Transcripts For WRC Today 20161226 :

Transcripts For WRC Today 20161226

announces plans to avoid controversy as his children face scrutiny. a fantastic finish. roth roth, touchdown, pittsburgh! >> the steelers clench a trip to the nfl playoffs with a last second comeback win over the ravens and the kansas city ch f chiefs with their own. monday december 26th, 2016. from nbc news, this is "today" with matt lauer and savannah guthrie, live at studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to today on this monday mo with carson daly. matt is off today and savannah on maternity leave. we have pictures of fans of george michael. >> you would be hard-pressed to turn on the radio in the uk and here at home and not hear george michael's incredible voice. 2016, an incredible year of loss. another big one. >> more on the passing. n nbc, steve patterson has more. >> good morning. the 53-year-old died at his home in england. his death was unexplained but not suspicious. it was told that michael died from heart failure in his bed and the publicist said he passed away peacefully. this morni, in for the music legend behind some of the most recognizable songs ever written. ♪ freedom freedom >> reporter: it's music that made an entire generation move. those catchy melodies mixed with a little social commentary. ♪ i'm never going to dance again ♪ >> reporter: they became mega hits. ♪ i don't need your freedom >> reporter: and turned george michael from a pop singer to an international icon, a career spanning four decades selling more than 21 million albums in the u.s. alone. ♪ >> reporter: michael rose to fame in the early '80s as one-half of the pop group, what" with songs like whisper, freedom an w ♪ >> reporter: the group became one of the biggest acts in the world before they split in 1986. the following year, michael's debut solo album, "faith" won critical acclaim generating four number 1 hits. and michael produced nearly every element also became a sex symbol. ♪ >> reporter: in the '90s he had even more chart success, including a smash hit live duet with elton john. in 1998, the singer made headlines after being arrested for exposing himself to an undercover police officer in an l.a. public restroom. after the incident, michael came out as gay and became an advocate for aids prevention and gay rights. the songwriter who achieved so much success in the mid-20s said the attention was too much. he told matt in 2004 he wanted his pa being pointed directly at me. >> reporter: more recently, the artist suffered a series of health scares including a near fatal bout with pneumonia in 2011. >> the hospital in austria they rushed me to was absolutely the best place in the world i could have been. >> reporter: tributes from social media from friends and famous fans began pouring in almost immediately sunday night including his wham partner, andrew ridgely who tweeted heartbroken at the loss of my beloved friend, forever loved. the last christmas for a man who will forever be remembered as a legend. ♪ last christmas i gave you my heart ♪ >> officials say there is no sign of any foul play and that an autopsy will be conducted in due time. michael announced this year a documentary about his life was set to be released in >> it's tragic. i wish we met under better circumstances. >> george michael lost at 53. 55 million with wham and 75 in his solo career that was just incredible. tell me about what you think his legacy will be in the music business? >> he's just a prolific artist and started as an quint eessential icon. he had the look that sent women swo swooning, the hair and really great looks and he went on to have a career so diverse. his talent rose above it all. he had duets with aree sha franklin, elton john. he ran the gamut what you can do as a superstar, what he was. >> you mentioned his style. the famous lyric sometimes the clothes don't make the man. his style was such a part of it add writer and performer everything. >> the iconic portraits he took. he knew early on the was going to be that lasting figure. he took a lot of concern when it came to how he was photographed and what was his album art. everything into writing the songs, producing the songs. he had kind of like a marketing mind about himself. very very early on. >> the tradition he had in wham basically a teenage star and then starts his career and gets into "faith," winning the grammy, before sam smith and before adel, he really was the voice, incredible artist what he was able to do and he fought for his artistic credibility. tell me about the music he was making before he was lost. >> he always wanted to get out there and be himself and push the envelope. after he got rid of the pop persona. he had "freedom 90." he had "faith." he had some songs considered explicit and even banned. he really wanted to put his truth out there and embedded a lot of his personal struggles into his music and we're hearing into next year he was planning on releasing new music. that was always his escape and where his heart was. >> people music editor, thank you. blizzard warnings remains for parts of the plain states for snowstorms, travel in the region nearly impossible. we have two reports beginning with nbc's ron mott. good morning. >> reporter: here in chicago, the morning after christmas, temperatures are in the 50s. we have a light rain falling. meantime, back to our west, misery. >> and ice causing treacherous road conditions as millions of people head home and back to work this morning. throughout the upper midwest and plain states, a winter wallop. heavy snow in the plains and minnesota inches an hour and causing ce inine ining dozens o. in arizona, flagstaff still reeling from a foot of snow. so many wrecks, some major highways had to be closed. in utah, they're digging out from a holiday storm that left more than 2 feet of snow, to some, a christmas miracle, sort of. >> we went to bed, it was green and we woke up to this. >> reporter: in california, crews are cleaning up a muddy mess in los angeles this morning, heavy soaking rains causing mudslides, a thick foot in some places. near the grand canyon, a pennsylvania family got stranded in deep snow. karen klein walked 26i two days to get help for her husband and 10-year-old son. that's a marathon. her family reports she's in good spirits although a bit exhau exhausted. and we're expecting rain and snow and freezing rain that could complicate people getting home from this long holiday weekend. >> thank you very much. >> let's get to more mountain delays and cancellations at the airport. gabe is at hartsfield jackson international. good morning. >> reporter: hi. lanes are moving smoothly and no cancellations to report in atlanta, the world's busiest airport and the rough weather could impact across the country. the weather's misery map. no major issues to report in the northeast, created major problems especially dakotas on christmas day, major cancellations as ron mentioned and problems in the pacific northwest and east. atlanta's airport is expecting more than 20 million holidays and philadelphia expecting a 2.5 increase in holiday air travel this year. so far atlanta's hartsfield jackson, the usual refrain, check your listings and also arrive to the airport two hours ahead of time, many people connecting through atlanta and delays could pile up any time. >> get to the airport extra early. thanks, gabe. meantime we're learning more of a suspected cause of a military plane crash in russia including the loss of the russian military choir. good russian's intelligence agency saying it sees no signs of a terror plot. authorities now scrambling to figure out why this plane went down on christmas day. it's an around the clock mission to peace together a deadly puzzle. thousands of emergency workers scouring frigid waters salvaging what they can of what remains. no survivors, all 92 on board dead. the plane departed from sochi bound for a military base in syria. just two minutes after taking off, it plunged into the black sea in near perfect weather. most of its passengers, members of the world renowned military choir going to spread cheer for military servicemen. this young couple, dancers with the ensemble were planning a d wedding. also on board a beloved charity worker known simply as taking much needed medicine to a syrian hospital. war is a hell on earth she once said but kindness and compassion and mercy are stronger than any weapon. reality is now beginning to sink in for those who loved and lost their dearest. on board a christmas day flight to a war torn country with a tragic end. si singers, dancers, and nine russian journalists among the dead. president putin calling a day of mourning across russia today. here at home, president-elect trump is making headlines this morning with announced changes to some of his charitable works this as a world leader turns to him for support. hallie is in florida to explain. good morning. >> reporter: hey there, carson. good morning to you. the president-elect is spending his holidays in south florida. over the last 48 hours he untangle the potential conflicts of interest for his foundation and international flare-up with israel. today, new tensions between the u.s. and israel after a christmas day summons from prime minister benjamin netanyahu ordering a meeting with the u.s. ambassador furious after the u.s. failed to block a united nation s security resolution reprimanding israel for its settlements in the west bank. the u.s. sending a signal by abstaining from the vote, israel sending one of its own, now accusing the u.s. of orchestra e orchestrating the resolution itself, something the obama administration has denied. >> as i told john kerry on thursday, friends don't take friends to the security council. >> reporter: internnetanyahu wa the current administration. he may look past it to the next administration the diplomatic clash in president obama's last few weeks donald trump tweeting it will make it harder to negotiate peace pledging to get it done anyway and making changes to his charity plans to dissolve the foundation entirely to prevent conflicts with the presidency. >> a lot of money come through the foundation. >> reporter: it's gone under fire for how it spent money but said that it cannot legally dissolve until an investigation by the democrat ag's investigation is complete. scoffing calling trump's move to dissolve the foundation a wilted fig leaf to cover up his conflict of interest and wipitil effort of charitable giving. a staff shake-up before trump takes office, the newly pulling out, jason miller saying he wants to spend more time with his family. incoming secretary, sean spicer, set to take over those responsibilities, too. >> the president-elect has high positions to fill including secretary of v.a., agricultural, national intelligence, being it's the beginning of the holiday week, don't expect too much action from mar-a-lago. >> from los angeles, filling in, good morning. >> the rockies making a turn for the northeast. it will still have impact as we head to monday morning, a lot of travelers out there looking at the snow, right now will be a big problem for the dakotas. we take you closer where we still have blizzard warnings for bismarck, rapid city, south dakota, north contact. gusts u front in the northeast. up to a quarter inch of ice and we're looking to that causing problems as you head to your weekend. it is going to be a little bit busy as the storm starts to move northeast. we'll watch where the storm is going from buffalo to cleveland and new york city later tonight, a chance of rain as well. this will turn into rain for us, light