Transcripts For WRC Today 20161201 :

Transcripts For WRC Today 20161201

j does not stop the lighting of the world's most famous christmas tree in a star-studded and soaked celebration. rockefeller center shining bright. and the tree does not need watering today, thursday, december 1st, 2016. from nbc news, this is "today," with matt lauer and savannah guthrie. live from studio 1a in rockefeller >> good morning, everybody. welcome to "today." it's a thursday morning. now, we can celebrate. we got this gorgeous tree. it's all lit up. we got willie. you're just a lilt shorter than the tree. >> and you're still out here from last night. i won the coin toss. matt had to be out here in the rain last night. i get to be here now. it looked like fun. >> it was a beautiful night. we had a great crowd. we'll have more on the tree-lighting. we want to start with destructive weather in the south. and in tennessee, the wildfires rages on. >> kerry sanders is in gatlin, tennessee. good morning. >> good morning, willie. a good portion of gatlinburg is in evacuation. there's fires burning here. if there's any good news, it's that there's little wind and the authorities don't think it will spread much beyond where it is this is an example that the threat remains. this morning, search and rescue efforts are under way. first responders in tennessee, still watching a few hot spots in the aftermath of raging wildfires. heavy rain was good and bad. the downside, mud and rockslides. this morning, more than 17,000 acres in the smokey mountains firefighters said they did what they do on the blaze. this was on the johnson firefighters page. the caption, as close as we got to see sleep in 36 hours. drought and hurricane-force winds combine to create a firestorm. this morning, there are at least seven dead. and the number of people still missing, more than six. john and janet summers from memphis were gatlinburg with three sons. the sons are in the burn unit. their parents, not seen in three days. and michael reid is waiting to see if the bodies found wednesday are those of his missing wife, constance, and two daughters, 12-year-old chloe and 9-year-old lily. >> i don't know what to say about my 9-year-old. jeremy and jeffrey lost their home in the blaze. who goes to school with lily. the daughter keeps asking where her friend is. >> we pray. she's been praying for her also. she'll ask about lily. well, they haven't found her yet, honey. >> reporter: the morgans' family home burned to the ground. but like so many here, they're resolute to move on. >> we're rebuilding. we're not moving. this did not scare us away. we love this place and this is where we want to be. >> reporter: as firefighters this morning, here in town, there's the dollywood theme park. dolly parton has started a fund. it's called the my people fund. saying, in part, she wants to provide a hand up to those families who have lost everything. those families and others who had hoped to come back into the city have a much better understanding this morning of why they will be delayed getting properties fared. willie? >> staggering pictures behind you, kerry. thank you so much. the storms that produced the storms in tennessee, produced tornadoes across the region. three people were killed. and one tore through rosily, alabama. that's where jacob rascon is for us this morning. good morning. >> reporter: the governor of alabama will be out later today. he will energy. store after store, just demolished. the national weather service surveyed this area and said it was an ef-2 tornado that came through here and was on the ground for less than two minutes. severe weather pummeling the south yet again. >> the people behind me had a trampoline. it's 20 feet up in a tree. >> reporter: lightning, torrential rain, and a possible tornado in south carolina, after a deadly outbreak of twisters kaboom, everything hit. >> reporter: james benson and his family barely escaping after a tornado ravaged their home. >> scared. i'll be okay. >> reporter: in tennessee, another twister. the young family salvaging keepsakes, losing almost everything. >> i screamed at my husband saying, there's a tornado coming. there's a tornado coming. get the kids. grab the >> reporter: more than 30 tornadoes in 6 states. in georgia, high school students sang christmas songs after a tornado warning forced them to take shelter in the hallway. one of many close calls in the first deadly tornado outbreak in this country since may. so, just this morning the national weather service has confirmed there were 34 in fact, 7 states. the national weather service will be out later this morning, as will dozens of families, digging through what's left. and the city of bloomingdale, tennessee, has confirmed that the two people who died in that state, were a volunteer firefighter and his wife. willie? savannah? >> severe stretching up so much of the south. jacob in rosily, alabama. thank you, jacob. we move to politics. as presidenel works to assemble his cabinet. he's kicking off a post-election thank you tour. he has a stop in cincinnati. and first, he makes a stop in indiana, to tout a deal that keeps about 1,000 jobs. kristen wellker, is in indiana this morning. >> reporter: hi, savannah. president-elect donald trump will be touting his first big leaving the country. the entire day will have crowds reminiscent of the ones that helped him win the white house. donald trump tried to show, as president-elect, he can put the art of the deal into practice. >> we're bringing jobs back to our country. we're not going to let carrier leave. >> reporter: mr. trump making good on that promise. convincing carrier not to follow through to move its indianapolis plant to next coe. home, preserving more than 1,000 jobs. trump tweeting, we will keep our companies and jobs in the u.s. while few details have been released by the deal. sources close to the negotiations, say carrier will receive tax breaks from the state, where mike pence is governor. carrier acknowledging, the incentives offered by the state were an important consideration. >> drain the swamp. draining the washington swamp, after mr. trump named billionaire wilber ross as his secretary. and steve minucian as his secretary. >> he is handing the keys of the treasury to a wall street banker who helped cause the crash. >> transition officials are pushing back. >>ot fit the outsider bill, that they never worked in washington. >> reporter: all this comes as the drama of secretary of state intensifies. the transition team, says the president-elect has nor narrowed his pick down to four choices, including mitt romney, and rudy giuliani giuliani, campaigning for the role. trump officials not tipping their hands about the other two contenders. but john kelly may be in the wednesday. mike pence held high-level meetings of his own, including with former secretary of state condoleezza rice. and trump tweeted about the carrier deal late last night. here's what he said. he said, look forward to going to indiana to be with the great workers of carrier. they will sell many air conditioners. all of this comes as president-elect trump has vowed to separate himself yesterday from his vast business empire. but still has giv n about how specifically he plans to do that. he's going to cap his day in cincinnati, ohio, thanking all of his supporters in that critical swing state. willie? savannah? >> kristin welker, thank you. in washington state, a officer was shot and killed. the suspect is dead, following an hours-long standoff. outside of the tacoma police department there's a memorial that's been growing since last night. since the officer was shot and killed, responding to a domestic violence call wednesday afternoon. but the situation has come to a dramatic conclusion recently. a 12-hour standoff ends with two children being rescued from a house. and the suspect, as you mentioned, shot and killed. this happened and started around 4:00 yesterday afternoon. tacoma police responding to a domestic violence call. the officer went we're told by witnesses, and shots were fired. soon, there was a standoff that ensued. meanwhile, the officer was taken, fatally injured to a local hospital. there was an emotional scene from the streets here, as the honor guard guided him from the hospital to the medical examiner's office. they had the s.w.a.t. situation lasting for roughly 12 hours. four officers were shot close to back to you. >> terrible story for that town. john, thank you. in the meantime, there's new anger and outrage over a fatal police shooting in charlotte, north carolina. demonstrators took to the streets after prosecutors announced the officer involved will not face criminal charges. gabe gutierrez has the latest on this story. hi, gabe. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. police were on heightened alert here after that decision was announced. there were four arrests a district attorney saying that the gun at the shooting scene was cocked and loaded. and this story was much different than what it originally played out on social media. overnight, a small, peaceful process, in charlotte, slamming the district attorney's decision not to charge officer vincent, in the shooting of scott. >> this is a blow to our justice system. nation. >> don't shoot him. don't shoot him. >> there's a huge gap between the police and the community. that's where we are here. >> reporter: right after the shooting, violence in the streets and questions about whether scott was armed. police say they were trying to serve a warrant to a different man at an apartment complex when they saw scott with a gun and marijuana. >> it's my opinion that officer vincent acted lawfully when he shot mr. scott. >> drop the gun. >> he doesn't witnesses claim scott was holding a book instead of a gun. but state investigators say that wasn't true. and he ignored commands to drop the weapon. >> don't shoot him. did you shoot him? did you shoot him? he better not be [ bleep ] dead. i know [ bleep ] that much. >> reporter: the officer releasing new surveillance video >> the bulge you see here is consistent with the hollister and gun that was described by officers at the scene. >> reporter: but scott's family says there's no proof there was a gun in his hand. >> whether he had a firearm in his hand or not. that's not the key question, in terms of determining whether or not keith scott should have lost his life. >> reporter: attorneys for the scott family say they are planning to file a civil lawsuit but are urging anymore protests to remain peaceful. willie and we're learning about the final moments of that doomed flight, carrying members of a brazilian soccer team that crashed in colombia. here's nbc's keir simmons. >> reporter: all dressed in white, thousands pack the stadium in colombia, for a brazilian team that were set to play wednesday night. thousands more in the streets outside. in brazil, another memorial, at >> i don't have words. >> reporter: making you cry. >> yeah. it makes me cry all day. >> reporter: aviation officials believe the plane ran out of fuel. and a stunning recording obtained by the associated press, between the control tower and the pilot. we are asking for priority in our approach. we have a full problem. the controller tells the pilot, he can start to approach in seven minute again asks to land. but is told, there is an aircraft below. she asks, how much time do you have to stay put? fuel energy, the pilot responds. i'm asking for immediate descent. a short time later, the pilot says the plane is in total electric failure and out of fuel. the aircraft slams into a hill short of the airport. this first responder says there were bodies everywhere and it split in half, he says, pointing to the tail of the plane, visible at the top of the hill. that's where the survivors were found. only six survived. among them, the stand-by goalie remains unconscious. his doctor, hopeful. >> he is a young patient. and also, he's very athletic person. >> reporter: most of his teammates are gone. last night, a balloon released for everyone of the 71 who died. >> that was now, new research that suggests hallucinogenic mushrooms may be beneficial for cancer patients. 