Transcripts For WRC Today 20160216 :

Transcripts For WRC Today 20160216

mean huge? >> very big. >> i am. >> we are glad. >> yeah. >> it's the morning look. i didn't know if i was allowed to say stuff like that on the morning, abc has changed. >> this is nbc, baby. >> yeah, very excited about it. why am i in the kitchen, what is it, scottish people have to work when their here? i'll make you a lovely, here's a quick demonstration right now. >> oh my god! >> come on. >> it's all right. we'll make fun of it through the whole show. >> what are you talking about? >> it's a cooking segment coming up. >> you know, you go to a fancy straent restaurant, that will cost you $150 bucks. >> craig ferguson will be joining us, cook or die. >> a cooking show. >> we also have the property brothers get a visit by jenna hager bush. >> they're fun, they're fun to pick . >> it looks like a house coat. >> it was cold. that day was cold. >> the grammys aren't just about award, they're about style. we will show you a red carpet look with store bought makeup. youtube testing your magic. so many great tricks. but last night it was big, baby. >> yep. >> because it was the grammys and big winners last night. >> taylor swift. >> and lamar. >> taylor swift got three, album of the year for "1989." she has 12. kendrick lamar had 11 nomination, took home five trophies and a lot of people were like it either made you feel old, you are like, what, i can't understand what he is saying. >> exactly. >> that did happen a lot. a lot of the kids know he is on fire. >> "cup town funk" won best pop album of the year. >> yes. >> justi >> taylor swift walked out and it was raining glitter all over her. she was great. she got her grammy award. >> she had already won two before she came out, i hear. she has that anna wintour bob. you know kanye west wrote sing lyrics that basically took credit forte lor's fame, saying that i think he wanted to sleep with her or something like that. anyway, here's what she said in response. >> she didn't want to sleep. >> here's what she said. >> i want to say to all the young women out there, there are going to be people along the way who will try to undercut your success or take credit for your accomplishments or your fame, but if you just focus on the people side track you, some day when you get where you're going, you will look around and you will know that it was you and the people who love you who put you there and that will be the greatest feeling in the world. >> yes! >> good girl! >> girl power! >> that was awesome. meghan trainor i thought gave one of the best speeches. >> i didn't see that. i'm looking forward to seeing it. >> she won best new artist of the year, just before she got up, her dad apparently whispered in her ear, "you've made it, honey." she walked umm. this is what happened. >> meghan trainor. [ music playing [ music playing ] >> oh, i'm a mess. sorry. i have to think. i have to think thank l.a. reed for looking at me like an artist instead ofus my mom and dad for always believing in me and charles le donna for making me an artist. i'm a mess. i have to go cry. that understand to the grammys. i love you so much. thank you. >> she is one of our favorite people. you know, we get to see them unscripted and real here. every time she comes in, she is just darling and her parents almost every time are with her. >> they're in the green room. >> she's a nantucket girl. nantucket is very proud of her. >> and sharon won that song of the year for thinking out loud, he said finally after four years of attending the grammys, his parents can stop saying, "maybe next year." . adele. >> she had an audio problem. >> i didn't notice it. i was like, look at adele, adele looked like if her eyes like she was upset. you couldn't tell. >> she didn't stop. she kept going. >> she kept pushing through, there were some problems. listen to a little bit of ♪ my heart at the door ♪ i only see you right away ♪ ♪ like when i am scared of what's coming next ♪ ♪ ascared of having nothing left ♪ >> it sounded good for a dropout. >> no, at the beginning, you could tell there was chords rug against one another. >> the mic on the piano strings dropped down an caused all kind -- that's what we love about her. she went out for a burger. >> she said she was going for and in and out. >> cody said you got to have and in and out burger. everybody that lives in l.a. craig you live in l.a., right? >> yeah. >> everybody swears in and out burgers are the best. >> i make my own, it's aea red sauce it's a vegan thing. >> one of my favorite things at the grammys was kind of unexpected. i didn't know how they would go together. amy goulding and andra day, in that commercial with stevie wonder. they do a did yuet. take a look. [ music playing ] ♪ i am thinking straight ♪ my head is spinning and i can't see clear anymore ♪ ♪ what are you waiting for ♪ >> right. both ladies were nominated for grammys. you have to watch the whole thing. andra sings a gospely song. within they mash towing, it explodes. >> i was disappointed in the gram mys for not really giving a tribute to natalie cole. one of the greatest artists ever and one of the ever. i don't know, i think they owe owe. >> why would they not? >> i don't know who picks and chooses. come on ♪ unforgettable >> she seems like such an afterthought. >> we have result, remember yesterday we took usa today and scientifically scribbled on who we thought would win. put xs and checks. here are the number we got right. this is very important. you open yours. >> together. >> one, two, three! >> and five. >> what? >> no, that's all i got right? >> i got three. no, i picked more than three. i picked alabama shakes. i picked mark bronson and "uptown funk." >> you also bigged little big town. >> what is happening? i will have to go over that again. all right. so it is time. >> time for the bachelor. >> come on, amanda avery. by the way, single and >> and fine. >> that, too. >> you are welcome. >> thank you. they're down to six girls on the show. ben took them to his hometown in indiana for dates. so let's talk about first emily, she's the twin that's left on the show. so ben took her to meet the parents. it did not go well. because she seems to be a nervous talker. take a look at their conversation. >> i don't pull out all the stops. i don't need to be shy and don't be overlyner vusz. i don't want to screw this up. coming no this, i did, you know, for me i know i am young. i am one of the youngest girls in the house. i'm 23. sometimes i overthink everything. i feel i've struggled a lot through this process, just being in this process has taught me about myself, you know, things i didn't even know i needed growing on. if i could sit around and watch movies all day long, that would be my favorite thing in the whole world. >> okay. >> what i don't like, that's hard. i like a lot of things. vegetables. >> well, i heard that. >> oh my god. >> that didn't go well. they were polite. you got to read that audience. >> the mom says it all t. mother goes to ben and says we need to have a talk. if this girl is in your final. i'm concerned. take a look at their conversation. >> emily has matured enough to be a possible engagement. life is going to get serious ziems. how are you? how is she going no photo respo to that -- going to respond to that? so part of that just -- the uncertainty