amounts as well. travel conditions in the northeast looking okay so far. a quick look at your weather, we will get back to your local forecast in 30 seconds. good morning. i'm chuck bell. clouds today. don't expect anything in the way of sunshine, not even a sliver. afternoon temperatures climb from upper 30s to 40 degrees now. should be in the upper 40s by later today, a lot of clouds around and pockets of mist and drizzle. for tomorrow, chance for rain early in the day. a mild day and sunshine for this afternoon. >> that's your latest weather. >> thank you very much. still coming the controversy between the president and the children and charity work. >> and how the queen spent her holiday. first, this is "today" on nbc. mpl coming up on trending, we will reveal the winner of the so-called world cup of christmas movies. >>. >> like it. how fellow stars are remembering the legendary george michael. we'll have all that and more. first your local news and weather. weight watchers, i've lost over 40 pounds. i can honestly tell you, i struggle no more. i've eaten everything i love. tacos, pasta... i've never felt deprived. i would say to anybody who's thinking about joining weight watchers... take the leap, and get about the business of enjoying a fantastic and full life. in the first 2 months members have lost 15% more 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event end january third. ♪my friends know me so well.s they can tell what i'm thinking, just by looking in my eyes. they can tell when i'm really excited and thrilled. and they know when i'm not so excited and thrilled. but what they didn't know was that i had dry, itchy eyes. but i knew. so i finally decided to show my eyes some love. some eyelove. when is it chronic dry eye? to find out more, chat with your eye doctor and go to it's all about eyelove, my friends. the holidays don't officialy begin, until it's time to make: flaky, delicious, piping hot things. golden brown and sticky things. fresh out of the oven, why can't they cool things? new things, old things. and blink and they're gone, those went fast things. make the oven one of the things they're most excited to open. it's baking season. warm up the holidays with pillsbury. this is a "news4 today" newsbreak. >> good morning. 7:26 this monday, december 26th. >> this morning, d.c. police are reviewing body cam video in a deadly officer involved sho shooting. 29-year-old gerald hall was shot and killed by d.c. police sunday morning in the northeast. officers were responding to a domestic dispute when they say they found hall with a knife. police say they shot hall after he refused to drop it. we turn to jack taylor. jack. >> good morning. if you're coming inside the beltway, 50 westbound near 202. you may have a broken down vehicle near t hopefully this will be gone by the time you're headed out. otherwise, there's nothing orange or red. all green everywhere. it does sound like maryland state authorities are headed to the beltway near the baltimore washington parkway for a new reported crash. hopefully, that will be very very minor. >> if you are headed out to return or exchange those holiday gi gifts. expect some crowds. walmart opened at 6:00 a.m. and target a few minutes ago. most malls are open between 8:00 and 9:00 this morning. we listed the specific times in the nbc washington app. post offices are closed today if you need to return a package or have a package you're hoping to return. >> we'll take a look at your forecast next. cloudy and chilly outside this morning. we could have drizzle off and on especially the morning and tomorrow a few drizzles before a touch of sunshine. looks like chilly and dry for new year's eve and chance for showers on new year's day. >> another local update in 25 minutes. >> now, back to the "today" show. we we are back at 7:30 on a monday morning, december 26th, 2016, as we say hello to the post holiday crowd out on the plaza. we hope santa was kind to all of you and appreciate you being with us. tamron and i will head out to say hello to folks in just a little bit. >> absolutely. here's a look at "today's" headlines. tributes are pouring in for pop superstar, george michael. the 53-year-old died suddenly on christmas day. his manager saying the cause was heart failure. michael rose to fame in the '80s as a member of wham and successful solo career. we'll take a look at his back in just a few minutes. and blizzard warnings posted in montana. it was so bad sunday several areas had to be shut down. >> the nfl playoffs picture almost set. the kansas city chiefs knew they made it before last night's game on nbc, but still hammered the broncos. and another one, 320 pound defensive lineman for the chiefs takes the run and they win through a touchdown pass. >> pittsburgh steelers capped a huge comeback scoring 21 points in the fourth quarter to defeat their rivals, baltimore ravens. antonio brown's touchdown with seconds to go gives the steelers a win and division title. you had to reach out and cross the plain and that was it. >> good football this weekend. more to come. let's begin this half hour with president-elect's children in the spotlight with the inauguration just 25 their roles in the transition and father's empire raising questions about possible conflicts. hallie jackson is back with more on that. good morning. >> reporter: hey there, tamron, good morning to you. the president-elect himself is announcing plans to dissolve essentially his own trump foundation. it's the latest but not the only announcement from a member of the trump family aimed at trying to untangle potential conflicts of interests before the inauguration. in this season of giving, changes to trump charities including donald trump's own. the president-elect now promi promising to dissolve his namesake foundation. but the office of the democratic new york attorney general says he can't, not until its investigation into the nonprofit is over. an investigation trump has attacked as partisan. the president-elect not the only trump trying to shutter his charity to avoid conflict of eric trump shutting down his nonprofit. he said he did it to shut down any question of selling access to the president-elect through donati donations. as unfortunate as it is, i understand the quagmire, he told the "new york times," you do a good thing that backfires. his is not the only nonprofit being separated from the trump name either. a foundation created in texas considered auctioni ining acces the president-elect now backtra backtracking. the photo-op with donald trump and a hunting trip with his sons called off. eric and donald junior originally listed as directors of that newly created charity now being removed from its leadership, and said to be named without their knowledge. and a charity to win coffee with ivanka canceled. >> it doesn't matter. you're not supposed to sell access reason. >> reporter: in fact former first daughter chelsea planned to continue her foundation even if her mom won the presidency. it can be a time for the trump children to avoid conflict of interest issues. >> they will do anything they need to do under the law. >> reporter: the children highly involved in their father's business. >> we need to create this for all parents. >> reporter: it's expected donald jr. and eric will tastayn new york. >> we will take care of business and we will make him very proud. >> reporter: even if donald trump's adult sons do end up running his business, some wonder whether that will really satisfy the conflict of interest concerns. a lot to work out before the inauguration. now to shauna, in for temperatures out west for the holiday season. take a look at what we've been seeing out east. mild and above average for some time. unseasonably in the west. we will continue to see this warmth today, tomorrow, and wednesday. look at these temperatures, chicago, 25 degrees above average. you will be at 54 today. even warmer in cincinnati, at 67 with above average temperatures at 31 plus. taking a look at tomorrow, same thing. the warmth spreads out towards the west and we will see more of a wide range of above average temperatures. above average temperatures in washington, 63 degrees tomorrow and down to mobile, you're at 75. that is fog to be a warm tuesday. looking at wednesday, still a warm day out there. tampa, 79 degrees. it's been a warm holiday weekend for you. that warmth will continue. enjoy this now. as we head into next week you are looking at a cooler one ahead with rain now. that's your weather and here's a look at your neighborhood. >> good morning. it's been a cloudy and dreary start to your neighborhood. temperatures in the upper 30s mid 40s by this evening. temperatures hold steady tonight. off to a mild start tomorrow. 40s to 50s with clouds today. chance of showers early tomorrow and a little sunshine should make it to the 60s tomorrow. a little cooler the second half of the week. >> that's your latest weather. >> thanks so much. as you probably heard, queen elabora elizabeth has been battling a bad cold. lucy, good morning to you. >> good morning. a rare treat this weekend for lucky world watchers who managed to catch a glimpse of will, kate and their children decked out in their sunday best for church it's who didn't make to it the royal service has england talking. it's a christmas tradition, a royal church service. here's the duke of edinboro followed by prince harry and his dad, prince charles, this time without the queen. she and prince philippe both fighting heavy colds postponing their journey here by a day. it's the first time in nearly 30 years queen elizabeth was a no show but royal watchers were understanding. >> perhaps she'll soon be well again. >> reporter: and prince george and little princess charlotte clearly fascinated by the bells joining mom and dad for a middleton christmas. prince william and duchess kate foregoing christmas with the queen for a more relaxed holiday with the in-laws. it came with sugary fun. prince george knew what to do with his candy cane. charlotte had other ideas. a practice run for their v in five months when these two tie the knot. and perhaps for prince harry. he and his girlfriend apart for christmas but not apart too much lo longer. despite her cold, the queen addressing the nation in a prerecorded speech. >> on our own, we cannot end r wars or wipe out injustice. the cumulative impact of thousands of acts of goodne nen can be bigger than we imagine. >> there you have it, a traditional message from the queen. some younger royals blazing new traditions on their own this christmas. guys. >> thank you very much. coming up, everybody is talking about this photo of a 3-year-old boy celebrating something very special. >> it's so sweet, you don't want to miss it. and many happy returns as or exchange. >> i love the scarf you gave me, carson. where we value quality and flavor over quantity and shelf-life. where chefs and farmers work together to reduce food waste, grow the best ingredients, and deliver them at their freshest, straight to your kitchen. because food is better when you start from scratch. blue apron. 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>> i loved his voice. the pop stuff was amazing he did with andrew. his solo career. freedom, when you hear "freedom" -- >> i listened to the lyrics over and over. >> another musical powerhouse. and youtube has fans wondering what they might planning. and kids inspired by obstacle course competition, first your local news. or struggle with obesity lose weight and keep it off. contrave is believed to work on two areas of the brain: your hunger center... 