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President joe bidens son bo now dating his younger brother. This morning what the couple and the biden family are saying about that relationship. And triple threat. Superstar Jennifer Lopez live in our studio today thursday, march 2, 2017. This is today liver fr from studio 1a. Good morning and welcome to today on in thursday morning. Were looking forward to having Jennifer Lopez with us later, but we have a lot of news to get to. A lot happening overnight. The top story, the Trump Administration facing a new controversy over russia. Nbc news confirming that Jeff Sessions met with the Russian Ambassador to the u. S. Twice last year and that is raising some questions now about whether sessions misled lawmakers during his we start with Peter Alexander at the white house for us this morning. Good morning. Reporter good morning to you. What a busy night. White house officials this morning are dismissing this as another partisan attack by democrats. But it is a serious issue that could have significant implications. Among the questions this morning, did attorney general Jeff Sessions commit persjury when he testified that he didnt have any contacts with russians last year. With lawmakers calling for an independent investigation into russian interference in the election and possible contacts between candidate Trumps Campaign and the russians, this morning bombshell revelation, the Washington Post first reporting attorney general Jeff Sessions had two conversations with russians ambassador to the u. S. Last year. But didnt mention it during his recent confirmation hearing. If there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump Campaign communicated with of this campaign, what will you do . Im not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two and i did not have communications with the russians. Reporter in past the post reports sessions spoke to ambassador in july and september last year. Overnight sessions spokesperson acknowledged he met ambassador but it was as a senator, notsur. He later said i never met with russian officials to discuss issues of the campaign. I have no idea what this allegation is about. It is false. Still the post reports sessions was the only lawmaker among 20 members of the Senate Armed Services committee including john mccain who met with ambassador last year. Overnight, reaction was swift. Some democrats calling on the attorney general to recuse himself from are any investigation into russias interference with the election. Others including nancy pelosi saying sessions should resign immediately. Late wednesday, republican Lindsey Graham was pressed on the issue on cnn. If there is something there that the foobi believes is criminal in nature, then for sure you need a special prosecutor. If that day ever comes, ill be the first one to say it needs to be somebody other than jeff. Reporter the new accusations come less than a month after Michael Flynn was forced to resign after revelations he spoke to the stapsame ambassado mr. Trump took office. How many people have to say that there is nothing there before you realize there is nothing there . Reporter also overnight according to a New York Times report citing more than a half dozen former and current u. S. Officials, during the Obama Administration last days, some white house officials scrambled to spread information about rush shank e election and about possible contacts with mr. Trumps associates and russians. The times reports those former u. S. Officials had two goals, to ensure there is no such meddling in future elections and to leave a clear trail of intelligence for governments investigators. So on far this morning nothing from President Trump at least not twitter about his new attorney general. Overnight president george w. Bushs chief ethics lawyer tweeted misleading the senate in sworn testimony about ones own contacts with the russians is a good way to go to jail. Matt and savannah, back to you. Peter, thank you. Lets bring in pete williams. To good morning to you. Lets talk about the answer he gave under oath during the confirmation hearing. Its either the truth, a lie or an omission or misleading depending on who you talk to. How is his explanation going over . Reporter at the Justice Department they say he had only one private meeting with the Russian Ambassador last capacity as a senator, not somebody involved in the campaign. And the other encounter came with a group of ambassadors that approached him after he gave a speech at the Republican Convention in july. That was not a oneonone meeting. But what theyre saying is that his answer to franken wasnt misleading because he was thinking about trump surrogates giving Campaign Information to the russian government and he said he didnt know of any. And the other issue will this morning is people are saying programs the attorney general should appoint a special prosecutor to look into all of this. If he is now at the minimum a potential witness in his own investigation, is that not a textbook case of when an attorney general needs to appoint a special prosecutor . And of course what theyre asking is for him to recuse himself from the investigation, to step down from the investigation. And during the past week hes been asked twice by reporters whether from any involvement with the investigation are. And both times he said he would if and when he thought it would be appropriate. So clearly he has some decisions to make here about whether to recuse or appoint a special prosecutor or not to do either one. All right. Pete williams, thanks. And Mark Halperin joining us with the political fallout. We talked about the legal issues. Is the political pressure now so high that sessions will really feel the heat and feel that he has to step aside and get a special prosecutor . Certainly feel it for democrats. The question is are there republicans who will say mr. Attorney general, our former senate colleague, you need to not oversee this investigation. As suggested, is this a textbook case where i dont think anyone thinks that the attorney genea the appearance ever conflict. You could have career lawyers deal witht. Will capitol hill go. The imebolalibo symbolism of gi statements that were off base, meaning the pressure lb greater for a larger investigation. And it go to the overwhelming idea that there is some kind of unusual contact or connection between the Trump Administration and russia. This story does nothing to help that. This is the latest example and of course its the attorney general of the United States, the man Whose Organization is supposed to be investigating it. Why does it matter to real people . Because there has to be some understanding of what happened in the last election. Some confidence that wasnt inappropriate contact with russia. I think the white house should and perhaps will welcome an investigation that makes this into the open. The succecces attorney general this off as these are innocent meetings. Maybe they are. But they clearly raise is it reasonable to assume that someone like Jeff Sessions in meeting with that Russian Ambassador can compartmentize these two roles . If you want to give him the benefit of the doubt, pete said one was a chance encount ter. Second meeting, Jeff Sessions spent most of last year be a United States senator. He was primarily doing the job ever a 12340r. Its possible that is how he thought about it. But he knew he had these meetings. And the fact that it came out not by disclosing it at the hearing or subsequently but threw a media reportic people have to wonder who else knew about these meetings that he had. Did the white house which has gone out of its way to say there were no improper meetings between campaign officials, did they know about it before yesterday. We dont know that right now. The post reported that they reached out to all the senators who with your on the Armed Services Committee Last year and of the 20 who responded, none had metyour on the Armed Services Committee Last year and of the 20 who respondedno ambassador. There seems to be a lot of contacts. This is a concrete one that we now know happened. People will want to ask questions today. Mark halperin, thanks so much. Trading begins today on the heels of the dows best day in months, topping 21,000 for the first time ever. Will the good times keep rolling as they say and how much credit should President Trump had been taking for all this . The dow has claimed 2700 points since he was elected back in november passing the historic milestones of 20,000 and 21,000 along the way. Alley vi velshi is at the new y Stock Exchange. Theyre calling it the trumpd effect. How much credit does he deserve . Ill get in trouble on twitter, but thats exactly what it is. I remember a younger day when we saw 10,000 for the first time in just between the time donald trump has become president and now is a big deal. The dow is up 15 from election day until now. And yesterday about 24 hours ago, we were looking at a market that opened almost 200 point higher and soon 300 points higher. Today well have a more muted effect which means that it really was about Donald Trumps speech in which he reit rated some everis policies. This is a trump rally. If you talk to folks and they get excited because they start to see the hone go up in their 401 k , but i also think there are a lot of nervous because what goes up off only comes down. And i have spoken to a lot of experts who value the market and they say the valuation is very high. Its frothy. The market could be too high. Ive spoken to others who say that if donald trump gets the things he congress, tax reform, regulation repeal, infrastructure building, its going to create such value in companies that this will all make sense. The bottom line to remember is that the market can turn on a dime. The minute they get word that donald trump may not be able to get tax rates as low as hed like on you get one of these things done, you might see a pull back on markets like this. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. Another big anybody happening at the Stock Exchange this morning. Snapchats Parent Company goes public. One of the most anticipated ipos of the year. Stephanie bull has more on all of it. Good morning. Reporter this morning evan speegle is hoping to be the Mark Zuckerberg after snapchat goes public with a market value of 23. 6 billion. Not as high as facebooks 104 billion back in 2012, but enough to cement him as a titan effect. Columnists dont want to like him. Hes successful, hand zchl, he has a beautiful fiance. But you say wow, this guy is a visionary. Rurt the f reporter the fiance . Model a. Model. He will turned down an offer to sell to facebook back in 2013. Since then, they have rolled out features modeled after snapchat. They should be very flattered because Mark Zuckerberg is thinking how do i kill snapchat. Reporter tough to kilt tl t little app that could. Launched less than fivear million daily users who love adding funny filters to their photos and video. The majority of them 18 to 34 why woulds using the app more than 18 times a day. Average time, 30 minutes. Is. You have to be useful or entertaining. And snap schat is both those things. Reporter when it was first launched, snapchat was best known for being a sexting tool. The reason . Whatever you say disappears in 24 hours. If you want something more permanent, obviously you put it on like twitter or facebook. This is an easy 24 hour thing. Reporter now its mainstream. In fact during the political season, more 18 to 24yearolds watched the president ial debate on snapchat than they did on tv. You know this company and that is why investors are clamoring to get in this deal. Its pricing at 17. This will break maybe in the and we know that the founders will be instant billionaires. Everybody gets excited by Something Like this. This is todays big thing. What is coming up on the horizon . If todays deal goes as well as expected, you have other big names on the more rye stochb. Airbnb, uber, spotify, those deals could get moved up. Stephanie ruhle, thank you. Good segue to matt al. I cant get these people straight. Will. What are the odds. I know we both have beards. Were both bald. But there is a little difference. Anyway,s thank you very much. We have had some really Severe Weather over the last several days. The good news is its getting out of here. This is the last of it as we see from yesterday. Look at this, this is in central tennessee. Massive tornado. Lucky t w thankfully no deaths. As