Transcripts For WRC Today 20130930 :

Transcripts For WRC Today 20130930

tonight. democratic and republican aids are predicting that much. the senate won't even begin considering the house bill until late this afternoon in what is as much a partisan crisis as a fiscal crisis the country is barrelling toward it's first shutdown in 17 years. >> it's decision day. congress has until midnight tonight to avoid a government shutdown but no one is getting their hopes up. house republicans are refusing to fund the government unless the president's healthcare law is delayed one year. >> the american people deserve to have time to see what this will do before it's implemented. >> and the house plan is a nonstarter for senate democrats or the president who huddled with advisors insisting republicans agree to fund the government without conditions. >> don't shut down the government and fail to pay the government's bill with the debt ceiling. >> reporter: the democratic controlled senate didn't even meet sunday. the halls silent. instead, they'll wait until this afternoon to reject the house plan. just hours before the government shuts it's doors. house republicans are furious. >> they have refused to even consider the compromise that we have offered. >> reporter: among the republican's demands, a one year delay for the president's healthcare law, the repeal of a tax on medical devices, and guaranteed pay for u.s. troops even if there is a shut down. texas senator ted cruz is defending the republican strategy. >> the american people overwhelmingly reject obamacare. they understand it's not working. the only people that aren't listening to the argument are the career politicians in washington. >> republican lawmakers are considering one last ditch option that they may throw on to the table late this afternoon. matt and savannah, this is a bill that would fund the government but also force members of congress, their staff and the white house staff to buy their medical insurance through the new healthcare laws, exchanges, the healthcare exchanges without subsidies from the government to help reduce the cost. peter alexander in washington. thank you very much. the washington post called that idea a declaration of all out war. let's get to chuck todd. good morning to you. you're going to take a bit of a contrary position to conventional wisdom this morning. you don't think it's inevitable that the government shuts down tonight? >> whenever there's time on the legislative clock something could happen. what john boehner has going on inside among house republicans is while there are that small band of loud conservatives that are wanting to not cave and not give in to anything. do whatever it takes to stop the healthcare law, there is a growing chorus of moderate republicans telling boehner don't do this. you remember how bad this was for the republican party 20 years ago. what are you doing? you're putting the majority at risk and boehner has a couple of options, savannah. he could blink as far as buy time and do a clean funding bill for one week. anything is possible when there's time on the clock. so we should be careful assuming we're car reening toward the end. >> well it seems to me this all comes down to who thinks they will get the blame for a shuttown. f shutdown. for 17 years it's been that the republicans paid for the shutdown in the 90s but new republicans aren't sure that's true. >> they say healthcare was more unpopular than anything debated in the mid 90s. they think this is a different time t. way people get their information is different so it won't be just the big, bad mainstream media controlling the narrative. there's a lot of reasons they think things will be different this time but there's one article of faith that i always put my analysis in when you see the show downs. which party is united and which party isn't? democrats are united and republicans are fighting so that's why you have to assume at some point boehner is going to blink. is it today or does he allow the government to shutdown for a few days and then blink. >> thank you. special coverage all this week on air and online to answer your questions about the affordable care act as it takes effect. >> thank you. bill o'reilly is the host of the o'reilly factor on fox news and the author of a book called killing jesus. we'll talk about that. good to see you. >> is it really? is it really good to see me? come on >> it's always good to see you. come midnight, is the government going to be up and running or shutdown? >> i don't know. this is why people don't like national politics because these pin heads -- there's sincerity on both sides but they should get something done. they should extend the government funding for three to four weeks and sit down and hash this thing out. that's what should happen. that's not hard. >> they should get something done. every expert you talk to says this will be bad for the country, both sides know that, and yet here we are standing on the edge of the cliff again. washington is addicted to crisis, why? >> well, the democrats have to stand by their guy president obama and that's his signature achievement but if the president were thinking clearly he would say, you know what, we may have some things to iron out here. i still stand behind obamacare and i want the healthcare but we might have some problems here. so let's give the people an option for a year. you don't have to sign up, if you want to you can. problem solved. >> by the latest count there's been something like 40 efforts in the house to get rid of obamacare or defund it and as john mccain said last week we fought a great fight. we lost that fight. the supreme court has upheld obamacare as constitutional. do you think the republicans should move on? >> no. it's a bad deal for the folks. that's absurd. >> it's the law of the land. >> they can tweak it lauer. they can tweak it and make it better. right now it's hurting the economy. doctors say they're going to quit. nobody knows what they're going to pay. here's the solution, you want to sign up, good, sign up, starting tomorrow. if you don't, we'll give you a year to shake it down. that's the solution. and the republicans would buy into that. >> taking obamacare out of this for a second and getting back to this addiction to crisis in washington, do we play into this as members of the media? do we fan the fire? >> we have to report what's going on but the politicians use us, but i don't like to be put in with you lauer. >> sorry to do that with you. >> ted cruz is a great example. he wants to be president so he's the first term senator from texas. how does he get well-known? he gets this. he blows it up. everybody knows his name. everybody is paying attention to him. >> we cover it. >> now he's a leader in the republican party for conservative people. people use the system and they're smart enough, cruz say smart guy, to know how to do that. not saying he's not sincere. he is but he's certainly exploiting the situation. so there you have it. >> despite what you think it is good to have you here and you'll come back in the 8:00 half hour and we'll talk about your new book "killing jesus". >> you'll like it. >> i have liked it. >> you read it? >> yeah, three in a row for me. let's get to the deadly plane crash in california. good morning everyone. the ntsb investigating the fiery crash in california after a small plane ran off the run way and slammed into a hanger. mike is in santa monica with the very latest. good morning. >> good morning, natalie. officials say they don't know yet how many people were aboard this 8-seat jet when it crashed into a hanger at santa monica airport late yesterday afternoon but they did call the crash unsurvivab unsurvivable. >> we were playing baseball down behind the house and heard a boom. >> according to the federal aviation administration, the twin engine similar to this one took off from haley, idaho last night and veered off the run way and crashed into a hanger and caught fire. >> the runway is not accessible at this time. >> unit three, we had a citation run off the end of the runway there. we haven't responded to them. we need you there immediately. >> you felt like it could have been put out with a fire extinguisher and there was an explosion. >> firefighters battled the blaze but were unable to get to the wreckage. >> it caused the hanger to collapse and during the collapse the sheet metal wrapped itself around the plane and was incasing it and to get that off is going to take awhile. >> reporter: it prevented officials from providing information on the number of people on board or their conditions. >> we didn't see anyone get out of the airplane unfortunately. >> now this airport is located in the coastal tourist destination of santa monica. the airport home to many planes used by major figures from business and the entertainment industry. more information later in the day. all right, mike, thank you so much. president obama will meet with izrali prime minister today. it is expected to focus on the future stability of the middle east and u.s. and syria. he is expected to deliver strong word of caution on how the u.s. deals with iran. >> chuck hagel visited the demilitarized zone in north korea today. it's his first visit. he is in south korea to discuss whether to extend america's wartime control over south korea's armed forces. an american daredevil pulled off a spectacular stunt this weekend. jeb corliss flew through a narrow opening in china. 60 feet wide at the top and 11 feet wide at the bottom. after a heavy landing he said it was exhilarating. he said it was the most spectacular and scary stunt he had ever done. he was about two feet away from the wall. that was a hard landing all right. deployed that shoot just 300 feet above ground. >> you can make it through the 60 foot gap in the mountain but hung up on a railing on the walk way. >> the exact word he used was narly. >> i would have used a different word. >> we wouldn't have done it. >> exactly. >> you have storms in the pacific northwest. >> we were telling you about this was going to happen friday. sure enough it did. take a look at the rain. the heavy floods in parts of oregon, washington washington state, heavy, heavy rain and it is continuing today. we are talking about massive amounts of rain, flooding, power o outages. high winds. in parts of the pacific northwest, we're talking about record amounts of rainfall falling. you can see olympia almost 8 inches of rain. seattle wettest september on record across parts of oregon on into seattle and there's more rain on the way. you can see the heavy rain and in the mountains, the cascades, we're starting to see snow as well. we have winter weather advisories for the mountains there. 4 to 8 inches of snow there. wind gusts of 80 miles per hour and we're looking for another one to three inches of rain across the pacific northwest into the cascades. heavy winds, heavy rain and lots of flooding. [ corbett ] it's not every day that you find yourself at the corner of "a little flu shot" and "a world of difference." now through october 14th, when you get any immunization at walgreens, we'll help provide a lifesaving vaccine to a child in a developing country through the u.n. foundation's shot at life campaign. together, we can supply up to three million vaccines. it's easy to make a difference at walgreens. simply get a shot. and give a shot. at the corner of happy and healthy. good morning. brilliant sunrise over the potomac captured by our storm team 4 hd city camera. the sun was up at 7:03. now at 7:15, just a few clouds floating over the region. a chill in the air and in the 40s. much of the areas, including frederick, maryland, around 46. into the 70s in most of the and that's your latest weather, savannah. >> al, thank you so much. the former russian spy anna chapman is the host of a new television show and sat down for a rare interview with richard engle. good morning to you. >> good morning. this is a bit of a strange man. you remember her of course. u.s. officials accused her of being a honey trap sent to the united states to seduce powerful americans and send information back to moscow. she remains very secretive but certainly not camera shy. >> reporter: it was the biggest story of it's kind since the cold war. 10 russian spies living quitely in the united states uncovered and deported in 2010. among them, anna chapman, a sexy red head. the fbi recorded her transmitting electronic messages to russian handlers while shopping discussing a fake passport. anna who leaded guilty was a tabloid favorite. a real life bond girl. dubbed the spy that loved us. after revealing photographs taken by her ex-husband came out she turned it into a modeling career posing for maxim magazine and walking the cat walk at moscow fashion shows and got her own tv show about aliens and ghosts called mysteries of the world. chapman agreed to sit down with a rare interview with nbc news to promote her television show. >> you lived a very mysterious life. one you still don't like talking about and now you're on television. does that seem strange to you? >> i'm a very private discreet person and i still don't do many interviews because i just don't like to share. and i don't believe that people would be interested in knowing about somebody's life. >> they would be interested in knowing about your life. >> but it's still very hard for me to believe this. >> going into the interview, chapman told us she considered details of her personal life too sensitive to share and we found out how sensitive when we asked about a public marriage proposal she posted on twitter to edward snowden, the nsa programmer who escaped to russia after revealing classified details about american intelligence. >> online you recently tweeted a marriage proposal to edward snowden. >> i'm not going to discuss this. >> was it serious or a joke. >> richard. >> you can't discuss even something you tweeted online. you said, marry me, edward snowden. >> we're going to cut this. >> you can't talk about that? >> no. >> she walked out. the girl in red. still in the spotlight, but still an i nigam. >> in some ways it's ironic that she posts a television show about aliens and mysteries because the fbi investigation into her sleeper cell was code named ghost stories. >> there's so much weird about this. so how long did you actually interview her before she walked out. >> probably 5 or 6 minutes. she didn't want to talk about her personal life or time in the united states and as soon as we started heading in that direction, the interview is over. i can't do this. i got the sense that somebody had told her don't go there. don't talk about this. >> interesting. but she was more than happy to promote the show. >> promote the show. >> i like how she said richard. >> did that work. >> it was one of the more bizarre interviews i've done. >> thank you, richard. >> al. >> thank you, matt. >> let us check in with carson who is in the orange room this morning. >> good morning, everybody. how y'all doing? a couple of big things happening in the overnight we're going to talk about. first of all, the potential looming government shut down. about 800,000 to 1 million federal workers could be out of work. we're asking you at would a government shutdown affect your family? yes, no, or not sure. also a ton of chatter about the breaking bad series finale last night. the thing about the finale is did it work, was it good? did you hate it? early results saying 80% said they loved the breaking bad finale which they said was perfect. we'll see how it stacked up a little bit later on. back to you. carson, thank you so much. >> straight ahead, the amanda knox murder case back in court in italy once again. her former boyfriend may go. what does he think about her not attending? we'll ask him in an exclusive interview. then the story behind one of the most dramatic photos to emerge from the terror attack at a kenyan mall. the rescue of an american girl. her family shares their story of survival. but first, this is "today" on nbc. i'm terry mcauliffe, candidate for governor, and i sponsored this ad. for 30 years i've worked as an obgyn, my job is to protect the health of women. so i'm particularly offended by ken cuccinelli. cuccinelli wants to make all abortion illegal ... ... even in cases of rape and incest. ... even to protect a woman's health. i want a governor who's focused on schools and creating jobs, not someone who wants to do my job. who's ken cuccinelli to interfere in the lives of women across virginia? oh, please don't call me "pumpkin." no, white chocolate and pumpkin. oh! pumpkin. ha-ha! pumpkin is back at dunkin' donuts. hurry in for delicious pumpkin coffees and lattes today. america runs on dunkin'. and we are back with the beautiful sunrise in miami. coming up, the royal move. we're live in london as william and kate get set to bring prince we're live in london as william and kate get set to bring prince george to milk vs. breakfast burrito (ding!) ooh, my scallions! winner: milk! always protein! never greasy! got protein. is that your favorite? i don't know... i also like strawberry, boysenberry, red raspberry, blackberry, sweet orange marmalade, apple, pineapple, concord grape, apricot, peach, blueberry... 