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>> hey, kristen, good morning. a problem, georgia avenue northbound before old baltimore road. we had a car crash and vehicle fire and fire trucks may be on scene. and middlebrook road at crystal rock road. they're busy this morning for authorities, otherwise it is quiet. careful headed out. >> thanks, jack, a check on your forecast is next. stay with us. cloudy and kind of wet outside with periods of drizzle from time-to-time, temperatures in the 40s. driz tomorrow with a brief warm-up into the 60s tomorrow, cloudy and a chance of rain coming your way on thursday. >> thank you, chuck. another update in 25 minutes. for now, back to the "today" show. it's 8:00 a.m. on "today." coming up, honoring a music legend. a tribute in the wake of george michael's death. we look back at his career and impact. plus, ninjas in training. children jumping and swimming through a high intensity obstacle courses turning them into a warrior. and in the royal spotlight, george and princess charlotte celebrate christmas. george smiling while enjoying a sweet holiday treat, monday, december 26th, 2016. york city. >> hello, baton rouge. >> hello to our friends and family in pennsylvania! >> shout out to kevin and jolie in atlanta and south carolina! go tigers! >> good morning, moore, oklahoma! >> merry christmas, virginia. we love "today"! >> woo! welcome back to "today" on this monday mornin on a monday morning, matt and savannah and al are off today. carson is with us. >> people coming out in the cold for this. >> they are. >> kids are here as well. hello, kids. >> i'm sorry you're disappointed. i'm not matt lauer. >> that's okay. you're you. >> we'll try to make it up to another holiday indulgence this morning. with bacon wrapped poppers. some of the most outstanding appetizers for your new year's eve celebrations coming up. >> i'm take two. first, here's your news at 8:00. >> tributes are pouring in around the world for george michael. good morning. i'm steve patterson. officials say the 53-year-old died at his home in england, his long-time manager said michael died from heart failure in his bed. fans everywhere are mourning the loss of a music legend. he had a magic touch for a sound that became emblematic of the '80s. ♪ >> reporte >> michael rocketed to fan with first, pop group duo wham with schoolmate, andrew ridgely before striking out to achieve his own success as solo artist and heartthrob. his career sold more than 21 million albums in the u.s. in t. half half of those sales, thanks to his solo blockbuster "faith." michael's arrest in 1998 for lewd acts in a los angeles public restroom and subsequent run-ins with the law for drug possession and a dui turn him into tabloid fodder. beyond his personal troubles, the british singer prided himself on charitable causes including aids awareness and gay rights. michael's collaboration with elton john in 1992 in a live due jet of "don't let the song go down on me" led acclaim. elton john said i'm in deep shock, i lost a good friend and more poured in sunday night in excluding an dry ridgely, god didn't give it, you did, old friend. and you found your freedom and your faith. it was your last christmas. we shall miss you. there is no sign of any foul play. his publicist said he passed away peacefully. the president and his family spending the holidays in his home state of hawaii and joined by first lady michelle obama and visited several hundred u.s. marines in oahu and thanked them for their service and he said it would be his last time addre addressing them while in office. >> i just want all of you to know that it has been the privilege of my life to serve as your commander in chief. >> mr. obama added h to the military won't stop with his tour. he stands with them every step of the way. >> carrie fisher's mom actress debbie reynolds has provided an update on their daughter's condition and she tweeted about the incident saying her 60-year-old daughter is quote stable and if there is a change we will share it. reynolds also thanked friends and fans for their good wishes. carrie fisher best known for her role in "star wars" on what's being described as cardiac episode from a flight from london to los angeles friday. >> she was just here a couple weeks ago with her little dog. we're obviously thinking about her and wish her a speedy recovery. up next, the royal showstopper, prince george and princess charlotte appearance everybody is talking about on christmas day. and a personal connection to one of our most memorable stories of 2016. and members illusionists are here. they will go into our purse and pockets. i don't know what they will find. first, these messages. we rely on our courage. the kind of courage that shows up when we need it... and when cancer is least expecting it. courage. just one reason more of us are surviving cancer give now to the american cancer society. [oprah] like everybody, i want to live a life that's full. full of a happiness found in living the life i want. full of the energy that comes with good health. full of the great foods i love. and at weight watchers, i don't have to choose between weight loss and living well. i live well, while losing weight. it is easier than it's ever been, and not one day have i felt deprived. most important, it works! join for free now and lose 10 pounds on us. we are back at 8:08. we are back at 8:08. time for what's trending today. >> you guys catch any christmas movies this year? >> i did. i saw ""moana."" >> it's one of the most divisive topics this holiday season. what is the best christmas movie. after 1.5 million votes, "home alone" took the top spot. people really love to see pesci get into it in multiple ways and in second, "elf." >> i have that at number one. >> all right. in third place this is movie you don't think is a christmas movie, "diehard." >> al roker right now is asleep, he just woke up. we had this battle for years now. we thought it was divided among gender. i don't think this is a christmas film, the guy version. >> it takes during the christmas season. >> where is love actually on this list? >> i have seen it. i sat through a whole lot of "love actually." >> never seen it. >> a film about sociopaths, everyone running after one another and the prime minister has -- >> you have a strong opinion. >> one of the most heart-warming stories. even -- this is a 3-year-old, named michael from phoenix. it's gone viral from the moment he was officially adopted from foster care. his sign reads, some things are worth the wait. 832 days. it's been re-tweeted 57,000 times receiving thousands of likes. he has three sisters and his new mom saying the viral photo is the definition of his personality. >> what do you have to say about that? i love that. >> when was the last time you saw a cat land on his feet? >> on top of the car. were called to get this cat out of the tree, but instead the decided to end it. amazingly she was scurrying away before the firefighters could catch her. she may have lost one her nine lives. there are so many cat viral videos of cats and christmas tr trees. >> anyway, there you have it. >> let's get to "popstart." first up, celebs mark christmas in their own special ways and shared their favorite moments online. miley cyrus celebrating the holidays with fiance, william hemsworth mark the first christmas with their dog, doris. >> you don't see many pictures together. >> my other voice, gwen stefani snapping pictures with blake with a private concert. jessica simpson showing off what was left of her christmas tree after it was knocked over. and chrissy teigen shared this on christmas sharing off her hatchimal. we are pretending this is for her daughter. and getting fans all excited after posting a mysterious video on facebook tweeting in 2017. have a look. >> happy christmas. happy christmas, everyone. >> this will be a big year for the youtube group. we have soonngs to honor 30 yea we have very special shows co coming, very special. >> what do you think? >> a very >> next year marks the 30th anniversary of the hit album. you 2 will li u2 will likely be. prince george and princess charlotte predictableably stole the show, 3-year-old george enjoying the service with a candy cane and smiling at other churchgoers and his sister charlotte tried to use her candy cane as an actual cane while walking with her mom. kate spending the holiday with her parents and sister. >> dressed like the royal children. >> thank you. all this week we're wrapping up 2016 with stories that touched us in a major way. my pick is visiting a domestic the person with me on that trip is rocker, dave ndave. >> what was it like to see the kids? >> i walked in here and saw a 3-year-old girl and my heart just broke because that could have been me if this place had been here in 1983, my mom could have come here. to see these little innocent lives who have already lived through some pretty terrifying stuff, that's heartbreaking. i'm so sorry you're here but thank god you're here. >> dave navarro the rock star knows first hand about domestic violence addiction, his mother, connie, murdered by an ex-boyfriend when dave was just 15 years old. >> as a grown man i can look back and go, what 15-year-old kid is supposed to know how to handle this. it still lives with guilt and the shame. i think, speaking of shame, that's one of the things that kept my mom silent. >> in his documentary, he develops into the emotional toil of his mother's death. >> my memory of her had always been shrouded in darkness. to be reintroduced in this way that was celebrating her life and made it so i could walk away from telling the story, feeling closer to her than i had been. my mom tried to protect me from what was happening. i really didn't know much until it was too late. i later learned she wanted to look into a shelter. i don't know how far she got down that road. >> this is stephanie. are you somewhere safe you can speak freely? >> even with resources like shelters when an abused woman decides to leave, experts call it the most dangerous week. >> that's when the violence increases the most a time the person is most likely to be killed. the abuser control and escalate behavior to get that person not to leave or threaten them into making those decisi decisions. >> having this little tricycle here are symbols of childhood everywhere. it speaks to how many children are here. how many do you have? >> here today we have over 100 children. >> they run eight domestic violence shelters in new york. this is the largest ones. >> this is one of the most important rooms in the shelter because of the number of children up here. >> when you think of domestic violence you think about adult survivor but half of the beds are filled by their children. people visualize a shelter as being just that, a bunch of beds stacked up and seay place for the night. that's not what a shelter is. we want them to come in and know this is a place they can be safe first. >> here, each family gets their own apartment. >> this is an apartment with a kitchen, a place our residents can be proud of. >> while living domestic abuse survivor discovered a hidden talent, art. >> that's her and her son walking towards the light when she describes what this shelter has been like for her and her son. >> we disguised her voice. >> you took that brave step. how do you feel now that you know you did it, you made the choice. >> i know nobody can treat me like that and i feel strong. actually, i feel very strong. >> another survivor agrees. >> it's not my fault. why is it my fault i love. we all are human. i know there are women out there embarrassed as i was. >> when you look at your future now, what do you see? >> i see nothing but happiness. >> navarro wants to share that message, too. >> there is a way out. it is possible to fulfilled happy life in spite of what other trauma we go through. i've survived domestic abuse, murder, drug addiction. i am so grateful to be on the other side of that. you're not alone. nothing is insurmountable. >> what a great message from dave. he received glamour award seay horiz horizons, inspire a difference. he says nothing is insurmountable. that's why that was such a special story in 2016. >> nice to see optimism come out of that. a check of the weather here from shauna, in for al. >> we have a storm coming into the pacific northwest. not only do we have that storm moving through the country through rain and snow impacting seattle and idaho and winter storm warnings issued ahead of the storm. boise through the cascades, not good. up to 2 to this storm and you're looking at additional storm through the mountains. now to your neighborhood. >> good morning. i'm storm team 4 negotiate chuck bell, nice and cloudy outside. if you don't have to get out of bed, no need to get outside. no sunshine at all today. upper 30s and low 40s. that's the way it will stay all day long today. mostly cloudy, a patch or two of drizzle can't be completely ruled out. no real rain expected. highs today, near 40s to 50 degrees. it will be briefly tomorrow before sunshine comes in and chilly temperatures. a popular app you have probably seen your teenager use taking the world by storm. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: it's the app that makes every teenager feel like a pop star. e social media platforms, 160 million users and counting. all you do is pick a song, reverse your camera and lip sync along in selfie mode. musically has become so big, pop stars have signed on. with 13 million viewers using the app everyday, it's changing the way kids become a singing sensation. >> does it have a way to become a star? >> definitely musically is way to get out there for a career. >> any could join. >> yeah. >> that's why it's so cool. >> why it's so fun. >> any has a chance. >> they would know. the parkinson sisters have nearly 1.5 million fans on the app. >> it's crazy to think about it, we started uploading advise and so many opportunities have come to says it is a natural stage for kids that grow up on social media. >> a lot of people see these talents and start reaching out to them whether modeling agency that signs them, music label that sign them. >> the perkin sons say the key is facial expressions and the music function. i asked them to show me how it's done. >> one more time. >> along with the fun and fame come privacy concerns from parents like jessica, a mom of three musically obsessed boys. >> i like that they're active and they're involved and they're moving. i get worried with anything online or any apps, security is a concern. i know there are internet predators and my boys are young. >> in its terms of service, musically says users need to be 13 years old. >> you're talking about 10, 16 year-olds, how do you make sure their privacy is protected? >> this is a serious topic and we make sure it allows a user to put her or his account in private so only your friends can follow you. >> it's always good to have a discussion with your kids about what they're doing not just because you want to know who it is they might be in contact with or who it is that might be wa h watching their videos but to enjoy it with them. >> as the app goes off the charts, kids with big dreams singing to the social media start-up. los angeles. >> so interesting, we were just talking about kids and ages and age appropriateness when it comes to having phones and apps, interesting. >> 13 for that one. >> makes me feel old on social media. i'm not on it but i will be and do better. >> on the hit competition show, "american ninja warrior." >> hig are a trend across the country. a lot of ninjas in training are kids. >> reporter: it's a maze of craze. wall climbing, rope swinging, a mind bending 30,000 square feet of challenges. >> it takes us a good 25, 30 minutes to get here after school. it's worth it. >> reporter: at iron sports in houston and places across the country, the inspiration comes from high energy reality tv. "americmeramerican ninja warrion nbc and just wrapped its eighth season. a jaw dropping obstacle course, now everyone wants in. how old are you, sweetie? >> 4. >> reporter: are you a ninja? >> yeah. >> reporter: sam originally built the gym for himself. a competitor on the show for five seasons. >> reporter: at 49, he's twice the age of most rivals. now sharing his enthusiasm with an even younger demographic. >> i saw you on "american ninja warrior before." >> reporter: about $20 a session. >> i come twice a week. >> reporter: weekends are packed with birthday parties. is it surprising to you you're succeeding when kids are increasingly looking at their screens? >> you know what, here in our facility our kids do not have time for that. i think the i difficult is the one looking at the screen, not kids. >> reporter: open to adults, too. >> one more. >> reporter: not just the hard core elite. >> good job. that's how you do it. >> reporter: the irony, almost all these kids caught ninja fever while sitting in front of the television. >> they're learning self-confidence, they're learning to take care of their value of hard work. >> reporter: the latest fitness trend for little warriors, channeling everyone's inner ninja. janet chamblee, nbc news, houston. >> man, that's just fun. >> i could not do any of that. >> gyms are clanging their se p setups to incorporate a lot of those obstacles. a new season of "america ninja warrior" will return to esquire network next summer. and after your local news we have apps as an appetizer, not apps on your iphone. got to clear that up. good morning. it's 8:26 this monday, december 26th. i'm aaron gilchrist. let's get a check on the roads with jack taylor. jack. >> good morning. we're in virginia, 95 going southbound, we had a problem at the prince william parkway early this morning. investigators on the scene and remain on the right shoulder. unexpected considering everything else clean and green, nothing to slow you down whatsoever. maryland or virginia, riding around in the district. back to you. >> thank you. a check on your forecast when we come back. stay with us. good morning, everybody. a lot of clouds around. any rain chances staying to our north. this chance of showers in chicago and that will bring us a chance of raindrops tomorrow morning. a lot of clouds, areas of drizzle from time-to-time. staying in and mild tuesday with temperatures in the 60s. >> sounds good. thank you. you can get the latest news and weather any time, just open the nbc news washington app. now, back to tod"today." 8:30 now on 8:30 now on a monday morning, december 26th, 2016. a look at our holiday crowd here. making their way. >> wait a minute. this is your first day and you have a sign? >> i got my first sign. >> shauna is visiting us from knbc in los angeles. >> coming here with a strong sign game. >> you make fans pretty quick, >> you know him? >> let me get some security. >> two proud members of the illusioni illusionists. >> you may still be full from your christmas dinner, coming up for mouth watering appetizers, sure to be a cloud pleaser. >> first, let's get a check on the weather from shauna. >> we're still seeing snow in parts of our region. >> and wind through the dakotas, rain through texas. in chicago, you're getting a little bit of rain. wednesday you will see rain spread throughout the southeast and dry for the west now and snow for the pacific northwest. and cold on the way. check out what a's happening wi normal temperatures in the west. for now, looking at much warmer weather for the east coast, above normal temperatures for dakotas and florida where it's been warm all thursday. enjoy this milder weather because by next week we will start the cooldown and snow is on the way back. that's a quick look at your weather. here's what's going on in your neighborhood. >> good morning. i'm chuck bell, meteorologist. cloudy skies. you can see on radar, light mist and drizzle outside, about all we face today is light rain and drizzle. others otherwise a cloudy and drizzly day. temperatures not moving a lot, upper flowrts th40s this aftern. tomorrow, chance for rain showers and lower 50s today and lower 60s tomorrow. >> that's your latest weather. back to you inside. now, in senior scams, older americans are being swindled out of $3 billion this year. >> one of the ways crooks are getting them to and more. >> reporter: it's a call no grandparent wants to get. >> said, hi, grandma, this is brian. he said, i'm okay but i'm in a bit of a jam. >> reporter: last summer, shirley said she answered the phone to hear her desperate 22-year-old grandson on the other side. >> he said i was out celebrating my friend's birthday and i got a dui. >> reporter: shirley said she began to panic. >> he wants to get on with the fire department and i knew with a dui but no way to be hired. >> reporter: he said he found someone could help. >> he said i have a prosecuting attorney that wants to talk to you. the man came on, introduced himself, said go to the bank, pull out 4,0$4,000 in cash, buy eight 5$500 itune cards and cal me back. i did all of this. >> reporter: shirley says the man called her backnd off all the numbers on the back of the itunes cards. >> i got home and hadn't heard from brian. i said, that's funny that he didn't call me and at least thank me for helping him out. >> reporter: it was only after shirley called her daughter she realized it was all a scam. her grandson wasn't the man on the phone and he never got that dui. >> what's going through your mind? >> i was devastated. 4,0$4,000 is a lot of money to but i would do anything to help my grandkids. >> reporter: shirley isn't alone. senior citizens have lost millions of dollars to scams and they urged her to call the police immediately and helped getting money for the itune cards. and apple said they're working to educate customers on scams and making every effort to return money to victims. >> apple sent me my 4,0$4,000 i check so i received my money back. >> reporter: how t scammers target shirley? she thinks they found personal information about her and her family from her husband's obituary. >> the obituary is how they found my name and knew i had a grandson, brian and the oldest probably in his 20s. >> reporter: experts say there are ways to protect yourself. set up a code word with your families so you know it's a real emergency and never pay for anything in prepaid gift cards and ask a friend to be a sou sounding board. call that friend beforehanding over any money. >> reporter: why do you think people target good people? >> gullible. we're very gullible. we believe and trust people. that's just the way we were brought up to be. >> reporter: it happens. >> it happened. my goal is to help other grandparents not go through this. >> reporter: for today, jo lin kent, nbc news, ohio. >> so upsetting. >> scams are scams, on seniors, just terrible. >> so heartbreaking. coming up next, unbelb speechless better than wall walletless, i hope. this is "today" on nbc. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. that means incredibly fast 150 meg internet for the holidays. so in the 3.7 seconds it takes gary watson to beat the local sled jump record, fly, gary, fly. ...his friend can download 13 versions of the perfect song... ...his sister can live stream it... ...while his mom downloads how to set a dislocated shoulder. online for the first year. cable can't offer that. only fios can. we're back at 8:38 with the clairvoyants were on nbc's ""america's got talent." >> now, they're taking their act to new heights. great to have you here. tell us a little bit about the show. how is it going by the way? >> really good. >> a cool run so far. >> it's amazing. we have a lot of shows, a lot of families coming, a lot of people. sold out almost every night. >> in the palace theater. really cool. >> were you prepared for this kind of fame and i guess mystery that people have surround >> we were thankful after "america's got talent" after this roller coaster in the summer. now, everyone knows us and happy to meet us or get a selfie or if they can just watch it live in front of their eyes. >> what is the most thing people ask you to predict? >> most of the time -- >> they always say, you should play the lottery. >> we played and we won. yeah. >> $2. >> $2. >> that's it? >> my winning ticket. yeah. that's not what we do today. >> explain the difference between a clairvoyant and like a second. what is the difference? >> in the illusionist, we have all kinds of characters, we have a special character and we are the clairvoyants. it's not happening or vanishing, not levitation, it's happening in your minds and in your heads. >> you have something to show us, what are we things. very nice. a cup. put your hand on top and shake the whole thing. say what number is on top. its number? >> 1. >> shake it. and have a look. this time, it's number? >> 2. >> 2. okay. we'll do it one last time a little different. shake the whole thing and just take the cup and put it like this on the table. >> without looking? >> yes. >> now, we will look away and you will have a look. >> don't show to it anyone. >> you know the number? >> i do. >> now, face and count out loud 1 to 6 now. >> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. >> wow! >> carson you counted pretty fast, it makes it kind of challenging for me. >> want me to go slow? >> that's good. i like challenges, it was not a high number, not a 5 o and not the lowest, a 1. i don't know if you heard it but there was something -- did you hear it? there was something very different in his voice and also this blink on your left eye when you said the number 2. >> are you kidding me! it's number 2. how did you do that. what i tried to do, i tried to emphasize another number. >> i will just do a little note, number 2 it was, because a lot of people say, okay, it's 1 out of 6. a local chance. we'll do it a little more complex. we'll do it 1 in a million. therefore i asked you to bring your handbag. >> yes. you asked me to bring my handbag. amalie will look away and cover her hands over her eyes. >> is that because there's 1 million products in your handbag? >> i'm so scared. >> take three or four things. there is really a lot of stuff inside. >> calm down. >> i have a feeling object. you can open it and twist something. >> my gosh. >> that must be lipstick. >> that's correct. >> wasn't that an easy guess? don't most women have that? >> there is a number on it, isn't it? >> what is the next object? >> the next object seems to be a box. there are glasses. >> that's correct. >> how did you know that? >> something else, something very soft. it must be a cleaning cloth. >> okay. >> did you see the fake eyela eyelashes that fell out? >> show something that contains liquid. i have the feeling it's spray. >> how much was it? >> it was $24. >> that is correct. >> that's unbelievable. >> i will do a little note for me. we have no idea what's coming up. $24. just write down 24. you know what, we thought today we want to do something totally different. >> that's amazing. >> it was. >> you're fine. >> okay. >> today, we want to do something we have never done before. we have an amazing crowd outside. i would like to go outside and play a little bit with them. >> okay. >> okay. need my purse? >> you don't need to take your purse out to new york city. >> what has been the biggest change in your life? >> for us, since "america's got talent," a huge step to come to america and people get to know us here. it's amazing the acknowledgement we get from the people in america. we love performing and share our passion. >> talk to me about skeptics, you went in my bag, saw lipstick, probably half the women out there have a lipstick in their bag. what do you tell skeptics? >> i think it's good if there are skeptics out there. people that come into the show and enjoy it and let the magic happen. and then t a happen? >> the guys are outside on the plaza. let's send you out to carson. >> we got outside. tommy asked me to take the pad and pen. i will write down some numbers. >> amalie is inside and blindfolded in a second. i need all of you to look in your pockets for any object. >> hold an object in your hand from your pocket. don't say what it is. >> yeah. >> now, let's start with this. >> okay. >> don't say what it is. >> is it a cell phone? >> that is correct. >> the color? >> it's white. >> the color on the back? >> that's pink. >> the brand? >> an iphone. >> is it all correct? >> it might be verizon. >> is it verizon? >> yes. >> a numberet >> we'll write down just the number 9. nice. this whatever it is. >> this is health related. i have the feeling it has something to do with the breath, with the lungs? it's an inhaler. >> that is correct. >> unbelievable. >> if you have a close look you can see the year when it expires and also the month. i believe it's november 2017. >> is it correct? >> november 2017. thank you. do me a favor, november 2017, write down 17. >> okay. now, this? >> that seems to be lip balm. >> that is also correct, right? >> what! there's also an expiration date on it. can you tell us? >> april next year, april 2017? >> correct? >> my gosh. >> what is your lucky number between 1 and 50? >> 33. >> write d one dollar bill, any has money, some cash on you? >> i do. >> you do? you can select any bank note from the audience. >> sure. >> we'll do it with this one. >> you have a bank note on your hand and the person who gave it to you doesn't trust us at all, right? it's a 1 dollar bill. >> has that look. yes, it is 1 dollar. we'll try. you all know there's a serial number on every single bill. that's exactly what i want to know from amalie. >> you want her to read that? >> you will confirm if she is correct. >> there is such a huge distance between the two of us. the first must be a 2, yes? a 4, 0, 3. >> yes. >> and -- >> everything is correct so far. >> the last four numbers, i sense a 9. >> yes. >> a 7. >> yes. >> a 1? >> yes. >> and the last number is a 9. >> correct. >> your bill, serial number. >> what is your lucky number between 1 and 50? >> 22. >> 22. write down 22. 2, 24, 9, sfla17, 33 and -- >> write down the numbers. >> everything was random but do you remember at the very top of our show, we were talking about a lottery ticket where we want 2 $2. >>-- we won $2. >> if these numbers correspond. >> read out left to right the numbers and if they match, circle them. >> 0202. >> do an x on it. >> the next one is. >> 09. >> the next is? >> 17. >> 17. >> 24. >> 33. >> 33. >> yes. >> your lucky number was 22. >> 22. >> get out of here. are you kidding me? i almost said 24! >> thank you very much. >> that is amazing. >> thank you so much. >> thank you! >> i don't even know what to say. spee speechless. >> i thank you. our minds are blown. you can check for the illusi illusionists on sunday. up next, we have the perfect appetizers to bring in 2017. can you see that? first, this is "today" on nbc. that's incredible. >> thank you. >> my gosh! choose. choose. choose. but at bedtime... ...why settle for this? enter sleep number and the lowest prices of the season. sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. she likes the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! only at a sleep number store, right now, save $600 on our best selling i8 mattress, plus 24 month special financing. learn more at know better sleep with sleep number. welcome back this morning on "today food," happy new year to all. we are a getting the back this morning on "today's" food. >> the author of "quicks six fix." >> we will get a potato puff. >> >> we will boil our potatoes, when they're small, they cook faster. >> we will put them in a riser. >> i just bought a riser. amazing. >> everyone should have one, even if you're doing mashed pota potatoes. put them in a blender. >> never seen that. >> you've never seen it? the best thing. >> we add in our herbs. garlic powder, salt&pepper go in there. add in the eggs, chicken broth. mix it up. so we put about a tablespoon right in. i've already oiled it up. >> room to rise? >> one tablespoon in the bottom and add a piece of cheese. >> you put it in a side dish like roast beef. >> i like i love sharp cheddar. >> cut this back on top. and then cheese. boom boom boom. in the oven, 400 degrees for about 20 minutes. >> nice. >> you can also stuff meatballs. stuff it. >> from stuffing to wrapping. >> jalapenos. i love jalapeno poppers. ever since i moved to america, you have jalapeno poppers. you take out the seeds, slice it in half, have the seeds right here, be careful, wash your hands, use gloves, wash your hands when you're doing this. >> same thing happened to me. >> i want to move over here. slice them in half, add cheese. i will wrap the bacon. you know what? everything is better with bacon, as you say. i like to put the crease at the bottom. >> >> taking out the seeds takes out some of the extra? >> takes the heat, yes. >> you get these in there. >> do that, 400 degrees for 30 minutes or until the bacon becomes crispy. >> this looks good. >> what's it like? is it good? this is a really simple appetizer. we pears. if you just have 10 minutes, get some bleu cheese. put it to the side of the pear, a beautiful blue sh-- bruscetto. get all your friends together and do it together. a toothpick, scared about it falling apart. put it on a tray like this. drizzle it the very end. if you're not going to do a meal, this will get you full. >> i cold load up on this. >> thank you so much. >> thank you, stewart. >> on, we're back in a moment. >> that's an amazing appetizer breakfast. zero really can be a hero. get zero down, zero deposit, zero due at signing, and zero first month's payment on select volkswagen models. right now at the volkswagen sign then drive event. listen, the amazing. titus burgess is my co-host filling in for al. dr. aczar also sticking around. 