scares me. >> yep, so the mom's crying. you never want to make the mother cry. >> i'm going to cry is there i feel sorry for the mom. >> look, when a kid cries on the show, you think, oh, drama. but the mom loves her kid. >> she's worried about if this girl is in the final six. a little worried. becca was sent home as well. the other girl that went home. she cried in the limo. there you go. finally, i want to show a clip of lauren. i think she's the front runner on the show, people will be talking about her. watch how ben and her talk about each office. i think it's real. >> oh my comborks amanda. >> i'm seeing a moment that i've waited for, for years, where my girlfriend is sitting beside me, all i want to do is wrap her up and be like, say how awesome this is for me. >> after today and especially tonight, i know that i'm not in love with ben the bachelor, i am in love with ben from warsaw, indiana. oh gosh. yeah. i'm in love with ben. >> that's cute. >> she loves ben! ben the bachelor, ben. >> thank you. you need this? what do you think of the show? have you ever seen it? >> what, the "bachelor"? yeah. >> do you like it? >> sure. i don't want to be mean. i don't even nope who you are talking about. the mom is crying because her son is on tv and he's down to six ladies left, what is that? >> exactly. >> okay. thank you. i love you. >> coming up as we said funny man craig ferguson will give us a history lesson. we'l i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer. a history lesson. we'l my psoriatic arthritis caused joint pain. just like my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and i was worried about joint damage. my doctor said joint pain from ra can be a sign of existing joint damage that could only get worse. he prescribed enbrel to help relieve pain and help stop further damage. events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common, or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. joint pain and damage... can go side by side. ask how enbrel can help relieve joint pain and help stop joint damage. enbrel, the number one rheumatologist-prescribed biologic. at hillshire farm, spice is the spice of life. that's why our craftsmen season every sausage perfectly. so you can coax out great flavor effortlessly. hillshire farm. because it's worth doing right. at hillshire farm, there's a reason our slow roasted turkey taste so fresh seconds after carving, we not only seal every slice, we double seal it. the results are something to savor. hillshire farm. because it's worth doing right. eat up, buddy. you'll get it this time. yeah ok not too quick don't let go until i say so. i got you... start strong with the lasting energy of 100% you're doing it! whole grain quaker oats. and off you go. curincan take days.ction relieving the itch... can happen instantly. relieve itch and odor instantly as they cleanse. so why wait to feel comfortable? trust vagisil. the number one wipe for itch. when it's your job to protect thit's your responsibilityn, to solve the world's greatest challenges. this is why we search for the best and brightest. why we train for every eventuality on land and water, in the air, space and even cyberspace. we operate in a complex world with one simple mission. win. ♪ . for more than ten years, craig ferguson has been make audiences laugh at his routine and on the late, late show. he is bringing his smart humor to his new show die." >> what are you doing? jt join or die. >> it's a show. we do comedy, it's a discussion show, you take points on history and you talk about it. it's smart people saying interesting stuff on still le vision. it's just what you do here. [ laughter ] >> it will be like "the bachelor" you will post show game thing, but with history. so instead of the bachelor, you look back on history. >> does it appall you, though, pretty much, we're so illiterate historically. i think i like finding stuff out. >> people were tweeting during the grammys, who is alexander hamilton? a lot of people don't know. >> that's a shame. >> isn't that a sha im? smr be -- shame. >> by the way, thanks, for not mentioning i lost last night. damn you, louie and you for in. >> best comedy album. i was nom natd. which means i'm reasonably funny but fought funny enough. >> let's play this game. sham we? >> this isn't my show. you guys made this one up. i have some interest. see i'm not doing this in the .how you wanted to do it here. >> yeah. what is the game? >> the game the this. buckle up. >> what does that mean? >> i ask you questions about history. if you get them right. you get to be called buff. if you get them wrong you are bluff. you are a loser, like a grammy loser. >> you should know. >> back in the night farm. >> all right. >> question one, what are the first known uses of the phrase omg meaning oh my god in a letter to winston churchill? >> true, buff, i say it's true. >> i don't think winston. >> you are holding up your sign. >> i think it's a bluff. >> no, that itself not the f. all right. >> true. >> it is true. >> what? >> yes. >> omg kanye sent a letter to winston churchill claiming that he was responsible for him becoming prime minister. >> i need some proof on that? >> is it really true? >> yeah, it's true. question two, in 1864, choms clapper invented the toilet? >> it's not true. >> it's false, he manufactured a successful lane which made his name snonnous with number twos. >> is that right? >> yeah. >> crapper. the toilet was actually invented by john pee. >> some historians linked the eating tray to obesity. >> >> true or not? >> false. >> i think i've gotten one right. don't mind me. >> that makes you a history buff as opposed to a history bluff. you guys didn't think this through? >> that's our charm. we don't think anything true. >> no one prepared garbage that i dug. let me choose one. okay t. signing of the declaration of independence was completed july 4th. >> false. >> when was it completed? >> a couple months later. >> august. >> i'll give you an extra point. >> my birthday. >> august 2nd, unfortunately you are wrong like a grammy loser. >> craig, thank you so much. >> we love you. you can catch the premier of "joint or die. >> ab hi, i'm here with some advice from the future don't buy makeup that settles into lines, it ages you. with b vitamins, and spf. it floats over lines and you look beautiful! and now there's simply ageless liquid makeup it helps you look younger in three ways. so in the future when youe older you look younger. simply ageless from olay... and easy, breezy beautiful covergirl! why are you singing the end? because i make the best chicken noodle soup. because i make the best chicken noodle soup. because i make the best chicken noodle soup. for every way you make chicken noodle soup, make it delicious with swanson®. you owned your car you named it brad.s, you loved brad. gh everything together. two boyfriends, three jobs... you're like nothing can replace brad. then liberty mutual calls, and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement™, we'll pay for a car that's a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. he has no idea what's coming. my taste - so huge, yet so unexpected. i'm like a boxer in a ring. a small boxer. you don't expect much... and then, wham! i hit 'em with a whole lotta creamy goodness! left! right! uppercut! leaving taste buds... deliciously dizzy! look! his tongue is knocked out! oh! mom steps into the ring! bring it, girlfriend! rich, creamy, 100% natural cheese. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. look at this sweet face. so sweet. gooey, flaky, happy. toaster strudel. clorox dust wipes have the power to grab and hold on to dust, allergens, and even hair, all with just one wipe. i wish i had this much hair. can't help you there. real dusting. for your real life. got two jobs to pay a mortgage,, and i've also got a brain. life's short, talk is cheap. i'll be working while you sleep. still don't think i've got a brain? you think a resume's enough? who'll step up when things get tough? don't you want that kind of brain? a degree is a degree. you're gonna want someone like me. but only if you have a brain. here's a question, do you believe in imaging? >> you might after this. >> grab your kids, youtube sensation is about to entertain us. he's out with a new book called "adventures of kid magician." justin flom is here. >> my dad was a magician. >> everyone in your family is involved. >> my aunt, my cousin. it's crazy. it's a venture book. at the end of every chapter the kids learn the magic from that chapter. >> we only have time for one. >> absolutely t. classic of magic. it uses an old hang kehappenedk. i can turn it into an egg. a cool trick. there is a handkerrchief. woodens they're laid by decoys. hide that in your hand. i'll give you the handkerchief. we do this together. wave the hanky up and down, they don't see that there is something in your hand. put it into the egg. the audience thinks you are putting it into your hand. >> exactly. >> i see the egg. you can't see it because you don't have a close-up. >> now you say a magical word. obamacare. whatever joke you want. magically you get an egg. give her a round of applause. >> that was awesome. >> now, here's the thing. i like to up the ante. that's what i learned as a kid. just like i show in the book. there is a way to do the magic with an early interesting thing. watch this. you can pull the -- >> what! no you didn't just do that? >> no. you okay. well, how about mine? >> few want to learn the secret to that. you got to get the book. at the end of every chapter we share the magic. >> thank you so much. >> coming up, the property brothers give jen ma bush hager the tour of life as spokesbox is great. people love me for saving them over half a grand when they switch to progressive. so i'm dabbling in new ventures. it was board-game night with the dalai lama. great guy. terrible player. ♪ go paperless ♪ don't stress, girl ♪ i got the discounts that you need ♪ it's a balancing act, but i got to give the people what they want -- more box. any words for the critics? what can i say? critties gonna neg. [ applause ] the what?! [ laughs ] general mills is removing artificial flavors and colors from our cereals. so you can love cereal. again! >> it's tuesday, we are taking you to the property brothers, they turn houses into homes on hgtc. today we're taking you inside there's. jenna bush hager got an invite to check out the new digs in las vegas. it seems to be quite the bachelor pad. >> hi guys. >> i'm coming in with a katrina tis. they make music together and believe it or not the brother brother live together. >> i have a twin sister. i love her. i don't know if i can live with her. she definitely couldn't live with me. >> we sold our individual houses and have the one place here that's sort of our family >> today i'm on a tour of that hub. all 5,500 square feet. this is what you call a great room. >> it's a great room. >> this is the great room. >> we have the kitchen right over here. obviously the living space. when we renovated this house, it had a traditional vegas feel a. mediterranean fee. we wanted to have it updated. >> in 20s 11, they bought it in foreclosure and transformed the property into their dream home for their famous hgtv home. you donyou don't share a bedroo? smr no, i share it with my girlfriend. >> there is a sign that says no jonathan allowed. >> the big thing i needed to have was a master, master closet. >> this is nice. >> i'm an efficiency freak. i have to maximize the use of the space. on to jonathan's domain. >> does he allow you into this room? >> flooring was here. everything else i put the shelves in here. i love pieces. >> talk about conversation piece, check out this door. >> it is the biggest feature everyone says they love the look of. you want to bring the inside in. >> so cool. they turned this whole house into a solar powered control house. everything can be working remotely including this 15 screen movie house. jonathan andrew installed a two story water slide. >> it's the coolest thing ever. >> those aren't the only toys they have. from mini golf. >> it's not a baseball. you don't go into somebody else's yard. >> to a basketball court. i will witness this for all the girls out there. >> i'm all right. >> i like how you just broke the cameraman. are you okay? >> wait. there's more a. guest house made especially for the property parents. guess who happened to be home? >> hello. >> hi, mom and dad. >> jenna. >> this is a guam i like which property brother was. okay. the don juan? >> i would say it was jonathan. >> oh, come on. >> which is the better athlete? >> this one. >> whoa, whoa, you said jonathan. i'm your other one. >> see that's what happens when you're with a twin. which one cries at girl movies? >> i would never. >> let's move on. >> bye, mom and dad! how do you do this? >> that's bet fwler the final stop the ultimate gameroom. since it's vegas a friendly be et. >> if you sink the first ball. >> oh! >> cheers. after all that touring, it was time to grab a drink by the fire pit before some nighttime fun. >> we got to watch this. your brought is in a speedo. >> there he goes! >> oh. >> that is so cool. >> are you aoo you are the best property brother. >> i will let you have the time? >> the best property brother in the house. >> i almost split my pants. i'm going to go get lauren. >> thanks for having us. >> i'm talking vegas. >> sweet guys. >> that was great. it was a good job. you can catch all new episodes of" property brothers" starting tomorrow on hgtv. >> right here on q. today" you can get adele's latest eyes or taylor's lucious lips. if you want to live longer, we have the recipe for skincare now becomes skinactive. new garnier skinactive introducing clearly brighter. a new active moisturizer to brighten dull skin. packed with antioxidant vitamin c, e and lha. clearly brighter does more than moisturize, it actively smoothes, boosts radiance and protects with spf 15. clinically proven. see brighter skin in just one week. from garnier skinactive. the active way to better skin. this turkyeah. natural? it's too good to be true. don't say that. it's called the 60 second six pack. it's called the abinator. it's called the pulsator. 