it pushed through, it caused big problems. Right now we got wind to worry about. In fact our todays top weather story, 74 Million People under some sort of wind advisory. High wind warning of northeast new england, Midatlantic States wind gusts reaching up to 60 Miles Per Hour. And the wind gusts will Start Building as date wears on. Upper 30mileperhour wind gusts, maybe even into the 40s. And the other side of this will be continues will start dropping. Right now were wat 48 new york on city, but as the day wears on, temperatures continue to drop and as we go into tomorrow morning, we will be at or below freezing. And to add insult to injury, we have a quick children late tonight into tomorrow. Light snow from the great lakes into the northeast. Late tonight into tomorrow. Light snow from the great lakes into the northeast. Well get to your local forecast coming up. Sgl good thursday morning. Temperatures feeling colder because of all the wind. Feels like 39 in the district, 34 gaithersburg. Wind advisory is up for most of the area surrounding the district northern virginia, all of maryland until 10 00 a. M. Winds could be gusting close to 50 Miles Per Hour. Through the afternoon, 53 for a high temperature. Sunny, tlg be windy today, tomorrow chance of snow shower, cool weekend. And that is your latest weather. Al, thank you very much. Coming up, beau bidens widow now in a relationship with his younger brother. This morning what the former Vice President is saying about that. And a creates tifr weapondi weapon in the fight against drunk driving. Suit that shows what you its like to be intorks indicatoxic the wheel. The wheel. Coming up, beau bidens widow the wheel. Still heed, what you will see in the live action version of beauty and the beast. And Jennifer Lopez live in studio. If you have a question for her, tweet us using j. Lo today. How about adding a third . 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Get your good going. Hes got the cash. Hes got a condo. Hes got a car. Hes got a career. But that still doesnt mean he gets you. Time to shine. Orbit. 7 26 is your time on this thursday march 2, 2017. Xwm to you. Im eun yang. And im Aaron Gilchrist. In the news right now, if you see this young boy, please call Prince Georges County police. Hes 8 and hes missing. His aunt says that he was last seen at a mosque that he usually goes to at a school. That was yesterday afternoon. He was wearing gray pants and camouflage jacket. In frederick, we now know the names of two People Killed in a crash on 270, their car ran off the road into several trees. Maryland state police say Craig Sanford and anthony hose were both killed. Police say they they d n now lets check on your commute with melissa. Were close across the wo Woodrow Wilson bridge and also a problem inner loop at Georgia Avenue with a disabled vehicle are. Northbound 3rd street tunnel near c street, broken down vehicle. And northbound 29 before Virginia Oaks drive, we had two different crashes there. They ever cleared out of the way. Wi well check yourl forecast next. Temperatures are feeling like the 30s this morning and it is windy across the area feeling like 39 in the district. 31 is what it feels like in frederick. Today we will only get to about the low 50s for a high temperature. San diego dry, b staying dry, but windy. Tomorrow morning a chance for low 40s. And then over the weekend, we stay dry, but were a lot cooler. Another update in 25 minutes. Now back to the today show. 7 30, no 7 30 now. Second day of march. We want you to send us questions for Jennifer Lopez if you have a question for her, use jlotoday. Ive got lots of questions. I think shes great. Always fun to have her. Looking forward to it. Lets take a look at some of the headlines. Jefr sessions facing calls to resign after it was revealed that he met with russias ambassador during the president ial campaign. But at his confirmation hearing, sessions said he had no communications with the russians the meetings were tied to his work at the time on the Senate Armed Services committee. Just this morning outside of his home, sessions denied any wrong is doing. I have not met with russians to discuss the Political Campaign and the remarks are unbelievable to me. I dont have anything else to say about that. And the Severe Weather system that has swept across the country this week produced more tornadoes on wednesday. One damaged homes near nark of na nashville, including one owned by carrie underwood. Also this morning, a surprising headline from the biden family. They are confirming there is a romantic relationship between beau bidens widow and the former Vice President s youngest son hunter biden. Hallie jackson is in washington with this story. Reporter and this morning in the new york post, the Vice President and his wife are expressing for this relationship, one that is safe to say almost nobody saw coming. This morning new revelations from the biden family still reeling gret of the Vice President s son from brain cancer in 2015. Now beaus brother, widow, have they are in a relationship saying hallie and i are incredibly lucky to have found the lover and support we have for each other in such a difficult time and thats been obvious to the people who love us most. Weve been so lucky to have family and friends who have supported us every step of the way. Vice president and jill biden offering their support telling the post we are all lucky that hunter and hallie found each other after such sadness. They have our full support and we are happy for they will. Hunter separated from are his wife in october after beaus death. The Vice President cited the death of his oldest son as the main reason for not running for president in 2016. I dont think any man or woman should run for president unless they can look at the folks out there and say i promise you you have my whole heart, my whole soul, my energy and my passion to do this. And id be lying if i said that i knew i was there. Reporter it was an emotion alle al time for the Vice President who along with hallie shared a memorable embrace with president obama after he delivered a eulogy. Beau and hunter shared a bond, both surviving a car crash that killed their mother and oneyearold sister just week after senator biden was elected to office. Beau the former attorney general after hunter. Beau and hallie also have a daughter. Now a family still in mourning moving on together in a new direction. Hunter and kathleen is biden have three daughters. As for the Vice President , just last night, he received a Bipartisan Policy Centers congressional Patriot Award two months after he was awarded the president ial medal ever freedof. The Vice President not commenting about the relationship. Lets swing over to mr. Roker for a check of the weather. Also a harbinger of spring when the Cherry Blossoms start to bloom. Guess what . They may be a little on the early side this year. As we look and show you normally the average date is about for peak bloom april 1st. The earliest was back in 1990, march 15th. We may set a record this year. This seasons forecast march 14th through the 17th. So you might want to head down to washington if you want to catch it will be an early spring. Out west when a week late. In the southwest on time. But through a wide swathe, first blooms will be about three weeks early. Look at the march temperature outlook. Look at how widen a area well see above average temperatures for the month ever march. Only the Pacific Northwest below average. Below average temperatures throughout this part of the southwest and rockies. Near average in the Midatlantic States and southeast. Above average but wetter in the Pacific Northwest. That is what is going on around the country. Heres what is happening in your neck of the woods. May look like spring out there today, but definitely not feeling like it. Good news is we dont have any rain. We have sunshine and also a wind advisory until 10 00 a. M. This morning. Wind gusts 40, 50 Miles Per Hour. And they will be about 30 Miles Per Hour as we continue in to the afternoon. Winds really not settling down until 6 00 or 7 00. Tomorrow low to mid40s with a few snow showers possible throughout t but just passing right through the washington, d. C. Area. This this. Get the weather anytime you need it, Weather Channel on kaibl. Are you saying were down with snow . Well see a little snow tomorrow. But very light. Can we put you under oath . I did not talk to any russians whrussian s about the forecast. I opened the door. My fault. Lets move on. Still ahead, accountants blamed for that embarrassing mixup learn their fate as new back stage photos reveal more about what went wrong. But first a radical way of fighting a big danger on the road. Reporter good morning. Im jeff rossen. Coming up, drunk driving back in the news. Now a bold program to stop it. Im putting on this special drunk suit complete with beer goggles and ill get behind the wheel of this car on a closed course. Well try it out next. When things went wrong . Theres a twister. For every crash. An even bigger collision. And for every tailspin. Well, tailspins. State farm understands that getting the most out of life doesnt just mean being there when things go wrong. Its about being here. In all of lifes moments. When things go perfectly. Right. 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After all of the psas, all of the education, the cops saying youll audio be caught, people are drinking and driving. We wanted to do something. A group of experts have developed a druk suit. Not preaching anymore. Showing teenagers firsthand what it feels like to drive drunk and the devastation you can leave behind. Chaos in new orleans, just days ago. A driver plowing into pedestrians at this mardi gras parade. 28 injured. Some still in the hospital right now. Police say this 25r his blood alcohol level nearly threetimes the legal limit. People were just bouncing off of the hood of his car, like bowling pins. Reporter and the numbers are staggering. According to the cdc, every day, 28 people die in crashes involving alcohol. Thats one death every 53 minutes. Now, experts at ford are trying to stop it. Developing a scientifically engineered drunk suit that simulates being drunk. Trying it on teenagers, scaring them straight. Unable to walk a straight line. The balance is way off. Reporter or drive. This is crazy. Im going so slow. We tried everything in terms of turning the numbers around, including going into the classrooms. Reporter doesnt always work. Doesnt always work. But this is a gamechanger in terms of our high schoolers. Putting them out here on the road with some drunk goggles on. Obviously, they see how dangerous it is. But they also discover the skills for life. And today, theyre trying it on me. First, i drive this special course sober to get a baseline, see if im a good driver. Easy peasy. I dont hit a single cone. Perfect score. Now, for the real test. They put me in the special drunk suit. These are weights that simulate what your legs feel like when dunk. Exactly right. Reporter they put weights on my knees and arms, too. You have the goggles here. These will limit your view. Reporter gear goggles. Thats right. Youre no longer sober. Reporter i dont know where the there it is. Okay. Theres no depth perception. This is nuts. They bring in a real Michigan State trooper to simulate a traffic stop. Were going to do the walk of life. Ten steps, heeltotoe. Jeff. Reporter sorry. Three. Four. Five. This is hard. I know it probably looks like im not trying that hard but im trying the hardest i can to walk straight. Okay. I failed that. Another test we utilize is kick the cone. What do i do . Ill place this here. Just kick the cone. Reporter failed that, too. This is impactful for me. I can imagine what its like for a teenager. No doubt. Reporter and finally, the ultimate test. Im about to get behind the wheel of this car, on the same exact course i mastered earlier sober. Immediately, i start hitting cones. Did i hit another one . And another one. And another one. Thats a cone there. But in real life, that could have been a child. Could have been deadly. Reporter when its over, i of damage is frightening. All this happened and im not drunk. I couldnt see. I was seeing like i was drunk, and think like im sober. Imagine if your mind is gone, too. This is scary. It worked on me. Reporter today, just an experiment. But on the road, the consequences are deadly. The whole point is to avoid crashes. The leading cause for death for teens is vehicle crashes. We want to get that number down to zero. One life is too much to lose. They do a great job. The ford driving program has trained a million students. They do these demonstrations at cities and towns across the country, free of charge. If you want to see if your city or town is on the list, we have a link on our website, today. Com. Thats a cool thing. So important. Jeff, thank you very much. Coming up, we have new coming up, new music and moves there bruno mars. But first carson has a suris worker. Right after this. Can i have asthma. One of many pieces in my life. So when my asthma symptoms kept coming back on my longterm control medicine. I talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. 