2017 healthy habits we all want to start up. we've got more illusions. good morning. it's 8:56 on monday, december 26th. let's take a quick look at the roads with jack taylor. how's it look? >> not too bad. we have one sore spot all morning 95 at width bridge, down south at prince william parkway, a police investigation on the right shoulder causing a delay sout there. otherwise very wide open in decent shape. we have traffic going south near woodbridge. if you happen to be making a ride, expect this delay and hopefully this investigation will wrap up quickly. >> thank you. a check on the forecast when we come back. good morning, everybody. cloudy and chilly and damp outside. no heavy rain but periods of light mist and drizzle can't be ruled out. in the low 40s in the metro area in the mid to upper 40s by this afternoon. a little milder tomorrow, chances of rain early tomorrow and drying out tomorrow afternoon. sunny for wednesday and another chance for showers coming up thursday. back to you. >> thank you. the latest news and weather any time in the nbc washington app. this morning on "today's take," the bes this morning on "today's take," the best party tips for the new year and the best deals of the week. the unbreakable breakout starts, tituss is our special co-host coming up next. >> from nbc news, this is "today's take," live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hi, everybody. welcome to today on this monday morning december 26th, 2016. it's a miracle! our special guest, cot netflix super show, unbreakable timmy schmidt. we've been in love with you since you came on to talk about the show a year ago, you've been on our wish list. the day after christmas we get you. what did they offer you, water? >> they were good to drop me off. >> would you be a naughty or nice guest? >> oh. >> i was with my mom in texas this weekend, i spent the first full week i've spent in forever because of the crazy work scheduled and showed my mom "unbre "unbreakable" and she said, i have to watch it as if it's an option not to watch on other y days. she's slowly watching. >> hi to your home. >> and hi to your mom. is she watch? christmas. >> a christmas gift. why did mom get you the bow? >> she knows what to get me. i've not been home enough but she took a wild card. >> did she say because you're a tv star you need a bow tie. she said, you're always rocking those bow ties. i said, get me whatever you want and this came in the mail. >> did you get any gifts you don't want because today is a big return day. >> i don't do a lot of shopping. someone won't give me any things because i don't give them anything. >> i love that. not that you don't want it because you don't want to give anything back? >> i give you love and show it all year long. >> that's perfect. >> that's it. >> did you get your mom something? >> i got my mom a mercedes-benz. >> what? >> that was back in january. i told her, this was christmas and birthday all wrapped in one. >> mom, my mom, please your ears. i don't foresee a mercedes any time soon unless it's a matchbox car. how does it feel with all your success to bestow this gift on your mom? >> she's been talking about it for years and years well before i was in a position to do that for her. she finally found something she wanted. i stepped out and i spoke on the phone and said, let's figure out how we can do this without her knowing with my step-dad. the look on her face was pri priceless. it was a good feeling. >> i see commercials where someone gets the car. i didn't know people really got them. >> yes, she did. >> the new season, season number 3, what's going to happen? >> it will be so good. >> tell me. >> you find out a lot of information where it left off, the best i can do without getting tina fey angry at me. it is past seasons, than possible. it is sharper and faster. it's such a joy to film so far. >> ellie is like my sister from another mother. she co-hosted my show for an entire summer. >> i think we're obsessed with the entire cast. this past season, there was one scene i'm obsessed with. i'm a horrible dancer and horrible singer. it's my dream to reenact this scene. i picture, that's me and you. >> my goodness, we have to do it, tamron. >> that's your character. >> that's vonda. i have been a bit mean to her. as tituss often is. we make up and do a unique new yso station. >> did you choreograph that? >> i did not choreograph that. i barely was able to do it. >> did you do any of the moves? >> a little shoulder pop. i'm not very good at it. >> you will be around a couple days this week. >> i am. >> before you leave, that's the only thing i want for christmas is for us to reenact that. i want to move like vonda, for those that know the reruns. tell me what you did for christmas? >> i was a bit of a scrooge. we've been filming so much and the hours are very long. i was exhausted but i made plans to have some people over for christmas eve. i was cooking and, of course, i was behind schedule and my partner who was supposed to be at the table chopping some celery for me because i was making stuffing i was frying chicken, instead of doing his job he started filming me. >> on your instagram? >> which sent me into -- yeah. >> let's see what happened. ♪ noel noel noel noel born is the king of israel ♪ >> all of that while frying chicken. >> right before, he was like, sing us a song. i'm like, no, go chop the celery, sir, so i can feed these people. i finished the food. >> is that your favorite holiday song? >> we were just listening to a version of it that stuck in my head. the bigger one is christmas time is here. >> let's everybody at home slide dan dance. ♪ christmas time happiness and cheer the favor time of year ♪ >> i love it. >> when kdid you know you could sing? >> my mom sings. >> my mom sings, i don't. >> your mom sings? i know peop i -- are you one of those people that actually can sing? >> i have a raspy voice that is for no mike. >> not true. you have a lovely voice. >> i was in texas and did a barbecue. that's our family. that's my eclectic family gat r gathered around. i barbecued. i didn't fry chicken. got this new grill. >> you cook? >> i am pretty decent. i only learned -- my father p s passed away right after christmas 10 years ago. my mom didn't cook. i joke and said i didn't have a woman cook a meal until i went to college. my dad was a doting loving after he passed away, i said, i have to learn to cook. some friends gave me a cooking class and after that i've been growing -- this past christmas my mother finally said i met all expectations and officially have the torch passed to me to be responsible for our christmas dinners. i barbecued and had a ham. >> is that a turkey or ham? >> a ham and pork shoulder. al roker sends us this big huge ham. i did a mango chutney glaze, macaroni and cheese from scratch. the highlight of my christmas, my mom sent me this picture i was flying in tonight, i have a niece, i won't tell you which niece it is, she locked her iphone and couldn't recover her password to her iphone. it was a big deal. these are the two nieces and she was crying and agave her this lecture about being responsible, that you cannot have an iphone at a young age and not be responsibl left and found this note, god, please help me find out my password so that i can talk with my friends. please help please you are the only one that can unlock my password. a-man. >> that is really -- >> she didn't show us the note, my mom found it. on the american airlines flight, full tears. and we got the password. >> listen, you're not playing with the man upstairs, god is good. >> it melted my heart. >> the moral of the story, if you lock your iphone, write down a note. >> and -- i was on the flight last night and that's when we got the sad news of george michael passing away. for me, this is like my teenage years, my coming of age, this is the music of our lives. age of 53. his manager tells "hollywood reporter" he died from heart failu failure, his publicist says he passed away peacefully. his biggest breakout from wham and "wake me up before you go-go" and had this incredible solo career. we throw this word around a lot. for me, he was a music icon. >> he is an icon. i'll never forget the first time i heard that voice in elementary school. debbie thomas is one of the first african-american female figure skaters. she was dancing to this song one more try. we were sitting in there and i don't know why we were watching it, that voice, what is this sound? i made my mom take me to virgin records and we bought this album. this is the first song, my first for ray learning about this man's catalog. we will miss him so. [002:10:59;00] "father figure," it is one of the most pupil songsbeautiful s like i ever heard. this is when mtv mattered and this video, naomi, cindy, incredible. >> he was certainly provocative and ahead of his time for sure. >> that's what so many have said. beautiful tributes across the country. elton john had beautiful words for him and we will continue to celebrate his life through his music and blessed to be able to hear it. coming up, here's something that will cheer us all up. a little boy, gets a big surprise, a heart-warming welcome for christmas. this will lift your spirits the day after christmas. you already know how this will play out. we will show you this. and tituss, he's not going anywhere. the kind of courage that shows up when we need it... and when cancer is least expecting it. courage. just one reason more of us are surviving cancer than dying from it. give now to the american cancer society. how is this possible? it's a light soup and yet it's real food? carrots, celery, and now 100% antibotic and hormone free white breast meat chicken? it boggles the mind! ah. i need to sit down. i don't want to put whenmy life on hold.he, and i want to enjoy every moment of it. that's why i use fast-acting excedrin for my headaches. excedrin has two pain fighters plus a booster. and for some, headache relief starts in just 15 minutes. excedrin specializes in treating headaches. which is why moments lost to headaches are moments gained with excedrin. [heartbeat] [oprah] like everybody, i want to live a life that's full. full of a happiness found in living the life i want. full of the energy that comes with good health. full of the great foods i love. and at weight watchers, i don't have to choose between weight loss and living well. i live well, while losing weight. it is easier than it's ever been, and not one day have i felt deprived. most important, it works! join for free now and lose 10 pounds on us. ♪ "you are the best thing" ♪ by ray lamontagne ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ we are back with more of we are back. tite tus tituss is grilling me on my personal life. all of you tweets. the love you're getting on my social media page. >> i put my phone away because i will mess this up over on my phone. >> can you tell tituss how much we love him. you tell tituss. and the winner of the year for instagram has just been announced. kate mckinnon. >> i agree. >> she has been named enterta entertainer of the year. she starred in "ghostbusters" and the impression of hillary clinton. why do you think she is a standout? >> she has a unique point of view and she disappears into the people she plays. no trace of kate as far as i'm concerned. >> that's her. that justin bieber was epic. it's the year of kate mckinnon on top. i was telling tituss i feel he is multi-talented on every level. we need to see >> oh, my goodness. >> you are the package. you know tina fey. >> i do know tina fey very well. one day maybe. >> i bettinebettine -- bet tina knows people. will you call me? i ran into her once at some bakery place. she said hi and i almost fainted she knew my name. >> i almost faint when she calls me out of nerves because she scares me to death. >> what was it like meeting her the first time? >> the first time was on set for "30 rock." it was over two seasons of a character. >> everyone needs one. >> i didn't know what i was doing. i had never done anything on network television outside -- no, that was the first thing. i had one line that eventually turned i heard her laughing at one of my takes. it calmed me down and scared me simultaneo simultaneously. >> that's why you're perfect to host. humbling, great stories. going to the break, a young boy got a sweet surprise during saturday's carolina panthers and atlanta falcons game in charlotte. solomon had not seen his dad for six months. his dad, navy petty officer third class, david fletcher, jumped out of the santa display to surprise him. willie geist always says, if there was a network just with these clips of families being reunited after being deployed, you wouldn't change the channel. this is