Transcripts For WRC Today 20160718 :

Transcripts For WRC Today 20160718

>> one more time. ♪ reunited and it feels so good ♪ >> we can do all kinds of things. missed you last week. we had great feel filling in. i want to thank every one of them, but we have our hoda woman back and we want to hear all about your vacation. but if your kid are off at summer chasm, have a girl's night because we have a movie you want to see. bad moms are very funny. >> and if you were at the beach, you might have missed some of the hole would i headlines including the latest step if the uncoupling of gwyneth paltrow and chris martin, that is all in today's buzz. >> and a big name in country music is touri a song. >> love it. so you know what i did on my vacation? >> nothing. >> nothing. we stood on the pier. and we fished. and joel and i -- joel and i were there and his daughter a couple of the days. and it was so peaceful, we went to the fish place, we bought fish, we cooked fish. >> so the fish that you caught, you didn't -- >> it was like in the back. >> the fish that you caught -- >> we threw back. and that is joel's daughter. and look at the back, you see the guy with the baseball cat? i don't know if you can zoom in. he's like the best photo bomber of all-time. anyway, we took like three or four pictures and in every one he's doing like a different pose like hey, haa. >> people are annoying but they don't know it. >> and this is called a fluke. joel kept saying if he >> such a funny guy. >> people kept stopping by. >> she was up in my neighborhood last night. >> she came looking for you? hello. >> and this was -- this is our posse. a lot of people from the "today" show back there. alex from the raplaza, katie. and we had funky dance party which we don't want to reveal. we just kept eating and drinking and happening onging out from m school. but we didn't do anything. and i went to the washington journal and media conference and there they are. so i flew to d.c. and got to see some great journalism students and said i would give them a shout out. and my mom is in the back. see her? she's in the . any way, so it was fun. i missed you. >> you never do this. >> i feel so -- i can't believe it. like -- >> joy is nonknnegotiable. >> tell me about nantucket. >> i went off to nantucket to share all of my stuff with a lot of people there. we had a home in for many years. just one of the greatest places in the world. . summertimes are just magic. so i took pictures i think. first day i did it a -- that is my dear friends. and kristen never lets herself being photographed. and there i am with cardboard kathy. she's a much nicer person than i am. but so much nice people came by. suzy welch came by. just to hang. it was a lot of fun. >> i know you used to be all? >> i get there enough in the summer and we live on the water at home anyway. so you have seasons it life and i'm in a new season. you don't worry about what you've lost or obsess about it. if you're going to obsess, let's talk about what you ever and be grateful for it. >> i don't know if it's because i've been gop if a weeks but you look really great. what is happening? >> i'm a week older. >> no. >> not a daggone thing. >> let's talk about the hottest dude going. >> so i woke up this morning and i follow taylor swift on insta. i don't follow kanye. but anyway, i saw a posting something about the feud with her and kanye. so here's what went down. there is a feud between kanye and kim kardashian over the lyrics to the song "famous." theic it features wax celebrities naked in bed. okay? this is all the video we can shoe y show you because the rest is explicit and yucky. so the song contains the lyric calling taylor swift the b word, okay? now, taylor has said that she did not approve that liyric and she lashed out against kanye. kim maintained that taylor did know about the whole thing, the words. >> and the video. >> and kanye and taylor were on a phone call and it was being taped while the conversation was happening. she did not know that she said. >> taylor didn't know. so kim decided to take that video and post is on snapchat. so here is the video temperature take a look and listen. >> i feel like me and taylor might still have sex. >> -- over this is a really cool thing to have -- thing to have -- give a [ bleep ] you as a person and friend. i don't want to do rap that makes people feel bad. >> yeah, i mean, it's obvious very. [ inaudible ] either way. i and i appreciate you telling me about it. that's very nice. >> i have a responsibility to you as a friend, you know. thanks for being so cool about it. >> yeah, i really appreciate it, like the heads up is so nice. >> it's hard to hear. yeah. >> basically said kanye asked taylor about having sex and she said it seemed okay and it was a compliment and then she said taylor maintained that approved using the b word. fra first of all, just the video itself is enough i can imagine what that must have felt like. >> i'm sure she feels abused in some way. >> yeah, she didn't know the call was being recorded and all that stuff. and so she posted something on instragram that said get me out of here and tweeted being falsely painted as a liar when i was never given the full story or played any part of the song is character as satisfies facas. >> so she never heard the song. not the b one. >> so all kind of yucky. >> makes the world a better place this anyway by either the song or the video, look what is going on in our world today and this is the kind of stuff we're talking about? you just feel dirty even talking about it. it is so self centered, ego centric, you know, all of it. >> that's a really good point. because i think when i woke up in the morning, i always go to what is and url it's horrible things. turkey, baton rouge. nice. and i actually get relieved when i see like a baseball player trending because you know at least it's not something bad or -- >> yeah. you want to know who is caught right now? mick jagger. 