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New neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair wrinkles . Your time is up with the proven power of retinol. Reduces wrinkles in just one week. Youre probably wondering why thaive just carvedng a giant wooden tiger. Well, the answer is that a real one would maul me. Ive crafted dr. Whiskers here as a visual aid to show you that should you visit the lot, carmax associates will not pounce like tigers because people dont like that. Come here to buy a car. Dr. Whiskers wont pounce. Nobody will. Were back. 7 49. Its carson time. In the orange room, an emotional surprise thats taken the workplace story. This is 19yearold derek taylor. He walks up to ten miles every day to get to and from at a u. P. S. At oxford, alabama. He has worked since he was 14 to support his sick mom. He is too proud to get rides from his coworkers. They all got together to give him a gift that he couldnt refuse. Have a look. This is a hardworking young man. He motiakes he emotional. He wanted to work, he started to walk to work. We got together. And you got your own now. [ applause ] go ahead and look at it. Look at it. Thats a great deal. He does a great deal. Reporter there you go. He was so cherokee. All his coworkers pitched in and gave it to him. This video, the surprise, the emotion, has been viewed over 4 million times on facebook. People freaking out online. Heres lynn writing in, a great gift to a deserving young man. You all are amazing. Taylor himself took time to comment. He posted, im more than thankful and appreciative of what my coworkers have done for me. They are all are a blessing and i will never be able to thank them enough. A great moment to see taylor support him and his family. He wants to go to college and study. He there is no doubt this young man has a bright, bright fuchl air head. Back to you. Thank you, carson. Appreciate it. Coming up, a troubling truth about whats in the water at your public Swimming Pool. Take a guess. Why do we have to do this . And savannahs questions and your questions live. Shell join us in the studio. E burke at farmers, weve seen almost everything, so we know how to cover almost anything. Even a truckcicle. [second man] how you doing . [ice cracking] [second man] ah,ah, ah. Oh no [first man] saves us some drilling. [burke] and we covered it, february fourteenth, twentyfifteen. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum shouldnt mean choosing to spend more. Dannons whole milk yogurt is made with all natural, nongmo ingredients with vitamin d. Better food at a better cost. So we can all eat better. Only tylenol® rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. They release medicine fast, for fast pain relief. Tylenol®. 7 56 is your time. Im eun yang. Right to a look at the roads with melissa mollet. And so right now 66 inbound after 123, had cshloin a couplne. So warstti tsere volu t innerooateoiavee, bl vic sllloin t fightan outer sno day ehimoininhaar. Ket aral csh rert treasel check on your forecast is next. Stay with u vo love. Ure needed most. Love is knowing. Hes the one. vo . It was meant to be. And love always keeps you safe. Were fine. vo love is why we built a car you can trust. Now and for a long time to come. The allnew Subaru Impreza sedan and fivedoor. A car you can love no matter what road youre on. The Subaru Impreza. More than a car, its a subaru. We have a wind advisory until 10 00 a. M. Well have gusts up to about 50 Miles Per Hour. But once the advisory expires, still gusts up to about 30. Temperatures are in the 40s. Well top out in the low 50s by this afternoon. Could have some light passing snow. Maybe a rain shower tomorrow. Weekend looking much cooler before were in the 60s by monday and tuesday. Another local news update for you in 25 minutes. But now back to the today show after a short break. Its 8 00 on today. Coming up, under fire. Attorney general Jeff Sessions, facing calls to resign over r revelations he met with a russian official during the campaign. Despite denying that under oath. I did not have communications with the russians. Sessions now pushing back, saying there was no wrongdoing. Were live in washington. Plus, banned for life. The two accountants behind that oscars flub told they will never work the awards show again. Theres a mistake. Moonlight, you guys won best picture. Well look at new backstage photos showing minute by minute the timeline of the mix up. And jenny at what happened . Im asking myself the same question. The one and only Jennifer Lopez swings by studio 1a live, to talk about her hit show, music, and motherhood, today thursday, march 2nd, 2017. Hi, papa in denver. We love you. Celebrating my 13th birthday in the big app. Celebrating 40 years of marriage and were still in love. Shoutout to roberto in fair field, ill. To our friends and family in oregon. And happy birthday, mom. Were back, now, 8 00 on a thursday morning. Its the 2nd day of march, 2017. Brilliant blue sky in new york city today. A little windy. But its not bad. Temperatures will be dropping. But not too shabby. A little snow tomorrow afternoon. Just a little. We have the cutie crowd on the plaza today. Look at them. And a great show coming up. Were all about pasta on today food this week. And this morning, chef Michael White will tell us the secret to producing the ultimate pasta puttanesca. One of the great chefs and one of the great recipes. Looks so good. Lets check the top stories. News at 8 00. Reporter back on potential connections between moscow and the Trump Administration, with new questions about why attorney general Jeff Sessions did not reveal his conversations with this morning, sessions tells nbc news, he did nothing wrong. This morning, a new russia revelation, involving a key member of the Trump Administration. Attorney general Jeff Sessions acknowledging he talked with the Russian Ambassador before the election, when he was a member of the influential Armed Services committee and one of President Trumps top advisers. Sessions never mentioned those conversations during his confirmation hearing, under oath. If there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump Campaign communicated with the russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do . Senator franken, im not aware of any of those activi activities. Ive been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign. And i did not have communications with the russians. Reporter just this morning, outside his home, sessions denied any wrongdng russians at any time to discuss any Political Campaign. And those remarks are unbelievable to me and all false. Reporter a sessions spokesperson also pointing to his discussions last year with more than two dozen diplomats from around the world. One man, with the strength, the courage, the determination, the guts, to challenge things going wrong in this country and put us on the right track. Thats donald j. Trump. Reporter the story first reported by the Washington Post, now triggering calls by some democrats for the attorney general to recuse himself from any Justice Department investigation of russias int n interference in our election. Nancy pelosi, asking him to step down altogether. If he didnt disclose who he apparently did during the campaign, what do you make of that . I dont know maybe innocent contact. I dont know if he has to disclose everybody hes ever talked to. Special prosecutor. I think we need to know more about it. Reporter the sessions disclosure comes two weeks after the dismissal of the president s former National Security adviser, Michael Flynn. Cut loose after misleading the Vice President about his talks with the Russian Ambassador. And in more moscow news today, the New York Times now reporting the Obama Administration preserved evidence that russia meddled in the campaign. Those obama officials, leaving, quote, a clear trail of intelligence for government investigators. The fear, that intelligence could be covered up or destroyed, once the new administration took over. As for those questions about whether the attorney general would recuse himself from any investigation into the connections between russia and the 2016 elections, sessions, today, did not rule it out, saying he has said when its appropriate, he would do so. Matt . All right, hallie the white house. Hallie, thanks so much. Now, to the latest fallout from that oscar mixup that still has people talking. New backstage photos have surfaced that may offer a little clarity on what went wrong. Nbc National Correspondent miguel ama gur. Good morning to you. Reporter the poe photos offer a time line of what went wrong. We know the guardians of the red envelopes will not be back. The new photos and the plot twist in the reallife oscar drama. Theres a mistake. Moonlight you won best picture. Reporter telling nbc news, the two pricewaterhousecoopers accountants involved in sunday nights envelope mixup will not be returning to the oscars next year. While the 83year relationship between remains under review. This, as exclusive photos from variety give a minutebyminute account of the moments leading up to the awards show gaffe. Their jobs are really just to hand the envelopes off to the presenters before each category. Reporter accountant Brian Cullinan is seen here standing backstage, behind Warren Beatty at 8 52 p. M. He is seen standing next to beatty, just minutes before the award for best picture is given out. At 9 03 p. M. , beatty and faye dunaway take the stage, presenting the final award of the night. But they have the wrong envelope. One minute later, 9 04 p. M. , cullinan is seen using his phone. The infamous and now deleted photo cullinan posted of emma stone hits twitter at at 9 08, the announcement heard around the world. The photos that come out, what do they offer us . It shows he was distracted. He was on his phone tweeting. Reporter a source at pwc tells nbc news, Brian Cullinan and martha ruiz will remain with the firm and are not going anywhere. The source also says pwc is providing cullinan and ruiz with security after their personal information and photos of their homes and relatives were posted online. Fallout from a drama even hollywood couldnt write. This morning, the academy is also apologizing to producer jan chapman. Her photo was used for her colleague janet patterson. The academy has updated the tribute with the correct image. Another mixup tarnishing the show that was to be hollywoods biggest night. Matt a miguel, thank you very much. Appreciate it. Coming up next, good news for airline passengers. Have they finally found a fix for bad tasting airplane food and drinks . And how the new beauty and the beast movie make disney history in a way you might not expect. And she just walked into the studio moments ago. The one and only Jennifer Lopez, live in studio 1a. Scott 1000 knows theres no stopping americas families. So we made americas longest lasting roll. With 1000 sheets more than any other National Brand to keep on going just like you. So keep on hugging. Keep on playing. Keep on smiling. Keep on awesoming. With 1000 sheets, well keep on going, right along with you. Scott 1000. Keep on going. How do you become americas bestselling brand . You make it detect what they dont. Stop, stop, stop sorry. You make it sense whats coming. Watch, watch, watch mom. Relax im relaxed. You make it for 16year olds. Whoawhoawhoa and the parents who worry about them. You saw him, right . Going further to help make drivers, better drivers. Dont freak out on me. Thats ford. And thats how you become americas bestselling brand. We invited women to a spa to dish soap. Body wash. You may not feel it, but some body washes can contain cleansers found in dish soap. Dove body wash is different. It has only the gentlest cleansers. It just made me feel good. This is dove. Lergies with nasal congestion . Find fast relief behind the counter with claritind. [ upbeat music ] strut past that aisle for the allergy relief that starts working in as little as 30 minutes and contains the best oral decongestant. Live claritin clear, with claritind. Well this heres a loadbearing wall. Well go ahead and rip that out. husband yeah . Its going to cause a lot of problems. Totally unnecessary and it triples the budget. husband mmmm. Wouldnt it be great if everyone said what they meant . The citi® double cash card does. Earn 1 cash back when you buy, and 1 as you pay. Double means double. Z2a1gz zx9z y2a1gy yx9y were back, now, 8 12 with a heartbreak edition of trending today. This is my script. Have you gone through a bad breakup . I will set them up, you drop them. Al, come on. Have some sympathy. I do. I love you. I just love you. Okay. Have you been through a really bad breakup . We all have. It can be traumatic. I thought no one had broken up with you in your whole life. Oh, contrary. This is the story were doing on trending. One College Student told her professor why she was handing in an assignment late. She was very honest. My boyfriend unexpectedly broke up with me. And i was a complete mess that did not account for my sunday productivity. What do you think the teacher did . Did the teacher let her off . Probably not. Maybe with a warning. Maybe showed some sympathy. But next time. Thats what happened. She said life happens. Seems like a good time to go to europe. And she did not lose any points if it was a male teacher, he would have hit on her. This is a great opportunity, probably. Carson got it. Theres no delicate way to introduce this subject. Scientists have figured out just how much urine can be found in a public Swimming Pool. Its not a question of if its there, its a question of how much its there. Researchers found 7. 