incredible. >> yeah. so beautiful. >> i'm being told in my ear, al roker is not here. i get to throw to the weather. >> let's do i'm officially able to say his catch phrase but we crafted something else. now, it's time for a check of the weather -- what do i say? i forgot the lines. >> i heard you practicing. >> here's a look at -- oh. it's time for a check of the weather because here's what's good in your hood. >> okay, then. happy day after christmas. boxes day across the area. kwanzaa as well. we're watching for rain coming in late tonight and tomorrow pushing towards detroit and cincinnati. if you're expecting flights in and around those airports, could have delays. cloudy skies and pockets of mist and drizzle. up near 50 today and 60 tomorrow. >> i've been accused of plagiarizing that line. here's what's good in your hood but i will steal it. bring in your new year. i want to give up sugar for the fourth year in a row i pledged this. we will talk about it and natalie will give us tips. after this. anything else to talk about. but then i realized there was. so, i finally broke the silence with my doctor about what i was experiencing. he said humira is for people like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. if you're still just managing your symptoms, talk with your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. ♪ everything your family touches sticks with them. make sure the germs they bring home don't stick around. use clorox disinfecting products. because no one kills germs better than clorox. with all the rush in the morning, i don't have time to hashtag my breakfast. light & fit nonfat yogurt drinks. nutrition that fits my crazy life. nine grams of protein, 90 calories, no added sugar. light & fit. do what fits you. 6 take one of those pillows they smell really fresh. what if we told you we washed these sheets 7 days ago. really no way downy? downy fabric conditioner. give us a week, and we'll change your bed forever. want more freshness? add new downy fresh protect. but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it's the best thing that ever happened to me. every great why needs a great how. so, how much longer do you think this will take? i'll over-explain the process, then give you an unrealistic timeline. i'll nod in agreement so my wife thinks i understand what you're saying. i look forward to questioning your every move. okay, well i'll leave your house in shambles and disappear for six months. wouldn't it be great if everyone said what they meant? it lets you earn double cash back: 1% when you buy, and 1% as you pay. the citi double cash card. double means double. lean and mean in 2017. i like that. the new year means many of us will soon try to hit the reset button on our diet and fitness regimen. all around health woman, dr. natalnat azhar is here to give us tips. >> i've been trying to give up sugar the last four years but we can focus on other things. >> this is something people call choice architecture. what does it mean? when you open your refrigerator, what you want to have at eye-level are all your fruits and vegetables and yogurt in you're more likely to get healthy food than unhealthy food like lots of butter and things like that. one of my friends has a separate container just for snacks and kids. >> do you have a refrigerator that -- what's the worst thing in your refrigerator right now? >> probably the cheesecake i ordered last night. >> is it at eye-level? >> you know it is. only half of it left. >> dark chocolate. i've heard about this numerous times, flavenol, wonderful for your circulatory health. you can eat it but do it in moderation. if you're going to choose it, do it dark. being sedentary can increase your risk of you know what early. we want people to move around. two things you can do at your desk. you tan take a book. a tituss watch, do a tricep. do at least three, 10 reps and three of those, three sets and then i will have you get up. >> we will do a desk squat, your butt will touch the seat. >> don't sit on the chair. your butt doesn't touch. >> excellent. perfect. >> even you have your legs further out, good for people who have knee pain. you don't want your knees in front of your toes. try to do 50 of those. >> this is super easy. go on there. i think it's underappreciated how much a massage can help. >> al roker talks about massage. >> muscle strain and i incorporate it with a lot of my patients. it doesn't need to be an hour. it can be 10 for 15 minutes. >> oh, tamron. >> i wasn't expecting that response. >> and oz pearlman is here, he will blow our mind. and paperless billing. like safe r but nobody knows the box behind the discounts. oh, it's like my father always told me -- "put that down. that's expensive." of course i save people an average of nearly $600, but who's gonna save me? [ voice breaking ] and that's when i realized... i'm allergic to wasabi. well, i feel better. it's been five minutes. talk about progress. [ chuckles ] okay. talk about progress. [ chuckles ] try theraflu expressmax,nd flu hold you back now in new caplet form. it's the only cold and flu caplet that has a maximum strength formula with a unique warming sensation you can instantly feel theraflu. for a powerful comeback. ♪ this is a "news4 today" news break. >> good morning. i'm aaron gilchrist. d.c. police will be reviewing body cam footage following a police involved shooting on christmas day. 40-year-old gerald hall was killed after he refused to drop a knife during a domestic abuse call. his mother says she thinks police should have used a taser instead of a gun. thy involvthe involved officer leave pending the investigation. and you can check metro's website for bus schedules. all access will today. a look at your forecast next. game night is our daughter allie's favorite night. and knowing that her favorite general mills big g cereals are gluten-free, like honey nut cheerios, rice chex and lucky charms, you said you wanted to feel better about your cereal. general mills big g cereals hear you. that's why we say "yes" to whole grain as our first ingredient. and "no way" to high fructose corn syrup. so no matter what your favorite is, you can feel good about general mills big g cereals. good morning, everybody what you see is what you get from mother nature today. we're in the mid 40s now and will be in the high 40s later. near 60. most of the rain tomorrow is near lunchtime. you could get a little late day clearing. mild and clear. >> for news any time check the nbc news washington app. we have a little more magic with our special co-host, tituss burgess who is in the series "unbre "unbreakable." will is back with us to get our heads in the game for this new year. tituss, you've not done this with us before. people were blown away. every time he comes in we believe he's made some deal with mystical powers. >> merry christmas, happy hanukkah. january 1st comes with it new resoluti resolutions, be r, or more expensive. mindy gave me these body weight exercises, 25 different things you heard of. push- push-ups, burpees, superman. hold this, tituss, you've seen these exercises before. you will be doing one of these purely of your choosing. don't say the number. look at me, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, there's 25 different ones you could be doing at this very moment. cover his eyes for me, please, cover them up. all i need to know, is there any way you were looking at this list i could have seen it in your eyes? did i tell you what to do or influence you in any way, tituss? >> no. >> the number he was thinking of. i saw when i was saying 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, i definitely saw, tituss, when you exercise, you didn't do the first one and changed your mind once or twice, correct? >> that's correct. >> do a full body shot, everybody. >> all right. >> open your eye, whatever you're thinking of doing whatever number of times, do it now, let's see it. >> okay. >> was that one stationary lunge? could you tell me is that not exactly what i just did? moo exactly what you just did. >> oh, my gosh! >> a better technique out of tituss. >> he did it. >> you'll watch later. >> how did you know that? >> we're getting ahead of ourselves. too much working out, not new year's yet. party time. let's give you some hats. >> he changed his mind for sure. put this on and this on. reverse, reverse. december 31st, the party begins. tamron, what is the tradition, right when the ball drops, you grab the person next to you, what do you do? >> kiss them. >> you give them a kiss. i have a list of people's s sexiest 50 men. start off the new year right, am i right? >> yes. >> zac efron. >> will smith, denzel, liam. >> ben affleck. leonardo dicaprio. i saw that look. there are 50 different men's names, all from people. take these in your hands, not me. what i want you to do is give them a cut and change the order. put them together any way you want. i will have tamron turn away, i can read minds, it doesn't matter. take about half the cards in one hand and half in the other. you know what they say, out with the old, in with the new. throw one-half over your shoulder, get rid of them. cut the cards, cut the cards and put them together again so we take about half in one hand and half in the other, throw them in the air like you just don't care. gone gone. this is it. we eliminated down to the wire. i can't just have you looking through and pick someone you like. >> oky. famous edward r. murrow award winning journalist. when you see this person later, why did you want to kiss brad pitt and not me, make it random. point to any one in particular, don't take it out, which card is it? before you take it, i'm giving you the choice to change your mind. are you sure you want this one or want to change to a different one? >> i do want to change because i touched it before. >> pick any one. is that the one or do you want to go for oo thia third time. >> i want you to take it. it could have been chris pratt or leon hemsworth. it could have been a bunch of people. look down at t gentleman, imagine giving him that kiss. you just got a burn going, a little bit of workout. the clock strikes 12:00, we pop the champagne and you dig into something delicious. what would be perfect after that workout? >> food or men? >> no. not men. she's got the men, you've got food, step-by-step. tell us the food. >> cheesecake. >> midnight just hit. who is it? show us all who did you pick out of 52 cards? >> adam levin? >> the voice himself. dreams come true on the "today" show. take off your hat. reach inside. i got you each exactly what you want. tituss for you, we have cheesecake for tituss. and, yeah, he gave it to me for you specifically. >> how in the hell -- can i say that? >> how did you do that? >> i won't tell his wife. 