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[ doctor ] enbrel, the number one biologic medicine help the gulf when we made recover and learn the gulf, bp from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, where experts watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger. %%. good morning. it's 7:26 on this money, september 30. i'm aaron gilchrist. problems on the rails right now. here's danella with first 4 traffic. >> good morning, aaron. delays on the orange line now because of a broken down train. this is at the dunloring metro station. over to the roadways, inner loop of the beltway in virginia, some good news. as you make your way past gallos road, accidents there but now it's cleared. a bit of a delay from the interchange to the dulles toll road. the drive itself will take you about 23 minutes. aaron? >> danella, thank you. less than 17 hours away from a government shiftdown and if government fails to act the effects could be deadly to the american economy costing the district more than $2 million a day. the tourism industry could be hit particularly hard. the smithsonian may be closed. that means that the national zoo would be closed as well. we are still waiting to hear if d.c. mayor vincent gray will succeed in protecting city workers from a shutdown. he designated all city employees as essential to try to keep them on the job. the white house budget office has the final word and the mayor could be arrested for spending any money that congress hasn't authorized, even local tax good morning. a chimy start on this monday morning. it's in the 40s much of the region. partly cloudy later today and into the 70s and warmer afternoons and cool mornings all the way into the weekend. next chance of rain may be late on chef, you seem less tense since you got spark unlimited business checking from capital one bank. my stress has vanished. my old business checking account really pushed my buttons. transaction limits? more fees? are they bloody insane? horrible! come on! getting spark checking has made your cooking tolerable. [ male announcer ] switch to spark unlimited business checking from capital one bank and get unlimited transactions. limit the stress, unlimit your business. red's my color. what's in your wallet? good morning, everyone. it's 7:30 on a monday morning, the 30th of september, 2013. there on our wall you see some of the pretty sunsets folks have sent in. >> sunrise. >> oh, yeah, sunrise. although do we accept sunsets? >> no. >> in a goes on nightly news with brian williams. >> make sure they're mesound. #today sunrise, not sunset. >> you can keep your sunset. >> anyway, what do we have coming up this morning? >> let's look at the stories making headlines. the clock ticking toward a midnight deadline to avoid a government shut down. an agreement might not be reached in time. >> meantime, investigators are on the scene of a deadly accident at the santa monica airport this morning, a private jet veered off a run way and into a hanger killing everyone on board. >> and more storms are targeting the northwest after a weekend of record setting rains and high winds. >> also straight ahead, a remarkable story of survival. an american pop and her five children at the mall in kenya when it was attacked are with us. >> we begin with the retrial of amanda knox and her ex-boyfriend over the killing of her british roommate. we'll talk to raffaelle sollecito this morning. keith has more on the trial. good morning to you. >> good morning. two judges and six jurors will hear this case right from the beginning. the defendants continuing to claim their innocence and this morning, the defense team requested that the forensic evidence be reevaluated. >> reporter: this is the third time that amanda knox will face trial for murder and violent sexual assault and may not be the last. the court ordered the appeal of the not guilty verdict describing the ruling as full of deficiencies, contradictions and illogical conclusions and it called for a full review of all of the evidence. >> the question for me as an attorney is whether that evidence is now after so many years reliable. whether the chain of custody was properly preserved. >> it was almost six years agatha knox and her former boyfriend raffaelle sollecito were accused of murdering meredith kercher, an exchange student from england. knox, appealing like the all american girl was accused of participating in a drug fuelled sex game gone wrong. she was found not guilty on appeal after serving four years in prison. knox is not required to attend court and she told matt last week she can't face more time behind bars. >> i was already imprisoned as an incident person in italy and i can't reconcile the choice to go back with that experience. it's not a possibility. it is -- it was imprisoned as an innocent person and i just can't relive that. >> reporter: the victim's family welcomes the appeal convinced, along with italy's supreme court, that the one man convicted of the crime, did not act alone. this trial could last a year, maybe more and even then the knox saga may not be over. more appeals are possible. leaving the knox case in a sort of legal ping-pong and nobody knowing when it could end -- when it will finally end, savannah. keith miller, thank you. raffaelle sollecito is with us exclusively and his u.s. attorney joins me in the studio. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. it's a pleasure to be here. >> well, it's good to talk to you again. we have talked in the past and i just wondered, you are obviously not in italy this morning. do you plan to attend this trial. >> yes. i do. i will be back when the trial gets into the core. >> so you plan to attend and if called to testify, you would testify? >> if they ask me to testify, i will do that. it's the decision of the court for me to testify or not. i cannot make that decision by myself. >> what is it like for you to have this all starting over again? prosecutors once again standing up in court and saying that you and amanda knox had something to do with meredith kercher's murder? how does that feel? >> it seems to be pretty never ending saga of nightmare. my life is still on hold and i cannot move on. i cannot make plans for my future. i don't see -- actually i don't see any real future for me instead of standing in the trial kind of forever. they destroyed my life once and they are still going to destroy my life in this period as well. >> amanda has told us she does not plan to go back to italy for the trial. do you agree with that decision? do you understand it? >> i understand it. and it's her decision. she can make the decision that she wants. >> i'm always struck raffaelle by the fact that when this all happened you had known amanda just seven days. do you ever think about that? reflect on it? and frankly do you wish you had never crossed paths with her? >> no, actually, as i told many other times, i never regret it because it's not her fault what is happening. what is happening, it's a big, huge mistake against two human beings. we are innocent and we are fighting for our innocence. it's not our fault to be in this situation. actually, i don't regret to have met her because she had nothing to do with all of this tragedy and me neither. >> before i let you go, raffaelle, do you fear that you will be sent back to jail? >> well, i don't know what to expect, actually. i still live in a nightmare. they put me in jail again, they still hold me in jail because actu actually anything else in this trial. >> well, raffaelle sollecito we will continue to watch it. as i turn to your lawyer here, what happens next? no matter what this court decides, is that it? is it over? >> there's no finality here. it's going to go back up to the supreme court again and probably back down again too. it's a never ending nightmare. >> thank you so much. we appreciate it. we'll take a turn now and get a check of the weather from al. >> savannah, thank you. we have been talking about all the rain in the pacific northwest and it's still coming down. it has been raining quite a bit the last week down in southern florida but the good news is as you look, you can see a gorgeous sunrise and send your pictures, your sunrise pictures in, #todaysunrise. beautiful here in the northeast. week ahead, here's what we're looking for. more windy wet weather, snowy weather and above normal temperatures throughout the central part of the country. the midweek period, above normal temperatures. eastern half of the u.s. and below normal out west and the latures and below normal outwest and then the latter part of the week we are looking for more wet weather out west. temperatures stay warmer and above normal in the east. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> good morning. sunrise over the potomac and washington as seen by the storm team 4 hd city camera. now just at 7:30 in the morning, a chill remains in the air throughout much of the region. we're in the 40s and closer to washington low to mid-50s as well as by the bay. highs reaching the 70s later and that's your latest weather. >> thank you. coming up next, the dramatic story behind one of the most striking imagines of the deadly mall attack in kenya. the american mom that was there with her five children speaks out. then at 8:23, the duke and duchess of cambridge moving into their new home people don't have to think about where their electricity comes from. they flip the switch-- and the light comes on. it's our job to make sure that it does. using natural gas this power plant can produce enough energy for about 600,000 homes. generating electricity that's cleaner and reliable, with fewer emissions-- it matters. ♪ [ mom ] in my family, so we just look for this g. 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(beeping of c♪ffee maker.) save your coffee from the artificial stuff. switch to truvia. great tasting, zero-calorie sweetness from the stevia leaf. from nature, for sweetness. cashback concierge, here. what is a cashback concierge? well there's lots of ways you can get cash back. i'm here to help you get the most out of your cash rewards. it's personalized, and it's free. i want that. we have a concierge! at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. get the it card with cashback concierge. and we're back with new details on the deadly attack at a crowded shopping mall in nairobi kenya. more than a week later, new imagines reveal the aftermath of the four day siege. one of the most striking photos shows a 4-year-old american girl being rescued. she was at the mall with her mom catherine and her four other siblings. they're with us along with catherine's husband phillip. good morning to all of you. >> good morning. >> catherine, i want to start with you. i was reading about your experience last night and what struck me, what jumped out at me is the fact that you were at the mall with five children yet you were separated from two children. you had your three girl with you. your two sons were in another part of the mall. that had to add a layer of horror to the experience. >> it was pretty stressful but i didn't realize it. i thought my boys were already to get out but they weren't. it wasn't until after i was rescued that i realized they had been in there the entire time with me. >> where exactly were you catherine when the shooting started? were you in the open or in a store? describe your surroundings. >> i was standing out in front of the store and i was going to wait for my boys there and when the shooting broke out i ran and dove behind the little advertisement booth that they had there in front of the store. >> and you waiting there -- by the way, you were in the mall for four hours. our girls were very scared and upset. they were crying. so you also had to try and keep those girls calm. >> you know, they cried initially, just at the very beginning and then after that they got very quite and they laid very still and they almost like they went to sleep the entire time and it wasn't until they threw the tear gas in that they perked up a little bit and started complaining about the smell. >> catherine, when did you finally get reunited with your sons? >> when i got out, as soon as i got out, my pastor was there to greet me and he was able to tell me that my boys were out and my husband's business partner was there as well and they scooped us all up and took us to a friend's house and we were able to be reunite there had with my boys. >> phillip, all this time you knew your family was in that mall, you were not in the mall. can you describe what you were going through emotionally knowing that this was unfolding? >> no, i was traveling in the u.s. i was in north carolina in a hotel room. i was trying to follow news reports as they came in. i had a close friend that was keeping me updated via facebook and it was -- you just feel very helpless when you're 9,000 miles away and your entire family is going through something like this. >> catherine, we always hear stories of people that run toward the danger, not away from it. of people that do their best to help out, total strangers, you had a situation like that, didn't you. >> i sure did. abdul haji and a group of just regular men with some plain clothes police officers, they risked their lives. it wasn't just me. they went through the mall floor by floor and got so many people out of the mall. >> you had a chance to thank him i understand? >> i did. we got to meet him last night and it was such a wonderful reunion. >> we're glad you're all safe and i want to thank you for taking the time to tell us your story this morning. >> thank you. >> all right. here's savannah. >> all right, matt, thank you. coming up, bill o'reilly on his controversial new book about the life and death of jesus christ. but up next, what's buzzing in the orange room with carson? how angry are americans about ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] kleenex tissues help stop moisture better than the leading competitor. save yourself from an awkward situation. don't get caught without kleenex tissues. 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[ woman ] i'd be an architect. what if i told you someone could pay you and what if that person were you? ♪ when you think about it, isn't that what retirement should be, paying ourselves to do what we love? ♪ and then there's juicy chicken. the difference is hellmann's. hellmann's is the secret to making parmesan crusted chicken so juicy and so delicious. you can make dinner disappear. hellmann's. bring out the best. yep. how'd that happen? um... [ female announcer ] some things are hard for kids to digest. rice krispies are easy. because they're made of rice, which is gentle on tummies. it's simple as... ♪ snap! crackle! pop! ♪ rice krispies! nice car. sure is. make a deal with me, kid, and you can have the car and everything that goes along with it. [ thunder crashes, tires squeal ] ♪ ♪ so, what do you say? thanks... but i think i got this. ♪ [ male announcer ] the all-new cla. starting at $29,900. we're back on a monday morning, 7:51, what's going on in the orange room? >> the government shutdown looming. we asked how you felt the impact was going to effect your family? yes, no, or not sure. 41% of you saying yes, outside of government you think a potential shutdown would effect your family and people are saying specifically, do i think a shutdown will impact my family? i know for sure it will. we teach our students to co compromise. why cannot our leaders. that effects at least our kids and the way they view government. we'll keep an eye on it this morning. back to you. >> wise words this morning. >> i like that. up next at 8:10, you will not believe the plot twist in the new bridget jones novel. this one has some fans, queue the ladies on our set, distraught. >> who is bridget jones? >> and this one is for you al, did "breaking bad" go out on a >> and this one is for you al, did "[ male announcer ]ut on a there's a story behind the silver of philadelphia cream cheese. it always begins with fresh local milk blended with real, wholesome cream. going fresh from the farm, to our fridge, in just six days. because we believe in fresh taste. that's the way we set the standard for intensely rich, luscious flavor. so our story of fresh taste always ends, deliciously. when it comes to taste, philadelphia sets the standard. ♪ i'm watching you. ♪ you're knocking me out tonight. ♪ ♪ tonight. ♪ oooooooo. ♪ as your life and career change, fidelity is there for your personal economy, helping you readjust your retirement plan along the way, rethink how you're invested, and refocus as your career moves forward. wherever you are today, a fidelity i.r.a. has a wide range of investment choices to help you fine-tune your personal economy. call today, and we'll make it easy to move that old 401(k) to a fidelity i.r.a. the pain started up and wrapped around to the front. i couldn't play my bassoon because of the pressure that i felt throughout my whole head. the blistering and the rash was moving down towards my eye. the doctors at the emergency room recommended that i have it checked out by an eye doctor. there was concern about my eyesight. when i had shingles the music stopped. why would i take one pepcid® when i could take tums® throughout the day when my heartburn comes back? 