9 gallons of urine in a 110,000 pgallon pool. Thats 0. 007 . Is anything above 0 okay . If youre going to measure it in gallons, i dont like it. If you go to a public pool or your pool, its going to happen. Just because im old. Who wants to take time . Get out of the pool, dry off. Thats the guilty face right there. No. No. Knowing me, you think that no. When i was young, some adult in my life said that if you go wee wee in the pool, it will turn a color. And that held me in good stead. I was terrified. My mom said the pool would turn red. Never did i the same parents that tell you that the music on the Ice Cream Truck means theyre out of ice cream. Exactly. So sorry. I never heard that one. You havent . Oh, wow. When the kid sees a silent truck going by. Come on. Throw down some money. Mr. Softy, hes so cruel. Do you have a twoto drink on an airplane . Yes. Alcohol drink . What . Bloody mary. Kettle and soda. Alcohol tastes bland on an airplane because the low humidity. Airlines are actually working with breweries actually taste better high up in the sky. Is it really about the taste, carson . No. But the bloody mary has a lot of sodium. And it has the thing that makes the back of your mouth water. Thats why the bloody mary is the one drink that tastes good. This airline is adding honey and other ingredients to the beer to enhance the flavor. If thats the case, you have diminishing taste buds you work on the food. Because if you get the alcohol tasting good, you wont taste the food. It wont matter. Isnt that the purpose . 0. 007 . Too much for you. How about pop start. Were going to get to bruno mars. The singer releasing a new video for his charttopping song, thats what i like. Have a look. The fire at night silk sheets and diamonds lucky for you thats what i like if you like to watch bruno you. Its awesome. Thats what i like is his second song from his album 24 karat. I like your soliciting. A full coach. I have to sit down with him. An exclusive look of hugh jackman on the cover of entertainment weekly. Why he decided to hang up his wolverine claws. And you can blame jerry seinfeld. He asked when did he know it was time to leave seinfeld . He said, he wanted to leave a little in the tank. Whats what jackman realized he needed to do the same with wolverine and go out on a high note. The live action beauty and the beast the marking a major moment for disney films. The movie will feature disneys first gay character. Apparently josh gads character will have a gay momentt end of the film. People online applauding the movie for being the first to take such a step. And finally, Octavia Spencer making her snl debut this weekend. And the promo has her running into an old cast member. Here you go. I am ready snl. Lets do this. Wrong studio. Snls across the hall. But i was head writer for a bunch of years. Cool, dude. Cool for you. Al roker tweeted this morning. Excited for Octavia Spencer. Why arent you going to the show . Im too old to stay up for the live show. Thats on snl this saturday on nbc. Thats your pop star. Carson, thank you very much. Mr. Roker . Weve already had reports ever of wind damage up around boston. As we m will see the wind gusts as high a as 50 Miles Per Hour and as the evening wears on, they will finally start dropping back. Rest of the country today much cooler. Plenty of sunshine from the plains, upper Mississippi River valley. In fact we only have little wet weather moving in to the Pacific Northwest. West coast looking pretty darn good. Hires wh disguit is gusty until 10 p armt. After that still windy today. Temperatures are feeling like 40 degree in the district with the wind. If youre in frederick, feels like 29. 36 gaithersburg. Dulles feels like 34. Today 53 for a high temperature. We do stay dry tomorrow though trance for passing snow showers. Colder into the weekend. Dont forget check siri sirius xm channel 108. Siriusxm. The home to the mazz and don show. Why does that make me laugh every time . Al, thank you so much. Were so happy to have Jennifer Lopez with us ahead of her hit nbc drama shades of blue. When we last saw her character, harley santos, she had just killed her ex. That dramatic moment is where the new season picks up. Take a look. Christina. Hi, baby. Hello . Jennifer lopez, good morning. Oh, harley, harley. She is in trouble again. She finds herself in the thick of it. And not easy to get out of this one. I know. I mean, its the story of her life. She says shes like, just so people know were catching up on the series, this is season two. This is season two. Shes good. Shes a good cap. Shes a good person. But sometimes she might stray a little bit. Well, you know, they push the envelope. Her and her crew, you know, ray liotta plays my captain. And together, they have blurred the lines of whats right and whats wrong to keep the peace or to make the streets safer. Theres a Bigger Picture for them. And so, theyre not, you know, opposed to doing that at times, stretching the rules. But thats a slippery slope. Thats what they realized. They reached the point they cant stop the downward spiral. And the whole of the first season was really about it catching up with them and it ending where we just picked off, you know, where everything is kind of her whole world is crashing down on her and she has a dead man on her floor that she just who may or may not had it coming. But season two is unraveling all of that . Season two is unraveling all of that. More secrets and more challenges. Now, theres different outside threats. Now, was knows she was the inform pa informant. And how they deal with their fractured relationship. And the outside eye of the fbi and a couple of new things. And you realize why the fbi targeted them in the first place. We get into all of that this year. Every time youre here, we all say the same things. Number one, how incredibly gorgeous you are. Its ridiculous. And then, number and how nice you are. Thank you. And number two more importantly. How do you do all of the things you do . You got the tv series. You have music. A new album coming out. I do. A spanish album. Youre going to be in byebye birdie the nbc when you say it like that, i want to go to sleep. I know. How do you honestly, i was thinking, your calendar must be insane. I need a nap. Yeah. It is insane. I take it one day at a time. Me and the kids, were like gypsies. Were traveling all over the place. Getting it done and doing the best we can. Ive been lucky. Ive been in the business a long time. And even coming out to do the press for the shows and being in new york and feeling the people and the audience. Its such a great feeling, you know . You make the rest of us feel like losers. Oh, no. God, no. I just have one job. Lame. Better. Honestly. But you know, i love what i do. And i feel very fortunate to have been doing it for so long. And keep being inspired and keep wanting to push. And keep being better not just as a informer and actress and a singer, but a person. Thats thert always want to be creative and do more and learn more and get better. You mentioned your kids. They just turn eed 9, the twins. You wrote the sweetest post for them. You said, thank you, lord, for choosing me to be their mommy. Please, dont make me cry. You will make me cry. They just made my life so much better. You know what i mean . So, i just im forever grateful that, you know, i didnt have kids until i was later. And so, i almost thought that it wasnt going to happen for me. So, im like very aware that i was blessed with that. And it could have been something different. And so, i dont take it for granted one day. I can so relate to that. We put the call out to questions for view irs. We g viewers. If you could sing with anyone living or dead, who would i love bruno mars. That would be amazing. Please do that. I feel like we could have a good stage show. Were real performers. And it could be fun. Would you release a live album of your vegas show . Hmm. I never thought about that. Another project. Just what i need. Yeah. If redesigning my house, should i put the Swimming Pool in the back or the side yard . That came for you. Backyard or side yard . Backyard, a little more private. What is one thing in your life you want to accomplish that you havent yet . Can be personal or professional. So many things. If i threw something out there, i would like to direct one day, i think. Nice. This one comes from savannah g. In midtown manhattan. What is your moisturizer and can i have it right now . Right now. And do you think it would work for me . D often. I think it not loyal in that way. Its good genes. Jennifer lopez, thank you so shell be back a little bit later. Jason blue, sunday at 10 00. Good morning. 8 26 now on this thursday march 2. Im Aaron Gilchrist. Lets check on the morning commute with melissa mollett. So right now inbound 66 there at nutley street, you can still see the problem off on the right side of the roadway, so folks trying to stay left. And we are seeing volume because of that. East west highway at 16th street, still have the crash reported. You can see top of the beltway approaching Georgia Avenue is quite slow here this morning. And on the orange line, delays with a train malfunction at potomac avenue. A look at your forecast when we come back. Good morning. It is windy outside. You probably have already felt it or heard it. Winds gusting anywhere from about 30 to 40 Miles Per Hour across the area. So we have a wind advisory until 10 00 a. M. Because of that. Temperatures are feeling more like the mid30s to low 40s. Day today. Tomorrow morning were in the 30s, passing snow showers for part of your friday. Dry weekend. Latest news and weather available anytime on the nbc washington app. You can t deliver . Comcast business is different. Sxwlooirngs sxwlooirngs we deliver superfast internet with speeds of 150 megabits per second across our entire network, to more companies, in more locations, than fios. You do business. It is 8 30. Its thursday morning. Seco 2nd day of march, 2017. And were playing a great song because the everfabulous ed sheeran will be here. March 8th. Cannot wait for that. Love that castle on the hill. Just playing it. Yeah. Coming up, how to keep your mind in great shape as you age. Even how to possibly reverse age your brain. I got to Pay Attention to this. Spring is on the way, time to pounce on great bargains. Coming up, everything you should be buying and bounpouncing on t month. And were going to learn to make the perfect puttanesca with chef Michael White. When hes on work release. With the wind. I have the envelope. Hey. Anyway, lets show you whats going on. A little on the windy side, as we look ahead, the weekend outlook. A weak