72-year-old rocker, well, he's rocking all right. he announced that he's going to be having, not he personally, but his girlfriend, his eighth child. >> she's 19, a ballerina, melanie is pregnant. jag mick jagger has seven other kids. oldest 45, youngest 17. she apparently will not live with him. she's going to live in either new york or l.a. i was reading. so there you go. >> love to know what you all think. okay. babies are beautiful things, believe me. all right. so olivia wall goton is also pregnant and getting hot and steamy in the kitchen. >> this weekend she posted a baby bump pick on instragram. they have a 2-year-old son and olivia says her pregnancy weakness. >> mine was pasta. i wanted the pomodora, tomato sauce. >> yummy. we both have awesome favorite things coming up later. >> and plus we'll throw the mother of all parties on our plaza moms and a couple of really bad this is 100% useful for a 100% fresh mouth.. what's it like to not feel 100% fresh? we don't know. we swish listerine®. as do listerine® users. the very people we studied in the study of bold. people who are statistically more likely to stand up to a bully. do a yoga handstand. and be in a magician's act. listerine® kills 99% of bad breath germs so you can feel 100% in life. bring out the bold™. lawyers use these! i love it! two pocket character backpack for back to school, $9.88 save money. live better. walmart. ♪ you must be the new teacher, huh? yeah. remember, days like today, you'll never forget. so enjoy it, you're going to do great. thanks. ♪ kleenex, someone needs one. it was love at first touch met and all you wanted to do was surround them in comfort and protection that's why only pampers swaddlers is the #1 choice of hospitals to wrap your baby in blanket-like softness and premium protection mom: "oh hi baby" and play. pampers 1100 meals a year, 300 stressful decisions, no wonder our digestive system sometimes acts up. try activia! enjoying activia twice a day for 4 weeks may help reduce the frequency of minor digestive issues. it tastes great! oh, hey, jamie, can you hang back a sec? ♪ you wanna tell me about the boy in this painting? i dunno...maybe nobody understands him. well, if he were here, i'd say that being different is what makes him special. just like our discounts -- each one is unique, but together, they help save our customers a lot of money. okay. pop quiz, who's my favorite student? gwen? yeah! it's gwen. yeah, gwen's the best. are you an overwhelming mom, a don't pay attention mom or kid free vacation mom some who could you a little me time? >> well, if you can relate to these lovely moms we found on the plaza, now is the time to let loose with a couple of really bad moms. >> i've seen the movie. katherine and they are the oscar nominated co-writere es of bride maids. and. >> and bad mom feature as mom who has had enough. >> trying to go be per pegt is making us insane. >> it's impossible to be a good mom. >> i'm in. >> oh, my gsh. this is exciting. i'm in. >> yes, to bad moms. >> bad moms! >> if you can possibly do it, this is the answer to all of it. so here you are, and you're very bad and very naughty in this movie. looks like you had a blast. was it fun? >> it was the woman. we were in new orleans. all of us, the six of us in the movie are all moms ourselves. >> where did you eat in new orles? >> give me one. >> i went to august. >> oh, yeah. that was so good. >> i ate there way too many times. >> shopped there. blue crab is good. >> so talk about the movie. >> so i sure you recognize yourself even though you're work moms. every mom is a working mom. could you find yourself in these roles especially the single one trampy? >> she's exactly like her character. no, you know, there was some so cathartic about playing someone who is that divorced from her own kind of guilt or shame. no shame here. it was very liberating to just -- obviously there has to be a healthy medium, but it was fun for sure. >> and my character is just really so -- she had a head injury at some point. she thinks she's recovered but she's not. probably shouldn't be driving ever. >> there was such chemistry among the group. did you hang out together or tu stay like you are in the movie? >> we shot separately mostly because the three of them and then us. so we didn't interact with each other unless we had big huge scenes. >> we found each other off camera, though. >> were you friends right away? >> we've worked together before so, yeah. >> and anywhere in the vicinity of new orleans, we definitely met for cocktails. >> the reason a movie like this works is because it's based in truth. so many women are struggling, trying to be that super mom, trying to be everything to everybody. and you do want to quit sometimes. you just want to say you know what, w and there is such a crazy amount p expectation to put on moms to have everything. we're just kind of in-up at a timed with the blogs and the advice and -- >> do you feel that in right life? >> yeah. i think i didn't really start sleeping until i realized it's not going to get done as perfects and i want to. >> somebody has the short end of the stick. but you make up for it. it's not perfection. >> no. >> love your kids and their childhoods are so short. >> somehow they make it through. >> you guys are so much fun. the movie will be great. >> yeah, thank you for coming. we really appreciate it. bad moms hits theaters on july 29. >> will our fan of the week win a four day getaway? could it be you? stick around and find out. plus courtney and cocoa and today's buzz. is back starting at $12.99, only at olive garden.tour of italy choose 3 of 9 of our favorite italian dishes to get everything you want, all on one plate. plus unlimited salad and breadsticks. because the best tour of italy is the one you create. olive garden. to have dry, therelifeless hair. with l'oréal extraordinary oil. a shampoo system with lightweight oils. eliminates dry hair in just one wash. 93% of women were satisfied. l'oréal extraordinary oil. expert care for demanding hair. hey spray 'n wash is back...ews? and even better. it's powerful formula removes everyday stains the first time. which is bad news for stains, and good news for you. spray 'n wash. back 'n better. the fastest food truck min brooklyn. meet mylanta® tonight. it's also fast, but unlike godawgs, it makes heartburn after dinner, history. new mylanta® tonight. faster than heartburn. ...another anti-wrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works... one week. with the... fastest retinol formula. visibly reduce wrinkles. strike! sfx: "boop" ♪ complete pair of eyeglasses, 1 year replacement warranty, $38 save money. live better. walmart. ii can't believe it's made with real, simple ingredients.ter. i can't believe... we're on a whale. i can't believe my role isn't bigger. real ingredients. unbelievable taste. enjoy i can't believe it's not butter! >> time to surprise our fan of the week. drum roll, please, while we spin the globe and let's see where it's taking us today. warwick, new