80% of cancer patients who were given a dose of magic mushrooms had minimal side ef the substance, of course, has been illegal in the u.s. for more than 40 years and now some research. the studies are published. >> mr. roker. >> i will go to the weather map. >> good call. >> that's where we are talking about santa ana winds, possibly. this is a cold santa ana wind. we have a strong offshore wind pattern and high pressure will build into the great basin. we have high wind warnings a gusts of 60 to 70 miles per hour all the way into parts of colorado. so i should say, arizona. and we are looking at the december outlook. out west, cooler than average for december. we are looking at near average for much of the country, and warmer in the northeast, and precipitation wise wet in the east especially was get into parts of the southern gulf, and weather out through the plains. good morning. i am meteorologist, chuck bell. yesterday we did not get a single sliver of sunshine, and right now it's up and shining in the eastern sky, and a pretty day but not as mild as yesterday. we are in the low 40s and 50s right now, and the bus stop weather, low to mid-50s, sunshine and cool and breezy all day and the temperatures in the low to mid-50s, so you need to today. >> that's your latest weather, guys. >> thank you. coming up, the mysterious message branded into the skin of a california mother who survived a brutal kidnapping ordeal. we will have the latest, and her husband is speaking out in an emotional interview. and new technology to keep your kids safe. technology to keep your kids safe. the app you can download to track every call and srch they this week at kohl's it's time to get moving with 25% off nike apparel shoes and accessories for the family. at kohl's, you'll save a little more with an extra 25% off nike and earn a little more with yes2you rewards so you can give a little more this holiday. oh, look... ...another anti-wrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. neutrogena? 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"or something"? you don't just graduate from medical school, smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia and hand-slice avocado. there's nothing "or something" about it. >> announcer: this is "news4 today" news break. >> 7:26 is your time this morning on this thursday. it's the first day of december. good morning. i am eun yang. >> i am aaron gilchrist. this morning prepare for lots of street christmas tree lighting tonight, and you can get there as early as 3:00 p.m. kelly clarkson and garth brooks are some of the celebrities that will help president obama light the tree. a 41-year-old man found dead last night and police are calling it a homicide. a few hours later in southwest washington a man was shot and killed and this happened on irvington street, but that's all we know. morning. >> it has been a bit wild, southbound here has cleared out of the way, and still have a lot of volume through that area, 395 and that inbound 50, slow right now. 66 and 55, overall no problems. we do have a disabled vehicle in the middle of the roadway. >> we will take a break and good morning, everybody. not cloud in the sky, at least not over washington this morning, and may have a few clouds from time to time today, and temperatures in the 40s and low 50s, and we will get in the low and mid-50s this afternoon, and a wind will be with us today and tomorrow. tomorrow highs only in the upper through today, tomorrow and saturday and a tiny rain chance late on sunday. thank you, chuck. another local update in 20 minutes. >> now back to the "today" show ?? good morning, everybody. it's 7:30, thursday morning, december 1st, 2016. that's how we start the month of december. we light the christmas tree. it's 25 days until christmas. we plaza. nice and warm this morning. get outside and visit us. >> a balmy start to december. inside studio 1a, a check of the headlines. the toll from the raging wild fires from tennessee is growing. seven people have died and 700 buildings have been damaged or destroyed around gatlinburg. the recount of presidential ballots begins today. fewer than 23,000 votes but is expected to emerge the winner after the recount. the president-elect is headed to indiana and ohio state, to kick off what they're calling a thank you victory tour. and golf's biggest star is making his return today tiger woods will be playing in the hero world champion. it's his first following two back and this weekend on nbc. this hour, we start with a kidnapping of a california mother. gadi schwartz has been following this for us this morning. >> reporter: this morning, we have new details of the two women who kidnapped sherry. and we have new questions about the motivation behind the horrific crime. sherri was found chained and beaten on the side of this northern california road, authorities released new clues about the two women suspected of abducting her at gunpoint near her home. >> both of the suspects spoke spanish during the time of her captivity. both of the suspects concealed their faces to side their identiti f details about her kidnappers. one woman was younger, with long, curly hair, pierced ears and thin eyebrows. the other was older with graying black hair and thick eyebrows. she was telling "people" magazine, she was badly beaten, her hair chopped off and branded by captors. >> she was bound. she had a metal -- a chain around her waist. that is correct. her left hand was in the vehicle, chained to something. >> reporter: still unknown, say investigators, the motive for her kidnapping. is there any indication this is cartel-related or possibly sex trafficking? >> we don't have specific information. >> this is where we believe sherri was taken from. >> reporter: but bill garcia has his suspicions. he worked with the family during her disappearance but isn't involved with the sheriff's investigation. as a trafficking cases, she believes that hers has the telltale signs. >> the beatings, the broken nose, the cut hair, especially the chains and the branding, indicate that it was most likely one of these sex trafficking groups. >> reporter: detectives are now working with a sketch artist as they prepare her case to several others in other states. her path to healing just side. she told investigators that the two women who took her were driving a dark suv. so, investigators have been showing her surveillance video of the area she was abducted. but so far, she has been unable to identify that specific vehicle. matt and willie? back to you. >> thank you, gadi, so much. le let's get a check of the weather from al. >> we have a fairly big rain event taking place starting off in texas. saturday, heavy rain for eastern texas, and what be raining fairly heavy in parts of central tennessee where they have had the wildfires and there are burns that could cause sliding, and as we move into sunday, look at the rain -- these rainfall amounts. we are talking about with all of the gulf moisture, anywhere from three to five inches of rain through monday from shreveport and heavy rain into atlanta and the country and here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> i am meteorologist, chuck bell, and the sun is shining here, and a nice-looking day outside. won't be anywhere as warm or humid as yesterday. back in the upper 40s and low 50s now and a cool and dry northwesterly wind will keep the day feeling like december, yesterday felt like november. and then your forecast for the day, staying in the low 50s today, and breezy and cool a >> you get that weather anytime you need it, check out the weather channel on cable. >> thank you, al. still ahead, music and british royalty. the event that had rihanna and prince harry all smiles. prince harry all smiles. i'm jeff rossen. coming up, our kids are always on their phones, right? we have no idea what they're up to. until now. we tell you about the three apps the honey in honey nut cheerios [sighs] that's why we make them for you. so my daughter tells me you don't eat meat? uh, nope. (cheering) vizio? 60" 4k ultra hd tv with google casttm, $678 discover eucerin advanced repair. it moisturizes dry, itchy, rough, skin. for immediate relief and proven 48-hour moisture. for healthier-looking skin... ...look for eucerin, ?? life can be messy... but with crayola color wonder... it doesn't have to be. don't you wish life could be this mess-free? color wonder. find it in the crayola aisle. sets each sold separately. like this dewalt 20-volt max cordless combo kit for only $199. plus get this porter-cable 20-volt max cordless combo kit for only $99. save on everything you need to make your home happy, at lowe's. that sound. like nails on a chalkboard. but listen to this: (family talking) that's a different kind of sound. the sound of the weekend. it's baking season. warm up with pillsbury. courage. the kind of courage that shows up when we need it... and when cancer is least expecting it. courage. just one reason more of us are surviving cancer than dying from it. we're back at 7:40 this morning. and "rossen report" how to keep your kids safe when they're glued to their phones. >> reporter: good morning. we want to keep our kids safe, especially when they get to that age when they can't seem to put their phones down. most of the time, we have no clue what they're doing, what they're changes. we're about to show you lee apps you can download, on your kids' phones to monitor all of their activity. quick and easy. your kids are leading secret lives. on their phones. but now, secret's out. three smartphone apps designed to help you monitor not just your child's web hisser to, but every text, every phone call, >> what about you? >> reporter: and their two teenage kids. >> yeah. yeah. >> reporter: they're always on their phones. today, we're about to show mom some new tricks. we've downloaded the apps on your kids' phones. we can monitor everything they're doing. >> okay. >> reporter: first up, net nanny. this app allows you to control your kids' internet activity remotely. you canho your kids' phones. >> that's great. awesome. >> reporter: it goes a step further. you can block the type of websites. dating sites, newty, pornography, tobacco. >> helpful, yeah. >> reporter: suicide, for example. you can set it to warn mode, so you will get a warning if your kid types suicide in. >> that's helpful because of the cyber bullying, everything that happens in a teen's life that's more. called secure teen. this one gives your kids' call logs. you know who your kids are calling and who is calling your kids. you can actually read your kids' text messages. >> that's fantastic. >> as scary as that might be. >> reporter: we have your daughter's called up here. >> come over, her friend. and her friend says i have a cheer scavenger the most advanced of all. called teen safe. not only tracking text messages and calls. but it pinpoints your child's exact gps location, instantly. your son is a driving age. and any mom who has a kid who drives -- >> a nightmare. >> reporter: this app gives you the coordinates of where he is any given time where he is. >> that is awesome. i see him there. >> reporter: and the app is right. we actually have a camera with parking lot. here's the coolest thing of all. we worry about texting and driving. >> absolutely. i tell my kids all the time, don't text and drive. >> reporter: if you think he could and you don't want him to have the option -- >> absolutely. >> reporter: click on the teen safe