked candle in the wind, the princess diana tribute. it reenforced the power of mu c music. it >> very transforming. >> one of the things that was like poetry, a fairy tale the past two weeks, we've been holding a contest for the ultimate family fairy tale giveaway, after you were in scotland. one lucky family going to win a fabulous vacation to duns castle in scotland. want to take a look at our finalist? >> first up, the juloski family from mill creek, washington. they're taking on "jack and the bean stalk." >> the beauty of photoshop. >> it took me a second to see the daughter. is that the daughter? >> one in each window. >> next up, hooughes family fro newtown, connecticut, taking on "the wizard of oz." and these sisters with their take of and this family outside of texas, with a play on "cinderella." a lot of times people use their children. she used the guys. >> time has come. drumroll, please. >> we're doing it now? >> there is a drumroll. the winning family for the trip to duns castle in scotland courtesy of homeaway is, the hughes family. >> so, people, you voted, you loved their take on "the wizard of oz." there is an extra piece of this. their 92-year-old great grandmother lives in the u.k. but has never met the 3-year-old violet yet. you have soft hearts. and you wanted the great grandmother to meet the great granddaughter. >> yes. >> congratulations. >> i fell in love with scotland. >> i did, o. >> tell me about it. >> because you were on maternity leave. >> sorry about that. >> during a snowstorm. and i had to get back. i was just about to get measured for -- i fell in love with in kilt place we were at. 21st century kilt. it was a blue harris tweet kilt/sport coat combo. >> to watch the vest? >> it was a flee-piece suit. >> you can't get it? >> i didn't have time. >> i would have gotten it for you. >> you can wear it. >> you could pull it off. >> that's it. hopefully nobody else would pull it off. oh, hey, now. up next, the answer to a burning question. are jake gyllenhaal and ryan reynolds really buddies? they're starring in a new movie together, called "life." what jake had to we invited women to a spa to dish soap. body wash. you may not feel it, but some body washes can contain cleansers found in dish soap. dove body wash is different. it has only the gentlest cleansers. it just made me feel good. this is dove. you need to eat this special. ♪ ♪ i love it start your day with crunchy whole-grain flakes... and real strawberries. special k. eat special. feel special. only tylenol® rapid release gels for fast pain relief. tylenol® (singsong) budget meeting. sweet. if you compare last quarter... it's no wonder everything seems a little better with the creamy taste of philly, made with no artificial preservatives, flavours or dyes. made with no artificial preservatives, when you color your hair with preference it's a love thing. try superior preference from l'oreal with up to 12 tones in each luminous shade preference is uniquely blended to be dimensional and fade defying up to 8 weeks. superior preference from l'oreal paris. watching this breath savers protect mint neutralize the plaque acids in my mouth. i can't see anything! that's because it's working so hard. hey, what are you guys doing? karen. we're neutralizing. maybe i want to neutralize. you ever think of that? don't let dust and allergens and life's beautiful moments. flonase allergy relief delivers more complete relief. flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances that cause all your symptoms, including nasal congestion and itchy, watery eyes. flonase is an allergy nasal spray that works even beyond the nose. so you can enjoy every beautiful moment to the fullest. flonase. 6>1 changes everything. welcome back to "today's take." do you take naps? >> i'm a midday sleeper. i used to be. >> when your baby's asleep, you have to sleep. >> is that what you think when you go home from work, that you'll take a nap? >> i don't know how i can get through the day without it. >> how do you not nap? >> i'm not a mom. >> you're a busy dad. >> still. especially now, my kids are in school. because i find when i take a nap, if it's more than an hour, you're sleeping. it takes me an hour to wake up.. i need an hour or two. >> i sleep a long time. >> one sleep expert is out with the best nap practices. her tips include, she says, keep it under 30 minutes. >> i do that wrong. >> p.m. >> i do that wrong. i'm a 3:00 p.m. napper. >> if i nap, i can't fall asleep. >> yeah? >> it slows off my sleep schedule. >> i'm tired. >> this is interesting. you should drink coffee before a nap. the caffeine takes 30 to 20 minutes to hit your bloodstream. and