york. that's where lynn watches us on nbc 4 new york. lynn, hi. are you surprised? >> who are those little ones with you? >> hi, this is nathan a >> hello, kids. how cute. well, we'll let everybody know why you were chosen, all right? >> okay. >> lynn is a loving stay at home working mom to two boys 6-year-old nathan and five month old miles. and miles has been a fan of us his entire life and lynn has a position to prove it. >> they recently marked their ten year appalachinniversary an would love to take him on a celebrate if she wins. so let's put your fan to the test with a trivia question, all right? you have 15 seconds to win the grand prize. are you ready? >> i'm ready. >> all right. one of our favorite "today" show con freb butte tors bobbie thomas often brings her adorable baby boy on her it miles -- >> miles. >> that's right. and you and your husband will head to minneapolis, minnesota one of the twen cifof the twin u can float don't mississippi river. a beautiful place. three nights. >> and you will be treated to continue foretwo at the beacon public house and receive into tickets to the science of minnesota. round trip airfare is included. have you ever been there. >> >> nevnever. >> you'll love it. bye guys. celebrity buzz coming up. >> and he's one of top five rising country stars and you're about to find out why when he performs for us right after this. ♪ susie got all germy ♪ a cold, a bug, a flu ♪ when school was back in session ♪ ♪ those germs were shared with you ♪ back to school means back to germs. and every year kids miss 22 million school days due to illness. but lysol spray and wipes kill 99.9% of germs... to help protect your home and family. and now that lysol is the only disinfectant with box tops, you earn cash for your school, every time you lysol that. give them a universe of knowledge with this 11.6" samsung chromebook for just $189. save money. live better. walmart. does your makeup remover every kiss-proof,ff? 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"you always encouraged me to go after my dreams. well, it's my turn now. love always, your future maid of honor." ♪ we're back on a fun damon oig wi oig. with all the juicy gossip you might have missed is the host of all the rage shelly wade. >> hello, shelly. >> good to see you. >> you, too. lady gaga. drafi in driving in her car, minding her own business. >> got stopped by the officers. i thought she's a new yorker, of course she'll get stopped. but she was in a a nice red pickup truck. the problem was she didn't h her plates yet. >> they give you temporary plates. >> maybe she didn't think the templatorary plates were fabulo enough for her. >> so what happened? >> well, tmz had pictures of will herring stop and she was like yeah, but it was because of this, i didn't do anything stop and she was like yeah, but it was because of this, i didn't do anything wrong. >> and we have exciting casting news. hans slow l solo. >> yeah, a 26-year-old, aaron wright, virtually unknown, but recent i seen in hail caesar. >> handsome. >> and his audition period spanned about six months. he was the first one they saw. out of 3,000 people, very first person they saw that sthey auditioned and the drigt tors were like we wasted money. >> big shoes to film. >> they didn't start filming until early next year and it's out may 2018. so we have a while. >> yeah. >> meanwhile episode 8 comes out in december. >> so courtney cox's daughter coco, is she following her mama? >> yeah, remember courtney cox was in that you see it right there, what an iconic moment. yeah, she got on stage dancing in the dark with bruce. and so now full circle moment that courtney is -- she directed a new video starring you see it right there, her daughter, coco. and an irish singer and songwriter wrote a song inspired by co krchlc by co krchl and court any said it captured her daughter's prn ality really well. and her mom gained fame from being in a music video, so she -- >> and she's dating the guy who is a friend of the rocker. >> yeah, courtney dates her boyfriend is from the group snow patrol. really good friends with the guy. >> yeah. all right. and we have gwyneth paltrow. is it finally over? >> it's finalized yeah. it's been going on for two years. last week was the official ending of their divorce. they both signed as far as the property the and child support. they agreed on that. but listen, neither of them wants spousal support. >> they don't need it. >> is this the best most friendly divorce we've ever seen? >> it's nice actually for the kids. >> >> they go on vacation together. >> they cebrate the kids' birthdays together. so really nice and positive. >> it's the right thing for those children for sure. all right. thanks, hon. thanks so much. we're about to go where no "today" host has gone before. save a life in the the typemidst of chaos.that can doesn't quite fit on a resume. we owhat made their mystskin more radiant?nt. what?! wait! only dove has 1/4 moisturizing cream. smooth dewy skin. dove, your daily beauty treatment for radiant skin. you need to eat this special. ♪ ♪ i love it start your day with crunchy whole-grain flakes... and real strawberries. special k. eat special. feel special. new root cover up.ion? 3 seconds to flawless roots. 3, 2, 1 roots gone! new root cover up by l'oréal hair oh my gosh! y weigh yourself down? try aveeno® sheer hydration. its active naturals® oat formula... ...goes on feather light. absorbs in seconds... ...keeps skin healthy looking and soft. aveeno® naturally beautiful results. mother in-law with a glad bag, full of trash. what happens next? nothing. only glad has febreze to neutralize odors for 5 days. guaranteed. even the most perceptive noses won't notice the trash. be happy. it's glad. ♪fx: boop this back to school, unleash their creativity... with this crayola 24-pack for just $.50. save money. live better. walmart. are you ready to take the gel envy challenge? revlon colorstay gel envy with diamond top coat. we challenged the leading competitor and look how they cracked under pressure. try it for yourself. take the revlon gel envy challenge today. to secure a job in the therfield of education.ents sleep isn't one of them. . karl urban is no stranger to fantasy films having starred in everything from lord of the renks to hercules. >> and this friday he's returning to star trek beyond. he plays dr. leonard m better known as bones. but he still has time to have a little bit of fun. >> did you guys break up? what did you