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no, excellent. >> it looks so gorgeous on her. i feel honestly red is a staple poo es to everyone. everyone use a classic red. if it's $3 bucks. why not try it out. taylor has this beautiful spink twinkle with the center of her eye. i was obsessed with her skin glowing. you see that corner. that's for all of us to that don't give enough sleep f. you do that, it gichs you a vibrant eye. everything is super achievable with taylor's look. >> what's your name? >> atira. >> adele eyes. >> okay. this is beautiful charlie. adele is known for her liquid liner. eyes. which is why we specifically chose her. you can do a liquid leaner. people think they'll cover it up. from loreal paris, we created the wing that went upwards. it's so amazing. i feel it's such a classic sophisticated way to go. it takes your hood all the way up in your hood. what's all this? >> i v have to show you brows, bold, bold, brows, adele had bold brews. it's all doing light feathery strokes. you can use cosmetics from the drug store, loreal. boom, adele brows. >> boom to you. nice job, charlie. zendaya. >> did you know she did her own makeup? she had no glam squad. she did it herself. >> what is she 12? >> kind of, yeah. >> okay. smokey eye. >> i love the makeup. >> she had this bronze situation going on on her cheeks. we're going to use the chenali from positions formula. look at the range of colors, you get a beautiful god. it goes down, the golds look beautiful on our skin toevenl we created this beautiful smokey gorgeous. >> flawless. >> it's so flawless, right? >> drug store. >> what is that stuff? >> a butter bronzeer. so creamy. it like literally dpliedz on. it's so beautiful. touch the texture. >> oh my gosh if you 'put it on with a brush. >> yes, that's how you get the bronze zendaya chr hiseled cheeks. >> that's what mary does here the s >> so beautiful. >> thank you. going up to the kitchen. >> teaming up, we are going to cook up a hearty before there could be a nation, cook up a hearty there had to be people willing to fight for it, to take on the world's greatest challenges, whatever they might be. so, the u.s. army masters not only tactics and strategy, but also physics and chemistry. we make battle plans and create breakthroughs - in medicine, science and engineering. our next mission could be anything. so we prepare for everything. ♪ she needs a new cand a new tv. she has need a new one-itis. i'll get her to for brand names like samsung and keurig. and for low monthly payments, stat. start shopping today. cuddles better than my husband does...c ...but that's just between you and me. it's really cool to the touch. at mattress firm, get zero percent apr financing. visit mattress firm, america's number one tempur-pedic retailer today. plumping surface cells for a dramatic transformation. without the need for fillers. your concert tee might show your age...your skin never will. olay regenerist. olay. ageless. and try regenerist micro-sculpting eyeswirl. it instantly hydrates to plump and lift. you both have a perfect driperfect.ord. no tickets. no accidents. that is until one of you clips a food truck, ruining your perfect record. yeah. now you would think your insurance company would cut you some slack, right? no. your insurance rates go through the roof... your perfect record doesn't get you anything. ything. perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. >> after eating all those chocolates and sweets for valentines day. >> i did. >> all this week, we have recipes that may help you live longer. >> irish cook and personality took a culinary trip to greece, one of the five regions of the world where residents are said to live longer, healthier and happier. he came back with a recipe. >> i have. this is a remote place in greece or? >> this is a teeny island off the coast of athens. it is a beautiful place, one of the places where people live the longest. it's a fascinating area. >> into their 90s? >> old. >> i met a whole heap of them. >> what do you think the trick is? >> mediterranean, also vegetarian. so a lot of their home grown produce and this dish is a perfect example. it uses lots of seasonal ingredients, lots of fruits and vegetables, lots of flavor as well. >> tomatos are fruit. >> who is arguing here? this is a giant bean stew. she puts everything in, massages the onions, like you wout would in a frying pan. it would take a while. have you get your hands in there. once you have your massaged onions in garlic, you get if your carrots, beans, cannelini an >> okay. nice. beautiful. beautiful. >> like craig. >> i was very upset about his dumping. >> what was going on? >> no manners. >> for cheap laughs. >> because are you irish. he wanted to get at you. >> this is true. you can see, this is stuff you have or don't have in there. will you top this off. you get this in italian food stores. otherwise use some tomato paste. in ireland, we call paste tomato puree. it's a lot of confusion, when you go on with your paste. pasata. it's all confusing, you top it off with slices of beef do ma tos. this beauty will go into the oven bake at 425. >> that is it? >> a little vegetable stock. >> that's the recipe? >> it's brilliant. it's genius. it's fantastic. it is all so healthy for you. you top this off, bay leaf, oregano. this goes in, bakes off, you get left with the most beautiful pie like this. >> what? >> it is a stew, it is delicious. we will serve this up. we have to taste. this is one of the fantastic pastries, a spinach and filo. >> i love those. >> omg, so good. >> they were win storn churchill by the way. >> i love you are getting in there. >> i'm getting in. i'm pouring for you. >> the interesting thing with these if you drizzle them over with a little pomegranate molasses it's gorgeous. a taste of the stew. >> there it is. >> i warned you about the onions. >> eat the tomatos. >> i can give you a pie. we have one for you. >> that works. sort of. >> mmm. o my gosh. >> the best this inc. is there is not a whole load of ingredients, it bakes off in the oven. >> they're cooked, not raw. he with me. >> i'm with you. very, very good. for this and other healthy recipes go to click on the healthy tab. >> sit down about this prize we have this week when we give it here in vineland, home of progresso, we figured out how to get rich ingredients like bacon into 22 light soups, so if you want 100 calories or less per serving without giving up rich flavor do what we do...make it progresso. look at this sweet face. so sweet. ok, we're going to need a napkin gooey, flaky, happy. toaster strudel. >> wafer we say good-bye on this spanking tuesday. we will make five viewers really happy. it's time to give it away. over 8,000 of you entered in this week's prize is trexx outdoor furniture worth $398. >> the beautiful folding chair and side table are from recycled material and jugs and laundry materials. >> don't say jugs. >> they come in many colors, multiple dining and deep seating collections. let's find out the winner. >> are you re >> first winner is! >> this is a nice present. >> geraldine foster from ill wilkes berry, pennsylvania. >> from mesa, arizona. >> good for her. i got another one, gosh, they're all sticking together. it is amy aroyal from albuquerque, new mexico. ? i got rosemary lester from coral springs, florida. congratulations to her. >> i love her. >> one more. >> kathy allenstein from state center, iowa. >> congratulations to all of our winners. you can enter again for next week's prize, for complete rules and regulations, go to klg and click the connect button. >> tomorrow, a fantastic movie, joseph fein and rick springfield stops by again. >> get away from me. >> no it isn't. >> no. >> what? >> leave me >> she loves it. loves it! it is a weather alert day on "news4" and you can see why. the weather is picking up across the nation. i'm barbara harrison. >> from wet roads to snow, we've got you covered. "storm team 4" lauryn ricketts is tracking a brand-new flood warning. lauryn? >> what you see, the dark green right here with everybody, that's the flood watch. we've been with that since last night. that goes until 11:00. what we're seeing that's new information is right here, th