if you drink it before a nap, it kicks in as you wake up. >> i heard that before. >> when i'm flying, i can nap. >> isn't it worse when you take the nap before the laplane take off? you think, we're on the window and on the runway. >> oh, come on. >> wants all concepts. >> last time, it wouldn't recline. i got in 5:40 this morning, by the way. and i couldn't sleep. >> we are good. we were going to do this story first because we told jake giyllenhaal and ryan reynolds. we have the video, right? >> thumbs up. >> they're in this movie together, "life." and through the press tour, they seem like they're best buddies. last night on "late night with seth meyers" seth wasn't buying it. he wanted jake to prove he's friends with ryan. he forces jake to facetime ryan. take a look. >> this is crazy if he answers. >> you don't know ryan reynolds? >> oh, my god. please answer. or don't if you're taking a bath or something. >> i'll call blake. >> come on, man. you're eating up precious tv time. >> you don't know ryan reynolds. >> i swear. we'll try one more time. >> why would you try one more time? >> just like our show. we keep talking. >> hope it pays off. >> his embarrassment w watch what happens when seth comes back after the commercial. >> so, interesting thing happened during our commercial break. i had a microphone issue. and so, i had to go backstage. and when i went backstage, this actually happened. enjoy. ♪ >> he is calling. seth's not here. he didn't believe we were friends. say hi. [ cheers ] oh, the desk mic. say hi to everybody. >> here's what i'm doing. pushing baby strollers. >> that's good. >> had a good excuse. >> that makes me like him even more. >> that's so sweet. >> starred in my favorite movie. he's a good dad. "dead pool." >> i forgot. >> well, yeah. but i mean, current movie. kwm, everybody. this area of light to briefly moderate rain coming right into the d.c. metro area. it will be in the i-95 corridor the next 30 to 45 minutes. maybe a 10 of an inch of rain on average. it will be cold, only in the upper 30s now. this rain should be out of here not long after lunch time today. the milder air will move in, we should make it to the low 630s this afternoon and 70s co walk under floating mountains. and navigate a mystical river. welcome to a world - beyond belief. pandora - the world of avatar. only at the walt disney world resort. fortified.tored. replenished. emerge everyday with emergen-c packed with b vitamins, antioxidants, electrolytes plus more vitamin c than 10 oranges. emerge and see. starting at $12.99, at olive garden. come for an irresistible meal here, and leave with a great meal too. so you can enjoy family time one more time. buy one take one, only for a limited time. at olive garden. see me. see me. don't stare at me. see me. see me. see me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. i'm not contagious. see me to know that... ...i won't stop until i find what works. discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75% skin clearance at 3 months. while the majority saw 90% clearance. do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur... ...tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms... scle aches or cough. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. if you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. see me. see me. see me. on my way. find clear skin... and a clearer path forward. for a different kind of medicine, ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. dannon oikos triple zero is my go to protein snack. protein from yogurt? yeah, this greek nonfat yogurt packs 15 grams of protein punch. but what else? it has 0 added sugar, 0 artificial sweeteners and 0 fat. oikos triple zero. be unstoppably you. discover new hydra genius by l'oreal. the genius of liquid care. daily hydration that's super lightweight with aloe vera 72 hours of intense and continuous hydration. new hydra genius daily liquid care from l'oreal paris. happiness is powerful flea and tick protection from nexgard. nexgard kills fleas and ticks all month long. and that makes dogs and owners happy. no wonder vets love it too. reported side effects include vomiting, itching, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. see your vet for more information on flea and tick protection you and your dog will love. nexgard. the vet's #1 choice. (vo) they say glory awaits but what about the start? the strength it takes to begin, and sometimes begin again... you just gave birth to another human. (distant cheering and clapping) talk about a comeback. (distant cheering and clapping continues) get your start with under armour, now at kohl's. [ cheers and applause ] if you love going to the movies, today, we have a prize that will bng the movie to you. >> optima. >> we're giving three lucky winners an optima home theater projector. this is a great gift. >> it's amazing. >> let's see who wants one. is this your first time going outside? >> i love giving people things. >> give me a projector. you hear them now. >> i wonder if they can hear us tell them what they're going to get. or they're just screaming. >> they know we're coming. >> they have no idea they're about to get a projector. >> no. >> let's do this. the hard part is deciding who to give it to. >> look at this crowd. >> they are excited. >> good morning. >> go straight ahead. >> just go straight ahead. >> who wants -- how are you guys today? who wants a projector? a projector screen? how about you. what's your name? >> annie. >> we got another one. >> nice. >> do you need a projector? >> we need one. >> all right. >> good luck. >> who doesn't need one? that's the question. my goodness. this is hard. >> hi. okay. how cute is this. do you want a projector? >> yes. >> there you two. >> thank you. >> are you more excited about the projector or the mike and ikes? >> the mike and ikes. >> okay. let's keep going around. good morning. good morning. good morning. oh, my goodness. >> you got the last one. it's your anniversary from new orleans. how long have you been married? >> ten years. >> congratulations. you can have movie night. >> can i give her a wedding present? >> no way. my gosh. that's beautiful. >> that wasn't planned. >> ten years today. >> my heart is pounding and it's not mine. congratulations. >> that's amazing. >> oh. >> al, what about our friends at home? >> to top that, you at home can have a chance to win. we're giving away three more optima h.d. home theater projectors. go to take. and don't forget to like us. it's beautiful. i am in the kitchen coming up with our pal, ryan scott, making one of the best pasta dishes you will ever eat. and it's budget-friendly, too. and when you use your optima projector, it's the size of yo ♪ at almond breeze, we only use california-grown blue diamond almonds in our almondmilk. knowing exactly where every almond comes from. but the whole "care-and-nurturing-making- sure-they-grow- up-just-right" part? that idea... ...we borrowed from the experts. ♪ blue diamond almond breeze. the best almonds make the best almondmilk. only tylenol® rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. they release medicine fast, for fast pain relief. tylenol® ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ h♪twoo ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ well ♪ ♪ it takes two to make a thing go right ♪ ♪ it takes two to make it outta sig♪t ♪ woo ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ woo ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ good morning, 9:26 now on this friday, march 24th. i'm aaron gilchrist. today more than 80 people will weigh in on whether the acting police chief should officially get the job. the third and final public hearing is expected to last all day. he will be the last to speak and take questions from the d.c. council. the national museum of african-american history and culture has been open for six months now and has been packed almost every day. 1.3 million visitors have walked through the new museum. if you want your chons to visit, the next batch of advanced entry passes for july, they are available beginning april fifth. we'll have a look at your forecast when we come back. stay with us. good morning, everybody. still a little bit of light rain getting ready to move to the northwest side of the beltway. leesburg to frederick county to maryland. this will be in and out quickly. not expecting a lot of rain. temperatures behind the chilly rain, only in the upper 30s now. will eventually get back to the 60tion to the, 70 in saturday and near chances of rain over the weekend small, better chances for rain monday and tuesday. >> chuck, thank you. of course he can get the latest weather any time on the nbc washington app. another update in 25 minutes. ♪ this week on "today food" we've been showing you how to feed your family under $20. assuming your family doesn't have dylan in it. i got -- i got to tell you. dylan can eat more than anybody in this room. and still looks this good. >> it's not fair. >> it's true. it's not fair. >> is that a compliment? >> come on. how is the second plate of pasta? >> chef ryan scott is the owner of ryan scott catering to go. he has a pasta dish you want to make this weekend. here we go. >> on the grid, olive oil, vinegar, thoomato paste, here'sy meat mix. al, stop. >> what is this called