rest of the country looking pretty sunny. And then mild weather expands from the rockies into the midwest. Southeast very chilly in Northern New England and wintry in the pacific neflt. More rain in california, snow in the inner mountain region, rain down through the central golf. Unseasonably mild and nice the rest of the country. Heres what is we had 80 degrees yesterday. And today not unseasonably mild. Actually cooler out there. Average temperature should be in the upper 40s to right around 50. Were 47 right now. Well top out around 50. But of course its blustery not only in new york, you can see the today show, but blustery around here. We have a wind advisory until 10 00 a. M. And then wind gusts around 30 Miles Per Hour the remainder of the afternoon. Snow showers not amounting to much, but the weekend quiet and cool. Thats your latest weather. Dont forget. Check out the weather anytime you need it. Visit our pals at the Weather Channel on cable. Now, more of our special series, ageproof today. So far this week weve talked about living longer without running out of money and breaking your hip. This morning, how to do it without losing your keys. In other words, memoryrelated issues. At age 70, 10 of people to lose some of their cognitive functioning abilities. By 80, 50 of people have some k cognitive impairment. One of the things affected, your ability to handle fanses. They are authors of the book ageproof. One in five people will experience some kind of brain drain condition as they age. Thats startling. And it gets more as you grow older. The great news, youve got one organ in your body that size matters. Its your hippocampus. An area of the brain for memory. You get to grow that. The brain is plastic. Thats a good thick for health as opposed to finances. We had a story last week where David Cassidy talked about a battle with dementia. He has a family history. If you have family history, how much control do you have over your and you increase it threefold with genetics, which is what you do if both parents had it, thats 30 . That doesnt mean youre going to get it. It means you have a 30 chance. The great news is you get to postpone it. Maybe for 20 to 30 years, which means if youre 105, you may have died from Something Else first. Lets talk about your tips here. Ways to stay brainhealthy. Seven to nine hours of sleep a night. Thats ideal. Learn something new. What we know from randomized studies is doing a specific type of learning memory games dont do it. Reasoning games dont do it. But speed of processing games are just like staying active. They make your brain about ten years younger. Video game bus a certain kind of video games. A specific video game that allows you to have a decreased dementia rate of 50 over ten years. And the one were showing is callou theres a lot of these brain processing games. On aarp, you can find them. Take your vitamins and supplements. But you dont have to take them every day, do you . You really do if you want to get younger. But the b vitamin is really important, as is vitamin d for the brain function. As is this one, dha. Its fish oil. A specific type of fish oil. 900 milligrams. The last we had was managing stress. Late easier said than done. That can come from financial problems and healthrelated issues. What are the suggestions there . You have to tackle them headon. Financial problems are 50 of debt. You take back control over your stress by adopting some good habits. So, we want you to save 15 of everythi stress level goes down. Pay your bills as they come in. Dont save up a stack to pay once or twice a month. Thats stressful. If youve talked about this, youve talked about it a thousand times, the emergency cushion. It puts you in the power seat. If you have a couple thousand dollars, you can do something and talk to the people in your life about your money and your health. I think if theres a headline thats come out of all of the segments so far is so much of this is preventable. If you do these four things, avoid toxins, be physically active, and eat so half your weight is half your height. And you reduce stress over a 30year period, that makes you ageproof. And saves our economy, too. Great advice. Jean, doctor, thank you very much. Up next, a drink to keep women safe when they try out Online Dating. But first, this is today on nbc. 8 38. Were back with a brandnew way to stay safe while Online Dating. Bars using women to use secret code words if they feel like theyre on a bad date and need help. Kerry sanders explains. Reporter at a florida bar, where its r ees rumored al ca once moved liquor through basement tunnels, theres a drink just for women. When a woman orders an angel shot, its code for this guy is creeping me out. Before something bad can happen. And i dont want that on my conscience. The need for a code word more urgent than ever, as dates begin without conversations, but rather with a swipe left or right on an app, like other Online Dating apps. These two have dated for three months. Both say they have been on dates set up on apps that then turned weird. There was offputting and uncomfortable. Reporter how does a woman in trouble know the code word . At the i beerian rooster restaurant, its posted but only in the womens bathroom. What do you think of that . I think thats brilliant. Yeah. Thats really nice. Something you could have used . For sure. And friends of mine, that would have been helpful at different times. Reporter code words in bars in london, cincinnati and south africa. Once mentioned, bar staff will slip you out the back door to your car, a taxi, or call police. Thats the beauty of this. It helps to empower, not just the person who is feeling uncomfortable but also the bar staff, the weight staff, the bouncers, everybody. Reporter moments after this st going to have to change that code name . As soon as you leave. Reporter the angel shot, a sign of the times. For today, kerry sanders, nbc news, st. Petersburg, florida. Nbc news spoke to representatives for tinder, match. Com, and others, all support the idea of angel shot codewa words. Not angel shot. They changed it. Thats crazy. A sign of the times. If you say ill have a jerk on the rocks or whatever it is, what do they do then . Does the bartender go into your they may escort you out the back door. May alert authorities. Bring a bouncer over. Something like that. All right. Good thing were all married. Prespring savings. Everything you need to buy this month. First, this is today on nbc. Wake up, america. Blue collar. White collar. No collar. Its the dawn of a new day. And theres work to be done. Its not going to be easy. Youre going to doubt yourself. Youre going to want to quit. But we know you wont, because theres grit inside of you, america. A toughness that no one else comes close to. Weve seen it for 125 years, and now, on the dawn of this new day, its time we show the world our grit once more. So get ready to dig deep. Well be here with coaches, counselors, and professors who will never leave your side, strayer university. Lets get it, america. Were back, 8 43. Time to spring into savings. A large portion of the country has enjoyed record warmth this year. That has people wanting to get a jump on the season. Today. Com founder of the hard tack. Com is here with marchs best deals. You tell us whats on sale or whats a good bargain this time of year. Starting with outdoor sports. Thats right. You want to get into the swing of spring, golf enthursduenthuze going to be excited that golfs are on discount at dicks sporting goods. And your garden, you need to get your garden in shape. You need the right supplies to make things grow. Really good deals you get 20 off wheelbarrows. If you need a new hose, up to 30 off. And spring cleaning. Products are on sale. Vacuums and things can get expensive. Right now, at best buy, the dyson stick, which is an amazing gamechanger, is up to 150 off. Or uprights are also up to 100 off. If you like more traditional things like, you know, method supplies, theyre up to 20 off for laundry supplies. And your paper towels and things are on sale at staples and office depot, too. A lot of people clean out the closets and thats a good time to go to secondhand shops. One mans trash is another mans treasure. Were seeing great gems at places like second time around. You can find designer things like trench coats. Designer sunglasses and go on a monday because people donate on sunday and saturday. That makes a lot of sense. March madness. That makes me think piezza. Makes me think pizza. And places have good deals. At pizza hut, two large twotopping pizzas, just 7. 99. And frozen food. If you like frozen pizza, you can get great deals on frozen food. March is National Frozen food month. Stock up on ice cream, veggies, fruits. Frozen food lasts for a long time. Just freeze it. Theres a lot of holidays coming up. Easter, passover. If youre smart about it, you can kind of get a jump. You want to have fun with crafts and things like that nature. Joanne fabrics, things like eggs and glue guns and what not. And if you need spring apparel for the easter best at church and whatnot, go to places kmart and sears. Spring apparel is up to 50 off. Its wedding season. It is. And savvy shoppers know you buy things in advance if you want to save money. If you know youre going to a wedding, stock up on basics. Everyone has a kitchenaid mixer on their registry. Those are 100 off on sears. And jcpenney, you can get up to 130 off of things like processors. And final section, grads and dads. I see tech stuff there. Grads and dads will love tech. Up to 100 off of select macs. And this is a great blueray player. Ideas and bargains on our today. Com. We have a flavorpacked pasta dish thats easy to make any night of the week. First this, is today on nbc. For your pet, to do the best you should know more about the food you choose. With beyond, you have a Natural Pet Food that goes beyond telling ingredients to showing where they come from. Beyond assuming the source is safe. To knowing it is. Beyond asking for trust. To earning it. Because, honestly, our pets deserve it. Beyond. Natural pet food. Today food is brought to you by comfort cup by chinette. Ready, sip, go. This week on today food creating the perfect pasta. Chef Michael White, from here in new york, is here to share a secret recipe for one of his favorite pasta dishes. One of my puttanesca. Talk me through the ingredients, olive oil, garlic, chilies, anchovies. You can do Something Like this, and add a little more to it. Any kind of pasta . Any kind of pasta. Were going to start by salting the water. Were having a pasta that has anchovies and garlic. Salting the water is important. You cant oversalt pasta walter. You cant. You can always add more salt. But doing a progression of salting and seasoning is much, much better. That way you dont add all at one point. You call these the traditional impact flavors of italian cooking. You got it. Anchovies, garlic, onion. A lot of time people say they dont like anchovies. But Everybody Loves caesar sa flavor. I think people dont like to see the anchovy fillet on something. This is a pino grigio. Something that doesnt have a lot of wood in it. Late night when youre making this pasta, it doesnt matter what wine youre using. A lot of people use leftover wine. You prefer to use fresh wine. Something fresh. Red wine. If you have old bat bottles of red wine. After you have color on it, you dont want to caramelize it too much. But some of the caramelization, a little tomato sauce. Were going to cook this 12 to 15 minutes, very quickly. If youre using jarred sauce, what are you looking for . Something that is a fresh tomato that has some good tomato paste inside of it. Basil, parsley, oregano. Were going to add this into a dish. Calls for a long line of herbs, do you have to go with all of those things or should you taste the sauce as you go along . Taste as you go. Basil is one of the flavors if you have fresh basil, thats what you want to use. If you have tomatoes, garlic and parsley, thats okay, too. Let me interrupt. We have our tasters downstairs. Guys . This is terrific. Savannah on her second helping. I have the whole crew up there. Savannah, youre back . Im back and eating. And you were just explaining omami. The tomato and the garlic. We just got back from south beach. And al had his own station down there. You better watch out. Before you know it, hes going to be working nights at morea. Youve undercooked the pasta. And saved some pasta water. You add a little of the pasta i have