app. you see the pause button? his phone is frozen. >> my phone is locked. i can't do anything. i can't text. >> for a parent, this is fantastic. >> reporter: you'll use this? >> >> reporter: your son will hate you but you'll use it. >> yes. yes. >> reporter: he will be safe, though. >> that's the most important. >> reporter: i made an enemy of every teenager in america right now. some of you are watching this saying, i'm downloading thes. a or you're saying, this goes too far. we have to trust our kids. this invades our privacy. it's a great debate to have in your home with your kids today. now, you know what you can do. >> we're too early with the kids on the phones. the personal safety aspect for it, with the suicide mention. that's something i would want to know as a parent. >> it's an interesting discussion to have. >> you were asking if you can download it secretly for your kids. >> well. first of all, my baby is 2. i'm curious. do the teens know this is on their phone? >> they know it's there. if they disable it, you know that, too. >> you are making me look terrible. >> sorry. >> what is vail up to? you have any idea of what they're talking about? a group of teenagers will tell you what the slang words actually mean. we're happy to have carson back. he's going to put a wrap on the no shave today campaign. no shave today campaign. and carson is not no shave today campaign. and carson is not the first person to survive alzheimer's disease is out there. and the alzheimer's association is going to make it happen by funding scientific breakthroughs, but we won't get there without you. visit to join the fight. oh, look... ...another anti-wrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. neutrogena? rapid wrinkle repair works... one week. with the... fastest retinol formula. visibly reduce wrinkles. neutrogena?. megan and louie have impeccable taste; in shoes and shoe boxes. so they choose new meow mix bistro recipes, made with real chicken to make mealtime taste like a reservation for two. just fifteen minutes and a little imagination are all you need to make holiday magic. chex party mix. attention shoppers, it's cyber week at toys"r"us, and people are saving big storewide and online! get 50% off awesome toys like me! it's cyber week at toys"r"us! save big on thousands of toys kids want, online and in store! toys"r"us ...awwwesome! if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, and you're talking to your doctor about your medication... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira helping me go further. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. humira has been clinically studied for over 18 years. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ready for a new chapter? 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[ cheers and applause ] guys, it's december 1st. it's the end of another carson, you're holding on to your facial hair. we shave on december 1st. i don't know where the share is. >> carson is not pleased. >> let's go back to november. all to raise awareness for men's health. for 30 days, we've been tracking the progress of our own facial hair, and you the viewers, online. using paid off. 21 countries participated in the movember campaign. bringing in $40 million. in the u.s., $10.8 million of that. bringing the grand total to over $750 million. the majority of that money goes to funding men's health programs. online, we saw people get creative with their hair. groups coming together to and people of all ages, finding ways to take part, great shot there. and of course, you can go to to learn how you can keep supporting men's health, long after the month of november is gone. and i swear, i thought i would walk in today, i thought there would be a chair. i've been waiting for 30 days to get this small animal off my face. and i walk in, clean faces everywhere. >> you got your goatee. >> are you going to keep yours? >> i'm going to keep it for a little while. >> now, out of pr >> continue. >> full zz top. >> the shave we normally do is so great. i was looking forward to today. and nothing. >> no shave. and it's not behind that door. there's no shaving guy coming. >> i think carson needs a hug. >> i'll always take a hug from uncle al. >> that beautiful tree. >> breaking news, our producer says he will do it for you tomorrow, carson. rub. >> and a foot massage. >> i'll shower tonight and be ready. >> and a back shave, incidentally. >> i'm good. kelly clarkson. >> coming up, the unusual -- tipsy drivers from getting behind the wheel. and our holiday toy guide with our favorites. when we were younger and the modern versions your kids will love. and jill hi, i'm paul izon. not anymore. i switched to sprint because their network reliability is now within 1% of verizon. and they save you 50% on most current at&t, t-mobile, and verizon rates. why is this one twice as much? this one right here has 1% more needles. why pay twice as much for only a 1% difference? we'll take this one. can you hear that? (vo) don't let a 1% difference cost you twice as much. happy holidays to you and your family. for people with hearing loss, switch to sprint today. visit like 25% off all in-stock christmas tree ornaments. plus get 15% off select artificial christmas specialty trees and wreaths. save big on everything you need to make your home happy, right now at lowe's. you said you wanted to feel better about your cereal. general mills big g cereals hear you. that's why we say "yes" to whole grain as our first ingredient. and "no way" to high fructose corn syrup. so no matter what your favorite is, you can feel good about general mills big g cereals. technology is useful. and while i was telling you about the book, i downloaded a song. oh, and full disclosure, when we were just chatting about that song thing, someone arranged a date. guilty. the point is, life is digital. so, carmax, created a site where you can reserve a car online. come in when it's convenient, your car will be waiting. just another thing to make buying a car better for you... reads this tweet that i just posted. oh, that appears to be trending. lol. after washing apply and rinse 24 hours of moisture with no sticky feel. then get dressed and go. delight your senses with in-shower cocoa butter. available in the body lotion aisle. (vo) your love is purely thoughtful, purely natural, purely fancy feast. delicious entr?es, crafted to the last detail. flaked tuna, white-meat chicken, never any by-products or fillers. purely natural tastes nothing intimidates janelle. not worms... not cancer. i want you on my team. ok. janelle's doctors turned to st. jude children's research hospital where we've helped increase the overall childhood cancer survival rate from 20% to 80%. and we will not stop until we hit 100%. cancer, you're going down. and janelle, you're growing up. go to >> announcer: this is a "news4 today" news break. >> 7:56 is your time on this thursday morning. we are going to get right to melissa mollet. >> a lot of problems this morning, a lot of red on the maps. inner loop at van dorn street a crash blocking two right lanes, and inbound massachusetts avenue before cathedral, we have a crash there in the right lane southbound 395 a crash blocking the ramp and you can see 395 slow the whole way in. >> we will take a break and check your forecast next. stay withs. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? all the care your family needs. good morning, everybody. sunny and breezy and chilly outside this morning. temperatures have gone back down into the 40s and 50s this morning and won't rise a whole lot during the afternoon today. northwest winds will stay up to 25 miles per hour. highs today, only in the mid-50s across most of the area, and then a small chance for rain late sunday and then on tuesday next week. another local news update for you in 20 minutes, but for ?? it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, under assault. a new string of tornadoes sweeps across the south. >> 30 seconds later, kaboom. everything hit. >> as the region recover from the worst fire there's in more than a century. and residents return to pick up the pieces. plus, teen talk. >> girl, you're straight poppin'. >> she ratchet. >> we get the lowdown on the latest slang echoing through school hallways. what do these mean? we're here to help. how harry met rihanna. royalty came face-to-face, on december 1st, 2016. >> all the way from oklahoma, we love the "today" show. ?? >> mother/daughter trip from north dakota. >> we left 81 degrees to be here on the plaza. woo. ? give a little bit ? >> sisters from is merry christmas. [ cheers ] >> and good morning, everybody. it's 8:00 on "today." thursday, december 1st. beautiful day on our plaza. good morning to you. great crowd. we're so happy to have everybody here. >> yeah. >> carson's back. >> savannah, it's throwback thursday. >> yeah. supertramp. "give a little bit." don't you love that song. i thought christmas spirit. "give a little bit." give a lot. >> great song. >> this may be the last throwback thursday for 12, 13 weeks or something like that. >> yeah. i'm going to go on my maternity leave after tomorrow. so, all of you saying, please stop standing. >> that's good. that's good. >> you're like, we've seen enough. there w the "today" show. >> i can't believe you made it this far. been watching so much. my family sees savannah, like, how much longer is she going to work? >> we don't want to see her water break. ly i will take off. >> i would say enjoy that rest. but it's not rest. >> tomorrow, savannah's last day. we have a fitting sendoff to go and deals in history. jill has unbeatable bargains this morning for holiday gifts for kids. nothing goes better "thursday night football" than a home cooked meal. with recipes you can try tonight. >> let's get to the news. we begin with the devastating tornadoes that ripped through the south. i'm jacob rascon in rosalie in alabama. you're looking only shopping center. the national weather service tells us it was an ef-2 tornado that ripped through this area. it was on the ground for less than two minutes. and only 1.7 miles. but dozens of families will be digging through the rubble. and other people did not survive. the national weather service says that was 1 of 34 tornadoes that touched down in 7 different states. that same storm system will continue to move on. but the tornado threat, so far, is gone. declared a state of emergency and will be among those out today to survey the damage. for more on weather in the south, we go to gatlinburg, tennessee and nbc's kerry sanders. a good portion of gatlinburg remains in evacuation zone and for good reason. just before sun rise, you see another fire sparked here. this is a home that burned to the ground. the fire department was on the scene quickly. but nonetheless, the threat now, that stands at least seven. at least six people are missing. savannah? >> kerry, thank you so much. a jury in charleston, south carolina, are beginning a second day of deliberation in the murder trial of michael sleigher. he received that in hindsight, he would not have chased walter for about an hour before going home for the night. today, a rescue for an ailing visitor at the south pole. the patient, 86-year-old buzz aldrin, the second man to walk on the moon in 1969. the national science foundation set up a medical evacuation flight. aldrin was said to be in stable condition when he was transferred by the medical team. now, a big honor for our colleague, maria shriver, she was hall of fame. jerry brown said the work of california's former first lady and other inductees enriched the lives of others and is an inspiration of all californians. other inductees, harrison ford, george takei and tony gwynn. >> pretty good company there. up next, we'll do trending, major and lively plumbing