again? >> ground beef. >> cheesy balls. >> we're going the make this easier and put all of this into the cuisinart. the onions and carrots and celery should be the same size because -- >> they cook the same. >> easy done, in the chopper. don't have to cry. no tears. now, see if you can do this. put that in there. ladies and gentlemen, mr. roker. >> i are a chef. >> you i are stir that for a minute. that turns out about ten minutes looking like this guy. could you go with regular oil, canola oil. look at you. >> look at yu. >> the skills, righty tighty, lefty loosey. you got it, buddy. you stir it. salt and pepper going into here. now, add the tomato paste. now? >> why did you add the tomato paste now? you want to add the flavor of the meal. getting the tomato paste out and cooking in the fresh flavor, is good. >> now, you add the meat. >> your meat, what is it? >> this is pork. this is beef? >> can you do your meat with turkey? >> you can add turkey. not a big deal. that cooks. you add the tomato sauce from a can. >> saving time. >> i've never seen milk. >> have you heard of the chicken livers they finish with? we're not sitting with chicken livers in the fridge, right? >> we're not. >> we're going to put milk. a little bit of vinegar. the acidity breaks down the fat. >> i never put milk in. >> that turns out looking like this beautiful thing right now. >> your cheesy balls. >> jump into the balls here. we got the sauce. cheese, garlic. don't look at me like that. garlic, chili flakes, oregano. you can use the biscuit dough in the can. >> okay. >> take these guys. you can roll one of these. you roll them. get them all. >> nice and uniform. >> are you okay there? >> that's her third bowl. >> i see myself on camera. i'm such a pig. >> sheinelle's grandma tells her not to eat so much. >> do not eat too much. and wait until dylan gets back. you won't feel so bad. it's so good. compliments to the >> thanks. we have stuff here. garlic and butter go in the bottom of the pan. this is superlow cal. >> is this the cheesy part? >> take your balls and drop them in the mixture. >> hey, now. i'm dropping my balls ihe mixture. i missed. >> take a photo of us in the same pot doing this. >> we're like ryan reynolds and jake gyllenhaal. you put that in. >> you bake at about 400 for 15 minutes. we put about four more because the ladies have tried them. we're not doing this again. we've already done this. >> but not with these. >> try that. >> you can get ryan's recipes on coming up next, if we're still on the air, model turned superactor, brooklyn decker is here. the scoop on "grace and ♪ hi, i'm frank. i take movantik for oic, opioid-induced constipation. had a bad back injury, my doctor prescribed opioids which helped with the chronic pain, but backed me up big-time. tried prunes, laxatives, still constipated... had to talk to my doctor. was my movantik moment. my doctor told me that movantik is specifically designed for oic and can help you go more often. don't take movantik if you have a bowel blockage or a history of them. movantik may cause serious side effects, including symptoms of opioid withdrawal, severe stomach pain and/or diarrhea, and tears in the stomach or intestine. tell your doctor about any side effects and about medicines you take. movantik may interact with them causing side effects. why hold it in? have your movantik moment. talk to your doctor about opioid-induced constipation. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. how do they make starburst taste so juicy? they use wicked small fighter jets to shoot the juiciness into every starburst. 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[ female announcer ] starburst. unexplainably juicy. jimmy dean delights frittatas. a delicious, savory egg breakfast, without all the bread and carbs. made with real ingredients. an excellent source of protein to help power through your morning. jimmy dean delights frittatas. express yourself.. brow stylist definer from l'oreal. the ultra-thin tip recreates tiny brow hairs. the spoolie brush blends effortlessly. now brows get their most precise look yet. brow stylist definer from l'oreal makeup designer paris. we believe in food that's anaturally beautiful,, fresh and nutritious. so there are no artificial colors, no artificial flavors, no artificial preservatives in any of the food we sell. we believe in real food. whole foods market. it'that can make a worldces, of difference. so you can travel the world better. ...better than a manual, and my hygienist says it does. but... ...they're not all the same. turns out, they're really... ...different. who knew? i had no idea. so, she said look for... that's shaped