do? >> typically reductive inquiry. >> you know, spock, nerve girl says it's me not you. it's definitely you. >> i love that. >> thank you. >> how much humor is peppered through this? >> you know, this script was written by the guy who plays scotty and he put a lot of humor in there. a lot of fun. >> and you didn't know for sure if you wanted to be a part of it, why was that is this. >> there was actually another project that i was in negotiation to do and i heard the new star trek was coming out and the director that i thought the i have to do this. justin directed the fast and furious movies. and he's a fan of star trek, so he could infuse that love and passion in star trek with his fast and furious sense ability. >> we're fan of star trek since you were a little? >> yeah, it was always a fun show which pushed the social boundaries. >> and had humanity at the center of it. >> yeah, it's about a vision of humanity that is united and diverse group of men and women who are out there exploring space. and it's an appealing positive vision of the future. >> how close did you and the cast get shooting this? >> we had a s. angeles. so we hung out all the time 37. >> and there was a heartbreaking loss throughout all of this. >> yeah, we lost anton yelchin who plain such a tragic acciden. and so difficult to think about him in the past. i'll never for get his life and this movie is a great testament for him. he's fantasticget his life and this movie is a great testament for him. he's fantastic in it. >> and we'll play a little gaimt game with you if that's okay. we'll tell us something and we'll figure out if it's real or urban legend. >> cover star keith urban is my second cousin on my mother's side. >> legend. . not the true. >> that is not true.not the tru. >> that is not true. although -- >>e' >> it had been reported that i had mattered any coal, which caused a few decisions with my wife. >> i bet. all right. >> i have two boy, one named indiana after my love of the indiana jones movies. >> i'm going real. >> that is true. although it wasn't my choice to name him that, but let's not go there. okay. i was one ever several actors considered for the role of 007 that went to daniel craig. >> real. >> that is real. got to be quick. it's a quick game. >> okay. real quick. >> okay. first one i ever said as an actor i got no proper clothes on. >> real. >> this is good. >> star trek beyond hits theaters on friday. david nail performs his single live right after this. mr. clean gets tough on dirt and grime and grease in just a minute mr. clean will clean your whole house and every room that's in it. floors, doors, walls, halls he's so tough, he cleans'em all mr. clean gets tough on stuck-on stuff cleans kitchens in a minute. mr. clean will clean your whole house and every room that's in it. mr. clean, mr. clean, mr. clean! wearing powerful sunscreen? yes! neutrogena® ultra sheer. unbeatable protection helps prevent early skin aging and skin cancer with a clean feel. the best for your skin. ultra sheer®. neutrogena®. for over 100 years like kraft has,natural cheese you learn a lot about how people cook. i wish i had like four different mexican cheeses but in one super melty cheese. it does exist! you still have two cheese wishes left. go sensationally bold! new color sensational loaded bolds from maybelline new york. loaded with hyper-color pigments... for one-stroke intensity... and honey nectar. sumptuous feel. maybelline's new loaded bolds. make it happen. ♪ maybelline when you don't get enough and your body aches... you're not yourself. tylenol® pm relieves pain and helps you fall fast asleep and stay asleep. we give you a better night. you're a better you all day. tylenol®. hey spray 'n wash is and even better. it's powerful formula removes everyday stains the first time. which is bad news for stains, and good news for you. spray 'n wash. back 'n better. ♪ >> narrator: the citi concert series proudly presented by citi. >> he's taking the country music world by storm. >> we're talking about missouri native david nail with his 2004 number one single whatever she's got. and more good news arrived when david and his wife had twins in december. and get this, he camut with another single called nights on fire. good to see you. >> hi. >> congratulations. >> thank you so overcoming adversity and you've had your share. >> i tell people all the time selfishly you make your songs to help you through whatever it is you're going through and that is a big part, it helps you out just to get it off your chest. and realize that there are so many people out there that they hear these songs and have a whole new experience. >> what are you going to sink for us david? >> nights on fire. >> you better. here he is, david nail. ♪ ♪ slow summer on a friday ♪ ♪ here he we go again, wild in the wind, mama knows she's going to be late ♪ ♪ hit the party just to watch her dance, good to go when she grabs her happened ♪ ♪ like a shot from a gun, it's dead run, the first leg of a getaway plan ♪ ♪ you burn rubber when you smoke them tires, day's gone and the night's on fire ♪ she's telling you turn off the highway, the sun set melts on the blue away, black bird watching on the telephone wire ♪ ♪ whiskey her lips and the night's on fire ♪ ♪ littered with stars close enough to touch, july promise in the back of that truck ♪ ♪ her every move was taking you hire, you try to play it cool but the night's on fire ♪ ♪ dream, drawing hearts in the window steam, she's a getting you right, knows what you like, and pours it on like gasoline ♪ ♪ when you know what you're headed to, what's a red blooded boy to do ♪ ♪ she's telling you turn off the highway, the sunset melts all the blue away, black bird watching on the telephone wire ♪ ♪ whiskey on her lips and the night's on fire ♪ littered with stars close enough to touch, july promise in the back of that truck respect her every move was taking you higher ♪ ♪ you try to play it cool but the night's on fire, you try to play it cool but the night on fire ♪ ♪ she's it willing you turn off the highway, sun set the blue arrest, black baird watching on the telephone wire, whiskey on her lips and the night's on fire ♪ ♪ littered with stars close enough to touch, july promise in the back of that truck, her every move was taking you higher ♪ ♪ you try to play it cool but the night's on fire, you try to play it cool but the night's on fire ♪ you try to play it cool but the night's on fire ♪ >> you, big david. david nail. all the best with it. thank you. >> thank you so much. >> our favorite things are next. but first this is "today." before we get to our favorite thing, earlier we are they're sin olivia abomarreid. 