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Transcripts For WRC Today 20160216 :

Transcripts For WRC Today 20160216

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mean huge? >> very big. >> i am. >> we are glad. >> yeah. >> it's the morning look. i didn't know if i was allowed to say stuff like that on the morning, abc has changed. >> this is nbc, baby. >> yeah, very excited about it. why am i in the kitchen, what is it, scottish people have to work when their here? i'll make you a lovely, here's a quick demonstration right now. >> oh my god! >> come on. >> it's all right. we'll make fun of it through the whole show. >> what are you talking about? >> it's a cooking segment coming up. >> you know, you go to a fancy straent restaurant, that will cost you $150 bucks. >> craig ferguson will be joining us, cook or die. >> a cooking show. >> we also have the property brothers get a visit by jenna hager bush. >> they're fun, they're fun to pick . >> it looks like a house coat. >> it was cold. that day was cold. >> the grammys aren't just about award, they're about style. we will show you a red carpet look with store bought makeup. youtube testing your magic. so many great tricks. but last night it was big, baby. >> yep. >> because it was the grammys and big winners last night. >> taylor swift. >> and lamar. >> taylor swift got three, album of the year for "1989." she has 12. kendrick lamar had 11 nomination, took home five trophies and a lot of people were like it either made you feel old, you are like, what, i can't understand what he is saying. >> exactly. >> that did happen a lot. a lot of the kids know he is on fire. >> "cup town funk" won best pop album of the year. >> yes. >> justi >> taylor swift walked out and it was raining glitter all over her. she was great. she got her grammy award. >> she had already won two before she came out, i hear. she has that anna wintour bob. you know kanye west wrote sing lyrics that basically took credit forte lor's fame, saying that i think he wanted to sleep with her or something like that. anyway, here's what she said in response. >> she didn't want to sleep. >> here's what she said. >> i want to say to all the young women out there, there are going to be people along the way who will try to undercut your success or take credit for your accomplishments or your fame, but if you just focus on the people side track you, some day when you get where you're going, you will look around and you will know that it was you and the people who love you who put you there and that will be the greatest feeling in the world. >> yes! >> good girl! >> girl power! >> that was awesome. meghan trainor i thought gave one of the best speeches. >> i didn't see that. i'm looking forward to seeing it. >> she won best new artist of the year, just before she got up, her dad apparently whispered in her ear, "you've made it, honey." she walked umm. this is what happened. >> meghan trainor. [ music playing [ music playing ] >> oh, i'm a mess. sorry. i have to think. i have to think thank l.a. reed for looking at me like an artist instead ofus my mom and dad for always believing in me and charles le donna for making me an artist. i'm a mess. i have to go cry. that understand to the grammys. i love you so much. thank you. >> she is one of our favorite people. you know, we get to see them unscripted and real here. every time she comes in, she is just darling and her parents almost every time are with her. >> they're in the green room. >> she's a nantucket girl. nantucket is very proud of her. >> and sharon won that song of the year for thinking out loud, he said finally after four years of attending the grammys, his parents can stop saying, "maybe next year." . adele. >> she had an audio problem. >> i didn't notice it. i was like, look at adele, adele looked like if her eyes like she was upset. you couldn't tell. >> she didn't stop. she kept going. >> she kept pushing through, there were some problems. listen to a little bit of ♪ my heart at the door ♪ i only see you right away ♪ ♪ like when i am scared of what's coming next ♪ ♪ ascared of having nothing left ♪ >> it sounded good for a dropout. >> no, at the beginning, you could tell there was chords rug against one another. >> the mic on the piano strings dropped down an caused all kind -- that's what we love about her. she went out for a burger. >> she said she was going for and in and out. >> cody said you got to have and in and out burger. everybody that lives in l.a. craig you live in l.a., right? >> yeah. >> everybody swears in and out burgers are the best. >> i make my own, it's aea red sauce it's a vegan thing. >> one of my favorite things at the grammys was kind of unexpected. i didn't know how they would go together. amy goulding and andra day, in that commercial with stevie wonder. they do a did yuet. take a look. [ music playing ] ♪ i am thinking straight ♪ my head is spinning and i can't see clear anymore ♪ ♪ what are you waiting for ♪ >> right. both ladies were nominated for grammys. you have to watch the whole thing. andra sings a gospely song. within they mash towing, it explodes. >> i was disappointed in the gram mys for not really giving a tribute to natalie cole. one of the greatest artists ever and one of the ever. i don't know, i think they owe owe. >> why would they not? >> i don't know who picks and chooses. come on ♪ unforgettable >> she seems like such an afterthought. >> we have result, remember yesterday we took usa today and scientifically scribbled on who we thought would win. put xs and checks. here are the number we got right. this is very important. you open yours. >> together. >> one, two, three! >> and five. >> what? >> no, that's all i got right? >> i got three. no, i picked more than three. i picked alabama shakes. i picked mark bronson and "uptown funk." >> you also bigged little big town. >> what is happening? i will have to go over that again. all right. so it is time. >> time for the bachelor. >> come on, amanda avery. by the way, single and >> and fine. >> that, too. >> you are welcome. >> thank you. they're down to six girls on the show. ben took them to his hometown in indiana for dates. so let's talk about first emily, she's the twin that's left on the show. so ben took her to meet the parents. it did not go well. because she seems to be a nervous talker. take a look at their conversation. >> i don't pull out all the stops. i don't need to be shy and don't be overlyner vusz. i don't want to screw this up. coming no this, i did, you know, for me i know i am young. i am one of the youngest girls in the house. i'm 23. sometimes i overthink everything. i feel i've struggled a lot through this process, just being in this process has taught me about myself, you know, things i didn't even know i needed growing on. if i could sit around and watch movies all day long, that would be my favorite thing in the whole world. >> okay. >> what i don't