like a dental tool with a round... ...brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head surrounds each tooth to... ...gently remove more plaque and... ...oral-b crossaction is clinically proven to... ...remove more plaque than sonicare diamondclean. the #1 brand used by dentists worldwide. oral-b. brush like a pro. it's the kind of gig most actors only dream of. getting to do comedy alongside two living legends, jane fonda and lily tomlin. >> that's what brooklyn decker has been doing for three years on netflix hit series "grace and frankie." >> in the new season, brooklyn's character, a wife and mother of four, is feeling trapped, compared to her single sister. take a look. >> feel like you're trapped? >> i don't know. sometimes. lately, i just -- i feel like there aren't a lot of surprises for me down the road. you know? my kids will grow up. they'll move away. i'll become a grandmother. i'll get my face done. my grandkids will graduate college. i'll get my face redone. and then, i'll do. >> that's present. >> a good feature. >> good morning. >> it's nice to have you here. >> clearly mallory is having some issues this season. >> she is. you know, i now have four children on the show. and i'm a stay-at-home mom. and my husband is not around very much. and i'm deciding whether or not i want to stay in this situation. and true "grace and frankie" fashion, they make that heavy subject matter really funny. we get to explore the relationship between me and my sister, which is exciting. we're very good friends offscreen. i feel good about season three. i'm excited that people are able to watch it. >> you got a show where you're acting with a who's who of acting. does that help you step up your game? >> you know, some days. other days, you feel like you're so undeserving that you want to crawl into a closet and hide. they're so wonderful. the third season coming out, we've been working together so long, they just feel like fr there's a familiarity on set, a camaraderie that exists that helps when i get nervous. and i feel like everyone on that show feels undeserving except for the four leads. why are we here? >> it's so refreshing to watch. the writing is hilarious. >> thank you. >> can you give us a scoop on season three without getting too x-rated here? >> grace and frankie are busy launching a new business. >> season three is very buzzy. gets you feeling real good. >> okay. >> no. again, what i love about this for me, selfishly, you really get to dive into what it's like to be married and feel stuck, which is really interesting. but they do it in a way that it doesn't feel like it boggs you down too much. and you see how much the sisters love each other and hate each other. but have each other's back. i don't think there's a good sister relationship on television. >> you're right. >> there's not. so, i'm really excited for for everyone to see it. >> you play a mom of four. >> yes. >> and you have a 1-year-old son. >> i do. >> has that helped you with the 1-year-old? or -- >> you know, it's funny because june, again, my sister, has had two children in real life. i had four children on the show. one in real life. this is since we started shooting, so no one can remember who is actually a mother, who has ten children. they think we're married and have a brood of seven babies. it's confusing. >> we love this video of you and your son, hank, twerking. >> that's true. >> the internet went nuts about this. >> i think it's important to teach your kids true values in life. i feel like this really captures that. >> you are the role model. >> i'm a great mother. >> you were worried about raising your kids. >> you know, look. look how good he is. >> this is hilarious. >> he's got that little plumber's butt crackng >> brooklyn, thank you so much. we have other projects we didn't get to. >> thank you. we just launched yesterday. very exciting. >> great. >> thank you. >> brooklyn, thank you so much. and the third season of "grace and frankie," streaming now on netflix. all right. i'm going to go sauntering, now, over to the weather map. why would you of all people should know where i'm going. >> i forget when i'm in for you. >> who is doing weather? for saturday, we have severe storms d >> well, we have rain moving in this morning. mostly west of the district but it is approaching leesburg seeing some of that rain here right now. it's going to continue to move through the rest of the area i would say over the next hour or so. we still have the freeze being rain advisory until 10:00 a.m. near hagerstown, winchester, and because we could see slick spots with the rain. potentially sleet or freezing rain. temperatures