one plated up for you. Ill take a taste of this. Exactly. Do you have the crusty bread down there, as well . We do. This is better than making a sand witch this morning, right . Oh, yeah. Youve been up early already this morning. I love pasta. Were going to grate a little of ricotta on top of it. Thats so good. Thats really delicious. All right. A traditional puttanesca, courtesy of one of the great chefs in this country, Michael White. Appreciate it. And to get this recipe and more, head to today. Com food. Mr. Roker, if you dont have food all over your mouth, how about birthdays . Lets bring on the smuckers jelly jars. And say happy birthday to folks like marvin shaw. Theres a happylooking guy. Hes a fisherman from and auto mechanic. Josephine meredith. Loves drawing. And who doesnt like gets a handmade birthday card . Happy 102nd birthday to melba ellis, a retired guidance counselor from wisconsin. She wrote a book called my century of living. Arrie holmes is celebrating 100 years. Look at that hat. Thats spectacular. Retired care giver from new york, new york. Her secret to longevity, an apple a day and wearing hats like that. Mr. Kenneth thompson from downey, california, a coffee lover, who is 100 years old. He was a salesman for 30 years. And happy 100th birthday of mary locket of arlington, virginia. She loves good, homemade southern cooking. Who doesnt . Dont forget, if you know somebody celebrating a milestone bi about them at today. Com celebrates. All right. What do you have coming we have whacky crazy new gadgets. And we also have a Live Performance from the group saint motel. And Nicholas Shay continues as cohost. And this is Nicholas Shay as you have never seen him. Two words. Barber shop quartet. Love it. That is all coming up next hour. Matt and michael are still eating. Not leaving the kitchen. Good morning. Its 8 56 now on this thursday, march 2. Im Aaron Gilchrist. Lets start off with a look at the morning commute. Melissa mollett is in first 4 traffic. Take a look at a new problem, northbound 29 after stripringfellow road, a crash w all lanes blocked. Belt qway overall, problem inner loop over the widow wilson bridge. 66 is finally clear. A check on your forecast when we come back. We had a wind advisory he for much of the region until about 10 a. M. Not a lot of Power Outages at this point, but we still do have a few out there and we could see a few throughout the remainder of the day. Because even if the advisory expire, well still have wind gusts for to 40 Miles Per Hour. Temperatures in the low 50s. 40s tomorrow with passing rain and snow shower. Saturday and sunday quiet, temperatures in the 40s. Of course you can get the latest knews and weather anytime, just open the nbc washington app. News and weather, just open the nbc washington app. t see it. vo what if we could go back . What if our car. Could stop itself . In iihs frontend crash prevention testing, nobody beats the Subaru Impreza. Not toyota. Not honda. Not ford. Youve never seen him before, with throwback thursday. And things get wild when sheinelle and i go behind the scenes at the bronx zoo. And what you didnt see at the oscars. The backstage photos moments before the mixup. Thats all coming upight now. From nbc news, this is todays take. Live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. It is a thursday morning, march 2nd, 2017. And we are listening to cold, cold man. Who will be performing for us later. We have our best cohost nick lach lachey, what . How are you guys . Were doing your family didnt know if you were here or not yesterday. Its true. They missed watching you because out in l. A. That there was a lowspeed car chase going on . It was. Its hard to be away from your kids. But the highlight, they can watch you on tv. And they turned on the show and it was preempted in los angeles by the slowspeed car chase. Oh. Okay. Thankfully, nobody got hurt. Why we were preempted for this . Everybody is staring at the screen right now. This is my impassioned fatherly plea this morning. All carjackers in los angeles, if you can hold off until 10 00 a. M. , so my kids can watch daddy on tv, i would very much appreciate it. Okay, nick. I dont know why a carjacker would talk like this. I just gave them a voice. Im sure theyre listening. Thats how carjackers talk. I guess. Have you seen it end where they get away . I actually a couple of gets on you, you figure its over. And they got away . He got away. It was dusk. He got out of the car and was under some trees. They could not find the guy. Went housetohouse. Gave up. Dont listen to nick on that part. Listen to the waiting part. It turned out, it was the guys house. He was inside, having coffee. I got away. Whats the voice a mom who is trying to get her kids to bed sound like . This morning, you asked me, how was your night . What did you do yesterday . And i wouldnt do anything. You were making doughnuts. This is my reality. I tell the kids to go to bed, for some reason, it takes us forever to make it to the bed because they have excueses, right . I apparently forgot i would pick up the kids from school. And i forgot. Time to go to bed. What time did they get home . Well, i dont even know. The babysitter picked them up. They called me. But anyway, the kids are home, the babysitter picked them up. Its time and she waited all afternoon to say it. You said you were going to pick us up and you didnt. Yes. And the guilt can we make doughnuts . Okay. We can make doughnuts. I have a random picture of us making the tiny little doughnuts. I bought them for her for christmas. A bake set for marshalls. See the hot pink thing . I thought they were going to be huge doughnuts. And then, i sent her upstairs. She comes back downstairs. Those arent your pajamas. She said, im a crossing guard. She put on a winter hat, winter glove, ugg boots and a random vest that i have from a shoot. And she looks the part. And she would take the dolls and put them in the stroller. And push them around the house. You cant be a crossing guard. Its time to go to bed. Anything but going to bed. She put a doll in the stroller and pushing her around. Look at that. Whe we ate the doughnuts. They were a little messy. Yeah. I had four of them. But theyre little. Theyre tiny. They kind of dont count. Its amazing what your kids hear. I told camden i would take him to soccer practice. The babysitter had to take him. It was the most interesting thing. He sat on the sideline for the first 15 minutes of practice, saying daddy was supposed to take me. He was so upset because i missed taking him to soccer practice. And the guilt trip. They know. Could you rip daddys heart out with a spoon . Some toast. Slide it in the broiler and make daddy eat that. Check. Throwback thursday. Speaking of childhoods. Heres the deal. Earlier this week, nick happened to mention that youre in a barbershop quartet. I did mention that. Foolishly. Your mom helped us out. She dug around and found some photos. Oh, yeah. There we go. Oh, yeah. Tt than i thought you were going to be in the typical barbershop. We did two years. This is the better of the outfits. Thank you, mom. You have ties. No wonder we couldnt get a date singing to girls. You know how hard it is to keep a pair of white pants clean. Your family gave you one pair . One pair. Times were tough. Your mom was good. Our Research Team dug even deeper. We have High School Photos of y you. And your work in the theater. Lets take a look. Oh, yeah. Oh, wow. You had the repertoire. Is this the wiz . It is the wiz. I went to a performing arts high school. We were all about putting on musicals and plays. Are you bob crakratech. Is that les mis . You look like phantom of the i was drake the butler. You never heard of it, right . There is a character, drake the butler . I know annie forwards and backwards. Drake is not there is a butler in it. Yeah. The one that comes down from the helicopter with his no. Thats punjab. Thats not what youre talking about . I dont think he was in the musical. He was only in the movie. Drake might have taken the place of punjab. Who knew there was a drake in annie. Drake, the rapper, was in annie. Littleknown fact. You mentioned you used to play saxophone. And did on tour this summer. We found the video. This was in wichita. Oh, yeah. You broke out your instruments. Is this coney island . I was told wichita earlier. Al, youre fired. He plays sax all across the we brought a saxophone for you. All right. And of course, we dont want to leave you out, sheinelle. So, we got your clarinet. We have a horn section here. And a recorder. Not quite a flute. A version of a flute. Here we go. Youre first chair. How do you do it . Maybe mine is upsidedown. This seemed better in rehearsal. Well work on it. We have some work to do. Wait for it. Show of hands, who is tired of the oscar story . Today has to be the last day. Can we wrap it up . Day four since the oscar flub heard around the world. Now, new fallout. The accountants involved in the envelope mixup will not be returning next year. And the 83relationship between pricewaterhousecooper and the academy remains under review. Fair enough. Thats right. Okay. Variety give a minutebyminute account of the moments leading up to the awards show gaffe. Set your watches. 8 53 p. M. Accountant cullinan, is behind Warren Beatty, hugging casey affleck, with his cell phone and two red envelopes. I see them. 9 03, beatty and faye dunaway have the wrong envelope. 9 04. Cullinan is seen using his phone. Probably looking on linkedin for a new resume. 9 05, the infamous and now deleted photo of emma stone. 9 08, the announcement heard around the world. Of course. One london Movie Theater had fun with the whole thing. They decided to start a screening of moonlight with that is officially the end of the oscar controversy. They have the award. If al was narrating a lowspeed car chase, i would watch. Heres what i dont understand. He took the lady down with him. Shes out, too. She was what did she do wrong . Shes out. I mean, come on. She didnt have anything to do with it. Collateral damage. Lets get her on. Talk about it. Theyre still working for price coope pricecooperswaterhouse. Who do you think is the number one hiphop r b artist of alltime . Kevin campbell. Were going to reveal billboards top pick, which im lots of wrinkle creams believe the more mysterious they sound, the more. Powerful youll think they are. Its time to see what power really looks like. New neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair with accelerated retinol sa. Clinically proven to reduce wrinkles in just one week. Wrinkles . Your time is up rapid wrinkle repair. And for dark spots. Rapid tone repair. Neutrogena® see whats possible. Everyone wants to be cthe Cadbury Bunny because only he brings delicious cadbury creme eggs. While others may keep trying, nobunny knows easter better than cadbury. Thankfully at panera, 100 of our food is 100 clean. No artificial preservatives, sweeteners, flavors, or colors. Panera. Food as it should be. Put under a microscope, we can see all the bacteria that still exists. Polidents unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99. 