surprise. wait until you see what was clogging up that toilet. popping as we understand the secret language of teens. >> we'll be poppin'. and throwback toys on a at progresso, we are now using 100% antibiotic and hormone-free behold our greatest opus! i found barbie a home! what, oh no! this one's even better! great. on rollback. >> this is the trend. you remember this, right? >> carson back at the table. he is the hardest working man this time of year. finally, we get to see how he lives. not carson daly. we don't want to know that. we're talking santa claus. zillow posting santa's home on the north pole. looks like santa is doing okay. he has a three-bedroom, two-bath santa is doing well. just to be clear. zillow says the 19th century home is not on the market. >> wow. >> he doesn't have a sleigh bed. >> wonder if the elves live that good. >> you don't want to see the elves' place. >> exactly. here's a house that maybe should be on zillow. why? look at what the home owners found in their toilet. >> this is the worst. >> oh, yeah. >> this is what nightmares are made of. >> snake. one of the homeowners went to the bathroom in the morning. this is what they found. we'll tell you. anybody who has bathroom stories, this beats it. >> this is a real thing. >> happened in south africa. the homeowners were shocked, needless to say. called the snake catcher. he couldn't get it. why? >> he's got him. >> it slips and goes down the drain. >> he slithers back down. yes. >> oh. oh. >> has not. >> the guy brings in that tiny eight-footer. >> he slithers back down. he hasn't been spotted since. and the ward is, the homeowners have been holding it ever since. >> it's like an apartment complex. nobody is going to the bathroom. >> like whack-a-snake. >> i would be out of there so fast. >> i would be gone. >> back-to-back. >> would you sit down? >> of course not. eight feet and poisonous. that's enough to move for me. out. >> they have cameras in the pipes. and acid down. >> they don't want him to do that. they killed 22 out houses. police department in canada has come up with an unusual way to punish drunk drivers. a post on facebook says, offenders will be charged. but they will be hauled in a police cruiser and forced to listen to this. >> nickelback? >> forever the canadian punch line. yet, they are the punchline forever. >> are they really? >> yeah. it's a thing. >> they're a never-ending target of abuse, from their fellow canadians. the department is trying a new approach to communicate the age-old message. i never understood the nickelback thing. >> they had v a string of hits thou >> there's nothing else like that in music. ? never want to give you up ? >> they haven't earned that scorn. >> that's a hilarious thing. we're going to listen to nickelback. >> jack it up. we got pop stars. >> we're going to have good news for kanye west and his family this morning. our sister network, e! is reporting that kanye is out of the hospital and back at home with his wife, kim kardashian and their kids. kanye spent a week in the hospital, after reportedly suffering from mental he is doing better. spat spotify releasing their biggest acts of the year. and one artist crushed all others. >> right. yeah. >> drake. >> are you surprised by that? >> i'm not. but he's amazing. >> he dominated the radio. the spotify listing. he gets the most streamed track, most streamed album and artist. "one dance," the mos >> 950 million streams for that song. bruno is definitely on there. >> i love bruno. >> don't put bruno in the corner. >> he's his own spotify. >> that's right. finally, rihanna, on another list on spotify. but she's also making headlines this morning for her royal run-in. rihanna hosted prince harry during his visit to her native celebrating the nation's 50th anniversary of independence from britain. it caps harry's two-week look at that look. >> if the two of them got together, the internet would explode. >> we are not even playing a rihanna song here, right? >> what? >> that's right. >> good to have you back, carson. this morning we are tap into what all the slang that teenagers use actually means. w means. >> stephanie is here with a guide that will make us feel old. >> reporter: good morning, guys. parents should watch and listen closely. but definitely don't try this at home. >> hits. >> let's dip at 8:00. >> iconic. >> girl, you're straight poppin'. >> she ratchet. we found some. >> salty is a word in a you describe when someone is not in a good mood. >> down in the d.m. means when deciding when you're going to hook up. >> woke means to be alert and aware of what's happening in today's world. >> reporter: teenspeak is nothing new. every generation has its own language. just morphed through the years. boss. groovy. mad. rad. the bomb. and today, it's lit. >> lit means that something was awesome. the party that i went to was so lit. >> reporter: teens use coded language as an expression of independence, a way to create an identity separate from parents. and sometimes, to keep their parents in the dark. >> netflix and chill is when you go over to your significant other's house and you guys go to watch netflix. but you don't watch netflix. >> reporter: slang works almost like a bird call to your social group, creating an instant bond. >> straight fire means you're hot. >> suh, dude. abbreviation for what's up? >> reporter: and there's slang words for the group itself. fam is the inner circle. >> fam are the people that you ride or die with. >> if you're going down the hall, you say, what up, fam? >> reporter: not to be confused with squat, a taylor swift. >> squad goals, when your group of friends has something that everybody else admires. >> reporter: taylor swift isn't the only musician with entries in the urban direction nair. >> i slay. >> reporter: beyonce, for slay, flowless and i woke up like this. >> that is so fetch. >> stop trying to make fetch happen. it's not going to happen. >> reporter: once a word goes mainstream, it's dead. yolo, short for you only live once, was popularized by drake. yolo became so overused, drake apologized on "snl." my sincerest apologies. >> reporter: bae is and i use it to call your boyfriend or girlfriend. >> if you don't want to take the time to say baby, it saves you lot of time. >> reporter: bae went the way of yolo, once it showed up on "ellen," and tweets by burger king, sonic and olive garden, bae was used. take on fleek, which started and in a matter of months, taco bell and ihop for tweeting it. if you use it now, you're basic. >> it's basic to like starbucks or have uggs. you're not original. >> reporter: as a parent, you may want to be goals. but there's one surefire way to get your kid the throw some shade. that's talk like this. or worse, like seth meyers, trying to make friends. >> hey. wh that was a dab. >> the big takeaway is as a parent, you're not supposed to get it. and the painful truth is, we're kind of not cool enough. >> no. >> we're basic. >> we are basic. >> the coolest thing is to not try. let them have their words. >> remember when your parents said it and it was so >> what have you got tomorrow? >> it's going to be good. we challenged a group of kids to go a full week without their cell phones to see if they could do it. >> did they survive? >> just barely. would you survive? >> i know. >> probably not. >> all right, steph. it's been fun. see you tomorrow. mr. roker, let's get the that's fantastic. we are looking at a seasonable weather and vegas 60, and 44 in denver, and new york city in the mid-50s today. colder air will be coming in by next week. billings by wednesday, 14. denver, 21. oklahoma city chilling down to 40 degrees. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> some of the cold air will get here towards the later part of and going to be a nice day filled with sunshine and a couple fair weather clouds around and clear skies in the evening hours, and if you go to the tree lighting tonight make sure you have your wind breaker on, as it will be a chilly one tomorrow. tomorrow starting off with temperatures in the 30s, and over the weekend, maybe a slight chance for a shower very late on sunday night. >> that's right. excuse me, and pardon me, guess what? football night. that's right, t tonight, thursday night, football night in america. america's team, the boys coming into u.s. bank stadium in minneapolis. it's a domed stadium, but if you are tailgating, it's going to be 33 degrees. that's right here on nbc, thursday night football nhtn america. willie? >> all right, al. night, "footba night in america." >> and we are launching our two-day toy guide. and because it's throwback thursday, we're starting with our childhood favorites. >> we have lori, a style editor for "good housekeeping." a lot of us participated in a piece for the magazine. we talked about our favorite toys as kids. and you're updating. >> i get to start. >> i do. >> snoopy was my number one. >> snoopy has never >> second was, i wanted a light bright. >> we have the old light bright. but the update is the light-up doodle art. this is today. you get this old-school etching art. you get stencils. different art. you can flip the light on. you can do six different ones. and it will light up and it changes color. i wish matt were here. there's a lot of reasons. this is his toy because it's a wooden toy, which i love to make fun of him for. he loves this. and tell me about the update. >> what matt was saying for "good housekeeping," he loved that it occupied him for hours. really, created a lot of focus. what we wanted to do is say, matt this, is great. but we have an update. a three-dimensional update. if you pick up a perplexis. you get the little marble. and there's a 360-degree orbital path. and this is good for skill-building. critical thinking. it's good for -- does he have excellent motor skills? >> he does. my results may vary. >> don't worry. this was not a "good housekeeping" award winner. but this is fun. >> over to willie. >> that's like a cat with a ball pure all-out physical fun. >> this was me 8 or 9 years old. professional wrestling. the rubber action figures. >> who was your favorite? >> hulk hogan. >> welcome to the world of wwe. no longer, willie geist, do you have to use what's in your head. you can get john sina, and i'm going to get the rock. >> now what happens? >> you can do different moves. >> watch out. >> a little action. >> i watched wwe and didn't see that. >> these are $26 at toys "r" us. if you do, because you're so creative. if you want to use your own catchphrases. i'm going to hand over this microphone to you. press this button and talk and announce. >> can you hear that? >> that's the stadium voice. there's arena sounds. catchphrases. and you can do your own. >> i'll be busy all weekend. >> go to your room. >> mr. roker, i feel aligned with you on this. this was my favorite toy. why did you love the viewmaster? >> it took you to places you couldn't go. you could look at your favorite tv shows or movies. and it was in 3d. >> what's so cool, is mattel has updated for the virtual reality set. you have the viewmaster. and use this lever here. just like the old viewmaster. and start looking around. what al is looking at is a virtual reality of safari of -- there's wild life. there's rain forests. and it's educational. it blends the technological and the education. you need a smartphone. that's for $40 and mattel. >> you have 30. >> are the raiders going to be 10-2 after this weekend? >> of course. >> yes. you can get this on amazon under $9. >> suck it, buffalo. >> why did you love these? >> i'm a doll person. i have my original cabbage patches at home. >> now, we have american girl welly wishers. there's $16, which is a lower they embody social and environmental girls, making friends. >> activist dolls. >> hey, girl. >> hey, hoda. >> i loved the etch-a-sketch. >> here