like, that's hard. i like a lot of things. vegetables. >> well, i heard that. >> oh my god. >> that didn't go well. they were polite. you got to read that audience. >> the mom says it all t. mother goes to ben and says we need to have a talk. if this girl is in your final. i'm concerned. take a look at their conversation. >> emily has matured enough to be a possible engagement. life is going to get serious ziems. how are you? how is she going no photo respo to that -- going to respond to that? so part of that just -- the uncertainty scares me. >> yep, so the mom's crying. you never want to make the mother cry. >> i'm going to cry is there i feel sorry for the mom. >> look, when a kid cries on the show, you think, oh, drama. but the mom loves her kid. >> she's worried about if this girl is in the final six. a little worried. becca was sent home as well. the other girl that went home. she cried in the limo. there you go. finally, i want to show a clip of lauren. i think she's the front runner on the show, people will be talking about her. watch how ben and her talk about each office. i think it's real. >> oh my comborks amanda. >> i'm seeing a moment that i've waited for, for years, where my girlfriend is sitting beside me, all i want to do is wrap her up and be like, say how awesome this is for me. >> after today and especially tonight, i know that i'm not in love with ben the bachelor, i am in love with ben from warsaw, indiana. oh gosh. yeah. i'm in love with ben. >> that's cute. >> she loves ben! ben the bachelor, ben. >> thank you. you need this? what do you think of the show? have you ever seen it? >> what, the "bachelor"? yeah. >> do you like it? >> sure. i don't want to be mean. i don't even nope who you are talking about. the mom is crying because her son is on tv and he's down to six ladies left, what is that? >> exactly. >> okay. thank you. i love you. >> coming up as we said funny man craig ferguson will give us a history lesson. we'l i'm phil mickelson, pro golfer. a history lesson. we'l my psoriatic arthritis caused joint pain. just like my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and i was worried about joint damage. my doctor said joint pain from ra can be a sign of existing joint damage that could only get worse. he prescribed enbrel to help relieve pain and help stop further damage. events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common, or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. joint pain and damage... can go side by side. ask how enbrel can help relieve joint pain and help stop joint damage. enbrel, the number one rheumatologist-prescribed biologic. at hillshire farm, spice is the spice of life. that's why our craftsmen season every sausage perfectly. so you can coax out great flavor effortlessly. hillshire farm. because it's worth doing right. at hillshire farm, there's a reason our slow roasted turkey taste so fresh seconds after carving, we not only seal every slice, we double seal it. the results are something to savor. hillshire farm. because it's worth doing right. eat up, buddy. you'll get it this time. yeah ok not too quick don't let go until i say so. i got you... start strong with the lasting energy of 100% you're doing it! whole grain quaker oats. and off you go. curincan take days.ction relieving the itch... can happen instantly. relieve itch and odor instantly as they cleanse. so why wait to feel comfortable? trust vagisil. the number one wipe for itch. when it's your job to protect thit's your responsibilityn, to solve the world's greatest challenges. this is why we search for the best and brightest. why we train for every eventuality on land and water, in the air, space and even cyberspace. we operate in a complex world with one simple mission. win. ♪ . for more than ten years, craig ferguson has been make audiences laugh at his routine and on the late, late show. he is bringing his smart humor to his new show die." >> what are you doing? jt join or die. >> it's a show. we do comedy, it's a discussion show, you take points on history and you talk about it. it's smart people saying interesting stuff on still le vision. it's just what you do here. [ laughter ] >> it will be like "the bachelor" you will post show game thing, but with history. so instead of the bachelor, you look back on history. >> does it appall you, though, pretty much, we're so illiterate historically. i think i like finding stuff out. >> people were tweeting during the grammys, who is alexander hamilton? a lot of people don't know. >> that's a shame. >> isn't that a sha im? smr be -- shame. >> by the way, thanks, for not mentioning i lost last night. damn you, louie and you for in. >> best comedy album. i was nom natd. which means i'm reasonably funny but fought funny enough. >> let's play this game. sham we? >> this isn't my show. you guys made this one up. i have some interest. see i'm not doing this in the .how you wanted to do it here. >> yeah. what is the game? >> the game the this. buckle up. >> what does that mean? >> i ask you questions about history. if you get them right. you get to be called buff. if you get them wrong you are bluff. you are a loser, like a grammy loser. >> you should know. >> back in the night farm. >> all right. >> question one, what are the first known uses of the phrase omg meaning oh my god in a letter to winston churchill? >> true, buff, i say it's true. >> i don't think winston. >> you are holding up your sign. >> i think it's a bluff. >> no, that itself not the f. all right. >> true. >> it is true. >> what? >> yes. >> omg kanye sent a letter to winston churchill claiming that he was responsible for him becoming prime minister. >> i need some proof on that? >> is it really true? >> yeah, it's true. question two, in 1864, choms clapper invented the toilet? >> it's not true. >> it's false, he manufactured a successful lane which made his name snonnous with number twos. >> is that right? >> yeah. >> crapper. the toilet was actually invented by john pee. >> some historians linked the eating tray to obesity. >> >> true or not? >> false. >> i think i've gotten one right. don't mind me. >> that makes you a history buff as opposed to a history bluff. you guys didn't think this through? >> that's our charm. we don't think anything true. >> no one prepared garbage that i dug. let me choose one. okay t. signing of the declaration of independence was completed july 4th. >> false. >> when was it completed? >> a couple months later. >> august. >> i'll give you an extra point. >> my birthday. >> august 2nd, unfortunately you are wrong like a grammy loser. >> craig, thank you so much. >> we love you. you can catch the premier of "joint or die. >> ab hi, i'm here with some advice from the future don't buy makeup that settles into lines, it ages you. with b vitamins, and spf. it floats over lines and you look beautiful! and now there's simply ageless liquid makeup it helps you look younger in three ways. so in the future when youe older you look younger. simply ageless from olay... and easy, breezy beautiful covergirl! why are you singing the end? because i make the best chicken noodle soup. because i make the best chicken noodle soup. because i make the best chicken noodle soup. for every way you make chicken noodle soup, make it delicious with swanson®. you owned your car you named it brad.s, you loved brad. gh everything together. two boyfriends, three jobs... you're like nothing can replace brad. then liberty mutual calls, and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement™, we'll pay for a car that's a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. he has no idea what's coming. my taste - so huge, yet so unexpected. i'm like a boxer in a ring. a small boxer. you don't expect much... and then, wham! i hit 'em with a whole lotta creamy goodness! left! right! uppercut! leaving taste buds... deliciously dizzy! look! his tongue is knocked out! oh! mom steps into the ring! bring it, girlfriend! rich, creamy, 100% natural cheese. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. look at this sweet face. so sweet. gooey, flaky, happy. toaster strudel. clorox dust wipes have the power to grab and hold on to dust, allergens, and even hair, all with just one wipe. i wish i had this much hair. can't help you there. real dusting. for your real life. got two jobs to pay a mortgage,, and i've also got a brain. life's short, talk is cheap. i'll be working while you sleep. still don't think i've got a brain? you think a resume's enough? who'll step up when things get tough? don't you want that kind of brain? a degree is a degree. you're gonna want someone like me. but only if you have a brain. here's a question, do you believe in imaging? >> you might after this. >> grab your kids, youtube sensation is about to entertain us. he's out with a new book called "adventures of kid magician." justin flom is here. >> my dad was a magician. >> everyone in your family is involved. >> my aunt, my cousin. it's crazy. it's a venture book. at the end of every chapter the kids learn the magic from that chapter. >> we only have time for one. >> absolutely t. classic of magic. it uses an old hang kehappenedk. i can turn it into an egg. a cool trick. there is a handkerrchief. woodens they're laid by decoys. hide that in your hand. i'll give you the handkerchief. we do this together. wave the hanky up and down, they don't see that there is something in your hand. put it into the egg. the audience thinks you are putting it into your hand. >> exactly. >> i see the egg. you can't see it because you don't have a close-up. >> now you say a magical word. obamacare. whatever joke you want. magically you get an egg. give her a round of applause. >> that was awesome. >> now, here's the thing. i like to up the ante. that's what i learned as a kid. just like i show in the book. there is a way to do the magic with an early interesting thing. watch this. you can pull the -- >> what! no you didn't just do that? >> no. you okay. well, how about mine? >> few want to learn the secret to that. you got to get the book. at the end of every chapter we share the magic. >> thank you so much. >> coming up, the property brothers give jen ma bush hager the tour of life as spokesbox is great. people love me for saving them over half a grand when they switch to progressive. so i'm dabbling in new ventures. it was board-game night with the dalai lama. great guy. terrible player. ♪ go paperless ♪ don't stress, girl ♪ i got the discounts that you need ♪ it's a balancing act, but i got to give the people what they want -- more box. any words for the critics? what can i say? critties gonna neg. [ applause ] the what?! [ laughs ] general mills is removing artificial flavors and colors from our cereals. so you can love cereal. again! >> it's tuesday, we are taking you to the property brothers, they turn houses into homes on hgtc. today we're taking you inside there's. jenna bush hager got an invite to check out the new digs in las vegas. it seems to be quite the bachelor pad. >> hi guys. >> i'm coming in with a katrina tis. they make music together and believe it or not the brother brother live together. >> i have a twin sister. i love her. i don't know if i can live with her. she definitely couldn't live with me. >> we sold our individual houses and have the one place here that's sort of our family >> today i'm on a tour of that hub. all 5,500 square feet. this is what you call a great room. >> it's a great room. >> this is the great room. >> we have the kitchen right over here. obviously the living space. when we renovated this house, it had a traditional vegas feel a. mediterranean fee. we wanted to have it updated. >> in 20s 11, they bought it in foreclosure and transformed the property into their dream home for their famous hgtv home. you donyou don't share a bedroo? smr no, i share it with my girlfriend. >> there is a sign that says no jonathan allowed. >> the big thing i needed to have was a master, master closet. >> this is nice. >> i'm an efficiency freak. i have to maximize the use of the space. on to jonathan's domain. >> does he allow you into this room? >> flooring was here. everything else i put the shelves in here. i love pieces. >> talk about conversation piece, check out this door. >> it is the biggest feature everyone says they love the look of. you want to bring the inside in. >> so cool. they turned this whole house into a solar powered control house. everything can be working remotely including this 15 screen movie house. jonathan andrew installed a two story water slide. >> it's the coolest thing ever. >> those aren't the only toys they have. from mini golf. >> it's not a baseball. you don't go into somebody else's yard. >> to a basketball court. i will witness this for all the girls out there. >> i'm all right. >> i like how you just broke the cameraman. are you okay? >> wait. there's more a. guest house made especially for the property parents. guess who happened to be home? >> hello. >> hi, mom and dad. >> jenna. >> this is a guam i like which property brother was. okay. the don juan? >> i would say it was jonathan. >> oh, come on. >> which is the better athlete? >> this one. >> whoa, whoa, you said jonathan. i'm your other one. >> see that's what happens when you're with a twin. which one cries at girl movies? >> i would never. >> let's move on. >> bye, mom and dad! how do you do this? >> that's bet fwler the final stop the ultimate gameroom. since it's vegas a friendly be et. >> if you sink the first ball. >> oh! >> cheers. after all that touring, it was time to grab a drink by the fire pit before some nighttime fun. >> we got to watch this. your brought is in a speedo. >> there he goes! >> oh. >> that is so cool. >> are you aoo you are the best property brother. >> i will let you have the time? >> the best property brother in the house. >> i almost split my pants. i'm going to go get lauren. >> thanks for having us. >> i'm talking vegas. >> sweet guys. >> that was great. it was a good job. you can catch all new episodes of" property brothers" starting tomorrow on hgtv. >> right here on q. today" you can get adele's latest eyes or taylor's lucious lips. if you want to live longer, we have the recipe for skincare now becomes skinactive. new garnier skinactive introducing clearly brighter. a new active moisturizer to brighten dull skin. packed with antioxidant vitamin c, e and lha. clearly brighter does more than moisturize, it actively smoothes, boosts radiance and protects with spf 15. clinically proven. see brighter skin in just one week. from garnier skinactive. the active way to better skin. this turkyeah. natural? it's too good to be true. don't say that. it's called the 60 second six pack. it's called the abinator. it's called the pulsator. 