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[ male announcer ] don't be like the burns. just one pepcid® complete works fast and lasts. ♪ ♪ that people are finally getting together. ♪ ♪ i think it's wonderful now ♪ that people are finally getting together. ♪ 7:56 is your time. good morning to you. i'm eun yang. let's go straight to danella sealock keeping an eye on back yps in your first 4 traffic. >> an earlier delay on the orange line is now gone. still seeing delays in both directions. over to the roadways around the area, pretty slow this morning. it is slow heading up i-70. steady and stop and go as you make your way between frederick, maryland, all the way to the capital beltway. hey on the brakes in germantown. hey on the brakes in germantown. back over to you, i was honored to serve as governor of virginia. we brought folks together in richmond to focus on creating jobs and getting results. that's the virginia way. and that's why i'm backing terry mcauliffe for governor. terry won't let ideological battles get in the way of making progress. terry will work with democrats, republicans, and independents to create jobs and move virginia forward. it's important for virginia that we elect terry mcauliffe as our governor. i'm terry mcauliffe, candidate for governor, and i sponsored this ad. i search for the perfect blue... bi share as soon as i find it. because when you score a designer this amazing... for so much less. it's the best feeling ever. see the real deal. search hashtag maxxinista wait 'til you see the designers people are scoring. t.j.maxx. good morning. storm team 4 seven-day outlook. a warming trend, above average. temperatures each day all the way into the weekend. next chance of rain not until late on sunday. our warmest day of the week should be wednesday. highs then into the mid-80s during the afternoon with cool mornings. generally lows near 60. >> another it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, time to move. william and kate get ready to bring prince george to their brand new home at kensington palace. and bill o'reilly on what he learned about jesus writing his latest best seller. and breaking bad ended it's run last night. how did that show's finale stack up with some of the greats before it? we'll ask that question today, monday, september 30th, 2013. >> st. louis. >> 50 and fabulous. >> not even a wreck could keep me from "today." >> today's my 30th birthday and i want to meet savannah. happy birthday to you. >> we're back now at 8:00 on this monday morning. big crowd gathered in our plaza this morning. i'm wondering, as i stand here with savannah guthrie, carson daly and al roker, how many of these people were up last night watching the series finale of "breaking bad." show of fhands here? >> did you watch breaking bad -- >> no spoileralert. >> what happens is -- i would never do that. >> i didn't want to see it and i don't want to know. i'll probably take another year to catch up on episodes. >> what are you on season 2. >> people loved it. >> the hardcore fans were into the finale. >> when was the last time a finale got this response from it's fans. >> why think of one. >> newhart. >> one week from today miley cyrus will be here. we'll talk about her new music and her controversy and she will perform live on our plaza. miley cyrus next monday right here on "today". >> did you just say twerk it rs. >> twerk it. >> you better work on your twerk. >> i don't think so. >> work your twerk. you won't will you? >> no. gosh no. >> just wanted to make sure. natalie has a check of the top stories. >> good morning to you guys once again and good morning everyone. despite a government shutdown looming at midnight they're set to reject the spending bill because it would delay part of the president's healthcare law. tom costello has more on the impact of the shutdown on government checks and the military. >> the irony is that shutting the government down is not ch p cheap. it will cost taxpayers millions of dollars. some federal agencies will feel the impact more acutely than others. the military will continue to operate but instead of paychecks those in uniforms could get ious to collect pay at a later day. that could change if congress elects to pay the military, still, civilian employees could be furloughed. the fbi, dea, and federal courts will operate normally for a time but if the shutdown is longer than two weeks the courts would run out of reserve funds. since the post service is an independent agency, the mail will keep coming. most homeland security operations will continue but the fda would be unable to keep upmost of it's food safety oversight. hud would be shut down same with the department of interior which means the national parks would close and if you're coming to washington, the smithsonian museums and the zoo would be closed. the department of labor, energy, commerce and epa will shut down. some irs functions would cease but social security checks would still go out and veterans could see their benefits effected but medical services should continue. >> one more irony is that obamacare, which is what all of this is about will continue to be implemented because they're not dependent on the congressional budget process and the longer the shutdown, the longer people go without paychecks, the greater the impact on the economy. >> tom costello, thank you so much, tom. the pacific northwest is reeling from fierce winds and rainfall. miguel almaguer is in seattle where the stormy weather isn't over yet. good morning. >> good morning. this area has been hit with a one-two punch. first it was rain but more recently it's been wind. we have wind gusts that have topped some 60 miles per hour toppling trees and power lines temporarily cutting off power to thousands but it was rain over the weekend that lead to some severe localized flooding. roads became rivers. it was a mess out here for the commute but this region is beginning to dry out a little bit. we do expect rain over the next several days but much of the region is beginning to pick up and wash out. we do expect the heavy wind storms to continue for the next several days. miguel, thank you so much. the retrial of former american exchange student amanda knox got underway today in italy. knox spent four years behind bars for the 2007 murder of her roommate until they overturned the verdicts against her and her former boyfriend. now they ordered a new trial. knox is not required to appear in court and she says she will not return to italy. the vatican announced this morning that pope john paul ii will be declared a saint during the next ceremony. pope john paul iii will be sell evacuated to saint hood. >> it's begun it's journey from greece to the winter games in russia. an actress used the sun's rays to kindle the flame on sunday and she passed it to the first of 14,000 relay runners that will carry it all the way to sochi for the opening ceremony on february 7th. about 130 days to go. at 8:06, let's go back outside to matt, savannah, carson, and al. guys. >> we'll be there. let's check in with mr. roker. >> hey, guys, we're over here. got some friends here -- this is your school -- the mascot is the vandals. >> it's the vandals. >> university of idaho. >> university of idaho. >> wow, in fact, here it is. this is the vandal right here. the guy that goes around ht her. their mascot is a guy who goes around graffitiing things. fantastic. our friends in seattle, they have just been getting dumped on. the good news softer next three days things get a little bit bert and scattered showers by wednesday and 53 for the high temperature. and we're looking at afternoon temperatures today warming up in the midwest. look at this. chicago 75 degrees. we take a look live right now. wrigley field, earth cam, you can see the sun coming up and looking pretty good in chicago. rest of the country today looking at sunny skies up and down the east coast. wet weather through the gulf and the rain continues in the pacific northwest. a little on the cool side for los angeles today. sunny skies and 74. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> good morning. right now partly cloudy and temperatures still rather chilly just past 8:00 on this monday morning. right now around the region we're generally near 50 in the nearby suburbs, but still in the 40s farther north and west and later today in the 70s much of the region and then a warming trend through the rest of the weekend to the weekend. above average temperatures. next chance of rain though may and that's your latest weather. back to the guys. >> all right, al, thank you very much. >> coming up next on trending, could snl's new group of cast members hold their own with the great one, tina fey. >> then "killing jesus." bill o'reilly on his new book and what he says was the real reason jesus was executed. >> and with harry potter behind him, how does he pick his roles? his surprso i c but there are no branches?y ba, 24/7. i'm sorry, i'm just really reluctant to try new things. really? what's wrong with trying new things? look! mommy's new vacuum! (cat screech) you feel that in your muscles? i do... drink water. it's a long story. well, not having branches let's us give you great rates and service. i'd like that. a new way to bank. a better way to save. ally bank. your money needs an ally. ow! why do i do this? [ female announcer ] some things are hard for kids to digest. rice krispies are easy. because they're made of rice, which is gentle on tummies. you missed one. it's simple as... ♪ snap! crackle! pop! ♪ rice krispies! [ male announcer ] with new smucker's natural fruit spreads, every day can be truly extraordinary. ♪ spread a little sunshine with naturally delicious smucker's natural. body washes with paper that reacts like skin. if others can strip this paper, imagine how harsh they can be to your skin. oh my gosh. [ female announcer ] dove is different. its breakthrough formula changes everything. dove. this is care. the instantly slimming dress. it shapes you up and shows you off in an instant. wear what works. the instantly slimming dress. only from white house -- black market. protmilk vs. omelet (ding!) winner: m-m-m-m-milk! has protein and travels. got protein. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] build anything with the new toyota tundra. toyota. let's go places. it's 8:11 and we're back with what's trending today. some of the stories making news online in particular. trending now from usa today, blue mint. have you heard about this? >> i had one this morning. >> no, a different kind. it's a story about the popular airline jet blue. today it will unveil a new upscale section called mint. it's essentially their version of first class. what will it feature? flat seats, fancier meals and large tvs. so everything savannah has on her plane. the flight will take off next june. >> aren't you hilarious. >> jet blue made a name for itself as a airline that treats everybody equally. >> what's the price point. >> we don't have information on pricing yet. >> it's from new york to l.a. and new york to san francisco which is a very competitive route. >> if it was less than the average first class seat they might be on to something. >> it makes the average flyer feel like they're in first class it will be a success. they have to have the blue chips. >> they're known for good service. so people will pay more for that. >> trending on twitter, major spoiler alert. >> wait, wait. >> do we really want to do this? >> i don't want to do it to be honest. >> bridget jones. >> do you love that book. >> do you want to know how it ends? >> no, no interest. i thought it was "breaking bad". >> honestly, they want us to tell -- >> you're not going to give the culmination of the next book but something that happens early in the book. it's devastating. if you love bridget jones, this is the time to go away and come back in 30 seconds. you have been warned. the newest book, mad about the boy, excerpts of it was published in a british newspaper and people, brace yourselves, natalie -- >> i'm bracing. >> mr. darcy -- mr. darcy dies. >> wasn't he in downton abbey. >> no, come on. >> colin firth, in the movie, played mr. darcy, he dies. >> how does he die? >> you have to read the book to find out. >> but of course immortalized by colin firth. >> well, jenna bush-hager just wrapped up an interview with the author and jenna asked her how she broke the news to colin firth. >> i had a conversation with colin which was one of the strangest conversations i've ever had where hi to tell him that mark had died and i had to ask colin if he was sitting down, if he had someone with him and the way we were talking to each other was literally as if someone had died but then we kept sort of laughing because they hadn't. >> by the way, we'll have more of jenna's exclusive interview next week. >> that is if we don't die of sadness first. >> mr. darcy lives on. i'm sorry. >> wow. >> okay. >> try to get through it. >> trending on youtube, live from new york, saturday night, returning for it's 39th season with tina fey as the host. they added six new cast members and in what many are calling the best sketch of the night, tina playing an albania immigrant that joined the cast of "girls". >> if you speak they will know you are simple. if they know you are simple they will drown you in river. i am very hungry. please, may i eat doughnut from your head? >> that is worth watching and rewatching. >> and it gets better. >> that's good. classic. that's what is trending today. >> wow. >> studio accident. >> nobody was hurt. straight ahead, bill o'reilly is here, daniel radcliffe is here and we have steals and deals. but first, bye bye breaking bad. it ended last night a week after winning the best drama emmy. was the time right? here's jason kennedy. >> it's over and i needed a proper good-bye. >> reporter: it was the final chapter in walter white's dark journey from high school teacher. >> it's growth and then decay and then transformation. >> reporter: and beyond. a show that ended while still at the top of it's game. >> i'm in the empire business. >> reporter: which sets it apart from many other series finales and in the minds of critics like brett martin. >> two things happen. they either disappear completely or they're meant to go on forever because once it's making money you try to extend the story as long as it goes and it's rare that you get, you know, the kind of cultural event we have been seeing lately. >> reporter: other series have disappointed fans in later seasons by jumping the shark or going out with forgettable endings like sienfeld, lost. like bob newhart waking up or tony soprano cutting to black. >> does it live up to the hype. the soprano finale which i happen to love, to this day, every single day, someone is asking me about it. >> a conversation we viewers don't want to end just because the show did. >> you invested in these shows for years. you invested in these characters and you're invested in these shows and you really don't know what you want to happen but you want something great to happen at the end. >> the end of "breaking bad" means he cooked his last batch of blue crystal but like bob, tony, jerry, and so many others before him, his legacy will be with us for many, many years to come. >> that's right. now, say my name. >> reporter: in los angeles, i'm jason kennedy for today. >> pretty amazing. >> people online say fans of the show, over 80% which is so rare for these series finales said they not just liked it, they loved it. >> they tied it up with a bow and a bang. let's go to matt with bill o'reilly. >> he shared his thoughts on what's going on in washington earlier and now he has come back to talk about his new book. this one is called "killing jesus." already it's climbing to the best sellers list and way up on that list. good morning again. good to see you. were you dying to tell the story of jesus or are you looking at a list of controversial figures and checking them off. lincoln, kennedy, jesus? >> after kennedy we didn't know what we were going to do and i was batting around a few ideas of people i think we need to get into the center of it and one night i woke up, 3:00 in the morning, and this always happens to me and bang, "killing jesus." whenever i get a thought like that i take it seriously so we got it in motion. >> one of the reviews says the gospel according to o'reilly. give me a sense of what you were trying to do here. were you trying to create a historic reference or were you spinning a yard here or somewhere in between. >> there's no yarn. we back it up pretty thoroughly. some of it is startling because it's not the traditional what you know about jesus. >> millions of catholics grew up hearing that jesus died for our sins. one of the other reviews i read about this book says according to your take jesus died for taxes. so you fill in the blank. what's the headli? >> the headline is jesus died for money. the romans killed him for money. however, if you're a believer and believe jesus is god, he died for your since. that's what the old testament pr proficies but the scripture is different. here's what jesus of nazareth did to tee them off. he interrupted the tax flow because the romans were taxing the folks by making them buy -- they had to buy lambs for the pa passover. there was a tax on it. you couldn't buy it unless there was a certain currency and when jesus went into the temple and overthrew the tables that's when his death sentence was proclaimed. >> any time you write a book like this people will take shots at the way you tell the stories. but i read the book also and i think this was an oversimplification. a criticism is you don't spend enough time talking about jesus and preaching that dealing with the poor and sharing with the underprivileged was the principle theme he lived by. >> i'm getting attacked by the antichristian people. they said because i was inspired i believe by the holy spirit to do all my work, not just this, they mock if he more that. the left wing blogs want me to bring obamacare into killing jesus. that's what they want me to do and the evangelicals say i'm going to hell because i don't say jesus on every page. >> what was your up bringing? >> my parents weren't fanatics. irish catholic background. >> catholic school. >> i was an altar boy but for money. >> so your view is different than what you thought as a kid, how. >> i did it for money because you get paid for weddings when you're an altar boy. the big headline for me in "killing jesus" is jesus of nazareth is the most famous person that's ever lived. no structure, no country, no money, nothing. how does that happen? how does that happen? so something had to be going on with him, so that you have to consider. >> and strategically have you messed up here? after lincoln and kennedy you go right to the top of the list? how do you take a step back for your next book? i would have thought this would have been your tenth book. >> well, i'm getting up there in age. >> don't know how many books you have left in you. >> nec book is a big world war ii book which is going to be stunning because we're writing it now and the research -- everybody has this image. this is what happened but that's not what happened and that's my job is to tell you what really happened. >> we'll expect you back for that one. >> you liked the book. >> i did. all three now. i read three for three. >> i appreciate that matt. >> good to see you. it's a pleasure. >> we'll go over to savannah. >> thank you so much. now to a milestone in the live of the duke and duchess of cambridge, they're preparing to move into their palace. michelle kosinski is at the other palace, buckingham, good morning to you. >> hey, savannah. kate became a duchess and princess when she married william and now she gets the palace. insiders think it will be this week that the royal couple and baby move out of their cottage at kensington and into their grand apartment. >> reporter: it is called simply apartment 1-a but a palace in every sense. 