are in the upper 30s for most of the area, 63 and dry this afternoon, 76 tomorrow, near 70 on sunday. has the ladies in the palm of her hand. now, if one would come out for power tools, that would be great. >> there's probably one that exists. you know? there really is. yeah. >> you can make it. >> there you go. coming up, she's been called your next pop obsession. we love her. betty who. she is back. has a brand-new album. performing one of her live right when you feel a cold sore, abreva can heal it live in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. without it the virus spreads from cell to cell. only abreva penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. you could heal your cold sore, fast, as fast as two and a half days when used at the first sign. learn how abreva starts to work immediately at don't tough it out, knock it out, fast. with abreva. living healthy is a balancing act. that's why i love light & fit greek nonfat yogurt. each delicious cup contains 12 grams of protein and 80 calories. it's nutrition that fits my healthy life. light & fit. do what fits you. we invited women to a spa to dish soap. body wash. you may not feel it, but some body washes can contain cleansers found in dish soap. dove body wash is different. it has only the gentlest cleansers. it just made me feel good. he's a nascar champion who's she's a world-class swimmer who's stared down the best in her sport. but for both of them, the most challenging opponent was... pe blood clots in my lung. it was really scary. a dvt in my leg. i had to learn all i could to help protect myself. my doctor and i choose xarelto® xarelto®... to help keep me protected. xarelto® is a latest-generation blood thinner... ...that's proven to treat and reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots from happening again. in clinical studies, almost 98% of patients on xarelto® did not experience another dvt or pe. here's how xarelto works. xarelto® works differently. warfarin interferes with at least six blood-clotting factors. xarelto® is selective... ...targeting just one critical factor, interacting with less of your body's natural blood-clotting function. don't stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor as this may increase risk of blood clots. while taking, you may bruise more easily, or take longer for bleeding to stop. it may increase your risk of bleeding xarelto® can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. if you've had spinal anesthesia, watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle-related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures and before starting xarelto® about any conditions, such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. you've got to learn all you can... help protect yourself from dvt and pe blood clots. talk to your doctor about xarelto®. there's more to know. you need to eat this special. ♪ ♪ i love it start your day with crunchy whole-grain flakes... and real strawberries. special k. the citi concert series on "today" is proudly presented to you by citi. >> she's been described as a mix between madonna and katy perry. >> betty who. it never gets old. the australian singer/song writer burst on the scene in a track with over 26 million spotify streams. >> now, she's going to perform her new single "some kinda wonderful" that drops today. "the valley." how are you doing? >> sophomore album? calm? jittery? >> i don't know if i'm here right now. i'm a shadow of my former self. i'm excited. really excited. >> your fans know, you've been doing this since you were 4 years old. >> i've been playing -- been a musician my entire life. this is the accumulative thing i've been waiting to do. the album, i'm proud of it and excited. >> everybody is talking about your rehearsal from this morning. we need to get you going. >> no pressure. >> take it away, betty. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ i've been thinking we're meant to be ♪ ♪ but i don't know how to show you the best of me ♪ ♪ yeah, i want you do you want me too ♪ ♪ do you want me, too ♪ ♪ show it off in your beatup truck ♪ ♪ and i'm sure it's more than a stroke of luck ♪ ♪ i love you do you love me, too ♪ ♪ i love you do you love me ♪ ♪ clap your hands if it feels good ♪ ♪ clap your hands ♪ feeling tonight some kinda wonderful ♪ ♪ feeling it inside some kinda wonderful ♪ ♪ you messed up my life it's some kinda wonderful ♪ ♪ we will always be some kinda wonderful ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh, oh, oh oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ some kinda wonderful ♪ i keep showing off in the nines but show you me nonyou know it's a waste of