99 of odor causing bacteria. For a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture every day. Break thand dry ends. Ly roots with loreals new extraordinary clay. This hair rebalancing system with 3 refined clays. Purifies oily roots. Hydrates dry ends. For up to 48 hours of fresh hair. Loreals extraordinary clay. From loreal hair expert paris. Start by taking care of families for 70 years. Earn the trust of 32 nfl teams. Be there for americas toughest and help, when help is needed americas 1 isnt a status earned overnight. Its earned in every wash, and reearned every day. Tide, americas 1 detergent back with more of todays take. With cohost n r b and hiphop artists. Hiphop and r b are two different genres. Top five or three . Were going to give you the top three on the overall performance. Who do you think takes the top three spot . Is someone like Michael Jackson considered r b or pop . He is considered r b. Michael jackson. What about Whitney Houston . R b . Who is the highest hiphop artist . What do you think is number three . Whitney houston. I go with boys ii men. Stevie wonder. Of course. Stevie wonder is three, the bar is high. We would play that but we would have to pay too much. So, no. I just call ed and thats it. Aretha franklin. That one. You know what it is . This goes back 60 years. In to 1958. The number one has to be Michael Jackson. You would think. I would think so. Number one. The temptations. All right. I wont argue with that. The temptations sold more than Michael Jackson . My girl. How many sing my girl . I said temptations in any mind. That really helps. I love how you pointed to your mind. Thank you for telling us where it is. They had a longer time to sell records. Thats true. You know you automatically think of what you know right now. I wonder if Janet Jackson can make the list. And apparently she came in at 17. Okay. Thats new janet. I was like, pressure principle janet and put a key on my earring to be with her. Boyz ii men has to be number 5. Okay. Thats further down than i would thought. Kevin campbell . Did he make it . He did not make the list. Sorry. I went oldschool. I went with the spinners. Number 46. Ahead of boyz ii men. Ahead of boyz ii men. This is where i live. This is where i live. Starting to learn your moves. From biggie and tupac, to the temptations, the same move. Thats all you can do is this. The papers are flying. I wondered about pebbles. And bam bam. No. Pebbles the singer. Do you want to ride in my mercedes, boy. There it is. This is it. If you want to ride in my mercedes, boy doing the same thing. I used to be so cool. Now, im doing this. If you thought you were so cool, that pretty much if youre emulating me, how cool could you be . Carlton banks sitting down. Thats me. Who is the highestranking hiphop artist . Im curious . Drake. Drake . Are you being funny . Drake is number 19. I thought they were playing off of the annie thing. Mary j. Was 19. Okay. Or ten. This is going to generate controversy. You think so . I think so. It will generate controversy when i get to the weather. It is windy out there. We are talking when 62 Million People under some sort ever wind advisory. High wind warning, damage reported in boston. Airport delays from washington up into boston, as well. And as the day wears on, winds will be gusting up to 50 Miles Per Hour, eventually dying down. Temperatures will also drop, too. Rest of the country, windy conditions in the northeast, rain and snow in the Pacific Northwest. Showers down around florida as the front exits plenty of sunshine from california into the southeast. Thats what is going on around the country. Heres what is happening in your mighty love. We still have the wind out there and that will continue through the day. Not settling down until tonight. Temperatures in the low 50s. Some area in the Shenandoah Valley in the upper 30s. Temperatures tonight into the 30s. Low to mid40s tomorrow, but windchills in the 30s all through your friday. Mix of sun and clouds are light snow and rain showers. Quiet and cooler this weekend. Temperatures only in the 40s. Thats your latest weather. Coming up, the newest viral sensation your kids are going to love. Were making slime. You want to get a head start go to our todays take Facebook Page to learn we invited women to a spa to dish soap. Body wash. You may not feel it, but some body washes can contain cleansers found in dish soap. Dove body wash is different. It has only the gentlest cleansers. It just made me feel good. This is dove. Anyone ever have occasional y constipation,diarrhea, gas or bloating . She does. She does. Help defend against those digestive issues. Take Phillips Colon Health probiotic caps daily with three types of good bacteria. 400 likes . Wow try Phillips Colon Health. Everything your family touches sticks with them. Make sure the germs they bring home dont stick around. Use clorox disinfecting products. Because no one kills germs better than clorox. Wiback like it could used to . Neutrogena hydro boost water gel. With hyaluronic acid it plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. For supple, hydrated skin. Hydro boost. From neutrogena hey, leggo my eggo. I dont see your name on it. Really . Ba bam know the rules. Keep your eggo. Leggo my eggo. Okay. Not to be focusingo finaon my moderatepe. To severe chronic plaque psoriasis. So i made a decision to talk to my dermatologist about humira. Humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. In clinical trials, most adults taking humira were clear or almost clear, and many saw 75 and even 90 clearance in just 4 months. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb, hepatitis b, dont start humira if you have an infection. Ask about humira, the 1 prescribed biologic by dermatologists. Clearer skin is possible. Now, to the viral sensation thats about to take over every home in america. Theres been quite a few. Remember this phenomenon, piling rubber bands on to a watermelon until it explodes. Buzz feed took on the challenge with many others. And these videos received more than 50 million hits. Or the water bottle flip. It has 52 million views. Now, the new phenomenon is slime. Slime. Of course. Slime videos have been watched 13 billion. Thats billion with a b. 2 billion from this year alone. Show us how to make slime. The teens love it. Thanks for having me. I know you have kids. Are your kids in the slime craze . We didnt know about it. After the show, thats going to change. Youre going to go home hip today. Weve been doing on whats up moms slime videos for a couple years. Its crazy. In the last couple months, its gone viral. This is my lovely assistant, megan. Hey, megan. Were going to show you a good basic slime recipe. And then, megan will make hers with a little twist. This is as simple as it gets. And you can probably have at home. I have four ounces or one battle of clear glue. And megan has white elmers glue here. I think glue sales try to find glue. I mean, thats the challenge. Thats what started this whole slime thing. A conspiracy. Were going to add in half a teaspoon. You want t me, megan . Half a teaspoon of baking soda. So easy. Probably stuff you have in your kitchen. And give it a quick mix. It takes like three minutes. Were going to add in a little bit of color. Just a couple drops. And what actually makes, megan may be adding in some shaving cream in hers. Okay. Were going to mix it up. And what actually makes the slime slime is the boric acid and contact solution. Thats just contact solution. You can use borax or contact solution. You put it in and you see right away you can see some of our samples over there that are done. Before we run out of time. Stretch it out. This glitter one is amazing. Do you have to keep them refrigerated . Keep them refrigerated. The best way to store it is in the ziploc if you go to our youtube channel, we have a ton of slime recipes. I see why kids are obsessed. And its not messy. It doesnt get on your hands. It doesnt. And thats the misconception. Its sticky. You dont want to get it on your clothes. Check out todays take Facebook Page to get the recipe. Al and i are going to take you to the the toothpaste that helpstax, prevent bleeding gums. If you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. Help stop the journey of gum disease. Try new parodontax toothpaste. Its clinically proven to remove plaque, the main cause of bleeding gums. For healthy gums, and strong teeth. Leave bleeding gums behind. New parodontax toothpaste. Sweet cinnamonsugar on the outside, crazy on the inside. Crave those crazy squares. Only tylenol® rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. They release medicine fast, for fast pain relief. Tylenol® one pintsized hero pwas on a mission. Vor, looks like somebodys gotta save snack time from a serious case of boring. Watch babybels big taste leap into action in the great snack rescue. You want a piece of me . Good, im delicious. Creamy, delicious, 100 natural cheese. Mini babybel. Snack a little bigger. You can add anything, huh . Its different to play with, though. Good morning with. Its 9 26 now on 24 thursday, march 2. Im Aaron Gilchrist in that our headlines this morning, today neighbors living near Holmes Run Park are waking up to a lot of police. Local and federal Law Enforcement searching the parks there for bodies. They say they got tips that human remains were buried in several parks in the county. And you will not be able to catch a performance this summer at carter baron. It has hosted performances for 65 years. The National Park service says the amphitheater will be closed for repairs. A look at your forecast when we come back. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. Maybe thats why weve been ranked highest in Customer Satisfaction by jd power 4 years in a row. And now you can love fios too. Get our best offer of the year. 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone. All for 79. 99 per month, for the first year with a twoyear agreement. Plus get hbo for a year and free multiroom dvr service for two years. Go to getfios. Com or call 1. 888. Get. Fios get the best. Get fios. Welcome back. It is a blustery day out there, but good flewnews the wind advi has been taken down. Well still see gusts up to with 30 Miles Per Hour throughout the day. Same deal tomorrow. And we could also see light snow or rain showers. Sunny and cooler saturday and sunday where temperatures in the 40s. But if spring, were back in to the 60s early next week. Get the latest news and weather anytime in the nbc washington app. Another update in about 25 minutes. Manhattan may be an urban jungle. But its nothing like the incredible bronx zoo, just a few miles from the heart of new york city. More than 2 million visitors flock there every year. And sheinelle and i were lucky enough to get a behindthescenes tour. And we made a bunch of fluffy new friends. Enough about me. Have you been to the bronx zoo before . One time and we were rushed. I remember coming here from p. S. 272, in 1963. Are you ready . What better way to see the zoo, by a v. I. P. Tour. Of animal planets new series the zoo, taking a firstever behindthescenes look at the 600 animals and the people dedicated to their care. Target. Good. You have any particular animals you like to see . Anything that would eat me. Tigers. We have some of those. First stop for al. The malayan tigers were a little camerashy at first. They recognize the people that work most closely with them. She recognizes al roker. A fan. Big fan. After a little coaxing, the tigers joined us for a quick visit. Wow. We want to present our animals in appropriate habitats, so they can see tigers acting like tigers. Our real purpose is conservation of animals inhe where are we going next . Think long. Long necks . Aha. These are some of our grif giraffes. They have the long necks and the long tongues to exploit food sources. They have a chambered stomachs like they can chew and chew. And a big lump of food will go down. My bad. Was i in your way . Is that what she wanted . Okay. Ill move out of the way now. Next stop on the tour, the wild life Ambassador Center that houses Educational Programs for the zoo. What will happen . She will bite you. Oh. Bye. Nice to dont pull it away. There you two. You got it. Wow. This is amazing. Just give him a second. Can you say hi . These animals are ambassadors. And they tell a story about the plight that species is facing in the wild. Were on a mission to try to save the wild species and the places they live. Hey,peacocks. Can we take them home . To see the animals up close. I feel like youre dr. Doolittle. You have a way with the animals. That was a good time. Animal planet is hosting a tenhour Facebook Live event today where you can get your own inside look at more than 15 zoos around the country. Go to today. Com to find out more. And tune into the zoo saturday nights on animal planet. I really this man was doing it with the sloth. Like the sloths. And it never ended. And its so slow. It was pretty cool. Oh, no. Coming up the coolest im leaving. New gadgets. Right after this. Man proper etiquette is essential for every social occasion. So the the broom said, sorry im late. I overswept. [ laughter ] yes, even the awkward among us deserve some laughter. And while its okay to nibble in public, a lady only dines in private. Try the name your price tool from progressive. On your budget. Uhoh. Discussing finances is a big nono. What, im helping her save money shh men are talking. Thats it, im out. Taking the meatballs. [ female announcer ] the magic begins when jif fresh roasts peanuts to make Peanut Butter so deliciously creamy. It can even bring a kid out of her shell. Thats why choosy moms choose jif. It can even bring a kid out of her shell. Everyone wants to be cthe Cadbury Bunny because only he brings delicious cadbury creme eggs. While others may keep trying, nobunny knows easter better than cadbury. At olive garden. Er ending to the next level never ending classics, starting at 11. 