20 rooms including receptions, staff quarters, nursery, private walled gardens and is likely to be furnished with antiques from the priceless royal collection. meredith got a look at the century's old inner sanctum years ago. >> kate has been overseeing the whole plan. she has been in charge of the decor and picking the curtains and the carpet. >> it's taken a long time and reportedly more than $2 million, much of it taxpayer money, to renovate what was once princess margaret's home. that meant installing a new kitchen, all sure to be in perfect shape for the family in the same palace where william and harry grew up and were frequently naughty and shared happy memories. >> my room was right next door to the nursery. it was a very happy atmosphere t in the nursery and william will want to replicate that atmosphere where ever possible with his children. it will be fantastic. >> yeah, kind of like you guys turned studio 1-a into a palace. but also this month is the christening of baby prince george in the same place where queen elizabeth i prayed before battling the spanish armada and where princess diana's body lay for a week after she died. and they think there will be a tribute to diana during the christening. >> all right. michelle could s michelle thank you so much. we have steals and deals discounts for our viewers. clothes and lipstick. jill martin not part of the deal there but she'll tell us about the deal. >> maybe. >> then daniel radcliffe on the good morning. 8:26 now on this monday, september 30th. i'm aaron gilchrist. we're seeing issues on the road and rails. let's get your first 4 traffic with danella sealock. >> the orange line dealing with another disabled train so here's what's happening. there's a disabled train at metro center affecting the orange and blue line. another disabled train at federal triangle and also affecting the orange line, so on both of these rails here you can expect delays in both directions and also slow around our area. you can see most our roadways seeing red. that means very slow. for folks along i-95 and virginia. usual delays. pretty sluggish, a live look and no accidents on i-95 northbound. just delays. back over to you, aaron. >> another string of nice days on the way. we'll check your f good morning. partly cloudy now. temperatures are beginning to climb into the 50s. a chilly morning, but we should have a rapid warmup today with highs reaching the mid-70s. much of the region may hit upper 70s right in washington and tomorrow mostly sin and a bit warmer, warmer than average temperatures each day through the week and into the weekend. next chance of rain, that may not be until late on sunday. aaron. >> all right, tom. thank you. thank you. you can get the latest news a i'm terry mcauliffe, candidate for governor, and i sponsored this ad. for 30 years i've worked as an obgyn, my job is to protect the health of women. so i'm particularly offended by ken cuccinelli. cuccinelli wants to make all abortion illegal ... ... even in cases of rape and incest. ... even to protect a woman's health. i want a governor who's focused on schools and creating jobs, not someone who wants to do my job. who's ken cuccinelli to interfere in the lives of women across virginia? 8:30 now on this monday morning. it is the 30th of september, 2013. pretty fall day right here in rockefeller plaza. we are crossing off bucket list items left and right this morning. we have a great crowd. >> you have to be careful about crossing off some bucket list items. >> okay. >> you really get to know the person. >> i'm going to let her do that one. >> but the bucket list. >> there you go. i'm along side al roker, matt lauer, natalie morales, and carson daly. >> we'll start a series called fact or fiction. when seeing is not always believing. stories, and videos on air and online and on television. how many of those things can you believe? we'll give you useful tools to help you become a more educated consumer of information. >> remember that one. that was a class project. the eagle snatching the baby. turned out not to real. >> that wasn't so real. >> plus daniel radcliffe is here. he has not one but three movies coming out including one with a scene that already has people talking. we'll catch up with daniel in a lit bit. >> and from diamond earrings to designer handbags, we'll run through the great steals and deals that jill martin has just for you. >> before we go shopping, let's get the weather from al. >> we're looking at moreshoppin. let's get the weather from al. >> more heavy rain. mountain snows in the cascades and wet weather along the gulf. gorgeous here in the east and mid-atlantic states. 80 in minneapolis. more weather in the west. showers and a front moves through the central great lakes and new york and into northern new england. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> good morning. a still still in the air on this monday morning. right now past 8:30. temperatures in the low to mid-50s around the metro area. elsewhere just in the 40s to near 50 degrees and partly cloudy. later today we'll get the sunshine and a bit of a northerly please and warmer temperatures each day all the way through the rest of the weekend and take a look at your latest weather, there's daniel radcliffe still taking pictures. daniel radcliffe, all right. now let's go back in to matt. >> all right, al. thank you very much. up next, daniel radcliffe on that new movie. three of them and why he takes rolls that scare him. that's right after this. pumpkin's back at dunkin'? now you tell me. try the new pumpkin pie donut or any of our other many pumpkin treats today. america runs on dunkin'. in this stage of 24/7 news, viral videos and rampants go accept it's hard to tell what is true and what's not. it's not always wise to believe what you see, or hear on television. so how do we know? >> reporter: it's the information overload age. >> anybody can put anything online. >> on screens big and small, from countless sites and sources. tweets, updates and alerts reach millions of people in split seconds. >> the internet is the greatest form of communication ever invented. it's also a place of chaos and confusion and trying to sort through what's real and what's not. >> reporter: on the web and beyond, when news breaks there's pressure to report quickly and mistakes do happen. >> particularly in breaking news situations social media can fuel the rise of incorrect reporting and false facts making their way into the mainstream. >> reporter: but not all misinformation is accidental. history is ripe with cases of deception and when it comes to grand scale hoaxes, orson wells war of the worlds was one of them. the radio broadcast created widespread panic and introduced the nation to the highs and lows of getting duped collectively. almost anybody can be an online orson wells. >> people can wear a mask online making it that much harder to detect deception. >> reporter: in the world of viral videos we're asking is it real or is it a prank. >> when marketers come up with fake viral videos that's deceitful in an effort to make money. >> remember lonely girl 15? she turned out to be a hired actress for a youtube web series. or the drowning goat rescued by a pig? staged and the worst twerk fail ever that became an instant sensation, just a stunt woman in a jimmy kimmel concoction. >> one consequence is that when real stuff comes out it takes us longer to believe it and to trust it. >> how do we know what to believe? jeff cowen is an associate professor of journalism. good morning. >> great to be with you. >> we are inendated with information. how do we filter it? >> people are skeptical. they know they're being sold something, we should be skeptical about news and viral e-mail hoaxes and messages. we're bombarded and we have to raise our level of skepticism. >> there's time when people are trying to fool you. let's set those aside for a second. let's take a look at the situation of break news. information coming at us, members of the media, fast and furious, we're trying to get the information out. what's your best advice for the consumer? >> sometimes turn it off. if you see the people on tv are speculating and they don't know what's going on. look, the navy yard, we thought at some point there might have been an extra shooter. very scary, wasn't sure. in boston we thought there might have been extra explosive devices, wasn't true. we got that from the media. journalists can't be thinking i have to beat the other network by ten seconds. >> as a consumer you to say let me consider my source. you to trust the source but even trusted sources make mistakes. >> right because they're often -- in breaking situations, they're not getting the right information. the worst hoax was the 1996 olympic bombing. and the guy that was a hero, actually, the security guard that found the pipe bomb and helped save lives, others reported he was a suspect and they got from that's from the fbi and it wasn't true. >> remember when president obama took the oath of office the first time that he swore on the koran, obviously not true. >> yeah, that was a viral e-mail. that went everywhere that he was a radical muslim that won't pray on the bible or take the oath. there were no links. no sources. no dates, no photographs. there were triple exclamation points in that hoax. all capital letters in a lot of the words. the same thing with the famous clothing designers allegedly a racist. same thing. there were no links. there were no sources. and all the exclamation points, i think people are learning to be internet literal. if they see these things that are anonymous and have strong accusations with no links or sources, don't trust them. >> that's what we'll be talking about this week. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> all week long we'll give you more information as we dive deeper into this special series called fact or fiction. each day, we'll bring you two stories. one will be totally true and the other complete fiction and we'll all try to figure out which is which. that's all this week on "today". >> savannah. >> all right, matt, thank you. now with jill's steals and deals. it's jill martin. >> good morning. >> remind us how this works. >> everybody has been waiting for this. here we are. go to right now and we'll link you to the retailers website. up to 85% off today. >> menswear. tell us about it. >> meet my boyfriends. starting with the two button down shirts and this fabulous zip sweater. retail is 68 to $85. you choose one of the three. great to stock up on for holiday. a lot of men have been asking what about me, well, here you go. retail 68 to $85. the deal $19. that's up to 78% off. >> your boyfriends are men of few words. now we have make up. >> okay, these are make up kits. it's your choice of three kits, four different shades, 65 to $75. you see all the things you get here and go online. a lot of different things in each of the sets and four shades and it's clearly marked on the website which is for you. it's carried in high end boutiques around the country and officially make up partner with legally blonde, xerox factor and fashion week. the deal is $18 for the entire set. that's up to 76% off. this is all you need for fall. you could replenish your whole make up kit. >> cookbooks. if you love the kitchen this is for you. >> the retail 67.50 to $78. your choice of 8 photographed cookbook sets by well-known celebrities you see here. the retail 67.50 to $78. >> how many books is that. >> up to 73% off. >> it varies so go on the website. >> $21. >> you could do christmas shopping right there. >> and get 8 gifts. >> exactly. >> black diamonds. these are real diamonds? >> no, these are real diamonds. genuine black diamond earrings, 149 to 399. stacking up for holiday. genuine round cut black diamond studs available in three sizes, a quarter carrot. you can tell clearly on the website, a half carat and carat. the deal is $29 to $69. that's up to 83% off. >> wow, that's great. >> and really classic. >> they are. a lot of celebrities have been into the black diamond. >> yeah and i wore my necklace to match it and you can mix and match. i love matching black diamonds with gold also. people ask if you can mix and match. it's a yes. >> kenneth cole has great clutches. >> these are so popular we brought them back. retail $50. now five styles of wallets and clutches and available in a bunch of colors. i want to show you a few. you open this like this and it becomes a clutch. >> oh, cool. >> so it's different. we have them all on the website and what they do. so the retail, $50. the deal, $14 for any of these. that's 72% off. >> all right. great. finally, this is an app only offer. crocs. >> so you have to download the app to get this and if you don't know how to do it go to and we'll walk you through it. you have to download the app. this is the work shoe that specialized in comfort from heel to toe. now they're offering this deal in honor of international comfort day which was this past saturday. every day should be that. the retail 29.99. the deal 9.99. they rarely give deals like this on crocs. >> we have the menswear, the earrings, the clutches from kenneth cole and our app only deal from crocs. if you have questions call jill. her phone number is -- just kidding. go to kidding. go to[ male announcer ] at northrop grumman, we've always been on the forefront of innovation. when the world called for speed... ♪ ...when the world called for stealth... ♪ ...intelligence... endurance... affordability... adaptability... and when the world asked for the future. staying ahead in a constantly evolving world. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. back at 8:47. if you hear the name daniel radcliffe and think only harry potter, you have to think again. the 24-year-old is busy in the theater and the movies. three films coming out and another in production right now. you made time for me. good to see you. >> thank you for having me. >> we're talking about kill your darlings this morning. it's set in the time of the great beat poets. was it fun to imagine that time? >> it was. that's what shooting a period film of that era in new york is an excuse to walk around in incredibly cool clothes. that's one of the things we discovered about the beat generation is that everything they -- that style has now become cool again. >> did you pay attention in english class? did you have to go back -- >> they're not taught as much in england in schools but i read him when i was 17 as everyone does and has that connection with it and my first reaction was the same as a lot of peoples, what the hell but after doing the film and learning more about his life his poetry made more sense to me. >> one of the things getting headlines is for better for worse is you're in a gay love scene in this movie. are you surprised? >> i would be a very stupid person if i didn't expect some reaction to that. in a way there's been less reaction to it than i thought there would be. a lot of people are choosing to focus on the film and i don't mind what reasons people go in to see the film if ultimately they're going to go in and see a compelling drama. so i don't really mind. >> you can't do an interview without somebody bringing up that other film. >> everyone says it like that. like i don't want it to be mentioned. >> they feel bad. but do you actively seek out roles now or have you when you first left that franchise that were kind of unharry? to stretch your wings a little bit? >> yeah but at the same time i don't know what i could have done that would have been similar to harry? that's why i signed up immediately for another young adult series. i don't know what i could have done but now i think the thing is it's not just to -- i don't want to just not repeat harry potter but i don't want to repeat the woman in black or now killing darlings. any actor that wants to have a long career realizes that the key is, you know, versatility and stretching yourself and it's for fun to be honested. >> you have been praised for the choices you have made but i was struck by the mob scene that follows you everywhere you go. you were at the venice film festival. did the building really shake because of all the fans? >> well, the building was a temporary structure. it was an easier building to shake than most are but yeah, and also we had never done any potter publicity over there through the ten years so it was like ten years of pent up -- >> excitement. >> excitement but it was great. they're a passionate people. there was a lot of crying. which i always find tricky to deal with. >> happy tears we hope. >> we hope. >> daniel radcliffe it's good to see you. >> thank you very much. >> thank you very much. coming up next, the sweet >> thank you very much. coming up next, the sweet business in chicago changing i was honored to serve as governor of virginia. we brought folks together in richmond to focus on creating jobs and getting results. that's the virginia way. and that's why i'm backing terry mcauliffe for governor. terry won't let ideological battles get in the way of making progress. terry will work with democrats, republicans, and independents to create jobs and move virginia forward. it's important for virginia that we elect terry mcauliffe as our governor. i'm terry mcauliffe, candidate for governor, and i sponsored this ad. today's american story comes from chicago where a big city bee farm is all the, pardon me, buzz. >> good morning, on chicago's west side nine of ten young adults are out of work but that quirky bee business is a beacon for change. >> reporter: planes aren't the only thing taking off at chicago's o'hare airport. down at the end of the runway, a newbie farm is soaring. big named stores are slurping up all the honey it can produce. even celebrity chef rick baliss features the nectar in some of his restaurants. >> i don't know, if that a type of honey? i don't know. but when you taste the honey, it's beautiful. >> reporter: in many ways. during the recession while other companies were laying off sweet beginnings created 360 new jobs in a neighborhood where crime is rarely more than a street corner away. 80% of the men have been in jail. thad smith, a combat marine in the first gulf war is homeless. >> i'm competing against people that are younger than me with better skills and no criminal background. >> reporter: he got out of prison for writing bad checks. brenda is the queen bee of this $300,000 a year business. >> what did you know about honey? except for what you put on a biscuit? >> i knew nothing about honey. >> reporter: so she sweet talked john hansen into teaching them how. the 83-year-old is a former president of the illinois beekeepers association. >> why do you think ex-cons do so well in the bee business when they have been so challenged. >> it's a type of work passed on by story telling. >> reporter: they learn by doing. do it right or -- >> anybody get stung yet. >> reporter: lesson number two, you can't con a bee. >> no, you don't. the bee is boss. >> reporter: study them and they can show you how to succeed in the competitive world. >> thousands of bees working for one single point. >> reporter: make something good and sweet. for most, this is not a career. they work with bees just 2 1/2 months but apparently it makes a big difference. nationwide, six out of ten convicts go back to prison, the ones that buzz through here, fewer than 4%. sweet beginnings gave james white more to talk about than his jail time. >> i learned how to be successful. >> reporter: when he went looking for his next job, shelton johnson hired him on the spot. >> he even mentored me sometimes, you know? tell me how i can run my company more efficient. >> reporter: pollinate is a word that brenda likes to throw around when talking about her work. she pollinates jobs for recently released inmates. faith among the people that take a chance on hiring them and new hope in north lawndale. all this grew from an overgrown field at the end of a run way. >> these are weeds, not flowers. >> bees don't distinguish between what we see as a flower or weed. they're just interested in collecting the good stuff. >> reporter: after all, a weed is just a flower in a place you don't want it. sweet beginnings started with a grant from the illinois correcons department seven years ago. >> it's customary by the way, to bring some of the product. >> i did 8:56 is your time now on this monday, september 30th, 2013. i'm eun yang. we're tracking delays on metro this morning. let's check in with danella sealock and your first 4 traffic. danella, good morning. >> good morning. watching the rail delays. two disabled trains on the orange line. they have since cleared, but orange and blue still slow from twitter, ryalipstick tweets a picture of the vienna metro station. you can see pretty crowded here because of the earlier delays, and they remain. over to the roadway, just a slow trip for folks along i-270. still seeing delays. in the local lanes as you pass i-370, crash just off to your right shoulder lane. back over to you. >> thank you. a beautiful week is in store for good morning. approaching 9:00. temperatures are near 60 degrees around the metro area. elsewhere it's 50s. later today though should make it into the 70s much of the region and partly cloudy then. clearing out tonight and mostly sunny on tuesday and a bit warmer and the warmer trend continues each day all the way into the weekend. remaining dry. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is today's take with al roker, natalie morales, and willie geist. live from studio 1-a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome back to "today" on this monday morning. i'm willie geist with al roker, natalie morales, brooke shields back in the house with us. >> usually you're in for me. >> just keeping the seat warm for you. >> there as a party when you walked in not only because you hadn't met before but because you're wearing -- >> the bottom half of my dress and the whole part of your dress. >> made to look like snake but it's not. >> want to be clear. >> not real snake. >> no. >> so the thing everybody is talking about this morning is the "breaking bad" finale. how many of us saw it? >> i couldn't wait. >> there's low risk of a spoiler alert because only brooke saw the finale. >> so our viewers that haven't seen it yet. >> it's too late. everybody's going to know. >> don't give away too much. but did it live up to your expectations? >> it was beyond. part of me likes happy endings and in this weird sort of breaking bad world it was a happy ending and he says i'm never going to tell me -- and then at the final moment -- >> hey, hey, hey -- >> everybody has seen it. >> nobody has seen it. >> i was happy with the end. >> how many of you were like me yesterday downloading season one, two, three, four? >> a lot of catch up. >> i'm so behind. i have fomo. fear of missing out. >> even if you're not watching it and everybody is talking about it you're thinking there's something wrong with me. i've got to know. i've got to know. >> i have had the seasons for the last four years. and i cannot get through the first season. it is so intense. some shows you can binge watch. i cannot binge watch that show. >> no, you need a little alcohol. >> oh. >> that's the problem. >> suddenly susan in like 1999 this kid, we were doing a tribute episode to one of our cast members that had passed away and we did a tribute episode to him and we hired a bunch of kids and it's a day in his life and you see how he touched people's lives and there's one kid and it was aaron paul and he was a broading actor and i thought this kid is so unhappy on a sitcom. he's either a serious actor or he's going to have a bad attitude and nobody is going to want to hire him. thank god it was the other. but it's so interesting to watch. he is an actor that wanted that depth and intensity. i don't know how any of them survived this show. >> look at brian cranston. he was on malcolm in the middle. blowing everybody away. no pun intended. >> and the attention to detail like i said last week is they're all working so hard together and they have -- when you really watch it and get a chance to watch it, you get a little desensitized to the blood and gore but it brilliantly crafted. >> if i'm hung over tomorrow it's because i'm binge watching and binge drinking. >> now you have an excuse. >> part of my master plan. >> brooke told me to do it. >> contract that with the finale of the sopranos which a lot of people weren't happy about or newhart. >> that was spectacular. that one and mary tyler moore. >> the more the sopranos marinated people liked it. >> i don't think so. people were still upset. >> they were confused by it and the more you thought about it you thought it was brilliant. >> people thought their tvs went out. >> you have to fill in your own ending. >> what do you think happened? >> i think it just goes on. i don't think anything happens. >> yeah. >> the waiting for it and it never happens. >> it's that anticipation is what they wanted to create. that must be what it's like to live their lives. >> somebody coming in the door could be death. your waiter, your waitress. >> still that whole ending just still, in my mind, i can't -- >> you don't like it? >> i don't like it. it makes me angry. >> you have unresolved issues. >> i think you'll love the end of breaking bad because i feel the same way about wanting it in a neat package. >> i like to know how things end. >> see. >> by the way, i want to throw in a little plug, "the blacklist" on nbc. >> blew me away. >> spectacular. it's like homeland meets silence of the lamb. instead of eating people he's eating the scenery. he is spectacular. >> i can't believe this is on network tv. it's intense and violent and this relationship. it's like silence of the lambs. >> more tv to watch. >> more alcohol. >> anything else? homeland to catch up on too. >> natalie is going to be drunk forever. >> homeland last night. >> i love fall tv, though. so good. >> snl. >> snl. >> remember when you got the fall edition of the tv guide. >> vaguely. >> i remember it, al. >> he was ten years old. >> i was on the cover. >> oh. >> you get that premiere week edition of the tv guide and i was such a nerd. i would literally get two copies, one to save and one to go through. look at what's coming -- >> you would save them? what would you save them for? >> he really did read it for the articles. >> i was on the cover of the v guide that george -- >> true story? >> in the sinefeld episode i'm on. >> really? >> he says al roker, same thing. >> okay. well, you brought it up. were you happy with that finale because a lot of people weren't? >> i can't even remember it. >> in jail. >> it is a metaphor. it's a metaphor. >> really? i don't do metaphors. >> no. >> you liked the soprano's ending. that was a total metaphor. >> it was open ended. >> we mentioned snl. they had a big night. >> yes, they did. >> tina fey was great. >> she played that girl. >> you dress like baby. >> stop talking. stop talking or they will drown you in the river. >> i must eat the doughnut from your head. >> you do that well. >> i loved it. >> you are fat. you are baby fat. >> that downturned mouth. >> big moment at the weekend update desk. the passing of the torch. she could take over on her own. let's see how she did. >> would you mind if i just gave you a couple of pieces of advice, though. >> i would love it. >> here's what it is. keep your head down you do your time. on the first day you go up to the biggest guy in the yard and punch him in the face. don't mess with texas. keep your feet on the ground, keep, reaching for the stars, believe in your nightmares. see this man here? this man don't own you. you do you. you in charge. say it. >> i'm in charge. >> say it like you mean it. >> i'm in charge. >> good. that's real good. i'm going to give you my phone number. do not call me. >> tina fey speaks from experience on that desk where she was with jimmy fallon all of those years. >> she's incredibly funny. she will be good at that job. >> they did a pretty good skit that was new cast member or member of arcade fire. >> right. >> nobody knows who they are. >> i love arcade fire. >> nobody knows the new cast. >> the new cast. >> you just have another drink. >> i'll start now and then i'll start my binge watching of breaking bad. >> or binge drinking either one and then you can do the fourth hour. >> i'll be well ahead of the ladies. >> she loves arcade fire but hates the soprano's finale. >> she's angry. >> al, let's get a look of the weather. >> let's s >> we're learning a lot about natalie this morning. >> and that she's angry. >> al, let's get a look at the weather. let's see what we've got for you starting off in the pacific northwest. man, they have gotten hammered rain-wise, some areas picking up to 10 inches of rain, and we're talking about more coming. as you can see, some areas up to 10 inches. wettest weather across oregon and seattle breaking a record today. more rain coming in, winter weather advisories, flood watches and won, in the cascade money taps and rainfall amounts, around 2 to 3 in the puget sound area. that's what's happening around the country and now here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> right now just past 9:00, temperatures are near 60 degrees around the metro area and near the bay generally in the 50s and later today though most of the region should make it into the 70s. upper 70s right in washington. elsewhere low to mid-70s for mice and by that's your latest weather. >> i want to point out an event i did yesterday for the parkinsons foundation. my father has parkinson's but there's another disease called dystonia people don't know about. it's the third largest movement disease. they do a bike ride called jake's ride out in new jersey. i was honored to be a part of it and shine light on dystonia. hopefully people can check it out. it's a big problem overshadowed by parkinson's. >> good stuff. >> a goodwill employee gives out thousands of dollars of discounts and gets arrested. is he a modern day robin hood or a thief? find out after this. color that's vibrant. the one and only feria by l'oreal. multi-faceted color that transforms you. triple highlights that shimmer from every angle. never dull, never flat. feria. by l'oreal paris. say "yes". faster than kenny can dodge a question. honey, how'd that test go? 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[fans cheering] ♪ ♪ take back the night! ♪ come on, use me up until there's nothing left. ♪ ♪ take back the night! ♪ dizzy, spinning, sweating, ♪ you can't catch your... woah! what? it's called a smoky eye. [ female announcer ] you may not be the best at new trends but you know what's best for your kids. so we listened when you said gogurt should have only natural colors and flavors and no high fructose corn syrup. thanks, mom. the not so pretty truth about their body washes. i wouldn't change. [ female announcer ] this test paper was designed to react like your skin. if other body washes can strip this paper, imagine how harsh they can be to your skin. oh my gosh. [ female announcer ] dove is different. its breakthrough formula changes everything with the blend of gentle cleansers and nourishing nutrium moisture. so what do you think now? definitely switching to dove. [ female announcer ] dove. this is care. ♪ back now with more of today's take. this is a pretty incredible story out of florida. there's a goodwill store there dropping grand theft charges against a teenage employee who gave discounts to the poorest customers. this decision came four days after the store fired this kid, 19 years old and had him arrested and put in jail briefly before he posted bond. >> that's crazy. >> for granting discounts to people that totalled $4,000 overtime. >> at the goodwill. >> the name of your store is goodwill. >> right. >> he was interviewed and he said he didn't think what he was doing was illegal. he thought his actions mirrored the intent of goodwill. >> was he a volunteer? >> that's a good question. >> because, you know, could he have said he parlayed his salary into the discounts? >> not $4,000 worth of discounts. >> they dropped the charges. >> they dropped the charges but they threw him in jail. i mean, they did put out a statement saying after completing our internal investigation determined that the individuals actions were not for personal gain but rather for the benefit of others. >> maybe they could have done the investigation first before firing the kid. >> yeah. >> and let's face it, it's not like you're giving away cars. >> goodwill is the stuff that everybody is giving away to charity. >> and he just discounted it. so he was still charging per item but cutting it in half. >> probably on a need basis too. >> because at goodwill it's an arbitrary -- you give them something and whether it's a fancy thing or a old doll, they get to decide the price of it so that's also another piece of information because who is really to say what the value is. >> right. >> so you know what i mean -- >> it's one thing if he's taking money out of the register. i guess that, but in their view he was, in a way, taking money out of the register. >> but he wasn't benefitting from it. >> right. >> finally came to the right decision. >> but he still lost his job over it. >> well, him losing his job is okay. i think kids can't do that but to throw him in jail. >> too much. >> i think he was a good hearted kid that was just hoping to help others who were