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no, excellent. >> it looks so gorgeous on her. i feel honestly red is a staple poo es to everyone. everyone use a classic red. if it's $3 bucks. why not try it out. taylor has this beautiful spink twinkle with the center of her eye. i was obsessed with her skin glowing. you see that corner. that's for all of us to that don't give enough sleep f. you do that, it gichs you a vibrant eye. everything is super achievable with taylor's look. >> what's your name? >> atira. >> adele eyes. >> okay. this is beautiful charlie. adele is known for her liquid liner. eyes. which is why we specifically chose her. you can do a liquid leaner. people think they'll cover it up. from loreal paris, we created the wing that went upwards. it's so amazing. i feel it's such a classic sophisticated way to go. it takes your hood all the way up in your hood. what's all this? >> i v have to show you brows, bold, bold, brows, adele had bold brews. it's all doing light feathery strokes. you can use cosmetics from the drug store, loreal. boom, adele brows. >> boom to you. nice job, charlie. zendaya. >> did you know she did her own makeup? she had no glam squad. she did it herself. >> what is she 12? >> kind of, yeah. >> okay. smokey eye. >> i love the makeup. >> she had this bronze situation going on on her cheeks. we're going to use the chenali from positions formula. look at the range of colors, you get a beautiful god. it goes down, the golds look beautiful on our skin toevenl we created this beautiful smokey gorgeous. >> flawless. >> it's so flawless, right? >> drug store. >> what is that stuff? >> a butter bronzeer. so creamy. it like literally dpliedz on. it's so beautiful. touch the texture. >> oh my gosh if you 'put it on with a brush. >> yes, that's how you get the bronze zendaya chr hiseled cheeks. >> that's what mary does here the s >> so beautiful. >> thank you. going up to the kitchen. >> teaming up, we are going to cook up a hearty before there could be a nation, cook up a hearty there had to be people willing to fight for it, to take on the world's greatest challenges, whatever they might be. so, the u.s. army masters not only tactics and strategy, but also physics and chemistry. we make battle plans and create breakthroughs - in medicine, science and engineering. our next mission could be anything. so we prepare for everything. ♪ she needs a new cand a new tv. she has need a new one-itis. i'll get her to for brand names like samsung and keurig. and for low monthly payments, stat. start shopping today. cuddles better than my husband does...c ...but that's just between you and me. it's really cool to the touch. at mattress firm, get zero percent apr financing. visit mattress firm, america's number one tempur-pedic retailer today. plumping surface cells for a dramatic transformation. without the need for fillers. your concert tee might show your age...your skin never will. olay regenerist. olay. ageless. and try regenerist micro-sculpting eyeswirl. it instantly hydrates to plump and lift. you both have a perfect driperfect.ord. no tickets. no accidents. that is until one of you clips a food truck, ruining your perfect record. yeah. now you would think your insurance company would cut you some slack, right? 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this is a giant bean stew. she puts everything in, massages the onions, like you wout would in a frying pan. it would take a while. have you get your hands in there. once you have your massaged onions in garlic, you get if your carrots, beans, cannelini an >> okay. nice. beautiful. beautiful. >> like craig. >> i was very upset about his dumping. >> what was going on? >> no manners. >> for cheap laughs. >> because are you irish. he wanted to get at you. >> this is true. you can see, this is stuff you have or don't have in there. will you top this off. you get this in italian food stores. otherwise use some tomato paste. in ireland, we call paste tomato puree. it's a lot of confusion, when you go on with your paste. pasata. it's all confusing, you top it off with slices of beef do ma tos. this beauty will go into the oven bake at 425. >> that is it? >> a little vegetable stock. >> that's the recipe? >> it's brilliant. it's genius. it's fantastic. it is all so healthy for you. you top this off, bay leaf, oregano. this goes in, bakes off, you get left with the most beautiful pie like this. >> what? >> it is a stew, it is delicious. we will serve this up. we have to taste. this is one of the fantastic pastries, a spinach and filo. >> i love those. >> omg, so good. >> they were win storn churchill by the way. >> i love you are getting in there. >> i'm getting in. i'm pouring for you. >> the interesting thing with these if you drizzle them over with a little pomegranate molasses it's gorgeous. a taste of the stew. >> there it is. >> i warned you about the onions. >> eat the tomatos. >> i can give you a pie. we have one for you. >> that works. sort of. >> mmm. o my gosh. >> the best this inc. is there is not a whole load of ingredients, it bakes off in the oven. >> they're cooked, not raw. he with me. >> i'm with you. very, very good. for this and other healthy recipes go to click on the healthy tab. >> sit down about this prize we have this week when we give it here in vineland, home of progresso, we figured out how to get rich ingredients like bacon into 22 light soups, so if you want 100 calories or less per serving without giving up rich flavor do what we do...make it progresso. look at this sweet face. so sweet. ok, we're going to need a napkin gooey, flaky, happy. toaster strudel. >> wafer we say good-bye on this spanking tuesday. we will make five viewers really happy. it's time to give it away. over 8,000 of you entered in this week's prize is trexx outdoor furniture worth $398. >> the beautiful folding chair and side table are from recycled material and jugs and laundry materials. >> don't say jugs. >> they come in many colors, multiple dining and deep seating collections. let's find out the winner. >> are you re >> first winner is! >> this is a nice present. >> geraldine foster from ill wilkes berry, pennsylvania. >> from mesa, arizona. >> good for her. i got another one, gosh, they're all sticking together. it is amy aroyal from albuquerque, new mexico. ? i got rosemary lester from coral springs, florida. congratulations to her. >> i love her. >> one more. >> kathy allenstein from state center, iowa. >> congratulations to all of our winners. you can enter again for next week's prize, for complete rules and regulations, go to klg and click the connect button. >> tomorrow, a fantastic movie, joseph fein and rick springfield stops by again. >> get away from me. >> no it isn't. >> no. >> what? >> leave me >> she loves it. loves it! it is a weather alert day on "news4" and you can see why. the weather is picking up across the nation. i'm barbara harrison. >> from wet roads to snow, we've got you covered. "storm team 4" lauryn ricketts is tracking a brand-new flood warning. lauryn? >> what you see, the dark green right here with everybody, that's the flood watch. we've been with that since last night. that goes until 11:00. what we're seeing that's new information is right here, th

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