2013. time for favorite down t streets and your heel go there is to a grate and they're all wrecked? this is something called kixx. it's a sticker that you put it on the black shoe. if it rips, you can put another one on top of it. it's amazing. and i was in in nantucket and te is a darling shoe store there. look at these. the most comfortable. these are washable. and for the comfort, and the -- they come in a whole bunch of -- go on their website. >> and i locobble stone. it's favorite. >> and tomorrow, a performance by our country breaking news. the verdict is in at the trial for lieutenant brian rice. he is the highest ranking baltimore police officer charged in the death of freddie gray. we'll bring you a live update from the courthouse. good morning, i'm aaron gilchrist. >> and i'm eun yang. the baltimore verdict just one of several big stories we are staying on top of this hour. from baton rouge we are getting more information on the gunman who ambushed police killing three officers. we'll have more on the former marine's background. and from cleveland, the republican national convention gets under way today. we'll see

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Transcripts For WRC Today 20160718 :

Transcripts For WRC Today 20160718

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>> one more time. ♪ reunited and it feels so good ♪ >> we can do all kinds of things. missed you last week. we had great feel filling in. i want to thank every one of them, but we have our hoda woman back and we want to hear all about your vacation. but if your kid are off at summer chasm, have a girl's night because we have a movie you want to see. bad moms are very funny. >> and if you were at the beach, you might have missed some of the hole would i headlines including the latest step if the uncoupling of gwyneth paltrow and chris martin, that is all in today's buzz. >> and a big name in country music is touri a song. >> love it. so you know what i did on my vacation? >> nothing. >> nothing. we stood on the pier. and we fished. and joel and i -- joel and i were there and his daughter a couple of the days. and it was so peaceful, we went to the fish place, we bought fish, we cooked fish. >> so the fish that you caught, you didn't -- >> it was like in the back. >> the fish that you caught -- >> we threw back. and that is joel's daughter. and look at the back, you see the guy with the baseball cat? i don't know if you can zoom in. he's like the best photo bomber of all-time. anyway, we took like three or four pictures and in every one he's doing like a different pose like hey, haa. >> people are annoying but they don't know it. >> and this is called a fluke. joel kept saying if he >> such a funny guy. >> people kept stopping by. >> she was up in my neighborhood last night. >> she came looking for you? hello. >> and this was -- this is our posse. a lot of people from the "today" show back there. alex from the raplaza, katie. and we had funky dance party which we don't want to reveal. we just kept eating and drinking and happening onging out from m school. but we didn't do anything. and i went to the washington journal and media conference and there they are. so i flew to d.c. and got to see some great journalism students and said i would give them a shout out. and my mom is in the back. see her? she's in the . any way, so it was fun. i missed you. >> you never do this. >> i feel so -- i can't believe it. like -- >> joy is nonknnegotiable. >> tell me about nantucket. >> i went off to nantucket to share all of my stuff with a lot of people there. we had a home in for many years. just one of the greatest places in the world. . summertimes are just magic. so i took pictures i think. first day i did it a -- that is my dear friends. and kristen never lets herself being photographed. and there i am with cardboard kathy. she's a much nicer person than i am. but so much nice people came by. suzy welch came by. just to hang. it was a lot of fun. >> i know you used to be all? >> i get there enough in the summer and we live on the water at home anyway. so you have seasons it life and i'm in a new season. you don't worry about what you've lost or obsess about it. if you're going to obsess, let's talk about what you ever and be grateful for it. >> i don't know if it's because i've been gop if a weeks but you look really great. what is happening? >> i'm a week older. >> no. >> not a daggone thing. >> let's talk about the hottest dude going. >> so i woke up this morning and i follow taylor swift on insta. i don't follow kanye. but anyway, i saw a posting something about the feud with her and kanye. so here's what went down. there is a feud between kanye and kim kardashian over the lyrics to the song "famous." theic it features wax celebrities naked in bed. okay? this is all the video we can shoe y show you because the rest is explicit and yucky. so the song contains the lyric calling taylor swift the b word, okay? now, taylor has said that she did not approve that liyric and she lashed out against kanye. kim maintained that taylor did know about the whole thing, the words. >> and the video. >> and kanye and taylor were on a phone call and it was being taped while the conversation was happening. she did not know that she said. >> taylor didn't know. so kim decided to take that video and post is on snapchat. so here is the video temperature take a look and listen. >> i feel like me and taylor might still have sex. >> -- over this is a really cool thing to have -- thing to have -- give a [ bleep ] you as a person and friend. i don't want to do rap that makes people feel bad. >> yeah, i mean, it's obvious very. [ inaudible ] either way. i and i appreciate you telling me about it. that's very nice. >> i have a responsibility to you as a friend, you know. thanks for being so cool about it. >> yeah, i really appreciate it, like the heads up is so nice. >> it's hard to hear. yeah. >> basically said kanye asked taylor about having sex and she said it seemed okay and it was a compliment and then she said taylor maintained that approved using the b word. fra first of all, just the video itself is enough i can imagine what that must have felt like. >> i'm sure she feels abused in some way. >> yeah, she didn't know the call was being recorded and all that stuff. and so she posted something on instragram that said get me out of here and tweeted being falsely painted as a liar when i was never given the full story or played any part of the song is character as satisfies facas. >> so she never heard the song. not the b one. >> so all kind of yucky. >> makes the world a better place this anyway by either the song or the video, look what is going on in our world today and this is the kind of stuff we're talking about? you just feel dirty even talking about it. it is so self centered, ego centric, you know, all of it. >> that's a really good point. because i think when i woke up in the morning, i always go to what is and url it's horrible things. turkey, baton rouge. nice. and i actually get relieved when i see like a baseball player trending because you know at least it's not something bad or -- >> yeah. you want to know who is caught right now? mick jagger. 