99. Indulge in never ending helpings of your most loved classics. Like chicken parmesan. Hurry, this offer ends soon. At olive garden. singsong budget meeting. Sweet. If you compare last quarter. Its no wonder everything seems a little better with the creamy taste of philly, made with no artificial preservatives, flavours or dyes. Made with no artificial preservatives, break thand dry ends. Ly roots with loreals new extraordinary clay. This hair rebalancing system with 3 refined clays. Purifies oily roots. Hydrates dry ends. For up to 48 hours of fresh hair. Loreals extraordinary clay. From loreal hair expert paris. Hey, leggo my eggo. I dont see your name on it. Really . Ba bam know the rules. Keep your eggo. Leggo my eggo. Okay. Listerof bad breath germs for a 100 fresh mouth. Feeling 100 means you feel bold enough to. Assist a magician. Or dance. Listerine®. Bring out the bold™ shouldnt mean choosing to spend more. Dannons whole milk yogurt is made with all natural, nongmo ingredients with vitamin d. Better food at a better cost. So we can all eat better. It shouldnt be whateverfleas and ticks. Home. No, no no no no. Seresto® kills and repels fleas and ticks for 8 continuous months for effective protection in an easytouse, nongreasy collar. 8month seresto®. From bayer. If you like new gizmos and gadgets, this segment is for you. Katie is here from a reversible umbrella to a bicycle helmet. Lets start with the spstar wars enmuse yathusiasenthusias. Its aea you cant screw this up. And it doubles as a bowl for the popcorn. Its raining. You cant go outside and make smores. Bring them inside. This is from a Company Called no, sstalgia electrics. Its a lazy susan smoresmaker. It uses electric heat. Under 30 bucks from bed, bath beyond. Whats going on here . These are unique umumbrellas. They stand right up. And the wet side stays on the inside. Number of different patterns or styles to choose from. But the idea makes a lot of sense. All of the dripping stays in the interior. Whats with the different handle . This is a stand handle, so you can hold your coffee or your smartphone, too. And we have lovely frames. This is cool. Im going to grab my smartphone these are mural digital art frames. I can change the art, just by waving my hand right past the photo. Whats cool, is i can upload any 30. It comes with 30,000 images, from monet, to van gogh. And i can change the photo with my smartphone. Very interactive. You can change a room every day. Can be different. Very nifty. Then, come on in, gav. This is hot on the streets of new york. He is wearing a smart connected bike helmet. I like this. This is right up your alley, al. Theres a remote that goes on the handlebar. And if you want to use the turn signal, it will use sound effects and will give a turn signal on the left and the right side. Created by two engineers for a smarter, safer way to ride. And isnt there a motion sensor, as you slow down. On the back. A sense of motion it stops and it will show up. You can see the menu in the dark restaurants. And you look cool doing it. Last but not least, this is a first look at a new gadget. If youve been shopping and buy too much stuff, this will hold 40 pounds of stuff. This is from a company known as make hightech travel. You can actually open it up. It has a lid here. 40 pounds of storage. This baby will travel with you and carry your groceries. Are you wearing something that it follows you . Exactly. You have a belt that it connects to and a signal. It will come miles with you. And up to 40 pounds, lugging all of your groceries. This will be out in a year. Can they go in the sand and the beach . Yeah. Very durable. Do we know how much it is going to be . It will be the price of a motorcycle. Around there. Comparable. That much. Skys the limit, al. Cool stuff, lets do a little weather here. Watch it, sparky. Have you ever done the weather . Ive never done weather. Give me the right technique. So you have to hit this button. So this is the weekend outlook. I see we have a weak children. Thats right, some snow. Plenty of sunshine from the upper great lakes all the way to the gulf coast. And amoun little bit wet weathet to the west. When are you heading home . Tomorrow. Saturday looks pretty good in southern california. We have snow in the inner mountain region, cold here in the northeast, heavy rain in southern texas. And then sunday, sunday, youre looking at rain in l. A. Saw that. But the drought is over. Yeah, i think we can officially say were out of the drought. More wet weather in the central gulf. Unseasonably mild through much of the rest neck of the woods. Well, here its windy, but also try. Temperatures in about the 40s through most of the area. But the wind still gusting near 30 to 40 Miles Per Hour. We have 30s on the map still, 33 gaithersburg is what it feels like. 34 feels like in dulles. In the district feels like 43. So a chilly, windy day. Highs this afternoon topping out in the low 50s. Sunny and dry but gusty winds. Tomorrow, waking up in the 30s afternoon high in the 40s. Chance of some snow showers. Nicely done, sir. If i do, you do. Coming up next, theyre in town for a concert at Madison Square garden. If you dont have tickets, dont if youve got a life, you gotta swiffer we invited women to a spa to dish soap. Body wash. You may not feel it, but some body washes can contain cleansers found in dish soap. Dove body wash is different. It has only the gentlest cleansers. It just made me feel good. This is dove. That gives you better taste and better nutrition in so many varieties. Classic. Cage free. And organic. Only egglands best. Rition. Better eggs. Only tylenol® rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. They release medicine fast, for fast pain relief. Tylenol® with not food, become food . Thankfully at panera, 100 of our food is 100 clean. No artificial preservatives, sweeteners, flavors, or colors. Panera. Food as it should be. Break thand dry ends. Ly roots with loreals new extraordinary clay. This hair rebalancing system with 3 refined clays. Purifies oily roots. Hydrates dry ends. For up to 48 hours of fresh hair. Loreals extraordinary clay. From loreal hair expert paris. Everyone wants to be cthe Cadbury Bunny because only he brings delicious cadbury creme eggs. While others may keep trying, nobunny knows easter better than cadbury. Whfight back fastts, with tums smoothies. It starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tum tum tum tum smoothies only from tums clorclorox toilet wand comes canpreloaded with cleaner,et. So you click, swish, and toss. No more icky toilet brush. I love it. Of course you do, mom. Disinfecting. For your real life. Hi hey ive made plans for later in case this date doesnt go well. Likewise but, funny story. On top of that . My mom is my best friend. Uh oh. Yeah. Everyone said what they meant . The citi double cash card does. It lets you earn double cash back the citi double cash card. The citi Concert Series on today is proudly presented to you by citi. The indy pop band saint motel, had a hit, my type. And became a huge hit. Now, theyre in a 30city north american tour, show tonight at the Madison Square garden. The album saintmotelvision. Guys, good morning to you. Are you ready for Madison Square garden . Weve done our special stret stretches. Tell us about the virtu virtualizer. Its not a music video. Its something between. And, yeah. Weve got one coming for every song. Do you need the v. R. Goggles to watch it . You can watch on your phone. On your desktop. The goggles is the best way for sure. How cool is that . Its fun. What are you going to be playing for us . Our new single, born again. Doing it right now . Were going to move out of your way. Hit it. Well, theres no need to be nervous im not dangerous anymore yeah, i cleaned up and found jesus and shes waiting at the door heres a leaflet try to read it you have always been a friend but when you see me next time i went be the person that i am im born again get born, get born, get born get born again get born, get born theres no use trying to fight it because you fought it long enough it starts with lies and leads to hate and hate to sex and sex to drugs is there bad news for the sinners is there sal loss for the saints when you break it down, the two of us are really just the same im born again get born, get born, get born get born again get born, get born, get born get born again i died and saw the light my friend get born, get born, get born im born again get born, get born get born again get born, get born again get born, get born again get born, get born again get born, get born again get born again get born, get born again get born again get born, get born again get born, get born get born again get born again theres no need to be nervous im not dangerous anymore yeah, i cleaned up and found jesus and shes waiting at the door heres a leaflet try to read it you have always been a friend if you see me, you wont recognize the person that i am im born again oh, yeah get born, get born again get born, get born again get born, get born again get born, get born, get born get born, get born again get born, get born again get born, get born again get born, get born again yeah. Wow. Yes. Saint motel. New album, saintmotelvision. Were going to be back. This is today on nbc. Thanks so much. Every now and then i get a little bit hungry and theres nothing really good around. Turn around. Every now and then i get a little bit tired of living off the taste of the air. Turn around, barry. I finally found the right snack. Each with one hundred fifty calories or less, try our chocolaty brownies, tangy lemon bars, and creamy cheesecakes. Fiber one, nick, one more day. Cant wait. What a marathon. You can change your mind. We want more. And you have Jennifer Lopez. We have Jennifer Lopez. Two, big segments, everybody. Of course, our ambush makeovers. Everybody loves. And jeff goldman will be here to make us some sweet treats. Anotherso be there. She is probably sucking on toes right now. That sounded like a saturday night at your place. No. Used to be. Can i dwroil guys something . Yeah. During the show we have ten seconds left. Okay. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. Maybe thats why weve been ranked highest in Customer Satisfaction by jd power 4 years in a row. And now you can love fios too. Get our best offer of the year. 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone. All for 79. 99 per month, for the first year with a twoyear agreement. Plus get hbo for a year and free multiroom dvr service for two years. Go to getfios. Com or call 1. 888. Get. Fios get the best. Get fios. At ikea, we believe that everything you need should be within reach. That anything that matches your taste can match your budget. That green living doesnt have to cost much green. We believe that you should always have room for the little things. And that your dream kitchen should work as hard as you do. Save up to 20 at the ikea kitchen event. 9 57 is your time on this thur thursday, march 2. Im eun yang. Hundreds of federal workers will rally on capitol hill over pay, retirement and agency funding. Is th right noun der President Trumps executive order, there is a hiring and raise freeze for federal employees. Now lets check your forecast with she thena parveen. It is windy this morning and through the afternoon. And it will be chilly. Not seeing the warm temperatures like we had yesterday. But it will be mostly sunny and dry. A few flurries near the Shenandoah Valley and hire elevations. Tomorrow we start in the 30s, often highs only mid to low 40s. A couple snow showers passing by. The weekend will be dry. Morning lows in the 20s, afternoon highs in the 40s. We do however warm back up to near 70 by tuesday. That is our next chance of rain. Coming up on midday, at has Performing Arts Center will be here to talk about the Harriet Tubmans life. Announcer from nbc news, this is today with Kathie Lee Gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. Hello, everybody. Its thirsty thursday. March 2nd. Jenna bush hager, our great friend is here in for hoda yet again because shes out with her precious new haley joy. And that is i aint yo mama. Thats one of the biggest superstars on the planet, Jennifer Lopez. She comes to play always. Im so excited. She was at the grammys. And her tv show shades of blue is back for a second season. Big hit on nbc. I dont know how she does it all

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