really in need. >> yeah. >> so we're all married at this table. there's a little something called the 5 year itch. >> not the seven? >> it's a study. got it from australia. >> or england or something. >> this is according to a study of 2,000 married adults. >> where's this study from? >> the u.k. >> do we do not studies in this country anymore? >> we have to get a u.k. study? >> i swore i wouldn't make it past the second year. i was like i get a 2nd year itch and now it's 13 years. >> no itches between? >> no itches. >> if you don't mind my asking. >> no, but this morning he was like i had a dream you left if he more a surf instructor. >> wow. >> you know, it's still -- he says to me he's like i keep thinking you're going to go this is great. you're good, right? this has been fun and i've got to go. so maybe there's some kind of -- always worried about. >> surf's up. hang ten. >> third year seems to be what they're saying there. i don't know if i agree with that. >> the fifth year is when kids start to come in and you get exhausted and it's strife and it's not just about the two of you. >> we had josh at about five years and it's hard. it's hard on the marriage. you're so used to being a couple and all of a sudden you're getting no sleep and forget what you did when you were a couple. >> i'm sorry. i don't understand. could you explain? >> we'll leave it there. >> my third year i ruined it. i was going through ivf like seven times just to have the kid so i didn't even get the fun part to have the kid. i had drugs and shots. >> and that was before you tried to have kids. >> that was before the kids. that was just the chaser. >> drugs and shots. marital bliss. >> thank you u.k. >> yeah. >> get jimmy fallon to write a thank you note. thank you u.k. for more useless studies. >> we need to start looking for american studies. coming up next, all the news you need before you leave the house. >> speaking of leaving the house, are you doing enough to protect your home from burglars? or surfers that may come take your wife. we'll show you the common ♪ [ female announcer ] with the weight watchers app, you have the power of weight watchers. and helpful tools like the pizza cheat sheet so you can make the most of any situation. what can i get you? i'll have that one. [ female announcer ] even saturday nights. ♪ and the barcode scanner so weekend road trips don't mean losing your way. you can lose weight and still live big. ♪ join weight watchers online for free and get the app today. is that true? says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove some cholesterol, and that's heart healthy. ♪ [ dad ] jan? (toy) (klip klopping) some tend to the horses. (kid) i'm rapunzel. (toy) (song sfx) (kid 2) you be aurora. some act out a scene. (toy) (klip klopping) others make up their own. (kid) (laugh) whether they klip or they klop or they sit and dream nonstop. (toy) (klip klopping) (toy) (trumpet sound with horse neigh) with the new fisher-price disney princess stable, kids aren't just playing. they're discovering a whole new world. only from fisher-price. served on a toasted pretzel roll, our new bacon avocado chicken sandwich comes with fries and your choice of soup or salad. it's just one of chili's delicious lunch break combos. more life happens here. it's eb. want to give your family the very best in taste, freshness, and nutrition? it's eb. eggland's best. better taste. better nutrition. better eggs. you raise her spirits. we tackled your shoulder pain. you make him rookie of the year. we took care of your cold symptoms. you take him on an adventure. tylenol® has been the number 1 doctor recommended brand of pain reliever for over 20 years. but for everything we do, we know you do so much more. tylenol®. why won't he smile? [ laughs ] [ smooch ] [ male announcer ] french the rainbow! taste the rainbow! taking a look at the headlines this morning, the first government shutdown is looking for likely. at the center of the fight of the republican demand that president obama delay parts of the affordable care act for years. they could be sidelined starting tuesday if a deal isn't reached by midnight. the clock is ticking if you're planning to fly somewhere this thanksgiving holiday. experts say add $5 a day for each day you purchase thanksgiving air fare. that is if you're traveling the wednesday before or sunday after turkey day. move over coca-cola. apple is now the most valuable brand in the world. that's according to a new report by interbrand. the best report shows apple moved into the top spot. the company's brand is worth $98 billion. coca-cola which has been number one to 13 years fell to number three on the list. >> chocolate lovers, listen up. it could cost you more for those sweet treats in the future. there's two reasons. one where the beans are grown will hurt this year's harvest and the demand for chocolate is up. put them together and you'll expect to pay a little bit more. >> a sequel even more popular than the original lead the way at the box office this weekend. cloudy with a chance of me meatballs 2 brought in $35 million. prisoners brought in 11.3 million and rush rounds out the top three with 10.3 million. take a look at this, six tons of canned goods turned into works of art in arizona. this group is trying to raise attention to hunger in arizona and they feature familiar faces including gabby giffords and our very own savannah guthrie who grew up in tucson. very much like her. let's go over to willie, brooke, and al. >> i like savannah in tin cans. looks good there. >> thanks natalie. >> coming up. brooke heads into the kitchen to >> coming up. brooke heads into the kitchen to show off her ago!ged cooking it's back. olive garden's buy one take one. go for dinner tonight and take home a second entrée for later. all for just $12.99. choose one of five favorites like smoked mozzarella chicken. then choose another favorite to take home. like new mezzaluna ravioli. go for dinner tonight, and take home a second entree. buy one, take one, just $12.99. go olive garden. and try our unlimited homemade soup, crisp salad, and warm breadsticks lunch just $6.99. good morning. it's 9:26 on this monday, september 30th. i'm aaron gilchrist. a beautiful week shaping up. let's get a check on the forecast with tom kierein. >> good morning. a live lew view from the storm watcher camera overlooking northwest washington in the foreground and the distance. you can see montgomery county on the horizon. loudon county, very green. spotty autumn color under a blue sky with a hue high clouds drifting over. school with temperatures in the 60s and later today warming into the 70s most reamingoned and then much warmer weather moves in through mid-week. warmer than average temperatures each day and all the way into the weekend. next chance of rain may not be until sunday. erin. >> thank at aetna, we wanna know, what's your healthy? man: it's staying fit. it's staying motivated. it's... staying on track. no matter what your healthy is, we have the tools to help you get there. aetna -- what's your healthy? good morning. still slow in our area. we're going to head up i-270. seeing red. that means jammed as you make your commute this morning in geathersburg. a live look at shady grove road. dri drive time 38 minutes. southbound at 100 earlier crash is cleared and southbound delays start in baltimore. aaron? >> get the welcome back to "today" on this monday morning, september 30th, 2013. i'm willie geist along with al, natalie, brooke shields in with us this week. that's wake me up. heavy rotation in our car with the kids. >> every day all day long. >> hits one. >> exactly. >> no, on radio sometimes. >> a different channel. >> yeah, we just play club music. we have rave with 4-year-olds. >> we were talking about snl, tina fey hosted. there was one sketch that spoke to different kind of passengers as they try to get on the plane at the gate. watch this. >> we'd like to welcome any travellers with carry ones that have no chance in fitting in the overhead compartment. >> oh, it will fit. >> before we continue we would like to announce this is an overbooked flight. if anyone is willing to give up their seats in exchange for the first available flight tomorrow, please approach the desk and explain why your life style permits this. people who clap when the plane has landed. we will not board you because what you do is stupid. >> see, i like the clap when the plane hands. >> you're just so happy you're alive or what? oh, thank god. >> was it that bad a flight? >> when you fly to foreign countries, you don't see it as much. >> there's a lot of turbulence and you land. >> that's a different story. >> or if there's like a crying kid, oh, thank god, we're done. >> if you could leave tomorrow. if i could leave tomorrow, i would leave tomorrow. i'm leaving today. that's why i'm here. it's like that old delta slogan, delta gets you there. well, that's what paying you for. >> that's the idea. >> do you want to get to weather mr. roker. >> okay. >> they're all pointing and saying, go, go, go because the band needs to rehearse. >> they can do it during weather. a little music. all right. let's show you what we've checkt for today. sunshine up -- come on, people, play! wet weather in the pacific northwest. more wet weather and plenty of sunshine along the southwest and then for tomorrow, again, east coast looking great. gorgeous weather gulf coast and look for cascade mountain snows in the pacific northwest. sunny and hot from texas into the southwest and southern california. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> good morning. live view of the capital dome on this monday morning. now lit up by lots of sunshine. the flags though hanging limply. hardly any wind at all today and calculator today temperatures that are now climbing into the 60s should make it into the mid to upper 70s by afternoon and increasing sunshine and tomorrow mostly sunny, a bit warmer and highs low 80s. it will feel like a touch of summer mid-week on wednesday, that's your latest weather. >> think you're doing enough to keep your home and your family safe and secure? an alarm system locks maybe a good start but not enough to prevent thieves from entering your house. >> so we sent a security expert to a home in new jersey to reveal some of the most common mistakes we homeowners make. >> how are you? >> good, thank you. >> i live here with my wife and two kids. been here since 2007. >> so i understand we're going to try to find some ways to make your home more secure? let's take a walk around the back. >> here in this crawl space underneath the patio we have a great opportunity for a burglar to crawl in and start trying to break into the window and the basement. first put a door here to make it hard to break in. >> this is a sliding glass door just like many people have in their homes. these doors are always very difficult to secure. so here, even though the door is locked, it's very easy to force open. one thing you can do is to buy a quarter-inch wood dowel to go in here and once it's there it's impossible to open this door. >> you have dead bolt locks which is great but it needs a secure place within the door frame. that area is too small. make sure you have a metal receiver for the lock and that that is secured by three-inch screws. >> burglars hate light. it would be a good idea to install a security light. there's a lot of homes a burglar can break into. your job is to make your home appear more difficult than the person next door and you achieved your aim. >> good morning. >> good morning thank you for having me. >> let's start with deturants. >> you should discourage people from doing things they shouldn't and get his attention elsewherement the last thing you want to do is encounter a homeowner while committing a burglarly. >> let's explain what this does. >> this say fake tv. it's a light emitting device and it gives the impression, through the window, that someone is actually watching television. if you're to connect this to a timer to turn it on and off while you're away, someone who is casing your house will hopefully go next door. >> if you're away on vacation, this is a good thing to do and it's cheap. it's less than $10 and it's from smart and other places on the internet. >> next product is a magnetic alarm. how does this work? >> it's in the area of deturrants. you can purchase these very small battery operated alarms. one goes to the side of the window or door and when they're open they make this loud noise. the other great thing is you can bring this when you're traveling. so it's also very helpful to improve security there. >> a good idea. >> dead bolts. we talked about that. >> sure, at inside security we deal with security for estates and large homes and we're dealing with the access control issue. we use fingerprint technology, key cards and sometimes access codes. that technology is now available to homeowner who is are able to buy electronic deadbolts that use a pin code to get in which is terrific because you don't have to carry a key or hide a key outside which the burglars can always find but if you're granting access to a dog walker and suddenly they're not employed by you anymore you can remove their code. >> so they don't have access anymore. quickly, over here, a lot of break ins are based on forced entry. what are ways to prevent that. >> people will find the weakest point of a door. it's also worth while to focus on the screws and the hinges. so what we have there are three inch screws which will anchor the door into the door frame and make it hard to break in. >> good to have network cameras or cameras installed that can actually -- you can identify a thief. >> cameras are another issue because we're dealing with how do we take cameras and instead of recording a burglar how do we use them to stop crime in progress. there's some internet cameras available now which are easy to set up. not only will they record the identity of who the thief is making it easier to find your stuff but also they can send you e-mails when there's activity in your house. >> if you check it look and see somebody in my house who shouldn't be, you can call the police and catch them in the act. >> thank you so much. we'll have more information on our website. >> coming up next, grab the apples you picked over the weekend. al and brooke will show us how to bake up delicious deserts. that's coming up right after this. 6 children, 44 years... it's been a happy union. he does laundry, and i do the cleaning. there's only two of us... how much dirt can we manufacture? more than you think. very little. [ doorbell rings ] [ lee ] let's have a look, morty. it's a sweeper. what's this? what's that? well we'll find out. we'll find out. [ lee ] it goes under all the way to the back wall. i came in under the assumption that it was clean. i've been living in a fool's paradise! oh boy... there you go... morty just summed it up. the next 44 years we'll be fine. morty just summed it up. wrong turns on the road to your know yofuture. afford that's why we build tools like our career guidance system. it's kind of like gps, you know, for your career. it walks you through different degree possibilities and even lets you explore local job market conditions, helping you map a clear course from the job you want, back to you. go to and get started today. it's not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the fiber one caramel nut protein bar. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] kleenex tissues help stop moisture better than the leading competitor. save yourself from an awkward situation. don't get caught without kleenex tissues. behind the silver of philadelphia cream cheese. it always begins with fresh local milk blended with real, wholesome cream. going fresh from the farm, to our fridge, in just six days. because we believe in fresh taste. that's the way we set the standard for intensely rich, luscious flavor. so our story of fresh taste always ends, deliciously. when it comes to taste, philadelphia sets the standard. behaves like the surface of your skin. now watch what soap does to it. ♪ soap strips your skin. dove is different. with 1/4 moisturizing cream, dove doesn't strip your skin like soap. [ male announcer ] campbell's homestyle soup with farm grown veggies. just like yours. huh. [ male announcer ] and roasted white meat chicken. just like yours. [ male announcer ] you'll think it's homemade. i love this show. [ male announcer ] try campbell's homestyle soup. waiting for your wrinkle cream to work? clinically proven neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. it targets fine lines and wrinkles with the fastest retinol formula available. you'll see younger looking skin in just one week. one week? that's just my speed. rapid wrinkle repair. and for dark spots rapid tone repair. from neutrogena®. fall is upon us. apple season at it's peak. if you want to know what to do with the apples you and your family pick, we have a foolproof recipe for pie. >> the editor of cooks illustrated and host. >> good morning. >> it is about solving the problems with bacon. one of the problems is doing apple pie. the apple don't get cooked pronerly. we have a totally different way in a skillet. two tablespoons of butter. apples. >> any kind of apples you like? >> i wouldn't use macintosh. >> do you want green and golden. >> in the old days. >> let me take my teeth out. put them right there. >> you're not old enough to do the back in the day thing. >> i am. >> three or four different kinds of apples. so do that for five minutes and take it off the heat. when you heat apples for five minutes and let them cool down the pectin sets which means they don't get soggy and overcooked later. we have things to put on this. half a cup of cider. a little maple syrup and lemon juice and cornstarch. >> apple cider. >> no, seriously. >> that's the mistake i would make. >> this is an opportunity to flavor the apple with other things. so we'll put those in there. >> what about the crust? >> the crust -- okay, the crust is hard. one thing you should remember is always add enough water so it's easy to roll out. people always add not enough water so it's very difficult and you want to move the crust around like this. tapered rolling pin is good. >> you said better than the one with the handle. >> you want to go around the edge. don't constantly go around the middle like this. get it out a little bit bigger. you mesmerizeed yet. >> give me your wallet. >> cluck like a chicken. >> you can do that too if you want to. >> throw it over the pin and put it like this. >> oh, you made that look so easy. >> a few holes for steam like that. >> just like in the pictures. >> just like in the pictures. >> egg white and sugar and you're done. >> 500 degrees, 20 minutes, you're done. >> it's baked and there you go and chocolate chip cookies, the best in the world. >> always an honor. >> forget you. >> if you want to make these recipes check out >> oh. >> coming up next, take another bite -- they make their way to our studio, tegan and sara. bite -- they make their way to our studio, tegan and sara. afte[ mixer whirring ] my turn daddy, my turn! hold it steady now. i know daddy. [ dad ] oh boy, fasten your seatbelts everybody. [ mixer whirring ] bounty select-a-size. it's the smaller powerful sheet, that acts like a big sheet. look! one select-a-size sheet of bounty is 50% more absorbent than a full size sheet of the leading ordinary brand. [ humming ] [ dad ] use less with the small but powerful picker upper. bounty select-a-size. and try bounty napkins. [ male announcer ] with new smucker's natural fruit spreads, every day can be truly extraordinary. ♪ spread a little sunshine with naturally delicious smucker's natural. at the corner of "a little flu shot" and "a world of difference." now through october 14th, when you get any immunization at walgreens, we'll help provide a lifesaving vaccine to a child in a developing country through the u.n. foundation's shot at life campaign. together, we can supply up to three million vaccines. it's easy to make a difference at walgreens. simply get a shot. and give a shot. at the corner of happy and healthy. and these are the ones you'll love on a school night. pillsbury crescent dogs. with just a few ingredients, you have an easy dinner. pillsbury crescents. make dinner pop! [ pop ] ♪ dry hair needs a daily dose of effective moisture. new dove daily moisture with our most effective conditioner ever. it gives you up to 5 times smoother hair in one wash. new dove daily moisture. it gives you up to 5 times smoother hair in one wash. i create my unique looke new l'oreal super slim liner point 4 millimeter precision and control lets you go subtle or striking a pigment so rich my ultimate perfection the new super slim liner. from l'oreal paris wout of landfills each year? plastic waste to cover mt. rainier by using one less trash bag each month, we can. and glad forceflex bags stretch until they're full.* so you can take them out less often. ugh! actually progresso's soup has pretty bold flavor. i love bold flavors! i'd love it if you'd open the chute! [ male announcer ] progresso. surprisingly bold flavor for a heart healthy soup. for those nights when it's more than a bad dream, be ready. for the times you need to double-check the temperature on the thermometer, be ready. for high fever, nothing works faster or lasts longer. be ready with children's motrin. we're gonna stop beating ourselves up about our weight. we're not gonna give up what we love. it's not gonna happen. and when the pounds still come off... we'll be like, "whoa!" one night we'll even eat a cupcake like it's our job. just not the entire cake. that's part of the weight watchers plan. we're gonna feel happy... healthy... and good. really good. weight watchers. because we understand. because we've been there. because it works. join for free. offer ends october 19th. >> announcer: the toyota concert series today brought to you by toyo toyota. >> the twin sisters tegan and sara have been writing and performing together. >> now their 7th studio album debuted in the top five on the billboard charts. good to see you both. >> thank you. >> a lot of people are starting to notice you. you opened for neil young and fun and played with taylor swift and katy perry but this is your 7th album. sit strange to say this new act is exploding on the scene. >> it also makes us feel old and also not old because everybody thinks we're new. she goes on wikipedia and keeps changes our birthday. >> you're changing your style. it's clearly more pop than some of your other stuff. what was the decision. >> well, we just like -- we started at 15 so we were really into punk rock and then we moved into indy rock and every time we get into new production or styles of things we try it out. >> you keep the project evolving and i think it keeps it relevant. >> what are you going to play for us this morning. >> "closer" which is our new single. we're excited. it's our first time ever on pop radio. our mom is proud. she gives us the numbers every day. >> take it away. [ music playing ] ♪ all i want to get is a little bit closer ♪ ♪ all i want to know is can you come a little closer ♪ ♪ here comes the breath before we get a little bit closer ♪ ♪ here comes the rush before we touch come a little closer ♪ ♪ the doors are open, the wind is really blowing ♪ ♪ the night sky is changing overhead ♪ ♪ it's not just all physical ♪ i'm the type who won't get oh so critical ♪ ♪ so let's make things physical ♪ ♪ i won't treat you like you're oh so typical ♪ ♪ i won't treat you like you're so oh so typical ♪ ♪ all you think of lately is getting underneath me ♪ ♪ all i dream of lately is how to get you underneath me ♪ ♪ here comes the heat before we meet a little bit closer ♪ ♪ here comes the spark before the dark, come a little closer ♪ ♪ the lights are off and the sun is finally setting ♪ ♪ the night sky is changing overhead ♪ ♪ it's not just all physical ♪ i'm the type who won't get oh so critical ♪ ♪ so let's make thijs physical ♪ i won't treat you like you're oh so typical. i want you close. i want you ♪ ♪ i won't treat you like you're typical ♪ ♪ i want you close, i want you ♪ i won't treat you like you're typical ♪ ♪ here come the dreams of you and me ♪ ♪ here come the dreams ♪ here come the dreams of you and me ♪ ♪ here come the dreams ♪ it's not just all physical ♪ i'm the type who won't get oh so critical ♪ ♪ so let's make things physical ♪ ♪ i won't treat you like you're oh so typical ♪ ♪ i want you close, i want you ♪ i won't treat you like you're typical ♪ ♪ i want you close i want you ♪ i won't treat you like you're typical ♪ ♪ i won't treat you like you're typical ♪ ♪ i won't treat you like you're typical ♪ ♪ all i want to get is a little bit closer ♪ . >> tegan and sara singing closer off their new album heartthrob. thank you. we're back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. i'm terry mcauliffe, candidate for governor, and i sponsored this ad. for 30 years i've worked as an obgyn, my job is to protect the health of women. so i'm particularly offended by ken cuccinelli. cuccinelli wants to make all abortion illegal ... ... even in cases of rape and incest. ... even to protect a woman's health. i want a governor who's focused on schools and creating jobs, not someone who wants to do my job. who's ken cuccinelli to interfere in the lives of women across virginia? and still to come, kathie lee and hoda sit down with daniel radcliffe. >> thanks again to tegan and sara. you guys are amazing. also the joy fit club. you guys are amazing. also the joy fit club. one [ snapping fingers ] man: for me... it's staying fit. it's staying motivated. it's... staying on track. with aetna, i have the tools to monitor my high blood pressure, get warning signs about health risks, and take steps to get back on track. no matter what your healthy is, aetna can help you get there. what's your healthy? 9:57 is your time now on this monday, september 30th. i'm eun yang. gorgeous weather on the way. let's check your forecast with storm team 4 meteorologist tom kierein. >> temperatures now climbing into the low to mid-60s around much of the region. a live view from the storm team 4 hd city camera overlooking washington. quite a bit of sunshine and a few clouds floating through today and should make it into the 70s in much of the region. a warming trend for much of the week ahead and warmer than average temperatures and all the way into the week yemd. remaining dry and until sunday. that's our next chance of rain. danella, how is traffic? >> good morning, tom. still seeing delays in our area. outer loop of montgomery sluggish and traveling between i-66 hating to the american legion bridge, slow there and a closer look at the 14th street bridge. just a slow commute into the district. seeing some red here. no accidents on 495 north or south. >> thanks, danella. make your holiday theater plans today. today. coming up at midday we' i'm terry mcauliffe, candidate for governor, and i sponsored this ad. for 30 years i've worked as an obgyn, my job is to protect the health of women. so i'm particularly offended by ken cuccinelli. cuccinelli wants to make all abortion illegal ... ... even in cases of rape and incest. ... even to protect a woman's health. i want a governor who's focused on schools and creating jobs, not someone who wants to do my job. who's ken cuccinelli to interfere in the lives of women across virginia? ♪ >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. hello, everybody! >> we have a great show to do. >> we always say that. we have a little lighting. not a good way to start the week. >> have a great show! >> we do that every single morning. >> it's a thing. and today as the first day we haven't done it. >> we did it. >> i can only imagine how things are going to go now. i'm feel gg. >> funday monday, everybody, september 30th. last day. >> i hope you had an awesome weekend. i did because my hodie spent time with me. >> that is the picture of the afternoon. >> is that it? >> that's it. except for bambino, hold on. did i send bamambino. >> oh. >> we're down at the bambino beach bar. you and -- unnamed -- shoes, came up for lunch. i had a chance to get to know him. >> it was really a lot of fun. >> he's a very nice man. >> you know what frank said afterwards? >> what. >> i liked him, we talked a lot. >> frank liked him. >> there he is -- >> the moment -- that is rude, okay! >> what he loved, it was chilly when we first arrived, and you said to my friend, why don't you put on a jacket? and what did you pull out of the closet but a giants 1956 -- >> championship -- >> -- championship jacket. >> yep. >> and that was cool. very cool. >> he just loved that. he didn't want to take that baby off. >> he was bummed because i didn't get a picture of him wearing it. >> no, he was holding it, it was weird. >> he was holding it over private parts. it was kinky. >> i thought it was weird. >> anyway, "saturday night live" returned. tina fey. >> people were wringing their hands waiting for this. it's got a cast -- this is the new cast. catch tina -- >> i hope your father isn't watching. ♪ oh he is ♪ then let me see some crouching ♪ >> can't find that -- ♪ the right of passage that couldn't be say it loud, say it proud ♪ >> what -- >> thank you, ever so much. see, at my age, you can't see or hear. >> so, it is the new cast. they had fun with it because kid fire was the group. everybody was looking at everybody goes who's who. they were having fun in the game show, let's listen. >> the game is simple, contestants must attempt to tell the difference between a member of r. cane fire and one of the featured players. >> this guy in the tie is coming in way hot. on the left we got a hipster paul bunyan. could be a civil war reenactor or something. a serbian basketball player. i can't tell who's on "snl." >> oh, lauren michael. do you think you can help tina out to tell which one is the new cast member? ten seconds. >> the producer of "saturday night live" loren himself recently hired one of these people to be guests. >> is it the black one? [ laughter ] >> you mean me? [ laughter ] >> tina! >> that's funny. i love keenan. >> oh, remember when you were terrified he was going to start playing you. >> yes. that's still a fear of mine. >> anybody but keenan. >> apparently in the world today, bridget jones, the third installment of the bridget jones diary series is coming out. there's leakage going on. >> don't use that word. >> mark darcy played by colin has killed off. you have to have colin firth in bridget jones. >> do you remember when she ran down her street in her underwear chasing him? i'm into the whole thing. >> i know you are. >> please. >> anyway -- i know a lot of people are bummed out. you got to get over things like because there are real problems in the world. you know what i did this weekend, hoda, without taking care of you. i read three books. one is "killing jesus" bill o'reilly is on today. a fascinating read. i read elizabeth smart's book. she's coming on next week. it's unbelievable this young woman lived through this ordeal and has emerged from it with such grace. >> yeah. >> she is the picture of grace. it's amazing. the other is anne croft's new book. >> you read three books? >> i was on fire. i love to read and i really wanted to read all of those books they're really, really highly redeemable. >> while you were reading i was watching tv. there was this guy, you guys who wanted to do a dave devil stunts, okay? >> yeah. >> he's a 35-year-old american b.a.s.e. jumper named jeb corliss. it was like threading a needle. he had to fly through there. look, look, look -- >> look at this. >> no, indeed. no! he jumped out of a helicopter 6500 feet above -- anyway, he landed, and he got tangled up in -- >> the great wall of china. >> no, but after he got off, he said my god. >> it was the single gnarliest thing i've ever done in my life. >> yes, it was. >> everybody was cheering him but i experienced years ago in norway when i was doing the guinness book of world records with david frost. he was hosting and i was -- i don't know what i was. the guy was trying to set the world record for b.a.s.e. jumping which means you jump from a stationary place somewhere in the world and then your chute goes off on the way down. well, we waited for two weeks for the weather to change, right? it was just not the right conditions. finally, the conditions were okay. the guy jumped, and i'm at the bottom when he lands, you know? next day to celebrate his successful jump, he goes to a different part of the mountain. jumps and bashed his brains in and died. so, you know, the thing is the wind -- the wind can pick up -- >> by the way, for this guy, it was terrible weather up until like an hour before. he literally had a tiny window of decent weather. they almost called it off. >> you're going to die eventually. why -- why -- i don't understand that -- >> needing that thrill? >> yes. >> yes. >> i get that kind of a thrill every day, when i come in and sit next to you. would you take a pill if it would reduce crow's feet on your face? now these german scientists -- >> all these german scientists weighing in. >> they're coming up with a pill that's full of vitamins and stuff and they say it will reduce the depths of your crow's feet. the pills contain vitamin e, fatty acids. >> and lycopene found in tomatoes. there's something else they won't tell you. it's a long way from being on the market. it's becoming a pill-popping society. we've lived with botox for over 40 years, fda approved. >> 40 years for botox? >> yeah. i'm not sure exactly how long it's been, but it's been a long time. so many of these things are rushed to market. you don't know -- >> i think they should list every single thing in there. >> we were talking about people losing weight, they're so happy because they're thin and they feel vibrant. and when you look at their face, they seem like they've aged years. sometimes, when you gain weight, you feel crumby, you look in the mirror, you're like, i look good. it plumps out your face, it plumps out your wrinkles, it makes you look good. so i say more. >> psychologists say that kids, i could have told them this without spending a lot of money, kids are kids until the age of 25. the brain is not formed. actually, until the age of 25. >> look at daniel radcliffe. daniel radcliffe who is 24 is laughing. okay? you don't think so? you don't agree with that? when was your brain formed? >> it may still be forming in my case. i don't take me as being representative. >> okay, yeah. >> yeah, it's a fascinating subject because i think we're coddling our kids an awful lot these days. these not making them -- we're not helping them grow up. we're keeping them babies. >> right. >> we're raising spoiled children that are spoiled adults still acting like babies. just look around. and i think this is just a way to make parents feel better about it. >> when you look at the greatest generation guys who went off to war and build a home in their 20s or younger, and grew up fast because they had to. >> right. >> if you have to grow up, it's funny what you're capable of doing, i think. look at daniel. >> hey, daniel, i want you to warn you we don't want you to feel embarrassed, hoda and i did see you naked on broadway. >> that's fine. so did other people. your favorite things. >> my happens to be something that you introduced me to >> yes, i gauge yve you this. >> yes, did you. this is an iphone case. if you ever run out the door you want your credit card, your cash and a mirror, your lip gloss? look at this one, a mirror and my cash and also lip balm. you close it like that. not heavy. 