72-year-old rocker, well, he's rocking all right. he announced that he's going to be having, not he personally, but his girlfriend, his eighth child. >> she's 19, a ballerina, melanie is pregnant. jag mick jagger has seven other kids. oldest 45, youngest 17. she apparently will not live with him. she's going to live in either new york or l.a. i was reading. so there you go. >> love to know what you all think. okay. babies are beautiful things, believe me. all right. so olivia wall goton is also pregnant and getting hot and steamy in the kitchen. >> this weekend she posted a baby bump pick on instragram. they have a 2-year-old son and olivia says her pregnancy weakness. >> mine was pasta. i wanted the pomodora, tomato sauce. >> yummy. we both have awesome favorite things coming up later. >> and plus we'll throw the mother of all parties on our plaza moms and a couple of really bad this is 100% useful for a 100% fresh mouth.. what's it like to not feel 100% fresh? we don't know. we swish listerine®. as do listerine® users. the very people we studied in the study of bold. people who are statistically more likely to stand up to a bully. do a yoga handstand. and be in a magician's act. listerine® kills 99% of bad breath germs so you can feel 100% in life. bring out the bold™. lawyers use these! i love it! two pocket character backpack for back to school, $9.88 save money. live better. walmart. ♪ you must be the new teacher, huh? yeah. remember, days like today, you'll never forget. so enjoy it, you're going to do great. thanks. ♪ kleenex, someone needs one. it was love at first touch met and all you wanted to do was surround them in comfort and protection that's why only pampers swaddlers is the #1 choice of hospitals to wrap your baby in blanket-like softness and premium protection mom: "oh hi baby" and play. pampers 1100 meals a year, 300 stressful decisions, no wonder our digestive system sometimes acts up. try activia! enjoying activia twice a day for 4 weeks may help reduce the frequency of minor digestive issues. it tastes great! oh, hey, jamie, can you hang back a sec? ♪ you wanna tell me about the boy in this painting? i dunno...maybe nobody understands him. well, if he were here, i'd say that being different is what makes him special. just like our discounts -- each one is unique, but together, they help save our customers a lot of money. okay. pop quiz, who's my favorite student? gwen? yeah! it's gwen. yeah, gwen's the best. are you an overwhelming mom, a don't pay attention mom or kid free vacation mom some who could you a little me time? >> well, if you can relate to these lovely moms we found on the plaza, now is the time to let loose with a couple of really bad moms. >> i've seen the movie. katherine and they are the oscar nominated co-writere es of bride maids. and. >> and bad mom feature as mom who has had enough. >> trying to go be per pegt is making us insane. >> it's impossible to be a good mom. >> i'm in. >> oh, my gsh. this is exciting. i'm in. >> yes, to bad moms. >> bad moms! >> if you can possibly do it, this is the answer to all of it. so here you are, and you're very bad and very naughty in this movie. looks like you had a blast. was it fun? >> it was the woman. we were in new orleans. all of us, the six of us in the movie are all moms ourselves. >> where did you eat in new orles? >> give me one. >> i went to august. >> oh, yeah. that was so good. >> i ate there way too many times. >> shopped there. blue crab is good. >> so talk about the movie. >> so i sure you recognize yourself even though you're work moms. every mom is a working mom. could you find yourself in these roles especially the single one trampy? >> she's exactly like her character. no, you know, there was some so cathartic about playing someone who is that divorced from her own kind of guilt or shame. no shame here. it was very liberating to just -- obviously there has to be a healthy medium, but it was fun for sure. >> and my character is just really so -- she had a head injury at some point. she thinks she's recovered but she's not. probably shouldn't be driving ever. >> there was such chemistry among the group. did you hang out together or tu stay like you are in the movie? >> we shot separately mostly because the three of them and then us. so we didn't interact with each other unless we had big huge scenes. >> we found each other off camera, though. >> were you friends right away? >> we've worked together before so, yeah. >> and anywhere in the vicinity of new orleans, we definitely met for cocktails. >> the reason a movie like this works is because it's based in truth. so many women are struggling, trying to be that super mom, trying to be everything to everybody. and you do want to quit sometimes. you just want to say you know what, w and there is such a crazy amount p expectation to put on moms to have everything. we're just kind of in-up at a timed with the blogs and the advice and -- >> do you feel that in right life? >> yeah. i think i didn't really start sleeping until i realized it's not going to get done as perfects and i want to. >> somebody has the short end of the stick. but you make up for it. it's not perfection. >> no. >> love your kids and their childhoods are so short. >> somehow they make it through. >> you guys are so much fun. the movie will be great. >> yeah, thank you for coming. we really appreciate it. bad moms hits theaters on july 29. >> will our fan of the week win a four day getaway? could it be you? stick around and find out. plus courtney and cocoa and today's buzz. is back starting at $12.99, only at olive garden.tour of