's >> that is perplexing and amazing. >> i can't believe that. >> you're having great year 2017, i predict it right now. >> you're a fascinating human being. thank you, up next, a guide to holiday rushes and how to find a deal on the gifts santa did not leave under the tree. you know i'm obsessed with sales. most of the stuff i buy is on sale. i always look full price but i'm on sale. dobecause you've got ams lot of cheering to do! get fast sinus relief...with vicks sinex. and get your head back in the game. sinex. the congestion, pressure, pain to clear your head, medicine. is it keeps the food out. for me before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. just a few dabs is clinically proven to nothing not boys... janelle. not worms... not cancer. i want you on my team. ok. janelle's doctors turned to st. jude children's research hospital where we've helped increase the overall childhood cancer survival rate from 20% to 80%. and we will not stop until we hit 100%. cancer, you're going down. and janelle, you're growing up. go to or shop where you see the st. jude logo. i'm hall of famer jerry west and my life is basketball. but that doesn't stop my afib from leaving me at a higher risk of stroke. that'd be devastating. i took warfarin for over 15 years until i learned more about once-daily xarelto... a latest generation blood thinner. then i made the switch. xarelto® significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people with afib not caused by a heart valve problem. it has similar effectiveness to warfarin. warfarin interferes with vitamin k xarelto® is selective targeting one critical factor of your body's natural clotting function. for people with afib currently well managed on warfarin, there is limited information on how xarelto and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. like all blood thinners, don't stop taking xarelto without talking to your doctor, as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. while taking you may bruise more easily, and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto can cause serious, and in rare cases fatal bleeding. get help right away for unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto tell your doctor about any conditions, such as kidney, liver or bleeding problems. to help protect yourself from a stroke, ask your doctor about xarelto. heyyyyy! ♪ it's the little things that make life rich. ritz. as as the gift season comes to an end. get ready for the process of returning a lot of you will probably do after watching the show. buy new stuff and return old stuff. >> and editorial director of "latina" you look so cute. >> is that skirt available? >> it might be on sale. we'll check it out later. >> we will talk about returns and some people who might be headed out today or tomorrow. >> whether it was the wrong style, a quarter of all returns happen this time of the year. you don't have to head out to the post office or the stores. some have no return policies on a case by case basis, amazing, places like l.l. been, lands' end. they have a lifetime guarantee on their products, any time you can take it back. and the same with bath&body. amazing deals because they stand behind their products. >> some have returns up to a year? >> yes. blooming dales, ikea, you get up to a and some give you free shipping, what zap pos does. if you print out their prepaid return, you have one year for free shipping and return, amazing. >> extended holiday return period. what does that mean? >> people get this idea, most retailers about 30 days. they get this idea anything from november 1st to the end of the year, more-or-less a giftable. places like kohl's, t.j. maxx, toys "r" us, you have until the end of january to return that item beyond 30 days, you don't have to rush out and can enjoy your holidays. >> and what about return receipts. >> if you want your money back, should have your receipt and products in good shape with tags on and id. otherwise you will just get the store credit at the purchase price. >> let's stuff. >> if you were lucky enough to get a video game console, toys 'r us are having 30% off their video games and cdc as and musi and the "moana" and pokeyman. >> and now if you have forgotten someone on your list, you get one on sale. >> this week up until december 31st, they are having 50% off certain things like their spa accessories, fashion kits. and fun items super cute. if you got that doll for christmas, you can get accessories on sale. >> a car seat? >> a car seat is great. this is a european brand top-rated, they're giving 10$10 off starting today until the end of january on convertible pria. it starts with a baby at 9 pounds. a lot of times babies at birth are 9 pounds. >> if you're dylan dreyer. >> and you will have this for years. >> i have to give dylan and brian this. and treadmills i didn't realize they wept on sale so -- went on sale so fast. >> two-thirds of all americans make losing weight their number 1 resolution. head over to sears with half off their equipment. this is usually 15$1500. you can get it today for 7$700, 8$800 off. and elliptical machines as well. >> if you give someone a treadmill, is that a hit? >> i'm just saying. >> got it on sale. thank you so much. time for a check of the weather in your neck of the woods. >> in your neck of the woods. >> good morning, everybody. still cloudy skies outside. not much of a rain threat for periods of mist and drizzle around for much of the afternoon hours. your umbrella nigmight not be needed but your rain slicker might be. i can't rule out rain later tonight but maybe a shower or two. mild in the morning and chilly and dry for friday and new year's eve and chance for sho r showers on sunday. >> asty tus works out, coming up, we will put it back on. three words. cookie butter chocolate. sarah daily is here to temperament us with new year party treats. who cares about calories. then we can get on the treadmill. hit it, tituss. work it out! i've eaten everything i love. tacos, pasta... i've never felt deprived. i would say to anybody who's thinking about joining weight watchers... take the leap, and get about the business of enjoying a fantastic and full life. in the first 2 months members have lost 15% more weight than on our prior program. join for free now and lose 10 pounds on us. glad forceflex. extra strong to avoid rips and tears. be happy, it's glad. you could spend the next few days weeding through w2s, pay stubs and bank statements to refinance your home. or you could push that button. sfx: rocket launching. cockpit sounds. skip the bank, skip the paperwork, and go completely online. securely share your financial info and confidently get an accurate mortgage solution in minutes. lift the burden of getting a home loan with rocket mortgage by quicken loans. (whisper) rocket the kind of courage that shows up when we need it... and when cancer is least expecting it. . . . . . . give now to the american cancer society. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ that might help. show me the carfax? now the car you want and the history you need are easy to find. show me used minivans with no reported accidents. boom. love it. [struggles] show me the carfax. start your used car search and get free carfax reports at the all-new sure, you could sit around all night waiting for a pizza to be delivered. but wouldn't making it yourself be a lot more fun? it's baking season. warm up with pillsbury. lines?an develop fine lines what lines? the chapstick total hydration collection. our advanced skin care formulas instantly smooth and transform your lips. chapstick. put your lips first. rightabreva can heal itold sore, without it the virus spreads from cell to cell. only abreva penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. you could heal your cold sore, fast, as fast as two and a half days when used at the first sign. learn how abreva starts to work immediately at don't tough it out, knock it out, fast. with abreva. if you're hosting a new if you're hosting a new year's party and not sure what to serve, we have you covered. >> yes, we do. we have celebration of creator of the blog "simply delicious." >> good morning. it's extremely, the first one and very festive. this is based on one of my favorite to say it. this has pasta and cheese and pepper. we will make a potato chip version of that. take tinfoil, spread it out on a baking sheet and get potato ch p chips and spread it evenly out. you can use pakorino and we will use half of this. >> i would pour the whole thing on top. >> don't worry, we will do the rest later. we have a 400 degree oven. pop those in. i will show you what they look like for about 5 minutes, if you don't want them to burn. these are getting nice and golden. we will throw the other half. i won't let you down. >> she is here to please. >> and fresh cracked pepper. >> wow! >> what an easy way to elevate your chip game and impress your friends. we will get our treat on. these are cookie butter truffles. you know cookie butter. if you don't know cookie butter, you have to try it. >> that's a thing? >> it's a thing. you can get it at your market. you know those cookies crunched up, nut-free. we have powder sugar and butter and we will add to it our cookie butter. not yet. >> okay. >> and some vanilla. you want to add the vanilla? >> sure. >> and some salt. >> get that going until it gets nice. thank you. nice and smooth. >> this is delicious. i will eat that whole jar if no one's watching. then, it will look like this when you're all done. you want to chill it about 10 minutes. >> i'm not even listening to you. >> that's fine. now, we will take a melon baller and get a teaspoon after you roll the ball you want to put it back in the refrigerator about 10 or 15 minutes. if it gets a little messy, coat your hands with powder sugar. are you listening? she's giving it to him. i love it. why she's a bailey. >> you drop it in there. i like two forks to let the excess drip off like that. >> what is it? >> it's all about balance, right? >> milk chocolate? >> yes. you can do milk and dark. this is sugar to make it glisten. there you have it. >> can we try one? >> try one. these are on the website. aren't they delicious? >> this is delicious. >> delicious. >> some smashed pea and ricotta and cranberry s online. >> you went healthy? >> exactly. didn't demo those. >> i demo'd these. >> you can head to for the rest of this. >> while he gets his lunch and dinner on, this is "today" on nbc. go get this recipe. my gosh! fios is not cable. we're wired differently. that means incredibly fast 150 meg internet for the holidays. so in the 3.7 seconds it takes gary watson to beat the local sled jump record, fly, gary, fly. rfect song... ...his sister can live stream it... ...while his mom downloads how to set a dislocated shoulder. get 150 meg internet, tv and phone for just $79.99 per month online for the first year. cable can't offer that. only fios can. oh, my gosh -- a huge thank you to tituss burgess is joining the morning with us the day after christmas. making us eat vegetables, that's awesome. meanwhile kathie lee and hoda are up next with dresses for new year's eve. >> this is delicious. >> after the local news. good morning. it's 9:57 this monday, december 26th. i'm kristen wright. this morning, volunteers will deliver meals and christmas to the homeless in woodbridge part of the 25th project. volunteers typically give out meals on the 25th of every month. it is happening today because christmas services were held in the church where the volunteers normally meet. first, a check on the forecast with chuck. >> hey there. pockets of clouds and mist to deal with. temperatures in the low 40s. not a big movement in temperatures courtesy of all the clouds. not going to rain much today but it can be cloudy and misty and wet out for much of the afternoon. daytime highs upper 40s and 50s. milder tomorrow and typical late december weather and rain chance coming up on thursday. >> thank you, chuck. coming up on news4 midday. >> announcer: from nbc news, from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> oh. >> fun day monday, everybody. december 26th, the first day of kwanzaa. we hope you all had a very merry and blessed christmas. that's '80s mercedes by mary morris. that rhymes. didn't she get grammy nomination? >> in the mix, baby. >> if this doesn't get your attention, hoda woman on the day after christmas nothing will.

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