29.99. >> it comes in lots of colors. >> it's called eyn case. eyn go to our website. my thing is a purse from tribeca. it comes in three styles, casual, silk and -- >> what is that? >> it's a fanny pack, yes, indeed, it is. >> this is my favorite one. my favorite one is say buckla b. i took that home. >> how do you -- >> you wrap it around and tie it? >> like a sash. >> it looks weird running down the street but it's better apparently than the traditional fanny pack. the other kind has a buckle and stuff. >> what do put in there? >> whatever you can put in there. 46 and up from >> that's the pouch? >> that's the pouch. they're cute. >> known around the world as harry potter but there's a lot more going with daniel radcliffe these days. he's going to tell us all tab and maybe even answer some of your questions. bill o'reilly is going to be walmart asked hundreds of moms about its free layaway. here's what they said. paying no opening fee would help my family greatly. free layaway to me is like a piggy bank. i can do that, i can afford free. (laughs) get this leappad ultra and put it on walmart's free layaway with no opening fee. walmart. [ sound fades ] at a moment like this, i'm glad i use tampax pearl. [ female announcer ] tampax pearl protects better. only tampax has a leakguard braid to help stop leaks before they happen. tampax pearl protects better. for our so slimming jeans. meet our instantly slimming, secretly shaping dresses, skirts and pants. slim, smooth, flatter. the so slimming collection. only at chico's and it's an opportunitye to stop and savor, the unmistakable taste that reminds us that life is delicious. nthe smoky eye has never been easier. new master smoky shadow pencil from maybelline new york. ultra-saturated pigments in a rich, creamy formula. draw, smudge. whisper:so easy. our most intense smoky look ever. new master smoky pencil ♪ maybe it's maybelline. ♪ [ female announcer ] kleenex tissues help stop moisture better than the leading competitor. don't get caught without kleenex tissues. and these are the ones you'll love on a school night. pillsbury crescent dogs. with just a few ingredients, you have an easy dinner. pillsbury crescents. make dinner pop! [ pop ] make dinner pop! walabout its free layaway.moms here's what they said. paying no opening fee would help my family greatly. free layaway to me is like a piggy bank. i can do that, i can afford free. get this vizio tv and put it on walmart's free layaway with no opening fee. walmart. to his adoring fans around the world, daniel radcliffe will forever be known as harry potter, films that went on to be the most successful movie series, listen to this, of all time, people. >> not too shabby. >> all that work on the london stage, he's just 24 years old. >> almost finished -- >> almost done. >> daniel's playing the young poet allen ginsberg is a film called "kill your darlings." >> hello. >> happy to have you. >> after singing naked and dancing on broadway -- >> wean naked and dancing, i try to do other stuff. >> and it's exhausting work. >> exhausting. >> yes. this new film is an independent film. >> yes. >> what appealed to you about it? >> really, it was the script. you can't underestimate -- you read a lot of stuff but it's not good. when you read something that flies off the page and they both -- the good thing about this, guys that became famous. >> it's -- >> it's set in the 14th before they were famous. their era. the thing that's good, whether or not they ever become famous, the story is interesting enough. it's a true story about a murder that all of these guys were sort of around and how it affected their lives. >> there is a line in there that a lot thought there would be a head line. >> what was in our notes? >> okay, there are some scenes or maybe one big scene with you and a man naked again. >> yeah. >> that's how you do your theme -- >> that's the thing, i'm getting more shock response for doing a nude scene that i did with a guy than with a horse. we're talking double standards, right? >> i know. >> there you go. >> oh, yes, we remember. >> i think it's a lot less of a departure in many ways. so, yeah, in a way, i've been quite pleased with how much people have actually focused on that. but it is obviously a collection that's interesting. >> with this one, there must be less interaction. there's less in the trailer. >> you didn't even have a trailer, i heard. >> no. all the actors hung out in greenland and got to know each other very well. it's the least favorite thing that i hear actors say, film sets are boring. you have to wait in the trailers. you don't have to. you can actually engage with people if you like. when you're making a film about that generation and you haven't got much time, it adds an energy to it. >> where can people see the films? i know it's in select theaters. >> october 16th. >> october 16th in new york and l.a. >> what would you say some people come way from this particular film? >> it's an amazing story of kind of young love and somebody finding out who they are in self-discovery. and it's also a true story about a murder with members of american cultural history. >> well done. >> we've got a couple of gress our orange room. britney over there. >> hey, guy, some of your twitter fans want to know you said you were getting tattoos. when do you plan on getting them and what will they be? >> tattoos? >> yes, i love tattoos. there hasn't been a period in my life that i've been able to plan not getting naked long enough. but i do want to get tattoos. i was thinking maybe on the arms and body. nothing on the face. i think that would make it difficult for the makeup artist. >> yeah. >> but there's a few fairly pretentious quotes. >> like what? >> i'm not going to tell it. then if it were different, it would be like whoa -- >> one more question. >> are you still friends with emma or anyone on the cast of "harry potter"? >> yes, the reality is, we haven't seen each other in a long time. rupper was meant to come and see it but he got a flat in his car. matt lewis. >> we wish you great luck. >> it's great stuff. >> it's delightful to spend time with you. >> and enjoy that last year of growth. >> thank you. i haven't reached final height. >> there you go. walmart asked hundreds of moms about its free layaway. here's what they said. paying no opening fee would help my family greatly. free layaway to me is like a piggy bank. i can do that, i can afford free. get this vizio tv and put it on walmart's free layaway with no opening fee. walmart. color that's vibrant. the one and only feria by l'oreal. multi-faceted color that transforms you. triple highlights that shimmer from every angle. never dull, never flat. feria. by l'oreal paris. say "yes". and then there's juicy chicken. the difference is hellmann's. hellmann's is the secret to making parmesan crusted chicken so juicy and so delicious. you can make dinner disappear. hellmann's. bring out the best. my skin loses moisture nearly twice as fast as yours does, mom. that's why you use johnson's baby lotion twice a day to keep my skin baby soft. you've really got this "mom thing" down. ♪ unwrap your paradise. soft, sweet coconut covered in rich, creamy chocolate. almond joy and mounds. unwrap paradise. is that true? says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove some cholesterol, and that's heart healthy. ♪ [ dad ] jan? ♪ i heard you have a tough clog. i only have ten minutes. i only need 7. liquid plumr urgent clear penetrates the toughest clogs with two fast acting gels in only 7 minutes guaranteed baby. [ male announcer ] riley is always there to give a hand with the groceries. ♪ that's real love. and so is giving him real tasty food. introducing new woof delights from iams. some wet food has gluten and artificial flavors. iams has real meat and eggs in our tasty chunks. ♪ now that's real love and so is giving a hand with the dishes. keep love strong with new iams woof delights. and so is giving a hand with the dishes. here's what they said. of moms about its free layaway. paying no opening fee would help my family greatly. free layaway to me is like a piggy bank. i can do that, i can afford free. (laughs) get this leappad ultra and put it on walmart's free layaway with no opening fee. walmart. ♪ it is monday. you know what that means? >> what? >> we get to surprise our fan of the week. >> and it's time to spin the globe. >> oh, the globe. >> can we get a drum roll, please? hoda, who is it? >> delina king. congratulations! >> excited? >> yes, i think she is. >> i love her. before we tell you what you've won, we're going to tell everyone why you've been named our fan of the week. she watches us while she works out at home. her favorite part of the show are the ambush makeovers. she finds it hilarious when i don't like it. ready to find out what you've won delina? >> yes. >> are you sure? >> yes. >> you and a friend are headed to the florida sheraton sand keys resort four days, four nights, a round trip accommodations. >> airfare accommodations furnishedly clearwater, florida. are you excited? >> yes. >> who is that next to you? >> my sister. >> i hope you're taking her with you? >> have a great time, sweetie. we love you. >> thank you! >> i like her. >> i like her. >> i like her. >> i like her♪ ♪ (it's alive... it's alive!) make your halloween come to life. twizzlerize your tricks and treats with twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. you tell us what you want to pay, and we give you a range of coverages to choose from. who is she? that's flobot. she's this new robot we're trying out, mostly for, like, small stuff. wow! look at her go! she's pretty good. she's pretty good. hey, flobot, great job. oops. [ powers down ] uh-oh, flobot is broken. the "name your price" tool, only from progressive. call or click today. i was honored to serve as governor of virginia. we brought folks together in richmond to focus on creating jobs and getting results. that's the virginia way. and that's why i'm backing terry mcauliffe for governor. terry won't let ideological battles get in the way of making progress. terry will work with democrats, republicans, and independents to create jobs and move virginia forward. it's important for virginia that we elect terry mcauliffe as our governor. i'm terry mcauliffe, candidate for governor, and i sponsored this ad. ♪ yeah! we're back with more on "today" with the funday monday. we get you caught you with all the gossip. the big tv premieres and baby news. live josh dep. new to the show. >> pleasure to be here. >> all we could read about how huge "breaking bad" was. >> huge. from m.a.s.h. to the sopranos, this was the latest. i would hope i could be a sophisticated elitist critic who could pooh-pooh it. but the fan boy in me wants to jump up and down. i loved it. i absolutely loved it. >> everybody loved it. >> you got to remember this is a show that started out as a critical success that nobody watched it. the first season less than one million people watched it. it wasn't until it went on netflix the first three seasons and it just started to build. this season had more than 100% increase than last season. >> the first season of "snl," how do you think it did? >> i thought it was good. once you're on "snl," everything opens up for you. six new cast members to introduce. in order to do it, they brought back tina fey, probably the most important anything in "snl" at the moment. she hosted. the six new people. she got in with the gold-bangled dance routine. and even more ridiculous and campy. i don't know. so it will be nice to see them, you know -- >> develop. >> -- develop. jimmy kimmel and kanye west, what is going on? >> so bizarre. kanye has such thin skin. >> yeah. >> he did this interview with the bbc that said he he's the greatest and rock 'n' roll. >> jimmy got a few kids to read the transcript of his interview. >> we do it on the show. you can believe what you're hearing, right. >> then kanye started tweeting out that jimmy is terrible. the first honest piece of journalism in years. that's what he called. when richard engel bought his from syria, that's not serious journalism. >> no. >> i heard kanye took all his tweets down. >> he took them down. >> what does that mean? >> you're not going to win this. kimmel is going to win this. >> that's all you do, kanye, laugh at yourself. >> baby news, gwen stefani? >> yes, apparently. >> she has another one -- >> is she, is she? this would be the third one with the front man of bush as her husband. it's great. all these paparazzi, it's so difficult to know. you see photos of her belly. is that a baby, not a baby. it could be a bagel. >> i always say it's a bagel. >> how do you think of bagel? >> she always says that. >> gwen is known for her toned body and abs and everything. can you imagine being under that scrutiny. >> lastly, "cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2." >> it's the summer has been about franchises and sequels. >> yeah. >> and the big original things kind of bombed. pacific, those kinds, the lone ranger. >> so nice to see you. >> of course. >> the popular tv host who has his way with words. >> the best-selling author bill o'reilly. >> oh, wait, wait. ease emerging. >> oh, wait, wait. ease emerging. >> he's ♪ ♪ don't let the holidays sneak up on you. shop early with kmart free layaway and get more christmas. and shop your way members can earn up to 10 dollars back in points when they complete a layaway contract. kmart. get in. get more. it's an opportunitye to stop and savor, the unmistakable taste that reminds us that life is delicious. it seems our angels stronger than ever angel soft®. with two softshield™ layers. it holds up better than ever. all wrapped up in a value you love. angel soft®. the softness you want, the strength you need. the bibig-eye glam new falsies big eyes mascara from maybelline new york... with our first eye-opening brush duo. upper brush volumizes. unique lower micro- brush magnifies. for 360 big-eye glam! new big eyes ♪ maybe it's maybelline ♪ because an empty pan is a blank canvas. ♪ [ woman #2 ] to share a moment. ♪ [ man #1 ] to remember my grandmother. 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[ female announcer ] the new clearblue pregnancy test also estimates how many weeks. weeks estimator. only from clearblue. weeks estimator. walabout its free layaway.moms here's what they said. paying no opening fee would help my family greatly. free layaway to me is like a piggy bank. i can do that, i can afford free. get this vizio tv and put it on walmart's free layaway with no opening fee. walmart. ♪ we are back now with "look at me now the joy fit club." and a woman who gave up unhealthy eating and binge drinking. >> she lost 171 pounds. we're going to meet her in just a moment but first let's listen to her story. >> hi, my name is lee, i used to weigh 319 pounds. growing up, i was the fat kid. when i moved out on my own i never ate food. i only ate snacks. all of my food came in bright crinkly bags. chips, cookies. as i became bigger i became more depressed. in july 2011 my stepmom took me to get my hair done, it was the first time in years i put any thought into it. i bought a new pair of jeans. they were 26w. i signed up for quick loss, a program based on lean proteins healthy fats and carbs. just by changing my diet i lost 171 pounds and i found a new healthy hobby. since day one of the diet, life is legally wonderful. i finally accepted myself on the outside and it's the greatest feeling in the world. >> and joy bauer, nutrition leader of the joy fit club. >> this young woman went from a researched afraid to speak her mind kind of gal to fewer exuberance. we're talking about something we never addressed before. to destress and wind down she used cigarette and alcohol. to give her an example. she could guzzle down three double vodka drinks, over 650 calories. then she would wake up in the morning feeling yuck, craving sugary carbs. she would either 2500 calories worth of a baker's dozen, basically. she's going to show you how she swapped a bad destressing habit for a really productive one that enabled her to lose weight. every time she did that, she added it to a paper clip. if she gains a pound back, she takes it back. look at her. >> lee, come join the joy fit club. >> oh, my god! >> oh. >> oh, my gosh. you look spectacular. >> oh, my gosh. what did you do to destress once you got off the sauce? >> hulu hoop. >> did you always -- >> i never could do this. >> you couldn't do that? >> never. >> she does it 20 minutes a day and she burns 200 calories. >> you do it while you're watching tv? >> okay. ladies, which one wants to give it a try. >> i don't know because of my back but i'll try. >> how long did it take to drop all the weight? >> almost two years. >> what's the best reaction you've gotten from people. >> wow, look at her. >> the best reaction. >> i love that from you. >> whoo! >> go kathie. >> you look amazing. >> don't throw out that sour milk or that slimy banana peel >> why? >> i don't know. >> why? >> i doni want you coming up from the right hand side. can i play? no! you don't even get football. 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