italy choose 3 of 9 of our favorite italian dishes to get everything you want, all on one plate. plus unlimited salad and breadsticks. because the best tour of italy is the one you create. olive garden. to have dry, therelifeless hair. with l'oréal extraordinary oil. a shampoo system with lightweight oils. eliminates dry hair in just one wash. 93% of women were satisfied. l'oréal extraordinary oil. expert care for demanding hair. hey spray 'n wash is back...ews? and even better. it's powerful formula removes everyday stains the first time. which is bad news for stains, and good news for you. spray 'n wash. back 'n better. the fastest food truck min brooklyn. meet mylanta® tonight. it's also fast, but unlike godawgs, it makes heartburn after dinner, history. new mylanta® tonight. faster than heartburn. ...another anti-wrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair works... one week. with the... fastest retinol formula. visibly reduce wrinkles. strike! sfx: "boop" ♪ complete pair of eyeglasses, 1 year replacement warranty, $38 save money. live better. walmart. ii can't believe it's made with real, simple ingredients.ter. i can't believe... we're on a whale. i can't believe my role isn't bigger. real ingredients. unbelievable taste. enjoy i can't believe it's not butter! >> time to surprise our fan of the week. drum roll, please, while we spin the globe and let's see where it's taking us today. warwick, new york. that's where lynn watches us on nbc 4 new york. lynn, hi. are you surprised? >> who are those little ones with you? >> hi, this is nathan a >> hello, kids. how cute. well, we'll let everybody know why you were chosen, all right? >> okay. >> lynn is a loving stay at home working mom to two boys 6-year-old nathan and five month old miles. and miles has been a fan of us his entire life and lynn has a position to prove it. >> they recently marked their ten year appalachinniversary an would love to take him on a celebrate if she wins. so let's put your fan to the test with a trivia question, all right? you have 15 seconds to win the grand prize. are you ready? >> i'm ready. >> all right. one of our favorite "today" show con freb butte tors bobbie thomas often brings her adorable baby boy on her it miles -- >> miles. >> that's right. and you and your husband will head to minneapolis, minnesota one of the twen cifof the twin u can float don't mississippi river. a beautiful place. three nights. >> and you will be treated to continue foretwo at the beacon public house and receive into tickets to the science of minnesota. round trip airfare is included. have you ever been there. >> >> nevnever. >> you'll love it. bye guys. celebrity buzz coming up. >> and he's one of top five rising country stars and you're about to find out why when he performs for us right after this. ♪ susie got all germy ♪ a cold, a bug, a flu ♪ when school was back in session ♪ ♪ those germs were shared with you ♪ back to school means back to germs. and every year kids miss 22 million school days due to illness. but lysol spray and wipes kill 99.9% of germs... to help protect your home and family. and now that lysol is the only disinfectant with box tops, you earn cash for your school, every time you lysol that. give them a universe of knowledge with this 11.6" samsung chromebook for just $189. save money. live better. walmart. does your makeup remover every kiss-proof,ff? 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"you always encouraged me to go after my dreams. well, it's my turn now. love always, your future maid of honor." ♪ we're back on a fun damon oig wi oig. with all the juicy gossip you might have missed is the host of all the rage shelly wade. >> hello, shelly. >> good to see you. >> you, too. lady gaga. drafi in driving in her car, minding her own business. >> got stopped by the officers. i thought she's a new yorker, of course she'll get stopped. but she was in a a nice red pickup truck. the problem was she didn't h her plates yet. >> they give you temporary plates. >> maybe she didn't think the templatorary plates were fabulo enough for her. >> so what happened? >> well, tmz had pictures of will herring stop and she was like yeah, but it was because of this, i didn't do anything stop and she was like yeah, but it was because of this, i didn't do anything wrong. >> and we have exciting casting news. hans slow l solo. >> yeah, a 26-year-old, aaron wright, virtually unknown, but recent i seen in hail caesar. >> handsome. >> and his audition period spanned about six months. he was the first one they saw. out of 3,000 people, very first person they saw that sthey auditioned and the drigt tors were like we wasted money. >> big shoes to film. >> they didn't start filming until early next year and it's out may 2018. so we have a while. >> yeah. >> meanwhile episode 8 comes out in december. >> so courtney cox's daughter coco, is she following her mama? >> yeah, remember courtney cox was in that you see it right there, what an iconic moment. yeah, she got on stage dancing in the dark with bruce. and so now full circle moment that courtney is -- she directed a new video starring you see it right there, her daughter, coco. and an irish singer and songwriter wrote a song inspired by co krchlc by co krchl and court any said it captured her daughter's prn ality really well. and her mom gained fame from being in a music video, so she -- >> and she's dating the guy who is a friend of the rocker. >> yeah, courtney dates her boyfriend is from the group snow patrol. really good friends with the guy. >> yeah. all right. and we have gwyneth paltrow. is it finally over? >> it's finalized yeah. it's been going on for two years. last week was the official ending of their divorce. they both signed as far as the property the and child support. they agreed on that. but listen, neither of them wants spousal support. >> they don't need it. >> is this the best most friendly divorce we've ever seen? >> it's nice actually for the kids. >> >> they go on vacation together. >> they cebrate the kids' birthdays together. so really nice and positive. >> it's the right thing for those children for sure. all right. thanks, hon. thanks so much. we're about to go where no "today" host has gone before. save a life in the the typemidst of chaos.that can doesn't quite fit on a resume. we owhat made their mystskin more radiant?nt. what?! wait! only dove has 1/4 moisturizing cream. smooth dewy skin. dove, your daily beauty treatment for radiant skin. you need to eat this special. ♪ ♪ i love it start your day with crunchy whole-grain flakes... and real strawberries. special k. eat special. feel special. new root cover up.ion? 3 seconds to flawless roots. 