time ♪ ♪ 'cause you want me and i want you, too ♪ ♪ 'cause you want me and i want you too ♪ ♪ you'v b you don't care what i wear and i can't believe ♪ ♪ 'cause you love me and i love you, too ♪ ♪ 'cause you love me and i love you, too ♪ ♪ clap your hands if it feels good ♪ ♪ clap your hands if it feels good ♪ ♪ feeling tonight some kinda wonderful ♪ ♪ feeling inside some kinda wonderful ♪ ♪ you messed up my life it's some kinda wonderful ♪ ♪ we will always be some kinda wonderful ♪ oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ oh, oh, oh, oh some kinda beautiful ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh, oh, oh oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ some kinda wonderful ♪ i feel you in my body my soul ♪ ♪ you're taking me to heaven ♪ so, go tell everybody we've got a sound ♪ ♪ that some kinda wonderful i've been thinking we're meant to be ♪ ♪ and i love that you love to be loving me ♪ ♪ feeling tonight some kinda wonderful ♪ ♪ feeling inside some kinda wonderful ♪ ♪ you messed up my life ♪ some kinda wonderful ♪ we will always be some kinda wonderful ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh, oh, oh oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ some kinda wonderful oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh, oh, oh some kinda wonderful ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> wow. betty the summer already. >> i'm calling song of the summer. >> we're all smiling and bopping along. >> feel happy with that. >> i'm so glad. that's the whole point. >> we're back in a moment. first, this is "today" on nbc. [ cheers and applause ] so, next week, we're kicking off rokerthon for al's first rokerthon, he set a world record by delivering the weather live for 34-straight hours. >> i think the second 15 hours. then, you took things to the next level. delivering the weather from all 50 states in just one week. crossing the finish line in just the nick of time. >> and i had to walk from grand central. for rokerthon 3, five college campuses in five days, trying to break a guinness world record. for monday, here's o it's take megahundred ing me hus away to this university. there's only one like it. and it sees its fair share of wild weather. its school colors, don't call them red and white. >> you teld me what it is. and i still can't get it. >> those are good clues. >> the clues aren't helping. >> if you know it, you know it. >> they know. they're excited. >> we hope you will join us, starting monday, rokerthon 3, storming the madness. >> are you ready? >> ready to go. >> i like the goats coming fios is not cable. we're wired differently. maybe that's why we've been ranked highest in customer satisfaction by jd power 4 years in a row. and now you can love fios too. get 150 meg internet, tv and phone. all for $79.99 per month, for the first year with a two-year agreement. it's the only internet with equal upload and download speeds. cable only offers upload speeds that are a fraction of the download speeds. plus get hbo for a year and free multi-room dvr service for two years. fios mobile app, data-free. get the best. go to 9:57 is your time now on this friday, march 24th, 2017. good morning to you. we just learned that a teenager has also died after a domestic related shooting in waldorf. a little girl also died. a woman remains in critical condition right now. that shooting happened inside a home on west dale court last night. the charles county sheriff's office says the male shooter is also dead. follow justin finch for the on midday. now let's check your weekend forecast. gina has more. we like how it's looking, sheena. >> we like how the weekend is looking. once p rain clears out it is shaping up nicely. breaking apart north and west, although we still have the freezing rain advisory possible, maybe some slick spots. temperatures are getting above freezing. 63 this afternoon and that's when we'll see a lot of the rain clearing out. 76 on saturday and dry. 68 on sunday. late day showers but the weekend looks really good. >> sheena, thank you. coming up on news 4 midday a look at the cherry blossoms. have a great day. . from nbc news "this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza, where. >> hey, everybody, is -- ♪ and he is from heaven >> oh, gosh where. >> who is that? >> is that dean martin? >> my favorite guy in the whole world. >> is that binge? >> that is our one and only regis philbin. it's march 24th, try day friday. look who is in for hoda mama. i love you. >> good to see you. really. >> you've been -- i have missed you most of the wintertime. you've been out in

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