we have, your picture. my first sand scribbler, from crayola. that's $19. you attach it to the magnet. >> oh. >> have a seat. >> that never happened. >> >> announcer: this is a "news4 today" news break. >> 8:26 is your time on this thursday, december 1st, 2016. good morning to you. i am eun yang. we want to get a check on your commute with melissa mollet. >> a new problem on the beltway, inner loop in the right center lane causing slowdowns, and inbound before cathedral, a crash there. northbound after that 395 a crash is blocking the ramp. we are going to take a break right now and check your forecast when we come back. stay with us. khrr yesterday may have barehand cloudy and warm and today is going to be sunny and chilly, in the upper 40s and 50s today, and that gusty northwesterly wind will be with us today and 40s for highs on saturday and sunday. >> thank you, chuck. get the latest news and weather anytime in the nbc washington app. ?? good morning, everybody. that's a cute sight. december 1st. really getting in the spirit. it's thursday. and look who we have there, top chef, annual toy drive. this starts today. we hope you bring an unwrapped toy to the plaza. look at studio 1a. can you tell these two, mother and son. that's elizabeth hurley and her son. and we're going to catch up with them and find out what it's like to work with your mother on "the we're back with "steals & mr. roker? >> at the mazda event -- >> during last night's tree lighting, i was honored to be part of a winning $30,000 for the organization as part of mazda's drive for good campaign. good morning. it's good to be drier, isn't it. >> thank you for having me today. >> tell us about your organization. >> we bike to work every day, and a lot of chicago teenagers their whole world view is a few blocks, and i take them on educational field trips and we gatorade. >> what will this award mean for your organization? >> we will help more teens in chicago. >> that's terrific. folks want to get involved, how do they do it? >> go to the website, and first of all, they can buy a hoodie, and only tax deductible hoodie in the world, and you have the chicago star, and you can represent your block and hoodie and your city. >> thank you so much. all right, let's check your weather really quickly. we will show you what you have going on as far as today is concerned. 42 degrees, and some clouds. snow back through the plains and developing santa ana winds out west in the southern california area, and mild in the east with plenty of sunshine through the gulf coast and mid-plains. >> outside we have sunshine and a lot of our fall colors have end. it's officially winter, welcome to december, everybody. in the upper 40s and low 50s, temperatures won't budge a whole lot today, staying in the 40s and 50s for most of the afternoon, and plenty of sunshine, though, and a bit of a breeze, 15 to 25-mile-per-hour and more of the same for your day tomorrow and on into the weekend, too. >> don't forget, go to weather channel on cable. cable. ladies? >> thank you so much. a brand-new season of "the royals" begins sunday night. programses to be a battle royale for control of the crown. >> and elizabeth's son is joining the cast for his television acting debut. take a look. >> i am the crown prince of liechtenstein. he needs to bow down to the crown. nobody. >> i understand. >> elizabeth and damien, good morning. this is so exciting. you work together in the sense that it's on the show. but you play a character on a tv show. it's a show within a show. did mom give you advice? >> she said, learn your lines and don't be annoying. >> were you nervous? when you have your son there, it's one thing for you to take care of business. but it's another thing to watch him in action. describe what it was like to see your son do his thing? >> on the first show of "the royals" it was comfortable. they promised him a part one day. and this day came. we looked at each other. and he said, mom, what can i can't do it? and the script came. it was a german accent. a difficult scene. i was his servant. handing him water. he didn't need help. >> no tips? >> he didn't need any. >> don't get on their nerves. >> he's been watching the best forever. >> damian, do you have the bug? >> it was good. i am hooked on it. >> it's fun to look at your instagram. we love you. when you're writing about your son, it's a whole other side of you. it seems like you're your own. >> it's true, isn't it? it's handling on the baton. as we say. i'm interested for him. he's at school, full-time school, i might add. this is in the vacations. he's a baby still. >> i'm 14. >> he likes it a lot. we'll see what happens. >> he's like, don't call me a baby on national tv. >> he's big and strong. >> exactly. a television star. you have to forgive us. season? >> by the end of season two, we know who killed the king, her husband. that's put to rest. at beginning of season one, it was a state funeral for the prince of wales, my favorite and eldest son. at the end of season two, it's teased that perhaps he's alive after all. and we think he's going to come back. prince robert, my favorite son. if he did come back, it will change everything. shake everything up. and he was my favorite. were talking about, prince hear and his girlfriend. >> oh. >> do we picture them as a real couple? >> yes. >> do you want -- >> tell us what you think. >> i've met her. she's enchanting. and to have somebody -- i want her to marry into the real royal family. to have someone that's talented, successful, a woman of her own, gorgeous and american is what the royal family needs. and i'm behind it. >> he's been on our show a lot. >> good luck. >> i can't stop looking at the tv because you were literally a mini-me. it's happening in front of us. good luck. thanks again. season three of "the royals" begins sunday night on our sister network, e! up next, jill has a kids' edition of "steals & deals." and then people just say, ?thank you for serving our country? and i'm like, that's my dad. male vo: no one deserves a warmer welcome home. that's why we're hiring 10,000 members of the military community by the end of 2017. i'm very proud of him. male vo: comcast. [ cheers and applause ] it's day four of our stress-free holiday "steals and deals." we covered everybody on the list. we need to get the kids in here. >> today, contributor jill martin is back with more bargains this morning. good morning. >> we had girls. we have guys. tomorrow, an hour. this is "steals and deals" week. flying figures. the retail is $70.99. >> little drones? >> yeah. they fly right out of the box. no assembly require. it's ages 8 and up. and i'd love for an adult to be around because we were testing them. and they fly fast. i want to put that out there. all of your favorite superheros, retails $70.99. the deal i the shelves. >> literally. >> these are headphones. $149.99. you go on to see two different choices. one has a microphone in it. one has wireless bluetooth streaming. they're superchic and fun. >> the deal, $45 to $75. 70% off. >> what did you say? >> you almost need them with all of the drilling going on. >> this is good. >> i love this. i know what you're going to say after i tell you. there's ten in a set. the random house li'l golden book sets. 16 iconic sets. ten books in each set. if you have ten little friends. >> you can split them up. ten gifts. >> that's how my mom thinks. you get the blanket and the bear. the retail, $94. $28, 70% off. >> these are cute. look at the models. >> this is cole, isla and mila. say hello. >> hi, guys. >> they're our models this morning. the retail is $80. a three-piece set. the hat, the scarf and the gloves. comes the retail $80. the deal, $24. 70% off. and i want to stress -- >> sizing. >> oh, to check out the sizing. got it. >> looking at these for an adult. they are cool. very cool. >> there's a "w." >> let's recap. the flying figures from world tech toys. the headphones from cadin. and winter accessories from robin rose. >> get there in a hurry at you don't want to miss tomorrow. jill, are you ready? >> a whole hour. >> an entire hour of "steals & deals" ever. you can get all of your christmas shopping done. >> thank you to our models. you guys were great. up next, we'll be in the kitchen far gameday treat. th my guest list just tripled. my cookie exchange is super competitive. mine too. i want to go really big with my appetizers. we can do it without blowing our budget. oh yeah, this is great! my family really needs to be wowed this year! standing rib roast! wow. everything for the holidays. c'mon in, pop pop! happy birthday! keep from having another one. and i'm taking brilinta. for people who've been hospitalized for a heart attack. i take brilinta with a baby aspirin. no more than one hundred milligrams as it affects how well it works. brilinta helps keep my platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. brilinta reduced the chance of another heart attack. or dying from one. it worked better than plavix. >>don't stop taking brilinta without talking to your doctor since stopping it too soon increases your risk of or bleeding more easily, or serious, sometimes fatal bleeding. don't take brilinta if you have bleeding, like stomach ulcers, a history of bleeding in the brain, or severe liver problems. tell your doctor about bleeding, new or unexpected shortness of breath, any planned surgery, and all medicines you take. >>talk to your doctor about brilinta. i'm doing all i can. that includes brilinta. if you can't afford your medication, astra zeneca may be able to help. all right. we're back at 8:45 this morning on "today." foot loves foot ball. >> food loves football. >> we love football. tonight's game, the cowboys and the vikings. excited for this game. padma lakshmi, we know her, as >> can you believe it? >> why in charleston. >> we wanted to be in the south. it's having a culinary renaissance. it was steeped in history. i ate my way through the city. >> what are we making this morning? >> we are changing chili verde, with tomatillos. a mexican husk tomato. here's what you need for the dish want. avocado, cilantro, green chile, garlic. that will whiz up. you can use the salsa on its own as a green dipping sauce. >> i better test that right now. >> i love the salsa verde. the rojo is good, too. gives it a depth. i know from asian culture. all these liquids, lemon juice, olive oil, and vinegar. >> where did you put the sesame seeds? >> i put them in here and i'll put them in there. once the onions get glassy, you put the ground park in there. as soon as the ground pork loses its pinkness, you add a shot of tequila. the agave flavor will come out and give it subtle flavor. if you have any -- if you're blocked about using alcohol, don't use alcohol. we're going to put water in here and add the salsa. and the only spices that i put in here when the meat was cooking, sesame seeds, red chili flakes, and mexican oregano. you want to make double of the sauce. it comes in handy for so many and this recipe is much better the next day. if you're going to go into labor soon, make your husband make this so it's ready. you can freeze it. >> i will. >> once this cooks down, a lot of people will use canned beans, which is fine. canned beans tend to be softer. add them towards the end of the half hour. >> our tasters are downstairs. how did you like the tomatilla salsa? >> it's >> it will cook down. and it will look like this. >> beautiful. >> that's a chili verde. >> it's beautiful like a fall night. it's great for a game day. everyone can sit around the tv with some bowls. i'm going to dress it. you want to squeeze a little bit of lime juice. cilantro. we had this for dinner last night, actually. >> i'm going to have it for lunch today. a little secret. we're going to wrap this up. >> a little cheese on top. you a