3, 2, 1 roots gone! new root cover up by l'oréal hair oh my gosh! y weigh yourself down? try aveeno® sheer hydration. its active naturals® oat formula... ...goes on feather light. absorbs in seconds... ...keeps skin healthy looking and soft. aveeno® naturally beautiful results. mother in-law with a glad bag, full of trash. what happens next? 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>> you know, this script was written by the guy who plays scotty and he put a lot of humor in there. a lot of fun. >> and you didn't know for sure if you wanted to be a part of it, why was that is this. >> there was actually another project that i was in negotiation to do and i heard the new star trek was coming out and the director that i thought the i have to do this. justin directed the fast and furious movies. and he's a fan of star trek, so he could infuse that love and passion in star trek with his fast and furious sense ability. >> we're fan of star trek since you were a little? >> yeah, it was always a fun show which pushed the social boundaries. >> and had humanity at the center of it. >> yeah, it's about a vision of humanity that is united and diverse group of men and women who are out there exploring space. and it's an appealing positive vision of the future. >> how close did you and the cast get shooting this? >> we had a s. angeles. so we hung out all the time 37. >> and there was a heartbreaking loss throughout all of this. >> yeah, we lost anton yelchin who plain such a tragic acciden. and so difficult to think about him in the past. i'll never for get his life and this movie is a great testament for him. he's fantasticget his life and this movie is a great testament for him. he's fantastic in it. >> and we'll play a little gaimt game with you if that's okay. we'll tell us something and we'll figure out if it's real or urban legend. >> cover star keith urban is my second cousin on my mother's side. >> legend. . not the true. >> that is not true.not the tru. >> that is not true. although -- >>e' >> it had been reported that i had mattered any coal, which caused a few decisions with my wife. >> i bet. all right. >> i have two boy, one named indiana after my love of the indiana jones movies. >> i'm going real. >> that is true. although it wasn't my choice to name him that, but let's not go there. okay. i was one ever several actors considered for the role of 007 that went to daniel craig. >> real. >> that is real. got to be quick. it's a quick game. >> okay. real quick. >> okay. first one i ever said as an actor i got no proper clothes on. >> real. >> this is good. >> star trek beyond hits theaters on friday. david nail performs his single live right after this. mr. clean gets tough on dirt and grime and grease in just a minute mr. clean will clean your whole house and every room that's in it. floors, doors, walls, halls he's so tough, he cleans'em all mr. clean gets tough on stuck-on stuff cleans kitchens in a minute. mr. clean will clean your whole house and every room that's in it. mr. clean, mr. clean, mr. clean! wearing powerful sunscreen? 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>> nights on fire. >> you better. here he is, david nail. ♪ ♪ slow summer on a friday ♪ ♪ here he we go again, wild in the wind, mama knows she's going to be late ♪ ♪ hit the party just to watch her dance, good to go when she grabs her happened ♪ ♪ like a shot from a gun, it's dead run, the first leg of a getaway plan ♪ ♪ you burn rubber when you smoke them tires, day's gone and the night's on fire ♪ she's telling you turn off the highway, the sun set melts on the blue away, black bird watching on the telephone wire ♪ ♪ whiskey her lips and the night's on fire ♪ ♪ littered with stars close enough to touch, july promise in the back of that truck ♪ ♪ her every move was taking you hire, you try to play it cool but the night's on fire ♪ ♪ dream, drawing hearts in the window steam, she's a getting you right, knows what you like, and pours it on like gasoline ♪ ♪ when you know what you're headed to, what's a red blooded boy to do ♪ ♪ she's telling you turn off the highway, the sunset melts all the blue away, black bird watching on the telephone wire ♪ ♪ whiskey on her lips and the night's on fire ♪ littered with stars close enough to touch, july promise in the back of that truck respect her every move was taking you higher ♪ ♪ you try to play it cool but the night's on fire, you try to play it cool but the night on fire ♪ ♪ she's it willing you turn off the highway, sun set the blue arrest, black baird watching on the telephone wire, whiskey on her lips and the night's on fire ♪ ♪ littered with stars close enough to touch, july promise in the back of that truck, her every move was taking you higher ♪ ♪ you try to play it cool but the night's on fire, you try to play it cool but the night's on fire ♪ you try to play it cool but the night's on fire ♪ >> you, big david. david nail. all the best with it. thank you. >> thank you so much. >> our favorite things are next. but first this is "today." before we get to our favorite thing, earlier we are they're sin olivia abomarreid. 2013. time for favorite down t streets and your heel go there is to a grate and they're all wrecked? this is something called kixx. it's a sticker that you put it on the black shoe. if it rips, you can put another one on top of it. it's amazing. and i was in in nantucket and te is a darling shoe store there. look at these. the most comfortable. these are washable. and for the comfort, and the -- they come in a whole bunch of -- go on their website. >> and i locobble stone. it's favorite. >> and tomorrow, a performance by our country breaking news. the verdict is in at the trial for lieutenant brian rice. he is the highest ranking baltimore police officer charged in the death of freddie gray. we'll bring you a live update from the courthouse. good morning, i'm aaron gilchrist. >> and i'm eun yang. the baltimore verdict just one of several big stories we are staying on top of this hour. from baton rouge we are getting more information on the gunman who ambushed police killing three officers. we'll have more on the former marine's background. and from cleveland, the republican national convention gets under way today. we'll see

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