spoon, carson. i will give your a spoon. i have another tasting portion here. >> guys, downstairs, talk to us. >> it's amazing. >> licking the bowl already. >> outstanding. really good. >> if you want to do -- you can make this vegetarian. all you have to do is swap the meet for beans. you can use any beans. pinto beans or add the same weight in meat in beans. >> i feel like it's >> it's guilt-free. >> not that heavy. we keep this around all the time because it comes in handy. >> does it freeze well? >> it freezes beautifully. and the seeds, i put some in here when i was cooking the meat to toast the seeds with the meat. and it gives you a nutty flavor. i rediscovered sesame street -- sesame seeds -- i rediscovered sesame seeds in charleston it's an african ingredient. it has so much to do with that culture. and so, it adds a richness. shawn brock, who is a big chef in charleston, makes hot sauce with sesame seeds. it tasted like an indian chutney. it brought back an old ingredient from my childhood. and it's so southern. >> i taste a lot of this. the mexican oregano. >> and mexican oregano is different. >> >> i learned about this when i was researching my book, the encyclopedia of spices. if you don't get mexican oregano. use regular oregano, it will be fine in this dish. >> this is delicious, padma. >> they're making it in the commissary. >> you saw me make it in front of you. >> thank you so much. and "top chef" season premiere. find the recipe at >> the vikings hosting the cowboys, can coverage at 7:30 eastern on nbc. and we mentioned "top chef's" season premiere on bravo. that's tonight. congrats to our friends on "top chef" season 14 tonight. >> that's crazy. >> happy birthday. >> we'll be back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. we know kristen. ronger is rebuilding st a newborn's heart... and restoring a father's faith. stronger is being a typical kid... stronger is seeking answers and not giving up until you find them. because we don't just want kids to grow up. we want them to grow up stronger. with your support, we can find more answers faster. welcome back. time to hand it over to al roker for today's birthday. >> let's see who is celebrating on the smucker's jar. first up, a happy 102 birthday to mildred southwood of niagara falls. slowly, i turn. she is always enjoying a good book. and fishing trips. mary helen kraft, enjoying 100 years. the former restaurant owner, from inap army for 65 years. happy 100th birthday to ann carroll. this tennis fan is from jacksonville, florida. she knits over 100 carves every year for patients in the hospital. how nice is that? evelyn jones of jackson, michigan. says the secret to her longevity is smucker's strawberry jam on toast. years old. over 65 years, she also volunteering with her local hospital. that's terrific. happy 100th birthday to allene ferguson crockett. 105 now. this proud grandma from mississippi. six grandkids, nine great grandkids and two great, great grandkids. that's amazing. if you know somebody that's celebrating their 100th birthday. go don't forget a photo. we have "the walking dead" star. neegan. >> announcer: this is a "news4 today" news break. >> 8:56 is your time on this thursday, december 1st, 2016. i am eun yang. we want to get a check on your morning commute with melissa mollet. >> a new problem inbound 395 at edsall, you can see the right lane taken up and getting by on the left. looking pretty good right now. >> melissa, thank you. we will take a quick break and check your forecast when we if you're told you have cancer, explore your treatment options with specialists who treat only cancer. every stage... every day.... at cancer treatment centers of america. breezy and a lot cooler outside today than yesterday. we topped out at 69 degrees yesterday here in washington and we won't even get back to 58 or 59 by later this afternoon, it will stay in the low to mid-50s this afternoon. sunshine for today, tomorrow and saturday, dry but a late chance for rain, and the dolphins and sunny for ravens fans. because, when you shop small with your eligible american express card, you could get two times the rewards. so support the businesses that make your town a community. the people who make your community, home those insiders, with the inside knowledge, those friends with a welcome smile. and you could get twice the rewards. ?? this morning on "take's take," natalie portman on her new movie getting oscar buzz. and find out why photos of selena gomez are the talk of the internet. and counting down to christmas with your must-have holiday checklist and a performance to put you in the spirit, coming up now. >> from nbc news, this is "today's take," live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to "today." thursday morning, december 1st, 2016. look at that tree. >> she's a beauty. >> everything about it, is curves, the lines. >> you know. you covered it. 94 feet. >> i saw it in the ground in plaza. >> i don't think it needed augmentation. a lot of times they cut branches and fill it out. but it is just gorgeous. >> beautiful. with the rain, what a beautiful production. i dvr'd it. >> matt and savannah and hoda and myself. and matt and savannah, at the home base area. matt was -- there's the countdown, as well. alec baldwin, kate mckinnon and helped hit the button. we're in a downpour. a deluge. i mean, it is coming down, cats and dogs. and the people around us are getting drenched. there's matt and savannah. they had a tent over them. they had a heater. had a butler and a masseuse. >> oh, my gosh. >> i have to admit. notice it to this point. >> but the good thing is, it's not like matt and savannah rubbed it in. look at the picture they texted us. >> oh, my gosh. >> here they are, laughing at hoda and me. >> that's -- >> they had someone mopping up the floor. >> they had somebody squeegeeing the floor. and bringing them cucumber sandwiches. >> a we had hours-long conversation. it kept getting more beautiful. >> it changes and gets all curly. but, yeah. she was armed. with hairspray. >> matt's jacket is open. >> it's like they were at a different location. >> on a different planet. it was like, the alternative earth. >> look at that. >> i said, i got to take the dog out. >> i didn't notice this until now. >> always aware of your environment. >> gosh. >> what i love about you. >> what we're aware of, the countdown, it's december 1st. you have 24, 25 days. >> christmas is still the 25th. you can say, i didn't see you christmas day. here. you don't have to worry. we have the -- and i promise you -- biggest "steals & deals" tomoow tech. fashion. home decor. there's not a person on your list in your life that we will not provide something for. >> with a deal. >> jill martin going to be running this. >> if it's not a deal, we don't buy it. that's what i say. >> the reason you had to watch it back, the christmas tree lighting. at the christmas premiere. >> this is a beautiful dress. >> i passed winter fashion. and i mistakenly wore a yellow spring ensemble. >> here's savannah guthrie. >> i heard my name taken in vain. is anyone going to eat this? >> you're eating for two. >> al just called you and matt out for being an easy street. do you want to come in and defend yourself? i i know. >> look at you. no gloves. >> the mic for you there. >> yes. there was -- we've never had it so good. and you and i have done the tree lighting, six years ago. never been so good. >> why were you in a tent this year? >> the rain. >> wow. >> meteorologist. >> they did put a tent up. but they had heaters, which we've never had before. tundra, being whipped around like a tornado. >> were you concerned for al and hoda. >> let's put the picture up to show the concern. >> can you caption that? >> savannah is laughing so hard, she is about to deliver. >> i was like, makeup, there's some tears coming out of my eyes, not from the cold but laughing at al and hoda. we did feel bad. our tarp sprung a leak. and the squeegee guy came. >> can you recognize the side-by-side. >> that's terrible. i have no defense. >> and the folks who were around us, put up with it, as well. it is all worth it. >> looks like -- >> look at them. remember in "broadcast news" when they ship off the reporter, like a competitor. and they're like, let's put her in alaska. >> can we see it one more time? >> the split-screen is devastating. >> there's matt and savannah. and now, hoda and al, one more time. >> can i get another hot cocoa. but i need marshmallows this time. >> but you're pregnant. if anybody deserved to be covered up -- >> thank you. >> you don't think that had anything to do with it? >> that was fun. >> hoda and al's credit, the happiest, greatest, tree. >> and it wasn't too cold. >> and you have fans with you. >> and also -- it was raining hard. >> you know what else? brian's 30th birthday, dylan's husband. >> i'm finally not married to someone in their 20s any longer. >> but you're still a cougar. >> i know. 5 1/2-years younger than me. he turns 30. he's been worried about it. >> he wasn't ready to leave his 20s. >> leaving them in a big way in two or three weeks. >> with her and the baby will be december babies. >> he will. yes. >> i'm going to go give birth. >> don't leave. wait until you hear what she did. >> what did you do? >> we couldn't celebrate his 30th birthday now. he wanted to celebrate it in vegas. for the last two years, he's been sending me random texts of what he would like for his ideal 30th one of the odd requests is he wanted two cakes that tell a story. i found two cakes that tell a story. i called him fish. growing up, his friends called the house the fish tank. >> is that because of drinking? >> because of drinking? >> probably. >> i have been told to give you my seat. that's the chivalrous thing. >> isn't that enough after yesterday? >> stand in the rain. >> i didn't know she was going partied in his room. >> after 30, this is now, the father in "finding nemo." >> where did you find that? the cake place in vegas. >> it's martin? melvin? >> marlin. >> marlin. yes. >> the dad fish. >> i'm going to swim around. it will be good. i will find dorrie. it will be fantastic. >> i called him the dad fish. i didn't know his with goldfish and star burst. >> he made that specific request? >> he was bored. texting me. here's what i would love. >> oh. >> that's how you -- >> slow-motion. >> this looks like -- >> is this in vegas? >> as the cosmopolitan in vegas. >> on the 65th floor. >> what can go wrong there? hangover." where is zach galifianakis? >> it felt like "the hangover." it was the only stick i had. we went out to a nice dinner. and it was, yeah. we lost money gambling like we always do. it was a fun vegas trip about three or four months ago. that's his big birthday celebration. >> your last day is tomorrow. >> yes. >> december 10th, i think, if my last day. if i make it. >> i think i'm going early. i mean, look at me. >> vail was early. >> he's so huge. >> and nicki wasn't early. >> our due dates are two days apart. >> yes. >> how about the same day? >> that would be amazing. >> that's like a movie. >> imagine, we're like texting each other. >> i know. >> go to the same hospital. how great would that be? >> i know. we can be bestties. >> you're visualizing texting >> you can? >> i don't think so. >> and al has a box you can put your phone in. and he tries to get me to put my phone in. >> you are having a baby, do whatever you want. >> i'm giving your seat back. >> this was fun. you were on for an hour. >> i love it. it's fun to be with you guys. and thanks for picking up all of the hard duty. she is. she's got to -- she's going to be filling in a lot. >> i thought you were changing diapers. w >> if that's the case, just feet him bananas. >> i don't like you right now. >> yogurt. >> we're neighbors. and i will be coming over. >> i hope so. >> and i will send you a little emoji. >> and i will come over with the baby say, what do i do? we're going to go walk off our pounds. >> we have to go to commercial. >> all right. up next, show her the money. >> i'll take it. check out the brain teaser photo. big sack of cash? i can buy maternity gifts. i can buy maternity gifts. are they eyes open? say hi to xiidra, lifitegrast ophthalmic solution. the first eye drop approved for the signs and symptoms of dry eye. one drop in each eye, twice a day. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and an unusual taste sensation. do not touch the container tip to your eye or any surface. and wait for at least 15 minutes before reinserting them. if you have dry eyes, ask your doctor about xiidra. this scarf, all that's left to remember. what! she washed this like a month ago! how's a guy supposed to move on! the long lasting scent of gain flings. just press "clean" and let roomba from irobot help with your everyday messes. roomba navigates your entire home. cleaning up pet hair and debris for up to 2 hours. which means your floors are always clean. you and roomba, from irobot. walgreens presents a holiday mini miracle. hey! -hey! this is for you. you didn't really have to... getting the gift you almost kept for yourself? now that's a holiday mini miracle. with 30 percent off photo purchases, just around the corner. walgreens. at the corner of happy and healthy. we're back with more "today." more al roker being smothered with the pregnancy talk. you love it. >> i love pregnancy talk. >> you gave me one of the best going into the baby thing? and i said i don't know anything. and i said brian doesn't know much, either. let him figure things out. i don't know more than he does. >> why don't you write a book, al's advice. roker rules. >> i love it. >> i mean, deborah and i wrote that book. >> we want life according to al. >> you don't want to go by me. before the break, we showed you the following puzzle and asked you to find the santa with a bag of casual. so, can you see -- >> i can't see that far. >> i can see. >> what's on the bottom left? >> this is from voucher cloud. >> that's the logo. >> okay. >> i can't find it. >> you ready to give up? reveal it. the third row, third from the right. what happens around this time of year. >> if you look, it's waldo. >> you're so mean. >> i wouldn't be able to find waldo, either. what color is the cash? i don't see the bag. >> he has green cash. >> is it in the bag? >> oh okay. everything else is a present. >> a green present. >> and that's cash. >> that's your brain teaser. hope you feel alive today. let'sav something a little classier. a little more -- >> classier? >> much classier. instagram celebrities. >> i love it. this is where i live. >> most-followed celebs of 2016. who is number five? >> kim kardashian. >> i thought she would be number one. >> because of everything going on in her life, including kanye being released from the hospital and that robbery, she's not been on instagram. she's been cold on instagram. of the instagraming certain situations, it could have led to -- >> and comeback to instagram and social media. and this thing happened with kanye. >> of course, anybody. >> beyonce, at 88.9 million. love her. love her. ariana grande. 88.6 million. taylor swift, 93.6 million followers. she is number one last year. now, here's -- revelation. selena gomez 103 million followers. and my nephew is going to get mad at me saying this, isaiah mitchell hall, in college, his dream girl. >> do you think, i'm back to number one? >> they may not. but the managers and all the people who make money off of the instagram accounts. show a leg or something to get get the most likes. even on our accounts. do you look at the ones -- >> the ones that you show leg? >> in my case, a little chicken leg. >> a little al roker hair, thousands of likes. we like selena gomez. ador what about the weather? is it horrible? >> let's show you what we have going on for today. wet weather moving in to the pacific northwest, and clouds around the rockies, and we are going to see some colder air out through the rockies and the inner mountain region with the temperatures in the 20s, 30s and 40s, and 80s in florida and 70s in southern texas, and a beautiful day in the east with mild weather, and the winds in california, it could be breezy there but the sunshine continues in the southwest and the central plains. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> we have plenty of sunshine and sun, but no chance for rain today. you will notice it on the way out the door, breezy and cooler than it was yesterday, in the upper 40s and low 50s now and that's where we are going to stay for the day. by the time you are going down to the national tree lighting tonight, temperatures ba in the 40s with a windchill. bundle up and wear your mud boots because it's muddy out there by the white house, and have a owee. next, how overspend on your secret santa gift. >> al roker, these are the pictures you like from al roquer. show the superman. when he shows chest hair. >> that's a microphone. >> that's like a chest hair neck loss. >> i keep them numbered for an emergency. find out if we're in (vo) what if the sweet stevia leaf was discovered before the sugar cane? sugar would come along and go... ...hey! i'm sweet too! sure...sugar, you are very sweet. but we've already got sweetness minus caloriness. it would be kind of awkward. truvia. life with less sugar is just as sweet. question, are my teeth yellow? have you tried the tissue test? ugh yellow. what do you use? hitestrips whiten 25 times better than a leading whitening toothpaste i passed the tissue test. oh yeah. crest whitestrips are the way to whiten. coming up on "look! famous people!" we catch flo, the progressive girl, at the supermarket buying cheese. scandal alert! flo likes dairy?! woman: busted! [ laughter ] right afterwards we caught her riding shotgun with a mystery man. oh, yeah! [ indistinct shouting ] is this your chauffeur? what?! no, i was just showing him how easy it is to save with snapshot from progressive. you just plug it in [ light laughter ] laugh bigger. [ laughter ] ?? olive garden now offers catering delivery we make the food and deliver it to your door so you can enjoy what's important ?? eucerin has been solving dry skin problems for over 100 years. discover eucerin advanced repair. and proven 48-hour moisture. for healthier-looking skin... ...look for eucerin, now in the red cap. after 40 years of making soup at progresso, we've learned chicken is king. and so we're now using 100% antibiotic and hormone free white breast meat chicken in all our chicken soups. long live chicken! hey julie, i know today's critical, but i really... ...need a sick day. ...head, no sick days medicine. the rock center tree is lit, which is the kickoff to christmas season and all of the holiday parties. >> to get in a festive mood, we're playing a holiday edition we're testing our holiday habits and see if we're on the naughty or nice list. >> i haven't bought a single present yet. >> here's your holiday questions. question number one, how bad is it to store frosted cookies at room temperature? on your kitchen counter instead of in the fridge? >> i think that's fine. >> is that bad? not bad? >> not bad. most cookies are fine keeping in a container. the only excep icing. sometimes they're made with raw egg whites. >> i don't know what royal icing is. >> don't worry about it. keep your cookies on the counter. okay. next one. how bad is it to use the oven's self-cleaning feature right before a holiday party? >> that's bad. >> bad or not bad? >> naughty? >> bad. not a good idea. >> too many risks. house. might break down. >> you might even get your fire alarm, smoke detector coming off. >> good luck to get a repairman. >> i didn't know it worked. >> it's a big thing. >> they never clean their ovens. >> i don't. i use spray stuff. >> if you're embarrassed of your oven gunk, use baking soda and water, cover it in the oven and wipe it down. the safe way t suggested on a secret santa gift? >> i think that's bad. i think it makes it -- it makes everyone else feel bad. >> yeah. but we did one last year like $10. it was hard. >> dylan's right. >> yeah. >> you can't do -- you should not spend more. it sends the wrong message. you're trying to one-up your friends. your co-workers. you might look like a brown-noser at work. >> it's a secret santa. it's not really $10. >> dylan, you're up one. >> you want to be a rule-follower. if you spend more, you kind of look like a jerk. >> i will save my money. it's the holidays. how bad is it to cook savory and sweet dishes at the same time in the oven? >> i think that's okay. >> i think that's okay. >> the turkey. i'm going to give you a hint, what if your meat has onions, garlic, spaces? it's not bad. it is bad. the flavors of your desserts can take on the garlic. you don't want your cherry pie and tasting like garlic. how bad is it to vacuum christmas tree needles? >> can you do it? >> yeah. vacuum cleaner companies say, >> do we have a winnerwinner? >> it's because there are some people you should give underwear to this holiday. and there are some people you shouldn't . people you should. shouldn't. janice! should. shouldn't. yes. no. should. no way. should. no. definitely not. you shouldn't give underwear to everybody. but for those you do, give them fruit of the loom. ow! so you think santa will like these... red and green m&m's? i don't know! i never met the guy! whaaaaa! he does exist! they do exist! uhm... santa? when cold and flu hold you back try theraflu expressmax, now in new caplets. it's the only cold & flu caplet for a powerful comeback. new expressmax caplets. >> announcer: this is a "news4 today" news break. 9:26 on this thursday, december 1st. montgomery police investigating what they are calling a possible hate-based it happened before 6:30 yesterday morning. and the homeowners found derogatory words spray-painted on their vehicles and ty i their political affiliation could be the motive here. and then the christmas tree lighting tonight, and you are looking at video from last year. and the ceremony starts at 5:00 but you can get there as early as 3:00 p.m. we will have a look at your good morning, everybody. the gw parkway not too far off the end of the run way, and in that's where we are going to stay for the reminder of the afternoon, and we will be dry again for the next few days. get the latest news and weather anytime, just open the clearly costume change because my favorite is in the house. jeffrey dean morgan has been busy over the last several years, appearing in dozens of movies and tv series. he captured the heart on he broke our hearts as denny duquette on "grey's anatomy." now, he's on "the walking dead," playing negan, the undisputed villain on the show, who rolls by his own set of rules. >> well, hello there. >> i missed you. >> oh, my. >> that's so frightening. >> jeffrey dean morgan. so, okay. your character is so bad. >> awful. the worst ever. >> i think he's a little misunderstood. >> misunderstood? >> it has barbed wire on it. >> lucille. >> everybody was talking about the season premiere. and they thought it might have gone too far. how did you feel about the premiere? you know, there was people talking about some of the -- i mean, really graphic violence. >> i don't know that the show was going to win either way on that. people were upset last year that i didn't bash someone's head in bashed some heads in and it was too much. >> can't win. >> i don't know if there was -- there's not even a happy medium there. that being said, i mean, look. he had to do what he had to do. >> you can't even keep a straight face. >> it was pretty horrible. >> is it fun to play a bad character? >> yeah. >> this character takes such glee. and the world is his stage. it's a fun and challenging character to play. but bringing him to life, there's a certain amount of glee you have to bring to this guy. i'm having fun doing it. >> the anticipation of meeting negan. those of us online. i wore this to work. i woke up like this. and then, to finally meet negan. and this character lives up to most frightening nonsupernatural villains of all-time. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. >> now, i'm watching for you to be killed. is that wrong? >> i think that's wishful thinking. >> what to you know? >> i think the plan would be, you don't want him to die yet, do you? >> sure. die right away. >> well, no. >> the next question i have, dave he hosts for the first time and he channels negan. did you see that? >> i sure did. how cool was that? and for him to come back after -- taking a ten-year kind of break. and to bring back his favorite characters that we love, i guess. and to do negan, was awesome. >> i think we have a split-screen of you and dave. just want you to see the resemblance. >> he nailed it. he nailed it. i mean -- mirror. it was great. >> is it true, you get into this so much, you hurt yourself? >> well, i -- andy lincoln took particular glee in the fact -- >> there's your split-screen with dave chappelle. >> i was having fun and doing a negan moment on-set. and i was yelling and making fun of rick, andy's character. and i was having too much fun. and i pulled a muscle in my rib. and he was like, serves you right. >> nice. >> i love through all this, i know we're short on time. but you have a candy store. >> i do. in rhinebeck. >> with paul rudd. >> yeah. we have a candy store. a friend of ours had owned it for 25 years. he passed away. and we decided we wanted to keep his legacy alive. sure. come on up. >> jeffrey, thank you so much. >> enjoying it. and "the walking dead" sunday nights on amc. coming up, natalie portman delivering another performance in the new movie "jackie." we're going to talk to her and the roses are blooming in herbal essences hair is delightfully fragranced with notes of moroccan rose and the freshness of springtime from herbal essences, blooming now! people say, let's just get a sandwich or something. "or something"? you don't just graduate from medical school, "or something." and we don't just pull smoked chicken, lice avocado. there's nothing "or something" about it. there is a world, like no other world. where faraway lands meet distant galaxies. and even families who are together every day can make the kind of memories that bring them closer kisses deluxe chocolates. with a whole roasted hazelnut, delicate crisps and layers of rich, creamy chocolate, they're twice the size of the kisses chocolates you love. say more with kisses deluxe. infallible matte gloss from l'oreal. the pro-matte sensation. intense color, ultra matte finish. feels so velvety soft. high-impact matte color that lasts. matte has never been so addictive. the matte gloss from l'or?al make-up designer paris. i tried hard to quit smoking. but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it's the best thing that ever happened to me. ? harry's meeting clients from far away.? ? but they only see his wrinkles. ? ? if only harry used some bounce, to dry.? ? he would be a less-wrinkly winning guy. ?? (chuckle) ( ?? ) come on, dad. ( ?? ) ? they tell me i'm wrong ? ? to want to stand alongside my, my love ? ? whoa, talkin' 'bout my love ? ? talkin' 'bout my, my love ? you ready, dad? ? whoa-ooh ? ? ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh ? ? whoa-ooh ? the first person to survive alzheimer's disease is out there. and the alzheimer's association is going to make it happen and providing local support to those living with the disease and their caregivers. but we won't get there without you. visit to join the fight. well, it's been neasi the oscar for her role in "black swan." and now, more oscar buzz for her portrayal of jackie kennedy in "jackie." >> we had the pleasure to sit down with the actress and director to talk about the film. >> you ready? >> of course. >> you remember governor and mrs. connolly. >> welcome to dallas, darling. >> thank you so much. >> i was telling you, i grew up in texas. and i remember moving to the northeast for the first time in philadelphia. and people said, you're from the place that kil of all of it, still so fresh. what pressure were you under to capture jackie kennedy? >> she does represent so much to the american people. her and jfk. and of course, you want to do them justice. but also, you're trying to portray human beings. i think that was nice about the approach. that it was trying to look at them as people, not as icons. english-speeching film that you're directing. and you picked a topic that is so iconic to us in the country. did that add extra pressure to it? >> well, yeah. it's a lot of pressure. but it's an opportunity to focus on a woman and our first lady, on a mother and someone who is so iconic for the rest of the world. >> and that was humanizing, natalie, the scene. i don't want to give everything away here. but there was a shower scene. and i told yo crying. it was the humanizing portrayal of this woman we are convinced we know so well. >> i think there was something that was so interesting about the approach of the movie that it takes place in short, condensed period, right after the assassination because we know the assassination so well. but we don't think of those moments of like, she had to wash the blood off her after. and pablo, we were making it hospital. >> 6:30. >> must have felt like an eternity. >> from the moment of the bullet until they got to the hospital, was more than six minutes. it's a life. you know? >> this is a special movie for us, besides the fact that, you've done such a great job, both of you. but our executive producer wrote the script, noah oppenheim. this is a woman so famous. and we know so little about her. to be so much. including, probably one of the first people that was cognizant of her brand. and branding, camelot and all that went with it. >> absolutely. and it's really impressive to see someone then, who was thinking so much about their image, even in a moment when they're -- impressive because she knew how much the image meant to the entire nation and how much it meant symbolically really terrible moment for her. >> do you think, what would she think of your portrayal? >> i would be terrified. i have reverence for her. and we're not presenting this as a history book. it's not a documentary. it's a lot of imagination involved. >> that's amazing film. and "jackie" hits select theaters tomorrow. all right. we're not going to do weather. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. . good morning, everybody. there's a check of your five-day forecast. it's breezy in the 40s and 50s now, and that's where we are going to stay for the remainder of the day. chilly this evening if you are going to the national tree lighting, in the 40s with breeze around, and breezy and chilly for friday and saturday, and a chance for late showers on late sunday evening, and then back to dry weather on monday. coming up, it's feeling like christmas thanks to the a cappella group. chaser. they have a performance to get all of ? happy holidays from crayola. so when do i start? um, shouldn't it be "spokes-crayon?" can somebody turn on the a/c? i'm melting here. ?air marker spraayer!!!? chemistry, baby! i'm okay. the holidays just got more surprising. you can find these great gifts and more in the crayola aisle. aaaaaah! each sold separately. does your child need help with digestive balance? try align junior probiotic. so she can have a fraction dominating... status updating... hello-yellow-belt kind of day. get 24/7 digestive support with align junior. the honey in honey nut cheerios likes to take its sweet time. 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'cause when i'm with you it feels like christmas ? ? now that i got you the nights don't feel so cold ? ? it will be to hold on to you out of my sleep ? ? feels like it will feel like christmas ? ? it will feel like christmas it will feel like ? ? it will feel like we'll light a fire ? ? and we'll heat things up ? ? let me pour some cocoa in your cup ? ? go ahead and hang that mistletoe ? to get real close ? ? only november but it might as well be december ? ? 'cause when i'm with you it feels like christmas ? ? it must have been good because, baby, you're just what i wanted ? ? and now that i got you the night's gonna feel so ? ? cold you got me to hold on to ? when i'm with you ? ? it feels like christmas must have been good because ? ? baby, you're all that i want ? ? and now that i got you ? ? the nights don't feel so cold yeah, you're there for me to hold on to ? ? and it's only november but might as well be december ? ? 'cause when i'm with you it feels like christmas ? ? it must have been good because baby, you're just wha wanted ? ? and now that i got you the nights don't feel so cold ? ? yeah, you're there for me to hold on to ? ? and i don't mind sleeping because i know when i wake up ? ? you'll be beside me i'll never let you go ? ? even if i wake up from the best dream ever ? ? it feels like it will feel like christmas ? ? it will feel like christmas ? yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah ? [ applause ] >> straight no chaser. that was awesome, guys. you can see the video for "feels like christmas" on we're back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. the holidays are a time of giving. and we're getting into the spirit with our 23rd annual "today" toy drive. and with us is morgan, director of boys toys, to tell us about this year's donation. morgan, good to see you. >> thank you for having us. >> why is it a pleasure, honor, to participate in this? >> we're lucky, we do a great drive. we give joy to kids. smile to kids. and that should be to all kids, especially around time of christmas. some kids are not as fortunate as others. and we should be there for them. >> what are you donating this year? >> we're donating all of our 8,000 toys, worth over $150,000. and that's across several brands, including pokemon. you're clutching one of the hottest toys around. >> he's okay. you know him. my friend, pikachu. >> and it lights up. >> it lights up. he talks and laughs and reacts when you press his thanks to tome, as well. and by the way, we hope you will stop by the plaza and donate a toy for a child up to age 18. you can donate online, >> announcer: this >> 9:57 is your time on this thursday, december 1st, 2016. i am eun yang. today is a day to recognize the challenges in reaching affected communities and continue work needed to achieve the obama administration's goal of ending aids worldwide by 2030. the d.c. mayor plans to announce the 90-90-50 plan, and it will be the new approach to ending district. let's check your forecast. >> sunshine out there, and a bit of a northwest breeze you will contend with all day, and temperatures in the 50s for the remainder of the afternoon, and another cold night tonight, back in the 30s by tomorrow morning, and that will be the return of much more typical weather for what is now gilchrist talks to tim kaine. quilted northern works so well people can forget their bathroom experience. but these birds see all and forget nothing. from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb, live from studio 1a in thirsty ursday. we're so glad you chose to join us. it's the first day of december, hoda woman. >> it's already here. >> yesterday's song by hunter hayes. my daughter loves him, thinks he's great. >> adorable. >> we have a good show. >> two british beauties are here, elizabeth hurley and her son damian. she's back in the series called "the royals" on e! and her sonic

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